The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, February 01, 1865, Image 3

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    February 1,.1865.
SoalE time since we published a notice of the
mysterious disappearence of the Rev. James L.
Shook, formerly pastor of the Lutheran emigre
gation in this place. The mystery has in part
been explained by " Burleigh," the New York cor
respondent of the Roston Journal. He says in a
late,tommuniestion : "A letter was found the
other day among his papers, addressed to his sis.
ter, bequeathing to her a thousanddollars ip mon.
ey-asking her not to grieve forkim—and stating
that be was 'going to' his, rest' Beyond this
nothing has been heard."
DEAD,•4112014 the list of wounded - in compa
ny A, 77th Penna. Vols., given in last week's issue,
appeared the name of Corp. Fred. Berlde, who,
we have since learned, died of his wounds. The
deceased served his country through the war with
Aferico,,and also during the nine month's ;.ervied
as f i rst Sergeant of Co E, 126th Reg. Penna. vol.
unteers, and was highly esteemed by his compan
ions in arms as a comrade and soldier. He re
enlisted under Capt. 3. E. Walker ahout one
year ago. -
THE 2EPOSIVORY Association has applied for
a charter, as will be seen by an official advertise
ment in today's. paper, It is the design of the
company, if there shall boa reasonable sense of
security in the spring, to purchase an eligible lot
near the centre of Chambersburg and erect a
building for the purpose of the company that will
be an ornament to the town. The change will
not in any way effect the business of the printing
office. •
MAGNIFICENT PRESENT.--A few weeks ago,
the German Er. Luthern congregation, of Mis
place, presented their Pastor with a magnificent
present. Ile acknowledges with great pleasure.
through the papers, the gift from his congrega
tion, and begs of them to accept, through the
same channel', his 'simple thanks and heart felt
'gratitude, for their manifest kindness and res.
- ,pect. • G. Ron!.
PIE SHOOTING SZISON.—ThO law prohibits
persons from either shooting, trapping ordestroy
ing in any way whatsoever, or offering for sale,
partridges, pheasants and rabbits, from the first
day of January, until the first day of October in
eaeh and every year, under a penalty of five dol
larain each and every case. .
• Dww the last year the Presbyterian• church
of Mercersburg, has presented to the pastor, Dr.
Creigh, and his wife, nearly three hundred dol
lars in money and other valuable presents, all be
ing the tokens of their affections.
THE - East Baltimore M. E. Annual Conference
will be held this year at Danville, Pa., etrannenc
the first week in March.
Strictland's Pile Remedy. Mr. Glass, of Janesville,Wis
wain, writes for the benefit of all who suffer with the
Piles, that he has been troubled for eight years with an
aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged
from the army as incurable, (he being quite paralysed
with the Piles.) Both these distressing cases were cured
with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The
recommendation of these gentlemen. besides the daily
testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to con•
vine those suffering, that the most aggravated chrcmio
eases of Ries are cured by Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy.
It is sold by Druggists crcerrclive.
Atiora E CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and
Child's Belief—This valuable medicine Is again for sale
at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door west of
Brava's Hotel. is far superior to all Soothing Syrups,
or may other preparation for children la Teething, Cho 'a,
, Diarrhea, or inward pains.
GEL WICKS & BURKHART have much the larg
est and molt varried - stock of Store Goods in town. It is
tmpeerSate In their advertisement to give a list of goods
or the prices, tut it is their determination to keep up the
largest and best assortment of goods, and to make this the
roost desirable place tbr Family's to deal ells the town.
troubles, itsuffered to progress result fa serious palmonn
=tidos, oftentimes incurable. "Brown's Bronchial
" are compounded south reach directly The seat
.tette disease and give almost instant relict
RAIR uprooted from low foreheads and all
Darts of the body by the iseof' 4 Uraaes DEPILATORY
POWDER." ' Mailed to wad address for ttl,Z by S. C. Ilr-
RAlt, 25 South.Edeith street, Philadelphia, Pe. [od.b% m
REMEMBER Gelariats .ek Burkhart sell none
but the best and purest Spices, and Bering Articles a AU
Spites put up by themselves and ground on their own
, 1
IMPORTANT TO it 0 - 0 KaiEpErts.--Laughlin
andßuslield'adelebrated Cher:deal Writing Fluid, a cheap
and melted article, now to be bad at Caghal,' Su'a Drag
Fox prime Kerosene Oil, Lamps, Globes,
Wicks and Shades, go to Gel wicks &Burkhart, if you
runt them cheap and good.
WE eall the attention of business men to the
valuable lot of ground on the Diamond, offered for ado by
A. J, Miller..
Da. E. B. FOOTE, 1130 Broadway, New York
Ids advertisements In another column of this paper.
The rebel pirate Shenandoah is reported, to
have destroyed - several American merchant ves•
eels alo4 the coast of Brazil
—Late adviees frem Eastport, Miss., confirm
the report that the 18th Tennessee Cavalry, about
600 strong, under Colonel Johnson, encamped at
CTilbon, Tenn., balk sent word into our lines that
they wished to surrender, take the oath, and go
—Gen. Sherman's advance, according to a l3ein.
foit correspondent of the 25th, Mid Salhabatchle,
midway between Charleston and Savannah. A
considerable rebel force is at Aihepoo, and rein:
lorceMenta have been sent to Branchville. Guns
have also been sent there from Charleston. De.
serters report that Charleston is be evacuated,
and the rebels are removing avy gcrlis from
James and Sullivan's Islands.
—Gen. Gnsnt telegraphs the War Department
that Forts Caswell and Campbell were blown up
by, the enemy on the 16th, and that the works on
Smith's Island land at Smithvtlle and 'Reeve's
Point, were ablndoned. The whole number of
guns captured Was 162 besides a large number of
small arms, ordnance and commissary stores.
Onr losses are footed up-12 officers and leg
men killed, 45 officers and 495 men wounded, to.
—Me rebel vessels came down James river
early on Tuesday morning week, to destroy our
works and depots at City Point. A battle ensued
with our nearest fort. One of the vessels was
Mown up t and two others were so badly disabled
that they; were quickly towed up the stream by
" the ienrabring two. Admiral Pamagut left Wash
ingtorion Tuesday evening for James river and it
is understood that be will assume the naval com
mand there.
Gov. Curtin has been authorixed.. / by the War
Department to raise fifty companies of, troops
under; the pending call for 300,000 men. Of
course none but experienced and capable officers
will be authorized by Gov. Curtin to raise coin
flanks, and all others will save time and Money
by not applying. The troops must be mastered
into the service by the 7th of this month, unless
the time is extended. The Governor has issued
the following order, which fully explains itself :
PErarA blitrru,
liAnginanlllo, Jan. 1805.
-Authority from the War Department baring
this day been received to raise;
call of the Pres-
Fifty Companies
of Volunteer Infantry, under th
ident of the United States of the 19th December,
1884, fin three hundred. thousand (300,000) men
companies to be assigned to regiments now
in the service, wherein vacancies exist or consol
idated into complete regiments, as may hereafter
be deemed twit, It is ordered,
I. Special authorities will be granted to raise
Companies, to be recruited and organized agree
ably to General Orders No. 131, War Depart
ment, series of 1864. Preference will be given
to persons who have -been in service, and have
been honorably discharged, or who may be de.
tasted from reduced Regiment% in the field, or
mustered out of service au consequence of eonsou
IL Applications fora ...intments aaniusteri . ng
Lieutenants, under the a.. se order, will be tm.
meth rely made to the office of the Adjutant Gen
end of the State, as the time allowed for raising
these troops is too short to admit of any delay.
DI. ,Commanding officers of squads or of com
panies, recruited in the Western Dirision of the
State, will report to the commanding officer,
Camp Curtin, Harrisburg; and of those recruited
in the Eastern Division of the State, to the com
manding officer, Camp Cadwalader, Philadelphia.
Upon the application of the commanding officer,
or of the mustering Lieutenant of a company, to
the agents of the different railroad companies
throughout the State, transportation to the camp
of rendezvous will be furnished.
IV. Actual and necessary expenses for board
ing and lodging of troops, raised under this order,
will be paid by the United States disbursing offv.
Ger, atthe proper post, at a rate not exceeding
forty cents per day for each man mustered into
the service of the United States, on the affidavit
of the officer furnishing the men, supported by the
receipts of the party to whom the money was
paid. Names of the men, and the dates between
which each man was boarded and lodged, must
be stated in the account rendered.
