Trams or "tofueitrzoir: Tlit FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is "published ~rery..Nyedneaday morning by "THE ittpoSlToßy ABpouttlos," at 02 15c1 per lumina, RC AnfARCE, or 1013 if not paid within - the year. All subccriition cia o:mite RUST be settled anntraliy. No paperwill be sent out of the 'State unless paid far - in advance, and all such strireMlptleras will invariably be, discontinued at the expi ration of the than for which they are paid- ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at CFNIS per line for first insertion, and TEN CENTS per line.for sulr seque:it insertions. A liberal discount is made to T persons advertising by_the quarter, balfyear or year. Special no. fOse Charged une-lilf more tlniir !err,. thir odvertisewen t b* All resolutions of Associations; emanumications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged Sheen cent per line. All Legal Naticat of every hind, and all Orphans' Galin and other Judicial Sake, are required by law to be advarticed Ito thiR,EPOSITOIIX—it having the LAIMEST ant. CNATIOti of any paper published in the county of Franklin. JOB PRINTING of every kind in Phan and Fancy col ors, done vial neatness and disTatelt: Hund.bille, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, &c.„ of every variety ned style, printed at the shortest notice. The REPOSITOUY OFFICE has Ju,t been re-fitted with ,Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing tn_the Printing line can be executed in l the Jmost artistic manner and at the lowest rates, TERMS LN . VARIABLY CASH. Mr. Jelin K tibryock iv our authorized Ageut to receive Sulxteriptioisuuti Atlvertitteroonte, awl receipt for the earn°. All letters ebortld be tuictrersed to brCLURE & STONER, Publitibers. Coal,--tumber, &c. . . CARPENTERS AND BU ILDERS! ATTENTION! The undersigned have now on hand, at their PLANING AND FLOORING SSILL, a large sapplyof Sash, Shutters, Doom and thiuth.for or made to order. Mand.ouldings of all de....niptions, from half inch to - S inches, on h Plain and Ornamental Scroll Sawing ndidly executed. Also—Wood Turning in all its branches. Newel Poi,s, Banisters, Bed Posts, dze„ on hand. - ' A large supply of Dressed Flooring for sale. Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at. short notice. HAMLET,. VERNON 6...• CO., febl tf _ Harrison Avenue, Chtunhersburg, Pa. N O T ICE TO FARMERS 100 TONS Or I . l3lo'rklY HAY Wiinted by GEO. A. GEM. = WALNUT LOGS Wanted by OEo' A. DEirr.. 100 ASH LOGS Wanted by GEo. A. Dim. IW' LARGE CHERRY LOGS Wanted by GEO. A. DErrz. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, and all kinds of produce bought by GEO. A. DErrA at hia Warehouse atarre the Railroad apor. STOVE AND LTh COAL for tittle cheap, bi the ton or bait toot OAS - AI4D HIOKOIti WOOD by the cord or half dud. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD, eased and split fur etuve use, 13,i,:tlie cord or belt cord. WOCDOW AND DOOR SELLS, of Oat, Wsi:luta and Pine, always on hand. WINDOW AND DOORFRAME STUFF, and all kinds of LIMBER, each as Oak and Pine Plank ; Oak,Wahint, Pine and Hemlock Boards; Flooring Boanla, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Puling, Laths, &e. BEST OF ROOFING SLATE always on hand, and roofs put on by the best Slaters, who have dawn medals for their superior workmanship. CALL AT DEITZ'S WAREHOUSE, above the, Railroad Depot, and bug cheap. LEONARD EBERT .& SON, COAL AID LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand all kiitds of Coal and Lumber. _and are prepared to furnish Bill Lumber to order at abort no tice, all at the most reasouable terms. Our lob of Lum ber consists of White Pine 2 inch Plank, "1} select Plank. " 1.1 -. Plank. 1 " select and CulliuN3oards, - " Boards, " #" • Siding f 6 " Best River Shingles, " Worked Flaring, ' " " Siding, " " Joist and Sounding, all sires, ' • Hemlock Joist and Scantling, _ • " Boards, Yellowyine Boas-1100W and Seautling, _Palling and Plastering Laths. We hive also always on hand a good supply of all kinds &Coal forstoves and lime•bnrntag. Also a supe rior artichsof &wallop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are invited to give as a call, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction Wall that call. Coat and Lumber famished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. Ur Office on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersborg, Pa. , , LEO. EBERT & SON. jnly27.t MALL, BENDER — '& York and Goldsbarotwh, Pa., L—UMBER. DEALERS AND MANL'FACTUREPS OF pASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, • ' DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 4c., •Keen constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas onablelsumber, tiz:—Joist and Scantling, Weatherboards Jug, dressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings and Fencing. re White Pine and Oak Bills ' sawed to order at the shortest notice. All communications should be addressed to Yonz,-PA.- fsep-ly STEAM SAW MILL—The uudersigii ed have erected dud iu operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Motnatuia, near Graffenburg Springs, and are IMto saw to order Bills, of WHITE OAR, PINE, CK or any kind of timber desired, at the short. est notice and at low rates. Otte of the firm will be at the Hotel of Sam'l Greenawalt, in Chambetsburg, on Satur day the 24th inst. and on each alternate Saturday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low. EST RATES. All letters should be addre,aed to them at Graffenbttrg P. 0.. Adams CO., Pa. • deel4-tf MILTENBERGER d; BRADY. BIIILD IN G LUMBER.—The under signed Is ;rrepared to saw all kinds of Building Lum ber at the lowest market price. It. A. RENFREW' GEEMWOOD MILLS, P 3 ayettvyille P. P. 0.0. dece6.6; plate Ls. EASTERN TNN.