II I I I • • 7S-tuagiat. C IP AND I :1 1.111 at the druitioOnalklia fortlie yeai MIX Tames .Ezder, Maurer of tke C°7"33' of Fresktfa fa demist midi/paid Co. RECEIPTS. To Cildimixdiallicat otßaJ. Balvley, lsto " ' • 04 85 witkinti . g e c o liatk-State'atidlll3lllla - Taxes oa t i ft.4ng at last, settle ment ftethe'ratr / 063 . 9,111_04 To enalcWounty, Taxes levied - ma: • _ an ft wxtocstie_yeat• ..90813 39 • To meet otState Taxes ' 3 5 33 55 .1 , 0 - 60..ter7tflitla Tax " • 1:1.15 50 • Tomsb tirelimjce Vcaxmotorealth oats:: • 939'69 Was% JtegFees — -94 CO Tealish-ffate J. Bees, Belief 'Fund 800 To !tub on Special assessment - 130 • , Teleelefrhet the Commtselotere, Ihehttee = r 4. 42oethiatiti nth oul el ert wingwa - • .Abrm. 4titay ' Geo. H:seamp ..... 146 Ellitchter . " •:31aitiEroulatie ..n.ta4.&,yusto a p , liitsektlitlieobter - tteChithatine.Toltz Mint Chathbeisburg. ,Willfaxd Hauler 4366..Destrich - • ........ ',4.Baioncr :jobs otr: Kuhn )1a;.&..5.41tump Jobs: Antnery...... Benj. dr, MargaratEenry... P.wor Obambersburg... Johnltoennr . ohilinds•Xert. 700 - 00 - 00 3, 000 00 1,000 00 3,300 CO Toarh reeehred on .Eincksters erne 270 00 , . TO malt •abstement ;wired from . , , -Mate Treasurer for paying State . ' Tar. 1,560 W. Lai, m _ 'Cr, . , ' - EXPENDIII.3IIEII. . : r,- ajuirrsangrtstsznioolaiaTWEALbi PEES By each paid Grand and Traverse Jurors; Aprit-Term 4279 59 BY cash port Grand-and Traverse -,24annts., .14_9' 'ram ~ 178 52 Myvnush w,ia Grand and Traverse • • • S•wm,7lo,4o:gust..Tenn 68 21 -,By askgssidCtrund and Traverse - --Jurors.4)atoberTernt ' 332 52 By ask laid Drand, and 'Traverse ISfrova, slartUary, Term 449 80 Breach paid-Samuel-Brandt Bum, .., t .. - laraint hairs... • 117 50 my cast: paik:Will4l C. McNulty, ....Tiariiriboard, ,-. - .DY:tnikh paid.:7: - & - , ' Brawn, Jazer's 14 00 Bycsah iii:LTlp . Sfavia ID7 6Z - ~.Zi Co : , :Wm. G.Mitchell, Clerk - 355 67 - Sy ash paid W. S. Stenger, District - -.Attorxtey, - -614 Oft 117 cagy:4Bl4A Glaser, Cat:Wrier. - 54 ":- • -" - CaStatles' fee*, fa. mat --,'-. . I _,,_ teturstaftn PlMarte:l3essions...-. 1M 41 4° , My cash gaidlissurafrandt; Sheriff,' l' ;- trusgingykisatemon,siegraltion. 121 55 ~11.yilid Sai4"l:llraidt, Sheriff, fees in ;Corattamiealth cases 182 09 By cash Raid Witness fees 1,088 80 - -54,189 85 . .. ' POOR HOUSE. .._ - . , . • _Ey at"h paid to Charles Geltricks, Treasurer, ,ert order" from Directors 13,034 00 •-h t- - -"ROAD VIEWS AND -SVIIVEI 7 B - at .amit paid &D. Snively, et. at,l , der tozveying ' M. 00 _ - ...1ty et& Tata A. R. Etter, et. el., - reioValesm. 98 00 BUILT AND REPAIRS. B. Flickinger, for bridge across the Conndn .. • Creek, near Flickinger'e ' 115 - ' ' 1,260 00 itp pat paid Wm. &mut, et. aL for /OW .ritiald Refunded Tax sIEEPAdp3'At4UHLIC BUILDINGS. - By bash - &urinal Setback for add Haase - 4,500 00 Eiy easti.pald Jas. sing, for repatr - at 'YE House 2,500 00 Ve r ti dEHepler &Clark, stools , Met tsfsh vit taidEvasus & West, carper; Conrad fin, clish paid g, 'pair% pr 24 80 Hy pasta p a id F. taasonleg at "Aittlion 55 Hy cashpaid Henry Finafrock, - desk aYd tabled for Mee , -- Atom& pail Henry Elmira* case ,_,:ait&tablefor Sarreyar's office.... ' , .. -- Ey'a rs paid W. H. Sutlenberger, for Register's office 3 70 ' Btlatatt paid John Leptis', et. al. for ' rs lng • a ggl ee e:i sand c: 1 4 .0 00 paid Geo. McGeehan, tua-. easing at prison MJ. E. fichafteld,glatdulf- -°° .12 25 'My cash paid J. E. Schofield, glare e • tag at Corat;House 5 ' 4',33583 MISCELLANEOUS' BILLS. - By cash paid S.S. Shryock, for Par- Dirssts • 18 00 onskrpald'D. K. Wunderlich, D. • - 016-11Carths S. 'Amberson, Atislitbrir: • ' 100 00 • B paid P.Samman, gaalifying °Misers 500 Bycash paid camberiand Y. R. It., ' By . onsernilits 33 00 /3,7 - easb_4l6l4llS-42tradr, far ma. 49 50 ,Etycaskt4rai Sur. • 4/' • ' ,"3430,310trixt drafts 400 GI Bgtsah paidt.l,:A.Davison, recruit yash.paid Oa; ioLinn, drayage ". ortnroards 6 15 -Bratsk paitt•Eastern Penitentiary forsupprat of convicts 309 97 -By Cash pidd K. S. Taylor, press and - ---scalsforeatutty offices 83 95 -Synods-gad& EL Shade, far county - ••,11!sP 500 By cashpaid Evans &West, making tfoteE for packing records By cash paid expensei fur sending - . t,reartnlsA 56 55 ay By K. S. Taylor, kir book. '•ftp and. chairs for °dice By o,sh paid K. 8: Taylor, station. • - e.6ar court ' - 41yrra ry1 sh paid .Wm. G. 'Mite/tell, re , poring book-case By cash p!ldlsaao Burrall, bounty. H. Strickler for revenue By 404.M.P6 a paid Andrew tart for damages . - 25 00 Brpails 'paid Brant & k, and - -.oers,-sanciries 7 00 -By dilih paid boanl and Lone feed -whilst bidding triennial appeals— 102 60 • Ity cash Paid W. W. Paxton for use of - the basement of the Methodist Church tot-bolding Court IV cash pald Oak, & Liar,, et, al., baMnir records 9.2 75 By'inritt paid exonerations on taxes for IEB3 RELIEF OP &MIKES& oath paid filt relief of soldiers - PRISON EXPENSES. ' !•- Sthnuel BrAndt, Sheriff, tniardeng punnets . Byte& paid Bactutel Brandt fee re- 1.6°1 tentreforoprisoners,to Penitentiary -, ,andliortse of Refuge - f2F-1 70 • By bash poldJar..ob Seliers,-Deputy - - -I'Brieriffi superintending Prison.. 100 00 Breath paid Opt, IL Stenger, Dep. t9beriff; superintending Prison. 100 00 Ityleash WElnclerhelt & Reid, . fof cosidi 173 15 By sash paid OAS & Lion, fur coat 34 43 samt Bnsdt, for wood' 85 Oil • ticking 3150 " J. B. Milier:for tinware 27 83 " Thomas Iletralle, for ' aterAlssualse. _ _____,T0rd6 Peter Feldman, 'for , :134 i i r/da, Riithatde it Bravely, .5 . , i - , _ !i:3Bitasslt %mkt 1k. , .1. 1 11. M. NThite ' ::: erg:lathing for prbemerse 130 75 . I ' , A t ri pal& Bread' 6c}lack, km Zee' ev.V. 8 15 ipaid-P. fur. trier. - to ' c 7 00 ~' " e&ato r te . " 6 / 11 " Dlin ' ". • 14'36 ~-... ycasbi.tid, Jamb Smith: for stave 6 0:1 _ Exster &pro, far mar. , 770 cha . li. , • 0 • /uSSESSORS' PAY. crilakseas ta -Ases seissurs for soaking inent . 1,3413 1121Assli pa Assesstas far - istri trod .l6gaianotiess andteakiagmilltary lemeliment344s2 By ca paid Assessom en mating • special assessment 74 49 INQUISITION& . • Brcigh Pl4‘ " ta. 'a il L ter l 44 l 7 3 ! )le .. ". JAL.Swjga4, 16 42 " Dr. A. 44. Smelly-- • `ooo H. B. Dirlson. J. P. es. ' " "• '- " Dr aD. Kell .1118TICES' 'e..08101 U COM. 088E8. liy earl *id?. Ilnalman ' 164 67 E. Macray..... , • 5 99 " • " :an A. IlyEsuvg..-- 10 50 - " J. Ram% 897 • " '3°lmi:barman 28 23 • " " halic Miller and others 'l6 23 OMOft/OILER' COSTS IN COM. CA5.F.474 , :Biaibp*Cl3.lt..4974l.stattoth . exi - . 37168 11.08Tzta mgr. MI TT VAGRANTS. 14 : en'hl!lki l ' an a Te II t . 55 40 . . '• 64 50 • . . " tr. L. 