February 22, 1865. tad -; `'° o t iiij. LOCAL ITEMS. Goss& Wrrn OUR FRIENDS.--I am just from an eating house dinner ; and if my style is stronger thin common, put it down' to the batter. It is snowing and storming fearfully. I saw a line of ifreet care, as far as my eye could reach, blocked .aptly the scow. A Doctor's horse has a - poor • chance in the country, but in the city Heaven help the car and omnibus horses! It is three o'clock, "pod at the window I can just manage to see, and :no more. Business is at a stand-still, waiting for *peace or war, (no matter which-1. e. so far as New York is concerned.) Reminding one of Betsy and the Bear. If no one, of the REPOSITORY readers has ever heard thie story, I will tell it in 'etzi next. If is bard on business to Mice no fixed value, making legitimate business too much of a speenlation. . Dear me, heti it storms; suppose we go outside and see what is going on. Neil seeming ; Well I did go out With a vengeance, and am only too glad that I am in. Started up Broadway, and plashed along with sogey feet to the St. Nicholas, where I learned the interesting fact that gold was 213; then on I went to the Metropolitan, where I loafed for an hour; after that, sauntered into the Broadway to see John Owens as Phill Pry. Got the worth of my mo ney,and left, but Jerusalem what,weathert There was an alarm of fire, two steam engines were racing past, abLeeu omnibuses were choked on both sid*f the way, a lot of carriages were mixed up apparently extricably, firemen and drivers cursing and shouting, "Hi, Hi, get up, go long, and clear the way there," made a Babel, while the snow, and rain, and wind made the view absolutely frightful. The slush was about four inches deep on the side-walk, while the street was half knee deep in places. Almost on the instant.. of my exit from the bright room, my umbrella wad turned inside out, and with a fiendish dash the needle-pointed sleet dashed into mrimprotected face. I seized a moment to glance around to see whether there were any as unfor tunate-as myself, and saw three ladies just like my umbrella. This was some . comfort, enough at least to enable me to wade to my Hotel,ms wet as 'later could make one, chilled' to the very heart. "God help the sailors on our coast!" I could not help ejaculating as I entered' the Hotel. Hurried to bed, hung up my steaming clothes, to find them just as wet next morning as when ta ken off; and now have the "sniffles" most aboiii suably. Today I hare scarcely ventured out of the house, the walking is so abominable. Met a gentlemen just from the Pennsylvania oil regions, who reports the Mud so deep that it is quite com mon to see a hat moving along on the surface, representing a man on horseback beneath. Had the good fortune to encounter at my hotel an itin erant poet who, for twenty-five cents currency, sold me the following: EMI Willy, willy bom are we, Born to hear and feel anti t see, • - Born to taste and smell whate'er ' • ; Senses fire can hardly bear; Erna complaints and oaths and taunts, - rid the pain that courage daunts, - See the Strong oppress the weak, _',Taste of things too :bean to speak, 8461 ten bad to one that's good, Permeating clothes and food : All of this we're born to bear— . Tell me, spirits, Isthis fart Then one's heart is so outraged_ . 1 Sometimes wild and sometimes caged, Forms the tenderest of ties, Lo 1 the laded object dies ; False by will, untrue by force, Bid the last, the first far worse. AII of this we're born to bear-- Tell me, spirits, is this fair _ Build we houses too, and then In them we find other men • 'Like "the little busy -bee," Gath'rieg honey r o`er the lea, We oottectior other's use .: 'What they take without exense, - Zen one children—we forbear-, . Them, if no One else, we spare. . Thus we live and and love and hate, Bat aid drink and hungry wait, Acting out each one his Fate.— ?awe like unto the Pad, ' Born at first, and borne at last. This and more we're born to bear, Well we know it Is not fair. , He was an Improvisatore, and wrote it for me, giving rue the right to suggest the subject. I wish I bad requestakim to write about oil. The oil fever is gaining ground here ; and it is *workable that at The same time the cases of small-pox are decreasing. A friend has just drop ped in to see me; saying that he had paid a visit this morning to the stock exchange, having been introduced - (as is necessary) by a member of the bo * ard. He gave a very indistinct account of his • visit,..but if it is half as bad there as . ho describes, with regard to the, noise, confusion and excite ment, it mast be a perfect Bedlam. All shouting together, yelling in concert, with open mouths and outstretched arms. Truly, the Bulls and pears are a sweet set! Every one is talking of - the enlistment frauds; a very interesting item of gossip, taking into consideration that New York will ks's to raise -some 20,000 more men than she has calculated upon. Paid a visit this day to the establishment of Mr. W. H. Dudley, No. 168 and 17;1 Water St., where preserved meats and fruits are canned and bottled for market. It was a curiosity to see the wholesale manner in which they disposed of thou sands of pounds of meat and poultry, and hundreds of barrels of apples and other fruits. While there, I saw them unload a large wagon load of mutton, which by next morning will all be can ned—all but the bones. The cans are made in the !tune building: Each workman able, on a pinch, to turn out 500 cans a day. The cans of meats are boiled, for about four hours, and are calculated to stand a pressure of 300 pounds of steam' ` After being taken out of the boiling vat each one isipmichired, to leave out the air, and then soldered up tight. Fruits • and berries are emensed in the boiling water but a half an hour. About one Imadreiland fifty hands are kept em ployed. - I paid my visit before digger, and the smell saved me that expense. Somv time akain I will give a full description of this wonderful - 1 . Nrsv Tom, February 15,1865. ilgsfanut.—All tbbt was mortal of an ear --ly slid beloved friend bar just been consigned to its kindred earth, and we address oursaf to the mournful duty of paying a parting tribute to his worth. - , ,A. few (tap ago the gloomy inteilig,enee came ,froui the distant western - home of Robert garloy, that he was dangerously ill; and, before thestart effnets of the sudden shocli had snlistd#4 with eager haste followed the second mhsage, " telling the sad circle of grieving friends ESlali feta tines that his spirit had fled. Pneumonia. had Adviicken him down in the strength and vigor of *id/manhood. , , 2 -The deceased was among our earliest and most .c.batishe4 friends. Our intimacy commenced-in yFox 18.5 . 1. at the time we were chosen to fill , ! ppe of the public offices of our native county.— .Upon sia!nirniog the duties of our post, Mr. Ear 1/i!halthough young in years, was chief clerk in 114$1,e s iiatet's office, and had almost exclusive , control of Am business• This place he ably filled fot avonsideiable period, until be was appointed :-Meputy Prothonotary, and transferred to-that of. • 'floe: His term of service in there several offices tos.mtirked by singular fidelity and ability.