eoal,Undo, sg. FAinfrqiS. 100 Tom or sr:am Twe HAY . wanted-byozo.A. Dam. MY WALNUT LOGS W a ned GEo. A. Dirrz. 403 ASH LOGS - wonfeby GEO. A. DEITT.. 300 LARGE CHERRY- LOGS '-"Tatited by GEct. A. DErrz. WEEA.T, RYE, COBS, OATS, sad an kliaila Produce bac& by OEo. A. DtaTt„ at by WArehouse above the Eallitaut Depot. VrovE AND LIME COAL for italieheap, by the ton or half ton. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD by the cord - or half cord. ' . OAK AND HICKORY WOOD, 'awed end split fin stove use, by the cord or ball rind. WINDOW AND DOOR SILLS, of Oak, Walnut and. Pine, always on Land. wits Ow AND DOORFRAME STUFF, and sdikinds of LUMBER, trash as Oak and Tine Plank; Oul„Wolnut, Pineandflemlock Boards ; Floorivgßatuds, Joists,. Seantliag, Shinglss, Paling, Laths, &e -t EST OF ROOFING SLATE always on hand,,and roofs put on by the best Slaters, who have dniwn medals for their superior workmanship• CALL AT 'DEITZ'S WAREHOUSE, allre^the Railroad Depot, and bziy cleap, [dec3l LEONARD EBERT & SON, 1.4 COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. We have on baud all kinds of Coal and Lumber, and are prepared to brash Bill Lumber to order at short no. the, at' the most reasonable terms, Our stook of Lum• bar angst' of White Pine 2 inch Plank, " select Plank. " Plank. " 1 select and Calling Boards, Boards, " • " Siding (6 inch,) nßest River Sluugles, • " Al Worked Florlag, bidingg ti " Joist and Scantling, all sizes, Hemlock Joist and Scantling, BOIMITSg Yellow Sine Boards, Joist and Scantling, Palling and Plastering Laths. Walusve also always on hand a good supply of all kinds of Coal for stoves and lima-burning. Also a supe rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are invited to give us a call, as we will endeavor to give sathaitction to all that call. Coal and Lumber famished on the cars to any station on the Franklin Railroad. Er'Ofiloe on Second St., in the rear of the Jail Yard_, Chambersharg, Pa. LEO. EBERT i SON. SMALL, BENDER & CO., York and Goklaboraue, Pa., LIT BIWER'DBALERS AND Id.A.XITFACTIMERS OF . . SASH, DOORS, SRUTTERS, BLINDS, DOOR AND "WINDOW FRAMES. 4c., Seep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas onable/amber, :---.Toist and Scantling, Weatherboard ing, 4ressed Flooring, Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings and kite tine and Oak BUls, sawed to order at the abar.: , *Soo. All comninnicat 3 ons should be addressed to YOU, PA. [sera•ly QTEAM SAW MILL.—The undersign- J-ed bails ereciod and in operation a Steam Saw Mill at the South Mountain, near Graffenbarg Springa, and are to saw to order Bills, of WHITE OAK, PINE, HEMLOCS. or any kind of timber desired; at the short est notice and at low rates. One of the firm will be at the Betel of Sam'l Greenawalt, in Cbanabershurg, on Satur day the 24th Jae, and on each alternate Sattuday thereaf ter for the purpose of contracting for the delivery of lum ber. LUMBER DEISTERED at any point at the Lon , EST RATES. ' All letters should be addressed to them at Greenbarg P. Adams Co., Pa. decl4-tf ISILTENBEBGELL & BRADY. RUT'. DIN G LUMBER.—The under signed.", is prepared to saw all kinds of Building Lam. ber et thelowest market price. IL A. RENFREW, GAM - WOOD 141118, Fayetteville P. O. decf&tn, 3Sootto ant( ,Stationerg. T OLD-BOOK STAND OF S. S. SHRYOCK, Mallen removed to the new Molding opposite the Posr OFFICS, where a fall assortment of ' SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ETC., Can be had at exceedingly Low Prices. WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES, a large and new stock. Fairchild's Celebrated Gold Pena folly warranted. Orders taken tor goods, which will in the id poseible time. • The New York and Philadelphia Papers received daily, for which weekly subscriptions will be taken. net Class Navels, Magazines and Periodicals received as soon aspnblished. We can sell Photograph Albums cheaper than they can be had elsewhere. Maio sent free of portage to any part of the county. Gilt Prather, Worsteds and Fancy Goods constantly on band. Our arrangements are such that we can supply any or ders entlakeintily and with dispatch. Mt. J. B. 811VOCK, it now located in New York, which enables us to undertake the most complex commissions. Old Books of particular editions, dates or style. hunted up at a reasonable commission. [noel] SNID'ER, PA EMI BOOK SELLER, BOOR BINDER, i BLANK Boos. mAßuPAcreraßß AND. PAPER RULER, CBAXBEESIMIIO. PA. Has opened a 'Room in the Market House, and keeps constantly on hand School, Miscellaneous Books, Statinn es7, Blank Books, Wall Paper, Paper and Brown Linen Wind& Shades, Photograph Albums Lutheran, German Refunked and presbytenan Hymn Books, Steel Pans, Pencilk Arnold's genuine Writing Plaid, Palmy Pictorial Pleasure Books for children, Paints and Pencils, Marking Pencils, Atehitect's Drawing and Pattern Paper, Novels, Ink Stands in great variety, Diaries for 1865, Violin Strings; Panay Traveling and School Baskets, &c. BLANK BOORS made to order, Paper ruled to Pat tern, Old Books, Period - rats Music, and Newspapers Botmd in any style. •. dea.-2m. catbing. NETIy 41:111iTERS AND NEW STOCK.. THE OLD CLGTHDIG EMPORIUM, la THE 31.AU8ET ROME, aciSZkrakarg, Thee denigned; after a temporary absence necessitated by the ftrUCtloll of Chambereburg, has again returned and opened out in fell blast in the Market House between Wallace's Dry store and Huber &Lem:aster's Gro sery store, st assortment of PALL AND INTER GOODS, of every description andquality, - This stock consists of Ready Made Crothing each as Offer Coats. Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drums, Ste., also • GENTLENESS' FURNISHING' GOODS, such as Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls , Handkerchiefs, Cel lars, Umbrellas, /Restock of Cloths for customer work consists of French, English and Domestic mroaufactore. Bleak Doe Skin and ^Fancy Casement, Black Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vesting]; which will be made op to order in styles to suit the taste of onstonsers, on short notice, end reasonable terms. Having engaged a practical Cutter from the East, lam prepared tolmnish clothing in the most fashionablestyles, and as note but experienced workmen are engaged per• sons may rely upon getting their work well done at my Store. Thtlnkful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, I re spectirdly solicit a oouttnuance of the tune. e 0%19, 7 J. T. HOSICTSSO,N. f,e,tuing itaarbines. LONG LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST, The Perfettion of Setting Machines. IRE CELEBRATED. FLORENCE SE'W, t ING MACHINES. Can ads/ de seen at the residence of MRS. R. P. HAZE. LET, gawk Main Street, ionnediatetY opposite Dr. 4. H. $471.1019 . 8, ChltltherSbUrg, , where an person interested in Sewing Machines are incl. ted to call and examine this wodderful machine. Ii has been the &Octal the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE colt - pm:lr to supply a machine free from the objections attached to other tine class machines. and after the patient, untleng labor of years, and a liberal en. peraxtre of capital in seeming the lint mechanical talent, their efforts have been crowned with seeress, and they are now reeling to the miblie the rn est prerfect Sewing Machine in the world. Among Its many advantages over all other machines, maybe mentioned, Ist. lemakesfour diferent stitches on one and the same =chine, each stich being perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric. X Changing from on , kind of Patch to another, as well as the length of the stitch, can readily be done while the machine is in motion. Eeery aitch r ie r pecreut in fug); making the seam secure and uniform, combining elasticity, strength and beauty. 