The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 11, 1865, Image 1

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    Tzans 0-i-P171311-7--CtTIO-N-
every Wednesday morning by "THE REPOSITORY
AtISTION," at $2 30 per annum, tie ADVANCE, or
- 11` not pstd within the year. Xl' subscription ac
erurait must be ached annually. No paper will be sent
out or the - State unless paid , for in advance, and all such
subscriptions tviltinvariably be di.scorainued at the cspi.
mtimaof the tiint, for which they are paid-
ABYART/SEMP.NTS are Inserted at Fl 5 OEP CENTS
per line faitlist insertion, and TEN cares per line for sub
.B!quebt insertions . A liberal diaconal is made to persons
advertlsingb3r the quarter, half year or year. Special no.
tioeseharged onohalf more than regular advertisements.
Alemsalntions of Associations; communications of limited
or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths
exceeding five lines, are charged fifteen cents per line.
er All Legal Notices of every kind, and all CfrpharLe
Court aneteither, Judicial Sake, are required by Lazo to he
advent,/ irz the REPO:MORT—it having the I..AnnEsTcHt..
CCLATION of any popisepublished in the county of Praia/in.
.19EitiliTING of every kind in Plain and Fancy col-,
era, done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks;
Cards, Parnpidets, &a, of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest notice. The REPOSITORY OFFICE, leas just
been re-fitted with Steam Power and three Presses, and
every thing in tho Printing line can be executed in the
moststrtistie manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN
- - -
26. John K. Shryock is our authorized Agent to
receive Subscriptions and Advertisements, and receipt for
the same. All letters should be addressed to
ArclzruE & STONER, Publishers.
QIIERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
of YOnditioni Ezponas, issued out of the Court of
Common „Pleas of Franklin county. Pa., and to me direct
ed, there dill' be exposed Its Public Sale, at the Court
Horne, in the Borough of Chanabersburg. on Friday. the
the 13th day of January, 1665, at I o'clock, P. M., the fol
lowing described Real Estate, viz:
AlWmt TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hamilton ton-n
-o/4, Franklin (meaty Pa., containing r Acres, more or adjoining lands of Douglas and McClellan, Jacob
Moan auk James McAleer, seized and taken iu execution
as the property of Charles McAleer.
defendant's Interest in all that TRACT OF
LAND, eltaate in Washington township, Franklin coun-
Pa.; eoldtdning 20 Acres, more or less, with a one and
a half Storied Brick Dwelling House, Log Barn, Log
Tenant Moose, &c., theism erected, adjoining lands of
Henry W. Funk John Walter, Martha Deatrich and
lands of the heirs of Donk , / Bell, deed. seized and taken
in execution as the property of John E McKee.
that LOT OF GROUND, situate in the
Borough Of Chanthershurg, bounded on the North by lot
of John Doelder, on the East by lotof James H. Brown,
on the South by lot of Samuel Armstrong and on the
West by Second Street being it , feet In front and 64 feet
In n depth (more •or less) seized and takes in execution as
theproperty of Holmes Crawford.
Also-41.11 that LOT OF GROUND, situate in the
- Two of Marion, Franklin Co.. Pa., bounded by Main
Street, bk i l e ot of the heirs of Shall, dec'd , by Pine Stump
Board a by lot of the heirs of Samuel Fawn, deed con.
taintog Acre, more or less, having one Log House,
one W,eBtherhearded Log House, Blacksmith Shop and
Wagon; Maker Shop, thereon erected,' seized and taken
in execution as the Property of Gabriel Farner and George
Wks, ' a , SAMUEL BRANDT . High Sheriff.
PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned
intending to remove to the West, offers atiPrivate
Sale, the following de,scribed Real Estate, to wit:
A FARM, situated in Letterkenny thwnship, Ifianklin
corm , Pa., about 4 miles north-west of Chambersburg,
and t of a mile from the head of the Rocky Spting,
adj lands of S. Huber and Daniel Byers, containing
110 AC 9, part Limestone, part Freestoneaand part
Black Slate. The improvements are a two-story BRICK
HOUSE—nearly new; Log and Frame Barn with Wacon
Shed-attached and other out-buildings. There fs a Well
of good, neverfailing Water, near the Dwelling. an ex
cellent Orchard (in fall Inaring) of Grafted Fruit and a
Lime Kiln on the premises. There is water, for stock
=in Almost every field. The above Farm is in
order; having lately been well limed. Thistract
ecmteltie home Timber Land, but the purchaser can have
the privilege of baying 22 acres of Mountain Land, well
set with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak.
AIso—Two , ACRES and 28 PERCHES adjoining the
above, on the Public Road, with alt storied TENANT
HOUSE, Stable, ,di.c. This small tract is well planted
with FRUIT TREES, and is admirably adapted fur gar
denimr purposes. , These is a geed Well of Water at the
house, azdza Spring near the Stable.
Also—A TRACT of 3101INTAIN LAND, situate in
Letterkenny township, adjoining Lends of Folio's heirs,
con • ,11 acres each—both well set with Chesmut
an L. at Oak.
Peribtis wishing to view the premises can do so by call.
/ng earn% '4.2 the Ent described hum.
PSALE.—There will be sold at
1 Public Sale, OP the premises, on Wednesday, Janua
ry eke 11th at 10'o'clock,. A. M. the following Real Estate,
beleogiag io the Estate of Matthew McKee, deed:
MI With 15 ACRES OF LAND thereinto attached,
situated in Greene township, Franklin Co., Pa., on the
PlißEc Reed leading from the Baltimore Turn-pike to the
Scotland. Fail React Depot, about 1 mile from the former
and 2 miles from the latter point The Mill is !orated on
the Conococheagtie Creek, has an excellent Water Power,
god repair, and 18 in good neighborhood for pnrchn.
sing grain. There is also a goad SAW MILL. n too
two ,edery,Weather-boartied house; Log Tenant Mouse
aacUecheris sry Improvements attached to the prop-
Also.-- )
--ht the same time and place will be offered a
Tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, in Green township.ibonn
ded by lands aflion. Geo. Chambers and others, contain.
ing.A.CRES more or less.
Temi tinsde known on day of sale. Any Persons wish
ing to view the Property will caller' the undersigned. resi
ding on the same, or on her Attorney, John It Orr Cham
bathos*, Pa . - To whom all communication, should be
addeoped. Encre3ol MARGARET - CAMP.
, ‘' The heirs of the late Israel Senger, deed offer at
Private Sale the Farm on which they reside, situated on
the - --VA4tiesboro' and Hagerstown Turnpike, 3 miles
from,thefertnerand .9 from the latter place, containing 164
ACRES more or leas of beat quality Limestone Land.—
There are about Oil acres of Wood Land. The improve
ments are a large two-story - LOG AND WEATHER
BOARDED DWELLING HOUSE, A story and a half
Tenant Hones aver Spring House, a large Bank Barn,
with Warm Shed and Hay Shed attached, Wood House.
Hog Pen, 'trim other necessary outbuildings and an ex
cellent Cidef Wise. There is on the premises a large
Orchard of grafted Fruit Trees. There are 2good Springs
on thAtinus, the Antietam Creek passing along one side of
it. • •
Cr - Any 'persons wishing to view the farm can do so
by adlitig ositheileirs residing on the arm, when all ne
misery information will be given. Jan4-1m
RetrOstriner,Chambeisburg, Herald. Hagerstown. copy
WILT to this odice for collection.— Vit.'ege
satt.—The - subscriber will sell a valuable prop•
ertyiositnated mile south of Fayetteville, Franklin coun
ty, Pa., adjoining lands of Jos. Crawford, 31. B. Wingert
sadothen, containing 10 ACRES more or leas. The im•
prortunents sap a two-storied BRICK 13WELLLND with
'Brlck..KlOhen,indLog and Weatherboarded Burn, Wagon
/Retied Corn Cribs, Brick "Wash_ House and all other
necessary terfebnildings. A Well of never Water
near the door, and Cistern with pumps therein. 'There is
an Oiebaid of-eholee Fruit and a variety of other Fruit,
lac-km.l%ms, Cherries, Ito. The land is of fast ciuraWy
nod In sVircrod state of cultivation, being heavily limed
withialthelara fear-years. The great portion is under Post
and Ea. rele. There is also a stream of Running We.
ter Otrthe premises. This farm is situated In a healthy
and iftsanatportion of the country, ecravenient to Schools,
Pesebei Church_ IK 4:+3
desircras to view the property will call on the
aniCimilir f DorZamos] HIRAM T. 'SNYDER,
Eburßneh of arConnelsburg, Fulton county, Pa.—
Diable TWO STORY 1101.75 E, Eleven Rooms,
Si on; Wash'Bonse, Sc: TWO LOTS OF GROUND,
chain!, grnit and Shrubbery; Stabling for thirty-tre
horses. Location and buildings mutable for a Hotel, bay
ing been rued as a.Tavern for a number of years. Vint
rate Weft of water at the door. Al! in good order. The
subscriber will sell at a bargain and gve poesession at
anytime : For information call on or address
31Tormellsburg, Fahon. Cannty. Pa.
urp - Geo. A. Smith, Esq., my Attorney, will ewe all
necessary information in my absence. R. A.
