The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 21, 1864, Image 3

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    December 21,;1864.
.amain fprfoiforl.
Gossip WITH OUR FRIENDS.-Llt has long been,
and is yet, - tt great wonder to reflective minds that
some one has 'not written an essay upon " Wait
ing for the train." Peycologically speaking,
"waiting for the train" superinduces a state of
mind that has striven in vain to com
prehend, so far as medical treatment goes. Un
der delirium tremens, for instance, the nervesbe
-come so sensitive that the buzzing of a fly may
sound, like a hurricane, and the whisper of a ten
der nurse cause the blood to congeal in one's veins.
But "waiting on the train," however, is totally
different in its nature. To establish my medical'
opinion I will give an account of a desperate at
tack ofhe abovoihentioned disease, from which.
I suffered last Saturday night- Line, Camden
and Amboy ; waiting point, foot of Barclay street:
time, 7P. M.; weather, juicy. Walked upon the
dock, where-there are ticraccommodations at all
for passengers, and asked a Jersey Irishman when
the boat would lie in. He informed MO that no
boat had qatthat day on account of the fog,
hilt that a freight boat would probably bring in
the paisengers at Pier No. I (a mile furtherdown.)
The Irishman was clever, communicative and af
fable; offered to take me into the Hoboken ferry
house alongside,. where I could wain myself
without paying the usual three cents, and adviiMil
me not to depend upon the boats " at all, at all."
I thanked him for his kindness and mentally re
solved to use my influence with the company to
have him sent to the U. S. Senate in place of
Gee. B. M'Clellan, deceased. Walked through
four inches of mud to the railroad office, foot of
Courtland street, and enquired how the passen
gers would be likely to come Was there in
formed that the boat had gun' out. " Why,"
said I, " she has not, for I saw her at the wharf."
" Well, then," said the Jersey official, "the pas
senge-ra will come in by the six o'clock train via,
Jersey City." "It is after six. now," I ventured
to remark.• "So it le," was the answer. _ "Now
that I come to think of it, they'll most likely come
by the' eight o'clock train." Hurried over to
Jersey City, and made enquiries of the ticket agent
there. " Maybe they will, and then again they
mayn't," was his answer. I waited in tho'cold
till eight, no train—till nine, no 'Crain. 'Went to
the agent again. who told me " that they hadn't
been ou time lately,, and that the ten o'clock came
in generally ahead of the eight o'clock train."
TWA . was some comfort. Trittar up and down
to keep from freezing till ten and a-half, when the
train came iu with the friend I was looking for
—eight hours from Philadelphia to New York. I
can not say that the hours were wasted, for I saw
much, heard much and thmight much during
this, time. I saw a fight, a real knock 'clown.
Some one in the ferry house put a string of fish
in a gentleman's lap. The gentleman remon
strated, unreasonably of course,—so the fish
owner thought—and words followed, then blOws.
Need not describe;• the fight minutely, but I tilist
my readers will be as Much pleased as I was to
know that it proved a dear string of fish to the
fellow. .I heard any amount of swearing, steam
Whistles, complaints and growls; listened with at
tention to the refined conversation of a score of
hotel runners and hacknien; and learned many
valuable statistics of *ew York, in slices, from
sundry dirty-work men. I thought of my wet
clothes, damp feet and cramped limbs; and like
the man who wrote the burial of Sir John Moore,
"bitterly thought of the morrow." In some of
the churches, members are admitted on probation.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to prove them at the
C. &A. It. R.,.Depot, in Jersey City. and my
word for it if they can stand that, they can easily
resist the devil and all his works. .
Need I say that I regret, that every citizen of
Chambersburg regrets, the departure of General
Conch and staff from the old town. There is a
tinge of sadness about any change, but especially
so in this case. We. had grown to know and to
respect one another. We looked upon the Gen
.eral 1a friend and protector, and many of us
had formed such acquaintance and intimaci with
his staff, is will last our lifetime. May health,
suqless and happiness attend the gentlemen vvher
eve.k they 0!
IVe have ad our second snow, and the little
boys hat ad a merry, time of it. The horses
and the women. who must be out in all weathers,
have not had a merry time of it. The sleighs
were out in considerable force, but dear me! the
tar and omnibus horses htive bad a terrible time.
Broadway is as slippery as glass. In a short
promenade, about dusk, I saw horses,- men u boytil
add one lady fall, each one according to his or her
instincts. A horse goes dow;n after a little effort,
and when down, lies quietly, as much as to lay
"come and pick me up, somebody, please." A
man,kicka - up one foot and then the other, grabs
at the moon, tries to kick off his own bat and then,
falls. A boy goes down as though be liked it;
but ii lady wriggles into a heap like a bungle of
old cloths to be picked up by the first member
of the - human-e society that comes along.
NEW YORE, Dee.l9, 1564. , '
. . ,
'4 MI LITARY CHANGES.—Headquarters of the
ipepartment of the Susquehana—now the Depart.
Meat of Pennsylvania—were removed to Philadel
phia sever;ti weeks ago, and Maj. Gen. Cadwak
ader, ending the Department, has been there
since tkie o der of removal was issued. Maj. John
S. Shultge, .A. G. and Capt. F. B. Swerengen
A. D. C. remained here until Thursday last to
close up the business, When they also left for the
new bead-quarters. For nearly.a year and a half
Maj. Shultze bas been . the Asst. Adjutant General
of the Tiepartment and on duty at this place, and.
in-all his intercourse with our people- official and
social, be has won the highest measure of respect
for hii , courtesy, promptness and eminent soldii;irly
qualities. Capt. Swerengen has been less prom
inent in his official relations with the people ; but t
he leaves us as widely respected as he was known.
Both have gained distinction in the field and bear
honorable v ounds in vindication of their gallant
ry. We are glad to know that they vvill'remain '
connected with the.4ead-quarters of the Depart
ment at Philadelphia.
Gen. Ferry is now on duty here as commander
of the -Juniata District. He in an experienced
and well tented military• commander, and the
members of his'staff are well known DI : .our midst.
Capt-Jahnston and Lieut. Ripley have been on
duty here before when Gen. Ferry was engaged
on mart martial, and we doubt not that they will
prove an aeceptible to our people as tuey are effi
cient in the discharge of thir important trusts on
th 3 e border..
The Miming orders explain themselves.
HEAIXICAILTEILES, 01 , TM; fi vs.:v.:Emu/NA,
CHAJItttEltl5lll.ltG, pr . Dec. 1. lee4.—General Orders No.
.=l.. Cumberland, Franklin, Ado,ue and York coun
ties, l'ennsylvania, are annexed to the Juniata District.
D., The headquarters of Juniata District will be at
Chawhersburg, Pennsylvania. By. order of Sial. Gen.
Cadwalder. Jyo. 8. Sit UL77-E, A. A. 0.
PA. : Dec. 1, 18434.--Orneral Ordera, NO. s.—Pursuant to
Oleforegoing Ordor. 1 hereby memo command of the
for t eg of the Stato4 in tlvr c.t.unties of Cumberland,
York, Adams and Franc lin. 0 S. FERRY,
Brigudicr (;roes) Commanding.
Pre, 1864.---(lonend Orders, No.-6.
tog staff oaken, at `these Headquarters, one announced,
and will be obeyed and rospocunl according:l l y, yin:—
Captain Henry L. Johnson, A. A. (I.; Captain ohn Hem,
A. Q. M.; Captain Calvin Gilbert, C. 8.; Limit. George
C. Ripley, A. D. C., and A. A. A. G.
In the temporary absence of Captain Henry L. J o hn
ton, A. A. G., communications to these Hentlitus r i er ,, iiil
he taldresseil to Lieut. George C. Ripley, A. A. G.
