M4rch 1, 1865.,_ CAPTURE OF WILMINGTON! How Our Army Celebrated Wash ington's Birth•day! 700 REBELS & 30 GUNS CAPTURED! , WASHINGTON, Feb, 21. The follow ng official re fort of the capture of Wihnington has been forwarded by this Depart ment to General Grant, E. 31. STANTON, Secretary of War 'Forraasa licxgor, Feb. 24! . • Gourd ',U. 8, Grant, City Point ; • Our troops entered Wilmington on the morning of the 22d inst. After the evacuation of Fort Au ' derson, General Schofield directed Cox to follow its garrison towards WilMington, while Terry followed Hoke on the.east side of the river. The latter took up a new line, four miles from Wilmington, but was so closely pressed by Terry that be could send no troops to the west side. On that sidethe rebels made a stand behind Town Creek, but on the 20th Cox crossed his troops be low them, on a flatboat, attacked them in the rear, and routed them, taking two guns and three hun- dred prisoners. On the 21st Cox pushed to the Bifinswick river, opposite Wilmington; where the bridges' were on fire, and on his arrival the rebels began burning•cottoa and rosin in the city, and left it that night. Our captures, including Fort Anderson amount to about 700 prisoners. and 30 guns. Citizens fate that the rebels burned over 1,0013 bales of Cotton. and 15,000 barrels of rosin. The Union feeling showed itt.:elf quite strong in the city. Terry followed Hoke northward. C. B. COMSTOCK, - Lt. Col., A. D. C„ and Bt. Brig. cteli. REPORT OF ADMIRAL FORTER: CAPE FEAR-RE/EEL U. S. FLAG-811IP MALVEILN, Feb. 21 Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Wil mington has been evacuated and is now in posses pion °tour troops. After the evacuation of Fort Anderson I pushed the gunboats ns far asthe water Would Hrmit, the army pushing up at the same time on the right and left banks of the river. After sounding a:buoying out the middle groudd at Big Island, I succeeded in getting the gunboat. over and opened fire on Fort Strung, the work commanding the principal obstruCtions where the rebels had also sunk one of their large steamers, the North Eastern. Our fire soon drove the reb els away from the fort, but now and then they would fire a shot, one of which struck the Sassa 7 cul below water mark, and set her leaking badly. She was struck once. or twice more but with no loas of men. That night, the 20th, the rebels sent down 200 floating torpedoes, but I had a stronglorce of picket boats out and the torpedoes were sunk with musketry. One, got in the wheel of the Osceola, blew her wheel-house to pieces, and knotiked down her bulk head in board, but did no damage to her hull. Some of the vessels picked up the torpedoes with their torpedo net. - The-next morning I -spread two fishing nets across the river{ Yesterday evening General Ames, with his di vision, moved within a short distance of the fort and bad n-sharp encounter with the rebels: On hearing the musketry, and scent where our troops were, I opened a rapid fire on the fort and along the enemy's line. The fort responded with three or four shots, hitt was soon silenced. nig morning we heard that General Terry was within the works, and the road Wig clear to Wil mington. The Montauk could not get across the, shoals without lightening, which was a work of some labor. - I had the pleasure of placing the flag on Fort Strong, andat 12 o'clock today shall fire a salute of thirty-five Bans, this being Washington's birth day. I am, sir, very respectfully, yoursp&c. D.D. PORTER, Rear Admiral • lion Gideon Wells, Secretary of the Navy. SUMIART OF WAR NEWS —Seventeen flags captured in the battles around Nashville, f vere presented to the Secretary of War on Wfidnesday, fifteen of the captors mak ing the presentation in person. The latter were all granted a furlough of thirty days. —The Army of the Potomac, according to Rich mond papers, Is throwing up heavy works on the Brunswick stage road, between Ream's Station and Monk's Neck bridge. The railroad is now being extended to the new position on Hatcher's Rau. , -.-The capture of Gene. Crooks, and Kelly at Cumberland by a small party of rebel garrillas, has already been announced. It appears that about two o'clock on Tuesday morning, fifty or sixty rebels entered the town, and dividing into squads, the St. Nicholas Hotel and Revere House wig visited, and both the Generals alluded to - made 'prisoners. The telegraph office was visit edi sad the operator bound hand and foot; but a I I the gang left he succeeded in releasing him -4e 'mid was the first fp give the alarm. A force of Weer three hundred cavalry was immediate !), started in pursuit, but up to last accounts noth- Ingl had been heard from them. There were at the time between five and six thousand Federal troops stationed in .and around Cumberland, and that two Generals quartered in the very heart of the town could be seized and carried off; is tine of the strangest things ever heard. The Federal pickets on duty were all captured by the raid ers, thus preventing an alarm being gic en. It is supposed the force was a portion of Harry Gil 'more's command, and that they wished to cap ture Gen. Crooks as a retaliatory measure for the capture of their leader. —Fort Anderson, the strongest fortification next to Fort Fisher of all those intended for the -defence of Wilmington, situated on Cape Fear River, and commanding the position of the Rebel Gem Hoke, was attacked by the troops of Gen. Schofield on Saturday, the 18th inst. Early in the morning—the naval vessels also cooperating— after demonstrating strongly in front of the work, the troops of the Third Division, with Gen. Arneslidwision of the Twenty-fourth Army Corps were sent round upon the flank, and 'the enemy, in anticipation of a combined attack on Ixdff4des. evacuated the fort on the same night, ledving eleven heavy guns intact. The fort was taken possession of by Col. Moore, of the Second Divi sion, Twenty-Thad Army Corps, at daylight. The naval vessels were moving up toward Wilmington, with nothing to prevent them from getting within, long range of the town. In addition to the des patch of Admiral Porter in relation to the surren der or evacuation of Fort Anderson, information was received at the same time that Lieutenant Win..B. Cushing constructed a mock monitor, so eleiely resembhng one of these vessels thut no, difference could be detected ut a distance of one hundred yards. On Saturday night, the 18th, at about 11 o'clock, this vessel was taken up to with in about 40(1 yards of the fort and set adrift. As there was a strong flood-tide she moved up the river and passed the fort as if under slow steam. At this time the army had worked two-thirds the dbitanee around and in rear of the fort; and the . rebels no doubt thinking their communication would be cut off both by land and