The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 08, 1865, Image 3

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    Februal:y : &,- 1865.
following are the Official quotas of the sub4lis
triets of this Congressional 'District, as assigned
by Capt. Doter; Provost Marshal
liantingthm do M.
Latimore do 36
Liberty do 16
Menallen do 39
311 Toy do Z
31t Pleasant do 31
Oxford , do 31
Reading do -as
Straban , do . 24
Tyrone do 25
Union do ' 28
Berwick township:..... 10,
Berwick Borough. 5
Butler township.:. 43
Conewago do .. ...... 23
Cumberlanddo Z
Franklin do 43
Freedom ' do ...',.... 14
,JlEigmanhland do do . 13
'llery no
Littlestown Borough....
Gottysbnrg do ...-. . 37
Hamilton township.... 27
Hamfftonban -do ..... 21
Woodbury township 34
Memo do 19
'Napier do 14
Bchelistrurg Borough... 7
Southampton township. - 27
iSouth Woodbury do 31
St. Clair - do 37
LT ibm do 31
West Providence do , 9
Bloody Run Borough...
Bedford Borough 20
Bedford tonnuthip 20
Broad Top do 30
Colendn do 12
Snake Spring township. 111
Comb. Valley do 9
EastPreeldenee do 7
Itardson - do ' 9
Hopewell do . 9'
Juniata do 11
,Liberty do . ' 10.
Londonderry do - 5
Antrim township .. .. .. . 79
Gmmeaatte borough-- ea
Cha ' / North W.... 77
mb'g . south w.... 731
Farwell township 07,
Green do 70j
Guilford do 75;
Hamilton do ..... . 281
Letterkenny township. : fr.:
Dugan' do ._ 1 7
do ..121
fldontgoinery township.. 75
litercetsburg borough.. 19
!Peters township 50
quinos do ...... .. 69
;St. Thomas township... 46
j Southampton township. 40
Warren I do 4
;Washington township.. 56
Waynesboro' borough . 25
Total ..)
Taylor ton:whip
Thompson lownstdp..Todd do
Wells ' do .....
Ayr township Z'
Belfast do 3
Bethel do 13
Brush Creek township.. _2
Dublin , do ...
Licking Creek township. III;
MeConnellsburg b0r0... i 3
,Northampton township.. 5
Painta tocrruhip 13
IQuernahouing toWnahip. 12
Stoystown Borough .... 1
Shade tcram2l4
Somerset Borough .'... 18
Somerset township 38
' Southampton township.. 14
Wellersburg Borough.. 3
Stony Creek township.. 26
Summit township • 23
11. Turkeyfoot towas'p . 15
Addison toltnship on
Allegheny ..... 4
Brothers Valley tOwns'p 21
Berlin Borough_ .... • 2
Conematigh township... :19
Elk Lick do 28
Salisbury Borough 5
Greenville townsh.... hip-- :: 8
Jefferson do . 'l2
'leaner% do .... 21
Ll.arimer do .... 5
Tnrkeyfoot township , 5 ,
Mid. Creek do 12,
Milford - do 17
New Centreline 80r..... 00
e District is 2,403. . The
reville, Somerset county
ta is assigned to it. •
The total quota of I th
enrollment of New Cent
being exhausted, no quo
Lx a publisee4 list of Union prisoners who died
in Salisbury, N. C., from starvation and disease,
prepared by Mr:A. D...iliohardson, a correspon
dent of the Now York Tribune, who made his
escape from that place a short time ago, we re
cognize the name of but one from this section,
that of Michiiel Mead, of this place, a member of
Company K, 107th Penna. WIZ., who died on
the 30th of November, 3864. •
PER SONS who have advertising to do will
greatly oblige us by, handing in their favors on
Saturday or on Itichiday forenoon. Very Ire
qnentlf we have adWirtisements brought in with
in an hour or so of the time we go to press (Tues
day noon,) and hence are often put to serious in
convenience to gettliem inserted.
Brower *. Son, of the Afontour American, pur
pose publishing a Diily Record of the proceed
ings of the East Baltimore M. E. Conference,
during the coming session at Danville, Pa. Price,
including postage, 50 cent& Subscriptions re
ceived by Rev. Thos Barnhart,'Chambersbirg.
HousE BURNED.—We are informed that the
residence of Mr. William Wilson, in Hamilton
township, was burned tolhe ground on Sunday
night last. We have not been able to learn par
ticulars, more s than' it caught from putting hot
rill Under the pomp.
Mop DtvIDEN D.—The National Bank of
Chambersburg decked a Dividend of 20 per cent.
on the, lst inst., payable in gold. By reference
to our Advertising celums it will be seen that 57
shares of this stock is offered at Public Sale on
Saturday next.
Fos BALE.—Onr friend Blair, of the Waynes
boro' Record, offers his office for sale. This is a
fine chance for some enterprising Typo, the Rec
ord having u good subscription, advertising and
jobbing patronage, and is well supplied with ma
PROP. ROBERT 31cCiamm, of this place, with
the aid of some ladies and gentlemen of Shippens
, burg, gave two Old Folk's concerts in that place
last week, which are spoken of by the Shippens•
burg papers in the highest toms.
PRomomi.o.—Major 0. B. Knowles, of the
'.2lst Perm. Cay., 'hie been promoted to Colonel
of that regiment, vice CoL W. H. Boyd, resign
. -
GHILVORD Towaistue.The Unitin party of
Guilford tmrnship are requested to meet at their usual
puma in their recpictiv,e School Dishicts, on Friday ere
*iv tie Sick hut., at early candle-light, to select their del.
egaUa Man each School district, to meet in Convention,
at Lishie'rEieluml Home, on Saturday, the 18th day of
March, atz o'clock, P.M., to form a ticket to be supported
at the coming spring election.
DYSPEPSIA.—What every body says must be
true. We have heard Dr. Strickland's Tonic spoken of so
frequently by those who have bean benefited by it, that at
last we are compelled to make It known to the public that
we really believe it effects a one In every case; therefore,
we say to those who are suffering with Dispopsia or Net.
vous.Deb ,ffity to go to their Druggest and get a bottle of
Dr. Strickland' Tcnale.
ANODYNE CORDiAL, the Mother Friend and
Maid's Relief—This vsloable medicine la again for sale
at MILDER'S NEW 'DRUG STORE, next door west of
Brown's RoteL It is far superior to an Soothing Syrups,
or any other preparation for chfldren in Teething, Cholic,
Diarrhea, orintrard pains.
GELWICKS & BURKHART have mach the Lag
est and moat vanied stook of Store Goods In town. It Is
Impossible in their advertliement to give a list of goods
or the juices, but ft is their determination to keep up the
largest and best assortment of goods, and to make this the
most desirable place for Family's to deal at in the town.
From coL E F. Jones, Masa 2.6th...;.--With me, the nse of
the 'Bronchia Troches' is an absolute necessity; and I
cannot andectAitnd how any officer who is called upon, by
his positions lo use his 'mice in command, can !mooed
without them..
DESERABIX GOODS.—A — good Hair Brad, a
serviceable Pocket Book, a piece of fine Soap, a box of
highly scented French Pomade, ab,le of Night-Blooming
Dererur, a box-of Lip Salve, a stick of Black Cometique,
a good Tooth Brash, and safe Dentifrice, to be bad at
CREMLEWS Drug Store.
REMEMBER Gelwieks & , Burkhart Hell none
but the best Mul. purest Spires, and Baking Articles. MI
Spices put up bythemselves and ground on their own
eiMPORTANT TO 800 li-KEEPERS.—Liughlin
andEnsdeld's celebrated Clisurkal Writing Fluid, a cheap
and excellent article, UM to be bad at CRES4LE6:B Drug
Fein prime Kerosene Oil, Lamps, Globes,
Wicks and shades, go to Gelwicks & Burkhart, It you
want them cheap and good.
WE call the attention of businees men to the
valuable lot of ground on the Diamond, offered for sale by
A. J. Mar.
To Horn. KEEPERS.—A very desirable Ho
tel for rent It advertised In the REPOSTOM of this week
—A SAD CASE.—The Centralia Sentinel says
that on Friday evening last, when the train from
Cairo stoppedat that place; four refugees were
taken off t e cars—dead! eThey were apparent
ly all of one family, and consisted of, a woman,
between tberage of forty and fifty years, a young
woman, probably eighteen or twenty, and two
children, respectively aged about ten and, two
years. There tvas nothing :to indicate their
' names and former abode about them 'They
were among a . large number of refugees, who
, were being transported north, to be taken charge
of and supported by the humane residents of Lli
iaois. Like thousands of others who have gone
before, it is reported that they had been exposed
some thirty-six hours to the cold and wind, in
coming- rom Cairn, and in their famished condi
tion were unable toendure it.