'Fletcher 8 45 416831 BOSItOWDD DONEY PAID. By mat paid J. W. ends 2.310 00 " ACratere 1,305 00 • u • .: 14 . : p l ifyl i nkiyeers 547 CS " " James ebaritott 799 55 " Dante! Stouffer 280 00 " ". Nancy Stouffer 988 CO ' - •• 4113 J , Croft . 1,a50 1:10 .• " Inhe Grove U.• R ME=M!!!_!MMaff!IIIN=EM --- ‘ 4. ; biiirer... ..... .xi 4 -65, ~ ." . " ;Dr arebaulberiMalri. 000.00 • - Dnaidt. .. 199 93 - Pommy and others,lateresu ' ' gd 'BY ,(.W . -ezadg,andothesa, —33 iatereia sad loan , - 651 1 ,- ) -By oath _paid David Bieichter, et. al., Wang. • : ratOTIONS. By pub paid officers or March deo tfoo By cash pakl tdEcers of Augustelee tloa 511 31 By pub paid ofßeer?ofLe y t. :5120 2,1 4 , ' foldierie yote4l4B 90 By cash paid Clerks' and Justice ' s' fee* 113 : casb Pr b a l elo ' x. s . otary, coupling and tlllog soldiers' vote ---:- Es,= 44 ..;:..1,180 00 00 -t,OOO .-:44000 00 03 - 45000 .... *OO 00 - '4500 00 r- , 5C0 - 00 %Goo co 400 90 800 00 00 - ' • CONSHSS/ONF,HS' OFFICE. $2,416 51 ' Di cash paid John Powney, services its commissioner By,..easb paid Jury Downey, services in zaliirta By cash paid Henry Good, services cOmmisAitmer s By cash paid Henry Good, services - By7Ansh PaiNtito Nitterimse, Sec- Tier+as emzunissioner 70 00 DS each P 4 id,John Armstrong, ier• vices ascommissiouer By. cash paid John Armstrong, ser vicel in militia By cash paid Jno. Stewart, Attorney to commissioners 75 OQ By cash paid Gee. Foreman, Clerk to commissioners W 5 00 By cub - paid Gee. Foreman. , Clerk InmUitia 75 OQ By cub paid Stattonery forOffiee.. 21 99 - 24,170 00 UoußT , HousE ,Ity cash paid Wundirlich* Nead for coal Byicash - pald Gas company By cash paldtor cleaning court house yardle.c By cash "paid Bobt. Anderson, white. - washing court bowie By cash paid John Houser for scrub. bing By cash paid L. B. Eyster fitting gas into court house By csuih paid. F. Elliot for valise.... 3 By cash paid - Oaks & farm, for coal. 5 50 By cash paid J. B. Miller coal stove 13 50 - tiums a - - ;PRINTING. By cash paid isic;Clure &Stoner.... 427 25 • " Hamsher & CO.. 350 00 " " L. Butter, binding books for Registers taco - 58 OD By- cash paid S. B. Fisher & binding , records for Prothonotary and clerk's office e.) 50 By cash paid 1 . Louder, Records for Frothy 'a office 31 50 By cash paid F. 1.. Rutter, enroll ment lists and record By cash paid J. N. Snider, ledgers for Treasurer. • OtrTSTANDUG TAI FOR Mit By amocuit of ChambeTaburg $ll9OO $1 00 St3lll X 835 4 percent allowed Trea awes on militia Tar 14 :k2 ' " a per cent &floored TffissurerfordLibure log $.55,e . -5," 50 ""„ 4 per cent allowed the 19 92 I. 10 00 By balatiee.dtte the Comfy . ' ,RECAPITCLATION. tssitaah:fecatillute Treasurer 44 85 To outstanding taxes for 18W..1. 6.111 0.4 To Cooney tax for test 4o,sun a.,' To State " " ' Xs," 533 W, To Militia " " 1,711 PO To /own. - 24,175 00 TO Commonwealth metre.. 938 66' To jury fees, Sr. - 33 30 To 4 per cent on State tan 1,830 33 By Court expenses and Commonwealth feet.. • $1,19 . 9 9 , ~, Poet Roam 13034 011 " ;road slaws and surveyiry - ~. 119 OU repairs ni. Imblie buildin gs. 7.9t1 P 3 " bridges bolt and repaint 1,403 95 " Miscellaneous. - 1,198 Ps. " Eastern Penitentiary 308 97 " kris.n exp,naer, 2,81 e 1.:. " all& tosoldiers f...milies • 11th 50 . Asseteints' pay 1,767 91 " inquisithms 90 1.4 " Justices' and Constables' ants 503 e:, " elections 2,416 II loans paid. 13,asi es " vagruuts Me 35 " Commissioners Mike 1,51 " Court House expenses. ... .. 1, tt! , " priutiug and blotting. bake...., 1 itio l 00 " outstanding tames. - 7.8 fll 92 " Treasureeseemamissions. ` ' s 2,9i/7 10 exoneration' and abatements - 5,634 94 i. - " State tax. 36,6547, 57 " balance due MOS ty 2,360 MI 13 5° V EMI Al/1.275 61 COUNTY DEBT AND ASSETS Jun. sth 180; , % _, . LIABILITIES Total a mount of money borrowed for bounty and relief purpoßee • e 51,010 00 ASSETS 5,30 0 el 3 e. 5 50 00 Cash In bands of Treasurer at this date . 82,3/30 Onritoutiog taxes in the hands of collectors for MI 7,88..) 92 Actual indebtedness of the county exclusive of accruing ;Merest not due Eti0,749 Ss We, We undersigned Commissioners of ..Pratiltlig coun ty, Penna. In testimony of the correctness of theta/v."oin account, hare hereunto set our hauls at the. Cotranasin era' Office. tile sth day of Jantuuy.A. D.. tea. JOHN DOWNEY, BENDY GOOD. Conte: JOHN AIqISTRONG, 40 00 Attest: GEO. PouEmAN BEI $1,497 EG, We,the. Auditors of VIM Alin - conuty do certify that we have emu:mined the drafts of the Conanieshmers, with the teceikts for the saaket UPullJna. G. Elder, Earl" Ttemlv• er. as also the bills nod nceounht in the Cennlesloners' ef. flee, upon which such dmftf hare been Issued. front the eighth day of Junttary A. D.. 'ea.!, until the filth day of January, A. A, 1265, (both dors inch/4re) and Mel a balance due from James ILI. Elder, Treasurnr, of Ur., th o usand three hundred end slaty dollans and fifty two cents. D. It. MANTIN, W. N. A:VW:II3ON, }Audit. M. 3IAIITIN, L. 5, C1..5.1:K. fsbl 4,5ce $o EMI AMOUNT PAID BY TIIE DIFFERENT CONSTA BLES SINCE SETTLEMENT. :. Hell 7 Ditch, Antrim township - 2218 El Barris Finley. Fanuett 'township 472 9l J. B. Shively, Green township . . , 120 00 John Kauffman. Greencastle` 130 04 Andrew Bala Hamilton township 25 U 0 'Henry 81401:ger,. LUrgan township SO 00 William Forbes, Letterkenny township .4. 100 00 James Witherow, Meta/ township ......... ..... 115 31 Jacob Haulms% Peters township 09 00 Jacob Moon, Quin)• township. 265 00 Hugh Smith, - Southsurrptoo township 20 00 Jacob Shea., St. Thomas township 115 00 Jacob H. Hoover, Washington Uncurl:lp 217 16 W. 1. Honer, Waynesboro' . '419 k 94 Samuel Secrist, Warren township - 157 00 J. G. ELDRII,-Treusarer. 10 75 100 GO -D ECEIFI'S AND EXPENDITURES IV at t2z Poor Home and House of EtriVorsieurof FrAul4lht eutior Theseus awn:awing- Amway, 4th, A. D. 1664, an ending January 2d, A. D.,1¢6.7: BM TREASURER'S RECEIPTS. Dalaurel in imudsnilutt settlement ReeeLved from lames U. Elder. County Treva. For the month of January, 1864 1,32300 do do February do 0° do do do March, do_. r2o . do Apri d 01,413 00 •,, do do M l, ay . ' 700 00 do do Juno do 1,115 00 do do , July do , 400 00 do do August do 1,050 00 do do Septemberdo 1,160 00 do do. October do 11270 00 do do 'November do 670 00 do do December do 2,30) 00 The following sums have been received from other sources; From James Chariton, former Steward From Wm. M'Grath, present Steward • Front W. 8. Everett, money c011ected..,...... Total receipts 813.922 13 EOM Mtn Zoo 9001 • EXPENDITURES. • ouT•Doou ExiinntrßEs. Anionearouteandinarra§ orprevious",,.. 492 1.2 Autuast paid outdoor paupers ' 2,8.50 011 do Justices of the NON, on orders of • removal. doo. do constable* for reraoviag paupers, - 109 00 do frirooffins - " 203 00 do' other counties for Supporting pus. perabelooging to .01114HU en. 305 00 do fart rerarrylor4l4ut,ll4lo.4 W State Liu:4k HueVtal t .. 