• 61 delidliPled, Executor of the last will and testament
of JohtiGiWttmsua, late of the Borough of Ghamberebarg,
deed, will offerat Public Sale, on the premises, en Satu,
day,t he 23th'day of January nal, the following described
LOT OF (}ROUND. situate in said borough, bounded on
the South by Ittetket Street, cat the West by lot of A. I).
Cadatia;- en the North and East. by other grounds of sald
deoeaselly being thirty two feet front; and ono hundred
and sixty three feet deep. Said Lot 13 in very desirable
locattcw, for either a private residency or a busmen stand.
Sale to commence at one o'clock, on said day, when teltas
will be made known by GEORGE LUDWIG, Ex.r.
'emibers offer at Private Sale their farm, situated In
Antrim townahip, - five miles noro,west of Greencastle. ou
" the itntel leading to Stitt°ll's Mill. It consists of about 250
ACRES of good land, of which more than SO Acres aro In
• Sue Oak and hickory Titaber ; the remainder consists in
ilarg•eopaYt Of. MEADOW and BOTTOM, and in well
,aciapte!lfor Graa4ng purposes. A portion of the laud has
been niiiintly
Perkas wishig to view the property, ascertain tens,
,oro., will call 4372 or addracs...l no. W. P. Reed, Greencastle,
Perra'a. - W. A. REID,
dec22.2mes J. W. P. REID.
PY'"e" Btiliß MILL STONES.-
Liberty street,' mar the Cotton Foam;
The indentigned announces to the trade that he mita.
WS 41 . 2.44404164 1 :11 . find import direct from the most colo
nin mace, the best qualities of
-- ~ •
whlettiothtfortntikreasonable rates, and guarantees satin
faction to the purchtger. Also—Every number in use of
the teetatited
- - bei tn ,b 7iroa n promptly lA:leaded to, and srossls for•
warded by railroad, canal or express, desired.
W. 11. KEPNER,
toi 1 , 41.310N0. 10 West State Street Harrisburg, Pa.
jawed!' Repo:wary publish .1m and send bill to this
o ram V for collection.—Harrisburg Telegraph.l
frODYSPEPTICS.-110.ving been alio
-3.,..ted air a number. of yews with DylPetxda, I ..111
t4e4l4otryy DB-!YVIA HARTS DIEDICIND, for that
disaßie. -I derived groat benefit and retainmorand it to
quite itxramber of lay Mends and *ba were also much
benifltietiy it, and wham testimoniais can bo bad it' neft-
MIT". Ittave beast appointed by Dr. 'Wisher asAgeat
forth, 810, 0 9.4. Medicine, wholonaleor
acyl3 Fapoeitory office, Charabenburg Pa.
- _
1 1 0,.
L A -I . 't
- ..
' '
terested trill please take notice, that the following
Accountants have Bled their AecOmits in the Register's
Ofice of Franklin County and the mono Will be pro.
rented to the Orphan's Court fur conattration, on Wednes
day, the lSth day of January, 184;5„ in Chambersburg;
1. First and tonal Account of Hiram Sowers, one of the
Administrators of Gee. Sowers, late of Guilford township,
First and San] Acct. of Fred. Dice, Adm'r of John
Albert, late of Hamilton imp., dCed.
3. Acet. of P. N. Hoffman, Ex'r of Dr. Chas. Hassell,
late of Southampton twp., dec'd.
4. Acct. of Patrick McGarvoy and John Hawk, Ez'rs
• . .. • • - •
of Catharine Miller, late of St. Thomas tvcp.. deed. ,
5. Acct. of Amos S. Heloczelman, guardian of Maitin
and Charlotte Fleintzelman, minor children of Samuel W.
Heintzelman; late of Gunton-I. txp., deed.
6. Second and final Acct. of Jacob Reishartl, S. E.
Stahl and Levi Spitle, Ex'rs of Jos.Stahl, late of Green
7. Second and final Acct: of Wm. S. Amberson and
Abraham Frantz, Adm'ris of David Royer, late of Watt,
ington twp„ deed.
e. Firstand final Acct. of Abraham Horst, Adm'r of
Elizabeth Hoover, late of Antrim tap., deed. '
9. First and final Acct. of Wm. Shelter, Ailm'r of Wm.
Varner, deed.
Pi Final Acct. of Alex. W. Kyner, Gobi - dam of Mary
E. Reside, minor child of John R, Reside, late of South
ampton township, deed.
11. Final Acct. of Sam"! Grossman, Er.'r of John Sholli
to, late of Guilford tap. deed.
12. Acct. of David Grossman, Guardian of Wm. liege,
minor child of Susan 51. liege, late of Guilford twp„ - dec'd.
. 13. Acct. of John 3lidhour, one of the gets of Jacob
Midi:tour, late of Quincy twp., deed.
- 14. Fast and final Account of Joins D. Walker, Adm'r
of Jesse H. Jones, who was Guardian of Jacob D. and J.
K. Kegerreis, children of Jacob Kegerreis, late of Fan
nett tap.. deed.
/5. Account of Nathaniel Martin, Guardian of Hannah
H. Martin, minor child of John Martin, deed.
Id Final Account of Abraham Barr. Guardian of Jacob
Shocker, minor child of Samuel Shockey, late of Wash
intton tap, dec'd.
17. Fast and final Account of John Zimmerman, Ea r
of Klizabeth. Study, late of Warren tap.. deed.
18. Final Account of Atchison Ritchey, Ear of Jane
Milligan, dec'd. •sa
19: First and final Account of Abralrsh Firrefer (of $:,)
Adm'r of Mrs. 3L M. Keefer:lite of Cumberland Gourds,
20. Account of John Bovernan;,Gruardian of Christiana,
David and Amanda C. Nicholas, minor children of Peter
Nicholas, late of Indiana, deed. •
21. First Account of John H. Laker, Guardian of Peter
Snyder, Jr., minor child of Peter Snyder, Sr., late of Gull
foul tad,., deed.
2. Firstand final Acentint of T. B. Kennedy, Guardian
of Wsn. C. Beaver.
Z. Second and final Account of Rob't C. Horner, Guar
ditn ofJames H. 'McGaughey.
24. Second and final Aecountof Ron C. Romer, Guar
dian of D. Calvin 31eGaibey.
25. Samna and final Amount of Rob% C. Horner, Guar
dian of Alexander R. McGaughey.
25. First and final Account of Feter C. Holism, Adm'r of
Henry Hollar, late of Lurgau tivp., deed.
27. First and final Account ofJno. D. Van Lear, Adm'r
of Joseph Van Lear, late of Fayetteville, deed.
First and final Account of Alex. M. Johnston, Ad
ministrator of Samuel Johnston, late of Montgomery tsrP-,
lift First and final Account of Wm. HoMon. Jr., Adm'r
of Wm. Holdon, late of St Thomas txrp., deed.
:At First and final Acct. of D. K. Wunderlich, Guar.
dinn of Bettie Rhodes.
First and final Acct. of D. S. Wunderlich, Guar
dian of W. H. Rhodes.
• • .