BY 111 A MO : ' 1
By the Western Onion Telegraph Line—Oftioe at the
Railroad Depot.
WilEfi4t6o, Feb. 6.
Gov. Boreman hag received the following tele
A Cavalry scout of Gen. Sheridan's encoun
tered the force of Gen. Harry Gilmore yesterday
near Moorlleld, and whipped it handsomely, cap
turing upwards of 20 officers and men. Amongst
the officers captured wait the noted guerrilla chief
and rolibiT, Harry Gilmore himself.
B. F. KELT.F.Y, Brevet Maj. Gen.
We find in the Cleveland Herald the following.
anecdotes of Gen. Terry, the hero of Fort Fisher.:
Terry was a resident in a small town in COW.:
necticut, where he formerly owned a foundry.
Oue day, six or seven years ago, he was prepar
ing to cast some large pieces of machinery. Af
ter the iron was melted and everything readiness
to begin the operation, the workman (some twen,
ty in number, headed by a big, stout fellow)
" struck," and declared they would not pour the
metal. The moment was a critical one , No
tinte;was to be lost. Terry instantly grasped a
stout wooden cudgel which lay near, and, advent
lag to the leader, felled with s blow. The
next one shared his fate, and a third and, fourth
arab bit the dust. The rest. immediately bolted
for the open air, thinking, doubtless, that pru
dence counseled a retreat. By this time the lead
er, regaining his feet, Terry settled him again.
Proceeding to the next one he accosted him
thus :—"Now, will you help pour that iron 1 If
not, down you go again." The man concluded to
go to work. The next two followed his example.
By this time the first man had again recovered a
perpendicular, and exclaimed— P-T-T-Terry,
you've hurt me." "Well, sir, I meant to hurt
you. Now will you help pour that iron pr take
another blow 1", - "W
-w-well, I guess I'll p-p-pour.'
He immediately took his place in the ranks. Those
who had sought safety by flight, returned, and the
piece was finished in good time and shape. After
it was done, he took them to a hotel and ordered
a splendid supper,iat the same time saying he
ought to have killed every one of them. This il
lustrates the manner in which he quelled a rebell
ion in a foundry.
Again daring the exciting period which pre
ceded and immediately followed the reduction of
Fort Sumpter, a mass meeting was held near
Terryville. The Colonel was on hand with a
rousing load, which he brought with his own team,
a splendid pair of greys. Soon a delegation was
noticed approaching the place headed by a load
bearing a large white flag, with seven &tars on it,
or, as they termed it, a "peace banner." Terry
knew that if the flag was permitted to enter the
town trouble would ensue; and then he could not
stand the sight of a Rebel flag in Connecticut.
Mounting a horse, healloped to the head of the
column and thundered" Halt!" The order was
obeyed. "Now," said Terry, "pull- down that
flag or suffer the consequences." Instantly two
or three muskets were leveled at him, for every
man and boy in this "peace-delegation" came
armed with a musket, club-or other weapon.—
The pointed muskets looked dangerous, but Ter
ry, perfectly unmoved, toldthem if they dared to
shoot every man of them should die. The ruf
fians, awed by. his tone and appearance, laid down
their arms. The flag was hauled down out of
sight and the delegation
~.entered the town in si
ONLY FIVE LEFT !—The House Committee on
Revolutionary Pensions have reported bilfgrant
ing to the five surviving heroes of the infant Re
public a gratuity of three hundred dollars per an
num for the remainder Of their lives. The ven
erable list is as follows:
Lemuel Cook, aged SS, Orleans county, New
Samuel Downey, aged 98, Saratoga county,
New York.
William Hutchiaa, aged 100, Hancock county,
Alexander Maroney, aged 94, Orleans county,
New York.
James. Baihour, in his 101st year, Missouri.
In July, 1863, eighteen were living. In Jan
uary, 1864, twelve—seven have since died. .
out that the recent robbery of the Cnawford Coun
ty Bank was perpetrated by Mr. Charles H. Dyer,
book keeper of the institution. From a confea
sien made by him, it appears that he had no ac
complices, and what Seemed the work of two or
three was all done by him. He unfastened the
windows and the gas pipe while Mr. Officer was
at supper, and on his return, while Mr. Officer
was at the counter, took the box, and carrying it
out through the back rooms, left , it on the door
step. He then went oat of the front door, walk
ed around through the ally to the window, pushed
it in pulled the string keened to the gas-burner,
and going to the rear ofthe building, took the box
to one of the outbuildings, broke it open and made
way with the contents as stated above. The bal
ance of the bonds, $28,000, was found sewn in his
pantaloons, between thelining and outside, so that
the bank loses nothing. He is now in prison
awaiting trial.
Chfunkre C isb
_. . .
Flour—White $ll. 00
Flour—Red 10 50
Wheat—White 2 60
Wheat—Red 2 40
Rye 150
Cora , 1 40
Clover Seed 14 00
Timothy Seed 4 50
Flaxseed 250
Potatoes—Mercer.:.. I I
Potatoes-,Pink Eyes 1 00
Philadelphia Markets
Flom market is dull and the sales mostly] in a small
way at $9"a9.50. for superfine 810 50 for extra and $1075 to
12 for low grade family and Sauey Rye still sells at 8875
's9. In Cora Meal nothing doing.
Wheat—sales of 30,000 bush red at $2,50 and MOO bush
Penna. white at 82,00, 1000 bush rye sold at $1,711R1,72
Conk-3000 bush yellow sold at $1 tit+. Oats are steady
and' 000 bush Penna. sold at 02e.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
Beef Cattle—The sales this A eek reach about 1700 bead.
Extra at 19 1121 c. 44. lb., for choice %trio good at ma
18c., and common at from 14'&15c. fo Ih, as to quality.
Sheep—about 4000 head arrived and sold at from 10
"dr2c. f pound, gross, asto quality.
Cots—about 100' head sold - at from swag) 00 for
Springers : and $35 np to $75 44 , bead for Cow and ealf.
Hogs—about 1800 head arrived and sold at from sl7'
19 00 the 100 pounds, net,asto quality.
lir TELF.aeApa4
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Stocks steady. Pa- fives, 92 ; Reading Rannxid, ;
Moms Canal, 90; Penna.R R., 624; Goa 215; exchange
on New York par.
INVALLD.—Publiabed for the benefit, and as a CAUTION
TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay of Mandood, for., supplying
at the same time THE MEANS OF SELE•Cum. By one
who has cured hitdself after undergoing considerable
quackery. By eadoslaq a post paid addressed envelope,
single copies may be had of the author •
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn. Kings Co.,
EYE A.NH EAR,--Prof. J. Isaacs, - M. D., Oc.
culist and Aurist, formerly of Leydon, Holland, Is loco
ted permanently at No. 511 Pane Street, Philadelphia,
where persons afflicted with disease of the Eye or Ear,
will be scientifically treated and cured; If curable.
• fa' ARTIFICIAL EWA inserted without pain. No
charges made for Examination.
N. 11—The medical faculty is invited, as he has no fe
rrets In his mode of treatment.
Tire. Barrow CHAMBER, an Essay of Warning
and Instruction for Young Men—published by the How.
and Associations, and sent free or charge in sealed envel
open. Address, Dr. J. SInLIN HOUGHTON, Howard M.
seclatlort -Philadelphia, Ps. feb•ly.
The anove cut represents the new three cent
fractional currency which is now being delivered
for circulation. These notes are designed to sup
ply a want that bas- been felt ever sincelhe_sus.
pension of specie payment. The lowest denomi
nation of fractional currency heretofore has been
the five cent note, and owing to the scarcity of
cents the public were compelled toque postage
stamps to make correct change. These stamps
were never iutendedto be used as currency, and
are not at all suitable for that purpose ; being ea
sily soiled and mutilated. But hating a regular
and uniform value they are accepted as currency,
and now everybody has old stamps iu his pockets,
so unlike what they were when new as to be
worthless for either postage or currency. The
new three cent note will serve a good purpose.
