QUMAUtabm SM"ii Nt°/7.1,0,,E- -TO :1"A - 11 1 MRILEti • .100 1 rciiis-op TIMOTHY, ItAT Wanted Firfira A. DMZ; • , 200yi4ihrr Lima Wanted_ by GE°. Dart. 100 ASH Wanted by Our. A. Dizaz. 100 LARGE EMERY. LOGS Wanted biGso.A. DErtz. :WHEAT, WE, CORN, OATS. sod all Huh of rnidooe bought by Mo. A. DEERE, at IdaNraiehonso above the Batted Depot. STOVE AND LIME COAL' for sale cheap, by the ton or half on: OAK AND HICKORY WOOD by the dad or hag cont. OAR AND BICKOBY WOOD, sawed and eplit far stave tiso,•by the corder half cord. • WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS, Oak, Walnut and Pine, always on band. , WINDOW AND Docenteism ATITFF, and all kinds of LI:3MA such as Oak and Pine Flank; Oak,Walaut, Pine andHeinlock Bonnie Flooring Beards, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, BEST OF ROOFING SLATE - always OR /1194 and roars put on by the best Shams, who -hays drawn medals for their superior workmanship. • CALL AT DEXPZI3 WAB,EHOtrBE, - above the Railroad Depot, and buy cheap. [dec2l LEONARD EB RT _ & SON, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on hand al kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are to furnish Bill Lumber to order at abort no tice, 'at the most reasonable' tenor s Our stook of Lum ber mates of White Pine .2 Mob Plank, 0 0 1* " ,select Plank. " " }3" Plank:- -_ - Ail ell select and Calling Boards, _ " •. " 4 " Siding (6 inch,) _ " Dsst River Shingly', • ',,`• 'I. Worked Floring, Siding, " "* -- Joist and Scantling, all sizes, Hemlock Joist and Scantling, ~ " Boards; , • - - Yellow Pinalimuds, Joist and Scantling, Palling and Plastering Laths. We have alb always on hand a good supply of all kinds of Caillerillieres atidlime-burn. Also a_ supe rior 'article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub- Sb are Invited to gite ash eilll, as we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that .1. Coal and Lumber far btbed on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad: larOfece on Second St.; in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chamlierabetrg, Pa. LEO. EBERT k SON. • .1 2 1 Y 277th . . Q,MAL-L, BENDER do KJ York and Goldsborough, Pa., LUMBER DEALERS AND 1042.17FACTITRBRI3 OP SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS; ELMS,. DOORAAD , IFINDOWIRRADIRS e 4c., - Keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas onable Lumber, viz:—Joist and Scantling, Weather tswd• dmaletEkoratnir, Siding ; Lathe, Shlnglea, Palings end ltue and Oak Ws, sawed to orderet She shortest entice All communications should,be addressed to ,TOEK.-PA. • 1caP28713, § , TEAIII- SAW MILL—The undeisign. ad have erected and in operation a Steam Saw Mtn at eflauth Mountain, near Graffetiburg Springs, and are Mew tb order Bills, of WHITE OAK,' TINE: . K or any kind of timber desired, at the short est aotice_sad at low :rates. One of the firm will be at die Hotel Elreeattivalt,' in Chambersbtug, oa Salta day thiriMihinst. and on each alternate Satunlarythereaf teriargliewarse of contracting for the dellvery'Of BiDELIVERBD at any point at the Low. Bert All letters should be addressed to them at Grafeibtugp. O.; Adams Co ., ~ Pa. deell•tf• - MILTENIMIRGER & BRADT. "111 7 4 LIIMBER.—The under „litritinted ill prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lam. Der it BD lowest market price. IL A. REYFRE37, 011311314C5ED MISS, Fayetteville P. 0. dee2B-Ean *twin iiitarbines. ON G LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST, L Perfection'of Satin* diathints. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. Cannot" Ai seen at the residence of MRS. R. P. HfZE• LET, South Main Street inonatiatem opposite . Dr. A. a Seneorg's, Ch=berstntr,r, whereaTl pent= interested la Sewing /declaims are invi ted *oat aid examine this wonderful machine. It ilia been the aide& of ra too, te,G NiltratteZ" tXratisnane- essppry a mannaner rrQ fens, the **Opus attached to other first Class marMnsst, and after theissti, ent, untiring labor of years, and a libels' ex pecan:serif capital in securing the Ent mechanical talent their iitoili t liave been crowned' with success, and they are twit alremnirto the public the most perfect Sewing-Machine In **World. -Among its many advantages over all other zrachinte;_may be meationed:• Ist, It makesioirr different's:itches on one and the same maiddne, eaClislach being perfect and alike on both sides of therabric._ • Ranifoldr: from one kind of stitch to another, at welleethelengthofthestitch, can readily be done while the machineis m motion. 3d. Every stitch is' perfect is itself, making the seam seethe and unifotm, "combining elasticity, strength and beauty. - - 4th. :-/t ins the revermi/e feed motion, which enables the operetprio nukthe work to either the ri,ght or left, or stay aapsz . ttf the seam," or fasten the ends of seares without crania or stopping the re , r , "46ne. 6th' the most rapid eater in Mt -world, making fire stitches toaach revolution,- and there is no other machine which:Wilt dose large a range of - work as the FLORENCE. 6th. it.daikhe heaviest orfinest work with equal facility, withredietidaor breaking of thread. • 7th. hems, fells, binds, gathers, braids, quilts, and gathers add sewe one ruffle at the same time. Bth. Da simpteity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. Its moth= are all positive; tad there are no fine springs to get out of ceder, and it is adapted to all kinds of oloth.woric, from Wale to thin, and it is almost noise-. less. 9th Tbe FLORENCE 13MITG MACHINE is une qualled in beauty and styie,'afilnaust be seen to be appre. 142 .. (#", MEL R. P. 111218t.VP, baying been appointed i sed=yatfor the oak, of the ablivelilemng Machines In ounoty, aziontde the FLORENCE. arAll Mardrines 'warranted for one year. [ang3l Boots ant stationtrg. 1 ......w. 11 HE OLD BOOK STAND OF IL S. S. SIIYOCK - Has been removed to the new building opposite the Peer OFFICE, where a frill assortment of • SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, _ - - , STATIONERY; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC., Can be b at exceedingly Low Prices. WALL PAPER and WINDOW &HADES, a large and new stock: Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pens, fully warranted. . Orden taken for goods, which will be Expressed is then 'hottest possible time. The New York and PhiladelphhtPapets received daily, ' for which weekly tubes:talons will be taken. First Class Novels, Magazines andiPeriodicals received as soon as pabliabed. • a We feek sell Photograph Albums Cheaper than they can be had elsewhere. • Music sent free of portage to soy Pert of the county. Gilt Flames, Worsted; and Fancy Goods constantly on Tend. . Ontariamements are snob that we can supply any air dons Satisfactorily sad with dispatch. MX- J. K. SHRTOCK. is now located in New York, which enables us to undertake' the most 'complex commissions. 