— : thus employed, ,he was invited tog clerk , drip* the Crescent City Bank, of ,Evansvfile, barns, and moved to tat city. This position ~NiFdro4 isitb inch credit to himself. ad advan *age *SP &el Banic, far several years. and relin, quished it to accept- the 'istlptiintmentcof'DepatY Sheriff of thF r ozonnfYilkishicti he lived. Last summer, TOM the-call Pf the Governor of Indiana, he enrolled himself among the patriotic hosts Wire , ,,,reiiponded to the summons: The discharge of his military duties was char acterized by the same earnestness and faithful ness which marked all his labors in civil life. Du ring his absence from home, while in the service of his country, without any solicitation or man. agement on his part, he received the nomination for the Sheriffalty of his adopted county Thisun expected action was a spOntaneous expression of the esteem in which - he was held, and the confi dence which they justly reposed in his capacity and integritP. He had scarcely entered upon the discharge of the new duties imposed on him, when the sum mons from the inexorable Destroyer came, and he has been suddenly removed from the scenes of his earthly labors, while yet he lingered on the thres hold of au honorable and useful career. In this community, in which Mr. Earley was so well known, and in which his remarkable freedom from the petty vices and frivolities of youth was so generally iemarked—in which the probity and matilineal of his maturer yeans won the confidence and respect of all who knew him—a.forpaal culo giuui quite superfluous. Ju social life, our lost friend was frank and ge nial. To those who were fortunate enough to secure his friendship, he•was sincere and unselfish. Selfishness received, no toleration . from him; fur what Was vainly sought in his own frank and gen erous nature, was heartily despised when detec ted in another. No motives of personal advan tage ever tefiipted him to sacrifice the high re gard for truth which was one of hisirominent characteristics. Although called into public life in boyhood, and continuing to fill important trusts till his death, yet this expression of public confi dence came unsolicited, and was but. the natural consequence of a character and abilities such as lie possessed Of the'rrimmer in which he sustained the sever al relations of son, brother and husband, we may not speak. The bitter, though silent, tears and desolate hearts of those who have more immedi ately lost him, declare his worth more eloquently than any words of ours could possibly express. It is not for us to point them to the great source whence Co - Ines the healing balm for all the ills of life. Jet we may be allowed to remind them that fhe priceless legacy of au honorable name is left them, and in it soine alleviation of their sorrow might succesefully be sought. s. DESERTER RECORD.—The Provost Marshal intend issuing hi a few days, a pamphlet contain ing a list of deserters and non-reporting drafted men of this District from the several drafts of 1863 and 1864. There are doubtless contained in ‘ this the names of persons whO are in honorable service but who having taken no pains to show the fact to the Board of Enrollment, were re tained ttion the lists, drafted and marked as de. setters. Such persons or their friends ought to submit the proper evidence and thereby get pla ced right on the records of the Provost Marshal. The genuine, bOnafide deserters, who go west to do the work whilst the farmer's sons there go to war, the . skulkers who live upon trees or hr cwes; should each apply for a copy to, preserve and hand down to their Children (if the latter ever consent to own them) as a memento of an cestral treason and poltroonery. • • ON FITRLOIIGH.—We received a call last week from John D. Foster, a graduate, of this office, now a member of Company Cl, 19th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, who is on a 'visit to his home in this place. John entered the service in. the 140th New York, and while in that organiza tion participated in the battles of Fredericksburg and Cifancelloraville. On the march to Gettys burg, being in ill-health, he gave out, and shortly after was truateerred' to the I;fteran Reserve corps. Being stationed at Washington in July last, when that city was besieged by Gen. Early, he took part in its defence. Re is now doing duty at Elmira, kuarding rebel prisoners. Al though John entered the army single, he now re turns with a mess-mate, having taken unto him self a rl7O from among the lair daughters of our National Capital. DESERTER SHOT.—We learn from the Som erset Herald that on the night of the 7th inst., an attempt was made to arrest Henry Pletcher, of Middle Creek township. Somerset county, who is a deseiter from the draft The house was sur rounded by a squad of cavalry, - and admission de manded. This being refused the door was forced, when Pletcher leaped from a rear window, and, attempted to gain a piece' of woods near by. -, He was repeatedly ordered to halt by one-of theaol diers, who saw him jump from the window; and upon persisting in his attempt to escape, was fired upon, and fell. Upon being carried into the house it was found he was badly wounded, being shot through the body. As he was too severely hurt to be removed a surgeon was sent for, and he was left with his friend. WASTIESGXON.—We will again call the atten tion of our readers to the Lecture by the Rev. Dr. Conrad, to be delivered this evening, in the Meth odist church, at 6i o'clock. This lecture was delivered in Harrisburg two weeks'ago i and the Telegraph thus closes if long article in review of it : "Ire most abstain from any further attempt at sketch ing this matchless review of the Christian attributes and career of Washington. With perhaps the exception of Lce's oration on the oeztasion of the death of Washington, we regard this lecture (and we are confident that all who beard it will bear us out in the assertion) as one of the best expositions of the real character of the Father of his Coun try, ever written in the same condensed tone by any American citizen. Nor must Dr. Conrad he permitted to rest with a single delivery of his lecture. It should here pealed before as many audiences as possible, as well on account of the influence it will have on the morality of the pesiple, as for the patriotism it will encourage in this the hour of the country's straggles and perils." ACCtIIENT TOCOL. SPEAR.—WhiIe Col. Spear, of the lith Cavalry, was riding, with a member of his statr, near Varena, Va., on Saturday week,' his horse's feet entered a post hole, causing his fall, together with that of his rider, upon whom the animal fell with crushing weight, inflicting it is feared, intemal injuries of a serious nature. Col. Spear, in obedience to orders, was about to 're sume the saddle for stirring operations, and it is to be,regretted that his services are to be lost even for a few weeks in that branch of our army, to which be has aided in giving such enviable ce lebrity. THE DRAFT.—The Board of l Enrollment of this Listrict received last Saturday an _order to commence the draft on the 2lst inst., Which was done. We believe only Fulton county was drawn yesterday, to the number of one hundred and fif ty, which is the quota of that county with one hun dred per cent. added. The drawing will be at onto resumed for such counties and townships as are making no effort to fill their quotas., Aqvioullmantesr.—Lient. Kingsbury, on behalf of his company, makes the following ac. knowledgement of mittens received from the La &cis' Aid Society of this place: IIEADQUAII.TEIIS um= lIALF BATTERY A, • lintt Now York Light Artillery, • Cbambereburg• Pm, Febrbary 15, lest. To the Editors of the Franklin Repository: Gv.sTa :—Permitmo through the columns of your paper to acknowledge, on behalf of the men of my company, the receipt of nine palm of good woolen mitt from the Ladies' Aid Society of Chambersbarg, and at the same time to thank them, and wish them "God_specd" In their noble and patriotic labors. It is to 121'14:able, self.tarriScing wo men of our land the soldier on - es the most for whatever of comforts or laxmies he may ImVe received, and I doubt not when the history of this war shall be written, their names will occupy no small space in its pages. Go on ha dies, and remember you shall ever have the earnest and fervent God bless you I of the ofllcers and soldiers of Bat tery' A, . T. KIIIOSBURY, lot Lieutenant Comd'g. REB9NED.—Lieut.Rel. Pyfer, of the 77th Reg. inmPatjlitalleeoobliged 6-retigu on acorn& of ill health.' , Ite-haireturned to Lanoaster city. To vitt Corsrat,-- - fibis'bigy should' know that thowall l 4Spahr's -corner likely to fall at any mbinetik 'We pienime the leirporate treasury is not so fall as to make it desirable to have a bill to settle for a human life lost beeahse of the want of a little prudence. Let the author ities see that this danger is removed from the path of the large number of people that now make Washington street a thoroughfare. ALtisomeDatuertoNs.