V. The term of service will be for either one,
two or three years, as recruits may elect.
VT . , These troops must be mustered into ser
vice by the 7th of February next, in order that
they may be credited on the quota of the State,
•nuder the aforesaid call, prior to. the draft.
VII. Incomplete companies which fail to or
ganize, will be consolidated within a reasonatle
time, so as to form and be mustered in with com
plete company organizations before that date.
VIII. Bounties will be paid by the United
States Government as follows
For recruits for one year, $lOO 00
do two years, "40 00
do three years, 300 00,
The first instalments of bounty will be paid by
the mustering and disbursing officers, when the
recruit is mustered in, as follows:
To a recruit who enlists in the army for
one year .. .... $33
To a recruit who enhste in the army for
two years, ' -.., 66 66
To a recruit who enlists in the army Car
three years - 100 00
By order of A. G. Column,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant Gan. Penna. _
Rorn.Y.--t"The piano-forte," says the American
Baptist," extensively as it is used, is not as well
adapted to all the purposes of sacred and secular
music as another instrument which is now justly
claiming, a large share of public attention, and
which has already been extensively introduced
into schools, churches, and families, and received
of the chief organist, musicians,
and artists of America—we mean Mason &
Hamlin's Cabinet Organ.l'
A large majority of the Banks of the State have
accepted the enabling act of the legislature, and
are now under the National banking law. The
amount of capital represented by the accepting
banks i iB V 0,592,385 30, leaving but $6,930,995-
50 of be banking capital of the Commonwealth
under the old law. The enabling act of last win
ter will doubtless be extended so as to enable all
to accept the National law. The amount of rev
enue received by the State from Banks last year
was s4...Adil. 41.
The certificates for the Sterling Oil Stock are
now ready for delivery. Persons Who subscribed
for their stock at this office will receive their cer
tificates from McClure & Stoneri They will be
here in a day or two.
Gold advanced to 220 on Safirday because of
the failure of the Blair mission. Since then it
has receded 212 to and on Monday sold at 215.
-The following are the latest quotations of the
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia :
U. S. 5-S5Ye.. -.. 109 Reading Ss. 106
U. S. 10.40's 1011 Penna. R. R. Ist mart.. 106
U. S. 6's, 'IL -- 110 Penna. R. It. Id wort.. 1041
IJ, S. 6's coupon. 1101 Phila. es, 'al ... „ . .... 100
U. S. Certificates 95 Phila. 6's. nen. 98
Parma. s's c0up0n..... 93' Phil. 4.. Erie R. IL 6's 107
631 I Phil. & Erie R. R.... 261
5211 N. Central B. B 521
rrenrisylvania Imperial- .1
IStestag .. 3
lining Oil 91
Prme - Parm Ott I
Densmore St.
Dalsell Si
M'Elheny 5
Roberta Oil 21
Olmstead. 29
Noble & Delamater.... 7
Hibbard . 11
'Story Farm 2
Bruner 11
Petroleum Centre .... .. a
lEgbert 39
Hoge 'gland It
Allegheny River 1*
Curtin 129
Phila & Oil Creek It
Bull Creek
!Germania - I
Penne. R. R..
Reading R. B.
Fulton Coal 7
Big Mountain Coal.— 5
IL 11
Y. & trtd. Coal 9
Green Mt. Coal 3
N. Carbondale Il
Feeder Tema Coal. t
Clinton Coal. 1
Butler Coal U
Diamond Coal 18
Stratus. 6
Monococy Iron. 10.1.
Penn Mining DI
Connecticut, i 1
Kayktone Zinc 111
Excelsior Oil 111
Big Tank
Continental. -9i 2. 1
On Creek. . 71
Maple Shade OIL 241!
M'Clintock Oil 611
Corn Planter
Rock gs
Tarr Farm
Globe Farm
Schuy'kill 011 Creek
Walnut island
Et Nicholas
Pennsylvania Pet
Perry OiL
Mineral Oil
%epitome 01L....
Union Petrolearn.
Beam Oil
Seneca Oil
Organic 011
Franklin Oil
Howe's Eddy Oil
CAMPBELL—NKEiNIE.--On the 26th ult., by the
'Rev. Thomas Creigh, of Mercersburg, Mr. James E.
•Camppbell Mass Ann Marla, daughter of Mr. Robert 31c
all of Peters township.
DEETRICH—GILLAN.—On the evening. of 2tth ult.,
at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Jas. M.
Bishop, Mr, Daniel D. - Dietrich to Miss. Sarah E., daugh
ter of John Gillen, Esq.. both of this county.
by the Rev. W. A. West, Mr. - James Patterson, of Roxbu..
ry, to Mrs. L. Worthington, of Metal township.
M'GRATH—KEEPER.—Ors the 12th alt., by the Rev.
Mr. Kelly, Mr. Wm. P. M'Gmtlx, of Franklin county, to
Miss. Mary A. Reefer, of Newburg, Cumberland county.
SELLER-80WERS.z—On the 17th ult., by Ma Rev.
H. McHehry, Mr. John Keller, to 31113.4 Sarah Ann Sowers,
both of Guilford township.
DIEIII..—WAGONER.—On the 24th ult., by the same,
Mr. Jacob Deihl, of Hamilton township, to Mrs Salome
Wegener; Oft Thomas township.
SiIOCKEY.--On the 7th ult.,. near Augusta, liraken
county,Ky., Mr. Samuel Shoekey,forfuerly of the vicinity
of Waynesboro', aged 57 years.
UIiFFIELD.-011.the 2.14 alt., Lucreta May, dauglq.r
of Mr. James Outfield, aged 6 months.
tarnimo relating to the human system,"inale and female;
the causes and treatment of diseases; the marriage cus
toms of the world; how to marry well and a thousand
things never published before, read the revised and en
larged edition of "HELICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious
book for curious people;and 'a good 1)ook for every one.
400 pagen, 100 Illustrations. Price SLSO. Contents table
sent free to any address. Books may be had at the Book
stores, or will be cent by mail, pout-paid, on receipt of the
price. Address Dlt. E. B. FOOTS, M. IL, •
febl-Om 1130 Broadway, New York.
OLD EYED MADENEW.—A pamphletdirecting
how to speedily restore eight and give up spectacles, with,
out aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on re
ceipt of 10 cents. - ,Address, E. B. FOoTE, 31. D.,
febl,6m 1130 Broadway, New York.
Chambersburg Blarketn.
CIiOtItERSBUIIO, - Jan. 31, 18115.
Fleur—White $ll CO Butter 40
Flour—Red , 10 50 Eggs 30
Wheat—White' 2. 60 Lard 2 0
Wheat—Red 2 50 Tallow 15
Rye 1 50 Bacon-11am, 20aZ
Cora 1 50 Bacon—Sides 20
Oats 85 Soup Beans _ 2 00
Clover Reed 14 00 Washed Wool 60
Timothy Seed 4 50 Unwashed Wool 90
Flaxseed 2 GO Pared Peaches 5 00
Potatoes—Mercer—. Islo Capered Peaches 300
Potatoes—Plek Eyes 1100 Dried App1e5........ 200
Philadelphia Mnrlcets.
Flour.—Sales of 000 barrels good extra at 810 50 4?
barrel. The sales to the retailers and bakers range from
89 50 for superfine to 813 for fancy lots. Small sales of
Rye Plow at 88 75. la Corn Meal nothine domg.
Wheat—Saks of choke red at $2 5522 60 ; white ut
82 00'82 90. Rye ranges from 81 722)1 75. Corn—
Sales of 15(X) bushels yellow at 61 05. Oats command 91
rit gf!. cents.
Whiskey-.. Sales of 100 bbls. Ohio at $2 321.
PhiladelTh i ll u ( '( •a u" tt P l i e t3 Piarket.
Jun. 31, 1E65. _
Beef Cattle—About 2,390 Lead sold at,froin 17Z 18io. for,
Ant quality, 1.1Z.15c. for fair to good, and 10 1a133. for coin
mon, as to quality. Cows—About 115 Levi sold at from
833 Z 50 for sPeogos , and 035 up to fro 4? bead for caw
and calf, Bleep--6,500 head arrived. and Aoki at 911 , 100.,
gross, to to quality. Hoge-About 5 ' head arrived, and
sold at front 8171319 the 100 tbs., net..