014 Books of portico/sr editions, dates or style, bunted up 14 a reasonable commission. [uov2] SNIDV.R, EMI PI BOOS SELLER, BOOK BMEB, BLANK BOOS MANUFACTURER AND, PAPER RULER, CILMIXEII:4BUIW. re. r. Hs* opened a Room in the Market Iletuse, and keeps canstsatly on band School, Miscellaneous Books, Station. . 81 link Books, Walt Paper, Paper and Brown Linen Window Shades, Photograph Albums Lutheran, German Reformed 'and Presbyterian Hymn Books, Steel Pens; Pet4s , Arnold's genuine Writing Fluid, Fancy Pictorial Pleas= Books to; children. Paints and Pen cils; Marking Pencils, Architect's Drawing and Pattern Paper, Novels; Ink Stands in Arrant variety, Blades ' for 1865, Strings, Fancy Traveling and School Basttrts, BLANK . BOOKS made to order, 'Paper rated to Pat tern, Old Books, Palate:4s, 31uslc, and Neubspers Booed in any style. • jano'lm. (Elalting. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK. THE OLD CLOTHING EMFOitltilf, IN TON MARKET Ilatira7., chambereburg, Pa. The undersigned, after u temporary absence necessitated yy tare degtruction of Chemberebm, has again returned and opencd out in fall bloat in the Xurket Rome between Waltaee's Dry Good store and & Lemnster's eery ittote,k line assortment of FA q LL ty AtI;DNINTER GOODS, of every description sod This ual gOek eililFlSt6 of Bendy Undo Clothing snub as Over Cents, Drone Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, doo4 alto CIENTLIMENS' GOODS,- such at o v avamOluipenders, Glows, Shawls, Ilandkercldek, Col- Jars. UtOrellaB, &e. stook,of Chao for customer work consists of French, English and Domestic manufacture. Mark Doe Skinand b o o L cairstiirate: Black Satin, Figured Sifts, Plain and rarity' Ceatdoter Vrengs which will be made up to order In seller to suiffins taste of moats:Dere, on short notice, and n844/40/1.? terms, a. r li al V fumed practical Oatter from the But, I an, firnlsti clothing in thetnost fashionablestyles, am Keene but, experienced. workmen are engaged per s. upm . g etu tit % ai!tir Work well done at my Mora ' Tbaukfol,..fer the p e t ro ttege heretofore bestowal, Ire. spectiolly a6llolt a eoteinuance of the time. ,min J. T HOSiSTMAGN, etMo44 . 4ttii;f .- 1::= GC ELIVIKS & • BPRIQI:AIa WHOLESALE MW 11E1'AL-DEALERS, baps received a Pratt and Large Lot. NEW GOODS Fbie EtYllMk Fine Bating Molasses, Uldte Sagan% Biown arein Teas, GO isrr "ef q pee pou n d up to the neik Rio Coffee Gro=d Coffee, I= Beam, Split Peas, Pearl Barley, Hominy, Pickles, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, a full and complete desk of fresh, pure HOME GROUND EMCEE.; HAYING ARTICLES. A large assortment LANPS, • GLOBES, SEADES. AND NOICVI, bought direct from the manufacturer, and will be offered for less looney than any other Louse in town Also keep constantly on band the finest quality of KERpSENE OIL pure white, free from smell or smoke. A fate assortment of Queessivare, Tumblers, Brushes, Brame, Baskets, Buckets, Wash-boards, &a., &c. LUBRICATMG AND SPERM OIL for greasing machinery and leather, , together with FIVE THOUSAND ARTICLES not named, all of which will be offered very kw; WROr•VA4rr map RETAIL. In addition to the Grcsiry, Provision, Queensvone general variety. business, we carry on the mannfactaring of all Enda of CONFECTIONERY, which we pledge ourselves to • SELL CHEAPER than any house in Philadelphia, and deliCer the same to coimtry merchants in better order, less breslnge and at less cost. N. B.—Cor.\ - rnY MEECELKCIS and persons wishing to buy BtIYI3OI.ESALE !ook to your Interest, and call at this establiA/mentbeinn bn3iAg 4-2awnxher(l. 1= = .F .It, IT:1 T S-, SPI. - C E S - ' ACC., Oranges and Lemons, Onions, Bunch Raisins, Preserved Ginger,- Seedless Raisins, Girkins, Layer Raisins, Pineapple Preserves, Prunes, Paper shelled Almonds, Currants, Bard Shelled do Citrons, . - Filberts, . Turkey Figs, Pecan Nuts, Malaga Figs, _ Cocoa Nuts, Fruit, - English Walnuts, Split Peas, - Walnuts, Walnut Catsup, Shellbarks. - . Tomato' do Water Crackers, Maid:Tooth do • Sugar do _ Pineapple Cheese, \ Matches, Sap Sago • do -, Stove Polish, English do' Smoke Pipes, Swiss do Market Baskets, Limburger .do Buckets, Baker's Chocolate, Brooms, Worchestershire Sauce, ' Essence Coffee, Pepper. Cloves, • . Candies, C - mnamon, Abpice ground Lead Pencils, .._. expressly for family use, Castile Scrap. Beans, Pickles, Toilet do Clain - Chow Pickles, • Rmin do Cauliflower do Indigo, , , Mixed do ' Starch, Mace, Ginger, - Wrapping Twine, Nutmegs, Stone ware, Macaroni, Preserving Tumblers, - Vermicelli, Scrubbing . Brushes, Nonpareil Capeek. Sweeping, . do Lentela, Shoe, - do French Mutant, Shoe Blacking, Coleman's Mustard, Silver Sand, Durham do Bath Brick, Salad Oii, Tripoli, for sale at SHAFER 4. S'rL'AETS, On Queen Street, Taut of the lietl.todist Church. GROCERIES WHOLESALE AND RE- T AIL.--SILAFER4 STUART. on Quests Lima East of the Methodist Church, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity to the varied and extensive assortment of GROCERIES, -pREsx. FRUIT' QUEENWARE, CEDARWARE, and a general Stock of Miscellaneous Articles which they are now of ering, and constantly reviving from New - York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, at their Store Room, on Queen Street, East of the Methodist Church. It is their intention to keep such an assortment as the de mands of the community require. They have the hest Mattes for tbq purchase of goods, on the most ads antis genes terms, aid having their own carts on the Road, and one of the finn-,heuig almost constantly in the city, affords them evelyadvantage in purchasing goods in the shortest time, and at less expense than usual, which enables them to sell sory low far rash ! SUGARS, COFFEES AND TEAS of all grades, from, the highest M the loweetprices by the barrel, suck or pound. SYRUP AND MOLASSES, by the Hogshead, Bartel or retail for family use. Sugar Cured Hums, Course and Fine Salt, Fish and Cheese. We would call especial attention of country dealers and others, wishing to purchase at wholesale prams, as we are prepared to sell everything la the Grocery line as cheap as can be purchased to the Lastens cities The highest price paid in cash for country produce or taken In exchange for goods. SHAFER & STUART. MARKET HOUSE.