lerres, ialants',aittrVitt& poYDER'S FRANKLI'N-cot - Mly NERSERIES.—Fntrrr Abia OrcvAMENTAL THEE% • - (;CAPE VINEB: STRAWBERRY PLtR'rS ETc.-11to largest stock to select - from in the county. Everything in the FRI:IT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirable, can be supplied'from the commonest standard - Fruit Tree, to the-rarest and most choice native or foreign/ species or variety of Fruit or Flower. Our gal/silent - Apple Trees are unusually fine, stoat heavy trar.ks, famished with fine branching heads, from three to five feet from the groimd, A-. may be desired. Oar silm is to grow - the best of every thing. Pruning and cultrvating upon scientific principles., enTrotnnertly, our mail:tat:WM are riot offered in romped ,.on wahlTrees grown upon the old let-alone system. An - invitation in ex - forded tqall who are interested in fruit cal- Tore, to catne and see for themselves. A huge stock of Greenhouse anti Bedding Floras. Roses, Sce...in pets, will be ready in April and May. En- close a three cent :tinny for dFseriptive Catalogue of Fruit tool Ornamental trees. fee. Address B. L. RIDER, West Franklin Nurseries, • Nmr London. Franklin Co., Pa., mn.r 16-tf IZEYSTONE NURSERY.—The siabscri- JLI taw is prepared to furnish moFt acticlet, ncually to ho found in Nurseries, of good quality and at redomable rates. The Stock embracer , all the tending kinds of FRIJIT• TREES. Apples, Olerries. reaches, Dwitt-f and:Standard Pears, Crapes, Strawberries. Raspbertites, Currants, Gooseberries. 'Blackberries. &e. Also, can be fuminhed a good assortment of EVERGREEN TREES, Evergreen and other Shrubbery. Shade Trees, t - Crept l'acilitles are itruttessed for shipping articlesi to all parts of the country, as the-'N,:iirseta- immediately:mi. Joins the City or Harrisburg , JACOB MISR mar IG-tf. Harrisbnrg, Pa. HE 0 'ORTO GRAPE—This Grape is not recommended . pahicularly as a desert fruit. but makes an eacellent. , dark colored, rich, well bodled Wine, so closely' resembling genuine old.tinMd PORT WINE, that none lot experienced judge: can distinguish between the two. Although it .s manufactured extensively in Wes tern New York, the sappl3- is unequal to the demand, at from $1 a) to $4 per gallon. Vines for sale by the subsniber, who has been appointed Agent for ft at the following pric es One to three pears old, ine to 50 ets each, $2 50 to sss per dozen, $l5 to $5O per 100. JACOB mar Is-tf Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg, Pa. PEAR TREES.—Standard and Dwarf J.. Pear Trees of the leading and most valuable varie- Arrumg them can be furnished sore' ' EXTRA SE LECTED" Trees • the Dwarf bating fruit butlannd retkdy forimmedinte bearing. • Price for good trees, 50 to 60 ets each—Eatru selected eta to el each. limes lower by dozen. 111=i!!EM mar 16-tf NoRWAY 'IIA..PLE TREES, from S to 12 feet high and sigonin... A handsome Tree. much re.emb.Ting the Sager Alaple. lint of more certain and rapid 4e-rowth. Pnce 40a60 cents each :£3 50a6 per dozen : ''Oci.lo per JACOB MISH, taarM) Keytone Nursery. Harrisburg. fIIEERRY TREES.—A fine assortment of about Forty best varieties, trees of large -size and vizoruaa. Price 30 ets, 50 ct, 75 cis each; $3, 1.5, $7 perdozea sl,s, $25. $35 per 100, J. :NOSH, inarl6-tf] Keystone Simery, Harrisburg, Pa. _HORSE CHT.STNITT TREES.—Ordi xx nary rates for p 1 sting, 50 cents each ; Smaller worn 5 to 7 feet—@C. cents each ; 50 per dozes; 6 . 18 per I Oh. JACOB MISR. mares] Keystoae Nrusery. Harrisburg. EUROPEAN LINDEN—The Red-twig ged variety, not spjest to injury by the borer. For -ale at Seystene Nursery, Harrisburg, Pa. Trees 10 to 10 feet high ; I'n rents oath; F. 7 per tloz marol , JACOB MISH. VXCELSIOR ASH, a handsome, orna- IA mental Shade Treo, of eure and rapid growth. Trees from 8 to 12. feet, ]ugh. •tos.titt cents each; $3 50a5 per doz.; $50a40 per 100. • JACOB MISFI. mang Keystone Sumery, Harneburg. Earn anb Smut? 4Boobs. NT' E W F,A NC Y DRY GOODS STORE, =Ou Second Street, nearly opposite the Pont Office, CHANBERSBURG P! IdETGALFE.& 11/TESkiLW Have just received and opencd a large and varied stock of fast dry_soods. to which - they the attention of the We will say died here that we are prepac - s1 to ...ell goods as low co, any bolas° in the entrnty the Belle end faisrs not excepted. Onr stock consist= in purt LADLES' DRESS GOODS. u large tan'''S -CLOAKING CLOTHS. very cheap. BALMORAL A: HOOP gEZIHTS, cheaper than eat: be bought elsewhere. Gloved. - Hosiery. Hoecit, Sc., in great variety. • For Men and Boys' n car we have Cloth, Clwitner, Sat tinetts. Tweeds. Jean., Trader Slum. Drawer, Stool:mg, &r., all very cheat. We have afro a fall stork of 3fus'ins, Flan nele &c, all of which will be sold to suit customers. ,lirru , to the time to bolt. METCALFE & ffITESILEW. VLECTION RETURNS COME -IN slatrly, not pat with the large and varied assortment of Dry Goads jest r,penit c at W3l. WALLACE X al the Market Houao earner opposite the Methodistthneh. They have jest returned taint Sett York where they par , based ut Aurt.ua, for 1.1. r t r t,t at.o,tunent of ,„I.try "G‘eads aver bmught to tut+ 4 , 1. lty et hal: they oder at greatly dared prices for own, eaautting of MuElin at 2:11: r 1 .4. 1 Yard wide at 50 ecab: P. Yacht wide Shertiatr. 1:1 25. Pillow Case Minim. 7:1 csala. - Best Prirltei.a 27: wets. Good Prieto at barer pries., it i :whams nt, beet. 45 cerac, Balrnerals, .54 (kJ .54 50, Shatels at all prices. Ladies' Cloakiaet all eolatts. Canine?, learia and 12 Quarter Blanket+ a:1 wool. 512 :10 per pate. A full au.ortment or Oh, es, Hotter}, &c., constantly on hand. The above goods being purchased in New York at Ion: ost cash prire, we are detennisod to sell at liar rates to Nun the tram Give to a tatilbefore purchasing elsewhere. octl9 W3l. WALLACE & co. MFLE ELECTION RETUIINS ARE IN, AND EYNTEII & BRO. are ahead. as the following mores mill prove. We are selling 'she best Printed Delatnes af.l7-t. et, [tent Mourabos Prints. 215 etc Fancy Prints, 20 to :Pt ets :It yd. wide Nlieeling, • It Pillow-case Sheeting. 0.3 et, Very best Gingha.ms, 90 cts. llalmonals, 021.50 and Cloaking Cloth. 0.:2.00. e 2.30 and Spool Cotton, 10 cts. 1 7d. wide Bleached 'Muslin, cts. e have just received a large assortment of PUBS. Ladies' Stark, Gloves, Bose. 6, purtMased at the large .iiiction sales, which we are Eellineoheaper time the cheap est. dect.4.tit \TOTICE TO THE LADlES,—Opeuing at 'FALL and WINTER DRESS and CLOA.K. I 11,13LILLNG comrrising the bei.t. Silks Tel% et 111 Read and Bugle Gunjm, Cetils, Buttons. Ononnent,, Tau. kels. Leaves and Fringes in all vancit. Ladies' HEAD DRESSES and SETS. the best and cheapest iu the city. a large assortment of all Iyool Shawl and Scarf Wrier:am All who want a coed arihi'e plea, call nt No. 13 North zih Street, Philadelphia. CHARLES T. voril:L, ocr2l.P2mor, Matetfaelitrer. *cluing itlart tuts. oN G LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST The Per_fertitta of :WringMadtiac:s. t,EiEfiltAl F.D. FLORENCE SEWING MACR.LNES. Can Irow - br.,,n. ac Mr. of MRS. R. P. -LET; South 3fair , immuliattn, oppoPitr A. H. Chnnth , r,burg. where 011 wrpolA iwrrwwl 11 F 3,1 Inv: hhwhinware imi '.1.1 to call 01141, rfal . It has been the ••bjeet of the rLoiluzict: sEv, CiI3IPANYto • - •••spi,!