0. S. FERRY, Brig. Gen. Com
well for the people of every enrolment district to
see at once to the correction of their lists. It is
difficult to do it in the little time that can be al
lowed when a draft is ordered' and shoot to he
made; but now the officers have more time and
can give it that attention its importance demands.
Besides if not corrected before the quotas are
fixed it is always difficult to get a correction, as it
must - be made by the Provost Mansbal General at
Washington, while the District Provost Marshal
is competent to correct enrolments under the in
structions of the authorities at Washington. We
doubt lot that the enrolment in every district in
ithis i torinty is very imperfect, and the errors are
generally of such a character as count against the
people in in up quotas. Every mairwho has
moved from file district since the enrolment was
made; every one since dead; everyone since en
listed in the service ; together With those over or
under age, and aliens—all should be ascertained
by a competent and energetic committee, and the
proper proofs procured and presented to Capt.
Eyster, who will at once strike their names from
the list, and thus lessen the quotas. Any one en
rolled also who suffer from " manifest, physical
disability" may be stricken off; but wh4n at all
possible such claimants-for exemption should ap
pear before the board-t 7 as they can now dO at
any time—and be examined and discharged. Per
sons claiming exemption on the grounds of alien
age, over or under age, or having been two years
in service, should also appear before the board in
person. True they can be exempted after they
are drafted; but their names remaining on the
lists when the quota is ascertained imposes un
just burdens upon their districts. The localcom
mittees should see that all such eases appear be
fore. Capt. Eyster at an early day. A copy of the
enrollment of any district will be furnished by
Capt. Eyster to any authorized committee of the
citizens—not to individuals. The Board will short
ly viA the several counties and sit at the county
seafflo correct the enrolments;, but committees
from any county need not wait for the appearance
of the Board in their midst. The Board is making
an earnest and faithful effort to do justice to all
the districts in this matter, and if they are but
seconded properly by the people, who have the
greatest interest in the matter—no injustice will
be done any district when the quotas for'anf fu
ture call - are awarded. • "_
WAR INSURANCE.—A new feature is about to
be•introducfld in the border counties, in the shape
of insurances against depredations by the enemy.
This is common in marine insurances.. Scitredly
a merchant vessel goes to sea that is not insured
by the owners against the rebel cruisers; but the
insurance of_buildings, &c., against the enemy
bas not been widely adopted. In our advertising
columns to-day will be found the card of the FMB
nix Fire Insurance Company of Brooklyn, prof
fering war risks through Mum. H. Tailor, Esq.,
the agent in this place. and we eomniend it to
public favor'. We made very careful inquiry into
the character of the company, and wine so fully
satisfied of its integrity and solvency that we had
a war risk issued covering the REPOSITORY office,
so if our particular friend Gen. M'Causland calls
this way again and concludes to clean out or burn
up the REPOSITORY, he may as well understand
in advance that his vengeance will fall elsewhere'
than upon its, proprietors. This character of in
surance is necessarily costly ; brit tss the war is
not likely to last very long, owners of valuable
property wciuld do well to take such:A - As by the
year. The usual price is about ten per cent. per
,Ross, of 'Co. B. - 190th Reg. P. ler, died in Way
nesboro,' on the 12th inst., of Chronic Diarrhea,
aged 22 years, 7 months and 17 days. - The de
ceased was taken prisoner in Nut of Petersburg
on the-12th of August and was paroled in Octo
ber. He served three years with the Pennsylva
nia Reserves and afterward re-enlisted. He was
a good soldier.
REV. SAMUEL J. NiccoLLs preached his fare
well sermon to the Presbyterian congregation of
this place ou Sunday a week, and on Thursday
last left for his new charge in St. Louis.. It was
an address of touching pathos and eloquence, and
his hearers manifested the liveliest regret at his
parting words. There have at yet been no candi
dates named for the succession.
GM'iIIROUS MovEmerr.,-, We learn that M.
Samuel Gsell, and other citizens of the southern
portion of the county, are making arrangements
to furnish a quantity of world at Greencastle for
the sufferers of Chamhersburg, free of charge,
and the Railroad will transport it at actual cost.
-We can assure all who mean to participate in this
generosity, that there is here a wide field for theit
is one of the most substantially organized Oil corporations
now in tho market. It has energetic, competent and rell
able business men managing it, and it is their purpose to
proseroute the development of the vast wealth of the Com•
pany's lands promptly and thoroughly.
It is organized on a certain basis to pay dividends from
the start. Its revenues from the Oil alone are more than
Weirs per cent. per annum on the entire capital; and new
wells are alma to be sank on lease, without cost to the
Company, and one-half the proceeds will belong to the
In addition the valuable seal Estate owned by the Com•
pony immediately opposite Oil City will be pat in market
at once, reserving the Oil right, and a revenue of $lOO,OOO
will be derived front that source the first year—ten per cent
on the entire Capital stock.
The Company has 5250,000 of its own capital In reserve
belonging to the Stockholder's, and addax it altogether its
resources for certain dividends are floc approached by any
other Oil stock now in the market at even double the origi
nal coat.
Subscriptions will be received fora fewdays by IS'Cluxe
& Stoner, MZellan & Yimmell , Geo. R. Messeramith, J.
NM. Sharpe, Geo. W. Brewer, D. 0. Gebr, John Stew
art, T. Jeff. Bill, Wm. S. Everett and Wm. G. Reed.
See advertisemetit in another column.
'A GRATIFYING Facr,--That amid all the ruin
and desolation In our town, energy and enterprise IS yet ap-
parent on all sides—between eighty and one hundred
buildings have been completed, or, are in course of con.
inruction ; our merchants, not at all disbearented by their
law are again driving ahead with large stocks of duds.
Ersiza & Dao., who are down among the ruins in their
warehouse, immediately bark of their old store room, are
doing a rushing business; crux& are constantly cumin`
and going from the Store. Thelect of their selling their
goods a little tower titan their neighbors is said to be the
cause' of this rush. We would advide all who want to put.
chase Dry Goods tivgive them a call before purchasing
elsewhere. They have just received a new assortment,
being the third stock this fall. They are also in receipt of
a good assortment of Furs; which they are rushing off at
low prices.
DvSPEPsra.—What every body says must be
'true. We have heard Dr. fitrickland'sl'onic spoken (ifs°
frequently by those who have been benefited byit, that at
last we are compelled to make it known to the public that
we really believe it effects a cure in every Cue; therefore,
we say to those who are mitering with Dismal,. or Nei
roes Debility, to go to their Druggest undget a bottle of
Dr. Strickland's Tonic.
Bronchial Troches" are widely kaawn as an admirable
remedy 'for Bronchitis, Btoustenesa, Coughs, and other
troubles of the throat and lungs. They are of great value
for the purposes for which they are designed, and:lt Pbould
be known that while they are usually and pleasantly etli••
eationis, they cantata nu hurtful Ingredients, but may ut
all times be used with perfect safety.--Barron Recardrr.
ANODYNE CORDIAL, the Mother's Friend and
Ch[ld's Relief .— This valuable medicine is again tor sale
at MILLER'S NEW DRUG STORE, next door west of
Brown's Had. It Is far superior to all Soothing Syrup*,
or any other preparation for children in Teetblig, Übelle,
Diarrhea, or inward pains.
Slif,34oN P. CHASE has been !Appointed Cbiet
JuAtIN) by President Lincoln, and confirmed by the gen•
ate unanimously, while the people of Chambereburg and
vicinity, reneive credit for-their putt appreciation ale. H.
Creamier, elegant assortment of Itrugs, Medleineq, Perfu
mery, &C. •
_ GELIVICKS & BURKHART hare opened out in
their new rooms on Sectmd Street. They sell wholcsal4
and retail. Country merchants look to your interest.—
You can tmy as cheap from them as you can to the city.