The design-of it is neat, and they are printed on
better paper than has heretofore been need for
fractional currency. They are somewhat smaller
than the five cent note,, and are more handsomely
The whole amount of the Internal Revenue for
the year 1864 is one hundred and thirty-six mill
ions, nine hundred and eighty-three thousand, and
twenty-two dollars and eighty-three cents . This
is truly a monstrous income from one single source.
—The following are the latest quotations of the
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia:
Penna. s's coupon
Peuna. R. B
Bending IL R.
Fulton Coal
Big Mountain C0a1.... 5
N. Y. & Mid: Coal 9
Green Mt. C0a1........3
N. Carbondale 2
Feeder Dam C0a1..... 0 1
Clinton Coal. 1
Butler Coal 10
Diamond C0a1.........15
Swatara. ' 41
Monocacy Eton. 101
Penn Mining 111
Connecticut. .1
Keystone Zinc 1
Excelsior Oil 11-1
Big Tank
Continental. 1
Farrell 2 i
Oil Creek. 711
Maple Shade Oil 24
Arclintock Oil 521
Pennsylvania Pet
Mineral Oil • 2:1
Keystone Oil. 11:
Venango 0i1..........
Union Petroleum 11'
Beacon Oil - 1 I
Seneca Oil
Organic Oil . 2
Franklin Oil 111
Howe's Eddy Oil 11,
OLIVER—RD:MIMI:P.—On the ht inst., by the Rev.
F. Dyson, Mr. William M. Oliver, of Green township, to
Xiss Suttan Rinehart. of Shippensburg.
LERAN—FLETCHER.—On the sth instant by the
same, Mr. Charles Lertut of Rending, Pa., to Miss Sadie
Fletcher, of Chambersbarg.
CARSON—PATTERSON.—On thelBthnit., in Spring
„Sok'. Ohio, by-the Be, Josseph C. Blakey: Mr. Thomas - E.
4 Car.on, of Baltimore. Md., to ]die Bennie B. Pattorsolw
formerly of Fulton county.
TEIRESH—BOLLINGER.—km the tad instant, at the
residence of the bride's parents. by the Rev. Tames M.
Bishop, Daniel Webster Thrush, Esq., editor and propri
etor of the -Shlppensbarg News, to Miss Mary Ann Bol
linger, of Culbertson's Row, Franklin county.
bLACLAY—MAHOI,I.—On the 2:sib Mt., by the Rev.
Wesley Howe, Dr. C. T. Maclay, of OrreenTßlnge, toMiss
Hattie Mahon, of Scotland.
MALTBY—HENDRICKS.—On tho I.2th tilt., by the
>Rev. P. S. Davis, Mr. William J. Maltby to Miss Media
J. Hendricks, of this place.
SEILHAMER—CLUGSTON.—On the 2nd Inst., in
this place, by the Rev. P, S.; Davis, Mr. John &Dimmer
to Miss Mary Agnes Cingston. -
REDGLEY--SNYDER.--an the Std inst., by the Rev.
Thos. Barnhart. Mr. Charles Rtdgloj, of this place, to
lase - Catharine Snyder, of London.
ZEIS—HENRY.--On the sth inst., by the same, Mr
Jeremiah Zeis to Miss Elizabeth Henry, both of London.
CAMPBELL.—On the 25th tilt, in Culbertson's Row,
Mr. John Campbell, aged 75 years, 2 months and 2-Idays.
BURKHOLDER,—On the 224 alt., rsear Green vSlage,
Mr. William Burkholder, in'the 37th year of his age.
STREALY.—On the :nth ult., in Carlisle, Alfred Her.
man, son of Jacob C. and Ann C. Strealy, aged 6 yearn, 7
months and 03 days.
A CARD TO INvntos.—A clergyman, while
residing in South America es a missionary, discovered a
safe and simple remedy fur the Cure of Nervous Weakness ,
Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numbers have been already eared
by,this noble remedy. Promptedby a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre-
paring and using this medicine, In a sealed envelope, to
any one who needs it, Free of Charge.
Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your
self. Address JOSEPH T. INIIAN,
oct 19-1 y) STATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, New York City.
ESIXTIIINd reldting to the human system,i male and female;
the causes and: treatment of diseases; the marriage cos.
torus of the world; bow to marry well and a thousand
things never published before, read the revised and en•
larged edition of "MEDICAL COatMolkt SENSE," a curiota
book for curious people, and a good book for every one.
400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price 81.:41. Contents table
tent free to any address. Books may be bad at the Book
stores, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the
price. Address Dn. E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,
febl-fim 1130 Broadway, New York.
tEESIICITO, Fell. 7, 186.5
Buttes 40
Eggs 30
Lard 00
Tallow 15
Bacon—Hams. z. 425
Bacon—Sides. 20
1 8oup - _Beans 2 25
Wished Wool ,60
Unwashed Wool 90
Pared - Ppaehros. 5 00
Uniaared Peaches 3 00
Dried Ayipleii 2 23
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 7, 1865
new:lo4os. 106
Pears. R. R. Ist mort.. 106
Penna. R. P. 2d wort. 104
Plat. 6's. 'Bl • 100
rs, sew 97
S. 5-iSYs
S. 10-4tY5....
S. 6's, 'EL...
S. S's coupon.
S. Certificates
. 109
.. 109}
Phila. & Erie R. R. Ss 107
Ptdla & .Erie R. R.... 251
N. Central R. R
Pennsylvania ImpariaL 5
Sterling .. 3
Oil 8
Pope Farm Oil -
Met:armor° 4}
Roberts Oil
Olmstead.., c
Noble & Delamater.
Story Farm -
Petroleum Centre..
Hoge Island
Allegbeny River...
I Mkt & Oil Creek.
!Germania.... Creek..
C= Planter
' Tarr Farm
' Globe Fenn
'fiebuy'kill Oil Creek... I
Walnut Island
St. Nicholas.
I Drinkard.
OLD EYES MADE NEW.—A pamphlet directing
how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, with.
out aid of doctor or medicine. Seat by mail, free, on re.
ceipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,
febl-6m 1130 Broadiray, New York.
Arbi abbertioemento.
large and improved IRON LEVER SCALES has
been erected in the yard of the Indian Queen Hotel for
weighing cattle, stock, Hay, &c.,,by
febB-6t D. S. TAYLOR.
OR SAL E.—The valuable HOUSE
and LOT of GROUND Into the Preys 'y of Jas. S.
dee'd, shunted in East Queen street, in the Borough
of Chambersbnrg. Terms easy, enquire of
LYMAN S. CLARK, Atty. at Law,
ebB Cbamberiburg, Pa.
NOTICE —All persons indebted to A. Ji
White by note or Book Account will confer a favor
by sailing and settling their accounts without delay, His
books are all that ho has saved out of the great tire.
febB A. d WHITE,
Stone Building, 2 doors north of the Post Office.
PIIBLIC SALE.—There will sold at
Public Sale, at the Market House, an Saturday next,
gelid inst., at ^2 iieloet, P.M., FIFTY-SFNEN SHAKES OF
feb &It G. R. MESSEItSMITH, Cashier.
Cumberland or Franklin County, Pa., well adapted
to Corn and Pashue, and containing from one hundred to
two hundred Acres. Address, Stating cash terns,
Herald and 7brrh•Light Of Hagerstown, Md.,
hereby iven that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Rebecca FV. Dash, late of Guilford towndhlp, dee'd,
have been granted to the undernigned.i -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
febB JOHN C. TRITLE, Ex'r.
it. tin is herebygiven that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of William Everett, late of Metal township,
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
Aapersons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make Immediate payment ; and those having
claims present them properly antentimsted for settlement.
tice Is-hereby given that Letters orAdministradon
on the Estate of Charles Jackson, late of tdercersbaft4
dee'd, have been grantedto the undersigned.
All poisons knowing themselves indebted to said Zstate
will please make immediate payment; and these having
claims present them properly, authenticated for settlement.
fetid JAMES O. CARSON, Adet.
1)c tlepositom i ilidinbasbag,
eba abbertiOntento.
NOTICE ' its hereby - given that the un
undersigned have obtained license (both State and
Natiorod) which authorizes them to purchase and sell as
agents or for the use and benefit of others, any Stocks,
Bonds or other securities on commission.
