186 g. ;_! rp.o,sittag. LOCAL ITEMS. Gossw Wrrn Oua Fairsus.—lt is an old saying that what one does on the first, day of the year is an index tAia course for the following tlitee hundred andsixty•four days. Dear help your gossip if it holds good is his ease. Last Ss ' tnrday night I treated myself to a ticket at the Winter Garden, to hear BOOTH in HAMLET. I hare seen many Hamlets, but Alr-1 Booth's ren dering of the part is by far the most agreeable. As a reader be is certainly head and shoulders - above his nick. Well, never mind about'that, it don't pay to praise actors when you are not on the free list. It' was -rather 'late, and very cold when the Theatre closed, and I had some trouble in getting a car (lilt Avenue). , Got scar at last, and just as the clock struck 12; ushering in 1865, a drunken Irishman succeeded in picking a - fight out of a one legged soldier. The Irishman had a • friend.:;-who vier saw an Irishman that hadn't 7 —so had the soldier. This was in the car, mind. I said'to a ladpwlio tat near me, don't you think you bad better get out of this 7 She rather thought she had. So I helped her out. Just as I remounted the platform, the passengers in the car, some eight in all, seemed to be - drawn teeth er most inexplicably, just as the planets wolld rush for the sun if centifrugal force should cease. I looked in, but could. see nothing but sixteen Pegs and as many arms tossing convulsively, throwing about the straw that covered the floor like a thrashing machine. I rubbed my eyes, and wondered if I had been drinking, then I' thought of Tam O'Bhanter, and last of all I did 'What I should have done at first—stopped the car. I pitched into the Conductor, and wanted to know - what he meant by allowing such conduct on his car. He , looked at me with a moat ludicrous compound of anger, and injuied innocence, saying, " It's bard enough to be bullied by rowdies, but when a gentleman joins in —." "Why don't you coil a policeman 7" I said. " Well,- ain't I looking for one," he retorted, with the same reproachful look. Now, I having had occasion 4 once before for a policeman, 'knew hoW to do it. I put my bands up to my mouth, Indian war-whoop style, and yelled "Po-lice ! Number something or other camel vshing up. " Wks/It's the r4bw.l" he cried in indisputable Merriam My hdart Batik, for I felt that being a man and a brother-Irishman, very likely we'd all be arrested on complaint of .the Irishman who bad raised the row. I informed him politely that a drunken fellow had repeatedly struck a maimed soltr until he could bear it no longer, from which.. arose the fight that was now going on inside. Alt this time the thirt — y-two legs and arms were kicks ing, and eight mouths caning. In went the ikiL. ]iceman, crack, crack went his club, and in a moment oat he come with, by accident, ISuppose; the offensive Irishman, hatless, hair like a door mat, coat in tatters, and swearing that he was, more than a match for anything this side of Don- nybrook. There stood the policeman represent! ing justice, scales and all, with his hand imbedded), in the coat collar of the culprit who certainly was competent to represent an entire State prison. "'Who makes a charge agin this mahn!" cries the officer. I was on the point of answering " I," when it came into my mind that if I did I'd have to go along to the police court, and that possibly /might, between the officer and, culprit, have the table turned upen me, or at all events that I would not be likely to reach my bed before day. .11,ght, so I answered, " We all know that he has Acted indecently in the car, and that he struck this one-legged soldier. Here he is, let him speak for himself.' - He'll make the charge." "—s if "I do," maid the soldier. I'll prove that I'm a col. flier, andonn old one too, by making no charge. At the police am' rt there ain't much tizfrerquee betive" en the man that makes the chard& and the Vother--no, - kir, * rue been there. The fellow wee relessed,-actually took his seat again in the tar, amused himself by swearing at the rest of the ptuisengers, and concluded by threatening that he'd have us all arrested the neat morning, Conductor and that be'dsne the company for damage to his clothing, and ended up by ostentatiously taking down tbe4umber of the car. From the way he Looked at me, I expect nothing •elee than that I'll be under bail-before you hear from me again. Monday was the great day here. All the gen . timer: call upon all the ladies of their acquaint commenclng early in the morning, and keep 'lag it up till late at night. You are expected to take a little at each place, from which you can imagine how slippery the sidewalks must be by evening. - I started out in the afternoon to make abate observations for the benefit of my dear bro ther and sister gossips, and am enabled to make the following report, from iettud eyesight:—Two thousand weak-kneed young -and old, shabby and genteel men; six hundreirworn-out horses; three *4-downs ; two fights, and enough swearing to raise a storm at sea. I saw a carriage come in contact with a street car, much to the damage of the former, if losing its four wheels, horses and driver, may be called damage. It was done quick as a wink. There sat the two unhappy youths, . with their tails half made, ill a carriage bor. with. out wheels or horses. I ads itabamed to report that I was inhuman enough to laugh. "Alas for • the rarity of christian charity 1." By the bye, I' have had another grand dinner of soniaody else's expense—at the Astor Rouge this time—and have been somewhat squeamish ever since. Everything connected with the din ner was perfection, with the exception of the clerk, whose business it was to stand in a sort of picture frame to watch that no unworthy guests none but those that paid) were at the feast. For the life of me I couldn't get tt out of my head that be was calculating every bite I took: Such is the unsatiafactory character of all earthly nu joyments. Here was abundallme of good eating, - andlet,tbe sword of Damocles hung over she in -theahspettfa apracely dressed clerk. The Irish waiter who was bribed by my entertainer to wait -upon me specially. contributed much to my ease and comfort by bringing me a little of eaergthing on the Bill of Fare, French dishes and all; Who next? „ • • A happy New Years to our patrotiiifr,'" 4-the earning year be more fortunate thad;the last. DMay the hearts of the, State Legislature he soft ened towards the Chambersburg unfortunates, in default of which may the Richmond, government griaarlahrt hearted with regard to raids. NawYotts, January 6, 1861 ANOTHER MSER.TED VIL tun would seem front the graphic report of the brilliant la cabs' er of the Fulton Republican, that sweet Au bum so famed in Goldsmith's song, has a rival in the ancient villave of McConellsburg. In an ar ticle beaded "How it Finds IN," the Republican thus discourses on the sad footsteps of decay which have made their indelible marks on the vil lage. It says:—When we say "us," ... 