The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 21, 1864, Image 1

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THE FRANI:IAN Rl:Poell•Qlir,iil.-puhli.btl
every Wedne.L.y inorning by "tII4I{..gPOSIToIIY
ASSOCIATION," at g. 2 SO per annum; r. • •r
WI if not paid within the iertr. -411 - irish•47ipti ,, n ne
caurap MIST Ls tatted juntizally. NC p• - tp^r mC 1 "
oat of the State unle , ••• laid for is rar4P.,4 and
subscriptions will invariably be d: z conthoc , i at t•,••
ration of the time for which they are fetid. •
ADVEMAISMENTS are inserted at I••test.E:t CENTB
per line for Brat insertion:and TEN CENT - 8
per lino ft,r sub.
neatens insertions.- A liberal discorxd is mode to p•
advertisingby the quarter, half year Or year. Spei i:sl no
tices charged onehalf more than regular advert:scr:c•nt,
resolutions of Aswintions; communications of :nLitsd
: or individual interest, and asticas of Marti - up, ~nd Deaths
exceeding five lines, are carts per line.
Au Leial Notices of tray kind, and all Oriilrons'
Court and °Mr; .Fain., are reyvirril Lit l a t,
adrereatd kat lug the 1.. k IMES
CULATIOX of any payer jaibli,hcd in thrrnunty of Franklin.
JOB PRINTING °r every kind in Plain and paaey
OM, dove,with neatness 4nd
Cards. Pamphlets. 4.e., of et. ry ttuicty Ind style, prited
at the shortest notice. Thy lis:P0 , 1101t1 Oi
been re-fitted 0 ith Steam Poai . .a- Pre—,. and
every thing the. Printing , lira; ran Ite evc:riated in the
moat artistic manner and at the lutvco T...., TERM , : IN
ilitt John - ii. Shrkr(l. - i 5 our antherLtetl .I.onltto
receive Sule‘eriptiole: e"' Pt for
the same. .All letters should be
sM'CLUIIE Sv STONEI'... Pell:shers.
Vral.. - 05tatr
EsTATEL—Thn underiizLed Ex,: , :ator of the 1.,t
will and teitamont of Chairle. Q•lint v tut , n
Alp, deed, will sell at litlthe z•alt, u, To, ,11• ,, ,0r:r,L',:d
day of Demob,. the toll , .
Purpart Ist.—A tract nt , L1111:r I. \ ND, in
Quincy township. eennty et Fro ,nattn:n e
of Tomstown, unit Lott:am:az ACEI.ts. '1 h,••
ments are a ;torah cast one dtul a hairstakt - DIVELLING
HOUSE, Loa . 'tenant Ilidt...e. Part at'
the fences are post and rail .rat Ilan.. is a c . .sst i uonara
no same.
Purport No. T 4.11 T OF LAND, 1•"11'..11Li11:: 24
ACRES, situate futile norL of ~.1111 N,Lia , ze of Tinnstm,‘ n,
TIM land has lately Mom •II s llntm 0101 e of /
v and has thereon a :vomit l , reli..ra of 0110'0.0 fruit.
The imprcerements are 0 10;o 1; , tore DWELL G
HOUSE, Ram, S. o. Thore .rote.
Pump in the yard, hrouoht from n never vitmar of
• Also—'flmv ce cral Li its. t;R: Nit, e,
fortable DWELLING :USES fat ti on, kit:tate net] to
mat adjoining tract last di, rib- i• to be said separately.
Also—A tract or TIMLEIt 1..1N 1.1 contain:at; tiii,en
4CRES nod 135 It e.! II ES, the ,113,,K11 of
TOMstOWn. t.O t 1-pH v,o, 1,4 , Reek
Oaleeind Chet.hint Timber and it on , y of a seat Will be
subdivided in tiro tract, it de,re.l.
Abet—A tract of MOUNTAIN I.IND, alicet 1 mile
from Ter:list:aro, anti lalloinioz l'aremt Ne. 1, containing
59 ACRES. One-14:i/ el treet land. eat lased
with 1 41 - and east fece , . tic 1,041111', t.,' al with
thriving yiruner Obi solut. ' ,sc.., ailed
if desired.
Also--A .111.01 rise:
Acres, cot ered n,tlm la
r,.% NI)
Sale to com m I.; T,„
jlll4 described, n hen :wend,
made known by [devil;
givl a aPii TPpni
FLEM,I.Z. Ex'r.
mitusTEE'SSALE.--Tilere will he
fiessl to sale. byway of Pnhisr (beery o. the prem.
lees, in Quinev totenthm Vraresint eounty. Y.G, no Sdtj),
day, the 24 ,1, ;Loy of Lee,ml , ...r. torsi. tio•
lend Real E•date, tth.
No. 2. A TRACT AP f.,,dNI). eoentn.itdr 3d i'S
and 58 PERCHES. neat meossre. tntionanB• N o 1 and 1
And lands of Itndolph Speeinrs, Samuel ‘VmBer: told
Szurmil l'foutr, on which 1 , erected t. rood - no sin,
RRICK. DWEItINO 110t - Sll.. 13.1 re ,ad rat r leant:
initAbont 43 A, ro. rh,-, and n ell , ,atis.tted and tan
der good fence. Grant Watrr and t.o.ery eons en:enee
about the premises.
No. 3. A. TRACT '6IF LAND cut:m:llldg 21 .1t.:11118
and 67 PERCHR.S. neat measare, adjoittinr Nos. l'aod ii
and lands of doltatr, Rent ,tohn some, Gamut z o dy
and Samuel Pfon tho. traet there is ere, trot a hu-re
STONE 4:1:18 , 1 Ll..our 1..:-:e Ad:le:ow t reci
4 miles from Wu:. n• r ad. 1 nu:es fm t o and
is one of the most tam runru'r u ur u u looruti. ,In the.rour.ty. thorn
&also a DIST ILLY.]: V. Y flitl(•K NVI'LLING
ROUSES and other lnu:dintr 4 s.on tie prmunes. 31) in good
TEFLYS--One•thol vi the roello , e no,ovs to romain a
lien on the land clorloz•tho ittotune of the
receive the intervar therevn somi-onnnaily. to be competed
from IfitApril. 16!e"5, when poe.eeemon will tee even; at
her death the principal sum no he laid to the hem on NI.
Pfontz,ileekl. The balance—or,v4llird Ist April. 1565.
and the remainder let April, 1%6. with intareet fear tot
18611. All the unpold purchase money to be govorNt
on the land. -
Trr , SAle to commence at 11 ro'cl,k. A. M.
Adnir and Trnutter tor the me, of the Real of M.
Pfoutt deed. dov3o-1t
PR I VATE SALE—The undersigned
intending tr rorr.ove to the e.t. oder- at Private
Sale, the fallowing deseribed. Rent Ectate, to oft:
A FARM, mtuared in ,Lerterkenny toreador, Franklin
county; Pa., about 4' naie.: nortlon eat of Cimusbenburg,
and about} of aqui!, fnr:tiiie hotol - ot no,. Rooky Sprma",
adjoining lands of S. lfuher ano By, eont.rtn,og
110 ACRES, part . Limestone, part Froe..tone *lnd part
_Black slate. The improvi menus are a t';r.r+tory 1111TUK
1101AE--nearly new t Leg tot,l Frani, Baru v. lib V :Igo:.
Shed attached, and ether ot,t-Itaildlng , There tr. n N ell
of good, never-faihng With near the Lt welling; an ex
cellent Orchard (in frill bearin; or Grate./ Fruit and
Lime Kiln au the premise, Thore is water/Frc
Cpurposef, irrritavabc err
13,11 The abOVe
llntrate Owlett-liTtinr, ltdoly been n ell limed. 'I bit tract
, contaltis si*e.Tirobei Laud but the purrlaver ran bat e
the privilege of haying Y 3 arreA of :dour:lain Land, well
set with Chestnut and Cle - ecuut Oak.
Also--Two ACRES n^,ii adjoining thn
above, un'the'Pnblin bland v-ith TE\AST
HOUSE, Stable, Ece. Tb .moil trot la uoll planted
with IRtiIT,TREES, rii.d is admintla:. ,:ditpted
dening purpose s - Thu,: i, „tano.l i! of Water ac tie•
house, and a Spring, near the r ; tabai.
TI:ACT :1101'NTAIN LASH bi , nain in
Letterkenny township ndio,nintr rand. et
containing, 11 :USE. e1.1,12-I , tetb Wk . la t
and Chestnut Oak.
Perronswiilling to vie A - e rr,l`, c.tin ~ = , 'y ,
lag , 11:1triP.. at iliefiNt de- r 0 5 ..1 t a r o .
n0v16.11 'NM. CiSELL.