Philadelphia Slack niarket.
Plimailurilta, Jan. 3 1 -
Boas toady. P o. eves, 93; Reading Railroad, Sili
Morris Carat 9D; Penna. R., G:; Gold, O 5; exchange
ma New York par
By the Western Union Telegraph Line--011:1ce at the
Railroad Depot
Arrival of Peace 436inmissioners.
The American has received the following spe
cial dispatch from Annapolis:
Col. Taylor, of the %I Maryland regiment, who
has jut arrived here this morning, says that on
Sunday Alex, E. Stephens, R. M. Hunter and two
others reached our lines and requested to come
- within our lines near Fort Hill, but were refused
and were awaiting permission from Gen. Grant,
who was then absent. It is believed that the
Commissioners were subsequently admitted ne
vertheless and are now on their way to Washing
pelt! bertiorments.
at Private Sale, one of the Non White Cottages built
by A. K.. IteClare, situate on the Carlisle turnpike, in
Thambersbug. Possession will be given Ist of April next.
(febl-tfl • Apply to BfeCLITRE & STOXPR.
L 0 S T.--Certifieate No. 217, for SOO
shares in CUES= RC'S .P.ND Prrrsßuite PETItOLS.I3I
COMRLNY, issued to the - undersigned, hating been lost,
application has been made to said Company for n new cer
tificate. (febl3t) . L. 6. CLARK.
uses is on South Main street, one door South of Dr,
J. L. Suesserotes office. Term, CAA.
vu Dos, has a napply of Cartridge Boxes that will hold
forty-five of Henry's Repeating Rifle Cartridges. Call
and see, one and all.
How to save Corn owl Oats.—Bny yourself a good
Horse Blanket. at C. H. GORDON'S and keep your
Holies warm.
a large assortment, of Saddles, Harness, Collars,
Blind Bridles, Riding Bridles, Halters, Clitthing, Sleigh
and Stage Lashes, Lead Robe, Halter and Hitching_
Straps, Wagon Lines, Wooden Stirrups, covered or an.
NOTICE —All persons indebtedto
White by note or Book Account will confer a favor
by calling and settling their accounts without delay. His
books ate all that he has saved out of the great fire.
febl A; „I WM.TE,
Stone 'Building, ^ doors north of the Post Office. •
the Court of Common Pleas of Fmklin county has
aßpointed the undersigned a Committee over the person
and estate of Abraham &Oren a habitual drunkard.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement
febl-tit - JOHN FEY, Committee.
NOTlCE.—Bounty Land Warrant No.
73558, for One Hundred and Sixty Acres, issued 10th
October, 1857. to Jane 8. Larmour and Joe. W. Ler
mour, minor children Of Samuel R. Larmour, late of the
District of Columbia, deceased, (War of 1810.) has been
lost. Notice is hereby given that on application w3l be
made to the Commisssoner of Pensions Mr a re•issac of the
above described warrant. JANE H. STEWART,
febl-6t JNO. W. LAMOUR.
all parties interested, that A. K. 31 - Chum and others,
of the Borough of Chambersburg. Pa., have made appli
cation for the ineorporetion of the "REPouroar ASSOCIA-
Olst," with a capital of 560,000, and that thecae° will
•me up for final hearing at March adjourned court and
that if there is any objection to granting the application it
nibs! be then and there inade. By order of the wart,
febl3t K. S. TAYLOR, Proth'y.
undersigned. offers for rent un elegant two-story
BRICK HOUSE with Back Building, Wood Hpusa
Wash House, Bake House; Smoke House an elegant Gar
delks line Pratt, Yard and good Stabling, in the village of
Fa:yearnle. The above property is also for sale. Terms
very reasonable. Parties wishing to purchase or rent can
do so by calling on MELOILI SNIVELY, Shady Grove.
feblAt GEO. T. BALSLY, Chanabenthirg.
ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Franklin county, Pa.,lwill exporte to Public, Sale,
011 The , promisee, ors TAWCIIII, Wee SAWA
leds, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following desoribetriraal Es
tate of Jacob Wolfklll, deed: .LOT of GROUND, sit
uated on West Market Street, irith' e Borough of Cham
bersbarg, Pa., bounded on the East by lot of Misses Den
ny, on the West by Peter M'Outligan. , on the North by
Market Street, an the south by a public alley. It is a de
sirable building Int. (febl' H.. GEHR, Adm'r.
PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order
of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., the
undersigned, Administrator of Elizabeth Potts, late of
Southampton - township, deed, will expose to Public Sale,
on the late premises of said deed, on Saturday, the 11th of
February, 1565, at 1 o'clock, F. AL, a TRACT OF LAND,
situated in said township, about mile south of Nicholas'
MilY containing about 1 acre, with a one-story LOG
HOUSE Log Stable cud other imrmvernents thereon
erected_ There is an excellent Spring and a variety of
choice Fruit Trees on said lot. Terms made known on
day of sale. jfebl-311 JAMES B. ORR, Adm'r.
.PRIVATE SALE.—I' triter at Private
Sale, my farm, in Green townthip, adjmning lands
of George Chambers, Wingert, 13cattLed others, isnisist•
Mg of 5tH ACRES or thereabouts, two tracts, one of about
172 Acres, of which 15 or 20 Acres are Timber, the other
of3o Acres, all Timber, and lying along the Conoeocheagne
Creek. On it are the MANSION HOUSE, a good Ilrick
and Log Tenant, Howe, a Stone and Lo g Fry and two
'Orchards. A never failing stream of WateSrtins through
the farm, and the mansion house is supplied with spring
water running out ut the door. ,
febl4t DR. S. W.,CRAWFORD.
4 1
FACTURERS.—The undersigned, having been en
gaged for a number of years in the business of BUILDING
prepared, With a regular Corps of practical workman, to
execute all work in his line of business, embracing all use
ful and modern improvements.
MILL MAUR:IEIO' of every description furnished to
order. Cmrf Iron Submerged Water Wbeels,..Boltitg
Cloths, Mill Burs, &c., furnished at short notice.
Contracts taken to furnish all material is desired.
All orders address to Mercersburg Franklin county, Pa,
will receive prompt attention. Ifebl-3ml K MAYS:
NOTlCE.—Notice hereby given that
on the 21st day of Jail ,A. 1865, I purchased
from Jesse Barnes, (cord man of Montgomery township,
Franklin county, Pa., the tbllowiag articles of Personal
Property, to ad:—One Cream Colored Maley Cow, one
Red and White Spotted Heifer, 1 Sow, 3 Bedsteads, 1
Cook Stove and Fixtures, 1 tert.plate Stove and Pipe, 1
Cupboard, 1 Bureau, 1 sett of Shoemaker's Tools, Fence
maker's Tools„ Cups, Saucers, Tables, Chairs, Stands., and every other article of Household and,,
Kitchen Furniture belonging to said Barnes. The above
properly I have loaned to raid BUMPS until such time as
I may see at to remove it ifebl-3t".1 JOHN SHIRTS.
REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Or.
plums' Court of Franklin county, I will expose to
Public. Sale, on the premises, on Friday, the 2lth day of
February 1565 at 2 o'clock, I'. 31.. of said day, the follow
ing described Real Estate of Jacob dweitzer, deed, being
a LOT OF GROUND, - situate in the Borough of Charn
beretturg, being seventy three. feet on Front street, and
running along lot of J. A. Eyster one hundred fitly-four
feet to Second street, thence along Second streit forty-nine
feet, and thence along lotsof &mob Eyhteee heirs one bun
ered and twenty feet to Front ettpet,with a two-story LOG
HOUSE thereon erected.
febl F. S. STUMBAUGH, Adtn'r.
The undersigned have now on hand, at their
a large supply of Sash, Shutters, Doors and Blinds for sale,
or made to order. _
Mouldings of all descriptions, form half inch to 8 inches,
on hand.
Pll_and Ornamental Scroll Sawing neatly executed.
A Wad Turning in all its brunches. Newel Posta
Banisters, ed Posts. &c., on hand.
A large supply of Dresaed Flooring far sale. -
Also—Window and Door Frames on hand or made at
short notice. RAZELET,, VERNON & CO.,
febl•tf , Hnrrison Aventfe, Clutmbersburg, Fa.