32. The First Acct. of John Royer and James S. Crun
kleton, Efrs of Samuel J. Crunkleton, late of Antrim
Rt. Acct. of Joa Lochbaam and John Downey, Adixirs
ofJohn Loehbaum. late of Green tirp., dec'd.
34. First Acct. C. S. and Chas. W. Eyster, Ex'rs of Ja
cob Oyster, late of Chnnabersburg, deed.
45. First. and 'anal Acct. of Wm. Rupert, Adair of Mar
tha Van Lear, late of Green twp.. deed.
• 36. First and final Account of Israel Ness, Guardian of
Anna, 'Barbara. Catharine, Sarah, Mary and Frederick
S trite, minor children and heirs of Isaac Suite, late of
Guilford tscp.., deed.
:17. First and final Account of Abraham W. Hoover,
Grtarlian of Anna Wingert, minor child of John Wingert,
Irate of Letterkenny tap., deed.
dett2l-42 ,HE.NRY STRICKLER, Register.
January Term, 1865;
Houghwout & Co. , es. Wunderlich, head & Co
S ofe:H Pennock & Co. ca. ;William _Reber.
Jobn WCurdy, et al vs. Andrew M'Cursly,
Same Ta: 4avid Vance.
John Peterraan's Adm'r vs. Dewis Etter.
William Rodgers vs. William Geyser.
Jacob S Bross n vs B M Worley et aL
William Rodgers vs: William Keser.
George Gaff 's nsa vs. John H Test le.
Miry C Miller vs. John H Hartle.
John Millhonse vs 3Villiam Evster,
Simon Ritmer vs John Wahl...milli.
Philip Karper v, Benjamin Cook. or al.
Morrison . vs. lir' eager.
Weugley vu. Bonebrake.
T M• Carlisle, et al TF. Et Phreaner's Adler.
Robert Taylor •• vs. David Teeter.
J & S Ely ,• ' vs. Franklin Funk.
E Kuhn vs. AV Crook's Ex•r.
G W Woltr .-. vs. Wm Christ
Solomon Helser . vs. "Wm M'Grath, Sheriff.
John Triteh vs. Joseph Price.
Eliz Jane Trindie, et al. vs. Mary Ann Clark.
Henry Holby vs. 'r L Fletcher, et al.
Wm M'Grath is. John F Guyer'.
'William Bush vs. John Shoup.
JatnibS Lynn . vs. .5 Hisey & wife.
31orron- R Skinner ; vs. Samuel Barer.
James Martin I - vs. Michael Long.
...Morrow R Skinner 1 . TS. Samuel Brtner.
John Snider & sv:fe ' vs. Wna Christ.
Abraham Hess vs. D E Reisher, et aL
William Wilhelm ' - vs. D,S-Wisher.
David Witherspoon , vs. Rebecca Curre3. - 's Ex'r,
John Richardson vs. JohoPlum. '
kete.2l H. S. TAYLOR, Proth'y
PROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner,
the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the
different Townships in the County of Franklin. Oreetingl
Know all ye, that in pursuance of the precept, to-me di
rected, under the hand and seal of the HON. A LEX . RINO,
President of the several• Courts of Common Plena, in the
Sitteenth District consisting of the counties of Somerset,
Bedford, Fniten and Franklin, and by vivant, of ids office
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery for the trial of capital and oth'er offenders therein and
in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
W. IY.-PaITOS. and JAMES 0. HAIL-90N, Ems., Judges.of
the same county of Franklin. You anreacb of you are
hereby required to be and appear in vourproper persons
with your Records, Reeoguizances. skaarninatious, and
other Remembrances before the Judges aforesaid. at Chem
betsburg. at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid
on the 3d Monday in January. bring the Nth day 'of tke
month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and
there to do those things, which to your several offices ap.
Given - under my hand at Chambershurtt, the 211th De
cember. 1864 (leil.) SAMUEL BRANTYP, Sheriff,
NTOTICE.—The following named per
.l,ll Bons hare filed Petitions fur License in the Clerk's
°One, to be presented to Court at the next term, cona
miftnein on Monday, theledb of January next
Joint ladles, Chatubersburg, N. W.,
Adam'Wohif, do
A..' R. Seibert, Concord. '
Cbilderson Roberson ' do
David Ritzmiller. .Roxbory,
J. B. Bmtulisangh, Middlebury.
Alexander Martin. St. Thomas,
William Bratten, do
Jeremiah. Burk, Marion, ' don
John H. Hartle, Greene Me, IS'hole•aleLiquor Store.
tled'E-3t W. G. MITCHELL, Clerk.
TION.-12ichard Burden's Estate.—To tbo heim and
legal representatives of said deed: You are hereby nod
fled that, in pnrsuance omit writ of inquisition, issuing out
Of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to me
directed, I will hold an inquest on the Real Estate, of which
said decedent died seized, situate in Franklin County, Pa.,
on the 2ith day of February, A. D., .161 Z, at 10 o'clock,
A. M.., is hes and where you may attend if you think pro.
per: , Dais44lo SAMUEL BRAIiDT, Sheriff,
Notice is licieby 'given that the Partnership hereto-,
fete existing under She firm, style, and name of C. Hi
KtlN - 7ZEt. & 13f0., was dis...ived on the 19th of December,
lefii, by mutual consent. The Books ofthe late firm are
in the hand, of C. 11. K 114,1 for t o pos4",i to .
The Business will be (lonian:LC(l by C. IL KUNKEL.
'PlON.—Conrad Zody's Estats.—To the Heirs and
Legal Representatives 01 said dee'd : You are hereby no
tified that. in pit ttumee of a Writ of lonnisnon, irinlng
out of the Orphans' Court ofe.Frtuaklin county, Pa., to ma
directed, I will hold an inquett on thelleal Estate of which
said decedent died seized, situate in Quincy township,
Franklin county, Pa., on the 140, day of January, 1864, at
10 o'clock, A. IL, when and where you truly attend if yon
think proper. itlectil is.khrL BRA:SIItT,
- -
.A. cation ot Martha S. look for Di , . ureo The under.
signed, Commlsslimer apptinted he the Cour: of Common
Fleas of Franklin county, to take evuLence In the matter'
of the application for divorce ;male by Martha S. Funk,
by her next friend, Geo. Itabley, against Daniel
Funk, wit' meet the parties, and all persons interested, for
said purpose, on Saturday. the 141/ day al Jammry, at IU
Cielock, A. hL, at his office, in the Borough of Chambers.
burg. [deed) T.J.J NILL.
following accounts have been for confirmation
at the January Tana, A. U., 18 , 54
I'iret.wwonnt of Fri &trick H. Deck, Committee of the
porno, tool limata of Chrfiataa Lengle. o lunatic.
lino and Ot,lt. I aunt of C. Ji. lluructt and Jacob S.
Bra n d, Win. A. Heade% under a deed of
voluntary analgnincrit tar benefit of creditors.
de r 70., ft K. S. TAYLOR, Prolh.Y.
tiro Is hereby pacer, that I.eeptei of Administration
do tomb nen on rho Lento or NieholanBnider. WC of Guil
ford township, deed, into.. hem, granted to the andeni,Fted.
All pemon s knuuiag themselves Indebted to said Londe
will please make imtnetlinte payment; and those having
chums present tla-m property a tkew e m s .,!, for settlement.
deaf' / JOHN N. NNIDER, Adm'r.
CO DNAT,Egg.—ByAct of Conered. it is required
thnt all wg m! and admen° sold after tb..Dith day of Jon.
nary, 180. Blinn bp Inspected and stamped. Dealers are
hereby notified that I have been appointed lospeatot of
the game for Franklin county, and regneet them not to in
fringe upon the km. (Jan4-3t) GEO. W. TIEAGIr.
Legal Itaticeo.
/Lewd potters.
