AirtiOA, , 4 Itket; NO,TICE , TO- FARMERS., 100 TORS OF TIMOTHY RAT • Witated . by GEO; A. Daritz, ivArzur LAGS = Waged l*IlE.o. 'A. DEnz. -100 ASH LOGS Waded bykIED. A. DErrz. 1001.411 HE CEDHOLT I LOGS • Wanted by GEo. A. DEJ:n. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, sad all Idads of Produce bought by GEe. A. Danz, at Ids Warehouse abate tie Italitned Depot - _ ' 'STOVE : AND LINE COAL • for rale cheap, by the Yon or half tan. , OAK AND HICKORY WOOD -by the cord or halt end. OAR 'AND HICKORY WOOD, sawed and split for stave use, by the cord or half *Ord. ' 'IVDTDOW-AilD noon SILLS, of Oak, Walnut and Pine, always on band. WINDOW AND DOOR-FRAME STUFF, and all.kinda of LUMBER, such as Oak ard Pine Plank; Oak, Walnut, Pine and Hemlock Bcoidil Flooring Boards, Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths,. &n.• BEST OF ROOFING SLATE always es hand, and Inc& put on by the best Waters, who - have drawn medals for Asir superior workmaasbip. CALL AT DMZ'S WAREROUSE, • •above the Railroad Depot, aad buy cheap. [deel II LEONARD EBERT az SON, COAL AND .LITHBER SIERCEIAYII3. NV* have an hand all Mail of Coal and Lumber, . and are mond to ffilfrallh BM Lumber to order at short no. ticiOnigt the most reasonable tersrak Out stook of Lusa. ba ootarte Whitepne 2 inch Plank, 44 „ 44 " select Plank. 11 " Flank, __, "1 select and Culling Boards, " Bo dig ards,. • inehd " • " Best nicer Shingles, Worked Floring, 64 sc.six = " .Tobit and Scantling, all sizes, - liezolock Joist and Scantling, " Beards, ,tallow ED@ Boards, Joint andecantling,, and Pig Latta. Ws have alsoal t ways_on_ bard a rod, en ply of all kinds tit Coed for atnres nalime - brinuPg- Alaa a "P e " ales attieleisdßroadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic sin invited, to gin ns a call, as we will endeavor to give tatisfactlon to all that call. .Coaliad.Ln.mber Itumishod on the cars to any station - onA 9 , FnuokliA ItailroaL • Wofiloa, =Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambe;adwarg;Ft;; . LEO. EBERT & SON. 911 . 11,ALL, BENDER d,00 . ., York aid On lchatorough, Pa, - LIIIIRE#I,-DEA-LERS AND 161.111IPACTitirns OP SASH, DOORS,. SHUTTERS, BLINDS, ' DOOR 41573 WINDOW FRAMES, 4c., Keep onestantly on hand a inn selected stock of seas onable Member, viz —Joist and Scantling, Weatherboard ing, dressed Flooring , Siding, Laths, Shingles, Pa li ngs and Fetning. - • - I White Pine said Oak BM, saa-ed to order at the &attest notice. All oarainnaleations eboald be addressed to-EW4e,-Pl. [sep2B-ly STEAM .SAW MILL.--The undersign ed have erected and In operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, near Greenberg Springs, and are #lO to saw to order of WHITE OAK, P.TNE, cm or -any Mad of timber dealred, tit the aton ed hand at townies. One of the firm will be at the Hotal &Hama Greenawalt, inChambensburg,. on Satnr day tbe,24thinst. and on each alternate Saturday them* di ter for e ptirpose of ctrtdracting fbitha delivery of tuns; ben . LUMBER DEISNEIIEDatnnq point atthe Low = Il.stmer." Aiiiettem should be Mdressed to them at GraiteabscriP. 0., Adams Co., Pa. deel44f • MILTENBERGER & BRADY. 8111 L DIN G LUMBER.—The under lived is prepared to arm n 2 kinds of Banal* Lem bet at the lowest market mice. R. A. RENFItZW, GIifpIISPIOOD MILLS, Fayetteville P.O. deca3-em t_iiiko ant sBtaiiontrg. ES II 111. HE OLD BOOK STAND OF S. B. BifirrOCK, Mit Wen reamed to the new building oppoeite the POST CWPICa, where a full assortment of • :SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC. , Canto had at exceedingly Low Prices. gamy stoek. WALL PAPER and. WINDOW SHADES, s huge FBlrclallll's 4J elebrated Geld Pena, fully warranted. Orders Wren for goods, which will be Expressed in the thortme possible time. , _ • The New York and Philadelphia' Papers received daily, .4 1 1 w ititlebn'Weekly embscripticms will be taken. neat Olasa Novels, Mage..l.nes and Periodicals received as soon as published. We ma sell Photograph Albums cheaper than the an le had elsewhere, Idusictsentlree of portage to any part of the county. QUIP:Imm Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on Claiatrangements are such that we can supply any or ient satiottoearny and with dispatch. Ybsi.~ s 7:X. gHltl" is now located in New York, which emblas*lto e the mast complex cammissiona Old Nooks of particular edition.% dates or style, hunted vst-4 reasonable commigion. fuervil. - SNIDER, BOOS SELLER, ROOK BIDDER, PAPER RULER, Has opened a Boom in the Market House, and keeps Oanstantly ae band school, Miscellaneous Books, Station ery,'BhA -Books, Wall Paper, Paper and Brown Liner Window Shades, Photograph AIN= Lutheran, German Reknaied..sod Presbyterian Hymn Books, Steel Pens, Pencils, Arnold's genuine Writing Fluid; Panty Pictorial Plokaurer Bisaks for children, Paints and Pencils, Marking . Pendia, Arohltect's Drawing and Pattern Paper, - Novels, Ink Stands in great variety, Diaries for 1865, Violin Straiancy Traveling raid School Baskets, &c. BOOKS made to order, Paper ruled to Pat , tern, Old Books, Periodicals, Music, and Newspapers 'Bound in say style.. elatbing. STEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK 114 THE OLD cumin% EMPORIUE, JH THE IsTatuat HousE, CitsmlmArag, The nedersigned, aver a - temporary absence necessitated by on deatinetisra of Ohambersburg, -bas again returned apsd opened out in fall blast in the Mather House between Welbee's Dry Good stare and Huber & Lemaster's ory dare,•largraoscatment of FALL AND WINTER. GOODS, of every description imi Tahock consists of Ready - Made Ulothlng.such Over Coats, Dress Coats, Pante, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawer*, &c., also = GENTLE FINS' FURNISHING GOODS, each as Drafts, Stupendmv, Gloves, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Col. bus, Umbrellas, &e., &c. Mistook of Cloths for customer work consists of French, English and Dothestio manufacture. , Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cawdmers, Black Satin, FiOred Silks, Plain and Fancy Caulmer Vesting* which will be made up morder in styles to suit the taste of customers, on short notice, and namable terms. engaged a practical Cutter from the East, lam to furnish clothing in the moat faahionable styles, s:lltrone but experienced workmen are engaged per• sordhasy rely upon getting their work well done at my Store, Timken' for the patronage heretofore bestowed, I re- Veatfully solicit a continuance of the same. octl9 J. T. HOSKINSON. S'cwins LONG LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST, 4.4Tde pe d iaidi, f &wing' .lifqckinee. THE CELEBRATED. ',. FLORENCE SEWINO MAORI:M. Can UT be iten at the Vaidence of MRS.:R. P. HAZE ; - LET, South Main Strut, immediattn oppos ite .13r. A. If, &mazy's, Chambcraburg. where all persona interested in Hewing Machinea are Insi. tid to call andexuadne thin almderfal machine.. It has been the object of the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CAMPANY to supply a machine free from the 'Medic= attached to other first class machines, and alter the patient, untiring labor of years, and a liberal ex. peaditure,of capital in securing the first inect,e;cal talent, theft 'aorta have been crowned with success, and they are now Offeriag to the public the moat perfect Se4lag Machine' tbirwerld, Among its many advantageaaser all other nosoldstai, may be mentioned: mates four different stashes on one and the same • machine, each filch being perfect and alike on both sides of Um fabrics chan i q from one kind of catch to another, as well aa the of the stitch, can readily be done while the machine Is n motion. 