Slums, 81.00
President—John D. McCord, Pittsburg,
Vise President—Frank 8. Blsiell..
Directore—John 'Watt, Charles F. Clark, Charlrs fl
Spring, Charles Arbuckle, A, B. Kelly. Veuange county
Secretary and Treaeurer—Levi Dillon,
Resident Sitycrinendant—A. B. Kelly.
Tho - undersigrasi is authorized to receive subscriptions
to a limited amonnt for the company. Any information
desired can be had Irons hiss. WILLIAM REED.
[lebl.3ll Amer. Life In. Mice; Ctiarnbersburg,
in the Post °Mee at (numbersla.
January 30, 1865,
obtain tiny either. Lotter%
ail fur "advertised Letters," give the
Pay one cent for advertising.
Baiter MrsMarthnit Furlong kildridge
Deny Miss Alder .Garrisim Julio
_Bell Mary Ann Hagerman Oeo W
Signor Mrs MW Harrisburg Mrs
Beta Frisderiek Louisa
Brown W T IHintNirs Annie
Bonds Min Rebecca Hibnnr John
CalenderWrs S N 'Holt Adam
Cleland , 'hi David Hooper Clement
Clingvntan John Bouts
Coffee Miss Baman LehtnenltiosHetty
Comman3lisetggio Lightfoot Jaeob
,Dice B F Milter Minn Ellen
Erhart Christian Weil James
Felle rs Gum PattersooMß.Rosy
Fellows BX Pattcasanhiraltary
Ripe Stanklin -Utpusitotti,-tbambtroburg, PA.
- febla,t .EYSTEn BItCYS.
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned Ad
ministrators Of Mrs. Elizabeth Beardonif, deea, will
offer at Public Sale, on Saturday, the 2561 of February,
1665, The following Real Estate to wit: about ii•cif an
acre of GROUND, situated on the Pike, 3 miles east of
Viravrmbore,' •on which is erected a two-stevy BRICK
HObSE, containing 6 rooms and a Kitchen. Also, a
double Log Stable, Granny witha Cam oevriwaanse,
Wash House, Bake Oven, and other convenientoutbuild
ings. There is choice Fruit on the premises, each as Ap•
pia Peaches, Pears, Grapes &a 'There is a Cistern near
the Kitchen door, and asset] ofgood Water convenient to
the dwelling.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A.
ANNAPOLIs, Jan. 31
BROWN'S H QTEL.—Thif t Hot,el, situ
ated on the corner of Queen and Second Streets, op
posite the 'Bank, Court Room, and County Offices, and in
the immediate neighborhood of Stores, Shops and other
places of beeriness, is conveniently situated for country
people having business in Chambemburg. The feu ding.
has been greatly enlarged and refitted for the accommoda-;
ton of Guests.
THE TABLE will always be furnished with the best
the Market can produce.
THE BAIL will be supplied with pure and choice Li-
gm STABLE is large and attended with a good and
careful Ostler.
Every attention will be Tendered to make Guests COM. ,
fortable while sojourning at this Hotel.
febl. JACOB S. B: OWN, Proprietor.
ri ESTATE.—By virtue of an orderof the Orphans
Court of Franklin county, Pa, wo wif expote at PnbUo
Sale, on the premises, on Saturday. the i2sth day of :Fawn-
Val y, 1865, at 1 o'olc,ck, P. SL, ;the following deamibed
Real Estate of Jobe Miller, late of St. Thomas township;
dee'd All that certain TRACT. OP LAND, situate m
St. Thomas township, in said county, nokolning lands of
John Schelly, Wilson's heirs and W. D. Dtxon, containing
116 Acne, more or less. nearly all Limestone Land, with
a LOG HOUSE, Bank Barn, Brick Spring 'House and
Smoke House ; °fine Orchardof choice Fruit and a Spring
of never-failing Water en the land. This is a most desi
rable tract of land, and Is in a high state ofealdvation. 15
Acres of the above twat are Timber Land.
\ i DTICE.—AII parties interested will
take notice, that Samuel Seibert became the owner,
by purchase, from the Administrators of Win. Seibert,
deed, (late of Chambersharg. )of tbeshares of stock
of the said deceased, in the" SCItUYLSILL AND DAUPIIIN
977 to 1048, and 1074 to 1181, inclusive; and that the
Acmes of stock issued to said Wm. Seibert, dee'd, were de
stroyed by the Area 30th July, 1864, when Chambers•
burg was given to the flames ; and that at a meeting of
the - Directors of the said company, to be Philadel.
phis, early in March next; the said Samuel Seibert wilt
make application to said Directors, to have new call&
cates of suck issued to him, in lienof Those dmtroyed by
The undersigned, Administratrts and Administratce of
William Seibert, deed, do hereby consent to the transfer
being made to Samuel Seibert of the stock described.
febl JOHN HUBER, Adm'r. •
11DUBLIC SA E.—The,undersigned,
g_ Administrator &basis non - of Jnbob Revise, deed,
wilt offer Eli Public Sale, on Tuesday, the22t/t day of Fehl
ruory, 1865, The fall owing Real Estate, to wit:
The MANSION FARM, situate In Metal township,
Franklin county, Pa., on the Three Mount:Mu Road, ad.
joining the town of Fannettsbnrg, containing 500 ACRES
of LIME and FREE STONE LAND, about Z:S). Acres
whieh are well covered with Oak and Pine Timber, the
balance in e good state of cultivation. The improvements
are a large two-storied STONE HOUSE, (occupied as a
Rotel for the last forty years,) Stone Back Budding, 3
TENANTJOUSES, large Frame Bank Bare, Frame
Stable, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, Cider Press and all ne
cessary and convenient oat-buildings. Also—A large
HAT and STOCK SCALES convenient to the Dwelling.
There is a large Orchard of choice Ernit Trees on the
premises, and a Well of never•failing Water near the
Dwelling, and Water Pipes from thejdortmain for water
ing stock on different parts of the farm.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., when the terms
will barnacle known by JACOB FLICKINGER,
febl•4t - [WN. FLEmEcn, Anct] Adm'r de basis eon.
MASTER, DEPAirrarisr or PES.I:BII.VA.MA, Phil
adelphia, Pa., January 23d,1865.
Sealed proposals will be revolved at this office until 12
o'clock, M., Thursday, the 94. day of Fthruary ttext, for tho
following Lumber and Materials, more or lees, to be toed
In the construction of a liospitoi Building at the U. S.
Barracks at Carlisle, Pa.
The Lumber is to be delivered at said Barman by the
Ist day of March next
Material of each kind to be of the best quality and sub..
lect to inspection by Superintendent of the work. .
27 Hemlock Jame 23 - feet long, 3xll inches •
33 do 3R do lel do ,
38 do V. do 3xll do •
134 „- do 14 do 3:10 do
90 do ,32 do 3xlo do `
68 do 42 do Ir 6 do ,
7.6 do do 3xB do
2 Hemlock Girders 42 feet long, Bx 9 inches
140 Hemlock Rafters M. feet long, 3x4 inches at one end
and 3x.6 inches at the otherend.
38 Hemlock Rafters M feet long, 3x4 inches at one end
and 3:8 Inches at the other end.
2 do - do
28 do do 13 do 4xB do
63 White Pine Ponta I.l} do 6x6 do
160 Hemlock Scantling 12
160 do do 12
14,720 feet of Planed and Matched Flowing of sanaoned
\Vlote Pine.
2,000 feet of Planed and Matched Flooring of summed
Yeliow Pine.
4,000 feet of Ist Common dry Pine Boards.
1,500 feet of Ist Common dry Vine Boards 14 inch
500 do Common dry Pine Boards 11 inch. •
2,000 do do do
1,000 do lot Common Pine Plank 2 inch.
1,000 'do Common White do 2 Inch.
2,000 do 1 inch Hemlock Sheeting Boards for root
900 • do Crown moulding, 6 inch,
900 do Bed do 2} do xlf inches.
500 Bushels of Lime to be delivered as fast as retilaired.
400 do good sharp yellow sand to be delivered as
fast as required.
400 Bushels Sharp Creek sand to be delivered as fast
as required
12,000 Square feet of Tin rooSug, painted on both sides,
including Guttering, soldered on both sides. to be put on as
soon as the roof Is ready.
.. •
40001 Square yards of Plastering, tyro coats of brown
snorter and last one of white, to be put on as soon as the
building is ready.