—St. Louis Lodge, Cali- forma, contributed to the sufferers of Geo. Wash.; ington Lodge of this place, Sir2oo in gold. Jno. E. Stover, formerly a. resident of Chambenburg, is Secretary of St Louis Lodge We learn thalami eral other Califeraii Lodges have ;nude liberal do nations. SAD ACCIDENT.—We learn that on last Friday a young ion of Mr. Jacob Hargleroad, living a few miles north of town, was so seriously injured by falling upon or being caught by a cog-wheel in his father's mill, that it was deemed impossible that be could survive. Tits! 22D.—Today being the anniversary of the birthday of the Father of his country, it will be celebrated by the military stationed in this place by a street parade, accompanied by the Chumbersburg Sou ver Cornet Band. POSTMASTER APPOINTED.-Mr. John Gos boil' has been appointed Postmaster at Doyles burg, this county, in place of Joseph W. Doyle. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.—"Coutaia no opium nor anything injurious."—Dr. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "An elegant combination fa' Coughs."—Dr. G. F'. EIGELOIV, Boston. "I recommend their use to public speakers."—Res. E. H. CILLPIN../ "Most salutary relief hr Brunchitis."—Rev. S. SEIG FRIED, Morristown, Ohio, "Very beneficial when suffering from Colds."—Rev. S. J. P. ANDEMON, St. Louis. "Almost instant relief in the distressing tabor of breath• leg peculiar to Asthnut."—Rer. A. C. EGGLEstos,' Neu . York. "They have suited my ease exactly,--relieving my. throat so that I could sing withirase,"—T. DUCtWtME, Chorister French Paris Church. Stop,Vest. As there are imitations. be sure t,6 obtain the genuine. GUILFORD Tow - sstop.—The Union party or Guilford township are requested to meet at their usnal places, in their respective School Districts, on .Friday ere- Ting, the 24d inst., at early candle-light, to select their del. egates from each School district, to meet In Convention, nt Lesher's School House, on Saturday, the 9th day of Mardi, at 2 o'clock, P.M., to form a ticket to be supported at the coming spring election. To Woola IT MAY COM:ERIC—AII persona owing for the Repository and Transcript, Advertising or Job Printing,. are hereby notified that If Payment be do laved longer than the find of next month costa will surely be added. Payment can be made at the ttegiater and Recorden office. Chambersbmg. febls-2t SNITErx STRICKLER. ANODYNE CORDIAL, the Mother's Friuli:lllrd Child's Relief.-"-This•valuable medicine is again for sale at KILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door treat of Brown's Hotel. It is fir superior to all Soothing Syrups, - or tray other preparation for children in Teething, Cholla, Diarrhea, or Inward pains. GELWICKS & BURKHART have much the larg est and most vanied stock of Store Goods in town. It is impossible in their advertisement to give a list of goods or the prices, but it is their determination to keep up the largest and twstassortment of goods, and to make this the most desirable place for Family's to deal at in the town. DPSIRABLE Gobas.—A good Hair Brush, a serviceable Pocket took, a piece of line Soap, a 'box of highly scented PrenchPomade, a bottle of Night-Blooming Cereus, a box of Lip Salve, a stick of Black Coinnetique, a good ,Tooth Brush, and safe Dentifrice, to be bild. at CIMPALEIVe Drug Store. REMEMBER Gelwieka & Burkhart sell none but the best and purest Spices, and Baking Articles. All Spices put up by thenaselveg and ground on their orn mgt. FOl2 prime Kerosene Oil, Lamp,- Globes, Wicks mad Shades, go to Gelsvicks & Barktusrt:if you want them Cheap and good SE MARY OF WAR NEWS —Deserters from General Early'a Rebel army in the valley continue to come within our lines almost daily, expressing their entire disgust with matters in the army and the Confederacy gener ally, expressing a desire to return to their fealty to the Union, take the oath of allegiance, and again become good, loyal, and indnatrioua citizens. —General Grant has thoroughly fortified his army, in the rear, and the Petersburg Express states that he is nearly as strong in that quarter as be ,is in front. Every road is strongly barri called,. and heavy lines of works extend in- every direction. The rebels have recently extended their lines from near Reeser Station two miles to ward"! Monk's Neck. —Lieut. W. P. Cushing, commanding the gun boat Monticello, reports that on the night of the 4th inst., he entered Little River, S. C., and pro ceeding about eight miles' with four boats and fif ty men, landed in the small town of All Saints Parish, on Little River. The town was placed under guard without the knowledge of its inhab itants, and he ,succeAed in cantering some sol diers and arms. He held the place all the next day, sad discovered and destroyed about $15,000 worth of cotton. He also captured two flats at he mouth;of the river containing twenty-three bales oli , otton, Which had some time before been removed from a blockade-runner to lighten her. This was brought off, together with some negroes. The North Carolina planters, and all the men he met professed to he willing to come back under the Government, and most of them,seemed to be loyal men and only waiting emancipation from military rule. On the 6th Met the Lieut. sent two boats crews ashore in Charlotte Inlet, under command of Acting Master C. A. Pettit. He sur prised. and routed a Rebel force detailed to collect provisions in that county, capturing six soldiers with their arms and equipments, and destroyed the stores that had been gathered for the enemy at Flanderson. PEOSON.M. —Major-General Heintzelman, who has been sojourning; in Wheelingfor some montbahas been ordergd,Ao Onrio. f —John IL Mcßride, of Oregon, present-Mem ber of Congress, has been appointed by the Pres. ident Chief Justice of Idaho. —The Illinois Legislature has passed a bill ap propriating $25,000 for the purchase of the burial place of the late Stephen A. Douglas. —Gov. Andrew Johnson, who was confined to his room with a severe cold for cthe peat 'two weeks, is improving, but he is still unable Wet tend to the duties of his offee. —The Nashville papers say that Andrew Jack son Donelson, candidate for Vice President on the Filmore ticket in 1856, has returned to that city from the South, and had taken the oath. —Major-General R. A. Gilmer has been ap pointed to the command of the Department of the South, vice Major-General Foster, who comes North on a furlough, which is rendered necessary by disability arising from a troublesome old wound. —The rebel Gen. Winder, the iniamons keep. er of the Richmond prisons, is dead. He was a native of Daltimore r and was educated at West Point. At the breaking out of the rebellion he joined the rebels, and has almost constantly been in Richmond no superintendent of prisoners.. His harshness and brutality totnion officers and sol diers under his charge, has covered his name with an infamy that will not soon be forgotten. He was 65 years of age. • —H. S. Foote, late member of the rebel Con gress, on arriving within our lines, communicated with the Secretary of State, desiring to remain in the country, with a view to use efforts for the pur pose of bringing about a peace, with the overthrew of the rebellion and the restoration of the Union upon the basis of the gradual remoriil of slavery. But Mr. Foote, while declaring that he had forever abandoned the rebel cause, did not propose to ac cept the terms of the President's proclamation of amnesty. Permission, therefore, was given him either to return within the enemy's lines, or to leave the United States not to return during the continuance of the war, without permission from the Government. Mr. Foot has embarl3d for Europe. frani* 41.1)anOcti,3uta t pa, LATEST NEWS!! ,' BY MAGNETIC TELEGLAPII. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE,FRANKLIN REPOSITORY By the Westcraion Telegraph LiarTtyc Ist the mlti.a.ilzad De 1. pot GOOD - ;NEWS!! IIEIIMAN'S TRILIPIIINT COLUMBIA, S. C., CAPTURED!! CHARLESTON IEVACUATED! The Old Flag Floats Over Sumpter! The capture of CoMmbia and evactuititui of Charleston by the rebels is announced in thefol- Jewinttelegrams received-from Gen. Grant CrrY POINT, Va., F,eb. 20.