Madan .7 . '7117101 o 'lrel at tlie..C.,ar liome- in
Hagerstown. Md., I nail oiler at Pub!...r.l wilinni my val
uable homestead. CI liPriii--Itoate along the (
and Ohio - Canal. about two mdee. Rye r id• Kith. srp+rtr
Md. It containsthki ACRES, n.ote or 112 Arrei of
which consist of the rine.: am! too.; liebly improved
river hot:tont. '1"0 Acre. , beim: m closer. Aboat 10 Acres
of line uplands is undot at , an ant ,I11:1111th r IS
well wooded with Oakand toe. The fold- ore of conve
nient tine, varying from ii:e Et , e.'ll ith fen
cing in good condition. A uong elor ad: imta• posse. es, an of eteitlient
and a large 011:CIIA111) 01.5 la Ana, Frail, 'vial.: the P. at
0. Canal and county road to afford, , x: ra.
ordinary market faeilties. iinpravememe are mainig
the beet in the enmity, ..em..l-ting of a fop 1' It .1 31 11
DWELLING lIOUSE, hniit on Pie approve./ plan,
and for cornifog - and Con, wi,apa,4l. a TEN
ANT HOUSIo, 1:01111.0411011, 13A RN, STAItfU, COBS
HOUSE, fWASH•III)ITSIi, nail 0 1 1 other mere_ cry out:
buildingsln complete ordtr. los property otters a rare
OppOrtallit " 4)r a pflohltaw it, pro. Cl' as has I
always rea/ized a hate 1..010e 1 ercen'lza.
to purchase are in: 'tea , oe sac ; the it mi -es before the
day of salel
TEILID3 SALE.—(Inc. halt ,11.11—'ilt: igJanrx in one
and two yeam with iau r o ot. 0 \ - ;s<->N.
Plj' SA r ht•l di ' V, be xdd at
Publre. Sale. on ih•• ft. if Ja an ,
ry thellth o't , hi 11.-
belonging io the Eslid- hld , -}r c fi r , Kett t
A t wo story ST/EM.: AND \\ KNTltEratttAtti,ED
MILL, with 15 <1.1.41E -, 1, I, Nd , i•eneauto idtamitsL
situated in Greene tow,h , p, 1 onkl to (0., Pa . rm the
Public Road leading Irian the Tnni.tnise le the
Scotland Rail Road Deno , al-m= I tr.:o from the
and 2 miles from the latter p ant 'I ne 31 , 1, ,s I,ate,l on
the Conoeuelleague Crook, Ini-. an ••:seell, at Wale: Potter,
is in good repair. and. i,ri ~not lee p.,o•ait„
slag grain. There , r a rood SAW' MILL, a too
slur}- DOUBLE BRICK lINVEI.4INii Bid St-hod
tw o story Weatiierdionnl ,, ,l het,. tra pee,
and another CIeCCASTIrV la.ietet 0 . 111 , at t rff.t 7 Pr"le
arty". .
Also.—ut_the same time mot I 1.4.0 I,eirered a
Tract of 4.IOTINTAIN LAND. in 4: roe. vm re.hir ' boon ,
dad by Wads of Hoe. 1.,t0. Chninnem ;tad others. ountaim
ing 17 sictLE.s more or h.„,
Terms made linon -di.; •A n Por,m, c il
ing to view the Ptop, rty otS r,di on the 1ndv,1220,1,
ding on thess a te, , w h , A•t0rt0...7• R. Orr Chl.m.
homburg, Pa. 10 ttlmin LL ' I t , lr htnu
suldressetL f nov3ol 31.11:,..11:li CAM P. .
• -
RESIDENCE.—Tbe of Jas.
H. Riley, by virture of a ,le, tt 01 A.p.21,0.2 exp,,,e
at Public Sale, on the -. n l 12! proe,,,hrr
24th. 1564, tIM fi,ilo inic do.ol-11, 01 Ilecl -11,ta , r , in
the Borough of on torOiNeith•ract
.East Baltimore and Sfrolvt fr..nt
1 0n Baltimore Sere , t 210 0 14,141:
, I
'having thereon .11,2, .l:4 1 WEL.
;LING HORSE, will, Ainre 17,1 li•o•k Bacot.
lag, Wash IDoi-e and Howie, d
I,oartlell Stable tlo,lc.ctrlafo Rom, lint! 11, 1 4 1 , 21. all in
repair. This Lot eiliaaalq !arse num bar of ,•xnel
-"Seat Fruit Tree. in connec , inn cud Imo bearing
IGrape Vines, Thero i 4 du , • c .11
of Water anim door. =
riri Sale- to codboraer I OP.M . Weer) the
tenon win In , made known -- 4
ASMALL i'A R. IM" At P v'X'f• E
SALE.—The r 661 a s tillOaJe p
erty, situated 4 mile ,stith of Fayette, die Franklin NAITO
ty, Pa., adjoining lanes of Joe era , ford, 3 . 1. lb. Winesrt
and others. containing 10 A,Cl{l;5 morn or too Thn
tirovements are a I wo,tor. , A B}tICK LAVI:LLING with
BrickSitcherl, and Log and 'W. tle•rboarde.ll:nrn Woon
Aped and Corn ( rib , Brink If ou-s and all other
neeessariant•bnilrlinv. A Wrll ~f nos, I . .al:nlz NVater
near the door, and Cistern with Cuoly , t her , in. 'there is
an Orchard of etwiee Fruit ant 0 •,,,riety of ether Frayt,
such as Plums, Cherri , e The ;and c i laihty
apd ha a good F f t ,f, of ,•1 benet: Lea, its !hood
within ilielast few ye.irs. 'r i.ort
afd RairP.nce. There j- alsu , tiealn of I:ateasz We'
ter an the prOlit,P.i. Thee fane no it iO'llitily
nr d pleas..nt peon 'n of flin ewnitn et , nt b o ok
ChurchPs, ,ke
Person d,iroAs In, V.1.01e the•t - ,: e^ on ti
uralendow - e. novii.:iuss] 1L110.31 T SNS Loa t.
SALES—Th#. t..l[olfla ;‘111"...f.
SMALL FitliM iii lire. n towu4lllo,l-glar 4,ttd
joining the Ilentrow M.ll
,ir,,j,rt•,:--TUtitalDin,„; 7, - . A,
having thereon erect , .1 a la' Tfkir; 11 Or ST.. rno/,
Barn and other inioroN ,111,11,_ There it else a : . 112111,, ,
Orchard of choice Oraft,',l Fruit ~,, this property. wish a
Well of Water oonrenient. About 50 Acres are cleared,
and the residue in thriving 3 clung Timber. Any person
desiring any information wtll pirate call surge subscriber!'
ebamtwnlmre. ',nor 1641 471). swERT.
l it
.. ;
,-,• -
1: .•-...-- - . r.,
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.. ..
. 0 ,,, ~I.
_,,, i ,
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77 , ;
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1 , it • . , ,
P .5....:
1..........._____, ,
OP ''' . . lin '
g . d
,1 ,
_ ____
Ostate =atm.
SALE —The andervigned n dl eller at Pelt ate Sale,
his FARM. 4ittlatell ut Lurgan town,ltip, Franklin county,
Pa., adjoining lands of.john - E:lind John M'Cla!,-, Daniel
r. and .ghers_ near the Conte
deguiper , creek. Laid about .5 mile, from Shippensborg.
Containing dkS ACRES td good SLATE LAND. well.
limed. 70 acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, Si.
acre; in MEA-DOW and the balance in a high state of
cultivation. all h 1 excellent order and well fenced. The_
improvements ate to two storied loh. WEATHERBOARD-.
/10Ci;E, new Bank Barn 72feet ling. wagon shed
' , tnd ull other nerewary and convenient ont4,oPdhigs.
flare is a Well of never failing Wtiter at the door and
two ORCHARDS of choice Pruit on the-premise,. There
is ateni ty good TENANT 1it....,:5E on the firm with a
Wellof Water convenient and all nerc ,, ary out.baildings,
Persons wishing to view the Fann can do so by calling on
the lubt.oriber, living in Hamilton township. or on John
311.1... y. adjoining the farm. OtraS3 JoILN ZOOK.
11_ ESTATE—By Virtue of an order of the Oiphans'
I..zyurt of Fmnklin county Pa.. I will expos. to Public
Sale, on the premises, on Wcdit,sday, t e 2010 day of
rernbcr, 1604, nt I 1 o'clock. A. 31. the following described
Real Estate of William Have deed, viz N—A TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Fanned towndlip. in said county.
adjoining lands of Johnston Whiney, John L Hacs, Wil
liam Flickinger and othert, containingabout 140 ACRES,
and other out-buildings, with standing 'Water at both
DNMEflis, and Running Water through the tract. The
land is a good quality of Slat,. with about 2.0 Acres of
Prime Timber. WILLIAM. 11. LITTLE, Achn'r
borough of 31Cmneliburg. Fulton county. Pa.—
Limo... Double TWO STORY HOUSE. Eleven Roam.,
Kin hen, Wash Hoare. Se TWO I.OTS OF GROUND,
choler Fruit anti Shrublnlry..—. Stabling tor thirty-live
horse,. Locution and buildings suitable for a Hotel. hav
ing been used as a Tat ern for a number of y ear.
t 4 wamrbt the door. All in tria l order. The
subscriber will rell lit a hammin and Rive ise•seesiou at
any time. For informant°n cmt on or ndare,
tnayll -tf] .711'Connellsburg. Fulton, County, Pa.
