The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 14, 1864, Image 1

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every morning by "THE REPOSITORY
ASSOCIATION," nt 82 30 per annum rt .itivvo - rt. or
83 if • not 1411 d within the_ year. -fill ,:absrrp:ion a, •
ctrltß LI ;JUST be serried annally. No pap:, .itl meat
out of the State unless paid for in tufla : nrr , and oil , Ttch
enbacriptions trill invanoldy be 4.smM . ..rated at t'oe exp,
ration of the time for which they are paid.
ADVERTISE3IENTS ore il,orted 1 t.Tti
per line for fit-et insertion, anti - MN (ENT., per 1,0 h r ...11.-
sequeut insertion.. A liberal tihsoonnt mode 00,
a4vertilliug by the quarti.r, I.ol:y . ear or nor." w
re l no
tices eharged one-half mo tha.n revah, r
All resointion• of A..eoriation• eorrknopro,.. - .on- of limin -I
or individual iotorr-t and noth.. of MarrT..2,‘: . in
exceeding flee line.. are .11 irgell
All Legal Sotiete of retry 1;.. t 0:,.1 el t,..; -•
Court and other Jadtbal Sale, are rtyyt , re U. it',
advertised in the REI . , ITOIVV--Lt hartaw the t-t.h.t. , it
CULATttgi of any paper pub:lobed to the eounty j .I,';.an,oi
Jun PRINTISti ufel ery kind in Pain 01,
or, done Avith neatness Anil 41i•patvh.
Cards, Pamphlet., of every Turivty :nil-t•
at the short , . .1"t noti.... 'rue iI r.,t`Ost - ft WI 1 , 110 1: •
been to-tilted nith Pw.v. , r and inrei• and
\ err*. think In the Printio e.ins:l,••
nmorfkn-ti.tie znalmr,tml r...)1, -
V A121..)111.i
K S'arp4.l, w0;..,r;/.
rreri%r Biro 1'1141 ,, IN VIII., le 11. .1114 rol IT .
thr ,one. 411c):M
'.1*(:1.1.1Z I: „..
11)1 . 1i1.11: SALE. By Virtilt' :111 WI del'
of - the • rota! a l ' i•
a,-,odd at I'lll/III . :NNW -.11 tht• y f tot h,
r.tif den of Peronbrr leo4 the ea I
Epttite, - bein,g the propett3 oriu,.ifwc tt ~1 .)../.,,
)refer. hoe of .Intriin tot,
mAN:•IfiN FAltSr'w , .; •to in • 1
town-hip - N.11,111441 loy r- t t 1 r
IN'entz. I :•,tn•kei nibr. 11l .111
atilt. North .if Brom n oint and otow.t I nolo:10711
village of Marion, e‘nitril non; ”I
first claw- Linie.tooo Lard .:1”•lit f 1•
covered with (-broke .hero The .11 ..
double two...tore I:I:It ;not Flt 2 w,;;,:,
large Stone and I. rainy ILo J. Man. 22 •oron t other 1 . 1.1 • 22 •.1
of never failing Water near the lion—. a hit ue nit ol
tine Fruit and everything teemity inwit to,: w el;
regulated farm. fooee , lire in curl “Ihr,e
proportion of which i. a new pa , : awl "ui ;yra rt 4.41 the
lend itodelf in a hush ,Lae ,it I not I , e•n.:: te,l
with the di•ettee tattully known •
Also—Al-lOl'l-3E and la I (;1:111"N I) in N, Frank
lin bounded by f o r of John CitzlJoin on qo• 9uutL .add en
alley on the North and Went. with a Iwo .non - 111111 K
1 - 101:8E ; a tare Stable nod Carringe II on., mut otLer
net:mazy bitlllbrigstheremi.
The widow's dower will remain in the men,ion fort 4 but
- be released from the house New FraiNin. Terms
one-half cash on thelst day of Apnl. lEtiA and the bal
ance in two 'equal pa) tnent• on the I-t day. of A pril IP-643
and 1567. Poesessien will be zit 0-11 .in dm 1-a of Aptll
seat. .
• The New Franklin prilierty a ill le. .el.l at 10
A. AL, and the Mansion Farm at •.! n m. k, - P. 31. im id
day. pi
Pe40116 wishing in t low in ih.•r of propertle, ran (la
au by calling at tile premise,
For further :rib maid len apply it.
n0v9.41 .101IN1' NEFF Elt Trotter.
U. . ; ESTATE.—The under,i,sied. Exemaor of the I.t.t
will and testament at Clair], lied:. late el Quiney ton
ship, deed. will Nell at Public. Sale On Thormbo). dt th!l
Ickty of December. tli fallowing; tla.-eribell Real I:t.tate. i t .
Purpart Ist—A true: of LIME STONE LA ND, n‘
Quincy township, county.: Enknklin situate in the
of Toinstown and ,sontattnng le ACRES. The impnn.•-
meats are a rough east one and a half,:ory DW ELH NG
HOUSE, Log 'Tenant Mons.•: Bank Barn . 1 / 4 Pun .1
the fences are pod and mil. and tll. re i, a u , ssl
on same. n.
rt No. z.—.. rnAcT my. I.SND, ccatam
situate ; utile nortir vidt,ll“.l.o tit
The land has hone been limed c. in a high od
nation, and Lou. thereon a wow: Un herd of chip
The improvements are a ;Moe I I ocr'y D W F L I. IN 1.
DOUSE, Rant. Lc. There i abo on wane. a Founloia
Pump in the yard. brought from a net er
Also--Three .eveml LOTS Glit tUND, .•1, o•,.
fortable DWELLING Ili tTSES. thereon, near t
and adjoining tenet last cle.ephed. to be fold -eFarately.
Also—A tract of I'l3ll3Elt LAND. conmuung Mb en
ACRES and 135 PE It C li•E S, :030.11114r
Tomstown. Thha tract 1. well covered with i'd•
Onk and Chettnut ' Cimber. nub ea.y oC a• •
aubditided in two trartA. if tiettited.
tract min - NI-AIN I..vm) ~}..t; nob.
from Tornstown. and ndjoiohmg rll9.llrt No. :1 rent . dinw:
S 3 ACRES. One-half of ti. Intel enea.o.(
with post and rail fence. and the Ndanoe v., 4.1141 tt kb
thriving young Chestnut. Toi. ri”,••n in de .1111-,lit 1.10.1
if desired.
AlsrLA small trnet of .:1131111:11, ont.thdtar 2
Acro, covered with he,tvv rio—n o n.
Sale to commence at itt ' o'eiock .1. M . n tile prowl,. -
just detcribed., when attendance n Cll in• g
wale known lOy 1.1, , c7) \t - M. FIX hit I F I.• 4.
tiIRUSTEE'S 1‘ ill
1 posed to polo. to. iv, of l'obh, t otror%. th• • !... • :1$
LW, in Quirt, o'reortithip. krunk tin vonoty,
duu. the 24th :lay nif December. 1-n 1, the Poll....A1111: 11••,
6E41 Real Estate. cii
• • .
?Co. 2. A TRACT. OF LAND containing - .1C1:1:s
and S 8 PERCHES neat mcaccire. 11,1:4111w! No- 1 null
and lauds of Rudolph Sp%..m,an, IVinzerr
Ramnel Proutc. on nhie h r. creete.l
BRICK DNVELLIN(I Barn and other
ings. About 45 Acre% clear and a ell milltivatell 81.1 in,
der rood fence. (i.lOll Water and ralyttlit. 01,
about the premise%
N 0.9. A TRACT OF LAND elmvan , nu '2l 1( 11E ,
and )i PERCIII: , , neat meo.ure
and laod%'of Jooathim_l-leo, •t. h•.
and Nattatel Pionez. On 111, there .1 a L...
STONE tiliNT MILL on Lath; itilliemm I rect.
4 miles from AV'tt no-hon. midnude- Fre.
Is one of the mo , tt favorable th0 , .....ay.
liorsEs .nil other latiblit.,ll the I , retil,•,.
Trlo—One.third of tlio.poraii,o ~ , , ,,,nv iv ri•'ll
lien on the land during - the.lifelnae •ca . •h••Li
receiee the interact thereon "-mai
from Ist April. 1?6" - ,. when 1.. •
her death the principal to hea ,
Pfontz, deed. Till' lglitti t t t—,n•th,rl! 1-1 Apr.l
nod the remainder lit .pro, 1.16 ',lit
April, 10415. ile• ,npaid pnrell.,ie money to he Itrgel
on the kind.
. .
Sale to coronet., at 1 i o'oloek..l 31.
Adm'r and Tnute.• tor the 4,{11• it,ol
Pfoata. dee'd.
ioteodinc to mmanr 1.. tla. a• Pr. 00.0.
