The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 14, 1864, Image 3

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    December 14; 1864.
GOSSIP WITil OLTAFRIENDS.—Tbere is a tide,
to well as an untied in the affairs of men that
taken in ita thSod will lead to all sorts of queer
results. This new and original idea has been
Suggested - Vy some sombre Sunday thoughts on
:Poor old Chambersbum. I had been reading Dr.
Schneek's Book on "The Burning of Chambers
.burg,"._ and like the client, who cried bitterly when
fits lawyer described his wrongs, remarking: "that
lie did not know before how badly he had been
used"—so I felt my wounds bleed afresh, and seem
sorer than-ever. It was a devilish deed, and one
that will be visited upon the rebels most
Poor old Chatnbersbucg ! A new Cliatubersburg
may arise, Phtenix-like from the ashes of the old,
but the . hallowed old resting places are gone for
ever. Thank, God the cerneteries remain, where
can one day be gathered all together. Should it
be my lot to die away from hoine4 trustmy dear
gossips will bring on ray body and place me where
my friends - and kindred lie. 11. very hour in the
dayi miss something familiar, something that ha
bit had rendered. absolutely neeetotary to my com
fort. omy Nadu, my books: dear, th it hful friends,
what stia - 11 — .1 ,do without you! We bear it very
well, all of us, don't we It is grace, isn't it 7
• We forgive our 'enemies, don't we 1 Bah! War
is war, and pence is peace. Suppose we have a
public meeting, and vote Gen. 31'Causland a ser
vice of plate, inscribed: " To our friend M'Caus
- land, who enabled ?if to put in practice the highest
christian virtues, including the forgiveness of our
enemiei”- Well, well, if we can only bear it with
thesame fortitude that the New York dailies did!
By the bye, these same papers cried aloud, and
spared not, when the Rebs tried to set their town
on fire. It is said that Mr. Greely's visage was
eleatefor the first time for years, owing to the eo
piods tears be shed, with hig: face 'buried in his
hands. Bennett's face wouldn't wash clean—in
deed one would suppose his tears would soil any
thing thertnight toueh. I fan-feel spiteful at G.
and 8., and I do not love them any better than I
do.Geueral Lee, and do not respect them half t so
much,-but surely every loyal man must feel hor
rified at the abortive attempt of the rebels to de
the great city of New York, with as many
of its inhabitants as possible. When we take into
eonsidetation that scores of families inhabit a sin-
— gle house, and that each one of the many hotels is
—rcrowdid with. hundreds of strangers, to the height'
I.of five and six stories, one can imagine what must
have been the consequence of the success of the
diabolical scheme ; but, we do hope that Messrs.
G. & B. were thoroughly frightened. even unto a
trembling of the lower limbs. I was in a large
- mange - dory the other day, that employed a great
number of women ; and while looking around, the
foreman said, "Look here!" I looked, and there
under the work counter lay a sick little girl, some
-six years old, whiles the poor mother, near by,
earned her daily bread. It was a sad sight, and
caused sad thoughts. The mother must work,
and if her child gets sick she must work all the
Jaime, and must either leave it u ithout any care,
or bring it along. The little thing looked pale
and thin, but was more.emnfortable, most likely.
in the busy workshop, than she would have been
at home. I asked what the woman could earn,
and was - informed that she was elk of the best
workwomenin the shop, and could earn a dollar
a day. 0, ye, who waste money by the dollar,
and time by the day, remember that you will one
day have to give an account for both. It is hard
to . be poor, but thank God there will be an end to
poverty With life, when many a Lazarbs will fall
heir to a fortune.
What can be more beautiful than New York
• ..Bay with its two silver tributaries on a bright
crisp morning! The %%titer sparkles like diamonds,
and every here and there reflects the bright clouds
and the gay shipping• The numerous ferry boats
add life, if not beauty to the scene; and of all
gtjliaful things in the world, not excepting a horse
or a woman, a ship is the most graceful. The
little steam tugs give force to the view, puffing
_g-along, sighing, and groaning, and wheezing, and
'inorting-as much as to say, like Sam. Johnson
(not-him of Boswell fame, but him who erat
swept chimneys in
_Chambersburg,) " fee a little
nigger; hut I stays wid a man." The songs and
cries of the sailors add tothe poetry of the picture
- —all is so cheery, so busy, so lively. But on a
damp (sound your p in damp) foggy morn.
ing how changed the scene. Each one wraps
himself in his otercoat, whether of cloth or
pereha, and consigns himself to cogitations on the
' vanity of human wishes. Even the handsome
. policemen look like roosters in a shower. The
ladies cover up their heads and expose their
le—feet. The fog bells ring dolorously as though
- in mourning for a dead. sun, notwithstanding
which an occasional colli•don resulting in the tear
., it.A r . t awityji large piece out of each collider, and
"'lightening some fifteen hundred people E almost
out their wits, gives each one a chance to vent
• his ill humor aloud.
• Brooklyn abounds in street cries, all of which
would be-perfectly incoMpreheasible were it not
for occasional glances one gets into the wagons
or trays of the itinerants. There is an old woman
whom I pass nearly every morning who sells ap
'plea.- Her cry reSsembles the wail of an angry
toil-cat, trimming " s!" A fish
merchant stalks along in front of his wagon with
a Most solemn and desponding countenance, and
all at once, when }stn_ least -expect it. he utters
his astounding cry. First a sigh of misery, as
though be bad seen better days, then a groan, and
then a war-whoop. Sometimes:ton think be may
have trodden on a copperhead, again that he may
have sat on what the boys cull a bum-bee's nest,
•or that an enraged bull may he ;Arguing with him
a posteriore." At all events the closing bowl
is the most fearful sound I ever heard. One could
imagine it to be the agonized death cry of a soli
darity of goterntnent mules ! All this time he
is only persuasively informing the citizens of
Brooklyn that he has "F
-r-e-.'-h F-i-s-h " for sale.
_Bow fearful mould be the tones of that man's
voice were he to be angered..
I hear with pain that party spirit runs high in
' - C. Friends, this is nu time to argue politics.
Lincoln liar been elected, let us obey hizn; and we
hope °tit. Republican coadjutors will allow a
Democrat to have °pillions of his own, however
, iiha6Sious, for men can couscientionsly •differ on
any subject. Dinft let us call one another hard
nanies—itip not christian, it is not decent.
Naw - Vents.. December 10, lefif.
The STATE GEARD.—It is now officially an
nounced that the men who enlikt in the State
Guard, now being organized by Gov. Curtin for
State defence, will be practically 44eitipt,-from
draft for the - United States service- Any mem
bers of the guard drafted by the general govern
ment will be-furloughed furthe full penod of their
term of State service and they will at the same
time be duly credited on the quotas of their res
pectiP. distrusts. The fallowing is Provost Mar
shs.PGeneral Prey's letter od "the subject, dated
Nov. 29th:
The Secretary of War directs mesa Inform you that tie
President of the United States has ordered as follows : In
case the Governor of Pennsylvania shall organize the l'enn-
Sylvania State ffnatd, and put in service under State act
fur that purpose a number not exceeding Ste thousand, it
is ordered thut any member of sald:organization being
drafted into the United States service t l/0 at once furlough.
id, so as to retain Iris phice to raid 8 to organization, out
receiving pay of the United States: but the time counting
no his term under the draft, You are Instructed to see that
the orders of the President are strictly conformed to.
SAD OCCURRENCE.—Mr. Gilbert of
Dry Run, a member of Company . k, 49th Reg.
Pa. Vol., 'when returning home on a furlough
after a severe illness, tort with it ;lad and fatal
accident at Bridgeport on the sth ult. But lit
tle time was allowed the passengers for leaving
tte Northern Central train. Mr. 3L being weak,
in the hurry fell, and the wheel of the car passed
over one of his legs, horribly mangling it. He
was taken to the General Hospital at 'Harrisburg
where amputation was performed: He lingered
to the 18th when he expired. His remains were
brought borne and interred at Spring Run old the
21st. lie leaves a wife and little child.
stolen from Mr. Isaac Sollenberfq , r several weeks
ago, were recovered last week in Hiekory Gap,
South Mountain, Cumberland county, and the
thieves arrested in pir session of them. Jacob
Garner and Mr. Dolhotisei are the meu arrested.
They are now in the Carlisle Jail, and Mr. Sol-
Jenbet gq has his horse,:„
Tim FutsT SNow.—Ou Friday last, we,l,lati
ourffirst snow, which covered the_earth to the
depth of eight inches. The beautiful white gar
ment warms and protects the crops of grain from
the bitter cold wind, and inure than all, gives a
chance for sleighing. Welcome, thrice welcome,
beautiful Snow !
