The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, January 04, 1865, Image 1

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    TIIE rRANKLIN REPOSITORY b 3 publisbed
every' Wednesday minting by "TIIE REPOSITORY
ASSOCIATION," at $2 60 per annum, tv AnvexcE, or
83 If 'mit bald the year. .41/ :ascription at
cnirtas ABM be settled annually. No paper will be 'rut
cute the State tinleAss paid for Pi advance, and all Inch
' 33 lbec . riptionktvill invariably* he discontinued at the expi
ration of the time for, which they , hre paid.
per line for fleet insertion, and TEN s:cyra per lino for smb
sequent insertion.s. A liberal discount is made to persons
advortidng by thb quarter, haltyear or year. Special no.
lines charged one-bait more tbnareanlar advettLvernents.
All resolutions of Associations; oommunimtions of limited
or individual interest, anti notiees of Marra' gee and Deaths
cvedina live lines. are chanted fifteen cents per line.
re•4l l Legal ,Voriees of every triad, and all Orphana'
Coate and other Judicial Saba,. .
are required by into to be
advertised in the REPOSITOIX—it haring /he LAUGIVire
clit.tvrtON of any paper published in tic county of Franklin.
JOB I'RINTING of every kind in plain and Fancy CC
OM, done witlineatneas and &Teich Hand-bills. Blanks , ,
Cards. Pamphlets, of every variety antis:yin, printed
rut the shortest notice. - , Tito ItEt•Oeeroyn'OostcE bus fast
been refitted with Stevr. Power and three Presses, arid
every thing in the Prinling tine eas t be executed in the
most artistic. manner and at the low,ett rates- TERMS IN
. lar" Mr. John K. Shryoek is ouit!utherixed Agent to
receive Stifeseriptions and Atb.rtaseirtents, are/ te,e,pt for
'he gime., .111 letter■ should be addremeri to
- ' 31'CLtillt k STOKER.
Etat Ostate *atm.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—B,r,virfue of a writ
of rendittene Ex:nonce issued out of the Court of
Common Plea., of Franklin county Pa. not to me direct
ed, there will be exposed to Public Sale. at the Court
Henke, in the Borough of Chambetsburg. arc Fratty tare
19th dad J January, IE4II at 1 e'cleek, P. M. the tot.
lowing described Real Estate. viz: .
All that TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hamilton tow e.
ship, Frani:lm county Pa, containing. 17 Acres, more or
adjoining lauds of Doczla6 and McClellan, Jacob
Bonn ank James McAleer, razed and tubes in exevution
as the property of Chatlee McAleer.
AlSokAlhAnfendunt's interest in all that TRACT OF
LAND. situate in Washington township, Franklin vont,.
COritaiaing LY.I Aerie, More or legs, with a one and
a half Storied Brick Ihveraux Douse, Log Barn, Log
Tenant Reuse, &c.. thereon erected. u‘ljoitfaxg binds of
Henry W. Funk, John Wolter, Martha Dentrleh and
hunls of the heirs of Daniel Bell Br'e'd. seized laid taken
in execution ns the property of John 11 McKee.
Also,—.lll that LOT OF GROUND, situate in 11. e
13orough of Chambershurg, bounded on the North by let
ofJoho Doebler, on the.k.ust by lot of James M. Brown.
oa the South by lot of Samuel Armstrong and on the
Went by Second Street, being 32 feet iu front and ti 4 foot
in depth (more or less) seized mind talon in exe.,,ti,,u its
the property of Holmes Crawford.
• .
Also.—All that LOT OF GROUND, mutate in the
Town of Marion, Franklin Cu, fit, bounded by Main
Street, by lot of tbe . heirs of Shull, dee'd, by Pine Stump
Board and by lot of the heirs of gainnel Filson, dec'd con
taining One Acre, more or lest haring one Log Rouse,
one Weattwe , lxerded Log House, Blacksmith Shop and
Wagon )taker Shop, thereon erected , seized and taken
In execution os th 4 Property of Gabriel Varner and George
Mites. SAMUEL BRANDT. High Sheriff.
DR I V AT E SALE.—The untiprsigned
Intending to rumor.° to the West. offers at Private
Sale, the following described. 'Rea/ Nntate, to wit :
A FARM situated in Letterkenuy township, Franklin
cotmty, Pa., about 4 ml 6 nortinwe s t of Chambersburg,
and about of a mile from the head of the Rocky Spring,
adjoining lands of S. Huber and Daniel Bets, containing
110 ACiI.FAC, part Limestone, part Freesmao and part
Black Slate s The improsements are a two-story BRICK.
HOUSF/-Ziwarly new ; Log and Frame linen with Wagon
Shed attachisl, and other out-buildings. ' There is a Weir
of good. never-Miliiig Water, tom the Duelling, an ex
cellent Durhard Du full bearing, of (ln/fted Fruit and a
Lime Kiln .on tile premisee. Them is water, for stock
purpeises, iri almost every field_ The above Farm is in
Hrst-ifte order, having lately been a ell limed. This tract
contains some Timber Land, but the purchaser can have
the privilege of buying 22. acres of Mountain Land, well
set - With Chestnut and Chestnut yak.
--. • • .
AlsnTivo ACRES and •Z±. PERCHES adjoining the
above. on the Public R 1, with all storied 'LENANT
ROUSE, Stable. ke. This Tract is nevi planted
with FRUIT TREES. and'is arltalltibly adapted for gut
dening-purposes• There is c road Well of Water at the
house, and u - Sprlng neat the :stable.
A !so—A TRACT of MOUNTAIN zL Nn, cities. in
Letterkenny tclraship, ntijoining hands of Foltz's heirs,
enntsdning. 11 wres each—bidh melt st.t r.itb ClteAnnt
and t's.clut Oak. .
Persons Wishing to view tLe premises can do so by call
Rug 011 Me, at the first tit....Feribt. t i farm AVM. &SELL.
SALE,--There will be, sold. at
Public. Sale. en the premises, on Wednesday, Jan Ix'
Iv the ilth at I . o'o'clook. A. M. the folloising Real Estate,
belonging iv the Estate of Matthew McKee, deed .
MILT.. with 'l5 ACRES
,OP LAND therewith attached,
situated in Greene townshilt Franklin Co., Pa., on the
Ytnta Road leading from the Baltimore Turn-pike to the
Scotland Rail Road Depot, about 1 rude front the former
and 2 miles from the latter point. The Millis located on
the Conisiocheague Creek. hos on excellent Water Power,
is lergood repair, and is in good neighborhood for purcha
flag groin. There is also a tesoth SAW MILL ate,'
hot ;Miry trealtscr.i.soled 1,000.; Log Tenint
and All otherpscissary.dmprolligments attached to the prep
- y.
. **l Also.—at the same lime and place trill be offers-11a
Tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, in Green townshiplaint
ded by lands of Hon. Geo. Chamber,' and others, contain
ing 27 RULES more or tom.
Tenda made known on day of sale. Any Persons wish
ing to View the Property will eall on the undersigned, resi
ding alr'the same, or on her Attorney, John R. Orr Curare
bersburg: Pa. To whom all communication, should be
addressed. (not 30) MARGARET CAMP.
SALE--The subscriber will sell a 'valuable prop.
arty, situated mite %Mit/. of Fayetteville. Franklin coon.
ty, Pa„ adjoining lands of J. Crawford. IIL B. Wingert
and otbens,"ecaltaitilng, N) ACRES more or less. The
prover/attars arc a tno-storied BRICK DWELIANO with
Brick Bitchen, and Log and NYeatherbnosibxl Burn, Wagon
Abed and Corn Cribs, Brick Wash House and all other
isecescary out-buildings. A Well of never tnitiug Warr
near the door, and Cistern with pumps therein." There in
an Orehani of choice Print and a variety of otter lot,
such as Plums, Cherries, 4.e. 'the hind to 4 first quality
and in a gm.' state of cultivation, being heai ill limed
wrthiti the Last few teary. The great portion is under Post
hod Rail Fenetl: Thera it also a stream of Rurming IVa.
'er en the premisca Thi> farm is situated in a healthy
and pleasant portion of the country, Convenient .0 Salwao,s,
Churches. dtc
• p er a na a desirons to view" the properly will Pall on the
undersigned. (nova-amos) limax:r. SNYDER.
horongh of Wetinnelsbusg, Foltan eidunty Pa
Large Utonble TWO STORY tiOUSE, Eleven 'Rooms,
Kikehen, Wash Howse, Ste.: TWO LOTS OF GROUND,
clxnre 'Frail. and Slaubtesr) ; StaLliag for thirty-lice
hones. Location and louldhoo suitable for a Hob I, ltd , .•
ing berm used as a Tavern for a number of years. Firt•
rate Well of water at the door. All In good order. 'I he
subsutiber will sell at a bargain and give poSSQ...I , AI at
any flute. ' For inforrnatiou tall on or ;address
mayll4ll 3:Monnellsburg Fulton, County. Pa.
Gut, A. Smith, Esq.. my Attutuoy, will glt e nil
neceseatty Information in my übseuev. It. A.