Sale. the lethreiee oit.ooorobe..l. Foo.onr. t ait t.
- -
A PARR, situated in I.ittert enny Franklin
county, Pa., about 4 milt" north-,,t of Chasuber-tntrLt
and about of a mile from tire 11,11 i of tile floeky Si rnv
Illdioihikt bands of S. Iluber and 1 /lone] liver.. 110111111111112 S
410 ACRES. part LA m, -stone. latrt- al:il vart
Black Slate. The inti.nAelnents ;ire ,L tto .!ory BItICK
ROUSE—nearly new : Lu¢ noel Fr:al:ell:1m Wpro,l
Shed attached, and other out•billltlinn . .. 11,ereis a Well
of good, never-failing Miter near the 1,, elime'. an ex
eelbetat,Oretortl. Cm full he:trine, of l.r.tlted Fruit and
Lime Kiln 011 the prelims., 'Moro ie %toter, for truck
pupae*, in almta.t every held.. The abore Farm is In
first-rate order, having lately item 0 1.11 1111,1. 111/f tract
contains some Timber Laud, but can have
the privilege of buying tG nen, of Munntdin Land v. '
wit with Chestnut and Chrome 1 isle.
Alio—Two ACRES and . 21 , PEI:c II f,S wilnlti,k. the
sierra. on the Publie Road v. .1 I .torn
HOUSE., Stable, air. '11,14 t i, neit planted
with FRUIT'PItI:I:S, toot ,obothott) e.lot.tod for wee
ilenlng purl:Keels- There is good W.ll 01 \Vat, nt the
house, and a Spring nour the Mllllll..
Also—A TRALI'r ot 3t t'S'i'AlS LAND. .auntie in
Lettetkenny townethip. n/i.e..n:to. , hind, 01 Foltz'' , heir,
containing, 11 acres 1.111.11-I,IMPIN 1.11
and Chestnut Oak.
Persons wield:lg to v ice the 1 , 1,1111-4. ..1111 110 ••4 by call
ing vu me, at the fil.t .re-ordo d inrld
I P UBLIC SALIi.- -There ‘vill he sold. at
Public Sale, on the premi.e., no IVribtrrday. Janvez.
. ry the 11th et 10'u'eloek, A. .M. the following It , al li.tote,
Winn/Ong to the Estate of Matthew 310dir. , . dei•M .
MILL. with 15 .ICRES OP' LA.,N I, the:glut. attwited,
situated in Greene Ma ...lop, 1'r...1.1.. Co.. Pa.. ow the
Public Road leading from the MOW., T uru•riki• to the
Scotland Rail Road Depot, a1..,0t I mile from the former
and 2 wiles Bow the latter 1...:1 t. l'lle 31.2 I. loom, don
the Conue.ehengne ('reek. h....,.... so ellend Water Power
is in good repair. 0.1.1.... 1r.....1 0e:ght,..r , .....1 for parr lat.
slug smite Thera 1. al." a gooll ...f 1W MILT.. a t.,1
story DOUBLE BRICK fitVELLI CI; 11l ,U5E—.....1
two story Weather.twaroled how... Log Tent.: flea....
and all other Ileet , Sar 11111•210,1•011,110 ~i 1.0•11 0 11 In the prop
Aiow—at ine Sallie li'lle .0111 1.60. n ,II Ire re•• 10.13
Tract of MOL NT AIN 1..1\D. 701.0 .0.107,71,1171..11,..7e
dOol by rare!, anon. I;, n. ( hand...... nod ..then. 00771.... i.
that 17 AC1024 more or 1.... .
_ Terms made known ot, day Or sole. Any Peaow. ...Th
ing to view the Property nil( van on the meterwroo.i r' ..i.
di n g on Site. gun, ~r on her Am0r...1. John 11. (lir Choir.
herdotuir. I'm —to Niill.i. ail .07770707,001th0n .1107711 l I.•
aolanweol, - Owl, 'WI ' , , i i . . 0 .., ; ‘1 ,,,E.i. i• .„ .., 1 i.
ADJOURNEI) SA lA.: 01' V AT,(' Al SL E
RESII.II:NCE —ll, •nt.....riber .I..izn , e• ..f ./..•
ti. ILley, by wirtore of ~ deal w A.....wa td. a l',l. vi., "=.
at Public Sale, on the Fem.,. it .olurrioy. /.. , mt.,
24tA. 1564 t h e fullisii1111; 4,4 nis .1 1,t,•81 E.,i,,1,.. 0 , ,,,,,,,i• ~
the Borough of Greewastle .... the Nortir-e • n•I COS, rof
East Baltimore and So, oed t.t.. ...a,......t0g '." tee' 1 0'7 ,
on 'Baltimore Street and 24!! feet in" k 0 ,, S, coed s,-,.. t
hasine thereon erected it tarot and °wean... l',W El,
LING 110CSE,"with Stern Haw., t.°, .tory Beek ittu'd•
log, Wash noise and Stwohe /low. , a large W.'"Q" r'
boarded Stable and Carrion.° Mot., ,rod h it ( Pen oil '"
good repair. Thio lAA 7 orit.dho o !Art: • to ober of to' 0,0
lent Fruit Tree, In enniled non n :11l III:lli! NI.. IN•Alliiir
((rape Vines. • 1 her. kiwi Xeellent .1011,. , y 0,1.0100( 7.. II
of Water at the door.
rir Sale to isillitilent e :d 1 .I,:i
tenni , NI dl be mode knov. o 1..
JACI/171 1\17,1 I.l{. 1 7,
dee7 SNIVEL' - silt(( 111.1.1! S
-- -- -- -. „ _
SAl ,ll . — The ~c b, c ribc, trig .ell .1N ninill,n• 1,E,,1
erty, pituated I mile nouth of 1 . ..,. It. t 711.7 1%1007170 •• , 11
ty.•Yst., adjotning" 1en,1,, .1 Joo t Int, toot, NI It \\....... rt
and others, eutatuniag 1.0 ACRE:O nw. or 1.... 'l> ,th
prucernent4 are a tww.storted BIG( K 1.,35 1:1,1.1N1; mit,
liriffaKiff.low, and 1. , ,tr and tt'eatlo Hwonled Born W..... , .
Shed and Corn Cribs, Mork \V...1. 11,. ~.-•, lal ..;. on., r
ne......ary otatettldnar , .. AWt2 .1 r ,
e. r V. • , '''r
near the lot and Cintern with 1•111010 ii, reln Ti,c , , ,
. an 4 / 1 3datal. of 'dative Frda and a 01111 t) of other 1•r.,,t
..._sui.h us l'lono., then-leo. iv. .II 170 run I I- et hr.! ~,,,,,,, e
Aind in 1.1. good Mote of enitivotiol7. LAIN: lie, ll,„,eii
within the last fen yeari. The p ,
great ,rta.” at meter ',...-t
and Roil Fence. There I. 111., H Sitell Of 1:1,,,,,,,, (I ,
ter on the Komi. , 'llll. farm i. 1.6.4 ie a Ite.t!t.,
• - and pleataint portion of the ....wit ry, • 011\ 4•01 , It , to 0, j,,„,.„,
. Chore-Len &a .
Persons desirous to' ilea- the pror.ely nth tall on Ille
undersigned.' fture2 3m,5.1 11111 33 'I SNYDER
. -..• .
ranklin ;
; e
iCat 0-51 ate
T k - . 1LF.1i:1,1: F .1 I; M AT 1'IlTV.11'1:
i..-‘l , _l'.• II: l ' el • , ,.I .11 ~.11. . One :.; Pri‘.to SAIr.
ii, 1'.:1:31 -. , 11 .411 in 1,11, - n , n ~nl,llii, rranklin,,,nniy,
~ n , ~,,,
Cli , ,T , n , - j , -, 1,,M, ,‘ ,n 1 .btho•rc. lwar lile V, . .
,11 , g/111 , rI v el . , 01.. i • 4‘, , ,i .. 1
111 . e, It,. si t ,pp t ,,t,,,,
t•,.“„ ttt , , ,,, ...,,,,- At NI:. • : ~,,,,i .. , 1...VT1: 1..1):11 ,st , l,/
Ii:11,1,. - ,1) .:t. , e: thi.i imet t... ell 'FIMP.L.:ILEI). 1:1 , ...'
, to. .1 NI: ' •Il I\\ ' t
• La6l .... Lill! “LI I ivtit “nlor 11•111 . 1 1 11. The
Iltri.ll , l I' .k 1 , •:. WE-1 ' 1111:1:M fAIZI).
I I , 11 , PI •I: Mull. 11. ru 4 . : lotlz ‘ ,1 _o • 1
11,1 nee, , ary (44 . 1,11. a 4.‘kt - butldinu - s.