—The undersigned tt,pedfally inform UAL. numerous CUMOIIIOIII and the public generally that they have reopened their Gro cery State in the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Company, in 'the Market ouse, ' and take thte method of returning their thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Their stock incomplete in every 'variety of PA3LILy GROCERIES, oonsiding of Hasp, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, -Coffee, Sugars, fear, Immo% Brushes, Brooms, Buckets, Curds, Twines, Giese. ware, Queertsware and everything heretofore kept nt their former place of business. They will always keep a stall. cleat stock on hand to be enabled to meet the demands of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex. change for goods at rash market prices. Don't forget the place, (Mar et House.) three doors from the corner, an Queen Street. [aug3l] HUBER & LEHASTEIL QPRECHER'S GROCERY STORE,- The undersigned law the Isrmt stook of FAMILY GROCERIES in town, which be dram to the public at the loweer CABII. PRICES. It le not Dffeezhary to onumerste, as his Mock is largo und complete. plices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exehangeforgaode. aug3lJ CYRU3 SLIMMER. n T. HOLLOWAY, IFHOT.ESAIE -ki s GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 505 MAIN ET SThEET, (North Eldr, above Fin strefit,) Philadelphia. Hug= Ly 11RESH FISH AND OYSTERS RIT- A.. ceived every week at AHAFER STUART'SV on Queen street. East of the Methodist Chump. VARILY FLOUR, BDoKW HEAT AND Corn Mehl, by the barrel or small quantities, for sale SHAFER & sTuAurrs, Queeo street. AMMONIATED PACIFIC GUANO.- A teal guano, containing front seventy to eighty per cent of 'PHOSPHATE OF LIME, to wblch has been added, br a chemical process, a large , per centage of woad Ammonia, so fixed that it cannot evaporate, soak ing it equal, if not superior to any other fertilizer. - Pamphlets with copies of Analyses by Dr. Jackson, Mass. state Assayer, and Dr. Liebig, of 'Baltimore, nud tannin:dais from scientific Agriculturists, atuwriug its value. Can he obtained from J. 0.-BAKER, 6r CO, BEtx,nio AoLxra seszeh 87 Wall Street, New Veil. SEIRER HAS OPENED A CHAIR and CABINET WARE ROOM in the Iwo:lent of the M. E. Church; - where beThas now on hand all kinds of Cablitint,Ware. 'Binh es bediteadi, Bureaus, Toga., Chairs Eitendeand Me s, lulu of OAK and IVAL NUT COTTAaS VORIiInRE, Window BIWA, 47 4. .01 cheap for mock Irte.'4; ' .Ratitbkit,ittifftiv-Scr. HALR D W A'll B. with an extensive stock of Efarti ware, el:diets, &n.; Black Tais, 1 . Builders and Contractors, No. 1 Mackerel, No. I Herring, Cheese, • every Wag is tlieir line. -Call and examine our stock. Fresh Crackers, noel 6 COACH AND SADDLERY JI A MD - WA R. E. The subscriber thipectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues to harry on theabove business, at his old stand, on nitkin Street, opposite the German Re. formed Church, CHA_MBHRSHLT - 11G; PA. Haring enlarged* his business, Saddlers and Coach makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their 'several requirements, such as Fair and Country Hogskins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girthing. Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower thdn Cotton Haines, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Jaianned Couch Handles, nett styles; .Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts; Restates, Swivels and Oruptents; Iran Plated and Wood Gig names. ' BUCKLES—BRASS„SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and P.ttterus; Ivory• and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of other goods suitable for the trade. ' ALL FUNDS OF PLATLSG, S:c., done with neatness and despatch. [decl4] LEWIS WAMPLER. CH -EAT lIAEDW ARE! BRAND & FLACK Had a few goods under the pavement, - which were not burned. Such aA Locke, Hinges, Huelva and other Hard ware. Besides, they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods. purehasedm itch cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been burned out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Oils, Glassj'aint, &c., at the iowest figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMEKSI We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds, which we will sell less than it can be botight in the city. Also see have 106 kegs of Nails and Spikes, rte offer ut from 6 to 10 dollars per keg. CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, &a.. Just received from New York which we offer very low. seps3 CR RI A GE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Findings, Saddlers' Findinirs at BRAND & FLACK'S. Q 6 l-10VELS, - FORKS AND SPADES AT jj 25 cents each and many other articles which was in the are, which can be made as good tut new at BRAND & FLACK'S. CWARE.—CaII at the Store in the Alley. BR--kKD & FLACK. 31 P OR T AN A T TO ALL It L well knhwn to tho medical pmfesaion that IRON is the vital primed to or Life Eliquelat of the Vion7o ,T tus detived - ebietly from th,fooi-we:erric bat if the food It not properly dige,ted, or ii, from any canoe whatever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart- will clog up the fangs, will stupefy the brain, trill obstrnct the liver, and will tend its disease producing elements to all purls of the I'3 - stein, and every one will suffer is whntker organ may be pre disposed to disease. The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. Ti' ditlicnity has been to obtain such preparation of it as will enter the circulation and assiraulate at once with the bk.& This point. bays Dr. Hayes, Massachusetts State Chemist. has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination In a way before unknawn. VRE PRRUVIAN•SYRUP u PROTECTED solution of the PROXIES OFJEON; A NEW DLSCOVERY IN MEDICINE that strikes at the Root of Discabe by supplying the blood with is Vital Principles or Lite Element—lron. THE.PERUVIAN SYRUP Cores Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, .Dropsy, Fiver and Ague, Lees of Energy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Tur...51 strength, vigor, and new life into the system and builds up an •'lron Constitution. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affectims, Female Complaints and all diseases of the Kitfneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a SPECIFIC for all diseases originating in a BAD , STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompanied by Dent. ty or a Low State of tho System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen and others, will be sent FREE to anyaddress. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, EMI.. President of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Lute Editor Christian Advocate &Journal. Rev. P. CHURCH. Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson. N. D., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell. Kinney, M. Rev. Arthur B. Culler, S. K. Kendall, M. Do Rev. Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, M. D., Rm. Sylvania Cobb. Francis Dann, M. D., Rev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. D., Rev. Ephraim Num. Jr., Jose Antonio Sanchez, M.D. Res. Jost-ph H. (Bluth, A. A. Hayti, M. D., Rev. Henry Upham, Abraham Wendell. M. D., • Rev.