4 7sre. mean :"we, the people of McConnellsburg," that sweet est village of the vale, nestling as fondly, mid its surrounding mountains as ever child nestled on the bosom of loved and loving parent. When we say "it," we mean the Year of Grace, 1865, that great untried reality on which we have but now entered. But to our text: 1865 finds the citizens of ItleConnelLsburg without a resident Minister of the Gospel among then'. Here no Pastor II - his daily walk and living illustration of the truths he lain would teach, sheds the light of his Christian illumined countenance over the weary every-day life of his care worn flock; or stands ready to soothe the mind of the dying, neither it there one here to join the hands of the living in the holy tie of Matrinumial bliss. The only professional eiti. zens permanentiriesiiiaMing is a single discipleof . Galen, who for his well-earned skill and strict at tention to alI, i called upon to. ride the whole county in the pursuance of his health giving call. ing, and a trio of practitioners at that prince of humbug callings, the practice of law. Deathaud the draft have removed, our shoemakers, until he that would not stand the storms of winter bare foot, must either emigrate or depend on the im portations of our merchants for the encasings for his pedal extremeties. The tailors, too, "to the Want hare gone," and "old clothes," the remnants of other and more prosperous days, are brought from many agarret and store room to supply the place of the long needed, mach desired, winter apparrel of our masculine denizens. The cabinet makers, like the tailors, have evaporated—one to the orniy, others to skedaddle fromthe oft repeat ed calls of Uncle SamileL Saddlers are not over plenty; Tobacconists are monist inventus, rind the Foundry has blown out. Most other branches of business are in a semi-prospetrius condition—and the Fulton • Repuldifan is still published at the ex seeding low rate of $2 per anum, in advance. Amen! Maculae& ! • A P.OtoDY.—The following - effusion we dip from a Western paper, where -subscribers are hard up, and only pay sane boysaid, " in spots." It is a parody on two verses of gist well kniiwn poem—" Elohenlinden," and we trust will prove irresistible to all delinquent subscribers: - In seasons when oar funds are low, Subscriptions are provoking slow, - And no supplies keep up the flow, - ' Of dimes receding rapidly. The prospect darkcas ye hrs ve, Who would our very bacon rave I-- Waive, patrons I all your pretexts waive, And pay the Printer cheerfully I CASUALTIEi,IN THE 17TH CAVALRY.—The Waynesboro Record aaya—We regret to learn that Mr. David Royer, of Co. G., 17th Penna. Cavalry, son of Mr. Dan'l Royer, of this vicinity, was killed in an engagement near Gordonsville, ya., recent ly. A letter from Capt. Kurtz to his family here Mates that young Royer was abot through the bowels and one leg. The Captain says: "He was one of A:4 beat and bravest men. I think God never made a better man or a braver sol dier." Arnold Rodgers, in the same engagement was slightly wounded in the breast. Privates Beuj. Straley, Tracey, Unger and Stoner were taken prisoners. Itraicious.—By request, the Rev. Dr. Conrad will preach a special Sermon to the soldiers sta tioned in this vicinity, hi the Luthern Church, on next Sunday morning, at 10i o'clock. The pnla i, lie generally are cordially invited to be present. APPOMMENTS.—The County Commissioners hare made the following appointment for the present }ear: Clerk, George Foreman ; Attorney, John Stewart, Esq.; Physician - to Prison, Dr. J. C. Riclumds ; Mercantile Appraiser—lL E.Wertz. WE are pained to learn that Lieut. S. J. Dick, 18th U. S. Infantry, son of Mr. Joseph Dick, for merly of Mereersburg, was found murdered in the public square at Nashville, Tenn., on the night of the 29th of December. -A Goon Sitar.—kfr.liezekinti Keefer, of Ham ilton township, a few weeks_ ago killed at the mountain, in the "neighborhOod of Keefer's Store, four wild turkeys at one shot, at a distance of sixty yards. Ma. S. S. GARVER, son of lir. Jos. Garver, for merly of this county, died in Mums City recent ly. He served rum time in the army, and was a merchant at tye time of his death. I'RO3IOTELL—We areyleased to learn that H. Glkmebrake, of Waynesboro, has been ZOIMIIIIS sioned Second Lieutenant" of Co. G, 17th Penn aylvania Cavalry. THE ISSIMASICE. CO OF NORTH isbffilllCA. During the last two or three years this old and well known company have been extendin% their business in the interi or of the State of Pennsylvanus and bare already laid a good foundation for fire and inland business throughout the Commonwealth. Inw Fended as they were in the year 1794, by the Leg islature of Pennsylvania, and up to the year 180, having agencies only in two or three prominent points in the State. their claims for business throughout the State whence their authority came, seem well founded, and hence, some thretryears since, they fi hed a central State agency at the seat of Gerverum4 . ugh which their agency businesiis transacted andEsihere policies are issued.' Since the organization of this company in 1792, now over seventy years, their success has been very marked, having now a capital and surplus of over .1,600,04 and during which time they have paidlossesamounting to over seventeen millions of dollars, a In Philadelphia, store the management of this compa ny is best known, it enjoys a well deserved popularity, as the result of long tried and faithful services, and large lib. erality In the adjustment of losses; the steers, Arthur G. Coffin. Esq., President. and Charles Platt, Esq., Secretary, as well as the board of directors, being well - and familiarly known, some of whom have given their services to the cor poration for over forty years. The State (gen t of the Insurance Company of North America, Mr. William Buehler, gives his whole time to the details of these agencies throughout Pennsylvania, and to whom applications for new agencies should be address ed. In this community Mr. Bilehler does not need news paper endorsement. Respected for his strict integrity, and known as a faithful and indefatigable business MA to his connection with the Insurance Company of North America, as much as the reputation of that corporation, must we attribute its popularity outside of Philadelphia. Mr. Wm. G. Reed is agent for the above well known Company in Chatabersbnrg and vicinity. PRODUCING OIL OMPAKiii—The Woks for subscription to the capital stock of this company are still Wen: It is one of the bat, cheapest and wet =fain Oil Souks now in the market The Producing Wells of the Company we sufficient to insure monthly dividends from the date of the charter, and the prospects for largelp-increased proffis are very promising. Subscriptions received by A. R. arcuizon, Agent, Cumberland Valley Railroad Office, Chambensburg, Pa DYsPErma.—Wbat every body says must be „true. We have heard Dr. Strickland's Tonic spoken of so frequenily by those who have been benefited by it, that at last we are compelled to make it known to the public that we really believe it effects a core in every rase; therefore, we say to those who are suffering with Dtspepsla or-lie:- vette Debility, to go to their Druggest and get a bailie of Dr. Strickland's Tonle. EYE AND EAR.—Prof. J. Isaac*, .0. D., Oc. sadist and Aurist, formerly of 'Lydon, Holland, is lava ted permanently at No. 511 Puts Street, 'Philadelphia, where persons alllicted with disease of thn Eye or Ear, will be scientifically treated and curpd. if crirable. - AirrixiClAL Errs inserted withddt pain. Nu Charges made for Examination. N. B.—The medical faculty is invited, as he has no se• eras in his mode of treatment. ANODYNE CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and RelieL.,.This vainable medicine is again for sate at stittxtes NEW DRUG fiVOIVE, next door st - est. of Brown's Hotel. It is far superior to all Soothing Syrups, or any other preparation fur children in Teething, Diariheti, or inward pains. t'ORTVNATE COMIIIIIAVO??,..