• a to Mae tree from the übiection‘ iittaeli•-•1 to other brat lass Inavltlne:c awl after the path et. untirm,a Lino; • .1 . ;. ea r and alibrral , penflittire of N'euriu¢ she first inecbausical talent, their etT,41,1• • •,•• been er• •win,l wills suceets. and they tire Oferivg to puillse the most perfect wusg 3laelsitie i n Ili,. war m: • A mo n¢ it, fanny ad% over mill 7A.11;' r inactilneq, may be •111,honed• ' Ist. It nue,erfillls 'Jir not on one and time came ° miuthiae smash stidi 1.,1q; 14,1 , or dial alike on lent, 5,n10.• mil the lishrin, 2d. Chnhei'vr from nn. I.itul of atitat to ',pod', n. well us the letigth ot the eon readily ha &ran the muehina in metiou. Ern3 , Fthe: , is plf , 11 ow : it =elf. ladkin o r tho Reetue find sfrprizflt nr,d la•auty. ith: haf 1111 -rike'l , l-417,t e 1, .T.Preor to rt. ~t .• TrOrk ?11. , , N•ft , any 1..t:1 , Jr toe ...rid+ 1,1' , ..2)1. IthoUt . tur:mq C. 1,,,,n1 stli It Ix dr- 17 ropi et :hr rpm Id. makintr fit r liy era in).:L.! mat Line ill if., ming., iit wr.rlz FL( iItENC E. t;• b, //doss tib a :thoot tentiort t hr en. 'ln paced • 78, It hen,.. 4re4 rf-A F linloat tim r.ot 11 4 ,11orki: , it) foial,h,, ;It. rporienv,l in /Tome it. 1s are all peat, e 'l e oto nn ~print;, . tr. t n it of „riot, ana tt f , othrl 9, lloldi of OlOth-W1 , 1:. from :1110'. to thin, nil It i. Alroo,t !e.++. 1..111. TLr• FL(oRISCI: •:E WING MACHINE ii taw ,tualled in lo•staty I.• AEA 111 1✓• IME=E=I ~dn...1...r.ent for ..1 Se.a.itta . Ma. Franklin c to adl mat .\Uii 3l,lar IIMI=MIIIII!1 1/1 I LL(S: CO.. u j . u.A . N,c,1,.1 :OW 1)T11E1.: ..•1! Im er Cain T boy put I. TIN" ,1'1\"( 411411i1y 111:11t,j,i Atilinre fn t. ct : 11 1 , 1 • 4.:11.. Thy do SPOUTING cheaply, well told promptly... ; They tun bet,. t Iron fortove Opts, and ehorge both cent: per IC. Uorne and bee If you amnot do better with them they with any other eittubliahrneni. Prices reduced to Milt the tinter. octilB Zar- TERMS CASH. yin eiiiilto; l ',l , '". - -, , . N s . - fr c),- , lt* , : E• • GELwICffS,'& RKHART.~ .‘'Olf]r) It rAu. cIELIvicKs & 13111411:A.7 haying been burnt oat by. the Rebels in the liareing of Chombersbn, linve since built New Store Room, - ON SECOND STREET, Betnien Sellers' and Brorris Hotels. - 7 . where they propose selling, Wholesale and Reaii, Groceries, Salt, , - SPIV, Provisi,,, Fisk ' Buckets, . Flour, Coffees, Lamps, , Produce, . Spices. ,- Globes, - .. Teas, Brooms, Wicks, Wares, Cords, • Sumiro. Oils, Twines, and a thousands of useful articles used by every- fatuity and sold in country stores, Our stock of GROCERIES flu aud complete, embracing every article in this line, fmm the common guide of goods up to The finest quality. Our stock of GROUND AND U.VGROU_VD SPICES are all strictly pure and fresh, haring been carefully se lected by one of the firm. Mr. Burkhart, who is a practical baker and confectioner. All our Ground Spices are ground on our own spin mill, and can be relied on. We offer the following OILS AT GREA :P LYREDUCED PRICES Sperm Oil, Linseed Oil, Whale Oil. Blenched Winter Oil. Coal Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Lubric Oil, Painters' Oil sild strictly prime KEROSENE OIL. LAMPS, GLOBES AND WICKS The larg,.st assortment of Lamp.. Globes and Wick; in the tha:Uity. These we say watt= and trill =ell cheaper than the cheapest., as they were purchased in large glum titles direct from the mannfaeturers. To our large stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, SPICES, GROUND COFFEE, COFFEE Ei PAPERS AND CANS,. Re incite special atention, aq we will trarrani there to give satisfaction or refund the 'honey We also :write attention to our very large and varied assortment of TOBACCO A,ND SEGARS, nlrieh we offervery cheap, whele.ale and retaiL I' L 0 U li All loirrol Flocir by the barrel CONFECTIONERY In iamnection with the above business we carry on the Confectionery business in all its branches, manufacturing many of the articles in this line rearselves, which enables u , to sell very low, both wholesale and retail. Our +trick of 4'onfectionery eonNists in part of naisirrs, Ctu-rauis Almonds: - Filberts. Walnuts, :4.. Prurit. 11•3=1 All kinds of Crackers. a general a.-ortoient of YELF.SH CANDLES, together yvith every deteription of domeso Candies that are made. Oar stack is Irr a alid has been carefully selected, em bracing by far`too may different articles and rimanatieg to attempt to - moue ante-'.es Or fist of prices. suttee to gay, that it it ottrAPterrnma , ion to ale-ova 'keep up a f011,e.,- ,•ortrzent. of gool ai cheap as the eheapegt. N. B—T.. Country Motitottuo and an wt.°, n - Lslt to buy wootlit at ,to ploiltro our-ol.rto , to ()hoop COUNI. It Y I'ItODLCE ANIY,MARKETING of all 1.11,41 tt.tv ttittlaest ptioe Gill ha paid itt rf.J.IVICES FILL:ITS. SPICES &c Orange , mot Lo., mt,... ()aim., Boor h Ra..", Presen ed. Ginner, .se , (i].-s 1z,, , ,, - i :irkinQ. La, or g •%,... PiLearpl e Ploo,erres., -. Prune'. Paper Nh..11,1 Alm , ,milk CiarmME., Hard Shelleoi a . Citron.. Filbert, 'I tul,y .I. in. Peen Nut., 31:11 . tea I , COefl.NoN. Itum , Engli,h WMa at:, SVit Pe, Nr'altyntn, , V. •I'llat C: :,I r, r ' Slmnbark.. 'losa f • Wafer Cmckora MAT roma ...1 ;I.. , eire.r ~lo l'i apple l 'or , ct. Matches, Sap Sszo oo Store Poli , h, 1"..2._i 41 o.• , Smoke Pip, Sti!-. .. Market Baskets, Limharzer •1. , Bilekets, • Baker. C-h . 0,,', Bryon., IVOrr h..tet•or , • • ~, •• Essenee C , e, Pepper. , Co,- • Candle'., (Snuanion i 11•i,1,, ~:.,nod Lead Pencil.. expre,lt- in'- teen 1 y rise. Castile Soap Beans_ Pt, 1.,., Toilet do Chow 1'1,.., P, ”1,-. Rniiq do . ("n.lllllOll 4.r dr, liidigo, • Mixed Starch. Mare 1,, pg. r Wrapping Twine Nutmeg; Stone ware 3tricaruel. .. Prihseri inn Tumbler., Vernoc , lll Serubhing Ilruqiie. Nonpareil I'ap• ....., Sweeping, do lentei, ._ Shoe, - do FI , MII. NI usi . rd Shoe Blacking' (tolemar • 11 , 1.1.,1,, - Silver Sand, Mahan: ,i,. ~ • Bath llriek, Salad (PI. - Tripoli, • for ~he or SHAFER & STI-AirTS, Un Queer, Street. East of the Methodist Church. ROCEHIES WHOLESALE - AND RE- G 1 All- —,/l.fl'Eß er STUART, on Quern Street East of tht littomiisr (7mrch would respectfully call the attention of tht myst n. of Clianthertlyarg and vicinity to the varied noil exteative assortment of GROCERIES, FILF;SIi Fill I f Q.I'RE:NIVAItE, CEDARWAIiE, , an d a 3. .r Afiscollancons Articles which they are non oti, ~ a . onstantly receiving from New York, P 111141110141 fa 10 nil lidtintore, at theif Sterol:ocm on Qllllll Street, Lest of flit , hlstlitdist ft is their intittithin to keep suchflan assortment as the de• mends 1 the t•ininciiiity rcitnitltm They have the hest nicilties for lire yithdirise of goods, on the most advanta• Recut, t , taiNmig their own ears int the Road, and on,: of Pie firm trsitm, imist constantly in the city. alfords them cocci .4.1. iimme m purchasing goods in the shortest time, and tit snierse than usual, which enables them to sell 1-IPdf Sri:AE-4. I I AND TEAS of all grade?, from tie huth., ini , en by tiff. gaek or pound. SYRI - P A NI) It )I,A sSE)). by the ling - ahead. Barrel or rOoll lor ,/knir Cured Haw, loam, a od Floe Soli, I irh l,11,t••••• \Vt. a °aid i eso ittention of country dealers anti others. v. ud iorr, ••1 1 , 101 ha./at n hole,ale pnee., a. 5%e are prepared b, -.ell • . in the Greeery line an cheap a, con he pruelneied m the E.isteru cities The Id• z lo 1 ,, , paid m (.1,11 nir country produce or ti ken in veining° fir;roods. SHAFER OL STUART. I r(AUK 1= I.; SE. The tuuleral their nunierons customers and the patine con...rally taut they have re-opened their (iron eery ; , TOl . l. Itl'i'•' ..rly oecupted by the Honk and Litibler Cein!einy rte` Market Houton, and take this method ot re.orilib: :hen . thanks for the patron: _ heretofore e mein. Their yaw complete in try !ire IX ennoiiting it Barn, Syr,- Coh.e, f Sng "rm., Tn. Cold+, Glass ware, Que.