Office opposite the Past Office.
dee Is hereby given that rettera of Administration
on the Estate of William Burkholder, late of Green town.
ship. deo'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All pkrsons knowing themselves indebted to mid Estate
will please make immediate payment;, and those having
claims present them-properly authenticated for settlement.
febB WhL ki'CLIIRE, Atilt*
A ifDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by"), given that the undersigned. has been appointed
by the Orphan's Court of Franklin county, Auditor to'
make distribution of thebalancein the hand of D. E. Wun
derlich, Esq., guardian of William Rhodes, dec'th to and
among the heirs and legal representatives of said deed,
according to law, that he will sit in the suite of Stam
baugh and Gehr, to attend to the duties of his appoint.
ment, on Wednesday, the Ist day of Mara, A. D., 1865,. -
where all persons interested may attend if they see proper.
febEL4t B. OEIIR, , Auditor.
—This Hotel, situate in the Borough of Bedford.
Bedford county, Pa., will be !agent after the lst of April
next. The house' Is the largest and best adapted for hotel
purposes of any other in this section of the State. A good
stable, Ice house, and other outbuildings are attached.
A large business has been done at this, Hotel for years, and
can be greittly Increased. Few, if any hotels in the State,
outside of the, large towns, afford better Inducements to a
capable landlord than this. Application may be made to
the subscriber, at the residence, near Juniata Woolen Far'
tory, Sante Spring Tp., Bedford county, Pa., or to John
Lutz, Esq., Bedford, Pa..
feb&lit MICHAEL LUTZ, Bedford, Pa.
AMERICA. Incorpomted 1714. Charter Perpetual.
CAPITAL 6500,000. °nice M 2 Walnut Street, Phila
delphia. Thapromptpayreent of ClaithsforLesses during
the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has
been in existence, entitles them to the confidence of the
This company mill nib insure against loss by WAR or
Persons wahing to insure will pleaie call on or address
the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent, Chambersbnrg.
As Agent for this Company, I ant ;prepared to Cancel
all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property
destroyed by the Rebels on the:3oth ofJulyi returning the
foil premium paid on application at my office.
W. G. REED, Agent.
REFERENCES—J. D. Grier, A Allison Eyeter, Esq.,
Major J. C. Austin, CoL A. K. M'Clure. febB
By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas
Franklin county, Pa., January term; 1865, as Coomnrit
tee of the estate of Jacob Wolf, of Waynesboro', I will ex
pose to sale =Saturday, the 25th of February, 1865, on the
premises, the following described Real Estate: A Lot or
Parcel of Ground situated on the north side of Main Street,
in Waynesboro', known as the west half of lot No. 41 In
the general plan of lots of said borough, being - about 41
feet wide, and 164 feet deep, running back to a 12 foot al
ley. There is erected on said parcel of grottud a double
two-story DWELLING HOUSE, part Brick and part
Frame, to excellent cqiidition, with Brick Smoke House,
Wash House and fast-rate Stable nearly new. There is
a never-failing Well of pure water in the yard, and choice
Fruit on the premises. - There is no more desirable prop
erty than this in the neighborhood, it being suited equally
well for a business stand or private residence.
JOS. DOUGLAS, Committee of Jacob Wolf.
febil•ts Wm. ADAMS, Auct.
REAL ESTATE.—By virtue ,of an order of the
Orphan's Court of Franklin county. 4anciazy term, 2865,
as Administrator of Joseph Funk, deed, I trill expose to
public sale, on the premises, on Monday, the 27th of Feb
ruary, 1865, all that portion of ground - situated on Mecha
nic street, in Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa., bounded
by lot of Andrew Wilson, by said Mechanic street, by lot
of Alexander Hamilton and an alley, being thirty-four
feet fronting' on said street and running back to the alley—
on which is erected a TWO-STORIED BR IC K
DWF.r.r.DiG HOUSE, with basement rooms—with Cis
tern convenient to back door—first-rate Stable and Out-
Houses, This property is in good repair and is well ar
ranged for a private residence. Previous to the sale of the
house, the Tenpin Alley, 90feetinlenirtb by 14 feet wide,
will be sold in six seperate parts, earl 15 feet by 14 ; and
the Frame Building attached to end of said Ten-pin Alley
will be sold In one piece. M'Ternas made known on
day of sale by DAVID H. FUNK, Adm'r.
febEL3t ADAM, Auct. .
PIIBLIC SALE.—The subscriber in
tending to relinquish Farming, will sell, by Public
Sale, at his residence in Guilford tdwnship, 2 miles East
of Jackson Hall, on the road leading from Shady Grove
to Greenwood, on Thursday, the 2d day of March, 1865,
the -following property, viz : 4 head of WORK HORSES;
two-year bong Colts ; II head of Horned Cattle—among
them three Milch Cows and one Bail; 11 head Of Hogs;
2 Brood Sows; 1 Suffolk Boar. Also, twd broad-tread
Plantation Wagons with Beds—one nearly new ; 1 one or
two-hone Won and Bed ; 1 Sleigh ; 1 Wheelbarrow ; 2
pair Hay Ladders; Fifthehain and Spreader Single,
Double and Trippletrees; Bat and Breast Chains; Hal
ters and 07W Chains, de. Also, 1 Grain Drill; 1 Revolv
ing Hay Rake; I,Cutting Box; 2 three-borne Plows; 1 Sin
gle and 3 Double Shovel Plows; 1 Corn Coverer; 2 Har
rows; Grain and Cloverseed Curdled; Blowing Scythes; 1
Fodder Cutter; Pitch. Dung and Shaking Forks; Rakes
and Shovels; 1 set of Harness; 2 sets Of Front Gears; 2 sets
of Breechhands; Wagon Saddle; 1 six-horse Line; Plow
Lines. Also, 1 Sausage Cutter, and a great variety of arti
cles not necessary to enumerate. Also, Patathes by the
Bushel. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. H., when at
tendance and a Credit. of Nine Heaths be given on
al:rear. order e 5. - 11A14". I. TAMMY.
Jeb8 , 21.. ZAMA-V. Auctioneer.
..I.- *
J. & H. M. W H
In the Stone Banding, on Second Street, two doors
north of the Post Office, and opposite
and a general assartraent of,
Give as a call.
1.,1 in the Post Office at Chambensburg, State of Pena.
sylvania, February 7, 1865.
W' To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant Most
*all for '!advertised Letters," give-the date of thislisy and
pay one cent for advertising.
Axe W Hamilton Hues William
Beard Mazy EluberMlssErnmaJ
Bear George Huber Theodore
Bauman John Refer Benjamin
Branson Isaac Lindsay Thomas
Burkhebnes Miss Long B Fhtnklia
Bate Lyne L F
Byers DanielLinget Miss A If
Clock James - Leather Wm
Cligson S S • 3l'MoorefilisLizile
ContfilissMargaret McKenzieldiss NJ
Davis George 2 Martin Joseph
Down*. Miss Alice MellingerMissAnn
Dankelsly Miss L Miles Mary E
Edgerton Capt Miller Miss Elieth
Fleck Daniel S Miller Sarah
Franklin Morris Jr Myers 31i1Cathrine
Gsell Maria Norris Miss Jennie
Harris W S Norris Mrs Sydriey
HenryMisNaneyM 'nes William I
Henry Daniel T Perfley Miss Lydia
Hall Mrs Mary Patterson Jacobi
Harrison Jereminh Prim Miss Mary
HeintzlemanAmosißice Williain
ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on
Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com•
pany, and is operated by them. : ' _
Its entire length FM opened for, passenger and freight
business, October 17th, 1864.
Mall Train -
Lock Hosea Accommodation-- --
Mail Train 1:15 A. it.
Lock Haven Accommodation 1:40 P. m
Passenger Can run through on Mail Train, without
change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and
Baltimore and Erie. -
Elegant Sleeping Canton Mall Train both ways between
Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Express
Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore.
For information respecting Passenger business apply at
Comer 30th and Market Streeti, Philadelphia.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents :
S. B. KLNGSTON, Jr.,.Cor,l3th and Market Ste., Phila.
J. W. REMOLDS, Erie.
J. M. MULL, Agent N. C. Lt. IL. Baltimore, Md.
ben. Freight Agent, Philadelphia.
Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia.
Gen. Manager, Williamsport.