—Hon E M. Stan ton:—The following paragraphs are extracted from the Richmond papers of to-day. We now now that Charleston was evacuated on Tuesday, and that on Friday the. enemy took posession of Columbia. It is reported that our forces under Ctn. Beauregard are moving in the direction of Charlotte. Official intelligence was received at the War official last night that Sherman was on yesterday morning advancing towards and was near a point Sip the Rail Road leading to Char lotte and 30 miles north of Columbia. Charlotte is thronged with refugees Kim Columbia,. who report that some of Wheeler's cavalry plundered the city before the evacuation. Up to Tuesday last lit was uncertain whether Columbia would come,within the immediate line of , Shermau's operatiOns, and consequently the public mind was not prepared for such an early solution of the question. The government had, however, just two v.teks ago taken the precau tion to remoi.u its specie deposited there, amount ' inn to several millions' of dollars, and within the past few days all of the dies and plates belonging to the Treasury Department, together with the supplies of treasury notes on, hand, were safely conveyed away. The enemy being in possession of Branchville, Orangeburg and Kingsville, pre cluded movements on the roads leading to Charles ton, and an unfortunate accident upon the Char lotte road, cutting off nearly all the rolling stock of the road front Columbia, prevented the autho rities from making use of that avenue to save other valuable materials in the city. Large quantities of medical stores belonging to the government were there, one-half of which were saved and the rest for want of time and • transportation were destroyed. The presses vd fixtures for printing 'Treasury notes of the esfab lishinent of Evans and Cogswell, and Keating and Ball, were necessarily abandoned, together' with the other extensive machinery of these well known firms. The first named establishment had 202 printing presses and was inquestionably the largest and best equipped publishing housein the South. The enemy's force operating west of Columbia reached the banks of the Congaree, opposite the city, on Thursday evening, and threw in a num ber of shells, to which our batteries responded. A portion of this column moved up the ever du ring the night and crossed the Saluda and Broad rivers, the main tributaries of the Congaree. which meet near Columbia, a few miles above the city. During the movement Gen. Beauregard evacuated the city, and on Friday morning the enemy entered and took possession without oppo sition. Our troops were withdrawn to a position some miles from Colombia, where they remained yesterday. The enemy's force entering Columbia consisted of Sherman's main army, a large por tion of which immediately moved up the Char lotte road, while auether portion has moved down in the direction of Charleston. The latter city has doubtless ere this been evacuated. 11. S. GRANT, Lieut. Gen. CrrY POINT, Feb. ‘2.o.—ion. E. M. Stanton The following dispatch just received : _ _ . V. S. GRANT, Lieut. Gen. The Richmond Examiner of to-day, just receiv ed, aye Charleston - was evacuated on Tuesday last. , G. WerrzeL, Maj. Gen. NEW FORS , Feb. '2l Steamer Fulton frions Port Royal and Charles ton bar of 18th, arrived here this morning. The purser furnishes UR with the following news:— Charleston was. evacuated by the enemy on the night of the 17th, leaving the several fortifications uninjured—besides 200 guns, which they spiked. The evactiation was first discovered at Fort Moul trie on the morning of the 16th, at 10 A. NI. Part of the troops stationed at James Island crossed overin boats and took possession of the city with out opposition. The upper part of the city being on fire previous to the evacuation, by wlueh 600 bales of cotton were burned, and it is supposed that before they could subdue it two-thirds of the city would be destrOyed. A fearful explosion occurred in the Wilming ton Railroad dept. , The cause of which was un known. Several hundred citizens lost their lives. The building was used by the company, and was situated in the upper part of the city. Admiral Dahigren was thei first to run up to the city, where he arrived. about 2P. 31. Gen. Q. A. Gil more soon after followed in the steamer W. W. Colt and had an interview with Gen. Scheminel fennig. He was the first General officer in the city. It is supposed that Beauregard evacuated Charlotte in order to concentrate and give Gen. Sherman - battle. The remains of two iron clads were found which the enemy destroyed by blow ing up previous to the evacuation. Several block ade runners were expected to run in. The first flag over Sumpter was raised by Capt. Bragg, A. D. C. on Gen. Gilmore's staff; having for a staff an oar and boat hook, lashed together. The houses in the lower part of the city, were completely riddled by our shot and shell. The wealthier part of the population have deserted-the city, and now all that remain are 'the poorer classes,. who are suffering for want of food. It was reported at Hilton Head that the left wing of Sherman's army had reached Midway, on the Charleston and Augusta Railroad, and that the rebels in consequence had evacuated Timneh vine and fallen back on Orangeburg. A move ment had been made by - the forces under Gen. Hatch, which resulted in the capture of six guns, which the rebels had abandoned. The carriages had been destroyed.. (Capture of 9etos. Kelly and Crook A part) of rebels dashed into Cumberland, Md., before daylight this morning, and eatried off Gene. Kelly and Crook. A detaehmelit of cavalry has beendient in pursuit of the retreating rebels, FINANCE AND TRADE. —The'following are th aale% of iitockg au bat* BO U. S. 5.20's 111 U. S. 10.40's ' 1024 U. 8. , S 1 110 U, 8, 6 . 6 coupon- 111 U. 8. Certificates 95 Penna. s's coupon.... 91 RAILROA Fenian. R. R ' tZ Reading 56t - COAL AND Fulton Coal 61.1 Big Mountain Coal. - 53 N. Y. & 311 d. Coal . Green Mt. C0a1.... . 311 N. Carbondale... ... 2 Feeder Dam Coal.. Clinton Coal. ...... Butler C0a1..., ...... 10 Diamond Coal. 18 i Santora - . 4 Munocany Penn ...., 10 Cennectient...., ... Keystone Zinc.. . .... Excelsior Oil 111 Big Tank..., 2 I Continental: • 1./1 Farrell' Oil Creek 61 Maple Shade Oil 2411 3.PCllntock 01 Gf Pennsylvania Pet 2 Perry Oil . . Mineral Oil Keystone Venango Oil. • • • . • • I' Union Yetrolcu tn ... If Beacon - Oa 1 Seneca Oil 3 Orglinle Oil ..... Franklin Oil 11 Flowe's Eddy Oil 1 THE CONFEASPANN ANP EXPERIENCE eit" AN ItiVALlD.—Publisbed for the benefit, and as &CAUTION To YOUNG 31EN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of fitandood, dce., supplying at the Same time 'DIE MLA Ns OF SELF•CD6E. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, eiu' to cop may be had of the nether. NAT.NIEL MAYE'ArR, tirooklya, Rings Co., N. Y. - daelChn WOODWAKIi-422112b.15Lkbsst, bs Om liar. Tbomatßaraltart, therssidraceotthe bride's nani„ in Hamer '••=h:m',, Mr. George R. ar Wil Pa. mington, Del., le Mu rimilY Swlbter, at Frireklbe ami ty, • SECKLEK—TIEPPEK.--Ori the 15th thst, at the •detee of - the bride's weals, to the vielnity Jackson Hall, by the Rev. S. Menem., Rev. wimr,rti Keekler, of Wuneeboro', to Miss Matilda Ileprer. BORN.—On the 6th _inst., at _Charlestown, Va, Mt. Thoteas D. Bohm aged ‘4 years, I month and 10 days The deceased, rho was In the arnsy,veas t omentally shot by one of his oothrader "the ball entering hisleft side anti passing oat ofhis right shoulder. His corpse was laid to rest on the 16thinst., in the Mentzer Grace Yard neat Fayetteville. BAUX—On the 17th lost, in Hamilton tow - midi? • Mrs Elisabeth Baum, la the 4.5 th year of her age. • REPORT ,OE THE MARKETS. 1 Chatuberabarir /Markets. Ctiaucvrtßatma, Feb. 21, 18641 now—White - $ll 00rattei , , Plour—Red , 10 50 Ent. - Wheat—White 260 Lard Wheat-Red 2 40' Tallow Rye 1 50 Bacon—Hama... 1 40 Bacon—Sides.— Oats ..P ' 80 Soap Beans Clover Seed 14 IX) Washed W 001... Timothy Seed= ... ''. .. 