-lowa, ;rod everything. heratefore kept at their awn, phi , oid They tall always keep a suffi cient stock in lei enabled to_meet the dein:mils of Ht. comn.ivoth I .1. •1 RY l'UQDrek; token in ex emnre fur ano•l , at eesir market prier.. Don't forcet the P 1 ,1", (311,0,4 1 three deer, Rout the corner. out m et et foe:rail If I'HER LEIHASTER. QpiiEcijEic;s' 1. RI)CERY STORP..— •ri," hag •st stovk of 1,13111,Y I.IV - WEItIEs ii. tnx a. hr ofn•rk to the pnhlir. at thr , lti Lot net e. , . ; try to eu lattierate, .1. , 161.1.1,k ix haze um!. on Itetr, Highest, inlets pid fur COLS TRY Rin o , vishntwo for attf4:lll CYRUS SITEVIIER. (1 T. TIOT.LOWAY. 11'116LE SA k.). GROCER AND COJI3LISSIOS .. I tEltelL4AT. S I fII,ET (N. , 11), .le, el, e Fifth an et,) rthin. wig-21.1y vRESH FISH AND OYSTERS RE at SHAFER & sTr Alt Eh .t tio , Methodist Church 14 - IAMILYFLOUR. BUCKWHEAT AND j. ,Con: 31v:ti1. by tho loirrel or ettnall qunntilies, forhale n: FII Al' 4 vITAIOTS Duren rk MAN OF A 'llfOrtiAND.—A CDN- J -I MITIVE CL REP. -I , IC. .1.1.111.:S, a Retired Ph , drinn ..f gteAt Pi 1111111),. Mu - over/Id. while in the srtt•h.. are fur I 'on , innpuon, A•raltionr, Bronchi. l'oaglia. (*.olds ned General Delrility. The remedy 1...e..v..rect 1,, hint wld child, a daughter. O up to die. ID,' stillit W(l4 rut d, and is new I,IIN 4. aad 1, 011. la. 0i1.44/ , Of 11010'11611a hi, to !h., .1," who, it the w ing hill davetnad. for looking and mucce2.sfully this reined) . free na 1, - -elpt of their 11/111W0, with two Rtanips jar expuca..., 131., 10 1101 at Rmgle (.9 , t• of COl l,l llltptilitl that it d.e.s ant et 011141 take hold ufand disgipate. Night sweats, Pee, ighncm, Irritation of the nerve., failure of tarmory. difficult esp.-ant - ohm, sharp pains in the lungs, thrust eldlly setriatlms, I 01111 at thisstrunach, that, t t ot t of the bon els. weating,away albs. 7t.." The inter will please state the nausea' the paper they 6CPD ibis adTerflaeutent In. Address. - CRADDOCK & 00.; IneKtele•l 2e.5 Worth 2.1 14, Philadelphia. Pe. itbe,ZxanJthrteitcpsAitrkir (4111r:tido bucgo Austad. ' , ATASON CARINRT ORGANS. MELODEONS were Introdneed some twenty yeah glace, and were gnceeeded by the HARMONIUAS about nine years ago,. The CAHINET.OR( L wati brought to its regent elate of - perfection only in the summer of Mt. • THE AtTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great adventa¢ev over any otherinvinatimiof the is capable of mucktities effects than can be produced by any oth , a is more easily wad by the perfumer, and excels expemally ac i f ar ervretsim Please notice a in prices, CABLNET REED. ..Ho. 15. Four Octave, Single Reed. in Walnut or Oak Case. ................................ Nu. Pl. The Same, elegant Rosewood Case 135 N o. 17 . Five Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case. .............................. ..„..... 130 No. 18. The Same, in elegant RosewoodCase_ ......160 . . . - - -.•- - - DouuLE REED. • ' . NO. 19. Four Octave, Doable Reed. in Walnut or Oak Case. I 140 No. 20. The Same. itt elegant Rosewood Case 163 No. 21. Five Octave. Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case .... 170 N o . 00, The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case..... 530 N. 23 The Same, _in Solid Carved Walnnt or O a k, with Walnut earrings 200 Six 14701'. No. 14. Six Stop. Cabinet Organ, in Walnut et Cal Case 300 r. 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case. ' 36 0 RIVET STUE. 1570.12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ. in Walnut in Oak Case t- No. 11. The Samo, in elegant Rosewood Cane. RIO No. 24. The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut 500 1 .PED,AL BASS. No. 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ. in Walnut or Oak Case rr Cams of derrn finish on hand or made to order. :11ELODEONS. No. 5. Five Octave. Piano Style, Rosewood Casel..S.lso No. ti. The Same, Portable, Rir.ewood Case 110 No. 7. The Same, Portable NValuitt Caae: 95 No. 9. Form Octave, Portable. Roseivixid 75 Descriptive pamphlets furnished l,v the sulmeri., ber. As Agents for Messrs. Muson & Hamlin we are enabled do bell at theirliew York prices, and eliarge nothing' for freight. We have sold a number of their Instramentc, and can give numerous batisfactuty references. S. S SIIRYOCK. Agent. Chambersburg, ra. aug3l C A THE MUSICAL PROFESSION OF NEW YORK TO WM. B. BRADBURY: - R'e hare examined, pith much rare. Mr. Wm. B Brad bury's New Seale Pianofortes. and it is our opinion Mar; in power, purity, richness, equality of tone. and thonargh workmanship, Mr. Brailbury's instruments excel. We find error brilliancy amd a beautiful singine quality of tone most happily blended. We have TIAREI . :I,oen square Piano combino so mane of - these qiutlities er•eutial to a PERFECT INaTitt7,lM,T. William Marra Bcre,, S. B. Millis, • Charles Well., George W. Morgan George F. Balstow, Tlmmlore Thomas, A. Bagiola, Harry Sanderson, Gu•strive R. Eckhardt John N. Pattisorg George H. Curtis, Charles Fradel, H. E. Matthews, Robert Adder, - F. I. Ritter, Charles Grebe, , E. L. Nash, Stsakosch. Theodore Moelling, - Chire W. Reamer., " John IL Inkier, Max Maietzek. • ` Robert Stoepel, Carl Ansehut,- Henry C. Timm, • _ T. E. Perkins M. Carrington, President N. Y. Hannotjo Society. Theodore Hagen. Editor New Pork Musical Became. John Zundel. Organist in H. W. Beecher's Church. assortrnrnr ranger/ie./. Brutal nowan hand. Warerelile. No, 427. Brool, sneer, corner of Crosby street. one block east of Broadmiy, New York. ' • Wit. B. BRADBURY. H()RACE WA TER-S GREAT MUSICAL ESTABLISHMENT. • No. 481 13110.WIYAI, NES Velar New Pianos,Melodeobs,ll Irmo Mom% Alexan• dre and Cabinet Organs, at Whole-ale and Wad, Prices low, SECOND HAND PIANOS at area , b mgaus, prices from iino to 59.00. New 7 Ort and. with Caro col Leze and Mouldiegs.- •, oriampi,_ -Melodeons, 56. - i to e2.7eIL - - A larg•• Stick of SHEET MUSIC Mt "I`' BOOKS and all }jail. of MUSICAL INS - FRI:MEN I'S and Music Merehanlme et dm loice.gt ram, 10 00 .Sheet, otMusic• a lade coded at 1 1.2 Coots per Pan.. • oxiit. , din HE CHAMBERSBUE.G SILVER CUR- - T NET BAND is prepared to ninc-li Mms• for Midi- tan', Civic Raliaions sod Peilit.cal rProces ,io.` in it, Part of the State. Pico:, • May P,•rties. neorannisimmi at Mien notice. Anil,— DI iCK FREY. H. B. HATNICK. Leader. •Br..3m;s attMC))5 at taw; M. & W S. 'STENGER: ATTOR NEYS AT LAW.