-P. C. Headley, , J. It. Chilton, M. D., Ref. John W..Ohnstead, H. E. Kinney, IL D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively fur J. p. DINSMNRE, 491 Brint'dn ay, New York. Sold by alt Druggists. I julyl3•eow y P V EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' has tally established the superiority of RE - DDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparations. It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Seidds, Burns, Bolls, Ulcer?, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties. Piles, Corns, Sure Lips, Sore Eyes. &e., removing the pain at once, uml re. during the most angry-looking Swellings and Inflamma tions its if by magic. ONLY thS CENTS A BOX. Fun SALE sty J. I'. DINS3IOIIE, No. -till Broadway, New York. - S. W. FOWLE & CO., No. 45 Tremont street, Boston, had by till Druggists. [ julyl3.eow.ly FRENCH BURR W LI. STONES.- Mannfactory Liberty gtreet, near the Cotton Fartory, HARRISBURG, PA. The muhu.slkuled andounees to the trade that he coutin yes to mortar:mum. and Import direct (rein the melt cell blob d quarries in France, the best qualities of FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, Which he offers at reasonable rates, And znertudees wtNx- Suction to the pnnharo•r. -♦.tom-,JStery alunlYur in ow of the celebrated OLIYAHKEWITRAND BOLTING CLOTH. - - Order, by mall promptly attended to, and goods for wardmi by railroz d. canal or express, if desired. Id. H. HEFNER, ulri2 - .1.3m) NO. 10 - West filato StrPet Harrisburg, Pa. (Chainlilg Rrpository ant and send bill to thiS office "mediaidy for collotion.—llarrisbarg Telegrapl4.l 1110 DYSPEPTICS.—Having been atilie x ted for II number of years with Dyspepsia, I was advised to try DR. WISIIAitT'S MEDICINE Ilyr that disease. I derived great benefit and recommended it to quite is or any friemie and who were also much benefitted by it, and whose testimonials can be had ifnem essaty. I taste been appetated by De. Whalen as Agent for the Sale of his :Medicine, wholesale el , retail. W. G. REED, nov r 4 Repository office, Mare rsburg TOB PRINTING in everretyle, done at • ft* °See arm. Fr. Avinstz MgPolillentrY. gig ifrauttiOupositaftibergebnit, pat, HUBER & TOLBERT Hove opened their store on Main sheet, nearly' oppealtetheir *lit place of bush:tees, consisting In part of Iron, - Spies, • • Steel. • Binge/4_ Planes, • Files, Paints, - , this, Ttrrpentini, Tar, Varnish, Glass, Brushes, Shovels, . Bakes, Spades, Wasting Powder, Grind Stones, Cedar Ware, Pocket Knives, &c. . Special attention is called as they are prepared to furnish in any quantity, at -wholesale, IRebirat. INVALIDS IRON IN THE BLOOD eroutteo;f&T...,, - _ CO ce FFEE fream _TEAS; SUGARS:46st re- E., D. REID'S. MINCEMEAT .—A fresh supply ti,t- - LTA.III.B AND BEER—A In t o lot of LfrOntected city Mims sad Dried Beer, sums. ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, CUB rants, Citron, Dried Apples, Dried - Cherries, ,tc., at ItErIYS: N o 1 Shore lilackerai, Dried MOM, Dried Cod, Shad, &c., at HEID'Se I ,-,„,„._ BITCZAInnAT AND HOMDFL—Jpet . 'received a lot 'of New Jeney fresp ground Back. wheat Beal; pure white Hominy, Sonp Beans, Zul, at REM& ANIONS .—Wetherfield and Country O Onions, a large supply, at }El4'l3- EEROSIVE OIL AND- LA3LPS.---'Su- :i.prior Kerosine Oil, CharatNir l and Parlor Lamps, fi t hades, Lanterns, &4, at REID'S. Lines of erabel. ENN SYLVANIA RAILBOAD-' I. WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TAMS DAILY to and from Plitadelp/ria and Pittsburg. On and after Monday, October 31st. 1864, the Passenger Trains of the penasylvaniaßailrou I Company- will depart'from Harris- burg and arrive at Pt Badelphiu and Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPR FiSB TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dal• 1)- ai ..AS A. 31., and arrives at West ildladelphia at 6.55 A. 11. • PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at B.OOA- H., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 P. M. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. .MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1.10 P. H., and arrives at West Philadelphia al li 15 £. SI. PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daft. (except Stindays) at 11.55 V. it., and arrives at West . ,PLll3, , ,lelybia at A. x. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Ilcuriebuty daily (except Sunday) at LOU P. M., and ar rives at 'West Bailadelphin p t 9.730 P. M. This train has no connection/rem the ireet. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves liar. rieburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. at., , and arrives at Lancaster at 9.1.5 n. M.. connecting (except on Monday) with the Fait Line east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Minis. burg daily (except &may) at 12.35 A. hr., Altoona 6.50 A. St., take breakfast. and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40p.m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (c ell Binaday) at 245 st.H.: Altoona 6.15 take breakbeit, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. It. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.- 25 A. IL, Altoona at 8.15 A. 31., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P.U. , FAST LLNE leaves Harrisburg doily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P 4 131.4. Altoona at 9.10 P. at, take supper, and ar. rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. it. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harr - 1401M daily (except &nu. day) at 1.40 P. M. Altoona at 7.55 P. H., take supper, BUIL arrives at - Pittsburg at 1.30 P. it MOUNT JOY ACCOMODATIONwest Were)) Lan. caster at 11.20 A. X. connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A. H.,und artives atHarritburg Tat LOOP. m.' SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRatlllittl ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which =has at Harrisburg-at &SO P. 311, stops there, passe ogerti for East of Harrisburg lay over un til 11.1,5" I _SAMUEL IL YOUNG, • nor 9 Supt diddle Div. Penna. R. NORTHERN ',CMTRAL RAILWAY FILL TIME ,TABLE.—Foua D aw, Daily to and from Brraintore and Washington City. . Connections made kith trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg uud the West. - FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and troth the North turd West Branch Susquehanna. Elmira rand all of Northern New York. Vn and after Monday, Oct. 17th, 1841, the , Passetiger Trains of the Northern - Central Hannay will arrive at and depart m)111 Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows : SOBTHWABD. - - MALL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) . 10: leave Harrisburg 1:2:1 PAL arriN esrd Baltimore 5:40 eat EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex. • • cept Sandal). ....... 11:45 P.N. leaves Ha rr st:ttrg (except 3loadaY) 2:50 A.N. arriies at Baltimore 7:00 A.N. HARRISBURG ACCOALHODATION leaves Rani!burg 7:00 SUNBURY ACCOIDODATION' leax'asSun- burr daily (ei. Sovlkky)... 7;30 AM. PHILADELPHIA. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves __Sunburyida4(ex. Sunday) 9:05 PAL NORTHWARD. - 3IAIL T2.IN leaven Baltimore daily (except Sunday) sal . lea.- 40 . t1;sftrIr i .,- 1:35 P.M. 1.0 1 . ... rasa - rs,a?S.S._TI lezr ff 33altivarrusinly. 1/ .. 10 mt... '' - leaves tiarrisburg daffy (ex- -"" - dept Monday) . , 3:15 A.ll. arrivals at Sunbury 5.53 A.M. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves /3altlmorr. daily, (except fitualays) at.. 7:30 P.N. leaves Harrisburg dully (ex ' eept?uadays) at V2:35 A.M. arrives at Sunbury at. 3:11 A.IL fIAFLRISBUTtG ACCOMMODAtION leaves Baltimoredaily(ex. Monday' 3:00 Ell. arrives at Ilarrisboig at 7:50 P. su2 , .; : puirr ACCOALMODATION leaves liar-, rislgirg daily Sunday): 4:03 mi. The Erie Express and l'hiladelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. - Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For further Information apply_ at the Ottlee, Sa Pennsyl• VSIIii) Railroad Depot. L , oeE , W64 . J. N. DtBARRY, rien..Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND 'ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Nortliirest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Este, on Lake Vide. It brut been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, October 17th, 1861. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG I= Mall Train . . - 11:45 P. 2.i.. Lock Haven Acethrunodation 2:50 4. N. Willia . tospart ACCOMMOdation DWI'. IL LEAVE WESTWAELD. -- Mall Train -' V.1:35 a. M. Lookliaren Ammuunodation 2:30 A.,11 Williamsport Accommodation.. 1:45 P. H. Passenger Cars ran through on Matt Train, 'without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. - Elegant Sleeping Cars on Elmira Express Train:OW/I ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. - For Information respecting Passenger business apply ut Comer 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, And for Freight business of the Company's Agents S. a %Manes, Jr., Coy. 13th and Market Sts., 'Phila. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. T. M. MUM, Agent N. C. R. It, Baltimore, ILL H. E. - HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. • H. W. GIVINNER, Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. 308. 1). POTTS, jaa4.65 Gen. Manager, Wlllianprpork GIMIBERLAND VALLEY 6s FRANK LIN RAILUOADS—CHANGE OF HOURS.— On and after Standup, October 18G4, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted) FOR WIAMBERSIDIRG AND DARRLIBURO: Leave Hagerstown " Greenengtle Chambersburg 5 A Arrive at Leave at. Leave Shlppenliburg. " ' A.N. " Carlisle 6:30 10:10 - SIAG " 'Mechanicsburg ' 7:00 10:42 • 3:16 Arrive at Harrisburg 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR . CIIAMBERSHURG , AND HAGERSTOWN : A.N. e.st P.M. Leave Harrisburg ' 8:05 1:40 4:15, " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2:20 4:50 " Carlisle 10 11 ;02 °7 3 2 ;51 58 1:15 , " Newville - " ribippentburg 10:33 4:04 Arrive at Chambereburg 11:10 11: . 4 1 : '3 4 5 5 „. Leave Chambersburg - " ' Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at lingertown 12:35 . 6:15 - Making elo+e, VOunertions nt Ilarrisharg with talus for Philadelphia, Now. York and PittAlin% and with intim fur a❑ 1..140 went. Tlle Train leaving flarrhiburg at 4:15 P. 50. runs onlyris fur ns Carlisle; 0. N. LULL, Shpt. R. R. Oilico,_C`hainleg, Ort. 11, 1564. COUGH N'O NIORE!, THY STRICKLAND',.-S MELLIFLUOUS CO(J(:H lIALSA'Af!' Dr. Stricklund'aMellitlurna Cough Hallam Id warranted to CUM Coughs, Colds, Hoarretienr, Artlna. Wh,e,),lng Cough, rioro Throat, Consumption , cil all attentions of the Throat and Lungs. For stile by C. H. Creroder, Chninberdium. general Depot. No. 6 Cait Fourth Street, Cincinnati, °him n 31„..1All the medical men and the Prens recommend DR. STRICKLAND'S AN TI.CHOLHRA. .MIXTURK an the only certain remedy fur Drarrlnna Lind Dyaeutery. It in a eurnbination of ' Antrinirentti, Abnarbenta, Sticau. louts and CarminatiN es, and is len:retard to erred n cure idler till other Hi MILS hots falbut. For sate by C. H. Cre,elor, Clonport,burg. Horterul ih'Pot No. 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, tThiu. 8 "pl, iilll3lEnyl D' S Pr. Eltrickland's Pile Remedy bag mind thousands of the worst cases or Blind' and Blooding Piles. It gives im mediate roller and efforts apt ruutnent cure. Try it di rectly. It is warranted to cure. For rale by C. IL Crenalor, Chataberaburg. General Depot. 6 East Fourth Steet, Cloolutuati, 01110. no 36•1 y „ IThYSPEPSIA, • NERVOUSNESS AND If DEBILITY _ DR. STRICKLAND'S. TONIC We eon recommend those sudhriug with i 0631 of Appe tite, Indigestion ' or Dyspeptic, Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strieklancl';?Fonic. It Is a vegetable pre paration, free from alcoholic liquors; It strengtlusustbe whole nervous system, it creates a good appetite, and:ls warranted to cure Dyspepsia, and Nervous Debility, For sale by Druggists generally, at Si per battle. Pre.' vs:oow 14A. Strickland , 6 Test Fourth Street, Clues: null nbka.lf, erv.....ter Agent ebstehersharg Fa 119 *Wagt 1114110,41144 1 1. g; '. /A 11, I; V. E. NEIV- DRUG S.TORE. ntumles - itcrrEt t WELL SEIECTED STOCK PURE DRUGS, ' - aid* the Wat PATE2 , ,TT MEDICW4'p3, KEROSENE PE PIJNEEItY 'APS. &e. West tail eßroisn's H ANGE YOUR TOLORS.—Famili C Dyes—a full assortment, at NIXON'S. CRAPPED_HANDS SPEEDILY ,UTE'd Di a Soap sold, at NIXON'S. T WINSTON'S. COMPOUND, AT NIXON'S PLEAK OUT BATS.—Use Cos :far. Sold by" . NIXON. L.ONG WE AND GOOD HEALTH: AA Me Mailer's Herb Bitters NIXON, 'flole,Agent A.A LL THH .IMPORTANT AIDS TO lielnedbealth , andloag Jae, such as,puce DrugsTiald Medicines, can always be had at . QWEET BUTTER, AND PURE I - kJ can always be obtalCed through the use of zuscors CATTLWPOVVDER PARE. FOR WAR.—Johnston's Rheumatic lbotupoundwill prepate you for the spring Campaign. To be bad at NTRON'S. 0 R ACTIVE DUTY.,--Away With 'Clnstehbairad. Clemas- , -tula.Tallhaftsehact Cam: NISI" .134:444.itent.5. R E M - 0 _V A SPANGLER•S DRUG ST.ORE 'OLD STAND; MAIN STREET, in Dr. Diehard's New Bn 311ller; II amilton & Co'a Tin• Ware Stare. TIRUGS! DRUGS!! .L.F:C. ii. DRELEIkAIjt, successor to HISYSEir &MM. Lila, has opened In bleitew l'oolll, on Second street; oppo. site the Poet chtice, where every effort will be made to sustain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A continuation of the liberal patronage a hich the firm re-, ocb ed li•nspectfully fraiche& A WC, gods of Drags, Chemicals, And Patent 'Medicines is new offered. Also a desirable saltatment of Perlin:nary, Soap., Pocket Books, - Bair Brushes, Cloth..Brgges.- Tooth Brasho, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, A.M. I•,M. 7:00 2:43 7:37 3:35 ii:l7 4:20 8:30 12:5.5 9.00 I:2d 9.72 2100 and Fancy Articles In at Tarietk. KEROSENE LAMPS.