Ge., A. Smith, E-q.. my Artorti,,, mill give. all
necessary Information ;II me ahvenee. - IL A.
CFEAAI SAW MILL.—The undersign=
of have erected and in operation a Steam Saw ]fill
hit the South Monntain.tnear u rutlendorg Springs, andlare
Roared to ;ate- to order Bill, of WHITE OAK, PUKE,
EiEMLOCK or our kind of timber de , ired. at the short
est notiee and at low ran,. One ,if tia tint will be at the
Hotel of Sam - I Oreenaa.dt. in d'hainb,, , hurg, on Satur
day the 24th mst. and on each alternate Saturday tber6f
ter for the pufpo , e of e , ,te,, , ,:0g for the delivery of lum
ber. Lu3niEß - DluvEr.ED to one pent-at the Leff-
Eel' roar,. Aldiettea—,lionitt de addr,sed to them at
Graffendarg P. O. Adan • Cu., i'a.
decl4dl 3111,T EN BERGEB BRADY,.
EZiat4cs anD Sirbnlrr. ,
Havinz just °you'd a tod ctssormuent 01 goods
in my line, dirm tly
Opposite thi Post Offer, on Seeond Street.
where my old and I bore ninny cr w customers will find
me &mug businem boars. Nly,,id clock hOing been re
duced very suddenly I. the Jon: of July- lust, 1 was rum
pelted 1,141 y an
r.ntirc NFIC Stock of Goods,
übien arc the late,t erica un.l pasterns. consisuuc oY
Gu].l rind zilc er (Impart.{ and .I:l,^rirau)
; era's and Ladies' Watches,
Jewelry of fine and inedinni qualities,
Hirer Thimbles,
napkin Rings,
Frau and,Boticr Knivr s
Gold Pm 3 of flue quality,
Poe ket Cutlery,
Razors. Strops and Brushes.
Silver Plated Spoons, Prink and Batter Knives,
Jew Goods.
s•ket Brinks. - 4(
Ladies' Pastes,
Nail and '1
Redding and Pocket Combs,
Lead Pencils.
• Morocco Satchels,
Large and Small Willow Baskets.
, • Tandwaine,
The ..,..ortment of CI.mCES Liege and of every ti•
have on hand the HENRY REPEATING RIFLE,
which can b.' fired Aftsea arta in that. many seconds.
Everybody shonld hate one fur self defence.
'The puidie ore invited to sail and eFamme them,
PISTOLS' on hand and enters filled for any kind that
may be wanted. Cartridges at all sizes kept on hand.
Ewan bong expenenee 1 e.m oda?! Spectacles to the sight
of the old as well or tmddie and. SPECTACLES AND
EYE GLASSES in Gold, :laver and ;tee!
ways outland.
Having the agency far the sale of the celebrated
CLAN AND ITRE•l'llOttl' SAFE, inattuDetured by
Farrell. Herring Sc Co.. I oil! fill order, at the manufac
tures price.. All information 11. regard to them given.
The piddle are int lied to call and examine the stock.
Watches, ('lucks anti Jewelry repaired at low rates to
suit the nines.
uvationofor,•r•: ,ankr of Ihi, paJK•r, which includes
many thnuatimi of Lig old poimno and m_quaintitneeg. to
his utim,ually large one le!nutial A alley 01 .13IEltICAN
& Import. tv.vrcirEs. CLocs..4.,
ELI HOLDEN, 71^3 Mark , t Street, Philadelphia.
f 1111.11S1'31AS & BRIDAL PRESENTS!
Has a la^+m - va•k ~ 1 _
" w.A.-teu
Sup Prior p1a54.41 TEA SETS , PoONs. FORKS, &c.
- Or C , 131111:01,LLII Or 1 'l' IVni/,instnn
:Yen-nup, 10, Ixo4.
WBEI:CA,, By p.atisfaetany iv itlenee presented to the
undersigned. it 4 .' made to appear that "TtlE. NA
TIONAL BaNg os Clta.stnEla-Cl:lii.." in the Borough of
Chatriberstnag. in the Count i'ranlain. and State of
Pennsylvania. has been duly under and accord
ing to the requirements 44 ti e r Ant of Congress entitled
"An Art 10 provide a Sat;''-ad. Currency, secured by a
pledge of United Stan, 11,12.14 and to provide for the dr
culatiOn and redemption !herr of. • approved June 3, 1864 ,
and has nuuplit•l with ad tla. pmvu.,oe 4,1 said Art re
quired to be complied with beaoe commencing the by:si
ne,n of wad/ r 4a22.1 Set :
.Notr, girt rp:r, I area MI'LL , 7III. C01111 , 217011.r of the
Curreney, du h. wity c,r'nfy thw UP: NA rioN AL BAAK.
of CIASIBE;I7+LI n,. n •he norouzh...l Chau:lit-I - 01111 - K in
tin. county of .•4 of Pvt.., /1:12113 7. Ith•
tluitizect 1,11,1c7L , • , 0., xtud,r the
41 et afot4
Inn u heref, :dn.,: my h an d an d Fc . tl of off, p
ilk al:1 - th tit N4,N
14.. U. I 11l 1.11 M cri.Locit,
l'omptri , ll,r 4,1 1!..• fli 1.
ict AN K . or c P,C; ,
Liu 15, I • I...—S,rtiee iA hereby g.ll et.. a gr t , pableitu See.
bits 2d of thr : Art of the General A ...lull')of the Common
ebltl7 of l'euto.yls main, entaltid. At, Act ynabhug
Haute of !bk. C , MIII.1011, , :./1111 in hecot. lath',,. for
th" I.4trpo-.4, rf littokintr, under the !Otto of the I'zllt4 d
Stateh." approved the day of A ozb..t. A. D. 1=4 . 41;
that the SINK kill of the 15.% SK til I'll A.31131:11S•
BUM, e Mos nay voted * 0 1e. , 111/10 4141
, 11114 that IL, tthonty of
13, or, mo flout, ill.• Capital I:.
to make the Certifieaie, rt.vb,r4 41 th, 4;.•• 14 t the lbw.. ,4I
ti.e Cvtitud
b.,.4 4 4 R. .111 - , , ,1:11 , 0I1 I 11. 424,hicr.
r A=x.i'As•Eßs O 1 11ANIIL'FON
TowNsifli'.—Notice in lz,•ritsy , o all such
tax p.q, l'N of Lonihon To ,visnllip Fraohns, o,unty. Penn
4.% h ant ,11 , , La% 0r,..1, paid thrir ISonnt, T,tx fC5r 19.64,
ittat,o, ; :,it.••,,t at (;,,Tdon , t
llr 1711, "AM. d ny ,
brr. 1544. for tio porpr,.., of reveirlaz and reepipting fur
thu ,1111', and nu,h taxes not paid on or t. 4.;, the 2nd day
, d • January. bo plat 111 e bands of a proper
,ith fits per ress+ added
t;rder thc Coastrl)l.
der] JONAS PA I,IIER Treasurer.
than m o th.. bo!: aceonnts to
•all and innnrrliatr rrc.ih• of
appall nt I roory vur • ” 11 tlinto in.
wit; roport sit n au(t'a-tf
A DVE.R.-I have 10 , 4 illy ACcoun
_Li_ Loot, by the destrtr.ior. of Cbionbor+burg ou 111
;10th nlt WA ri;o0 treat to the honor lilt lomontv of in
"Idlen.toolorn to pay rip. 7 11111 r m 1 nr. toy old
in (ihnoWeol , , , m; nud isill ba glod h. hh „.born on hofor•
Nfi ic • F., To
1 wit4iing rlrs..^ his books, truultl ri-port
-I'llll3 -01, it al i•rbls, hil,wltic themselves ustebtf,l lu
roll nod Tryiko t.ett'onnent withota furthst
J. 11. COOK
E PHOToill;APllie
Al(7, rif* IL S. SOULE hat iuc piqnnolently Ininsted
in (•liurg, l'h,avgrapht•r, axtire.,
l'lllottettgtt lip y cruittrt:
anythuw err pri , duct,l in Mil , rontiMll9 alb LUDI
1,111.11 to thl• voak •ty •••tatilishin• to., ;mil tip
o.ils It, plot tr."): iv. proof of .
bail( tilt. spit 011, Illtd piP,tq6lll tvom<un 2d iarca
marl!! vpo •:vr ihr e‘k.billation ~1
largo itnd riniel - ,,%orkihit Sum' sCu Sgl.l.l(airs, Guru
Int( tl fur iniAtiig pitaiinn tit Itii [lts lip.
..;N. is lit tlnw IMP t•I't110 lost rtlolll. In
111. ".king order nnit
h., j• pi• tun•' v. la, h for A/.1.11..41. of title 3111 d
and ',entity of modeling and delii , ont, , n, h e b e li eves t h e
$l,lll find un.surrsnsnd.
TOB' PRINTING in every style done at
• the •files nf lew VIA A lantli:
*titita i JDttcE~a.
burp, Der,aber t;th, 1.4;1:
1 - hfwe been litreeted to make public Ito , foltoa ice ad
vertisement- The Borrd of Entottnent ail be is s tss,ott
daily at 121tarnb-,lt.ttat tar tito't - u-p.. of strOther .ir ffin
names indicated helot,, so ie , s alt , on: under orders or en
g.kcsl in the more urgent duty - of exam:tants drafted men.