QTEAM SAW 3111. L.--The undersign -
ed have erected cod in operution a Steaul Saw Mill
:at the South Mountain. near Greenberg Sprinmand are
gErOl h sots - to order Bills, of WHITE; OAk, PLIVB,
CR. , or any kind of timber desired, at the short
est notice and at her rates. Oar of the firm Ifni be at the
Bole! of Greenawalt, is ChantLutsburg. on Satur
day the tt4tW lust. and on 4w:it 2.11.6rnme Slmeay thereat.
ter for the purpose of contr.etSag tor th - e d'alirery of lam.
her. LL'3lllEll ut try ;mint at the Lwo.
Ear RATES. Alt letters atuukl be white. ..ell to them :I.:
Gruireabarg P. 0.. .4dams
deel4-tf mual,..ntneasr. & BEADY.
undersigned, Eaten • the-last will and testament
of John Gra•ttreart. late of . e Borough of _Elutinbersburg,
deed, will offer at Publie Sale on the premises, on Sour- '
day' AT ay of Jan nary %cq the follow fog deseribed
LOT OF OWUND, situate in said horongh, bounded on
the Market Street, on the West by lot of A. D.
Cauftnan, on the North and East. by other grounds of said
aectoused; being thirty too feet front; and one hundred
and sixty three feet deep. Sold Is in seri desirable
location, for either a private residence or a tautness stand.
Sale to commence at cow o'clock, on said day, whim terms
will be made - known by GEORGE LUDWIG, Ea'r.
scribers offer at Private Kole their farm. situated in
Antriurtonnshlp Sof. miles to arlowest of Greencastle, on
the road leading to Stimell's Mill, It roomsts o r about 250
ACRES of goal land. +,f ninth more than 107 Arles are in
'dna. Ouk and Hickory Thaler, the remainder outlasts in
large part of IS E A DOW out BOTTOM. and is well
adapted for flmaing 3.urprtn A Isal;on the hurl has
been recently limed.
Persons wulting to 1, ma - the property, tesetrtorn terror,
call on or address Jr.o. W. (Ireertindle,
Penn's. W. A. REID, --
,dee- -2mul
Aforufaittnry Lib , rty Prat 71,ferr thc Carton Factory,
The uncle tared announce.; to the t r ad e th a t he eantin
nes to manufacture antlimport desert from the MOR I
brotml guanine in Fnanee, the beet qualiflep; of
which Mutters at reasonable rate', and glltirtintrel a''
faction tO the parclutter. Also—Every number it Irk . , d .
the relebrntell .
Orders by mall promptly attended to, and iperis f •
warded by railrmtl, count or express, if dmin.d.
. .
aai'M , 3lu) No. 10 W.Ol. State Stn et 11arnidarra,
{Chamb'fr Titposeary pablith 31.. and Bend Lill tr, the
o ft3ae 'aerhediately far colletitan—liarrisburg Telegraph
TO DYSPEPTICS.-11aring been :Lillie-
Jr.. red rota number of yoars iriih Dyspeit'l. I , vas
advisorlito try DR. WIND ART'S MEISICINE for %hot
discos». i derived great benefit soul rerotumeodeff it
giatt6 it number of toy friends anti wbo Wtre
benefitterl by n, and whose tostimunhtle an be harl nee•
Lave been attpotnt , 4 by Dr. Wishful an Agent
far the kale of his IStedleine,irbolegatt or retail.
W. 111:S.!.
rtfpository fiffict. Chan,b4.roA,rg
• and CABINET WARE: ROOM Intl, L.J...nn, e nt
of the M. E. Church, where he hus Low ou bond ull
older, f Cabinent Ware. Saab es Redeteuds, BlaKtilb. olde,
. Chairs, Stands, and Mattresses, snits of OAK and WAL
whirl) be will sell cheap ix mgt. *Dog
.. •
.-.• . . t
. -
.... __ .. . ' , ,•. _
. •:. ' :.,,) ..' :
.1.4 1
~.. _ ~.
Al .. • , . 1 . .
.., - ': , L , .. I .' t i „1"!: f.t , ', - 3-4 : ,
. , .
tercm,,l please lake pollee., that the following;
..I.elni tants have filed tlair Arcolints in the 'Register's
°Mee of Enieklin Counts and that the Satan will be pre
sented to tho orphan's Court for CI aihnnation. on Wake,-
dav, the 12th day of Jet Isl 3, in Chatuhersburg,
1, First ant htuil present of 111711111 Sl,Ver, one of the
Ailininii•tru.iw of G co. Sowrr' hie of G+iliford township,
First and !Ina! Acet of 'Fred. Thee Adtra'r of John
Albert. Ilao of Hamilton tsrp..
3. Avet. of P. N. llotfaunn, Ea'r of Dr. Chat, Hassell,
late of Southampton tap., dee' , L
4. Acct. of:Patrick 3feGurvey and John Hawk, Exrß
of Catharine Miller, late of St. Thutpu top., deed.
Arrt. of' Amos S. Ileintzelman. guardian of Martin
and Charlotte If eintielman, minor children of Samuel W.
Hemezelman, late of Guilford twp.. deed.
E. Seemed and - Aunt Amt. of Jamb Moishard. S. E.
Stahl nod Levi' Spitle, Eiro of .1Q5... Stahl, late of Green
tap., dee'd.
7. Seeond and Ant. of Wm. S. Il.mbernon and
Abraham Frantz. Atlin'nr of:Daniel Moyer, 1,00 of NV
twp., dee'd. t.
Nina and final Acct. of Abraham lion.t, Asho'r of
Elizabeth Hoover, late of Antrim twp de,AL
Lt. Vint and final Acct. of Wm Sheffer. Adm'r of Wm.
Varner, deed.
10. Final Aral ; of Ater. W. Xriter Guardian of Mary
E. Reside, minor child of John .11.. Re i4e, late of South
:a:tiptoe totinthip, deed. ' -
11. Final Matt of Naafi E of John
to, late of Guilford tap.. th.e . d.
10. Acct, of David Ornstman. Guardian of Wm. Flegr,
induenehild of Susan M. liege, lute of Guilford tap., deed.
13. Aect. of John Midhour, cue of the Ez'rs of Jacob
late of Quincy tvep.. deed.
14. Eloot add flnal Account of John D. Walker, Adair
",:Who M. ", - Who tVaS Guardian of Javol , IX and J.
K. P. Negerreis, children ofJaeob Kegetreis, late of Fan
-nett top , decd.
15. Account of Nathaniel Martin, Guardian 6f Ibulnah
H. Martin. minor child of John Mdmin deed.
If. Final Aeizaint of Abraham Ham Guard nn of Jacob
:Monkey, minor child of Samuel Shoehoy, late of Wash
m ou tap., deed..
final Aorotint of John Zimmerman, Et'!"
of Elizabeth :Study. late of Warreu tarp.. ilced.
IN. Einal Aceouht; of Atelilaun Ritchey, Ez:wf Jane
Milligan. deed.
19. First and fund Account of Abraham` Keefer (of 5.,)
Adair of Mm. 31. M. Keefer tate of Crmihorland county,
Ci eO.ll.
20. Account of John Bowman, Guardian of Chrictianats,
Dacia and Amanda C. Nicholas, nat,,tr children of Parer
Nicholas, late of Indiana, ;It's',
Fir=t. Account of John il, Luker, Gnarl an of Peter
Snyder, Jr.. minor child of Peter ;Snyder. Sr.. tato of Gail•
ford tsrp.., dooiL
Front and Sind Account of T. 'Kennedy. Guardian
of Wm. C. Beaver.
23. Second and final Act , unt et Stair C. Bonier. Guar
diem ofJames H. McGaughey.
24. Second and final Account of Rob% C. Homer, Gttar
than of D. Calvin McGamelie.
23. Second and final Account of Itiait G. Homer. Guar•
diem of Alexander H. Mot langlicy.
126. First an v il loot Account of POP!' C Tlollar, Adm'r of
Henry Millar late of Lorrain top. ilec'd.
117: First and Goal Account of Jun. D. Van Lear, Adore
ofJoirelill Van Lear, late of F'n,i,etteviile. deed.,
w. First and final ,Iccoutt Alex. M. Johnston. Ad
ministrator of Samuel Johnston, tnte of Montgomery top.,
39. First and final .‘ecount of Wm. lloldon, Jr., Adan't
of Wm. 1-loldon, lute of St Thomas top.. der'd.
311. First and final Acct. of D. K. {Vouilerlich. Guar
dian of HAU,. Rhode-,
31, First and final Acct_ ef D. K, Wunderlich Guar
dian of W. H. Rhodes.
31. The Fin' Aoot, of John Re} er and „none. g, Erw,
kletoh. Ex'rs of Samuel J. enthMoton, late of Antrim
Accl. of Joe. mot John Downny, Adm'rs
ofJohu LoolArgtutst late of iTreou top„ ttec'y
:ti. Firs: At, t. C and Ehas. W. Eystor. El'rsofja•
hob Oyster, luto Ehataborstrursr, don't!.
. - ..... •
33, Ffrst :tad final Arc t of \Vol. /toper, Adm'r of ...Mar
tha Von Lear la.c of Greco t.cp., dad.
