ti Vii. '~i_'.- • ~ ~~11~111~ '~', ,'' '. .~ . . , p &LIFTS ANVEXPE'ND : 4 of Ow County arAnanklin fortheyeart 864. Jaws G. /Mr, Thissurerie tie Count, of Ff . ;ankfilk'' iry Aceoung uldf Atai.l Ca. - • REcEtivis.. - To oaah teeelvetalitets George J. .13aWer, late Tressoref To aziet et Mob States:al 31031.3 : Taxes• o , at last settle. Mat %rem year"M• 6,111 04 To saftsif 43ottaty s -Tareslesiedand .- assessed for tbe yetr MI ' 40,613 6 To seta Stets Taxes " ' 35.5!3.55 To soft of Milltla Tax"- /,395 50 To sash swelled on Otianioateeon oasts 938 G 6 To cub Jury Fees • 24 00 To cajh from J. Sees; Relief Fond 800 To cash oil Special assessment 1 30 44 To mob from the Commissioners, be ingliaasthenthefollowitigsairces, Mice lest settlement; 1 George-Walk ' ' - . ' ' 1,103 00 Georgeneta . as' = 2,000 00 y 2,900 00 Geo; H . stamp 0,000 00 Daatiehter.. 4.50 03' JohnNeKemle. 600 00 G. 44,1Itnonp . 500 00 DarWaloshter 350 00 entrettore Foltz 500 00 Bank of ,Chambasbarg 1,2,,,1. 00, WM3sint , Horner lam''; on , Geo. Deatila ROO. Jobnltiohe 1,360 OGOO0 GO 0 ' J. B. M0nn........ ' 500 03 • John W. SiCuln_ 150 00 G. & H. Stamp - ~, 7130 00 John Downey. , -, 1,000 00 John Bowman.' - 300 00 Benj. & Margaret Hour ' 025 00 Bant-ot Chambersbutg ' 3,000 00 John Downey 1,000 00. Melinda Sea. ' 3,300 00 - 24,175 00 To•easte remireti on Ifunkaters /i• CCM 270 00 To cash abatement received from State Treasurer for paying State Tax • 1,5413 EXPENDWURPS. . . Cli. COURT EXPENSES AND COMMONWEALTH FEES By cash paid Grand and Traverse Jungs, April Term $2279 59 By cash paid Grand and Traverse Junwa, May Term ; By cash paid Grand and Traverse J ram, August Tenn - 68 0. By cash paid. Grand sod Traverse Juror" 13ctober Terra - ~ 332 52 By cash paid Grand and Traverse, Jurors, January Term - 449 80 By cash paid Samuel Brandt, murc " moping Jurors By cash d William C. McNulty, Jaror'sboard BO 50 By cash paid J. S. 'Brown, Juror's board - 14 00 By, cash paid Tip Staves. 101 67 ' Wm. G.llltchell, Clerk of Courts 67 -83 r cash paid W. S. Stenger, Distric t .Attern 614 00 By cash pa id 3. Glossae, Court Crier. 54 65 6 . eonstables' fees; for Ma , * king retinas to Quarter Sessions.. 132 41 By cash paid Saml Braudk, SherLff, By Z in =rra re N,Vg ' . '? ii; - . 121 55 fees In eminnouwealtl? eases 182 09 By cash paid Witness fees 1,088 80 POOR HOUSE: By cash paid toElaccies Gelcriebt Treasurer, on orders Awn Directors • ' 13,034 00 • ROAD VIEWS AND SURVEYS By tiarltpaid S. B. Sakely; et aL, for ineveying' 21 od By cosh-pall A. R. Etter, et at, road views ' 99 00 , BRIDGES strum AND REPAIRS. 13 yogi:110d S. B. Flickinger, - for building bridge amass the Condo- guinea .Creak , nearFlialnger's mill 1,550 00 By cash paid Wm. Bossert, et. at for repairs 81 00 ' 1111,341 a , 8f By fah Befarided Tar UAW:RS' AT PUBLIC 813l1DDZOS: By (lash palttriamnel Seibert; for re pair at Court House 4,500 og i By eashsitict Jas. Bing, for repair at Court some By caah 2 ' s°a °CI pal&Shepler & Clark, steels fta. aloes . 900 Byep rk a id - Evasts & West, caYpen- 49 92 t pkiton By mat pild. Pri Ccierad Taking, mai ,- &ming at sm . r . 4 By eath paid P. "Rely, =sating at _ rpm? By cash paid .18E-Cstrylirtafroek, desk and tsbketar orscis 50 76 By cash paid Reply Eitafrock, case , and table ktißarseyot's office— ' 16 00 By cash paid W. H.. Snllenberger, drawers far Register's office 3 70 cash'pahl Toba La g, et al. for ;zistpitchat aid pain&g Registees, • .f•rothonotary's anti Clerk's offices. 140 00 -By cash peld . Cfeci.: McGeehan, ma soning &inns= 500 =By cash[ paid L'E. Schofield, glazing. :• at prison.— M 431 cliail.Sed " :7". chofield, glaz ing at Court Hous e 585 ' 87,315 P 3 ' • MISCELLANEOUS BILLS, By cash ptid 8. S. Shryuck, for Par. dm's Digests. By cashpaki.D. R. Wunderlich, D. BA mil W. S. Amberson, A • 100 09 By aishpiddP;Haniman, qualifying - oaken. 500 • By cash paid - Cumberland V. A. 8., freight oireoords K 3 00 By emir pald Jai.- G. Elder, Irma i. - kin,g new tar duplicates 49 50 By cash Paid -Emanuel Kuhn. Sur - veYor, recording 800 drafts By cash, paid J. A: Davison, recruit. tug agen t • 93 50 By cash paid Oaks & Linn, drayage on mods - 6 15 By cult, far t 4 mistern Penitentiary support of convicts 308 9l' 1 p eed .fo cob 'FMK. S. offices, press and 83 95 .r y- By crulkpald H. Shade, for county Map 500 Bye Evans &Eirest, making • or records ' 55 84 By d expenses for sending ' reconbaway 56 5:1 By cash paid /L. 8. Taylor, for book• case' and: clad= for dace By cash paid U.S. Taylor, statism. cry Mr Court. By cash , paid Wm. ; G. Mitchell, re., aiming bookmase - 3 85 llycash pa . id Isaac Burrall, bounty. 50 00 ' EL Strickler for revenue Bypaid Andrew Gerhart 'for 4 30 mai 25 00 ' Bye=Brant Vac!, and sundries 7 - 00 By cash paid beard and horse feed whilst holding triennial appeals... By cash paid W. W. Paxton for use of the basement of the Methodist Church for holding Court , 40 00 By cash paid, Oaks & Line, et. al., - • hauling records 22 15 By cash paid exonerating on taxes for 1863 51 73 --- $1,497 86 • FRI:MP OF SOLDIERS. By cash paid for relief of soldiers ' 'PRISON EXPENSES. Bcashrxdd Sainnel Brandt, Sherif, g'prisoners 1,691 17 By cash paid Samuel Brandt for re. Mating- ere to- Penitentiary and H of ' `?B3 70 By cash paid Jacob Sellers, Deputy - Bb.: e rintending Prison .... loo 00 By cash Geo. IL Stenger, Deg. gh PUrnten6Y 10 0 00 By cash Wunder eh .& for coal.. , 173 15 By cash prO3aks & Linn, for coal, 34 45 SWIM Brandt, for wood , • 85 00 ticking 31 56 " J.B. Mier, for tinware 27 &I " non= Metcalfe,, for merctunxlize. 7 18 -- By cash. paid Peter Feldman, fur shoes e t:Ea.:Liners By cash Richards & Spivey, E'hysi 100 Ml Walsh 'prild4L &IL M. White,- clothing for prisoners.' 130 75 By cash paid Brand & Flack, fai locks, dcri Ely cash paid E. C. Boyd, for met' chandise By cash paid Etter & Hamilton, tin. ware and stove By ash paid Jacob Smith; for stove ' - Eyster & Bra. , for nier -7 79 - " " ASSESSORS' PAY. - Byt=ald Assessors for making tutreekatemt. 1,348" SO By comhpaid Assessors for distribut thgtoznotteeeandmakingmilitary enrollment OH 52 By cash paid ABRAMS on making special assessment 74 49 INQUISITIONS. 'Open' peild Dr. V 44. H. Bugle:— 1 7.0 t% W. S. Stenger • " J.A.Swlgert. etal 16 42 " " Dr. A. U. Senseny..... 03 00 EL B. Davison. J. P. et. - " -Dr.& D. Zell JUSTICES' COSTS IN COM. CASES. By mph paid-P. Hammitt ~ ... ~ISt 67 J. E. nadirs 5 99 " " W. B. Blair 1.1 11 " " John A. Hyssons• • / 0 50 " " E. J. Small. 8 87 John Caniman. '43 28 " " Ism Stiller end °then% 16 53 CONSTABLES' COSTS IN COM. CASES, By ash paid S. R. Royd and Oilers fl6B ARRESTING AND COMMITTING VAGRANTS. By cash paid P. Rama= 93 40 7 - " Samuel Bmat 64 50 " T. ,L. Fletcher 8 45 5168 35 . : itOILIDEAVED HOIIP..Y PAID. By crab paid J. W. Craig 2.510 00 A.Croaxen - 1,355 00 " Davtd Bowers ..W1 08 " - " JamesChariton 790%55 .Daidal Stoat& 260 00 " . " _Naaay_Stoaft'er 9eB 00 Joba Croft 1,050 00 ' l' " " Jain armor WO :L+ - - ••: " Jai= Rater — 594 65 ..