GET WICKR & BURKHART nell the beet Kero
s.m., Oil, wholesale and Total. Also,' Lamps, Wick., :tad
"Globe., very cheap.
GO TO Geturicks & Burkhart for pure home
ground Pepper, pure Bplem, fresh Tens, fine Cheese and
the beet Crackers anti kinds.
WE call the attention of ha:4nm, men to the
enluable lot aground on the Diamond, offered for rale hy
.A. J. Miller.
GELWICKS & BURKHART keep the largest
ono, of re d. in ton . cavl etesp wlrlsests wad Wail.
i~: ~, ~ „
By the Western Union TelegraphLine—Office at the -
Railroad Depot.
The Koontz and Coffroth Case—Mr. Mere
dith Decides that Neither mil be pro-
claimed. ,
Special Dispatch to the Fr.inklin Repository. '
Bartaisatato, Dcc. 20 , 1064.
Attorney General Meredith has filed an opinion
in the case of Koontz and Colfroth from your Con
gressional district, deciding that neither has been
regularly returned, and both must be omitted in
the Governor's Proclamation M.
MR. FULTON, editor of the Baltimore Ameri
can, visited the Armies of thePotomae and James
Neently, and gays of the extent of our works :
"The defence line of General Butler extends
across from the Appomattox to the James at
Dutch Gap, and thence inland, almost flanking
Fort Darling. The length of these works is not
less than fifteen miles, formed of a line of heavy
earthworks about five feet high, interspersed
every five or six hundred yards with heavy forti
fications, and faced with strong abatis inside of
the picket and videfte stations. Then there are
inner lines of works supporting the outer lines, so
that the whole line of breastworks and fortifica
tions, from Gen. 3feade's extreme left to General
Butler's extreme right, is not less than thirty-five
miles, and, taking the sinuosities and the suppor
ting lines into consideration, the whole works
would measure nearly one hundred miles In
length:" ,
GELMORE—LULL.—On the 15th inst., by the Rev. S.
J. N ceolle , Mr. W. Blair Gilmore to Miss Alcestis C., only
daughter of 0. N. Lull, Esq., all of this pin.
PHRENNEIL—On the 16th lust, very soddenly of Apo
plexy, Mr. John Phreaner, of Shimpstown, aged 61 years.
LITTLE.—On the ted of :November, 186 . 4. near Logans
port, lad., Mr. Alex. Little, formerly a resident`ot this
county, In the 63d year of his age.
Gentlemen's Clothing, - Bzys' Clothing,
Geirtlemen's Clothing, Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing, Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing„ Boys' Clothing,
" Gentlemen's Clothing, -: Boys' Clothing,
' Gentlemen's Clothing ,' Boys Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing, • Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing, Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing, _ Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing, ' Boys' Clothing,
Gentlemen's Clothing.., Boys' Clothing.
Young Men's Snits,
: ' Young Men's Snits, ,
Young Men's Snits.
Young Men's Suits;
young Meh's Suits,
Young Men's Suits,
- Young Men's Suite, -
Young Men's Suits,
Young Men's Suits,
Young Men's Suits.
Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall.
, Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall,
' Wanamaker &Brown, . Oak Hall,
Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall,
' Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall,
Wanamaker & Brown, - Oak Hall,
Wanamaker S. Brown, Oak Hall,
Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall,
Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall,
Wanamaker & Brown, ' 'Oak Hall,
, - S. E. Coi. 6th and Market Streets.
S. E. Car. 6th and Market Streets,
S. E. Cor. fith and Market Streets,
S. E. Cor. 6th and Market Streets,
S. E. Cor. 6th and Market Streets:
8. E. Cor. 6th and Market Streets,
Philadelphia. •.,
NOTE.—It Costs,liotking to make an examination—you
can easily satisfytoursell which is the best place for you
to deal. We affirm beyond all fear of honest contradiction
that we have by far the largest stark-.the handsomest
clothing and fairest prices. •
N. EL—An immense stock of Overcoats from last season
—selling low. , WANAMAKER & BROWN,
Great Central Clothing House, Oak Hall,
S. E. Car. &hand Market Sac, Phila.
A. 68p:]
A CARD TO INVAIJOS.—A, clergyman, while
in South Am - este-a as a missionary, discovered a
safe sad simple remedy- for the Cure of Nervous weakness,
Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numbers have been already cured
by thisnoble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate. /. will send the recipe for me
raring and wing this medicine. in a sealed ouvelope, to
any one who needs it, Free of . Charge.
Please inclose a stamped envelope, addressed to your
self. Addnes JOSEPH T. INMAN.
oct 1.4.1y1 STATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, New York City.
Imperial Oil stock is now the only certain dividend paying
Oil stook, that can be bad at the original subscription price,
and it can be bad only for a few days. Its resources for
monthly dividends are unequalled by any other Company
now in the market at cost price, and persons desiring such
investments should subscribe promptly. Price $5 per
share. Subscriptions will be received by M'Clure &
Stoner, Lana & Rimmell, Geo. R. Messersmith. J. ND.
Geo. W. Brewer, D. 0. Oehr, John Stewart, T.
Jett ill, Wm. S. Everett and Wm. G. Reed.
See advertisement
EYE AND EAR.—Prof. J. Isaacs; M. D., Oe.
enlist and Awrist, formerly of Leyden!, Holland, is tom
ted permanently at No. HI Pcne Street, Phitod4pAio,
where persona afflicted with disease of the Eye or Ear,
will be sclentifically, treated and celled, if curable.
rk" Awn:Fleur. EYES inserted without- pain. No
charges made for Examination.
N. 13.—The medical faculty is Incited, as be basun a
cre's in his mode of treatment. •
LEVALLo.—Pablished for the benefit and as a CAUTION
TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay of Mandood, &sc., supplying
at the same time THE MEANS OF SELF-CTME. By one
who has cured himself after undergoing considerable
quackery. By enclosing a post paid addressed envelop*,
single copies may be bad of the author
NATKANUL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Sings Co.,
N. Y. ' deel4-3m
ASTHMA Cuaw.—Relief guaranteed in ten
minutes, and aperrnartrat cure effected by the use of "UP
ELM'S ASTHMA CURE." Cases of from ten to !reify yearn
standing yield at once to its influence. Price $2. Sent
postpaid to any address, by C. UrtiA3l, 12.5 South Eiqbtli
strelt„Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. [Oct _'b-3m
On. STocKs.—Buy none but certain DIVIDEND
0 COMPANY pas certain resources and cannot fall to
pay "tenthly dinitknels. See advertisement in this paper.
AAR uprooted from low foreheads and all
parts at the body by the me of" Urtimen IjEYITATORY
POWDER." Mailed to and address for 81,Z'by S. C. 1.11 ,
AAM, M South Eighth street, Philadelptan, Pa. (0c.26.3m
T Markets.
uzusurne„ Dec. 20, 1801
Finer—White $Ol 00 1
Flour—Red 10 50
Wheat—White 2 40
Wheat—Red 2 35
Rye, ....!, 150
Corn l5O,
Oat/ 80'
Clover Seed 10 00'
Timothy Seed 4 50
Flaxseed 2 50
Potatomt—Mercer.... 1 00
Potatoes—Pink Eyes 90,
i Butter 45
' Egs 30
, La g rd_ 20
Tallow = 14
Bacon—Hams 70st2
Bacon—Sides. 20
Soup Beans 200
Washed Wool- 60
Unwashed Wont 90
Pared Peaches - 5 00
Unwed. Peaches 300
, Dried Apples 1 75
• GE/will
is Markets.