—W. S. Si tA.1 , 2 DiAriet turner and Agent for procuring PYO,O, Pommy - Money and arrear, 44 pay. Offlee no Jame, Duffield 'o dwelling. on [no West ride of Second Stre. , t, between Queen and Wwhinion Street:. GEI-11t. A ITORNEYS _1 AT LAW.--OElr.- 011., nt texul promptly tr. 0.11..ee. their tare. cl A cerrt4 the Pen,itmo. Bart Pay end sill other dairr,fp,mit.t ti,fprern torat xepl; WS - EVERETT. Attorney - at Late. • Ohlce on !ittnizet istrect. opposite the Court formorly occupied by Jcr. Cool:, Esq. All lecid bu-ines42; eultasted to his curs will mech., pr rcpt rdren boo. rep7-if Toffs STEWART. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ollma on lieratol :ore,: a tea- dot, South of th, 3Larliot Hn,. PENqION , I llorNTY•abdotlontela , nli promptly r Bleated. • .1.0(1 r sr. Erie i.en== :1 , 11 E an. Illnaig) traia• oral faint Eric and Expr,-, --- I', Rather hitorma:i., ty l ,„.„, vrtuia R.tilnrad Tj• - :s;ILL. •ATTogxEy AT LAW. Of- I pct,h; N. DNA ERY. Gen ' . s‘ll. - t. • 0( eat Li, resid.ottet3 t. erotig LY 31.\ N S: Ct.AIZKE, ATTOWN El' A r lest' lAratuh. r•barg.. 1110 I id plarg.,)•ln Mazkr.f sqlposit•2ll3%2 Omit Ikaw. 1,1.21-tan T. B. KENNEDY,ATT E 1 AT LA TV . omr,.m.„.t.tre, t. 6.119 3300k5 mar ,Stationap. T HE OID.BOOK ST AND Has hw-n T.moved to the appe.t.:tt• the Porrr OF - Fli t. w hero a full astatrtateut of scu, in 1. .1: CD MISCELL I.W.OT'S BrioKs STA r I:11Y, Ili OT111..:1:41. 1 , 1 1 ALM , ET( IMZ2M=EM WALL. PAPE!: and WIND 4 SHADLS. a kttgo and 11.'w la:N1.11.1'. Celebrated fold Peng. full• eitrrnntod. Orders taken for greAls, which wdl be Exprce,ed In the sh,tet.t 1 e. ihle tan, The Ne, York and l'idladelplda Paper. received till ly-. for which weekly esubscriptitms n ill be taken. Novol, 31..az1n,.. and. Periddleals receiv e d pciblished. We eall sell Ilbotndraph Albums cheaper than they ran be had elsewhere. Mußic gent free of portritre to any {gut of the county. Gilt Frames, Worntedp and Fancy Goods coulitantly on hand. Our al = rancetnent are itch that w can supply any or dors bati,,tarionly and with diqpatolt. - MR. J. K 14 ono- located to New York. whick erall• 4 u 4 to undertake the mat coml;lex cetntmosiono. UGI Itookl of parttrolot oilitionr dates or 4tyle. honto4l op at a roa4onoble rommirgion. - - [tkovtli SNIDEIt ROOK SELLER BOOK 13INDER BLANK EGOS{ MANUFACTURER AND, PAPER RPLER I=l liar opened a Room in the Market iron..., and keep!: oonstAntly on hand School. Mi,ellaneong Books. Station my, Blank 1h.1. , Rail Paper Paper and Bmwn Linen Window Shad, Photogr.lpit Altana+ Lutheran. German it,fortned and Pre.lryterian littno `134.54:4 Steel Pent, rnold'A delimit I 1 r Inn.; l'hnd I an.: neto,4l for eliddron. 1.1,11:s 11.1rkinz Poo 1. llit.'t',ll)lPl,lll:4•l',./ I%lli. N40%1-is Ink :•tainl4 in arLatarler., 'dtr Sn.,. Fancy ra‘l•liim - .,:‘ , 1 t•. 1/1:14!.• }to ti3O• r ^ .11,1 tem. 1111 t loat 8(.9.1 111 any' 4tyi, • -J.. 6 -m - ablarn) anti Varitess. • AIiI)I,ERY! SAI)I)I,ERY!,! JERI:31111f IfkiiSTER re.spetitioll) rerun :, Ilia thank, to lie, p.itroi firni pr tit.• , neon., ~aen,ent reti• vi.d. troll, them heti-140.v-,:014 III'• nnill a.' darn and collitounity tteliertidEl. tn.,y Ili.ll 0.11". , i11:1K it, inn lln , , 1" gi,i- 111111 it 1 all at la, to ir eiNtott, Quee e hlrrot near the Fratildits eete-titut I e oa han,i ei RV AND ISAILNTh i stS of Li, ouu 111:Inntartnue nod ti, is prepiire l to e , l! tilf, KIM.' on that defy rotupeti tiou. artiole offered foiiirrented to be' wade of the hest ti,,b riol and I,y , otopetent ~orktioio 4, bleb 111 he htllt deiiion.ilatilt 1111 V.lll.‘aniinttiion the, : of, TRUNKS A-:\ ;‘ , 11;i1 0,0 veil the ;4'0,4 n... 1: :lami elii:Hp daleitantial Cron}, or 1.":01,, ,at, - - - - F NVAN'r GOOD In 'l' (',}l I N G ;ifrap,, Coupling 'strop , , Rae kingiStrap,, or any ' , flier kind of N , rap, vall iit 4'. 11. p()RI PN one door south of tr. J. L. Sit , -.4erott (4 11. Gt)IIDON 11:15 (1N 11.1N1) A 10. ir i n gi i niziortinent of ii,AD - 1)1,11;. , - DLL, i'OLLARS. net It .11,TEIts, lit reo.onable tern, 1 - 1 ( )N7 FORGET' FI GODON'S PL-\('I; _l_, of hu , n0. , ,, on 31AL‘ it Mr LT, anti door fir. J: mfr., on• 'nine rail, nuoi 6, , for t our- F I'ol' NVAINT A NYTIIING -IN '1'.1.11: j...`4,t(1111,r 3 line yid! at Ili Il Union i‘lierii)ion van Fels - the „ork WI ra.n.l) toodg• lain-at st pAIt"I ; NERF 4 IHP tt,t....,..,1.1,,, g b ut ,, a ,111.. lt. KI.N.NEDY and T j I,y Tatltual craleent, T. IS, 6°60 T J. rpHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for Barley at the Brewery of 8.104 . TT WASF(ABAratr Otoreries, FRESH CRANBERRIES, BY THE quart. peck,: bashni at IttilD'l7.! Grneery Corner Main S:Wasltti l / 4 .-ion Streets. • QTONE NtARE.—A large assortment k) stor , olvam , . Pitohetv Bowles. ju t s. &ie., inFt rveiv. , 4l and for Sale at E. D. REID'S. pRIME FAMILY MACKEREL-At retail Or Irholc.:.sio at REID'S. Grocery Store. F RES x SWEET LARD FOR SALE at tho Grocery ; Stare. corner of Qneen & ton S•SeetS• • . . • THANKSGIVaGr.—Raisomi. Currants, Citron and Sp4.P. fur pieq ahrap Tre4h and pnre. at E. D. R.E.1D..4. M . supply INCE 3.1 - EAT.--A large of frmddy prepared Continental - Mace Meat:just DU cehod from PhAmtelphia. Sold in Email quantities for family use, at [nova] E. D. MID'S. Riot% Dftrabil. • PENN SIT KT. .21:-N I A RAILROAD WINTER.TI3III TABLE. FIVE TRINS to and poll Pi . ila4lliltia and Pittsburg. On and apt .Tlnnday. Ortobf - 4t, 1?1,4, the Pe,qonger Trains of the Yenssylr.a Ea 'n.t n' 1 Clentpany will &pert from Hen,- burg and riyn at PI tad, Iphirt and Pittshneg as folly s: 'EA6TWARD: TIIROUGIIEXPIirESS TRAIN leave , Fla rriOini.g. a... 2 CI A. NL, and a rrivei at Wrzt Philadelphia at 6.5 A. M. FAST LLCE liarriebnre• daily (except Monday) Fa P.OO A. M., and all, OA at West ' , kandelpLia - 17:?.40 P. 3t. P.e , enezer• take breaktle4 at hanc.teter. MAIL TRAIN leave. llarri,bizr‘x daily (except San. day) at 1301% 3L, And arri' es at\ SV; , t Pluitelelphia at 33 P. 36 • rrrr.s Ruler: AND ERIE. EXPRESS lea , . es Earric. burg da.Jt (except b auday, .0 arrive; a: Wed Phil:A(.lolu, at 4.'20 A. x. ACI2CN MOD AT lONT R AP:. thirrisbarz daily (except Sur.day) at 4110 P. H. and ar th eS at NVeU Pailail..11.11:1: at 930 I% 31. 71/7s tram haz nrr from the 3114. COLUMBIA ACC , )1%1:101)ATION TRAIN leacesHar7 ri..burg daily (e..x, , t•pt Sunday) at 7 A. .11.. and a tripes at Lanca4ter at 9:15 A. III: eqrtnecthig (eN.,•(:pt.rut Monday) wait the Fuel 1.131 f. Pant. 'WESTWARA: - PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPP.ESSleace.llarris bnrg (except Buildup at 12.35 A. 3c.,. Altoona t; 50 A. 31., take- brealdlot, ;Ind writ r at Pittsburg. s t 1,0.40 r, ) ,. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harri.burg daily (osaapt Morday) at 1105 A. At., Alashale.ls take bren , dast and to rt sr. at Pittsburg at 1.-Id V. M. EXPRESS leaves Ilarrisbl daily at 3.. 20 A. 31. Sho.Pl3 .F.r.5 A. '24.. take bmakfa end arrives at Irutshurg a' 130 1. x VAST LINE law., Ilernsturg daily (exaept Sunday) at 4.00 a. Alt.sa, at 110 P. it., take supprr, awl at riv, nt 'Pittsburg at 0. 00 A. 11. 3C.11f, TRAIN' lens, Harrisburg daily(rAr'l.t Sun. dal - ) at 1.40 P. M.: iltOsma, gt. 7.55 'alp, oral art . ives at Pittsburg id 1.30 MOUNT JOY ACCOM:BODATION a est I,llra , Lau: rwter. 