15 75 do , forPupas reedical idterklamse tritrizt.dour ' - " " oo do Pima's State Lunatic ?ca 115 pital for , _lnsane paupers A . 180 00 de for relief °mitered h.* *rehired. 15i (11 2714 1,7 x IMO 5343 8350 07 E:33 2500 EMU t] 70 00 10.0) 56 00 21 83 106 47 31 50 W '25 ISE 6500 Ella "cafe 'xl2 27 ", -Antrim . ' 247 30 "• Fannett 684 1..3 Guilford 435 25 " Green .2 . .r1 45 " Greencastle 245 07 Hamilton 92 27 •' Lump 74 31 • -Louerteuny- 710 (11 815 al Jtereereburg 53t; 88 sfetal 115 31 " - Petere •Z 3 Quincy 547 04 • Southampton 3.15 81 " • St. Thtuna■ . 551 II •• iviiraaldngton •.N.5 81 Waynealmro 419 el? •• Naumeu 180 52 ." Washington for 1863... 478 82 " State Treasurer 36,661 37 per cent collections al lowed Treasurer on• State tax, $32,028,00 720 1C " 5 percent allowe&Trea sureron Hucksters H censer " 4 per cent Treasurer on the collection of S.'3l 59110. Tax. EEEI BEIM CHM county on State Tax ...139,0,415 .... 1,360 32 " Abatetoeut allowed tax PaYets 1,123 72 - 102,915 09 2,360 02 9111.275 61 „ift,.. t ittiejOßlB,4lllA '-airimiott9n) ftn s thl. do ' for odoeitiobig aannat statement. sten- s 9 INDOOR EXPpriarniss AND EXPENSES OF All:truiunt paid for wood do for,reed do for beef - do for park do for groceries do k-Ir dry *bees goods 'for and cobbling do -4 6 07 &VI fortobseee do do ! fo for qneensware sad croekery il& do far bardware do for repairs, do for tisuware do for cant do for tye " -do for oatc-for seed. do for earn lutanua do for dmft books - do for '" do for stationery du for blank books do ibr postage do for bats $13,000 85 0.6,9 M 16 , EXPENSEB OF FARM. Amount paid tor mending.farming atkusils•—• 1:135 00 • do for sadt.blng 171.00 do Ler la li or on fiqm. 100 00 do for harvesting !a/ 10 do for leather and saddlery 18 vo do for stuck • :10 60 do for tau horses Ildo 00 SALARIES. Amount wad DIRCUMI, and mileage do Attorany and Cklit - do Physician do Treasurer..., do • Steward ' do Matron do Expenses on. 1' neniihror's bond IC= RECAKTULATION Amount paid fel...Out-door expenses do, for indoor expenses do forts= - •do for salaries lialiutce in Treasurees.bands _ - Whole number of outdoor paupers during the year, 109; present number, We, tbo tutglonagnettlilmeters of the . Poor awl Home of Employment of Franklin County hamng exarniue,L the foregoing, statement, do certify to ita enrreetnees; ED UM 8. EVEUEST; Attorney end Clerk.< - Wit undersigned, Auditors of Franklin county, do certify twe hare examined the foregoing account of Charles (I elwicks, 'Ere:lsmer of the Directors of the Your. andilud It onrect, and elan fool a balance in his taindh of 87..14 73. D. B. MARTIN, W. 8. ASIBEIISON, Auds. Attest: . M. MARTIN, IsYlLtli S. CLAItHE, Clerk. PRODUCE OF POOR HOUSE FAR,II FOR 1264., 50 lotals of 20 loads of Corn Fuddiffi 572 bushels of Matitt4l2 bushels of Rye, 004 lablieb of Oats. 300 bushels Potatoes 410 bushels of Corn, eau heads of Cabbage, , 11 barrels of Saar Kraut, 10 bunliels of Heels, 100 buslield Of 'Winter Apples, 2 barrel. of Pickles. 4 liarrelt of Vittoria, 2011 gallons of klonisseio, 4.5 bushels of Sonar Cane Seen/ 11.02 V bs of Pork, 1,090 lbs of Beet :Et; Ms of Veal. 4. STOCK ON HAND AT O,KTTLF4dENT. 5 head of Hurse- , , 10 Mileb Cin4 12 lif ail of fOrtiox Cattle, 4 Ilmtri Sows 2 Doom 2011eurt of Spates WO His of Lard, 000 its of Tallow. LOCO Pis a Hoer, 3,000 111 of Pork, fk kettles of Apple Butter. NUNBEI: OF PAUPERS /N THE INSTITUTION Jauuary 2d, leea. - - - EZEI White nodes .. White feaeales.. Colored tenter.. Colored femaleti Aceraie number of paupers &maw the year Number of meau glum to wayfarers. 7 Number of deaths Number of bin). Number of children indeuture,L febB WM. IS'GRATIL, Steward =EI MONEY WANTED.-BRAND 6: FLACK reriieetially requeot all persoos knowin themeelvor iodebted to thew by note. ur boiik accounts to call and nuke immediate settlesurrit. The uocessity of WI notice in apparent to every oue, and we hope those in debted will report at once. wag-24-tf, Sireghoof „Safes. THE GREA T FIRE AT CHASIBEBSEURG. VICTORY t 'VICTORY t FOt: EVANS Sc 'WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. SW 2.. 61 D. REAL THE FOLLOWEIG CEETIFIHATE'v CELLICHF.ItI)II , II.L, Aug Li, Ht 4 Mrsirrs. Evan.. 8 Tra,o4 • T 1.14 t ea hyt 10* Stay chased of rat maw-time shwa %los subject to she gwat to 'Odell constunednur gore during the tetra) inearren of the 3011. of July hat. We are happy to say that - after we had taken our safe front the ruins, where it had laid fora period of three days, and opened it, we found our betas awl papers in an excellent condition. We would meorrunend your Safes to all purrouits aho wish a gaud article. Yours. truly. 31114,ER, 11A.11ILTON A. CO. Ott.tmcrWiltpc,, Aug. IS, 1.654 Messrs. Auras 4. Watson: GOEll'l4Oll Avith pleasure inform you that on opening my gale, purekwaed from you atone rime Allem, on Ratus.. day evening last. just two weeks after. the leinang aim= town ti) the rebels, I found my honks end papers in much bettor rendition than I expected : ou opeoinf the b. , d" and papers found them- perfeet. My Sofe. wee exposed to prune heat. on aeunint of the quanii) td idle and other coup busrible matter I had in my teller. write you enemas. of the lever thut ems in my Sabo durinir the fire, that , )ou Ent* . S.+ bow well it was preserved. will soon want my Safe repuirod, or El new one in etchange. Very respeotfull), ypure, L B. LYS'lltal. MMMEMMiI Grateraims In the &audits] &a which destroyed my stare wed--he greater portion of it& town, whirls were done by the rebels on the 3thh of July lust, I bad one of year . rire.Prua -Safes, purchased from you some time sums, rebich montained my book* papers- be. After un dergoing the violence of the flumes, and fulling some ten feat and terns-Ming in the heated rotas for a period of sor - entails days, it wsirecovered from the burning mossand opined. I have the gratilimithat to tangs woo that its contents vamcpreterred In nu exeellant condition, and as thIN Ole Of . the many Instances orberin your Safes have fully •s.telaluerl the good qualities atributed to them. 1 feel It an trim:able duty to render evidence of the feet. Itespectlidly, yours, J. 1.. DECHEICT. 10,250 44 CHAN:mitanuau, Aug. 15, 1864. Messrs. Evatis rilustnt Graf/mat : This is to Inform you that the Safe we purchased, from you same time ago was subjected to the tire which consumed oar office during the rebel Invasion ve the 30th of July lest. We are harpy to lay tluit the Safe stood the test of the Are well, and we recovered our vipers from it uninjured. Very respectrallr,• KENNEDI Clumnritinuaq, kart'', Evan► 4 , Wahon: Geolcosen 1 take this opportunity to inform you that my Safe, which is a .No. 5 of your make, was in the grejit Ire which destroyed this town on the Mith ofJely. I now hay*, the pleasure to state to you that utter I bad taken the Rife from the ruins, where it had been fon a period of 10 days ezpssed to an intense heat, on opening the &Wel was pleased to find that all my ripen. books, and valuables came art unialured in the least, thus attest ing the &rpm:equalities of your galemander hares. Yours, respectfully, Cibl.