Pearse, an old and mach esteemed citizen of this
plane, died on Sunday morning last, at the adcan•
ced age of 83 years, - Mr. P. field the position of
Poet 3ftieter of Chambersburg tinder the Admin
istrations of Presidents Taylor and Fillmore.
NIGIITARNER.--On the Ist inst., at Pleasant Re
treat Parsonage. by the Res. Jas. M B6hop, Mr. David
W. Nigb to Miss. Nancy Arm Tamer, both of Letterken
ny townsthip.
ARMSTRONG --SCHOPP.—On the Ist inst.. at the
residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. B—Crider, Mr.
David Armstrong to Miss Elisabeth Schopp, both of this
DERLAND—ESEBICIL—On the 6th last., at the real.
deuce of the bride's parents, by the Rev. E. Breidenbaugh,
Lieut. Cbarles S. Derland, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss Sarah
E. Embich, of Inters township.
SHAYOR—ELDER---Ou the 6th inst., by the Rev. J.
Dickson, E. P. Shaver, Sergeant Major Department Sas
quehannu, Bth U. S. Infantry. to 100 Jennie Elder, of
this pima
11‘.TMER--MOWRY.--On the Bth inst. - , by the game,
-Mr. Samuel Hunter, of Cumberland county, to Miss Mary
C. Mowry, of Lurgan township. this county.
PFELFFEB,—BEIRG.—On the thld ult., by Rev. Dr.
Seltneok, Mr. Charles Anoustus Pfeiffer, to Miss Catharine
Berg, both recently from the Archduchy of Hesse, in Ger
PLACE—MILLER.—On the 10th Mak, by the same,
Mr. Justus Place, of Utica, New York, to Mary Ann, eld
est danghter of Isaac Stiller. Esq., of this county.
121.1.MEL--SWDZE.—Qn the nthimst., at the residence
of the bride's parents, by Elder Johh Spann le, Mr. Daniel
Burnet, of Franklin County, to Rise Lizzie Swine, of Han.
tingdou County.
PEARSE.—On the 11th inSt., in this place3fr. Nicholas
Pear*, in the 83d year of his age.
WOLPF.-00 the 27th ult., in Philadelphia, Kate N.,
aged S years, and on the Sth inst., Willie Bernard, aged 3
years and 7 months. only children of William 11. and Ma
ry H. Wolff.
WOLFKILI...-04 the sth inst.. in this place, Mr. Ja
cob Wolfkill, aged 7.3 years,
SIN:IPSO:I.—On the 12th ult., near this place, Mrs. Mar
tha Simpson, aged about 50 years.
BITT.INGER.—On the 26 ult.. near Onstown. Prances
Bittinger, aged lilyeans, 5 months and 9 days..
the 18th ult., in E. S. General Ifospft.
al, at Harrisburg, Mr. Gilbert McClain. of Dry Rua, this
county, aged 30 years, 10 months and 15 days,
SHEARER—On the 23d ult.. near Spring Run. Mrs.
Maria B. E. Shearer. aged 136 years, 7 mouths and 13 days.
WILANDS.—On the 4th inst., in Hamilton township,
Mrs. Catharine WlLind:, aged 76 years. 5 months and 13
USINGER.—On the I.4thinst., near Waynesboro, John
Lisinger, in the 2 0 -d year of his age.
FORISEAs.-On the3d tiny of July last. at A ndersouville,
Ga., Mr. George Forney. of Shipnensburg. Mr. F., svaa
a member of Co. F, I.3th l'enn'tt. Cavalry and WM a pris.
over in the hands of the Rebels for more than a 3 ear pre•
vious to his death.
WALKER.---Edward Walker Of CO_ A. 7th P. R. V. C,
tiled in one of the Rebel prisons. lie was taken prisoner
:when the army made the ad wince as Richmond.
• MILLER—On the 13th of October, near St. Thomas,
Mr. George Miller, a worthy and highly esteemed citizen.
and elevated member of the German Reformed Church,
aged 52 years.
The death of Mr. Miller was caused by the falling of a
limb from a tree which he was cugaged in felling, causing
almost /warm i c
all "The memory of the just is breakd."
RUPERT. the 13th ult., at the residence of his
mother, In H on towuship, of chronic diarrhea, Serge.
Simon Rupert, aged 24 years. 9 months and 24 days. This
patriotic young man enlisted April 17, I roil. in Company
C. (Capt Elders) 2d Peon a. Infantry, far three months.
At the expiration of his term, he re-enlisted for three years
or during the war. He was a member of Sherman's Hot
tery and participated• en the Seven-days' fight in front of
Mahatma!, wad at the battle of Anuetani, and also in three
other heavy battles, and in two Sieges He took part in
a good many skirmishers, toed an all oom.siotiSi conducted
himself as was becoming a true Union Soldier. The Lad
enemy he met was Death, and tilted - eh he fell in the strug
gle ; yet his Mends cherish the found hope, that Cheer 61/45,
teat resulted in-his everlasting gain. His aged mother can
say of him, that he was always an obedient and a dllll.flll
WELCH.—On the sth of July, 1864. in the Stanton
Hospital., Washington D. C., Walker C, Welch, a mett,
bee of Company C. 184th nee- P. V. from effeets of a
wound received in right arm while gallantly battleing in
defence of his country in front of l'etersburet on the Le2nd
of June. His bodywaa Interred in the Arlington Cemetry,
near Washington. As won as the news of his death remit
ed his father he started to Washington with the intention
of having his body lilted and brought home, but the au
thorities would not allow any to be moved at that Se ason
of the year; but found the grave, had it properly marked
and returned home. And on the 15th. of November he
again went to Washington. got a permit to move the body,
Mel it raised. put in another eieth; and brought home an d
interred in the burying ground at Burnt Cabins The re
new' took place from the home- of the parents of the deceit,
'on Saturday, November 19th. - The address connectrl with
the occasion was deliiered in the Presbyterian church lif
ter the body was iuterrlel. by Rev. J. S. Gorden. from the
22nd chapter and 12th of Revelations. The deceaeed was
in the 21st year of his age. lie was willing to lay down
his-life fur the country he loved. He fell a martyr to its
cause far from home and friends, Hie funeral was atten
ded by a large concourse of people, He was beloved by
all who knew him and leaves a large circle of friends to
mourn his loss. And little the we think when last we par
ted it was for the last time in life - and that he wouldeersoon
be cut down. How true it is that in the midst of life we
are hi death. He volunteered to defend and maintate the
integrity of the GoVernment and Union which is unsalted
by traitorous bands,. He enlisted en the 26th day of Feb
' ruary, 1564, and atoomr.nied his regiment in all its mar
elms. sufferings and battles until t, banded. Ho reins
brave and faithful soldier,,beerful in the kertortnat, of
_all his duties. Never again sludl lie n - lie cgltuo 1.1111 . 14. a of
this obituary lift up the light of hi. countenance lipon us.
but he is not lost, only gone to engage in a hrgher and holier
warfare. The sun that lets to us sets to rise elsewhere.
His parents keenly feel that one has been taken away and
that their home has been desolated beOause his footsteps
are heard no more. .The one that milled fortis the lose of
parents now Ile silent-In the tomb. J. It. W.
BIJR.IT CABINS., PA:, Dee. sth,
The prospectus of the Burning Spring and Ru
ble Farm Oil Company will be .found an our ad
vertising columns. It is legitimately organized
for the prosecution of the oil business, and among
its officers and chief . manners is J,
ter Esq.,,of this place. Of all the WeSteni Vir
g:tan properties now being developed for Oil, this
seems to be the most , promising, and investments
are made it with great confidence by men who
have a practical knowledge of the Oil business
and the location of the company's land. It prom
se% well as a dividend paying corporation. Sub-,
seriptions will be received at various places:is
stated in the advertisement. The nominal capi
tal of this company has been made ::500,600, and
the cash price of the shares made two dollars.
The Imperial Oil Company mu, oresnized in
Philadelphia yesterday, and is in strung, awl cm
eigetie hands, and the stock will be taken sery
rapidly. More titan half of it was engaged
the formal organization \+us efliTted. The stock
can .. be had from ll'Clure & Stoner, &
Kimmel], Geo.'R. Messersmith, J. McD. Sharpe.
Thos . . Jefferson rill, John Stewart,' William S.
Everett, Geo. W. Brewer,-1). 0. Gchr, and from
Judge Small mad Wni. M. Marshall, llagerston U.