4 50 Unwashed Wool, Flaxseed -- - - ...... 250 Pared Peaches. Poadoes—Mercer.... 1 25 UnNrW Peaches. -Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 15 DrM Apples—. [BY TELEGRAPH r - e Etal.kets. , PanaDELPOIA, Feb. 0:1, 18E5 Floor--only a few arrow lota were disposed of at o'n 50 for auparfine, 81051050 for extra, and $.11315 for ex , tra family. • Rye flour dull at es 7 5, and earn meal at ss. 1 , 5 - beat—Small sales and at V. 50e2 55, and white at $2 602 O. Rye selling at $1 'Mal 71. Om—Sales of 2,006 bus, yellow at $1 64. Oats steady at 97e. , Err TruziusrLl Philadelphia Stock. ket. Parc,u3r.t.PßlA, Feb. 20. Stocky dulL - Penna. Eves, 91; Reading Railroad, 56: Morris on New York par. NOTICE.—AII parties holding original Receipts or assignments for Stock in the Cherry Ron and Pittsburg Petroleum Company, are requested to pft sent the same at the office of the Company and have prop er transfers, made and Certificates of Stock heard to the parties entitled thereto JOUR F. GLOSSLII. Seo'y. 11.5 Fourth St., nttsbarg. "RXECUTOR'S NO TIC E.—Notice is J.J hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of. David Everett late of Metal township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All personsknowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please mate immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. rele2 W. S. EVERETT, Eer. 11 ,ETTIiRS REMAINING UNCLAIMED 14 in the Post Office at Chambersburg, State of Penn sylvania, February 21, 1863. "To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant must (mil for "advertised Letters," give the date of this ast, and pay one cent for advertising. Allen Mrs M A Rester Mr Charles 'Smith Francis J 3 Bleimein Jonathan LongeneckerßenF Stahl Miss Anna Champ A J Leader :William Stouffer Mr David Dougherty Samuel Mahon Thaddens3 Thomas Oston Dunn George Pittman William Walk Frederick Elfinger John W Pmkney John Yerger Jeremiah Fiehel John M. Renehbaugh Petor FOREIGS Griffith Wm 2 Schubert Samuel, DornbergerLeon'd Manning Geo W Shearer Miss Sas R Prendiville Patrick RI: DIRECTION OF THE COURT, ,J_JI the Sheriff publishes the following ;=At an Orphans'. Core, held atChambersburg, for Franklin county, Pa., on the `2Bth day.of January, 1865, before the Hon. Alex ander King, President, and James - 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Esq's., Associate Judges of our said Court, • On motion of 8. 'Strickler Esq., the Court grant a Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives Of Christian Royer, deceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Chambersburg, for mid County, on tie 24th day of March, net , to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deed at the Appraisement %la/nation thereog or to show case why the same should not be sold according to Law. In testimonv Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand [L. a.] and affixed the seal of said Court, nt Chambereburir, the third day of February, 1865. W. G. 3,11TC1M1.1,, Clerk. Attest: SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. _ feb2:2-3t. BY DIRECTION OF THE CO U RT, the Sheriff publishes the following as Orphans' Court, held at Clmathersburg, for Franklin County, Pa., on the 16th day of JanuarylB6s, before the Hon Alex ander King. President, ithii'James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Esq's. Associate Judges of our said court : On motion uf, fthively Strickler, Esq., the Court grunt a rule on the heirs and legal Representatives of •Wdliarn (Kaman, deceased, to appear at the Orphans' Court,t to be held at Chambersburg, for said County, on the 14th day of March neat, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceised at the Awraisement valuation thereof, or to show cause why the same should not be sold, accooding i° se .• se Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hind and [l. a.] affixed the seal of said Court, at Charabensburg, the third day of February, 1865. W. G. DirratEra., Clerk. Attest: 81itEtt. 1 13tuviDT, Slierjr. fe/42-3r. fIY DIRECTION OF THE COURT, iJ the Sheriff publishes the following r—At an Or pumas' Court, held at Cluunboisbnrg, for Franklin county, Pe., on the 11th day of January, 180, before the Hon. Alexander King, President, and James 0. Carson and W. W. Paxton, Esces, Associate Judges of our said court. On motion of W. S.'Everett, &q., the Conxt grant a 'Rule on the Heirs and legal Representatives of Joseph Seibert, deactiied. to appear at the Orphans , ' Court, to be held at Cluanibersbarg, for 'odd County, an dm 141 k day of March, next, to take or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the Appridsentent Valuation thereof, or to allow cause why the same should not be sold, accord mg to Law. ln testirnony , whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand (L a] and adlxed the seal of said Court, at Chambers burg, the third day of February 1865. - W. G. hirratEid., Attest; SAMUEL Brwarr, Sheriff. fete23t. TT S. INTERNAL REVENUE • SPECIAL INCOME TAX I Fifth DiViSioll, (Franklin Count',) Sixteenth Collection District of Psfona. For Quincy, Washington, Gniiford, Antrim, Montgomery, Peters, Darren,' 51. Thomas, Metal and Hamilton Tozonvhips. Notice is Hereby Given, That a List of the "SPECIAL INCOME TAX," ordered to be Assessed under the "joint resolution of Congreis," approved July 4, 1864, has been received from the Assessor of this District, and that pay ment of the rune can be made at my office, in Greeneas tie, at any time previous to the Ist day ofMarch next- PENALTIES.—AII persona who fail to make payinent on or before the day alien e specified, will incur a penalty of ten per cost, and immediately thereafter, roarreants will be placed in the hands of all officer for the collection of the Tax:•with the penalty and heavy additional costs. • Only Treasury Notes, or the Notes of National Banks, will be received in payment. GEO. H. DAVIDSON, Doputy ‘ Colicetor, 6th Div., 16th District Pennsylvania. Greencastle, Pebruary 25, 1865,—,-2t• US. INTERNAL REVENUE • sPEoLth IXCONIT.. TAXI Fourth Division, (Franklin County,) Sixteenth Collec tion District of Penna. Far the Borough of Chambral. burg, Southampton, Omen, Format, Larerkenny and Lam- Gan Township, Notice is Hereby Given, - That a Lisfof the "SPECIAL INCOME TAX," ordered to be Anse.asesi under the "joint resolution of Congress," approved July 4, 1864, has been .received for collection, and that payment of the saute can be made at my office, in Chambensburg, at any time vions to the Mt day of March, next. PENALTIES.—AII persons who fail to make payment on or before the day above specified, - will incur a penalty of ten per cent., audimmediately thereafter, warrants will be placed in the What of an officer fee the collection of the Tax, with the penalty and heavy additional coats. Only 'I reasury Notes, or the Notes of National Banks, will be received in payment. AUGUSTUS RICHLY, Duputy Collector, 4th Div. 16th District Pennsylvania. Chambersbarg, February 22.1565.-2 t • . 8310 Wnasixso. W. V latent quotationP of the in Philadelphia: Reading 6'5... :9e} Penna. R. R. Ist wort., 106 Penna. R. rt. 2d tnort.. 104 i Phila. 6'e. 'Bl 100 Phila. 6's, new 97 IPldla. &Erie R. R. O's 107 STOCKS. _ Phila. fr. Erie R. 25 I N. Contra] R. R 53/ •IL STOCKS. ' ' IPennsylvalla Import4L. 5 . Sterling Irving Oil • 6 Pope Farm Olt' I iPalzel l Densrnote 41 • - Si • iltrElhetty 5 i Roberta Oil 21 ,Olmstead. 111 ;Noble & Deloraator..... 6f, Hibbard. t.. 7 ...,. , . If 'Bruner Farm . -t., ' 2 'Bruner 1-1 i Petroleum Centre • It Rgbert I Hoge Island. ..-. _ .'. If Allegheny River. 1.1 , Curtin 1:31 Nita & Oil Creek 11 !Bull Creek • , I.i Germania - !Corn Planter Si Rock 0.1. 3ft'Plil 4 ' , Tarr Farm ..... ....... II ' Olobe Farm ' i Schurkill Oil Creek.. I Walnut Island 2f E1d0rad0........ '...., II St. Nicholas. 4 Drinkard__ i Caldwell ... • 51, : fAI .DIED. get abbertiormento. & H. M. WHIT jE, Hive Opened their CLOTHING: OD FURNISHING 814 BILE in the Stone Building, on Second Street, two doors north - of the Poet Office, and orrceit6 the County Jail, a pod assortment of CLOTHS, C'A SSIMETtER VFFITINU ',WILTS, DRAWERS, TItAyELING BAGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING-GOODS Give as st cat PU BLIC SALE.