..Ia_ tice iF hereby given that Letters of Administration
ott the Estate of Elizabeth Deardorff, late of Washington
township, deed., have been granted to the andsrsignmi„
All persons knowing them - seises indebted to said Estate
trill please make immediate paynant ; and those having
claims ptaisenttlem properly antlienticated for settlement.
jan4 JOAN S. DEARDORFF, 5 ''"-""1-
tice is hereby given thnt Letters of Administration
ors the -Estate of John Shrader. late of litcortgornery town
ship, dee'd, hare been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
wM.phmse make immediate payment, and those haying
claitas present them properly authenticated for settlement
tice i 3 hereby given that Letters of Administration
mai, the Estate of Elizabeth Potts, late of Southampton
township, dec'd, Lave been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to sand Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
dew JAMES B. Ottß, Adm'r.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
oa the Estate of J. Smith Grier, late of Chambersbarg,
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
MI persons knotting themielves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment: and those having
eldjms present them properly authenticated for settlement.
JOHN L. GRIER. / Adm . n.
dect— , R THOMAS S. GRIER,
EXECUTOR'S N 0 TIC E.—Notice is
hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Rebecca Pawling, late of Antrim townsnip, deed, have
been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment ; and thosehaving
OM= present them properly authenticated fur settlement.
111031 AS PAWLING, Ex'r
Uptcbes any *Warp.
Having just opened a well selected assortment of goods
in my line, directly
Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street,
where my old and I hope many new easterners will find
mo during business hours. /4 old stock baring been re•
duced fiery- suddenly on the 30th of July last, I s - as
pelled ist buy an
Entire New Stock of Goods,
which are of the latest styles and patterns, consisting of
Gold and Silver (Imported and American)
Gent's and Ladies' Watches,
Jewelry of fine and medium qmilities,
Silver Thimbles,
Napkin Rings,
_ Fruit and Butter Knives,
Gold Pear of fine quality,
Pocket Cutlery,
Razors, Strops and Brushes,'
Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Batter Raises,'
Jett Goods,
Pocket Books,
Ladies' Parses,
Nail and Tooth Brushes,
Redding and Pocket Combs, '
Lead Pencils,
Morocco Satchels,
Large and Small Willow Baskets, : 1 ; 4
Tamborines, •
Flutinas, Ac.•
The assortment of CLOCKS is large and of every Ta
I hate on hand the lIENRY REPEATING 'RIFLE,
which can be fired Anent dries in that many seconds.
Everybody shoold hove one foe self defence.
The public are invited to call and examine them.
PISTOLS on hand and orders filled for any kind that
may be wanted.. Cartridges of all sites kepton band:
From long experience lean adapt Spectaclestothe sight
of the old as well as middle aged. SPECTACLES ND
EYE GLASSES in Gold, Silver and Steel Frame al.
ways on hand.
hating the agency for the sale of the celebrated BUR
GLAR AND FIRE-PROOF SAFE, aianufactnreid by
Farrell, Herring „t Co.. 1 will 11l orders at the manufac
tures price. All information in regard to them given.
The public are invited to calland-examine the stock.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry 4 repaired at low rates to
suit the tithes. -
_ _
tention of every reader of lids paper, whin].) Includes
rnany' r esusand of his old patrons and acquaintances, to
Lis unusually large Itne bcoutifal variety of AMERICAN
& Imported WATCHES, CLOCKS, and elegant designs
act.M. 708 Market Street,
- Has a large stuck
Superior plated TEA SETS, SPOONS, FORKS, &e.
se A•29-4mcs
thots anD *bors.-
P. FELDMAN, having disyswed of Ms entire stock
of Boots, Shoes, tko., at trhol.ale, on the 30th of last month,
and finding it inconvenient to resume business at his for
mer place on Main street. I have just roturned from the
STOCK, to which be respectfully invites the attention of
his old matomers, and as many new ones as will be pleased
to give him a call, at HIS NEW STONE ON SECOND
ST.. in CHARLEY KLINE'R brick building, nearly op
posite the Post Wee. Isis clock embrace. et cry variety
of Youths. Ladies' turd Men's BOOTS & SHOES. which
for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be sur
passed in the county, and which will he sold at prices to
suit the times. Having purchased THE LATEST STYLE
OF. LASTS ; be is prepared to make Customer work. at
abort mince, by , the best workman:ln the county. With a
disposition to be obliging and accommodating he hopes
to merit a liberal share of..patronage—without desire
to monopolise, no his motto is, in our common calamity, to
live and let leave.
Persica/or RlitialOrt paid la all kinds of Repairmg.
Be has also on hand, and for sale, rheafr Trunks, Va.-
like , . Carpet Sacks, Linnen and Paper Collars, Paper,
Ens elopes, Ink-stands, Steel Pens, du•., &c.
X. 11.—All persons knowing themselves indebted will
please call and snake immediate settlement, that I may be
enabled to meet my former liabilities in the City, aug24
The undersigned takes this method of returninghis thanks
to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for
the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to hire,
and hopes, in his present misfirrune In common with near
ly every business mail le town, that he will still continue
to IN remembered. He has the. pleasure of informing the
pnblio that he has opened his Store to the &carnets of J
B. McLatiohan's Dwelittqtr, on &road Street, four doors
North of the Methodist Church, where lie is pfepared to
offer a get rod assortment of Men's, Worneu's and Chit
dren's Boots and Shoes, embracing his own and City Ina s.
ufacture, which, for excelleec of style and durability arc
superior fo and of his former stock. ned will be offered at
prices to suit all. He is in Weekly Ilteelpt of (took from
Philadelphia. which lire beauty snit excellence cannot h e .
surpassed South of the Siwrpielianna. •
CUSTOMER WORK of every vartety done with
promptness.—As he employs none but superior workmen,
he-feels justified in guaranteeing all wort. made at his es
tablishment.'Don't forget the place. Four Doors North
of the Methodist Church. Second Street, East Stde..—
TRUNKS, of the latest style . . frorn approved makers, al
ways nn hand, and for site at n very small ads mace on
original cost. tanggl] JACOB HIITcON.
Cobacco anti „Stgat%.
jf ro O E B E S'
]facing A ro• C uu e ilt O my A l N ,o D -4 ,,, C . 1 d G jl: a R ~i.
Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington a 3iain
went',) two squares from the fliamon•l, I would mite all
to call and examine my stock. Consisting of
Conleress, all kinds, Cavendot,
Twist, dil kinds, Rose This:, ..
Flounder, Old Virginia,
Aav honey Dew,
• Michig an Pine Cot, Kr, ,te.
Anderson Shorts • Solace,
Talisman, Harts Delightt,
Pinata:lon, Sunny Side, So.
Paippee, Nun: li,
Large Hand, Big I,ck, ' '
:Cut tfiol Dry, Danvllle,
Lyne'hhurg. % Gerubaidi,
James Hit et, Groat,
Mead, - t Sigel.
sap 21 J. A. JACOBS'.
___ _
& SEGARS.—The undersixned ban just returned.
from the City with a complete steal: of Tobacco and Se•
gait, each as birdural Leaf, Michigan, Smoking. Tobac
cos and Pipes. Store on Queen Street, three doors from
the M. E. Church. Came. gi• ellim a Lilt. •
antr24 C. H. BUSH.
Manufannixera and Nclinter , aln Unnien, in
No. 310 North Third Priv!, &or.; V 1714 Ir.: Side,
(octlsl3'l PIIILA.DEL.PMA, PA.
J. I). JAcoas, late of a ., Pa. lI).NitY SMI stir
nml SECIA, tt laule.ale and retail. at ,
on Queen street, East of fhe Mettlesll6t Charrh.
TOTICE.—A Reward of $lOO will lie
paid by the Chambersburg 01,..4 Company for the
apprehension and conviction of any person or persons trim
shall interfere with the public gas lamps or gas keys. -
jan4-3t Z 3. GEBR, Treutwor.
To the Senate and House of Representatives
During the past year the people of this Com
monwealth have had reason to be grateful to Al
mighty God for many blessings. The earth has
been fruitful, industry has thriven, and with the
exception of the injury suffered by the citizens of
some of our border counties, through the disgrace
barbarity of the rebel forces which ravaged
Parts of them, and burned the town of Chambers
burg, we have no public misfortune to lament.
The year closes with a train of brilliant successes
,obtained by the armies of the United States, in
spiring hope in every loyal mind that the accursed
rebellion will soon be crushed, and peace be re
stored to our country.
The balance I n the Treasury, N0v.30, 1263, .
Was .$.22,147,33170
Receipts during fiscal year ending Nov. 30,
1864 4,733,313 0.2
Total in Trocsrav for fiscal year ending Nov.