We believe that it will be made .me of the most
successful Oil operation. now on the market, Thii,
Company has the largest reserved ehrtal ut and
now organized. One-fourth of the entire capital
—52.50,000, is reserved fur development and the
interests of the stuck-holders.
The Sterling Oil Company elleied their book,:
yesterday—the stock having been 'sold. It will
doubtlese 'command an advance. The capital hue
been reduced to 200,000 shares. in order to eon_
form to the new act of Assembly of July last.
During the last ten days no less than eighteen
new Oil Companies have been organized in
adelphia with an aggregate oapital or $12,700,.
Ono; and what is must ir, that, most
if not all the stock will be taken-110 anxious ore .
people to arrest in Oil. True, not one hi tvi_tg
the non producing : properties will eser payttitf;
thing, but men take the chances because if they
happen to bit it pays them immensely. Very
many of these companies are purely boOs—em
bracing lands which are not now producing and
not expected by the original owners to produce
anything ; but if the Stock can be sold, the par.
ties on the " first floor" make their handsome
profit, and Stockholders can take care of them
selves. -Many - of them are not even intended for
development, and the stock nomially set apart
as a working capital is never sold. The invest
ment of the Stoekholders is therefore literally
thrown away without even a show : for the pros
pective profits., The Sterling Oil Company has
a certain revenue, and u ill pay dividendson its
cash .capital from the start. and the Burning
Sprini ,and RubleTurra is being honestly devel
oped with every reasonable prospect of success;
but of the entire list of eighteen new companies
we do not knOw anotiwr that we could 'e om meni
There., may be others—most likely there are u
few—honestly organized and promising well. but
we do not know of The following is is list
of the new companies put_ upon the market with
in the last two week-
Sterling' Oil C.
Dankard Creek Oil Co
Henry Cowl, Pet. and C 0... 1,000.0 a) 100,000
Cotter Farm Oil Co 1,000,000 5200,000
iimhinisana Oil Creek Oil Co
F 1
M'Clintoek Reserve Oil
Crescent City Oil C 0..,
Harrison Oil Co
1 X .t Virginia and Ohio Oil C 0... 500,000 100,000
Hoover alai Marshal Oil Co 50000
Burning Springs ;ant Ruble Farm 40(000 .19,0110
Big Whitley Creek Oil Co . aguksi 100,0141
Mullengur Oil Co 7.00,0(ki 100.000
Mutual Oil Co., 250,00 1`15,100
Total (18 Com rtani eN) P1;2.700.000 1 ,FOJO,
The actual cash capital is usually not more than
half the amount of the nominal capital.
Of the 215 organized Oil Companies now on
the market, but 41 have ever declared a dividend,
and probably not more than half the dividends so
declared Were honestly earned by revenues from
oil. The public can tot, therefore, be too cautious
about investments this dazzling but most doubt
ful channel of trade: No other stocks will pay sO
largely and reliably as Oil stocks if investment
are judiciously made., but in no other branch of
trade , will so much 'Matey he lost by investing in
prospective productions
The Bank of Chambersburg is now doing busi
ness as the "National Rank of Chambersburg,"
and will soon be supplied with the new National
issues. It has three years, however, to retire its
old circulation, and the old notes will in the mean
time be as acceptable to our people as the new.
—The following is the latest quotations of the
sales of stocks and bonds in Philadelphia:
U. S. 5.20's 108, , Beading 6"11. 111.74
U. 5.,,40-Vhs 11}2 Penna.'B. R. 'lnt inert.. 1.12
U. S. 6e, 'Bl' Da Patina E. It. ZNI. inert. 'DR
Ul S. es coupon. IOSt Phila. era. 'Bl I 7 _I
U. S. Certificate , 95 Phila. Ws, new .. ..... 1 , 9
Patina. S's coupon..._.' 911 Phila. k. Erie 11. IL ii', IV;
6741Phila & Erie rt. R... V
tni IN. Central
Penna. R R.
Reading P R
Fulton Coal if Home's Eddy 011 1
Big-Mountain Coal , avlrving 021
N. Y. & Mid. Coal 12 I Pope F'unn 011 ....
Green Mt. Ear1....._.. 4 .lDensmore
N. Carbondale ii 'llall.ell
Feeder Dana C0a1..... I MtElbeny
Clinton Caul. 1 ,Roberto Oil
Butler Coal 10 Olmstead- • •-.
Dintriond C0a1... . 18 'Noble & Delnmater
. . ... . . . ..
Snaiam i ' Hibbard._
Monoeney Iron: , ... 102 Story Farm -
Perm Mining ..... ..... 212 Bruner- ... ... .... .
Connemient -3, IPet roleura Centre... z
Keystone lbw 12IEgbert
Exeelnior Oil 1 99' Iloge Inland
Big Tanl ... ... .... 9.1' Allegheny River.
ContmentaL 22 ,Curtm
Farrell 2 ; Phila & Oil Creek ....
Oil Creek 71 Bull Creek
Maple Shade Oil 491; Germania
M'Clintoek Oil 51 Corn Plante'r
Pennsylvania Pet 9 ,Briggs
Perry CM. al , Rock Qil . . •
Mineral Oil "..41; Tarr Farm
Keystone Oil. 2 Globe Farm
Venango (hl..— ..... 1 Sellny'kill Oil Creel, ..
Union Petroleum 22 'Walnut '<land.. . ... .
Beacon Oil '' ... 1 'Eldorado. ....... ..
Seneca Oil 6 ;:oit. Nicholas 4
Organic. Oil Dankur
Freaklin Oil Caldwell
Gold fluctuated on Monday from 2363 to 239
closing at the first figure.
Chtimlbersbutg 31nrketm.
Ca.ouisrsuntn, Der. 13, 1564
Floar—RrldtP Ed 1 (10 t 13uder
Flour—Red 1010Egge
•1 Ea lo
i 4) `Soup ...
10 - (Kri IV:i:she.)
4 514 ed 7W , m 4
Clever Seed..
T4noth!,- Seed
neared Pinte . l,A
P.tat , w!.—Pink Eye
Philadelphia. Markets,
RIIILADELI . III.I. Dee. 13.1260
Flour.—W% native mica est",?!. - Xibblq extra at $11.2.5 p
bbl.; 1200 bbls. redetone, 1211) bbis Jenny Lindtxtra fam•
By am! fiZO bbLi. Bruitil street Mills extra, an tenni; kept
secret. The tales to the home consumers are limited nt
yesterday's finaires Rye Flour is Beano• and commands
p bbt . In Vern Meal nintillig laving., and price., ar
4alse of red at e 2.40 b.,sh •
Abdo; 1000 brohelti, amber ootrl ,ut the latter quotano
White ranges from 82.70 to •2tk 4 . Rye is worth 81.7'24
75. Corn eomes in slowly, and i< doll at for old 3e
low, and 81.70 for new. Oats ar e not ?ti, 10,1111111i.111 u.
only f'dX,lo bushel,. Pennsylvania .1,1 ut l e -
-Whisky is 4ulet. Small ,-,tleo of Levu<y lynniu at t'
Ohio at 81.2:1. and shoddy at 81,41
1111' TELECRArIt.j
Philadelphia Stork Market.
Stocks 4teady. Penn fives , Rending' Railroad. fie , :
,Home Canty: 941; Long Wand, —. Penn. R R., 67
Gold, MI ; exchange on Sow York par.
Ariz abbnitoemritto.
XT, OTICE —SD persons indebted to A. J
White by mitt. ur Book Amount will confer u fioor
by railing and settling . their neeuunts withmit deity}. lire
books are all that he has rayed out of the great
;I, , fl A.. 1 WHITE.
Stone lit:aiding, 2 doors north of tho Yost Office.
VSTRAY. ER.—Came to "the
_EA mthisos or the subscriber, at pper Strasburg Frank
hit County, nn Or about the hcst g.f November, a RED
MULEY * RE!FER, with n white fitnpe on the (awe. The
oat ter iw requested to pros e property pay I.llarge, uud
take her away, otherwke she is !II 1,), , .01d no the lan di•
reet, de, 14-ti W. W. BurrTox.
reA m ha} ing the " Florence:' Every magma. war.
rented to give mui,fartion er the money refunded. For
further partmular+ vie adverligetneut on 4th page.
.11 .31 a Illt3, lt. I'. fIAZELET.
i.J Tiox.—Samuel Richard.ron's Estate.—To the heirs
and leiral representatives of void derid: You are hereby
notified that la partuence of a writ of inquisition, Wining
,nit of the Orphan's Court of Franklin count•, Pa, and to
me directed. I nill.hoht mti irvplrst on the Hrnl Estate of
said decedent died seized, situate in the Botougi,
of iiiiiientinstle, Franklin county, Pa.. on Mt 4th day of
J(11111Rry 1,1)., 110;5. at 1 I' M., when awl where
ton may attend it you think tinikier.
deci.l ,it SAyil EL BRAND. Sbenff.