1800 pounds Nails, sizes from Odin Al.
Proposals will be 'roceivocl separately for the different
classes of material.
The government reserves the tight to reject any or all
bids or any portion of a bid. Persons whose bids are ac
cepted will be required to enter into bonds with approved
sureties for the taithfhl performance of the arutmct.
Proplbeals to be endorsed "Proposals for Building Mate.
riots for Hospital at Carlisle Barracks" and addressed
Colonel J. G. Johnsoo,Chief Quarter Master Department of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penna.
(Signed) J. G. JOHNSON.
Col'and Chief Quarter Master Depart. of Pennsylvania.
of the County of Franklin for the•year 1864.
James C. Elder, Treasurer of the Coutity of Franklin,-in
Account with said Co. . .
To cash received from George J. Balsley, late
Treasurers 44 85
, .
To am't of County State and Militia '
Taxes Outstanding at last settle.
meat for the year 1863 6,111 04
To eat of County, Taxesleviedand - .
assessed for the year 1864 40,813 39
To aml of State Taxes " 35.533 55
To am% of Militia Tax " 1,793 50 ,
To received on Commonwealth , I
casts 938 66
To cash Jury Fees 24 00 '1
To cash from J. Kees, Relief Fund 8 00
To cash on Special assessment 1 30
To cash from the Commissioners, bt••
I ng loans from the followmg sources,
since last settlement:
George Walk : 1,100 00
George Johnston • 2,000 00 -
Alum. Stamy .. 2,00000 .
Geo. H. Stump - 2,000 00
David Sleichter ' 450 00
John McKenzie 600 00
G. & H. Stump .. 500 00
David Sliechter _ 350 00 '
Catherine Foltz ' 500 00 .
Bunk of Chambersburg• 2,603 00
William Hassler 900 00
GPO. Deatdch SOO 00
John Hicks 1,360 00
J. B. Monu 500 00
John W. Kuhn 150 00
G. & 11. Stump 700 CO
John Downey 1,000 00 .
John Bowman 300 00
Beni. & Margaret Henry 9.45 00
Bank of Chambersburg • 3,000 00
John Downey 1,000 00
Malinda Kerr 3,300 00
To moll received on }lueikaters
cense 270 On
To rash abatement Hrecelviat from
State Treasurer for pu)ing, State -
Tax 1 , 500 32.
By cash paid Grand and Traverse 1
Juana, April Term W. 79 59
By cash paid Grand and Traverse
Jurors, May Term - 178 52
By cash paid Grand and Traverse
Jurors, August Term GS 21,
By cash paid Grand and Traverse
Jurors, October Term 332 52
By cash paid Grand arLd Traverse
Jurors, Jaraurry Term •149 80
By cash paid Samuel Brandt, EMl
wooing Jurors 117 50 •
By cash paid William C. McNulty,
Juror's board 80 50
By cash paid J. S. Brown, Juror's
board 14 00
By cash paid Tip Staves ).B) 67 ' .
" " Wm. G. Mitchell. Clerk
-of Courts 355 67 '
By cash paid W. S. Stenger, District ..-
Attorney 614 00
By cash paid J. Glasser, Court Crier._ 54 65 • •
,g 0 Constables' fees, for taa.
king returns to Quarter Seaton. - 132 41 , '
By Cas h paid Saml Dutra% Sheriff; .
bringing prisoners on requisitiln. 121'55
s 3 paid Sam ? Brandt, Sherif
: ees in Corammatrealtb cases 182 09 •
By cub lead Witness fees r,OBB 80 - '
, —..—..... $4.189 R 5
rg, State of Penn-
the applicant must
date of tlisliitt, and
Philips John W
Procks Miss Annie
Russel Lyman L
Ross William
Sellers Harry
Shaffer Samuel
Shuffner Christian
Smith John A
Stoner Mrs Cath
Stouffer Samuel
Stover Geo W
Wallace Henry
WOlll5 Henry
ftel33 Mbertionnento.
16 do B xll do
do do
10 do Bxll do
10 do 5x13 do
ffon abbatistannto
By cash paid to Charles Gatwick*, Treasurer '
on orders from Directors 13,624 60
By cash paid S. B. Shively, et at,
for surveying - _.,
By' cash id A . H. Etter, et al.
raad viewpas 98 00 -
By cash paid S. B. Flickinger,
for ..
• building bridge mouths Canodo.
gninett Creek, near Flickinger's
-mill 1,260 00
By cash paid Wm. Bossed, et. al, for
repairs v 1 81 00
.. —....____. 00
By cash paid Refunded Tax ' ' $1,341.
Bicash paid SamnelSeibert, for re-
pair at COMt Honse' 4,500 03
By cash paid Jas. King, far repair at . .
Court House 2,500 01
By cash paid Shepler & Clark, stools _
for offices .;- ' 400 -
By cash paid Evans & West, rampart . - ' , .
ter work at prison - - 49 92
By cash paid Conrad Whiting, ma- -
aiming at prison • 24 80 - ' .
By cash paid F. Reilly, masoning at
prison •23 55 , S By cash paid HesayFinafrock, desk . ; •
and tables for ogee - 50 76
By cash paid Henry Finafrock, case
and table far Surveyor's office.... 16 03 -
By cash paid -W. H. Sullenberger, ,
drawers for Register's office 3 79 _
By cash paid John Laydig, et al. for . - 1
papering and painting Rgiatefe, ,
Prothonotary's and Clerk's offices. 140 00 r -
By cash paid G-ao. McGeehan, ma
soning at prison -.7, 5 00
By-cash paid J. E. Schaffer:4 glazing.
at prison -r. ' 19 25 --.
By cash paid J. E. Soisteeld, glaz
ing at Court House 5 85 -
87,335 83
By paid S. S. Stiryock, for Par
don's Digests . 18 00 :
By cash paid D. K. Wunderlich, D. ,
B. Martin and W. S. Amberson,
Auditors 100 00 , ,
By cash paid P. Hammen, qualifying
,officers 5 00 '
By cash paid Cumberland V.'lo. 8., _
freight on records 33 00
By castapaid Jas 0: Elder, for rna• . r
king new tax duplicates ' 49 30 .
By cash paid Ennel Kuhn, stir: -
veyor, recording Boo drafts 400 00 .
By cash pai
at dJ. A. Davison, rettait-
ing age • • 93 50 •
By cash paid Oaks & Litin,„drayuge '
on records ' 6 15 ' -
By cash paid Eastern Penitentiary •
for support of convicts 308 97 s
- By cash paid K. S. Taylor, press and, - _
seals for county offices 83 93
By cash paid H. Shade, for county ,
map 500
By cash paid Evans &West, making
boxes far packing records 55 84
By cash paid expenses for sending
records away - 55 55
By cash paak. S. Taylor, for book. • . -
, ..
case and chairs for office ' 530 , .
By cash paid E. S. Taylor, station- ..
my for court - ' • -- 19 87 .
By cash paid Wm. G. Michell, re. . .
moving, . - 385 ' ..
By cash paid Isaac Burin% bounty. 50 00 -
` H. Strickler l e er revenue ;
stamps 5. _ 430
By cosh paid Andrew GertiastTpr
road damages , . '25 00 •
By cash paid Brant & Flack, andC.,
others, sundries - 7 00
By cash paid board and Lzse ' feed .
whilst holding triennial appeals. 103 60 '
By cash paid W. W. Paxton for use . •
of the basement of the 3fetholist <
, , Clanych for holding Court..„ _ 40 00 ,
'fly cash paid Oaks & Liam, It ' al.,
hauling records 22 75
By cash paid exoneration on taxes
fur 1863 51 73
- 81,497 86
By cash paid for relief of Soldiers 4,502 50
By cash paid Samuel Brandt, Sheriff,
boarding prisoners..._l,69l 17
By cash paid Samuel Brandt frr'rn
moving prisoners to Penitentiary
and House of Refuge 283 70
By bash paid Jacob Sellers, Deputy
Sheriff, superintending Prison.... 100 CO '
By cash paid G-co. M. Stenger, Dep.