—We are opposed in proprietary medicines, and it-is with some computation we gee advertisements of them to our columns. Still we must confess.thal Brown's Troches are convenient and useful, in certain Conditions of the throat and larynx, bee Sore speaking . .—N. Y. Christian Advocate. limit uprooted from low foreheads and all torts 01 the body by the used" ClPllam'a DEPILATORY POWDER." Mailed. to awl address for 81,25 by S C. CP• KAM, 25 Swath Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa, C0e26.3m GELWICKS & BVRKHART have opened oat in their new rooms on Second Street. 'They Bell wholesale aryl retail. Country merchants look to your interest.— You eaa buy us cheap from them as you can in the city. BEST early varieties of fresh Garden Seeds to to be had at Creamer's Drag ittltote. Small °Mom will be taken in trade, or bought tor.gash, 100 Bushels being wan ted immediately. • FARMERS and teseksmithe 1 . A;i11 notice in ou r advertiping colturm a largo lot of Iron and Nails adver- Abed to be told by BitAND & SLACK,_ at their Store room, on Monday nest, commencing at U o'clock, BISHOP bas built anew and splendid Sky. Light Photograph Gallery, on Queen street, onedoorEnst °Ulm Methodist Church, where he is now taking the fluent Pho. tograpbs ever taken in ills place, Give hint a call. GELWICKS di BURKHART SOn the bat Kero- Niue Oil, TV holm& and retail. Also, Lamps, Wicks and Glebes, very cheap. Go To Gehticks & Burkhart for pure borne ground Pepper, prtre Spice, fresh Tea', Bite Cheese and the best Crackers of ell kinds. NF call the attention of baginesa men to the saluable lot of ground on the Diamond, offered for sate by 4. J. Mier. GKLW/CIS 4s. BURKHART keep the tamest 'melt of roils io town, and WI /imp wholeosie sod tetlgt. OVXMARY Of WAR NEWS. --Gneralas have become, quite troublesome along the Potomac, betweea Great Palls and the mouth of the Monocaef, and scarcely night passes without our pickets being fired upon. —An expedition on the Rappahannock river, on Wednesday destroyed two barrels of powder and two torpedoes, which the rebels had collected about six miles above the mouth of the ricer. —General Dana's expedition from Memphis has destroyed the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, five miles below Corinth to Okoloua. Twenty-nine bridges, considerable trestle work, thirty-two ears, 300 army wagons and 4000 carbines were de stroyed. Forrest's camp of dismounted me,p at Everona was dispersed —Of the condition of affairs with therWilming ton expedition a Washington despatch informs us that " there is no probability of the naval forces under Admiral Porter discontinuing their bom bardment, unless so directed by the Government." As the Admiral has expressed his intention of continuing the siege of the rebel forts, we suppose that the Government intends to send an adequate land force to his assistance-The'rebels cannot drive the fleet away, with the deiermined commander and brave officers and Men evidencing the same spirit they have already done. Under the protec tion of its guns an infantry force, accompanied by artillery, can at any time be placed again on the shore, and we think that the right men are near the scene. Sherman can, now that Savannah is safely in oar possession, detach sufficient of his victorious legions, and by their old, either in, per son, or represented by his able Lieutenants Slocum or Howard, "walk over the fort "—Fisher—as Admiral Dahlgren says he done in the case of fort McAllister. Let the " Great Flanker " essay the attempt on the rebel works. —Richmond papers of the sth state that Savan nah is quiet. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Corps are in intrenchments reaching from the Savannah river to the plank read. Steamers are removing obstructions from the river.. The yellow fever has subsided at Galveston and Houston; Texas. An Augusta dispatch of the sth says that Kilpatrick has crossed the Savannah river, and is supposed to be on the Carolina side of the river. Forrest is reported to have been killed by one of his own mem( The death of General Price is de hied,'and Hood is said to be dead. A Charleston dispatch states that the reports of the death of Hood and Forest are not confirmed. No further movements of the Union troops are reported. Pa pers of the oth state that aterrible tornado passed over Middle Alabama on the 27th aIG, killing fif teen persons and destroy - Mea large amount of property, including a railroad bridge near Mont gomery, The reports that General Sherman has crossed the - Savannah river are confirmed, and he is supposed to be moving on Graliaincille POLITICAL ILVMMGENCE. —The Governor of Delaware strongly argues the abolition of Slavery in that State. —Hon. J. M. Howard hasbeen re-elected to the 'nited States Senate Scorn Michigan. —The New llaumsWire u State Con vention has nominated Fred. ,Smythe, Esq., of Manchester, for Governor; and Prof. Patterson has been renominated for Congress from the third —the White Mountain--district —Thomas C. Fletcher, the nevrly:eleeted radi cal Governor of Missouri; was inaugurated in Jef ferson City Monday week, andrkisitiaugural met sage was read. He takes bold ground for ridding the State of the curse of Slavery at the earliest moment. —The inauguration ,of E. Fenton as Gov ernor of New York in Place of Horatio Seymour, whose official term has expired, tookplace at Al a.ay 'on Atonally week:. tlov.lgeyaloar, iu rdeo.4, ing Gov. Fenton, made a brief address, setting forth the important - and responsible character of the office, to which Gov, Fenton, replied, express ing his determination to strive to advance the interest of our great State, to promote the welfare and honor of the people, and also, to the extent of his Executive authority and influence, faith fully maintain the national freedom and unity and perpetuate the liberties of the people. CAIKKET ()MAN .—Far some years the best thing produced among the various Emus of reed organs, melodeons, etc., has been the '" Cab inet Organ," made by Messrs. Mason & Ham lin, of this city. Besides the beauty and great power of tone for so small an instrument, furnish ing the greatest amount of organ tone for the smailestprices4 has the advantage of a double bet lows Wed upon by two blow petals. They hare now added to the resources of the instrument a new one, wonderfully effective and wonderfully simple, which they cal the " Automatic Bellows ;Swell" It is, in fact, a contrivanc for swelling and diminishing the sound at pleasure, without the aid of a separate swell pedal, but simply by the same action of the feet which works the bellows by the_blow pedals. With a little practice it oper ates to a charm, and the swell and "dying fall" of harmonies becomes as obedient to the perfor mer's will and feeling as if the reeds were setro - vibrating by his own breath—Dwight's Journal of Musts FINANG'E AND TRADE. . I We have the 30th Annual Report of the Cant iiirland Valley Railroad Cnratiasty. The Presi dent says "it is very gratifying to be, able to say that the financial condition of the company is en tirely easy and satisfactory; whilst the business operation of the road continue to increase, and base been conducted systematically, with only and a degree of certainty Which realize the, advantages which Such a facility for trade and trate always brings with it." The President says, however, that