111 .,• 1- .1 V 11• :. Of o't ;.rungdoor v ini
11::( It 1,1:j1 1 4 l ' r,tt 1r0n:1 . .... Tile,
, 1,, got Ili.. :4.111101 , 1.11 1 / 1
.•,.111 nt A' 11.0: .I...try out
Vll , ll tt.e F. 1 1 ,11 1•41 . 4111,1 by • 1 1 111V 11, 1
, I 1 1r• /1.1:1.111 1 , ,1•1;11 1 or. 1,1 Jl4lll
Li, I, lII' .It , IIN Z.
()V 11E.11.
E -Ey trine a orlite t irpt • att. '
I • Elaul.;., till 0,.)‘6, -• u. Publti •
, a ' a • 0 11 , n • uf.,...a r e . , iza!, of
. ar 1,1.4. at LI 4'n .\. 1..11.1Al in,:
Ipf \ 11 1111211. vi. - .\ RA( T
“I' it. Ea , In lt I,l,t o itp
hf j ........1.1.4mb10n A t‘im • y Jultat L. 11444.. 1111-
;,. .1 I 4.0 ..thr4
•I . \\".. Lt..; \\ gl.l !NI; IIIIUSES
.•, tL ..t....)anig 11 Xi, .4 trip
IP 4.1 IV. II..• let. I Tile
L. 41 j. 111,11 it: :0.144 Cu
r.\nm 1''(11; ini
-1•11,1;04,..1., Fre.lediek IV Kremer,
rut Pub:. Sale. nu the pmtti,e. a. 1 . 11.-
41(ip j wine'
ti ti LAND. toiler enlrhatum.
a..11,.n0;;.;J0-11.1s and .1,-
1,, i.fa,n, 11.. ad.. it, Letter-
N‘.llll of ClAtraber,-
hurz 'll.e .an• 2 , 0,1 NrTINE
noev—ary our loniftlini.T , . There is a~ur.til
mr.:uu ru:11111,Z111,1101 the laud .1.,1 a Well of excellent
%Vat, al r1,e,1%,!•1 , !ne . 01..0 .Ir, I )r k tard rloier
Il tot on I'lt. pr,un..e,. 'hale to 1.1/71111/eliee at IWO u'elork,
71 .1 IL ki I: Athoini,trator.
31 Con2ll"l,l , urz COLUIIy.
Large Double rimy HOUSE. Elev. Rooms,
Kitchen, acc TWO LOTS OF GROUND,
choke Fruit and abrubhary; Stabling for thirty-five
Norma. 'Location and buildings suitable for a Hotel, bay.
bur been used m a Taxon for a number of rears. First
rate Well of water the door. All in good - order. The
subscriber a 0.1 sok' o bargain and gore piasseseion at
any time. For iiiforliatin sail on or address
mayll4: Contied.urg . . Fulton, County, Pa.
rie - Go, .1 1 ain,th Esq. my Attorney, nil! nine all
miceolary tohomation m in 3 absence. It. A.
1 SALE —The amile,Gmeit wighes to diqxvse of a
SSIALL MI in Green township, near Greenwood. 811-
joinine• the Renfrew Mall property. containing 75 Acres,
haying t nen. 00 ereetml a taio—tor.) I.olr 1.101. $ll. Frume
Barn .11,4 "'her improa orenti. There is abo a n mg
Orchard of i helve tinifted Fruit nu this popery oh a
Well ed Water Abollt 50 Acre, eared.
and the ree:due In thriving. young' Timber. Ain: punon
det.frillif any lidera:mon please inn On the ,i,ile.enher.
or 011.11 b, re , IITI.r. 1110 V 1 , ; , .11 S. D. SW EBT.
- FOP t I.E.—The untler.igned will
of at Prica,e Sale. nttuate iu Green
14k,11 , 11111 thrt , 11,11 t ut t bolaber,illri:. near the
n,“.1 admitting. 'antic ot Henry Lutz
.1. 4ptimr... 'I In, larui contains .about 7111
. N ra.r 1.0 1 I.rti". t:ro-
Nkr. Ti,, 71/011,1 of a tu., .s.tnried LUG
1101 , .E.,m1 I D. O. Cr 1.1111:,
‘,4 Al. 1: 1) F A 11.F.i 4 i11.1l;LE TOWN
1" —l'. S. I)Ellkrt at Pablu•
ttntle. :1; t• t.111,t 1111 I;tit Ingt h. fine
;;,•,• W....l,incton Stro.q in Cittonber.
hare. :Nate P. 31. NI ern nenn.
111 he ,e.e
ruu \TN - LuT F(.I.I:I:' , ALE.—M. - Lot on
I t yu ...- the rootiot rop , rty
ru Pr TS 1 \
/11111....k51 UI DEPARTNIENT. OFFrel:
t,, 1.1,1: 111 ~ I Ln.c iV4is,/,tyron,
Wi:K.Lr. , 14 ,:.ti•:;‘,;, , ,y los 1111:111(14 - 1 preAentoll to the
talot. led it :la , 1 woll 11..1d , to/Tr...11 111.1 t Tut. NI
-It,o. it ri ~1; •.1 (•I1 01411 , 1 . n1. , 111:11 -
( ir ; r. 1:o• ( .111111 41r „Franklin and State 1.:
1.9,21. 11.1
‘ 4 • ' ~••••/ utak ana o • ora•-
tic t • 'ln - ...jr•rn l / 1 010• .12 11,1 Xet -I''onzn•
At t prosnle National. Cart - envy. 411(111,1i 113 l a
01 f no•-•I State. .on' to pros - .olt- for Ila• nu;
111,1,1 n 1,1 71 di mption tin-rent,' ott Jane 11, ISG4
.0 .L 1,. c.yarph , d sitar ill ti,e pr"vi,tvric -aid Ant CV
coori! to ilO ‘lllllllllll.lla sioll hOlot , Ol11(113101,111(( 0111 1111+1-
111 1111 , 1•11 , 01,1
‘l,ir r.for, 1 Ili cat 11 ill 1.1. , •• II l'onttaroller 111 the
J do ilerelty rert;fy that NA non It. 11.‘N1s.
i•l• I II ‘Illtlar•-t•I la.. - 01 the 'tallith i•fl ItottlbnrPlolrg , lit
o ot 1 - raohlinat.•l ,ta••• Inapt I. aa
tho,/ea To .4, ill ton, the lonotte•o. of Ilatt.kina• under the
.1. I al., ',to/
Comptrill l , of 'tl.•
,I.oroby Liven Ne..,•.t1,1.• to S.'et.
t ,e tie Geto•raf of t
Au A. o-1.t1.1110f
••• I , l`.`ollrf .o'll to iltS , oAatlol, for
1Io• i 1 13.111kihg atwier tliv I:Litekl.
•••• - L• I ”*LL. LIE LLt .\n_,: .1. 1) 1.4-1:
113.:the....10. k,ool.ry Id the CHAII/81.11N..
EL: IL, • LI., I.LL:L LI ono. ..zt, 4u.k.0.,.•
o• and 11r 1/5..•.0..11.t% 01,4.o:,1110 authority .of
to .ot TIPP, • !1•17` •lAPP-lip.rlk PI 111.•
s llls. • 1,10 of
too rt-,:t I ,
N E I \V A NTEI ).-
.k I tI. t(•t: rhit. ttolly retitle , : all Iter•oo4 knowing indelee.l to VW. i , y ',IV- Or imt,l's iI,OI.ItITS to
coil awl take 1:11:. 4,11 , nteto The orter.bity of
111 i. 111.1" • ottp.,re .t et . ..ue .05 love those in
debted tub report .ti . ann-Itf
I)VE Ii .-- I have los.t my Account
.I.t.erto that of l'houthenotorit on the
Jgnn u:t. 11514 to the letttor and bonit.Aty of my
old 4 . 1,1.11 r+ to pa, 0 1 , I,11: on,lnvt toy old bunineol
eloorrlter..lotrz atol o ill he chid to fill order as before.
nna-24 S. S. SHICI:OCK.
uricE 11) ('REl)rrotts.—The
deriigned I,hiav t., elose hts books. would respect
fully saliva iwr,,tts kw - m.IN.; themselvol Indebted to
call and make setnenwnt Wlthollt further notice
nov3-6t J. B. COOK.
-Coburn) aulf *rgars. ,
. . _
JAc()Bs , T()JAccd).4.ND CIGAR
1. 2 T1/1211-11. , litur re• hallt . rik Totatero and Cigar'
Store en S•• 11111 I.,in ...,,,t (I .1 - ner of IVollington &Main
ntreet , )1,0 squarv4 from liir Dianit , mi, 10,01,1 (twit,' nil !
