TERMS OF PUBLICATION Tit FRANKLIN REPOSITORY i 4 pUblished every Wednetulny morning by "THE REPta,ITI 'EY ASSOCIATION," at $2 RO 4 per ntmtun, . '' OWR if ant paid within the year. All ra ° s,, , ,pona counts HURT be suarcd annually. No poppt" . ‘, ;II I' , -oat out of the State unless rah' tar in rarene,,ed all ,tieh sabeeriliiiella,Will invariably be di..conr:mn 1 :•• •••1.” ‘Pi• ration of, the time for which Wei- are pelt!. .4 1 : 4 13MSEMENTS ate inserted at ClFitt r N. t }I'LI per line far' gilt insertion, and TEN CESI , I,r I,11.• segment baserficm< A liberal discount it made advenbtlikkby the quarter, half yi .tr• v.,. SI. 1.:.t1 no. tices charged one•half more than regular 341,11:• , 111.11ta. AU reirolalic:ns of Associations; anunanicati,n or individual interest, and notices. of 31ani 4.;,:b Dee'llg exceeding five lines, are charged fiftetsn cola per line. rir Legal Notices of every hind. nod all Orpha ns' Court and' otrter Sales, arc r, rt, he a4sertis2 rl in. the REPOSITORY—it Lowy? the LarA.E.-i'Clit- CULATION of any paperyuhirshra in the to uri ay of T oak! JOB PRlNTlNG'ofesery kind. in Mar) Fon. on, done with neatness and dirpan h. lined .111. Cards, Pamphletri, &e of evert N arwt3 and style. iamaod at the shortest notice. The 11F1'0 , ITOICI IHlnr f t in..l been re.fltted. with Steam 1.'0,1:0 - and the. Pit --e. , nd eveiT thing in the Printing- tine eon to 0 ,,e110,1 .0 the moot artistic manner and the IncV,¢l r.rtr. I ENNIS IN VARIABLY CASH. tV" Mr. John K. Sbrynck i+ our •to'hmi/ed Azent to receive Sabscriptions and Advertewment. and r. , -..ipt for the same. 'AlLletters should be adtireo , oi to _ SrCLURE I STONE'? I'ohh.hw•. tied Ostatr *.alts . x , ~ ~..,., ~, Y.,, ~, ~. , PR-IVATE SALE.--The iiiikier,ign(A. "trite ding to remove to the NVeKt ofTen nt Private Sale, the llowingßeseriVed 'teal 1 - g.t.de to pit: AFA , situated in I.etteri,enne ne; te.1. , ;• Emnidin - county, ; about 4 stiles north-pert of 41,.inibersburq. and a bout} of a mile trout the luau of ?).• IZocky .....51)ring, adjoining lands of S. Huber atal 1%,,,,i) 1t.. ; . , ~, %,;;;,,,,,. 110-ACRES, part Limestone, port l'r,estene and part Black Slate. The improvements ore a too s n ap BRICK HOUSE—nearly new ; lan! and Frame li.an o Ulk Wngen Shed attached, and other out-building.. There 1, -a N.,.1 1 of good, nevecialllng Wale . , near llw 11,,,11ir1e. en on. cellent Orchard (in full bearing) ;.f I: rutted Fruit and a Lime Kiln on the premises. There is nater fur stuck purposes, in ;nlinont ever) field. '1 11.• alkv, 0 l'ann iN in Eirat-rate °tiler. having Intel, , boun ~,d1 , a,,, , 1it Thu. tract COUTALIIS ser Timber - Land, but Ilio purrl,t, r putt, has e the prielle of &Ong; •...... a. re- el Inzintain Land eel! set with C mune and Chi , onn; 0.11:. I Al —T vvu ACRES and In I'LI;CIIEN ~dloining 'lie ibove, on e Public Road, wall 41, ~ ,,,, . d I:CNA:VI' gousE, Stable, &R. Tld, .4.11 tan. t i. welt planted With FRUIT TREES. and in labwrat,le adapted tor ear deningpurposes. Then; is It ,rissi \V, ii -.,l IVater a' the house, and a Spring near the st.dile . . . Also--A TRACT ot m0t,....TA1N LANI). •tia3to i n Letterkenny township, adjoining land.. fir 1 , ..:11 . . heirs, COlitaflattlg, II acres each—bath u ell r o t is ith Chestnut and Chestnut Oak. Persons wishing '1 let% the c•in cia wby ran. ing uti me, at the firet drect - the,f farm novl6-tf PUBLIC ‘1 ill be sold at Public Sale,ua the rre1,1, , • , u IF idt•rsden. .7 ,, II un ry Llot at, Gro'cloek, A. B. lhe b,l foo Estate belonging io the llntate of Slat:lwo-M. A two !dory STONE .ksi) WI: VIII iiI:I3OAIM - ED MILL. with 15 -4131 ES OF LANG tie reitato lit:oohed, sitnated in Greene too-u,liip FI.IIIWIII - ('o., I'm, on the Pablo" Rood leading from the IGutimure Titirl.l , ;ke to the Scotlind Rail Road ,1‘39,1t 1 ILIA , ' loon tbeioraier and 2 miles from the latter p.itit. 'flt Miil i. loenteil on the Conocoeherigne Creek, an , Nerili.at Water l'iaver, is in good repair, and. 1, n tt,llllti km 111,11a king grain. There in alto a p,.01 SA tv - MILL. it ton shay DOUBLE BRICK DWELLIN; 1101 two dory Weather-I.:1111Ni boil, • tl.llll. I lon, and all other necessary impros attaelle,l the prop. e llso.—at, the fame time and 1.111 1 , 0 olleted a Tract. of 2tIOUNTAIN ,L.1:NI), iriwa :4),‘ ,I•oun ded bj. lands of lion, 17-ACRII9 more or Terms made km" non ilAy orate. And Pen , on4 Ivieh -ing to view the Prciperty tvi LI vtil tm the under , ..nrnoti rebi cling on the same, or . ”11 her Attorney Johll It. t ire bersburg, v bon, enn t mlllll,,,,i,nl .1,(.1.1 addreste3d.l inov3lJj mAit“Alarr CAMP. Asm,.A.LL• P_AJZ 31 Al' P 111 VAT E BAEZ—The subscriber a al s.dt a t.thloble prop-, erty, situated +mile south of Fa) vit., .110. l'lani.lhu Ono ty, Pa., adjoining.tands of Jos. Cris, mai, M. If. Wing, rt and others, containing iS AttliltS more .., .0.. Tl,' 1 ,,,. prcrnetnents are a two.storied Blil('K It WT.I.I.INi; with Brick Kitcen, and Log and Wiaillicri s gall. 4 linen. 'll'a,;:un Shed and porn Cribs, prick \Vad. House and all miler necessiaryioubhuildlngs." A Well of am er ftilker Water Defrr the dObr, and Cistern eats Ininly , t herein. 'I here as an Orchatil of choice Fruit and a sorely .a 'flier Fruit, such 841 Plains, Chbrrie., 6.. e. The lard aOf liht quality and In a good state of cult., ation be. le 1.0,1;3 limed within the last few yeah, 'lle. great f.erleal i. iiiidii: Pi;st and Rail•Feace. 'There is also a stream of It unarm Wa ter on the premises. This torn. 1, sittteed i., ~ h a mmy and pleaaant portion of the unitary, , , kas enb nt a. Sellaol.k., Clams Persocal.'desirons to rice- the prhp,ty h ill ,1.11.,” the ithdarldgled., fnot-2.3mus] It 111. kt 1. sNYDEIt. PIIB I i..IC SAL E.--Will pti.,,itit cki. ;4211 at oblio Sale, on .Ifiaiday s/i ~., d da y qt" .I , d,,tre 811 irCe determined to 1110 V, r.,,,, sin l'XitAl s Oil tato about 200 ACRES of land no Antrim hat h.lny. and of Jima Sites, l'eter Ihekala. and ,tmluel Predriotifind bounded by'tiiii Conoeiii.he.ig.• Creek. 4 LOT /..o. 1. containing -stoat 1 _st A, a .,, 5 , th La i a d HOUSE land FRAME BARN. Cora Crib air•l 1‘ . .1 1 4 .. .:” t Shed, and Tenant House and Stills net .0,...“ C. A t re, ; in Titsibttr, and 30 In Meadow. LOT No. 2, containing about I:, A, a 4 all al Timber, on the South side of the road beliaded I', t i n ,. c.r,.,.),, LOT X% 3, contaiuingalwou 'l5 Aen:: ...r In_ w Tun bet. LOT No. 4. adjoinina Lot N. :5 00111,1t.111a 116n¢ Acres, about 1.4 Acre , . in 'rinit,r. • The land has nearly all loon Lme l and under ¢,,od ?Faces. Sale to common. .9- at 1 %Own ter r o•ll be made known. Ode on de4l-2t SAMUEL ;51YEItS. i l'l,an,lo,,,riz HOUSE AlsiD LOT FOE SALE IN FIII borough of isfyeannelabortr Ful , ,,n Large Double TWO STllitY 1101."5li. Kitchen, Wash 'House. d.r.: TWIt Li as ut r.li t Nl), choice fruit and lihnildsuy: •iu tinny live bqt - sea. Location and buildings •ii.‘lite tor Mae!. ban - ing been used as Tic ern for .1" - rate Well of water at the I All in uood order. Tile subscriber will sell at u bargain ab..l sate h•te,...not at any time. For ill/0:11=0R 0.y.11 , rn or l 1,1 7.. rnavn-tf) fel'Connell.burg Fut o.llla y . Pa. 11 , - Geo. A. SnubEsq.'. In) Attorik. y . 1.111 rise neemeary information in my aloe no. It. 1.. STEAM SAW ATILL.-"flit• ed have erected alai in olwriai.o - 1 a gto1.1:1 Saw at the South Mountain, near Uralic:ll:nag rirtinit. nod a , Tioz:v .0%; anytooni est notice arid at lour row,. 1 / 1 1. , nt CI ram arL to or the Hotel of Sant'l Grocnntruit. in l'ltartil.T.lninV on Satur day the2lth inst. and on each Sono:lay thereat. ter for the purpose of contra, d, vr3 of her. LUMBER DELI\ EltE II at .0:1 pni..:t the Laaw : EST RATES. All letter , -1,111:! 1:e agi,ire—e:i n. theru ult Graffenbtirg P. 0.. Aditii. Pa deel4-tf 3tlL'l'ENßElttiEll a BRA ASMALL AI: Al' It IVAT E SALE.—The undersigacd c, „f SMALL FARM in Green iwar .rc , awl. ad joining the.Renfrow Mill yr"perl:,laa TIC 75 Acres. having thereon erected a too-.n,ry 1.4 n; 114/i rIE, Frame Bent and other imp - thy...mat, 'fi.erc .iyanag Ofehntd of eboiCe (iraftcli Petit tai t 111. 