3d. Every stitch is perfect fn itself, making the seam secure and uniform, combining elasticity, strength and beauty. . 4th. /14as the reversible feed motion., which enables the operator to run the work to either the right or left, CI stay any wt of the seam, or fasten the ends demos without Wahl/ the fabric or stopping the'machine. Sth it is the most reed serer in the world, mating five stitches to each resolute's, and there is no other machine which willdo so large orange of work as the FLORENCE. 6th. It dors:he heoriest or finest work with squad with/AO tension Or breaking of thread. 7th. _lt hems, fells, hinds, gathers, braids, quilts, and gathers and sews on a ruffle at the same time. Sat Its simplicity enables the meet inexperienced to operate it ; Its motions are all positive, and there are no Ate springs to get out clorder, and it is adapted to all kinds . Aroos thick to thin, and it is almost nohic. 90t. The FLORENCE SEWING MACHETE is one- Vaalteillnbeanty and style, and must be seen'to be appr e . edited. itS. It. P. riAIiELET, having been appointed rmAr fOr the IWO of the above Sewing Machia aln stamada= Ladies to call and ar Sizobbree vramittal foe 014 Yeii' ("VI efOttrito, !14,t0 • N E W S T ORE GELWICKS & WIILESALE Mal RETAIL GELWittue & DURKEteuT baying been brunt out by the Eebelh in,tbe binsang.or Chambetabarg, Dave, since built Nos Mote 30°744 - ON SECOND-STREET, • Between Sellers and l*neg, HOtels, where they propose selling, Wirokokto and ,Retail, Groceries; ' Salt, " -Syrups, Prot - biome Fish' _ Buckets, Flour, Coffees, • Lamm Produce, Spices. Globes, 'teas, - Brooms, Wicks, Wares, Cords, Sugars, 055, : Twines, and thousands at aural artielascsed, by every fondly and sold In try stores. Our Stock of • GROCERIES . 15 full and complete, embracing every article in this line, from the common grade of goods np to the &cid quality. Our stock of GROUND - •AIM UNGROUND SPICES are all strictly pure and flesh, bwritig been carefully se lected by one of the firm, Dir. Iltukhart, who is a practical baker and confectioner. All our Ground Spices are ground _• 4" on our own spice mill, and can be relied on. We offer the falowing OILS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Sperm 011 Linseed Whale Oil, 1114mehed Winter Oil, Coal Oil, , Flaxseed Oil, Lamle Oil, Painters' Oil, and strictly . prime KEROSENE OIL. LAMPS, GLOBES AND WICKS. The largest assortment of Lampe, Globes and Wicks in the county: Thewe we say we can and will cell cheaper than the cheapest, as they were purchased in large quan tities,dizect from the manufacturers. To oar large stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, SPICFS, - GROCND COFFEE. IN PAPERS AND CANS, we Invite epecialattention, we will warrant them to give satisfeethm or refund the money We also invite attention to oar very large anii varied assortment or TOBACCO AND SEG : ARS, which we offer very cheap, wholesale and retail. FLOUR All brands of Flour by the barrel or small COF.tCTI-ONERY: In connection with the above business we cam• on the Confectiorry business iis all its branches, manufacturing many of the articles in this line Gumtree, which enables us to tell very low, both wholesale and retaiL Oar stock of Confectionery consists in part of _ Raisins, Currants, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, o Prunes, Citron, All kirda of Crackers, a general assortment of FRESH CANDIES, together with every description of domestic Candies that are made. Our stock is large and has been carefully selected, era bmchag by far too many different articles and quantities to attempt to name articles or list of prices, suffice to ray that it it our determination to always keep up a full as sortnent of goods and sell as cheap as the cheapest. - N. B—To Country Merchants and all who with to buy goods at wholesale, we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap any Jobbing House in the cities. COUNTRY PRODUCE AND MARKETING of all kinds wanted, for which the highest price will he paid in cash. Inovl ti I ' GELW IC KS & , BURKHART.: F . R U 1 T S , SPICES. &c., Oranges and Lemons, Onions, Bunch Raisins, Preserved Ginger, - - *Seedless Raisins, Girkins, Layer Raisins, ' Pineapple Pres6rves, - Prunes, Paper shelled Almonds, Catania, ' • Bard Shelled do Citrons, Filberts, Turkey Figs, ,—' Pecan Nuts, ' Malaga Figs, Cocoa Nuts, Fruit, - . English Walnuts, Split Peas, Walnuts, Walnut Catsup, Shellbarts, Tomato do Water Crackers, 31ashroom do Sugar do Pineapple Cheese,r•-• - Sdarches, • Sap Sago ~do >* Polish, English _ • doe Smoke Pipes, Swiss do Market Baskets Limburger do =:. = Buckets, ;Baker's Choallate, : - ' Brooms, Worchesterslihe Sance'r ' Essence Coffee, Pepper, Cloves, = Candies, Ciunamon, Allspice ground Lead Penexhi, expressly for family use, Castile Soap, Beans. Pickles, Toilet do Chow Chow Pickles, Rusin do Cauliflower do Indigo, Mixed. do Starch. Wrapping Twine, Stone ware, Preserving. Tumblers, Mace, Ginger, Nutmeg', Mucnrom, Vermicelli. Scrubbing: Brushes, Nonpareil Capers, Sweeping, do Lentels, Shoe, do French Mustard, Shoe Blacking, Coleman's Mustard, Silver Sand, Dorian do Bath Brick, Salad Oil,. / :_. Tripoli, for sale at I SHAFER & STUARTS, On QueenOtteet, East of the Methodist Church. GROCERIES WHOLESALE AND RE TAu...--sRAFER ez STUART, on queen Street Rat of the Methodize Church, would respectfully call the attention of the eitimns of Chambersburg and vicinity to the varied and extensive assortment of GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, QUEENWARE, CEDABWARE, and a general Stock of Miscellaneous Articles which they are now oilerit.g, and constantly receiving from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, at their Store Room, on Queen Street, Doi of the Methodist Church. It Is their intention to keep such an assortment as the de mands di the community require. They have the best faellties for the purchase of goods, on the most oilcloth'. genus terms, and having their own cars an the Road, and one of the firm being alma:it constantly in the city, affords them every advantage In purchasing goods in the shortest time, and at less expense than usual, which enables them to sell eery Into for cash ! SUGARS, COFFEES AND TEAS of all grades, from the highdrate the lowest pricer by the barrel, suck or pound. SYRUP AND MOLASSES, by the Hogshead. Barrel or retail for family use. Sugar Cured,.Course and Fine Salt, Fish and Cheese. - - - - ,a We would call especial attention of country dealers and others, wieldng to purchase at wlnilesnle prices, as we are prepared to sell everything In the Grocery hue as cheap as wAti be purchased in the Eastern Cities The highest price paid in cash for country produce or taken in ekehange for goads. SHAFER & STUART. MARKET HOUSE.