water, hastily escaped by the only avenue open to thenbleaving their guns unspiked, their magazines uninjured, &c FINANCE AND TRADE. Money is very easy in the cities as well as in the country, and will be more abundant in Frank lin county this spring than ever before: Very large investments Wye been made in Oil and cost stocks,. besides an immense amount of govern- Meat bonds taken byour people;" but there will still be a larger surplus this spring than ever be fore. Money will seek investments in every shape rilut just now the disposition is to go into Oil and other stocks which are more or less spec lative in their character. When money is so .sr-abundant it naturally enough seeks the more doubtful channels, and as Oil affords better chancel; for great success, it is prefered notwithstanding • pe well known fact that a large majority of such Stocks must prove failures. Still, when such companies, are successful, they are so signally successful 'Chat men with spare means always risk part of their 'capital io them. In this way Oil stocks have hitherto sold, and will continue to sell without much regaid to their intrinsic value, be cause the money is here and to spare, and there is one chance in a score that such stocks may go to fabulous prices compared with their original cost There has been a flutter in Sterling stock late ly in this section and entirely without reason.— The great severity of the winter has very much! retarded operations in the Oil regions; but the prejtalteial reports relative to Sterling ere wholl: unwarranted, Several overloaded parties in at-' tenasWg to relieve themselves depressed the lanai bnt wP hehere that none who understand the that condition of the company have parted with their stock, tuniwe advise - that those who-hold it shall keep it: Its well is producing a handsome revenue, and the company have twill engines on the grounds to sink additional wells. Its present resources, however, will pay a fair dividend, even if no additional oil should be found. We l'arn that the Direstors will, on the 15th of March, de clare kdividend of one per cent, on the par value of the stock ($5 per share) from Oil revenues, which is two and a half per cent. on the cash cog of the shares. We have every reason to believe that this company will be able not only tcreontin ue its dividends but to increase them. Both the Sterling and Imperial will declare their dividends quarterly. .:rhe Sterling well was suspended for several-weeks to be re-tubed—an operation that is usually necessary about twice a year;_ but the Superintendent advised the President on Saturday last that it is again in' successful operation. The rumor that the well had failed is without any foundation in fact. A new enterprise now offered called the Sheridan and Cherry Run Company, with se veral of its directors and its President in this sec tion of the Sthte. It has very valuable territory, and unless all human calculations fail it must be very productive. It has producing wells and most successful companies all around it, and the vigor with which .it will be developed, gives every as surance that it must' succeed. 'file stock will not be offered for any great length of time, and persons desiring to procure it should subscribe at once. See advertisement in another column. A correspondent of the Spirit complains in ra ther an ungenerous manner of our recent refer ence to the' bulling and bearing of the Pittsburg and Cherry Rum - stock in this market. - We slid not then, and do not now, pretend - to know whe ther the basis of the company is a good one or not. ft may prgve very good stock; but we did object to, the reekless 'manner in which it was tossed from post to pillar hero at prices ranging from fifty to eighty per cent. higher than it sold on the boards in Pittsburg, and we felt bound to caution our readers to leave it in. the hands of the bulls and bears until it should 'settle. The fact that the stockholders here have appointed a com mittee, of their own number—Messrs. William McClellan and J. McDowell Sharpe—to go to Pittsburg and inquire into the action of the board in selling out their interest in their producing "well, more than justifies the caution we give to our readers two Weeks ago. The article in the Spirit come' from the brokers who have dealt largely in the stock in question. —The following are the latest quotations of the sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia : BONDS. U. S. 5-o's ' in Beading 6's 98} E. S. 10.40's 106 Penna. R. R. Ist mart.. 106 U. 8. 6s, 'BL ...... ... /10 Penna. R. R. 2d mon.. 104 U, 8. 6's coupon. 111 Phila. 6's, 'Bl 100 U. 8. Certificates 95 Phila. 6's, nen - 97 Penna. Ts coupon 91 Phila. & Erie R. R. 6's 107 RAILROAD STOCKS. ID Pdila & Erie R. R.... 25 56#1N. Central R. It 53 Penna. R. R... Rending R. IL- COAL AND OIL STOCKS. Fulton Coal 81 Home's Eddy Oil 1 Big Mountain C0a1.... 5# 'lrving Oil. 8 N. T. & Mid. Coal 8 IPope Farm Oil i Green Sit. Coal ' 3i'Densmore Si. 2 D CINITIheny 1 ; Roberts Oil N. parboncinie Feeder Dam Coal. Clinton Coal Butler Coal 10 iOlmatead. ' Diamond Coal 18 :Noble & Deltunatar. Swat= 6:, Hibbard. 3ionucacy Iron. 10 Story Farm Penn ]lining . 10 Bruner Connecticut.. i Petroleum Centre.... .. T If Egbert If Hoge h.lnnd Allegheny River. Keystone Zinc Excelsior OR. Big . Co - ntinental 11 Curtin . Farrell 2 I Phila S Oil Creek. Oil Creek- 61' Bull Creek ' Maple Shade 0iL........ 24 !Germania M'Clintock Oil tli Corn Planter Pennsylvania Pet 24 Brims Perry, OiL ... 3 !Rock. 02 Mineral Oil • 2:!Tarr Farm Reystone Oil. 24;Globe Farm Venango Oil - l' S.churkill Oil Creek. Union petroleum 11: Walnut Island Beacon Oil 1 !Eldorado Seneca Oil 3 . 1 St. Nicholas Organic GU *I Dunkard Franklin Oil 2iliCallivreal MARRIED LONG—GREENAWA_LT.—On the 23.1.- nit., by the Rev. P. S. MeTili. Lieut., Jos. Thomas Long, of the 21st Pa. Cavalry, toMiss Susan A. Greenawalt, of this place. MYERS—HARMAN.—On the 23rd nit., by the Rev. William McElroy, Mr. Henry Myers to Miss Sarah Har. man, all of Fayetteville. .. • •, • • BENTZ—BRUMBii;GII.—On the 31st ult, by the Res. E.l3reldenbaugla, Mr. William P. Bentz to 3tlis Su e= B. Brumbaugh, both ofWtohlngten County, 31.1.' WALTER—VALENTME.--CM the 14th ult., by the same, 31r.Vtdath - Walter, toldlae Caroline Valenta*, both of Greencastle. WlL:4ol'i--Cil R.—On the 23d ult.,by the same. Mr. Jame. Wilsom of Noir York City, to iss Lizzie Carr, of Antrim township. Franklin county. Pa. HESCHAYDEN.--On the f3th nit, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Itei, Dr, Smith. Major Frank W. Hest., 3d Pa. Eacalry, to 3lke E. Antoinette Hayden of Plnholelphin. WHITEHEAD—WOLE—On tpe 2hth alt., by the Rev ThoA. Barnhart, Mr. Joseph NiThitehead. to Ms, So- Fall Woli both of this place. DIED SMITE.