1 rop , rty Welt of Water convenient_ :at Acr.-. A re.'l•loared, and the resldoein thrivino l unt: Tacla•r„tny pernon dariring any informally!) will lAA I I. -I,l,Lrilwr o at Cbambersbarg, t s I . ,NVEIVI'. Coturo aub ,tegars TACOBS , TOBACCO AND cIoAR BTOR,E.—Having re heti , ,e T. 1.4111 0 zo! Ci.rar Store on South Maio greet, venter at W.t.-IL , N:s , LM - aio streets,) two squares Cram th , Diantemi, I i. , t a d& to call and examine my itmek, eenggitta =I How . JR, .1.. r Congress, all kinds, Twist, all kinds, Flounder, Navy, giehigan C,lt 'Anderisoo SNI7I I'S: nl. :),)1 - 011):4 . r • f K Rappe, Large Heed, Cat grid Dry, ' - Lynchburg, Jamee d imp 21 IIetIISH STILL OX JIANI).--TollAcco SEGA - Mt.—The ue.l.,hrs,l h... pet —from the City,. tvith eumplete snlrk /if Tolor I 0 iiZtli gars, ouch a#'Neturtil Lext, M,t ItMin Sinehma Me and Pipes. Store un Queen Sto.ol, trio the M. E. Chord, Cou,ett. , r. 50:24 1 11. JACOBS & S I EK. Manufacturers and Wltuicson• r . . TOBACCO, SNUFF ANJ r ;ABS:. . No:310 North Third Strre.t, abf,re-C,,, II ,:+ sbr, c3Ol/2411 ' J. .JAcona, late of (ThkamliK Pa. 111. a% I:: I, LARGE ASSORTMENT ol."11)1'..11:CO and SEGARS, Ny1 1 01414110 and n•rml, at SHAFER I'l A 1:1", on Queen greet, Eng or ti,. :%1,111,..1,-, FIiENCH BUkH .NTI I, L Mennifetitory Liberty :tier,: tt, The undersigned 1113noUnces lb, •111,1 art In nee to manufacture and import Ili,' I I 111.• ,•, betted quarries in Franco, the boo FRENCH BURR MILL, sToNEs - :which he offers at reustmahin rat , ' and factlon to . the purchaser. Also-1:x ••,- r 1,1 .1., Lt the oelebrated OLD ABRER BRAND BOLTING Orders by mail pruatialy tittl warded by isikuad, mnio it 1. 5,,11 VI . • N . 51. 1':: LA:, nar2:l-3inl ,Nu. 10 Weal Stale St" Itt yt, ff r Reporitory publish 3 and nnn oaks .simediateig for colltwtiott.—llarr,ourg IPFLE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID JL for Barley at,tbe Brewery r 1,1" ays94 WAsILARAUGUr ~, . . , . , . . .. ~ . I 1 4 . . .. _ . N . .., , i _: ; 1 1 • ... ....,.:...a..... tte , tql :_.)., • 1 1,:z .*,,, . 1. , frank len ~,„• , , . . .......... , .. . _ BY MTLURE & STONER. D EGISTEWS NOTICE —Ali personsin- L teresh•d vill }lien lake !loth, that the following Ae..111114.1 4 hate Ned ti cis Aeont. in th e Regie,n, otp, of Fr mkiin Conatt at el that the battle h ill be pre flit Cart for eanfirmation. on Waive, daft, thi-,120, tray janvaro.lMil in Chanthersburg: ' 1. ftr , tt told Intl Aerow of llinvn Son coo nne of the s, r, ) .01, of Gnilltsrd township, 1"1“, and Soot. Ailin'r of John Albert, i• to of fi•uoilton P. N. Ho!Lux, Es:r of I'm. Chas. him Sinitliatmiton bey , +Va. Sent. of l'atriek Mellarvev nod John Hawk, EX . ri of Catli.irme 3111Ier, late of tat. 'biomes twp.. deed. Sort. of Anna S. Ilelutmlimm, gnariliuu-of Martin and Charlotte tlointzelniun. minor eloldrou of Samuel W. Ileintzolman later of Cuiltimitup„ Seennd and final Sect, of Jaeob Reiblmnl, S. E. Stahl rod Le, i Spine, Eire of Jos. Stahl, late of Green tiff, deed. Hey ond and final Acct Wat S. Arnberson and ALl:than, Fntnt.r..luirs of Daniot Royer, Late of Wash metonprp„ deed. First and Boat _Acct of Abraham Horst, Adm'r of TlicahcUt 110 .ver, Lao of Antrim tivp , deed. 9. Firrt and final acct of Wm. Shelter, Adair of Won. itu. Final Aoct. of Alex. W. K - t - nor, Guardian of Mary E. Reside. minor child of John E. Iteside, lute of South ampton township, dec'd. 11. Fluid Acct. of Sarni 0 ne,m..in, -Ear of John She'll to, Inte.of Guilford Imp. deed. Amt, of Davld Grotsman, Guardian of Wm. liege, minor child of Susan 31. Ilege, late of Guilford twp., deed: 13. Acct. of John Midhour, cite of the Ex'r.s of Jacob 3141antr, late of Quincy twp.. Jet 'd. 111 First and final Atteonnt of Jolla D. Walker, Adm'r Jesso M. Jones. who was Guardian of Jacob D. and - V. K. P. Kegarreis, children of Jacob Kegerreis, late of Faro nett tap.. deed, 15. Account of Nathunim Martin, Guablian of Hannah 11. Martin. minor child of John Martin, deed. lb. Final Account of Abraham Barr. Gdardian of Jacob Shockey, minor child of Samuel Shockey, lute of Wash in2tou twp., deed. 17. First and. fin,tl Account of John Zimmerman, Ex'r of Elizabeth Study. late of Warren hilt, deed. .1,1. Filial Amount of Atchison Ritchey, Ear of Jane Milligan, deed. 19. Firs.t and final Account of Abraham Keel'ac (of 5.,) Adair of Mrs. 31. M. Keefer lane of Cumberland. County, tleed. 21). Account of John Bowman, Guarthan of Chrislianna, Davol and Amanda C. Nichola, minor children on Peter Nicholas, Into, of Indiana. deed. •!1. First Account of John 11. Laker, Guardian of Peter Snyder, Jr., minor child of Peter Snyder, Sr., late of Guil ford twp., deed. 22. Finnan(' thud Account of T. 13. Kennedy, Guardian of Wm. C. Beaver. '1.3. Second und final Ageonnt of Rob% C. Homer, Guru Sion of Jamm H. McGaughey. =I Serond nod final Aeroont of C lioninr,P-twr, than ofD. C hin 310.taugney, ' 23. Second and final At tnntot of ftob't C. Horner, GOBS dine of Alexander H. Metintorhey. 23. Flat uml Mull Account of Peter C. Holler, Adm'r of 'Henry Holler. late of Lurgan twp., dee d. 27. Ci,t um! Mud Account of Juo. 1). Van Lear, Adm'r of Joseph Van loatr. lute of l'ayetterille, deed. 23. First fund final Account of Alex. M. Johnston, Ad rninwtrutor of Samuel Johnston, late of Montgomery twp., dee d. First and final Aocount of Watt Ifoldon, Jr., Adzo'r of Wm. Ifoldon, late of St. Thomas twit., deed. 30. Fist-and final Acet. of U.K. Wunderlich, Guar. than of Hettie Rhode-% 31 Fast. and final Atiit. of D. K. Wunderlich. Guar taw of NV. B. Rhodes. 3'2. The . F irst t. of John Rover and James S. Cron klettp. klx'ra of Suno J. Crunkleton, late of Antrim twp.,deed. 'I at. Avet. of Jos Loolikauto and John Downey, Adrers ofJolin Loellbstain. late of Green hrp., dee'd. 33. First .feet. C. S. and Chan. W. Eyster, Ex'r, ofJa cob Oyster, late of Cluunbertburz, dec,L 35. First and final Acct. of Win. Rupert, Aam'r of Mar. tba Van Lear. late of Green top.. deed. 31. FirsCand final Aiscount of Israel Here, Guardian of Anna, Barbara- Catharine Sarah, Mary and Frederick :strife. minor children and heirs of IstALf Strite, late of Guilford tap., deed. G First final Account of Abraham W. Hoover, Guardian 0f.1.11,1 Wingert. minor 1 hill of John Wingert, late of hettexkonny twp dee2l.4t • V STRICKLER. Register. LIST OF CArSES FOR TRIAL AT January tenn i 1;;.6r, .:-. FIR,I" 11 F.FIC. llortglovout &Co -1, -Wunderlich, Read & Co. S & M l'enttuek At Co. vg. Wiliam Reber. Jobs 31 Curdy. et al v... Andrew M'Cuidy. Sante . v,t, David Vance. John Peterrnas', Ada vs Lewis Etter. - William Rodeo rs 1 A. 'N‘ Menu Keysttit. Jaettb S Brows N .e. S3l Worley et al. ' Wllliam Rodeerti t.t. Willtasi Keyser. George Clair, 0 .,., i A John H Tittle Mary C MiTI, • •,. John H Bartle. John 3illttioter 1 A. William E slur: ..... Brtt't•t J..bn Wohistuith. Cu.A. S‘l Morris•rn v 4. Kr._•nger . .. Wea.clfy ' , -z. fionebruK... T M Curb.lt, et a! -.,... B Phreattor's Adm'r. Robert l'tt lo- lA. Ikavol Tee tor. MIME MEM W Wolff - • vs. Wm Christ. vs. Wm 31'Grath, Sheriff.- Jul.n Tntch I v 3. Jo•ePb Price. ' .Eli. June Trinde , el al. v.. Mary Ann Clark. 'Fleur!. Holby • , ~ -1' L Fletcher. efal Win 31*Grnth 1.,.. John F Guyer. William lin,l, NN. .10119 Shoup. ,_ Jambs L)su . ~ .1 llii;ey' & wife. Morrow It Skinue^ ye. Samuel Either. Jams,' Martin re Mii hue! Long, Martins It Skinner t s .S.tinnel Bitner. John Snider dr. site. - a s. Wm. Christ. A hraharn Hear '1 S. I) S Reirher. et aL Willintn Wilhelm ' A '3. I) S liniiiher. David Witherspoon , Rohner% Currev's Eir, John RlChlirdEA.. NI, John Plum. Currey ke.4.'l A. S. TAYLOR, Proth'y pRoCLAMATION.