—The undersigned Aspettfully inform their numerous customers and the public generally that they have re-opened their GM eery Store m the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder COmpany, in the Market House, and tuke tths method of returning their thanks for the liberal Pa her e tofore extended to theth. Their stork is com= s every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Hum, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sucars, Teas, TO. baccos, Brushes. Brooms, Buckets, Cords, Twines, Glass ware, Queensware and everything heretofore kept at their former place of business. They will always keep a mull._ cleat stock on hand to he enabled to meet the demands of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In ex change fur goods at cash market prices. Don't forget the place, (Market House.) three Moors from the corner, on Queen Street. [ung3l] HUSNR & LEMASTER. SPRECHER'S GROCERY STORE.- The undersigned has the largest stock of FAMILY GROCERIES in tows, T. Inch he offers to the public at the lowest CASH PRICES. It is not necessay to enumerate, as his stock is large and complete, Highest prices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange Mr goods. [ang3ll CYRUS SPRECHEIL CT. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE . GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT 505 "MARKF.T STRtET, (North aide, above Ftfib street) Philadelphia FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RE calved every week at SHAFER & STUART'S, on Queen street, Eat of the Methodist Church._ 7p ASHLY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT AND J,' Corn Meal. lz; the barrel or small quantities, for sale at ' SHAFER & STUAR/TS, Queen street. A MAN OF A THOUSAND .--A CON sUMVITvr. B.;JAMES, a Retired physician of great eminence, discovered, while in the Defies, a certain cure for Consumption.-Asthma, Bronchi eT, Coughs, Colds and General Debility. Theremedy Was diseoveted by him when his only eltild,,ti daughter, won giving up to die. nit child woe cured, and is now alive and well. Desirous of benefiting his fellow mortalz he will send to those. who with it the recipe, eenititiltug full directions for making and successfully- using, thin remedy, free on receipt of their names, with two shompsto pay expenses. There is not a single cute of Constunption that it does not at owe take hold of and:Mgt sweats, Peevishness, Irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult expectoration. sharp - pains In the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations, murssaat the stomach, time. 'don of the ton CIL - 4113thig away of the muscles. ®' The sniter will please state the name of the paper they sewn alp adv , xdillsamelst ta. Address. CRAODOC/1 & CO., 4:25 Vereb 2 , 1 Philadelphia. As. euting, A B D - W A. R HUBER & TOLBERT RKHAET nearly apposite their old place of business, with an extensive stock of I>&dxaxe Orden. &o, as they are ' • prepared to furnish in any quantity, at irholesale, everything in their line. - Call and examine our stock. - tkovl6 00.AYCII AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be continues to carry on the above business, at his old Stand, on Main Street, opposite tho German Re formed Church, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Having • enlarged his business, Saddlers and Cana makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their several requirements, such as , Pair add Country Hogskins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees dud Girthing. Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat • Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotton ' Hrunea, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japannsd Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Baffle Fronts; Roseates, Swiirels and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig Barnes. BUCKLES--BRASS, SILVER AM) JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and a variety of other goods suitable for the trade. ALL KLNDS OF PLATING, &c., done with neatness and despatch. [decl4] LF,WLS I,VAMPLER. CHEAP HARDWA'RE! , - BRAND & FLACK Had a few goods under the puretneut, which were not burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard ware. Tiesidea, they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a verylarge tot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been burned out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails. Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, 9 . ff t 5 . „ . 9 . 1.?ai. , t1i , 1n!„&c., a!thelowe ... st figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds, which we will sell less than it con be bought In "the city. Also we have 100 kegs of Nulls and Spikes, we offer at from 6 to 10 dollars per keg. CU'I'LERT. Knives and Forks, SCiSFOr3, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoons, Sa, just received from :Yew York which we offer very• low. sep2B CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemakers' Findings, Saddlers' I` hdings fit BRAND & FLACK'S. HOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT S 25 cents each and many other articles which was In the fire, which can be made as good as new at BRAND d: FLACK'S. CEDAR WARE—CaII at the Store in the Alley. - BRAND & FLACK. WIST , AIL'S BALSAM ONE OF TETE ouvEsr AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES LN Coughs, CMils, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, I)if• Scotty of Breathing, Asthma, floameness. Sore Throat, Creup and every• , affection of • THE. THROAT, Lti'SGS ,AAll CHEST, WISTAR'S BALSAM 01' WILD CHERRY , •So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it Is unneces saz.tiot, and find recount utterance itivirt es. in he l t tsw a o b r un ks speak dant - and voluntary testimony of the many - who from long suffering and settled das ease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can present a mass of ev idence in proof of our assertions, that cannot be discredited. Gents ten: I do hereby certify that during the hist ten years I has e been subject to frequent severe Coughs and Colds. Whenever I Bove experienced one of these attacks I have immediately resorted to Dr.Wistur's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and the result has always been to atfordroe speedy relief. I would, recommend this valuhble article to all those who surfer' from Couglis,Xolds, Pain lrethe Breast, or any Pulmonary Cmnplalut,„teeling confident that it will prove itself to be the lout remedy in any of these cases. I would, however. caution the public against a worthless counterfeit, a bottle of which was grace forced upon me. The use of this spurious Balsam did me more harm than piod. The gerhuire Dr. M'ustar'd Balsam of Wild Chen?