—On the 19th ult., in Green township, Mrs Nancy Smith. aged 80 years, 3 months and 16 days. To CONSOIPTIVES.—The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a se vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption— is anxious to make known to his fellow•sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescrip Lion used(free of cluirge,) with the directions forprepar. ingand using the same, which they will find a trims care fur CONSUMPTION, ASTIIKA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, &e. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in formation which be conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, hid may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please addreEs ~REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, kings Coun ty, New York. febls-3m. EDITORS OF FRANKLIN RE,FOSITOR Y.— GENTS r—With your permission I wish to say to the read. ere of your .paper that I will send, by return mail, to ail who wish It (free) a Recipe, with •fall directions for mu• king and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effect. unity remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freck les, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same Foli o clear, smooth and BeautifuL I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Fates, simple directions and informatidni that will enable them to start a fall growth of Litiarinnt Hair, Whiskers. or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. . . All upplicatioss answered by return mull without charge itospeofully yours. Trios. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist, -Tharelfl.3m . S3l Bruidu - ny, New York. Two BAD CASF.S OF PILES CURED by Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass, of Janesville,Wls• cousin, writes for the benefit of dll who suffer with the Piles, that he hits beep troubled tiir eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brother wasdhcluirged Men the army as incurable, (he heiug quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Roth these distressing eases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen. besides the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to con. clime those suffering, that the most aggravated chmede efe,es of les are cored by Dr. Striekland's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists ,wetywhere, A. CARD TO itiVALIDS.—.X. clergyman, while resystlifit in South America us a missionary, discovered a Sal, stud ehuple retnedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Le cay. Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Grifins and the whole train of disorders bruughton by banefuland vicious habits. Great numbers bOe been already cured by this noble remedy. Promptest by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. 1 sill send the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to may one, sho needs it, Free of Charge. Please Inclose a stamped eat elope, addressed to your self. Address 30E.NPii T. INMAN, 0;4 19 . 4y1 STATION D. MILE HOCIEIE, New York City. • IF YOU.WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF Ev -1:11171112tu relating to the bun= system,' male and temp* the causes and treatment of diseases; ,the marriage cus toms of the world; how to marry Well and a thousand things never published before, read the revised and en larged edition of "MioirtaL CiIkESION SENSE," a cartons hook for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 illustrations. Price 81.50.' Contents table gent free to any address. Books may be had at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Address 14. B. FOOTE, id. D., febirim 1180 Broadway, New York. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE - OF AN ItiVALlD.—Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nen our Debility, Premature Decay of Idandood, &e., supplying at the same time THE MUSS OF SELF-CsuE. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable %nearly. By enclosing a pant paid addressed envelope, angle Copies may be lard of the author NATHANIEL 31A YFAIN, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. deel4-3m THE BRIDAL CHAMIIIIER, an Essalof Warning and Instruction for Young Men—published by therllow. ard Asaoclatione, and sent free of charge in sealed &mei open. Address, Dr. J. eLni.m Haunt rap, Howard As .seistinn Philadelphia, Pa robly. EYS- MW EAL—Prof. J. haaes, df. rh, enlist nod Atcrisi, formerly. of -Leydon, Holland, i's loco led permtmently at No. 511 Pare Strut, Pidiadeirtio, where persons &Meted with disease of the Eye or Ear. will be scientifically treated and cured. if curable. Or Amman. ETES - inserted without pain. No claws nude for Examination. N. B.—The medical faculty is incited, as he has no Sc arts in Lis mode of tre.mment. Wm:gums ! WHisKERS !—Do you watieWhia kers or Moastaches? Our Grmdan Compound will force themiu grow on the smoothest face or chin. or hair on bald heads. in Six Weeks. Price, 51.00. Sent by mall anywhere, elsoely sealed, on receipt of price. Address. WA/CcElt & Co., Box 13$, Brooklya N. Y. fell 15.1 y 01. D EYES MADE Nrw.—A pamphlet directing bow to speedily restore sight andgive Op spectacles, with out aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail. tree, on re ceipt of 10 cents. Address. - E. D. rourk, M. D... febl-6m 1130 Broadway, New York. NfIitSKERS! ! !—Those wishing a fine set of n - hislzqrs, a nice ruomitiche. - or.a beautiful head of glassy hair, *rill please rend the card of Tito& F. 011.1PSIAN in another part of this paper. mareld. .3ro. R.EPORT OF THE MARKETS. l'immtremburg Marketot.. UnAstnEnFatuno, Feb. 2P, ARIZ. . $.ll 00 Butler 35 .. 10 50' Buirs 30 .. Lard 20 2 3.) Tallorr 15 1 40: Bacon—Mum. 51143 1 401B:won—Side!. 20 Floor—Red Wheat—Whitt Wheat—Red - Rye Corn Oats 801 elver Seed 14 00' Timothy Seed 450 Phisseed ...... 3 501 Potatoes—lterser...., 1 30 Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1231 [BY TELEGRAM.] Philadelphia Markets. PHILADELNUA, Feb. 28, 1565 Sales of lop° bbls extra family Flour of $ll re 11,50, and sllllln lots for home consumption ar $9,115 ie9.50 for super fine and $10,25419.75 for extra family. Rye Flour is nominal at 68,75. In Corn 31cal nothing doing. Wheat is in limited supply nod firm at $2. 52122 60 fur red, and 813 6311 , 2 90 for white. 500 bushels Rye cold at $1 702 , 1 72. Corn is dull.. Small sales of Green at $1 69. Outs are in demand, and readily comtnand 96 s.9Bc. lilY TELE - GRAPH.] Philadelphia Stook Market. PIIILADELPB/A. Feb. 88_. Stoat; steely. Pen* fives, ; Rending' Railroad. SF: Boma Canal, 85; Penna. R IL, 62; Gold. MI: 7 exchange on Sew York par. JIM abbertistmmto. MONEY FOUND.