T 1) )N .—Jarob lloorrr x 1 , ;+ , 021, —To the 110100 and 'le
gral reprrsentatix rs at said dr r'd • ~it are hereby notifi
ed that. in pursunta a °ln n rit uwAkur nut
of the orphant,' Court of Franklin County. and to na•
directed. I will bald an inqueat on the Heal Estate at
uldeli said decedent died netted. xituate in Franklin Conn.
to. Ca_ on the 31.4 day of December, A. 1)., IIEd, td ,
lock, A. M. n hen and where von may attend if tan
think proper. SANIVEL ISRANI)T.
TOWN'SII W.—Notice her 44,) L .- ken to 01 such
11,, Of I limulton Franklin county, Venn
,y(-1 mon nho /Imo not toad their Moody my for Hid 4,
dna , de of the Bounty coinatitt, e will attend at liordon's
/cute! OIL Saturday thr 17th, .2{6 and Jlet day, Of fleet-m
-in-, 1).304, for th, p o r rkr ,, of r. , elying and ri , ccipting for
the Nitta - , neil ;1041 ta-t, not OW on "rl, , Air, the .t.'.10 day
of J.thuury, , Irnd, Add be plot vd, in the handy of a 'doper
flyer fire collection, tt ilii fie 0 lo r cot added therOto.
By order of its Committee,
-dect42t ..11).NAS PALMER, Tremorer
II) too* of TI3IDTIIY HAY n4tatod by Geo. A. Del
'2l.X),Walnitt Log, 0 noted George A. Deitz.
t(kl [Aso wauled George. A. neitz.
100 forge Cherry Log 4 i‘aoted by Ge4.rgo , A Deitz.
Itve, Core, DaO,Lral al! kintlA of prodoee bong
. ...the A. Deitz, at 104 81 itrviloure itbo% e the Ithilrot
1,. pot
Yore and I.thq , Coat fur ,ale ehoay. by the ton or la
Oak add Hickory wood 1,3 the cord or half cord.
(Pal. :old Hickory wood sun tot and split for %love use,
/fy the coot or loaf cord.
Windon and 1)...0 Situ,' of Oak, Walnut Or Pam, On
on hand.
W.. 1" and 'Mot Frame stuff, and all kind, of Limber,
such as Oak and Pine `dank; Oak, Walnut, Pine and
Hemlock Boards 1 Flooring Boards, Jennie, Seanthng,
Shingle, Paling, laths, &c. '
Best of ROUTING SLATE always on hand, and roofs
put on by the bent Slaters, who have drawn medals for
their superior workmanship.
Call at DEITZ'S Warehouse, aboTO the Railroad Da.
pot, and buy eieap. dto'
franiOn latvasitorp, eimattersburg3
. •
prto abb zit' torments%
FOUND.—On Thursday last, in the Bo
rouzil of Chambersburg, a SILVER WATCH) The
°letter ean hare it by calling at this office and paying for
this advertisewerd. deebblt
N 0 T I C E.—Notice is
.1.1.1 hereby gis en that Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Itebeemt Pawling, lute of Antrim townimip, deed, have
been granted in the undersigned.
All perbons knowing themselves indebted to mid Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
chla ; rire'seat theta prop4/yauthentleatedfursettlement.
STEAXI. SAW MILL.—The undersign
oil have erected And in operation a Stearn , Saw 31i11
at Small 31oniatila, near Gratienbarg Spring', and are
I)(2t' to cart
K ' i order
iuv 33 A
kind at%iePslhNE:
n . r l
i est notice and at low reit,. One of the drm will be at the
note] of Sam . ' Givenalralt, in Chambe_nsburg. on Satur•
day the 4th inst, and on each alternate Saturday thereat
ter for tier purpoise of contracting for the delivery of
(tin% LUMBER DELIVERED at any point at the Low
-1 her RATES, Jill letters should be addressed to them at
oralrenburg p, 0.. .Idarns Co.. pa.,
ilecl4-ti 311LTENBEIME11. & BRADY.,
Cupital. Shares.
-WOO 250,000 100.IXX)
The subscriber respectfully informs hie friends and the
public, that lie continuero to carry on the above business,
at his old stand, on Main Street. opposite the German Re ,
formed Church, CfIAIII3ERSIIIIIIG. PA.
Baring enlarged his business, Saddlers and Ceaeh
mare', will find in bin Store Room a general tessortment
of meets suited to their several requirements. such an
Fair and Country Ifogskins.
Patent Leather, •
Saddle Trees and fiirthiqg.
Plated. Tinned and Japanned; Gqat
flair. Stnininz Web and Worsted Rain i
Web. lower than Cotton
Humes. Bits and Stimuli, Plated, Tinned and•Japann'ed
Coach Handles, now styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands;
Biddle Fronts; Roseates. Swivels and Ornaments ; Iron
Plated and Wood Gil' flame , .
all Styles and Patterns; Ivory and Wooden Martingale
Rings, Stump Joints. and a variety of other goods sititable
hw the trade.
ALT. KINDS OF 'PLATING, kr.. done with neatness
and devatch, [deel4) „LEWIS WAIIPLER.
1 0110, MO 300, MO
.500,1NX) 100,000
500,0(X) 11)0,4100
ix Try
This beautiful Steel Engrarinylinted he Schutt
sele and esieraved by Sartain , is have gan immense sale,
and is eensalewd by all who hare seen it as one of the
Snest specimens of engracinza ever gotten out in this coon-'
Every Soldier's Family should have a copy.
Every Loyal Househould should hare a copy.
In fact, every family who has a father, hushind, or son
battling for 116 country, will appreciate and should pos•
,It will always bea beautiful memorial of Ries"! anxious
'ays and years of rebellion and war.
This engraving is sold exclusively by Agents.
, and others will find this the mospleasant and protita
\ agency they nialtsidertake. We giveiexclusirc terri
and will give particulars of agency on application.
We print this plate on a 16 by 24 sheet, suitable fur
framing, and will send a specimen copy by mail, free, on
receipts of the price, 52.50, which is about one half the
price usually charged for engravings of this character,—
Fur particulars address.
BRADLEY & CO., Publishers,
ilecl4-2t. N0..66 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
LA in tfle Post Office at Glaambersb.
Sylvania, Dec. 13, 1864.
r.7,P - To obtain any of these Letters,
call' for - advertised Lettets," give the
pay one cent for advertising
Acre Miss Margaret leristVell Henry 4
Baker Wm ff Downey3freAgnes
Beinliotver Peter (EminingbrDavidP,
Butinver Aaron Heart
Bigler CI ustarrus irentriek John
Bishop John Pishei John
Berkey RevJosephl Ponke Elfin Jane
Black)tics Harriet; Pi xllissElizabeth2,
Brinklv R (.1 ;Gingery Daniel '
Blackburn Albert I Godfrey Gilmon
Bryson LteulJnoW V Harmony John
Brcohbill llrs Gelb Ile adriesonßev OP
Butler MhtsjfaryLl. flurry Prof Jai B
Byers John Rohl Mieo Ruby
Bowle,JereadaliK 'Jacobs Oliver C 3
Brown Cyrus [Jones Wm
Clark Henry ;Jones Prink
ClarkMishllizabetT,Kennedy .13
ClintonJ Weldon
Cabte 3t' .'aleffem en Henry
C4ibaturh Harry IM'Clure James
Tnr.lay, January sled, 1S&1. at the Court House. in
Hagerstown, Nd., 1 will offer at Public Anemia, my val.
orribl• homestead. "Clifton," situate along- the Chesapeake
and 011ie Can, d. about two miles West of Williainspwrt,
Md. It enntrons 2:10 ACRES, more or less. 112 Acres of
which ctmetst of the riebeFt2and most highly improved
river tattoo, "All Acres being al clover. Abdul. 40 Acres
of nee uplands is undet cultivation, and the remainder is
weft woods d n all ()AL and line The fells are of conve
moo via,'. :raryilut Into Ste to fifteen acres each, nuth fen
cing. iu gaol condltion, Amotig many superior advanta
ges, it pos....s7ses an nnOinng supply of eseelleut Water.
nod a ism, ()ROLA RI) of delirious Fruit. a Idle the C.