—The undersigned li)T ring lately purchased the large and commodious Brick Building of Rev. S. R. Fisher, in connection withhis present place of Mildness, on the corner of Main street and Ludwig's Alley, is prepared to accommodase BOARD ERA by the day. week or mouth. He is amply provided with STABLESO to excerninadate the traveling public. Haring a large LIVERY STABLE connected with the Hotel, guests and the public generallyean he furnished with Homes and Carriages at any momeut: Persons visit ing Chumbersburg with their families will find this the most oomfbrtable Hotel in the county, us it has been re fitted with entire new Furniture, and the rooms are large and well ventilated. The TABLE is amply suppliedwith all the luxuries of the season, and the BAR, which is de tached frota - the Brick Building, will always be furnished with choice and pure liquors. Every attention paid to the Comfort of guests. [octl2[ S. F. GREENAWALT. BROWN'S HOTEL. This note), situ- Wed on the corner of Queen and Second Streets, op. s polite the Bank, Court Room, and County Offices, and in the immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shops, and other places of business, Is conveniently situated for country people having business in Chambersburg. The Building has been greatly enlarged and refitted for the accommoda• Hon of Gnats. THE TABLE will always be funthibut with the best the Market -eau produce. TBB BAR will be !npplied with pure and choice Li- TURN THE STABLE is lurgo and attended with a good and careful Ostler. ' EYery 'attention Win be rendered to man Guests corn forfable 'Mlle sojourning at this Hotel. febl JACOB S. BROWN, Pniprietor. TNION HOTEL.—This old add-well Li established Hotel's now open for the accommodation of Guests • The Prop n etarhaving leased the three-story bloelr:ef buil• dings on een Street, iu the rear of his former )shirid, is prepared tofu:MA GOOD ROOSTS fur the traveling and transient custom. 818 TABLE v. ill Aust,iu its former reputation of being supplied with the the market mu produce. iiIB BAIL, detached from the main hi:M.llllg, vsli al ways have choice and pure Liquors. Good warm STABLING for fifty bore With careful ostler. Every attention will be matte to render guests eolucust able while sojourning at this Hotel. janlB 'TN°. Pig - MR, Proprietor. DAVID H. HUTCHISON hasbecomet a rieIoieftheHICIT£.DSTATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG, PA. "rhigi_popalai arid commodious Hotel has been newly r endnd and ?minted throughout its parlors atuf chambers, andhli Peg ready for the reception of guests. The - traveling pUblio will And the United States Hotel the most 'oatiretdalt, in all particulars, of any Hotel in the state Capital, on account of its ACMES to the railroad, b e i ng immediately between the too great depots tat this city, - [Harrisburg, June 17, 6341. QITATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE tha L e b scou Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad De pou, ig an i ii h u . s city, pA. Tble eourenlent and pleaeant Hotel la now kept by the underelfmed, lute of the Indian Queen In Clhanaberelpurg, and be Invites the patronage of bin Old friends and tbe public generally.. Terms moderate, oatZtif • JOHN W. TAYLOR. - Fro DyspEpTics.--Haiing been afitie. 1.. :tied bra number of years with Dyspepsia, I was advised to try DR. WISPIADTT MEDICINE for that disease. rderived great bereft and recommended it to quires number of my friends and who were also much boistithsaby IS, and whose testwoolohs can be had if nec. meaty. /have beim appointed. by Dr. Wishart as Agent for the Sale of his Medicine, ickolesaleor retail. . W. 0. R*positmyn e. . r o bambervehrsir Pa. CCM _, ilivi - , 1 .' , .. ~ , 1 , ' . -: i,' t .....• ~: n: r. , -: ._ . . , 5 .. ~..,, ~.. :, -_,— ' - ' , 3 '.1,.. I .. , '.- .--': . - . ~ ' • i ......, 0 . . , . , ) . . . . . . _ _ _ . BY FCLURE & STONER. eil t onvang. HE SHERIDAN AND CHF. RY RUN T OIL OOMPANY CAPITAL $1,000,000! MO,OOO SHARES AT St EACH! _ PRICE OF FULL PAID UP SHARES t 2 EACH! E 50,000 RESERVED AS WORKING CAPITAL I PRESIDENT, JOHN M'CURDY DIRECT Jour SreuEttw,- N. W. Sour..NßEitua, 11. M. DAVIS, A. D CALTMAS TRZA.EILHER, HAMILTON M. DAVIS, hirktFTAUT, TAMES 'M. SELLERS, • OFFICE OF THE COMPANY Z 24 SOUTH FOrRTH STREET, 4 • SECOND STODT, PHILADELPHIA, - PA. ' PROSPECTUS The property of thin cenlpany txmeista of one hundred acres in fee simple: situate it Com Planter to cconlifp, Venting° county Peuesylvanin, within one-fourth of a mile of the team of Plamer, and within one-half mile of the celebrated Humboltproperty, one of the most produc- tive companies in existence. The property is on one of the main branches of the cel dilated Cherry Run, and within one-fourth of a mile of that stream: The land has an excellent formation for taring successfully, and the tummy have already proposition); to sink wells on the property on lease, giving be company uan•balf of the Oil free of charge. As soon as the organtration of the company is completed, leases sc - d1 be executed at once, and development putted with vigor. r The property is also within one and a half mils from Pit, Hole Creek,—a etteara that in now producing Oil very. largely Every effort at development on the property around this land has been successfuL The Columbia Oil Grin puny alocated within it mile orlt, and Its stock Is selling for $.50 per share. - Then Cherry Run, Carlin, and Impe rial Companies are also located in the tame immediate section, 013 Intudi the same formation,' and their stocks at tank nigh cm the market, and are Intrinsfeallyvery 4alua The Cofnpauy bon been organized to prosecute the lat elaeen Icifftlmataly; and miockholdem can rely upon vigor OW and thorough development kilmited number 40N - ire's an be bad at $ per chart. Shure. can lir bud fur a Blunt time from BOOKS OPEN , COUNTING 1100)1 'OAKS AND LINN'S Foncarding and Commission House, NORTII MAIN STIIV.ET CUARBERSBURG, PA., marith 1 gt t , • MEI A. k. arcuntE, =I El NOAH W. SOLENBERGER, ^ - D. BRAINERD OAKS ITEM MIT anblaltri Gootics. ERM R E A D! CHEAP GOODS AT LAST! EYSTER & BRO. ALWAYS ABVAD! IVe are Juni opening ahcavy invoice of OEM Calicoes, Kentucky Jeans, Balmorals, Hnop Skirts, bought at ruinous prices to the manufacturer, which we propose to dispose of at a vefy small advance. Look at *it prices. I yard Muslin One yard ride Muslin,-lieavy ad inch muslin, fine and heavy 90 inch Muslin, very heavy neat New Style liferrinatc Calicoes American and other 31} " Lowell and others New Spring Style Delaines. 