—Every description of Hand Lantrn , Stand Lampe, Wattling Lamps and Side Lamps' suitably fur Kitchen, one, Parlor ase, Store we and OWco one. THE BEELT,COAL - OIkIN THE MARKET Family Dyes of all Calera Ike of bashers, 'Prescriptions receive special attention and are compounded with care and skin. C. 11. CItiSSLER, - Second. Street, oppositti the net a n A LECTURE. TO YOUNG MEN.Li Just Publlshedin a scaled Earelape:• Price Slx lag A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure , of SperataVrriscea or Seminal lh'eakness, Involuntary, Emissions, Mental Debiaty, and Impedbuents tollarrtage; generally. Nervousness. Consumption, "Epilepsy, and I Pits; )fental and Physics' InenNeity. resulting from Self. Abuse, Ate: By ROLIV J. 1311vEnsvitt., 31. D., Author, of the 'Gilen Bout," &e. ' ' The world nmownod Ruttier, in this admirable Lectuin, Clearly proves Irma Ids own experience that the awful eou sequeoee of Self-Abuse may beeffectualy removed with. out medicine, and without dangerous 'Attrffical operatio n, Insbnolents, thugs, or cordial, pointingput awn! of cure at once certain and effecting, by which every nut ferer, nomatter tvlust his condition may be, may - 0111 . 5,41m, self cheaply privately, and radically. TtrISLECTUREI WILL PROVE A BOON TO T.llOl SANDS AND; THOrSANDS. Sent under seal, "hlany address. In plain ; settled ea. velope, on the reoelpt of sLt cents, or two poeftce stamps, by addresiant. CHAS. J. C. KlttiV. octlff.Pml 1`..1 Emery, New-York - , Post-010eeBot, 4586.. wit LES ALE AN!) REtAil, !I ROPES Ir. TWINES. The undersigned having purchased tbeentire Stock and- Flitureti of the Rope and Twine. Manufactory of J.. P. tiriy; dec'd, respectfully announces to tier friends, and the , ' former patrons of thoestablislunent, that skin willcontinue to cony on the imisineas, in all Its various brunches; at • TIIE OLD STAND, on Franklin nireet, Chantbenburg, where idle will Implores. ed w receive the 'culls and orders of the publiu All idndn, blzhe, and qualities of ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, &C.i always kept on baud or made to order of the best material. and fornined at reasonable prices. In connection with the• above Imilnells, she is also prepared to manutlicture - HAIR, HUSK, AND OTHEA MATTEASSES, as well a. Home - map/Lets and Fly Nets 08111110 r ritutl e , uitgoeii.gle. toe _Pe nrseo.trto= or r f superior oa in ers, whl& will be ottenitlOato Promptly. dee2l-2y OLL- CLOTH: OIL CLOTIR: . •:-Alust re-' petted altWeale lijaixe toed Ofittotb, icirvoor I Table, sail 64410,411 widths, and iety chew at - Cants" " METOALF & MTESFIEW,R. MIMI atlas cme door west has a LAMPS, bail been removed next door to Everything In a Druggisyt MARY E GRAY., *tonna, , 1 4tERICA.14LIFLIN SVE:A34 - OFJANik - A. singer_ co., Corner &milt. and W Streetc. -, - Incorporated 188:t. - Charter ' AntlicelitedCal!tal, 8500,000. - Pald-lipearital.tibo:ooo. - Philadelphia, Feb. p iTrustees have_this day declared a Dividend of r WY. CENT, on an premiums received upen)ll7 , - POLfass during. the 'year'endiug Decembir alst, 184 - and in throe at that date, ate above amount to be ers:lBmi tosbill Poilcies, and have also ordered the deartal.B6o on Policies issued durinf ,that year. to 'be Paid, ie the animal 'premiums. on said Policies , a re re ceiPnadlnt -Ale ved. - - 0 ,1 71 EU: tin thiln. Secretary and ohn 8. Wilson. Aduarp—John C. Sine. BOARD OF TRUb S.—Alezmider J. Edgar Thomsott.'Beorgo Ntertalt, Nom James Pella*, Albert C. Roberts, P. 8.-Magid, Samuel Mat, TrdEam: J. Howard. Toseph Allison, Samuel T. Bodine, John Ailunan, Charles F. Ileazlitt, baste Earlehurst. Wat. G. - UEFA Chambersbarg, Pa, the authorized .Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Com.: pinny, and is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any informatiou wanted, and to take • 1)05 J. C. RICUAILDS and W. ILl in4 M, Medical F.z. azaleas: , REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. t'Clase, Rev. S. J. Nie coils, J. &Nixon, Chamberstang, and - Wm. M. Marshall,. Cashier of the Flagerstawn Persons desiring Information or wit4Ling :to insure ' , kin please call on. or by addressing the undersigned they 'be waited on in any part of theCouhty or State. - - rnarM - im.slll, Aget4. Q : FRAITKLIN ;TILE MSCRANCE cam- PANT OF PALLADELPHIA. ASSETS On Sannary 1,1864 4 4 ..52,457,840 , 93 CAPITAL _ $400,003 ACCEPTED Sunnts. Lxvzsiso PRE:1111.73f6 UxssrrLED Cr AT 8,1 MORF. FOR 1861 e 8,416. ea Lane. PAID Br;cs 1e29 &7,00,000.. es, 000,0co' PERM:I'I3AL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. . , • - DIRECTORS: Charlei N. Zander, Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, - Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, • Gee. Pales, , Jacob; Ri Smith,_ Alfred Filler, George W. Richards, Fras. W. LIM* M. D. , - CRARLES N. BANCEER, President. - EDWARD C. DALE, Nice President S->& W. it'AturicEtt, Bce'v pro.ient. akln:D . OAKS is the authorised Agtint of the 01)131- puny in Ghambersburg; who will famish all inform:Wm necessary to appliwints. mar23-tf. INSURANCE -COMPANY- OF NORTH AMERICA: Ineornorated DN. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL 4500,1X10. Office at: Walnut Street. Phila— delphia. The prompt payment of Claims for_Losies daring the period of nearly seventy years that tbe Company .has been In exigence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Perbous* tmehing to insure will please call on or address the uhdenrigned. W. G. REED, Agent, .Cham bersbarg, Pa. ,- - As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel . all, Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of Jdly. returning the full premium paid on application at my office. W, G. REED. Agent. REFLItENCIi.. , 7-3. Grier, J. Allison Eyger, Eeq., Major J. C. Austin, Cul. A. R. 3PClur,3. noe'4. APOLICIE.S THE pHomax • FIRE'LNSURANCE COMPANY,' or BROOKLYN. haie consented to Insure a limited. amount of property . Relit and Per anal ' AOALNST LOSS t BY WAR OR• INVASION.. • - Pcsoos wishing to insure their property against destru•• REBEL lINVASIONi , Amnia make early application to , CHARLES H. TAYLOR' Icaticmal Batik, chamberakurg. deatan • UK AGENT.—Mr. Jomi GsovE, of Chambeniburg, fa tbe,Ganural Agent of the Prank lb County Mutual Insurance Company. - " Junei) Mato, Capo ani! Sum; Hp! FOR THE -HOLIDAYS'! FURS ! FURS !! FEgg !!! DECHEET bas now opened a large assmtmeat LADIES An/ CHILDREbrSFIIRS Victo;ines, Berthas, CM Muffs, GENTS FUR GLOVES AND A large Stock of HATS AND CAPS ' constantly on hand ' COME TO THE MARKET HOUSE &ITS. CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES. - W. W. PAITOMhas just ' opened a fine esiortment of RATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES at his new Store in the Market Honse, - isbere he oan furnish all articles in his line, dtratp for cash. Some goods are sold at old picas. A fine assortment of CANES, lIMBRELLA,S; CAR PET BAGS, VALISES, Ice., Ace., constantly on hand. Call and ezamine oar large stook of goods'. sepal W. W. PAXTOB. Eiquoro. M 1 ., ..e.r.e..e.w....,,re.ey P- 0 R ,- w.revre... T .,,,, ,, ,eiwever.r..