30, 186-1.4 " $6,280,644 72
The payments for the same period hovel:keen 4,938,441 09
Balance in Treasury, I:ay.:10,4861 51,042,203 63
The operations of the sinking fund during the
last year have been shown by my proclamation of
the 27th day of September lust, as follows :
Amount of debt of Commonwea4th reduced—ST6B,s69 50
As lotions, viz:
Five percent, loan of the Com.. $200,308 03
Interest certificates redeemed 061 47
—8268,509 50
The fiscal sear accounted for in the statement
of the-Treasury Department, embinees the tithe
from the Ist of December, 1863, to the 30th of
November, 1864. The sinking fund year com
menced the first Monday in September, 1863, and
closed the first Tuesday iu September, 1864. This
will explain the discrepancy between the statement
of the Treasury Department as to the reduction of
the public debt of the Stile, and the statement em
bodied in the proclamation relative , to the sinking
Amount of public debt of Pennsylvania, as
it stood on the Ist day of Dec., ieei $39,496,596 78
Deduct amount redeemed at
the State Treasury during
the &seal year ending with
Nov. a), 1864, viz:
five per cent stocks 8104,74 73
Four and a•half per ct stocks 10,000 00
Interest certificate5..........2,270 11
Public debt December 1, 1864 $29,379,603 94
Fended detb, eia t
Six per cent. Imams, ordinary. €400,630 00
Fire per cent Inane, 0ndinarY 35 . 60 5, 273 72 -
Font and a-half per centam
loans, ordinary 238,200 00
Unfunded debt, viit
Relief notes in coeulation..4. 97,251 00
Incst certificates outstandink 1309 52
Interest certificates unclaimed 4,448 38
Domestic creditors certificates 724 32
• 36,379,603 m
31.ilittry loan pat Act 10th May, IE6I-- 3,000,000 000
Total public debt December 1, 1864 439,379,603 94
The COramonwealth holds bonds rece&ed from
the sale of Public Works, amounting to ten-mil
lions, three hundred thousand dollars ($10,300,-
OQO 00) as follows :
Ponrisylvaniallailroad Company bond§.,.. $600.000 00
Philadelphia &Erie Railroad Co. bonds... 3.500,000 00
These bonds aro in the Sinking Fund, and re:
ducethe public debt to $29,079.603 94.
The tax on tonnage imposed by the acts of 30th
April and 25th August, 166.4, has yielded some
thing less than s2oo,ooo—a much less sum than
was anticipated. I recommend a revision of these
acts for the purpose of rendering this source of
revenue more productive, and amending other
defects in those hills.
Ifre revenue dun .
ring the year amounts to $539,006 67, but under
the enablir ' , act of the State so many of our
banks have.hecnme National banks under the net
of Congress, that tl& source of revenue may be
considered as substantially extinguished, and it
will be necessary in some way to make up the
deficiency from other sources.
The act of Congress authorizes the taxation by
the' State of the stock in the National bankii in the
hands of the holders, not exceeding the rate of tax
ation imposed on other similar property, and part
of the deficiency may be thus provided for.
The amount of - debt extinguished by the Sink
ing Fund daring thy year is unusually small, which
is to be accounted. for by the extraordinary ex
penses which have,beeo incurred. $713,000 have
been paid to refund to the banks the money ad
vance,d by them to pay, the volunteers in service
during the invasion of the State in 1663. $lOO,-
000 have been distributed among the inhabitants
of Cbambersburg, suffering by the destruction of
their town. About $200,000 have beesexpended
under the acts providing for the payment of extra
military claims, and in addition to these extraor
dinary outlays, the amount appropriated to chari
ties was last year larger thanmsual.
In my opinion this matter of donations to char
ities is last running into a great abuse. House of
Refuge, and Insane, Blind and .Deal, A and Dumb
Asylums appear to- be proper subjects of State
bounty, because their objects are of public impor.'
tauce and to be usefal, and well and economically
managed, it seems to be necessary that they should
be more extensive than would be required for the
wants of.a particular county. But in our system,
ordinary local charities are left to the care of the
- respective localities, and to give the public money
for their support is really to tax the inhabitants
of all the couuties for the benefit of One.
It being alleged that the Atlantic and Great.
Western Railroad Company has riot in carious
particulars obeyed, the law by, which it was in
corporated, the Attorney General (on the sugges
tion of parties claiming to he thereby injured) has
tiled an information in equity against that com
pat,y, seeking an injunction to prevent a
ance of its past. and the persistance of its intend
ed illegal course. -
Since my last annual message on the report of
John A. Wright, Esq., that the Sunbury and Erie
railroad was finished. I ordered the bonds remain
ing in the treasury to be delivered to the company.
It is a subject of just pride to the people of this
Commonwealth, that this great work is eonapletee,,,
and whilst it opens a large and isealthy part, of
the State to the commerce of the seaboard. and
unites capital and enterprise within our borders,
it secures to the Commonwealth the payment of
stints due her from the company.
The national taxation is heavy and must prbba
bly be mode heavier. and the local taxes author
ized by unitise legislation and paid by our people
are exc.‘s4ive- In vivo; of these circumstances we
'should endeavor to avoid increasing their burdens
by making, undue appropriations for any purpose.
In toy sp'cial message of noth April lout. to
which 1 refer, I communicated to the Legislature,
in some detail, the circumstances connected with
the by banks and other eorporations of the
funds to pay the volunteer militia of 186:1.,
It is not necessary here to recapitulate them at
length.. The eatl' was peculiar', and it, in believed'
untie quite like 'thus occurril. The call for vol
unteers Was made by the authorities of the United
States, but it being found that men could not he
got linder4itai. call. the fornfof a cull by the State
authorities tor the defenct of the State w as, with
the assent of the President, Substituted. The
United S,tates agreed to furnish the urine,
toner and:supplies, bat it was Alleged that Coll
ates,: had Made no appropriation coverNg the pay.
In this state of thing:, the emergency h ling great,
the Si eret,, , ary of War telegraphed -tae, thus
roN, Jaly
To .11:3 ?my, GOnolor A. U. Curtin:
. .
Vane telegrams respecting the pay of militia, called ont
under ;tout proclamation of Ole Arita Of Juno, hate been
referred to the l'rositleot for int•trnetions, ttntt have been
under his consitirraton. lie duvets tee to etty•,, that-while
no but or appropnation authonzes the payment, by the
.General Government, of the teop that have tietbeen_
mustered into the nervice of the batted States, he onII To
commend to eongte,, to 1,1, an appropriation for the
payment of troops c died info State H.r.iee to repel an' ne.
aeon. including:Mese of the State ill l'euntylvanat.
It in the meantime, yoll von raise the necer.saryhmount,
as has been done to other buttes, the rtpproprolbon will be
applied to refund Um advance to those aliorna t ht,t.
cures Wive been taken thr the payment or troop-mustered
tato the Lurid States son lee as ssten “S the muster tad
roy rolh flll2 mute nut. The answer of this department.
yonro .45 Governor of tho State. will be given dire-nit to
yourself, whenever the department is prepanst to Make
anri\er. EDWIN M. STAtrOS, Secretary of War.
The banks and other corporations refused to
advance the money 'unless I would pledge myself
to ask an appropriation from the Legislature to
refiuld it. It will be noticed that the pledge of
the President is clear and distinct, but, notwith:
standing the money was paid and the accounts
,settled and placed in the lands of the President
before the meeting., of Congress,ho such recom
mendation as' promised me Was made, and for
that reason the bill introduced for that purpose
failed. The men were raised and placed under
the command of Major General Couch and the
other U. S. Officers in this Department. The
troops were held in service longer than the emer
geacy for which they were called out required.