5-9 PiSoir Case Muslin—. 10-4 Sheeting And an endless variety of -Notions, &c, all to be sold leis than they have been fox two years. Call and be con viucell that GREAT BARGAIN'S can be had for the Chumbersbarg, Mich-Ist, 16634 t DRYsGOODS SELLING AT REDUCED RATES I METCALFE & HITESHEW have recently been in the market and bought a large lot of Goods at reduced prices, caused by the Pence rumors, whichothey are note selling afshort profits. They have a full stock of - DOMESTIC GOODS Bleached: l -Sheeting, 10-4. • PilkirircisaeMtudin, all qualities. Bleached Muslin of every description. Unbleached Sheeting, 10-4. The heaviest Muslin made.' Muslin of all widths and qualities. - —PRINTS. We have Hair Stripe, Shepherd Plaid, Block,, Purple, Fancy, Plata, and all styles and qualities. DRESS GOODS. We find it impossible to name all oar Dress Goods, and we will only say 'we have the largest assortnieut in the county, both plain and Fancy. MOURNING GOODS. - • We have Black French Merino, Black Batathea, Black Wool Delaine, both single and double widths; Black En glish Merino. American Merino, 64 : Black Delaines—in short Mourning goods of every descriptiou. - HOOP SKIRTS.- c -We have mode arraugensents wills a manufacturer in Connecticut by which we are enabled to offer la the ladies a Hoop Skirt which fir neatness and durability cannot by surpassed in the whole country. We hate a full stock of goods of all kinds belonging:lo a.Dry Goods and Notion Store. - feblsl 31ETCALUE & HITESHEW, Second St.. nearly opposite the Post Office, Chumb'g. ELECTION RETURNS COME IN Ali slowly, not so with the 'large and varied assortment of Dry Gins& just opening at WM. WALLACE At. CO'S at the Market House corner. opposite the Methodist Church. l'imhave just returned from New York where they pur - at Auction, the largest assortment of Dry Goods ever brought to this county which they offer at greatly re duced prices for c.lsh, consisting of Good Muslin at '2Z ceots. 1 Yard nide at 50 cants. 21 Yarda wale, Slieetug-, Si 25; / Case Muslin, 75 canto. Beata-Trine: at 37# cents, Good Priutspat lower prises, Gtealnma 37k. lode .0 souls BalMoral% .1.<3 75, $4 tOt, .24 50. Slaawls at all prices, Ladies' Clunking, all colors, Casizets, Jaws nod Casiniers., „7" 12 Ott'Atter Blanket', all wo ol , 6.12 50 per pair. A full assortmett of Gloves, Hosiery, acta.. constantly on band. The above goods being purchased in New York at low est mtsh price, wOare determined- to sell at lost rates to salt the times. Vir Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. oetl9 WM. WALLACE & CO. QHERIIIAN AND VICTORY—In con k., gennenc'e of the decline in ooften. caused by Union victories, we are selling GOODS AT GREATLY REDU CED PRICES. Good calicoes 25 and 31 ; Bleached and Brown Mastitis 31 to 50; Dames 37:, and all other goods In proportion. We adhere to our lona* established motto,. "as cheap as the cheapest" - For bargains call nl our store, next to the Post ollice. rnarchl.3t • S. BORE &•CO. *allblerg anl3 OarllEso. SADDLERY! - JEREMIAH OYSTER' respectfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recei. Ted from them heretofore' and he would invite them and the commtfatty generallAt; who may need any thin , ' in hts line. Jo give him a call at his new &sand. EastQneen street. near the Franklin Railroad, ehautbersburg where he keeps constantly on hand'every variety of SADDLE RY AND HA - R,NESS of hie own manufacture and he is prepared to set'. the same gm terms that defy competi tion. Every article offered for Nile 6 v.arreuted to be wade of,the best muteriul 16- competent aorkman, which wilt be fullidemungtratelpn an exami uaiion there. et.. TRUNK'S AND VALISES.—He. wools! alms call the attention - of persons wanting - 4a gob& neat and cheap and substantial Trunk or Valise told, assortment. Jutteriffl. CH. GORDON KEEPS ON HAND • a large assortment, of Saddles, Harn - As, Collars, Blind Bridles, Riding-Bridles. Halters, Girthing, Sleigh and Stage Lashes, Lead Reins. Halter rind Hitching Straps, Wagon Lines, Wooden Stirrups, irovered or on - - covered._ ARTRIDGE BOXES.—C. ,H. Gott- DON has a supply of Cartridge Boxes that will bold fortyfive of Henry's Repeating Ride Cartridges. Call and see, one and all. MO PERSONS WHO OWN,HORSES.- 11 How to save Corro.and: Oaar.—Buy yourself n good Home Blauket at C. H. GORDON'S and keep your Home: , Farts. (I H. GORDON'S PLACE OF BUSl ne(ts is on .Sniiit Matt:strut, (me dour South of Dr. J. L. Suenerott's otiee. Term, CASH. Ott Companies. B URNING SPRING & RUBLE .FARM OIL COMPANY. CAvr.m. $500,000. Metres, 200,000. Winking Capital, $40,000. Par Value, $2.50. Subscriptian Price $2 per Ahare. OFFICERS : A. 13. LONGAKER, Presid,4lt J. ALLISON EYerts,- Treas. DIRECTORY, J, R. Eby, Harrisburg, John White, Jr., New York, A. B. broker, Norrist'n, J.. Hervey Jones, Pittsburgh W. H. Schell, *Philade., J. Allison Eyelet., Philada., Alexander R. Reed Pittsburgh. Office N 0.208 Sooth 4th erect, (first flew, back room.) . . . , Cents, ..-*-Lecture on the Nutuic, Treatment nod Radical Cure Sperrnatorrhrim or Sskinal Weakness, Involuntary ' Emissions, Sexual Del/Hitt-and Impedimenta to Marriage *generally. NOrVOlllqiukt Tonsimption, Epilepsy, and Pita; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self. Abash, &c. By ROOT J. CULVERWEI.L., M. D., Author Of the " Green h," &c. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful cou.,, sequence of Self-Abase may be effectually removed with out medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordial, ponitingout a mode _of cure atonce certain and effectual, by which every suf ferer, nomatter what his condition may be, may cure him- WILLCap privately, is and radically. THIS LECTURE PROVE A BOON TO TIiOIJSANDS AND THOUSANDS. ' Sent under seal, to nny address, In a plain, sealed en velope, on the receipt ash( cents, or twoposhigo stomps, by addressing. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., octl2-8m) 127 'Bowery, Neu - York, Yost-Office Box, 15.P..„ff MAD - AME CLEMENT'S FRENCH FAMILY BOADING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. GERYIANTowx, PHILADELPHIA comm. PA. _ ,The Sixteenth Sef;sion will open Weduetday, Feb. Ist, _ .. Prudenlax rittentfen given to the English branches , sm./ 4 is the /crve of the. family. The pupils beide required toe it all day. Teems, par aim= v.rpariiralsrp. apply to the Principal. febls.fir. CHAMBERSBURG, PA.; WEDNESDAY; MAR REGISTER'S NOTICE—AR persolis in - tereited. will please take notice, that the fidlowiaagg Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Resister's Odes of Franklin County and that the same will be pre sented to the Orphan's Court fur confirmation, or Tues day, the 14th day of Mardz, 1.9115, in Chamberstrurg': 39. First and final account of Sarre' Fleelr, Adm r of Nicholas Fleck, late of Guilford twp... deed. 39. Acct. of Curtis Lowry, Guardian of Catharine E. l Lowry, Minor Muhl of John Lowry, dee'd as stated by A. S. Lowry and Jacob Reichard, Adrn'rs of said dee'd. 40. Acct of Curtis Lowry, Guardian of Amanda Sow ers, minor Child of Barnard Soli . ..Lt.:a, deed, as stated by A. S. Lowry and Jacob Reichard. Adm'rs. of said dec'd. 4.1. First and final Acct. of John Karper, Guardian of. E. J. Cormany, minor daughter bf Jacob Cormany, late of Letterkenny twp. , deed. 42. First and final Acct. of William Keckler, Adm'r of Valentine Keckler, late of WashinFton twv., dec'd. AD ! ! 43. nst and final Aect. of David It. IVingerd, Ex'r of Jacob Wingard, lute of Antrim top., deed. 44. The final Acct., of Joseph blayde, Guardian of Ab ner Johnston (now dee'd,) 'who was minorthild of Win. Johnston. 45. First and final Acct. of David Pike, Adair of Fran cis Pike, late of Antrim top., deed. 46. Second Acct of John W. Hinkell, Guardian of Nan cy Miller (now Rummell) and Eliza Miller, minor children of Deal Miller, decid. Spool Threads, 47. First and final Acct. of Wra H. McDowell, Ex'r of Margaret L. Campbell, late of Chambersthirg, deed: 48. First and final Acct. of A. B. Wingert, Adm'r of Aura Wingert. late of Letterkenny twp,, &feed. 49. First and final Acctof C. B. McKnight, Adm'r of Sam'! Filson, lute of Guilford twp., deed. 50: First and final Acct. of J. t 4. Scheible. - Guardian of Ellen C. Irwin, minor child of J. P. Irwin, late of Claim, bers.burg, deed. 51. First andsfinalAcci. of Philip Foust, Ex'r of Phil ip Foust, Sr., late of Southampton tsvp, deed. 52. First and final Acct. of Wm. S. Amberson. Adm'r of Jane E. Burps, late of Hamiltoh twp., deo'd. 53. First and final acct. ofJohn N. Snider, Ex'r of Cath arine Schnlder, late•of Hamilton twp., deed. 31} cents EMI _ . 54. First and finaLweet. of C. H. McKnight, E.s.'r of Danl. Moll, late of Guilford twp., dec'd. 55. First and final acct. of DanL Herman, Adm'r and So. phut Herman, Adarx of John Herman, late of Guilford EL ME tu - p., doe'd. 56. Fast and final acct. of Cliribtiatt Lecher. Ex'r of Magdalena Streit, late of Washington twp., deed. .57. Acct. of Danl. J. Senger, Guardian of amid. Rom mel. minor child of Melchior Rummel, late of Quincy trvp., deed. - lir2 of 00 ss. Second and final acct. of J. Gordon, -Adm'r of Santl. Gordon, late of Waynesboro, deed. 59. First acct. of J. M. Lytle, Harr. of David Lytle, late' of Hamilton twp., deed. 60. First and. final anat. of Elizabeth Reside, Ex*rx of -John Reside, late of Southampton ta - p.,. deed. - 6L First and final acct. of Ann Mona Reefer, Admr'r of John Reefer, late of Antrim 62. First and final acct. of Philip and Jobn A. Lemaster, Adm'rs of Gee. Lemaster, late of Dimmbersburg, deed. 60. First and final acct. of David Shover, Adm'r of Mi chael Ruth, late of Green tvp., deed. 64. First and final Acct. of David Hahn, Adm'r of William Fox, lite of Washington Lynx, ke.c'd. 65. First andMnal Acct. of John Miler, Adm'r of Pe ter B. Housam, late of Chambersbnrg, deed. febls HENRY STRICKLER. Register. , BYSTRB. SL. BRO. By DIRECTION OF THE COURT, 1.„/ the Sheriff publishes the following ;—At an Orphans' Court, held at Chemberslaug, for Franklin county, Pa., on the 2ltthdai..of.lanuary. 1865, before the lion. Alex ander Ring, President, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Eines., Associate Judges of oursaid Coult. On motion of S. Strlckler Esq., the Court grant a Rule on the Heirs analog-al RepresentialveS'aCtuistian RoyeL deceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Chambersburg, for said County, On die `24111 day of March, next, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of eaiddeo'datthe Appraisement Valuation thereof - or to show cause why the same should not be sold according to Law, In testimonv Whereof, I bare hereunto set my hand [t. &I and aired the seal.of said Court, at Chambersburg, the third day of FOrnary, Jeds. W. G. l'ffncithtL. Clerk. Attest: SAmust-Ba.t.mir, Shertff. TIN DIRECTION OF THE COUR T, the Sheriff publishes the following :—At au Orphans' Court, held at .Chambembarg. for Franklin County. Pa., on the 16th day of January, 1665, before the lion Alex ander Ring, Presideut, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Esq's. Associate Judges of our ,aid court On motion of &lively Strickler, Esq.. the Court grant a rule ea the heirs and legal Representative, of William Oxclman, deceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court. to be held at Chambersburg, for said County, on the 14th day of llfar4s nev, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the A ppraisement valuatimkthereof, or to show cause why the same should not be sot aceosliug to Laii. - In Teetlaiony whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and e.] affixed the seal of mid Court, at Chambersburg, the third day of February, 1865. . W. G. lincaELL. Clerk. Attest: SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. b 5 2 -2. 