1. , 4 - all and exult",“ ale .i...k ci.l...i.rinir of
C111.V, - 1511 "I,OBACCI V':
Comm ...., 1111 kind , 1`.•,••11.11.1v. .
l'•.,i‘t all kola, 11••••.•:i'1l , t
1,1,111•1,•r (111 Vironia, '
,S.k% , ' • 1)ov,
3/•rl,'' 1 . /1111 Cllll Sr. '.e.
.11u1...,•11 Si.rtr. . • ' , oil. e
'I%W-twin 11.er1'.. , I/viight.
lia,,:rttoti , :••••Inny . • dl.. S..
S\1•1•1'S .
14,1 , 1 ,, ,. ' ..Si ,11 , 1: , Conn*,
• - ‘101: INC,. ,
i .1,,P.11,1,1, li . _ Li' k.
1;10 1111 lire 11.11:N1110,
• 1.3,, , )0,nr•Z• I:al:Wald'.
.I,tnle , W...., 111,1(1!.
11,,•1 Sigvl.
_lO it .21 .1. .1. JACOBS.
11/1 . 11 -TIM, I /N 11.N1). TOBACCO
1J &
.1.11 k I: s.—'l lie iiiiiiet-i. , e.1 11.10 jibt retttru.l
_ fn. lip I lek v li a 1,1 11'1./1'., , . / 1 ., la 11111,1111/ 01111 81••
1:0•• .111:1 .1.• ' .111101 10,0 Mlllllll,lll :41,1.4,,ing• 'rotate - .
eir. ay... i', , .., •-•,.•.• 1 /11 1111•1111 ,tr. vt Clic, • tio•vr. fp.,
ti, NI F: (~,,,,, 1 1 0110 /1,0 11,11 .1 LID. 1 I , It. BUSH.
T A I. o I; s & 1-h M l:- SI E R .
.) ii.,..:...; our• ttl,o Wit.,-air 11 , .114 N in •
TI)ItACI 11, SNI I I.' .% NI) I i(Luts,
- ‘,-0..\•0r , 11, , P1 ~,,,, ahoi , r W S
tne .t ae.
i.. , 1..! i l'illi.Altiil.l . lllA, P.l.
.1 Ii .1„'•1•+ 1., .1 i haiii.. j.r l'a _ 11F Nitv E. SNII.F It.
fj \ • l" ; I.:
A S 4
\ Ir."'
,‘•••: •••1 - .J,.111,. ,In."1•••als• Ninl r.,/,,, , , lit
•-•_. ,11.11 LB & 1. , I CART'S,
,„,,,,, o, .47 , r: 1. - ....1 .p . Ow Muth , ,iit Chun+,
ilersonal 13roperti)
1: 1 1 (M gored STE:\ ENGINE,
PI X hr.r.. , in grolml .noll,on. CUR be linen by
ass,,-.11 1. B. \\ud.1 OM/ , /Q •
r n nvEn.
01: SALE. _A Ont. flot
• jr, +c,l /1,1, r a VA for ,a 4 Apply sa
F .
(,1: SAI.E.--A ci' mr,t , Scholar,hip
cis ) I
pl.l Inep7 It
S. SO 11,1.7 Tag nn,inently
I Photographer, oonfnlohtly 40 ,, 04r0
Pop lie that tho v . may Ply ttpoa iretlinv. li, Surer ?alp(
h .re pra t !sand t,r tints «tu.ntntt If.. at.
~1 45., u. t/Il tor,: tt orb Irmo o,ty 4.qabb5. , ta0 , 4014 aid np
1., T., 11,- 1 , ,4-t noel abut Ito 11. ha
ho , ” own oniont pl,4ant Trkon% on !,!51 Wire,
qrtu orwritit, the .11 aria 110 Vine, unit a 4 , ..4nbiliatkato
Large 4,1 goi..kworlong SILL AND SKY-LIGHIe ,
iur •d for umkwlt pielllted m all Will,. al- sop
1,44 • "44 jn , t from , noe of the 1,4..4 room:, h
Phil.aleOphla it it eherhie.thr are j.n Hap itatrltillg.ralter arts
:••duly laminar•turos. tattiVhforfuo•ne.of tone UM
nud heattay , , •4 414,41, , 1nnt and doh:lout:4m he L..liet eh th
hh.arra•••••••1 • ,1 tiri
tby or - (1 --1 ar y •
L Diamond or Square. 5. Noel's.
2. Mansion Howie (Publication G. Courthous,
Office Ger. Ref. Church.) 7. Town Hall
Slitter and Hamilton 8. B. Chambe
I Franklin Hotel. 9 Col 141eClu
4. Bank. to, Digetool F
Tllittiuutt the coartory of 1Z , N.1)1. relmech
we are enabled to present our renders uit., the
above map, 'showing aceuratel the portion of
Chambersburg destroyed b the a bel tiii eh' en
the 30th of July, ICtil. The beta r
indicate the strectS ott ohieh the hi:Dili/lc., here
destroyed by the vandali,in of the
be seen that the entire !monies, rail el the tool'
tl.:11r, of .•Zewer• IS.prt
Again ihk. I,le.Npizi of lwaidli ‘lll , l
vetstt, our protffittul ki
.rt our fi.reh4ii r%
ithlN , :tn , faetor% .
Sil`X'vtolle!: to b.• a t;l,,ttrt•
relatiou• v,ith that :•.7ti:110
hale utui , egoliv 11.1 ‘‘ have. •
•trieTiv nmintitined neutralit, h,•;n,•.••i, tI
At the the State. , al CI" a a , •' 1
iCan.L.litl, C111.111kl•i Ont . ea:411114:r lIZIS 111 . 1 . 1 r :1..: ill 1.-
izrd t„ inalit• a >ni crr ul the river zian .11: ot .1 , d
111, pmt Via' ;Nati. 1t i , a •purre %at-
tier, dtdirultit, {I licit for a minutia'
,tont• polcical approlooioon, atal (—kneed
of the haye
two' amicable • ajlFt,•(l. that th.•re a zoild
prosper that the !owe re-ererted;
with au • of c.,paed) and teLtptuttelt
could tilt ,laggerato ether the eut o ,,, t r e ad or the
political important, ef that enteld.
It would he doing iujrt ti, e to ':111 iniportaid
South Autericatt State not to ledge the di,
rectiaess, traulstte,s, and c”rtiialir s iii u.hich Ilit!
United Stares tt% ollt.•roti tut.. mt . :-
mte relation, pith ti ;44, On,111.•lit A ehthri
COTIVistITIOII ha , beet, etv•tittited t,, etettiti, to the
tintinilhed work it the 11.11' ll.1t1“1
Thr•❑'`N liberal eete-titet itet•t: ', e/e•
gene into effect uittt the tuti%er-oi Letittte.e.e„,•••
of the pe pie. the Cocertittient iltaier it 1., It. ett
recognzed, and diploiliatie inteleouri,V,
opened cot dial and trietid,
Ate., Iceland -lii. • : 1 •.)
quid and tlierimrt:ed.
Mut*: i pu) moot,. I,eti ohoh• of the
av,arde(: b.) the Itao collo:h.-144i for
meta orelaild , 1107 v, et :1 lip
Bern An 4.arni , -4 :Ind v .-
ties to ez. , ..t bet Weell OW TAN 7 . :4t • :4• 3 1'
eflort , a, Isere in s my pos.ser ha% t• 11 :0,
to rento - .,r ud•utat.r,t.indi::g. iii a.ert : 1,:..,:-
enell Is at, Perim and Spa ii.
Our r-lutions are !of the me-t• trieutilx tot•m",
with Chili, the Art4entini• '..;p
A ica, Paraguay, "un !PA I la, tt.'
\ ! During the pact tear I
have arismt from at,i„. of the,e topuldie ,
the other hand, their sympatha , with the Vm•etl
States are al eavraTit eXpre,,ll o all
and earLestness.
The claim arising from th.• -eizote.,f
of the brie llacedonimi in 17-21. ha- been
full by the Government of ('hill.
Civil war continues in the Spanish part 01 S:in
Domingo, tipparentli without prospect of an early
Official correspondence has been freely opened
with Liberia, and it gives us a pleasing view of
social and political progres. in that repulilie. It
may be expected to derive necs vigor from Amer
ican influenci!,iniproved by the rapid disappear
ance of driver, - in the United
I solicit your authority to furnish to the rrpuh
a gunboat at moderate cost, to be remnbursed
to the United States by instalments. Such a v.s,
gel is needed for the Aafet) of that state against
the native African races: and in Liberian hands.
it would he made more effective in arrestinc the
African. e trade than a in our Inuit:A.
The possesmion of the lea,t iiruanized naval finer
Mould Ftimnhdeu generins uurhitinn in the r pith
lie, and the confidence N%1Ii( . 11 Vll` nlll,llltl irindra
by furnishing it would wilt tilrlioninep and.
tolNaids the eol,ffiy (ram all eh lilted nation,.