• is prepared by Seth W. Ferwle S. Co.. Boston, and has their printed name, as well as the written signature of " L BuTrs" upon the outside wrapper of each bottle. From Jesse Smith, Egg., President of the Morris County Bank, _Morristown, N. J. - Having ased Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for about tltteeu years, and having realized its (beneficial re• sults in my family,, it affords me great pleasure In mom. mending it to the public as a valuable remedy in aurae of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &5e .. ., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be token with perfect safety by the most delicate In health. From /fon. John E. Smith, a distinguished Lawyer in Westnaneter, Md. I have on several occasions used - fir. Wistar's lkilsom of Wild Cherry for severe Cobils, and always with decided benefit. I know of - no preparation that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use., The Balsam has aLso been used with excellent effect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. gone genuine unless signed "I. Bull's" on the wrapper. FOIL LUX ST J.P. DrNSMORE,, No: 491 Broadway, N. Y. B. W. FOWLS Co.', Proprietors, Boston, and by all Bruggisit, puly2o.eow-ly SALVE REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cares Rams, Scalds and Cuts REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE _ Cures Wounds, Bmlses aua Sprains. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Nods, Mem and Canons. - REDDEiG'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Piles and Erysipelat REDD.WPS RUSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, &r., &c. *NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. 11V" Only 21 Cents a Bcne.:4El FOR SALE BY J. P. DINS3IORE, No. 491 Broadway,-N. Y. - S. W. FOWLS & Co., 140. - 18 Tremont St., Batton, and by ail Druggists and Country Storekeepers FRENCH B T3-H, R . - Mi Lli STONES. Manufactory Mart!, Strout, near the Cotton Factory, HARRISBURG, PA, The undersigned announces to the trade that be contin nes to manufacture and import direct from the most eel() netted quarries in France, the beet qualities of FRENCH BURR MALL STONES, which he offers at reasonable ?aide, And guarantees sans. Lotion to the purchaser. Aker—Every number In usa of tin celebrated OLD AUKER BRAND BOLTING CLOTIL Ceders by mail promptly attended to, and goods for warded by railroad, Canal or express, it desired. W. H. KEPNER, - I turr23.3ml 'So. 10 West State Street Harrisburg, lebambiu. Repository publish 3m and send bill to this office "mesifately far eolleation.—llarrisburg Telegraph.] TO DYSPEPTICS.—Having been antic _ tad for a number or years with Dyspepsia, I was advised to try DR. WISHAR7B MEDICINE for that disease. I derived great benefit and recommended It to quite a number uf. my friends and who were also much benefited by it and whose testimonials can be bad 'lase. aviary. I hays been appointed by Dr. Wishart as Agent for the Salo of bia Medicine, wholesaleor - - . REED, serv23 Repository otrtce, Clisanberiborg Pa. TORTITNTING in every style done at fa eildlefterefl*PßAmcw Itio.ommrf. • "I /kg& Pk, Srigighti Have opened their store on Main street, coinUting in wit of Iron, - Nails, gym, steeL Planes, Files, Paints, Turpentine, Tar, Varnish. • talus, Shovels, . Rakes, 4adef, Blasting Bolster, Geed Btones, - Cedar Ware, Pocket Knives, &c. Special attention ie called Bolide= audContasetors, Attica WILD CHERRY, El= INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION From Mr. Henry Kclttr, Marcersburg, Pa. erocet_its, Su: COFFEES, 'rE4S, SUGARS —Just re- V mired at f - E. D. MAYS: Al INC E 31 E A T fresh supply at xetn , s. A-T-L T.TAms AND BEEF.—A large loi of free 4 cured city gams and Dried Beef, at 31r. D'B. ORANGES, LEMONS, RAlSlNS,'Clnl rants, giber:, Dried Apples, 'Dried Merriam. &a., at FISH .—N o . 1 Shore Ihtekeral, Dried Halibut, Dried Cod, Shad, at REID'S. BUCKWHEAT AND HOMINY.—Just received e• lot of New Tersey fresh ground Buck wheat Meal ; .pare white Hominy, Soup l3eaaa, &0., at RE/D'S. V NIONS .—Wetherfield and'Conntry Onions, a large supply, at . VEROSINE OIL AND LAMPS.- Su perioru Kerosine Oil, Elataber and Parlor Lamp's, Shades, Lanterns, dz., at REID'& , kiitto of &abet. E NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD P WDITFaI TUSE TABLE. .F.IVE TRIMS DAILY Nand from Pliladelphia and Pittsburg. Oa zind titer Monday,' October-31st 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Penasylvanialtallroa 1 Company will depart from Harris burg and arrive at Pt Uadeliabla and Pittsburg as 'follows EASTWARD: THROUGS EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dui• ly a,. 2.45 A. IL, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. R. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at t? 00 A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 19.40 P. Sr. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun. flay) at 1.30 P. Ir., and arrives et West Philadelphia at 5.. 35 P.ll. prrTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at U. 53 P. SL R and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.9) A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOM3IODATION ' TRALY, leas es Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at COO P. kt.: -. ..and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 9.34./ m. MIS train has no conneotian from the Ween COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaies Har risburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. St., and arrives at Lancaster .at 9.15 A. m.t. connecting (except on Monday) with the Fast Line east. - WESTWARD: PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 1.2.:35 A. bt., Altoona 6.50 A. X., take breakfast and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40P.m. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at fi25X: Altoona P.]s A. 51., take breakilist. and arrives arFabbarg at 1.40 P. M. THROUGH, EXPRESS teams Hturisburgolaily, at 3.. 25 A. M. Altoona at 8.15 A. 31., take breakfast and arrives ut Pittsburg at 0.401 3 . M. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. M.: Altoona at 9.10 P. M., take sapper, and ar. rives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1.40 P. Altoona at 7.55 P. at., take supper, and arrives at l'ith,hurg at 1.30 ' MOUNT ;WY - ACCOMIODATION west leaves Lan caster at 11.10 A. 11., convecting there with the Mail west; leaves Moult Joy at-ILSI A. M., and arrival aftliarritturg at 1.00 P. nr. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN froth Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 620 P. X., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay crveral til 11.55 r. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, uov9 Sup't Middle Div. Penna. R. B.• MORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY I FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Traint Dairy ti and from Baltimore and WasAinetim City. Connections made with tmina on Penneryicania Railroad; to and from Pittsburg and tine West ', 0 R TRAINS DAILY to and foam the Nora' and West Branch Susquehanna, "Elmira and all or Northern New York. sad after Monday', Oa. Nth, 1864, 'the' Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway Will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows :' SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except ' Sunday). 10:25 MR. leaves Harrisburg • 1120 P.M. arrives at Baltimore 5:40 P.M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex- apt Simday) 11:45 !eaves Harrisburg (except Monday - ) Lb:rives at 8a1tim0re.... ..... HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIO leaves Ilarrisbnwr SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leases Sae bury dally (ax. Sunday). -- PHtLADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves NORTHWASunbury - W.4(ex. RD. Sunday) 0:105 P.M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except • Sunday) - - 9-2) Lit leaves Harrisburg - I:3S P.M. arrives at Sunbury P.M. EXPRNSu .rre- Hars~Lv- " leaves Harrisburg • •- r(e . i. ,eept Monday) arrives at Sunbury ERLF. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at_ leaves Harrisburg daily (ex eept Sundays) at arrives at Sunbury- at HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimoredailv(ex. Monday 3:00 P.B. arrives at Harrisburg at. 7:30 P.M. SUNI3FRY ACCOMMODATION leaves Hat , - rDtburg daily (ex. Sunday). 401 P.M. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Bzpress are through trains to and Bern Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For farther information apply at the Office, in Permsy/- vania 'Railroad Depot. 0et16'6.1 J. N. DUBARRY, Gen. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAM ROAD.—This great lime traverses the Northern and Northwest ennaties of Pennsylvania to the city of .Erie, on Lake Erie. It bag been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Cam• pany, and is operated by them Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business, October 1.7th,_1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG LEAVE EASTWASD. Hail EIMEEN Mail Train 12:35 .t. M. Lock Haver: Accommodation 2:313 A. M Williamsport Acoommodatitt. l:44rP. H. Passenger Care run throtigh on Mail Train, without change both ways between Philadelpffia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. . Elegant Sleeping Cars on Elmira Express Train's both ways between Withturutport. and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Corner 30th and Market Street" Philadelphia. And fur Freight INISIEWAS of the Conipany's Agents S. B. Kusastoti, Jr., Con 13th and Market Ste., Phßa. J. W. 4111 - NOLDB, Erie. J. M. Thum, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, Md. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. OWINNEB, Gen. Ticket Agent,.Phlladelphia. JOS. D, POTTS. Gen. Manager, Williamsport Ja54,65 CIIMBERLAND VALLEY ik FRANK LIN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS- Ou and alter &Nadas% October 31, 1861, Passenger Trains • Rill run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): FOR CHASIBERSBURD AND HARRISBURG: Leave Traaterstown " Greencastle Arrive at Chambersbnrg Leave at. Leave Shippetsburg " Nevreille. " Carlisle 6:30 16:10 2:46 " Mecbaulestirtrg 7:00 10:42 3:16 Arrive at Harrisbrirg— .. . 7:30 11:15 3:45 FOR CHAMBERBBURG AND HAOHRSTOW7I A.M. • Leave Harrisburg 8415 1:40 :15 Media:Aalborg 8:47 2:20 :50 Carlisle , 4.27 2:58 5:15 10.02 3;34 . ' 1314pensbarg 10:33 . - 4:04 Arrive at Chambersburg 11:00 4:35 1. Leave Charnbersburg. ......... " 4:45 " Greencastle 11:55 5:35 Arrive at Hagertown -- 12:35 6:15 Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia. Nest York and Pittsburg, and with trains for all points West. Tho Train leiarinlltuTisburg at 4:13 P. x. runs only as far as Carlisle. ? 0. N. LULL Supt. Office, Chnmb'g, Oct. 31, Ism. - GO'LIGH N O.titOß:E! ..BT';I2.IC-KLAND'S" MELLIFLUOUS COUGH; BALSAM`! Dr. Shieklandb Mellifluous Cough Balsam le warranted to care Qoughs Colds, Hoarsoness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, nre Throat, andall affections of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by C. H. deeesler, Chambernhurg. General Depot, No. 6 Fourth StreetCinelnuatt Ohio, D I A R R H CB A! All the medical mon and the Press recommend DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLERA MLXTURE, as the only certain remedy for Martha% and Dysentery.' It is a combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Slime. lents and Carminatives, and Is warreuted to effect a care after all other means have failed.. For rale by C. 11. Cressler, Cbanthernburg, General Depot, No. 6 East Fourth Street, Cibenthatl, Ohio. P R I CKL AND'S kj PILE REMEDY! Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy .bao eared thousands of the worst eases of Blind and Bleeding Piles. It gives Im• mediate relief and effects a permanent cure, Try it di rectly. It is warranted to cure. For sale by C. 11. Cressier, Charnbemsburg. General Depot 6 East Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS A N DEBILITY _ _ DR. B'rRICii.LAND'S TONIC We mu recommend those' suffering with loss of Appe• the, Indigestion. or Dyspepsia. Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to nee Stricklandistunic. It Is a vegetable pre. pandion, freeborn olcoholio Noon ; it strengthens the whale morrow system , It creates a good 'appetite, and id warranted to tuall i tti and Nervous Debility. Iroripby generally, At $1 per bottle. Pre. pared b A. 8 (1,8 Eart Tooth &rest Cinch). MU, 0 C. H. Crawler. Agent, Chambanbarre ' :._ IV D , Ii lI.L ZL sf hia IFE TV;,DIR 8-TiRRE„ otts door west • • or BROWNS HOTEL, bag a WELL MUTED 810 CE PURE' r DRUGS, C4l EIIICALS, and all doled PATENT MEDICINES, skaostitir" UII 1A247.t3, PER 17 ME BT. SOA.M4c. West End of Brown'4 'Hotel. TOTlCE.—Having visited the eitensive Seed grcketng gOatatts ihict- - 044b1141,ntente:df. the Soetety of "United Shaker* " sitte* ,,,, tb u tri !col ootieeithertifivm"B°. reeds frig seeds , I feet Attutliated, fri:Bo,,,d. erenee both forage ezyfisitle. of S. m3c4;,11. , jtist apeteCl: • ' GARDEN SUDS.—Early York, Win ,reit, ThiOn.'lload.; „Sal* ink Flat Dutch Cab page TomatniEgg Plantar:ld the usual variety of garden ambient Opened 7 humpy& - II'ERB.S.---Sbaker Herbs just received: horn begaticl.atterie beets csoex be excel R&1 any e zesplt .. e. T , • • , . 1, .- 7 -N. 014 . 11 _ i - MIXON'S TETTER OINTMENT I ...11 the hat thing in tun for Skin &Mane% ALL PATENT MEDICINES USUAt- Iy jcept for Sally eau be bad at MIXON'S. 2:50 A.M. 70) A.I. EZ:733 VRESH MEDICINES ALWAYS ON , ktfutd at , NIXON'S IiZE3E! T" x o 1.4.3 CATTLE POVVREE 4;1 .ettattki be aced by every Fanner. • , 3:15 A.M. .53 a.m. It E _M 0 T A L. • ' SPANGLER'S t . , • DRUO STORE : - - has been rerabved the CrLD STAND, STRERT, Ili Dr. Richard's' Near Building, next door to Ratoilioa coH F Th• Ware Stare. 7:30 P.M. 1135 A.x. 3.25 &X. 11:45 P. M. 2:50 A. N. 12301 0 . It TIRUG - 8!