- F. ti. BTUMBAUGH. More Site o the Fame good quality on hand and for .Also. Salamander, Fire, and Burglar• Proof, Nation al Bank. kleramtile and Dwelling•Bouse Sales, Vault• Is.rs for Banks and Stores, Bank Locks,' &e. EVANS & WATSON', 16:Sourit itA Pa L. IL EYSTPit, Agent for Chambereburg, Pa. tele&l, IMPORTE'R S OF WINES AND LIQUORS. LAU NI A 11, 8A T. ADE &C.! 0., so. 1 1 i. 01.7111 NI II &Walt Chamvit,and Iralnue Sfrats, Philaddplac (3Eq. M. LA ULAN, } .M A. M. B.Li ( E, J. vAistrusil, • RIVEBE, GARDRAT ilk CO:8 SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, . VINTAGE OP 1I 8, . *144 07 Each bottle sealed with green wit' with die initials of lb. LAUMAN, SALLADE & CO SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRAININE FESE SHERRY, - CLARET AND . HOCK WINES mob AN ABSORTIMIT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & C 0.14 _ OPORTO. vEst ME AND DELICATE WINE, Edicts bottle idled With yellow seem with tbelnitilde oral 144 40 18 70 270 76 Firm, nooltuD ur LAII4AN, BALLADE ICO, 11 - 0. 148 Bth Ninth Sinn Phfin,delpiia. OLD RY'L` WHEAT WHISKEY, WARIWiTED. OMER,XO.LTZ WHISKEY, ,FOLOIT, INEXKLY, WERRI"S,WHISKEY: TAil'ErS INILISKEY, AND READING-WINES. LA:IMAX; ILLLADE k CO., No. 19$ South' Nliith Stmt. 1111sdrIphia. 141-Iy. 97 00 Ea . Sag 70 . 570 00 . 1,560 82 . 357 OQ .. 745 /7 .. 1,075 la . 300 67 .. 94 00 104 88 . 37 19 . 4 35 . 45 37 . 17 10 1€ 03 . 50522 . 27 00 . 35 00 . 8 74 Z- 00 . 567 50 . 10 00 . 500 •3 00 00 IFal k i )o 331 40 100 00 100 CO 100 00 500 00 102 00 1 25 .34 961 14 .. 6,933 16 . :16310 .. 1.234 Mi .. 734 73 -/. $13.922 23 SAMUEL SECHIST, JOHN 'MERLE R, Dinles JOHN H. CRISWELL, tiquors. W It ISR E Y, 7. lll3 "" l ' l*Xif t . JOFFEES, 'TEAS, SUGARS—Just-ro (*ITS t - E. D. RETIE& 3/1 CE4E A . 2 —A fresh iti i rtply ,,; l t HAM. S A lii BEEF.—A large lot of fresh cured city Hums *Etna Dried Reef st ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CUR nuitF, Citron, Drietl Appin, Dried' efieek.3l. etc., v.IIEIVE. • • at • FI S H .—N:o . 1 Shore 3lttekeml, LO N' :IWbut, oroa cod, shad, Ac., • s lt.atrki. , BUCKWHEAT A2ID HOMINY.—Just rewired New Jete . eyiresh gidu *0344- E - heat 3feal ; Imre. white Ion:11#, t.iyur: . Ileder, at " UM'S. OON I O.N S-b-Wetherlield and - Couptry out. 3 Lula. izipply, EitOSINE OIL AND LAMPS.-Su• perior Kertnine Oil, Chamber and ruelor.Lataps, shadea. Lanterns. 'Ace.. at ~10;11P4. ; LittEs .of Crain!. PENNSYLVANIA RAILtOAD wr.Trtyl TI3IE TABLE. FIVE TRLYL: DAILY, to and front J'iilat(elphia and ,Pittabueg. On and after Monday, °ember3l,o. 1844. the Pansengar Trahnsof ttm Penniph•mda Bulimia I tionisuly will detain Boni llarris• burg and arrive at Pt littlelplila and Pittstang ns (anon : I:ASTWARD: 'I'HROUGH RNPRESS TRAIN lenees liarrisborgclai• ly at 2.45 A. IL, and arrives at West IFilladelphin . at 5,5. - 1 A. X. FAST LlNE,lfales Harriabarg daily (except Monday) at _v.; and 'urrivt , A ut West Phil:al - a - INA:I at 1:140 P. M. Pili , gPtgers take 'breakfast at Laamater. MAIL TRAIN leuemx Ilarripburg duilr (exempt Sun day) at 2.30 e.. 14,, and arrive7sw West Inalxlelybin at S. 35 P. M. PlTl . SliritC ;AND ERIE EXPRESS burg dali) (*.serf t Stalar ) at MX; P. M.. and arrhot at :West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. M. /IA-Innt`itt;lta ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. leas - 'l.s rE.T6l,itrg. ept Sunday) At 4.00 I'. M., ls t 'Tivex at Went Pitiludpipltiu at iI.JO Thie train Lao 'al CMl7l=l4llr Erma the West. COLINEILA Acer)3t3coDATlON TITAIN letrees liar dibbarkr daily (exeept Sunday) at 7 A. 31, atalaTtivrs at Lam:ONT .d AL'S a. al.: conneclitar (rxeept t t n Monday) with the Past WEST V RD EXPRESS-leave./ Hurls tnrg dailY (ercoPt tisrurlay) at 12.35 A. .11.: Altuott.o).sl.l tuko breAkfastodol write at l'itteburc ut 12.40 BALTIMORE EXTBESS TRAIN leaves llthisbarg Airily (except 31linday) it 2.25 A. 31.: .11U/oral i'.ls A. M., take breakEut_ ulul mile,. at Pittsburg. at 1.4 t) I'. M. L't ;II EXI'ItEBS lrttres Ilarriblaux daily at :t. tn A. it., Allortior at C. 1.3 A. 11., lake Uraokfait and arrive"! ut Piruirtatz at . 4111 Y. _ , , F.tti'l` LINE leaves Harms dilly (except StubLiik) at 400 r. tt.;..kitaoutt at %lax. A., trike rapper, wat ar rive* at littilatrfr at 2.00 H. MAIL 'LEL% IN Teat es IlarriAturit dailv(exc.ptSuil day) at 1..101.. Alloatat la 7.. I. M., tate supper, taut arrives at Pittxbur,r at 1.30 - 310IINT 40Y ACCOMMODATION west leami,Lan euetur ut'bete with tat. Mall,taist ; leaver Minna dtiy :it 11,51 A- 11.. awl arrives at Murrisaarr ut r. ' = NOTICH. TUE HAItRISBUIII ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from ritt+burg, lrbinb brriN es bt Daryl.;bum sit etei there, vuesionitere ("tie Ram of Ilurrieburt,..layiew er til 11.55 I. 11. , eiANIMIL I). YOUNG, ziovi; 5t:0 , 314111e Div. Penna.. MORTIIEICs; CENTRAL RAILWAY FALL TIM TAllLl2.—Faur 7'raini Dilly ;0 and from tiortitactri and fra.4cfmiton City. ' - ' . Cama,vhons made MI truing on Pennsylvania Mal/4 to and front Pirti.burg•vol the Wit. - , 1 0 0 t R Tit.% INS - 1,411 S to and from the North end Wobt Bettneh Shsquelmua, Elmira nod all of Northern New York. JD and after I.ikaday. Oet., 17th, 18fet, tins Passenger TriillB of the Northern Central Ihillwar will airier,. at Ara deport tronollsirkinag unit ltaltintore as follows: MAIL TltAlN'cleay..4 Sunbury daily (ezeept Sundwv) A-u. lann trarriAtuv 1:20 P. 31. arrivket at Baltimore 540 EXPRE:S.' , ; TRAIN leaves Suubury daily (ex- rept Ruuddy) - P.R. leaves Hurrl sbstr te (except • ; Monday).. " - orrice,. at Baßlatere lIACCIIIIMODATION leaves • • - Ilarritlatrir I ACCOMIIJDATION ieavetfintr bury daily (es. Sunday)... PHILADELPHIA EA PRESS TRAIN leaves SiatibuWally(ex. Sunday) 9:0..r.tt NORTHWARD. MAIL TILVIN littye, Baltimore daily (except Smirlay) ' leaves Ilarristatig . arrives at Sunbury - EMPRESs TRAIN lexyas Baltimore .tallyarrii,assrflarthibunt " keavE4 llarrisbrirg daily (ex ' rept Monday) arrives at Smarmy ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves staltiluore daily (eat ept Sunday.) at le.tee Ilarrisbarg daily (ex , avid Sundays) ut 1241 S A.li. enivvet at Sunbury at tat. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leat - et • Baltimore 41silykek.Minelay 10.1 arrlve..at Barr:.'hurcat. Srmir RE ACCOMMODATION lea. *I. Flat , , ris . hurg• dull) (or. Sittalay) COD Val. The, Erie. Elroy's:Ma 11111.1il elplfra TI 4,4 aretbra.ain. train. U.l and then Erie and all irarnsiegiale patill. Mail and l'apreta tram, rat, tllnench to Elmira. _ For further liaermatien lipply at the 0rd....J.3 Penally'. yania Ilaalrlusa oat:Will J. N. Di BARRY. Gen. Supt. pHILAI)ELPHIA AND ERIE RAlL lMAD.—Thi.`irteat lint; tirayersen the Ntvthent Ault Northwent 011utaik-s of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Elie. It bne t beeu leured by the Penseylvunia Railroad Coo;- pany, and is operated by thew. Ire entire length ens Opined for lure locer and freight Jolliness. Ordober rib. he 6.1.• TI3IE, OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT 11ARRISLICRI: LEASE EASTWARD. 3Tail Lock listen Accommodation. LVAVF. - . Wall Train.._ 11:15 A. M. Lock Haven .%enrinanialation 1:40 ;.1 aAwa g er Cart run through on Miril Train, olthout rhuujo both intro brtween mat E, rie ant Baltimore aid Erie. Elegant Sleeping truants Mail Trails both ways; between Philadelphia nod Leek Haven, and on EltizirtrEmrsa Train both ways between WI ianisport riml Baltimore. • For information respeoting Pasienigerliusiners apply at Corner:Veit and .Ifaricet Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight bmineas of the Ccanlinue'a Aireutp XtNirrroN, , ..lr.., Cori 13th awl Market Ste., phitx .l.ls7. REYNOLDS, Erie. .1. M. Datil, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, :dd. , H. H. HOrri'PHN, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. OWINNER, Geo. Ticket Agent. Philadelphia., JOS. D. POTTS, .Gen. Manager, Williamsport. fefi'S 65 ptiMBEitLAND VALLEY- & FRANK- Llh ADS.—CiIANG E OF HOtißS. Oo err :,deuilliy,,October 31, 19.34, Puziouger Train. will nth daily, Jul folios s, (Sunda -s excepted): FOR CIIAMBIIRFOIURG AND lIARRISBURG: Lea v e Hagerstown " Gieencantle rrrien at Chatoboriburg. Leave to. Leave Sitimensburgo ' ' 6:30 10:10- 2:46 ltecimuleiburg 7:00- 1012 3:16 Arm.' at Harrisburg763o 11:15 3:11:i FOR CHAHISERKBURG : r INI - 1 HAGERSTOWN: .tar. C.W. . N:45 1.40 415 . e:47 11:20 _4lo' . 927 11:58 5:15 .10:02 3:34 .70613 • 4:14 _ 11:00 4:35 .11:10 -4:45 • .11:55 5635 12635 -6:15 Leave Harrisburg Steebaniesburg.. " " " Libippensburg... Arrive at Cbatubersbuig Leave Cluunbersburg... Greeistastle Amvivat Hagertuwe • Nuking chide Ouuntegiom at liarriehurg with trains fur Philadelphia,' New York _ aml Pittsburg., and with Melia . fur all 1 Mats West. The Trait: 1 raring !tartlet:mg at 4:15 P. Y. rats unlyies far as Carliele. , . 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Ottiot, , Clareuitig, Oct.:11, 1e64.c _ . C 0 11 Gfl N - M - R E S TRIdKLAND!S MELLIFLUOUS o:u H , BALSAM!, , Dr. Stilokland'aMelliguos4ough Balsam ii vim:rutted to our. Coughs, Cold., Hoors . e.nera, AotbmaJN . Vhhopiug Cough, Sow Throat, Conoomphou, and unlacet 'mott ke Throat-44 Lung* ' _ - basal For ruler by 1.% H. Drettler Chumbfruburg. Depot. I , Zo.6,East Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ohin. • DI A R II IX - A ! An the medical mri, MA till. Pill* mantaitond. • DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI•CIIt tI,EItA MIXTURE as the °ply certain remedv b.r Digrriami and Dysentery., It is a combination of Astringent., Adesisbeigg, Winn• lent. and Carmivativea, and l warranted to effect a cure after all utbermtaus have failed. For sale-147 C. H. Cryteler. Cbaut[N•nbnrq. (Innen' Dept, Nio. 6 Eastiourth Street, Clueitamtl,.olrlo. R,ICKL-A - ND'S rit;E REMEDY! Dr. Strickland's Vile "Retnedi has cured thousands of the acorn ayes - of Wind and Blending_ Piles. It gives Im mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try It di reell3-. It I" icnnnnted to ears. • For salt. by C. 11. Vressler. Ciunbersburg. General _ Depot. dr .as" Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Obio. nov:io.ly DYSPEPB/4, I gETUSNESS A N D DR, , STRICALAND'S TONIC We can-reinsert:Lend these entrering with lap of Appe tite, Indigestion; -orillyspopatit, Nervoustressaed lirrvouS 'Debility, to use StricklandeTonle. It Is o tragetabbolle mato, trot front alcoholic liquors ; it strengthens the whole names oysters, it creates a goad a pp etite, and Is intruded td,oure DyepePahk and Nerwas-UebilltY• Ferule by Drugel.te generally. at $1 nor bottle. Pre pared br Dr.' A. titrit•klontl, 6 114.1 root-tit Street. Ulueitt• oatt gbia. C H errs.l.r Avant Cbambalsborg Pa. 00'1 , Wbihnis. NF; Ii DRUG STSRE, one door of , • lirop ; t tinolvN i s yoTEL, 32 = PURE 'DRUGS, CHENI . I,CALS, and all tbe - bey4 E\T MEDICINES, SEBOSENE OIL, • PERFII SSEBY. s' West End of Brown's flotel ei IC 4k:I:OUR - ( 30TiCi2iS lly e—a full asAorttrietit, at - NMOYS. 01 - IAPPED - lIANDS SPEEDIL ) cured by u Scup sold, at_ O,:H ti STO N'S COMPOUND„ Al. - NIXON'A 0 LEAH OUT THE. RATS.—Use Cos mi. Soh( by - - • - • :NIXON. lONG. LIFE - AND GOOD, I.IE'ALTH. _LA Use Ittahl; . 3r's Herb Bitters "NIXON, Sole Agent A LL T H E IMPOIrrANT AIDS Ti) smut braltltuoitlutur Ste, such as pure Prags Mediciues, eanutways betuadat NIXON'S. QWEET.,BUTTER AND pug.E.mx.F. 1.3 can iderays be obtained through the we of =WS CATTLE . ... 2:50 AAA. itoo 7.00 ..t.ll PItEPARE PdR WA R.—Johnston's Rbeutnatte Compound till prepare you for the Foil* Campaign- To be had at. NIXON'S. IiEIEE 91'0 A.N. 1-25 P.M. P.N. o_-so r 1-zo A 44 'l - I.olt Acirivg _L• Ciutello.und thu.s--m•lotmmtun's libemuatlcCom - soh. Arun 3:15 5,53 A3l. P.V. EOV A ' DRett "STORE E:!!! 1:40 A. n. 1.30 e. NAIR STREET, in Dr, litehartra Now Building', I• next door to ,tiller, limnilton & Co's Tiu•Wire Store. DR,U GS ! U G !.! C: CRESSIZift, successor to AUTO:It L CRISS• LEO, ho Operand in Lis new roots, AM Second sttoci, oPP O . sitn the Pont -0i ice`ghere every effort will be reads to sustain the popularity life old egabliihmeat had "expired A contisuatien of tlusilhiirei iastrtnuwe which the 'Arm re ceived is respectUly - A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines le new offered. Also a dmirahle assortment of Perfumery', A.m. r.m. Zoo 2.15 7:37 3.33 8:17 4:20 Soaps, Pocket Books, Bair Brushes, Cloth BrOsbee, j Tooth 'Brushes, Ccennetics, Dentifrices, and Fancy Article 4 in goat variety. EantoBlNE. LAMPS.—Every detaziptimi - of Baad Lamps, Stand Lamps, Banging Lazar" and Sidi Limps suitable tot Kitchen non, Parlor 11l 0, Stote use and Office 8:30 9.00 1,28 ":12 00 THE HEST COAL OIL IN THE MARYET. Ftantly Dyes of all Colors. Everything in a Druggists Butt of business. resenp slur reeeive 4pedal urination, Eitld ELM vomprunided willr curs 061 17. IL CIIEBBLER, Smot , ls tItrt'PRNRPOW , PTOsI Pgwe. • 1, 1 17• 1 110LE.S 1. LE AND RETAIL! Tv - ROP ES& TWIN Eg. TheMolindirtied_hiwing purehased the entiro Mock and Fixtures of the Rope and Twine klanufectory, of J. P. toy.; deo'd, reapeetililly announces to bei friends, and !Le fonnev'patnmi of the establishment, that she will continue to carry on thebtisiniss, in all its N - cirioustrraucb at • THE OLD STAND, on Franklin street. C hambershurg, where she will be pleas ed to receive the culls and orders of tile public. 