35 110/Y DIRECTION OF THE COURT, _KAP qhnriff publishes rho follosinir r—At an Or phan.' Court, heldut Chambersbarg, for k'rankliu c.rinty, Pa., on the 17th day of January, les:3, before the Hun. Alexander King, President and. James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton; Egg's, Associate Juds of our said court On motion of W . S. Everett, Etcl., the Court groat a Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives of Joseph Seibert, deceased. to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Chambersburg, for said County; on the 14th day of Mara, tuna., to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the Appraisement Valuation thereof, or to show cause why the same should not be sold. accord ing to Law. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my band its e,] and adhced the seal of said Court, at Chambers. burg, the third day of February 1865. W. H. 311TCHELL, Clerk: Attest: SAMUEL. BRANDT, Sheriff. felf..*2.3L NTOTICE IN PARTITION.-W . W. iN Skinner vs. Andrew Jeo - art. Wm B Lease and Mary his wife, James R Brewster and Nancy his wile, G. Gellespie and Laclede his wife. In the court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, Fa., to January Term. 18433. No 50, Judgment is partition. 3d Monday of January, 1565, court award a writ to value andappraise the land. To the abused named parries: You are hereby uotifled, that the above writ of appraisement will be executed by me, on the premise", in Metal township, ore Friday. the 24r/s day of March, next. at 10 o'clock. A. M 1... of said day, n - hen and where you may attend if you think proper. inarehl 3t SAMUEL 'BRANDT, Sheriff. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county has appointed the undersigned a Cialmittee over the person and estate of Abraham gbetter, a habitual drunkard. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly atrthentiested for Settlement febl.tit JOHN FiIY. Committee. VOTICE •IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 I Levi Hovel of Green township, has been appointed by the court of Common Pleas of Franklin county COlll. rattle° of Catharine Goal, of Green township klunatle.— All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, thrice having claims will please present them properly authenticated. febls.6t LEVI HORST, Committee. A DIIINISTRATOWS NOTICE.-No -11 lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Burkholder, lute of Green town. ship. deo'd, have been granted to the malersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement feta,' WM. 31'CLURE, Adm'r ixA DNIINIStRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tire is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Everett. late of 3tetal township deed, hasie been granted to the undersigned. Al] perkins knowing themselves indebted to said Estate -will please make immediate payment; nod those having claims present theta properly authenticated for settlement. febB JOHN E JONES, Aittnir. AD'AIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate ot . Clutries Jackson , late of 3tercersburg , dead, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly anthentrented for settlement. febB JAMES 0. CARSON, Adnir. , uTors NOT IC E.—Notice is • given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate verett late of Metal township, deed, have been the undersigned. to knowing theamlves indebted to said Estate make immediate payment, and these having t"nt them properly authenticated forsettlement. - S. EVERETT, Ear. !UTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is ...Toy given, that Letters Testamentary to' the Es tate of Jacob Detrick, late of Hamilton township dee'd, hare been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate wilt please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authentieated f u r settlement. WM. BOSSERT, feblls JOHN DETRICH, r'x*rs• .c. B. ?HALER, See'y WXECUTOR'S I+l,o T I C E.—Notice is 1..1:a hereby- diyen that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Rebecca Doh, late of Guilford township, deed,. Lace been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to .nitt Estate w ill please mak , immediate payment; and thotto haying chums prosetd Mem properly authenticated for settlement. febß JOHN C. TRITLE, Ex'r. tibpsitiarm. - J. C. RICHARDS, H. D. ISO. MONTGOMERY, H. D. pICFIARDS, & MONTGOMERY have 1.(0 associated themseiveis in the Practice of htedicirte and have taken an Office in the late residence of Jardb B. :Miler, immediately opposite the Presbytetion Choich. All persona indebted to either of the above, will please make early settlement of the same. [atig2.l.lfl TAR. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt ly to all professional calls, °Mee in the Vestibule of the New School House neer the [aug24. COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE HATS. CAPS, ROOTS, IV: W. PAXTON has just opened a fine assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, at his new Store in the Market Howse, where he can furnish oil articles in his line, cheap for cash. Some goods are sold at old prices. Aline assortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAR. PET BAGS, VALISES, Re., constantly on hand. Call and examine ow large stoek of goods. wpt7.l • W, W PAXTON. Legal p, otireo. II 8, 1865 Ural Ootatc -A FI.ST RATE MILL PR - O.PERTY F 01; SALE, Situate norm Burnt Cabins, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, This 31ill has done a large amount of business for along time. and is in a rich settlement of country. It MSS built in 1844, and has recently been fully repaired. Also, ft large FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, A SAW MLLL, together *ith a S3IA L L F'A R M . . . 