the system is yet imperfect and will be until the suggestion made lastyear, "to change the whole character of the business and become carriers ourselves," is carried fully into effect. The relations of this company to the Franklin R. R. Co., as lessees of that road made it incumbent Upon the former company to satisfy the bond hol ders of the Franklin to the amount of $200,000, which bore 7 per dent-interest. The Cumber land Valley Company has substituted $lOB,lOO of its own 6 per cefit. bonds and taken up by pur chase $78,000, leaving outstanding in the hands of individual's $13,900, The increase of receipts has been thirty-four and four-tenths per cent. over those of the-Previous year- • The Treasurer's state ment Shows the amount of assets which includes cost of road, materials on band, sinking fend, bal ances of accounts and eash;torbe $1,622,938,54. The liabilities which are for stock and bonds and amount due for dividends are $1,396,95258, leav ing a balance to profit and loss of $225,985 96. The receipts during the year ending Sept. 30, 1864 from all sources were $484,348 76. The expenses wert4330,610 55, leaving a cub balance of $153- 718 21. The total number of pasilengers'%rriedl over tire road,.East and West, during die year was 302,9024. The number carried both ways from Carlisle was 60,3964. The total amount of tonnage carried over th'e road was 17,114,508 lbs. East, and 113,694,990 lbs. West. From Carlisle, East 19,691;752 lbs. and West 34,312, 465 lbs. ; The exports of specie from New York for the calendar year. 1864, were $50,108,746, against r $49,754,000 in 1863. The customs revenue (in gold) received through the New York custom house in 1864, was $66,991,842, against $58,921,- 638 in 1863: The interest on the funded Public debt of the United States paid (in gold) from the New York office of the treasury of the United States, was $33,126,874, which, with $5,231,720 not called for, makes the entity amount paid and appropriated at New York, $38,358,600. The gold customs at in other ports than New York, (where 75 per cent. of the whole amountis re ceired,) amouptod to abont $22,331,280 and the Irtmain 13tptsitorg, ilgtdettaurg, payments orygold interest at Washington and all other treasury offices than New York are esti ,timated at about $10,000,000. The, entire gold interest for the new year is estimated at $63,000,- 000, as against $48,358,000 in 1864. The delve ries of gold from California in 1864 were $12,592,- 967, against V 1,847,286 in 1863. Oil Stocks have been active daring the last week.. Neither the Sterling nor the Imperial is let for sale on the Stock Boar:ds, as they havenot yet been regularly organized. The Sterling has its letters patent, and the certificates for the shares will be delivered in a few days. It will doubtless be put upon the Boards in a very short time. It is now held quite firm by owners, as a dividend is confidently expected in February; Its revenues are now greater than when the company was organized. There were few sales of Impe rial duiing the last week, as the books were closed, and none but individual owners could sell!' The letters patent will be procured within two" weeks, and the certificates issued soon thereafter. It will of course not appear upon the Stock Boards until it is regularly organized. It is now in possession of revenues from three wells, and it is probable that it will declare a dividend in Feb ruary—certainly in March. Over $lOO,OOO of the stock of this company has been taken in Franklin count}, and over $50,000 in Waillington county, ltd., add most of 1t has been taken with -the view to hold it until the lands of the company at fully developed. There will be very little of it On the market for some thlee to come, and it will pretty eertainly,advance as the stock is in active demand. ' lk The Nationil Bank of Cbambersburg received its new National issues of the denomination of 10's and 20's last week. The s's will be ready in a short time. The Directors of this Bank have declared a dividend of two per cent. out of the prats of the last two months. Hereafter the reStilafamni-annual dividends will be declared on the Ist days of January and July. The fourth quarterly statement of the first Na tional Bank of Waynesboro shows $45,452 4B of bills disconnted ; a circulation of $43,000; a sur plus of, $1,065,98, and $87,159,57 of deposits. It holds over $lOO,OOO of National securities. The 10-40 five per chat specie loan was with drawn by the government on Saturday last, and the 7-30 is now the only government bonds offered at paty They are eonvertable into gold six per centrbonds at maturity. It is not probable that any of the future loans will be payable in gold, or convertible into gold bonds. • . —The following are the latestquotations of the sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia: BONDS. U. S. 5.26 n 1029 Reading Cs. ' 106 U. 10.40's /019 Peara. R.. R. Ist most. 1089 U. S. es, 111 }deans. R. R. 2d. mart.. 105 i U, S. 6e cavort. 117 , ila. 1.1219 U. S. hila. 6's, new ' 96 Ponta. Se c0up0n..... 25/ Phila. A; Erie R. 6's 107 RAILROAD STOCKS. 669Phila. & Erie R. R. 27} SS/ IN. Central R. R 53} COAL AND OIL STOCKS. !Peansylvaiva . ImperiaL. 5 !Sterling . 3 Irving 00 109 Pope Farm Oil 1} Densmore 69 9} Penna. R. R.. Reading R. R. Fulton Coal 71 Blt3toptain C0a1.... ' 6 N. X. dz. Idtd. Coal .4 Green 311. Coal ' 4i N. Carbondale 2 Feeder Dam CoaL .... i Clinton Coal.. Butler Call_ Diamond Coal Stratara. 1 Ext d c r Connecticut. tt ' l e l erzoj r ' l ''''' liltil 1 1 Blir Tank 'liiContinental. - Farrell P. • 71 1 011 Creek. Maple Shade Oil MI 1 M'Clintock 0i1... r ' 5 Pennsylvania Pet 2 1 Perry Oil. 31• Mineral Oil .211 Keystone Oil.' 11 Venango 011,.... '''''' 3 Union Petroleum i r .2 B lip,morr,se e.: : e : o ,7. l : o 9, i ddi i i . ,,,y .. ,, - . 11 .... .. ~ .i.liti, HARBTF,D, LAIRD—GROSS.—SOa the Bth inst., by the Rev. P. Dyson. R. A. Land, Some. Major , 22d Pa. Car., 'formerly of Juniata County, to Wig- Lottie C.-Coasa, of Chambers burg. SMANR—FUN)L--On the sth fast., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev, IL C. Lecher, Mr. John W. Shank to Was sl.l.sie A. Funk, both of the vicinity of Waynesboro'. AUSRERMAN.—On The 16th' nit, near Ba rkettevite, Frederick Md.. Mr. Jahn Ausherraan, aged 73 years and 4 month The deceased was a very worthy and much esteemed et a. •LACKENS.On the Id test, at Welsh Run, Margaret Jane, daughter of William and Eleanor Lukens, aged 12 years, 1 month and 3 days. Mtr , TYR..--On the Id last, near St. Moines, Mr. John Maier, in the 55th year of his age. KAUFMAN —On the 35th ult., in thissplace, Fanny, youngest daughter of George D. and MaryiE. Kaufman, aged 8 months and 21 days. So fades thelovely, hloomingdower, Frail smiling solace of an hour, So soap our-transient comforts dy, And pleasures, only bloom to die. 'Geared Fant.yli gime forever, From this tgorld of du and care, Gone to dwell with saints and angels, • Sorrow never enters there. ret gentle patience smile ou pain, Till dying hopes revive again, Hope wipes the tear from sorrow's eyes, And faith points upward toward the skies, BROWI4.