0. Canal ond,,tonntx rood. to Williamsport, affords extra
ordinary market faCtines. The improvements are among
the best in the county, consisting of a fine F It A 1H E
DWELLING HOUSE, built on the most approved plan,
and for comfort nod conveniente unsurpini.sed: a TEN
ANT HOUSE. ,eesiftmodions BARN, STABLE, CORN
HOUSE, WASH-HOUSE. and all other necessary out,
belldings in <templet. order. This property offers a rote
opportunity for a profitable inveelment as its proceed* have
always realized a handsome percentage. Persons wishing
to purchase are invited to CXll3llilat. the premises before the
any of male.
TEIDf4 OF SALE —One hair casie--the haleness in one
jo and two years a nil interest. 'WILLIAM TOWSON. '
• 0 _
in the Stone Bid Mint-, on Second Street, two doors
Gilt 4+ a coil
waled Proposals, in duplicate will be received by the
undersigned until two o'clock, P. M.., Dec. 21et. 1861, for
torno•hing• the V. S,SribsiMane4. Deportment, delivereclin
Chainbershurg, Pa., with "FRESII BEEF" of a Rood and
marketribte quaint-, in proportion of Fore and Iliad Quar
ter meat, (Neck. Shrink and — Kidney Tallow to be exclu
ded) in such quantities as may be required, and on such
dove as shall be designated at this office, WI:MIR Qeine
.1) ce. ?2nd. 1864, for a period of six months.
'fire utility of the balder to fulfill the agreement must
be guaranteed by two responsible persons whose signa
tures must be appended to the guarantee. 'ln cane of fail
nre the linnet States reserves the right of purchase-else
where to'rnal, up the deficiency, charging the advance
paid over the contract prlee to the party failing tcrdellyer.
Ail bide most strictly comply with the terms of this ad
venisemrot. No Preis - esti wil Ibe ennsidered when either of
the turtles iv a member of Congress, officer, agent or Em
ploye« «t the ekivernment and is not known trixtreiyal to
Payment N, ill he made in such fluids us may be furnish
ed ho the l'ilited States for the purpose.
The proposals will be opened at I'. M., Wednesday.
Due. 21.1, and bidders are invited to attend. _
ISt nr 1, r ut Bit(PA Gnitiamt Capt. & C. S. B. S.
V.. Vlia.f S 1)Opt. of Peanavlvania.
Copt & C. R. U.S. V.:
Ha,bz just irrqi qrtertml. usz•ortment of rood.
-Op Mc Post Office, on Second Street,
licher , lily old and 1 hope many new- min - inters n ill find
tiny don,. ir linidnehs home My old stock Wring been re
&WA ry I.l,llilt.nly on the 30th of July lost, I. Unn. emu
polled to boy on
Entire Xi... Stock of Goods,
a hall ara of latest styles and patterns, eanN6tinz of
(hit ;,lot Silver (Timm -led and Aawrivau)
airy of fine' and medium ' • •
Silver Thimbles,
Napkin Rings,
Fruit and Butter Knives,
Gthl Pens of tine quality,
Pee k etk Cutlery, -
Baton, Strops and Brtinhe.
Silver Plated Spoon s , Foro. , and Butter Bluive.,
;t (,tams,
• Peeket Book
intlnilOni .
Nail and 'Fneth - Brnsluts,
Redding and 'Whet Combs,
Lend Pencils,
mouriteo Satchel,.
Larwe and Small WIllou• Baskets,.
Accorden., :
\Plutons, &c:
Th e ~,irtment of CLOCKS s largo and of every ya
I have on hand the HENRY REPEATING RIPLE (
tchleh eon be fired fifteen times in thnt many seconds
ficeryinnly should have one for self defencr.
The public are Invited to call and examine them.
PISTOLS on hand unit orders tilled for any kind that
may bn wanted. Cartridges of all sizes kept on band.
From tong experience I an adapt Spectacles to the sight
of the old as is ell as middle aired. SPECTACLES A NI)
EYE ULASSES to (told, Silver and Steel Frames al.
nays on hand.
Having tile aFenev for the sale of the celebrated BL"R•
GLAR AND I IRE-PROOF SAFE, taanufatitured by
Farrell, Herring .1 Co., / will All or/ the-rnanalize
tares price. All information In regard to theist given.
The public are invited to call and examine the stock.
.Watohes, Clocks and ,Jewelry repaired at low rates to
snit the times.
11011 E ON A 1'U21.01:43H.
State of Penn•
he aimlieant must
to of thin list; and
facin Henry
Palmer A M
Piffer Joln
Rtprer Geo
Rife Jacob
Ritter James
Rice Miss E C
Shearer Min Susß
Sharer Miss ELM'
Snively A J
Streaeh Sliss Jane
Strock Miss Marg
ISteriek Miss Jem
;Zimmerman Wm
Rare opened their
north of the Post Office, and opposite
the Cove tg Jill
r grAld avratment of
and a general assortment of
C r ent'n and Ladb.' ) Vatches.
EbVir Altb
iletu itbt ettiiiemento.
QUARTER MASTER% OMER, le:oTtment Of Wert
Virginia, Cumberland, Md., Nor ember-18,1864.
. _
SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate are invited by the
undersigned for supplying the Quartermaster's Depart
ment In the Department of West Virginia at Charleston,
Parkersburg and Wheeling, West Va., Gallipolis, Ohio,
and the several Depots on the line of the lialtienore and
Ohio. Railroad, as follows: Clarksburg, Grafton; New
Creek; Cumberland, Martinsburg, Darper's Ferry, ),
Point of Rocks, and including Hagerstown and Frederick
City; 31d.; or either of those places, with Han Corn, Oats
and Straw.
Bids will be received for the delivei•v of three thousand
(5000) bushels of Corn or Oats and fifty (50) tows of Hay
or Straw and upwards, and must be accompanied by a w
iry of-this advertisement
Bidders must state at which of the above named points
they propose to make deliveries., and the rates at which
they will make deliveries thereat, the quantities of each
article proposed to be delivered, the time when said deny
..e.ry shall be commenced and when to be completed.
Corn andOnts to be pat up in good, strong sackl ;;Hay
`and Straw to be securely baled.
All article@ offered under the bids herein Invited will be
subject to a rigid inspection by a Government Inspector,
before being accepted.
Contracts will be awarded from time to time Mete lowest
responsible bidder, as`the interests of the Government may
require. . •
bids'will be considered from parties who have fence
heretofore to . comply with their contracts.
All proposalrmust be accompaniedby a guaranty, sign.
ed by two responsible persons, that in case the bid is ad.
ceptell. he Or they will, within the time named, execute
the coitract for the same, -with good and sufficient sureties
to a sum equal in amount to the amount of the contracts to
deliver forage proposed, In conformity with the terms of
this advertisement, and In case a bidder shall fail to enter
into the contract they to make good the difference between
the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible
bidder or the person to whom the contract maybe awarded.
The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by
the official certificate of a United States District Judge or
Attorney, Collector of Customs, or other Government offi
cial, known by this office. ,
All parties will be duly - notified of the acceptance or me
jection of their proposals.
All proposals must be made In duplicate, and be accom
panied with the oath of allegiance of the party or parties,
unless it has already been placed on file In this °Mee.
The full name and poet office address of each bidder
mast be written in the proposals.
4 Proposals must be atkireuid to Capt. J. G. Farnsworth,
Chief Qom-tern:Laster, Department of West Virginia, Cum
berland, Md., and marked "Proposals for Forage."
Blank v fontis of bids, guarantees and bonds may be ob.
tainedsgrupplicadon to this office.
All proposals received under this advertisement will be
elanied sad examined at this office on WEDNESDAY and
SATURDAY of each week,-at 12 M. ,Bidders are re
stectfolly invited to be present at the opening of bids, if
9Apy desire. J. G. PARfhWOItTH,
Captain and Chief Quartermaster,
Department of West Virginia. -
Capital, $600,000. Sharer, ..%0,000. Working Cap. $40,000.
Par Value, 82.50. Subscription Price $2 :per share.
A. B. LC:MAKER, 'rm.ident
ktuisox Eurreu, Via& C. B. PEIALER, sec'y
J. E. Ely, Earristankr, John White, Jr., New York,
A. U. Longaker, 'Karmen, J. Hervey Jones, Pittsbargh,
W. It Thllada, J. Allison Eyster, Philade,
Alexander B. ]teed Pittalmrgh.