'of SO ACRES, on which there Is erected a small Barn' nd Tenant House. There are also on the premises an arch. ant of some two hundred fine Fruit Trees, good Water, &e. This property is on the route of the late surveys of .an expected Railroad, which doubtless will pass through the neighborhood in a short time. Terms will be made known by the subscriber„ residing on the premiseb. Den2s-2mos) F. HUMBS. AVERY DESIRABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.--The farm lately occupied by James McClelland, dec'd, situate in Montgomery township adjoining lands of Frederick Foreman, Samuel Cell and others, is offered at Private Sale by thebeirs. This farm is located near the Turnpike Road, about mid-way be 'tween Mercereburg and Greencastle, and is of a very sti-, perior quality of Limestone land, in a high state of culti vation. The improvements are a pied sal:P . c. - tat:dial STONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a Stone and Frame Bank Burn, with ail necessary out buildings. There is it large stream of water passing through the farm, with a never fallieg well near the improvements. There is also an Or chard of choice Grafted .Fruit This tract contains about - 142 ACRES abourlo of which is fine good timber. Per sons desirous of viewing the premises and _ascertaining terms, will inquire of McLellan, at Cliambersburg, or John McClelland, residing at Mercersburg. febl3-9t WIIL 31cLELLAN, for the Heim Lancaster Examiner, copy 9t and send bill to this office. PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an or der issued out of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., the undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, in the borough of Chambersburg, on Satur day, the 25th day of March, A. the following Real Estate, late the Property of Muthew Gillan, deo'd, viz: A LOT OF GROUND, on 'West Market Street, in said borough, being- sixtf-one feet in front on said street, and running back two hundred and twenty-six feet to un alley, bounded by lot of Alex. Fritz on the West; an alley on the South, and lot of Robt. E. Tolbert on the East ; to. gather with all the BRICK and other building material now on the premises The lot will be sold entire or will be aivided as may be desired. - - Sale at 2 o'clock, P. IL, on said day, when terms n ill be made knows. CATGARINE C. GILLAN, Adm'rx. marchl4t THOMAS GILLAN, Atlrter. • oiler -at Private, Sale. my farm, In Green township, adjoining lands of George Chambers, Wingert, Beatty anti others, consist. ing of 202 ACRES or thereabouts, two tracts, one of about 172 Acres, of which 15 or 20 Acres are Timber, the other of3o Acres, alt Timber, and lying along the Conoeocheagne Creek. On it are the MANSION ROUSE, a good Brick and Log Tenant Rouse, a Stone and Log Barn, anti two Orchards. A never failing stream of Water runs through the farm, and the mansion house is sapplied with spring water running oat at the door. mart-4t . DR. S. W. CRAWFORD. COTTAGE FOE SALEiII be sold nt Private Sale, ore of the New White Cottagesbailt by A. N . , McClure, situate on the Carlisle turnpike, in Chambersbng. Possession will be given Ist of April next. [febl•tf] Apply to McCLURE & STONFIL iiropertg 11011UBLIC: SALE.—The, undersigned, will sell, by Public Sate, at the late residence 01' Jsoob Deitrieh„deceased, in Hamilton township, on the road leading from Strasburg to St. Thomas, (seven miles from Chambersburg,) on Friday, the 10th day of March 1865, 5 Head of WORE HORSES; 1 t`:ree•year old. Colt ; 5 head of MILCH - COWS; S head of YOUNG CATTLE; 3 FAT STEERS; 12 head of BROTHS, and 1 fine Brood Sfilr. Also, two Plantation Wagons, broad-tread; 1 one horse Wagon ; 2 sets of Hay Ladders pair of Wood Ladders ; 1 Rockaway Buggy;,2 sets of Harness; 6 sets of Here,- fleare. Also, One THRESHING MACHINE; '1 McCormick Reaper; / Grain Drill, one Iltq(Precher, Wire Rake. 1 Windmill, 2 Cutting Boxes, 1 Roller, 10 Plows. I Grain Cradles, and all the necessary Farming Utensils nsnally found on a well conducted Farm. Also, 18 Tons at '3 . I3IOTHY FIAY r a quantity of Corn Fod• der, 1010 bushels of COrn in the ear, al bushels of Rye, 400 bushel - sof Oats. Alsoi'Fifty Nils. FLOUR. Also, 600 Chestnut Rails, 100 Locust Posts ready to •et up, 500 lbs. Old Iron. and a great vailery of articles out necessary to onnmenate. . . Saleat 9, a. tn: when attendance and a credit of el Months will be given on all sums over $lO, by WM_ BOSSERT ' tt Executors JNO. DIETRIC , • H EMMEII SALE.—A good STEAM ENGINE, six horse po'wer,_ is foul. eiondltuat.., Can be seen by' culling at T. B. Wood's 'unitary. septll4 , JACOB GARVER. OR SALE.—A Four-Yeai SCHOLAR SHIP IN DICKINSON COLLEGE, , Carlisle, Pa. Apply at the Itr.euarroaN Office, ' . marehl. FOR SALE.—A full course Scholarship in the Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia. Apply at this office. ' (sep7- , tobacco ant *mato. TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR tt B'Ft/1 - lE.—Having re-built my Tobacco and Cigar Store on South Main street, (corner of Washiugton ,u Main streets,) two squares front the Diamond. I wows! invisc all to rail and et:amine my stock, consisting of • p. CHEWING TOBACCO: Congress all kinds, • Cavendish, Tau=t, all kinds, R•ae Twist. Flonnder„ - 'Old Virgiido, Navy, - Honey Dew, ••• Michigan Fine Cut,Coe., &a. Andersau Shorts, Solace, - , Talisman. ', i• . -,, Hart's Delight, Fiaatation, s • NuFrs : !Qualls,. Side, &a. Sunny . ' ItaUpee, Scotch es : Coarse. ~ 1 • S)t - ORDienti. L.irgeLland, . Big Lick, • Cnt and Dry. Danville, / - earl:Laity, ! LicndiVirg: • James Iti',vet. Grant, Mend, Sigel. rep , j J. A. JACOBS. US.H:STILL ON HAND.