4th. It has the reversible feed motion, which enables the operator to =the work to either the right or left, or stay Saypart of the seam, or fasten the ends of seams without turning the fabrie or slopping the machine. sth it is the most ropui MCC" en the world, making five stitches to each revolution, and there is no other machine whhah Will do so large a range of w_urk as the FLonEzic.E. 6th. It does the hoariest OffinebT work with equal facility, without tension or breaking , of thread. 7th.. It hems, foils, binds, gathem, braids, quilts, and Peat and sews on a ruffle at the mine time. Bth. Its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. Its motions are all positive, and them are no deserting, toga out of order, audit is adapted to all kinds moth -Work, from thick to and it is almost noise- 91h. - The pLourscr , srw - csavauclurai nue gunned Isibeenty and-eVle, end must be gen lobe appre elate. - ma. 13. P. BAZELET, having been appointed actie Alentforthe sale of the above Sewing Machine. i n / l UD= o.._Valjeaafrilly. invites the Laeii tit. Can SZWELfIIO crwszNCE. ar All Machine+ warnizt•Al one year. rev,. Otocerisol.kt X E W , S' E.. GELWICKS & 117 RKHAET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GEtivICKSAi BOBSZAir; baying been burnt out by the Rebels in the bmning orCbambersbeirg, - have since built NCO Stott R"PS ON SECOND STREET, Between Sellers' and Brown's Hotels, where they propose selling, N7aukraicsod Rasa, Groceries, Salt, , .Elymps, Provisions, Fish Buckets, Flour, Coffees, • -Lamps, Produce, Spices. Globes, Teas, Brooms, Wicks, " • Wares, Cords, Sugars, Oils, Twines, and thousands of useful articles used by every family and Saki In coantri storm Oui stock of GEOCERIES Is folioed complete, embracing every article in this lute, from the common grade of goods up to the finest quality. Our stock of GROUND AND UNGROUND SPICES ' are all strictly pure and fresh, having been carefully se lected by one orate Scm, Mr. Burkhart, who is a practical baker and confeetloner. All • our Ground Spices are ground on ottr own spice min, and ' as be relied on. We offer the folloTring • OILS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Sperm 011, Unwed pi, Whale Oil, r Bleached Winter 041, Coal Oil, Elia:iced Oil, Lubrio Oil, Painters' Oil, Mid strictly prime KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, GLOBES AND WIbKS. The largest assortment of Lamps, Globes and Wicks to the county. These we my we can and will cheaper than the cheapest, as they were purchased in large quan tities direct from the manufacturers. To our large stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, SPICES, GROUND COl-ThE, COFFEE IN PAPERS AND CANS, we invite special attention, as we will warrant theni to give satisfaction or refund the min:talc We also invite attention to our very large and ' ( - varied aesortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Nrhioh We offer very cheap, wholesale and retail. FL O. R All brands of Floor by the barrel or smalL CONFECTIONERY In connection with the above business we carry on the Confectionery business in all its branches, manufacturing many of the articles in this line ourselves, which enables us to sell very low, both wholesale and retail. Ouistook of Confectionery consists in part of Raisins, . Currants, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, • • Prunes, _ • Citron, All binds of Crackers, a general assortment of FRESH CANDIES, together with every description of domestic Candies that are made. Our stock is large and has been carefully selected, em• bracing by far too many different articles and quantities to attempt to name articles or list of paces, Forme to say that it it our determination to always keep up a lull as• sornnent of goods and sell as cheap as the cheapest " N. o—To Countrylderchants and all who wish to buy goods at wholesale, we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap a:S:lmq Jobbing House in the cities, COHN. TRY PRODUCE AND MARF:E,TMG of all kinds wanted, for which the highest price will be paid in can. tinsirl6V IVELIVICKS lk; au =caw nfr F RUITS, SPICES, &c. Oranges and Lemons, Onions, Bunch Raisins, Preserved Ginger; Seedless Raisins, (BMus, .. Layer Raisins, Pineapple Pre serves, Prunes, Paper shelled Almonds, Currants, ' Raid Shelled do Citron& Filberts, Turkey Figs, . • Pecan Nuts, Malaga Figs, Cocoa Nuts, Fruit, ' English Walnuts. Split Pmts. ' Walnuts, Watnnt Catsup, ' Shellbarks, Tomato do Water Crackers, Mushroom do Sugar do Pineapple Cheese, Matches, Sap Sago do Stove Polish, English do Smoke Apes, SWISS 'do Market Baskets, Limburger )410 Buckets, . . Baker's Chodblate, Brooms . , Worebestershire Sauce. Essence Coffee.. Pepper, Cloves, Candies, Citmaraon, Al*ce ground Lead Pencils, . . expressly for family use, Castile Soap, Beans, Pickles, , ' Toilet do Chow Chow pickles, Rosin do Caul , flower do Indigo, . Mixed do '' • Starch, Mace, Ginger, Wrapping Twine, Nutmegs, Stone ware, Macaroni, Preserving Tumblers, . Vermicelli, ` Scrubbing Brushes, Nonpareil Ca!pees, Sweeping, ,do Lenten, - Shoe, do French Mustard, Shoe Blacking, Coleman's Mustard Silver Sand, ' , Durham "'do Bath Brick, Salad Oil, Tripoli, -tor sale at SHAFER & STUARTS, -On Queen Street, East of the Methodist Church. GROCERIES WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL—SHAFER er STUART, on Queen Street East of the Methodist Church, would respectfully call the attentomof the citizens of Chambersbrag and vieiniry to the varied and extensive assortment of GROCERIES, ERESH FRUIT, QUEEN - WARE, CEDARWARE, - and a general Stock of-Miscellaneous Articles which they ate now off erinr, and constantly receiving from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, at their Store Room, on Queen Street, Last of the Methodist Church. It is their intention to keep such an assortment as the do. meads of the community 'require. They have the bent facilttes for the purchase of goods, on the most advanta geous terms, and having their own cars on the Road, add one of the Erns being almost constantly in the city, affords them every advantage in purchasing goods in the shiniest time, and at less expense than usual, which enables the% to sell very loco for auk! SUGARS, COFFEES AND TEAS of all grades, from the highest to the lowest prices by the barrel, sack or rollnd. SYRUP AND MOLASSES, by the Hogiaend, Barrel, or retail for family use. Sugar Cured Hans, Coarse and Pine Salt, Fish and Cheese. 'We would tall especial attention of country dealers and others, wishing to purchase at wboinsale prices. as we are prepared to sell everything in theDrocery line as cheap as can be purchased in the Eabtern cities The highest price paid in cash for country produce or taken in ma:flange for goods. SHAFER & STUART, MARKET HOUSE—The undersigned respectfully inform their numerous enstomen3 and the public serkerally that they Lave re-opened their Gro cery Store cu the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Company, In the- Market House, and take this method of returning their thanks for the liberal parroon4e heretofore extended to them. Their stock is complete In' every variety of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Ham, Syrups, Salt, Mackerel, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, T o . - bacccw, Bnishes, Brooms, Thickets, Cords, Twines, Glass ware, Queensware and evellibing heretofore kept at their former place of businc,s. 