-wv, - ER S OF VINES A li-D L 1 Q tr, OR. S . 1 L11.82.1.1iN, BALLADE k CO., NO. 3..% Boum NECTEI STNEEr.. . Between Peanut and Planta &rens, Pinadelphin. GEO. 1L LAUNA.I . ' A. M. BALLADE, J. D. Hiroo,. . RIVESE.,GARDRAT SUPERIOR COGNAC BRAIDY, VINTA4E OF 138, Each bottle sealmlWith green was with the initials of the firm. IMPORTED HT . .LAUMAN, BALLADE & CO. • SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND AN AssoznilmiT OF FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE.- OSBORNE & CO.'S • OPORTO. • VERY FLU AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, Each bottle sealed with yellow wax with theinitialeetthe Finn. • IMPORTED DY LAITMAN, BALLADE dr. CO., No. l South Ninth Street, Medd/Aka, ' • OLD 11-Y B - W H-I-- SK EY, OED WHEAT WHISKEY, WA/LICA:WED. 0 B RHOLTZ WHISKEY, FOUST WHISKEY, - WERRT'S WHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, .t.ND READING WINES. LAUMAN, BALLADE & CO., No. R." , 8 South Ninth Shut, Philadelphia. "4"MAN OF A TROCTSAND.—A Cox- SIIMPTIVE CUREX—DR 11. JAMES, a Retired Idi lloi , a an ce of i trzt re e f m or inuce, rib pi r io l o Vi hma, whit m in ne tt i e , tae, Cough Colds amt General Debility. The remedy .was dirzuvered by him when his only child, a daughter, .Avas giving up to die. His child was eared, and is now alive and well. Desirous of benefiting hls follow mortals, he will send to them who wish It the recipe, containing full 'iiire,ti„,, for malting and 'successfully using, this rem e d y , free on reee(pt . of their names, with two stampato pay expenses. Theo is not a single'caie of Contraption, that It does not at once take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, dlrtioult expectoration, sharp pains in the hmigs, sore throat, chilly sensations, flameout the stomach, hum. lion of toe bowels, wasting away of the muscles. r•.-. The writer will pleads state thfinatne of the paper they seen this advertisement in. Address. - CRADDOCK mor23-Irt M North 2d St. Pidkidalphin, Pa. PENSION, B 0 UN T:Y AND - WAR mans AGENCY.-..Petudeni procured for seldtete of the present war who are disabled by reasonof wounds received, or disease contracted, while is the service of the Unitid States; and pensions , #lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained fbr widow;Cor heirs of those who have died or been killed while in service. JOHN IL ORB, rearVly Clem Agent, Charnbeasburg Pa. TOB PRINTING, in-every style, , sdlang at the 411111ee or the FRANILLIN RPXOITTAItYr ' FeifkiltirY • DALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL.-fir; JOEMSTOIir, the founder' of thitteelebrateditestihs. den, 'otters twmt eatnin,, speed y;attd- on)Y , etrtictual fliedcr la - the World for (fleets, 'sattictlibes, -13ennibst Weinkneas,,Pain in' the Loins, Constitntibnal Impotence, Weakness of the Back and Lind" otthe Wiliam; Palpitation of the r lietot, Dyspepsw revs irritab o Yr rOf el / SeS of the ;iced. Throat, Note or akin; rind &those serlorutaad ntelaneholf . disorders etht-' ing frorntlus destructive habits of-Tenth , erldeb-destroy both body.and mind, These ,secret and , iaditary.prootiree roe more fatal to their nictimethan the song of the Syrians' . the mar ina! Ulysses, blighting . their meet brilliant hopes or antitdpations, rendering marrnare, Sc, ilepoOble. YOUNG MEN! - - Young Men espectally, who have beaame the viotimant Soataty Vide, that dr.ftil and destriaetiSebablt #hlsitattl munteuresteepe ban untimely grave thousands of young Men of the most exalted - Went and brilliant Intelleet;ithe -nalghtneterwise hate entranced listeang Senateiviththe thunders of eloquence( es waked baecitaoy theArlngl,yte; may call with fall Confidence. ' • t MARRIAGE! 'fancled persons, or yowls mew contetapialitcturlinee' being aware at physical woaknets,organle debility, deter stales, '&e., Should' rauediately mean Dr. Johnston. He 'St* Piseqliblmself under the oars of Dr. Johnston, may reltgionslyconfide in his bonoits a gentleman,, and confidently rely noon bis skill as a physician. - •'' - oRGAMC AVEAXTESS ThiIaDIATELr inr*Erll I This disease is the penaltymostfrequently paldby these who have. become the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excessesluari - not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who thatundirstan&the subject wMpretwdtodeny that the power of Premnstion is lostsocraer by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent Besidesbeing de- Prived of the pleasure of" healthy offspring, and Or most anxious and.destnectlye sympithy to mind andbody,arise. The system becomes deranged. the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the bean, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, cough, iymtoms of consumption. - °flee No. 7, '.ss , urk Frederick Street, • - 971,000 = 1,086,W8 ievea:tloors foam Baltimore street, Eastidde, up thesteps.. Be particular in observing the name and number, or you mill mistake the place. A CURB WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. - Pro, Mrrorop or Nauseous Drugs. DR. "JOHITSTOR, Jambes- of the Royal College Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States; and the greater ;art O *hose life hes been spent in the bospltaLs of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever-known. Many troubled with ringing in the head add ears When asleep, grout nervousness. being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sinuelitries irlat derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN ,DISEASE! When the misguided and imprudent rotary of pleasure find he has imbibed the seed of this painful disease, it too of , ten happensfluat suill•timed sense of shame, ordreadof Covell, deters hhn from applying to thosewho from educe- -• Lion and respectabilitycan alone befriend him, Warr the constitatimmisymptemsof thishorrid diseasem e eir appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased note, nocturnal plans in the head arid limbo, dlmu'ess esf eight, deafness, noh; on the chin, bones and arms, blotches on the Lead, face and extremities, progressing with - frightful m pidity; till at birdie palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall in and the victim of this awful disease be, comes a horrid obje6t of commissomtion, till death puts a period to his dreadful safferiugs, by sending him to •• that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, there. fore, Dr. Johnston' pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the first Hospitals of 'Europe and America, be can confidently' recommend a safe and speedy cure to OT — nrifortuuate vic tim dials horrid disease. • It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid &seam owing tether a painfulness of ignorant Pretenders,who