- 7 The sulikriben, hay ing dissolved Partnership, will offer Public, Sale, on Saturday, March 4th,? 1665, 2 miles crier of Chambers. burg, on the Baltimore Pike, near the Pour House, the following Personal Property, to wit: 7 headof good HOR SES, 2 of which arc good leaders; 4 Mulch, 1 will be fresh about time of Sale; 6 good Shoats; 1 Broad-Tread SIX-HORSE WAGOlt.with Bed—nearly new; 1 Broad-. Tread Four-horse Wagon withl3ed—nearly new;l Four- Home Broad-Tread Farm Wagon, 1 Four-horse Nar; row-Tread' Wagon, 1 One-horse do„ I Cart, IOPER-TOP BUGGY, 1 new Rockaway- da, 1 Buggy Polo, 1 Sulky, -1 good Sleigh, one Your-hone Sled, IN heelbartow, Dung Boards. 1 Three-Home and Two-Home Plows, 3 Double and 3 Single Shovel Plows, Single, Double and 'Fripple Trees, 1 Harrow ? 1 lalro Rale, 1 Fodder Cutter, 1 Gum Spriog Grain Drill, nearly new, 2 setsgood Feceehlninds, -4 seta Front °eats, 2 seta Yankee do., 2 seta Double Har ness, 2 seta Single do., 1 set One - Horse Wagon, do., 6 Fly Nets, 2 Riding Saddles and Biddies, 6 sots Housing'', Wagon Saddle, Collars, Bridles, 1 Sid and 1 Fonr-Horse Lines, 8 Halters, 3 Spreaders, Log, Fifth, Bread, But and Cow Chains, Mowing Scythes, Bay, and Dung Forks, Raft. Also a lot of Quarrying , Blacksmith and Carpen ter Tools, Stone Hammon, Wedges, 2 Grind Stones, &c. Also a lot of Old Iron, a lot of Chestnut Ralls r Plastoring tadia. Also 1 Coal -Stove, and a variety of Household' And Kitchen Furniture, Also the ONE-HALF OF A STACK OF HAY. alet9 0) 0 4, A . Id., whim . attaradadee be &ea sad S ten a ni made fab7L4t fTTNIF.II & EBERSOLS, ..., cp. i1L0 . .- - e.1....t., -?..t.r.-,.-4.......w., - . L.re•,-..... . .. L.•-•-d-,L. ...,./. - ' • '...,.f...,,A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,........,,,,,,,,,i, n EGL§tER'S N:4Yrieg— .:All-Pengmh u4 it s w a ited - 4eitt_ taternatiat' r, t 343 the following Accountants bawettnetr Anotarett fa the Kegigar'9 Cleo of FrarOnPoonY•Wwilhat these= willbo_pret seated to the Orphanh Aloud foie ciodtroiotion, cm TLICII der. the Ha digr of mar* /563, in Oheraberabsegr L 3d. First and final bocce= of Saral Their,' A des' or Kiehal a , Meek late of Gnalloai twp, &ed. • - i 39 - Aoui• of Curls LowrYi Guardian of Cafbaritt&E. Lowry„.,'minor thlid of John Low, deed an stated by A. S. r.,oa-ry and Jamb Relobard, Adm,Ty of said dom. -40. Acct. of Curtis L0n43, - G-tuirdian of Amanda Son?. ',ars. minor obild of Thanard Sowers, dted, tie triad by A.: , S. Lowry and Jacob Reichud.. A 'r . e, of said deo'd. 9L First and final AoOL or.' loWper, Gmudina a ht E. J. Cormany, minor daughter Jacob Cormany, late of Lotterkenny twp., deo'd. - 91 First and tinaL Aoct. of WI Reetler, Adm'r of Valentina Koehler, late of Woe ton two., deed. 43. First and final Acot. of David B. Winged ; Ex't of Jacob Wingord, late of Antrim tup., deed - , 44.. The anal Acct. of Joseph Ilayde, Guardian of Ab ner Johnston ' (now dedd,) who was minor child of Wm. Johnston: 45. First and final Acct.ofDtsvidPiket Adm'f of Frau cis Pike, late of Antrim twp., deo'd. 46. Second Acct. ofJolinW. Efinkell, Guardian of Slur ay of Dael know Iterremell) and Eliza Miller, minor children deo'd. 47. 'Find and final Acct, of Wm. H. McDowell, Ex'r of Margaret L. Campbell, late of Chafeberstitny, deed- 48. Find and final Acct. of A. B. Wingert. Adm'r Anna lirmgert, late of Letterkenny , tudeed: 49. First wad Snal Acetate. FL M Adm'r . of Sam'! Fllson,,late of Guilford tarp., deed. , • - 50. Finn and final Acct. of J. G. Scheible, Guatdlan of Ellen C. Irwin. minor child of P. Irwin, late of Chard beraburg, deed. 51. rust and final Acct, of Philip Foust, Ex'r of Phi}- ip Feast, Sr., late of Southampton twp., deo'd. • - 52 First and tient Acct. of Wm. 8. Amberson, Admix: of Jane E. Hums, late of Hamilton twp., deo'd. 53. Vint tied ofJohn N. Snider, Ex'r of Cath arine Schnider. late of Hamilton twp., deed. 54. Fhrt mud Bent acct. of C. H. McEnlght, Ex'r of DauL Moll, late of Guilford twp., deed.; 55. Find and deal acct. of Danl. Herman, Adger and So phia Heiman, Atlre'rx of John Herman, late of Guilford twp., deed. 56. First and Anal acct. of Christian Lesher, Ex'r Of Magdalena Streit, late of Washington twp., deed. 57. Acct. of Danl. I. Seeger, Guardian of David Rital reel, minor child at Melchior Rummel, late of Quincy twp., 58. -Second and final - acct. of J. H. Gordon, Adm'r or Sam'L Gordon, late of Waynesboro, deed. " - 59. First amt. of J. H. Lytle, Her. of Davld Lytle, late of Hamilton tap., decd. 60. First and final scot of Elizabeth Reside, Ex'sx Of John Reside, late of Southampton tap., deo'd. 61. First and final acct. of Ann Maria Keefer, Adinex of John Keefer, late of Antrim, twp., dee'd. • First and final acct. of Philip and John A. Letnaster, Admirs of Geo. Lemaster, late of Chamberstmtg, deed.' 63. First and final acct. of David Shover, Aft's of 3fi. oboe! Ruth, late of Green tap., deed. 64. Von And final Acct. of David Hahn; Ada*. of William Foz, late of Washington twp., deed. 65. First and final Acct. of Jam .51111er, Adm'r of Pe ter B. llonram, late of Chambersboug, decd. febls HENRY STRICKLER. Register.. .. 33 .. 03 2M 60 40 500 300 2 25 _AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Noticeisher by" given that the ;undersigned has been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Franklin - county, Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hamlet D. K. WWI - Esq., guardian of William Rhodes; deo'd, to and among the heirs and legal r e ,,,,esataeres of said dec'd, according to Ism, that he will sit in the office of Stem. bough and Gehr, to attend to the duties of his appoint .. eat' on Wednesday, the Ist day of March, 4. D., 1_865, where all persons interested may attn.:111:1119- see proper. feba-lt - EL C. DE, Auditor, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county has appointed the undersigned a Committee over the person and estate of Abraham Shetter, a habitual drunkard. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate will please tnake immediate payment, and those having °woo, present them properly authentkated for settlement fehl-ft JOHN FRY, Committee. NOTICE IS 1-TERI HY GIVEN THAT Loci Horst, of Green township, has been appointed by the court of Common. Pleas of Franklin county Com mittee of Catharine Gsell, of Green township aglnnatle. All person, indebted to said estate will please snake im mediate payment, -those having claims Will please present them properly authenticated_ febls-bt LEVI HORST, Committee. J. W. DEAL, P. M ADMINISTRATOR'S tice to hereby given that Letters of Admirdetradon on the Estate of William Burkholder, late of Green town ship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having otainis present them prove,ly authenticated for settleinent. felk WM. M'CLURE, Adm'r A D NINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No flea Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate. of William Everett, late of Metal tovnuthip, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to sold Estate will . please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. feb& " JOHN E. JONES, Adm's ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Charles Jackson, late of Mereemburg, deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and , those havMg claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. febB JAMES 0. CARSON. Adm' DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Vo tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Miller, late of St Thema township, deed, have,been granted to the naderalgued. All persons knowing themselves indebted to wild Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for !settlement CATHARECE MILLER,I Aden ,. janlB PATRICK McGARVEY, 5 A DMDTISTRATOR'S dee is hereby given that Letters of Administration, on the Estate of Jacob Wolfkill, late of Chambenstnarg, decd, have been granted to the entersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate, payment; and those having. claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. janlil IL GEHR, Adm`e. AA-DMINISTRATOR'S doe is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Shearman, lath of Green township, deed, hare been panted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to mid Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having Maims present them properly authenticated forsettlement. .f anti' SAMUEL SILEARMAN, Adra'r. 1 . h7,CUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice. is XI. hereby . given, that Letters Testarnentary to the Es tate of Jacob Detrick, late of Hamilton township dk'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. and t:-se tmlina claims present them properly authenticated fur set': 1.1311 W3L BOSSERT, f..h15 ' JOHN DETRICH, 5 EXECUTOR'S N 0 T I C E.