-DRUG&!! A.,. C. B. CREEIBLEB, snooeuor to Bran &Vane& LB; has opened In hie neW tunas On &Mod street;ql 3 P o ' site the Post.o2loe, .where. every effort will „he , ma 4 to sustain tnepo'prillirity thsikad eetahliguriantlisidad A eontintintioo of the liberal patronage.sildil the fixer re. mired is respectfully aollatod.:.! , ,A , tats-stork at-Dins; Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. Al* a desimble assottosentat - . - - Perfuniesy,: • Soaps, Pocket Books , Bair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, - Tooth Bnuhes, P 7:00 2:45 7:37 3:35 8:17 4:20 8:30 12155 9.00 1:28 9.n 2:00 Cosmetics.' 'Dentifrices, and Fancy Articles in t variety. BERO3ENH &—Every description of Hand =eStand Hanging amps and Elide Lamps lm Kitchen nee, Parlor one, Store tise and Oro I'IIE•BEST COAL OIL IN THE BEARI{ET. Emily Dyes of all Colons. Everything in a Draggi' sts Due of business. - - - rePrescriptions receive special ntlention, and 'are compounded with care and skill. C. A. CREBBLEP., Second Street, ..posite the Yost Moe. tifiotrtano. J. C. MICHAUD% M. D. .TNO. MONTGOMERY, M. D. R'CHARDS sec MONTGOMERY. have =twisted themselves in the Practice Of and have taken an Office In the late residence of Jacob B. Miller, immediately, opposite the Presbyterian Church. - AU persons Indebted to eitherof the raw, will please make early settlement of the same. • t fatareS•tf} . W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt to all professional calls. Oahe In the Vestibule of the en , School House near the Jail. - [anet AGErrrs,WAIITtII -To 'Ott;:ttlr. /.1. AMERICAN CONFLICT, A Ilhittry of the Great Rebellion, be HORACE HREELY This ork, in Its plan and 'scope, differs widely ?remelt other histories of the Re• hellion; while tho caddid, lucid. searching, Instructive per. sentment of die cannon, incitement, and earlier Incidents of the war--as given in Volume I—can hardly fall to in. sure for " THE AItEitICAN CONFLICT" o wider eiretda• den, greater popularity, load a far more - permanent value that can be found in any cotempomry work on the Rebel, lion. Its present SUCCIIM all things considered, is unparld• islet. This history• Juts also received the endorsement of the Netcapaivr Prear many fold greater than has been actor• dad to any kindred work, io not less Ethan one thousand highly commendatory notices and reyiem, many of which are tutu Jouruhla opposed to the author in politiml senti ment.. • The Nfork is *old only by subscription, through Trave. ling Agvats, to whom the exclusive right to canvass with. in specified iimib is given. We want energetic, .thorough. going mummers In every unoccupied county and section. To experienced, efficient 'Agents—tnall who can appre, ewe and properly explain a Bork of the elevated char. Actor of '• THE AmEnicsiv CoNFLicr"--vre offer induce taunts rarely if ever before equaled. Tor further information eddras the undersigned. O. D. CABS, do CO,' Jan4.3t Publishers, Hartford, Ct. HSEIRER HAS OPENED A CHAIR e and CABINET WARE ROOM In he Ipsercurit of the M. 4 ch urc h, arhere he Menem o ut land a kinds of Cabinet Wax. Such esledeteektie,4 ea t e , Tablet, Aettal coffinre, Stank: and Ifettrespee,tn t ly e et ae d WAL larr nwrrtalk:ww ow tr d, - mirk Ike lOU sin ehesismi tic, • - ittqrSl tr - BEI II Insurana. IMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND ' c TRUST CO.; Corner Pourtti and Walnut, Streets, : /ZadAillimi InMWrated ' 18NX Charter Perpetual *heed Caphal, M4,000.,.' Paiti•Dp - Capital, &411,60(L' ii. -- . . - • Philadelphia, leb. - 4, 1864. - ' ' ;The Trustees have this day declared a - Dividend of: rPEIRrexiNT, -on all premiums recmimitxmldtr- , At PetferES - daring the year ending 15ecembetr 31st, • 1 ,4indinforixi at that date , the above amount to be', led to said Policies, and have also ordered the divi- ' udatlE43o-ou PiAkties Issued (truing taut pair to be 11j. atthii, =anal 'priniums on said policies are re. 1 *ed , - - ' - • --. . -OF ICEES.: ' - President—Alexander din. . , , &mews, and Treasur ohn S. Wilsom i , . Adatirg—Johr C. Rim. - . . • :BOARD OF TRUSTEES—Alexander Whilidin, J. It dgar Thamion Gemge Nugent, Bon—James Pollock, : Albert C, Roberti, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, William fi lf=i, }Torn Joseph Allison, Samuel T.:Co - line, John _,' Cherie* F. Reaslitt, lime Ifazlehrust. ' • ' W41.:.G, RUA Charabershurgi Pa., is the - authorized • Agent of the American Life Iretratice and Trust Com- IDy, Wed Is always prepared to furnish pamphlets or any formation wanted, and to take Inimancee. 114.1. C. RIM rang and W. IL BOTLF, Medical Ez, • 07117/17.1. , REFERENCES—Hon. A. K. Mauro, Rev. S. J.lttc colle, J. S. Nixon. Chamber:lbw/A and Wm. M. Marshall,; cashier the Hagerstown Bank. t:Persons desinntrinformation or vio-ang to Insubi will ease call on. or by addressing the undersigned they will Ile waited on in any partef the Cotdity'or State. mares • . : App. G. REED, Agent. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL-! FRAAYKLIN FIRE IVSIII24IVCE COM- I'A IVY OPPELLADELPHIA. ,ASSETS On datonty 1, 1864 - $2,957,819 95 . - ..eArrrax, ' 4400,0001 .. 'pCEPTED SUILMITS 97]..000 , '17.137E'D PEPAIIUMB - .. ‘1,086,V8 , liINBETTLED CL&T.II4I ' INCOME FOR 1864. 88,416.- - -. 83,000,000. ' LC6EB PAID Scam IM ' 85,000,000 , , i tERPETIIAL AND ;TEMPORARY_ POLICIES ONj LIBERAL TERMS. - - '- DIRECTORS: - Charles N. Barieker, --- lame Lee, fobiaa Wagner, Edward C. Dale, lannel Grant, ' - Geo.'Fahrs, itenb IL Smith, - - Alfred rifler,- , peorge,W. Richards, Pm. W. Lewis, R. D. I - --', CHARLES N. BANCKER, President - EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preaideut. _ • , Jas. W. SVAI.Lia - rEtc, Sec'y pro. tern. • DAVID OAKS is the authorized Agent of` the Corn pang in Chamhersburg, who will furnish all intonnatiod . ecestary to applicnnts. mar'23-tf. I , INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH J.. AMERICA. Incorporated 1794. Charter Peyote/IL CAPITAL 8.500,000. Office Mil Walnut Street, Phila.. delphia, The prompt paytnent of Claims fur Lmses during the period of nearly seventy years that the Company has peen in nistenee, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Persons wishing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned W. G. REED, Agent, Chain persburg, Pa. As Agent for this Company, I not prepared to Cancel 411 Perpetual as well as Tern policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on theltfith of July. returning the full premium paid un application at my tulle& W, G. REED, Agent. REXERESTES--J. D. Grier, J., Allison Eyster, Esq., Stator J. C. Austin, Col. A. E. M'Clurn. notn WkR POLICIES. THE PHOENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BROOKLYN. hase consented to insinTeaAmited. amount of properti Beni tial Pensonal AGALNST LOSS BY VAIL OR INVASION. Persons wishing to inssue their propertyagninst destruction by REBEL INVASION should make early application to CHARLES H. TAYLOR dec`2l-3ln National Bank, Chambersburg. MtAGENT.