36. Fifsr•ind finest .Aosofolt of I'm,//c.c.:. floardian of
Anna, llarbara Cotforiro 3lary cod Frederick
Strife, nn, children toot e [mu., Stile Jaw o r
Gnllfortiticp .
37. aLd linol An om - it of Alochozn W. 'Hoover,
Gnardiatt of Anna Woirs., minor child of John Wingert.
late of Leiterkecny top., dooil.
dec'-'1 4 4 lIENItY lillil(!KLEß. Register.
JannAry 'rein:, IrtC,
f ilt,l IN L.F.F..
Honzhlsont 6: Cr., v.. NVon , krlich Srad J.- Co
S 6:..31 Pennotic ..i:(.'.o vt, NViltioan Keoer.
ruho If Citni ...r b l •,.. Andros 31'Curdy
Satire N.:. Da% id Vonf.e.
John Yetertnan a Athr'r, ~ J...,,, Eller.
William ILLILLt4 .., . - Wilham K..s.•r.
JaNdi S lum% a a. is NI Worter -.I :,',.
Wilh.oki Jtodir. , rs 1., NV3,l»,un 5; . ‘,....r.
teorms• t;oiT's 0.,.. s- John ll.Tntle.
31... try C 'Att.!, u, John 1111.17,
Jolm Milhous • .. .. Without E) ..N. r
Simon Bitlner‘,.. John Wahl -until.
IniPil. Kt-.'r ,, '' - 11, Purtin Coy , : r; 31.
..,, 1 , 1; 111,1 K.
Morn.-or . 1, iirt,p , r.
W•uicii , r : r _ . 1., ~,,, L 054.4
T ./.1 Car:14 , .......:5al r... 13, I'hmluer",9 .Idu2',.
Hobert Ta3h.n • :a. Dar 1d Teeter.
J 6. S El 3 e, Fi-a - ukiir Funk.
E Kuhn . S. W Crook'i E'er.
ti w wniir . 1.. Wm CChris, -
S'ol,-,01 1 1-1,11,r tn. Wm It'Grath Silt - Tiff.
Julia Truch ot. Jos , lth Hier.
Ehz Jan. Tqn , lie et a 1 -, .. 31ar3 Aht: eark.
Henn' /1 , ..!1”.. 1 a T 1 . .. Pletelo.r, . t at.
Wl// 31 . “17.111 1.. JOhll F Gil ) . k r. .
NV taitim Flu.b. ‘5. ..1.11111 Stlto.,),
Ja.,llS Lyon yr.. .1 Itt.ey nine.
3torree.v l Skinner v.. S.uuttel I.llther.
J ni.c- !,1.1-tnn llh 1.30
Morrow R Skinner vs. Noultte/ Raiser.
John Snider S iv it • vs. , N Val Chrt.t.
Abraham Hes! v.. U S Ptal.
Wiliiurn Wllhelru vs. I) S Re.larr.
Din id Wahempen, vs. Itebeee, Curry} 'e is'r.
John hardcou vs. John/ Motu
rLot, Protley.
Colo/Diu . ,
the Justice,. of the tell e, the Con.4:thh- , of the
different Townships in the evorrty Franklin. G.-erring,
KOOK all ye, that in 11111 . 61141102 of the p, t opt, to Ate ai
re, ted. under the b...nd and seal ..f iii fit... 11.1 : ,; KING,
I'hi.ident of tae reveral Courts of Common Ittorts. in the
:• , tateenth District Cuneintisß of the counties .51 Somerset,
Rnifonl 'atria and Franklin, .end fly irture of his °Mee
of the Court of Over unit Terniiner and Getter - taloa Dolly-
Pr . ., for the trial of capital And other off,ll,lPn therein and
its the Goreral Coartof Quarter Seotions nt the Preen anti
W. W. I'AVIVN. and JA.ML.. U. CA ILSOX,J udires of
the carne county Of FrallMitt. You and earl: of nos :ate
hereby re quires) to bo and in, s our piq» r pertonq
Kith v our lleeords. Iteenonizonee.. and
other llemenhrrneee before the-Judge , afore,..tul at Chan,
her-burg. at a Court of l'iper unit Terminer and General
Jail Del,: en'. :tad General Quartt r :F‘eaelon, al thoyh.o.e.„
(URI' , 10 be h a w, f o r the Outlay of Frankhn a'oresaid
on :ho-11 Mondoe in .re.nted r ni. bar
. g the lrah dam of the
month. ta 111 iiclOck in the forenoon of titan day lbws anti
there IA du there /111 It to our I.ever..dofilers ay.
Olt-en timier my hand at rhatniter+burg the 00th De,
15(54 1dw.31 SA)11:El. IlltAlllYr. Sheriff.
NOTICE T b sI'OIiTS3IEN. —Notice
Ishereby gicen that fn. thi-, &de all person% !nail
shisiititi7t Game or oilierwips‘Tresyd.',woo the properties
of the aridorsigneM will he it. alt %%oil neeording to law.
Samuel Miller, Ja,,l, Snider, 101 J.)
Rudolph Shettor • Mii hail Hoge,
W. H H. 11 , S. .tohn Myers, ,
David Sbctter. Christian Miller.
Ephraim Burkholder, .larcb Bender,
Samuel Lolly, Daniel Grove,
Jobil K. Sikh ely, Win. C. Mi-Khigirt
David W. Small Cii•orde Smith.
Henry S. Miller. " Jae.•h kite 'r,
Abraham Lesher, L. IL sinsill,
John Miller, . Smouel Filter. I •
NV. , J. Maxwell. - I)ti% id Wither%poon
Samuel Frederick Futon's AV11111,1%
Jae-oh 31yer, , . Crothem Witliarsts.ion,
- Geo. W. Miller, William F. Smith. _
IOTICE.—The following flamed per-'
bons hat e Mod retittoto for Liel'UNi• in the Clerkly
Unice, to be hosing.' to Court at thu next term, c.nul
lueneing nu Monday. thill;th 'of January toutt
Joint ',Until-, Illhatnitord yard W.,
Adam Wolff, do du
A. B. Hulbert. mcond. do
Dav td Kil7.rnitkr, RuxLnrc
J. B. Frurntop,lol,
John 11. II•ai)
E. - rwe.—T,, the Ileira had
Lean! RepretA.,,Ati., nt Avid deed
,: You. slit, hereby he
tined. Me o of A Wrlt of luir.llllloil,
out of tin Orphan , Court .4 Franklin i,...unty, to mu
dire , ff'd taa It hold :Al imp tell on the 11e:111.'mant nitit•li
ld dee,ieot ititoate in Quiney hm.nt[hip,
Franklin 4.0,1hcz, ('a on th. I Ith driy of "iffy, lea!, at
10 ~'e he 3t, It hen tnoi oh. to:, Au map' artAnul vna
Bunk prop, /,le , -..tA; SAM'I, BRANDT, Sherilt
:511u-tha S. bunt, for 1)11 or, The untltr.
,p/wanted In Ibi.f2att , t of C,.nantin
f'(euy of Pralittltn tAian to, , to take 0, the mutter
of the applh.‘hon Gr ,j by .M. 011.5 S. bunk,
by het' next frlen , LZ4',.9 J 130.11 y nunnit Daniel ft.
Funk, V. ill meet the Faril. • and “11
01‘,41 /Alger, 00 Sat 101111 , /, )10, doy ,f Jou tavy, at JO
0;e1 , ...1. A :51, at him WV, ~ 11 the Iterun t /h of Cititni bon,
'l'. .1.
J. W.Y. ItEIT)
, runny natlo n
1.. Jo y 'rerm. A. P. 11 4 5
.•e ji. peek, Cinacothee of the•
1. goof, , 11 ngle,
art 4.1 t!/a4ll wr nnnt 1,1 11. M. I.lura. , tt and Jacob S.
Wu, A. 11..ucleI, 0.0,7 a .dt" ,l of
~ .1.•1 ~• puns to eo• b.- Boat of 6retlitork.
.1c "k 1 .• K. 'r. TAY ill. Pratli).
A NM f ',4'1 . 1t Wl' ICE.—Nor
144 Ath9iliiptritliUo
ti, lAte.of Gui
PM)), tin
All 61,0. 11,1, ntr,pi.o•ig. hsd ksLde
pis MPH;I .11 , I. ii;l4 , pi, .1;1,0 , t ILI 1111vIng
them I,rop.ny ttihottil ;lied
dtp.2.l ' 11111 N N. SN
A 1)11N1S1 . 1{,1'I'Olt'i N()TICE.—No
jv homby st,tv. n Lotter., of Ad.:Monde:oton.
W. tr„ , ,,, tot the r.ettee of John Nte,,tut late nt
Cotifford tuatruildp, has e Leen druett ti to tf.e under
All itervons kitowittg thetakilytts indebted fo said liktate
',rift please tnake imtneelinte r aymout ; and rheetd haring
elnlmajttespnt them promriy antheattented formitttement.
n .11C.?• . 14 . LNUOr Store.