—Norice is beriby given that Letters Testamentary to the F.,uate of Rebecca W. Dash, late of Guilford township, de,*(l, lace been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said "E. , te.e will please make immediate payment ; and those hai - ir.g claims present them properly authenticated for setth.ment. febg JOHN C. THITLE, 11. fr. EXECUTOR'S NO T ICE.—NoticAi is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Wm, Crist, late of Antrim townewlp, deo'd, hare been granted to the nndorsigned.. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said will please meld Immediate payment; and these Ines iz,g claims present them iiroperly withetaicated fur saltl , a met. tunll CEO. 8. OUST, Ei'r. Root, firg,totklr'*ttageb. "NOTICE.—AII parties interested ..L' tete notice, that Samuel Seibert became thi , nor, by purchase, from the Adminittratam of Wm. rieil,ort; deed, (late of Cluunbersburg. Pe.,) of the sham , ..f s loe c of the said deceased, la the .ANO IMPROVEMENT AND RAIL ROAD COMPANY," tirlologqing 917 to 1048. andlo74 to 1141, inclusive and that the trern- Codes of stock issued to said Win. Seibert, dee'd, were it«. strayed by the fire of 30th July. 1864, when Chambers. burg was given to the Dames; and that at a Insetting. of the Directors of the said company, to be held at Philailel• phia, early in March next; the said Samuel Seibert will make application to said Directors, to have licw tales of stook issued to him, in lieu of those ile.itroved by the tire. SAMUEL SEII3e.R.T. • The undersigned, Adixdoisbrairixazid icinllliFtie,to.; ut William SPibort, deed, do hereby mascot to the trarlsfer being mode to Samuel Seibert of the gook described, MARGARET SEIBERT, A dir`rx. fehl JOAN HUBER, Adm'r. NNOTICE.—Bounty Laud Warrant; No. 73558, for One _Urinated and Sixty Acre, jeered 19th October, 1857, to Jane H. Larmour and Jiro. W. Lar• moor minor children of Samuel B. Larniour, late of the District, of 'Columbia, deceased, (War of 1812.) hes Feet, lost. Notice is hereby glen that no application will be made re the CoMmiassoner otPenslors for are•issna of the above described Warrant. JAND 8. STEWAHT, feblAt JNO. W. 1..A11.)!Olill.. WASHINGTON HOTEL .FOR. RE).;T. —This Hotel, situate iu the Berougti of Bedford. Bedford county, Pa., *lll be f..w.ut after the lot orA next. The house Is the largisTand best adapted for:d..; purposees of any other in this section of the State. A good stable, ice house. and other ont.buildings are attatilAt. A large business has been done at this Hotel for yea* and can be gr ea tly I ncrease d. For, if any hotels in the State, oiitside of the large team. , afford better inducement• to e capable landlord than thus. Applicailen may be made ro the subscriber. at the residence, near Juniata Woole:. tin's-, Snake Spring Tp., Bedford . , county, Pa., or to Lutz, Esq., Bedford, Pit. fetiSslt - MICHAEL LUTZ, Bedford, Pa, fe 622 NOTICE is hereby given that the nu undordkrekA have obtained licemc (both Eitnt, am! Nationn* winch authorizes- them to purchase end Agents or for tho vise Dad beneSt of - others, - tiny Public Bonds or other securities on commission. {Va. apposite 07t Post o.fficr. feu 3t- STU:AT:AUG.Ii S GELai, AN ELECTION F 0 It' FIVE MANA gm of. die" Cliambersbutir Bedford To:Tapas Bond Corspony, _ . to serve tor tiwor,,ingyear, W 11111.3 held at the PplAro owe of S. S.', 11 4 ,31:Conuellsbia rg , on Mondqy, sha al day of Atared, , , 1 o'eloeic. Pat.. rebls-3t, T. 11. K.E.N.NIIDY, W e er, VirAisiTED.—A FAR3I 'lO RENT, in v - ..barilberizimiarrnanklist County, Pa., well tidaizf g d. to Cora and Pasture, and coatainlatiom one hundreato two hundred, Acres, Address, sta cash, terms, Sack, febB.3t JAMES cCOMMLL. Hada and Tarch•LigAt OPP, Everstcron,' fit O FARMERS AND DROVERS.—A largo and Improved IRON rx.vER scAlEs two bees meta to Rio rard Ws /Dew Quooo ROW for we attic IftOck. Bay, 6;AI, - b . TDP-RF D, I'API,OR. " . F--I B T R A R , m • ft; i;' 1 4; -4 effrate near Byrn oar*, rapna ardour, Pot;weteSiilL This noi hn dortaa.ilSe Mama 1343513 """l time. and his tie 'ttlemmt of coontry.• It via built in 1844, sna hal reoiratly been fiAlf refeina ,. .- 101 P). s bage • F•SANT. DWILMIS6 SOUSE., • SAW- 3t IL lc, teeth& tiith a• • S L L 1' A. It M - of 90 ACRES, on Which thereand ts""eted rgesigee? °:"ltigi Tenant Rouse . There are also cs the an Orch ard of name A= hundred fine rrnit The gosiWater. Tbla p rt. is on the route of the hats aralnYs an Railroad, which doubtless lOU pun through the neighborhood a Short time. _,- Terms will los made ) mown by the subscriber, residing on the Premises. Elat ,2s ' 3l =l F. Dna& PIIBLIC SA L E.-11xe' tuidersigaed, Administnstre de bents non of Jacob urtgeue, deed, will offer at 'Milo Sale, on Trautay, the Big day of Fek. rum% 183, the fall owi ng Real Estate, to edt The MANSION FA it situate in Metal township, Franklin county, Ps, on the Three Mountain soak ad. Joining the town of Fannettsburg, coutabalagSoo ACRES of I,lw' sad - FREE STONE LAND, about 2t Ames of which are well covered with Oak and Pine Timber,the balance in a good state of cultivation. The immurement, arc a large two-stalled STONE BOllt3E, (oecWett as a Hotel for the bat forty years,) Stone Back mains, 3 TENANT HOUSES, large Frame Bank Barn, Fame Stable, Corn Crtb, Wagon Shed, Cider Press sad as ae• seamy and convenient out-buildings. Also—A large HAY and STOCK. SCALES convenie nt the Dwelling. There is a large Orchard of 'choice t Trete on the premises, tmd , ll Well of never-falliu Water RIM the Dwelling, and Water Pipes from the for water. big stook - ou different parts of the farm. - • Sale tocouutenee at 1 o'clock, P. M., when the taw will be madelolom by JACOB Fuentioxs.-. febl-4t (WaLYISSINa, Amt.) Ado* dal:refs non. A D ISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE:—By virtue of an order of the CuTban's Court of Franklin county. January term, 1866, - es Administrator of - Joseph FM*, deol, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, on Monday, the 27th of Fist, , - roam 1865, all that portion of ground situated on Meths nie street, in Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa., bounded by lot of Andrew Wilson,byseld Mechanic street, bylot of Alexander Hamilton and an alloy, being thirty-four het fronting on Said street and running hack to the alley— Un 'which is erected a T W 043 T 0 BLS D 0 I DWELLHIG HOUSE, with basement rixane-L•with Cis tern convenient to hack door—first-rate Stable and Out- Howes, This property is in good repairs:4 is well ar ranged. for-a Inivate residence. Prerithis to the sale tithe house, the Ten-pin Alley, 90feet inlenrh by 14feetwide, will be sold in aix eeperate parte, each 15 het by 14 ,• end the Frame Building attached to end amid Ten-phi May will be sold So one piece. rir'Tarms made known me day of sale by DAVID FL I Lan, Admer. febB-3t - WIC ADANB, Anet. A VERY DESIRABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The hum lately occupied by James hfcClelland, deed, situate InMontgomery township adjoining lands of Frodetiolt Foreman, Samuel Cell and others, is uffered at Private Salo by the beim. Thistle= • is located 'near the Turnpike Road, abott miVaay be. tween Mercersborg and Greencastle, and is of a very sa. policr quality of Limestone land, in a high - stete_of cola. cation. The impravementsatuagnod substantial-STONE— DWELLThiG HOUSE, with a Stone and Frame Bank Barn, with all nocesearyout buildings. There is a large stream of water passing through the farm, with a never failing well near the Improvements. There is also an Or chard of choice Grafted Frail.' Ms tract contains about 142 ACRES about 10 of which is line good timber.. Per sons desirous of viewing the premises and wertaisdng Jo will inquireMcLellan, nt Clmixiberlden. or John McClelland, residing at lifercersbarg. febls-It WE. MaI.PLIAN, for the Reims. Lancaster .Ezmnlner, copy 9t and mend bill to this Q 4368. DEAF ESTATE FOR SALE.