11.E.51 A. M.. (..4nage - 11,g th.gu xvidi da , Mall eat; leave. Mount 1111 A. M. oolarrA e. 1,1 liarri.burg at 1,00 (TT ILE. TILE 1.121.1111:101: 1;a ACO I ) . 31 - 3.1()D A T TU."; T irom Pitisbusg, ,rrivt ,:t I farr. , , , ,tirg - 1.. rtcci, ticetre, cr East t. itr• fo., , run• tit la sit-. SA 11 VEL "1 - 0 ,n. ti • s tilt . t.llEcltlie thy. Pot.tttc. ATORTHERN ‘('ENTItAL IL FLIVAY E.16,L 77,11. P. rADLE..—fortr erot fro, Tra.lthrVol, msui t till trains .1n r,•h 1%..7 t . DI! cite II Oct. (ftllt 30 111 t Dr r,)ty.t. b 2 a 61 .- -10 tco.llnlni :ILt• N"rtlt and \Ve Elniim 1, , "t ti.rtl. , ll Nvw 7a ~,! r,r' , .ifikan:iy. Ocr, 17th, 1564. tile 1',..,,, , ..., TrAin. 41 - ' ate AustberuiCentral Itsiin,sy toil 'urn N e ell bud dep.rt tr,a. Ilarn.l..lr,e awl HaAirut mas ',II: A- : :'•• • • 1: T 11 IV A I: i) . \ MAll, TRAIN leaves Sunbury dad:, k-Neq t Sunday).., 11 , -, - 21, .%:%l. ... " /Of., 4 Llarit.arg .... l: ti‘ P.Si. a, v,s at Illitimpr, .. . \ ..' ~ill lor. ENTRE> .. 1 RAIN lenses SiaabOtTil.a:ly (x , ... - aopt 5u0,14.)1 ...: .. •.: ... 11.4; r..m. 16. v,.., liar . 11,1) a r . .c. (t Xd•Qp: - M41.13,*). ' , 2.74) A.Nr. •' :11 -. ...%•`, LI Alit:::.Jr.: .. ......, 7.a) A.M. HARRISBURG. ACC i.):Ntmq DAT lON le, ,4 .... r.O ,11.c. - ,313011).1 PION s thit d (. a F-ts. 7.;1 121111. 1M:i.1111.l G.,.L.; C) 1: '1 it Av 1). T:ZAIY ~:uai :r. .. _ L,:. ~ ~ ] In-ris gar;: •,.• • rinis t r ,t 1 1 4 1.0-„lry b iz, au. -1:N.1•1t.L,, "1".1: 1.1 - N 1c..N.. li,tltil.a., da:ly. :”. 9:0 1 . .. N. '.l, ..ti rit 1...., a: li a - rrL , laz 1 -iO,A.N. 'a .1% ~ ll.irri-i ,, 11:.; duly a Pt. - , A•rt M•mid0)......... .....": - n.ar, A. 3; za Prtivt, at Saal , ll.T 5 ERIE 11 - XPIII - •,`l i1t.115 1,,a1,, , , ILLUitro.re • 7:30..r.31 `, • - Iturrtiburz s . 1'2,35 A NT Lt• ..1t S.luilft.ry at. :3.25.t.)1 1',031.111.11/ 1 I 14 0, I. N.. NI q.d.N :1:00 '• 5 . 71.1.-•• . 7:50 1.1.( SUNTL IINI . CUMBERLAND VALLEY tA. - FRA NK , lAN- Ii.IIIIIOADzy , !.—CHANIIE OF HO On and Ittl, Mot.tlay, t tttlter-11, mu 4,eop6ea, FOR CILUIDER6B1:110 ..1 - SD IL I.ItRLSLICItti ;An 215 7.:17 •3:35 8:17 4 ...`2O Leave lineerntt,wn • . Gruen43-ql."-• Arrive Cbanthenburg 7.C•Trrr a , Leave Shipionshorg M. " etutille .. 4:30 30.10 2.4& Meelutietqa , ta: ...... ";-.11 , 1 10.12 ;-1-It3 Arrfrr nt Harri.ta, .... - 11 . 15 3 .15 FOC eHA3IIS F. Alit-1. _ r, A )lIA ci • 4 1' OWN; -i. `T. I' , If. Lea, "' 31.1rrislatrir - n 5 .1:40 1.15 • Illeellar,....wrir • 2: - 211 2••.;t4 5:13 •• 2 ews-111e 11 , .0•2; • I•shipperutatrfr 4 - Q1 • Arrive at Chambereburg- ,11-011 4.13 - ' Leave Chanthersburg ••• (;re'* .. Arrive it t Ilinertien n !Slaking con ILI rrisburg with trning for ork au4 rt.l.nrg, and n ith trnong" for ail 1.4..n1.5 Wool. Fn.in leavlne ilurrigh•wn . 1.1.5 P.M. Ma, oily ;Li far a. C.,r1,1 , . (I. LULI r Supt., It. IL Oltn Cluirnliz, 01.31. PHILADELPHIA AND ; ERIE RAIL- Tireat r.otm , csehe . Northnt/n and North west onanth .4 Yens,h.tnia to the city' of Eire, on Enn. 11 has IM.II by the C'ona rally and op,rat.l by them. entire wa op•nuti tot 1 , 11••••,,,,r and tr,iht bu•inr••. Urt,lrrr 17111, I. TIME (IF PASSENGER. TRAINS AT I= 11! 7 .11”siport 17:\\I. 311111 1 min ... I:l7ra , . . Aliam.port Aerounti'odation Pl.....ugrr Cars run thronv,h I, Mail Train. Is - khalif I,„nc. ',soh Iva. F. ',CA - Fe. PniTa.l,ll.'fin and .014 Baltam.re and Erie. fllecraut SletTalir an Elmira ./.'xprp.• nlavt b. - queen Willun.port and Jot Inthranitlrmv,pv,t. fig l'n, , towzr r itpiktv , at On-net:4/th and Markat ,t1.44N, And for Fri.izld bailno.4 (.elll4 , Con.i. Aizofa,: S 11 Kist - , roz., Jr., Cur. I,lth and ,hark. t .f. V. S. C V. R, ittlltlsni.m. Md. • 11. It I : t , n. Akt.td. - I 11. NV. '1 ktt .(ont, I , 4,oladplphia., lv )1 1 1 . 8. 1L(0,964. i Bien. Mnnuael, Cr t n - 'N . 0:M 1 E ! la S 11 I K L A N' D ' m 1, IFLI 1)118 'BJ 1, F A31! C a U'll 1! l)r. Striokland...sl.-111t1)1..11 , ISEINapi , ..nrP4'..nglt, 11 , .11,.t,e.... kth,,,, Sore Throw, ('•m-IttiTptTon a ni nli et 7, ~T!on.Or the .11,4 'Dior, •I'or Ftilc hy Clvimbor,l,urz. 1;e11. - rta I), pit, No. f F".1,,t I'lBl9onuti. "bin. T 1 1 A 'lt It II tr, A ! 11 Al! the thr.licAl !non 111.0111:vend !TICK r, AMY:, 1. I I I'M ILER qsillv only veil ...it f“ , It 1 , “milrAutth,!! u! Al!!!!!,! ''' !!! ` '`!!!!-!!!'' tell! , and Calllnticini CS, and o•thrt I after ill !ptliornte,th!lJllN .nit• by C. netwthl 1)-1.d ‘tr.tor Culi!nunti (111:o. QT RICK 1. A N D 1.7 Pint: u r m ! Ilr Stri , 4,laarr , th.• 1514.7. , 1114.• It iln -1,1 11 10 r.•11,•t ~ ( Cuts a rot:HA:J.IO di -1.01 Ily. It arrat.:4 .1 to VII,. 1.). 11. 11. Cre , ..ter, Cll,unlieri.burg. 11eneril `, 1 : 1311o. BooV.4).1) - - ra ) 11'1.' ' PSIA,X 1 1: 1 ] , 1 1 1 1 : r 0 T - SNESS A N I) T, ' DR. ,STIZICKLANIYS I'ONIC. NV, ealt ro oiffiu, n ,l ;u.rerirg a ith of Appe tite. I tonee.llen. or 1)3 eprp 4 i . . N.srt ot, D..1,11::y to ip.r. S , rokii.d'sTopie. It is retutfk pr... Ntr.1:o11. trot- Inst. ulcolp , hr li.twm, ll ..noagtheo, toe whole nen oils syrtelo , .cto.drn d goal oppetite, !Mid is warranted to cure D 3 i . ppe,l/1, and Nerrow, DebtlitY r For bate by Druggists generally. tit $l. per Iwttle.. Pre pored by Dr. A. Strickland. 6 Earl Fourth Street. ("facia. reol Obto C. li. eneeder Arent illtoolow.tirg Pr. • ef_r2 E 0 V ‘A, L - • _ • SPANGLER...B D - R U G :8 R- E 1; L D _'ST d N 1), Haviiltun Sc Co'A Tin• Ware Store, HOUSEKEEPERS 'WILL TAKE NO xi Tier. that NIXON sell% a SOAPtliatatn't bc , excell ed fortrashing-clothin.x. ' , mating. grease, cleanmgpants and fit all washine purposes. Try it. GROUND PEPPER.PURE. H O.M E :rott;)d Pepper • aCSIXON:S. ,fADDER, EXTRACT LOGWOOD, I!1 Indigo and other dyes ' at NTXON'S. F A Y D i, ;l lx " ( y.,s S LETTUCE SEED. —A New Variety for riill planting. very SAP and H . ardy. PTOCTIIP this toon NIXON. • IVRY TIE NEW LETTUCE.—Perfect haray - Itt NIXON'S. • Q•E A WEED‘T-O•Nrd Ittotsi &teacher, erg S.TtmParilla, . Ayet's Pectoral. Brown r Troches, 4 Ilootlanerm NT I XON'S DRUG STORE IS IN'HE or OIL SENSE-XT, Mtfirt Stroet:, D"l' Gs S ! .D! R IT G S; ! ! c. IL c:RE sg Is ta. Successor to BEI:SEIL & CUES-S -UM lio_s opened in his new room,: on fecund 'street. uppo ,lte the . Cost ()dice, where every effort will -he made to -I:stain the plifinhility the old extablishment had' acquired, A cenramattoa of the liberal patrumnfewhich the firm re , teired it respectfully soficited. A lair stock - of Drage, ChernicalsvandTatent Meditines is now offered. Also a . 1 ... jr.,blo assortment of sPerntlery. . Soflpfl, -. - Pocket 800k5,.. - Hair,Brushes, - ~. Cloth Brushes, - Tocish Brushes, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, nisi Fener Articles in great variety. IiERO&LNE ery deseriPtion of Hand Lamps. Stand Lops. Hanging tamp; and Side Lamps •uitable t for Kitchen use. Parlor use, Store use and Office si=ts ' THE BEST COAL O•IL IN THE MARKET 20 -.35 - - - • - - Eiyr. all Color& Everything in a Drngesta line of e - 17o.,:riptsto, receive special ,Ostntion, {lnd are compounded with ours and skill. C. CRESSLEII, Second Street, opposite the I'ost (Mee. A NODYNE CORDIAL, the Mother's S'rien4 and Child's -Relief—This invaluable medi cine is again for sale by A.- J.• :MILLER, at his•DRUG STORE, next duos; west of BROWN'S _HOTEL,Quinn. bersburg. - MILLEIPSiMIEDICATED COUGH SYRUP la also on band again; MILLER'S HORSE POWDER.