—A smell sum of Moues' found, rrldeb the owner cm have by calling at MILLER% HOTEL, Market Street, and identifying the money and paying for this advertisement marl-1t• NOTICE —All persons indebted to A. J White by note or Book Account till confer a favor by calling and settlingAheir accounts without delay. Its books are all that he has saved out of the great fire. march/ A. s mean, Stone Building, 2 doors north of the Post °Mee. SHERMAN AND VICTORY."—In con-- sequence of the decline in cotton. caused by Union victories, we are sollingGOODS AT GREATLY REDU CED PRICES. Good callooes 25 and a 1; Bleached and Brown Iluslins 31 to 50; Delanei 37i, and all other goods in proportion. We adhere to our long established motto, "us cheap as the cheapest" For bargains call at our store, next to the Post office. mamhl.3t HEADQ fr ARTERS OP PROVOST MARSHAL, StXTEENTH Durriac - r Chon• bersburgr, Feb. 27, 165. Drafted men trio) enlist after they are drafted, are con• sidered as deserters from the draft, and most be credited to their enrollment places, no matter whether or not they received looaLbotmties upon their illegal enlistment G 0. EYSTF,E, . . marchtat , Capt. and Pro. Mar. 16th Dist. Penna. NOTICE IN PARTITION.-W. W. Skinner ca. Andrew Stewart, Was B Lease and Mary his wife, James R Brewster and Nancy hls wife, G. Gellespie and Lucinda his wife. In the court of Common Pleas of Franklin county. Pa., to January- Term, 1565. No ZO. Judgment in partition II 3foriday of January, 1565. court award a writ to value and appraise the hand. To the aboved named parties: Yon are hereby notified, that the abase writ of appniisement ' will be executed by me, on the premises, in Metal township, on Friday, as 24th day of March, nen. at 10,4d:irk. A. 31., of said day, wbeteand where you may attend if you think proper. marchl St SA3fIiEL BRANDT, Sheriff. , PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an or der honed out of the Orpharne Court of Franklin eotunty, Pa, the undersigned will offer at Public, Sale, on the premises, in the borough of Chambersburg, on Satur day, the `lsth day of IllarA, A. D., IR% the following Real Estate, late the Property of Mathew Gillan, deed, viz A LOT OF GROUND, on West Market Street, in said borough. being sixt.one feet in front on said street, and running hock two hundred and twenty-six feet to an alley, bounded by lot of Alex. Fritz - on the West, =valley on the South, and lot of Robt E. Tolbert on the East ; to gether with all the BRICK and other building .material -now on the premises The lot will be sold entire or will bo dividart aa mart.. itaaltvo :sale at 2 orchids, P. St.. on said day, when terms wtu be made known. CATHARINE C. CIILLAN, Adlaiti mnrchl-11. THOMAS GILLAN, i . 1 -, fa i 4 I 11101:1BLIG SALE.—WiII. be sold by Pub lic Sale. on the premises, in Path Valley: the late residence of William and Dand Everett, 2 salles north of Fannettsburg, on Wednesday, Mardi 81.1 s, at 9 o'clock, the following Personal Property, viz: 14 head of HORSES. 6 of which are work horses, 2 four-year, 3 three, and three two-viear old; 21 head of CATTLE, among which are one yoke of Work Oxen. 4 Mitch Cows, and 15 heal of Stock Cattle; 24 bead of SHEEP, 1 Brood Sow, 9 Shoals -1 THRKSHINCI MACHINE. Separator and Clover Hut ler, 1 tbree.horan Threshing Machine, 1 Broad Tread Road Wagon. Wagon Bed. Bows and Cover, 3 Plantation Wa gons, 1 New Wagon, partl} Ironed. 1 Fulling Top Buggy, 1 Cart 1 fine -horse Wagon,-3 Wind Mills, Plows; liar rowe, Cultivators, 1 fun set of Sinith Tools, and Bellows. 3 Saddles, several sets Gears, 1 set Harness. Bridles, Hal ters, A:c. Also, 3 SEEPS of BEES. 11 barrels of Family Flour, 2.3 Flour Barrels, 263 bushels WHEAT, MI bashefs sprine,RTE, CORN by thn . bushel. 1 lot of Bacon, 1 ton of Coal. 1 Iron Kettle, 1 Bureau, 1 Book Case, 2 sets of Chain% 3 Beds and Bedding, 1 Ton-plate Stove, 1 silver mounted Pocket Pistol, with many other articles Feuer:illy Used on farms, and in house-keeping. The Sale will com mence precisely 16.9 o'clock, on said day, when terms will be made known by, W. S., EVERETT, _ maral I t CRIPPLES .—Johnston's Rheumatic compound, at NIXON'S. SCRATCHERS ATTENTION ! !—Oid and new style Itch speedily cared by Nlxoys'6lNT3tg,NT. R EBEL ITCH RAPIDLY. CURED BY NIXON'S OINTMENT. aROUND ITCH YIELDS RAPIDLY kit to the curative power of NIXON'S OINTMENT. VOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE A I supply of :caws CATTLE POWDER for all kinds of l,as,k. IXON'S DRUG STORL IS JUST half•way'between the hiethodlst Church and Seller's Hotel same sate, Second Street. A full stock always on hand. It E A D! R E A D!! CHEAP 'GOODS AT LAST! EYSTER 62 BRO. ALIYAYS AHEAD! We are mast opening a heavy invoke of MEI Calica-“ 1 / 2 Kentucky Jeans, boned at rufwaus vices to the manwfacturer, which we pillow to dtepose 6t ata Very small advance. Look at our plop" 4 yard Harlin One yard wide Multi; heavy 38 inch Muslin, time and heavy 40 inch Muslin, very heavy. Best New Btyle Menitnne Calleoei f 33 ' American and others Lowell end others Neu% Spring Style Delaives. 5-9 Pillow case Muslin 104 Sheeting And an endless variety of NotlOns, &o , nil to be FM(' leas than that' have beim for two years. Call and be am winced-that GREAT BAROALNS can be hid ter the Chtmtivtr.bntir, !Horeb Ist 1P651t Jranktid- tier►nstton), tlyintbtteburg, pa, Soup Beans 2 23 Washed Wool GO Unwashed Wool 40 Pared Peaches 5 00 Unpared Peaches.... :1 00 Dried Apples 2 75 J. BORE & CO Her of David Everett. JOHN E. JONES Adnfr of Wm. Everrit Bulmorals, HOop Akirta, Spool Thieads, MEM 311 cents 45 50 " ELI OR A3771' $1 00 tieTER & BRO. ROD abbertifiententOs U. By authority of tho Secretary of the Treasury, the un, -3 0 L 0 A N;! dersigned has assumed the General Subscriptions Agency for the sale of United State Treasury - Notes, bearing sev en and three tenths per cent. ?'"utterest, per annum, Imola MB SEVEN.TRIRTY LOAN These Notes are issued under date of August lab, 5864, and are payable three years from that time, in carnally, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS These bonds are now worth a premium of nine percent., including gold interest from Nov., width makes the actu al profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates, Including inter est, about ten percent- per annum, besides its exemption from :Su:4'47p d mun taxation,--whirl odds from one to - ilutr per „eent. more, according to the rate levied on oth- er property. The interest is payable 'B4 , ml.annually by coupons attached to each ntrle, whirl may be cut off:ma gold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts co ONE 'CENT PEE DAT ON A $5O NOTE. Two CMS " " $lOO " TEN " " " " $5OO •,‘ 20 " " $lOOO " $1 - " " " " $5OOO " Notes on the denominations named will be promptly - furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. Tllfsig THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET " now offered by the Government, and it is confidently ax Peeted that its superior advantages will make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE Lem than 6' 0 00,000,000 remain tenfold, which will prob. ably be disposed of within the next 60 or 90 days, wh the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as Irsa uniformly been the ease on dosing the nnbseriptions to other Lilins. In order that citizens of every• town and seal= of the conhlry may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the Natioml Banks, State Banks,an4 Private Bankers through out the col:Leary Lave generally sgroed to rewire sub. seriptiorut at par. Subscribers will select theleown agents, in whom They have confidence, and who coy are to be rest• ponsible for the delivery• of the anteater which they re• JAY COOKE, Subscriptlon Agent, Philadelphia. Subscriptions srlil be received by the Naponaltlank of celve orders. Chamber brag. G EO. DEMERIT & , JEWELE ‘ IrS,• 303 BROADWAY: WV YORK, NOENEII DIIANE STREET.) 