- By virtue of an order of the Court of Cougnon Plea* Franklin county, Fa, January term, 1265, as Commit tee of the estate of Jacob Wolf, of Waynesboro', pow to sale =Saturday. nic2.541 of ,Fosry,lB64. on the premises, the folloaing described Real F•state : A Lot or Parcel of Ground situated on the north side of Main Street, in Waresboro', known as the west half of lot No. 411 a the general plan of lots of said borough, being about 41 feet wide, and 164 feat deep, roaming back to al2 hot al ley. There is erected on said _parcel of groand a double two-story DWELLING HOUSE, past Stick and part Frame, to excellent condition, with Erick Smoke Howe, Wash, Hamm and fast-rate Stable nearly new. There is a neverlsiiing Well of pore water In the yen!, and choice Fruit an the premises Them is no more desirable prop eity than this in the neighborhood, it being suited egisally well for a business stand. or parole rudderless. • JOS. - DOUGLAS, Committee of Jacob Wolf. febS-ts • - Wm. Anew And. A DMINISTRATOWS SALE OF REAL ESTATE Sy virtue of an order of the Court of Franklin county, Pa., we wilt expose o= Sale, on the premises, ea Saterrelay, the 25th day of Mika; R 1865, &Li o'clock, P. H., the following deetuftitdo Seal Estate of John Miller, late of St. The ma township, decid All that certain TRACT OF 'LAND, situate in St. Thomas township, in said cortnts„adMtling Lands of John Schelly, Wilson's heirs and W., 11.1Azon, US Acme, more or lam, nearly all Limestone Lt= a LOG HOUSE, Bank Burn, Brick Spring Hou and Smoke Haase; a Hue Orchard archoloeFzeit dada S of never-failing Water on the land. This is a entet P Ol table tract of land, and Isla a high state ofmativatian, 15 Acres of the above tract are Timber Land. MEEti=l PUBLIC SALE The undersigned Ad itestratons of Mm. Elizabeth Deardorff, dee'd, wN offer at Public Bale, on Saturdatt, the 25th of Febraarr, 1865, The following Real Estate to wit :about lof as nereotGßOV2ll), &treated on the Pike, 3 tulles east of Waynesboro,' , on which is erected. nteroatm7 MICK. HOUSE, containiag 6 scams and a .Kitchen. Also, a doable Log Stable, Gmnerywith a Celler. Carriage House, wash Ronse, Bake Oven, and other cmssenlent out hand . hags. There is choice Fruit on the . premise*, =thy Ap . .. pies Peaches, Pears, Grapes &o. There is Cistern near the Kitchen door, and /swell of good Water convenient to the dwelling. Sale to commence at 11 o'oloek A. BE JACOB DEARDOSBP. JOHN S. DEARDORFF% ECM ADMINISTRATOR'S gALE OF REAL ESTATE—Sy - virtue ofan order of the Or phans' Court of Franklin county, pa, I will exp a ss t o Publio Sale, on the - promisee, on Friday, the 24th dw of Februory.lSSs at 2 o'clock, P. 11., &said day, the know ing _described Real E.,tate olJac,,b Swei..Yer, deo'd, being a LOT Ok , GROUND, situate in , the Bramagle-of Chore. bereburg, Wing tbroeleet oa Frani - great, and running along 10 Hof J. A....Eystor one 'hundred tifty-four feet to Second stmet, theme along Second street -nice feet. and thence along !deaf insole Eystefa heins tam ered and twenty feet to Frontatreet,with a twastery LOG HOUSE thereon erected. z febi P.S. STUMILAIiGH„ .:Adak`r. PARS! AT PRIVATE SALE.--the Bab. scribers offer at Private Sale their farm,- situated In Antrim township, five miles north-west of Greencastle. on the road lea to Stitrell's Mill. It consists of about 250 ACRES of land, of whichmoro than so Acres are in ine Oak and Hickory Timber; the remainder consists In large part of MEADOW and BOTTOM, and is well wleated for Grazing purposes. A portion of the land has n recently limed. Persons 'wishing to view the property, ascertain terms. &e. • will call on or address ann. W. P. Reed, Greencastle, Muer.. W. A. REID, rit.c2S•thcaos J. W. P. REID. RIVATE SALE.—I offer :at Private P 8 8 1 e, my farm, 112 Greta township, Adjoining lands neorgo Chambers, Wingert, 'Beatty - and others, consist , im of 2z. , ACRES or thereabouts, two tracts, ono of about Acres, of whirb Li or D 3 Aeres Ars Timber, the ober ~ ,fa) A, sea, all Timber, and lying along the Conocorbeagne CrePk. Onit are the NtANSIOS fIOCSE, a good Brick and Loo Tenant Dome; a Stone and Log Barn. and two Orchards. .A never failing stream of Water none throughthe fArn. and the mansion bongo is supplled with spring v-a , er running out at the dior. f.,1,1•4t DR. S. W. CRAWFORD. - A I ) II"."NISTRATOR'S.S.ALE OF REAL ESTATE.—By Orin° of an ankreof the Orphans' Court of V ranklia minty, exposeto Public See, uu t: t pr .raises, on 7teretep. ..stt day of February, at 2 "'clock, P. M., the fotion.fot &Nardi Seal D uo,. of J, ob Wolfral, dre'd: A LOT'at GROUND, alt o, Oft! Oh West Market Street, is the- Boraces of I,,,,burg• P -A., bounded on the East by lot ext.. Em u . ay, or the" West try Peter ItrOarhgan, an the North by Morktt rireet, on the south brapetite lt tea de-, IlAdlng , lot. (Irbil 11. GEIIBt Adm'r. FOR SALE.—AtcrostoryßßlOK 1) WEL L 11;13 HOUSt, having six well fininhed it , sus cal a Kitchen, on a Let with good Fence, eihiated i n Bor o ngh of Chamberatarg, on Turnpike, near Muth Foinr. For 4, 11 MS inquire Of Blyteerjbet on a x e Ism GEORGE CHAItFBERS. - COTTAGE FOR SALE.—WiII, be sold. at Private Sale, one of the New White Cottagesbitilt b ud 1 , , A. K. McClure, situate on the Carlisle: e; in io ellnlm.a.hitg. PINISCISiCRI will be givEro lit of A a . tf1 , 1141 Apply to EfcCLURE & S - Peroottal Vropertg *ales. - 1011 U B LI C The subscriber, in. tmading to remove West, will Sell by Public Sale, at hie ro.idoneo, fn Lettelkenny toulaship, about one mile Nora. tof Keeferh Store, and near the raa lseding :7, cu. Strasburg to St. Thomas, on Frit* as 3d dr,/ of is s• h, ISe5, the following PerSOMill P 1 yesty, viz; 4 beaded Root? BOMBS, among theta eme gplendld Ba Fatally ll.ree ;hang 6 years old, One fine Gray Mate—kind and genel• Joyschereyou put her—rising four yews, and a sup riur Boy Stallion froth Jan& or doable) lung 3 yezm ; 4 Mlleh Caw; 1 fine young Bull ;• I Helfer; 5 gl,nop . ; levers' Shute& Also, 1 broad-tread WAGON Bed; lone borne Wagein; I Sleighl.l Sled; I Wheel baera-; I:Stone Bed; 2 setsof Harness; esetsPreat Gears; eels Hind Gear, 4 Fly Nets; Saddled, Wales, Cellars, Lines, Housings, ,ire., Single, Double and 'nippier/ e mu: Flithrhalla and Spread; I Jackscrew: Bur, Breast Bal lets unit Cow Chaim Also- I IlitrzsfrirziG MACHINE -Ind Horse Power, W 110.3151; Gottlog Box, 8011er,9 Bar shear PlowsiDeubba and Single Shovel Plows, Harrows, Core Coverer: Grata Cradles/ andMcnving Scythe:lu Shat log, Hay - 0d Dung. Forks; Dtrag Hook, Matlitialise Dig tia le e rtl ßus .; : t4)l 7 l l; L ZPl agdSePad:butOtle r .TC r byt7the ` Lk:111411 ; .81 " 8 ". A1511 / 4 44' 111444(1"" and 'Tallow bl thei"ncil a lot of Bap, &e. Also, sl large varier °t rod uousellold Ceroda'viz S Bedsteads, 1 Tr ,, ndie ff. Crib, 2 Bureaus, .1 Dhslc, 1 Dialog. Ta ble, 1 n i . e .kaot-do., Sideboard, !Sink. 3 sets o(Otssies, 2 of vehlehara nearly new: Irlook; Car iqr by the yard; 1 Cookstoor gadM :1 10 T„lae titan. ' lye; pee (lir:limber Slave; Ismail uni; ConPsr Ast thr; pots and Pang, cinch& Preelhety and Tinware Meat vessels, Tate, Barren, 'Boothe% wi n g% Vega; nod e. variety of aractenuot roses:stage° a i erre,g. Also, fame' In the Grnund. _ . 114r_Stile. to toximpence 0, 9 0 %1%3, when atterdanes wai. moat of 4Moatku kill - be " al l " ma °t " Lfetas.2er • F. N. DEM ctis 7.F,.—A, pod STEAM ENGINE, .1: six *ma pOWIA Eri 00640100. Ca 4 ion b 7 Wor'TF 4 ' 7 ' JAM% GANVFP Ell