—On the sth lost, in 'Fayetteville, of Scarlet Fever, only child of John B. and Jolla Brown, aged 2 years, 4 months and 21 days. Dear leittie I Thy sferkling byes Are closed In deaths embrace; Thy . tender form in ruin lies,— , Bow changed thy lovely face t Ahl herd it was from thee to part; To see thee draw thy latest breath— It makes usead and sick at heart To know thy voice is hushed In death. Thy Parente kept you till, the last, They could not let you go; But cruel death—it came eq fast, And filled our hearts with woe. For your retnru We'll not laments This world for you has lost its charms— `Death was the message that God soot To cull you to the Savior's ems. A CARD TO INVALIDS.--A clergyman, while residing in South Americans a missionary, discovered a 'safe and simple remedy for The Cure of 'Nervous WealineSs; Early Decay, Diseases Airtime Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by banefulud vicious habits. Great numbers have been already =red by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one nhn needs tt, Free of Charge. Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your rideirtes - WOSErti T. INMAN, Oct 19.1y1 STATION' D. 81111.2 llciCsfl, New York City. THE. CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN LNVALM.—Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG :MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility., Preatature Dc.eay of Nandood, &e., supplying at the same thne lifEaSa oF SELF.CURE. By one who tins cured himself after undergoing. considerable quackery. By enclosing a post raid addressed envelope, single copies ulby be had of the author. NATHANIEL - MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Xing% Co„ N. Y. deet4.3m As'mate. CunED.—Relief guaranteed in ten istbadtes, and a peratanritt cure effected by the nee of "Ur ildg's ASTHMA CM.", Cafe+ , of from ten to perntg Ears' standing - yield at once to its hiddenoe. Price €2. Sent postipald loony address, by S. C. UPHAM, .15South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tbrculnrs sent free„ loct 2 am' REPORT OF THE MARKETS. ChamOrsba Flonr—White Flour—Red Wheat—Wbite Wheat—Red Rye e11e22350 1 :0 1' 50 00 150 Cora 150 Oats NO Clover Seed , 12 00 Ttrnotbs Seed 4 501 Flaxseed 2 52 Potatoes--Idereer,.. 110 Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 00' RtY TFI. , Philadelpb There 10 soma inquiry- for high amides at flour, and a.OOO .blds, fancy sold at $l3 al5 per bbL, and stoma extras at 910 50111. Reeeipts and stocks light. Rye 'lour stea. 4 at SOW 9 2,1. and . Cora Meta at $2, Wheat conies in slowly and is Arm at $2 70 for red, and 9523 fur whits. Rye steady at $1 73. Corn—sales of 1,500 bush. yellow at 81 75. Oats are firmer and tell free at 930. Claverseed firm at $l5 50. 1,001:0 bush. Flax teed told at E 4. - Sales aim bbis. Whiskey at 39 30 IrElheny _Roberta Oil • Olmstead. Noble & Delamater Hibbard Story Fe= Petroloam Centre Egbert Hoge 'bland Allegheny Riser: Curtin Phita A: Oil Creek. Da Creek Germania 1 Corn Planter di Brion Rock Oil 3} Tarr Partn Globe Farm 13- Betny' kill Oil Cji.ek.... 1} Walnut Wand Eldorado. 11 r. Nicholas • aPet Al 116 `2+ - 14 . 3 . 3} .1116 . 1+ .. 14+ DIED (MEI rig Markets. 1 fla£l 1131 n, Jan. 10, larz. Butter 40 L g ar g d 20 _ Tallow 15 Bacon—Hama 20a25 Bacon—Sides 20 Soup Beans 2 00 Washed Wool 60 1 Unwashed Wool 90 'Pared Peaches } 500 Ulipared Peaches ' 300 Dried Apples 2 00 EunAt.n.l la Market?' LADP.i.ratA, Jan. 10; 186.5. abttertfonneids. —Shaer Herbs lust received from headquarters. These herbs cannot be eiesd led ht any nsPeet NIXON'S WATCH LO 8 T SILVER - HUN TI' 'TING CASE _WATCH was lost or taken =New Year's night, for which a reward of ezo wilt be given of returned to the liftmermitr oftleenod no eines - dens asked- The person having the watch is known, and end return ed legal means will be taken for Its recovery. jtcalLit. NNATIONAL fIANK OP CRAMBERS BURG, Jatiwaui: sth, "IBM The Direct= have tide day declared a DPITDEND OF TWO PEE CENT. ant of the prate of the hat two months, payable on demand. The regular semat•annual dividends of this Bank will - - be declared on the let days of January sad July. By order of of the Bowe jan -.3t G. R. MESSERSETTE Cashier. ADMMISTRATOtS NOTICE.-No- teals hmelly given that Letters of Adreinlstruion on the Estate of John Sheartuan, late of Green township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. - All persons knowing themselves Indebted M sald Estate will Ocala make Immediate payment; and those hating claims present them properly authenticated for setUement Sanii• f3AMYTEL SHEARMAN, Adm'r. "WE S T ERN FARM FOR SALE OR 'FaCITANG.B.—I will sell or Exchange for a Cum berland Valley Farm, or productive property, an Improved farm in Champrogo County, Illinois, containing three 'hun dred and twenty ACRES, 18 , 3 ender cultivator), 1} Story DOUSE, Barn, and Outbuilding-a, } mile from De and village, on Illinois Central Railroad. SILAS WARD, ja22ll,2t Mario Dealer, 3rd St., liarriaburg, Da. EXECUTOR'S NO TIC E.--Noties is hereby iTiver, that Letters Testamentary to the Es. tate ofWm; eft late of Antrim townswip, dee'd, have been granted to the tnidensigned. All person knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims present themproperly authenticated far settlement 'Judi GEO. S. MIST, Eer. 11DRINTING ESTABLISHMENT FOR Bale.—The Press, Types. Cum &o, upon which the Bedford Patriot was pinned, are for sale. The mate. ea} is nearly new, having been used only fivekaonths. It consists of e. very fall assortment of Newspaper and Job TYPE'S; it Washington Press, Cases, Stands, Itolers, die., altogether forming a very complete selection for s. country newspaper. Terms Cash. Address • F.111481L, Bedford, Pa. Harrisburg Telegraph, Franklin Repository. ,Mineis Journal, Headin g . journal, Johnstown Trilune, Pittsburg Gazette, please insert one time, and send bill to this office. —.Bedford inquirer. A. T T E N'T 1 0 N FARMERS AND BLACICSNITELS I We will sell, by Public Auetioa' at our Store Boom, as Cosuradree Alley, Chambeisburie, on a Monday, January 16zkat 11.0'41100k A- IC • A LARGE LOT OF IRON, consitting of Wand, Square,' Flat; Orli, and Band Iron. Also, a huge lot of A. L 8! - - - assorted Weds, which will be sold by the barrel or bun• died woods. The Inn will be sold be lots of 300 to 500 /Us. VE P. A credit ef Sixty Days isiD be given on all 11:1MB over SUL janll4t3 BRAND & FLACK- QTEAM TO AND FROM THE OLD LI COUNTRY.—The well known favorite Clyde•BoUt Iron Steamere,of the ANCHOR LINE of Eltertroshlys, "EHRKRNIA," - '"CALEDONIA," "BRITANNIA." and 'INITED KINGDOM," are intended to liaß fortnightly to and from New York, carrying passengers to and from Liverpool, Wargo; Brfort, - Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Gamy Of Londonderry. These steamers were built venially for the Atlantic trade, are divided into wn. ter and air-tight„complutmenta RATES OF PASSAGE Prom New York to any of the above places ;,Cabins, 8120 and 4/00; steerage, 845, payable La American cur• retry, To New Yorkfroto any of the above planes: Cabins, 665 and SW; steerage,' VA, payablela gold or equivalent in American currency. " Those who wish to send for their friends can bay tick. 