W. G scrrcitEr,L, Clerk.
Regal floticco.
ii the is hereby given twit Letterr of Administration
on the rzlate of John Sbrader. late of Illatitzowery tow,
dec d, have been granted o the lthilersignirL
All tenons knowing, thewwlver indebted to Said Estree
0 It plea, make aninedi we. pigment , and thine haviaa
claims prerniat them properly uutliontleated for roollemmit.
nor 30 CATHARINE SARA DER. Adm•rs.
AA tico le hereby_ given that tiilers of Atintinictratton
on the Estate of Elizabeth Potts. late of Southampton
tartishly, deed., burg been (ranted In the andorsighed-
All persons knotriag thentsel% es iadobted to said Estate
will please Flake immediate payment . ; and thine haying
claims present them properly unthentwated for settlement.
deein • . JAMES Li. unit, Athol'.
ji .
tiee is beret)y given that Letttrs of Lboiniswatien
or thtsllstrtte of J. Smith _Grier. Into of ellambersburg,
deo'd, have been granted t6 - the trnderhigned.
All persons knotting thenselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment: and those having
claims present them pr u p,,riy authwinated for settlement.
JOIN L. eiltlElt.
mteo2O toint'rs.
TRW( 4.5 S 1"
EXECUTOR'S N 1 C E.—Notice is
hereby given that Letters Testainentary to the Estate
of Rebeeea Pawling, late of Antrim tawnsnip, dee'd. have
been gnawed to the undersigned.
A It persons ),wowing thertisell es indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment , and these basine•
elailw present themproperly authenticated for Fettlement.
decid THOMAS PA Ivr.vaz Fler
hereby given that rotter, Testamentary tothe Estate
of Reeled tllO,OO, late of Chauther4bitrg, deed, here been
grouted to the ituderAhrned.
All penzons knorrini themgolvea indebted to Raid nstate
'yin Please make rayrneut ; and those hat ing
Claims pre,ent them properly aothentieated for settlement
DISSOLUTION. --Th e ar toe tslizp
heretofore existing' under the Style and title of Win •
gent & PIaPTITTI, in the Forwarding and Commission
lintsines in Greencastle, was disoolt ell on the 53th inst.. by
mutual ettnbent„
. The Books of the old firm um in thehands of A, B. Win
fiord: who will ountinue the ha:tines:: ot the old stand. '
Greenetuttle. nor 31.344.
Matctro ant 3troctrg.
Having Just opened. a well selected assortment of goods
in my lam, directly
Opposite the Post Office, on Second Street,
where my did and I hope many new' customers will rind
me during business hours. My old, stook having been m•
doted ery suddenly on the 30th of July last, 1 wos'eom•
pelted to bay an
Satire New Stock of Goods,
-whieb ore of the latest styles nod patient, coosiating of
Gold and Silver (Imported and AtneriCan)
G. - Tes• and Ladle? Watehey
Jewelry of fine and medium Inalitie3,
Naptiu Rings, -
Fruit and Butter Knives.
Gold Pena of fine quality,
, Pocket Cutlery,
Rosen, Straps and Brushes,
Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives,
.3tlt Goods.
Pneket Books.
Ladles' Purses,
Nail and Tooth Brushes,
a Redding and Pocket Combo;
3.4*11. Penile,
Stunt Co Satchels,
Large and Small Willow Baskets,
• Banjos,
A Ceoftletni.y
The uswetawnt of CLOCKS is large teal of every T 0...
/lane on hand the lIENRI7 REPEATING RIFLE,
which e:ii% be fired
.fiftertt times is that many seemids.
'Everybody shonld ha% a cue rim self datehLe
The pon, the he, bed to c.lll awl examine them.
PISTOLS; on band and onli, Cued ts, any kind that
may be l'artcli;res id all loins kept on band.
'•ing ee1..., m e I ettlitst Spt•CtOVIeS to the ,tgla
of the ut4 as m ,, niddieamsi. APFArrAtiLES ANL)
EYE iiL.ttie. , ESi. m bo hi. Steer and istesel Frames al
liavicy the Prime*- 4.r the t., clor ettlelovart.l. Brit •
Ill. Alt AND Ftlei: II?toti• o.ttyr.hv
ro , vl , trt & co 1 o ;1" hit t oonohtt
tun". price. AU Inturat.thon in regard to them ttis eu.
ittatit , itrairo.:tv4. to I.ltr. and •,,tuiv•-• thP
Clocks and tiewt?lrs roprireti vi hew t 7114 In
suit clot -tithe&
teuti ,, n of et cry reader of 11, Itty,,, lodes
many tliousaud of hie old patroog and ocquaintances, to
ilitti,ualiy largo: ace boontilol of AME it' CAN
Imported 'W AtelltS, arid ole tt tr alotigms
cr`t2t3-13 . - Tim for :,treet.
. v 0 :AV, 411011 ..yr, p1i11..41rE4117.1.4
Superior plated, TEA. SGT S. Sl'Uit.NS Vlißli*, d...c , .
ant €,ljoro.
I'. I , 'ELDUAN. havion. dils,sed of his entire stock
itoots, 154unixner, on ut lost tte , farb.
and Rodin: it inoonvenleat 4 0 resume ba,o.s st his for
mer plane on Slain greet, I base jai% returned from the
tilts wlth a A LAltlic AND ENTIRELY NEW
SVOCK, to whieh he eespettfully, iftitna the attention of
his old customers, and lb many tte., inns as in ill be pleased
to ;zit e him a call. at NEW S PORE ON SECOND
ST , ioCHARLEY ELINE'd bradt Lurking, nr,trly ofp..
1•0,31, Port Oah k "MAIM Ct ta - 3 Nilfiet)
Of YOlilke. Ladle< and Men'. HOOTS & SHOES AI MN,
for style and of 'near, cannot be sun.
1 4 e.t.,41 in the ,oaa!y will which to ....Ad at prices to
salt the time., Satins Tottelnue 41 THE LATEST STYLE
OF LA6Tti, he no prepared to scale Caitomer inert, at
notie,, by flo , ;:n the county. With a
diapeatition to be obliging . and uevewomslating. be hopes
to merit a liberal .latro of lettroame—lithOUl a de.ire
br tnonopoll7o, Wine , mays is, 'll oar Common calamity to
ilve and let lease.
partirillar orte ttroe pciAl ton" 1.3r-przini-iunto.
Ile lots sh.o on hand, aunt for sale, cheap, T•ank , ".
earpot. Sacks. Litmen and Payer Collars. Paper,
Etivelopes, LA-stands. Steel' Peas, So. 24. 31
potions knowing themselves indebted hill
please call and =At immediate settlement. that I slay he
enabled to meet my fin - ales fiabilltie. , ft, rice City 1,4,,,,!1
a. JACOB 11117 TON S 1:00T q 511012 STORE—
undersigned takes this retufnintchistlatnks
to Lis ottinerout customer, maid the pahlte generally, for
the ry putrinia,f, heretofore eNtentleil to
and hopes in his present nikfurreie in common a ith near ,
ly et cry btodoesa toau is ton a, that hr will. still
• rem Inhe'red. Ile plemare of I.lTorming the
"riblic that lie has opened trio Store in tha'flaarmtat of .1
• Al.afrabates Ou,Nirtr, ore Strcd, hair dne,rs
:Sorb of the Mettiodf-t Chureli, •Ahprr• he is priloated In
' 4 4t e r fr yilwral RationSitant Of Mara. Women', and Clot
dren'l R - Lefoi find :Aye* embracing hid "till atttlVit , =O.!,
illactur, 1;11101. for CX4•PIIKT of style:ma durability urn
t.ttpfrior to and of hit !firmer stock and will ,tie etb red at
pence 14111 all. Ile it in Weekly Receipt df Otiodx from
ter beauty Vial oxeellenee tiotio,f Lu
tab of the iiitoptellituna.
'STOMEI/ WORK of e‘ etc' variety dorm In tdi
cropinyF none hilt nor
he feats . d. in .nit stark made at lat,
Doi, 1. larger lily bu,a4
lof (la hr r 4 ,..,1 i.t m"toerh Streets grert Ea , Sid,
TICLNK." . • of the bleat ntylei from arpm , en) tmilnr O, ni
Oro! Vvry pthan. n.
4ezi,Lit faitc:ll JACOB' filth TOS
----_--__ „
built ;e) Tomo, .ont
Store on Seuth Siam street toorner ut \VeoI norton 4Mn
streets )I‘o, mi,lart.,, front 111 , ' Diamona, I ON oti.l i , , ;1 , An.
to toll met ovninine
C tcl NG TO
COnZ,,,, JD ktn , 14 011i1111,
Tsvi n t all klmlq, Rose Ty,
At:t 111,
Dart • Deliwa,
- ,
tot , -',
q. Lick,
(lui. and Dry. Dan.
LyncLarl rg,
River, Garal,):111,
Rep tZ) J. A JACOITh
S 1,4,4 just re:ll,ll,d
City ,li ti a 0 . 11 441, Iv t..4”1.'01 'roli.tecto And
aro , 11.pttf 31iP1 , 11Pun Rtniarctng- 7'011,-
1 .1. 11, 14 P 11,.. 141.-0 uu ljrteev stn r t. Ornv 4.01,f„
tLe A. F. k,11117 , 11, e I.lf ,
ti. H BUSH . .