Sheriff; superintending Prison.... 100 OQ
'By. cash paid Wunderlich.
for coal 173
By, cash paid Oats & Linn, for ocra, 34 45
Sam'l Brandt, for woad 85 00
Seising 31 56
" J. B. Miller, for tinware 27 83
" I " Thomas Metcalfe, for.
merchnn disc 7 18
By cash paid Peter Feldman, for
shoes for prisoners 10 75
By cash paid Richards 0 Bravely,
• Physicians 100 00
By cash paid A. J. & H. M. White,
clothing for prisoners. 130 75
By cash paid Brand 0 Pits* for •
locks, &c 815
By cash paid Z. C. Boyd, for mer-
chandise 7 06
By cash paid. Etter & Hamilton, tin.
Wt.. ...vs • 36
11, end 1 464.6 paid Jacob Smith: for stove 603
Byster ti WO, zrmer
ehaadize 7 79,
---.--- AIM 88
By cash yield Assessors for mating
trienniateasessment. 1,30 so .
By cash paid Assessors far distrihnt- - .
- Mg taxnotlees and reakingsnititary . .
enrollment 344 52
By caih paid 'Assessors on making
speMal assessment 74 49
- -
- ,
- 1,767 91
By rash paid Dr. Wm. IL: Bo -1e.... 15 CO
w.- S. Stenger 1 00,
J.A. Sxrigert., .7.P., etal 16 42 ' - ,-
" . - - " Dr. A. EL,Sengerly., ...-
20 00
".. "U. B. Davison. J. P. et. , .
" Dr: ' S. D. Ken
By cull paid P. Hamm= 164 67
" J. E. Maclay - 599
" W.H. Blair 11
" John A. Hyasang 10 50
" •E. J. Small. 8 97
" John Caufman ' , 58 28
" Isaac Miler and ather9 26 53
By alah paid S. Rl3oyd and others ' 331 68'
13.1- =Rh raid P. Thunman 95 40'
Samuel Braid' 64 50
" " T. L. Fletcher 8 45
$1(11 35
By en h paidJ. W. Craig . _ , sc ot
A. Crossen: 1,365
" David Bowers 527 OB -
" " James Chariton ' 799 -55
" " Daniel Stouffer 'IA 00
" Nancy Stouffer - - 988 00
" " John Craft 1,050 00- -
" John Grove 320 52 _
" John Rohrer 591 65
" " B'k of Chamberebmg. 9,000
Samuel 7,h3 93
" " Thomas Pomeroy and • '
others; interest .. ...... ... 13 •
By cash paid J. W. Craliand others,
interest and loan 651 2.5
By cash paid DaVid Sleichter, et.
aL, interest 78:4 3.1
swot qs ,
. _
By cash paid officers of March oleo% -!
Son . 435 47
By cash paid officers of August elec.
tion 511 34
BY cash paid officers of Oct. election. 552 10
" Noy.election. 48
" " returajnd. counting
soldiers' votes . 148 60
BS' cash paid qetke gad jOstices'
Tees 53 GS
By cash paid Constable fees 83 50
K S. Tdrlor, Prothon•
otary, counting and Sling soldiers'
vote 6507
85=5 , 44
comviksioxEßN oFricE.
By cash paid John Disney, services
, as commissioner 277 S 7
By cosh paid Jim. Downey, services
in militia •• 25 00
By cash paid Henry ,Good, services
as commissioner MI 44
By cacti paid lienry
,Good, services .
111 militia 25 00
By cash paid John Nitterhonse, car-
vices as commissioner 70 00
By cash paid John Armstron'g, see ,
vices as commissioner '7O 00
By cash paid • John Armstrong, err-
vices in militia 10 00
By cash paid-Una. Stewart, Attorney .
to commissioners s 75-00 .
By cash paid Goa Foreman, Clerk
to conuttinionors - 575 00 •
By cosh paid Geo. Foreman,-Clerk
in mil tia ~75 02 -
By cash paid Stottionery for Office.. .01 90 '
a r ..—."..."..- 3-,508 80
.1171 00
COURT . riousE -
13S , ens)) paid Wrmderlich & Newt. for
will .. ... .. .. , ' " . - 56 00 .
BY Mkt paid das company 9183
By cash paid for cleaning coact honse
yard ko 106 97
By casb paid Bold. Anderson, white. ' . 4
-- washing court house -31 50
By cash paid John Minuet foiserub•
'bing„kc 20 25 . .
By cash paid L. B. Eyster fitting gas
into court house 12 375
By cash paid F. Elliot for valise.... 375 ' '
By cash paid Oaks & Lino, for coal. 550
By cash paid J. B. Miller coal gore 13 50
. ____;. 382 55
8111,275 61
By earl paid MeChuo &Stoner.... 427 23
B. Y. Humber Jr. Go.: 350 00
" F. L. Rutter, binding
looks for Registers office 58 00
By cash paid S. It. Fisher .6: Co.
• binding records for Prothonotary
and clerk's taco - - •69 50
By rash paid 3. Louder, Records for
Prothy'a (Moe . 31 50
By cash paid F. L Rutter, enroll
ment lints and. record . .. . • 6 5 00
By melt paid J. N. Snider , ledgers 'er, '''''''''
for Treasurer 18 - 75
By. amount Of Glauxtberibtirg dtrpli•
este - 292 27
" Antrim 247 30
" " Formett 684 23
Guilford 435
Green 923 45
" " Oreenraetbe n . ..... .215 or
Otto Ilibratistut.ntts.
4 , , • 1533404:4: • '
..,. '92
ucy= . • ' 74
" .• -".. L 'Leticialcany - 720 05
31ontgelneri 615 W.
21terutribur8 536 68
" •"
Motal 115.31
". ' " Peters- L . .Ic4i M
Quluo9 - r ' 517 04
:: , " Southampton . F 135 81
, " St. Thomas ' 551 11
~4 " waabigton. ... . . ..... -'5 81
' 1 - Weynennorn 419 132
" Worm" 180 52 _
"'• , " Washington for 1869. CB Ee .'
,-- 7,889 . 924
" .' ' BtateTreasnrer: ...... 36,067 57
" " , 2per cent colleetlans el. ~
Btate taw, .99,008, G
o ' o l-- . .' -' 73015
' censer 827 0..... ... 13 50
1 .4 • .' " 4 per rent 4-Trannuer ort ' -
- the oolleetio - n of 8 31 4 - •
299,59, Co. Tax 1,.21 74 .
.. . ,
sum On militia Tax 14 32
4" 13 per coat allowed •
tog $55,M5,50 83 7 38
„ 4 per cent allowed the, .
. .
county on State Tax ,
4 - 839,008,55 • 1,5t30 V ,
” 4- " Abatement nllowedtax
.1 6 9 8,8 1,385 72
108,915 09
2,39) 59
By lyalunee due the County
, .
, • •
, .
8111g5 el
. .
Tb cash from at Treasurer ' ,44 85 ' ,
To oaratanding.taxes for 1863:—. 6,111 04
xoo:flinty to.: for 1861 ' 40,833 .39
To &tate .•" 34g53 .55 ,
To 149.01., ‘. 11,795 50
To loans. ' ' 24,175 00
To Coriumonwealth costs. 938 66
To Jury fees, f.-,e -- 33 30
To 4 per cent. on State tax 1,830'W .
,- $111,275 61 .
. , I
- i Cu.
By Court expensesaud Commonwealth fees..l94,lEa 88
e ' Poor /louse 13604 00
" m 4 views and surveying 119 00
" repairs at public buildings. 7,335 83
" " bridgesbnllt and repairs 1,403 85
miscellaneous. 1,188 69
" Eastern Penitentiary • ' 31097
" Prison expenses 2,818 ES
" relief to soldiers families 4,502 50
" Assessors' pay 1,767 81
" inquisitions.- ' 90 04
" Justices'and Constables' costs SEB 85
elections 2.416 51
" loess paid. 11,000 85
, vagrants " 168 35
' Commissioners office -. 1,508 E 0
" Court House expensint 3410 55
" printing and binding books LOW CO
+ , outstanding taxes. 7,889 92
" Treasurer's commissions. 2,827 10
" exoneration and abatements 5,634 94
" State tax. 36,667 57
" balance due county 2,3605:
8111.275 61
Total 'amount of money borrowed for bounty ,
;Ind relief purposes.. 135 - Loco oo
Cash in - htilais of Treasurer at this
Outstanding taxes' in the Lands of
collectors-for 1864 7,138392
A,929 44
Actual indebtedness of the county exclasive of
accruing interest not due. R 40,749 56
We, the undersigned Commissioners of PranDin coun
ty, Penna. in testimony of the correctness of the foregoing
jaccormt, have hereunto set our hands at the COMMIIOSIMI.