100,000 WATCHEB,, CHAINS, GOLD PENS AND PENCLLS Lc., Lc., WORTH $500,000!- ---- TO RE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITROUT REGARD TO VALUE. And otoo to toa paid nail yaw know whit you tta7l receive ! SPLENDID LIST OP ARTICLES ALL TO DE SOLD FOE O'iE DOLLAR EACH! lOD Gold Umaddg cues Watches 100 Gold Watches 200 Ladies' Watcher 500 Silver Watches 815 0010 $25 00 600 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 15 CO 1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 5 00 to 15 00 3000 Vest and Neck Chains , 4 CO to 1200 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches... 400 to 800 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, &c., Brooches. 300 to 800 70110 Gold, Jet, Opal, dus, Ear Drops... 300 to 800 5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins aOO to 800 6003 Oval Band Bracelets 300 to 800 2300 Chased Bracelets ,• 500 to 10 00 3500 California Diamond Pins and Rings. 250 to 800 moo Gold Watch Keyi 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs. 200 to 800 3000 Gold Thimblts =CM 3010.531.t4atue Lockets, Magic 400 to 900 ZOO Gold Toothpicks, Crowe% - Etc f: 00 to 600 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 200 to 500 SOW Chased Gold Rings 2OO to SCO 4003 Stone S/Ittkings • 1 _•:2 CO to 6_oo COO Sets Ladleti-lewelry—det dt - Tillokl SCO to 1500 6000 Sets tidies' Jewelrp—Tarled styles 300 to 15 00 800 D Gold Pens. Sth-er Cue and Pencil 400 to .8 CO 4000 Gold Pencils, Ebony Holder k.Case 600 to 10 00 6000 Gold Pens, Mounted ,51 CO to 600 All the goods is the aboie List will be sold, without re 4emation, for ONE DOLL EACH. Certificates of all the various articles are placed iv simillu envelopes sealed end mixed. Tbese eavelopes will be sent by mail, or de liverod tit our taco, without regard to choice. On recels- bag a Certificate, pin will se. what article It represents, and it is optional with you to send one ;tonne, and receive the article named. or nay other in the lid of same value By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, stfthe bei;Suuake wellatest styles, Had In trinsio worth, ata nominal pries, while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest value. In-all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding the Certihmte, paying paktage, ml doing thetraithese, 25 cents each. Flee eatifi'eates will 6e sent fee 81; Elea= for $2; Thirty for $5; Sixty:fire $10; and One lisaidred EEO REASONS WHY We should supply your wools; our facilities are ansur• 'Named ; our work of unrivalled excellence ; our promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us riser the most remote points. Our goads are new from the • 7, manufacturer, and of the latest and most desirable style& The goods meet be sold, and the terms are nnequalled.— All articles ordered aro forwarded by return mail. We guarantee entire ratiifactiou in every instance, and if there should he any perFon dheatlitled with any article they mad• receive, they will immediately retura it, and the price will ho refunded A GPSTA—We allow those acting ru Agen is Ten Cents on enelt C..rtificate provid,,tl their remiltance amount tO One Dollar. They Irdl collect cents for every Certificate, and, re taming 10 centN remit to Ur. 1.1 cents Inr molt. 0110. DEMERIT S CO Addre .., 3U3 Bnxidway, Nr;ir York. nutrthl •3m LETTERS REMAINING In the Poet 01800 at Chambersb sylvacia, If greasy 2A, 1865` •Di To obtain any of these Letters, call or "advertised Letters," gill) the pay one cent for advertising. Aokertrout John Fanner John Ault Mrs Dolly Garrison John Barko Jain (1) Giles Miss Ataxy A Berger Miss A K Grove Mr(Farmer) Bernier Miss Sarah!Gilbut -Jno C Bitner Mrs Muriel; GirorrSorgt Jar' C Brown Min Sarah Grove Samuel (21) Brown Miss Samb 'Gruve Benjamin Bowers David Hadeock JiVesley Brindle 11 ft IftvisMrs Elizabeth Burkhart Mary C Burkhultler Duni lock Anthony Keller Jacob Cagen Mottos Clipponger H Carver John W Cook Mina Sarah Crogg Elias Cummins William DIME. Miss Hunan Dagortheld John Ervin Nam Kate Fisher Mr Jamb Knecht Kusoruas Lane Mrs Itar , Lohman-Abraham Levan IklrPSunk Lutz bass - Lana Long Wheeler F Navin Mrs M A Metzlnarg John Miller Sarah E Molder Samuel T . ILLI-ES' PATENT WROUGHT AND CHILLED ON TDIE AND BURGLAR - PROO F S A FES. VAULT DOORS, AND LOCKS. Every safe of this manufadura is from one inch to two inches thick (according to stse.) of solid iron, chilled by casting on to a network of Wrougiu iron bars, and is fits toned by Links' Combination Lock, which has no Key nor Key hole,' thus rendering it secure against burglars, and nude of tills Iron wall is attached the best fire-proof filling known. The great. thickness of iron in those safes renders them secure In a fire from being warped or drawn out of shape by beat, or from being crumbed by the fall of walls or Umbers or its ottbfall. Vito Vault DOOM are inches think andll inches thick of chilled and Wrought Iron and en fasternid.by celebrated Lock. Send for circu lars or price lists to the subscriber, who is sole agent for antral Pannryleennt, GEO W. PARSONS, merehl-Om 110 Market St., nerrbihavg, Reb) abbctliM=M. T HE SHETDAN AND CIIERRY RUN C'A'P ITAL' #.1,000,000 V. 04000 BBARE9 AT 115 EACH! PRICE OF 7W/ PAID VP MURES es .fidait 8150,000, RERERVEIO AR WORKING CAPITAL! marabl 2m JoHN It r CURDY, N. W. SOALMIBERGIIE, • U. N. DAVIS, Path $lOO P) 00 00 35 00 Eli °FM& OF, THE COMPANY, ':xl4 SOUTH 'FOURTH STREET, 250 tr. 600 Tho,property of this company cionaista of one limited acres In fee simple, eltnate in Corn Planter towashig Venango county Panneyhlutin, within one-fourth of n mile of the town of Plume?, and within oue•half mile of the celebrated Hundloltpropeaty, ore of the moat prod= tli.e companies to exigkome The property is on one of the main branches of the cal obrated Chan Rao, and within ono-fourth of a mile of that stream. The hod has as ex:m.44ld foundation 4:e boring aucasdnily, and the company - bay.. already proposHions to rink wells on the property on loose, eying the company one-half of the Oil free of charge. As -Boos as the organisation of the company le completed, leases will be executed at once, and development pulled with vigor.' The Pioperty le aso within one and a half miles from Pit Hole Creek.