ILADELPitt,t, Dec. 20, 18&1
Flour —The export demand is extremely limited, and
<July a few hundred bbls. extra family sold at 10.50ffillir
bbl. Small tales fur home consumption within the range
of 9.75Z,L3.50, as iu quality. There is but little Rye Flour
offering and it isselling In a small way at 8949.2.5 P . bbt
Corn Meal is very quiet and without '
Wheat. —Sales of 2000 bush, fish' to prime Penna.-and
Western red at $2 60P,2 67, Rye IS scarce - nod ranges
from $l. 72 to $1 75. Corn—Rmall sales of 01,1 yellow at
and new at $1 70',1i1 71. Oats-2,000 bus. Penns
mid at 92 ets.
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Stocks steady. Penn. fives, 93; Reading Railroad, 58
- Morrie Canal, 951 Long Island, —; Penna. It IL, 65;
Gold, 2Z ; exchange on New York par.
iteto abbertisements.
JOB PAINTING, in every style, 'done
at,the Moe of the FRANKLIN' REINJWIRMY.
ceived E. D. REID'S.
IIkirINCEME A.T .—A fresh supply at
HAMS AND BEEF.—A large lot of
fresh cured city Hams and Dried Bad, at
ORANGES, LEMONS, RALSINS,-EUR,'Citron,-I)ned Apples, Dried ellorries,
I S o . 1 Shore Mackeral, Dried
j.' Halibut, Dried Cod, shad, &c., at
reooived lot of New Jerseyiresh ground Buck
wheat Meal ; pure white Hominy: Soup Bane, &c, at
ONIONS .—Wetherfield end Country
Onions, a large supply, at REID'S.
perior Kerosine Oil, Porlor Lamps,
TAintre. Arn.. et ' agnrg.
Zile :franklin Repositorn, iliamberotturg,
11,elp Mberti.sements.
ble to military duty.' Apply at this eke.
December nth, 1864.
U" S. 7-30 NOTES AND 10-40 BONDS
. for sale at this Bank at par, and all other govern
ment geeraities bought and' old.
de 1.3 t G. R. Ii:ESSEREGIMI, Cashier.
ELECTION.—The Annual Meeting of
the Stockholders of the CRAKBERSBURG GAS
COMPANY, will be held at the office of Stambaugh and
Gehr, on Monday_ tkeath day of lanturry, 1865, between
the hoar of I and 2 o'clock, P. M., when an election foe
SEVEN DIRECTORS for the year ISSS will be held in
accordance with the Charter and By Laws.
doc2l IL GERR, Secretary & Treas.
tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration
de bouts non on the Estateof Nicholas Snider, late of Gull•
ford township, deed, have been granted tethe undersigned ',,
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them property athenticated for settlement.
deal JOHN N. SNIDER, Adm`r.
IC AUCTION.—WiII be sold by Publics Sale, on
the premises, in St. Thomas township. near St. Thomas,
on Tuesday, the 27 th day of December, 1864, the foil=
yob:Labia Real Property. viz: A STONE GRIST
& DISTILLERY. The Mill is 40 by 50 feet, three sto
ries high, with thrlle Run of Burs, and is knos'n as "Camp.
bell's Mill." The Distillery - is onestoried, 35 by 43 feet,
with all the fixtures.
Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., wen tbeterms
will be made known by_] DAVID PIPER.
STOCK.—The books for original anabscriptions to the
capital stock of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY are still open. Dice $5 per share. It has
certain revenues ?LOW to Insure mentally dividends, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books me closed. Stbscsiptions
will be received by 3l'Clare & Stoner, George R. Messer.
smith, T. Jefferson NIB. W 3113. S. Everett, Wm. G. Reed,
Id*Lellan & Rimmell, J. MID, _Sharpe, John - Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. - O. Gebr.
No risk in buying the "Florence." Every machine war.
rented to give satisfaction or the money refunded. For
further particulars see advertisement on 4th page. ?
deci:Ltit HRS. R. P. RAZELET.
STOCK.—The books for origiral subscriptions to the
capital stock of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY are still open. Price $5 per share. It has
certain rerenurs nom to insure manday dirtdends, and there'
is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books are closed. Salacriptions
will be received by M'Clure dr, Stoner, George R. Messer.
smith, T. Jeffereon Nill, Wra.S. Everett, Wm. G. Reed,
ltf Leib= & Kimmel'. J. MD. Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer. D. 0. Gehr. - de&II
eral as required by the Ilth Section of the Act, en
titled "An Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth
to become associations for the p peso of banking under the
laws of the United States," the fthddayof August,
A. D 1864, has certified tome that the "Bank of Chain
bersburg" located in Chambersburg, Franklin County,
has famohell satisfactory evidence to him that all the re
quirements of said Act bare been complied with by the
said Bank, and that it has become an association for the
purpose of Banking under the laws of the United States.
I do therefore muse this notice thereof robe published in
accordance with the provisions of the 11th section of the
said act, and do declare that the Charter of said Bank by
the terms of said act, to deemed and taken to be hereupon
surrendered, subject to the provisions of the first section
of said act. [thll.34] A. G. CURTIN, Gov. of Penna.
have min , ented to insure a limited amount of property
• Real and Personal
Persons wishing to insure their property against
destruction by
sh"nld make early application to
Xational Bank, Cluambensburg.
PUBLIC SALE TWill positively sell
at Public' Sale, on Atortday, the 2d day of January
val. as I hare determined to more East, my FARM, con
taining about 200 ACRES of lankin Antrim township;
adjoining lands of Jonn Sites, Peter Picking and Samuel
Fredrick and bounded by the Conotbeheage Creek.
LOT No. 1. containing about 120 Acres, with gbad
ROUSE and FRAME BARN, Corn Crib. and Wagon
Shed, and Tenant Haase and Stable, and about 15 Acres
in Timber. and 30 in Meadow. ' -
LOT No., 2, containing about 15 Acres all in Timber,
on the South side of the road bounded by the Creek.
LOT No. 3. containing about 35 Acres, 8 or 10 in Tim
LOT No. 4, adjoining Lot No. 3, containing about 30
Aimee, about 10 Acres in Timber.
The land has nearly all been limed and under good
fences. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when terma will
be made known. Sale on the premises.
dec2l-2t SAMUEL MYERS, of Cbarnbersbure
CAPITAL p0.},000.
Shares, 200,000. Working Ca pital, *40,000.
Par Value. 82.50. - Subscription Price tl per share. '
A. B. VINGAKER, President.
J. R. Eby, Harrisburg, John White, Jr., New York,
A. B. Longsker. Norrust'n, J. Hervey Jones, Pittsburgh,
W. H. Schell, Phi Lida.. J. Allison Eysterr, Made.,
Alexander R. Reed Pittsburgh.
Office No. 208 South 4th street, (first door, hock room)
Tema.- $1 per share at time otsubeeripriom the balance
in thirty days. dec2l
STOCK:—The books for original subscriptions to the
capital stock of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY are still open. Price S 5 per share. It has
certain revenues now to Insure ownikly ettridesa, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock mast materially
advent* an soon as the books are closed SebsoriPtions
will be received by, &Velure & Stoner, George R. Messer
smith, T, Jefferson Nill, Wm. S. Everett WM. G. Reed,
Misellan J, MD. Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D.O. Gehr, de&l.
is hereby given that from this date all,persons found
shooting Game or otherwise Trespassing on the p. ties
of the undersigned, will bU dealt with according to law.
Sumnel Miller, •,.. i ' Jacob Snider, (of J.)
Rudolph Shetter, Michael. Bege,, ,
W. B. H. Betz,
~ John Myers,
David Shelter , Christian Miller,•
Ephraim Burkholder, • Jacob Bender, •
Samuel Leidy, Daniel Grove,
- John K. Snively, Wm. C. McKnight. _
David W. Small, • George Smith, ..