AC(!BS - S
31.tnill.mttitv•rs ,;t
TOI3AC('O, SNTrFF ANl).(lu.stN,
No.:110 Nor , h,Th;rd Mold. tilutne Vint. Wen S“ir.
SA" 3 " firvtr E. RlTY.rit.
1../ and SEC AltS, nhol retail, at
411..... r, Ist, Elm,' of gv,4maittf;tpxoa.
jearDWate T'utterts,
r.••arly opposite thcii old place of busiiless,
• . an extensive st, Kik of Hardware, Cutlnryo
• Spikes,
w they are
prepared to furnish in any quantity,
everything in their bus
and examine our:stock.
The subscriber respectfully informs Mainsails cod 'The
public, that he continues to carry qp the above business,
at' his old stand. on Main Street, opposite the Getman Re
formed Church. CHAMIIERSBURG, PA.
Having enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coach
makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment
of goods suited to their several requirements, snob as
Fair and Country Hogsinns,
Patent Leather,
Saddle Trees and Girthing.
Gig Trees, Full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat
• Hair. Straining Weliand Worsted Ruth ;
Web, lower than Cotton :
Flames. Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinped and Japanned
Coach Handles, new stylft.; Curtain Frames; Huh Sandi;
Bridle Fronts; Roseates, Swivels and °man t as; Iron
'Plated and Wood Gig Hanle&
all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and 4Vouden Martingale
Rings, Stamp Joints, and a variety of othergoods suitable
for the trade.
.ALL KINDS OF PLATING, ter., done with neatness
and despatch. Idecl4) LEWIS WAMPLER.
Mal a f. , ,r goods under the pavement, which were not
Such no Locks, Ringer, Screen and other Hard
-ware. Rennie,. they hare hunt received from New York
and Philadelphian very large lot et - gcols. purchantil touch
t hearer than they are gvarrally ealS. Thee hating been
burned not, therefore t ee offer Iron, Falls, 'Rocks, 'triages,
Berea , Belts, Oils, Glace, Paint. 4.e., at tbelotre2a figure.
We have on hand about 10 Tons lron of different-kinds,
which we will sell less than it eau be bought intoo city.
Also we have 100 kegs of Sails and Spikes*, - we of f er at
from 6 to 10 dollars per kea,
Knives end Forks, Seissers. Hattors. Pocket Knives,
Spoons, Sc, just received Irani New York which we offer
very ton% - sep`2B
The public .1113 invited to eau and examine the large
and well selected stock of POREIG",i AND DOME STIC
if A ROW ARE, just. opened on Senen - 1, bet..-ern QueOr and
Markel S t reet,, Chatubersbaug, Pa. Ifaving pureluised
tient of their goods Were the recent Otis tine in prices.
trent 11`..•11:4 Liatiuttevirers, Sc.' urn determined to sell oar
,estems Is goods cheap, We hat ~• ,on hand. Oils, Paints,
f 'artery. d Steel, flans, Shot els*
Forks, Saddlery, Sane Findings, Pepin, Cord,
Itrunhoso, r kn., Mugs, : Straws, Ftlat
h e w, ~n,l -pu n , every le:4i-ripen, and
- 0.4 . 6 Of .111 kinds usually Lei, in .1 aril regplatod Hard
'core testribleduntrit. Orders 'rem a ditrjance,Ll.C,topanied
tilrh The rash. promptly fittritiled In. and - goods throttled
Cheap or when the rtssoa to InTscrus Call and try us.
T ERIS; ail sires and qualuie.; Luoki. llia
gerkand Sere:re, Oils arul I*.untr, Varmalle+, Turpentine.
:no/ e, err of Ilardnore can be had,
:0 o w pr ,.
.r., by ralboe on IRWIN 64. RIIODES.. cro See"
and Ktr, L
NJ Simon:,herr: -
Saddlers' Findinc ,
al BRAND r.f.Acx's. •
each and nt,tny uthet uitic7en whieh was is
the fire. which rah Iw. made HA ¢tx•d :ts - new
11A1UPWAlit; all ot, I.IIWIN & 'RHODES, on Se
oml Stroh .
CIEDAI2 WARE.—CaII at the Store in
qt WIER MASTEIni 1)}11( j),partvgcnt War
nrkinia, Cruntrlirind. l'klit.. November 18, 1864.
k'ItOY)S,U.S in duplicate t‘re invited by the
anilerAign, d filr 9.uppl,ing• the (It:erten:tat:tees Depart
."nk fu the Dertrlllutul Virgitila at Charleston,' and Wheeling, Ohio,
oral •tre Ket vrni Dr4pots on the litre of the Baltimore and
Ober Clarksburg. Grafton: New
Cuotherhlnd, INfurtioalturg. Frarperk Ferry, Berlin,
of Rocks• and including Ilatterstown and Frederick
(ley, oither of thocoplacet‘ with Ray, Corn, Outs
lids Ain lie rec.'', ed for toe delb, cry of three thousand
(;(kip bushels ('urn or Oats and fifty (50) tons of nay
or Strew and upwards, and must liesicannpanimi) y ato
p)* ot this advertise:tient.
e }Udders must state at %Odell of:the above =midpoints
me) propose to suite delrceries. and the rates at which..
tit make deliveries, the quantities ;if each
article proposed to be delivered, the time when said deliv
ery shall he commenced tint! a Len to be eompleted,
(*en; and Ont. to be put up in good, pitying sacks; Tiny
and Straw to belgeurel,
artaJe. offered under the bids herein invited trill be
••• n ;MO inspectem by a Government Inspiiclov,
Contrnote will Ile RA, anted from time totime tithe lowest
respousible balder, an the interests of the Oen ernapint may
No trots w ill be eonsidered from parties who haVe failed
- heretotere to ...0w1.., with their emus. cis.
All proposals moot Lt accompanied by &guaranty, sign.
"I by nw ri-,ll.l.thle'Persotin, that in ease Ilk bid is :in
cepted, Le or tit, tl ill, within the time named, eveente
tb, centrum for the same, with good and sufficient sureties,
In tlitittUtit to the ilititiatit or the, contracts to
deliver forage prupiwed, in emlforinity with the terms of
tLn ads, ril.auent, and iu cam a bidder shall Mil to cuter
12,1Ir•II t they to make goo , ljtine diltcmucc ttritti• r,n
tit , utter ;;I nail bidd. r anti the 'next lowest respoirriblc
"r the perain to whoa; the c.,ptract maybe awarded.
The responsibllity of the gitaranAors must be shown by
the eds.. '.31 certltneate of n hailed State.; 1/istriet Jodv.t. or
Attorney Collector of l'ocbmis: mi,ther °overture ut
; 1.11 , IA II 4111:11 .
All pa re.; c d.ll, ,
Ine fteretti,t t •• nr rv.
iiittlut. , their io;liesals
All props:0.1;111-1 hr made .0 ;Implicate, and be a' own
p.nn, d Mai the ,eth of allegiance . "( the part:. or parties,
t v, ~, g itt, alnudi be. , n phieed f:l3 Me in the ' f ile.,
The full name and I .ttot. otttee of each bolder
a..t he v. video at the lorhyte,al.4.
l'opte.als 1111,1 lie ml.lressel to Capt. J. Pr. Fair•-•:ortb
Cai let tanasterimster, llepartineut w eEt Cirginw, Lute
;wined. Mil , and m.trbt -Pnipeals f o e F orage :.
Munk forma of baba, guarantee, tied lam& ;nay ba ob•
coed applice, on a. this etli;
Al! Coposals "reel ived under advert•ri( went 'will be
opene , l and ,aarnincti at this mire on WE(NI.IS:b AY and
s It icD,tv vl reel, noel, l'2 3f Bidden, are ro•
iii ‘itt I, 1,1 , i...tit at the tipvtlittit d bids. if
; •-;r, • .1 lb F.lii•NsWOlt'llff,
Ctilit.tir anti Cilsitit(itatternitt.te,r,
titt•l4 11 .I)eriatinetat of West V;rgunta.
Al, E c T i: 11 E 'l'n YOUNG M E'S..._
.1.4 Yu ,!•,,,,t , r, :, ~..ted Envelop.. 1.%1 , 12...:i11r.
Cent. 4.
A Lecture en the Nature. Trrttttaeat SlT , d 1111 , 14.10 1 re
of Spermatorrlue.,, or .t.ttittinttl Weakness. Involun . tbry
Em i bs t, o ,, , :..,,,,,,t ',Au nt , tit Impediments to Marnage
1 generally. Ntut..tuvnitt, c't lan.tnittl Epilepsy; and
tt'int..; Mutt .0,1 Ili -1 , it It , , q rvittlting from Sett.
Alms... d..• It n Itott ; ,I CI 1. , 1 , 11V.E1.1., N. I) , Nittller
of the - Greet. 11,,,A.. , e,,,...