--a stream that is now producing Oil very largely Every effort nt development on- the property around this !and MIA been sucoessfuL The Columbia Oil Com patty Is Located within A mile of It,' and its stock is selling for $59 per share. Then Cherry Run, Curtin, and lave- rial Companies are also located is the same immediate section, on much the same formation, and their stocks (di rank high on the market, and are in +leally'very valua The Company - bas been organised ti prosecute the bu- . CLAIMED 'l, Strata of Penn• be applicant mint to of this list, and Elneas legitimately, and atockhaldersoan rely upon vigor. oue mid thorough develOpment. ;Peat:nun Miss R !Pile Min Ellen 31 ;Rife Mire Cath 'Rice William A limited number datums eau be b i nd at $2 per ebnre SbareF can be bad for option time tiom Rotz John Seigrist J K Sellers Harry Shatter Nicholas Sheffer Henry Shancr Georg• ~Smith Miss Sarah Schneider George Slur - ay Upton)(2 SteufferldiasSnsan Stouffer Hang ofD Thompson MN Liz Tainer Samuel Upperman Miss F Walker Samuel G Whitson Missßath Wise Miss Millie DEAL, P. M FarrarOng and CT:mission House, ulatell hi OIL COMPANY. , , JOHN WOURDY niascTons, A. K. ACCWas, A. D. CLOPXAN TUA/5116ER, HAMILTON M. DAVIS, FECTIATARY, X SELLERS, StOpPith STOKT, PML.USEI2IIIA, PA PROSPECTUS. NOAH W. Sc i ILENHERGEH. D.. BHAINERD•OAKH BOOFS OPE* AS MB' COUNT)2iG jUktNi OAKS AND UNN'EI Noirrte MALN .STREtr CHAVAIIBEIBUSG, PA., fide attbatimtents. VETE.A.A.N v B! 'TO VitE FRONT: "ADVANCE ',- AND JOIN Tilt- , ' - - BDINEY _BRIGADE; . • , OF GENERAL. BABCOCK'S. COUPS, ; . TO SO/ 11 1. 170, IN PHICAD RIA' - ' • WITFIDT EariT DA S. FULL BOUNTIES AND 240 DEO OTIONS- FOR - COICILISSIONS, • _... - . . - CITIZENS, TO YOUR D "TY i . • 'Aid in raising a Brigade which will a Mure lasting monument to the memory oftleperal pi y than nerve can bad Aar him. Aid in • Meg Veterans to serge under the gallant Ileum:wk. enable to do his part in putting down the accuanea ebellion. Remember that every Veteran who shoulders is musket and returns to the scenes in which he has so long participated is worth a cart-Iced of raw reerffita ors wagon-load of bounly-Jum- Pert. HelPte Blithe quota, andavold the stigma ofa draft. FLAN. I - ..,•• i The plan proposed is a very simple one. There are in Pentsylstutie more than. forty thousand dischirgolsol , diem whohave served honorably more than two yearn The melody of them want to return "to gee the thing out," and are only hesitating with whom to go. It is pro• posed to ask them to go with Hancock's Corps of Vete. tans, and to insure them fair treatment when they do en list., To Muter the memory of the brave Bizney, General :Hancock has authorized the Brigade to be called the Biz any Brigade, and it will bereetrdtedin Philadelphia. As soon as a sufficient number are enlisteh. a (pimp will be lo cated near the city, and every proviskm,wfil he made for the comfort of the mcrults until they go with loaded guns to meet the enemy. -- - 1101INITEE AND PAY. THE NET PAY OF A VETERAN VOLUNTEER HANCOCK'S CORPS is, via.: For One Year, Government Bounty $4OO City of Philadelphia Bounty 460 Monthly pay from United States Government, $l6 per month 192 Clothing amount yearly 42 Ward Bounty, (average) City relief for families of volunteers: #6 pen month... 72 EMI THE NET PAY OP A VETERAN VOLUNTEER TWO TEARS HANCOCWS CORPS ME! Gcmrmtnent Bounty City of Philadelphia Bounty . Mont* pay from United Stater Government, $l6 par MOOG. - Word Soddy, (iverage) City ralleflor family, $6 per month. IE2! THE NET PAY or A-VETERAN VOLUNTEER ' 1 FOE THREE YEARS IN ItANCOOK'S CORPS Ls, lit.: Gorrmmnent Bounty ' City of Philadelphia. _- Monthly pay from Unite 6 Btaten Government, 816 per month. Clothing account, $42 per year Ward Bounty, (average) City relief for families, $6 per mouth. OE! ORGANIZATION TO RAISE THE BRIGADE. The Commltcee who hare charge of the ozgazdzatiou of the Brigade are : 0. W. DAVIS, HENRY C. HOWELL, GEORGE BULLOCK. • DAVID FAUST, JOHN W. EVERMAN, JOSEPH F. TOBIAS, • D. 8. WINEBRHNER, , • SETH B. STITT. 1 A.ualP2 OPPICE6 OP comas - rim BENJAMIN FRANIMIN, ' Chief of Detective Police of the City of Philadelphia. Tas.tstims, MORTON 31"NUORAEL,_ JR, Cashier &Um Firat National-Bank. THE BRIGADE WILL BE COMPOSED OF THREE _ REGIMENTS. One pill - be raise d under the direction of the Comma lions of Philadelphia. From these Corporations the Com mitte.e pill consist of COL. THOMAS A. SCOTT, Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Raßroad Company. FREDFRICK FRAI.EY, President of the Schuylkill Navigation Company. 'CHARLES .E. SMITH, Proddent of the Reading Railroad Company. THOMAS C. HAND, President of the Delawareillutuel Insurance Company. STEPHEN Al CALDWELL, President of the First National Bank of Philadelphia. THE SECOND REGIMENT, will be raised under the direction of the Manufacturers, Merchants, and Brawn of Philadelphia. The Committee will ixnuist of BARTON H. JENKS, LEMUEL COFFIN, HENRY LEWIS,. Ja., - CHAS. L. BORIE, - • ' (of C. L. ia H. Rorie.) JOAN W. SEXTON, (Of Jay Cooke & Co.) THE THIRD REGIMENT will be raised under dl. reetion the Corn Exchange. The Committee appointed are CHARLES 16:14:ECHT, President of the Corn Eielange. E. G. JAMES, SAMUEL L. WARD. JOSEPH W. MILLER, JAMES P. PEROT. REPRESENTATIVE RECRUITS in the proposed Brigade every man or woman desirous of sending a 'Representative Recruit to the army vendor° by.the payment of 8.50 to any of the gentleman named on any of the foregoing committees. Of this ram 025 willbe paid to the recruit," and 825 will be retained by the Treas. twee of the Committee to defray extraordinary expense; including printing, music, ete., etc., Incident to milling troops. Let every man and women in the State who tip sires to be represented in the army, come forward and make this investment for the purpose of strengthening the ranks of the army. Do not wait to be called on, but send the money and procure a Representative Veteran Recruit, one who has and can make himself of service to onr (lov a:anent in its bonnet trial. Don't count the cost. It will pay a handsome dividend. Tlg. VETERANS ' shall be treated with frankness and equity Not one -dol lar shall be taken from their bona:dies, but all will be Told them without commission or discount. It Ls our purpose to Mire this Brigade without the aid of substitute tor kers, and not a single bounty Jumper shall be admittotL We will treat everybody - as a gentleman, and every pro. mi. ) shall be kept. If he Is injured, the Chiefof Detective Police will discover the reason, 'and apply en Immediate remedy. . . _ THE CITIZENS. , OP PHILADELPHIA . should remember that every Veteran they cart procure to enlist ht the Brigade will be credited upon the quota Of the city and if it is really: the desire of the Ward Commit tees, to get the city out of the that. they cannot do better than to aid on to raise ft. If brains and energy are used, the Brigade can be rained in a few days, and thus till more t244 ._ 0 . 