—A supply always on hand. ILLEIVA 4111EUBL4TIC LINIMENT.—'This eioe' 1,4 artiele sac avw be had at Miller'a new Drug Store. A NEW AND G'ENERAL supply of all suml.trit medicine', :Lt HALLER'S Drug Store. LAREHEA -- -AND DYSENTERY curea If by 31i - RRAT - S. CAMPHOR CORDIAL, atltPer'S I blur Store. - .30 12 55 00 '1•1 1 1 ."2 n.OO WISTA i R:I BA,LSAM DNE (IF TUE OLDEST AND HOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN C ‘ nochs. Colas, looping Cough, Bronchitis, Dill (lenity of Breathing, Asthma., .11oarsencsks, , .Sore Thrssit, Croup and es cry • wit ion of - Thr. TIIRO.LT , Lt GS AAD CHEST, 1 1.40 .4) 1 ;;35 It? 35 6 io INCLUDINO EVEN c N $-U MPTION WINTAIt'S BALSAM Of' 'WILD CHEltltir oeueuil La, the use of this remedy become, nail ,0 popular iF it Ocerprbere, that it is uuneees• , arc to retool it, virtitex. Its works erecd: fer it:and flail utteraneuin the abundant - ' had voluntary teetimpayuf the tna • ' ' who from lout palfetiug and kttled uy„ ' , ease ha% eby it., bgettrestoted to pristiao vizor and health. We can present a masa of ev- , Sdegre ‘,l pr1,114 . 4)ar a. ,, ertions, that cannot he discredited. - From Mr. Henry Seller. 3fererrsburg, Pa. - denrl,,nra • I do hereby certify that during' the last ten ycai-s I hat e been subject Inn frequent error,: Coughs and ('olds,' tfutlever I have experienced one of the., attacks I have im ed?: ditty resernsl to Dr.Wistttr's Balsam of Wltcl - Cherry andtho result has always been to afford me spegdy relief. I Ix ould recommend this valuable article to. all tlt.oe aho .4er from Coughs, Cohls,.Pain in the Break, m.un) PtOrnonary l'ottlitlalnt. fueling. confident that it will ,tsell to be the la—l remedy in any of these coxes. I tt oultl caution the public against a worthless rounterfeit a bottlo of Willett won once forced tipon'ine. Tito uso of nu- -porions Balsam did me more harm than the ;Tem ttee'_ Dr. Wearer 8 Balaton of Wild Cherry is prepared by Seth W. Pottle & Co.. Boston, and has their printed name, tes.,ryll as the Written, idrrnat aro of " I.I3L'TPS" upon the outside avrap . por of eaeft bottle. 11.43 r.'3t r 2 .;1 II A.. 1. 0.f , t1 , 1e , Morris Cowity Hat hie' used Dr. Wistar's 'Balsam of Cherry for chnnt fifteen yenta, and having realized its beneficial ne• milts in my f unilf it alTords 111,` great pleasure in mem. mending it to the public as a valuable remedy in 115 Pie irf cunt, lungs. ndd. .onugns, &c., and. a remedy bath I von , idel in otmlk Innocent, and may be taken with pricer Kittey by the most delicate in health. I ;rim Jinn. John. E. Smith. a,diginknialad Lrttryrr iu - IVesttaimder, Md. - I e tut snerul ocertsions used Dr. Wistar'slinisatiot Cherry fiw socere:l7,olffs, and fIIiVRY3 deciffeff timieut. I Avow of no preparution that re more efficacious or more de-strsina of genre. we. , - Inn`lini niw has 01 , 0 kern used. with nxeellent effect by- J. It. Elliott l‘ternbunt, Itall'. -Cross Rotas, 3t& WD,TAR'S-11..U.SAR OF WILD CHERRY None genuine anle6.4 .110114" T. II eii;l 4 .on the wrapper. FOR 4,j tr. By • , ' .1 P. DISSN1111:1; Si,. WI 11rvadway,i,N, Y. ~ S. W. FOWLE .(7 ,Co., Propriebab, Babb)°, and by all Tbagg.b.t.t. tjulyfh.3l.eow.ly - _..... _____ • . R F, i) i) ING'S ItUSSIA SALVE Heals old Snre.. 1 I)DIN6 S 111, - SSIA SALVE Core. Burns. Seal& and Cuts ]U: )DINT;? R.L:SSIA SALVE • Cure., W.ands, l'irrdAes and Sprains.. ItEDritx(;'s ISAIA NAT.V.I 7 , l'ntrer, Caters. REDDING'S IZESsi 4 5.%),V8 Curt , Sall Ilhetuu. Piles awl Erysipelas.' REDDINWS RUSSIA SALVE • - • ('ire Eingst arm, Corns, &c., NO 'FAMILY :: , .1101 - I t O BE WITHOUT IT Only 25 Colts a Box. }Olt SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 lirootheay, N. Y. - S. W. FOWLE & Co., No.lB Tremont St, Boston, and by . all Dniggists and Country- Storekeepers.- - 1104-9(,)•enw-Iv , has been remnTed MAIN STREET DL c Riehard'A New Building, =MEI LL NIXONT'S. farbiraL WILD CHERRY: =EI BanL, Morristotem, -I;nsurantt. ~ANIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND! TE.usT co.: Cgrner "Fourth and "Walnut StreetF, .Lnoarportsted • 18:i0. Charter terpetuaL, Anther:red Capital. 5.500.00 1 1. Paid-tpeapintl7:k.2.74l,ooo.• Feb. 4, 1E 1 64. i The Trustee: have this day Ltred a Dividend_ of, FIFTY PERCENT, no all premiums reevis - cd nponll.F.! II'AL PottnEsslaring the year ending December it/st.! IS.C3. and, in forea.at that date. the above amount to be' credited to said Petioles, and hove also ordered the divi.! dead of lett ou F ieies tanned daring. that year to bel paid, as the ann i prvenioth: on said Policies are re-i dived. - OFFICERS. - - • •President—A le. ander Whilidin. Sersetary and ' ,suret-I-John S. Wilson. Artherr-John Sims. BOARD OF. RUSTEES.—Alerander Whilitlin, J., ge, Edgar 'Fhemson, Geor 'Nugent. Hon. James Pollock,' Albert C. Robe • it. 3lirerie, Samuel "Work, William , J.-Hotrith,l, Hon. oseph Aeon. Samuel T. Bodine, John! Aikmark Charles . Heazlitt, Isaac Ilazlehurst Wit. G. REED. hambeisburg, is, the authorizesl! Agent of the American Life Insumnce and Trust Coors pany, - amkis always prepared to runtish pamphlets or any Information wanted, and to take Insurances. DR.S. J. C. RICHARPF and W. H. BOYLE. Medical Ez- , amiaers. REFERENCES-Hun. 3l'Clure. Bev. S. J. cells, J. ft Nixon, Cbmnberskurg, and Wm. M. Manhall.: Cashier of the Hagerstown Bank. Pennell (belting tdformatiob or 'wishing to inaure will plower-all on, or by addressing the-nudersignelliherteill, be waited on in any Tart of tho Couhtr or State. mon d' - W. 4. REED, Agent. 1829 FeNRLINE. R R Z P I l E R A T N I- C T M .P . A;VY OF PHILADELPHL4. DISE On Janintry 1, 1864 CAPITAL ACCIIPTED SrityLus... ISVESTF:II PREMIC3II‘.. rNiiRTET.F.D CLAIMS, INCOVE PORIBIA __%; £8 A 16 $3,000000. LOESS PAID SZWE 1e2 4 000,000 PERPETUAL. - AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TER3IS. I...:DIECTOES:• Charles N. Banker, I•nac Lee, Tobias Warner. Edward C. Dale. Samuel Grant, , Geo. Fales, Jacob E. Smith, — Alfred Filler. Get - Tv:W. Rickards , Fran. W. Lewis, M. D. CHABLIS N. IiANCKER, Prebident. EDWARD C. DALE. Vice President J.th. W. 31 . ALLISTER, Set,' y pm. tom. .. i DAVII) OAKS is the touleirizeil Agent of the Cora pan:: in Chambersburg, litho trill furnish all inihrrnatiort necessary to applicants. mar.r.l4l. _ - INSURANCE CONIPANY OF NORTH I AMERICA. IneurporUted 1794: Charter Perpetuat CAPITAL $500,000 Ofllec ‘l2,' Walnut Street. Philo , delphia. TllO prmopt payment idN'ali ., ,ltos for Ltr 2 Se 4 drain! the n e period hi early seventy year:, tt - the Company hai• been in exitteoce. entitles theio to the coufideuee of the public. Person, walling to insure tt ill plea.° roll on or addre.s the tuidemignealW 41 - . REEL. Alien!, Chatnj bersburg, Da. As Agent for thte Company. I - am prepared to Cancel all Perpetual as well ail Term policies col ering property de.tioyed by the Rebels on the of July, returning the full premiuu paid on applimtion at lay attire. IV. (I. REED, Agent. 11EFEREm D. Crier, J. Allb.ort Eyster. Major J. C.4ustln. Cut A. i.. )ll2lure. 09 , ' , (11_;11 AGENT.—)Ir. JOHN GunvE, of Cluunbersbnig. is the General Agent of the Frank. tin Comity Mutual Imisartinee Company. • inniel) Vats, C'aps anb Surs. HOI FOR THE HOLIDAYS:! FURS I_PIMS!! FLrRSP.