—To the Coroner, I. the Justieea of the Peace. and the Constables of the different Thue.hips in the County of limekiln, Oreeting Knott all 30, that is purqtant eel the prerept, tope da re, fed under the bandana msal ef the HON. At.EN , KENG, Pstsident of the several Court' of Common Pfau!, in the Sixteenth District consestisfe• of the counties of somerttet, Bedford, Fulton and Frtirlidle, sod be virture of his otlice of the Court of Oyer andtereliner and General Jail Delis - eiy for the trod of and oilier offenders therein and in the General Coat - tor Quarter Se,sams of the Peace, and W. W PAXTON. and JAME. (I. Chest) . .. Esqs ;Judges of the ,sante county of Fruel.lan. You and each of you are hereby required to be told appear in your proper persons ,th t rtt. Reverts, Iteeet.snizuneey Examinations, and other Rem embranees before sh eJudfres aforesaid, at Chem. berSbnrg. at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Just Delis ery. and Genera tltutrter 'tensions of the Peace, therein to be holden for the Co misty el - Franklin aforesafd on the 3d Mondey in January bass , the 16th day of the month, at 1.0 Aloe}, in the forenoon of that day then and there to du tlip4Olosurs, unfelt to your several offices ay pertain. Gls en under my hand us Chambersburg. the 20th De cember 101.1 ideetfli SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff. VOTICE 'l' 0 SPORTSMEN.—Notice _Li is hereby g,tvon that teem this date all persons found shouting Game it: other, i.e Trespassing on the propertes of tho undersigned le 11l S /1` dralt-isith areordiug to lass. Stunnei Mill,. "Jacob Snider, (of J.) 'Rudolph :,11, tter, Michael Hege, W. II 11. lire, John Myers, David shorter Christian Miller, ; Ephraim Burkholder, Jacob Bender, Salton-I I.etl Dante] Gros e, John K. `soli ell.. Wzn C. McKnight, i David W. Small. G. urge Smith. Henry S. Milk:, .tarot, Etter, Abraham Le-ter 1.. B. :small, John hillier. Samuel Etter. W. J. Maxwell David. AVltherspoon, Samuel Fredonck, I ranius Warner, Jot .th Myur., -Clithertt Witherspoon, Cr, W. hillter William F. Staab eltelll It SitiERIFF'S NOTICE OF INQUISI TP IN.— sarn Rerhordxol,',. Ex:at, —T9 the heir{ and It gal represehtatiN es of geld dee'd: Yon are hereby notified that 111 portoance of a n Tit of inquisition, istuing out 11 the Orphan . .., Court ,4"Franlslin county. Pa„ and to me direeted. Iti ill hold an infitt , t on the Real Estate of o hick :add de. ...lap. Ailed iota. -.limb, re the Borough of flreen.t,d,, Pa. On the .Ite day of Jontitrm A.O 1f4;5 at l P hex+ and a here you too' :Mai] i‘ou thyd„ prop,. deel4-3t _ .cAMI 6L, BRAND, Sheriff. If 4 Ile I H E 1,. I F 1"S NO'FICE .h How/ r ,r , re—T„ the heirekat.ll , ul rCilre, It• of au , l dee'd You are hereby notsfi• ell that :n plinane t of tt. tit , 4 tuquiwtlon. loFtung out of the 1 (' , nut of Fraukhu l'oun , ! and to we dire::.,!. I . l at 11,, Heal EgtutP, of , 1"1 d 1.,•],p1 4ft_tmlo. in Franklin COUtIt en :11.4 rl.ty Deerniber A. 1) , 1P434, at 10 oe t,,,k, A. It.. witf awl t‘ here vm may attend if you think prep. r. •••.• BRAS I Ste-rift. 11.•,•14 , l•ac,O1,1,11 1:8111 I=EMII t I'i)l'l.4 )H's NoT le E.—Not ice itshere -11 by g.APtlthet: 'llO 'lnd. r•tg,1.41 NtS , ton appointed 1. the Urldo o Own FrauLllu Nuathr to make .11.,tributiuue tlu W. Brett er. 'rra , to to IN•al I, , ,tur. nl rrlllilllll COsgrOVe, owl ...mug 1,07 , .,,.1.1,t11411 . , late to • r.h.eiVi. Ibit,,,nl , Ora be It ill ~.tt utru..• Ntamatathuit ;a, u. the L:- arputtit own:, Fruiuu, Iktrmiro r a: i heur , not 1 , . ' 11. I MFR. Auditor. N; __The l'artuership 1 17,E, 5 re ( t ) 01:,, 1 , j 7: 1 15 4 , ), ,`„ „,„ L o r the Std I. 1111 d lith , of Win gora K. F..14211)1111, :o th. romarchng and Connuivtion hu-ine,. In CI. ed. oh Ow 2 9 th rit. 111, ID ...k, of the old firm are ,n the handti of A. B.Wrar toed ho Celli coottone th e s q.l b t,01.1, _ rt•1.1,:1, , 11 . , DO% I • WINISTRATOICS 'NOTICE.—No / i toie k 11OI , tity on that cetter. of Admiriletrutim , ,lo llotli• one on the I:' , 4ltOttt ha bolus Snider. late of Gull. bird toy leanioley'd Lev,, heon granted b. tie• ontkrrigued Ittton mG thttatiol, 4, 110014141 to 4:1111 E4late it I° , tit , teal, tattned,ae rt) nt 8,111 tllO, hat ma. plirtoitt thlllt prop, sty nti.d for settittment. it. ,I 1 II N \ DER, Adair. - A i)NirvisTß TOWS NOTICE.—No: t. ,, , hereby given that la tiers of Administration. ID. E. t 7. T. A .. Estat, of John Memos', late of Guilford tcxyliship. dec'.l, have been g rf‘o t e d t o the un der. t•lgned. All persons knowinc thert.sto , •o indebted to said Estate it nieLlon matte intrat•th,,te payment, and those having i. ,Ilems present them properly atithentie4ted for settlement. 1 n0t.39 CATNARI . ,n HARTLINE, dita'rl. krgat Rotites. =M=IMM Ml2ill3=ll Anal. 41.oticts. s A DMINISTRATOR'S ~ NOTICE.—No= .1_ Tice is hereby gis en that Letters of Arba , lii , tration on the Estate of John Shrrl,. late of lltssingseiiiir:, ton ie [ship s deed, have loon granted-t.+the under,igne.L . All I,IIOIIE Anon inC thenesilics i s , betide will please make immetihue payment, and those havin_ olahns pent them reps rI . ) .111 Z 11,, flint. a ~-ttletnenf. nor3o CATUARINE SURMA:It .1411ilyrt. A DMIXISTRATOIvi; tine is hereby given that Leiters .d,Atlministratir on the Estate. et Curies Lover) latest Codirtml ton uship, de&d. have been granted to the undersigned. AlDpersons knowing themselves 'adept.: to said Estate rOll please-make immediate payment ; and those has iitg emboss present ',hem proven) athentieuted ter benlement. ALBERT IL LO WRY 7 m n novl6 JACOB REICHARD, 5 ADMINISTRATOR'S N CE.--No the ie hereby given that Letters of Adminiqration on the Estatebf Jacob Sweitr,er.'lite of the Borough of Chtimbersbufg, deceabed, bur e hist° granted m tiot under signed. All persons kno;ving themselves indebted to said Estate trill please make immediate payment; and tho-e having claims present them properly ituthentieated Mr settlement. novl6 F. S. S'rli.M.B.kli(lll, Adin'r. EXECUTOR'S NoTIC E.--Notice hereby given that Letters Testimentary to the Estste of Rebecca Pawling, late of Antrim ton r.suip, def 'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebtul to said Estate, will please make immediate payment; and those hVng claims preseuttliem properly authenticated forhettlena w. THOMAS PAWLING. Ex'r EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is hereby given that Letter, egtamentary tb tbt . Estate of Rachel Mason, late ot Cbambersburg. deed have been granted to the uudersioei.L All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please Make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. bev3o CAROLIN£ MORtiAti. Rirs. EXECUTOR'S NO T ICE.—Notice is' hereby given that Letters Tirstamentary to the Di late of Martha Sllllll6Oll, lute of Hamilton ion n,Lip , dee have:Leen granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those h o ning claims present them properly authenticated Kir settlement. novlti JOHN MILLER, Pair. - p.XE.CZTOR'S %I.Z . 0T I E.—Notice is hereby given ; that Letters Testamentary to the Es= tate of Daniel Stickell, late of Antrim township, de d, have been granted to the undersigned. All.persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please snake immediate payment, and those has in claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. - .novltf. JOSEPH STICKELL, XECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is IA hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate,of Mary Dickey, late of Greencastle, decd, have beets granted to the undersigned. . Al persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenticated for settlement novl6 MARY W. DICKEY, Ex'rx. Mattbes ant 3etuar». WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c Having Jut opened a well selected assortment of aoo.is in my line, directly Opposite the Post Office, on Second Strea, where my old and I hope many new customers will find me during business hours. Sly old stock having het.o duced 'very soddenly on the .30th of July last, I c.a. , com pelled to buy au Entire New Stock of Goods, which are of the latest styles and patterns, colisisting Gold and Silver (Imported and American) Gent's and Ladies Witt, Jewelry of tine and medium qualities,_ Silver Thimbles, - Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Gold Pens of fine quality, Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Strops and Brushes, , Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives. Jett Goods. Pocket Books, Ladies' Purses, Nail and yooth Brushes, Redding and Pocket Coml., Lead Pencils, Morocco Satchels Large and Small Willow Baskets, INSTRU3fENTS, vo;hos_ note= Fifas' , Banjo=, Tamborioes, Accordeotot Ihttinas, /cc. The assortment of CLOCKS * is are and of ery rtt have on hand the HENRY REPEATING RIFLE. which ten be fired Aileen tihrza in that many use end". Everybudy should have one for self defence. The public are invited to mill and examine them. PISTOLS on band and orders filled for any ;dad that may be wanted. Cartndges of all sixes kept on hard. From long expenenee I can adapt Slee-titel-- ht the 'atria of the old as well as middle eget'. SPECTACLES AN L' EYE GLASSES in Gold - Silver and Steel Fntraes al ways on band. Having the agency for the sale of the relebtated 131:11 ; CLAR AND Flithl-PROUF riAIL. loanutto coLett by Farrell, Herring le_ Co., I will fill enters at the manotio - tures price. All information in retruol to them given. The public are ins iced to mill and estimine the stuck. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired ut tow rate., to +mit the times decl4 EDWARD AUGITINRIUGIi. ELI HOLDEN, INVITES 'THE AT tetwtion of every reader of this paper, which inelude9 many thoarand at Ilia old patrons and atquaintanees. to his unusually large ane beautiful r uriety of AMERICAN & Imported WA ECHES, CLOCKS, and p1..1 ~ , a nt desiems of JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, At..r. ELI HOLDEN octilft.ly 'Mb Market Stroet. CHRISTMAS & BRIDAL PRESENTS! HENRY HARPER, NO 5`20, ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA Hag a large trek of • WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, Superior plated TEA SETS, SPOONS, YORKS sepßNJ4mos • ;1300t5 ant *bum; BOOT SHOE AND VARIETY STORE. P. FELDMAN, having disposed of his entire sock of Hoots, Shoes, at trhofesalr. on the 30th of boa month. and finding it inconvenient to resume business at los for merylace on Main street, I have ituit returned from tho City with a A LARGE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, to which he respectfully invites the atteirion ,if his old customers, and as many now ones as will he pleased to give hint a call, at HIS NEW STORE ON SECOND ST., in CHARLEY KLINE'S brick building. neorit Op. isosite the Post - Office. His stock embraces every variety , of y o uths', Ladies' a n d Men's BOOTS CE BHOPis; u hich for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be sur passed iu the county, and which will be sold at Tillers to suit the times. Having purchased THE uvrEsT STY LE OF LASTS, he is prepared to make Customer w ork . at short nntice, by the best workman to the county. With a disposition to be obliging and twennumsintintr, he ltehe , to went a liberal share of patronage—, Shout a desire to , rnonopolize,as his motto is in common cal, flu", to five and let leave. Parri,-ular aurntton pud to at/ mindsni Repntring TERMS CASH. ANL) PRICES UNIFORM. Wl'l II OUT EXTOICTION He has also on lumd, and fur sole, cheap Tntnks, Va lises, Carpet Sucks Idanon and Paper Codars, Pap. r, Envelopes, Ink•stauds, Steel Penn, de., &e. N. 11.—Alt person knowing themn.•h es ralelded IA 31 please call and make immediate settlement, that I tit) hx euablroi to loot Imy former 'Wadi,. in the City, tour..!l TO ALL WHOM Fr MAY fIONCEIt N. JACOB HUTTOPPS' BOOT .C 110.1; STOBE The undersigned takes thin method of returning his !hunk s to his numerous iiniaoinere., and the poblie gem rail). Jro the very liberal pa;ronage heretofore fo and hope-, in his pre-ent mi.forune in esinimmi with no,- ly every business man in loon tint, lie., to he remembered. 1 - I , 7liag the ph stare of informing Vie publie [but he has apPll.4l hit Sting. MO. Bab Harat 4•1 ii. MrLanahan'a Ihrellp/14 , - and SW, tine North of the Metlmih•t when he is. prepared 10 offer a general assortment of Women's and area's &HIM and Shoe., embracing hie own end Cut mot afacture, which, fur excellece of ntylennil dimihility art swerior to and cd . his former sting, and n ill he ollervil preen to snit all. Ile Werliiy 11144.10 it temn Philadelphia whiels for beauty Mid ellen , .• nano! rtfai.ed Situnli.f the fill.witiehartnw (21:61131FA: WORK of t• en tart ly proniptno4..---A. to. esnilloo4 none 'but ,ot4 nu o he feeds Justified in gortranieelne all woll, to.ole at In. e— tabli.gbrnent.. Don't forget the pl.teo. Four Pr.r.q of the lifith. l l.e (laird+, Srcond I:aAt NKS TRU, 01 the late. 4 style, frow , nil. •O' 55113 S MI band 'dal for 'lllO at a von .1111111 ;I,iN 011{C11.11 C 4 JA( -TTON election flotices. 1. - 4 - 71.,EcTioN.-- , -'nle Annual Mtpting nt _EI the Sto,khohkrq I.7slllEltSlll 1:0 (IAS COMPANY, alll he held .0 the , tlll o! Stauthttligh and Guilt, an hiOn day thP . 2 4, th rbty ,11 r03, - , 1e1V.4,11 the hoor of 1 and 2 il'cl.tek. l' he floe f SEVEN DIREcToRs for the tear 1 - 1;:. 1,0 rn L, Id •t , thy (um., owl 11, r - . 1 11:1;F:11 1 C; So,. tar, A 'frett. -• • _ E LECTION.—.N ATios.\ t. lo; 1)...e...0 0 t 7. P5.4.--At. for SEVEN ifint:f•Tou, 11.1.1.., n, -.1 - 1 o fir :Iv ensuing VI . V. n ill 1), 1:0€1 .he Ilanl.inv . ,ll.ktNe oa I . ! day, the ilith Of .1110 ry rt,-ot P. M. dee7-4t. (i. R. 31ES:,EntiMITII, CuiLhkr - HSEIRER HAS OPENED A the . and CABINET WARE ROOM the litueinclit of the M. E. Church, ;slam, he has nii.v u u hand all hind, of Cabinent Ware. Such a, Bedstedds, linmius Table. Chairs, Stands, and Mattrasscs, Atltt,4l OAK and WAL. NUT COTTArikli FURNITURE- "ivirylossi Blinds, Sc. which hooeill stil caeta CHAIBERSTERG. PA., WEDNESDAY, DEC MIER 28, 1864. Varblbarc eutlttp, &r: HA RD , W ARE lIFBER & TOLBERT with an & , xtPh ,, ive sunk of Hardware, Cutlery. &a. L0....5, everything in their line. \ Call ,and examine oltr stock. OM COACH AND "SADDLERY HARDWARE. The sulv.criber respectfully informs his Mends and the public that he continues to carry on the above business, at hi. old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Re formed Church, CHAMBERS/CI:KG, PA. Having. enlarged his business, Saddlers and Coach• mature kill and In his tore Room a general assortment of good< suited to their several requirements, such ae Fnir anti Country Hogskins, Patent. Leather, - Saddle Treesand Girtbi • Gig Tre,a, Full Played, Tinned and Japanned; 11.ur, Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web, lower than Cotten: Haines Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and Japa 0,01 handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Ilitb 31ndle rt`nt4 liosestes, Swivels and Ornaments; I W,ssi Gig' Homes. - 1112( KLES—IIR.kBS, SILVER AND JAPANh all Styles and l'atteratt; Ivory and Wooden t • stomp Joints, and a variety of other goods gni for the trade. ALL KI:siDS. OF PLATING, &.e., done with neatness ant t d.•,patkh. [decl4] - LEWIS WAIKPLER. fiIIEAP HA.RDW ARE! BRAND & FLACK 4 ,4x14 under the Lpavement. which were not sm.!. a. Locks, HluviclErcreaS and other Hard- Ite.d, they imam Just recliveal from New York and lit Ladelplna a yet" large lot of goods. purchased much Inml..r than they are generally sold. They having been til , •n . n,re. we etre, Iran. Nails. Hocks, Hinges, Glass. Pala, dr..c., lathe lowest figure. ru DLACKSMITIiS AND FARMERS! . _ bo% hAnd about 70 Tons Iron of different kinds, ho h o.• ,viii '4 • 11 less than it can be bought in the city. Aho kne 100 kegs of Nails and Spikes, we offer at iron] b 0, 10 dollars per keg. Knisc: Forks, Scissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, Spoon. Z.c, dust reivivelfroraNevrrork ankh we offer v,•riloo • sep223 TjAIIDWAIZE.OILS ANI) _Li The public are inrited4o call and estamtne the large mid n ell ,tiak of FOREIGN ANDiDOILESTfC HARI/NI - ARM ji,t opened on &rani, beipern Quern and Ma_rlset strret.. Uhambersburg, Pa Habsng purchased nv's: of their crssh, before the reeent advance in prices, frtnnle:i•ling. manitthetitrenz, we are determined to sell our costoinen, goo.is cheap. We lints on hand this, Painfeh •,,,tery. Spoons, Iron and Steel., Rakes, Shot - els & ri.ras r•orlatier, , :Shot, Ftudlso, Ropes, Cords. Hams., Chains Brusli , • Ponder. Locks, Hinges; Screws. Fdes, Poo. Kettles tuel Pans. Tools of every,description, and !roots of all hinds usually kept in a well regulated Hard wore establishment. Orders from a distance, accompanied o ith the cash. !lumpily attended to i and goods aitaished as cheap when the person is present iCaltand try US. IRWIN & RHODES. NTAILS OF EVERY SIZE AND PAT -11 TERN: Glass nil iiizes and qualities; Lacks, Bin• gos and Serra , . Oils andiPaints, Varnishes, Turpentine, uwl e%ery .I.