'I bey will always keep a soul. stem stock on hand to he enabled to meet the demands of the community. COUNTRY PRODUCE ta k en i n ex , change for goods at rash market prices. Don't forget the' place, Market House,) three doors from the earner, on Queen st ree t, [emir:3lj lIUBER & LEMASTER. QPRECHER'S GROCERY STORE- The undersigned luat the largest stock of FAMILY GROCERIES In town, which be otters to the public atlas lowest CA.SII PRICES. It is not ueeessar; tom:numerate, as his stock is large anti complete. ve . Highest pricespaid fur COITNTRY PRODUCE in est hang* for ;roods. faug3l . l CYRUS SPRECHER.' HOLLOWAY; 11 7 110LESALE C. GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; 505 31AtiKrt STREET, (240? th Side, oboe Fifth streeto Philudolph ang`24.ly RESH FISH AND 'OYSTERS RE F Seised every week st SHAPER & STUART'S, on Queet, street, East of the Methodist Church. FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT AND Corn that. by the barrel or mall quantities, for sale at . SHAPER & sTuArrs, Queen street. A MAN OF A. THOUSAND.—A Cox, strSteTtvE ii. JAMES, a Retired Physician of great eminence, 'discovered, while in the Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronald tas, Coughs, Colds nud General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him When his only child, a daughter ; was giving well. to die. lIIs child was cured, and gloms alive and well. Desirorth of benefiting his fellow mortals, be will send to these who wish it the_recipe, containing full directions for making end suncessfidly using, this remedy, free on receipt of theirnaines, with two stampstu pay expenses. There is not a single case of Cm/rant_ption that It does not at once take hold of and dissipate. 'sight sweats, peevishness, irritation of the nerves, failure of me mory; difficult expectoration, sharp pains la the longer core throat, chilly sensations, nauseant the stomach, ties acne bowels, wasting away of the muscles. ar The writer will please state the =went the paper they sees thltadyertlsernent hr. - Address. CRADDOCK rfs teseialyi 2 North 2d At, Phitsderool, po. illie..takm-dig)*OVq7 . pMberabztg,; - 4)m t AS' 6'N H A Di A: I, I Ikt' -cABIRET OEGNg. MELODEONS :Were introduced some twenty years since, and were oacceeded by .the HAEMONIUMS about nine yearongo,' The 'CABINET' ORGAN 'war broivht to itspreserit !tee of perfection only in -the sunnier of •THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has greet advantages over any other invention of thekincl, capable of pitafiner effects .than can be produced by ' raw other, snail more easily used by the perforsur, and excels esPeciell is caPccit9frr FL7n:euinn.' Please notice advance in prices, CABINET Ost 6.—SINGLS No. 15.' Four Octave; Single Steed, in Walnut-or Oak Case - $llO No. 10 • The Same, in elegantßosewood Case 135 'No. 17. Five Octave, Single, Seed, in - Walnut or Oak Case. 130 ,No. IS. - Thelame, In elegant Rosewood Ca5e...... 160 DOthu.tltEr.a. Jo.- 19., Four Octave;t Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case 140 No.: 20. -Tan Same, in elegant Rosewood. Case. /65 'No: 21. Five Octave„ Double -Reed, in Walnut or ' Oak Case. - 170 No. W. The Same, in elegant Rasewnod Casa. 200 Na 23. The Sam - a, in - Solid Carved Walnut 'or Oak, with Walnut Carvings. 4 40 SLV STOP. No: 14. Six . Stop' Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case. 300 Fl.! 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 360 • EIGLIT,STOP. No. P.Z. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case 425 No. 1L The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 200 No. 24. :The Same, In Sethi Carved Wolcott. 500 PEDAL Bass. No. 10. Pedal- Bass Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case. 600 Caw of ultra finish on hand, or made.to eider. S. No. 5._ Five Octavo, Piano ,style, Rosewood Case—Also No, 6, The,Sagia - Portohle, Rosewood Case 110 No. 7.' The - Sanie, Podahle Walnut Case 95 No. 9, Four Octave, Portable, ROsewoodCase...- • 75 W . Descriptive pamphlets famished by the salseri. ben As Agents for Messrs.. Mason &Hamlin we are enabled to sell at'theinNew York prices, - -and charge nothing for freig,ht. _, R e h a v e sold a number of their instruments, and can give munerons satisfactory references.- S. S:1811 - RYOCIL Agent, Chambersharg, l'a. _ _ aug3l Rj D . • THE MUSICAL P) . l . OF iZEW 'WAX. TO WM. B. EiRAIEBURY. We have examined, with much care, Br, Wm. B Brad; bury's New Scale Plabofortes, and it is our bpinion that, In power, polity, richness, equality- of tono,..and thorough workmanship, Mr.Bradbary's instruments exeeL We Sod great brilliancy and a beautifhl singing quality of tone most happily blended. We have }IMMIX seen a square Anne combine so many of these qualities essential to a PFALFECT znitIIKELST. bfason, W. Berge, S. B. Mills, Charles Wells, • George W. Morgan, George P..Bnistow, Theodore Thomas, _ A. Sneak - Ran,' Sanderson, - Gustave R. Eckhardt, John N. Pattison, George H. Curtis, Charles Prude!, H. E. Matthews, Robert Aeller, P. Ritter; Charles °robe, P, L. Nash, • StaikOsch,Theodore Clara W. Beames, John H. Jakler,• Max. Alaretzek, Robert Stoepel, Carl Ansehuta,- Henry C. Thrum, T. E. Perkins, E. M. Carrington, President K. Y...Hertnenlc Society. 'Theodore Hagen, Editor tiers Fork. Musical limier.. ,John Zundel, Organist in R.W. - Beecher'iChtireb. An assortment ether +magnificent Pianos note on hand. .Wantroores, N 0.427, Broo:me street, corner of Crosby street, one,blook east of Broadway, New York. deel.l-1m WM. B. BRADBURY. LT 0 R A-C E W A Tll R S 11 GREAT MUSICAL -ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 481 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Eighty New Pianos, Melodeons, Harmoniums, Alexan dre and Cabinet Organs, at Wholesale and retail, Prices low. SECOND ELAND PIANOS atgreat bamans. prices jcbm $6O to fit'2oo. New Octave Pianos, tea) 'and &2 0 .15 ; with Carved Legs andMonlaings. 8300 and upward/I. Melodeons, $O5 to Mr. • .A large Stock of SHEET MUSIC, TfUSIC BOORS, and an kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and Music Merchanhise at the lama! rater. 10,000 Sheets of Music, alittle coiled, at I 1.2 Cards per Page. n0530.3m THE CHAMBERSBURG SILVER COR NET- BAND is prepared to funitsh Music for 31lli "7, sick, Religious amt Political Asswiationa Plotki. mons in any part of the State. Pienimltay parties. &c., accomioodated at SIM'S notice. Address P. DOCIZ'PREY, IL B. BATNICK, Leader. ockl93mos Aarbt,oart D W A 11• E HATBER & TOLBERT EMT opened tlielratere on 31.ain street, nearly opposite their aid place of business, .with an estasurieuw..l, "f 'Pau,'writ", Cullers, &a, errusieting is part of Iron, Nails, SFik€ l , Hinges, Plum, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Tar, Varnish, Glass, Brushes, Shovels, Rakes, Spades, Blasting Powder, Grind Stones, dedar Ware, Pocket Salves, - Sze. SpOda' attention Is Caned BaWen and Contractors, tie they arts prepared to &nab Jit any quantity, at tvholemle, everything in their line. Call and examine onr 3too's. novl6 COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARB. The subscriber respectfully Infornis his friends and the public, that be continues to carry on the above Matinees, at hie old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Re formed Church, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Having enlarged his business, Saddlers' and Cowl. -makers will fnd in his Store Room a ventral assortment of Roads minki to their several requirements, such as , Fair and Country Hogskins, Patent Leather, Saddle Trees and Girthing. Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat Hair, Straiiibtg Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotton: Humes, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japanned Coach Handles, new styiee; Cattalo Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts; Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; iron Plated and , Wood Gig Humes. BUCKLES—BRASS, SEWER .ASCR. 4 IAPANNED, ail. Styles and Patterns; few and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, and n rakietyof othergoodssultabte for the trade. 'ALL KINGS OF PLATING, dro„tione with neatness and despatch., [decl4) LEWIS WAMPLER. CHEAP HARDY . ARE! BHA.ND PLAcTs: , Had a few grads under - this burned. Such as Locks, - Hinges, Screws and other Hard-, ware. Besides, they have just received from New York nod Philadelphian very large lot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. They having been burned out, therefore we offer Gen, Halls, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts. 911 s, Tam, Paint, &e., at th!!owiLs bgure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We. have oil hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds which we will sell less than it can be bought in the oily Also we have 100 kegs of \ sils slot Spikes, we offer a from G to 10 dollars per keg. ' MEM Knives and Forks, Scrssors, M.U.nrs, Pocket Knives, Spoons. Se.., just received frcm2. New York. which we offer very low. sep2B ARDWATCE, OILS AND PAINTS H ,- The public are Inviteddo call and examine the large and well selected stock of FOREIGN AND DO3IESTIO HARDWARE, Just opened ua&COnd, bay= Qvcera and Market Streets, Chanabergbarg, Pa. Having purchased most of their goods before the recent advance in price., from leading manufacturers, we are determined to sell oar customers goods cheap. We have on hand Oils, Paints, Glass, Cutlery, Spoons, Iron and Steel, Rakes, Shovels & Forks, Saddlery, Shoe Findings, Ropes, Cords, Homes, Chains, Brushes, Ponder, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Files, Pots, Kettles and Pans. Tools of every description, and goods of all kinds usually kept in a well regulated Hard ware e.stablishuient. Orders from a distance, accompanied with the cash, promptly attended to, and goods furnished as cheap, an when the Person is present. Call and My us. 0et.5.0 - "Mr.f3,; & RHODES, NAILS OF EVERY SIZE AND PAT TERN; Glass, 411 sizes and qualitlait; Locks, Hin ges and Screws, Oils and ralbts, Varnishes, Turpentine, and every description of Building Hardware tan be bad, at low prices, by calling on IRWIN & MOD - RS, on Sea. and Street CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, Shoemaker' Findings, Saddlers' Findings • at BRAND & FLACK'S,— SHOVELS, FORKS AND SPADES AT 25 cents each and many other articles which was in the &e, which can ba:maile as good as new - 1 at BRAND & FLAMS. TV YOU WISH TO BUY CHEAP OARDWARE, WI on IRWIN & RHODES, on Se end Street, CIEDAB - WARE.--Call at tbelState in the Alley. FUND Li LAC/K. roues &c. OFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS ,Just ealvedat E. D. IZEID'S. _ . 3/ IN C Riff A T .—A fresh supply a t BEM'S. 'ETA 14S •AND BEEF.—A large lot_of jUL fresh eared City Rams and Riled Reef, at REED'S. ' OatiNGES, LEMONS, RAISINS,,CUR 'rub, Citron, Dried Apples, - Dried' Mollies: &t., at RED'S. IS H.—No. 1 Shore Mackeral, Dried Halibut. Dtiod Cod, Shad, &c., at HEED'S. _ BIICKWEIZAT AND HOMINY.—:Just ieceiTed a lot of lieu - 3erae s y freali_grotild "Encl. a - Lida Neal; pate- white Ilominy, • Soup' Sft,os,. de.r.„, .at MID': NI 0 N-S .—Wetheilield and Coin 7‘..„! endow, a large awpply, at EtEID'S. • TTEROSINE OIL AND LAMPS..2-Stt perlor erne Oil, Cbnmber and Parlor Lamps, Shades, Lanterns, &0., nt REM'S. Linea of trabel. p ENNSYLV ANIA -RAILROA_Di WINTER TLHE TABLE. FIVE TREYS DAILY wend from Pilladelplda and Pittsburg. On and after Mduday. October 31st. 1864, the Paasenger Trains of the peoasylvaniaßailreat Company will depart from Harris burg and arrive at Pt ladelphia and Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dai ly at 2.45 A. X., and arrives at West Phitadelf,hha at 6.55 A. M. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except litorslay) at t l .OO A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1140 P. 11. Passengerstae breakfast at Lancaster. MAIL TRAI'S leaves Harrisburg daily (eseeid Sun day) at 130 P. at., diid arrives at West Philadelphia at 5. 35P. X. . PITTSBURG AXI) ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris• burr( daily (except Sundays) at 11.55 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4,x„0 A. at. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4.1X1 P. Idi and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 Y. at. Tlaa train kas no tnnnection from tfie West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. 31.. and amves at Lancaster at 9.15 A. X.: connecting (except on •Monday) trail the Pant Line east. WESTWARD - - PITTSBURG , AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 12.3.3 A. si., Altoona 6.50 A.M. - , take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.90 BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.4 A. M.: Altoona 8.15 A. M., take breakEtsk and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. M. . THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg tinily at 3.- 25%A. P.. Altoona at 6.15 A. m., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. AL PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dally (except Sunday) at 9.00 P. Ir.: Altoona at 9.10 P. M., take supper, and ar rives at 'ttbttrir at 2.00 A. _ MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except San day)at 140 F. M.: Altoona at 7;55 P. M., take sapper, and =lves at Pittsburg at 130 P. N. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION west leaves Lan caster at 11.20 A. M., cementing there with the Man west; lenvea Mount Joy cal 1.51 A. M.; and arrives at Harrisburg at I.® P. 11. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAL4" from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg , at 6.30 P. M., stops tbere, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay overun tH 11.55 P. 312 i _SAMUEL D. YOUNG, • nor 9 :Sup' t Middle Div. Penna. R. R. VORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY -LI FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Thtins Daily to and from Baltimore and ITashington City. Connections made with tltinson Pt ansyll'anfa ROMA to and from Pittsbdrt; and the West. FOUR TRALNS DAILY to and front the North and, West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of 'Northern Icew York! Oa and of M0n624 Oct, 17t/, IRfrl, the Passenger zi-mn, of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN . le.svet Spabory daily (except - Sonday)• 211:25 • leaves Harrisburg naives at:Baltimore 530171. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily 'tax - cept Sunday) 11:45 Var. • leavesllartisburg (except Morelay) , • arrives at Baltimore HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves . Flartiaburg NUIJURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- _bury4l.EMy ! PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAM leaves SlSTlbllrylklallY (ex. Sunday) 9.-05 P.M. NORTAWARD. NAIL TRAIN leacee Baltirnore daily (except Swa,3 , a , ity) leave. narris. 1. Pt tkleszsa I..Cliitti4 . !` (Bammorfl dally... ;..go TAW arrives at Mrliaburt.. -.... I IvYI A.M. " leaves Rar#sbarg daily (ex - , eept Minidae) , , arrives at Saibrary - ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore' daily (except Sundays) at,. leaves Harrisburg daily (es cept Sundays) at 1.2:35 " arrives at Sunbury at. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves . Ealtilneredaily(ex.lionday 3;00 P.r. arrives at Harrisburg at. 7:50 SUNBURY ACCOM.BIODATIONIeaves Har: list:al; daily (ex. Sunday). 40) The Erie Express and Madelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie sad all Intermediate points. Mail and Express trains ran through to Eludia. 1007 farther information apply at tire ()Mee, in Pennsyl• ran% Railroad Depot. 0et1.6'64 - N. DttBARIW, CIS. Supt. pIALADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL LL great line traverses the Northeta and, Northwest emmtles of peartsyttittha to the city of Erie, OD Late Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania 'Railroad Com pany, and is opted by them. Its entire length ins , opened for passenger and freight husiness, October 11th, 1864. TEVIE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG- =EI gall Train . Cock Raven Accommodation. 3Viltiamsport 'Accommodation = Mail Train 1135 A. t. Lock Haven Accommodation 130 A. sL. Willinamport Accommodation . 1E Passenger Cars nro, through on Mail Train, `rwithouti change both ways between 'Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Caps on Elmira Express Trains both ; ways between Williamsport and - Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger latsiness apply at- Corner 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. ' And for Freight business of the Company's Agents;, S. B. ErSasToN, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Ste.; J. W. REYNOLDS; Erie. J. M para., Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, H. IL HOUSTON. -Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia, If. GWINNER, Gen. Ticket Agent:Philadelphia. JOS. D. PUTTS, Gen. Manager, Williamsport jan4,6s_ (I . I7MBERLAND VALLEN 64 FRANK tki MN RAILROADR.—CRANGE OF HO Li RS.— Ou sad after Monday, October 314464, Passenger Trains will run daily, BF follows, (Sun 4 o t excepted) : FOR CHAMBERSIMRG AND fIATIRISBURG : Leave Hagerstown " Greencastle Chambersburg e4t • `` l tkaci at. Leave Shippetsburg " Newaille " Carlisle 0:30 10:102,10 '. Mechanicsburg 7:00 10:42 - 3:16 Arrlte at Harrisburg '7-20 11:15 3.45 FOR CHAMMEINIIHRG AND HAGERSTOWN: 5.31: r.ar. .r.Ol. . 8:01 1:40 1:15 g:f7 9.47 2:58' 10:02 3:34 10:33 4:04 11.00 4.35 .1110 • 4:45 4 : 37 .12.35 0:15 Leave llirrisburg. Mechanicsburg... " Carlisle liewrille " Shippeasbarg,... 'Arrive at Charabersbreg , Leave Chambersburr " ,Greencastle Arrive . at Fkageriown , 'Making close connections at-Harrisburg with trains New York and Pittsburg, and with trai for all vomit; West. ' The-Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:11 P. Tans only far as Carittle. 0. N. LULL, Supt. R. R. Ofßre, Oct. 31, I6Q-1. [1 0 IT G 1-1" - N a I+l Tar STRICKL N D s MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSA - M! Dr, Strickland's idelliflnnus Congli BalFain is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds, Hmitseneas, Asthma: Whooping, Cough, 8003 Thront, Consurprtion, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. For sale 15.1_• C. H. Cressler, Chainbersburg. General Depot, No. ti East Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. , An the medical men and the Press recommend _ . • • • DR. STRICELAhiII'S A.IXTI-CHOLER.A. MIXTURE an the only certain remedy for Diarrhoea and Dysentery. /t is a combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Stintu• lents and Canninativeg, and is warrented to effect a cure idler all other means hare failed. I For Kato b}• C. H. Cresaler. Chrtnipershurg: , penera Depot, NO. 6 East Fourth Street, Cineinnuti, STRI‘CK L- A N S• PILE RE3 I ..EDY, Dr. nitrickland's Pile Remedy has cared thousands of the worst cases of Blind and Bleeding knee. It gives im mediate relief and effects a permanent cue. Try it di• redly. It is warranted to cure. For sale by C. H. Cressler, Clumblshurg. General Depot, ti East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. nov3Gdy IAYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AN D DEIKUTY DR. STRI - C'§ T9NIC.I _ - . We can recommeud those autrenag with loss of AID• tite,. Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, lierrouenes and Nervous Debility, to nee StrieltlencVeTonio. It is a vegetable pie. potation, free from• alcohollo liquors ; it streegtbeas the whole nervous system, it creates a good appietite, and is Po, le to Ourti l i e spelcis, liertOUS,llollity.-; Por ale by Ike t e a generally, at $1 per toile. Pre. pared lisJOr. A. ckland, 6 East Fourth Street, Cinch:t una, Olt* C. IL [hanger. Agent, Chambersharg, rugs- al ifitritterm NI .s.T O,BA :41U,10 . 11 j.naa Half-way between Ne•rnoprai ciimacH SELLER'S NEW HOTEL. one-14t eqttareiNtetaiAt rfrown's The noderiigoed earls attention to his stook of. Mrawctstss, pEßpuatzar, and which embraces everything usually •in Drug Stores. HOLIDAY PEES •• ! A esrueat assortment j. „ed. kair Brushes, - Combs, great variety. 'JACOB R E M 0 V A't SP.A.NGLB/i'S D G S -T. 0 -Et ,E OED /a A /.,X „§'T R.E in Dr, Blulturd's, lie Building, . , 1 . .. • nest door to If;, Hamilton k Co's Tin-Ware Stor e -- a D R 1:1 G foS ! D= .1 - 1: II G ,SH .1 - C.H. CRESSLEB, successor to lirfe - E & Cuss.. LEM has opened in his new room, on Second street, ,oppo. 'site the Post OW ce where every effort will be, made to , stistain the popularity the old establishment had acquired A eontinnatm of the liberal patronage which the fl re ceived is respectfully solicited. .A fair stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Patent Medicines is new offered. - Also a desirableassortMent of _ Perbimery, . , Soaps, Pocket Books, ' Bair Bmshes, - . , . Cloth Brushes, .- ' ' Tooth Brushes, - Cosmetics, j - • Dentifrices, SO I.X. 7:00 Ell /0) A.Y. IMES! <4 , 'Eland igurips, titarxtLampa Hangthig Lamps and QS ide Lamps suilablelor Kitchen use, Parlor aft; Store use mad Office use. TEE REST COAL OIL IN T MARKET. Family Dyes of all Colors. Everything in a p,r *oats line of bombes& • 3.15 A. 5.53 ..tat WPrescriptions receive spezina attention. and are ,compounded Nrith.etire andakilV C.s CRESSLPX, - Second Street, opposite the Post Office. 7:30 P. ,firtzi)Toof *ides. 11,11 E gItEA T FIRE AT cuAMBERSMIRG. VICTORY! VICTORY FOIL EVANS.. S; WATSON'S _ • SALAMANDER SAFES. READ TU FOLLOW - DM CERTIFICATDS: CHANDERSIATG, Aug 15, - 1884 Marrs. Evans 4. Watson Gentlemen; This in to inform you that the Safe pur chased of you some time since was 'subject to the great fire which consumed our store Bering the rebel invalon of the 39th of July last. lWe are happy to say that after we laid taken our safe from the Miss, where it had laid. for a ,period of three days, and opened it, we found our books and papers in an excellent condition. 