Henry B. Miller, Jacob Etter,
Abraham Lenber, L. B. Small,
John Miller, '' Samuel Etter. '
- W. J. Maxwell, David Witherspoon;
Samuel Fredetich. Frances Warner, t
Jacob Myers, Cruthers Witherspoon,
Geo. W. Miller, , - William F. Smith.
Nan opened a gloom in the Market Howe, and keeps
constantly- on hand School, Miscellaneous Books, Station
ery, Blank Books. Wall Paper, Paper and Brown Linen
. Window Shades, Photograph Albums, Lutheran, German
Jt ' chimied and Presbyterian Hymn Books, Steel Peas
Pencili, Arnold's genuine Writing , Fluid, Fancy Pictorial
Pleasure Books fur children, Paints and Pencils, Marking
Pencils, Anchitect's Drawing and Pattern Paper, Novels.
Ink Stan & in great variety, Diaries for lfitti, Violin
Strings, Fancy Traveling and School Baskets, &e.
BLANK BOOKS made to order, Paper ruled to Pit.
tem, Oki Books, Periodicals, Musk, and Newspapers
Bound in ny style. dec2l,2m.
in the Poet Moe at Chtunberaburg, State of Penn
sylvania,-Dec. 0:), 1864,
M - To obtain an of there Le Applicant must
call for "advertised Letters," give the of this list, and
pay one cent for advertising
Alexander Henry radcock J N eekley Amore
Alexander Mine El Henry Andrea Moore Miab Lizzie
Barry Mtn Eliza Millar Conrad Philip
. .
Byer,' Capt A H
Carter Thornton
Coble Daniel
Davin John
Dean MlsnMaryC,
Emhart Miss Eh.
Emhart. 2.11 m Marg
Festley William
Geiser Hiram
Gilbert Frances
Gips Capt Joshua
Gruver Beni F
Harney Adam it
The undersigned having purchased the entire Stock and
Fixtures of the Rope and Twine Manufactory of J. P.
Grey, - ilee'd, respectfully- announces to her friends, and the
femur patrons of the establishment, that she will continue
to carry on the business, in all its variou.s branches, at
on Franklin street, Chumbersbarg, where she will he pleas
ed to receive the calls and orders of the public. All kinds,
sixes, and qualities of
alwnys kept on band or made to order of the best material,
and furnised at reasonable prices In connection with the
abut e business, she is also prepared to manufacture
as wall as Horse Blankets and Fly Na Is of superior qual
By and style. Persons in want of superior articles in the
above line are requested to call, or send their orders, which
will be attended to promptly.
C. B. PIiAISS, See'y.
Ray. Mer Ji;oob
Riddle James
Simpson Elizabeth
Hoover Dallas
Hollis Thomas
Holby Miss Harriet
Huskies Charles V
Irvin Mrs Elizabeth
Jones George
Jacobs Hamilton
Keened) , W
fiendlg Miss Kate!
:Kuntz George W
I M'Finely
Miller W D
Smiih Mrs istniaM
Smith Minn Lydia
Turner J R
Thomiten . Heason
Wills Miss Mary
Whitson MinHarivi
Will am MisnMary
Young Caleb
V. DEAL, P:11
- ,hem abbertisemento.
NNOTICE.-Subscribers to the capital
stock of the STERLING OIL COMPANY whose
subscriptions are stall unpaid, Must pay the same on or
before Saturday next, the 24th.inst, or the subscriptions
will be forfeited. The stock now readily commands an
advance of one dollar per share.
POCLAMATION.:—To the Coroner,
the Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the
different Townships in the County of Franklin, Greeting
Know all ye, that in pursuance of. the precept, to me on'
=lunder the hand and teal of the HON. ALEX KING,
ent of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the
Sixteenth District consisting of the counties of Son:tenser.
Bedford, Fulton and Franklin, and by virture of his office
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GenentlJail Deliv
ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and
in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
W. W. PAXTON. and JAMES 0. CARSON, Buis., Judges of
the same county of Franklin. Yon and each of you are
hereby required to be and appear in yourproper n persons
with your Records, ItheogntranceS, Unarm, and
othet•Remembrances berme the Judges aforesaid, at Chant.
homburg, at a Court of Oyer and, Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid
'curds 3d Monday in January, being the 16th day of the
month, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day then and
there to do those things, which to' your several offices ap
pertain. - •
Given under my hand at Chamberebnrg, the 20th De
cember, ISCr4 tder.2ll SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
J. STOCK.—The books for original subscri ons the
capital stock of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPS OIL
COMPANY are still open. Price S 5 per share. hos
certain revenues nom to Inture monthly droidends, and there
Is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books are closet Subscriptions
will be receivedby ILYClure & Stoner, George R. Messer•
smith, T. Jefferson Mill, Wm. 5. Everett, Wm. G. Reed
M'Llellan •& Kimmell, J. M'D. Sharpe r John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. 0. Gehr. del
A J.
, 154 H. M. W HITE
- Have opened their
10 the Steno Binhling, on Second Street, two doors
north of the Post Office, and aPPngte
the County Jail,
la good assortment of
and a gen!rol amortment of
Give as a call. { dec2l
STOCK—The books for original subscriptions to the
capital stock - of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY are still open . Price S 5 per share. It had
certain revenues now to i nsure monthly dividends, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock mast materially
advance as soon as the books are closed. Subscriptions
will be received by M'Clure & Stoner, George R. Messer.
smith, T. Jefferson Nill, Wrn„ S. Everett, Wm. G. Reed,
NPLellan S. Kimmell, J. M'D: Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. O. Gehr. de4l
1.4 October Term, 1864 :
Houghwont & Co. • vs. Wunderlich, Read & Co.
S & M Pennock & Co. vs. William Reber.
John M'Ccusly, - et al vs. Andrew WCurdy.
Same vs. Davi&Vanee.
John Peterman's Adm'r va. Lewis Etter. -
William Rodgers vs William Keyser.
Jacob 8 Brown va. M Worley et at.
William Rodgers va. William Keyser.
George Gaff 's vs. John 11 Trifle.
Mary C Miller ye. John H Hartle.
John Millhouse - vs. William Eyster.
Simon Wisner ye. John Waldamith.
Philip Karper vs. Benjamin Cook, et a '
Morrison vs. Etreager.
Weagfey . vz. Bonebrake.
T M,Cartisle, et al vs. B Phreaner's - Adm'r.
Robert Taylor ' vs.. David Teeter.
Jdr 8 F i ly vs. "Franklin Funk. •
E Kubn ; vs. W Crook's Ex'r.
G W Wolff - vs. Wm Christ.
81510111011 Heiler , vs. Win M'Grath, Sheriff.
John Teich - ' ' vs. Joseph ?rice.
Ells Jane Trindle, - et al, vs. Mary Ann Clark.
Henry Itolby • • vs. T L Fletcher, et al.
'Wm Si'Grath vs. John F Guyer.
WWl= Bush vs. John Shoup. -
JaeobS Lyon - vs. J Hisey & wife.
Morrow B Skinner, vs. Samuel Hither.
James Martin ' , - vs. Michael Long.
Morrow R Skinner, vs. Samuel Bitner, •
John Snider &wife . vs. Wm Christ.
Abraham Hess , vs. D S Reisher, etal.
William NATheirn , vs. D S Reisher.
David WitTenspoon vs. Rebecca Currey's Rx'r.
John Richardson 'vs. John Plum.
ke02.1 R. S. TAYLOR, Prot**
STOCK—The books for original subscriptions to the
COMPANY are still open. Price $5 per share. It has
certain revenues nom to istserestontidy dividends, and there
is every reason to believe that the stook must materiel?