M 8,65
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, in
tendlog to remove West, will sell by Public Sale, at
his residence, fear miles from Chambersbnrg, on the Stras
burg road, near Rocky Spring, on Friday, the 17th day of
February, 1865, the following Persobal Property, to wit:
12 head of HORSES, 8 of them pod Draft llorses,nne a
fine Mare with f0a1,.3 two-year old and 1 yearling Colt; 7
head of HORNED CATTLE, among them 3 billCb Cows;
13 head of SHEEP; 17 bead of 11008, 3 of them Brood
Bowe, &c. Also, 1 Broad-tread Wagon and Bed; 1 car'
row-tread Wagon and Wad Ladders ; 2 one-home Syrian'
Wagons, 1 , Carriage, 1 Falling-Top Buggy, 1 Sleigh, 1
Sled, 2 pair Hay Ladders, 2 sets of Harness, Horse Gears;
Single, Double and Trippletrees; Fifth chain; Log, Breast,
Halter and Cow Chains; 1 Jackscrew, 'Wheelbarrow,
Grindstone, a set of Quarrying Tools, Mattocks, Shovel&
tch Also, One Good THRESHING MACHINE and
Horse perwer, 1 Reaper, Roller, Grain Fan, Cutting Bak,
2 Plows, 4 Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows, 201141ton:est, 1 Corn
Coverer, Grain Cradles and Mowing Scythes, 1 Hay Rake,
Rakes and Forks—all kinds, a lot of Bags, &e.Also, a
quantityof Hay by the tun, Potatdes by the bushei, 2 bar
rels Vinegar, Bacon and Lard by the pound, 6 Cider
rola, eke. Also, about 3000 Chestnut and Chestnat.oak
Shingles. Household and Kitchen Furniture, embracing,
in part, 10 Bedsteads, 4 Feather Bede, 1 Secretary, 2 Bn•
roans, 4 Tables, 3 sets of Chairs,.2 large Rocking Chairs,
108 yards of Cqpesoir, 2 Clocks, 3 ten-plate Stoves, I
Cook Stove, I Copper Kettle 1 Iron Kettle, 1 washing
Machine, Tube, Meat 'Vessels, 2Wood Chests, 5 Sancho.
a lot of Queens, Crockery, and Thlware, and many other
articles not necessary to enumerate.
Sale to oommenos at 9 o'clock:; - 0U said day, when the
conditions will be tnade kooviq
febil•lt IWILLIAht °SELL,
Have opettedtbeir
a goodamortmeni of
, febB
(Riddle E il
Rosen bergerMlas
Roue M E
Seegle John
Shatzer Miss Annie
I Shirk Amos
I Sehoovill Geo W
Stevenson Nelson
Struck Anna
Steviinn Thomas
Stotler William
Stoner .MissMaryß
Thayer Abner J 2
Veths Jeremiah
Vellis Nancy J
Whisler Mrs Sarah
WALson John 2
Whiling MisSalYA
Wolgmath MisEliz
. DEAL, P. 1.1
.... I:40 A. U.
1;30 P. M.
Otto apbertistitento. -
. ,
T.OST.—A PUREE, containingaßreast
-4- Pin, Ear Ring and a small staa of Money, was lost
in Chambershtuv on Pattatlay, the 28th of :January. A
liberal reward crabs given ifretaraed to this office. Li-lt
&C.,' WORTH $500,*
To be sold at ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to
value, and not to be paid until. you khow, what you wild
10:1 Gold Hunting Cases Watches..........„eaoi t sloo'oo
100 Gold Watches
200 Ladies' Watches - Co oo'
500 Silver Watches 815 00 to litZ 00
600 Gold Neck and Vest.Chaltur 12 00-to 15 CO
1000 Chatelain and Gnarl Chain 5........ 5 00 to 15 00
MOO Pest and Neck Chains 4 00 to 12 00
4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold &combed- 400 to BPj
4000 Coral,-Lava, Garnet, &c., Broochei. 3CO to 8 00,
7000 Gold, Jet, Opal, &c., Ear Drops.... 3 09 -to 8-00
5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins .300 to 800
6000 Oval Band Bracelets 300 to'. 8 00-
2000 Chased Bracelets 5 06 to 10 00
3500 California Diamptad Pins and RingS. 2 50 to • 8 00
2000 Gold Watch Rtzrys 250 to 600
5000 Solitaire Sleeve Butter* and Studs.. 200 to 800
3000 Gold Thimbles 4.00 to 600
5000 Miniature Lockets 200 to 700
3000 Miniature Lockets, Magic .4 00 to 900
2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, & . c 200 to 600
WO Fob and Ribbon Slides 200 to 500
5000 Chased Gold Rings 200 to 500
4000 Stone Set Rings 200 to 600
6500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold. 500 to 15 90
6000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry—varied styles. 3ea to 15 OD
8000 Gold - Pens, Silver Case and Pencil., 400 to 800
4000 Pens, Gold Case and,Pencil 5 00 to 10 00
6000 Gold Pens, Gold-mounted Holder.. 300 to 600
All the goods in the above list will be sold, without re
servation, FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certtficates ot
all the various articles are placed In similar envelopes and
sealed.. These envelopes will besot! by mail or delivered
at our office, without regard to choice. On receiving a
certificate you will see what article it represent!, and it is
optional with you to send one dollar and receivelhearticle
named, or any other' in the list of the same value.
In all transactions by mall, we charge for forwarding
the Certificates, paying postage and doing the business, 25
cents each.. Five certificates will be sent for 81; eleven
for EQ; thirty for $.5 ; sixty-five for 810 ; and one hundred
for 815. ,
We guarantee entire satio.,,tion in every Instance.
AGENTS-4.SpOcial terms to Agents.
febB 303 BROADWAY, New York.
xi) of the Foor , House and House of 'Employment of
Franklin County, for, the year conuneneing January 4th,
A. D. 1864, andendlng January 2d, A. D. 1865:
Balance in hands at last settlement $144 07
Received from James G. Elder, County Treas.
For the month of Jnimary, 1864 - 1,V.5 00
do .do February do --- - 585 00
do ' do March, do 1,36000
do April, do 1,915 : 00
do do May do 700 00
do do June do 1.,115 00
do -do July do . - 4OO 00
do 'do August do 1,039 00
do do Septemberdo 1,160 00
do do October do -1,270 00
do . do 'November do ' - 670 00
do do December do .300 00
The following stuns have been received from
other sources:
From James Chariton, former Steward 194 90
From Wm. IFOrath, present Steward 18 70
From W. S. Everett, money collected ' 270 76
Total receipts
..ount of outstanding drafts of previoui year.. $92 19
. "mint paid out-door paupers 9,850 00
do, Justices of the Peace on orders of
removal, doe. 97 00
do constables for removing paupers,
mileage, doe 109 00
do for coffins • , 208 00
' do other counties for supportingly:ta
pers belonging to Franklin co. 105 00
do for removing insane paupers to ,
Pa. State Lunatic Haspital.... 15 75
do for medical attendanee to ontdoor
paupers ' . 175 00
do '..Y ean'ali t a t a Lunatic ,Hospital for
insane paupers . 180 00
do for relief occasioned by accident- 155 00
, do for ath'ortising annual statement. 74 72
e 4,261. 59
Amorna paid for wood
do for coal 570 00
do for beef... 1,560 82
do for pork - ' . 357 00
do for ".. .: -74517
do . for= is, " . 1,075 45
do' • for shoes and cobbling , 360 67
..; do for drags 94 00
do for tobacco 104 88
do for queensware and crockery.... 37 19
do. for Irk. -6 35
do for hardware 45 37
do for regain 17 10
do' for tinware 18 00
do An corn - 565 M.
do for rya. 27.00
do - for tots, fir , seed. 35 oo
do for corn brooms. 8 74
do for drift books • - 95 00
do ^fotrelothing - - 567 50
do for stationery .10 03
do forblink books. 500
do - for poetage 300
do forhata -
25 013
SAM 16
Amount paid for mending farming utensils..., $35 00
do _for =tithing 75 00
do for Mbar on farm. ' 100 00
dr, fur harvesting 250 10
do for leather and saddlery 18 DO
do for stock 30 DO
do for two horses ' NO 00
i .
1 4768 10
'Amount paid Directors, and mileage . 331 40
do Attorney and Clert 100 00
do Physician 100 00
. do TreaAurer . 100 00
do StewSull • . 500 00
do Matron 102 00
„Expenses no Treasurer's bond... 1 25.
aI ^3I 65
Antolini paid for outdoor expenses
do for isi-door expenses.