.ers' °Mae. this sth day of January A. D., 1665.
We, the Auditors of Franklin county do certify that we
have examined the drafts of the Commissioners, with the
receipts fat the same, upon Jas. G. Elder, Esq., Treasur
er. as also the bills rind accounts in the Commissioners' of.
nee, upon which such drafts have been issued, from the
eighth day of January A. D., 12E4, until the fifth day of
January, A. D., 381 5 (bothdaya inclusive) and find a
balance due from James G. Elder, Tremont*, of two
thousand three hundred and sixty dollars and fifty two
deals. = D. B. DIASTIN,
Attest: • M. MARTIN,
eLim ' fell
Henry Ditch, Antrim township. . $2lB 33
Harris Finley, Fannett , township 472 92
J. 33, Shively, Green township 120 00,
John Hardman. Greencastle 120 a
Andrew Baird, Hamilton township Ili 00
Henry Stronger, Lnrgan townshipso 00
William Forbes, Letterkenny township ' 100 CO
James Witherow, Metal township • 315 31
Jacob Haulman, Peters township 69 00
Jacob Mona, Quincy township ' 035 00
-Hugh Smith, Southampton township 30 00
Jacob Shaw, St. Thomas township 315 00
Jacob H. Hooirer, Washington township : M. 7 16
W. F. Hamer, Waynesboro' . 415 I*.
Samuel Sacrist, Warren. townshipl.s7 00
T. 0. Mill at. Treasurer.
Mg mar Saut 600110.
NEW -F 4
On Seeand .5 - ;ear, nearly oppardie eka Poet Oike,
Have just received and opened a large and =led stock of
fall dry goods, to which they invite the attention of the
Publie, We wiA,ssy just here that wears prepared to
sell goods as low as any house in the minty, the /as and
Bears not excepted.
Oar stock consists in part as follows:
'EAMES' DRESS GOODS a large variety,
CLOAKING CLOTHS, very cheap,
• DALMORA,L & BOOF , S,KTHTS, cheaper than
can be bought elsewhere. Glerves,, Hosiery, Hoods, &c,„
in great vanety.
hsor Men and Boys' wear we have Cloth, Cassimer, Sat
tinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Under Shirts, Drawers, Stockings,
&c., all very Cheap.
We have also a full stock of /io.9lila, Tickings, Flan.
nels, &c.,, all of whieh will be sold to suit customers, Now
talks rims to bu r y. -
- . 15 00
231 14
slowly, not so with the large and varied assortment
of Dry Goods just opening at WM. WALLACE & COS
at the MarketHonse corner, opposite the Methidist Church.
They. have just returned from New York where they par
chased at Auction, the largest assortment of Dry Goods
ever brought to this county which they offer at greatly re.
dnoed prices for cash, consisting of
Good Muslin at 25 cents,
1 Yard wide at 50 bents,
-51 Yards wide, Sheeting, 81
13 Pillow Case Muslin, 73 cents,
• Best Prints at 373 oenats,
Good Prints at lower prices,
Giaghams 37i, best, 45 cents,
Balinomls, 63 75, $.4 00, $4 sy
Shawls at all prices,
Ladles' Cloaking, all colors,
Cssinets, Jeans and Casimers.
12 Quarter Slankent. ati wool. Sl2 50 per pair.
A full assortment of Gloves, constantly on
The above goods being purchased in hiew Tort at low
est cash price, we are determined to sell at low rates to
snit the times. •
la' Give us a call before parchasingelsewhere.
octl9 WIL WALLACE le CO.
titisonal propertg e Sale#.4
MG UTENSILS.-41111 be sold by Public Sale an
Wednesday, the 15day of, February 1855, on the Farm In
Antrim township, 8 tulles from Chamberstmrg, S than
Cashtown, and 4 from Greencastle, on the Brown's Mill
toad,' the following personal property, to wit: 2 BRAD
OF GOOD WORE HORSES, one of vcbich Is ' , goo d .
Leader; 1 two-year old Colt; 5 bead of COWS andl CUR;
1 'Food 3-Inch tread Wagon and Bed; 1 narroW•wheeled
Wagon and Bed; remand two-horse Wagon ; flayLed
ders; 1 Threshing Machine; 1 Roller; Wheelbarrow;
sets Bretehbands ; Plow Gears; Collars, Bridles, 2 new
Fly Meth, Housings, Halters, 2 Plows, Double Shovel
Flaw, Harrow, Brier Hook, Hey Cotter, Mattocks, Shov
els, Forks; Leg, Bet,' Breast and Cow Chaim, Single,
Daunt and 'nipple Trees, Cutting Box; Also, a
quantity of HAY by the Tun, LONG STRAW he the
Bundle, CORN by the Barrel, WOOD by the Cord..
f ;c ? Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when
the terms will bsmadeknown. Salo positive, as the sub
scriber has sold his farm and intends rernoving'Hasa.
jea23l SAMVE/ MYERS.
six hor'e power, in good conditibn. Can be teen by
eating at T. B. Wood's Foundry. ,
sep2l-tf • ; JACOB GATIVIB.
$2,416 51
POR SALE.—A full course S c h o l llts hip
inthe Qxiaker City Businew Collrge of madevga.
Apply at this °Mee. isep,tl
sortudfiring pouseo.
FORWAP.Dthio Avn COM:ine , n, MEaCliaNra.
North Second Street, opposite the thunberland Vane
RWlroad Depot, Chamberaburg,
cares run regularly to and from Philadelphia: and Bald.
.AGENTS.—Peacock, k, Zell & No. 808 Mar.
k e t Bt., Philadelphia.
LYkew' VaileY.Hroken Erg nod Nutt COAL.(thleet
from the alines), w ilkesharre and Phi e rove FOUNDRY
lligrocok CEMENT, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR,
GRAIN and PRODUCE et en kiwis purchased at the
highest imsh prices.
Nail:Woe corner of Sixth and Market Strew* 241:14 ":
delphia ftiolgatt ,
1,020 IV
Pia 0, &mad Street,' ace =ID %Mk t k,
Vett Rowe, corer MOAN no* . sage,
c!imlEwLssuPtc •P&
Val astate Skabol
PRAii ESTATE.—Iltere will be. expottedto
of by tray of' pear °num on the preasham, near the town
of WaYneitbOte,ln comity. Pan SS th 4
dap 1-1 nazi the Marring described
Estate, late the MANSION FARM of COMMA Zody,. dec'd,
adjoining lands of Sprawl prop* JohW E:mtrOza, Eman
uel =len George Greenawalt and Samuel"97l77gert, Sit
uate In <tax? entastdp, said moray, centabling 107
ACRES, more or lam about 85 Ames clear, under good
fence and well culttrared, the balance In Timber. There
Is en excellent Orchard of young Trees
_117010 2 .0 on the
Meeting. The land U watered . Then Pied
llamado? BRICK DWELLING noun, Stone apd
Frame Barn on the land, and every necessary ontipmse
complete.: The property Is desirable, as it Is situated
dote by the WaYnetboto and. berstrarglpadt Within
a few hundred yards of Mt. Hope.
Tames frhie•third af the purchase money, Hers expen
ses), is to remain In the land, the Interest thereof to be paid
to the widow semi-annually, for life, at hpert g ath the pen:,
eipal to Conrad Zodyi hairs, the balance one half on the
Ist day of Aral, 18G5, • the other half o a th e i s t doy of
April, 1886, with Interest from the Ist day of April, 15%.,-
to be secured by recognisance and judgment.
Sale toicommente at 10 o'clock, A. ht., on said day.
janZ-3t GEORGE SUMMERS, Sr., }Trastees:
aIIARDIALVS SALE.—There vlli be
exposed to Public Sale, on the premises. In Antrim
township, Franklin county, Pa, On Saturday, the 1&
day of Falser.", less, the following desuribcd HEAL
ESTATE, situate in Antrim township aforesaid, adjoin.'
ing Landis of David3fartin, Hiram Stambaugh and others,
close byl the town of Middleburg, coataining u. ACHES
and 18 PEACHES, on which are erected a Two-Storied,
Brick-Cased DWELLING HOUSE, 'Stable and other
tioceSgood .
vation. There I p :ss ,
0 1=4 an4 tt vz_
of excellent Water. . I .'" V
t ar Sale to commence at to o'clock, when the
erms will be readekauwa, by
Guardian of the minor ChM3rea of Milked Ana Dix*.