Office No.21)8 South 4th street, (lirstlloor, bitch room,)
- The property at this Company is situated in the imme
diate vicinittyy of the Little Kanawha River, in Wirt county,
West Virgyrt, and is ?art of the valuable and well known
l'fesT—The undivided "h elf of ISO Acres in Fee Simple,
with a Bat boring surface of fill Acres on which Three Wells
have been bored, and two of them, at the depth of only
9.00 feet have yielded Oil; and the third, at a depth of
seventrfive feet sent out large quantities of gas, giving
the most flattering indications of a good Well. Great val
ue is placed upon this portion of the Company's property
from its Close proximity to the celebrated "Lewellyn" and
"Eternal Centre" Wells, the former of which flowed three
thousand barrels per day, being separated from them only
by a broken, ridge, known as the "Hog Beck Ridge;' and
quite receotly.two wells near by having been struck, each
predating fifty barrels per day. Also from the high prices
of Royalties, the Company expect to realize a large and
permanent income from leasing.'
Seco:VD—Also a lease, on Burning Spring Run, of one
and a half acres, with an unexpired term of fifteen lears,
and a rZiyally of one.third.-` On it there is also a well only
two hundred feet deep, frouswhich has been obtained fifty
to one hundred barrels be , an ordinary distiller's hand
pump, and has now In it not less than one hundred feet of
Oil, and flows spontaneously. This Lease ialocated near
ly opposite the above named-eelebrated„ Welts, and is also
inclose contiguity to the far famed "yeir" and "Cam
den" Wells. Its location is such also as to be protected
from interferences arising front sinking of Wells on adjoin
ing properties. The lease provides for a piece of 1F,,n1 of
oblong' shape, giving Thereby a larger boring frontayo on
the Burning Spring Run, and enough' for ten more wells.
The Company, feeteverressumnee that the Well upon
the Lease referred to, when Properly put in order, will
prove to be vets productive, and will yeildofieselfravntle
sufßeient to pay handsome dividends upon the stock.
The faciltie*Tor shipping Oil. on the Kanawha River,
which are geed. will be greatly . enlarged and improved
try the contemplated enterprise of nfaking a Sleek Water
There is at present an unexampled state of activity in
this region, and developments are going on rapidly upon
a most extensive scale, some twenty-fire-eases having
been recently chipped to this vicinity. •
The inducements tlud offer to those who are desirons of
securing an interest in this new immense source of wealth
whickbas startled the world, is one of the very highed:
Character, the locality being the very heart 'of the Oil re
gion, as the many gigantic Wells found on it attest suffi
ciently and satWactority.' •
This Company is organized entireiy and solely for the
purpose of engaging in the legitiraate business ofprodueing
Oil, and developing' the fee ample ,property belonging to
the Company, and the management of the ram*? having
been entrusted to gentlemen of known business enterprise
and *kill, who will brieg to the accemplishment of the ote
jeer their united energymnd business industry. We are
satisfied in believing and assuring our Stockholders that
it will yield hugely to them, and render the stock a safe
and pnatnerive Investment.
Snla-criptfatts'tvill be received by Geo, It. Idessersmlth
and C. Taylor. Esqs., at the Bank of Chambersburg
Eyster and Brothers; Repository Office; I'o Office, and;
by J. Allison Ester, Treashrer, at the office of the Com-,
d(lf South-lth Street, Philadelphia, "decl4-4t
Office 139 South:lV% Street, Philadelphia.
C.Orr.v. $1,000,000
John M. Pomeroy,
Thomas A, Soar; \ ' Ettaha W. Dar*
D. K. Jackman,, Peter B. Small,
- J. C. Bomberger,
This Company has
given} Tice?, immediately opposite Oil Cily, and adjoining
Laytor , ! . ls, with 11.0 rods front on the•river, and 75 rode
Irons on Luy's Run. Hon. C. P. - Rainlett, editor of the
Oil City Moniior.and agent for 11th land, aanures the Corn
rani that it will sell In lola for 8100,000, referring the e
right which is worth $lOO,OOO additional. Immediate re,
mile tea be derived for the Company from the sale of these
/as; and, the Company hare too good inlghtevt with ,com
plete fixtures to operate immediately for oil. The territo
ry in thilr_ftnutetliOte loctility hat nicer faile‘i to produce
profittit; - 1}
Also,. one hundred acres, In fee simple, in the celebrated
Cherry Run District, immediately adjoining . Cherry Run
Petrohnuntonqinny, whose stoeLis now worth over 630
per share. The Companj• now have offers, which will be
accepted, for Sinking - we.iit on lease. without any cost' to
the rprporattion ahtt one !toff the rtoeee tts to go to the Corn
pony, The Curtin and St. liicholaft Cotnpan ie,t are in th
immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding* a
large premium. In addldol", the eompanyhal 40 aere4,
in fee simplei. on Cherry Tree Run, which empties in
Oil Creek, and in the best. producing section of the
- Territory, and 110, acres, in fee simple, on Walnut Bend
aye miles above the mouth_ of Oil Creek, and not over two
miles trot - wine - celebrated Reed well, vex producing over
,200 Ivarret per day,
Alio. the lease of three tracta of land, two on 0:11 Crook
each producing ever ten barrels per day, and one on Al
gheny River, prixtueing ten barrels per day of heavy of
Worth uow Viper barreL Tbe' Company now receives
three-tuarthiof the proceeds of the last named l, am
4sec-halter the other two., Ealiot these tracts ' 4 bade
vatopea by the Company by oinking additional welbcani
the ceginet and fixtures are uOw so bond to do it.
The tar ere of this Company niece to htlesecute the •d
relopment of these lands most 'energetkally, and they
Lave entire confidence that the will yield very large d
dentl,4 on the ciljAtal stock
Subscriptions must be /1111a0 promptly. Mt more
than one-half of the stock is already engaged
.Subeciiptiotis will be received by
3t'Clare & Stoner,
T. Jeremon
' Wm. S. Everett, .
Wm. G. Reed,
We have examined, with mach care, Mr, Wra. B Brad.
bray's New Scale Pianofortes, and it is our opinion that,
in power, purity, richne4, equality of tone, and thorough
workmanship, Mr. Bnuthory's instruments excel"
We find great brilikutey and a beautiful singing quality
of tone meet happily blendetL We have 11.2.8EL2 seen a
square Piano coMbine so many of these qualities essential
to a Fanner nrolitmest I .
William Mason,
, S. B. Malis, 1 Its,
i t e m e
George W. Morgan, 1 G F. Baistow,
Theodore Thomas, - A. eb,,„
Harry Sanderson, Glisve R. Eckhardt.
John N. Pattison, Geftre 11. Curtis.,
Charles Ftudel, IL /2: Matthews, -
Robert Aeller, - P. L. Ritter,
Charles Grebe, F. L. Nash.
Stsakoseh, - I Theodore Moelling, ,
Clare W. Beanies, . John H. lekler, .
Max liaretzek, - Robert Stoepel,
Carl , A.uschnts, Hein C. Thom,
T. E. Perkins,
' E. M. Carrington, President N. Y. Harmonic Society.
Theodore Hagen, Editor New rork - lificsieal Review.
John Zundel, Organist in H. W. Beecher's Church.
An assortment of those magnificrnt Pianos now on hand.
Warerooms, No. 427, Broome street, corner ofCrosby
street, one block east of Broadway, New York.
-decl4-1m Wit B. BRADBURY.
;44AL. Sts:TEENTU.TateT, PENN'S- Chambers.
burg, Dr.rembl, "ilk .1164.
I have men directed to make public the following ail
vertisernew. The .Board of Enrolment will be in session
daily at Charabersburg for the purpose of striking off the
names indicated below, unless absent tinder orders or en
.gaged lathe more urgent ditty of examining drafted men.
It is desired that enrolled men, calling with the view of
having their names stricken off, present themselves le the
afternoon, between one and form o'clock. The Board will
cheerfully inform applicants by letter of the quantity and
character of proof required in specified cases.
Capt. and Pro. Mir. 16th Dist. Pa.
In order to secure the assistance and co-operation of the
people in the endeavor to keep the enrolment lists condo
ually correct, the Enrolment loards have been directed to
have copies of sold lists kept open to the examination of
the public at all proper times, and shall give public notice
that any person may appear before the Board and have
any name stricken off the list, if he can show, to the sada•
faction of the Board, that the person named is not properly
enrolled, on &Mount of, ti
let. Alienage.
thiL Non-residence.
3d. Over age.
4th. Permanent physical disability, of such a degree as
to render the person not a proper subject for enrolment
der the law and regulations.
sth. Sieving served in the military or naval service two
years daring the present war, and been honorably dia.