- " " 81. of Chaelbers l i lll s•• 2,000v0 • " Eizmieel Braedt 93 Themes - .PdEeettly lead cabers Interest. - 33. 621 13=,.paid W. Craig and ° th en, and inan. 651 By cash paid "David • Slelehtvr, et. aL, interest _794 SE 513,000 95 CM ELECTIONS. By Cash Paid Cificers of Narclielec, lion - - 435 47 By cash paid,offleers of August elec tion • - ' , - 511. 34 By cash paid caters of Oct. efection. 592 10 11.1.„ II " Nov.election. 526 48 o " return judges, counting • soldiers' vans- • 148 90 ''''''' By cosh paid Clerks' and Justices' fees . NI 65 By Cash paid Constables' fees 83 50 ' KS. Taylor, Prothro- otary, counting and Ong soldiers' vote - 65 07 • . ------ $2, 51 ' commas - la:Tuts! OFFICE. 416 By cash paid John Downey, Services' • , as commissioner - .. 277 87 By easlitraid Jae. Downey, services ••• militia ' ' ZOO . By •Ps Cash paid Henry Good, services - • as commissioner MI 44 By cash paid' Fienyy Good, services in militia 25 00 . By cash paid John Nitterhouse, BOY 'OMR 33 COMllakdOrier • 70 00 By cash paid John tArmitrwg, Bev .. vices as commissioner - 70 00 • •,- By cash paid John Armstrong, ser. vices in nada 10 fil By cash paid Jno. Stewart, Attorney to commissioners . 75 00 By cash paid Geo. Foreman, Clerk to commissioners 575 00 By cash paid Geo. Foreman, Clerk in tia 75 00 By task paid Stationery for,Office..: 21 99 t' ----- COURT HOUSE 1,508 , SO By cash paid Wnnderlich & Need for coal • ' 56 00 'By cash pall Gas company 2L83 By a& dforele oicourthouse 106 47 By cash paid Robt. Anderson, white.. washing court house 31 50 By Cash paid John Houser fur scrub bing &o 2025 By cash paid L. B. Eyster tilting gas into court house. -123 75 By cash paid F. Elliot for valise.... 3 75 By cash paid Oaks'& Dal, for coal. 5 50 'By cash paid J. B. 31Mer coal stove 13 50 ___ 1,830 30 $111,7.76 61 El] PRINTING. By cash lei dMcCI pre & Stoner.... 427 25 . B. Y. Hanisher & Co.. 350 00 " " F. L. nutter, Madill:: books for Registen 58 00 By 'cash paid 8.• R. Fisher & Co. binding records for Prothonotary and clerysofflce 69 50 By cash paid J. Louder, Bewails for Prothry's. office 31 50 By cash paid F. L. Rutter, enroll ment/Ista and record; . 65 (X) By cash paid J. N. Snider, !edgers for Treasurer 58 75 . /17 50 —1.020 M OUTSTANDING TAX FOR 1864. • By amount of Chambersburg dupli cate 292 27 • " Antrim . 247 30 • " - Fannett 684 28 • " Guilford 435 25 Green ' 13 45 • " Greencastle 245 07 " " Hamilton • 92 97 Litman 74 31 • LettiTtenny 710 05 "Idontgon.ory 615 62 Mercemburg - , 536 88 " " Metal 115 31 " Peters 128 M • " -Quincy . ..... - 547 04 " Sorithampton " " St. Thomas - 551 11 " Washington 265 Eit • " Waynefboro 419 82 " " Warren 180 52 " " _ Washington for 1E553 488 82 7,89 M " " State Treasurer 36,667 57 • " 2per cent collections al lowed .Treasurer on State tax, 439,008,00 780 16 " " 5 percent allowed Tree,- SUM 011 Flucksterali • censer 8270 13 50 $ll9 03 " 4 per cent Treasurer on the collection of 801,- ' 294,M, Co. Tax 1,251 74 " 4percent allowed Trea sures on militia Tax 14 32 • " per cent allowed Treasurer fordisburs<, ing 855,6,50 837 38 4 per cent allowed the' county on State Tax • 839,008,05 1,560 32 " Abatement allowedtax ".'• payers 1,385 73 BEM By balance due . the County $111,275 61 RECAPITULATION. DR. To cash from late Treasurer , 44 85 To outstanding taxes for /863.... 6,111 04 To County ".x. for 1864 40,813 39 To State •• • 35,795 50 ,533 55 To Ms2Slia •• • 1 To loons. 24,17500 , To Commonwealth costs. 938 66 To Jury fees, &c 33 30 , To 4 per cant.on State tax 1,830 32 18 00 By Cart expenses and Cammtamealtblees.. 144,189C8 Poor Bowe 13,034 013 • • " scud views and surveying 119 DO " repairs at public buildings. • 7,335 83 bridges built and repairs 1,403 85 " miscellaneous. - 1,188 89 " Eastern Penitentiary - 308 97 • " Prison expenses 2,818 88 " relief to soldiers families a . 4,502 50 " Assessors' pay 1,767 81 " inquisitions. 90 04 .t` Justices' and Constables' costs 5M 89 :" elections, 2,416 .51 " loans paid. 13,000 85 " vagrants 168 35 " Commissioners cane 1,508 80 " Court House expenses .382 55 " printing and binding books 1.1720 00 , " outstanding taxes 7,889 92 " Treasurer's commissions. ' 2,897 10 " exoneraiions and abatements - 5,634 94 " State Mx.3607 57 r . " balance due county.. 2,360 ..Q• 400 03 - $111,275 61 COUNTY DEBT AND ASSETS Jan. sth 1863 LIABILITIES 1987 Total amount of money borrowed for bounty and relief purposes.. 551,000 00 ASSETS Cash in bands of Ilia' atter: it this date.; 82.360 Chirdanding tares• in the hands of eolledere for 1864 7.86 92 Actual indebtedness of the corady exclusive, of accruing interest not due. 840,749 56 We, the undersigned Cosmnissioners of Franklin coon. ty, Penns. in testimony of the colrectness of the foregoing account, have hereunto set oar hands at the Commission ers' office, this sth day' of 7armazy A. D., 1865. JOHN DOWNEY, HENRY GOOD, Corns. JOHN ARMSTRONG, GEO. F OBEEAN. 102 60 QM We,-the Auditors of Franklin county do certify that we have examined the drafts of the Commissioners, with the receipts fpr the same, upon Jas. G. Eider, Esq., Tremor' , et. as also the bills and accounts in the Commissioners' of. She, upon which Such drafts have been issued from the eighth day of January A. D., 1864, until, the fifth day of January t A. D., 1865, (both days inclusive) and find balance due from James G. "Elder, Treasumr ' of two ti thousand three hundred and sixty dollars and two cents. - D. B. 3fARTIN, W. 8. AMI3ERSON, 1 Ands. M. MARTIN, _ 4,592 59 Attest: L. 8. Cut . AMOUNT PAID BY THE 'DIFFERENT CONSTA. BLES SINCE SETTLEMENT. lietay'Dlich,,Antrim township 0218 33 Baths Finley, Fannett township 472 92 J... 11. Shively, Green township .. 103 00 John Kauffman. Greencastle 130 04 Andrew Baird, Hamilton township ' 21 00 Henry Swonger, Lurgan township 50 00 Willlam-Forbes, Letterkenny township. 100 00 Tames Witherow, Metal township 115 31 - Jacob Hallltnarr, Peters township ' 69 00 Jaoolt Mmro,Quincy township 265 oo Hugh Smith, Southampton township 30 00 Jacob Show, St. Thomas townshiplls 00 Jacob IL 'Hoover, Washington township 217 16 W. P. Horner, Waynesboro' ... 419 82 Samuelliecrist, Warren township L 157 00 .1. G. ELDER, Treasurer. lEEI 14 36 600 HENRY STRICKLER, REGISTER OF Franklin Co, hiscoount with the 9ommonwealth of Pentufylvania: 3.861 : I= Dec. 18, Col. Tax from EF. of Mary 3 Walker 871 19, " Wm. Rodger 20 25 1864. Jan. 5, " " - Georgeittprap 85 18 -,- is, " EoithBtady 176 " 20, '• Jno. Rowe, Sr. 17 o.i " March 5, ' " Nancy Crawford 57 35 10, " " Nancy Shelly 216 46 April 12, " Martha Byers _l2 55 - " 13, " . " ' Mary Enter " 60 00 St 11 , ” - It " Erni - line Chico 49 08 '-'7. , ..„.-- 1,767 61 " 29," " Betsy Timms 50 .0, June 3, " " Magdalena Streit 100 00 Aug. 30, " " . Samuel Gilmore 100 00 B'nt- 8 , " John Detwiler 14 9.4 13, " "Michael Coble - 100 48 " John T. Renfrew 119 79 ~.. 