-TOBACCO la S. SEGARE.—The undersigned has just returned fromthe City with a complete stalk of Tobacco and Se gura, such as-Natural Leaf, Iflchigan, Smoking Tuba, cos and Pipes. Store on. Queen Street, throe doors from Meal. E. Church. Come, give hint a Lift. angiti l• H C. If. BURL T A CICi , BS .S YSER • _3tanufneturen Wholesnle Dealer., in OBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 316:Tor:it Third s:rea, oborc fine, Mr: Sdr, [oetl.2.lyj PHILADELPHIA, PA: STD. JACOIIB, late of Gluonlig, Pa. ifE..NRY E. SMYSEtt. LARGE ASSORTMENT-OF TOBACCO and SEGARS, whillehale and retail, at r SHAFER & STUART'S, - oti,Qtreen stmt.!, EaM of the Methodist Church ! • fatsCritanto4o. • - LEWL, COCGTR. I ' CIe.tY..R. GRAFF. I W. 11. TEVIS COOPEit G4AFF, STOCK COQ MISSION BROKERS. No. 11 :11.F.P.CIL.k: EXCRANGL. " PHILADELPHIA. PA., 11cLetian, Esq., I S. 'McDowell Sharpe, Esq., I C.. It. Mlesserstr.ith.Esq. febl.s.l;ri. MILLER ,! HAMILTON & CO.', Have just recehmd atlne assortment of STOVES, TIN, JAPANNED A:..ND OTHER WARE. They are determined to sell loteM•than anybody elm. • They pitt on TIN ROOFING, lot quality material for 18 cents per square font ; quality 16 cents; 3d quality 14 cents. They do SPOUTING cheaply, wetland promptly. They me best Iron for Stove Pipes,: and charge but 18 cents per IS. Come and see If yort cannot do better with them than o Ph any other establishment Prices reduced to snit the times. ecr2,6 TER3IS CASIL 4f,l_ 710 - OTICE TO MILLERS AND liIANU FACTURERS.—The untie rAgned, having been en. gaged for a number oflye.arr in the business of Bt-.71.1M0 and itt:Ratnixn nuthiritt. saw, ANL) PARER MILLS, in prepared, with it regtdar Corpe of practical worAman, to execlite all work in Ins line of ittisin , r, embracing till we nt) and modern ainproirements Ml!.!. MACHINERY of every dewriptiou famished to .oder. Got Iron Submerged, Water Wheebk, Bolting Clittlet, Mill Burr, &c., furnished - at short notice. - - Contracts taken to funlivit all material if desired. All orders address to Mereer,burg Franklin county, Pa, a ill reeelve prompt attention., , (1"b1.43111.) M. 'TAYS. NTOTICE.—Bounty Ltua Wiirrant No. 73555. for One gumtree' und;Sixty Acres, ir.ouedldth October, 1857. to Jane H. Larmaur and Jno. W. Lar mour, minor children of Samuel - 11, Larmour, late of the plidriet of Colurabia, tic eared, (War of 11 , 12.) 11118 been loot. Notice to hereby given thatan application will be tondo to the Oommist•soaer of Yerscions for a re•iesue of the above de-oribeil warrant. JANE-If. STEWAILT, febl•Gt JNO. W. LARIIOUR. HEADQTJARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, SLyrk.mx4rDisrater PENVA, Chart bersburg, Feb. 0, 1E65. Drafted men who enlist after they are drafted, are con sidered an deserters from the draft, iond mast be credited to their earollinent places, no matter whether or not they rineived bend bounties upon their illegird enlistment, • - • GEO. EYSTER, mareld.-M Capt. and Pro. Mar. 16th Dist. Penna. TOB PRINTING, in every style, .done vat flub Oltii.i4th. FRANKLIN RIRINVITORY. VOL. - 72....WR0LE1 NO: tx4altll4 , . i!:,!.ooitp,'l,: , TILIE.OI.IIII.IOIISE. By ALICE CARET 'My little birds, with Ducks as brown • An:eand, and throats u ,white'es frost) , I've searched the summer pp and down, A.l4.think the other birds have lot The tunes you sang' ; so w ee k so law, Ahotit the otd honse,.long ago. . 2 -my little flowers, that with lout So-hld - the gia you grew upon,- A child's foot had seance any room Between you—are you dead and gone? i've'searehed film' fields and gaideirere Nor found your likeness any Where, •' Tip• little , hearts, that beat so high With lore to God and toast to tom, Oh, einee to me, and'sAy if I _ But dream, or was.l dreaming then, • What time we sat within the . glow Of the old honse-hearth, long ago R , My little hearts so-fond so true, I searched the world all Sta. and - wide, And never found_the Like or yon; God grant we :nag the other side The darkness 'twist as now that stands, In. that new house not made with hen& Interesting questions and Answers Eel. .atice Oa the 7-30 T. S. Loan. Mr. Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia, who fors°, long a timehad the management of the yopular 500 million 5-20 Loan, has just been appointed by Sec retary. Pessenden the General Agent to dispose of TILE ONLY POPULAR, LOAN now offered for by the Government, viz : the " SEVIiN-TIBUTY." In entering upon his duties he desires to answer plainly the large number of questions daily and hourly propounded to him, so that his fellow-coun trymen may all understand what this "Seven- Thirty Loan" is—what are its peculiar merits,— how theyean subscribe for or obtain the notes, &c. Ist Question. Why is this Loan called the "Seventy Thirty" Loan? Answer.. It bears 'lnterest, in currency, at the rate of Seven Dollars and thirty cents, each year, on every hundred dollars; making the interest as follows: . One cent per day on each ...- $ 50 note. Two cents, " ' " , .... .. 100 " Ten. 4 • " " . ... 500 " ,-•• , Twenty ,- , - ~ .... 1,000 " : One dollar " , - " 5,000 " 2el Question. ' When and how 'can they be oh= tattled 7 Answer. They are for gale, at par, and accrued interest, by all Sub-Treasuries, National and other Banks, and all Bankers and Brokers. 3d Question. When isthe interest payable aria how can it be collected? Answer. The Coupons or Interest Tickets,are due 15th of February and 15th of Augustin each year, and cat: be cut off from the note, and will be cashi:d by any Sub-Treasurer, U. S. Deposi tory, National or other Bank or Banker 4th Question. When must the Government pay off these 7-300 • Answer. They are due in two ye . ara and a half from the 15th of February, 1865 ; viz : on the 15th of August, 1867. sth Question. Must I receive back my money so soon as 186! Answer. No ! not unless you yourself prefer to do so—the law gives you the right to demand from the Government, at' that time, either your money or an equal amount at par, of the famous and popular 5-20 Gold Bearing 6 per cent. Loan. 6th Question. low much do you v./insider this privilege of conversion, into 5-20 Loan to be worthy Answer. 