!, e in thin admirable Laeture,
• u‘s n exl ,6 ".' 4 ' that Om awful en,
.quireee ab ‘letee teay retuoyed with
,t, .Lll , l ithwlt 41, glqo,llr ,
..„ 0 "i„ 4 rjr,,, or VOtliilll:l74llllting,/lltall3ollo
of c up. at 0 1 .tfotet.i . 1111,tal elleiylat by winch iivtry
bat t)o, ”ifiv elrn birst•
I obraply . pri , ately.z,n4lradwally. EEC CURE'
ILL l'ItI)V F 1 lIIIf /7 'r HOUSAN I)S 'ANTI
111()V,SANS ) S.
Sant ender bell! to any .el.lresq, In a plein, s6ated
xelope, on the r0, , , , ', pt 4 I xix vent.: or two postage stamps,
I 1.12 r adaressiag. C. 'KLINE &CO.,
P 27 ilow,•r;,. New. Vor%, Post Otth , c , 'Box, 4586._
for Barley at the Nrenyery of OB FEINTING, in every at done
. 1 024 wmaiin&rnft ittlhe Miro •If .fie PRA•praula logy.
Rave, ened their StON.!'
on Mom c:Teet,
coristing- ft, rart Of
A Ls,
Br bee,
pedar 'Ware,
' Pocket Knives, &c
4ecial attention Is called
Duibiers and Contractor;
at wholesale,
ereto, Vanto anb -Fines.
(itraII.VINFA, Si¢Awaegttr PLANTS, Etc.—The largest
snack to select from in the county. Everything in the
FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable,
can be supplied from the commonest standard Frait,Tree.
to the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or
tenets' of Fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees
are unusually Rao, stout heavy trucks, furnished with flue
btharj i tniz heads, from three to five feet from the ground,
as mob - be de.llO4L Our aim is to grow the best ot every
thing; pruning and cultivating upep scienufm principles,
mason, ae ,, tly. our prodactions are not offered in compel
,.,on with Trees grows spoil the old let.aotre system. An
invitation is extended to all who are interested in fruit cul
ture, to come and see fur themselves.
A larrre stock or Greenhouse and Bedding Plants,
Roses. 4.5e., , in pets, will be ready in April and May. En.
close a three cent stomp flu descriptive Catalogue of )suit
and Ornamental tree* &L..
irtarlG- I
West Franklin Nurseries,
Near I.4indon, Franklin Co., Pa-
. .
F EttwUrei.,:a
S .
to TONN II RS . ERY. , — Th i e sulserit
be found in .tr il 'ugries, of good " qtuty L un4 art
at 6' u6 reasonable o
rat,s. ,
• The Stock embrcets all the lemilag kinds of
, Apples, Cherries,
R 1 :
I : ; P eaches,
Grapes .
Ras.Pbenies, Currants ;
- - GQ o S ,, berritS, Blackberries, &a. '
Also, can be fenilsbed a gout assortment of
Evergteen and other Shrubbery. Shade Trees, &e. •
Great Facilities are
ri ossesEed. for. shipping articles to
all parts a` the emititrY, as the Nursery immediately ad
joins the City of Harrisburg,, JACOB MISR,
mar si-tf. Harrisburg. Pii. •
rpm OPORTO GRAPE.—This Grape is
JL not (*Commended particularly as a desert fruit, but
makes an excellent dark (agreed, rich, well bodied Wine,
0 ) close& resembling,genuine old.thned PORT,. WINE,
thrit, none but experienced judges can disting.cdsh between
the two. Alllrtiutch it lo Inatmarturgd extensively in Wes
tern New Verk, thesupply is unequal to the demand, at
frOM $t 50 tb 81 per gallon.
Vines fonsale by the subscriber, who hat beetrappointeii
Agent for it et the following prices :
One to three years old, 1.5 e to 50 cis each, SI 50 to EC.i
per dozen„ rll5 to WO per NO. JACOB KISH,
mar le-tf Keyntone 'Nursery, Harrisburg; Pa.
pEAR TREES.—Standard and Dwarf
Pear Trees of the lending - and new valuable untie.
tier., Amongg them can be fttraisbed some "EXTRA SE•
LECTED" Trees,'The bwarf having rut buds and ready
for immediate bearing.
Price fur good trees, 50 to GO cts earl—Extra selected
75 ctx to $1 each. Itritb lower by dozen.
J, MISR, Keystone liursefy,
mar 10-1( , Ilanisbarg, Pa.
12 feet high and Vigorous. A haadsoaie 'rive, nava
resembling the ougar Maple, but of more certain and rapid
Price .10aCA cents each ; $3 50-a6 per dozen tr, u4O per
mar. 92 l keystone litinsery. Harrisburg.
(lIIERRY TREES.—A flue aSSOrtMent
1~l of about Forty varieties, trees' of large size and
Wire 30 ets. 50 eta, 7 cis each; $3, $5, $7 per dozen,
CA $25. .fi4s per 100. .1. 3111 ft
warl6-tff Keystone Nursery•. flartithum, Pa.
tart/ sizes for plabting, .A centseach
_Smaller site--
in-m. 3 to 7 reo—L,,, , cents eatAc; IS2 50 peramen; £tie per
trae.'2l , Keystme sturt , 47y, Barrisburg. .
¢e.l variety. not *IOC to injury by - We borer. For
sole at Ket. stone Nuriory, Ifarrisburst, Pa.
Trees 10 to 12 feet WO; 7.5 cents 81 per driz..
mar.Sij JACOB 3llSll.
VXCELSIOR ASH, Aa handsome, onia
mental Shade Tnte, of sore and rapid growth- Trees
from 8 to 12 feet high. 4(.160 cents each; .W 515.6 per
doz-; . 8"..hk140 per TOP., JACOB
niarMl Seystone Nursery, Harrisburg.
• Eh t) and gang 4E1;00.
N a E F NC Y
On Stcond S:rra: nearti vpoi-ite iLc Pes.:
IifETr2.ILFE & iirrEsnEw
ria.v , kklet received aail op. - W.lla large and varied stair of
k'Xr,--g.°'l. to Wt 6, C.b- trai/t thil_attentlon of the
tbne. We Will gay j11:4 hose that we are pro
Bell grinds ns low as any house in the county, the Huila and
Bears cot excepted.
Oar stook consistA par: to follows:
, LADIES' DRESS BOODS, a large vatiely,
VLOAKING CLOTHS, very cheap,
MI . :MURAL & 1100I' SKIRTS, cheaper than
can be bonght here lilt:roe,. Hosiery, Hoods, Ice .
inrear variety. For Nen and. Boys' wear n o hat S Cloth. Cascimor, Sat
tineterl, Tweeds, Jeans, Under Shirts, Drawers, Stockings.
Sze:. all t coy cheap.
• We hate also a fall tooth of liftslias, Tiekings, Flan
nils , all of u web still he sold to suit Customers. Sow
is the time to buy.
0,09 , .3.%fETCALFE & HITESHENY.
slowly. nut c with the large and varied ass/rim:eat
ur Div thssisiiist opening nt.WM. WALLACE St COS
At the Market House etirner, opposite the Methodist Church.
They hot 44 hist returned thee New York whote they pur
chased ot Ace-lion. the largest assortment of Dry Goods
ever br , jllghr to this comity whceh they offer al greatly re
duced prices for each, con , hting of
Oood 3ftihn at 25 rents,
1 Yard side at 50 cents, '
21 Yaids wide, Meeting. Si 25 '
. 14 Pillow Case ?Anglin, 75 cents. s
Beg - Prints at 374 cents,
(lord Prints tit Karel-priers, .
Csldgliaals 371, beg. 45 cents, .
•• 11.amorals, El 3 75 BS pe, '&4 50, •
Shawls at till priers •
L.alies' Uniting all colors,
Cusinets, denies and Casimers.
la Quarter Blankets, ull wool, •f•• 1•;• 70 pa t pair.
A fall nuodupent of Glover Hosiery, &v., censtatiti> on
Tbe abets e gistids being purchased id New York al hot - ,
ost oath price, We are determined 4 Reil al low rote , In
suit the times. -
:ir' - • disc on a call before purchasing clourilere.
ortl9 WM. 'WALLACE &CO.
A reAl guano, containing from nevem) . - to eiithty per
veil! of I'LIOsPHATE OF LIME W v0114:11 lux4 hf.. 4•11
PCMY(I, by a bheniftal proems, a large p e r e et taL:e of
itetnal Ammonia, softzed that it eitnuot evaporate, mak
ing it equal. if not superior to now other fertilizer:
Pompidou trltb copies of AildYses by Dr. Jaekstra,
:dam. State Assayer, and Dr. Lieleg. of llaltunore, and
testhnonials from astentnie- kgrlettlturiatA, tbotting its
value. Coo butdrtalmed from
J. 0. BARER, & CO.. -
87 Wall Street, New York
march 2.1 y
xt . J. 1.10 Y ER & BRO.,
TiAuiticuLTutui. isimEnEyr Aust. t'acti ItEas,
Strip St. and Gcroanuntat ..ternue.
Iktatattitetucts Gt. nom Powers. Threebere need Clean
ers Reaper.. and MOIVCIA, Farm ttrigt Fodder Cot
tyre, Cora Sheller& Circular tiatv'Marblaes anti I , Very Nt•
riety or approved Jaaplemaate.