Several of the regiments were marched immedi
ately into distant parts of the State, by order of
the officers of the army stationed in Pennsylvania,
against my repeated remonstrances; They were
retained, as was alleged, to preserve the peage
and enforce the draft. - Nearly, if not quite one-'
half the money , was paid to troops tltu.s held; and
after the emergency had expired. Finding that
the appropriation was likely to fail in Congress, I
laid the, matter before the Legislature, jest prior
to their adjournment, in May last, and an act of
Assembly was 'immediately passed to refund the
' money out of the State Treasury,which, as above
stated, has been done. I ought to say that the
appropriation by Congress was vigorously sup
parted by all the members:from this State, in
both branches., - Having done everything in my
power to proeure,the payment of this just claim
Of the State, I-how recommend that the Legisla
ture take the subject into, consideration with a
view to indium proper action by the President and
Birth° act of 22d August; 186-1, I was author
ized to cause.un immediate enrolment of the mi
litia to bernade, unless that recently made by the
United States should be ' /amid sufficient, and to
raise by volunteering or draft a corps of- fifteen
thousand men for the defence of our Southern
border. The 'United States enrolment bei lig fon nd
very, defective, I directed an enrolment to be -
made, Which is now in progress under the charge
of Colonel Lemuel Todd, whom I appointed In
spector General. A drift by the United States
was then in progress, and it was not thought ad
visable to harass our people by Et contemporaneous
State draft, even if a draft had been practicable
ander the present law. Volunteers could not be
obtained, there being no boouties,-and the men
not being exempted by their enlistment in that
corps from draft by the United States. Fortu
nately the United-States placed an army, ender
,General Shendan.iffftween us and the enemy,and
thus„provided effectually 'tor our defence. With
.such adequate protection as proved by the bril
liant campaign of that', army, I did not think it
. right to incur the expense to the State of an inde
pendent army, and the withdrawal of so many of
oui people from their homes and pursuits. Mean
while arrangements have been made with the au
thorities at Washington for arming, clothing, sub
sisting and supplying the corps at the expense of
the United States, and an order has been given
by the authorities of the United States to furlough
such volunteers in the corps as may be dratted
by, the United States The corps so privileged
not to exceed 5,000 men. It is my intention to
raise 5,000 during the winter, and I have already
adopted measures to that end. There may occur
irruptions of irregular bodies of, the rebels, and it
is welt to lie provided 'against them The num
ber proposed-to be so raised and put into actual
service, my, judgnaent be sufficient, and a
regard to die economy requires that no more than
are sufficient should be placed on pay. The re
maining„lo,ooo will be organized, and ready Tor
service in case of necessity. I invite your imme
diate attention to the very able report of the In
spector General, which *sets forth the defects in
the law which he has' discovered in his prepara
tion for carrying it into practical effect.
IThe State agencies at Washington and in the
soigh-w est, arc in active and successful operation.
II communicate herewith the reports of Colonel
Jordan, at Washington, and Col. Chamberlain,
-agent for the south-west. The provisions of the
law requiring the agents to collect' moneys due
- by the United States to soldiers, have been benef
icent. A reference , to their reports will show the
magnitude and usefulness of this branCh of their
service. I desire to invite the attention of all our
volunteers, officers, soldiers and their families to
the fact that the State agents will collect all their
claims on the Government gratuitously, as I have
reason to believe that 'many are still ignorant of
that feet, and are grealiy imposed upon by the
,ro,bil.....l.,,,unnistnottqllnarged by t v....te,
Under the act' of the' oth of May, 1854, I ap
pointed Hon. Thos. H Burrower to take charge
OE the arrangements for the education of the or
phans of soldiers. I communicate herewith a co
py of his reporton the subject. He has discharged
his duties with 'commendable zeal, fidelity and ef
, ficiency. I earnestly recommend that a perma
nent and liberal appropriation be made to support
this just and worthy scheme of beneficence.
I recommend that an appropriation be made
for pensions to the volunteer militia men, (or their
families;) who were killed or hurt in service in
the years 1562 and 'SW.' Ai soldiers sometimes
arrive here who are insane,' and who - 'should be
protected and cared for, I recommend that pro
vision be made for their being placed hi the State
Asylum for the !psalm, at this place, and kept
until notice can be given to the authorities of their
respective ctiuoties, who should be required to
remove and care for them.
116,992 86
115,510 22
_ oo
I feel it to be uiy duty to invite your Serious
attention to the'evils growing otit of the - system'
of passing acts of incorporation, for purposes which
are provided for by general laws. We have pass
ed acts autithrizing charters to be -obtained with
out special legislation. These dcts have been ge
nerally prepared with some care, and contain the
provisions-which the Legislature thought neces
sary 'to protect the Commonwealth and her citi
zens. If these general laws are not found to an
swer sue,h purposes, they - should be amended and
perfected. It any company desires to be incor,
porated with greater pric ileges than are conferred,'
or to be relieved from any of the conditions im
posed by these acts, it appears to me that it should
he required first to obtain a charter underthe,ge
neral laws, and then apply to the Legislaturelor
an act making the changes which are desired.
'The, attention of the , . Legislature will thus be
drawn to the specific object, and a judgment,ean
be formed on its' propriety. I would also observe
that great evil results from the habit of granting
privileges to a corporation by a mere reference
to some former pnviite uct relating to other cor
porations, sMnetirnes without even giving the date
of these acts. /II these practices are bad, and
although they may sometimes be pursued by par
ties having no bad intention, yet they certainly
originated in the design of surprising the Com•
monwealth into grants of privileges which it was
known' could not be,obtained if their extent were
unkrstood; and they are often followed now-for
the sand' fraudulent purpose. •
. I strongly recommend -the 'repeal of, the act
passed the loth day of July, A. D. 1663, entitled.
"An act relating-to corporations for mechanical,
_manufacturing, mining, and quarryinglpurposes."
Itsprovisions ire foitfi to be practically so in
consistent with the dim protection of thu citizens
and with the just policy of the Commbnwe4th,
that it ought'not to he allowed to Stand longer on
mir statute book. I approved the act in qua
bon with great reluctance, and subsequent re
llection and observation have ,satistii,4l sue of its
micachievous character. •
I also recommend the repeal of on act passed
the'...2d day of ,July, a, D. 1%3, entitled "A fur
ther; supplement to an act to enable joint tenants
and ; tenants in ef)M mon. and adjoining oy,nersar
mineral lands in thin Coutinonwealth, to manage
and develop the same."
This act allows foreign colorations to hold
three hundred acres of land in this State for
raining purposes. It was passed, it is believed,
for the, purpose of enabling companies near,our
bo l der engaged, in the manufacture of iron, to
bold land as ore banks. But under the,idea that
the sinking - of au oil well is mining; it is believed
that companies have already been - organized un
der the lowa of other States,
s and that more Will
be. for the purpose of holding lands and carrying
on the oil business in this State. It would be
better to realm a all doubt, on this piestion‘by re
pealing the act. , These companies, being foreign
corporations, are not within the control of our
tiws to • the extent that the ought to be for the
purposes of taxation and regulation.
he immense development of wealth in some
of our western counties by the discovery of oil,
hai added vastly to the resources of the Com
monwealth. _ ,
I- have made efforts to aieertain the value of
-this product during the lust.year, but have,failed
in procuring infbrinatium sufficiently accurate to
justify me in estimating its amount. It is already
va'st, and is.rapidly increasing.
The productions and manufactures of the State
have become so diversified and abundant that
some measure Amnia be taken for an accurate as
:certainnient of them/so:that their extent may be
'genera* known, and also that the necessary tax
ation may be intelligently imposed. 1 recorninend
for these purposes the creation of a Bureau, of
which the'Auditor General and State Treasurer
shall be members, and the head of which shall be
a new dicer, to be styled Commissioners of Sta
VOL 72,.. ! .Wit0L1LN0, 3,688.
tistics, or designated bt and other aPP lO l l6 te
'The act of 25th August, 1864, providrig for
the voting of soldiers, ,shOnld be carefully exam
inedi with a view- to its amendment, and, indeed,
a - revision of our whole election laws would seem
to be desirable, with a view to the two essential
objects of, L The admission of leg,al and exclu
sion tif illegal votes at the polls; and; 2. Faithful
and correct returns of the votes actually polled.
communicate herewith the opinion of the At
,General on the conflicting returns for the
16th Congressional District, which will show
some of the practical difficulties which arise m.
der the existingsystem. Without undertlkin to
recommend the adoption of any particular plan,
I submit the - whole subject to your careful arid
earnest consideration, in the hope that in your
wisdom you will be able to devise some measure
which Will produce the result so essential to the
existence of a free government: that votes shall
be fairly taken in the first instance, and fairly
counted and returned afterwards.