—Mr. JOHNVE, of ambereburg, is the General A g ent of the I."mank. : 11n County Mutual Insurance Company:- - • june7) ~,ats' l ~t~i~"anb ;~ui~ HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS! FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! DECHERT has' now opened a burs assortment LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FUER Victorizea, E=l Muffm, GENTS EDE GLOVES AND MEWLERS. A large Block of BATS AND CAPS comtantly on band LADIES FANCY FURS! AT JOHN piluga.tes Old Established Ft:whistle-factory, Pro. 7184rch- awe Ws, Rhilatidpaia,—rhave now in stererstary Laporte-lion and Mannfactare, one of the LARGEST-and nixstEEAl) rit'uLselechonsorPANCY FURS, fer,LADIES' and Gtiii.DREN'S WEAR, in the ci ty : Also a Sae, ELLSOltNeat of -Gent's Far Gloves and ollars. AS my Pam were an purchased when Gold was at a much leivenpreadum than at present,l am enabled teats. poen( them atvery Tameable prim and I ;meld there fare !sea from My friends of Pmalinelbotroty apd jar Remember the Name, 'Number and Street t JOHN PAREIRA, 715 Arch Street, above 7th, south aide, .- se -4pt.2Bmoe HILADELPHIA. I have no partner, nor connection With any ether stole lii Philadelphia! - COME TO Tss `MARKET 110IISk •keiTB. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. W. W. k.A..xxoN has Just opened a fine assortment of fIATS, CAPS, - BOOTS and SHOES, at Maness Storein The Market House, where ha can furnish all articles in his Wm clump for cask. SO= goods are sold at old pricer: A fine.aseartment of CANES, 'UMBRELLAS, CAR PET BAGS, VALISES, &0., , k.c.,%constantly on hand. Call anideiamine our large stack of goods. eept2l ' ' W. W. PAXTON, IMPOR T E R S WINES AND LIQUORS. LIQUORS. LADMAN, BALLADE & CO., 50.1. W soma Nix.= Brum_ • ; Between Mama' and Walnut Street', Philadelphia: GEO. M. LAuwis, } 4 . ar. SALLADE, J. D. STITES°, RIVESE, GARDRAT &CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VINTAGE OF 1838,' Each bottle Healed with green wax with the initials of Pie Sm. IMPORTED 13Y LAYMAN, SALLADE & cd!' SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRAWINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND • HOC% WINES - I "AND AN ASSORTML"NT OP FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. PERT PISS AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, Each bottle sealed with yellow wax with the initials oithe Finn. DEPORTED fly LAUMAN, BALLADE &C0., - . No. 18 South Math Street, Philadelphia. OLD RYE HIS K,E -Y . , OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, 1 WARRATIT.D. OBERHOLTZ WHISKEY, . 'POESY WHISKEY, . WERRT'S WHISKEY, TAYFETS WHISKEY, AND READING WINES, LADNAN, SALLA:DE;& CO., • •• • Ho. Lod Saud Ninth Street, Phdatlelphia. n023-Iy. - DENSIOV, 'B( N TT. -ANT). WAR MAIM - AGENCY.—Pensioas procured for soldiers of the presentwar who are disabled by „Itasca of wounds received, or disease contracted, while nethe service of the United States; and . Petudons, 'NO Bounty, and At of Pnyobtaltied for widows or heirs of those who have died or been It aka while in service. JOAN B. ORB, rearMy_ Claim Agent, Chambendhwg Pa. TU.- N. ACHLOSSEWS ,DEWTAL OF .LF ?ICE an Seemed Steel, olni*dcie Sladik of the ISseket Masa i acne Mlnentilleenbeelficied, eani. htwitYAS) , ,k , ..Mlo4::. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL..—_-Dr. 3canwrox,llle founder of thisteclebraled Delta. gm' offers the most certain, ,eiteed,Y, attd - lorily effected remedy in the world Err Meda l Atruetures, - Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loin UmdMtional kap:dance, Weakness of the Beekand lambi; -hoar of the ridnet, Palpitation of the Heart, Dismaig h , See- Wes hettalilitY, DISC'a•SM of the Head. Throat, 'None or skin; and all those serious andllltlatiehoty deaden stria. Kg from-the destructive habits of - Youth, whicii:destmy both body end mind. These 'secret tad solitary poidioes ate mate fatal to their victims than rho song of the Wrens to the mariner illyasus,- blighting their neastleillimit hopm , or anticipations, rendering marriage, *.e.;,lospandble. YOUNG •31BNI. • Young Men especiall , who have become the victims of SolitaryN'ice, and destructive habit which ad manually sweeps to an watimelygravelhowneds of ylattng roe° of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who Might otherwise have entranced listening Senates wltbthe thunders of eloquence, or waked, toecetacythe living jgre;, may call with bill confidence. :denied persons, or yOtiag men contemratirerr being aware of physical treeknennergan cde ' ,de 01 , atides, da., should immediately consult Dr. Johnston; Ile wbo places lumtelf Mader the care of Dr.-Johnston mar religiously confide in his honor en a gentleman, and conlideutly rely upon his skill as a physician. ORE/AMC WEAMiESSIAIMEDIATELT CURED AND FULL VIGOR RESTORED. . This dismde is the penalty . most frequently paldby those who hava become the ,vicums of-hnproper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from, not being ilWalV of the dreadful consequences that may ensue' Sots. who thatunderstands theubject will pretendtodeny that thepower of Procreation is hat sooner by those tatting into improper habit than by the prudent. Besidesteing de rived of the pleasure of healthy °tarring, and the, most senoua and destructive sympathy to mind and body' arlie. The system becomes deranged, tads physical and mental "Jotters weakened, nervonsdobility, dyspeAdn, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting Of the - frame, ootigts, tOmtoms of consumption. - Oda No. 7, South Frederick Street, seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up theaters. Be particular in obsessiog the name and number, or you win mi,rake the place. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Mercury or Nauseout Deuce DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal Col= Surgeons, London, gradante from one of the Meet Colleges of the.Utnted States, and the greater iv hose 'life has been spent in the 'hospitals of •=f Vans, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aktonishitg cares that were ever hums.' Many troubled with ringing in the bead and ears admits asleep,. grest nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and' bashflilnees, with frequent blushing, attended sometinies With derangement of mind, were cured bransdhstely. -- A CERTAIN DISEASE,! When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find he has imbibed the seed of thispaleful disease,* Sao of• tee happens that an ill•timed sense of shame, ordreariof dis covery, deters him from applying to those who frorireducti• then and respeetabilitycan alone befriend him, delay ,till. the eoust it utionalsymptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased• Rose, nocturnal yahoo in the head and limbs, dimness of eight, deadness, nobs on the chin, bones and arms,blotcher mate head, face and extremities, progreising with Irlightfahs pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or thehonee -of the nose fall in and the victim of this awful disease be.' a horrid object of