30. Nancy Chtenton 11 - 19 Oct 20, " " Maly L. AlIlSon 35 00 41 03 , la !. Jane Burns % (Kt ~ .. 28, ~ " Davitt Royer a 72 00 Tote e 1,241 98 Balathe due Register (r.: 2.. 62 /500 90 04 237 14 18b3. Co. Dec. 3L Cash to J. L. Black, appraiser of Do- . 1364.1 rothy Jarrett's estate $1 50 Jan. 5. Cash to J. L. Black, appraiser of Geo. . . Eitump's tutate . - - - - 1 10 Feb. 13. Cash to John ' Witherow, appraiser of Mary Geee edge W '' 27. Dash to T. J dd; Will, appraiser of Nanny 3 - Shell's estate 50 April 5. Cash to y Wm. Auld, appraiser of Max. 1 tha Dyers' esttate , 150 St Vaal' to J. L. 13Ieilr; appraiser of Fan. dine (Ass's estate. 1:10 " M. Cash to John Rove, appntisetof Betsy Prams's estate • 320 Nay 8. Cash of 4. 11. Davison, ancalier of Mary L. Allf.rep 'Real.. ... .. 7 71) 1101 ~f{tt`t'f~[l:' EaM 10@,915 09 2,301 52 e 111,275 61 10,240 44 $1,241 10 ( Ilte ! I t/ w sil"D , ititlinber,ib* , Va. =EI ,fManttaL "I.A. Cash to Geo:Cook, appraiser of Syd- - ney M. Van Leers estate - - 170 " M. Cash to Wni. R. 'Pomeroy, appraiser of mrugaret Deceny's estate 1 70 " M Cash to John Philips, appraiser of Magdalena Streit's estate I. 70 jrme 16. Cash to J. L. Black appraiier of Cath. • , Sneider's estate. - 300 July 2 , .. Cash to Jacob Sellers, appraiser of • Michael Coble's estate. 4 50 Sept.ls. Cash to Emanuel Kuhn, appraiser of John T. Renfrew's estate 1 55 " 30. Cash to Emannei Kuhn, appraiser of - Nancy Clagston's estate. 155 Oct. 10. Cash 'to Peter Collar, appraiser of Philip Foust's estate 1 75 Nov. 14. Cash to Fleury Good. appraiser of Charles Hock's estate 4 55 " 17. Cash to J. L. Black, appraiser of Mar. ' tha SiallSOU'd estate 1-55 March 3. Pahl State TreasurSe 178 CC June 3.:: •,, „ . 410 60 Sept. o. In 50 Dec. 3. " • * 369 = Commission 5 per cent. on 51,241 68 62 08 • 81,241 - 70 The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, Pa., to audit and ex amine the account of H. Strickler, Register of said county, relative to collatteral inheritance tax, hereby certifies the above statement thereof to be correct and true for the fis cal year coding 30th of Not.enaher, ISG4, and that there is now' due-staid Register from the commonwealth, two cents. - Witness iny hand this 12th day "of January, A. Jar a,5 E. J. DONEBRA_KE, Auditor. AI O ZZ;.Yr. vvtfnlly T E ue ? , BRL,r ..& themselves Indebted to them by tastes or oil Uoraseco=sintfi call ; and make Immediate wittlement, The necessity . of thlitnettee is Apparent to every one, and we hope those in debted will report at once. o aug-2-14 A Dy ER .—I have last my Account its by the destrnetiori of Chambersbarg 012 the. fithh ult., and roust trust to the honor and honesty of toy old customers to pay up. I still conduct my old business in Charnbersbnrg and trill be glad to fill orders as before. S. S. SIII3TOCK. Ltquor. . r..,.......,......,, eee ." ~, ~ ,, ,.........,,P,..., I , 14' y 0 "it T E' 11.. S - oF , WINES AND,LIQIIORS P _ - L A U M A IS SALLA'DE4 C0., - ' No. .1.:2 Bourtr aix - rn STRE47.., Reticent Chestnut and Walnut Streefsi PkagleiPhil. .. • , GEO: M. iALPALX, } A. M. SALLADE, J. D. Brrimu, RIVESE, GARDRAT &co.'s SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, 'VINTAGE OF IECA Each bottle sealed with green wax with the initials of the firm. =PORTED UT LAUSIAN, BALLADE & CO SUPERIOR OLD. MADEIRA WINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND AN ASSOBTMILNT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. . OSBORNE R. CO.'S OPORTO. VERY FM Astlo DELICATE O,LI PORT Each - .+ealed with yellow was with thP initials of the Firm. LNPUITIED 13T LAIDLAN, SAILADE S. CO., No. li.n 2 Sand Ninth Strert, Philadelphia. • OLD RYE WHISKEY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, WARRANTY% . OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, ' WERILT'SWHISKEY, TAFFEVS WHISKEY, ('‘‘ yxu. P.J.-ADING WINES. LAUMAN, SALLADE 6:- CO-, No. 1.!. South, Ninth'Strett, Philadelphia. toth ins. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK THE OLD CLOTHING 'EMPORIUM, TRE MARKET HOUSE, Charnbereburg, Pa. The undersigned after a temporary absence necessitated by the destruction of Chambersburg, has again returned and opened out in full blast iu the Market House between Wallace's Dry Good store and Mirber & Lemaster's Gro cery store, a large ne.orttnent of _ I'ALL AND \\INTER GOODS, ' of every description and quality. tyros stook COVIGh. of. Reedy :nude Clothing *nth an Over Coats. Drs Coats, Pants, Vests, Undrr tikirts, Drawers, &e., also GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, such as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves. Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Col lars. - Umbrellas, &c., His stock of Cloths for customer workeonsistsof French, English and Domestic nutnuticture. Black Doe Skin and Pitney Ca.itners, Black Satin. Firmed Silks, 'Plain ahtt Fancy Cassimer Vestings which will be made up to order intyles to suit the taste of customers, oh short notice, and reasonable terms. Raving enguand a practical Cutter from the E.t. lam prepared to furnish clothing in the moat fashionable styles, add as none but experienced workmen axe engaged per. sont r ulay rely upon getting their work well done at my Store. Thankful for the patronage heretofore beetowed, 1 re rj thin} isolieit a eoutimumee of the same. - J. T. HOSKINSON. • feetital. F"PO To R T ANT aLL INVALIDS IRON IN TBI: BLOOD. It is well known to the medical profession that IRON is the vital principle or Life Element of the blood. This is derived ebiedy from the food we eat; but if the food is not properly digested, or If, from any cause whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the Inapt, will stupefy the brain. will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all parts of the system, 'amd every one will suffer in whatever organ may be pre disposed to disease. The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. Tile difficulty has been to obtain such preparation of it as will enter the cimulatkm awl assimulate at once with the blood. This point, says Dr. liayes, hinswebusetis State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination In a way before unknown. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP kin. PROTECTED solution of the PROXIDE OP IRON, A NEW, DISCOVERY lIWIEDICINE that strikes at the Root of Disease by sitpoSring the blood with is Vital Principles or Life Element-41°n. THE PE'RUYIAN'EYRIIP Cares Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Fever and Ape, Loss of Energy; Law Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, rigor, and new life Into the systelb and builds up an "Iron Constitution. - THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female - Cmnpliints and all diseases of the - Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a SPECIFIC for all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompanied by Debili ty or a Low State of the System. Pamphlets containing eertif.eates of cures and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen and others, will be sent FREE to any address. JOHN-E. WILLIAMS, Ego., President of the-Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. ABEL STEVENS. Late Editor Christian Advocate & Journal. Revi P. CHURCH,-" - Editor Nom- York York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. D., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. IL Kendall, M. D., Rev. Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, M. IL, Rev. Sylvunus Cobb, Fiancis Dana, M. D., Rev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. D., Rev. Ephraim Nute, Jr., - Jose Antonio Sanchex, Rev. Joseph H. Clinch, A. A. Hoye, M. Rev. Henry Upham, Abraham Wendell, H. D., Rev. P. C. Headley, J. R. Chilton, M. D., Rev. John W. Olmstead, IL E. Kinney, M. D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK S. CO., exclusively for .1 P. DINSMSTOR, 491 Broadway, New York. Sold by all Druggists. pulyl.3-eow•ly REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE FORTY XEA*s' EXPERIENCE has fully establikhed tite superiority of - REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparations. It cores all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Boils, Clem, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &0., removing the pain at miee, and re. ducingthe thost angry-looking Swellings and Intlamina. Roos as If by nut*. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. Foll E BY J.P.. DINSMORE, No. 491 SAL Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLE d 00., No. 48 Trertiont street, Boston; and by all Traggiqt. lalyl3 Prow•ly esiotitito; Ser. fIOkFEES, T As, SUGAitS r6= ceiced at E. D. REID'S. , . MINCEME T .—A fresh supply. at HA M. S AN D BEEF.—A laige lot . of freak mind city Hama and Dried Beet, at c REID'S. - ; OR~LNGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CUR rant'', Citron, Dried Apples, Dried Cherries. &a, at I S Fi.—N o ..1 Shore. Mackeral. Dried j,' halibut, Deed 04 AEA &a., at REID'S. BIICKIVtLEA'i' AND BOMINT.--Jtst received a lot of, New Jemy freth ground Rua. Whet.t Meal ; pure whit Hominy, Seep Beams, d 2, .at REID'S. ONIONS ,—Wethertield - and Country Onions, a Inr mbpply, of REIDI3. . Ir k iEROSINIII, AND LAMPS.--Su -18,.. perior Ke the 011, Chamber and Parlor LaiLV, Shailes,'Lante ,4 at Ein6of Etabgl. pENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD , wrNTER-TniE TABLE. FIVE TRINS DAILY to and front Plikidelphia and Pitoburg. 'On and after lifoaday, October 3lst, 166.1, the Passenger Trains of The PerMsylvanla Balboni Company will depart from Harris burg and arrice at Prladelphla and Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dai ly at 2.95 A. M., and arrives ut West Philadelphia at 6.53 A. at. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday; at g.OO A. 31., and arrives at West Philadelphia nt 15.40 P.. 31. Passeugers take breakfast at Lancaster. MAIL TRAIN leaA•es Harrisburg shill- (except Sun day) at L3O P. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.- 35 p. PITTSI3IIIO AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrill. burg dulls (except Sundays) at 11.55 P. M., and arrives at West Phliadelplna at 4.5 Q lIARRDO3I/11G ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Ha burg daily (extept Sunday) at 1.00 P. 31., and ar. 'evil at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. 3L This train has no connection from the Went. COLUMBIA ACCOSISIODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. 31., and arrives at Laricaster at 9.15 A. 3Lt connecting (except on 'Monday) with the Flst Line OA Ir,ESTWARD: - - PITTSBURG AND _ERIE EXPRESS ]eaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) at 12..:G A. X., Altoona 0.50 A. at., take breakfast. and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40P.M. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ffluxisbuig daily (except )Monday) uttl.Z" A. at Altoona 9.15 A. at, take Cceutfast: and arrives at Pittsturg at 1.40 P. 31. THROUGH EXPRESSIeaves Flurmisbarg dilly at 3.- 25 4. DC, Altoona at 8.15 A. M., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsbnrg at 2.40 P. M. PAST LIRE lerries Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at '4.00 P. 11.: Altodna at 9.10 F. at., take 'supper. and ar. rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. X. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun. du/') at 1.40 P. M.': Alttsnin at 7.55 P. M., take sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.'30 r. at. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION went leaves Lan. easter at 11.20 A. connecting there with the Mall west leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A. M., and arrives at Harrisburg at LOO ar. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN front Pittsburg, a bleb arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 P. stops Mere paf,...,ngens for East of Harrisbtrurlayovernn til 11.55 p• at, SAMUEL D. YOUNG; , nov9 ! Supt Middle Div. Mina. 11. R.. iORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY TALL TIME TABLE. Four Trains Daily i 0 and from Battimaro and MostAngulo Cdq: Connections made with - trains on Pennsylvania Eantroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. F Oil R TRAINS DAILY to and from the Noritt and West lillanelr Snwitteharma, Elmira and all of - Nordic= Now York. 9n and err Mandan. Octlidt. 1664, the Passenger Trains of the Northerul.!eurrstl Railway a - 111 arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore an follows; SOUTHWARD._ ... , . MAIL TRAIN leUve, Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1054 A.M. " leaves Harrisburg , 1:00 rat. ." naives at Baltimore 5:40 BM. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex - " ',mg Sunday) IIvIST,B. leaves II ar ri sb urg (extept - . - ;116n - clay) 0:50 A.B. strives at Baltimore... -. , .... 7:00 'A.B. HARRISBURG - ACCOMMODATION 'unveil - , ~. Harrisburg ' 'TM."' StnilsUltY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sure 'bury daily (ex. Sunday)..— 7;30 A.M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves o's. •Sunburyldnilv(ex. Sunday) 9:05 iatz NORTHIV . ARD. 36 , L1L TRAM' leaves Baltimore daily (except - iSanday) 9,13 sac. " - leaves Harrisburg 1:35 PAL . arrives at 5unbury.......... EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily—. 9:30 P.ll. iiiTivesut Hantisbtar . ...... 1:50 A.M. • leaves Harrisburg daily (ex :2o .;5:53 Etat: EXPRESS TRAM' leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundars) at. 7:30 P.M. ..- leaves Harrisburg daily (ex .. ; cept Sandays)•a.t 12:35 A.M. arrive% at Sunbury at. 3:25 A.M. HARRISBURG ACCONHODAVION leaves ' Baltimore daily(ex.Elorulay 100 rat. arrivi.s at Harrisburg at.