I 'have endeavored, since I came into office to
exercise as cautiously as possible the powers con
fided to the Executive, and avoid. usurping any.
I 'shall endeavor to persist in this course to the
etd. -
,4,.,new call has been made by the President for
300,000 men. This renders it proper that I
should invite your attention to the evils which
have resulted from abuse of the, system of local
bounties which was begun, an emergency, by
the voluntary and generous loyaltyof our citizens,
before the passage by Congress of the enrolment
act,'and has since been continued by sundry acts
of Assembly. The result has been to the last de
gree oppressive to our citizens, and unproductive
of corresponding benefit to the Government. In
some counties and townships, it is believed that
the bounty tax during the last year exceeded the
average income derived from the land. The large
sums offered in some places in, the competition'
for men, have demoralized many of our people,
and - the most atrocious frauds connected with the
system have become common. The men of some
of the poorer counties-have been nearly exhaus
ted by their volunteers being credited to richer lo
calities paying heavier bounties. The system as
practiced lowers the morale of the army itself, by
putting into the ranks men actuated by merely
mercenary motives and who are tempted to de
sert by the facility of escaping detection, and. the
proSpect of new gains by re-enlistment, a process
which they expect to be able to repeat an indefi
nite number of times. Of the nnmber of men for
whom bounties hare been paid, it is believed that
not one-fourth have been actually placed in the
ranks of the army, and even those who have join
ed it, have probably not on an average received
for their own use one-half of the bounty paid for
them. Immense sums have thus been appropri--
ated by cheats and swindlers, in many cases be
lieved to be acting in complicity with agencies of
the Government.
An effort was made to prosecute some of the
parties concerned in such. frauds under the act of
AsSembly of 14th August last, and they were
bound over by the Mayor of this city, but alter the
witnesses had comelere on the meeting of the
court, they disappeared from the public eye. I
recommend the whole subject to your careful con
sideration, -that the system may be purged of
these evils.
I am officially informed that the quota of this
State, under the reeentcall, is - 66,999, but I am
not informed of the principal on which the draft
is to be-made.
' It appears from the President's proclamation
that it is made chiefly to supply an alleged, defi
ciencY in former ; I am the
amount of this large deficiency, and can 'Soiree.
count for the difterencebetween the numbe ref men
furnished by the State and the deficiency alleged
to exist in the assignment of the present quota by
the assumption that the men never reach the
army, although enlisted and mustered after the
payment of bounties by the localities to which
they were suppospd to be credited. It is proba
ble, that there are very few counties in the State
which have hot paid large bounties for a number
of , men sufficient to fill their former quotas.
'Taking the local bounties at the low average of
fultr dollani, 1-5 beliesed that it ean be
demonstrated that the people of Pennsylvania
have been robbed of more than twelve millions of
'dellarsduring the past year. This estimate - does
not include the money fraudulently taken from
men who have actually gone into the service.
IThe continuance of these monstrous and un
paralleled abuses cannot be tolerated.
Certainly more men are required to aid our
gallanksoldiers in the field in crushing this rebel
lion, and every Consideration of patriotism and of
regard for our brothers who are now in the face
of the enemy, obliges us to spare no effort to raise
the necessary force.
In ,Tune - lust I gave letters to a committee of
the prison society of Philadelphia, requesting that
the members of the committee might be allowed
to visit and examine the prisons and poor-houses
throughout the Commonwealth. Itranstnit with
this communication a — copy of the report made to
me 'by the society of the results of their labors,
and cutuniend the same to your attention with a
view, to the adoption of, proper measures to re
fobs the abuses which have been' found to exist.
;In connection with this subject, I again call
yOur attention to the expediency of providing for
the reception in the penitentiaries, of persons con
victed of murder in the first degree, and who may
be pardoned on condition of serving a limited term
therein. It has become a custom that an incom
ing Governor should riot issue a warrant of exe
cation in cases left unacted on by his predecessor,;
mid it not uufkuently, happens that even in eases
which are recent - , while Some punishment should
be inflicted, that of death may appear to the Ex
ecutive to be too severe. , The result is that there
are at this time. in the various prisons, some eigh
teen- or twenty persons under sentence of death,
mid who may lie there for an indefinite period of
time. ,
The vast amount of additional labor which has
been imposed `upon the Secretary of the Common
wealth by the existing state of affairs renders it
absolutely necessary that the clerical force of his
department should be- increased. The making
otit of commissions thr our large army of 'volun
teers in the field, and the preparations of election
Wanks required by . idw to be sent to the army—
the receipt, filing and'recording the returns of the
soldiers'' votes—the etlrollment of the yearly in=
creasing number of nets of,kssembly, and of char
ters obtained under general laws and the rnakiug
out of letters patent for theta—all these, together
with the previous ,heavy duties , of. the office--
form an aggregate, the weight of which must ul
timately break down his few subordinates, dili
gent. faithful and' enduringaithey are. I realm=
mend, therefOre, that provision be promptly made
to meet the necessities "of this case.
It is a subject Of 'just congratulation that net
withstanding the distracted condition of thercOun
try, our system of common schools centinues to
flourish. The report of the Superintendent, whisk
I herewith transmit, shows that there has been
aninerease of scholars during the past year. It
is important to secure as teachers a sufficient
number amen of suitable education and ability,
and with a view to this object. I suggest foryour
com-ideratian the expediency of making out of
the school fund itKeit souse provision for the sup
port of such teachers as shall after a given term
of service become superannuated or disabled while
in the perfurniance of their duties.
Of the fund placed in my hands by the acts of
the 16th May; 1861, and of the 4th of May, 1864,
and to' lie appropriated in my judgment in military
service, I have expended in the last year $6,124_
68 in support of the agency at Washington—up
until the 30th of May last, fur my personal staff,
apd other military; service, an account of which
is settled in the oifice of the Auditor General.
appropriation 'will be required at
this session.
bill was introduced and passed the House at
the last session of the Legislature providing for
the - appointment of a commission to ascertain the
damages done in the counties of Bedford, Fulton,
Franklin, Uniaberlabd. York and Adams, by the
rebel army in 1863, which failed in the Senate for
want of time. ,
I commend to your consideration the propri
ety of the pass Age of such a bill durin g the pro.
sent session. It injnat to the people of these
Counties who have suffered, as well as to the Gov
ernment that these damages should be
. fairly as
certained'andthe evidence perpetuated, whatever
maybe the 'view to be taken on future consider
ation by the :United States or State - Government
as to the propriety of paying such claims
' Major General Hancock has been autliorized by
the War Department to raise a Corps of veterans,
'to be called the First Corps. One of the regula
tions is that on application by . the Governor of
any State, recruiting officers will be designated
for such State. nave been reqnestrd by General
Hanc o ck to make : Hach application, but navehitk,
erto declined to cotaply with the request. It sp.
pears to me that the families of men raised on the
-Plan ildopted'..W.the 1 ate epartr r al,
PoNgtackbe:ahNied tciihe relic 11 1?".
~or/r men levee for,thi WAN of anteers.
;him inquired , ,of ; General Hancock whether the
PiePused:airiaisfloidtii4o telheietultir ar
lily or tifthe volunteerforce, And lithe tatter, nn-,"-
'der what ad or Congress it to be milted:- He
has referred that-130613118816 to the War Detsat
rtient, from Which I lame as Yet teeehred no. en ,
swer tO• it. - : • "
%The g letters have pissedbetween (tea
eral Hancock and myself on this subject - ,
ramitimlaik zazetrrrreessxmar,
- ifanantantin, Pi,. Dee. 2%11, - 11 1 64 . 3, -
Gmasa.s.c.t—l received your letter at the momentaftny
departare for Pluladelphis, on Monday hist. .Vetanaed
this morning and hasten to reply.