—eriptien of IS:lilt:Sag Hardware can be had, at low prii es by culling o t IRWIN & RHODES, on Sec °,d Stn., ARRIAG E l , -- 11 AKERS' GOODS, i,Thoenif, Errs' Findings, Saddlers' Findings at ISBASITI 4. FLACK'S. LJIIOVELS. FORKS AND SPADES AT rut+ ea. h ancl,many"other 'articles which was in iht• 5-0 a halt ran he wade as 00(114114w at BRAND & FLACK'S. IF-YoU WISH TO BUY CHEAP BARE,wmcE ,3.11 on IRWIN & RHODES, orr Se owl street. ( - 4E14 AR WARE.—CaII at the Store in 1,./ the BRAND & FLACK. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE.-- , -011IEF Qt MA,rEIS_OFTICE, Department of Wert I",gtulo. Couilwriand, Md.. November IS, 1E64. st.: .11, I.: It I I f trf )8 ALS in duplicate are invited 4; the undersigned tot ~ , , i pplying 'the Quartermaster's Depart -111(.11t m the Irephrtment of West ViVrginia at Charleston, l'arker,burg and Wheeling, West Nit., Ohio, and ti e so end Depots on the line of the Bfftimare and ol e o It a ,l ro pd. as frlions: Clarksburg, Grafton; New t:n-.h ('untberland. 3tarrinshnrg. Harper's Ferry, Bergh, Point of lttiks, and including liagerstown and Frederick. City 31d. or either of three 'lases, with Hay, Corn, Oata and Straw. Bat, ryceived for the deli Very of three thousand bn.hcht or Corn or Oats and fifty (SO) Urns of Hay or straw rod upwards, and must he accompanied by a co p~ eet tin. ad% .rtisement. 11i,hteni mast state at which of the above owned points they propie.ei,to maim deliveries, and the rates at which they w ill oldie . deliveries thereat, the quantities of each :attt le propled to be delivered. the time when said deffe er) ‘holl be 1 , 1.mm...wed and when to be completed. Corn nt.d fiats to be put up in good, strong sacks; Hey kod Steno to tie securely baled. ono lOs offered under the bids herein invited will be .rite, t to t, total imipoetien tip a Government inspector, beton le•;nawo opted. COIIIIIIIt, Will be awarded. from time to time to the lowest bolder, as the interests id the Uoverutnentmay ',Noire. • ' No biol 4 will I o. considered from parties who have fn' rd beretotote to Comply {soh their contract, polor.als sou , : avuomprinied . by.a guaranty, sign -ed be too 11,1.011,11,1 e persotoi, that in ease the bid Id no optod lo or they a Ilt-'-within the time named, ex4eute de , emend for the calla., With good tur d su ff icient sureties in a 0151,5 Num in - amount to the atineafft of the contracts to brags propo.wd is conformity with the terms of 00- rtewtoent, and in rive a bidder shall fail to enter into the contrast they "to snake good the difference between the ell, r 01 -eel bidder and the next lowest responsible kidder or tle• person to whom the contract maybe awarded. he 1, von.iliiht3 tit the guarattem must be shown by tip off, ial ert , li, ate 1,1 a I tilted 'States District Judge or Amine r , Collebtor of Customs, or other Government ottl- z 1.1,1) 1,1 flit+ e. All I ..rtio. 11111 notifi44l of the acceptance or to • ti , .o 0: tht.lr . II iinipssils must to lead, in duplicate, and b e eeeem . the Oath IA allegiance of the party or parties, antes , it has already Inc. a plac;eil on file in thin office. 'l'lic'tiill Immo and tiod office address of each bidder I/01/4 Ile is In. in the proposals. Propo s al: mina be titian:isms' to Capt. J. G. Farnsworth, Clint Quartermaster. Department of West Virginia, Gum ls Hand, 31,1. and marked ''Fropisalsta FOrage." 111..a1s 'lf lints, guarantees and bonds may beob inimid en 0.11,11 ounce. nil under thin advertisement will be and es coined at this office on WFDICESD AY and si,vi I Il l .0 each sieek, at 1::11. Bidders are re `Pc. tinily .nsi , sl*.i Is. present at the opening of bids, if di see J. O. FARNSWORTH. I:ap6on nod Chief Quartermaster, I I it Department of West Virginia. ptiblicationo.- • E t: 1' 1; - 1 . 7, TO, YOUNG MEN.— 1.,. Envelope. Price Six Lo, 'ore on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure .Speraintorrio..., tn Seminal Weakness, Involuntary I Me e...ta , , nail Impediments to Marriage zo,,erolt NC,on.oau , eLtltiltillPti o .., F.pilepec, trod 1 it., 111.12 i eland )'ht leenrWeit)., resUlting front 111 . LVLIMELI, M. b., Author et M. Ge ren Rook ' nr lit 0.n.0., cm,' thin admirable Lecture. / malls p,ot , Wan /Ins, exporierme that the ass flit COI, gut are „! Abu, one tar t qlectually IVrnoved nut IITI4 w ithout dimptrousrsurgiettl operation, ring - , or cordial, pobonorput a mode siro ,doetual. by wloca every.ur• 11,1 Mat? , r v,Lat tar ..ondition may - be, may are him .,ll+ I wank pilvat..ll, and - PHIS LEG r I'RE 1% ILL fl A BOON TO T YKOI.'SA N AND sent under Wary address, in a plain, sealed lope on the I 'mpt in nix cents, ortwo postage damps, 1,3 toldre:sam . - CHAS. J. C. KLINE Sc. CO., omit! Mill 127 Bowery,, New York, Ppst.oo3ce Box, 4586. jOB PItINTING iu every style none at , t! , *4; of to FILAICEIti EXIVETIVIT liave opened their store on Main street, arl2, th e i r 0.1 pla,e of basine?, coutisting in part of In•u, Spikes, Steel. Hinges, Planes, - Files. . PHlnts, OPe Turporktilie, • Tar, Varnish Brnskes, Shovel% Rakes, ME Blasting Powder, Grind Stones, • Cedar Ware, Packet Snicee , &e. Special atleution is called Buikierb and Contractors, as they are prepared to tarnish in any quantity, at wholesale, EWEN propooalo. ,ffittancial. TREASURY, DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COM...TROLLER OF TUE Time Stan% Washington, November 30, 1864. WHEREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has beta made to appear that TUE NA TIONAL BANE OF CIIAMDERsBURG," In the Borough of Charnbersburg, in the County of Franklin, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under awl accord ing to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled "Art Act to provide a National Currency, secured I a pledge.of United States Bonds,' and to provide for the cir enladon and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the busi ness of Banking ander said Act; Nolo, therefore I, NI3OFI NIIULLOCII, Comptroller of the Curreooy, do hereby' certify that '• THE NATIONAL BANK OF CITA.33BEIIISBC/IG,' in the Borough of Chambersburg, In the County of Franklin, and State of rennsyls-ahia, is au thorized to commence the business of . Basking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and sdalof office this thirtieth day of Nrwensbea.lB64. _ _ HUGH. 3.I'CULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency [SEAL.] det7-et WHEREAS, T 73 E AUDITOR GE N em.] as required by the llth Bectitm of the Act, en titled "An A& enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to 'become associations for the purpose of banking under the lacy of the United;;States," passed the `end day of August, A. 11. 1864, bas certified to me that the ''Bank of Cham bersthrg" located: in Chambersburg, Franklin County, has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the re quirements of said Act hove been complied with by the said Bank, and that it has become an association for the porposii of Banking under the laws of the United States. 11 do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published in accOnbince with the provisions of the 11th section of the said act, and do declare that the Charter of said Bank by the terms of said act, is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the And section of said act, [d:l-3t) Ai G.CCRTIN, Gov. of Penna. MONEY WANTED.