'its at these rates from the Agents. FRAN'CI§ MACDONALD & CO.. .6, Bowling Green, New York. jaall4raos LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Peet ".ttlice at Cherobereburg, State of Penn. Sylvania, January 10,1865. far To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant mast call for "advertised Letters," give the date ofthis list, and pay - one cent for advertising. Antra William B Primer Samuel ' PhlUps . P - - Alexander George Green George Pugh MissErnstine Airige William Geotman Miss Fr L Pfeiffer Carl A BakeafreMarthaA GroveldnsCharlote Piser M A .Berlin Miss Ellie C Grove Mrs Eliz'h Rider, Ssmnel ' Berlin Miss Lunt Hall Mrs RinehartMrsidarth Blockel Robert Hardwick J W Rice Daniel Bracken T g Harrison Jonathan RaifsniderJohn W Brown Miss Anna Berwick Horace, SimmonsMissAtill Bower Anne RelmanMlsMartha Shively Miss Kate Brown Geo M Hoover David Strike MrsElisbath Burns Mis Cathrine Kennedy Birdsell 2 Schnyderifisseatti CriderllisAnnaß2lßendall Sandford SznithMetCathrine eck4grovehtissElizallilumpp G •Strock D C ,ok Kimmel John ,McCoy Matbewi W Miller Sarah I Myers Prink Mersa Gabel ft IllbleMissMartba3 Cool Mrs Ann E Davenport Wm Bi 14 , 44‘.4. DIXon Semen Disert MW Marri Eekkard Frank Ettingrr Jesse Etter Lewis Field Lewis QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE NA 11q BANK OF CIIAILIMISEWBG. January 2nd, - KV?, ASSETS. .- • and discounts United States bonds at Washington bo ,• on band Speeid• Legal Tender and other notes Due from National Banks $43,339 69 •A" " other Baas 51,432 73 94,772 42 $OOO 00 L'43 98 Res" Estate Ex-passes.. LIABILITIES. .. _. . _ Capital Stook paid in ' $25.5.838 30 Circulation—Book of Chauslaersburg....,.... 500,022 00 Due Depositors - . 400,219 60 Due Banks 14,66 e 09 Burp/to; nuid 67,835 11 Profit and Lora , 10,105 94 Disideudvanpaid- . - '751 00 Building' *sad 26,eu 30 . . .- - 11,279.074 42 The above statement Is 'just and true to the best of my knowledge end belief. GP... MESSEASIKITH, Cashier. Sworn and subscritaed before me, Jan. - 90, 1885. Anil THOMAS CAIILILE, Notary Peblle. J. & H. - M.• II I 'l' E Ell Have ?mad their CLOTHING AND FUR:MOM° STORE fa the Stone Bending, cm Second Street, two doors north of the Post Oftioe, and °malt') ' the County Jay, A good assortment of CLOTTIS, CASSTMEIIM, VESTING% SUMS, DIUWERB, TRAVELING BAGS, ,"'" Sad *piena*Bsortment of GRIM' .£Ol% MUM GOODS Give ad . es% . - • D , - R MILLER, at his NEW DRUG STORE, one door west BROWN'S 'HOTEL, has a z. witta, ntEctery7mcx. PURE ,DRUGS CHEMICALS and all the Dent AATENT MiDICU4E4 KEROSENE , OM LAMPS, YER.FIJIkEItY Stan, &r. West End Irpurt's Had fteb3 atbritistimbt. WON'S TETTER OINTMENT I S lig -the beet thieg;n use for Skin dinar" ALL PATENT =DIMES USUAL IT bald for Bate aaa be bad at rtpc.dxs . FRESH MEDICINES ALWAYS ON land at MOWS NIXON'S CAT'T'LE POWDER sbotild be used by every Eames'. : _ CiAltiEN SEEDS.—EarIy jYark, sliftdr., Dnur o t l ead, Savoy and Plat D , Cab }mg° le , ;,-ttnato, Egg l'lnnt and thsi 121131 V eery Of garden septis Nat opened at D I V WEND NOTICE.--4he p iam bershurg and Bedford Turnpike Thad Rem 3 , has declared a dicidead_ of one and shalt pec cent a the capital stock of said chapaey, payable ales the 15th of- Joe • Ilan ll4 ti • JORS ARMSTRONG, Theta. NOTICE —All Persons indebted to A. J 'WNW by note or Book Account will wafer a favor by rolling and settling their um:luta without delay. His books are all that he has saved ant of the great Are. laall et. J MUTE, Stelae Bullaing, irdoors ncrthef the Post Otßse. MOTlCE.—Haying visited th e ex tensive .1.1 seta rowing grounds and establishments of the Society of "United Shakers," during the past summer, and noticed thepassietr2ar care gicen to Belem= and pack ing seeds, I feel warranted in giv_i• their seQ3 the ref. wench both for use and sale, A fon stock of fresh Seeds just opened. J. S. NIXON. , PRo's'P T ECTIIS ' PRODUCING- OIL COMPANY. A I: WU, PAID STOCK.: • 100,000 &LOX-4. SUBit - IttPTION PRICE 81.50 PER W . OE. Wonsua CAPITAL, $4.01,g The Charter of ibis Corirparry will be issued by the Com monwealth of Perkr . ..sylsabia, under e,Acri of April Past, 1854. - • PESSIMT, 111?-4.9thIEB, J. L. SPROOLE. CO ' ItATOBS ! JOHN M. RILEY. RPO, J. L. %woe% ;' Thos. I....Billespie, N. Riley, E. R. Nevus, et Carlisle, N. B. E.Peass, E. M. Biddle, -D. P. Bouthwerik The Stock Will be earning at the rate of one per cent. per month on the Subscription price from the toy day of the dote of the Charter. The Properties of the Company are in fee simple, abso lately, and clear of alrincumbrances. No. 1. Is a tract 0(23 acres of land, situated In Venting° County; Peanklylvania; fronting on the Allegheny River, on the westerly-bank, two miles below Franklin. nearly opposite, and in range with, the tow of lower Two Mile or Van Buren Rely—which is, topographically, a =din nation of the break of Oil Creek—now yielding seven bar rels of 011 per day, - withotit intermission. NO. 2, Is a tract, containing 150 acres, with good new house and barn thereon, - known as the -Hattsfart Fate's, NO acres of which are under cultivation, the remainder well timbered, situated immediately back - from the river and in the rear of the property above described. The greater portion of this farm is good boring territory. Contracts for boring wells on Tract No. 1, can be made upon terms thatpoyment shalt not be made until Oil is monk in remunerating quantity, so confident are good and expe rienced borers (Attie ample return which the territory will produce. The surroundings are of the most desirable descriptions of Oil producing territory. Adjoisiing Tract No. 1, are the celebrated "Lee Welts," immediately below, on the same hank of, the river, are the widely known "Hoover Weir—one of which has yielded thousands of barrels du ring the last three years while on Hannibal Island, and on the opposite bank of the Allegheny, including the "Dale and Morrow," "Lee," "Roberts" and the "Smoky City. " .are several largely producing wells, all of which i are n the immediate neighborhood; while members of otli era are in process of boring, on both sides of thericer. It is proposed to bore two new welts on the river front, and others cm the farm, with as little delay as possible. A gentleman of practical experience in the business-- having been actively employed in the Oil region daring the part five years—and who Is thoroughly qualified- for the development of Oil territory, will have the superinten dence of the operations of the Company- on these lands. a - In stating the present yield of Oil from this property, the =act number Of barrels is given in order that the repre. !notations now made may be fully realized, in the earn: ings of at least one per cent. per month on the ratecription puce of the stock, without drawback. Persons desirous of; making, safe investments In Oil Stocks may rely ma the lasting character of the Producing Well'', and the consequent certainty of profit which attends Oil operations in this vicinity, along the Allegheny River..A. H. it'CULLOH. Agent, „ jaatl..3tlCumb. Val Railroad Office, Charaberebtim, Pa. T HE JEMEY WELL OIL COMPANY 1 ' 250 000 BUA.E.EB, AT $2,00 PER BEARE • " Pao3lDErr, DR. ALBERT G. EGBERT,. :I•Veaaugo Conoty, vic4 PRESIDENT, AIIEALIAM. MARTR, of Philadelphia. SECILETART AND TIMASVIEI22., - WILLIAM M. BARLOW, Of Ledyard & Barlow, Pbi Melphia. THREE PER CENT, PER MONTH ON $51:4000 In calling the attention of cupitalista to this enterprise, the Directors nave no hesitation in expressing their belief -shot their return from it will be more certain and mane ttbemt Wan froze aiilmare - oelallaby nsW6eroee %abort, -munity. The property of the company oonatsta of the fol lowing - No. I. Three-eights of the working interest is the eel, ebrated Jersey Well, on the Hyde and Egbert Farm, - on 011 Creek, with the Imre of land on which the well is lo tutted. Thiswell has been dewing since early in May, 1864, at the rate of about three hundred and fifty barrels daily, and is now Bowing at that rate, thus yielding to the Company between