/laving no knowledge of the orin. of the Oats -
you are to command then whataPPctuain the newspapers
and orders, I will be obliged if you will inform me if it is
to be regarded as a Olt of the volunteer sorgloo, „
-Hit is part of the army.of the. United States. I certainly
have no,oninection - Vrith it, as Governor of the State: if
iris orginized es.volonteers, be pleased tOinforni me on.
der what octet Congas f - ,
teed not say, General, that I - wpald,bepost, -happy to
do all [rimy power personally and oftactalif to rake afore*
tribe Commanded by rya. sera us tot raise Yap two or
three regiments in Pennvyliania, in the usual manner and
according - to theactofCongrers;foryourtorpel - Ofeourse
,'"'al‘teoccault you in the selection of- , q andonly
conuniation where you approved. ,
I cannot understand the importance of my mating that ,
persons be sent to Pennsylvania to induce veterans to co
td the District of. Columbki , to enlist. I certainly Irm do '
nothing to embarrass tb3 plan proposed.
AVe helve benefits; by general and ispeciallegishilioniti
Pennsylvania, which attach to the volunteer and his fam
ily. While I will as) nothing to deter the veterans of the
State from entering your torpe, I hesitate td- , eosecet My
self witha mode of enlistment which may deprive thent.ot
michbenefits, unlessit is my duty under the law.
am, General, very. respectfully, Yonc obedient ser
vant, 14. Y.ll/leL.•-
I.lajor General Winfield S. Hancock.
WAsDINGTON, Deo. 342664.
To his Excellency Hon.A. G. Canto,. Gova-nor of Penn
i/Scenic' :
have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
snr communication of the - th hist; and have referred
the same to the War Department. I thank -you for yom•
kmd expression of personal good will, andregret that there
shoeldbeany occasion for hesitation on your part to -lend
your °Oda' influence, as Governor ,to the raising of
corps as proposed by the War Department ' -
flt isnot within my province, perhaps, to discussthe plan
of organization; as I am acting tinder the direct olden! of
Abe Wisr Department, and my own views, ttimitfore, are of
ncj pradical moment, I may say, however, that I have
no knowledge of the organization other than Whist 4 have
derived from the orders and circulars of which I mailed
yea official copies Decembersth.
S cannot see how volunteers for thiscorps from pm-
Sate lose any oftheadvantagesattaching to thesofor other
- organizations.
- !They, are credited to the localities where they pr their
fannies are domiciled, and count on the•qttota of your
State. ,
It should be home 'in mind that this isan'effort tO get
men into service who are not subject to a draft.
I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, yanr obe
dient servant, WEVYthch B.Hattcoet4
Major Gen. MS. Volunteers, munnanni l lpq, Cures.
'The - only act of Congress foiridsing_volunteens
flit I am aware of, requires • that thii field' sa
lime officers shall be commissioned ,tof the Dover-,
non of the several States. The men in this corps
are not to beformed into organizatitiiis of the're. •
spective States, and it is proposedthat its officers
shall be appointed by the general -government.
I know of no act of Congress or Assembly, under
which men so raised will be entitled to pensions '
or their families tolienefits from the United States
or State government. In addition, 'will observe
that without any feeling ofjealousy, I am still not
ready to participate actively in transferring to the
United States illegally the right of appointment
vested in the State, and which the State authori
ties can exercise with more discriminiition`by rea.
sea of having a greater familiaritywith the merits
of the citizens of their own States, than the United
Slates authorities can possibly have.
,I witltrans
mit atiy furthei communication that 1 niay - re;
ceive on the subject. It wilt be-perceived by ref
erence to the correspondence, that, I have offered ,
to rffise, in the Manner prbvided by law, two or
three regiments for Hancoek's Corps.. Mydegim
is to assist the Government in every legal modisin
raising men, and especially to fizeilitato an officer
—a native of Pennsylvania--so• distinguished as
GeMliancock, in his efforts to organize a new
I dual throw no obstacles ,in his' ,way ou the
Present occasion, but I cannot, certainly, ye
pected to invite a violation of laws in carrying out
a plan which sacrifices the rights of the State tm
der existing laws, and wouldleave the men ustprt
tected by them, so far as concerns &tare provi
sion'for their comfort and that of their families.
,I will further observe that it appears by, the re
port of the Adjutant General, herewith transmit
ted, that the State, under the system eitablistiM
by law, has put into the military setvicelif the
United States since the commencement, of the
war; the following clamber of men,
'roops sent into service duringls64.
Orgendystions for direr:year"' terra '
Organizations for one hundred days' term
_Organizations for one years term.
Vdluareer recruits
Drafted men and substitutes
Recruits for regular army
Re -enlistments of Penna• Volunteers
Atcredited to other States
TroOps rent into the serriee of Se United Stater sines the
coinvientaired of the rebellion, -Winding the ninnip dap'
inditia - in the departments of the Monongahela and Su
fruilzanna in 1863 . ,
Dathig tie year 1861
• do do 180-.
do do 1863.
do do 1864
Reirdistioent of Pennsylvania volunteers.—
The 25,000 militia of 1862 are not inclndediri
this , statement.
/feat! the attention of the Legislature to the
Report of - the Surveyor General herewith' pre-'
gelded, and commend the suggestions made,by
that officer to your consideration. -
This message is accompanied by full reposios of
all the military departments. They 'eilnbir the'
large amount of service performed during the past
year, and'ernitain a full history of all the military
operations of- - the State. Many valuable recom
mendations are made in them toproniote the etli
cleric), of our volunteers, and the comfort of the
sick and.wounded, Which I commend to your
earliest and immediate attention. It affords the
great satisfaction to { bear my testimony to the
ability, diligence andlfidelity of all the officers in
these several departMents •
'Before closing this message I desire to advert
to' the delay which has sometimes occurred inthe
prissage of the general apptopriatiopbill. It is
necessary that this bill should become 'a Jaw; as
otherwise the action of Goveixonent would-be
stopped. To delay its presentation to the Execu
tive as was done at the last regular sessior—till'a
late hour of the night before the Morning' fixed for
the final adjournment, is to deprive the people of
their right to have all acts submitted to the revi
sion of the Legislature before becoiniag laws, in
cage the „Executive should not approve them. It
there had been time, I should. probably have-re
turned the appropriation bill of last year for such
religion, as when I had the opportunity of delib
erately examining it, I found provisions which I
could not have approved—bat that opportunity
IVILS denied me before the bill had become a law,
add in filet, as the Legislature was 'on the point
of; adjournment, the onlyquestion presented to me
wis whether that bill should liecome a law with
mit amendment or the necessite's of the govern
ment remain unprovided for: - ' • .
The gallantry of our . soldiers in the-field still
sheds lustre ou the Commonwealth, and that their
.merit is appreciated by a generous people is shown
'by the continued and cheerful liberality with which
the men and women of the State contribute of
their means for their comfort and welfare.-illgfay
the blessing of God be on those brain men who
have stood by the county through the dark tours
of, her trial. A. G. Cam's.
unarm - CPLASIBEN Harrisburg, Jan. 4,1864.
A GALLANT .HAIVICER.-As a lady of great
piirsonal beauty was walking along a narrowlane,
she perceived, just behind her, a hawker of earth
en-ware, driving an ass with two panniers laden
with his stock in trade. To give the animal and
his master room to pass, the lady suddenly step
ped aside which so frightened the donkey that he
nin away, and bad not proceeded far when be fell,
and a great part of the crockery was broken.—..
The in, her turn, became alarmed, lest the
raan should load. I. with abuse, if not offer to
insult her; but he merely exclaimed, "Sever
ndad wa'atu ; Balsam's ass was frightened by an
11E that waits to do a great deal of good at once
will never do anything. Life is made up of little
things. It is very rarely that an occasion is of
feted for doing a great deal at once True reit
ness consists in being great in little things' Drops
make the ocean and the greatest works are done
by little If wewould do much good inthe world'
* must be wining 10 do good in little .thhigs."
'WE never see a fat man without regardinghhif
as the most complacent receptacle df , all human
virtue. Adipose by nature, sublime in diameter
and circumference, angry thoughts never disturb'
the serenity- of his tat soul; and his very rotundity
otters an insurmountable obstacle to the storms
of passion which sweep over and go-other those
less blessed individuals whose 'solid contents sre
more insignificant . .
4 • —4 -.
WHY is a ibar.quart ipeisiiret:Pui a aide ea 4
dIR ? 13ecanet it boldsli
.. 71,100
.: 4,1,018
.. 17,878