The Public are also Notified, that at the same tlineand
place, and by the same Crier, the ItighWitle and Inter
en of Rev. W. R Comiey, will be soIVM the make per.
thaw*, las the Guardian and Mr. Courser have arranged
between themselves as to the disposation of the purchase
money: By thls sale, a good and valid title will pass In
the purchaser, for the premises.
J. I 3PD. SHARPE, Atty for Rev. W. R Coarse).
F. M. ILDIMELL, Att`y for Hannibal,. taspasj
'situate mar Burne,Cabina, Psciton County, Pennsylvania.
TbIS Mill has done a large amount of business fee ale•
time, and lin a rich settlement Of ocituitry. It was built
in IMO, and has recently been fully repaired. AN; a
A SAW 31 IL L, together with a r
of 90 A.C9IES,,on which there is erected a small Barn and
Tenant House. - There are also on the premises an Orch•
and oh some two hundred fine Fruit Trees, good Water,
&e. This property is on the route of the late tenni of
BD expected Railroad, which doubtless will peas through
the neighborhood in a short time.
Tertas will be made known by the subeerilm,
on the premises. (jaa9se3meel D OB
- ptrmac SALE.---The undersigned
± Oast Public Sale, on Saturday, the 9 dayof Feb
ruary, 1865, the following Real Property to wit: VIM
FINE BUILDING LOTS, situate MA East Vi'ashlngton
Street, in the Borough of Chambersburg, adjohdug lots
of Hiram Smarmy, Abraham Metz, and Carl Frederick
mad Maned by aA. Radetisogh. • -- -
Also--A BEAUTIFUL LOT on Second Street, ad.
joining the late residence of Judge - NM, deed, end owned
by Me. ElisabetliNill.
Also--A FINE RESIDENCE on Queen Street, now
occupied by the tobecriber, with good Stable, Hog Pen,
Bath House, the. The Improvements are ell la fist rate
Thi sale WM commence with the lots on 'Washington
Street, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will be sold In the meet
advertised. The Queen Street priverty will, be ald at
18 o'clock, IL
AU, P. M., will be offered 3500 feet of 'Weatherboard.
in g. I Tema made known on day of sala by
laro.s•Stt - SAMTEL MYERS.
PALB.—The subscriber will sell a villusiblerrop.
erty; sihrated rune swath of Fayetteville, Franklba optin
ty, ediolniaglands of Joe.. Cr:mired, M. B. Winatut
and othme, containing 80 ACRES more or less. The
aru &two-storied BRICK DWELLING , with
=lltchen, and Log and Weatherboardedßam
Shed and Corn Cribs, Brick Minh Rouse arid all ., 4l t ter
=awry ont-bulklinga. A Well of , never thing stet
near the door, and Cistern with pumps therein. There is
an Orchard of choice Fruit and a variety of other Fruit,
such as Plums. Cherries, &c. The land is of Brit niiallty
and in a good state of cultivation; being heavily limed
within the last few-years. The great portion is under Poet
andltail Fence. There is also a stream of Running Wa
ter on the premises. This farm is satiated In a healthy
andpleasant portion of the country , convenient to Schools,
&‘3 -
Pimps desirous to view the_property will canon the
anderngued. lnerd-antoil HIRAM T. SWIMS,
scribers offer at Private Sale their lam, situated in
Antrim township, five relies north-west of Greencastle, on
tberoad leading to Stiteell's Mill. It consists of about 250
ACRES of land, of which more than SO Acres are in
fine Oak an hickory Timber ; the remainder eoMjta in
largo Part of 'MBA D 0 W and BOTTOM, and* weU
adapted for Grazttlyt sfc ArvOrtiaMselt olstl4l-has
Persons mailing to view the property, ascarimin ' team,
will call on or address Jars W. P. Reed, Greencastle,
Pean'a. W. A. REID,
dectiSance J. NV...P.-RPM.
.IPOR SALE,—The undersigned offers at
J. Private Salo, the provuity on Ftanklin Street, In the
borough of Chamberstrug, opposite the Edge Tool Pao
tory. There are TWO BUILDINGS upon the lot. one a
Mtge Steno Donblo,Honse, the other a small Log Eccese.
If not gold on or before Saturday Gs lOirday of Febraitry
mat, it ninon that day, at 240100 k, P. IL, be coposod to
Palle Sale, in the streets of Chamberstairg.
rattles who may desire to purchase pritrately are
ed'to John Stewart, Fee.,
FOR SAL E.---The l valuable HOUSE
and LOT of GROUND late the.l"..pv..lyof .Ipe. S.
o NOrs, dee'd, slrnated In East Queens - treat,. thtt Borough
OhambanOtwg. Terms easy, enquireof
I LYMAN 8. CLARE, AttY. at Law
final. Ratites.
k TlON.—Richard Bardot's Estete.—To the heirs and
legal representatives of said deed: Yon are hereby, noti,
tied that, in porsuanoo of a writ of inquisition, fsening out
of the Orphans' Court of Franklin eoun - Pa., and to we
directed, willhold an inquest on thafteßstate, of which
said decedent died seized, situate in Franklin county, Pa.,
on tho 28th day of February, - A. D., MG, at l 0 teclOck,
A X., when and where you may attend if you think wo
per. Uttn4.6tl SANT.TE.L` BRANDT, BhedM
Notice Is hereby given that the Portnership hereto
fore existing ander the firm, - style, and name of C. H.
BRO., was dissolved on the 19th of rketwthr,
1564, by rontnal consent The Books of the late firm are
in the hands of C. U. Snnkel for collection.
The Business will be continued by. C. IL KrITARt.. •
lice is hereby given that Letters or Administration
on the 'Estate of John MMer, late of St. Themes township,
deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
on the Estate of Jacob Wolfkill, late of Chambersbarg,
deed, have been granted to the undcrrsigned.
All persons knowing dusmselves Indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and thaw having
claims present them properly anthentleated for settlement.
janlB H. GEER, Adqer.
dee is hereby given that Letters of Administratinn
ma the Estate of Elizabeth Deardorff, late of Washington
dead, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
wilt please make Immediate payment; and those having
claims presentthem properly authenticated for settlement.
jan4 JACOB DEARDORFF,' t Adnent.
Um.. dee Is hereby given that Leiters of Administration
on the Estate of John She:damn, late of Green township,
,deed, have been granted to the undersigned. -
- All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
iwillplease make immediate payment; and those laving
,claims present them properly authenticated for settleittent.
See is herekv given that Letters of AftnArdefratlon
on the Estate of "E. timbeth Rohs, late - of Southampton
township, de-o'd, hove been granted to the underligned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to stdd &tate
twill please make immediate payment; and "theels'having
embus present them property authenticated for Settlement.
4txB JAMES B. ORR, Admr.
tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of J. Smith briar, late of Charthemburg,
deed, harebeen granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted Loma Estate
will please make immediate payment; and thate having .
claims present themproperly authenticated for settlement.
- THOMAS S. GREER, 11:diers.
EXECUTOR'S NO TIC :—Notice is'
hereby 'riven thatLetteni Tedarnentaig to the Es•
te e aw n , (reg . um of Antrim tovrasaip, dee'd, have
been view t o the undersigned, • .
A ll „ mom k n owing - thenutelveo indebted to geld Estate
pfcase twat i4lmed4te Payment; and those be - 4W
c l a i m pt , o , o nt them properly antbbnticated for gotBoxoo o .
jaral GEO. 8. CRIBT,Aer.
Ha ited received a tine assortaxieulof
TIN, JAPANNED AND (num wm“ , gro
determined to sell larrerthan anybody ebm ,
• Tbej Pat of TIN ROOFING, Ist quelitY tumermeror, /8
setts per square foot; 2d quality IS ante: 34 quality 14
eats. .
They do SPOUTING cleautErPLaml.l.
TOY tie best irunfor Steett: atm gra brot ll
cent% per - M.
- Come sad au bilitot do "Ooda . ' oak V4dfla tbod
with acquitter
Ptivrerairtessi ta paths shim.
me 6 tivisatilliatliiikjel - •