11:45 F. IS. n :5O A. 5L 1:30 We would recommend your Safes to all persons lobo Irish a good article. Yoam, lrai f. saLLER, Harauati do CO. Cll.thpfaand, Aug. 15, 1E64. r Marrs. Eravi k [Faso : Gentlemen : I with pleasure inform youth* on opening; my Safe, panchased:from yon some time einel., on,Satnr day evening last, just two weeks after the barning,of our tomr, by the rebels, l'foond nay' books and papers of much better condition than I expected ; on opening the books and papers Raind them perfect. IdySafe was exposed to greut heat, on account Hof the (inanity of oils and other comb ustiblenatitter I find in my celler. Iwri te youonsome of the paper that was in. lay. Safe d , ring the Me, that you may see liow'well it was preserved. I will coon want my Safe repaired, ore new one in exchange. Very respectfully, yours, L B. ETSTER. CILLIMEIEDURG, Aug. 15, 1864. .efessre. Evans er Iratatinr Gentlemen: In the dreadful fire which destroyed my store and the greater portion of this town, which was done by the rebels on the 30th of July last, I had one of your •Fire-Proof Safes, purchased from you some time since, which contained my books, papers, &A Mbar un dergoing the violence of the flames, and falling some ten feet and remaining in the heated ruins for a period af see. enteen days, It was recovered from the burning mass and opened. • • I have the gratification to inform you that its contents were preserved in an excellent condition, and as this Is one of tbe many , instnnees wberin your Safeshave folly 'scurtained thegocsl qualities atribufed to them, I fell it au .ngroeable duty to render evidence of the fact. Respectfully, yours, J. L. DECRERT. .A.3f. p.m 7.00 3:45 7:37 3.35 817 4.20 S:3O 1.2.5 s 9:013 Ir2B 9.352 :2;00 CTL.S3I:I3Ett.SIII:RG, kVA'. 15, 1864. Mantra. EVEUZZ 4. Watson : Gentleman This is to inform you that the Sere we purchased from you. some linie 'ago west subjected to the ,lite which consumed our aloe during the rebel IWrasion on the '3oth of - 40y last. We are happy to eriy that the 'Safe steed the test of the fire well,' and we recovered our ropers from it uulnjureiL Very respectfully, KENNEDY & NDEL. CtIARDEItSBI.7IM, Aug. 26, 186 , 1, um Mesirs Bs 4- Oration: ' , Gentirmen, , I takelhia opportunity to inform you that ,my Safe, which is a N & o. 5 your make, woo in the great lire which destroyed this town on The 30th of July, ' I now have the pleasure to state to you,that after I had taken the Safe from the ruins, where it bad been fora period of 11)days expased to ati intense heat, on opening the Safe I was pleased to find that all my papers, pocks, • nd Taluables came out uninsured In the least, thus attest. og the fireproof qualities of your Salamander Safes. Yours, respectfully, COL. F. 8. STIDISAUGFf. More Sates of the same good quality on hal:dm:id for sale. Also. Salamander, Fire, and Burglar• Proof; Tation• al Bank, Mercantile and DscelDng•Honse Safes. Vault. Doors for Banks and Stores, Bank Locks, &a. EVANS 4: IVATSON, South 4th St., Philadelphia, - L, 23. EYSTMP., Agent for Ehambersharg, Pa. 3. C. m(11.111139, 51. D. 31:43. MONTGOMP.A.Y, M. D. p_Lk ICHARDS & MONTGOMERY have ) tizso chtted themselves dr.lbe Fraecfce of Medicine, and have taken an Office in tile late residence of JaCob B. Miller, immediately opposite the Presbytezion China, . - persons indebted to either of the above. Icill please make ctrlysettlemerit,of the Caine. - (aug'34-tf) DR.,V7.11..80YLE will attend prompt ty to all professional calls. • °Moe in the Vestibule of the New School House near the Jail. , juno. W M. L. BOYER 6i13 - R2O - ., y 7 ASRIcuITIMAL lIEPLEMENT 3 fANITAcrunEnR, sixth Sc and G — crmantottle Avenue, phitq ct ., Mannfa&urers of Rom.: Powers, Threshers and Clean ers, Reapers and blotter., Farm Grist 6Llle, Fodder Cut ters, Cord Staners, Circular Saw Aiathines and every va riety- of approved Implements ; SEND FOR CATALOGUE. octlf24lm RIJ hl= II M FARM GRIST M4_ Every Farmer baying n borseparrer shanbilmtte one of our premi u m Farm Grist Mille to grind &I their grain for feed. - - ' Tholl Is simple, durable, arid (lidera, and Ls ashiPted for all lima Dowers. Send for ifEargiptioa Cli.leilEte aria addreat foot/PAttil L. L. BOYER & BRO., Awriotilinral Implement Paatary, 'Phila., Pa. U3IOVED (East Side.) BRusat4 &c., sitacir has been Tooth B.rai3hes, Pomades Pocket Booln,. &, tar been reaserved , ingsitiano. =o=a,nte. . MERICAN-LIFE INSURANCE AND - .Li. Tat;sr c 0,.,, Corner Fourth and Walnut stree'hi, Plataelphia." - Inea,,sdated' IMO. Charter -Perpettud. AnthedzodEaPttal, $500,000.• Paid-Up Cap .&2. 0 ,00 0 . . ~. Philadelphia, Feb. 4 : 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dicalead 'of EMPTY, PHEL-C . Fit4T, on all premiums received upon au .TuAL poirrws daring the year ending December, alst, 1863; and la ExCe . at that date, the above amount to be , credited to-said gOlialeat rpd , haVe also ordered the.dlVl,- dead 0f1660 an Policies tamed during' thatyear to be' paid, a:alba =ad, precilams on said Polies -are re cebred., OPPICERS. - : - . • Presklent—Alearaider 'N'hillan. - ' n:sure—jam S. Wilson. .. Vererf and To ary-4olut C. Simi - BOARD OF IPP.IIS ES..-Alexander Wldlldis, ~ 1. Edgar Thomson , i - Nugent, Hon. James A:4loa, Albert C. Roberts, P. B. Ingle, Simnel 'track., WilliamJ. it Ovrga Boa Joseph illsou,litannel 'P.:Bodine, John Aibuan, Charles P. Eleaslitt, Isaac Ilealehruat. , li r a , Gt. RELaChambarsbrirg, Pa, otherantheriied 'Agont of the A edema. Life Instinmas 'and Trost Vega. pang, and is al" ys prepared to tarnish pamphlets , or any infarettifidi wanted, and to tale Insuratices. that. J. C. RialsAaPS and _W. H. Boron, Medical Es =darn. _ REFERENCES--Hon. A. 11...11'Clare,-Iter, S. J. Hie. 'belie, I. S. - Nixon, Chambersborg, and Wm. M. Marshall, Cashier of the Hagerstown naafi.. Panama desiring information or wishing to insure will - pleise.aln on. or by addressing the undersigned they will be wafted en in any part of the Couhti- or 'State.' raar.2l3W. 0. REED„Agent, _ 18 2 9 CHARTER PERPETUAL:I— ALIN FIRE INSURA NCE COX PANY OF plar,Auszplize. ASSETS On Jantipxyl, 1864 Caerry 1 i3400,000 AccznED SURPLUS 971.000 INVISSEDPIILMITIIS - UNSETTLED Mums,. I Lvecno FoR.-1864 t 9 ,416. • • 1 1,0 0 0,00 0 . LOSES PAID Sacs lEa 3 $5,00(1,1X00 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERM& - DIRECTORS ebartes Bancker, Isaac Le e e, Tobias Wagner . ."` Mumbl. DAR, Saninel Grant, Geo:Tates, Jacob R. Smith, ,' Alfred Bitter, George W. Richhrds, Erns. W. Lewis, 3L D. CHARLES N. ROCKER, President EDWARD C. DALE, Tien President. MiALLtaTER, Sea'y pr'. tea. DAVID OARS is the authorized Agent of the COM' pain' to Charnberhbuntt.' who will furnish all information neOeSzufr to 4'o=lB- nutrZ-tf. • rAPSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH lERICA. "Incorporated 1794... i Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL Office alnut Street, Phila delphia The prompt payment of Claims forLicasesaufing 27/4 period of nearly seventy years that the Company, has been m existence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. Periains wishing to insure will please call on or address the undersigned. W. G. REED, Agent Cham bersburg; Pd. As Agent for this Company, I am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well as Term policies covering property destroyed by the Rebels on the 30th of July, returning the full premium paid on application at my office. W, O. REED, Agent. REFERENCES—J. D. Gear, .7: Allison Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin, CoL A. K. 3.7.'Clure. novZ. W4.R...yOLICIES , THE Pitoms - a FIRE ,INSURANCE COMPANY, OP BitOOKLi.N. bra - e masented to insure a limited wrionnt of property . ~ ' Real and Personal .. AGAINST LOSS - BY WAR OR INVASION. ' Persons wishing to insure their property against' ' . destruction by , REBEL INVASION , , should make earli. application to CHARLES E. TAYLOR". National Rank, Chataberaburg.' dec2l.3m Olnt AGENT.