— 1:50 'Pat. MTh: WRY iet.'O3IMODATION leavesliar- listing( daily (ox. Sunday). - 4:0O P.M. • 'The Erie Express and Philadelphia. Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate potato. Mall add Express trains nin through to Elmira. For further infonnation apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. J. N. Du BARRY, Gem Supt. CUMBERLAND VALLEY & FRANK- L.Lti RAILROADS.—CHAYGE OF HOURS— On and after Monday, October 31, .leti4, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): FOR CHAIMERSBURG AND HARRISBURG:' A.M. P.M. Leave Hagerstown 7:00 ' 2:45 . " Greencistle 7:37 3:35 Arline at 8:17 4:23 Chambersburg { 1 • Leave at. 8:30 \ 12:55 Leave Shippensburg 9:00 1:28 Newrille. 9:4 2:00 i " Carllsie:4 - A.M. 1,. 6:30 10:10 .2:46 " MeehatriesbFg 7:00 10:42 - 3:16 Arrive at Harrisburg. 7:30 11:15 ' 3:45 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN : A.M. P.M. P.M. . . Leave Harrislila* 8:05 1:40 4:15 Merl aaleabarg 8:47 2:23 4:50 " Carlisle , , 9:27 2:53 - 5:15 " Newville.4 - 10:05 3:34 ' ' Shippeosburg 10:33, 401 Arrive at Chambersburg 11:00 4:35 Leave Claamberabmg. nair 4:45 • " Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at ilagertown ' . • 10,,,,,35 6:15 Making dole' 43onnections at ataniaburg with trains for Philadelphia. New Ynrk and Pittsburg, and with trains (dr all polnixi \Vat. The Train lealring Harrisburg at 4:15 p sc runs onlyas far as Carlisle. ' 0. N. LULL, Supt. Mee. CPlaznlfg, Oct 31, 3554.-3 • MAN OF A THOUSANI).-4 atairrivs CUREth—DR. JAMES, a Retired ysmian of great eminence, discovered, while In the Indies, a certain] cure for * Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi. tas, Coughs, Colds and General Debility. The remedy , was discovered by him when his only-child, a daughter, was giving up to die. Hid - child was 'cured, - and is now alive and well. f Desirous at benefiting his fellow mortals, he will send to ton making mill Success. using, this remedy, free on ;receipt of their names, with two stamps to pay expenses. There is not a single case of Consumption that It does not at once take hold of and dissipate. :Sight sweats, peevishness, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult expectoration, sharp pains in the lunga,, sere throat, chilly sensations, nauseant the stomach, inac tion of the bowels, wasting away of the muscle& 127. The writer will please state the manna the paper they seen this advertisement in. Address. CRADDOCK & CO., tnariX•ly'l 2ths Northfild St. Philadelphia, Pa. MILLER, HAMILTON & CO:, Havejust received a ftne adrortment of STOVES, TIN, JAPANNED AND OTHER WARE. They are determined to ',ell lower than anybody else. They pat on TINROOFING, Ist quality material for 18 cents per square foot ; '2d quality 16 eentoi; 3d quality Id rents. . They do SPOUTING cheaply, well and promptly. They use beet Iron for Stove Pipes, mid charge but 18 cents per n 5. Come and set i If you cannot do better with them than with any other establishment. Prices redueski to suit the times. • oe*.li TERMS CASH. C 0 IJ,!G , _ N 0 M . O RE! THY STR'ICKLAND'S '3l ELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM! Dr, Stricklara's Mellifluous Cough 'Balsam is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds, - Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all Affections of the littroat and Lungs. For sale by V.. 11. Cressler, ChMnbershurg. General Depot, No. 6 East Fourth Street, Chninnatl, Ohio. n1A,12, R H U A! All the ntedieal men and the Prear reentnmend DR. STRICKLANTYB AN'rICROLERA 'MIXTURE as the only certain remedy for Diarrhani and Drentery. It is a combination of Aetringents, Abiorbenta, Stann lents and eanninattne.stand it warrented. to effect a care after all otbermeana bane failed. For sale by C. 11. Cressler, Cbarnpereburg. General Depot, lie. 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, S T IC K I.- A N D'S PILE r; 'BUDDY! Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy has cured thousands of the worst calm of Blind and Bleeding Files. Itgives mediate relief and effects a ,permanent cure. Try it di. redly. It Is warranted to cure. Per tale by C. 11. Crealer, Chambersburg. General Depot 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. -nov3o4y DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AN D DEBILITY DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIC - - We can recommend those suffering with loss of Appe. the, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strickland'sTonlo. It is a vegetable pre. pandit:in, free from alcoholic' ; it strengthens the whole nervous system , It Creates a good appetite, and to wtetanted to ogre Dyspepsia, and Nervous Debility; ' For o llu by Druggists generally, at 81 per bottle. ;Pre pared Ds. A.Shieirland, 6 East Fourth Street, Cincin nati. In f! A. CroWer. Agent. fThnmh.rabnrg Pa E)Mp - j I ' MIL at hts. NE I W DR .11.43 one doinrvrenr.':. of OEM BROWS hal a 'WELL RiLECTEI. STOCK PURE DRUGS, CHE 314 C - AIL , and all-Ole bast ; PATENT 'MEDiCIEXER, KgROSENE OIL LAMPS, PERFUMERY: SOAPS, du.. West End of Brown's .Hotel 0 H COLORS,L-Family Dyes—a flan assortment, at NIXON'S. CHAPPED HANDS-SPEEDILY cuffed by a Soap sold, at miows. TOH N S TON ' COMPOUND, AT - NIXON'S J CILEAR OUT THE EATS.—Use Cos- N.:> , tar. Sold by , NIXON. LONG LIFE AND GOOD HEALTH.- Use "nitsblei's 'Herb Bittern NIXON, Sole Agent ALLT E IMPOIitANT AIDS TO' sound health and long lire, such as pure Drugs and Medicines, can always he bud at :411.XON'S. SWEET BUTTER AND PURE MILK can always be obtained through ttie use of NIXO:&"S -CATTLE POWDER `PREPARE F 0 E W A R.=—Joluistores Rheuntatle - Cotnpotud nill prepare you for the xpring Campaign. To be had at - NIXON'S. FACTIVE DUTY.—Away with Crotches and Canee--use Johnston's Ilheuinatie Com pound NIXON; Sole Agent. E 14. 0 ,V A • L SPANGUER'S --- DRUG STORE bat bee/f rnoored li2=l OLD Sy ASID, MAIN STREE-T. • I . - In Dr.. Richard's riaw Brdkllng, ' wit doar to Miller, llatothon - & Co's Tin-Ware Store. TIRUGS! DICIJGS!!. JL.F C. M. CRESSLER, siteoessor toHasitlr&Chrsa. Ltit, has opened In his new rootn, on- Second - street, env• site the Post Office, where , every effort will be Made to sustain the popularity the old establhdoneut bad. acqiiired A continuation of the liberal pathenaire sslichThe ceived is respectfully solicited . A Mgr - stock; of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is now offered. Also a desirable assortment of • Perfumery, ' Boabs, Pocket Book*, Bair Brushes,- • Cloth Brushes, • , Tooth Brushes,' Cosmetics, Dentifrices, and Fancy ArticleS in great variety. - • KEROSENE LA.3ll 3 B.Every description - of Rand Lamps, Stand Lampe, Hanging Lamps and Side Lamps suitable for Kitchen use, Perlin.' ale; store use and, Office use. THE BESt‘COAL"OIkIN THE MARKET Family - Dyes of all Colors. Everything to a Druggists fine of business. .. . ... . . - L-V"PreseziPtions lweive • *eclat attention, • and are compounded with care and WU. C. H. ,CItESSLER, .. ,- - ~. - Second Street, opptaitc the Ptc4 Mite.