by use of that dreadful poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution, and either send.the unfortunate to an. untimely graveN or make the residue elite miserable. PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr. J. addresses those who have Injured themselves by private fflid improper indulgences. - - 'Ph :oCare some of the sad and melancholy,effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz :--Weakness of the Back and Limhs Pains in the - Head; Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys 'pepsin; Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the: Diges rtive Functions, El enemlDebility, Symptoms of Casump. tiou, Sa ..MENTILLY, the fearful effects on the mind are much to :be dreaded ; _loss of-Memory, Confealue of Ideas, Dquw. .sion of Spirits, Evil Foreboding* Aversion to Sodety, Self-Distrust, LOvii of Solitude, Timidity, ice:, are some pf the evil. effects. • Thousands of persons °fan ages can now judge What is the cause of their declining health, 'hailing their vigor, ;becoming weak, pale, have singular grantee° about the ;eyes, cough: and symptoms of Consumption:' Dr. JOHNSTON'S DIVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC 'WEAKNESS. By this great and Important remedy, Weakness Of the Organs is speedily crawl, adroit VI& restored.- - Thousands of the most newel:et and debilitated,' -who Chad loist all hope, have been immediately relieved, All !impediments tollitorringe, _Physical br Mental Ilisqualifi- Mt - ion, Nervous irrita'allity, Trembling, Weakness or Ex planation of the most fearful kind,. speePy waxed by Dr. iJohnstcm. , YOUNG MEN, - - I who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, halal ged in when alone—a habit frequently tanned from evil companions, or or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render montage Impossible; anddestroys both niindandbody,shouldapplyimmealately ; What a pity that a young man, the hope &his country, the darling of hia,parents, shouhtlie snatched from all prospects and enjoyments - f life; by the consequence of I deviating from the path of nature, and indulging ins cer. !tale secret habit. Seth persons, before content - plating ItUA R R I•A E !1111041(1 reflect that a sound Mind end tiody are thetortbe toessary requisitestopromoteconnutditamerMerk 4044 Without these, the journey through life becomes a pilgrheage; the proeiket.hortidy darkens:to the vier the— .mind becomes sbadowed,with despair, and faleduith the Imelancholy; reflection, that the happiness of another be- Comes blighted with our own. --- pFEICE NO. 7 :BOUTHFItEDEJOCK STREET TO STRANOEItg.—The many thousands cured at this 'lnstitution in the teat fifteen years; and the tturnenks bre 'portant stirgical operations performed by witnessed by the reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and 'again before the public, is a suifietent guarantee to the afflicted. , N. B. There ars no many ignorant and worthless quacks Advertising themselves ne Physicians, ruining the health Of the already al:dieted, Dr. Johnston deems it' necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his Diplomas hang lath office. - TAN.E Nonce.—All letters mast be post paid, aid ;martin a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will sent [mar 1641 y. Co Ermine, &e. IT'E , ST , IONS! 141" QUESTIONS: QUESTI-01 , 18: -. THAT CONCERN EVERY ONE TO ANSWER. Are you bald t Does ,your hair fall off ? . Has yogi* hair beoomethin t . . boes hell:Milt, and dry, and peretish - hit turning gray before its time I Are you tioubled with itching, burning sensation of the sculpt - _ Are you troubled with Datotruff AM you troubled with what is caned Scrofula or Salt Eheum t Have yon bad the Erysipelas, and lost your hair? Have Yen had ilia 'Measles, and loit it S. Have you bailie Typhoid Fever, and Lint It ?- Have you bad the Brain Fever, and lost it 1 Have you lost your any Maness I_ Do yen wish luxuriant hair ? i Do you wish soft and lustrous hair Do you Val gray hair restored Do you wish wish your whiskers easy Do you fish them restored to color! Do you Ward a droselne _ Do you 'want it for yourself, for ftither or mothir,for brother, sister, or friend it . .. , Do you Want to make a present! . Do you *mat a perfume for yorM OP , ' • Do you wont a formless article 4 ~. • Do you want a pure article? Do you Want a double dlstlled article? Do ymi want a eleaOstog'artleleit . Do you want the best preparation out for dressing, sae hinting, protecting, restoring the color, and rendering soft, silky and lustrous the Raman Hair If so, we warrant ! CLAWS , RESTOR k tiVb, FOR THE HAERI robe (11:cqualled and Superior to any .Prefaraking cat' pmposoukd and ojoed to as profdie. Eatisfketion guaranteed, or the matey retanded . s - it casts but al for one bottle, or sixfortts,andtssoidby druggists and dealers everwhere. - C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. D. S. BARI:AA & Co., N. Y GeaerAl Agents. ; Junel-9m Erecs, planto anZi Vini• Rl7 DER'S FRANKLIN COUNTY NURSERIES.—Faun AND OMIAMINTAL TRU% GUM% VISTA, STILAWBERRI PLAN T& Em—The„, largest stock to select from In the - county. 'Ererreleg in the FRUIT TREE and PLANT.Iine that is at all desirable, 4n be supplied from the commonest standard Fruit Tree, to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety of FrUlt or Flower. Our Standard- Apple Trees are unusually- fine, stoutheay trunks furnished wi th fine branching- heads, from three to Ave feet Atm the ground, as May be desired. Our aim is togrow the best Wirt' thing, pruning and culticatlng brion scientific prhiciples, neasequortly, ,our preductionslfte not offered is oaropett• ..on with Trees grown upon the old let-alone system. Art invitation is extended to Alt who are interested in fruit cul ture, to come amrsee for-themselves. A large stook' 'of, Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, hoses, dro., in potaftellthe ready in April and MaY. , - En close a three centntomp far descriptive catalegr_re Fruit and Onameaffrimsco, ecc. Addresi B. L. MISER, West Franklin Nurseries,” Near LosidorwPranklitreo.i Fe mar 16411. I . ._ . ..... N FORBIATIOI4,FROE TOVIVOUS SUFFEREII2.—A gentleman, oared miens De• bUity, Incompetency, Premiture Deemer and YontbiaNt* ror, actuated by a desire to benefit olebatOrillb6 1 , 1 i i , , X to furnish to'alt who need it, (free of obsirge); the,,,_,.,.. add directions fig making the simple temedgmono .. '''' c4so. - Ettfferete wishing to profit by the adrertlteeil bad rtiMloo, napoleon a awe and valuablkataidl , call eo by addressing him at once at his pguisitrbuthlefs. i ) Recipe met , A2l information—of' vitla win be ebeerftdly sent by return mall.- •-• . ,Jolrs_A ock...DE;r sr - No. 60, Nam..-..--e,,L, El.z—Nere. S ous Secrete of both eat. War "`" l ' • ocera,Aiiee . : f4arion invaluable. Pzloalkish)OraiNc 4 o+:9o: 43l 4 aALTIXOHE. QUESTIONS!