1 .•.,111 kinds, sizes, and qualities of - ROPES, CORDAGE, Twi ecq., tilts strike/It on band of mule to texter unite beet material, nod turoloid at reasonable prior's. ll:Cool:median with the above she Is [deo prepared to matinfentrire HAIR, HUSK, AND OTHER lIATTRASSES es well 111 , Horse Blankets and Fly gets otsoperior quid thy and style. Persons in wont of superior arboles In the übere line are requested temp, or send their order:, width will lb Attended to promptly. , ' dea9.l.ly ,MARY E GRAY.' NOTICE TO MILLERS AND XIANIJ .11 F ACTUILEIO3.--The undersigned. buying been oar gared for a number of peersin the business of Blinit.Ptica and liamtnitso FLOtkING. Haw, ANI. EWELL ?Maas, Is prepared. with • regular Corps of - praerieorworktann, to execute all work in his lineal business, embracing all use• (ul itud, modern improvements. MACHINEBY of every description ilant*hed to onlor. Con 'Subraeriza Wider %Vbeels, Bolting Cloth*, alill Sun, &c., famished at short notice. Contracts tales tai furnish oilman:int if desired: - • All orders address to liereershurg.Franklin county, Pa, will mealy prompt attention. Itebl4lml M. BAYS., MADAME ,CLEIIERT'S fImicx,r,pIux,BOADIED•SCDOOL - FOR- irtlEger LADIES. 4EnSi4nTows, Itnty.DELPULt COMM; I'4 -- . The StsteetAh Session will open WednestLey, Feb. let, DM . •' • • ~. faxtleulei Attentlint given to the English boo:whey atp a Cl i ijf VtifMll,4rupet of the family. The peptla What to meek it elftloy. , . -3. Nrill:'*4oop4ttitililiin: -" - Far pEirdardan. apply to thePrinelpet, . ' -AtlAS•rit. JOB PRINTING in every etyle'done at the °Mee of til• FRANKLIN RFI,I6IIi,HT MIS Er ~_. MILLLL Eal EMI !um a , .3 ' i p LrUIP9, SOAPS, 4:r. SPAN 0 - E ' S tw+u rvtpovect OLD STANA Mazzafart ttittert Sze. 11 - RT 11111 Have opened their stare 7:ra Arab street. nearly vppopite their okt place of basine+s,', • with so etttl‘ swirk of liatitrait;, tousistinc inpart t • ! - " - 1 • • ,• - Hinges, Planes, ' Files Pnintm, 6511, 'Thipeutiike, ' , • ,Tar„" vartahh, lalaw =3 Stonell. - ikakti., Polider, - Grind , CedirWtre', Pod:a Special attention is enittd itadCoiltriu.tat:x, JA thoy kro pitiart4l to fntuiFh nkuuy - quantity , at Whalesaft. eserythlt4h itplir tlne Cull - gadeZ Hn our eti;ek. tioyl6 ' . COA,CH - AND-SAUD L'ERY , 4fARDW ' - • The subserilier respeetfolly infdnas fHentle end The public, thathsootaintra to Clary on the above lieluear., at his ord Xam'S:treet: oppoilte the German Re formed Clatreh;CHAMl3l:lo4lll.l2G, PL. • , Having; enlarged Ids buitess, Saddlan and t Conch • tuckers' mill tied hi Wm - Store Room a "general tasartmett of goods fittedto their several requirements, such as - rid? and Country llogrklus, -- • Patent Leather, . _ kladdle Tretean& Glrthluir dig 'Trees, PullPlatiAl, Tiune:l and Japanned; Gott - Hair, fltrainlog Web and Worsted Itain Web; lower than Cotton : , , 'flames, intii - u'ud Stirrups, Plated; Tinned and - Jaitanusd Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain- Frames: Thab,Randrt Bridle Fronts; Iluaemee. Swivels and ()mune:lts Iron Plated and Woott Gig Humes. SUCKLES—BnAss, SILVER ANTI JAPANNED; all Slylex and Patterns ; Ivory And Wooden Martingale IttnalL Stump tointg, out v variety of otter good, imitable for Me trade. ALL KINDS OF PLATING ' ate., done with neatness and deapatch, Idet-14) LEWIS WAMPLEIb_ C REAP,I - 1 - ARDW ARE! -‘/IRAND b ?LACK Had slew goods, under the pavement, which-were not burned. Such 11P, Latia, Ifiut,TA. Screws and other Hard ware. - Bealdeg, they brie lug "received from New York end Philailelpida n cnry large lot ofgotal& nawnllnadd much 4:Kegler than they ore generally vohL They having been burned out, Woman* we offer Inns, Kalb, Hocks, Magee, Becrws,' Bolts, Oilt;_olace. Paint,, Se., At the !owelltgure, „ TO BLACKSMITHS' AND r AILMEKEO *e base an band about 10 Toes lrus of different kinds, a - Lich we will sell less thou It eau be buturbt in the city. Also we twee lOD kegs of Nails and Spikes, we , nffer at from Sp ltl dollars per keg. , . - CUTLERY. kuivre and Forks: Seimnr, Razors, Pocket Nn ireF Rphams, &c.. Just reeely.l from New York which' Ice offer very low. sep2B ARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS Shuemikene ° Saddles' Findings at BRAND & FLACK'S. SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT cent* each and many' other articles latch was In the fire; which ran be =data' good as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE.—CaII at the Store in ILJ the Alley. -- s —BRAND &FLACK. ,forbiatbing nu es: 7ITN . DEBLICH do - .NERD FORWAIII , II% AND ComasmoN Itracciarns 'North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valle lighted Depot Chambersborg, Pa. Can run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Raltl more. , , • AGENTS,—Pendek, Zell & Hindman, HE Mar ket St:, Plalhatelphia. Lyt• aLll ro ' COL. km:ri n tt V rem) e VV ß Dre ke bat Eg nt W PimMore POMMY COAL S LUMBER, SIitsTGLES, SALT, PLASTER and Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly on hand. moult: - GRAIN • fual PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at the highest cash prices. Sept 9, st. WrNTIERLICH & :HEAD. TAO& L. GILLESPIE. 41COil ZELLER. a TLLESPIE,' .ZELLER• •fik : CO., .4.,A PRODUCE AND PROW/SION ItnRCILLNTf3, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, - North• West comer of, Sixth god Mirky! Streets; •Pbila ,;.