"do for firm
do for salaries
Balance in Treasurer's hands .
:Whole number of out-doer paupers during the year,
109 ; present number, 98.
We, the'smderaigned, Directors of the Poor and Howe
of Employment of Franklin County having examined the
'foregoing statement, do certify to its correctness ;
_ .! .-.. . .—_— .
WnnAla S. Eyearrr, Attorney aand Clerk.
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Franklin county, do
certify that we hare examined the foregoing `account of
Charles Goltricks, Treasurer of theDiroctors of the Poor;
and find it co.,est; nad also rand a balance in his hands of
$lll 73. ' D. B. MARTIN,
W. S. ANDEMSON, }Awls.
'Attest. 3L MARTIN.
LYtwi S. Cpaila.E. Clerk. -
50 loads of 13a3, 50 loads of Cary Fodder, 512 bushels of
Wheat, 18 bushels of Rye, 204 bushels of Oats, ma bushels
Potatoes, 950 bushels of Corn, 809 heads of Cabbage, 3
barrels of Sane Kraut, 10 bushels of Beets, 100 bushels of
Winter Apples, 2 barrels of Pickles, 4 barrels of Vinegar,
03.5* gitllons of Molasses', 95 - bushels of Sugar Cane Seed,
346 the of. Pork; 1,090 the of Beef, 390 Rs of Veal.
5 head of Holies, 12 Mileb - Cows, 19 bead , of Ymang
Cattle,, 4 BroOd Sown, 2 Boma 20 bead of &totes, 300 IDs
of Lard, 200 Ms Of Tallow, 1;000 Its of Beef, 3,000 IDs of
Pork, 8 kettles of Apple Butter,
- January 2d, HO.
"White males 44
White females 1
Colored males ' 9
Colored females
• r 6
Average num - betof paupers during the year 97
Number of sears Oren to wayfarers- 756
Number of deaths
_k 1-t
Number of births. 9
Number of children Ifidentared. - 8
193198 , i W 5& It'GRATII. Steward.
54/04Ti antuOuntoo.
JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully returns his
thanks to his patrons for the, liberal encouragement recei
ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and
the community generally, who may need any thing inhis
line, to give him a call at his new munch on East Queen
street, near the Franklin Itailrgad, Dhambersburg where
he keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE
BY AND HARNESS of his own manufacture, and he
is prepared to set! the same on terms that defy competi
tion. Every article offered fur !sale is warranted - to be
made of the best -materiel and by competent workman,
which will be fully demonstrated dti an examination there
TRUNKS AND, VALISES.—He would also call the
attention of persons ganting,th good neat and cheap and
substantial Trunk or Valise to Ids assortment. junel7,63.
. n Large assortment, of Saddles, Harness, Collars,
Busd Brian, Riding Undies, Halters,. Sletgh
and Stage Lashes, Lead Reins, Halter and Hitnhing
Straps, Wagoa Lines, Wooden Stirrups, coveredor 1 1 / 1 1.
kJ nos has a aapp]y of Cartridia floret that Will bold
Doty•five of Flenry's Repeating ;aide Cattlidgea - Call
=I one, one and aIL
How to /41:6 Corn- and ome.—Rny yourself a gold
Boma Blanket at C. R. GORDON'S and 'keep yona
Roma warm._
• 131444 013 Sou* Man strat, Quo door South OM.
3. L. finosserotroorder. Term, CAOU.
VOTiCE.-'--Notika is hefeby given that
on the 31st day ofJatunry, .A.D; 1865 , Iinrdlo lood„
from Jesse Bere f t <cord man) of htisettrooletT towftloP ,
Franklin county, Fa., the followfmr articles of Personal
F/operty, to wit r -- O ne (Imam Cohered Staley Cow, One
,Red and, White Spoiled Heifer, 1 Sow, S Bedsteads, 1
Cook Stove mad Fixtures, 1 tett•plate Staie amt
Cupboard, I Bureau, l sett of SheernekeenTools, Pence.
looker's Tools, Cups, Sauces, Tables, Chairs, Stands,
Bed•clothing, and'every other article of .Ifortsebirld and
Biteben Furniture belonging to Barnes , The above
property have loaned to said Banks until me l t ti m e es
I may see Et to remove It. ffebl-.3t9 JOlnt SHIRTS. •
TION.-fiticiarrd Bente/es Bstate.."—To the heirs and
legal reoresentativesef You are hereby unli
ned that, In punrannee of a writ of inqubition, issuitqr out
of the OrPhaen . Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to
directed, I will hold an Inquest on the teal Estate of which
said decedent &lett/seized, eitunte in Franklin county, Pa.,
on the 213th day of Febnlary, A. I)., .I&s' , at 10 o'clock,
A. AL, when and where yen may attend if ynn think pro.
per.. anal-61) SAMUEL BFANDT,SheritE
D .
Notice Is hereby given that the Partnership hereto.
fore existing under the finb. style, and name of C. H.
RZNICEL & BRO., was dissolved on the Dar ortkeetaber,
1864, by mutual consent. The Books of the late firm are
in the hands of C.H. Kunkel for collection.
C. El. gUNSFL,
. .
-The Mail:less-will be continued by C. H. KuNKEI...
GRF.E\ce4TLE, Rm. 4.
all parties interested. that A. K. 3PClnre and others,
of tha Borough of Chambersbnrg; Pa., have made appli
cation for the incorporation of the "REPOSTIVILT AESOCIA.
VON," with a capital of e 60,000, and- that theease will
come up for tool hearing at March adjourned comfy and
that if there is any objection to granting the application tt
must be then and there made. By order of the court,
febl-3t K. B—TAYLOR, Proth'y„
the Coed of Common Pleas of Franklin county bag
anninted the undersigned a Committee over the
and estate of Abraham Shelter, a habitual
All persons knowing' themselves Indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for-settlement
febl-tit • JOHN FRY, Committee.
. tice is hereby given that Letters,of Administration
OD the Estate of John Hiller, late of St Thomas tomishdp,
deed, have been grunted to the undersigned- -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those haring
claims present themprOperly authenticated for settlement
tice is 'hereby given that Letters of Administration,
on the Estate of Jacob Wolfkill, late of Chambersburg,.
deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All poisons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
JanlB H. GEHH, Adm'r.
xi. Bee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Elizabeth Deardorff, late of Washington
township, deo'd. have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
jan4 ' JOHN S. DEARDORFF, "'"'"
lice is hereliy given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of John Shearman, late- of Green township,
deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make Immediate payment; and these having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
• SAMUEL 811EARMAN, Adm'r.
513,9 2 2 23
11 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es•
tate of Wm, Cris% late of Antrim townswip, deed, have
been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and Apse having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
janll GEO. 8. OUST, Ex'r.
Erg ant Sang Goob.
F .A N C Y
On Second Street, nearly opposite the Pori Office,
8639 70
Have just received and opened a large and varied stock of
fall dry goods, to which they Invite. the attention of the
- Public.' We will say just here that we nre prepared to
sell goals as kerns any house in the county, the Rai/sand
Bears not eseepted.
Our stock °mishits in part as follows:
LADIES' DBESS GOODS, a large variety,
CLOAKING CLOTHS, very cheap,
BALMORAL & HOOP SKIRTS, cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere. Gloves, Hosiery, Hoods, &o„ -
la great 'variety,
For Men and Boys' wear we have Cloth, Casalmei, Bat
lleustts, Tweeds, Jeans, Under Shirts, Drawers, Stockings,
&c., all very cheap.
We have also a fail stock of Muslims, Tickin,gs, Flan
nels, &c,, arra which will be sold to suit eruktarners. Nag
is the time tabay.
_UA slowly, nut go With the large and varied assortment
of. Dry Goods just opening at W3l. WALLACE & CGS
at the Market House corner, opposite the Methodist Church.
They have just returned from New York where they pur
chased at Auction, the largest assortment of Dry Gocds
everbronght to this county which they offer at greatly re
-dueed prices for club, consisting of
Good Muslin at 25 cents,'
' -
1 Yard wide at 50 cents,
°iB Yards wide, Sheeting, $1 Z,
If Pillow Case Muslin, 75 cents, •
Best Prints at 37+ cents,
Good Prints at lower prices,
Gingham,. 378, best, 45 cants,
Batmorals, $3 7554 CO, $4 50,
Shawls at all,prlees,
Ladles' Clunking, all cobra, -
Casinets, Jeans and Cultism's.