- .LECTURE TO 'YOUNG MEN Jite.Publisited in a sealed Envelope. Price Six I 9 ( ( ellts, A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatonbcca or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Embsslons, Sexual Debility, and learn - aliments talitaniage generally. ',Nervousness, Conntraption, Epilepsy, -and Pits; Mental and Physical Incapacity. resulting from Self. Abuse, &o. By Ronk' Cia.yLittwlla, 'M. D., Author of the' Green Book," &e. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, ',dearly proves from his own experience that the awful con sequence of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed with out medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation, hoagies, instruments, rings. or tamale], pointingout autdde ,of cure at once certain and effectual, by a hick every suf ferer, nomatter,what hit condition may be; rimy Cute him self cheaply pnVately, and radically. .TRIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO_ THOUSANDS . AND THOUSANDS. Sent ander seal, to any address, in a Plain,. Sealed en velope, ou the receipt of six emits, or two postage stamps,, by addressing. CH AS..I. C. KLINE &CO., octP2-810 WI Bowery, New York, Yost-Of lee Box, 45Sti.. F RENCH BURR 'MIA STONES.= Manufactory Liberty' Street, near the Caton eictory, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned annennees to the trade that he eontin , nes to manalnctare and horani. direct from the most cele.: broteirquarries In France, the best eatables of • FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, , 'which be offers at reasonable rates; and guarantees saris' faction to the purchaser. Also,-Every number', in me 'of the celebrate OLD AUSIER,BILAND BOLTING CLOTH Orders by mall promptly attended to; and goods for. warded by railroad, canal ar express - , if desired: - W. IL ICEPNEIt, u0v.?3,3n4 NA 10 West State Street Harrisbarg, , , Pa. • [Chatab'g Repository Publish on 3 and send bill to this office . .srardiately for colleetion.--Hrtrristray• TeNrraph.] (AIL CLOTH! OIL CLOTH t--Aiast re- A... 7 calved and fur sale a large la of Od Cloth:for Floor Table aad Stain, all Widen, abd Very cht.ap - at• )&tre4 • METCALF & HITESETIV'S. • 108 PILINtniCr in every Eityje done at the Woe otffiw PIUNKTAR Therowiima • Irtattadqt Vutftrz *et' EL As' D N iiIIMER & 'TOLBERr II - nearly opposite tteir old place of boslnam, with an 'extensive steak of Hardware, Catlel7,-, Call Dull examine our Muck Uovl6 O-ACH 'AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subeerilier re/Tot-dully Informs hie friends tel the fintilic, 'taut hematite:es to carry on the above bus-11*m, at kis old shuoL oultain Street, opposite- the Herman Un fenced Church, CILUIBERSBURG, PA. Having enlarged ids 'business, Saddithi and Coach makers 'will - tied in his Store Room a general assothueut of gruslig stilted to their several requirements, such as Fair awl Country liogskiter, - Patent Leather, Saddle 'rret,g and Girdling: Gig Trees, Fall Plated Tinned and Japitnned ; Goat Straining Web and. Wooled Bain Web, lower than Cotton t- ;Humes, Bits and Stirrups, Plated. Tinued ;and Japanned Diaeb Handles, new styles; Curtain Prattles; Hub Bands; ; Bridle Fronts; Rosettes, Swivels stud Ornaments; Bon Plated and Wood Gig-Humes. BUCKLES—TIBASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns ; Ivory dpd Wooden Martingale kings, Stamp Joints, and a variety of other goods suitable ;for the trade. , . ALL KINDS OF PLATLICG, Sta.. done with neatnesa antrdeSpatch. - (decl4l LEWIS WAMPLEIL CHF,A.P HARDW ARE! _ BRANDS. FLACK • ' 'Had a fete goods 'tinder the pavement, which were not burned. Such as Locks, Hinva, Screws and other Muth' ware. Besides, they have just received froth New York 'and Philadelphian very large lot of goods. purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been burned out. therefore we offer Iron. nat. Hooks, Hinges, Screws, Hotta Oils. i:tt the lowest figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AXI) FARMERS! we hare on halal about 11l Tuns lrus of different kinds, which we will sell less than it can be bought in the city. Also we have 100 kegs of Neils and Spikes, we offers!, frorn (Ito 1(1 dollars per keg. . „ . CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, 8(42,21N, Razors; Pocket Knives,' Spoons, &e.. just received from Kew York which we offer very low. oe sQ ARRIAG F. 'ALA KERS' -GOODS,r . Shoemakers' Findings, Saddlers' Findings - ' at BIRAND &FLACK'S. HOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 25 eints each and many other arrieles' which Vris Iri the Are, 10316 can be made as good'as new at BRAND & FLACK'S. eiEDA_R WARE.—CaII at the Store ii 1 4...) Mg, Alley. BRAND & FLACK. SOX, malting 300110 C -5. 71 TUNDER,LICH & NEADi . ‘FORIVARDLNG AND COSOf4SMON MERCHANTS 1 North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valk, Railroad Depot, Cbambereburg, Pa. Cara run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Bald more., AGENTS.-i-Peaeock. Zell & Hinehman, No. SOS Mar ket St, Philadelphia- Lykens Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL, (dud& from the mines). Wilkcsbarre and PitteGrate FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER. SHENGLES, SALT, PLASTER and liknonek CEMENT, kept conetantly on hand. FLOOR, , GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds purchased at this highest Cash prices. SePt. 9 . Gi. WUNDERLICH & NEAD. - • Tito& L. GILLESPIE. • JACOB ZELIE/L (1 ILLESPIE, ILA PRODUCE AND PROVISION MERCHANTS ' , AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, North•Wett comer of Sixth and Market Streets, - (33948,p:tr.-, W,i:S T A R ' L ‘ S A on OF THE OLDERT:AND MOST :B. E4max HEEEDIER THE WORLD FOIL Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, bit floulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness,' Sore Throe; Clontandhrery , • affection& THE Taffoev,.lollNGS SAD-CHEST, mamma EVEN WISMAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY.: So general has the use of this remedy become, sod, - so popular is it everywhere,' that, It to =noes spry to recount BS rirtues. Ihrtrorks speak for it, andflnd utterance in tlieatundant - and voluntary tecmcruyof the many who from long aulferiigandsettled dis ease have by its use beenresttavl to pristine , vigor andilealth, We aul present a imss of ev idence taproot of ourossertions, that cannot be dlscrediteti. From Mr. Henry Mier, Mercereburg, Pa. Gentlemen: I do hereby certify that during the last ten years I have been subject to frequent severs Coughs end Colds. Whenever I have eiperienced one of these easels have immediately reserted toltr.Wistar's Balsam of Wild- Cherry, and the result has always been to afford me speedy relief. I would recommend this _valuable article to all those who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Palo fn the Breastv or any Pulmonary Complaint, feeling confident that it will prove itself to be the best remedy in any of these asses.; I would, however, caution the public against a worthless' ampterfeit, a bottle of which was once forced upon me, The use of this spurious Balsam didme more harm than good. 