Ii Is desired that rnrotlca men, 'tit the sort+ of
having their names stricken oil', present thettischrs in-the
- afternoon. beta eon ttne acti four o1•hok. The Bated will
cheerfully Inform applicant. tu- letter of the quantity anti
character of proof required in speeiHwl tams,
ear , . and Pro. 3lar. kith ,Dhtt. l'a.
. ,
In order to secure the p—istanoe and co.operahon of the
people in the endeavor to keep the enrolment eontia•
nally correct, the Enrolment Board 4 hose been d opted h,
has e eerie.; of said lists Rept, ~prn to the e.atohhthoo or
the pubic at all proper-lime. and shall ewe pablie aro,ce
tlsat any person may appear behne the Board and Its e
any name -trichen off the 1101 it he tan ,„ ft,„
faction of the Board, that the person named is not properly
enrolled. on neommt of .
Ise Ali,nacf%
3d. Over age.
4th. Permanent physical s:,.dr
to reader the person not LlllrOrar Lailitita: tar enr,iment no•
tier the MIT and
sth. Having corned in the military or navel son lee tr, 1.
years during the present ear, and ',en di--
Especially cavil officer, clergymen. and all
citizen., Me MI tied toLIILIu•SX Llt AU Maas hafirl , Inc iLaLlrti
to point nut errors in the Inds and to ziv. ,, aell mr.,ruothon
in their p0 , ,e,,i0n as in ay -nnl :a the n. a I rein rn% 61011
They should understand Ilea it in plalill,ti far i'w irtercia
of e , oh aubitlctrict to have tii ..1,1 1:1.1/U1 the hots Lei saint' .
imp pony. enrolled, loicilia
ai an OM , tli
, 4 nac,iic re,,,
the iotat ratted for from blush .sitb-dcaron,: and that It Ic
equldly to: the intere:t of . einill per,..0111•11.,...ed a:.. is IA
eubidistriet to place upon the lisle all person , in limit
district liable to do ni Oitary dun. bi , ..reai rho vireo:, the
niuld>er to lie drawn foga ilo lc-,;in c
th.. ~, ~,,,,,
ficulur individual will be drown. It i. ill,• rit eci, i inte
rest Of every enrolled luta,. that the quota. 111 •a In. I. Lt' ~
concerned And' not to' made tat laiick . and th,' Ii 's 4,11
chances ftr draft shall not Le unjustly net oral, hot it these
objeets will be attained 11 ail porta-. will ah.l. o,s, out
the cyrong: rulnl, and putt rrg- in the tight ones. Ilispe'e'al
ly is "this the interest ot tines.. drafted non w he hp patro;
In substitutes theurseit s !Lail,. to draft. es
emption, which. by th.• terns of the I it holds go•st o n ly
until the present enrolinent is eshotes•,sl is then tiis•
tricts. Men who are 1 , 1, years of ,Ige, eone•-
picot, excused by haw' Unto the perform:m.4 , et
the &Id, owe it to the cause and the eountry
out and netiVe part hi tie correction of the
military service of the tint huportatke, is ,e
-quires that the quotas ,shall be assigned is, 1 , , T o.; on •o
the enrohnent, and the Mime,' and jtutne s sof . 1 •.• IL
of determining the amount of mihtary •• .nit u - to "
.each and every section - of•the countr,y , canms h so+.l•••.'s
'if tire enrolment it made as nearly perfect - a, It .s'ts
to make it. 'rho amount of revise due Vs ti tn . . ,
every rosin Or C,lllltV, to OIVI , laid 'fairly met p' el le
the citizens. citizens. I,d it t .,s expected that a r men-, I' . .11, , Ln
selfish inn.r...t. still pnumpt all to do rip, 5, ..•
ir: the eareilliellt, and securing. a 11-t oil •...'t
tint 14 the Loos for utising tnssits. m, a 1.• of sll.ei • tons
necessary to uppl„t them. Ile orri• r"I
M A J . .11:11
W1LL1.11! SI( Fi
Capt. and A. .1. A ti.
Han - Wittrz IPr, 3 1-61. -
I. Tile f .•
Gee. Conch, has been. he the War Departtnant.
from the Colllllla.l of tie, I),p:tn.:meta ot the
and ordered to geniier to th, field titbiot it I - I , to can-:4
the regret which he thit at the terduni..,,,, ,f the ~.h
which have exii.ta,l. .Inriag Immure 0. VI • .111, .C.•
between that rdlieer raid the Santa' ^n'
that the tiraniptitud, ,writ,,tnets. vigor 41..1.11.t t.ll '•;
which Gen. Ctee n, at Till time, -finial, e 'n•.•
[hi, have entitll,l to Ott. 1.1 . L.71
ark! ragnrd. The , Pr 11:1,,y1V.11...l
tohno, hi :Len' and a cratifi. I" • • • •5 •., •'1 •
)101{ • di••1111i • on. n hot in amnia scrvi, 0. Lt- ,rm.
and rah:al:Ty twnnot tat to add to a., of . , a
union' a , a p. trig. anri
IL , The Cu maunder in Chef ar- , lna it a proper , N.Dj,
of follgrattiLlrion that file etlu - nyuti of the flororlo..; .1•••
voivei upon Mai. lien. Cbtlwaldor. a eit:r.en an, II
State. tend an officer of lbch iuteisrity and rail.r.try
actor, and by wlaan the pe,ple can rel 2- lie c.,
vice will be and vts. , .:prouPly carried On.
By order of A.
governor and Co , a.lantb”'-Vebb , f.
A. L. Adj. (ten. ['tril, 7--n.
Boots ant f-AMOVS.
of Bow,. Sho. 4 &r , .• a o: 4,1 i-pnith.
anti finding it :neon-croon: to resteni• for
iner inmate on Alain ' ,tree% •jz0..1 trom the
STICK, to vhiot he respettfally trim ur
mid iiius i toin'cri, and mar, font 0r..., in in 1 ,, pit
to girrhitrax rcAl. nt HIS NEW STORE ;41.:COND
po the Post (Mier. 111 , ....0e1i rad,.
of Youths'. Ladies' and Men', Hi TATS y sirs',ll-.
for styfo and drunt, I,ty be our , .
passed in the eotint.-, and will 11, , or
Snit 111 C en. Having pureltaArd THE LATE:sr D'l' I;
OF LASTS, hr no r, i t
short i`itire. In'the tie , i Workno.ii )Viiit
ril`Po..tion In be
r 1 a liberal do of
tn0111,4p411/ 4. us /4 , rn 1. 4a r,.mu:, '•'t.''n ' m. to
iii a rind iet
TIAMS CASH. .Nlll PHICES UN11 , 1,141,1. \\ITU
He Lai Rico on hnn.i, and forheoap \'a•HcPs, Carper. Sack:, Lmusl nod l'ap,
ink•Qtan.H. Swel
N. 13:—All per,ll,n4 Lnon then ,, lvf , a w,i;
plea. cell ;AA MO, •,;..:
CDIOo , / 101114'0 me 5 1 . :11.P till• i 1%,..
The undenigned take- ti n - xnetle,, el roe ern e,Et t',,,cr,;
to hit 11,1111e,q,
tiii• wiry liberal intronng.i sl Is , Is ssi
art! 11vIte5 in . Lr. trl Sr l
ly es Pry Mau in Ti.n n. 1 .i.• :"
to be roulptabored. 11.• ha , tot
public that holm, opened hm swre tt, !1 .1
If. Afr Amara" •',
North of :h.. Aff•thodaitliqrl; al , re he , o prt par. , l
offer a trenf.ra ) ‘,.-4,11111,1" of ' slr.l . ‘n~l 1.11 , .
dIfTII . S 110010 41141 :7•110.t. "oalbr,a.g 01,1 e. ad t, a atat..
itta , tare, b.. 11. f
haporior to and of hi; eiraloor .4... k. :Irv) r - od at
pric., to t•nit ..I].Hu i. tn NV 1:.
PlAiht..h.lphi.:. aide). for rad. v •• •
.sitrit..4. - ISonth of the Stt,..4ll.;Linva.
rommt wom.: /.'1
employ, Done Ikst'
he feels ttattittod it/ gu.tralitteing 3'
folLrk the [Ow, , r , 3
of thr ..afrthodter. Ci.hrrh, &rand Strut.
TRUNKS. of the l.tna t•t3 h•,-tree s appoo od /11
./ 1 0 s on hatot anti for Attle at a v.\ •Int ,to o
ungsmil ot,t. laute.:4] JACOB
Eatacro aub
.. ..
CC .. A ..
JACOBS* T() B A 0 NT) C.1.(4 E
1-.1.0RE —11.,.111Z I. -1/0111 nI 'I • _
Sitort.irm Kotith Main ..tro•et .
%trer•tr>,) tWo I ,t2ll
' , l
V, (all I Hi--du_
Flotuder, •t) 111.1.....1.