± DECHERT ins now opened r.ltargo as.riftment AND CHILDREN'S TUBS, VirtorieF.s, BIM =I MO GENTS FUR GLOVES AND MUFFLERS. 1 A large Stoek of 'HATS AND CAT'S aonstantly on hand LADIES FANCY FURS !. AT JOHN FAREERA'S Old Establishedrur Manufactory, 'fls Arch Sired, above 7:11, Philadelphia.-1 has e now ,in store of my own Importation and Manufacture, one of the LARGEST anti. moatIMAUTIFE selectionsof FANCir 'FURS, fin . LAMES' and CFIILDREN'S WEAR, in the ,city. Also a fine assortment of Gent's 'Fee Gloves and ,CoElars.. as my Furs Were all purchased when add was at a 'ninth lower premium than at present, I am enablidtodis paie of them at very reasonable pricm and I would there. fore solicit a call from my friends of Franklin county and Remember the Name. Number and Street! • .101=D: FAREIRA. • 718 Arch Street, aboce7th. south side, sept2S-4mos PHILADELPHIA haCe nu partner, nur connection with any other store in Philadelphia! COME TO THE MARKET HOUSK HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES. W. W. PAXTON has just opened a flue assortment of HATS. CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, nt his new Store in ,the Market House, where be can famish all articles in his line, cheap for cash. Sores goods are sold of old priers. A fine assortment of CANES, UMBRELLAS, CAM PET BAGS. VALISES. lee., dm., constantly on band. Call and examine oar large stock of goods. - sept2l W. W. PAXTON. tquots. POR T•E \VINES AND LIQUORS. LAUMAN. SALLADE ,S; CO., 12R SOUTH NINTH STREET., ' Berutecn Chestnut anti - Watnut Stmts. Philadelphia GOO. M. LiirMATi, A,3t. SALLADE, J. I). Barixa, • RIVESE. GARDRAT &CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY. 'VINTAGE OF 18:38, Each bottle sealed gith green wax with the initials of the firm. 1311'bItTED BY LAUMAN, BALLADE 4: CO SUPERIOR'OLD MADEIRAWINE FRZE-SHERRY, CLARET AND HOCK WINES AND - AN A.SBOETXDIT FENT. BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE & CO.'S 1 OPORTO. . VERY FINE AND DELICATE: ' OLD POET WI.NE, Cacti brittle eteaTed with yellow wax with the initieleafthe Finn. INPORTED BY LAIDIAN, BALLADE & CO.. ' No. goeih Ninth Strut Philaddphirs. O-LD R-Y•E WHISKEY OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, WARRANTED. oBE-RHOLTZ WHISIKEY, FOCST WHISKEY, WERRT'S WHISKED, TAFFEY . S.WHD.b.LY; AND READING WINES. t LAVAIS.N, SALLADE &.CO., No. .1.5 S South Ninth Strut, Phtlodelphia. iv,tl3-Iy. ~ij~sician~. J. C. RICHARDS, X. M. JNO. MONTGOMERY, M. D. I)'CHARMS & MONTGOMERY have rut...minted themselves in the Practice of Medirtne, and h.,' taken an Otßee in The lite residence of Jacob IL immediately apposite the Presbyterian Church. All penning Indebted to either of the above, will please make early settlement of the name.four24.tfj _.- DR. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt ly to all professional calls. Office in the Vestibule of the New School Iliat,e near the Jail. Dliug24. BARBER BEID has opened his sharing saloon In the dwelling of Jp-veph Trout, opposite the Academy lot His old custoniera and the public generally are respectfully - invited to give him a Sall. • • auglt4 _ OTICE authOrized John Stewart, Esq., Attorney at law, to 'execute leases ,collect rents and attend to the gemensl management of my' real Estatein Cluunblusburg. - - der7.:tt J. ALLIS ' ON EYSTER Deeanber. 1864J' pAsTEIIN DA - N.—The undersigned ha- - _LA - ring Lately purchased the large and ootatiodions Brick Building of Rev. S. It. Filter, n connection with his present.place of busine‘s. ou the corner of Main street and Ludnig's Alley,..is preparrtd to titcomintdase BOARD ERS-by the day, week or month. lie is amply provided with STABLIIIG tp accommadate the traveling public. liwririg a large LIVERY STABLE connected with the Hotel. guests and the public generally can be farnhibed -st ith Rinses and Etdrriages at no - moment. Persons visit. , ing Chandiersbiug with their families will find this the mast immfortable lintel in the county. as it has been e ritted entire new Furniture, - and the rooms am large and well ventilated. The TABLE is amply supplied With all the luxuries of the season, and the BAIL which is de• Inched from the Brick ,Building, trill always be furnished with choice and pure liquors. Evert- attention w.i'd to the comfort of guests. [0et1.94 -S. F. -GTIEENAWALT. DAVID H.. HUTCHISON has become the Proprietor of the lINITED , STATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depot at HARRISBURG, PA. This popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furnished threspdhout its parlors and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of guests. Tlye tras - eling public will find the United States Hotel the most convenient, in all particulars, of any Hotel in the State Capital. on amount of its access to the railroad, being: immediately between the two great depots in this city. [Harrisburg, June 17, 634. c n ITA'rES lIOTEL, OPPOSITE the Lebanon Valley and Pennsyh-atila Railroad He pot.., Harrisburg City, Pa. Thia convenient and pleanant tiorel in now kept lir the undersigned, late or the Indian Queen in Chainbersintrg. and he invitee the patronage of hi; old friends and the public generally. Terms moderate. - peti-tf JOHN W. TAYLOR. 95 $400,006, ... 971;000 1A26,.??5' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPI.TAL.-Dr. JOHNSTON, the founder of this Celebrated Iturtitu tion. offers the most certain, speedy. and only effectual remedy in the world for Gleets, Structures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, constitutional Impotence, Weaknem of the Back and Limbs, Affection* of the s! Palpitation of the ileart, Dyspepsia, Ner r OUR Irritability. Diseases of the Head. Throat, Nose or skier and nil those serious uud melancholy disorders axis lug from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy both laxly andritioth Th e se aecret and solitary unotlees are more fatal to their vicuma than the ',ring of the Symms to thd mariner Ulyaats, blighting their most brilliant hopes b r anticipations, rendering marriage. dz., itnposslble. Young kfen elmcially, who lt.ts e become the victims of Sulhat,' Vine t. at dreadful :Ind dectructive habit whiCh ant annually envegin to on untimely grave thousands of young men of the mint exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwi , e have entutnin4l lietening Senates with the thumk.r.ot ell sonnet% or waked to eruticy the living lyre; may tiall with fullyelifidenm, • 4 4 MARRIAGE! 7.llarriedperoonn or young wen eoliteruplatbig muniafe, aware of physi, a I aenkn.•=u,organic debility, de or imirirdbrfPly consult, Dr. Johnston. He v. ho place, himself order the rare of Dr. Johnston may 'religiously 4.,wahle iu his honor as a gentleman, arid confidently rely epos his shill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS LIRMEDLATELT CURED AND IT'LL NIGOR RESTORED. This discos' , is the penalty nags frequently Fuld by those ho have to the victims of improper indulgences. - Young persons am too apt to commit excesses from not being ace are of the dreadful consequences that may enema Now, who that understands the subject svilpretegdtodany that the power of Pr creation m lost sooner by these falling into improper habit than by the prurient Besides being de. prived of the pleasure of healthy offeiming, and the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise- The system becomes deranged. the Physical and mental pow ere weakened, nervous debility - , dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion. a wasting of the frame, eongh; symtems of consumption. offis: So. 7, -South yrederack &reefs doors ism, Baltimore .treat East side, up the steps. Be particular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place. - CURE 'WARRANTED IN TWO DAY& - a Mercury T. Namsrozes Drugs. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal Collette of Sgr.seons, Loudon, graduate Pum one of the most eminent Colleges of the tailed States. and the greater pert of .1 whore life has been spent in the hospitals of London, .Paris, Philadelphia amt elsewhere, has effected OEIO of the most astonishing errres that were ever known. Many • troubled with ringing in the head and ears' when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds. and 1 bashfulness, with frequent blushing. attended somethaes ' with derangement of mind, were cured immadintely. A CERTAIN DISEASE! When the misguided and Imprudent 'votary of pleasure Sad helms imbibed the seedof this painful disease, it too of. ten happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, ordread of dis covery, deters him from applying to those who from educes tionand respectability Can alone befriend him, dalayingittah,„ the constitutionalsymptems of thisidexid &stamina. their - appearance, such as uleefitted sureithmat, diseased nosa, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dimmest, of sight, deafness, .nobs on the chin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful sa pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the -nose fall in and therictrm of this awfid &settee be comes a horrid object of comudsseration till death 11.113 period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to 'that bountelrom whence no t4mseller returns." To sireh, there fore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from his extensive practice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, he can coniMsntly recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vies tim adds horrid disease. ME! Ermine. 3 It' is a melancholy fact that thousands All victims t thisahorrid disease owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders who by use of that dreadful poksori, .Mererrry, ruin the coostitution, and either send the unfortunate to an untimely grave. or make the residue of life miserable.'" TARE. PARTICULAR NOTICEI Dr. J. addresses those who have injured themselves by private and improper indulgences. - These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pre doed by early habits of youth, viz:—Weakness of the Ruck rind Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of•6lghtt e Loss dt kluseillar Power, Palpitation of the Ileatt, Dym pepsin, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Diges tive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of COnsumps tiou, st.e. 3tENTALLT, the fearful effects on the mind are much le he dreaded; loss of Memory, confusion of Ideas, Depress sloe of Spirits, Et it Porelmilings. At ersiou to Society; Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity, dm., are mane of die evil effects. Thousands of persons If all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, loosing their vigor, becoming' weak, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes. cough, and symptoms of - Consumption. Dr. JORNSTON'S INVIGORATING- REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this giteat and importimi remedy, Weakness of the Organs is speedily - cured, andfall vigor restored. • Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, A lit impediments to Marriage, Physical or 31ental Din • cation, :Nervous Irritability. Trembling, Weakness o - haustion of the most fearful kind, speedily owed by Dr. Jolmston. YOUNG MEN, who hack injured themselves by a certain practice, indul ged in wizen alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately What a pity that a young man, the hope aids country, the darling of his parents. should be snatched from 111 prospects and enjoym&ds of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature. and indulging its F cer tain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE • should reflect that a sound mind and body are themostne emery requisites to promote OM übial happiness. indeed, without there, the journey through life becomes a weary pßgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mud 'becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happinesi of another be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE TO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, TO-STRANGERS,.:LTbe loony thousands cured at this Institution in the last fifteen years; and the utmierons tm portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the reporters of the papers, and many other persons; notices of which hove -appeared again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. • N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless'quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health_ of the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems - It n to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that s Diplomas hang in bis office. 'PANE NO - Mt.—A/I letters must be post paid, 'sad contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. [mar 164 y. UE S T ‘-L'QITESTIONS! QUESTIONS! THAT CONCERN EVERT ONE TO AMMAR -Aro you bald? , Does 3 out hair fall ' Has your hair become thin? Does it feel harsh. and dry, and feverish? Is it timing gray before its time ' Are you troubled with itching, burning sensailm of the scalp? . A reyou troubled with Dandruff? Are you troubled with what is called Scrofula or Salt ithenm I Have yon had the Erysipelas. and lost your hair? Have you had the Measles, and lost it I Have you had the TyphoidEstret;and last it I Have you had the 13min Fever," - and lost it'? Have yon lost your hair by any sickness! Do yen wish luxuriant hair • Do you wish soft and lustrous hair 1 - Do yon wish gray hair restored? . Do you wish wish your whiskers glow t ' Doyen wish them restored in color I Do you want a dressing! Do you want it for yourself, for father °mother, for brother, sister, or friend Do you want to makto — C - p - i -- awnt? Do you want a perfume for your toilet! Do you want a harmkss artictel Do you want a pure article • Do yon want a double distilled article Do you want a cleansing article? 4 . Do you want the best preparation oat for dressing, Stied proteMing, restoring the color, and rendering son 7 silky and lustrous the Human Hair? - if so, we warrant To be neatened and Superior io any Prep:trains fen Cornpoundr; and ()Prato dm public. Satisfaction guaranteed, or the money refunded., - It costs but $1 for one bottle, or six for SS, and is sold by druggists and dealers . evarwhere. C. G. CLAIM & CO., Pmgrtelo►le' D. S. Roma & CO., N. W Senend APOold ituvol.Pm Motet o. .Alebtial.. YOUNG MEN! EMEIIM! S I QUESTIONS! MARE'S .DISTELLED RESTORATIVE. FOR THE HAM