-BRAND FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing themselves Indebted to them by notes or book accounts to call and make immediate settlement) The necessity of this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in• debted will report at once. , ang34•tf A DVER .—I have lost my Account Books by the destruction of Chambersbarg on the 30th ult., and mustbrust to the honor and, honesty of my old customers to pay up. I still Conduct my old business in Chatabersburg and will be glad to fill orders as before. ab,s+2.4 S. S. SERYOOK.. NAITONAL BANK OF CHAKEEBSBURO, ' December-Mb, 1864. TT- S. 7-30 NOTES AJ) N 10 ! 40 BONDS for sale at this Bank at par, and an other govern- meat securities bought and sold., • decsll,3t 0. R. MEBSERSIWTH, Cashier. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—The un densigoed wishing to close hii books, , wonld respect fully solicit all persons knowing themselves indebted th call and make,settlement without further notice , n05 . 23-6t .1. B. eothi. MT anb Sanrg Goats: DRY GOODS STORE, On Second Street, neatly opposite the Post officq CHAMBERBBURG PA METCALFE d. ILITESHW Have just received and opened a large and varied aback o 1 Landry goods. to which they In the, the attention of the Public. Wevrill say just here that we are prepared to sell goods as low as any house in the county, the Bulls and Bears not excepted. Our stock consists in part as !dhows: ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS, a large variety, CLOAKING CLOTHS, very cheap. BALMORAL & HOOP SKIRTS, cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Gloves, Hosiery,, Hoods, &e„ in ` great variety. For Men and Boys' wear we have Cloth, Cassimer, Sat tinetts,-Twe&ls, Jeans, Under Shirts, Drawers, Stockings, &e.. all very cheap. Weave also a full stock of Muslim, 'Pickings, Flan nels, &c., all of which will - be sold to milt customers. .lotc is ire time to buy. octl9 .MLTCA.L.FE & HITESHEW. LECTION RETURNS COME IN Jl2.lslowly, not'so with the Mtge arid; vaned assortment of Dry GoLids just opening at WM. WALLACE & CG :S at the Market House corner, opposite the Methodist Church. They have just returned from New York where they pur chased at Auction, the largest assortment of 11 . 7 ever brought to this county which they offer et greatly re dness} prirea for Lash, consisting of . • Good Muslin at 05 cents, 1 Yard wide at 50 cents, Ili Yards wide, Sheeting, 81 25,, 1} Pillow Case Muslin, 75 celda, Best prints at 37} cents, '} Good punts at lower prices Ginghams, 374, best, 45 cents, Balmorals, 83 73,64 00, 84 5 0 , Shawls at al}prices, Ladies' Cloaking, all colors, Casinos, Jeans and Casimers. 12 Quarter EllanketsPall wool, 812 513-per pair. ' A 'tall assortment of Gloves, liosiery, dc, constantly on hand. The slip:wads being purchased in New York at low• est cash price, we are determined to sell at low rotes to cult the times. - Give as a call before purchasing elsewhere.. °otiti s WAL !WALLACE* CO. . z' to which has bean added, by a' chemical process, a large per (rootage of actual Ammonia, stiflited that It cannot evaporate, mak ing it equal, if not superior to any other fertilizer. Pamphlets with copiesuf Analyses by Dr. Jackson, Mats. State Assayer, and Dr. Liebig. of Baltimore, and testimonials from scientillo Agriculturists, showing its value.. Can be obtained from J. 0. BAKER, & CO„ .bELLMG AGE:YTS,. 87IWall'Strett, Ten• York march ly WActicti. l it;RA ' N E r 3 R Lt.nl. 6' l:A l cr ß uit ß EL. 9 Sulk St. and Oeraleutteam Aremic, Philada., Pa. Manufacturers of Gorse Powers, Thre,hCrs and C:can ers, Reapers and Mowers, Farm Grist Mills, Fodder Cur tern, Corn Sheller, Circular Saw Machines and ever) va riety of uptirpved Irtgilements. SEND FOlt CATAID , ,-t . • nctl2-3cti p REMIUM FARM GRIST MILL.- Every Partner hasiog a horse rower should have con of our Premium Farm Geist Stills to grind all iheio grain for feed. The Mill' l simple, durable kind elbeient, and is adapted for all home powers. Scud fur a Deaeriptiee Cu - attar and address toetl2.3m) L. MIAMI, &.1113.0., Agricultural Implement PactoryPhila,, Pa. LATEST IMPROVED PATE:NT'IIAY, STRAW and FODDER CUT'PEIL.,..Thit Cutter cotablam very superior advantages over all other Cutters' now in use. ' - Send for a Dr.:rip:ire Circular and iii(lrp.ca rOctl2-3ml - WM. LAWYER'S: BRO., Agricultural Implement Mannfactory, Pa. DEDERICK'S PATENT PARALLEL LEVER HAY PRESSES.—These Presi.a all others in nae for the ease and rapidity of their ota.n, bon and Cur their durability and perfect operation. Send fur a Descriptirc Circa tar and address [oetl2,3M] WM. L. BOYER & BRO. Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, Phila., Pa., ,fottDcttbing Aousio. AA T yo II uvi D Au E DIN R G AN L *P I U C ONBUSSI & ON.M .N I:IiI I': IIA - NT North N oooo d srmer. orpr,ite the Cataberiord Vavey Railroad Depot Chambersburfe. Pa. Iran, run reguLarl) to and from Philadelphia old Podtf more. AGENTS.—Peneeek, Zell S. Hinehman. Mar. ket St., Plcdelphla. Lykerui llev, Broken Egg nod ,iklutt CO 11., o direct from the-mitt s), - Wilkesharre and Pine Grove Ft 'N city COAL, LUMBER. SHINGLES SALT, PLAS r Elt and :Hancock CEMENT, kept constantiv pn luta,L FLO l'lt GRAIN and PRODUCE or all kinds pprellased ht highest cash prices. Sept!, 51. THOS. L WUNDERLICH A.: NEAR a ILLESPIE, ZELLER fi iO. PRODUE AND PROVISION , MERVII A STS AND WHOLESALE GROCEI: North• West. corner of Sixth and Market Str.” t., delphia. tzt Veroonat Vropertr :S , _ t . lits • Fort SALE.—A good STEAM ENGINE. sit lairs° prover, in good condition. (:no I. ~, il '1 calling at T. B. Wood's Coundry. scp2l-ti ------ --- -- FOR SALE :-A Om) in good order, and fnr %ale low. App'y ne •,—• ,p7-tt VOR SALE.--A full course Scholarship ,u in true klaker City Bu.iness College 4.,f Apply at this, otllee. epl.l UST R. Y }ITE El2.—Cain' to tlu: premisei of the subsenber, at Upper Strasburg. Frank tin County, on or about the first - of November., a RED o MUI.EY HEIFER, with a white Stripe n the tuts•. The owner 15 replested to prove property. Pay vitarges and take her away, otherwise she tr ill be sold as the lan di *Os. deebl-3 IV. Ir. BRITTON. "WANTED.—A SUBSTITUTE not lia bio' to military duty. Apply at this offies, ' (dec2l4t) dOB PRINTING, in every style, done at the OMoe of the f r itANKLIN REPO:M:IIM VOL; 71...WH0LE NO: 3,686. grauldin :positott • PENICsYLV/LiglA. -INANcEPL Heavily taxed though th• • are, by the Nation:. al 'Government and by our local municipal gov ernmenta, the people of Pennsylvania are able to contribute a very large sum annually for the State Government. The receipts of the State Treasury from all sources, for the fiscal year en ding November 30th, 1864, including the balance on hand at the beginning of the year, and $4l.- 032 in' depreciated fends, were $6, 9 21,676,-- The expenditures were $4,938,441. The avail able balance in the Treasury, on the 30th of November, was $1,942,203. Included in the ex penses of 1864 were considerablylwer one million of 'dollars for military defence and for repelling the rebel raiders on the border, for which, we presnme, the State will ultimately be indemnified by the National Government. It fs a matter for congratulation that the local interests of the State, and the various branches of industry, are in such a prosperous condition, that the amount of the taxes derived - from them is greatly increased over former years. The tax on real and personal estate amortnts to $1,621, 718 ; the tax on collateral inheritances to $239,- 881; tavern licenses to $238,261-, retailers' li censes to $245,400. The tonnage tax yields over two hundred • thousand dollars, and for the commutation certain_of that tax on roads, the State receivess36o,ooo. The tax on corpora tion stooks and bank dividends yields considera bly over a million of dollars. All these ileums of revenue are growing richer and more produc tive every year, even during the continuance of the war that has raged for four years. They will be more productive during the current year than during the past, and as we do not apprehend-new expenses to repel invasions from the rebels, we may expect a much heavier balance in the Treas ury than that now announced. The people of Pennsylvania have reason to congratulate them selves on the excellent management of th 6 finan ces affairs of the State. —The following is an exhibit of the finances of the State in detail : Statement of the Receipts of the State 'Treasury, from theist day of Iktesnbeze. MO, to the 30th day of November, 1864, both days inclusive. Lan Auction Commissions Auction Duties Tax on bank dividends Taxon corporation stocks Tax on real and personal estate Tar on loom . . Tax on 'net earnings or incomes 18,66066 Tax on enrollment of laws 27,505 00 Commutation of tonnage tax, per act of March _ 7, 18611. 