The. , proposed ON erhind tvlugrarh 'll4l\ o,m
knierieu avd Elirepe. by the SN :11Y 1 , 1 1
by Congress at the laid se...ion, bi, been under
taken, under verb lit‘orable circniindaiices, in aii
.I.s.ociation of Ainetican etttzru., , A ith tln• VON
dial good-is ill and support as \ell of tin; timern•
inent a. those ot'dd eat Britain and Ittn , siti. .Is
gurances have , imen received from most of the
south American States lit their lash appr , enilvai
of the enterprise, ziiiirtheir readiness to 1 . 0-0111T;it ,
iu con-ti acting lines tributary to lit
communication. I learn. willi mrn•li ~atisf
iLvtion, that the 'noble (I.'sivm
cottitnunt , •:ttion betl‘eett the ea-t, iu I
Amerlin and (lrvat itain ha 1.,•,•11 1,u,•„, 11 It ;Ili
full expectation cd . its early
Tim, it i hoped that tacit 1111 . 1 , 111111 d Iloilo • -
tie : peace the cuautn toll lir all 11•
energy and advantage it forns•r Itu:11 career tdt
earatueree and (Animation.
Our tort popular and estioinhle.represtitanve
in Egypt died in .stprd la , t. 1i: :diet-
Cation IA hich art .e betw.eii tl,e temporal ,--foroon-
Jutiit •of t he 1/ffief.andthe got online:it
resulted in 0 1•1111,11,1101 ui 11114.1"1,tliA , .•. 151.,. il
was prompt:2, corrected uu the :1.11:,,n1 ol 11, sue
eessor in the etl-iiite. :111d 04 n 13 1 .00- \sail
Egypt, as ;sell 0$ our ildations I‘lth tlw linrhar
l'uwers, are etitirel sat i•-faetor
The robviiion tt 1111 h ha- lone, 1 ,, en fl a grant
China, I,a, -1111111"1 itil Iliv 1.11-
operating good oflieeB of tin+ I:nv , r4unnit, :111.1 oL
the oth , r Western entnide:eial t•stnte:. Ti•
rutlton-ularr111.11• 1111 ,, bev,.:11.•
1111111 , 1111 01141 41i4 , 14411,.1111 i it «ill m 0.1
ITT.. Lt. t• st.• 1 1 ,1.10 111111-
113.. rte, •11111 thi . mon,. int pr.lamze t% 144111
hal lweit 1110t111111,11 «uh no• (;1.% .TlllllOlO 44111
of th:it s.:•1 • chi,. 1„•
ith lo•nt ty L , ,ond 1l ill tlit 4.414
lath s%llit:l4 :e•gttltar I , .lllll:t . ri . tai and It', -
CUTirt , tilt.
(Nit g to tlin of Japan, mid ,
the aninnalotoi forins of it, tiovprnment, thii ac
tion of that Pinpit . iiiiiiirhitaintii!„ trenty stipula
tions lei rapt 16111% Not
lois, good progrety ha, bi•ini the
ern Powers, utiNne oith
(Om on II venni:in ,hint , hay, here anowpa,
ti.m. laid in ashes. The map is from the work,of
I )r Sehneck entitled "The Burning of Chambers
ts loch has now reached the third edition.
it is the only meountof the destruction of Cham
lier•bura in form to he preserved, and it must
has, a err %%We circulation. We need nut say
that w
with 11ev. Dr. Schneck as its author, its.
•tatements arc entitled to the fullest confidence.
pet el eli7o. et Nettieleellt. and the inland -ea has
r,•-o;wned to commerce., There i 4 reason
i,eliere that these proceedings hare in
rea,ed rather than danini-Led the friendlnp of
ant , the
rltt rt: %it 1 It %. DE AI till THE itEtti4.l. , .
i F.-rnandin.i, and
n•il proe:laination. It is
tha'l fort:.:al inereh itt= hill ItteV eon•iller
aether it i , not •afer and more profitable; to
theln , e;yeAt )tut to the [titled :totes,
T. , n•ort :led Oth a er lipiqt port's, than it 18
ii• pill , is. and at sit-t east,
6, i.d ! r -tdo o ith other ports o. hielt 'are
n,,t i,t actual, 11111r:11-y laYtipathitt, at
lea-t hi a lal‘tul and effect'', e blockade.'
For in 3, sell. 1 lime In , 110111)t /f he Power rind
tan of e Executi‘ e, wider the law of nations,
to ex, scone' of tic• human tyre from' an
as) lulu in the Fluted St.ites It Congress should
think that itrocebalingS in such rase: lack the au
thority ot Jaye, or ought to Ine further regulated
hp it, 71 rel,llllllelld that priiviiatni lie made for ef
tectually preLenting foreign blare 'traders from
acquiring lots kilo and facilities for their criminal
occupation in our country.
It is pos4ble that, if it were a newt and open
question, the maritime powers. with
.the lights
the% Hoc , . enjoy, would not concede tlie privileges
al rant to the insurgents of the
oestittit , are. findi tilinru)s
hat ,• . i' of 'Aar and of - ports
~ml a.ul.: , I ,anksaries Inlve neen
r - assadi.on , nor more successful during
the than ero before that tune iu
tno male: a;l rof that privilege, to em
,,.r :.; Ii reign wars. The desire
. ..i... ••••..11 1an.....4 11,. aurernmentsoflthe mar
-..,•• defeat that design ure.helieyed iti
-i 0 ~. ',..0. ret.i... a... 1 cannot hit more ffiroest than
oar •..v . . N ii‘ert ',adv..... unforseett Ytiftlflieatiirtn
; , ad., - n. „, i." arse... iispeciall) in iirazdian and
'.;: r.. 6 p' ”*,.. :ill 1..1 kik • northern buunilary'of the
' .... ..1 -• ,-.. ..hadi,lime required, and are likely
ci, ,; i ,iiiiiiro. the practice
. of constant
..I i y::- nail conciliatory spirit on the
ii.ii i e t iil:ial -tit' e-, a~ well as ot the nations
.-u. , ~e n ,:. if t hex to, N erntocuts
t , .11M- hitti , r. low , ligqn appointed tinder Clic
t -eat, u Ili etreat liritan on the adjUstment of
i ie c'aino of the Ilidlson's Ilay and Ptutef's,soultd
,:r,i,.,11'.1. compante. in Oregon, and are um%
o, , ...!m, tii , thi• oxceittion of the trtCct aititkigned
do , itt-team) oelifeand property in
jon adjacent to the Canadian.border, by
of lecent assualts and depredatioUsTom- ;
mitost Ly inimical mid desperate peysons;who rimr...l tinge, it has berm thought proper
gi%e notice that after the expiration' of six•
months. the period conditionally stipulated in the
existing, arrangement with - Great Britain, the
United Statesimusr bold themselves at libi.tty to
increase theirmaval armament,apon the lakes, if
they -hall find that proceeding neeissay. The
condition of the border will ttecessaril` come into
on-alerathin jin connection with the iluestion of
ouhtniing illadif)ing the rights oftratilsit from
Camobt thr‘....i411 the United States, as Veil an thei
rcuidlition of unpwstq, which were tethfrirarily es
; .bli-ited bx the reciprocity trestp!nt the sth'
June, Ir
I deq.... lots\ ever, to understoodT \\ldle ma
th.- statOneiit,:that the collmiaLauthorities
of 1%m...1a ant not .14011.1 to be inteii;tionally tin
in-1 or nut\ ie4.113 towards the United t3.tates; but,
. .
the vont 111.;,) there is every reas(U) to expect
dint, t ith apprm al of the imperial 60vern
......1. Then \\ ill make _the necessary measures to
pit tilt inepr,ion• ti r . sthe 1,,,N1i.r.