1 Stt N, /140/.:.
Nii , "{",:1111
A coler.o,l
I.d”oi II rt', •zht
Plitotatiot, t..••Te,
Larg , 11:1 , 141. 111 d
Ctrt and Dry.
• Lyn, :rpm t t.
j am ,. Ricer r-en•
J... 1. J.Vt.t
1)_USII STILT:, ON TIAND.--Tot;.1(To
jui i,S EGA lithkr,rll,ll
frow the ('itv n ith n iHriIITHHHp it,, /mil
gat, wit i, at Not Leal. .11.(111&ta.., SlImh:114
OP Qlll,l h..t 1:,r• o• •
the NI. E. Lhntrelk. Ctnoe. cl.e11.1:0 a Ldt.
ott 21 P.Usti.
T 40 13 & S
XIII \\ holt•N2l4-1 , ,, r• in
ToitAcco: ssurp AND CI(;AUS.
310,1orth Third .!•'rrrt flight ;1 ,,
J.1).J‘r01.4 in; t• of Cimmliv Pa. S'a t
ret.•ll sit
SHAFER. & "A/ZT'.,
or , Q , re , ,tre. oz 4h. .M."I 1,11, L.
--- . - 1
election flotirec.;. - 4
I, LE (' 'l' I 0 N . ---N YTION %I. ii.k),l: ;WI
ALI ClIAS11311:1.(1.111:(:, 11(1, - .1111,, r 7: 14 0 ! --An 1:14.01,,i, !
lor ?'EVEN Dill E..1'11 (11::.; r.f Ih. , It , nk Tl , ,t, , h.r the
er,flinir yoar, will bp lipid at the Ifaelsear ne.... on Two
dim, rl,, ho,, et",.1,, ear, n, pr ~ -; li'r If., i. p M .
i1,(7-1,..r0t (; 1: -s1.1: 6, 1111 11 1 .-1. , • r.
EEr.("PION. -'lll(tre will lop nn.(.lt , climi
)10 , 1 at the Farmer.. and N',,, .. ~ iii,:, 11,1111,
1 1 .4 . 1 1111tru.:: , : .141(.1.1(;1((1:•;( O ' ,l '''' '''' 1. 1 ,` 'Y '
fit , P.tir 1,04 1.. , 1 , ,.•. nth, 1,....; , .. (4 . 1 (; •1 1 ... 1 4 1 , 1". : 11 -
1 .1(111N 411:31' , 11: 11 \ (:, 1re,... - r.
1 P. W. IirSTI;I:., I'n--, ,1. , . - , A
urul CABINET IP )(IN th'
tlitt 31. E. 11111,1 t. r, hi tittv, ,at htt,tt ;I'l
ttiCaltittrot War, Sit, It 11. 0-1 -tl , . TLL
Stanit , unit t. K
2sl I 1 , 1 ics.rrt 1:1: .1.
tv II i 4•11 he will tell ut enh liar evtlt
- .
PIC?, no Second Street, one pninare" south of the
, bn4Cet flonuvonver Mitebeli'm Shoe Semi, rete.2l
• • 4
.2 .
c.) .
re . vi
ov. —
_ N •
A CM r-
7 1,
0 .... . = • : ( - 430037 vi... :
X 1.... - '
.....=.-••••• Log
.•• .. CC 4 ix • ~..
•.. ..... La
:, .....
t. S.
,5) '
( 3 ' . ' 4' '''
• .4.
LI. . 4C i
t 3 ' Vi
) 1- ,-.,. - S3NI - 1' ' '
,-............_4 ,
. , ' Malin/0d
north of New Market Petersbuilis isolated,
and deprived (of all support from the rebel capital,
The Dutch Gap Canal of Bailer is completed. and
the gunboats can enter the western neck of the
great horse-shoe bend without encountering the
terrible-gauntlet of fire from th&batteries at Dru
ry's Bluff.- On theT extreme right the advance
guard of Butler is hut live miles from Richmond.
While the great heart of the people thrtibs with
reilless anxiety to hear from Sherman in his on
ward batch of, victory and progress, we may
hear news of startling import from the Army of
lla a s-aul' of the rebels upon the Union picket
line et S'o,t i hrnlY - , and the order of Gen. Han
owl, my !lie nowiation of n new army corps, have
!Ern! :ea xt,•xtion, for the mouton!, hoot the on
ward march of Sherman, and recalled the people
to 1 !! consideration of matters around the rebel
,J. , prd:. in order that the situation near Rich
lu..u.l.l,lat be properly understood. we preSent
tl:i<'n•„ruin titttgnim of the position - of Grant's
di the city. The Union armies
e iced across the southern and eastern bound:is
01 Richmond., from a point on the Btuttbside
it iiroa , i, mitlw 'between Petersintrg and
to,,nd. in the extreme right of the army °Mattel•,
Q t-11.1-71. M Orrice. Pt-par/mein of 13: - Ast
• a rl..tioveln e r 1[64,
‘1.i.1 PRI 1,•• anpl;•.l.e are the
1 • --o •T 'ytrof the Ciliarterma,.terc Depart
.l..• „to., Vat \lron., at C herialon,
It: -1.•—•`...._- .it We.; (thio.
7.0 I k on the line of the fialtiu.ore and
h.., n Grehoa: Now
( -'.,n ott,lttl-'x Ilarpeei Ferry. 'Berlin.
..•ai 11..i.. r .nato‘ors anti 1:“.,lor,ok
N • • ~ N n ilt Bay (Non PACS
, r• , delivery or ti.r...A‘
~„•,". and EAT (7n tr: of Hay
or nuct sail Int:At be acompatjed by a ea,•
14, :
at which of the above named peintg
aleke delis sties, and the rate. at a Meh
tto t i,'lverie,lll , :tll,l2, the sinant;tlp4,if each
ar• 'e yr 0 ,:...“• 1.0 I,eiboivered the time when said deliv•
.oro.loenc-d. and when to completed.
4 ;or, ,v; put up m 52,Ard. •If..!:=.‘ek.s; Tine
A.ll .rti, s 4 nerkd noder toe bud. herein ins ited will be
;.•.- ron hy ar. pov..rnment 1119 , ,T0r,
iteruro vti,letL
Cour,. from inns t.. tune to the lowest
he Interest: of the Government may
m=po,:l+: , . Wad, , . a
rote re.
is• oosidyred from partie , who hare failed
n total, to colot.ty,-,th their ouiliraotr.
.h;. prof, ara+rtnpragi.d uy a guar-may ..11,r,u:
oil liy t'vo r , per,ons. that it. ratio the but it ne
i • i•i• ‘I, he or the', will. within the time named, execute
il,•• • Obit - act tar if, .ante. with good and sufficient gureties
; in vionuot to the amount of the riontrarti to
in ottatonnity with too ,texas of
t i os ,• zu co, a in illor shall faiNt, enter
two Ole, -mar II I yto make good the difference between
ii••• • der< t •••:er nial due 1•••al tow-L.4 responsible
W.lglor or Th. 011 , 011 111 , Vogl , 0101 maybe awarded.
•••• r•-•Pr. 43 i• 1.'2 or the itadrantoriltnast he shim by
it, • ,II•• of a 'United :states IJi•triet or
.\ • Cti:tems, or • oilier ettivomment
c. hootvn ti.
•kl nent.ed of t,ie aoteptanee er re
., It
111 pn:lne•at, n.a,tlri matte in d nplitmte. and be aecom
.in ne h aFenanee of the party or pantie...
•. .r• ear l» 4 n eti lilt" in th is . °frit e.
C I.e t e and ito,t ottit d address of edelfidder
-;;,• 1111..1:11
,r.O-10.: nia,t b, addressed to Cart J. G. Farnirwurtb,
Degartment I,Ve,t Virginia. Cult,:
~ t 1 .iart a nri,rd • P , 0p ,, td..f. , r Forage."
LI ink bids gnarantty,',l bouttimay bepb
.111 1.1.,...h 1, 11,..•01 ,4 1 smiler line aciNPrtisetrient trill be
.. ,tatl other. EDNTif.)AV uud
t VI:1) I \V week, at .I*-! Bidders are re
st'''. •nitv ”k , it.. 4 to In rre.teut itt thempenlng of bias, if
c o wtain and t 9 11.4,Quartarmu,ter,
.1, et Id ft. ' , Art:vent lii WeEtt
. -
CIIIIM S'4 4:1i1 !,•.1...11
ENI. Ci1nk11111.14.1.11 - 1.C., Dec.ll(.ll, 1'&l.
11 , - .4, in nittpl.innule mil be reori,ed by the
',nit I'. IL., lbw. 1116 . 1, for
I DiT.lit111,"11:, deter ere'd 111
l'a "1"1:Egil I3tgEF“efn good and
, 'lllnoty m 1..p,t1t311,..,t .I . nre.ancl hind guar.
,•” , Kkiney 'Fallott to bo exeln
,n.d in cuay required and en such
- •li.. Ito 4,114,,at5 ., 1 at 'dd., Office, eoninn,nning
-t• r rilotithr
1 •n , ,Coinly 0: TO' Wilder io thlnil the agreement must
• ,1 pt•rions ..'n'no
t, thor intnrsnteo. cp, °End'.