fifty and sixty barrels daily, worth, at present prices, twenty thousand dollars per month, which will pay to the Stockholders in this Company, More than Three per Cent. per Month from the siert. !There is room on the land for several more wells, two of which will be immediately commenced by the Company, and in which we shall have the same interest as in the Jersey. be character 'of this property, se oil land, is well known; it la only necessary Mery that no well on it has ever failed in getting oil, while it has already produced the Maple Shade, the Coquette, and the Jersey, No. Twenty-five acres in fee on the east side of the Allegheny river, opposite the month of Big Sandy. This tract has about forty rods' front on the river, and contains a large amount of boringsurface. Oil wells yielding large ly are found near this property ; among them the Hobbs, the Hoover, The Company intend to proceed at once to develop thin fine property, and feel sanguine of success. No. 3. A 14ase of, fifteen years on the Wm. Wilson Farm, oa Slippery Rock Run, in Lawrence County, Pa. NOY. 4,5, 6, II and 8 are also leases on Slippery Rock Run, containing four hundred acres in all. _They were obtained In April, 1864, by Dr. Egbert, and 'continue for fifteen years from their date. They secure to the Lessees all the oil and other minerals contained it the several tracts, with the right to divide and sublet, with all other rights and privileges connected with the business of mining for oil, coal and other minerals, and reserve a royalty of only one-eighth of said oil or minerals. The Slippery Rock Territory is a new and only partial ly developed oil region ; but the succees already obtained there and on the Mithoning River, a fon - Miles west, to gether, with the large quantities of oil found north, south, east and west of it, lead us to hope that it willprove a suc cessful oil region. The Company have already an excellent engine, tools, and all necessary fixtureson the grounds, with a well part lydciwn, and shalt proceed to develop the property as fast as parsible. These lands and leases were all selected, for oil, purpo sed by the President of this CoMpany, whose great success In the oil business, sterling integrity, and force of charac ter are too well known to require comment here. Subseriploas received as the office of LEDYARD & BARLOW, 499 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Only a Limited Number hf Shares are For Safe. Books open for a abort time at Oaks Jr Line's Ware home, North Main St., Chambersharg. janll D. BRALNERD OAFS, Agent. Stoner William ThompeoniKisSue. Taal 11. %Net* Waterman &Dever Weing Plailip 53 Witmer Wu Nary Witmer David WolfelEsaMagieA 1 W. DEAL, P. M 0771,310 .93 :50,000 00 57,W0 00 57,880 00 40,617 00 $1,V9,074 42 TREASIIRY DEPARTMENT, - .OFFICE ' OF COMPTROLLER OF ME TREASURY, Waskineo74, Noscraber 36, IS6I, WuRREAR, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has - been made to appear that "Tat NA , TIONAL .BASW. OF CRANIXEMUMO," in the Borough of Cbamberebprg, in the County of Franklin, and State of Penraylvan l a, has been duly organized under and accord. Mg , to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency. moored by . a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the cer. culation and redemption thereof," approved Sone 3, 1864, and has complied vt ith all .the provisions of mid Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the busi ness pf Banking said Act Now, fiemforel, TIVOLI M'CULLOCR, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that TIIE NATIONAL BANS OF CBAUBERSIsCRO,",iu the Borough of Chambersburg, in the County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania, is au* thorised to commence the lauFirocia of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony - whereof, witness rny hand and seal of office this thirtieth day of November, 1.961 [SEAL)• , lUJQB }rcuLLocil, dent-8t , • Comptroller of the Currency, doll - VOTICE.,--The subscription books of 11 the Pennsilettnia Imperial Oil Company were closed on the 3rd'inst., and subscribers to the capital stuck amid. Comganyrwill pay the amount o 4 their stock to the agents with whom they subscribed, on or before the Bth of Janu ary neat, WI, JAMES 31, sEmrsts, MONRY WANTED.-BRAND & FLACK respectfully reooest all persons knowing themselves indebted to them by notes or book acommts to call atuti make immediate settlement, The necessity of this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in debted will report at otter. _ aug24•tf AD;V'E R have lost my Account Boots by the deg:Mellen) of,Chambersborg on the 30th ult., and mast trust to the honer and honesty of my Old customers to per up. I still conduct me old business is Chambersburg and will be glad to 411 orders as before. 8.8. SHIWOCK. NAT7ONAL ,BANK OF cHemßEßsntrac, I December r;OthifEl64. US. 7-30 NOTES AND 10-40MONDS • for sale at thin Bank at par, and all other govern. went aeciuities bought and bold. deet,-32 G. R. MESSERSIIITA, Cashier. Vmonat liropertg *aim pat, SALE,A good STEAM ENGDIE, aSs honorltem•fr, to ennatlition. Can ba wan bY calling at T. B. Woad 4 "tuarY. BEOl4l JACOB OARVEIL ORS ALE.—A. One Horserread-Power, 1111 is good order, and far sale low. Apply at-this office ser•tf FOR SALE. : ----A full come Scholarship .12tbe Quan City Butane College ontilaa MU rs- Apply at Aloe. lap 4i ,financial. ~itia~pi+~~it~i~ pßoPosn§ - FOR FORAGE.—C> 'r QuAxerze Mabtsss lei tDePangtesa of Wad cathumand, MA, Novelltlair 11%186e SEALED PROPOSALS du l a' s tba undersigned for supplying this 'nermu m n meat in the Department of WOlt itirglehtsit Charleston, Isarkereborg and Wheeling, West V IS, and the several Ttrriate on the line n of the scluoutoge and Ohio Railroad, as follows; Clarksburg. Ortifteer; New Creek, Cumberland, Martinsburg, llarperis Varg a = Point of Rocks , and including laftigerstorn and a CiittyMd.; or either, of throe Ow 1111,1 es, with , Cam. Oats Straw. ' Bids will be received for the deliver} of three WAWA (3 0 00) bushels of Corn or Oats and Wel (50) testa Ray or Straw and wpwatds. STAIXILISt be accompanied brseo._ py of this suivertisetnent Bidden, must state at which of the above named pinta they propose to =eke defile:irk and the :stater which they will make deliveries *mat, the quantities of each article d to bedelivered, the three 'when lei/deliv ery s ibe commernoed end when to be *mom& Cora and Oats to be pat up in gowl,lstroag sante; Ray and Straw to be seteWely Wed. All articles armed under the bids 11Seein fretted. win te [abject to a rigid bayed/an by a, Gosemmeatisapectot, before being accepted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time toilet lowest responsible bidder; as the interests of the Otwernmentmay require. No bids will be Coefidered from parties who have failed heretofore to comply with their contracts. CifAll proposals =bat be travanpanled by a enormity, sign by two responsible persons, that in case the tad is ari. beted, he or they male, within the time named, moats, theo n tesact fin the mane, with good and sufficient media in a sum equal amonnt to the eamount of the contact to de l ver forage proposed, in conformity with the terms of this advertisemeat, and in case a bidder shall fail to enter Into the contract they to makeirood the difference betwerstr the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder or the personto vhosa down:Arad maybe awarded. The responsibility of the gosrantats mast be