art jigs-ed i at the last se-sion for the.en
11111'wZi.Illelti.i.t enugratioti ha+ so illeFfit IN lift 110,-
!well pot into operation It seem , to need
aniewlioent, Nvlneli will enable the .41(4.11; 1 .4' the
;o% el ;anent to pro eut the praetisie ot !frauds
%..111 lii, untrugrunt, chile on their ony, and
tie Its atlt:id ill the putt , . mt pis to secure them
:ace ehoieu of at oration and plaecs!of set
.\ hheral towards thi's 'treat
aa.ionai l udo t i. man.te,led by uurst.orthi
ouaht to Lr rcciprru ttcd uu °Ur
gill - nil the tiational
prtc.• 1 regard our emigrantsn , ...o orthe
repkue•hiTrc str , ane , hiCktellre iippoin
t,i in Pro‘uleace to repair the I . as 4es (11 inter
;,.ii %% N . and national .Atreniii II 1.11,1
health All that 1t tonerure the
floe of that :stream in it. pr....ent-fuline....;, and to
that end the (imerninent must, in,:.every way,
Wilke it manifest that it neither ne.•.l.noritle , igthi
to itooluntary military :NelSiejt: 1111011 titueu
'All6l,lllll' fr..111‘411 , r laud , to eaq the it lot to our
vomit r%
tifip• aintir4 tliti "(;ovil;nnwrit hare'
bet•ii mirei.,.olll%
ot Ow last stlesioi Cons ;
zr..-11:14 alTret..fl the:rm 'Tue.+, all
qtfljvivilt time. Imq not vet a iap r 0 to ox,
lull eHevt - ilGeveral tit {be porrmirm4
I,ut 4 ni ( uttiro,ing iticre;ved
• "I"he .1 1 4, dnuu the p•ztr, frorri all gourci•s
ury of
.‘‘arrotits Higned bt the Secreta
ry of the Treasurt moiltding 10811,4' 01111.1110
ane,• tit th•• im tirntitla) of July;
t•: t• $1.391.71 1 6.1;07 t; and 6,1 q.• agglegate
the :::11111. Niere
11) I -9, If brihinet , in•lhcH'rettsury ,
arrmas. $iyi,739,905
l'odt,el 1;.,11. 11- 7 e :attomitg the lititoutit o
f: the
j.11:1-11,:it 1.'1111. , debt rede.ia.ted, mid tlw
~?, t 1.11-Iw. sp.'llterleroi. Lind the
• 1 . 1 . ' 11 ea , )' ..perron.a , f the Tre:fstiry iveret re
ti 57- dltdiltr , ertivtll4,4- , 65;2:14,..
I ,^: a balancti. Ttetto
I )t•the reveipt4. Olen,: were - derft ed'from cus
tom: ::ii101.316,1r•1111 1 : frimt Ittmlf+.l3:7A. 4
,333 ;
IL Town YEW, Tannery and
12. Paper.llllll and Brewery.
13. Academy.
14. Dr.raher, de. (Four bower
On Hain Street nut Want
1;111) PROM u)
faun direct taxes. $473 6-18 96; from internal
revenue, $106,741,134 10;1 from miscellaneous
sources, $47,311,44 - . , 10 ;.aid. from loans applied
to actual expenditures including former balance,
$t123,443,929 3.
There was disharsed,for t le civil service, $27,-
505.599 411; ter pemions acid
Indians, $7,517,-
1130 97 ; for the War Depa tment, $690,791,842
.- 97 ; for the Navy Department, $85,7X3,29 9 77 •
Mr interest of the public debt, $53,683,42 1 69
making an aggregate of teti3,•23.4,0i7 80, ,and
• leaving a balance in the 'Ere sure of $18,842,558-
71, as helbre stated ,
For the qet nal receipts lud disbursements for
the first quarter, and the ezitimafed receipts and
db.bur:ements lin. the. thrce, remaining quarters,
of the currant fiscal year, and the general opera
nous of the Treasury in detail, I refer you to the
report of the Secretary of the Treasury. I eon
ear with bun in the opinion that the proportion
of MOM') required to nicer, the expenses couse
qnent upon the Nvar derived front taxation should
1,0 still further increased, and I earnestly invite
your attention to this ; subject,. to - the end that
'there ink be uich additional legislation as shall
1.0 re q uired to wed the jt4t expectation- of the
: 4 0eretury. , !
The public, debt on the first day of July last. as
appears te hooks of the; Treasury, amounted
to $1,740.690.45A 49. Probabfy, should the war
continue for another year,,that amount may be
inerea , (4l by not fill. front live hundred minims.
If as it for the most part, by our own peo
ple. it has !weenie a substantial branch of nation
though private property. For Orions rea
;ens. the More nearly this property can be dia.
trihuted aiming all the people the better: -To fa
s or suengeneral distribution, greater inducements
Isecorne ins tiers might, perhaps, with good ef, and without injury, he I presented to persons
of limited Means. With this view. I suggest
whether it might not be both competent and ex
pedient for Mistress to provide that a limited
amount of sonic future issue of public securities
inightbe'held by any : //ono.fie purchaser exempt
from taxation, and from seizure for debt, under
such restrictions and lhnitation as might be nee
essary to guard against abuse of so importtmt a
privilege. This would enable every prudent per
son to - set aside a small annuity against a possible
day of want.
Privileges like these would render the poses
sion of such securities, to the amount limited,
most desirable to every person of small means '
who might be able to save enough for the par
poie. 'The great advantage of citizens beingcred
itors as well as debtors, with relation,to the pub
lic debt, is obvious. Melt! readily perceive that
they cannot be much oppreserved by a debt which
flity ewe to themselves.
he public debt on the Mat day of July last, al
though somewhat exceeding the estimate of the
Secretary of the Treasury made to Congress at
the commencement of the last session, falls short
of the estimate of that officer made in the pro
ceeding December, at to its probably amount at
the beginning of this year, by the sum of $3,995.-
097 31. This fact exhibits a satisfactory condi
tion and conduct of the operations of the Treas
The national banking systern is proving to be at
ceptable'to capitali4s and to the people. On the
twenty-fifth (lay of NoveMber five hundred and
eighty-four national hanks' had been organized, a
considerable number of Which were conversions
from State bank.s. Changes from State systems
I to the national systems are rapidly taking place,
and it is: hdped thatvery soon there will be in the
United States no banks of issue not authorized by
Congress. slut ne bunk-[tote circulation not se
cured by- the Goverumesit. That the Goiern
ment and the e peigthi will derive great benefit
from this change in the banking systems of the
country can hardly be l&stioned. The national
system will create a reliable and permanent Mu
eme in support of the national credit, and pro
teet the people against lo'ssesin the use of paper
money. Whether or not any, fur th er legislation is
ads i , ffide for the'suppressnin' of State batik issues,
it will be fir Congress to determine. It seems
quite dear that the Treniury cannot be satisfae
tents- conducted sinless 'thy Government can ex
eres.s. a is,riaining po;xeri over the bank-note,cir.
.eulation of the COutary. ,
The: report of, the Sei+tad of War, and the
aCcompanj i n g documents tvill detailtheeampaigns
of the, armies in the field since the date of the
last annual inesiiage, and also. the operations of
the" several administrativfr bureaus of the War
Department during the last year. It will also
spells the measures deemed essential for the
natioonl denmee, and to kiTp tip add supply the
requisltii military force. )
,14'he repdrt of the Sector, - of the Navy pre
sents a comprehensive an satisfactory exhibit of
the affairs of that departinent and of the naval
service. It is a 'subject 'of congratulation and
laudable pride to our contrymen That a navy of
rl ,
sueh last proportions ha • been orgupized in so
brief a period, and erindurited with so touch effi
clew,' and success. - I .
The general exhibit of the nail - , including ves
sels, under eimstruetion --- ne the ISt of December,
1,64. shims a total of . 6 4 71 vessels,.earrying- 4,-
610 guns. and of 510.300 tons, being an in
crease during the year, cW ‘ er and above all losses
by shipwreck or in hattlei Of t , 3 vesselsris7 guns
and 42,427 limit . ii
The total number of ten at this time in the
naval see ice including °Ulcers, is about 51.000.
There base been eaptuted by the navy during
the year 324 ve,ssels, and{ the number of naval
captures since hostilities qommenced is- 1,379,.0f
which 267 are steamers. I I
The gross proceeds arising front the sale of con
demned prize property, Ors far reported, amount
to $14,396,250 51. A layge amount of such pro
ceeds is still under adjudication and yet to be re
The total expenditare - hf the Navy Department
of every descriptioni inchiding the cost of the im
memo squadrons that hae been called into exis
tence from the 4th of March, 1861, to the lst of
November, 1864, are $238,447,262 35.
Your, favorable considration is invited to the•
various reeommendatioa of the Secretary of the
Navy, especially in regan to a Navy-yard and sui
table establishment for the construction and re
pair of iron vessels, and the machinery and arma
tore for our ships, to which reference was made
in my lust annual message:
YOur attention is also •iuvited to the views ex
priqsed in the report in lotion to the legislation
of font its last session in respect to prize
on our inland waters. , •
I cordially corium in
tli e reennunendatiiin of the
Secretaryas to the prop iety of creating the new
rank of vice-admiral in i, ur naval service.
Your attention is in‘i iql to the repott of the
Postmaster General fort detailed amount of the
operations and financial yondition of the Post Of ,
tiee Department. l• '
.' The iulstal - Menues 'l'Or the year ending June
30, 1864, amounted to r 512.438,253 78, and the
expenditures to i1,iir'2,64,4,71-6 to; the excess of
expendites over receipts being $206,652 42.