19 Quarter Blankets, all wool, $1250 per pair.
A full assortment of Gloves, Hosiery, &c., constantly - on
above goods being purchased in New York at low.
cash price, we are determined to sell at low rates to
snit the times.
far Give no a call before purchasing elsewhere.
octl9, WM. WALLACE & CO.
. $4,261 59
6,923 16
768 10
.. 1, 234 65
.. 734 .73
$13,922 59
11,ot, *Wen an 55tTagelY.
MOTICE.--411 parties iutereSted will
11 take notice, that Samuel Seibert became the owner,
by phrodusse, from the Administrufors of Wm. Seibert,
dee'd, (late of Chemberilmsg. Pe.,) of the shares of stock
of the said deceased, in the" SCHUYLKILL AND DAUPHIN
977 to 1048, and 1074 to 1181, inclusive; andthat the certi
ficates &stock issued to said Wm. Seibert, dec'cl, were de
stroyed by the Scoot 30th July, -1864, when Chambers.
burg was given to the flames ; and that at a meeting of
the Directots of the said company, to be held at Philadel
phia, early in March next ; the said Samuel Seibert will
make application to said Directors, to have new certifi
cates of stock issued to hina.tin Bead those destroyed by
the fire. - SAMUEL SEIBERT.
The undersigned. AJministratrix and Adminisnrstm of
William Seibert, dee'd„ do hereby consent to the Hanger
being made to Stunuel Seibert of the stock descr i bed.
febl JOHN HUBER, Adm'r.
MOTlCE:—Bounty Land Warrant No.
..1111 73559, for One Hundred and Sixty Acres, issued 19th
October, 1837, to Jane H. Larmour and dno. W. Lar•
moor, minor children of Samuel B. Larmonr, late of the
District of Columbia. deceased, (War of 1812.) has been
last. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be
made to the Comraisssoner of Pensions for a re•issue of the
above described warrant. JANE H. STEWART,
febl-6t JNO. W. LAMOUR.
S T.—Certificate- No. 217, fcir
shares in CEIF.e.RY RUN ANT) Prrrsnrito PETROLS.UM
COMPANS, issued to the undersigned, having been lost,
application has been made to said Company for a new cur
t:lllmM. Efebl..3l L. B. CLARK.
. _
Veroonat liropertg *dos.
ING UTENSILS.—WiII be sold by Public Sale on
Wednesday, the 15 day of February 1865, on the Farm in
Antrim township, 8 miles hom Chambersburg, 2 from
Cashtown, and 4 from Greencastle, on the Brown's Mill
road, the following personal property, to wit ; 2 HEAD
OF GOOD WORK HORSES, one of which is a red
Leader ; 1 two-year old Colt; 5 head of Cows and/ Calf;
1 ;geoid 3-Inch' tread Wagon and Bed; 1 marrow-wheeled
Wagon and Ile,l - ; 1 one and two-horse Wagon ; Roy Tad'
ders; 1 Threshing Machine; 1 Roller; Wheelbarrow; 2
sets •Breechbands ; Plow Gears; Collars, Bridles, 2 new
Fly 'Nets, ' Housings, Halters, 2 Plows, Double Shovel
Plow, Harrow, Brier /look, Hay Crater, 3fittocks, Shov
els, Forks; Log . , But, Breast and Cow Chains, Single,
Double and Tnpple Trees, Cutting Box, &e. Also a
quantity of HAY by the Tun, LONG STRAW by the
Bundle, CORN by the Barrel, 'WOOD by the Cont. ,
Sale to commence at /o,iel"ek on said day, when
the terms will be made known. .B,de positive, as the sob
scriber has sold his farm intends removing East.
jaez4t • - SAMUEL MYERS.
six horse power, in good - ebnaltion. Can be seen by
calling at T. B, Wood's Foundry.
sep2I..tfJACOB . GARVE - R.
- FACTITRERS.—The undersigned. having been en
gu,ged for a number of years in the business of lititt:Drtm
prepared, with's regular Corps of practical ieorkinan. to
execute all work In his line set business, embracing all use
ful and modern improvements.
BILL MACHINERY of every d.sseripoon furnished to
order. Cal Iron Submerged Water Wheels; Bolting
'Cloths,lll ll Burs, Iva, furalsked at :hurt notice. •
Contracts taken to furnish all material if desired.
An orders addleAS to MinCenbutg Franklin county, 1 . 11,
reeelcewill 'prompt attention„ [fobl-aml B. HAYS.
undersigned offers far rent an elegant two-story
BRICK rtousE with Back Building, Wood Hone,
Wasb Bows, Bate House, Smoke Rouse an elegant Gar
den. find Fruit, Yard and good Stabling, in the yint,,sn of
payetteilla. Tbe above property_ 19 also for safe. Terns,
very reasonable. 'Parties within proust a un t ow
do s. bycalling on MELCI II 8 Ix,. Grote
fehlAt - GECt. 3. it UM; ,Chtimbersmag,
&eta! §totirto.
Ned e#takilaatif•
1 REAL TA There - will be exlxisisi to
by tray of brigir,°atm, on thepretntemn 1180 T the town
of Waytterborte, rrankßa MIMI', Pa, eaSawdey, dr
11th day of Fermi - sat, the - following d&ierthed Real
_Listabs,latethexiNglON pAsmor , Corkmd.Zody, deo'd,'
lauds of Samuel Mutt; Jabs Faratmma Damn.
net millet George Greenawalt and Samuel W .sib
A~nate Ist
S, mere Quincy township, said county , cordaidnit 107
leas, about-85 Ands deer, nodes good
fenee and wtfff cultivated, the baba - ea iterimber. Theta
is an excellent'
Orchard of ynteng Trees growing on the
premises. The land is well watered. There is a good
Plume threeittaty MICR DW end: E LLINGery HOUSE, Stone awl
Ban aa the /ad ev out-house .
complete. The pope ty is M very desirable, w tis situated
close by the Chambersburg road, Wale
a few hundred yards &Mt lffo - pe.
TEUMS: One-third of the purchase money, -Gem exPeu•
ses), is to remain lathe land, the interest thereof to be paid.
to the widow 0:x11mm:tally, for Rfe,ar her d ea th a mi d e ,
cipal to Conrad Zody's heirs, the balance one halt on She
lst day of April, 1865 the other half on the Ist day of
April, 18611, with interest from the Ist day-of April,-1061,
to be secured by recognizance and judzinent
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. DL, on said d a y.
.10M7 ZODY,
janZ,S.3t GEORGE SIIZESERS. Sr., Tru:steei
o UARDIAN'S SALE.—There will be
vlexposed to Public. Sale, ou the preues' es, In Antrim
township, Eret.4lin comaty, Pa,, 911 Saturday , titled
day of February, IM, the following described REAL
- ESTATE, situate in Antrim township aforesaid, adjoin.
lag lands of Havidlsfirtin, Hiram Botmbaughand others;
close by lbe torn of Middleburg, containing.ll ACRES
'and 18 PERCHES, on which are erected - a Two-Snarled.
Brioleand HWELLING fIIOUSE, Stable and 'other
necessary ont-bnlidings. The land is all clear and tinder
good cultivation. There le also on the premises,-a Well
of excellent Water.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., whine The
terms will be tunic known, by -
Guardian of the minor Children of Milfred Ann threke,,
The Public ire also Notified, that at the same time and
place. and by the same Crier, the Right, Title and Inter
est of Rev. W. 'Coursey, will besot(' to the same pm ,
chaser, as the Guardian and 31r. Coursey have arranged
between themielves as to the disposition of the purchase
money. By title sale, a good and valid title will pass to
the purchaser, for the premises.
J. 31'D. BHARPE, Att'y for Rev. W. R Coursey,
F. 31, RISLVELL, Atry for Guardian. (dee3
A F I R S, T 'R A_ T E
Situate nisi? BOrni Cabins, Fulton County, Penughtuen.
This 31111 boa done a large amount of busin' castor stank
time, and Is in* rich settlement ofwantry._ It was built
in 1844, and has recently been fully repaired. Aka, st
A 8 kW MILL, together with a
of 90 ACRES;,on which there is erected a small Barn and
Tenant House. There are also on the premises an Oroh•
and of some two hundred fine Fruit Trees, good Water,
dm. This ptoonty is on the route of the late surreys of
an expected Railroad, which doubtless will pass through
the neighborhOod in a short time.