• JO 19ti6:631t 4410bital. , i ill WISTAR'B BALSAM OP ' • • WILD CHERRY, oim OFTRE OLD ST' AND' most 'BUMBLE AEXIDIEB • Tom WOULD FOR Coughs, Colds, Who4iping Cough, Bronchitis, inf itontty of Breathing, 'Asthma; BoiUieness,! Sore Throat, Croup amlvery affection of - VIIEVIEROAT, LUNGS AAD GUEST; ,mcLuvria 'IIVEN CONSUMPTION wiSTAR's BALSAM OF WILD crnaltßy hio general has the use of this remedy become,' sLiati so popular Is it everytehere, that Ulf OnneOeS - saryto recount its vinous, its IstoicSlPsaki • Sot Katltind'utterauheitt thisihuut Osid - voioutaiTtestiusaiof ttie many . who from long suiferiugondsettledtlis eas,haye by Astute been restured - to pristine !rigor autiltealth. Cllll Feint iiinassofey- !deuce in proof of our assertions, that cannot be discredited. FYroin Jlr.. /remit Sect, Merierablrg. Pa. Gentletena: I do hereby certify that timing the last tea years I have been. sabject.fa frequent were _Cousin and Cbids. Whenever I have erperieuced one of them attache I have immediately risorted toDr.Wistaisilalsain of Wild Cherry, and the result has always been toafford me irpeedv relief. I would recommend this valuable article to all those who suffer front Coughs, Colds, Pain lathe Breast, or any Pulmonary Complaint, feeling confident that It will mere itself to be the best remedy in tiny of these eased. would, however, caution the public, against a worthless' counterfeit, a bottle of which was once forced upon me. The use of this iptilio l / 3 Balsam did me more harm than good. The grantee Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild C6en7 is prepared by Seth W. lrowle dz. CO. - , Boston, and has their printed name, us well as the written signature of "I. BUTTS" upon the outside wrapper of each bottle. From Jesse solith, En., President of the Morris County Ewa, .4forrisrown, 'laving used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of 'Wild Chen for about lineen years, anehttvlng realized Its beneficial re-. Bolts In my family, it affords me great pleabure In teem mending it to the public as a valuable remedy in manse of weak lungs. colds, coughs, and a remedy ivhich consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. Irma Han. John E. South, a distinvislteti Leallfr in ITistlainster, dfd have on several occrutions used Dr. Wistar's Halsamor. Wild Cherry for severe Colds, , always with decided benefit. I know of no preparationl u 1 that is more effloacious , or more deserving of general ut i The l3alsam has also been us with excellent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, ;Md. WISTAIt'S BAUM O 1 WILD CHEEHX. /inne genuine units Birrie" oe the waiipper t° FO SAI,E lit S. Y. DINSMORE, No. 491-Eleutt&rey, N. Y. ' S. W. FOWL': & Prorrierens, Boston, end pY eR Druggists. Ut42o-e07147 REDDING'S - RtSgIA SALVE Heidi Old gores. REDDING'S RIISSITICSALVE Cures Bores, Scalds an.iCnta. , REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE , „Cures Wounds, Bruisesd ',il ia . pod •REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE - Cares}3offs, Ulcers and 'cancels. REDDINGS RUSSIk'SALVE , Cum San/them, Nei and flivdpeas. itEDVING`Ei R178 . 81d. i 84,. •1- • CrgilkiecauS, uoros, az.; &c HO TAItILY 'EHIOULTI BE WITHOUT IT. ORi 23, PPa- 8 "" 4EI :FOR RALI:Br 7. PAILIStSMORE; Na 4918rodiliay; N. Y. • 8. Ny:.FOWLE &Co., Ha laTiorootott„ IlogOn; and by on Draggles and Country Storelioepers.. - . ' _ 14,;-d _Feb ' - 41•860 - ' - - p a .Avrtstottlbotito§filTAL,--Dr. .101D3TO.N, the - fonaderof this Celebrated institm , ti ,4 4: 4 ter4 011 4 Alma nettahrisPeedyr and only, effectual remedy , in the „wised - for bileets, _dtracturia, 4oldniaal irireormass,::Palls in this lagna,. Canditnecang 41)td, b upa t eg oe, ;Weakness of the Baektual Limbit; Affections „ of the N.ldne*Palpitation Odle Hen"' yy p apelo , Rer. mom IrritabilitY, Django:fent thin Head, aiime, or akin; and all there'sesiond and nielazielegf disinters .arin. -tug from the dradnatiere laddts of Yon% away &army both b a l F and Maid. - These-secret ander:Etat? prattle , * are more fatal to their viethnithan the - Marra the Sevens to the - mariner'. Ulyanan, bilghthkg their -taow hdomt hopes or anthipa,:ons, modorizsimarringn. B.n, impossible. V . 0 0144 `Young Lisaatinn= l intoi havelionina ikenteiliti of SolltarY-Wes, Hat had destmntierebahleerhiohata annually 'manna to atinntimetygrove %cements of pang men of the montinaltedtaleat tdd briMantintelhatt, Who ralghtotherwine have mrtranneddistealng Bowden witikthe thunders of eloqnnan," or waledla eestaeylhe lyre; bay' calt - with dal contideaem- . - - Qr YUUng Men- o =lS ity lUal V e ' being aware ot &ideal eteakneis, ride , ‘sr• adUes fin, about bunierliately consult Di4ehnsti*: - He whoglares himself under the cetera, Da Johnston 'may rblitunly onuide in his honor at a gentletattn, led gondol.. 291 1 3; dtdm.h.4J 4 kill 46 4 thYgelattt.:, . ORGANIC WHAILNTESS LIDIEDIA.TELY COED - - AND FULY. VID_OR RESTOREin.: ' - This Alai:Lao is the nennaltyntosifte4 4 !*ilabibit tune who -hay. .beowne the shalom of improper. indulgences.' Yonne penuns are too 'ant to eonnide anneaset finue bet helag aware of thetteadtal tousequeuceaftratimay ensue. Now, who that under:A-ands the subject pretesalto deny that the pot* of PreMeation is hat munerly than falling Into Impales habit than hy he prudent. Baddeebeing de prived of the pleasure of hyalthyptfiting, and the most serionittod dettiuM3vonympithy to mind sad batlY arise. yhe system beCt . derassgod tiso Radlinid and mental powers weakened, nereons ()mein* palpitation -of the lleart: indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, . spatulas t‘f consumption. - , Ab. '7, South =I 0111 =I SI adw, , s ti en duos front 'Baltimore street, Enstsid, up the steps. Be particular In observing the name Mgt umnber, - or - yen Kill rol.t4e tire rhino. • . ' - - , - A CUBE WATtIiANTkD U TWO DM'S: • . 7 Naillertrug OrNattstosta A-1404 DR 30ilkiSTON, - : Member of: the Relit. Catleige of Stirgemrs. London: graduate Immune ottbe.thatit Colleges 'of the Ilmted'States,' and the:inviter' pert at whose tire had been spent thelnspitale J. , Mutou. Parts, - Phthidelphin Met eisMvireht, Ints - etfeeted' stone of the must astonishing cures !la' were ever known.- Many troubled nith7riuging in head and tun when Weep, Pea Itervousho , si, being slimmed ntsudden'senuthl; end mtbfteneet, with frequent blushing, attemlett sometimes with derungement of winch webs cured inuu;itliately. - C'E R A IN. D I-8 t it: t , When the Mlsgulaol linprudent votary or femur! 4nd helms Imbibed Srustr..a ot thispainfuldimoe, t too. , ten happens that au iltdiured tense of Aortae, or dreriduf euvery, deters lam fruns maaying tothose cacti frout.ealUcu. Sunned re,pectabilltymm. Moue befriend him, delaying,till the constitutional symptuths of thishorrldditeasernaketheir appearance, such as ulcerated sole thrust; dlteased noise, nocturnal pains In the head and babe, dimness of night, thaluess, nears ou the clan, bunco end onus; blotchinron the head, bee antrestreurities, prognrstlng with frightful en plaitv, till at last the mama of the Mouth or theMones of the iiose frdt to and tlas victim - of this.aWfal disease:be. camel a horrid object of conunissi'mtirm, till death puts a period to bin afeadfal sufferings, by sending him to 'ghat bourne from whenee nu traveller return earl such, ',bete. fare, Dr. Johnston &ages himself to e the moot Inviolable secrecy; and from his rat lasi prueliceitt the fast Hospitals of Europe and America, he can confidently recommeud a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vie. tiny of this horrid disease., • - • It is a melancholy fact that thouiands fall Victims to this horrid disease owing to the miskillfidneas of lomat pretenders who-by use of that dreadful ttliaon, , Mrervuty, ruts the constitution, and either send the unfortunate to an untimely' grave, or Muke the residue of life miserable. ' - CARE PARTICULAR IiOT/Chll firr..).'addreuics those who have Injured thmiselves by private and immune indulgences, • • 1 ; These ere some of the sad and melanCholY effecta pro duced by early 'habits of yoUth, via: Wholiness of the ' Back and "Limbs, Egli& in the fleadr, - .Diesnam of Sight. Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation-of the Wart, Dye pepsin, Nervous irritability, 'Derangement of tire I: Hges. tiro Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cunstunp tiou, MENTALLY, the fearful effects on the gibuLare much to be dreaded: loss of Memory, =dation of Ideas, Deptft• 'ton of Spirits, Evil Fareboulkags, Avenged to Society, tielf•Distnast, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evil effects., • -- Thousands of per of 'al agis aiiaiirrjudire - what is the rause of their &caning , health, keeing thew vigor, hero: tag week, paieLhavestocalsoppg atti shoat the eyes, c ough, and rymptomeol acuttimgco, Dr: JOILVSTOX'S I.IIVAIORAT 11,1PI3tRDY FOR:OItGANIC Iit'EAKSESS. By this great and' impmftnt remodyi iNknels of the Organs is geedfly cases, ruidfullt/Ignrsenfored. - Thousands of - themostileit'roxis - aritraidifiltiditok who had lost all hope, , Hie Non imniedhrealturillieved r MI impediments lo Marnag Physical orAbtabil Disqualilb cation, 'Nervous Irritabili t y, Tremblbig,'Weeknessar Et banation of the most fearful hind, iripeedily mued by D. Johnston - ' • Y 0 U AitTc.N who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indul ged in when alone—a ,habit frequently learned from esti companions, or at school, the effecti'aitniglttly felt, area when asleep, and If not cured tended intierfagelmpoulble, anddestroyt both caladandlxstyisbouldapplylmutediately What a pity that a..yaung,ma, hope 'Obis country, the darling of his 'parents, - should' tiesanbitted from all prospects and enjoyments of life; by thernoisequence of deviating from the path of Datum and Indulging in a ear- Min secret habit. ,finett persons,. before contemplating • DS AR R O.Z • shotdd reflect that ii`secuidtuliidind bo4ytaistheitkootue nester - pent:deltas topPontottiontisealitellappinesa indeed, without these, the, loprneyikoeugh lite tweet. , " a weary pilgrimage, the, prospect 'hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadbwed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection,' that, the - happineeadf another be• comes blighted with out own. - • ,-• OFFICE NO. 7 rEEDERION. STREET TO STItANGERS... - - - .The mealy &casuists - cured at this Institution in the last haven yearn; end thit numerous portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the repartees of the papers," and Many-ether persons, notices of which have appeared again us& again betray the-publie,.is a trettlicient guarantee. to the afflicted, 14. B. There are So loony Ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Phyrriciatia, Mining Oa Amen of thealrmb , Inflicted, Dr. Johnston deems It necessary to say tetham unacquainted' with his reputation, that LL Diplomas bang: In his MUM TAKE bioncE.—AU biters must be post Raki, and contain a poitate stamp kEtil . le reply, or answer , will be sent. • - -Amax .1.63 y. 0 - II • 1 1 . 1 0 N - 8 ! 'I"QUEsTIONs! QUESTIONS! THAT CONCERN EYFJ ZY ONE TGEkNSWEE • Are yoixtxddi - Doniqnorbnix - Han yourhair liecoine thin P Does It feel ig.ndt, and dry, and fevert;ii 'L it tirnlng gray biftnn its time t '' " • Are pan troubled with Rating, burignismcif tea - , • ". Are yotitroubled with Deudrulf - Are you troubled with ,wkat _ls culledgerotnttlor Selt Ithenzul . , /five yotihad the tryzipelas, 'and let your hair ifieiyett had theldensies, and fart '- • - Haven:a had the Typhohirerrer, and lost it? - - 7 liars smiled thelbuin reser, and lost it , Hovey ou lost Finis lanir by any sickness t' Do lett_Wish litxuriant hair? Do yoll wish soft 'lnd luitrons halrt ' Do you wish gray hair restated, • • - DO yotrwieh wish you, whiskers glossy t . Doyen wish them restored in color I Do you utuit drcasing , ' Do you 'want it for yourielf, for e father or mother, for brother, sister, or friend? • - " " Do you mutt tomake resent! ' - - Da r:itt snug perfantelbryostr toilet, •••,_- Do you warts /ormolus artielei , Do you want n, pure t Do you want a double distilled ankle t ' Do you wants cleansing artiateS- - 1 • Do you want-the beet peepaistion ant fordretaing,iatm• Waling; protecting. fewtattag the color, and remlatMiiisoft, OAT and Innrona the Human Halal : • If so, we tratrant ' ' • datalt - ' • DISTILLEI) RESTORATIVE, - - FOE THE HAIR t To be liueepeolled and Superior to goy Prepetratiims tier Compounded and ofredpiebelnadie. Satisfaction guaranteed, or the money reerndid.i It costa bat el for one bottle, or six for 85, ittrd Is sold by druggists and dealers treeniltere. - - C. G. MAIM dr . CG,l'raprietois. D. S. %watt do Co., hL Y„ Gorlerai inneldtur A _ LECTURE TO 'YOUNG .1 1 EN:— cents, Just Publishedin a sealid Enveralie. - Ark 76 Sir - • • A Lecture on the Nature, Treatmentand erne of Spermatorrhan or Seminal Weaknes o Invdtmtary Classier's, Sexual Debility, and lalpedinexdate awilMaifir generally. Nervoiumess. ConsuroptiOn, eptp and pits 3fental and Physical licapeelfL'restatu4 nui n c ' e " - Abuse, &o, j, CuLyERWELL, WU ,Author 'of the • The 'world renowned author,. in Ibli; adinarsita tiOniun' clearly proves from his own experienced *tbe awhlcow sequence of kieltAbusemay be effecniallt retialufetwati• ' out modleine r wad without dangeroiut surginaloPlinod"' .hoeigies, instruments, rings, or cOrtllttl, pointinicOlincidn_ of brie at hate certain andwifectual,' by ittlidoleerffin..* rarer. OP matteewliat his innalition.niay be; w6ntLe:hhn. Self cheaply prlvateliouidradlcallY.: - tairaLw?' ll ßE,,„, WILL , PROVE BOON - To . TitorgANPB Sent under Seal, to any alms; in Odd, oiled an' • velope, onthe receipt_of six tents, or.M Vr0 46247. 5, ' by addressing. , CHAS. J. w . z okettoz. 4584 octizsw 3..7 80. ery,-,New York. POl/ Am= watt, pAcate G..tfoo.— rea,ggaaaann ~,serenyyiele i liper - and, of PHOSPHATE orl=ou which' added, by a, chemical caneemy • WV , Penosulase of actual - Ammonia, - golied - thal: tehril• Mikan/ha mak. In tit tqaa),-MacrtittkerfarAY oPleOwaxer - Pqmhbletli with envies o Analo4.by Dz. :,TaiSica, , liini r Shife , Aiesirit. and Dr. W'bilr , ' , lo tilDhatell, sad leitimonia4 Audi odenti4 o ' Aglinagffill% falto,,,lug ft* value. Can be obodnedfrom J. ,u,wa AUENT4 EY alte - t; ,75141* Vetlra mardr2•ly. Josstyio: done atte• P o ßi see lg o T r tb iN e FCT.RAiIiNKIemtveRPOZITORY. Wil ISALTIMOUE. QUESTIONS!