The views.presented by the Postmaster Gene
ral in the subject of spedind grants by the govern
ment in all of the aistablishment of new lines of
ocean mil ideanollips Mid the Hie) he reemo.
mends Mr the developinimt iil increased commer
, vial intercourse with adjaCent and neighboring
1 el QM t ri,,, should ree6Nl the eareful consideration
of iingrei , i 4 -
It is of noteworthy inteei4 , that the steady ex
. iiansion m f popUlation, impriPinent, and govern
mental institutions os el.:the 111 . w and unoccupied
pillions of our comdr‘ have scarcely been clutch
ed, much lee mipedial or destroyed, by our great
(-nil ‘1 or, which at first glance would seem to
have :Ili:imbed almost the entire energies of the
1 nation.. _
. .
=l'he orilanizatiou and admission of the State of
Nmaila has boll completed in conformity with
law, and thus lair excellent system is firmly es
tablished in the ,inotintains, which once seemed a
barren and nifinhaliitabb , waste 'between the At
lantic States and those; which d'art. grout) up on
the coast ti e',Pacifiti ocean.
'Ol TERarrotuEs
The Territories of the 1 - ition are generally in a
eo n( ;am of prosperity tind rapid grow th. Id a h o
and Montana. by reason of their great distance,
and the interroption of tommunication with than
by Indian hostilities, hale been only partially or
ganized; hut it is underStood i that thesedifricultips
art , about to disappear, I which will permit their
gilt ernitionts, like thomi of the others, torgo into
speedy and full operation.
As intimately ootinec ed with and prof - illative of
this roaterial growth ot the nation, I ask the at- -
tention of Congress to the valuable int - intimation,
and important recommendations relating to the
public lauds, Indian allillti, the'Pacific railroad,
and mineral Idiscoverieri contained in the report
01 the St7cretary of the Interior which is herewith
transmitted. and whieh Import also Plllbrfl(TP the
. ,
VOL. 71...)V110LE NO. 3,684.
subjects of ratents,d other. topics of public in
tereit pertaining to h s department.
The quantity of pn lie land disposed of during
the last five qnarters'ending on the 30th of Sep
temberlast, W 11S 4,221,342 acres, of which 1,538,-
614 acres were entered under the homestead laW.
The remainder was located with military land
warrants, agricultural scrip certified to StUtes for
railroads, and sold for cash. The cash received
from Sales and location fees was $1,019,446. '
The laconic from sales during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1864, was $678,007 21, against
$136,977 95 received during the preceding yeai.
The agpregate number of acres surveyed during
the year has been equal to the quantity disposed
of, and there is open to_ settlement about 133,-
000,000 acres of surveYed land. , '
The great enterprise of connecting the Atlantic
with the Pacific States by railways and telegraph
lines ha , been entered upon with a vigorthat gives
assurstam of success, notwithstanding the embar
raqsments arising from the prevailing‘high pric'es
of materials and labor. The route of the main
line of the road has been definitely located for one
hundred miles westward from the initial point ct
Omaha City. Nebraska, .and a preliminary loca
tion of the Pacific railroad of California has been
made from Sacramento eastward to the great
bend of the Truckee river in Nevada.
Numerout discoveries of gold, silver and cinna
bar mines have been added to the many heretofore
known, and the country. occupied by the Sierra
Nevada and Rocky mountains, and the subordi
nate ranges, now teems with enterprising labor,
which is richly remunerativcf. It is believed that
the product of the mines of precious metals in that
region has, during the year, reached, if not ci
ceeded, one hundred millions in calm..
It was recommended in my last annual message
that our Indian system be remodeled. Congreas,
at its lasflession, acting upon the recommenda
tion, did provide for reorganizing the system in
California, and it is believed that under the preS
ent organization the management of theindiatis
there will be attended with reasonable niece*
Much yet remains to be done ,to przfide for the
proper government of the Indians in other parts
of the country to render it secure for the advane
lug settler, and to provide for the welflue.of -the
Indian. The Secretary reiterates his recommen
lotions, and to them the attention of Congreis'is
The liberal provision made, by Congress for
paying pensions to invalid soldiers and sailors of
the republic, and to the widowS, orphans and de
pendent mothers of those who have fallen in bat
tle, or died of disease contracted, or of wounds
received in the service of their country, have been
diligently administered. There have been added
to the pension rolls, during the year ending the
30th day of June last, the names of 16,770 invalid
soldiers, and of 271 disabled seamen, making the
present number of army invalid pensioners 22,787,
and of navy invalid pensioners 712.
Of widows, orphans and mothers, 22,198 haVe
been placed on the army pension rolls, and 248
on the navy rolls. The present number of army
pensioners of this class is 25,433, and of navy pen
sioners 793. At the beginning of the year the
number of revolutionary pensioners was 1,430;
only twelve of them were soldiers, of whom seven
have since died. The remainder are those who,
under the law, receive 'pensions because of rela
tionship to revolutionary soldiers. During the
year ending the 30th of June, 1864, $4,504,616 92
have been paid to,pensioners' of all classes. '
I cheerfully commend to your continued patron
age the benevolent institutions of the District of
Columbia. which have hitherto been established
or fostered by Congress, and respectfully refer,
for information' concerning them, and in relation
to the Washington aqueduct, the Capitol and other
'hatters of local interest, to the report of the Sec-.
reta The ry. i•
Agricultural Department, under the super
vision of its present energetic and faithful head,
is rapidly commending itself to the great and vital
interest it was treated to advance. It is peculi
arly the people's department, in which they feel
moil` directly concerned than in any other. : 1 I
commend it to the continued attention and foster
ing care of Congress:
' The u•ur continues. Since the last annual ties
sageall the important lines and positions then oc
cupied by oar forces have been maintained; and
our arms have steadily advanced,-thus liberating
the regions left•in rear, so that Missouri, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, and parts of other States have
again produced reasonably fair crops. "
The most remarkable feature in the tuffitary
operations of the year is General Sherman's:at
tempted march of three hundred miles directly
through the insurgent region. 'lt tends to slow
a great inerease'of our relative strength, that our
General-in•Caief should feel able to confront and
hold in check every active trce of the enemy.
and yet to detach a well appointed large army to
move on Such an expedition. The result not vet
being known, conjecture in regard to it is not here
Important movements have also occurred dur
ing the year to the effect of moulding societyfur
durability in the Union. Although short of cOni
plete success, it is much in the right direction that
twelve thousand citizens in each of the States of
trkansas and Louisiana' haie organized ldyal
state governments, with free comititutions, and
are earnestly struggling to administer them. The
movements in the same direction noire extensive.
_ .
though less definite, in Missouri, Kentucky, gad
Tennessee should not be overlooked. But Mary
land presents the example of complete success.
Maryland is secure to liberty and Union for all
the future. The genius of rebellion will no More
claim Maryland. Like another foul spirit, b;iing
driven out, it may seek to tear her, but it Will
, •
woo her no more.
At the last session of' Congress a propcised
ameedment of the Constitution, abolishing slavery
throughout the United States, passed the Senate,
but failed for lack of the requisite two-thirds Vote
in the House of Represeutatives. Althoughtthe
present is the same Congress, and nearly the same
members, and, without questioning the wisdom
or patriotism of those who stood in opposition, 1•
venture to recommend the re-consideration and
passage of the measure at the present session.
Of course the abstract question rs not changed:
but an intervening election' shows, almost certain
ly, that the next Congress will puss the measure
if this does not. Hence there is only a question
of time as to when the proposed amendment Will
go to the States for their action. And, as it is to
so go, at all events, may we not agree that the
sooner the better l
It is not claimed that the election has imposed
a duty on members to change their views or their
votes, any further than, as an additional element
to be considered, their judgment may be affected
by it. It is the'voice of the people now, for. the
first time, heard updn the question. • In a great
national crisis, like ours, unanimity of action
Mixing these seeking a common end is very desir
able, almost indispensable. And yet no approach
to such unanimity is attainable, unless some ;def
erence shall be paid to the will of the majority,
simply because it is the will of the Majority.: In
this ease the common end is the tuainteumnie of
the Union; and, among the means to secure that
end, such will, through the election. is most clearly
declared in favor of suchconstitutional a menduient.
The most reliable indication of public purpose
in this country is derived through our popular
elections. Judging by the recent canvass and its
result, the purpose of the people; within the loyal
States, to maintain the integrity of the Union,was
'never more firm, nor more nearlyneanimous than
now. The extraordinary calmness and-good or
der with which the millions of voters met, and
mingled at the polls, give strong assurance ofthis.
Not only all those who supported the Union ticket,
so-called, but a great majority of the opposing
party also, may be fairlyelaimed ha entertiun; and
to be actuated by, the same purpose.