—Mr. JOHN, GROVk j , of Charnbersbmg, is the General Agent et the Frank , lin County Mutual Insurance Company. 3 isqe7) pato, eigis ant jfrlixo.,, HO! 'FOR THD ''HOLIDAYS FURS! FITRS !! 'FL'RS !!! DECIEERT , bas DOW opened gelarge assortment LADIES AND cmcr,pitra num Victoxines, Berthas, guns, GENT - E 1 FUR GrAiFES AND 7RUFFLERE A. large Sleek of HATS AND CAPS constantly on Lend• ARIES - FANCY FURS!- , AT JOHN Lir fAREPRA'S Old Established Fur Manufactotk, 718 Arch'Srrnet, - above- 7a, Phazdefplia.—l have now to Ettore of my awn Importation and Manufacture, croe'of the LARGEST and mostBEAUTIPTIL iselectithavf PANOT FURS, for LADIES' and CHILDREN'S wt AR,' in the Oita': Also n fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Co are. As my Furs were all purchased - when Gold was at a Much lower premium than' at present, j am anabletto of them at very reasonable Flom and I wouldthere• fora solicit a call from my friends of Franklin county and M --- Remember the Name, Number and Street!; ; JOHN PARBIRA, 718 Arch Street, abcrre 7th, tooth tide,; sept2s-Imar , PRILADELPRIA. • I have no partner, nor connection with any ether gore in Philadelphia% COME -TO THE MARKET HOUSE HATS. CEPS, BOOM, SHOPS: ; PAXTON has Jost opened a fine assortMent of HATS. CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, nt his new Store in the Market House, where he can farnlsh all articles in his line, cheap for , era& Some goods are sold at oldprises. A See assortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS, on ZAGS, 'VALISES., &c, &c., constantly on hand. Call and examine oar large stock of goods. sopa/ W. W. PAXTON: 'Livpro. E'S A. N . If LIQUORS. . z------ - LA.T.IMAIi, BALLADE & CO., i No. 323 Boom :UNTO STEM., i Bettaern Manua and Walnut Suede, Pkilarklpcs. GEO. M. LAU - MANI J. D. Brrrnio, - I A. M. BALLADE, . . BWESE, GARDRAT &CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, VENTAGE Or 1.8438, Each bottle sealed with green wax with the inittals , of the SAMSUN, &WADE & CO . - SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRAWINg, FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND Roty. 'WINES AN - 1i Assoramm^r OF - FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO. PERM FLVF. AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE, Each bottle sealed with yellow wax Kith the initial's date Firm. ' • MORTZD lit LATIMAN, SALL,ADi & CO., No. 128 South Ninth &net t Phttadetp4th. OLD 'WYE WHISKEiY, OLD WHEAT WHISKEY . z ' Vaatun - Eu. OHERHOLTE FOUST WHISKEY, NVEtg.T'SWHISKEY. movErs WHISKEY, AND 'EADING , WINES. LAUMAN, SALLADE St, C 0.,! No. 13 South Ninth Sint; ,Philadelpkin. n0....3y. ENSION, - B OUNT Y - , AND WAR _l_ °CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions prociiisid for soldiers of the present war who are disabled by mason of wounds received, or disease contracted, while in the service, Of the United States; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who have died or beenkßled while in service. JOHN R. OUR, mar94jr Clans Agee, Chamberaburg, PS. D R. -N. SCILLOSSEPS- _ bris.ITAL,OF FICK on !Woad Siroet, one Wa r m email of tTsn ritirika gamer Ors Mitattelre non atm. stiOt Ja*fisa - • - Jgte'Okiti. , : z BA-TnmoßE pack" .romcsTon - the fatiadr-ortto Belehredeet - liistt - hr; thus, offers the most certain. peedY, arnl)tfW.eilfootnad remelt' In the amid for Gleote 2 . StractusW Seminal WtidcPelle, — Fein in the Wes, Lonstitalional Debility; ImPathnee, Weakness of the Back and. LltatLs,7 iSfreetlorat, • of the Bidneys, palpitation of the Heart,Dyspepsia, Ner vosa Irritability, Isiseases'ortliellead, - TEA - AK:Rea& to , - Wu; and all those Serious and melancholy.diseadra asit , , lug from the destructive habits of Youlla,..‘addela s destroy ' Loth body and mind.- - These' socro and sontiorpisattitat are more fuel to their victims than the song of the, Syrena In the mariner ITlyssio, blighting their It* hopes or. enticipallons, readarbagnaturlar. frafffsegd!fk:. „ • • 0.U.N0, - .M EN YOIEISIg Mon es p ec ially; who have become the victims of Suhlar4-‘'ico, that dmatul anddestritetWoluilditelaleh aid enneet wan =timely grave thotaandaoS„rAing • Men of the mint exalted talent and brilliantlntalloct, who . might otherwise have ontenneedlifstenkig Senates taitlttlittL, - • thuntlessof eloquence; ca waked tom!a7She may call with fall confidence. ' - - - Married persona or yoanag men contemplarir4 maniacs • being aware of physical wenknessoargame debility, defer :aides, tee., shonld immediately etusult He Who pidoes himself mader the eare of Dr, Johnston may religtoresly confide ip Ida honor as a eentleniaii, and onfldently rely upon his Skiii Stiti physical:a. ORGANIC WEAKNEPA IMMEDIATELY, CUBED - - AND FULL VISOR RESTORED. . , 'phis disease ii the plenaltS mostfrequeritly paidby thole who have become the 'victims of improper indulgence!. Young persons are too apt to commit exoesses_ front not being aware of the dreadful conseqitencesthat acs 'emir. Now,vho thatanderstandathe subject will totieny that the power of Pricreation is lost sooner s ose Wing into imp per habitthan by the pnident:Beitiatiibtlutde• priced of the pleasure of healthy etkprtug, mud tbe,r4Offt serious and destructive sympathy to,mind and body arise.' The — System becomes deranged, the physical tolul mental po ers weakened, nervous debility, dyePeltsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the ham!, vough, zotodb of consumption. ' 2 - • - offi.ce Ito. 7, South, Frafaich Strut, • $‘.,1157,E 1 M, 95 seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the steps. Be'partionlar in observing the name and number, ,. or yon inisinke the place. - A CURE WARRANTED TAN TWO DAYS. zr 0 merc u ry or e'N:a a.secat! .7,7Nwers. DR. JOHNSTON,' Member of the Royal Coll , : of Suigeens.-Londen, graduatatro,m one of the rooster e.tel, - Colleges of the Muted States, and. the greater= whose life has been spent In the lid - leafs' Of - Paris Philadelphia_and elsewhere, has elfeeted,eoone -of the most astonishing cures that were over linens:' litany troubled with ringingle the head and earsoAthen' asleep, great nervousness , being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bathfulnesi, with frequent bleshing, attended Sortiellines -with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. - A CERTAIN .D I - SEA,SEL When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find be has imbibed theseed of thispainfuldisenSa, it too of- .! tea happersthat an r;ense, of shame,or dread of dis• cuvery, deters hiinfrom applying to those Lieduca. tion and respectabihtymen-alone befriend him, yltri - the constitutional symptoms of thlsherriddisease wake sir appearance, such asuleerated sofa-throet, disestiernote, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dimness' of sight, - ' deafness, nobs on the chin, bones and arms, blotches on the , head, face and extremities, , prograssing with' frightful ze' vilify, till at last the palate ofthe mouth or the bens* of , 1 the nose fall in and the victim of this awful' tilehtualt - be. coines a horrid object of cemmissemtion„ till death Puts. a , 'period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to 'that • •'t.si,urne from whence no tmvellerreturns.” , lo such, there. ' fete, Dr. Johnston pledg.es himself ,to preierve the matt ; invinlable secrecy; and from hiSeitensive practice In the first Hospitals of Europe and America, bettan'OentldiMtly reeetemend a safe and speedy curate the mitarturoattivic, tint ofthis horrid disease. - It is a melancholy fruit that" thousands fail victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of Ignorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful ebison:-Merdary; ruin the constitution, and:either send the unfortunate„te an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable. TARE PARTIOVLAR , NOTICE• Dr. J. addresses those who have injured themselves 17 private and tramper indulgences: These are' some of-the sad and melancholy effect& pm. diked by early, habits of youth, viz ;--WlFdrnese of the Beck and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimnestrid'lSigh - Loss of Muscular Power, 4ipit4tign of theideast,_ main, Nervous Initabilitt Derangement the_iges7 l i fe Functions, General DebVity, Symptatturof CionSmnp- Ice, Zizstsr.tor, the fearful effects on the mind are cinch- to bo dreaded; Tom o( Memory, chi:demi= of Ideal; Dupre& gen of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Spulety, Self• Distrust, Love ot &Stade, Timidity; ctc.,"are soma`' of the evil effects. , Thousands et_persons of en ages can now judge 'What is; the cause of their declining health, loosing their vigor, - betnming weak, pale, !Ave sinappearreace alanit the , eyes, cough, and symptom • sof risnmpai - Dr. AIIINSTON'S INVIGORATING- REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. - - By this great and important retriedy; Weakness of the Organs is speedily emed.andfall vigor restored.. !Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who, hid lost all hope, have been linniedhdely All impediments to Marriage, physicaloillimtal Digo:tali& 'cation, Nervous Irritability, Trembling, Weakness rir - Ex• heustlon' of the most &attained,: speedily cured by-br. Johnston. • your, MEN, who have injured themselves by a certain practice, Wet. ged in when alone--a .habit frequentlyloarned frees evil, companions, or at school, the effects are mghtl even , 'When asleep, and if not oared render marriage lei• atiddestreysboth mindandbody,shouldepplyitamediately :What a pity that a young man, the hope of idiceitiltry, the darting of his parents; should-be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequente of deviating from the pith Of nature, and indnlghighia car Min secret ,haldt. Such persoes, before Irotitemple4ing If A 11'33 I A ' •••• ' 'should reflect,that a sound mind and body are the redline cessay gerrnielleetopromotenharibial Starlit's:inn. Jut/cod, Without these, the journey through Ilfe.becomes a weary pligriniage, the prospect hourly darkens- to . thoiriewflhe mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled,with the Melancholy reflection, that the happinesieratipth,eiber. comes blighted with our own. • 's ' • _ ,OPPIOE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERIUK „STBhitT, TO STRANGEBB.—Thernanythonsandsopredetthis, Institution in the last fifteen years; and the nmnerous Im portant surgical Operationsperforrited by De , f.j'tvitiitieaed by the a petters of the papers,-and -many -ether ,pereans r , tethers of which have,appeared again and again - bailie the public, is wean:lo.lmA gniananteo to thelelffietal.-, ' N. B. Therei mew manyignorant and,;.WorthMiltiaclm advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the'health' of the already afflicted, Dr-Johaston deems it, to say to those unacquainted : with his reputation, that his ' Diplomas bang in his Office. Nonce.—All letters must by posApaid,,and con' a postage staid , for, the reply; or »a anWO tam be sent. - Collars, Famine. UESTION,S-! r'("QUESTIONS! QUESTIONS! THAT CONCERN EVERY ONi TO ANSM''Xit • Are you bald? , Does your hair falloff? Has your hair become thin? Does it feel harsh, and dry,. and feverish'? 'ls it taming gray before its time Are you troubled with itehhig, burning seruiatiortotthec scalp? = _ Are yen troubled with Dandruff? Are you troubled with what eal — lOquirsfalsorSsiif inearn? - Have you had the 'Erysipelas. and lost yore hair ••• Have you bad the Measles, and lostitt '• • Havo you bad the Typhoid Fever, and lot it? ' Hive you bad the Brain .Fever, old 10 . 4 . 44 s Have you lost your hair by any Idelniesure Do yen Wish luxuriant hair I yori wish soft and lustrous hair? Do you wish gray hair ,iestoied? . ! Do you wish wish your whiskers glossy? Do ycru WOh Ahem restored in color , ! Do you wrote drexoingt - Do you want it for yourself, for father or mother, fat.' brother, sister, or friend? - ,•• Do you want to make a presort? ' Do you vrant perfumefaryour toi,letl - ' Da you want a /taroks. article? 1 • Do you want a pure article? Do you want a doubleilistifted article? ; Do you want a cleansing article? Do you want the best preparation out fbrdresingildire‘ tasting, protecting, restoring the Color, andondeningOit„' silky and %storm the Human Hair? „ - If so, we torrent CLARK'S • 'DISTILLED RESTORATOt t FOR THE HAIR! . - 'To be Unequalled and Superior to any Preparation erer 'Compounded andoffered so the puEdic. Satisfaction guaranteed, or ihe - raartcy reforided. -- • ' It costs lint $1 for one bottle, or six for st, =albs aebit7 liruggists end dealeoeverwhere. , C. G. CLARY &. CO., 1,.105 . f ;t74 D. E. Buns & CO., N. T., General agnate. junel-9m - Eras, 'Plants ant 'Vitus- Y DER'S. FRAN KLINi COJINTY Juk, NußsEmEs.—Frozr AND OlCUSlVll'at•jrairr4, GRAPE VCiEs, STRAWBERRY PLAN* ETC.—The S eat stock to select from In the county. 'fterithig ' g "'WO FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is stall desirable,. bui be supplied from the commonest standard Prelt Tit*, ' to the rarest and most choice native or fo'elgn species or 'variety of Fruit or Flower. Our Standrird Apple Tress ore unusually fine, stout heavy trunk's, flitlntsbettitith Sat e branching - heeds, from Three to dye feet from the frolgv as may be desired. Our nim is to grow the - best of ev • ;thing, pruning and calticating upon seletttitio prinelpiek • eonsequertly, our productions are not offered In camped., ..on with Trees grown upon the old lotoTerne'systrin. invitation is extended to all - who ate interested Lure, to come maser, for themselves. A large stock of • Greenhouse and Bedding Plantar Reces, ate, In pots, will be ready , in- Aped sua Zht close a three cent stomp for descnirtiVe Oafalegne OtP.rillt and Ornamental trees, &c. • ' ' Address mar IG-if TISIFORiteiTiON ' FItt i I 4S .O 4I Z,"MS STIPFEREAS.LA gerrtbmin - , cured orgartrous, .bitty, Incompetency, Premature Decay,e,q. Yen P*, To n, actuated by a desire to benefit edeerls, wra gg. 'to famish to all who need it, Mee of4daarge),'tbo .remM and directions for snaking the simple remedy !media - 4W. ease. Sufferers Wiebing - to Prat .by'theltiveltlseei Sod experience, and possess earn and !minable rezhOt do so by addressing him at clam at his Owe of The Recipe abd Vital be aa 'will be cheerfellyedotbriretFn 'Ad — „ IPHN. * • - P. W.—Noreen& Sams of potb . samovoila WO's' formation incsinablik • • • ' — llOl,l l O-.14 130 ' R E! QUE_STIOIiI3! B. L. BIM= West Franklin Nemeth* Near London , Fun! • • • Pa. OM