Especially civil officers, clergymen, and all prominent
citizens are invited to appear at all times before the Board
to point out errors in the lists, and to give such information
in their possession as may aid in the correction anti revision
Theyshonld understand that it is plainly for the interest
of each stthrdistrict to have stricken from the lists all names
improperly enrolled, because an exceas_of names increases
the quota called for from such sub•distrietar, and that it is
equally for the interest of each person enrolled in a given
sub-district to place upon the lists all persons in the sub
district liable to do military duty, because the greater the
number to be drawn from the less the chance that any par
Bandar individual will be drawn. It is the personal lute- -
rest of every enrolled man that the quota in which be is
concerned shall not be made too large, and that his own.
chances for draft shall not be unjustly increased t both These
objects will be attained if all portico will aid in striking out
the wrong names and putting in the right ones. Especial.
ly is this the interest of those drafted men who by putting
In substitutes themselves liable to draft, have secured ex
emption, which, by the terms of the law, holds good only
until the present enrolment is exhausted in them sub dis
tricts. Men who are over 45 years of age, and in conse
quence excused by law from the performance of duty in
the field. owe it to the cause and the country to take a zeith
ens and active part is the correction of the enrolmentlists,
a military service of the first importance. The law re
quires that the quotas shall be assigned in Proportion to
the enrolment, and the fairness and justness of this mode
'of determining the amount of military service due from
each and every section of the country, cannot be doubted;
. if the enrolment is made - as nearly perfect as it is possible
to make it. The amount of service due to the nation from
every town or county, is thus laid fairly and plainly before
the citizens. audit is expected that a higher motive than a
selfish interest, will prompt all to do their share in perfect
ing the enrolment, and securing ajust and edicient execu
tion of the laws for raising troops, whenever it becomes
necessary to apply them. By order of
A. A. P. M. Gehl.
deo7 Capt. and A. A. A. Geu'L
iiriailitia,l3artisbrug, Dec. 3, .
L The commander in Chief in announcing that kn.!'
Gen. Couch, has been, by the War Department, relayed.
from the command of the Department of the Susquehanna,
and ordered to service In the field, deems it just to express
the regret which he felt at the tertainination of the relations
which have existed, during more than eighteen months
between - that officer and the State authorities, and tointy
that the promptitude, earnestness, vigor and integrity with
which Gen. Coach, at all times fulfilled all his duties, Is
this department, have entitled him to the highest esteem
and regard. The citizens of Pennsylvania have learned
to know his merit. and will be gratified to hear of that
new distinction, which, in active. service, his skill, spirit
. and gallantry cannot fail to add to his already high repu
tation as a patriot and soldier.
IL The Commander in Chief deems it a proper subject
of congratulation - that the command of the department de-.
volves upon Maj. Gen. Cadwalder, a citizen of our own
State, and an officer of high integrity and military char'
aster, and by whom the people can rely, the public ser
vice will be wisely and vigorously curie,'" on.
By order of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
A. L.-RUSSELL, Adj. Gen. Penn's. dec7.3t
Boots atir 5,b0t0.
P. PELDMA.N, having disposed of his entire stock
of Roots, Shoes, &e.. of whalma/s, on the 30th of last month,
and 'finding it Inconvenient to resume business at his for
mer place on Main street, I tutu fl jean returned from the
STOCK, to which be respectfully invites the attention of
his old customers, and as many new ones as will be pleased
to give ldm a esta, at HIS NEW-STORE ON SECOND
ST., in CHARLEY KLINE'S brick building, nearly op
posite the Post Office. His stock embraces every variety
of Youths'. Ladies' and Men's HOOTS & SHOES, which
for style of finish, and durability of wear, cannot be sur
passed in the county, and whieb will be sold at prices 43
snit the times. Haiing purchased THE LATEST STYLE
OF LASTS, be is prepared to make Customer work. nt
short notice, by the best workman ial L the county. With a
disposition to be obliging and accommodating, he hopes
to merit a liberal share of patronage—without a desire
to monopolize, as his motto is, in our common calamity, to
live and let leave. "
200,000 Swami at $2 each.'
Ile has also on hand, and for sale, cheap, Trunks, Va.
lines, Carpet Sacks, Linnen and Paper Cohan, Paper,
Envelopes, Inkinands, Steel Pens, kn., &c..
N. B.—All persons knowing themselves indebted will
please call and makeimmediate settlement, that I may be
enabled to meet my former lia .dities in the City, ange4
on Aire
MO ALL Wiloll. ll.' MAY CONCERN.
The undersigned takes this method of returning his thanks
to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for
the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him,
and hopes, in hit presto toisforune in common with near
ly every business man in town, that he will still continue '
tu be remembered. He has the pleasure of informing the
public that he has. opened his Store in' the Basement of J
B. McLanahon's Dwelling. on Second Street. four dons'
North of the /Methodist Church, where he is prepared to
offer a generol assortment of Men's, Women's and Chil
dren's Boots and Shoes, embracing his own tort City roan.
ufacture, which, for excellece of style and durability ate
superior to and of bis former stock. and will be offered at
prices to suit ail. He Is in Weekly Receipt of Goods Rion:
Philadelphia, which for beauty - end excellence cannot be .
surpassed South of the Susonehanna.
CUSTOMER WORK of every a - atiety done with
promptness.—As he employs none but superior workmen.'
he feet justified in guaranteeing all work made at his es'
lablishraent. Don't 'forget the place, Four Doors Nord,
of the MitAodirc aura, Second Strew, Lott Side..—
TRUNKS, of the latest style, boat approved makers, al;
ways on hand, and for sale at a very smolf;advance oil
original cost- [aug24l JACOB HUTTON.
TURNED UP AGAIN.—I would re 7
spectfully inform my friends and customers, that I
hare again opened., on-Second &rat, opposite the Market
Rouse, where you will find a good nioartment of BOOTS
stock js entirely now, as my old stork was entirely cousin ,
med by the late tire, which I am disposed to sell as lowa ,
the market affords,
I would request all (who bare not been burnt out) to tudl
and settle their Old Accounts, as I need money. By on
doit . 4 you will confer a great favor and enable me to it,
on In my basinean (sep2l-3n4 ISAAC IIUTTON.
N'ClettaA &
J...*oD. Sharpe;
Jelin Stewart,
Gee, W. Brewer,
D. D. Gebr. (dea:l4-2
REW abbettioements.
liailitarg goitres.
Particular at tention paid to all kinds of Repairing.
*abblerg anb, Ramos.
Li JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfully return; bD
thiutks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement reerii•
red from them heretofore, and he would invite them and
the community genentlly, who may need any thing Midi'
line, to give lam a call at his new eland. MS East Qneen
street, near the Franklin Railroad, Chambenthurg where
he keeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE
RY AND HARNESS of his own .numnfaeture, and he
is prepared to sep the same on terms that defy competi
tion: Every article offered for sale is warrented to be
made of the beat material and by competent workman.
whi c h will be folly demonstrated on an era:Mention there,
TRUNKS AND VALISES.—ne would also ea the
attention of persona good neat awl cheap and
substantial Trunk or Valise to bin assorttnent. Jnne17,6.1.
_ _
Stn p coCouplingstra m Racking Straps , or any other
kind of Btr s.
ap, call at C. 11. GORDON'S, one door south
of Dr. J. L. Suesserott'a office.
tame assortment of SADDLES, - HARNESS, SRI.
DLES, COLLARS, and HALTERS, which be will 'sell
at teeaonabie term&
of builnoss, 151. MAIN STREET, one dour month of !Dr.
J. L. Boesserott's. Come one, come nil, and see for pan ,
Saddlery line tall at C. H. GORDON'S, where Yroze.can
tee, the work an read maids and in the latest
TOB PRINTING, in every
St 641 Mee 'NU PRANK UN
iki:gac - i!. , !]..-
A- Beatty, late of Antrim town...hip. I'm Win
Penna.. deed. Whereas, Cbttudiner Beatty, deed, did
bequeath by her bat will aidtestament, dated , the :nth
day of June.A. D.,1855, all her estate (except a few email
legacies) to her lirrt cousins, both paternal and maternal.
Who were at the date of her will in the United States.
Her mether's name was Susan'Allen.' N .- ow notice is here
bygiven that the final account of Walter Beatty, Admin:
istrator de bonis nen, with the will annexed. of said Catty
arine Beatty, deed. has been filed and confirmed by the
Orpbaed' Court =of' 'Franklin comity, and that the under.
signed, Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute the
balance due on will account, according to - the roltdons
el said last will and testament, will meet and hear said
claimants, at his office, in the Birrough of Charnbersberg, •
Pa., on. Monday, the Nth day of Dreentber, - ISC4, atlo o'.
clock, A. 31. AU parties failing to establish their claims -
on that day will be debarred from coming in on saidfand.
norl6 J. Slit. SHARPE, Auditor. _
LL OF COILMON SCHOOLS, Barrielinig, November
CO, 1864.