'advance as soon as the , books are closed. Subscriptions
will be received by M'Clure & Stoner, Geoige R. Messer.
smith, T: Jefferson Mill, Wta. S. Everett, Wm. G. Reed,
M'Lellaa & Kimmel, J. M'E. Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. 0. Gehr., dedl
Warded by GEO. A. GRITZ.
Waited by OW. A. Dim
Wanted by GEO. A. DErrz.
Wanted by GEo. A. Dian.'
and all kinds of Produce bought by GEO. A. DEttZ, at
his Waxitouse above the Italltcod Depot.
for sale cheap, by the ton or half tom
• . by cord or half cord. -
sawed and spliifor stove use, by The cord or ball cord.
of Oak, 'Wand and Pine, always on hand.
and • all kinds of LUMBER, each as Oak and Pine Plank;
Oak, Walnut, Pine and Hemlock Boar& ; Flooring Boards,
Joists, Scantling, Shingles, Paling, Laths, &e.
always on hand, and roofirlmat on by the best Slaters, who
have drawn medals for thelr'superlor workmanship.
above the'Rallroad - Depot, and buy die ap. [deal
STOCK—The books for original subscriptions to the
capital stack of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY are still open. Price 85 per share. It has
WOCliited TlOlO CO 1113117 e mont/the dividends, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books ar&-closed. Subscriptions
will be received by M'Clare A; Stoner, Georgeß. Messer
smith. T. Jefferson NUt, Wm. S. Everett, Wm, G. Reed.
M'Lellan S. Kimmell, 3. ND. Sharpe, John Stewart-4,
N. Brewer, D. 0. Gehr. dee,l
(East Side)
Half*Hy betivffn
oae•half square North of Brown's Hotel.
— The undersignel:t calls attention to his stock of
which h& been
greatly increase&
everythlug usually mild In Drug Stores.
A rosy neat axortnient npenet
Hair Brum'Aen,
Tooth tmihes,
. Pomades,
to rest,variety.
44.e.51 lACOB Q. NIXON
itew If:Obertiononts.
srocm—The books fororiSintd subecri=te the
Tspital stock of the PEMISIM TANIA DEPE OIL
COMPANY are gni open. pr toe $5 per abate. It has
Cavan revenues now as insen %all &nava; aral then ,
is' every reason to believe that the' stock must material' ly
advance as Won as the books are cloned. Subscription+
will be received by ArChno & Sten tr, George R. Messer
smith T. 'Jefferson NUI, Win. Ev, vett, Wm. G. Reed,
M Callan & X.immell, J. WD. Sharpe,. John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. 0. Gehr.
EDWARD 8. WRIOIIT, Preaident.
James William Morrison,
Pree't Iron City Bank- J. K. Nonage,
Pitcatn. A. 8. Bell.
of the Colombia Oil Co., L. B. NAboy,
John 3logofat4 ' Jacob Glasser.
Caahler Iron City Bank, •
This Company has two Wells, the Diamond Nos. 1 and
2, already producing Oil, and with the new and improved
machinery about being applied, a yield of 30 bbla per day
is expected.
• Four other Wells nearly down the requisite depth, with
in four cods of several of the best Bowing Wells on Oil
Creek. Every Well in that locality down tliX) feet struck
Oil in paying quantities.
An interest in some other good Wells on On Creek and
Cherry Bun, from which a considerable income is realized.
In addition to this the Company own over 500 Acres
choice OH lard., oh Cherry Bun, Nits of which have been
leased to other companies, who are boring for Oil with fa.
vcrrable prospeciA, and from small parts of which large ad.
vanes op the prices paid for the lands are offered. These
Wells are within two miles of Oil City, in the best Oil re.
.gion in the country, in close proximity to the best paying
Wells, and from their well chosen locality, the character
of the mini at its head, it is confidently expected tobe one of
the best paying companies in existence.
Persons desirous of further information can call upon the
undersigned. agent for Franklin county. Subscriptions for
stock are being rapidly received. tall noon as the stook
will emit all be taken. [del..3* J. DOKE.
STOCK—The books for original subscriptions to the
capital stock of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL
COMPANY ate still open. Price SS per share. It-has
certain revenues now to insure monthly dmidendr, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books are closed. .Bnbscriptioas
will be received by M'Clure & Stoner, George R. Messer.
smith, T. Jefferson Nill, Win. 8. Everett, Wm. G. Reed,
APLlellan & Kimmel J. M'D. Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. 0. Gehr. dee..l
Li Jurors drawn for a Court of Oyer and Terminer,
Court of Quarter deadens of- the Peace, and a Court of
Common Pleas, to be held at thambemburq, on Monday,
the 16t4 day of JannaY, A. 1).. 1864:
Wm. D ftleKinstry, „-, Mercersburg ; Wm H Anderson,
Letterkeny ; John L Detwiler, Green ; Jacob R Ebersole,
do. ; John Frey, Guilford; Jacob Frlege, Peters; Elam
Fmutr, Washington; Michael Gordon, Antrim; Samuel
Grovel Green; Martin Gtilser, Waynesboro% Solomon
Harbangh, Quincy; John Huber, Claambersburg ; H H
Hnta, do.; Wesley Koons, Antrim; Jacob Lemaster, Jr,
Peters; JuhrtW Martin, Southampton; Wm C McNulty,
Chambersburg ; William McCormack, Metal; Solomon
Miller, Guilford; John Nitterhonse, Chambersburg ; B F
Read, do.; James Reilly, do.; John E Weist, Letterkenny;
Jacob Young, Montmery.
JacOb Adams, Waynesboro; Henry B Angle, kfontgom
ery; Isaac Beasore, St Thomas,LJohn Baltaley, Antrim:
Geo W Beasore, 'Letterkenny ; 'Henry Baltdey, Antrim;
Martin Bivens, Peters; Henry Hinkley, Antrim; Simon
Bitner, Southampton; John Brian, St Thomas; John W
Barr, Green ; Jno S Crawfoni, Guilford; Joseph Crete.
Waynesboro; Hugh B Craig, Montgomery ; Michael
Deal, Hamilton ; Joseph M Doyle, Fannet; Maxwell El
liots, Montgomery; John Friedly, Quincy ;Slung Frantz,
Washington; J J 'Hill, Metal; Joseph Bade, Antrim;
John Hostetler, Greencastle; Abraham Hafer, St Thom.
as Jacob Kauffman, Green ; Daniel Lehman, Jr.. Joseph
Lochbaum, Guilford; James Logan, Chamb's; Alex
Martin, do; Henry Wentrer, Green; John Moan, do;
John Middour, Quincy; Geo W McGinley, Waynesboro;
Simnel Ott• Chamb'S; Jonas C Palmer, Hamilton ; Jno
L Rhea,. Montgomery ; David Summers, Quincy; Geo
Summers, Sr., Washington; Geo I Stele, do; William Stover, Jr., Antrim ; Fred'k B &Lively, do ;J C Sacrist,
Quincy; Henry Shearer, Lurgan ; Daniel 'Nile, Metal ;
Samuel West, Hamilton; J P Wallace, Green; John
Zook, Hamilton; Fred'k Zullinger, Letterkenny ; John G
Yount, Green.