'The genuiee Dr. Wistaeit Bain= OnVild Cherry is prepared by Seth W. Fowle &Co., Boston, and has their printed name. as well as the written signature of "I. Burrs" upon the outside wrapper of each bottle. From Jesse Smith. Ery.,prenident of tht Morris County • Having used Dr. ° Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for about fifteen yearn, and - busing realized its beneficial re. suits in my Amity,- it affords me great pleasure in me m. mending it to the public as a valuable remedy in casein, of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &0., and a remedy which / consider to be entirely innocent and may be taken with perfect safety by the mast delicate in health. Fr . om - HoniJahn E, Smith, a di,etiagaish e d L aw y er is Wt4l/2ilaitT, I have on Several occasions used Dr. AVlA:sea Balease of Wild Cherry, for severe Colds, and always with decided benefit. I know of no preparation that is more efficacious or wore desoMng of general use. The Balsam bas also been used with excellent effect by J. IL.lllllott,-.llerehant, hall's Cross Roads, Md. _WISMAR'S 'BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. None genuine unless signed I. Buns", on the wispier. I FOIL 8A1..E. BY J. P. DIXX3IORE, No. 491 Broadway, N. Y. S. W. POWLE 2,: i Co., Proprietors,, Etoston., and by , all Druggists,: Uuly2o4ww .I,y R t~DbINPr'S RUSSIA SALVE' Heals Old Sores. REDDING'S BU'BSIA SALVE - Cures Bum, Scalds and pats. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE • Mines Wounds, Bruises andEptains, r REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers and ; Cancers. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cores Salt Rheims, Piles and Erysipelas..: REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE - Cures Ringworm, Corns, 6tc., &e. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. , • ; Oak 25 Cents a Bas. • ; FOR MIJI at . J.P. DINSMORE, he. 491 Broadway, N. Y. 5.W.F0W1.14 Co., No.lB Tremont St., Bogart, and by . all Druggists and Country Stmelleelstra InlylO ems.* Bare iiNktEditheir'stote on Stain-otmet, ! - rivnitigiting tit.rtnt_nr . - n. - St Pi. 11thge :Plati rti en . Paiute, 'Rug, tine,- Tar, Varnish. alp, Bruothes Shovels, Rakes, Syades, fliwtiok Powder, Grind Stuht , s, Pocket Knives, di. Sttentlon calked Bnf ldr'ta and C i mielot . ,r the ' ' piepai:ell io.fhcttish ittxii-iptaiitity at yboleaala, ererytblug in their line Melqui. ' WILD CHERRY,: CONSUMPTION Bank, 'Morristown, P. J. Febriiiity - 7 43, i:ili 65 1 ~itte~c~Cl. ALTDIORE LOCK HOSPITAL.--Dr. * LP JOHNSTON, the founder of thin Miebrated In uhl lion,`.offers the most certain; speedy, and Only effectual remedy in the world fur-Dints ~tores, Seminal 'lYeakutcts, Pain in the Lobe , . Constitutional Debility, Impotence, WinkneSs of the Buck and Limlni, - Affections of the rulneya Palpitation attar Heart, Dyspepsia; Net , tons Irritability. Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nom ar skin and all - those serious and in ehmeholy (Molders: MlS fkom the destractiribiblM:Of Youth, which destroy both,body h and mind. These secret and solitary practice,. are more fatal to their victims ilninthe song of the Syrens to the „mariner Ulysses,. blighting their most brilliant-. hopes or anticipations; rendering uurtriture, impassible. YOUNG — MEN! - • - - Yonng lien espechrliy, Who haVellecorrie the - Victims of 4olitury Vice. that 'Deadfall - out destructive liabit whieltnal itfunially sweeps to an untimely - grave thousands of yonm; men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who - - might Otherwise have entnincedlis' teding Senates with the 'thunders of eloquence, or Waked to ("matey the living lyre; ' - ;May call wills full confidence. MARRIAGE! Married persons, or ymangmen contemplating manicre, being aware of physical weakness . organic debility,-defor !trifles, 'should immediately consult Dr. 'Johnston. He wlimplacewhimself under the - care of Dr.-Johnston sassy religiously confide bads honor us a gentleman, and confidently rely upon, his skill rise physician. ORGANIC 'NVIIAIL - SESS IMMEDIATELY CURED ' .1 AND FULL VIGOR ItESTORED: - • This disease's , the penaltymost frequentlypaid by th4so, who have lieeorne the victims of improper Andulgeroes.. ;Young persons are too apt to commit epee:tee from yet, being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensu e : sow. who that understands the subject willpretendtu deny . that the power of Procreation is bast sooner bythose falling intoimproper habit than by the prudent. Besidesbeingde- Mired of the pleasure of healthy offspring, nod The most ,serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body wise. The system becomes deranged, the.physical and Mental powers weaketed , mereoriesinbilllY, iiPPePcia, Palpitation 'of the heart. indigestion, a crusting of the frame, en*, 1,)-intems of eenanmptiou.- - - - - Office No.:, South Freddick Strut, seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the steps Be par:Ocular in observing the name and number, 'or you RD! 1:n1:Rale the place. A CURE WARRANTED DI TWO DAYS. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Riiyal College of Surgeons, Louden, graduate from one of the most eMinMt College.; of the Muted States, and the greater part at whase life has been spent iu the hospinds of Lott¢un;^ Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected WOW of ' the •most astonishing curer that were ever known. Many tismbled with ringing in the head and ears -When asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed nt suddeti Sounds, - and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. • A CERTAIN DISEASE-f, • Si - hen the imisguided and Imprudent 'Votary of pleasure" find he /lag Imbibed the :wed of this painful diseasey it hoof. ten happeosthat uuilbtimedoeuse of shame, ur dreudoldis. eovery, deters him from applying to those who from edneit-; lion and reveciabilitycan alone befriend him, delayintll.l tllecoustitatlimulsymptonasof thishorrid diseasemaketheir appearunce, such no nicenited sore throat, dis,..sed nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dinmestt,of sight, de.thiess,_nobs MI the chin, bones and arms, blotched - on the bead, face and extremities, progressing with frightful 11/ litany—till at lust the palate of the mouth Or the bones of the nose full iu and the victim of this awful disease...be'. comes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sttlierings, by sending him to'' that bourne from whence no traveller