RE 31 lIT 31 FARM GRIST 311 LL.--,
•Evem Fanner has inga hor,e rorcerxbeold bat effi:l4
44 our Yremituri Fartr. Oriel . 61.111.4 to xtind alt their gratu
for Yee a.
Tim Mil to simple, dsrab'e awl odloicat, atol is mistimed
foe oil 116M...ismer ,
&ad far a Desoriptire Circular and ioldress
1M- 31a) , f,. BOVElit S BItO,
breplemient Factory, Philo Pa.'
IA STRAW anti FODDER CUTTInt:::-This 'Cutter
etimblnes very superior adventuges tai other Cutters
now in use.
.Pradfor a Deseriptire Circ , !nr and naaress
pc11,24.1m1 WM. L. BUYER et; ,
Agricultural Implement Manureetery, Pa.
LE - NER HAY PRESSES.--Tlieme Prestes exer4l
Ali others Ist nee for the eeee and rapidity of their OPerA•
I.:91:1 Red for their darebilit) end perfect operation.
Scud fur a Pacriptire Circular mid addresh
,ieefitf.3ml W3l. L. BOYER b
Agrii'eltural Implement I nofooturere, Pe.
- -
jFaanarbing- 3.ilouse4:
- • ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,
North Sot•ott Stropr, opposite the Cuatherland Valloy
rtatiirrinti Depot, ( ititittibersletrg,Tts. • -
Inetsrb ran regelorto to and from Psdadetptd' and Bahl.
trier, ,
AOE:NTS.—Periesek, ZeR & Iliuehman, Nu. ER' Mar
ket Ss • Illikulelptra,
1.3 hot, Valley Broken Egg. runt Nutt COAL (direet
f ro m the wines) Wfikegbarre indPlnoOrs , velt)UNlDßY
GEMENT, 'Rep: eanstru,ll3 on hand. FLOUR,
GRAIN and .1410.1../RCE hinds purgland a; the
r..b,e1.) prices.
Soptlr,s,:t. ' WyNOF.RIACTI & READ..
Taos. L. (111.1.P,sl`M. JACOB ZE.1.12.n.
pRoDucE AN) FRovisioN mr.acHANTs,
Nortit•Wer:t comer or Sixth ami Marl of Streets.
dolphin, t (rod 8, 6I•LC
VOL. 7t....WROLE NO. 3,687.
PP (Oittirg.
73 ° fiat the Heart re the Dmrtg Nan said to the Pacasaitt.
yme not, is 11, - ,; urreful numbers,
' Life is but en empty dream!
Par the soul is dead that slumbers,
Anti things are not:what they seem.
Ufa la real Life la earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
bast thou eat, to dust rettirneSt,
Was not spoken of the'sopil.
;cot enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is'our destined end and way.;
O'ut to act that each to-mOrw
I ',rind as further than to-day.
'Art 1 , , long, and Time Is fleeting, ;
onr, hearts though stoat aid brave,
_ .tin, like muffled drams, are beating,
Funeral marches to the grave.-
,In the world's broad geld of battle:
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife I•
'Taut no Future bowe'er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury lb dead I
Ant—net in the living Prelim:Al'
heart within, and GOD o'erbeal
'Lives of all remind na
We eau mate out lives sublime,
And, 6Patting , leave behind us
, Footpritits on the sands of time;,
Footprinbi, that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er lit 's solemn main,
A forlorn _and shipwrecked brother,
~ , Seeing, snail take heart again.
Let tu, thou, be ,rip And doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving. dill harming,
Lean. to labor nod to wait.
During the winter of 11339 became tired Of the
smoky atmosphere of Loudho. and, indeed, of
everything bearing the odor of "Her Gracious
Majesty." I longed to breathe, as an Englishman
might, say, the air of that frivolous Frensh capital.
known upon, maps and band-hooks of travel as
My partial desire became a fact, through the
instrumentality of my' friend George Lester, who
came into my sanctum one morning, exclaiming:
' "Henry, if you do not take compassion and
entice me from this place, I shall become an in
mate of one of those public institutions, known as
lunatic. asylums."
"My dear fellow, what is the matter V'
" Do nut ask inn at present ; only prove your
friendship 'by packing your portmanteau and
leaving London this very night."
" Well, Mercury, whither ate you
me 1 , Before I commence packing,
some information upon the subject
prepare for the halm breezes of
deuly find I was journeying to NeW
"Come, Henry, like a good feller
rade in this trip, tuf you have been it
1 ant' bound for Bruis,.but shall str
" Bravo !" I cried. " but why . this
He waived his hand and stud, " Come, no ex
cuses; Henry, for, if I breathe this air another
twenty-four hours, I shall stifle: _ '
I saw that be was suffering from some intense
emotion ; therefore, I said nothing more, but be
gan preparations tor our intended departure. A
few hours after Lester had entered my chambers,
we were travelling with due speed toward Dover.
'About midnight we discerned the white cliffs of
the above wentionea town. and a few minutes Bui--
fleed-to convey both baggage and travelers to one
of those uncomfortable steamers that cross the
channel. •
The next morning we arrived at Ostend, Where
we obtained breakfast, and improved our outward
appearance by a frve.h toilet. A few hears later
found us locked in a first-class 'carriage- on our
way to Brussels.
Our journey between Ostend and Brussels had
seine picturesque scenes to reconimend it to the
eye of the granger. The trees were rut into
every, imaginable shape.
Occasionally we would whistle past a wind-mill
in the' distance, and a peasant's but near, where
parties of both sex were tilling the soil together.
Agriculture is pursued fo a great extent
mn), Del
a: There are colleges where the arts of fann
ing are taught, and prizes awarded to those who
raise the finest productions.
Late in the afternoon we arrived at Brussels,
and drove to the Hotel de Ruse; having
dress ner, we concluded to dine at the table
intott,... Obeying the summons of the gong, Gee.
Lester and myself found ourselves in a large di
ning-room. We were seated at the hoard, but,
aloe : ' , for our ravenous appetites, we could not eat
the fliod placed before us, for it was cooked accord
ing to the fashion of the country, which is to mix
ture Clermaii and French dishes, that are net pal
atable to English stomachs. if even we felt in
clined to have partaken of the same, the obsequous
waiters in attendance would not have allowed us
that privilege ; for, if you paused an instant in the
mocha operandi of eating, your plate was instant
ly exchanged, another, until it appeared to me
1 had twenty clean plates, and nothing to eat.
- Later was amused at my vain ellods to dine.
Ile asked me " if I wished myself in London, with ,
an English-dinner r
I replied, "I shall certainly - starve if this is a
fair sample of meals to be bad in this.eity."
"Come, Henry, I see your case is desperate,
therefore we Will go to John Saunders', and have
something suitable to the state of your appetite.:'
„ . -
And (iray IN'tio is John Sander's . 1" I asked.
"An Litglisinuan," replied George, " who is
making a fortune by giving islanders like our
selves. something fit to eat,'
George Lester was well ac' uaintedwith Brits
sel4-having been some months there several years
Upon arriving at the Rued Isabelle, a narrow
back' street, Lester • conducted me into a very
,modest-louking dwelling: Upon entering. I was
agreeably surprised to tind everything thoroughly
English in their appointments. Lester informed
Jim that all the Lon vicants of English soci e ty i n.
Brusselk met here, many taking their meals here,
in preferenm to the hotels. •
While we were doing justice to bur nicely pre
pared supper, several gentlemen entered, and
took their seats directly opposite to where we
,seated. The tallest of the party croSsed over to
our table, hat in hand, saying, "Excuse me gen
tlemen, I believe WO have met before; your faces
'are 50 familiar. Your names, if you please."
As we gale them, he exclaimed, "Ah I thought
I v 6 as not mistaken. and, grasping our hands, he
asked us if we had forgotten Oxford."
- " What ! Lord Alaregate." we both cried. -
"The same, at your service."
After talking over by gone Linea, Lord Mars
gatemuldenly, tunaed to Lester, and said, " Lord
and Lady Herbert are at present in this city, ac
companied by their niece, who is the brightpar
ticular star efEnglish society here t You must
be acquainted with her. for her father was pas
tor of the village church year father's estate.
"The lady's name," said Lester turning pale.
"Miss Helen Thonituu," replied Mangate.