1 mt, rvier‘... the right Or else•
•, 'l, 1.• It . • t.p eharvlne* the ath :awe,
r Pont ract pliee to thopurt‘thillng In d•giver.
, ' l, l - • eqrnlnly a tth the tem, ..1 flan ad
v• ill . l,o•2.rn,i•lered 41 11011 vith•q_of
,11,.. u/- zob•-r of Congr ,, ,y ullicrr, ng,lit or En,
Y., , • 11,. I; .r< - raneut :opt i. wt liclOttli to be lo . ) al tO
111. it lit i,. made in 111101 1 . 1111,i5 a,/ 11,3 IM' 1 . 11:111:41
Ill t r . d 1 , :in:41,
1, •
in 1r ols nod pt P. 31, W0411 , 041ay
1 myttcd a .Itp•thl.
I. (r 1.N.:11: Copt. '.
,1 )1111' ti, If.•. 111.119
' ' 2 . • ('III -a; C.
() MII N .\ I.' l' I, () t;- /I
1 Nb , 1 IPt e rr., bantbNl by :win,
1 11 .11 1 1t111.: 1.11 /11i.7111/ 71111111:1. , I.ll l '
111 - 14.1.1 11 ,11 1 1111 11. 1 it os 0, -of 1114+
•.. 1:11.1.111111-
i:rvrv; /,11, r . ,
I . ololly •hnalrl hnrr Sr ropy
t„: t,,•11,1 1,11,‘ tptl. or .tt,nt
I,, t t ";,,, t,t.,,,,t, t t i ,tl n,3,1 ttl,lllll pu
I' •.. ; ',-... h. , a IP' . Il6ll{l 74.
,N • • .• ,• Pl.lll rind
, i;.C.141 1 , . 1it.111,
, 11 ,4 1..r.11., WI t. - /VO ternln
r: . . mid %via ,t, - ,01, , • y on ;Irph,,itiou.
, 2 . • , • .1. I,or
arys,,2 m,jl. free. 0 1,
it, Ili • tlte yr.€ , '...!5n, ',VI th e
. , kr thi,,•ll
BRA 1./1.1-:1"
A E , ( • T IT ETO Y(iljN(i
(10 NWill r/OUth
n C.,1 ET velope.
%, l , i'i.!atiri , nt spa Itn,li'eal Cure
Niq SPintnni 11'1.111114 , , lucuhurtwc
1.:1,1--I '4,1411 I) :01.13 ail ,111 , 4111.11ti11, 11,,,,Ma1•
, 11 1.1 1 ,11 11, -, 0..11a1111 , 1 , 1 1 111 1 1 1 1, F..1 , 111 1 ....y, .111 d
11. 1 . 11. -1.1111 1.11 1111 1 111 1 11 ,11 1 . 1,111111114 - 11,1111,11.
.1 111 it 11 1 .1, 1 .1. I', LI, 111 lit M It. Al.lOlOl
. ••. 4 . l.
I i.• .1-'4 tt
i'vof t e that tile amini eon
It- may be Plicctunny resnot ed
i„„,, ,1 113IIMP
It , ~tvl t tl'ectu:ll, it) It Weil 4, erl.
no, ,„Ittni whp , ootubtwa tray be may rim. him
pr;', ;nal rittia•all 'THIS TI 1)E
1.1:1 I. t •
Itul,LN To Tliors.xxf,F, , NiA
liorsA 1,.
t 01 tt,it 14.1, 4 ; plan, en
.:.• ;.; 1•10, Pr tP. 0 1.•.:./e .1.(1/1/r.,
I • .L4.0,...,2'. I \S.J. C hIdNE t
-1 - iropertv „Shlro.
pt ;1Z S.A.T.E. A g ooa S'EE.IM . EN( INE
-w.d be seen h .
al 1. 11.
ff: - S. Al .E.-- -A One liorm , T4 ead
order. for
full course Scholatship
it‘th«. Quaker City Burmese Coliv; Philadelphia.
Apply at thir offire IgeplAt
littlittratto . ns.
110'11 0\ A 11111.011111
•' 1_
Ul~-t 1:LI:U ~r H.ULEII
Varbinare. euttro,'stc.
Rare opened their store
otf ?lain street,
n. nrlp oppc43 - iro theirmld plane of hnsiness.
rich an ezten•ise Mock of Hardware, Cutlery. Sre..
eon,kting. iu part of
, ±
I SteeL
I Tar,
it ~lncn,;
Blasting Powder,
Griml Stone,
Cedar Ware,
Pocket Knives, .ke.
Speeial attention is palled
Builder.; and Contractor*,
repnred to famish in any quantity
everything in their line,
Call and examine our stock.
The suleeriber reswitfully informs hiefriends anti the
pfddie, that he continues to carry on the above business,
at his old stand, on Main Street- opposite the German Re-
Simard Church, CliA3ll3,tiliSßlllG, PA.
• Raving- enlarged his business, Saddles and Coach
makers trill find in his Store Room a general raiortment
of goods suited to their serer:llpßquinonents. such et
Fair and Country Hogs-Tine,
, Saddle Trees and Glrthing.
Gig Trees, Pull Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Goat
Hair, Straining Web a 1 Worsted Rain
- Web,_ baser than Cotton
name , Bits and Stirrups. Plated, Tinned and Japanned
Coach Handles, fled styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands;
Bridle Fronts; R o seate , , Salvels and Ornaments; Iron
'Plated and Wood Gig Mmes.—
all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale
It inert, Stump Joints, and a variety et other goods - suitable
her the trade.
ALL KINDS OF PLATING, donesvith neatness
and despatch. [eletl4] ' LEAP ,S W.UIPLER.
Hail a few goods muter the• tiarernent, which were not
burued. ,Suetras Locks, Hinges, Screws and other Hard
ware.' Besides!, they have just received from New York
and Philadelphia a verylarge lot of goals purchased remelt
cheap.-r than they tire geperally sold. Thee hating been
liiirneirouL therefore we Offer Iron. Nails. Hodes, Hinges,
scree, BOR., Oils. Glass. Paint. &e., at th. , :ow , bt figure.
We hate nu hand about 10 Taus Iron af dillerent
0 hi, h u e't, ill rell lei, than it Can ho bought in the city.
Al , o we have 1004:egg of .Nails and Spikei. we offer at
It ow a It. l U dollar: , per keg.
- C•l'`ph.RßT.
Kni) and Fork., Sels.ors, 2Lzur, , Pocket Kniver,
Sporn. a•e, 111 , t reffil'ed frfnll New . York n hf. h ice dirt
ery bepiß3
The pahheAre wt itt'd to call and examine the lerge
tend evell ,rlecte4l amok of Fer /REIGN AND I)O3IESTIC{E, lost opened on ,krrowl. Lrtu.en qu.u . and
Mar'. .thanel,4,,lnerg, Pa. linvinn purchakt.l
most of their goods before the recent advance ire price's,
from leaking enanittachercrk. tt e are eleternehard to cell our
eu.tomers gdod., ehenp.. We. em hand Oils. Paints.
Ghet , , Ceetlery. Srkmels, Iron and steel, Rakes Shok
• Snddlo - y, Shoe Findirark, Ropes.
• Pru..rwk, Svrews,
• ICPttle ,, l , n4l Pan , . Teml4 of r‘ery noel
goods of all kends astenlly kept in a Is ell reuteleded Fiord-
Ottlura Porn a Eli• ,C11114,11111.1i
ITLth thee cash promptly attentlod to and goods .N 1111410.1
• 111,11. as ',then time pfrsoa i. pre.ced. Call and tte
ewri IRWIN & P 1101) S.
...Li 'VERN': Gla'ke, all sizes and trinalitie., Hin
Irt•eandNcreas, Oils awl Varnish..., Turpentine,
awl ery de-e6tiba of Dniblina Hardware 11.1 be hail.
at low prairiii, by calliaai an IRWIN RHODES, on See
on.l Street.
Saddler,' -
- lit B]L FLACK S.
K ninny other w 111 4 ,11
the • no Le made_ ns good
HXRDWARE, enil on inwlN di, RHODES, on SP•
mid Stroet.
fIEIYAR WA24—Cail at the Store in
the Alley. BRAND &FLACK,
Man ,t . farr,n, Lihrtro ,Ftreet, ❑enr Mt &Man Fetaory
- .l3,lllRitialtU, PA.
'rite naderstenett attiliotneXr to the trade that he eolith,•
to namono tore tout Import direct from the 1116,5 t t di•-
1,,t4,1 guard, in Frr.nee :he brat ,inalitieg of
1 , 121 , ,1CCH lICIRR MILL -noNEs.
trhieb he otters at rerisounbie mice, and_ gunr an te,,s
lot (lull to the AI-a---Evert number in of
t he toneltrated
()Lb AtYl Mt Bit.AND 1301.1`.1NC; CLOtOI3.. ,
Order., I,y,mail pronnely attended to. and good , ' for
warded by railron,l, canal or express. tf desired.
W. 1 . 1,11111'3.:E31., 4 :
nor'-n-3mi No. 10 West State Street ,ilanishurg, Pa.