Josiah Allen, Chambersburg; J N Brewer, Herons
burg; David Burger, Peters; Jobn Bowman, Guilford
Jerovneßeaver, Waynesboro; John H Criswell, Green ;
Jacob Carbaugh, Washington; John Duey, Quincy; W
D Dixon., St. Thomas ; Phillip Evans; Chambersburg ;
Bernard Fohl, St. Thomas; Abraham Frantz; Washing
ton ; Peter Feltman, Chambersburg ; Wm E Flanagan,
'Waynesboro ; Hemp Greenawalt.,llamilton ;David Good,
Antrim; Joseph Gilmore, Letterkenny ; Jacob Garver;
Green; Henry Gilbert, Waynesboro; Jacob S Good,
Washington •, John Hunsecker, Letterkenny ; Jahn Gil
breath, Guilford ; John Hassler, St. Thomas; Jacob Har
gleroad. Green; A N Holland, do.; John Hassler, Peters;
Jacob Harshman, Quincy; David Jacobs, Washington;
Jonathan Jaeobie, Antrim; John /I Johnston, Waynesbo
ro; Lazarus Kennedy, Montgomery; Jonathan Keyser,
do, ; D M Long, Green; D M.Lestier ; Chambersburg ;
Jacob Lesher, Antrim; John Latehaw, do.; Wm McClure,
Green; Vincent McCoy, Chamberstmrg ; Jos MoGowan,
Metal: Samuel Phillipy, Antrim; Conrad Plasterer, South
ompton ; Joseph Hippie, Washington ; H T Snider, Gail.
ford ; Jain N Snider, Hamilton; HE Worts, Quincy; Ja
cob Wiland, Hamilton; Wm W Walker, Washington;
Sambel Young, do.
Office 130 South Filth Street, Philadelphia.
CANTrit $1,000,000. 200,000 &URFA at SS each.
RESERVED CArrria. 5250,000
k Nehme, John M. Pomeroy,
Thaw's A. Scott, Vista W. Davis,
D. it. Jackman, Pefer B. Small,
- .J. C. Bomberger,
This -Coinpany Lns 120 acres of land, in fee, on Alle
gheny liver, immediately opposite Oil City. and adjoining
Laytonia, with 110 rode front on the river, and 75 rode
front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the
Oil City Monitor, and agent for this land, assures the Corn
lady that it will till in lots for $lOO,OOO, reservirer the all
right which is worth $100,1:100 midai r /. Immediate rm.
cnue vriabe derived for the Company from the sale of thee!
iota; and the Company have two gocid engines with cont.
pieta fixtures to operate immediately fir oiL The Write.
ry in this immediate locality bee never failed to produce
Also, one hundred acres, In feo simple, in the celebrated
Cherry Run District, immediately adJoinitg Chetty Dun-,
PAroleum Compnny,:wtiose stock is now worth over $3O
per share. The Company now have affect, which will be
acespted, for sinking wells on lease, 'without any_ cost to
the corporation and one half the proceeds to go to the Com-
puny: The Curtin and St. Nicholas Companies are in this
immediate locality, and their stock is now commending a
isive premium. In Addition, Ihe - Company has 40-scres,
infess !ample, on Cherry- Tree Run, - which empties Into
Oil Creek, Ind in the best producing section of the Oil
Territory, and 110 scree, In fee simple, on Walnut Bend,
five miles shore the mouth of Oil Creek, and not over tiro
miles froi the celebrated Reed well, now producing over
200 barrels per Say
Alm, the lease of three tmets of land, two on Oil Creek,
;Mel producing or ten barrels per day, one oh. Ans
gheny River, piadueing ten barrels per day of heavy oil,
teorth now s2llpor barreL The Company wow receives .
threefaurthe of ' the proceeds of the last named well, and
Mrs..half of the other two. Each of these tracts will be de.
4eloPed by the Company by sinking additional wells,' nod
the engines and ilataree are now on baud to do It.
Th e o ffi cers of this Company mean to prosecute the de
irelopment of these lands most energetically, and they
have entire confidenoe that tht• will yield very large divl
;lends on the capital stock.
The Company has certain remain to ettartentes
monthly decidendr of coo per cent, on the Itlitint "capital
atank, and cannot fail to prove a most profitable invest•
ar Subscriptions must be made promptly, as more
than one•half of the stock is already engaged.
' -BabeerlptiorW will be received by
4 M'Claro I Stoner, MUM= &Kimmel',
• (fie. R. Messennalth, 3. m c p. sh ow ,
T. Jefferson brill, John Steele, -
. Win. S. Everett, Gee. W. Brewer, •
i Wm. a: Rrfd. D. 0. Oche (cle#2l.2t
Pocket Boolut,'&4.
,4 loth snbertiontento.
VOTIeE —All persona indebted to A. J
-LI White by.note or Book Account will confer a favor
by milling and nettling their afeonnts without delay. EEe
books are 01 that be has saved out of the great fire.
deel i A. , 2 WHITE , Stoae l3aUdlng; 2 doom north of the office.
sToCK—The bookafor or ..iirstsalsdhseriPtims to the
capital stook of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL on.
COMPANY am sun open. price $5 per share. It has
welsh; rearms, nor to in:armee:Us dividends, and there
is every reason to believe that the stock must materially
advance as soon as the books are closed. Subscriptions
trill be received by Welure & Stoner, George R. Messer
smith, T. Jefferson Ikill, Wm. S. Everett, Wm. G. Reed.
M'LeUan & Id'D. Sharpe, John Stewart, G.
W. Brewer, D. O. Gehr. decs3l
terested will please take notice, that the following
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's
Moe of FrarAlin County and that the tame will be pre
sented to the Orphan's Court for confirmation, on Wears.
day, the 18th day of January, 1865, in Chambersburg
. 1. First and final Account of Hiram Sowers, one of the
Administratorsof Geo. Sowers, late of Guilford township,
2. First and final Acct of Feed. Dice, Adm'r of John
Albert, labs of Hamilton twp., dee'd.
3. Acct. of I'. N. Hoffman, Ex'r of Dr. Chas. Hassell.
late of Southampton twp., deed.'
4. Acct of Patrick McGarvey and John Hawk, Ex'rs
of Catharine Miller, late of Si. Thomas twp.. deed.
s..Acct' of Amos S. Heinizelman, guardian of Martin
and Charlotte Heintzelman, minor children of Samuel W.
Heintzelmatt late of Guilford twit, dec'd.
6. Second and final Acct. of Jacob Relsbach S. E.
Stahl and Levi Spitle, Ex'rs of Ps. Stahl, late of Green
twp., deed.
7. Second and final Acct of Wm. S. A mberson and
Abraham Frantz,. Adm'rs of Daniel Royer, late of Wash.
in iVst air ' tlfinllAoct of Abraham Beret, Adm'r of
Elizabeth Hoover, late Of Antrim twp, de 4 , d.
9. First and final Acct. of Wm. Shetter, Adm'r of Wm.
Varner, deed.
10. Final Acct. of Alex. W. Kyner, Guardian of Mary
E. Reside, miner child of John E. Reside, late 'of South
ampton tonlish' fp, deed_
U. Final Acct. of Sam . ' Grossman, Ex'r of John Shelli •
to, late ofGuilforl twp., deed. - •
12. Acct, of Dmid Grossman. Guardian of Wm. tinge,
minor child of &Ma M. late of Gu il ford twp., deed.
I. Acct. of John Midhour, one of - the Rico of Jacob
Midhotit, late of Quincy twp., deed.
14. First andilnal Account of John E. Walker, Adm'r
of Jesse M. Jones, who was Ouruyilan of Jacob D and J.
K. P. Kegerrels, children of Jacob Kegerreis, late of Fan•
nett tsp., deed.
15. Ac count of Nathaniel 3fartin Guardian of Hannah
H. Martin, minor child of John Ma rtin, deed.
16. Final - Account of Abraham Barr. Guardian of Jacob
Shockey, minor child of Samuel &hockey, late of Wash
ington twp., deed.
17. First and final Account of John Zimmerman, KV;
of Elizalxrdt Study, late of Warren twp., dec'cL
18. Final Account of Atchison Ritchey, Ea'r of Jane
Milligan, deed.