It is an unanswerable argument to this effect,
that uo candidate for any•Otfice whatever, high or
low, has ventured to seek votes on the avowal
that he - was for giving up the Union. There have
been much impugning of motives, and much beat{
ed controversy us to the proper means and 'best
mode of advancing the Union Cause; but, on the
distinct issue of Union or no Uniod, the politicians
have shown their instinctive knowledge that there
js Ito diversity among the people. In affording the
people the fair opportunity of showing, one to
another and to the world, this firmness and unan
imity of purpose, the election has been of vast val
ue to the national cause.
The election has exhibited another fact not less
valuable to be known—*—the fact that we do not
approach exhaustion in the most important branch
of national resources, that of living men--While
it - is melancholy to reflect that the war has filled
so many graves, and carried moumingto so many
hearts, it is some_relief to know that, compered
with the surviving. the fallen have been so few.
Wifle corps and ditisiotia, and brigades, and regi
ments have formed, fought, and dwindled, and:
gone out of existance, a great majority of men '
who cm/posed theta are still living. The +same id
true of the naval service. The election return, '
prove this.
$o many voters could not else be fotiad. The
States regularly holding elections, bet now and
four years ago, to wit: Californid,Votmecticut, '
Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, 'Bali; Kentucky,
Maine. 'Maryland,' Massachallefts,lfiehigni, Min
nesota, Missouri, NewAut= New ,jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, • Tanis, Rhode
Island, Vermont, Wait ritgitiiit; and Wisconsin.
' cast 3,982,011 votes now, against 3.870,222 CaSt
then, showing an aggregate now of 3,982411.
To this is to be added 33,762 cast now In the
new States of Kansas and Nevada, which States
did mot vote in 1860, thus swelling the aggregate
to 4,015,773 and the net increase during the three
years and a half of war to 145,551. A table isap- •
pendedshowitigparticulars. To this again should :
be added the number of all soldiers in the field -
from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey.-
Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, and California, who.
by the laws of those States, could not vote away
from their homes, and which cannot be less than
90,000. Nor yet is that all. The Number in or
ganized l'erritories is tnple now what it was four
years ago, - while thousands white and black, join
us as the national acme press back the insurgent
~- .
So much is shown affirmatively and negatively ,
by. the election. - It is not material to inquire how
the increase has been produced. or to show that
it would have been greater but for the war, which
is probably - true. The important fact remains de
monstrated, that we have more men now than w e
had when the war began : that we are not exhaue.
ted. nor in process of extbnstiou; that we are
gaining strength, and may, if need be, maintain
the-contest indefinitely. This as to men. Mate
rial resources are now more complete and abun
dant than ever.
The natiotal resources then, are unexbatisted,
and, as we believe, inexhaustible. The public
purpose to mestablislcand maintain the• national
authority is unchanged, and as we believe tin
clkingeable. The manner of continuing the effort
reninuns to choose. On careful consideration of
all the evidence accessible, it seems to me that no
attempt at negotiation with the insurgent leader
could result in any good. He would accept noth
ing short of severance of the_ Union—precisely
what we will not and cannot give. His.declara
tioni tel this effect are explicit and oft-repeated.
Ho does not attempt to deceive us. He affords us
no excuse to deceive ourselves.
He cannot voluntarily re-accept the Union ; we
cannot voluntarily yield it., Between him and us
the issue is distinct, simple, and inflexible. It is
an issue Which can duly be tried by war, and de
cided by victory. If we yield, we are beaten; if
the Southern people fail him, he is beaten. Either
way, it would be the victory and defeat following
war. What is true, hoWever, of him who heads
the insurgent cause is not necessarily true of those
who follow.
Although he cannot re-accept the Union, they
can Some of them, we - know, already desire
peace and re-union. The number dim& may in
crease. They can, at any, moment, have peace
simply. by laying down their arms and snbmitting
to the national authority under the Constitution.
After so much, the Government could not, if it
would, maintain war against them. The loyal
people would not sustain or allow it.
If questions should remain, we would adjust
them by the peaceful means of legislation, confer
ence, coasts and votes, operating only in consti
tutional and lawful channels. Some certain, and
other possible, questions are, and would be, - be
"yondlhe Executive power to adjnst; as for in
stance, the admission of members into Congress,
and whatever might require the appropriation of
money. The Executive power itself would be
greatly diminished by the cessation of actual war.
Pardons and remissions of forfeitures, however,
would still be within Executive controL In what
spirit and temper this would be exercised can he
fairly judged by the past.
A year ago general pardon and amnesty, upon
specified terms, were offered to all, except certain
designated classes, and it was; at the same time.
made known that the excepted classes were still
within contemplation of special clemency. Du -
, ring the year many availed themselves of the gen
eral provision, and many more would, only that
the signs of bad faith in some led to such precau
tionary measures anendered the practical procee
less easy and certain. During the same time also
special pardons have - been granted to individuals
of the excepted classes, and no voluntary
tion has been denied
Tha, practically, the door has been, for a full
year, open to all, except such as were not in con
ditidn to make free choice—that is such as 'were
in custody or under constraint. It is still so open
to all. But the time may come, - probably will
come, when public 'duty shall demand that it be
closed, and that in lieu, more vigorous measures
than heretofore'shall be adopted.
In presenting, the abandonment ofarmed resist
ance to the national authority on the part of
insurgents, as the only indispensible condition to
ending the waron the part of the Government, I
retract nothing heretofore said as to slavery. I
repeat the declaration made a year ago; that
"while I remain in my present position I shall not
attempt to retract or modify the emanciPatiou
proclamation, nor shall I return to slavery an
person who is free by the terms of that proclama
tion, or by any of the acts of Congress."
If the people should, by whatever mode or
means, make it an executive duty to re-enslave
such persons, another, and not I, Inuit be their
instrument to perform it. . •
In stating a single condition of peace, I -mean
simply to say that the war will cease on the part
of the Government, whenever it shall have ceased
on the part of those who began it.
December B, IFtl4.
Tabie sitoteing , the Aggregate Votes in the Steam named, de
the.Presidentiol Elfe:laziArldrAxpeutirely in /860 andlB64,
1660. 1864.
118,840 '110.006
77,246 96,616
16.039 ' 16,904
272,147 280.645
126,7)1 143;731
146,216 .91,303
97.918 115,141
92.502 72,710
169,57 d • 175.487
154,747 162.41.4
34,799 42,534
165,538 '90,000
65.953 69,111
121,12.7 128.688
675,156 730,664
442,441 470,745
14,410 114.410
476.442 579,697
19,931 72,187
42.644 55,811
-48.195 33,874
132,120 148,513
Delaware -
Illinois -
Idiva .......
New Hampshire...
New Jer5ey...,....
New York -
Rhode Island
West Virginia....
Wisconsin . .
t Estimated
Wherever you go now you find The people af
fected with the oil ti , ver. The disease is as
prevalent in our State as was the gold fever in
the most hale', on days of California. In fact for
tunes are now made quicker and larger from the
oil wells of Pennsylvania than ever they were
from the gold mines of California. Men who
were recently scarcely worth the coat on their
backs, in Western Pentinsyhania, now count
their dollars by. the hundred thousand. The
changes almost scelus like some of the works of
the tabled Aladdin : and no wonder that it ex
cites those who are ntibitous for wealth to an
unusual anxiety to be " in the rine and among
the favored ones of oily fortune. We have no
doubt in the end that a good many will find it
" oily gammon," but for all that there is enough
of EltleCM about it to make it extremely inter
esting. For a man to go to bed feeling that be
is close of kin to "Job's turkey," and wakes up
in the morning to receive the intelligence that he
has "struck oil" and is the possessor of a fortune,
is a "change of base" that scarcely any of us
would object to; indeed, it is a change that thous,
ands are enthusiastically seeking. Oil lands; oil
stocks, oil V% eng, and oil ever)thing are now the
subject of conversation on the cars, in the botch+,
on the streets, in the drawing room, and when
ever men most do congregate. How far it ex
tends, its profits, its vises. d:c., are discussed
with an intense interest. Some of the most en
thusiastic assert it to be -inexhaustible, a nd pre.
diet its introduction into our most every-dal
uses. One expects it soon to take . the place of
lard and butter; (and not cost fifty cents a
pound;) another thinks it is going to cure rheu
matism and most of the other ills that flesh is'
heir to; another asserts that it is going to create
a great revolution -in- traveling—that travelers
will soon oil the soles of their shoes, step on the
railroad bars and slide away with lightening
speed to their destinations. Aud with their cas
tles ha the air, and the prospects of the pumps in
the wells, the-good-natured and hopeful enthu
siesta enjoy a most pleasant !atunmnnion with
themselves and happy conversation, with- every
body else. It is to be hoped that the' oily
- god-
dens may continue her smiles until every Pennsyl
vanian become at least a millionaire ,
3,e7022'2 3,985011
- •• • -- 17,M4