(Chamb'a• Repository publish 3m and send bill to Ills
attire •tosediat,ty for collection -L . liorrishnrst Telegraph.)
71,...ViTHOLE TO, 3,685.
, t fiaAhliiit , t dliqoattqL
A.W 1T
We gather in apiand the lietikth
At home, 50 blight and warm,
Safe sheltered from the isintertrina,
Arid from the driving storm:
Bat there's a Fhadow on my hems
A gloom o'er all the light—
" Wonder where me &Adler in
This cold December night
Beside the camp-fire's ghostly o no •glt
or onthe gory plainl.
Where man and have go down to swell
The hillocks of the slain?
Oron thepieket's lonesome round,
Along the dangerous line.
t.itint; to hettrthe next "relief" t.
I 'raennee the Countersign 7 .
_ . .
tiOd bless him ! wheresoe'er he is!
Mine let the suffering be
'lite-trials that a - ere meant for him.. -
01. let iliern fall on um I •
All burdeni will be light to bear. - ,
All sufferings look fedi' grim. -
I can feel my coast :ant 'royere
Wiltmake life sweet•for him.
said I, one fine morning last week, "I
have the prospect of a leisure afternoon—a some
what unusual thing with me—and, all being well,
I will do 4. little needful shopping; call and pass
an hour with my old friend Mrs. - Ashburton, whom,
on amount of the distance, I have'neg.lected of
late, and then drop in and take a fri.aully cup of
tea with my niece, Clara Whitford."
Havingcompleted My household arrangements,
I accordingly set out after an early dinner, and
the shopping done, made my first call. Mrs. Ash
burton s it arm welconle, pleasing talk and cheer
ful fireside would hard proved strong temptations
to induce me to accept her invitation to stay for
the evening, had I not felt anxious toilee my niece,,
whose residence was much nearer my own.
On arriving at Clara's door, I was not'a little
surprised to see no light in the front part of the
house. ".I am afraid they are hot at home,"
thought with a regretful , Mutual glance back--
ward to the pretty home picture-I had just left
But I was mistaken. A servant came in answer
to my ringat the door: bell, and ushered me into.
the dining room, lit the gas, and then went hi
summon. her mistress. I bad ample. time to look.
about me before Clara made her appearance. and
could not, help admiring the. perfect 'order and
good taste which prevailed in the apartment and
its furniture. I was the more pleased to notice
this as my niece, when married, did not promise
to become very notable as a housewife,
I was beginning to tire of waiting—my brisk
walkover. I felt chilly in the fireless room—when
Clara entered. fastening a little artiele.ot dress
evidently !juei-assumed. Her greeting was most
cordial, arid yet there was 'a shade of regret in
her tone Vi - hen our first salntations over, she said:
"Why,-my dear aunt you ditlnut let me know you
were yarning, and I should have been better pre
pared to receive yon."
"Surely, Clara," -I replied. "no preparation is
needed before you can bestow a cup of tea on so
near a relative as I am. Pray do not make my
friendly call into a ceremonious visit, or I shall
be tempted to run tiway aunin in place of waiting
till after tea, and ,begging Mr. Whitford's escort
"Pray, dear aunt, do not think of such a thing.
I will light this fire in a moment, and the room
will be warm and comfortable."
So saying, Clara was about applying'a light be
tween the bare of the grate, when I stopped her
"You must have a lire somewhere, my dear,"
I said, "and where you were sitting when I ar
rived, will, lam sure. suit me best. If lam to
disturb any - of your arrangements I wiil leave you
"Then,if so, aniit; you kill have to exeuve m
taking you into the nursery."
"Anywhere to a warn fireside, Clara, but is
Whitti.)rd from home l " "
"No. aunt, he is here," replied my niece, her
color rising as ahe spoke.
T laughingly congratulated her on her husband's
liking for the company of her first born; but, per
ceiving no evidence of pleasure on her counte
nance, I asked her if the baby was well
"Oh, yes, quite-so, thank you, aunt. To say
,the truth, it was my doing that we are in the ntir
'sery- to-night, and Frederick i= not too well pleased
about it, but it saves so =tell trouble, and the
other rooms have just been. cleaned and put in
order. But do nit say a word," she added as she
opened the nursery door.
My nephew advanced and shook me warmly by
the hand, and then. turning to Clara, said. "I
hope, my dear. yon do not intend to make your
aunt a nursery guest. If you do, I shall not wino
der if her visits become still more rare.-
' I hastened to assure him that I had been brought
there at toy own request, and begged no difference
might he made; but quietly ringing the bell, he
desired the servant to light the timing room tire,
and bring word when it was well burnt. Clara
bit her lip. and looked red and tutromfbrtable;
while I, feeling stall. more so, occupied myself in
admiring the baby. .I could, however. distinguish
easily enough, two Or three little articles which
convinced me that a tea' equipage had just been
removed; and certainly this was not what I should
have expected to see at Clara's home, knowing
the comfortable and even affluent income, of her
husband. - I felt sorry that ne unceremonious,
visit should have produced such an alteration-iii
the arrangements: for I could tell by the produc
tion of sundry keys, etc.. that many articles not
in el /1111:110I1 use were to be
_brought unf and the
evening meld deferred on inv account. Besides.
1 felt grieved at AfT.lndfanellrentfeealed vex- .
ation, not displayed towards ins; but his. wife.
At length we were aumnioned to the diningroom
and truly a wonderful change had been effected
there. A bright lire nulled even corner. an el
egant tea equipage was on the told,: in short,
eveiTthing, looked—as 1 had hoped at first to find
accordance with the positiouof its owners.
Moreover, the pleasant aspect or affairs banished
the clouds from 3lr. Whitford's thee, and oo agree
ably did the time plea, that I quite regretted vt hen
obliged to bid toy ilium. -good night.'
Uood night, dear allot. - mid Clara, kissing
Inc affectionately, " 8n come ugain, but do let me
know when to expect you:'
And then, - added Mr. - Whitford after the
door wa" closed, cry thimi win hi: ready : the
dining-room fire will be lighted before your arri
yQl. Dear aunt, %%hat you think of Clara;
new notion, of domestic econoin) ! When we
were first married she was- rather ignorant of
household matters e are eo exeeedingly
orderl2, and careful that everything is too psi('
to use. The drawing-room ti rst became no :.then
i he dining-room underwent a thorough remw
and the norsen resorted to for temporurj coven
nienee'dormg the I trurs.has become ouL regular
abode, the otlieN only being used on ,tate 111.111-
sione. probaldy our next remove will be into the
kitchen. I go' into other houses and find that
their masters
can introduce a friend of an) time
with the emtainty of eniedag no embarrassment.
In my bane. on file contrary. the call efrelatiset
even, produces ;10e a revolution ; tin• plate. china,
in fact eser) thing pvesentahle, laid . up in bl
ender like the rocang? - : I ni•h you Ix-mild say
gomethiug to Clara on the Nubject, as 1 knt% you
pte:ess great influence iu that quarter."
"Ifave you waned the matter. Frederick !"
asked. .
" Oh, ye , . a thouNand hitt I MB
not efreet tract ton will he mon
' 'Will try, at any rate," said I, as I took leave
of my nephew-in-law.
Ss Haring thought over the matter. I urranged
m y pl an of operation. I decided it would be bet
ter to try the effect of ; an opposite picture on
Clara's mind, het . ore giving any re-
Monstrance, for I. well knew that young house-
J r ives do not gener4v telish the pointed inter
ruption of their eldes., i theretere called on
Clara—having previomsly . giving her tine notice
0 - My intention-}to neeompany me in as Nig ram
hie; moll contrived to be near Alm Ashburton's
just us lea-time watt approaching, and we were
" Fait] I. " what is to preveht oar oh-
Minim; rest and refreshment ? I can insure )on
both, awl beßides, pai are not gone a stranger to
" Oh; dear aunt, I eunki not think u 1 s uet a
thin);; ht,. !dye eattio.inennten.
" You' shall judgoi.. l lhr '3i:hit-self, Clara." I an
swered ;i" uhdif yo 4 thinkalf au hour hence,
tine will Journey homeward." s.
nalloaciAikamocevaddnfted, lAra Jr
nty, e..tOessly,to
oft-tendered licotpitalitv for lay niece and self,
as ge w - ere,tit:ect but- 4441 Opt:(114-
us. _ .
grad I 3111 my house - lay in your route !"
replied-she.' "Tea id jut coming in, , Mid
mphri -
band wilt - to h f ,rek dir e ctly." ,
a few moment ha arrived, and we were.
all seated, prepared to join in the evening meal.
noticed Clara's glances- at the-perfect order
-Which surrounded us, and the elegant but simple
preparations for the reptfiitlfelib. it WD-I
Impossible not tdsee the thorongh-comftirslliffa*-
edatound us. ,
4 .X.y - niece,' said I to Mrs. Asbbwrtori t "was -
afraid of causing you inconvenience by coming' till
aWftreg, and "takingtwoplaces at your tea-tidily -
by aform.'. ,.