160,000 00 tax on tonnage, per act of April 30, 1864.... 91,220 51 Tax on tonnage, per act of Angust.2s, 11164 106,923 52 Tax on brokers and private bankers 46,915 81 Tax on writs, wills, deeds, ,ke 69,244 00 Tax on certain offices .16,479 00 Collateral inheritance tax _ M 9,881 77 Tavern licenses Retailers' licenses Sample licenses 855 00 Theatre, circus and menagerie licenses 4.437 13 Billiard room, bowling saloon, &c., licenses. 3,183 49 Eating horse, beerhouse, &c., licenses 18,958 78 Peddlers' licenses - 1,368 95 Brokers' licenses 3,173 60 ,Patent medicine licenses and brewery licenses Millitla tax tar Foreign itisarance agencies. Premiums en charters.. Pamphlet laws.-- -- Sales of public property Premiums on loans 1211=1 Canal tolls Dividends on bridge stocks.. Free banbing Pen - ru;ylrl2s s iii6ad Co. deemed Accrued interest • • • Refunded cash, ordinary - RM 93 Refunded cash, military.. , ' - 95 57 Annuity for right of way' 10,000 00 Fines and forfeitures - 4,000 00 Fees of the public offices Balance in the &usury, Nos'. 30. /Oak axta - . able ' *,147,331 70 Depreciated funds in treasury, unsuitable 4 . 1.,022 00 —,----- 2,1E03,363 70 6,921.676 72 ~ Statements of themounts at the State Tr+, Jr ain eIS4 Ist day of December, 1863, to thipOth day f Ilrovenzber, 1564, bath days inclusive. - Expeneee or Government .. Mildary expenses, ordinary - 855 83 Military expenses for-defenoe of the State and - Union, per act et/day - 15,1861. 20,948 48 Military , expenses far defencei &e., per act of April 16, 1665 ' 53 57 Military expenses for defence, &a., per act of • ... . .. April 14, 1863 750 00 Militory,expenses for defence, &a, per act of • April 22. 1863 109,M5 79' Military expenses for defent4, &c.. per act of - March 16, 1864 MO 00 Military expenses for defence, &r..., per act of March 17, 1864 ‘Z - 2, SOO 19 Military expenses for defence, &c., per act of hfunch 28, 1864 709 99 Military expenses for defence, &c., per aet. of . March 31, 180 83 30 Military expenses fur defence, &c., pet act of April 1.8. 1864 ES 35 )111h:1%i - expenses' for defence, de.. per act of May 3, 17i64 , 50,00 Military expenses for defence. '..k.c• ~ per act of May 4, 18645.000 00 , , 31ilitary,expenses for defence, per net of ' ' 'FIC GUANO.- , severtty . t? e i ghty per May 5; 1664 . 43,690 80 Military expenses for defence. &a, per act of )fay- 6. 1864 2 ,977 23 Military expenses for defence, - dm., per act of May 20. 1864 1,404 90 Military expenses for defence, &c., per act of . August 22, 1864 904 37 Milluiry expenses for defence, &c., per act of l.kligust 9.4, 1864 . 1 10 847 90 Miluary expenses for defence, &c., per act of _ltle..ust 25, 186.1 . 95,869 08 Ponsions and gratuities 1, 6,095 91 Ir:baritable hustitutiowt 170,718 21 Pounsyfrania State Agricultural Sliciety.... 2,000 00 , state Normal School in Mansfield. Tioga Co. 5,000 00 l'hil.alelphin School of Design for , Woineu.— 3,000 - 00', C•.. 11111.11 Schools 348,897 37. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, viz:.. _. Limns, ifcc., redeemed $114.722 73 nTher paymenti. 7.367 47 . _ . .. Inßfost on loans In i nroges' an old elan!. Win:wee by rebel muds, 1962 25,396 81 Expen.es in repelling rebel raid in 1963 713,419 61. National cemetery .assoeintion at Gettysburg, 5,000 00 9. I.Q Mill county riots in May, 1902 1,914 26 Retie} ..f Cfiumborsburg sufferers 100,000 00 Cr Npeenil Commissioners 2, 0 611 3'2 •itate I Alintry '' Cr 5,304 07 riddle buildings and grounds 74,142 49 Mole,. of Refuge 4700 , 00 l'eniteiitiaries 40,590 00 Escheme 971 66 Fret banl,ing ay - stem I=9 39 .11.a.ment of State tax for ... , .. 2.732 81 31Pro, I dile appeal Conns.el fees and Comnnosious Ellt==M=l lU=IMI . -- 9,938,441 09 ..110-190... , in - the tecusttry, Nov. 301664, avail ' -.00. . . $1,042,203 1 1 3 Depr., hit elt fund, it, 11.. treimlTY umtvettl.l ,, " , _ 91,032 00 ruE MARCH THROUGH GEORGIA. 111 referring to the present aspect of the war, in, editor of Harper's ireekty says: , How often, as the alarm of Sherman's march ha: , raga into some neighborhood in Georgia which had beliwe only heard the war afar Off, it toast have bitterly recalled to the mind of some thought ful Georgian the prophecy of Alexandei Stephens ago. He foretold ravage and degola timi lie pictured the woes of war which his mad iteighhors were about beginning. lib tried to show them that war Was unnecvsssary for their 01. II purpose—and that. once begun, it would be hopeless that purpose. Others in then same State, predicted the same result. "It will be a long and vote' war to save Slavery," said one of the larce•tt daveholdera iu Georgia, " and it will end in rnriversal emancipation." - MIEIMIIIIII Add now at last,'after four years, the prophecy tulfillea where it was uttered: It.is fulfilled - by the o.lwral who said to the Mayor of Atlanta that war is cruelty. and you can not refine it," and Alisireiore they who have brought war upon the - 1 - .lltUr will be cursed forever. „Every man in the State who into bear - arms bus been frantically summoned to the field. The seat of the"govern meat him been hurriedly removed.. The prisons have been mnptied into the militia. Towns and village. , are burned. Fields are wasted: There , A 11! a wild sty of universal confusion and alarm, and the whole State yet quivers with the terrible., tread of Sherman and his men ; and adttie ed, t)iimelitfiil Georgian listens and sees,'xt, is tm pos.ible that he 6llunld not ask himself 'whether it were worth while to begin a war. whose pre- 1 tense was puerile, wbctse °tot was revcoug, and whose consequences are utterly ruinous: ; The Government of the United States._ after a pardonable deubt tvhdllier any considerable body-, of citizens actually meant to bring upon the eouti-: try every direb extrcafityof civil warr7rifter nat,-. 1 . oral datVlilf itIOUDig eve/ milibiariabOlito" to crash theiclialotg Rini that elitplbytakrf plied such such ,bloodshethand desolation—after ex usfing dvery hii§er:thlit - the rebels would- Men to the AkUtes of-comnicon-sente-and a coneiUato ri PoilaYi has been taught that swift war .it ttio stfmrt meray,.atuk putting its =ides and navies ia the handiof the most devoted and skilthd toldieia - and sailors, now, wages destructive war e that - by the taping sword the authority of the peoPle may. - be maintained, and the ferocity of rebeli suti. Qf that troll:l4l4ms ;tad infloxible.parpose the late'erectiori was the evidende,,and-GeneralSher rnan's,march thraugh Georgia is the most signal lllnstration. It has vMdiented the truth of Gen enalthint'a conviction - that the rebellion , was a shell---Strong only upon the edges ; that behind rho , him 'rebel armies there is no substantial,- , fending lieprilition; and' that the rebellious sectidn, can be victoriously traversed - from end to end by:: a resolute leader and a true and tried army of , loyal men., is in vain-that the rebel papers and orators sneer at "merely overrunning" their tent - tory: It is in vainthat they. declare Sherman's movement is a retreat, aid that he might as , well have fallen back, to Tennessee_ as - brave, Maiched forivard-to the coast. The moral triumph-'of•a movement which reveals the fact that every await. able, rebel is in the army of Lee or Hood, or that the home population lino indifferent to home:de- ferule that the felons must be turned !aide and .; armed, is in s ealcuable. It is true that while the armiesremain the re bellion survives. is true that if Atlanta and Vicksburg, if Wiebmind and Wilmington, are, ea-. , copied by .us, and the armies that defend them es. cape, we must advance to the'next point at - *Mei they Make a stand You may take Richmond: am Davis, as you have taken New Orleans and Memphis, but you have not conquered us: True; but -those events mark the rapidity With which we are conquering. Even the war waged by:the, . rebels upon the Government must inevitably ac knowle* the laws.of war. It maybe Sternly . -and bravely fought, the determination may be des. • perste, the conversion of society into a camp may be Complete; but all ware waged with an equally . inflexible purpose upon both sides end in 6ne *ay,' and one only, and that is the triumph -- of the side which is strongest in men and in resources.