19. First and final Account of Abraham Keefer (of 5.,)
Adm'r of Mrs. M. M. Keefer, late of Cumberland county,
20. Account of John Bowman, Guardian of Christians,
David and Amanda C. Nicholas, minor children of Peter
Nicholas, late of Indiana, dec'd.
2t First Account of John B. Laker _Guardian of Peter
Snyder, Jr., minor child of Peter Snyder, Sr., late of qua
ford dedd.
M. First and final Account of T. B. Kennedy, Guardian
of Wm. C; Beaver. .
23. Sec Cad and final Account of Rob't C. Homer, Guar.
: • of James H. McGangbey.
.24. Second and final Account of Rob't C. Homer, Guar
'an of D. Calvin McGaughey.
25. Second and final Account of Rob't C. Homer, Guar
' • of Alexander H. McGaughey.
W. First and final Account of Peter C. Hotter, Atim'r of
,Henry Bar, late of Lurgan twp., dec'd.
27. First and final Account of Jno. D. Van Lear, Adm'r Van Lear, late of Fayetteville, dec'd.
28. First and final Account of Alex. M. Johnston, Ad
ministrator of Samuel Johnston, late of Montgomery twp.,
W. First and final Account of Win. Ho!don: Jr., Adm'r
of Wmt Holdon, late of St Thomas twp., deed.
30. First and final Acct. of D. K. Wunderlich, Guar
dian of Hattie Rhodes.
3L First and final Acct. of D. R. Wunderlich, Guar
dian of v t r. EL Rhodes.
32. The First Acct. of John Royer and James S. Crum
kleton, Rem of Samuel L Crunkleton, late of Antrim
33. And. of Jos. Lochbatim and John Downey, Adm'rs
of John Lochbaum, late of Green twp., dec'd.
34. First Acct. C. 8. and Chas. W. Eyster, Ex'rs of Ja
cob Oyster, late in Chumbersbarg, deo'd.
-35. First and final Aoct. of Wm. Rupert, Adler of Mar.
dm Van Lear, late of Green twp., deed.
36. First and final Account of Israel fleas, Guardian o{
Anna, Marbara„ Catharine, Sarah, Mary and Frederick
Strite, minor children and hens of Dann Stile, late of
Guilford 'tivp., deo'd. ,
37. First and final Account of Abraham W. Hoover,
Guardian of Anna Wingert, minor child of John Wingert,
late of Letterkennytnp., dec'd.
de&l-4t HENRY STRICKLER, Register.
, Legal Dom
Beatty, /ate of Antrim township. Frahkiin county,
Penna.. decd Whereas, Catharine Beatty, decd, did
bequeath by her last will and testament, dated the 20th
day of Jane. A. D., 1855, all her estate (except a few small
legacies), to her fart cousins, both paternal and maternal,
who were at the date of her will in the United States.
Her =ether's nape was Susan Allen. How notice is here
by given: that thh final account of Walter Beatty, Admin
istrator Sc bonis non, with the will annexed, of said Cath
arine Beatty, deed, has been filed and confirmed by the
Orphans Court of Franklin county, and that the trader
signed, Auditor appointed by saidtrourt to distribute the
balance due on said account, according to the provisions
of said list will and testament, will meet and hear said
claimants, at his office, in the Borough of Chembensburg,
Pa., on Monday, the 26tA day of December, 1869, at 10 o'.
clock, A. M. All parties failing to establish their claims
on that day will be debarred from coming in on said fund.
novl6 M'D. SHARPE, Auditor.
OF COMMON SCHOOLS, Harrisburg, November
0, 1864:
7's the School bisectors of Franklin Co.—GENTS :
plication having been made by the Boards of Directors of
a majority of the school districts in said county, stating
their dekko to increase the salary of the County Superin
tendent thereof; you are respeettlally requested to meet in
Convention at the Court Home, in Chambersburg, on
Thursday, the 224 day of December, 1864, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., for the above stated, according to the terms
of the eighth section of the supplement to the school law,
approved May 8, 1855, C. R. COBURN,
ded7-3t, Sup't Common Schools.
tratom ofJohn W. Ramsey, late of Letterkenny town
ship, deceased, settled their account before the Register
of Franklin county, Pa., which account was duly confirm
ed by the Orphans' Court of said county at October Term,
18&i. The Estate being insolvent the Conzt appointed
the undersigned Auditor to marshal and apportion the as
sets among the creditors. Notice is hereby "vela that the
Auditor will meet the creditors for the o ect of the ap
pointment, at his office, in the h hambetsburg,
on the Zrnd day of Decralber, 1864, when and where they
will produce their claims properly authenticated.
nov3o - JOHN STEWART, Auditor.
TION.=-Saniusl Richardton's Estate..—To the heirs
and legal representatives of Said deed: You are hereby
notified that in pursuence of a writ of inquisition, issuing
out of the Orphan's Court of Franklin county, Pa., and to
ine directed. I will bold an Inquest on the Real Estate of
which bald decedent died seized, situate In the Borough
of Greencastle, Franklin counts', Pa.. on the itrk day of
January, A. D., 1865, at 1 o'cloct P. 8., when audwitere
you may attend if you think proper.
deel4-3t - SAMUEL BRAND, Sheriff.
TION.—Jacob Hoover's Estate—To the heirs and le
gal-representatives of said dead : You are hereby notifi
ed that, in pursuance of a writ of inquisition. issuing out
of the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, Ms., and to me
directed. I will bold an inquest on the - Real Estate, of
which said decedent died seized, situate in Franklin Conn.
ty. Pal, on the 31st day of Deeemlxir, A. D., 1864 at 10
o'clock, A. AL. when and where yon may attend if yon
think proper. ; - SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
.1 1 Persons not td purchase or receive for collection tie
following Notes One Pnimisory Note, dated Nev. al,
1864 •payable to Robt. M'Cnrdy or order, for the siarn of
sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents. and one Promisor) .
Note, dated N0v.86, 1864. payable to J. M. M'Phersan or
order, for the sum of sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents. I
have Dot received consideration for the .absive notes and
will apt pay them. frov3o-3tl JNO. SNIDER COWAN.
DISSOLUTION.—The Co-Partnership .
heretofore existing under the Style and title of Win
gerd d Foreman, in the Forwarding sod Controls:limo
bneinoss in Greencastle, was dissolvetlon the in.t. by
mutual consent.
The Books of the old firm are in timbands of A.ll. Win
geod, Who will condone thebuein,.s at the old staiid.
Greencastle, nov3o-61.
- The Only Bank Note Reporter in Philadelphia.
The only ono evataining QUOTATIONS of Bank Notes
Philadelphia, New York.
Baltimore, Cincionatti.
The only one which contains the
as fur, as organized, (official list(
The only one which contains the GENERAL DPili
Philadelphia, Chiccgm, Baltimore.
New York, i Loulsville. Washington,
Cleveland. '', Davenport,
~.,-.. C',winnati,
Wilmington, IL Albany, -- ----Wsburg,
Rochester, St. Paul. Si. Louis,
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TLC only ono which gives the earliest information of
Market., Stocks,
The FACILI'T'IES the " American Bank Note Re
are -
Weakly 83.56 Semi-Montlay, -••-•- 8:.50
Office, 104 South THIRD Street, (third Soor.)
ep7tm•ht Addetss, S. E. COHEN, Publisher.
ESTRAY HEIF ER.—Carne to the!
premisarof the Subscriber, at UpperStrusburg, Prank
iin County, on or about the that of November, a RED
ISIBLEYBEIFER, With a white Stripe on thefarn. The
owner la requested to prove property, pay - c barges and
tat, her sully, otherwise she will be sold as the law
•ie,1441, W. W. BIUTTON.