commisseration, deathikrta a period to his dreadful 'offerings, by seediafr him to "that bourne from whence no traveller rearm" To imuli *ere fore, Dr. Jobustonpledges himself to preserve the meet inviolable Secrecy ; and from his extensive pined& in th e Emit Wapiti* of Europe and America; he 03111 confidently recommend 's safe and speedy cure to the unfortmorge tiro of this horrid disease. It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall NictiMs I. this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulneas of Ignorant pretenders who br use of that dreadful prison, • Illereary, ruin the constitunon, and either eend the unfortunate an untimeli , grave, or make the residue Mille miserable. PARTICULAIt NOTICE! - • • Dr..l. addresses those who have lajured themselves by private and improper indulgences. - These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pre. duced by early habits of youth, viz :—Wealtmess of the Bach and Limbs, Pains in Um Head, Dimness of Sigh!, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart,- Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the /MOP ,tive Functions, General Debility, ;Symptoms of ee . iitatnnv boo, dm. MesrAtiv, the fearful effects on the mind are math' to be dreaded; loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Dwa. aims of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to ,Sodety, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, d:c.; are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge vrbitt is the cause of their declining health, laming their vigor, becoming tweak, pale, have angular appearance about the eyes, cough. and symptoms of Consumptiou2 JOHNSTON-1' INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS: By this great and iniportant remedy; Weakness of the Organs is speedily cured, andfull vigor restored. - • - Thousands of the meet nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately, relieved,- All impediments te Maniage, Physical or Mental - Disqualifl-, cation, Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston., YOUNG MEN, who have Injured themselves by a certain praatioe, indul ged in when alone--a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are Mghtly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render mardageimpossible, anddestroysboth mindandbody,shonidapplyiramediately What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country 'the darting of his parents, should be snatched from. all. prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of ifg doip the path of nature, and indubsingitu oar tain secret habit. Such -personf, before E contemplating habit should reflect that a sound mind and bodyare thernastne misery requisite:lto peomote connubial hmesa /ridged, without these, - the journey through fife 6semes a steatite • pilgrimage, the prospect hourly ambers •to the %leery tiro mind becomes shadowed with despair andfilled with the melauchory reflection, that the happiness of curtailer be , comes blighted white= OFFICE NO. T SOUTH, FREDERICK STREET TO STRANGERS.—The many thousands medal this Institution in the last fifteen years, and the umnimus,lut porMnt surgical Operations performed by Dr. J. Wittieseed. by the reporters of the papers, and many other _pensons„ , notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so many Ignorant and worthlemqnsells advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems, it to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, hie 4 Diplomas hang in his office. TASZ Nana:.—All letters mast be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be-sent. (mar May— Collars, Ermine, dui UES T 0 S '4"4:OIESTIONS! QUESTIONS! THAT CONCERN EVERY ONE TO ANSWER. Are you bald? Does your hair fall WI Has yotir hair become thin? Does it feel harsh, and dry, and feverish Is ft turning gray before its time? - Are you tfoubled with itching, burning tiezwaticns of th• scale ' Arit yen troubled with Dandruff! Are sort troubled with what is called Sexitlallarr Rheum Rave you had the Erysipelas, and lost yoter Utz I Rave you bad the Measles, and Icet it? Have yart had tho Typhoid Fever, and kit it Rave you bad the Bruin Fever, oedipal it I . Rave you loet your hair by any sickress . Do yen wish luxuriant hair I Do you wish soft and lustrous hair Do you wish gray hair restored? Do you wish wish your whiskers emit • Do you wish therarestored iu colon - . Do you want a drawing I Do you want It for yourself, for father or =taw, kr brother, sister, or friend? • - Do you vast to make a present t Do you want a Perfame foryont toilet? Do you want a Aurratess article I Do you want a pure article ? Do you want a double distilled article! Do you want a cleansing article I , • Do you, want the best preparation out fardteadmg, sthse , Witting, protecting, restoring the color, itatissideitagmt4 effigy and lustrous the Roman Halm H so, teuwarraut To be Umequalled and Superior to astir Preparations ever Compounded and offered to the public," Satisfaction guaranteed, or the money refunded. - It oasts but $1 for one bottle, or six for eS, 'and Is se/d bp. druggists and dealers everabere. C. G. MARX & Proprietors. D. S. BABNAB & CO., N. IC., General Agents. innel.9m &erg," lilanto anb 'Vint's. RYDER'S FRANKLIN COUNTY' NURSERIES.—Iuurr ssai ORNAMESTAL Ti= Gnats ViNris, STaAWBERRT Pt.sms, ETC. =The stock to select from in th e cou n t y . the FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable, can be supplied from the commonest standard Trait The, to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Jkpplei Trees are unusually flue, stoutheavy trunks, furnished with fine .brauching heads, front three to Ave feet from the Found, as may be desired. Our aim is to grow the best of every thing, pruning and cultivating upon scientific principlae. eanseonertly, our productions are not offeret . i In compel!, ~on with Trees grown mion the old let-alone syitterni invitation is extended to all whpare interested sure, to come and see for themselves. A large stock of Greenhouse and Beddin g Roses, &c., in pots, will be ready in April and 1tai,t,,„_,..X 4 ; close a three cent stomp for descriptive Catalear...` and Ornamental trees, &c. - Address B. L. RYTibut West Franklin N'arserlea, Near Loudon. - Famidia cc , PL marl -v TNFOltlitATICig SUFFERERS.—A gentleman, cured at Nereetnalhe. bility, Incompetency, Premature Decayand Totrthfil - ror,- actuated by a desire to benefit ahem, warbibiy& to furnish to of who need th (fre 4 of eherfleX the tee" - and dixectkma for mating the alnsplo remedy *sato Ws caw. Sufferers wishing to pre& by theadvertleolled experience, and possess a sure and valnable - tero4o do so by add:eating him at once at his place ofitetdelW The ReetPe and full infoanation—ed will be cheerth4 sent by return Mt& - Ad- JOHN.B. 001,821 i • 60. - No. Nassau BMW* forn. P. i ff ti ftermea viitta idfamm , of , both-_ , ld ll .,ll , 3o , ll eillird'ile' ; • aL ._ MARRIAGE! BALTIIdOBE. QUF 4 STIONS! CLARE'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR TER, HAIR!