• _ It is folly for the rebels to say that they wilt never be conquered, and will never yield. --Their - rage does not make them more than men, Sullen bate, indeed, is not easily extinguished anywhere. We' do not expect it to be in the rebel section. The chiefs will always hate the Government; and be-always ready to conspire against it. But that is the old fact in history. We shall "pOsicess and occtipy" the insurgent region; and when- its top. nlation learn, as they are not inch permitted to - knew that the people of this country mean noth ing uagenorous or unfair, but that.they dffnidim, as they will have proved,-to prevent the dinftrue tion of this nation, then the same human nature Which, being deceived, has led the. rebels so stel aand so long to wage a wicked war, will, be enlightened, gradually assent'to a righteous , prosperous peace. - 130,11€8 38 ... 17,965 01 52,252 sr- 405,399 78 638,299 92 1,621.718 0) 165,859,83 THE House Military Committee, a few days ago, reported a bill,whieh passed the Howie by a tuasnimouss vote, dismissing all general officers who have been unemployed for the last three months; That bill is now before the Senate Mil itary Committee. The following named officers 'will be affected by the operation of this bill, ac cording to the report of the Adjuturit-Generat6 Office : Major Generals David Hunter, Ambrose E. Burnside, Franz Sigel, Samuel P. fleinfzel: man, Daniel E. Sickles, James S. Begley, JObn- M.:Palmer, Julius FL Stahl; Carl Schiirt;`.Bre. vet Major Generals Wm. W. Averill, George J. Stannard Brigadier Generals Geo. W. Morrell, • Sainuel D. Sturgis, Eleazer A. Paine, Adolph Voh.Steinwher, Jacob G. Lanman, Sperd S. Fry, Mahlon D. Manson, Fitz Henry Warren, Fran cis, B. Spinola, Alfred W. - Ellett, Thomas W. Sweeny, Robert 0. Tyler, Alexander Shimmel fetinig, Frank S. Nickerson, Gabriel,R. Pahl, Walter 0. Gresham, James B. Labe, A. 13. Un- derwood, Cyrus Bussey, Wm. F. lkirtlett, John Mclntosh, Geo. FL Chapman, Eii Long, Selden Connor, M 8,261. 24 245.M0 6 1,105 19 7,404 18 471, 42 1,191 85 51,218 32 36,905 35 254 74 7,71230 160 88 2,243 83 184 74 429 43 .. 12,551 78 nd, No. 7. re. 100,030 00 The f6llowing copy of an order was captired in Brecldmridge's camp in tttst Tennessee: 6,406 9... } HEADQUARTERS WEST VA. AND EAST TENX., WYTBEITLLE, Va., Dea. ^ 1E64. I _ . In omit dance with instructions received from the Ordnance Department that it has become of vital Importance to husband small arms, ammii- Bon. and leakthe following order is published: All lead which can be gleaned from battle fields or otherwise obtained Will be collected by the bri gade advanbe 'officers and be sent to the nearest arsenal. All arms to be relieved oftheifloads for cleaning- Balla should be - drawn if practicable, otherwise the load§ should be discharged into box ea of sand or dirt; so that the lead may be recov ered undimmed into the ordnance depot. The attention of the commanding officers is called to the necessitigiving rise to this order, and itsrigid eriforcsoment is stnctly enjoined by commanding officers. ' Diajor-General BRECEINRIDGE, T. Stoddart Johnson, A. A. Gen. 5 903 24 4,733,313 02 $600,021 46 !THE Commissioner of - the Internal Revenue cloaet hie' report with a statement showing that it the war. were to end leaving us a debt of four thotuntial millions of dollars, an annual expendi ture of fifty per cent. more than in the year pre ceding-the war, our present. revenue law would yield enough to pay the currant expenses of tle. nation, including the six per cent.interest'bn ottr debt, and - leave a surphis that would extinguish the debt in ninety years, o,eu with our present production and population. This rate of taxa tion is cheerfully borne by a patriotie 1 du ring the great struggle , for the natioa'ailite kat otf every reasonable theory of the future it is far beyond all probable needs, and may with malty . be considerably reduced when the war is enatiii„ , if that end be soon. THE New York Tribune, in speaking of tc, Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, says: "Thestvin- Struments have been blown by the wind o4&law file success from Boston to San Francisco. That Stegars. lesson '& Hamlin, tare suceeedtlifrin making a superior small instrument; frigadittle banbox-like things, to ,those whicli,thuug4y4.tp- - ble, and not larger than a mann, call rnak4rtk Selves felt in a church, is the universal oFAbintrof the musical profession. They agree,that,gpftich mechanical works of the kind can be foundln equal perfection in - Europe. The tOnigk i pilie and full, and with an immense body fiirsctil a provocative mechanical force. T i rac k os:d rough traveling, bad usage, and will r mates which will kill Ainerican missio . I2ZOOO 20 2 4K,3'iB 84 9e2 111 IN a satirical poem by Rev. J. H. e,r a it r te author makes the following " dig" at u V 4 70 - 0 margr :" cl 74ft17,9) RAE'? thP bier camea dolomus STAID, 4 , 91 d £ 11 Led on by Vallandlg—whose sizmutt4 f it 'Tis due to the race that I pmts.:, to r 'Tansnvt ancient Ham family te-,ithi,c," For tho Ha. 's d .e.of•ndants meat bear the Itligei67% Of gable complexim and 111.shapen flityr, L •l To say that Vullandigham came of ihaVis,ce,,, l.6, I s rather to ) he.tv:. a joke on the ni • r! •'' " 976 21 .)!.. 99 4,956 06 15,247 04 lirst. the past ten days, it hoestiutattubtihat i over three hundred Union hunilies, t 74,i-eifkan and Fauquier counties have conic w !w hites at Harper's Perry, owing to the - % itibilltAgiby to burn and destroy the dwellinfifi.s(4,4o4,l)ten in those countio3, in retaliatinn rpr,thr dstiVioVon of property in the Shenandoah Valley by I G , •rtM'al Sheridan. There is great di,itiiiNonnibuipthise poor refugees in consequence-of If L • 1 9,3 W 5 63 $6,1)11,676 71 • . , , +,41 , 71 - vir...,t,r.-- - , JN. LETTER from a traveller, - vi o t,b . 44 paw oil re gions of Pennsylvania says: "WeiVereltddled across the creek by an 'oil Prik . kibtltgAdtftetin,' heir to a million, coatled andobppinto l apitivrith but one users suspe nder 1' susnder to keep illif. .1 coura/11141ge iilf .7.: his tro !,- a-I.d. SATs Asternus Ward: Atiff, much as you pleeze about the KIN oTaloing lady's Egger, but I tell you 9 k&liatitgallyNtt.be has forty thousand poundamthirftgger is about as near' rite as you will get iUjiaywtti .4 MCI `•I vim, grant aU youocleairdiloalka ;young lady to het: lover*, " on Fil'Ul/ t r i Nktl l lgt s ive me what ion have not, nqver can have; aut'aohat you can give 'to me." Whitt' QM sqe ask foal A husband. . , , WREN Gen. Shermad , ag • . Millar, Gin. Coirre 'was wounded, be renlatkedq. tiWell;lif: he,had half hie bead brown off,kivould . 0111,4 re more brains than some Gener I hire under -Me . GEN. Dix, under itig'itirce . dent, has io modifiediaig,ogler,thst,,:ortqceo in purguit:of raiders n i ill„mt ,i ntogsNe krder out venial instruct' ong,tf. IF men mill but taMiellitgikolriiiPittitill Ireely forgive them for chest* to ?Lit ni h he 'A : lieewhia thif r efi t tle ItiosT Uteri -= O , 4IPFAU.I il 1 l P,ll ILL themselves. Tr!_ r+.7l`,i t-i fr (1111:1T.r. GENERAL ORDERS, WM=