,A cheery laugh from. Mr. - Ashburton,_ and a
brigiWomile from hid wife followed my wOrds. -
" Mrs. .Whitford,"_ said the gentleman, am •
thtf most 'fortunate fellow in the world, for noth:
ing iiver causes my wife ineonvenietice,younuder:
stand rueo dare say - -I mean none of those do
me.litir Mr:as:ions which ate usally expected' to
cau4 , a bustic. ',She has a peculiar theory of her
-own; whiell'she most thoroughly reduces to prue:
tieb,'conseiiiiently! we areoin ayshble to sideman •
a friend. however unexpected he mac be."
Para bluslicid, and stammered a feW
replii-and perceiving liar eonfhsioh, I ehange4'
()At ourivay home, after spending- a delightftir ,
esierung, ray niece wass unusually silent; , .11;0 ,at,
lei.igth she - asked if I could tell her what theory -
Mr..A.shbitrban alluded to he said.--.";,lfere
she !hesitated.
understand you, Clara," I au. wercd, "end I
can't:9lllin' it a. very few - wor . Mrs..
buritm says thats4..m. sure of the dal pr&tetice
oftdas guest at het - table whom she wishesto hon.
orletwe all others. she always-prepams for 'that
orieond is of course ready for any visitor, and of
" - But I saw no guests hesille ourselves, aunt."
Diet you not . And vet the person 1 allude io
wil4 l there."
1 -4 Where 7.--whom doyou erean 7 Yon arePst
ing.r-. .
"Indeed, Joy dear Clara, lam not. The One
whOm airs. Ashburton considers worthy of an
ho c horig her husband. She says, midi thinkjust
ly, that she should deem her marriage vow but illy
}top! if she made all attractive in the eye of a straw •
ger and grudge doing so for hint whom she has
'promised tolove, honor and obey—her_hushand.
auttthe father of her phildren.'
ara did not speak in r but when we
parted: the moistened loheek ! at touched mine_
conviheed me the lesson was to home: and I
havb - nip doubt fl - when I nest my' nieee;
I sliall , snd her opiniomis changed regards tho
goer most deserving of honor. - . -
'An erican Quarterly Eeriest. contains a letter
ire" G. W. Irving, Esq., giving a sketch of his'
vis to San .Ilarinenilmialtrefintliclnltaly, he
tw ca the Appeuiue.4,, the Po, and the Adriatic.
Th territory of this State is only forty Mil& in'
cirduturererice,-anct its pomilation abotit - 7000.
Thc' republic Was founded more than 1400,yeara
ago, on moral principles, industry, and equity,
. { tna has - preserved its liberty and independence
anddst- all the wars and discords which have
rhgrd. around it. Bonaparte respected it. and
Sent all embassy to elpress his sentiukda of
friendship and fraternity. It is governed-bra
Captain Regent; chosen every it months,by the
representatives of the : people (sixty-iii in Punt
her) who are chosen every six months bYthe ppo
pie. The taxes ate light, tho(lhrrn houses are
neat, the fields well cultivated,' and on all sides
ard!seen comfort and plenty, the happy effeei.,of
nthiality, siMplicity, and frugality.
OORMANDIZERS.—A man has just died in Paris
of insatiate hunger. He could not, eat enough.
His' earnings being altogether insufficient to satis
fy his enormous appetite, though he ate scarcely
anything but bread. ilia fellow Workmen used to
contribute towards hiksuppirt; but weariedwith
thus burdening his friends, and worn out'by his
sutterings, he at last hang himself. The minnis of
medicine record many instances of this disease, .
both in ancients'and modern times, but the most
rerdarkable case, of late years, was that n of Anne
Demise, who died in Paris, only a few years
since. She used to eat from twenty-four to thir-,-
ty Pounds of bread a day. When on her . death r
bed iand unable to take f;iod, she begged- her 'sis
ter to come and eat near her, and her•lash words
were:—•'Since it pleases God that I shall eat no
more, let me at least hare the pleasure of seeing ,
'SOU' eat!!
IT is related of a witty Dominican morik.,Poe
co, that he had a great dislike to tobabeot and
whthi once preaching to a crowd of Spanish sail
ors. he astonished them h) telling them that there
were no Spanish saints in heaven. A few, he aid,
had been admitted . , Jut
h they smoked so ninny
gar that they inaV theoli virgin sick, and St.
Peter set his-ii,ite to Work to get them ant. At
length, he proclaimed that a bull fight was to he
held, outside the gate of paradise. Thereupon
every Spanish saint, without exception, ran off to
the tight, and St.. Peter innnedi*ly closed the
gate; and took caremever to admit another Span
iard. -
KIDNAPPING JEtrtsli Gmi,s.—Therels trou
ble in'Poland about the kidnapping ofdewish girls
at Warsaw. The Jewish community had hither,
to bden silent about it, beeause none but the loW
er classes had been subjected to this treatment..
But about, three months ago the daughter of.a rich
Israelite having been enticed into a convent of
Fekiwi nuns. and then forcibly kept there,'
ththelr complaiinsi to the Bishops. and after
fnerdble etlurts hiR child was restored to hint.
She - said there are -about a dozen Jewish girls
mord in the same convent. • --
TOE Emperor of the French IS la) ing wan ,
where hut lately xs as a fishing village. Sr. Nagai!
by mine, near the mot all of the river Loire, which
he hdpes will rival I.iverrool, and draw' to Frniice
the cononerve of all InltiOn,. The population of
the,nmn lin, ilierenNed froth 1.111111, in 1 - Ss7.'to
15,0 M) now. TU. lines of railroad cannot% it
with;Paris. mind the goverinnent is now huihlin
nine ;ship ;, (4 - z , ,30 , 1 ;ow , , fieh, tO ~n gage itftlte
Mexican - and "West India trade.
Jotii.N..m. a youngiler roue eleven :iv:lnt.
was one day di , ritssitic wit}, las - lit
tle 14cdlter, a ' , ix-year-4d. -When I am grovin
up," liuid Jo:tatty, amt rni
ehildren N% ill call tam •I"flel,t steneea.' 'And null
say: iCumr 111 . 1 . . itir dear. and see what
St•net.tals got for on: - ..Humph!" ejaculated
the 14t1t• vie , . I rhall hare,:tll / tu
take t•:1 e ,X Inc or,n vir; , ' 4 " -
114 that waitt , great (loud of /4001 Ut
'Mitt , la* thiog. Lifo i wade of
little thing, It •tr, E+ftSlo/1
14 offirismi f o r doing - a gri-at dens nt_onee_ .'Trip
greufne.4 Clf7l3i9ta. ill 14.qba grCht
D ro ps make .tho oeouo, Ana rho tzreatoq '‘‘-to
aro 4fone if ire kenold do no'df :food
ill world, No notr.r he wilthez to do goal ill lit
tle - ,
Qvit.r report= thatit ifr.•of India,. were dig.
ell , S141; 1111 . il(l.fil1011. Of to , ofrail, 11al a wtaai,
tamo% bat lanor.thr Va:II• at eortmlgi.
111. , rj nr - 101 10141 WOl4 , r'Nelllllt trite
I.t t o l eoYtlurl tei•th. could not
4.11 d 1.1“ eakti 11 ~• • -Tlieu. - reelied the
titer .
1 . tie ,, 111.r.i.•r, "ix 111 ..41 - 1 titer ,a. 111 1 ~eir
t. 7n'
maiden lady. 10-coming alotnieti
tthetti the re . tjt of ilex 001111 , 1eNisth 111 prPtlitilt
tt ititt'y itaitiir.ll of n druggist lately if hp
had .i prepar,Poli That 1%. , u1,1 keep ehi.p,s :two)
from the taco. The itggio i, reported to lung
replied in tin4itritiative, :it the sometime. Utah.-
atilielh3t aii did,not need anything of that :not
Th . ; man who Wl%lll. the four sitopk litu., ate
"Whit'" Now I lily the down to <Jeep,"
04110 to do a very little wrote tune
lines tor his elulti. 'His name ha - - not.e.ouie down
to tt but lie lin; 'tlont , inore' the 2ood of his
rare than if lie had 'ttotrunnittled the vietorintel
artnyint Waterloo.. _
As; old lady down East 11:ITIIIE kept 3 hired .
man /11 liver nearly a month. enid to him. one day.
"Whl, John, I don't think you likeliver," "Oh.
yes,"lsaid John, - I UP sell well for HT 01
sixty menla, hnt don't think I'd like it US' a shinty
diet." The old lady cooked •totnething elae the,
next iimo:l.
Wit() ItEacttte, TILE MOST ,SLEF.P.—Wonitot
requill• to.ire sleep than men, and lunn.4' lest.
than 1 how enatiged in any other oeenpation. Ea:
.'reporters-; printrrs, post „[five eleits and
telegraph operators-, need not alcep at all:..Lave
yers eau sleep as (nuch,as shuns. and kev
oat of mischief.
AN exceddiugly modest: ,youag.otdring
ley 94 chivktaa-a; Ilia table, said :the
part that ought tobi; drkirers."'
young 'Ontlettian: sat opposite:iiiiniediately
said a, rii taße tbn- - Plight-to, wear
the bustle !"