shown by the Okla] certificate of a United States District Judge or Attorney, Collector of Customs, or other Government offi cial, known by this office. parties will be duly notified of the acceptance or re teeth:a of their piopeeale. All proposals must bo made in duplicate, and be mann pealed with the Oath of allegiance of the party or parties, unless it has already been placed on tile in this *face. The full name, and poet office address of each bidder mast be written in the proposals most be to Capt. £ 11. Fmnsworth, Chief (bItOZV , MtUUrk'i Department of West Virginia, L`nwc berland, Md., and marked. "Proposals for VaraW Blank forms of bids, guarantees anal:ail may be ob tained on application to thisoffice. Ail proposals received ander this advertisement will, be opened and examined atlas office ouWEDNESDAYind SATURDAY of each week, at 1.2 its.. Bidders are,re spectfully invited to be present at the opening of bids, if they dinar. L VARNSWORTIL - Captain and Chief Quartermaster, decl4-tf ' Department of West VI Cortquiitieo. BURRING SPRING &RUBLE FARM .JJ oq, COICEAWL airem 4350),0C0• Shares, 200,014 - MAO, Capita; s44odi Pa Value, $4.50. Subscription Price #M per dam omens: A.. B. LONGASZB, Pleader& J. =Box Bram% Treaa. uskeratut, J. R. Eby; Itetrisinug, r John White, Jr., New York, A.B. raker, Nornsen, J. Hervey Joins, Pittsburgh, W. R. &bell, Phibuta.„ J. Allison Enter, Phitads, Alexander 11. Reed Pittsburgh. Ofme N 0.208 South 4th arra; Mgt Boar, hack roam,) Yhtiodelphia, Tgasts—elper share at time otsnMariptlon,.thebabro 'all:drip days., dead icettancous, AMERIbAIi BANK NOTE REPORTER The Only Bank Note Reporter In Pkilladel;phia. ' PUBLISHED WEEXLY. The only one containing QUOTATIONS of Bank Notes in FOITE CITIES, viz. : ,Philadelphia, New Ycais.. Baltimore, Ciacinnatt, The only one which contains the NATIONAL BANKS as far as orga ' sdzed, (cantata:4 - • The only. one whisk contain* the (MORAL Drik COUNT in BIORTEEN CITIES, VIZ.: .. .. Philadelphia, Chiccgo, - lialthaese. New York, -- Louisville, Washington, Cleveland. " Davenport, ' • Chminnatt, Wi c lmigton, • Agony, PS:WM* Roheste n r,Faul, St. Lools, ; liII Togy, , DILLIIIe. IMlwankee, The only one which gives the earliest Informant of NEW COUNTERFEIT NOTES, , . ' Markets, awls, AND FMA.NCIAL NEWS The FACILITIES of the " AmetimaillarlACNOts: Tier voter," "both FINANCIAL AND TTFOCtRA L RRITS3AL, are Domestic uxs¢v~n,• .suBSOBIPTION, PER. AMilailif Omar Weekly 63,50 $2,40 Menthly,4l..so • Oedee, 1011Scath THIRD Street, alga 6 3 0 1 9 irp7 4m•iu Address, S. E. COHEN, Publisher. IMPORTANT! ENROLLMENT! DRAM' I—The Board of, Enrollment of the 811 , teen% Dlatrictof Pemasylraole, urn] hold Ismialseeefoos next month for the CORRICTION OF THE EN- ItOLLMENT LISTS, asfolloirs &AT BEDFORD, for Bedford County, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 12tigi23tb and 14th. AT WCONNELLSBURG, for Fallon County, on 31:iaday and Tuesday, Jannis:y . l6th and. 17th, AT GETTYSBURG, for Adams County; on Friday and Saturday. January 20th and Mal AT SOMERSET, (or Somerset County, on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday January 25th, 26th and :nth. AT CHAXBERSRUBG, for Franklin County, on Monday and. Tuesday, January 30% and 31st, Alt perk= claiming non-liability on aocaunt of Mani. fest Peratstnent Physical Disability; Flaring been Two Yetis is service; Being Under or Over Age; Alien:age, or for wife:titer sufficient reason, are solicited to ahead with their,proofs. Oantenttees should be energetic in bringing out the foregoing Classes, and in presenting proper cOdenee in the caws of Persons now In Service, I;bmitesistenis, sod Others. • All shotdd. endeavor to present thetneelveinpon the first of tha days above mentioned, and not delay until Eta vaxendor thirti, The engagements of the Botta willnot admit or any time being lost GEO. EYSTER, Captain, and Provost Marshal. SOHN CULP. Coma% WM. C. LAKE, Mattgati.. CHAKEIEREBLIW, Pa., Dee. 21, 1864. .cd*ne-it - AGENTS *ANTED TO SELL THE AMERICAN CONFLICT, A History of the Ruud Rebellion, by Howl, °REMY I This Wiick. in Its plan and scope, differs widely *vomit other historic' of Malta hellion; while the candid, lucid, sebroldmirsitraatioepree sentroeur of the mums: ineitetnent, and meet incidents of thitorar—as given in Volume I—ma • hardly Ml to in sure for "Tat Aktkilitill CORPIder"- a strider drools film, greater popularity, end %fax more permanent value that can be found In an oananparazy wotkon the Rebel lion. Re present success, all things oanaidenaLia unpin& leled. Tins history Las also Waived the endorsement of the Newspaper Pros, 'many fold. -greater than has been accor ded to nay kindred wort; in not less than one Mourand highly commendatory undoes and meienen many of which are from Journals oppoeltdinthe author in political senti ment The stork is sold only by subscription, through Trove. ling Agents, to whom the exclusive right to mama with, in specified limits is given. We mutt energetic, thorough• going canvassers in every unceenpled county led section. To experienced, efficient Agents—to all wbd can ewe. dale and properly explain a 'no* of the elevated otter. nowt of 41qm . litmvonoac Cueatrerl'—we offer Indoor mints rarely if ever before °gimlet!: For farther information ad drfts the undersigned. O. A CASE 4te. "Pubheheas, Euetterl, Ct. Jan4.2t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! The aod ROPES bTPTLNES. ersigned having porehased theentireStoerand Fixtures of the Rope an Torino bfamActory of J. P. Grey, detfd, xmimutrally announees to heel:rinds, sad the former patrons of the establishment, that she Al b atinue to carry on the business, in all its varionstmt THE .OLD STAND, on PrrelV t iln street, Chumberaburg, where she will beplease ed to receive the calls and orders of the public,. All binds, sizes, and qualities ROPES, CORDAGE, TWINES, dr.C:, always kept an hand or made. to order otthebeet material. and !raised at reasonable Flees. In =meet =s the above business, she is also prepared to scuantdlicinre HAM HUSK, AM) OTHER • , I&ATTRASSES, . as well ns Horse Blanketaand Fly Nets Of alpettor Teal ity and style. _Persons in want of superior altder !Ls above Bee are rent:mated to call, or sendtleir Wags, :krldolt sclllbo attended to promptly. MART E. GUY. - VIHILLER, HAMILTON it 'CO. _WC Rave just received Mine asmittnent of STOVES: TIN, JAPANNED AND OTHER W ARE. They aro deter/Vaned to sell lower than anybody else. They put on TIN ROOFING, Ist quality material for 18 cents per squatitoot ; 11d quality 16 cents; 3.1. quality 14 cents.' They do SPOISTZTe cheaply, weliand ma:Aptly. , Tilly use best ban 53T Stove Pipet, wad charge btit 3.6 eeets per ID, Come and see It put eaubot do better leittit,here Than with any other establishment. Prices reduced to snit-the times, actl.l6 • TERMS CAMEL , Hi SEIREE HAS OPENED A CHAIR • and CABINET WARE Roo.l4ia the loweethat of the 31. E. Mirth, where he has now on head a kb& of Cabipent 'Mae. .811dt as Sedates*, Baena% Tables. m a i m steeds, and Mattresses, wathrof OAK and WAIF myr COTTAGE FURNITURE Blind', kx., cairn be will sell cheap for on* anie243 y ,0 S T .—kpaix of GO L'D SPECTA- J 1.4, MIA in a hlcaseeoease, en %e de, mfg. The thati between flake's Stem wad fteteetaaa'a Any person Wing them mill please leave them at this ales des2B-31. TT= Bladtn, CAW PRICE 'PAID forlitisiltitetira' • OB PRlNTLlWg it yWitYiliait One i et Me Ogee ofehi UPPIPMit C. 8. , PH.M.234 Se,* =I