"At what hotel are. they stopping r' exclaim
ed Lester, w h o, i n his agitation, arose and grasp
ed Lord Marsgate's arm. Perceiving our sur
prise, he resumed his sent. Lord Marsgate wrote
the desired information upon a,eard, and handed
it to him. =
c ome my friends, join cur party, if you do
not: feel toe fatigued after four journey,' said
Lord Marsgate.' " We are going to have Roger
is ' Robert to "
agseuted to this proposal, An introduc- ,
tion to the rest of the partY ensued, and in a few
moments were in the Rue Royale, walking sec-,
ludely along the broad pavement. I surveyed its,
stately hotels and looked, with pleasure, at the,
tretls of the park. Well may Brussels be named:
"Le petite l'aris," for it resembles its namesakd
in the gaiety of the masses that crowd to winter
beneath its blue sky. Its boulevards, streets and
churches have a decidely French air, The palace
of his-Alajealy King of - Belgium, with nurneroaa
other buildings perta'ain,g to the government, are
built of iihite martle, which has a very . chaste
effect. The favorite palace.of the king uslorne
leagues out of Brussels, and . situated in the
midst of fairy Tyke grounds. It is the same pall
so that formerly bel o nged t o the NiAg of Ho):
sovereign. , •
',Miring lit the Opera house, we perceive:loe i
gra•cil errata diesaedin dark green uniforms, aid -
black hatii with amen plumes, pacing before its:
doors. They carry a , mall musket, the weripen
which lib'y use to enforce order. -
` 'Ascending a - flight of. marble steps, we found:,
ourselves an a!large - hall, which was beautifully : -
decorated with statues, bearing vases with Bow
' era.. The portress showed us our box, and I tier -
came interested in the opera.
t I am an enthusiastic admirer of music; there
fore, thy soul drank-intim melody of Meyerbeer's
Magnificent "Creation.", Roger faithfully
fied all the: reports I bad heard of his wren and
exquisite 'acting. Imagination bad loose rein as
I gazed upon the scene called "Ls Teniptation."
The martin deteeedir at the end of the net, re
stored my enrapturedsenses to surrounding eb.
jects. ,
:I turned to George, and said something about ' '
Heger's - fine voice; but he was too abatraeted to
answer. One of our party rallied him upon look—
ing at a certain box all the evening, whereinion
Lord Maragattg said, "Air f Lester. do not lose
your Yea rt, for la helfe Anglaisr is as cold as too
Lord Slthrsgate directed my eve to Lord Her- •
-belt's boX; in sthieh Misa Thornton - sat, I never
beheld one that gttratted my oath/Sou as quickly.
Her light brown hair was simply rolled back from
-alwhiteo intellectual brow,. • Her Gfeeiati
small mouth and perfect chin and throat, were
beautiful; but nature, by some strange caprice, •
hatigiven her eyes as black as midnight,and eye
brows of the same color; These features, with
her perfect blonde complexion. gave to her beauty
a-style at once piquant and brilliant. Perhaps I
appreciated her beauty all the more, viewing it;
as I did, in the• midst of unattractive faces; 'for'
the lathes: of Flanders have no pretentious to
beauty. It rainy be prejudice upon my part, but
their faces have a, crafty expression, particularly
about the eye, which resembles the Chinese, and.
has the same cunning loot. Their features are
generally coarse, figures stout, (Without symmetry
that the French have to such a remarkable de
gree,) and they-bands and feet very large.
kit is atrangb, but it has been remarked by tra
;:iellere,lhow many - deformed persons there are to
be found in Drusseli, especially among tbe-aris
toasty. Go into. the park ou any pleasant Sun
day, and you will be surprised to see the number
of misshapen forms that, throng its avenues. An
English resident told .me he thought it was th 9
carelessness and cruelty of nurses to children du
ring infancy, together with' the indifference of mo
theca, that caused so much human misery.
While I was moralizing, the curtain rose upon
the last act of the opera, and I became all atten
tion—ca much so, that I did not miss Lester until
our party-arose, te go. I asked Lord Maregate
where' George had gone, and he replied by point
ingto the' box that contained Miss Thornton.
looked-and beheld George helping the lady to ar
range 'beg opera cloak. Ilia face bad
- lost the
Haggard look it had- worn, and be seemed.meta
[amphoras& into a happy lover.
Declining Lord Maragate'a invitation to supper,
I returned to my hotel, and was .soon locked in
the embraces of 'Morpheus.
The next !nothing when I awoke- I found a
from George, saying that be was going fo sworn
puny Miss Thornton in a drive some miles out of
town, but would be with me in the afternoon.
Having the morning to myself; I bent my foot
steps toward the Museum, a handsome building
of white marble or granite, I have forgotten which.
It contains one of the finest collections of paint.
ings in Europe, having many of the original paint
hags of Michael Angelo, Reubens, Titers and many
others-whose names are enrolled in the temple of
farad Any one might spend a week, with plea
sure and profit, viewing these great conceptions.
• The Museum contains, alto, some master pie
ces of sculpture, the most beautiful of which was
a veiled face of-the Madonna, which was so deli
cately carved that the marble seemed like a veil
'of the finest lace.
There is one charm to the ear of a stranger that,
is particularly pleating. ,, Nlt is that charms of bells
are so numerous that they are almost to be„.f.eon
stantly.heard. A good bellringer is sure of a high
Upon my return to the hotel, I found George
waiting for me. lie said, as I entered, "Well,
now come! You think lam a strange being to
bring you here from Leaden almost by force;
then, immediately after our arrival, leave you
alone for the society of almost art apparent stran
ger, ek r •
"Really , Geortge," I replied, "I have not been'
thinking about the matter at all, but have been
spending a most delightful morning in the Mu
"Ah !" laughed George Lester, "That is just
like: you, witicydur Scotch nature, to' abide your
time for explanallotirs; therefore, Henry. (his tone
changing into
- else of. deep imling,) I stall tell you
the teerettliat hag made me wretched for the
past yisar. My:father, Sir Gilbert Lester. is a,
proud, cold roan of: the world, and has not any
sympathy for those deep feelings which God gave
to wan td make him a better and nobler being than
he otherwise could have-been, -
"Miss Helen Thornton was but a girl of eigh
teen-when I returned troin college. I shall nut
fatigue you by going into the details of a love
story. In a word, I. Met. wooed mat won her..
I asked thy father's oongent to our union, but be
laughed at what he termed my boyish passion. I
waned patiently, thinking, in tine to Will no con
sent ; hut in vain was my patience. He privately
obtained for her father a better living in tire north
of England. I followed her, and implored her to
consent to a private union. She refused. We
parted. I traveled, and tried in vain to love other
women. Her image was too firmly woven within
my heart-strings to banish it. Two years ago her
lather died, and her maternal uncle - adopted her
and made her his future heiress. Some weeks
age I read the ruiners of her marriage to Lord
St! James in a newspaper; therefore, (determin
ed' to come to Brussels and Paris—tor I knew she
tojourniug in either city —and lean the truth
froku het lies- Well, little nenaine to be told. I
found her the some beautiful girl that I had par
ted from. True to her early love, Henry, she has
premised to be my wife, now that she is my equal
tbrttine.: Her uncle approves of her choice,
and talks of getting me into Parliteueot."
"Let Me offer you my warmest congratulation,
• fey dear fellow," I cried, as we elidok hands.
'Some weeks afterward I officiated us George
Lester's grnousestio, and accompanied lam upon
his bridal tour ire tar as Paris, where the beauty
•• of Mrs. Lester was an much admired as it had
been in Bristle&
DISAPPOZTED.—A man applied to Dr. Jack
son. the celebrated chemist; wlttca box of speci
moms. '•Can you tell me wh t this la air 7" "Cer•
tinny loan, air; that is iron pyrites." "What
sir'" in a voice of thunder. 'lron pyrites."--
"Iron pyrites ! And what's that?" "Tnat's what
it is," said the chemist; putting a lot nn the shovel
over the hot coals, where it disappeared. "Dross"
.="And what are iron pyrites worth'!" "Noth
ing' `•Nothing ! Why there's n wognan Jaipur
t own who owns a whole hill of that—and I've
married her:" '
• How To BB CrlEJ:nroul--A cheerful life must
be x busy one: Anil a busy life cannot well be-
Otherwise than cheerful. Frogs do not croak in
razining water. Actite minds are seldom troub
led with gloomy forebodings. They come up only
from the stagnant depths of u spirit unstirred by
generous impulses f.r the ble:ls, 4 il necessities of
honest ton: .
"To be.a WOWS not fashion is one of tbe easiest
things in the ;Arid. A late writer thus describes
it: Buy everything yoti don'txant, and pay for
nothing you get ; smile eu all inaukind but your
husband; be bap everyv. here but at home;
:neglect your children and nurse lapdogs; go t o
church every time you get a new dress..."
HEM 12: bless the Wives! the fill our hires
with little beesund honey. They ease shocks,
they mend our socks, but don't they spend the
money 1 When we are sick they heal us quick—
that is if they do love us ; it not we die, and yet
they cry, and raise tombstones above us."
A YOUNG lady was heard to declare that she
couldn't go to tight for ber country, but she was
williag.tu allow the - young men Jo go, and die an
old maid, which she thought watt as great a sac
rifice as anybody could he called upon to make.
How to stuff a goose : Cut a piece of hair from
u. Sky terrier, and decd it in a letter to a coxcomb,
telling him it'd the leek of a young lady who has
talion in love with him.
Wily a re the ladies the biggest thieves in ex
istence 13ecanse they steel their petticoats,
lone their stays, crib their babies and hook their
WAY does the new moon remind me of a Rid.
dy girl? ' Because site's too young to show nnieb
reflection. ,
Win is the first ciioktai like &format 7 ~Be.
cause it *list boron the.aluin /11L
- 11:A
Wait in a washeinoinnin like ixieft: Bea t a
do. minen MK& botionan.,i , . _