To He Sekool.Direcnersof Franklin Ca.--OE.Yrat dip;
plicatien hating. been made by the Boards of Directors of
a majority of the school districts in Raid vlrtn t s , g at i n g.
their desire to increase the salary - -of the CountySuperiu.
tendent tbere6f, yen are respettfolky requested to meet in
Convention at the Court Thrust, in Chuntbersburg on
Thursday, He '22d day of Dumber, 1864. at 1 P,
for the purpose above stated; according to the term.
of the bleat Seetiou of:the eupplement Su the satin& latv,t
app roied May 8,1855: C. N. COBUIM'
deel-3t Supt Common Schools:
A JDITOIrS NOTlCE.—Tb.e . Ailminis- -
/.1. 'triton ()Mho Romsey,,late of idetterk.eraty town
ship, deceased, settled their account before the Register
of Fninklin roomy, Pu,, which account was duly confirm,
ed by the Orphans' Court of said county at October Terra,
1E64. The Estate being Insolvent the Coors appointed
the undersigned Auditor to marshal and apportion the an
sets among the creditors. Notice it hereby given that the
Auditor will meet the creditors fur the objept of the ep
polutment, at his office, in the borough of Chambersbnrg,
on the end day of December, 1E64, when and where they
will produce their claims properly authenticated.
noy3o JOHN BTEWART, Auditor.
persons not to purchase or receive for collection the
follotrtng Notes One Promisory Note, dated ,Nor. 2a.
1864 payable to'ltobt. 3CCurdy or order, for the cum of
slaty-seven dollars and fifty cents, and one promisor}
Note, dated gov. 26, 1864, payable to 3. 3L WPtientan or
order, for the mum of sixty.seren dollars and ilk cents. I
bare not received consideration for the , above notes and
alit not pay them. foos3o-3tl JNO. SNIDER COWAN.
T\ISSOLUTION.—The Co-Paitaership,
haretotore existing under the Style and titian!' Witt•
gerd Foreman, in the Forwarding and Commission
business-In Greencastle, wrig loodved on the Vth Inst., by
mutual cement.
. .
The Books of the red ftrai are in thehands of A- B.Win
gerd, who will continue the business at the old stand.-
Greencastle, nor . - .
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration,
D. B. N. C. T. A., on the Estate of Johtlteesey, late of
Guilford township, deed, have been granted to the under
AR persons Imovring themselves indebted to Said Estate
willplease make immediate payment:, and those having
elating present them properly authenticated for settlement.
tics iii hereby given that - Letters of Admixdstration
on the Estate of John Shrader, late of Montgomery town
ship deed, bare been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themsalTes indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payinrint, and these having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement
nov3o CATHARINE &MADER, Adm'rx.
AIJDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by given that the,understgned lms..fiden appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Auditor tomake
distribution of the balance in the handsel Geo. W. Brewer.
Esik., Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Truman Coegroye,
deed, to and among the persons entitledby law to roceive
the same, that he will sit in the office of Stumbaugh &
Gelir, to attend to the duties 01 his appointment, Friday,
December 9th. at 1 o'clock, P. AL, where all. persons inter
ested may attend if they see proper.
novl6 a GREER, Auditor.
tics is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on' the estate as Curtes Lowry late of Guilford township,
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
A.llpencrai knowing themselves indepted to said Estate
will please immediate payment; and-those. having
claims present them property athentiesta for settlement.
JACOB REICHARD, 5 `'"rn't'
tice is hereby given that _betters of Administration
on the Estate of Jacob Sweitzer, late of the Borongh , of
Chambersburg, deceased, have been granted to the under
An persons knotting themselves indebrod to said Estate
will please make immediate paytnent; and those having
claims present themproperly authenticated for netdement.
novl6 - F. S. BTIMBAUGH, Adm'r.
EXECUTOR'S N 0 T I C E.—Notice is
hereby given that 'Letters Testamentary to the Estate
of Rachel Mason, late of Chambersburg, dec'd, have been
granted toile undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
Will please make immediate payment; . and those having
olstms present.them properly authenticated for settlement
nev3o CAROLINE 'MORGAN. Ex'rx.
JILI hereby given mat Letters Testamentary to the 'Es
tate of Martha Simpson, date of Hamilton tot/sit:hip, dee M..
have been granted to the undersigned. '
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and tbbsa'haling
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
, norlti • JOHN MILLER, Ler.
hereby given, that Letters Testamentary; to the Es.
tate of Daniel Stickell, late of Antrim township, deed,
have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
ill please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlemem,
- L7.X7,CUTOR'S N O,T I c E.—Notice
hereby given that Letters Testamental•'," to the Ede
tate of Mary Dickey, late of Greencastle, dec'd, have been
granted to the undersigned.
. At persons indebted • to said Estate are requested to
,nasku ismnediate payment, and those haring claims trill
; please present them properly authenticated for settlement
nolifi • 14ARY W. DICKEY; Ea'rn...
Nam 3LUMET Hpuse
The undersiened. after a temporary absence necessitated
by the destrucnon of Chatubersborg, has again returned
ami opened out in full blast in the Market ifonse'between
Wallace's Dry-Good store and Huber* Larnaster's tiro.
eery store, a lame asmwtm'atit of
FALL filiD Ys'INTER GOODS, of every description
and quality.
This stock consists — of Ready Mode Clothing - mach na
Over Coots. Dress Coats, rang, - Vests, Under Shirt'' ,
Drawers. Srt, also
Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves Shawls. Handkerchiefs. Col
lars, Umbrellas, &e., &c. •
- His stock of Cloths for customer work consists of French.
English and Dodaestic manufacture. Black Doe Skin and
Fancy tTlassitnem. Black Satin. liffured Silks, Plain and
Fancy Cassimer Vestings tchiclr aCill be made up to order
iu styles to suit the taste of customers, on short notice. and
rea-onable terms.=
Having engaged a practical Cutter from the East. Pam
prepared to Airmail clothing in the mat fashion - able styles,
and 104 none but experienced workmen are engaged per•
sons may rely upon getting their work well done at toy
Thankful for the patronage "heretofore baston - ed. I Tt
SpeCtfully solicit a continuance oldie some.
J. T. 110.SKINSON.
Sinivarbirg if/ousto.
_FORWARDING ANT , Commis6iox JitacßAYm
'.Forth Second Strut, opposite the 'Cumberland Valley
Railroad Depot Chambersburg, Pa.
!Cara run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Rani.
AGENTS.—Peacock, Zell & Hinchninn. No, 8.08
k et. St, Philadelphia,
LYlent Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL. (direct
from the mines), Wilkesbarre and Pine Grove FOUNDRY
Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly on hand. FLOUR.
GRAIN and PRODUCE of all kink purchased. at The
highest cash prices.
Sept 9,
SZortloNVOst corner of Sixth and Market Streeth, fhila
dolphin. toolB. 6.3-tC
Q,*rtion antices.
eIItaIDERXIIVIIG, December 7. IS64,—An Election
for SEVEN DIRECTORS of this Bank, to scree for the
custling year, Will be held at the Banking Flows, on. Ter,
Jay, theiOth of January mut. at 2 o'clock, P. M,
tice7.4t. 11.. 31ESSER , MITB. Cashior.
LECTION.—Tbere will be an election
1.1.1 held at the l'arrn i ers and 3kellanie4 Savinaa Bank"
far THIRTEEN DIRECTOItS,•on Saturday. the 24th of
pc"Tnb.', 1 8 64 ,1)etweeia the hour" of rood 4 o'clock, P.M.
C. W. EYSTER, Breit. dee7-3t
BOA few 00.0d.+ under the pavement, trhlch were net
thcitgd. Such as Locks, Magas, Screws and other llard-
Wale. Besides, they have Just received ffono 2.i . kot York,
and Philadelphian very large led ofgOods. purchased much
cheaper than they are generally ankh They having been
burned out, therefore we offer Irun. tails, 'Hocks, Hinges,
Screws. Bolts. Oils, Glass. Paint, Scent the lowest figure.
TO I.IIACKSNLITIIS .A.ND `P. 3 ,ll.itikftB!
We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds,
which we will sed leas than it c a n be bought in the city.
Also we have 100 kegs of Xaile and Spikes, we offer at ,
from 6to 10 dollars per keg.
lves and Yorks, Scissors, / 12 . 2411, Pocket
Spoons, &5.., Just received from New York which we offer
very low. _ eeI:FM
in' Sisl ey et the Brewery of