Terms will be made known by the subscriber, residing
on the premises. Uanii.i.3nros) V. DITEIBS. .
P I3iILIC SALE.—The undersigned, Administrator de bc'rn is non of Jacob Regrise, deo'd,
will offer at Mlle Sale, on Tuesday, eheaßsh day of Feb.
?nary, 1505, the roll owing Real Estate, to wit :
ACRES The MANSION FARM, sitnate in Metal t irnahip,
Franklin county, Pa., on the Three Mountain ad
joining the town of Fannettsburg, containing ACRES
of LIME and:FREE STONE. LAND, about Acres
of which are well covered with'Dak and Pine her, the
balance in a gbod state of cultivation. The improvements
are a large twbatoried STONE DOUSE, (wcupled as a
Hotel for the last forty years,) Stone Back Building, 3
TENANT HOUSES, large Frame Bank Barn, Frame
Stable, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, Cider Prete and all ne
cessary and ,convenient outbuildings. Also—A large
HAY and STOCK SCALES convenient to the Dwelling.
There is a large Orchard of choice Prole Trees on the
premises, and a - Well of never-failing Water near the.
Dwelling, and Water Pipes frcim the Mountain. for water.
in stock onlifferent parts of the farm.
Sale to comMence at 1 o'clock, P. 31., when the terms
will be =de known by JACOB FLICEINGER,
febl-it [Wu. ELEMILVC, Anat.] Adm'r de bowas non. '
ESTATE—By virtue of an order of-the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Pa., we will ex nue at Public
Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, tAe 251 A day o f Fara
nary, 1865, all o'clock, P. X , the following described
Real Estate of John Miller, late of St. Thomas townthip,
deed : All that certain TRACT OP LAND, situate in
St Thomas township, in said county, adjoining holds bt
John Schelly, Wilson's heirs and W. 'D. Dixon, containing
116 Acres, more or less, nearly all Limestone Land, with
a LOG HOUSE, Bank Barn, Brick Spring House and
Smoke lionse,; aline Orchard& choice Fruit and a Spring
of never-failing Water on the land. This is a most degr
ruble tract of land; and is in a high state ofoultivatiori. 15
Acres of the above tract are Timber Land.
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned Ad
ministrators of Mrs. Elizabeth Deardorff y deed,
offer at Public Salo an Saturday, the 2:541. of February,
1865, The fallowing Real Estate to wit :about lot an
acre of GROUND, situated on the Pike, 3 miles east of
Waynesboro,' on which is erected a twostory BRICK
HOUSE, containing 6 rooms and a Kitchen. Also, a
double Log Stable,Gmnery with sealer. Carriage House,
Wash House ,' Bake en, and other convenient out build
lags. There choice Fruit on the premises, !inches Ap
ples Peached; Pears, Grapes &e. There Is a Cistern near
the Kitchen door, and a well of good Water convenient to
the dwelling:
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. AL
REAL 'BSTATE.-By virtue of an order of the Or
phans' Court !of Franklin county, Pa., I will expose to
Public Sale, en the premises, on Friday, the 24th day of
February 18Z pt 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, the follow.
in described Real Estate of Jacob Swelled, deed, being
a LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Borough of Chem.
berslmrg, being seventy three feet on nett street, ansl
running along lot ;of J. A. F,yster one hundred fUly-tmr.
feet to Second street, thence along Second street forty-nine
feet, and thence along lots of Jacob Eyster's heirs cnae hum.
eted and twenty feet to Erma stieet,with a two-story LOG
ROUSE thereon erected.
fobl F. S. STUMBAUGH, Adze:.
scribers, offer at Private Sale their farm, situated In
Antrim townithip, five miles north-west of Greencastle, on
the road leading to Stitzelrs 3filL It consists of about 250
ACRES of land, of Which more than SO Acres are In
fine Oak andHickory' Timber; the remainder consists in
large part of MEADOW and BOTTOM, and is well
adapted for Grazing purposes. A portion of the land has
been recently limed.
Persons wishing to view the property, ascertain terms,
call on or address Ina W. P. Reed, Greencastle,
Penn's. ; - W. A. REID. =
dec.23,Zace - I W. P. RECD.
PRIVATE offer at Private
Sale, my Linn, in Green' township," adjoining lands
of George Chambers, Wingert, Benntyand othenk . consist.
lag of 2112 ACRES or thereabouts, , two trite* one of about
172 Acres, of ;Which 15 or 20 Acres - are Timber, the other
of3o Acres, all Timber, and /ring alOngtheCcroocoeheagut
Creels. On it are the MANSION BOBBEris good Brick
and Log Tenant House, a Stone sadlLoir Barn, and tab
Orchards. A never failing stream of Water runs through
the farm, and the mansion bonne to supplied with spring
water naming out at the door. '
febl-4t , DR. S. - W. CRA.WFORD.
PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order
of the - Orphaus' Court of. Franklin county, Pa., the
undersigned; Administrator -of Elizabeth Potts; late of
; Southampton township, dee'd, will expose to Public Sale,
on the late premises of said dee'd, on Satorday, the 11th of
February, 10C,, at lo'cLoek, P.M, a TRACT OF LAND,
situated in said township, about mile south of Nicholas'
Mill, containing about 1 acre, with a 'onestory LOO
HOUSE, Log Stable and other Improvements thereon
erected. There is an excellent Spring and a rariety of,
choice Fruit Trees -on said lot. Tenor made knoWn on
day of sale. [febl-34 JAMES R. ORR. Adtrer.
tl ESTATE.—By virtue-of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Pa., I will expose- to Public Sale,
on the premises, on Tuesday, the '2StA day of February,
ipds, at" o'clock, P. ki„ th - e following described Real Es.
tate of Jacob Wolfkill, dee'd A LOT of GROUND. sit
uated on West Market Street, in the Borough of Chum.
bersbmg, Pa., bounded on the Enid by lot of Armes Den
by, on the West by Peter M'Oaffigan, on the North by
- Market Street, on the south by a public alley. It is a de.
sirable building lot febl] IT. GEER, Adro'r.
NJ at Prititte Sale, one of the New White Cottagei built
by A. E. Ncelnre, situate on the Carlisle turnpike. in,
Chambersbng. Possession will be given Ist of AprO next.
ifebl-tfl Apply to McCLURC.k. STONFR.
,®ii Companies'.
CArrTAL $500,000.
Shares, 200,000. Working Captial, $lO,OOO.
Par Paine, $2.50. SuNertption Prire per ikon.
,A. B. LONGAREIt, Pmsident.
3.,ALLISON Treas.
J. R. Eby, lisrri: , burg, John WNW, Jr.; New York,
A. B..Loagaker, Norrisfn, J. liervey Jones, Pittsburgh,
W. S. Schell, Philada., J. Allison Eiger, Phi Lida:,
Alexander R. Reed Pittsburgh.
Office No. *)3 South 4tk street, (first floor, buckram.)
TBBxe-41 per share at time of subseriptioa. thebehmee
In thirty days. ' dial
CArrrAt. atom *Mom woRIKINGFUND, i 50,1300.
SUARFA 9 1 . 13 °
Pmicra ol- 4..0ha D. McCord. Pittsburg,
Via Prethreirs. —Frank S. Dlssell,
Direetors+-31161, Watt. Charles F. Clark,
.C4nrles H.
s pn . g, chm e,s -A r b u ekle, A. B. Kelly. Venango county.
Semter, Traourer—Lori Dillon,
Re:irks! SsperiStesdast;—A. B. Kelly',
The iledereigved J 3 authorized to Werra 'subscription('
to a Ihnited amount for the comp: Any Any Informatim
'desired can he had from him. 'WILLIAM G. REED:
if e bbra Amer. Life In. Office; Charnhershom Pa. •
CLAIM 11.4EXCY.—Ptardons for . soial „en
attic present
Warwho 821, disabled • raises oz Irourida
rceivd. or 'disease erootraeted. while de service of thi
Mated Stake; rind Pensions, Slop Bawdy, and Arrears
of Pay obtained for widows or bells or ta° 64 .-*/° have
died or bead %Hied whilein service , JO_ US, _ ORB,
mar9-ly I mo m Aost. uutumernmarg. Pt.
C. B. MAMIE, Sees