6 half t h e quo t a of our city. Let us all pull togeth er earnestly, =Measly. and with a hearty good and in a few weeks_ We will see Three 'thousand 'Muskets, with educated men behind them, marching to the front to aid in, putting down the rebelhou. TO; VgTERANS EVERYNVILEREL. i H t v , = c o in us, whether y ou lire its Blaine or Michi. New Jamey or lowa. A.ll oho knew the gallant m neee k, and ell who ever serried under the brave BIT• ney,.noed noloducement to Join us after they have mule op their Wadi SO NAM io the front. Belida this, make oturelves recruiting dicers, and talk the matter ove with the "boys." Bring all you can with }Ma, and vou e t a) be put in the name cranially, bud we will have a 'M irada without jealousies or strife. 'Think ofthis, and don't tdke much time to decide. We want to put the thing through before the that of May. OFFICERS will bo appointed by General Hancock. No nue need-ap ply- to any one but hitn: The Committees cannot take the dine to decide upon net questions. or to answer let• tern. We want to get the soldiers and attend to their nom fnrta. DEAD-QUARTERS will Boon be establlshedin come central location lo Phila delphia. Pm the preemit, application may be nu4 e . P er " saintly, or by letter, to BEEJADAN PRAD:BW; CHIEF OP DETECTIVE powcr. MATows - ormE, phgeorputs. tuamb 14f tUltmftlin=b3. ........ .. • RP'Four Year SCROLAR ° alp m MUNSON COLLSom, cirusie, Ps. Andre* We Raposnoiralloe. mama: PitIVATE ':SALE.—I offer at Private farm, In GreenStramthip, ad)oinh4 lands et ol , mg, Mambas Wingert,l3eattgaind Mims meat • ing Of We Acans as theTha b ou b, hro tracts one of about 1* Acres, MArhinh 13 or tO Acres are Timber; Retainer of 30 Acres, all Timber, sad Ist= &Ong theCelarm3= Cthek. (kat are the MAT HOITRE6__a and Log Tenant-Home, Einem and Leti e r". t " °innards. A never ta il ing dream of ram through the firm, and the mansion home' is supplied with eirkltt niter naming out at the door. DR. R. W. cRAW£O.IIII._ PUBLIC SALE.—Thi subscriber: will offer at Public Sale, at, his nu d donoo, in Guilford : township, I mile East of Marlon, and 3 m u m g oo thonkten. 'Franklin, on the Brown's Bill Reed, on rearday I.la7tk ,tirtl of ?crotch, ISM, the following pet s m i l p lo i n ty, t o wh: 3 bond of COWS, one of which will be fresh a'lout thefts of sale; 6 bend of BOGS ; 1 Brood Sow; with Pkis ut her side, Re. Also, I one hone li,"egon, 1 Ba 'rouche, 1 patent Wire Bal. - e,l Corn Sheller, IFlax Brake, I Set Single Bouncer, 2 Side Saddles, conso, Halters, Cow Chains, &e. Also, a general varloty. of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting in mat of 4 Bedsteads and Balding, 4 Bureaus 2 Tables (onset 'which ,is a loge Dining Table, 1 Kitchen ;board, 3 dozen good Chairs, 2 'Booking Chairs, 0 Spi Wheels and Reel, Carpeting by the yard, Cook Store, pe and Fix tures, 3 Copper Kettles, S Iron Kettles,. Glass, Qfteens, Crockery and Tinware, Meat, Vessels, Barrels, Tabs. Benches and a great runny articles nod neoessery to enu merate. Also, Apple-Batter by the mot, Flat by the pound, and I large Lemon 'Frpo4 Sale to commence afft o'elott on said day when attend ance and a reasonable credit will be given by - marchl-It' CHRISTIAN LESHEB. PUBLIC SALE.—TIie undersigned will sell, by Public Sale, at the late residencies - AJacob Deltrioh. deceased, in Hamilton township, on the sea leading from Strasburg to SILT_ _Mlles, (seven miles from Chamberalw) on Flithiy, the 1061 clay of „mock 1.865, S Mead of W RS HORSES; 1 throe-year old Colt • 5 head. of MICH COWS; 8 head of YOUNG CATTLE; 3:FAT STEERS; .12 head of SHOTES, andl fine Brood Sow. Also, two Plantation Weems, broad-tread ; 1 one. harm Wagon ; 2 sets of Hay Ladders ; 1 it of Wood Udders ; 1 Rockaway Buggy; 2 sets of Harness; 6 sets of Horse Gears. Also, One THRESHING MACHINE ; 1' McCormick Reaper; 1 Grain Drill, one Ha Pitcher, %Ire Rake, 1 Windmill, 2 Cutting Boxes, 1 Roller, 10 Plows, 4 Grain Cradles, and all the necessary- Farming Utensils usually found on a well conducted Farm.' Also, 18 Tons of TIMOTHY HAY ; a quantity of Corn Fod der, 1090 bushels of Corn in the ear, 60 bushels of Rye, 400 bushels of Oats. Also, Fifty bbls. FLOUR, Also, 600 Chestnut Rails, 100 Locust Posts ready toilet up, SCO lbs. Old Lein, and a great variety of articles not necessary try enumerate. . ; Sale at 9, a. m., when attendance and a credit old 3fonths will be given on all sums over $lO. by • WM. BOSBERT Eta enters, ' JNO. DIETRICH; marohl•2t ...$1,131 rtrELIO SALE.—The undersigned, having dheolved Partnership, will offer at Public at the residence of Sala Elhearman, three miles West of St. Thomas, on the road losollog frcan St. Thomas to Frearier's Furnace, on Monday, the 6th day of March, 1863, the following Personal Prop e rty, to wit: 2 HORSES and 4 MULES; I Colt, rising two years old; 7 flews, five of which will be in profit by time of sale; 4 bead circling _Qattle; 1 Brood Sow and 8 Pigs. Also, 4 WAGONS; one Hoed Wagon and Bed, one Log Wagon. one Much tread Plantann Wagon, and one 1-horse and Bed ;1 Hav Canier, IWlreEfayßake, 1 WindmiA Grain Cradle and MowWg scythe, 2 Plows, Doable and Single Shovel Plows, 1 Harrow , Fork &o. 8 Set of Home Gears; one set of Harness, imeWagon Saddle, 3 Log Chains, Butt andßreast Chains, Crowbars, Shovels, a lot of Bags, &.13. Aleh, 1 Sausage Cutter, 1 Meat Fes 'eel, Cider Barrels, Vlneghr by the bbl. dos.. Kay by the Ton! Corn by tho barrel, Oats and Potatoes by the bushel, doe. Also, 1 Wheelbarrow, a clualltillti Beards, 1 Carpenter's Bench and Screw, Augurs, Chls.els, Saws, try of Boards, and a great many articles not ame ba name. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock when attendance will be given and the terms made known by JACOB GARVER, SHEARMAN. ssoe 4O !NM $1,503 Inarchl-lt PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber, in- - tending to remove west, will offer at Public Sale, at his residence, in Letterkenny township, 4 miles north of Chambersburg, at the Rocky Spring Mill, on Wednesday, , the Bth of March, 1865, the following Parma' Property,, viz: 1 MA • P, 2 excellent MILCH COWS, 14 bead of very line BROTHS, 1 Top Spring Wagon and Tongue, r Rockaway Buggy and Tongue, 1 flrst•rate Children's Buggy, 1 Sleigh, 1 Sled, 1 Double and 1 Single Shovel *law, 1 Corn nelleel set of Hamm, Jack-Screw, 9 piCir Scales, Wheelbarrow, Cow and Halter Chains, Shaking and Manure Forks, Rakes. Mowing Scythes, 3 Grain Ore dies, Shovels, Mattock. Digging Trona, a lot of Carpenter's Tools, Axes, new Pointing - Ax* Mortising de . Ralf Bush el, Peck, and Half-Peck Measures, a lot of .' W/ Picks, Corn H Ash Hopper and Apron, large Hen Coops, se t Of Also, a lot of HAY by the tan, Pota toes :the bushel, a lot ofßags. Also , a variety of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN PUBNYNTRE, embra cing, In part, 2 Beds, 7 Bedsteads,(2 of *kith are new,) 3 Bureaus (2 of which are new), 1 Corner and 1 Kitchen Cupboard, Desk, 2 Dining & 2Breakfast Tables, 2 Stands, Settee, 5 setiChairs (2sets nearly new), lsmalland 21arge Rocking ChErs, 1 Clock, 3 Template Stoves and PiPe, I Cook do., Sink, Meat Benches, Quilting Frames, Tabs, 5 large Cans, Washing Mathine, Churn, a lot of Tin, Croc and Queer:imam, Carpeting, Shovels; Tonga, Ashes. p Fat, and Many articles not mentioned , Sale at 9 o'clock, s.. X., when attendance will be given and terms made known by- fmtle] JACOB REITZ:EL. te, 043 PBLIC SALE.—tVill be eold by Pubt Ito Sale, at the reeidence of the 'subscriber, in St.' Thomas township, OW and ahalf miles from St. Thomas, on Tirade, and Wsdneadalddarch.7th and Sol, 1865, the following Personal Property, to wit r 4 head of WORK a HORSES, lof which is Brood Mare with foal, 1 year. ling Colt, 5 MBeh Cows, 3 bead of Young Cattle, 5 bead of Sheep, 14 bead of Hogs—two of which are Brood Bows. Also, 1 Brad-tread Road Wagon with BedJ Bows and Coier, t Broad-tread Farm Wagon, 1 onelorse Wagon With Tongue and Shafts, 1 two horseC 1 Sleigh, 1 Stone Bed. 2 pair Hay Ladders, THRESH arriage, ING MA CHINE, 1 Horse-Power, 1 Whitener& Reaper, 1 Grain Drill, I Wire Hay Rake, Corn She*, Rotting Screen; Wheat Fan, Cutting Box, 4 Barshear Plows, 4 double Shovel Plows, 1 single do., 3 narrows, I Corsi Coverer, 2 'Grindstones, Fifth and Log Chains, But, Breast and Cow Chains, Spreaders, single and double Trees, 5 sets Horse Gears, 8 Housings, 3 sets Plow Gears, 2 sets Harness, 2 111. ding Saddles, Halters, Forks. Rakes, •Shorels, Mattocks, Crowbar, Wheelbarrow, a lot of Ba^ 2 Grain Cradles; Cloverseed do., 2 Mowing Scythes. Also part of a set of Blaelcsmith,s Tools, 2 Axes, Hard, Wedges, dm Also a variety of HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNI TUBE, viz 4 Bedsteads and Bedding. 3 Bureaus, 2 Ta bles, 2 Cupboards. 3 sets Chains, Carpeting by the part 1 Cook Stove and Fixtures, 1, Parlor Stove, Sausage Cut ter and Sibtfer, 2 Iron Kettles. 1 copper do., Pots, Pans, Queens, Crockery' and Tin Ware, Churn, Daughtray, Dinner Bell, Barrels. Tulle, Meat Vessels, Vinegar by the barrel, Bacon and Beef by the pound, Apple Butter by the crock, Potatoes by the bushel.. Also a lot of Spin- Sang Wheels and Reel, Washing. - Machine, &e. Sale at 10 o'clock, A. af., when attendance and a credit of One ye g will be given 'an all stuns over $5. by marchl-lt. MELICHI J. BRINDLE. I :Foal Ofitate A FIRST R A T MILL. PROPERTY 1 - ',OR BALE, Situate near Burnt, atMnsi .rulton_County, Penaryinanfo. • This Millhas done' a largr ansount of business for along time, and. Is In a rich ',ornament of country. - It was built In 1844, and has renently • been *llly . repaired. Also, a large PRAMS DWELLDIG HOUSE. - A SAW LL, together with a SMALL F-AILM pf 90 ACRES, on which there is erected a small Rare and Tenant House. There are also on the premises an Orch ard or 601310 two hundred fine Fruit Trees, - good Water. 4c. This property is on the route of the /ate surveys of an exported Railroad, which doubtless will pass through the neighborhood Ina short time. $ Terms will be made known by the subscriber, residing ha the premises. Liae2s.3rnoi4 F. DEBBS. 1 A VERY DESIRABLE FARM AT !LI. PRIVATE SA LE.—The farm lately occupied by James McClelland. dro'd, situate in Montgomery township kuljoining lands of Frederick Foreman, Samuel Cell and others, is offered at Private Sale by the belts. This fatto Is located near the Turnpike Road, about mid-way be; tween hiercersbrug and Greencustle, and is of a very stp testier quality of Limestone land, in a high shins of culti• vation. The impwrvem en is are a good auhshintial - STON DWELLING HOUSE, with a Stone and Frame Bank 14=4' with all necessary out buildings. There is a large Wow of water pasaiag'thron,gh thi rank . with a newer taling well near the improvements. There Is also an Or. chard of choice Grafted Fruit. - This tract contains'about /42 ACRES about 10 of, which Is fine good timber. Per sons desirous of viewing the premises and ascertaining terms, wilt inquire of Wm. Meted/tut, at Chumberslmrg,' Or John McClelland, residing at Mergrarsbmx. • febls4t MeLELVAN, for the Heim Lancaster Examiner, copy 41 and send bill to this office. IOR SALE.—A two story BRICK D WEL LINO HOUSE, having six well finished Kootns and a Kitchen, on a Lot with good re11(11, situated in Borough of Chanibersbnrg, on Turnpik - e, near North Point. For terms inquire of subscriber on the prentiaes. GEORGE CrfAMBERS. (POTTAGE FOR SALE.—A -- ill be sold N.,./ at Private title. one of the Kew Vlrite Cottages built by A. K. McClure, situate on the Carlisle turnpike. in Chambersbug. Posseasion vitt lie given Ist of April next. Apply to bIeCIAIRE tlr. STONFIT. OTlCE.—Bounty Land Warrant No. 735.-.8. fur One Hundredand Sixty Acres. tssued,rth October, 1857. to Jane H. Lamour and Jon W. Jaw. atoti, minor children - of Samuel R. lartnottr. lotto! the lDistrict of Cram:obits. deceased, (War of HU) has been last. Notice is hereby given that no application will be made to the Cowanisssoner of Pensions for ate-lame of the above descr i bed warrant.. JANE H. STEWART, fel)/ .tt JSO. W. LAMOUR. XTOTICE.—AII parties holding original Di Receipts or a.5. ,4.„,i,ent.4 far Stock in theCberry Ruti and Pittsburg Petroleum Cetnpany, are requested tepee. Bent the Mole at the office of the Company and base prop thereto JOHN- F. GLOSSER. Serfy. er transfers,mile and Certificates of Stock tamed to the parties entitled fe1f2.1.3t 5 Fonrth St., Pittsburg ; A N ELECTION FOR FIVE MANA -11 o r. of the' Chambersburg owl Bedford Turnpike Brn o company, to serve for the eturnintryear, will be held 2 t o. Public House of 8. S. Hayes,. lit M'Conuellsburg, Meeday, the Gd day of March, at 1 o'clock. P. M. febls3l T. B. HIDENEDY, Pres% lii 0 AR ti riff large and improved IRON LM E$ SCALES has been erected in the veld of theludian, Queen Hotel for Oreighing cattle, stock, Hay, dm., by febB4 D. L. TAYLOR. VORSALE.—A good STEAILE4GLNE, six horse power, In rod- Coaditl i. oilcan-N a m e!! b y calling at T. S. Wnisa'sqnniibT. 4 gill .91.1.tf JAMB 41,0,Ve1e • 1