returns." there. fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to reserve the most. inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, he cats rxmfadently reeemnieud a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vic tim of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful poison 31ereum ruin the constitution, and elthar,send the unfortunate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable, tAILE Dr. J. atirinewes those who have injured'themselves by private and improper indulgeuces. These are some• of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz :—Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains iu the Head, Dimness of Bight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement,of the Diges tive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump , dm. MENTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are mach to be dreaded; loss of Memory, confusion of Ideal, Depres sion of Spiribr, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Some% Self• Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, 3a., are some of the evil effects.. - . Thousands of peinons of all agei can now Judge 'whit is theranse of their declini*healtli, tossing their 'vigor, becoming weak, gale, have singular appearance about the eses, cough ‘ and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING:REBEED , i, FOR ORGANIC-WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily eared, andfull vigor restored. Thom . of- the most nervous and debilitated, who bad lost all hope, have been - immediately 'relieved; ' All impediments to Itarrage,- Physical or Mental Disqualift. cation, Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness or Ex haustion of _the most fearful find, speedily eared by-Dr. Johnston. • YOUNG . MEN, who have injured themselies by a certain - practice, Indul ged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, 'or at school, the effects are nW.itly felt, even wbeu asleep, and if not Cured render marriage impotafble, and destroys both mind audbody, should apply immediately What a pity that a young man, , the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatchid from ail • prospects and enjoyments of , life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging to a ger lain secret habit Suchpersons, betbre'ecratemplang - R I A. G-E should reflect that a sound mind and body are themostne• creamy requisites to proinote connubial - happiness. 'lndeed; without these, the Journey:through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darheas to the view:- the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with-the melancholy reflection, =that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own., DEFIER . co. 7 SOUTEC FREDERICK STREET ~. I~~~t TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands cured at this Institutioq in the last fifteen years; and fhe numernits Ira purtantsurgical Open:l6mi performed by Dr. J.; 'witnessed tof the reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so marry ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, - Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that h,s Diplomas bang %Ids office. - U.Tl,7:rs NCrilta.—All letters mtstbe post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or-no answer will be sent. • (mar E S. T-,I 0 N 3 1 'QUESTIONS! . • - •' 9,• QUE - 8TIQN8! QII,E - STIONS! TEAT CONCERN EPERY ONE TO ANSWER. Ara you bald* t • ~ Xioas yoni hair fall off t - ' . . . Ilan yeasi hair benomie thin t -, • .. . Does it feel Minh, and dry, and feverish! - . ' IA it taming gray before its time I - , l Aze yontronbleeitith itching, burning sensittite °Ube '.:Arti;yisdiretubledwlth.l3l4oldourt Aragon troubled with what is tslledßutufalaor -Salt ;Have you had the Erysipelas, andleat your hair , ,Have you had the Measles, and lostit " Haire you had the Typliold.Pever, and last it? ' 'Have you had the Brain Fever, and lost it? Have you lost your hair by any sickness? Do yen wbrit luxuriant ludi -Do you wish soft and lustrous hair? Do you wish gray hair restored t • 'Do you wish wish yonr whiskers glossy? Do you wish them - restored in Color Do you wants amain? _ • ,Do you want it toe yourself, for father or mother, for brother, sister, or friend/ -- • Do you want to make a present I • Do you want a perfume for yonr toilet I 'Do yOu want a - harmless article? ;Do you want a pore article- tn. you want a double distilled article t r Do you want a cleansing article i• Do youxant the best preparation out fir; dietising,sitins - , 'dating, protecting, restoring-the color, and rendering soft, silky and lustrous the Bunion Hair It so, we warrant - = - CLARK'S : - - DISTILLED- RESTORATIVEi FOR THE "11Am . To be threqualkd and Superior to nag Prepteratioits seer Compounded and Octal to the Satisfaction guaranteed, or theraoney reloaded. " It costs but 81 for one bottle, or six for t 3, andis so'd by dmggista and dealers evenchere. C. G. CLARK & C 0.," Proprietors. D. 8. BARIV4I k Co„ N. Y., General - Agents.' yiniel.9ni erees, ranto anb 17ines. YDER'S FRANKLIN COUNTY NITRSEEXES.—Fiturr ANti 011NAMEtrfAr. TELE63, On VINES, Elc.—Tbe largest stock to select from in the county. Everything in the FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is at alLdesintblei, can be supplied from the commonest staralartriltdt Tree, to the rarest and most choice native , or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees are unusually tine, stout heavy thinks, fbrnished with line branching heads, from three to five feet from the ground, . as may be desired: Our 'aim Is to grow the best of every- - ; thing. Pruning and culdvating.npon Sclentifie prittelPlPl," consequertly, our productions are not offered in competi• on with Trees . grown upon the old letaloneatysteth. An Invitation Is extended to all vrhonifinterested in fruit cal• Furs, to come and bee for Merasehoa: A large stock of Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Roses, dm., in pots, will be ready`lit April tad May. En' dines a three cent-stomp for descriptive Catalogne of Pratt and Ornamental trees, &c. Address L. BirprP,' ;West Entnklia.Nmsenefl, , rear . tdoaan, , Pranklia Cat Pa:L. ' [nor 16-tf INFORMATION' FREE TO 'NERVOUS 811TPFEJ=8.—A gentletnam cared of Weircms Db.; billiy,lnoortipeteuey, 'Premature Decaylind - YoulidtdEr. , Mated by a desire to benefit others, will be ham t rcr o_hlttsh to all who need it, (free of charge), the range' and,diredionstor making th e aimplo remedy' w'iel in his' ease...! Sufferers niableg to grant by Abe trawaisbeil bad - ancient% and poween awe and Saleable remedy; Can do so Ili' addressing him, at once at hia place of. Inaaluet.s• The Recipe find foil information — of altar' ii=lio,no" — will be cheerfally i sent return mail. ' " JOIIN - 11:= WPM r No 150. Nakao Bi - A eet,. P. S.—Nervous Sufferers o f bolir armee arlil audible ip• formation Inralnahle , TilreAlmak