5-20 s -bearing Gold interest from Ist of November, are to-day worth 9 per cent. pre-. mium. If. hey are worth'no more at the end of the two years and half, when you have a right to them, than they now are, this premium added to the interest you receive, will give you at least 10 per cent. per annum for your looney—but the opinion is that they will be worth more than 9 per cent. premium at that time. 7th Question. What other advantage is there iu investing in the 7-30 Loan Answer. It cannot be taxed by States, Coun ties or Cities, and this adds from one to three per cent. per annum to the net income of the holder, according to the rate of taxation in various local ities. All bonds - and stocks, except those of the United States, and all mortgages, &c„, are taxed, not only_ by the Governuieut, but by States, Coun ties and Cities. Question. How does the Government raise the moLey to-pay.%;,, it sate and cure?. Answer. The Gdvernmenteolleetg, by taxes, internal revenue, and duties on imports, full three hundred millions each year. This is nearly three times us much as is needed to pay the interest on all the debt, andas noun as the war i,ended, the amount nor needed to pay the interest will be used in paying ollthe debt. Our Government has twice pawl off all its debt, and can easily do so again. The interest is sure to be paid promptly, and the debt itself is the very' safest investment in the world: 'lt is as a mortgage on a good farm, dui pays a better interest. It is in fact, a First Mort gage on all lands, all incomes, all railroad and ca nal bonds, and bank•or other stocks. mortgages, &c. Nothing ran fur we are all bound for it, and all that we hare is firmly held for the Pity ment ofprin2ipal and interest. How t;mlzshtlioie people ate, who keep their gold and ateenlacks idle and locked - up, or purchase mortgages or rail road stocks and bonds, which pay only 5 or 6 per cent interest, when these, Serenthirtiew pay (counting the pretniuth on Five Twenties,),over ten per cent., and are so much safer and surer. 9th Question. How many Sewn-Thirties are there, and how much remains =iota Answer. Then are.only about three hundred and twenty-five millions authorized by law, and only about one hundred and ninety millions-re loamunsold. . 10th question. How long will take you to sell the balance? Answer. There are' about 800 National Banks.. all engaged in selling them.; also a large number of the old banks, and at least three thousand pri• sate bankers and brokers, and_special agents Will be engaged iu all parts or the country in disposing of them to the people. 11th Question. How long will it take to sell the Whole? • Answer. In less than three months theywill: be all sold, and will no doubt then sell at a pre., mime, as was the case with - the old Seven-Thirties; the fait Twenty-Year Loan, and the Five-Twen. ties. The above questiOns and answers, it is believ. ed, will give full information to all. If not, the General Subscription Agent, or any of the Banks or Bankers employed to the Loan, will be glad to answer all questions, an_d_to furnish the -Seven-Thirties in small or large sums (as the notes Are issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $1,000.) and to render it easy for all to subscribe thus fulfilling the instructions of Mr. Fessenden, who earnestly desires that the peopk of the whole land, (as Wdll as the capitalists,)shall have every opportunity afforded them of obtaining a portion of this most desirable inresbnent. LET NONE DELAY, Bur SUBSCRIBE AT ONL'E, THROUGH RUE NEAREST RESPONSIBLE' DANE OR BANKERS. AN INCIDENT OF TICE WAR A letter from Minnesota to thoßocliester Dem- i ocrat tells tins interesting story: " Let me relate to you and yoar readers,an in cident of the war which hna lately come to my knowledge, and which has never before found its way into the newspapers. la - the class of 1&5.-; Watervale College, bininc, were two young men who had been chums while fitting for College at the same school, and were chums through the en tire college course, and after graduating pursued their legal studies at the mute- law school, and were chums here also. After . admission to the bar, one went South to seek his fortune, the other West. After the breaking out of -the rebellion, the one went South enlisted in the rebel army, the other in the Union army. They both after ward rose to the rank of colonel, - and both took paticin the battle of Mission Ridge, iu command of their respective regiments. The rebel colonel, at the head of a Tennessee regiment, was in sup. port of a battery, which the regiment in command of the Union colonel was ordered to lake at the point of the bayonet. " The battery was taken ; but both colonels fell • mortally wounded. After the fight' was aver,. a ;Union captain, hiaiself a, classmate of the two colonels, being detailed to bury the dead, found erl i nla i U ds ty ;both They mss evently see agamed eath other after l=usded and the !old ties of Trie4 - - roma :ay, and together their spirits bad pealed the ,eternal 'ooti 7 -Side Weide; it: the ,sitme grave, .they p & 7 their last sleep. . ":Anotho'r fad in rererencerto conegeeka4 wortkeiedioniiig: Of tlie4ltirf 6 aatvising - iceoshertef this elan; thirty, aro,p7A; ; or hare' ;been, in the Union army., Of the other five , are oriptilei, and th e rem*ing twoallited theta :selves aivolonteenn .Init*ere .not accepted on, 'account pfphysicaldiszthility. ,ThgbaNteanliek :and well do they &serve the title of, 'llia 1 4r' , liar Claes.'" ' ' • * Tau history , ofthe locatiow of the famous Co-_ qiette Oli,Wellld a bit of roma:nee, and' herders :closely ori the marvelous. The. iireeent enerptie manager; of the well, Mr. George .-I