Vroposalo. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE.--CHIEF QUARTER MASTER'S OFFICE. Department of ;Vest Virginia, Cumberland, Md., November 18, 18f4. SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate are invitedby the undersigned for supplying the Quartermaster's Depart , ment in the Deportment of West Virginia at Charliton. Parkersburg and Wheeling, 'West Va., and the ' , OA era! other Depots on the Mae of the Baltimore and Ohm Rail- Mad, as follows: Clarksburg. Grafton: New Creek. Cultlt': beria n d , 31„,,,,,b u c p r, Harper's Ferry, 'Berlin, Pomp!" Rocks, and including Hagerstown and Frederick City Md.; or either of .thine places, with May, Corn, Oats and Straw. Bids,,will be received for the delivery of three thousand (3000) bushels of Corn or Oats and htty (50) tons of Hat or Straw and upwards, and must be arcompamed by a (1 . 11. py of this advertisement: Bidders must state at which of the abOve named points they prots,se to make delivertps. and the rates'at which they will make deliveries thereof. theattantites of each article proposed to be dplivered. the time when said telly' cry shall be commenced and .Iton to be completed. All deliveries must be promptly ramie within the time and for the quantities proposed and accepted, to Insure prompt settlement therefor. The price must be written out in words on the bids. The particular kind of description of outs. corn. hay or straw, proposed to be ilelivered. must be stated in the pro posals, Corn Vibe put up in gars' stout sacks of about two bush els each ; Oats in like sacks of about three bushels each p the sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Gov ernment; the flay and Straw to lie securely baled. All articles offered under the buts herein invited will be subject to a rigid inspection by a Gm erußtent lnspeetor, _ before being accepted. COlitriletb wdl be awarded from time totitut to the lon, est responsible bidder. as the interests of the Government may require; and paynients will be made Mies the a halo amounts contracted shall have been delivered and ac cepted. , No bids Mill be considered from parties who have failed heretofore, to comply with their contracts. ' All proposals must he aceompumed by a guaranty, sign ed by two respfmnible persons, that in ease the Ind is ac cepted, be or they will, o f the thneonamed, execute the contract fur the name. with good wood satins in A sum equal in amount to the lIIIIIJUnt eiiolnoq, to deliver forage proposed, In 4.olitorlilit2, a Ith the b ems of this ads emsement, mid ni ease bald, a Sball fa' Ito enter into the euntract they to ;nuke good the fidlerence into een the offer of said bidder and the nest iIONoNt SOS/OW...hie Milder or the person to .Itont the( ,ontraet may be :taunted. Tito req.,,,ibitny of the gliarantors must Is, Alwyn by the official eerttlucatc of a t toted States. ihntnet Judge or Attorney. Collector of lastouls, or other tiovenarnt ofti• w end, known by this oilier. All parties e ill be duly notified of the a, eepMuce or re / lection of their All proposals must be made in duplivAte, nod be :menu, ponied mill the oath of ullegianee of troliarty or milem it ban already born p:aeed other. No bids except in the form pre., ribcd, mill E lie received and only from producer. orimthes ougazed iu the business. The full names and post' Office addre.., of each bidder trannt be %vritten in the Prop.alslllibt be .Lailre,e(re; Capt. J. 0. Farn,wortb' Chief QuArterrree.ter, Departmeht ut 'We,t Virkinia. Cum berland, Md., and marked "I's.lnea , s for Forage. - Blank forma of bi" guarantee. and bent 6 may be ob. 'imned.en application to this ' . FORM OF PROPOSAL [TOWN, t ol NIT AND STA rP..) I, the undersigned, do hereby propose to furili,hAtud de. liver to the United State , at the Quartennalter Devirt• meat at —, agreeable to the term, of our advort,e milt inviting prop tnals for forage. dateti Cumberland., Mal, the follmving arbehn, to - Bushels ,if Corn. to sacks. at,— pee bushel of ]SG] fifty-cis pound". —Buohch of r oaS, in , aeks, at per barbel of I:121 thirty-tn pounds Tons of Baled Ifay at per ton of 2,000 pounds. Tori., of Baled btrow at— per ton of 2.000 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the day of and to be completed on or before the— day of led—, and— pledge im self to enter into a written contract with the United States with good and Ipproxed . seetwity. within the space of ten days idler being toadied that my bid bus been ueecmed. Your obt. servant, 4,••• Capt J.,. xv, ARNSWOIITIT., Chief Quarts riim , ter 'Depart meat of West Virginia, Cutnlt,riand, MI. . • t GUARANTEE We, the undersigned, resident, of - County of and State of hereby !.intly and severally covenant with the United State , and guarantee in ea, the foregoing bid of - bd accepted that he or they will within ten days after the aceeptanc e f alit biti'ext, me the contract for the same with good and , ullielent sltretie , in a sum equal to the amount VI the central t to turai , h the for age stmt, in confer - v.lly to the term, of advert.enicut United - IFfH , undlir winch the bid was, made. and tor ease the NO- ellol fall to enter into a contra, tas ritort,tid, we guarantee to make good the difference be 4 Preen thi , iiffer by the said - and the next I. est re sponsible-bidder, or the person to whom the contract day be awaided. Givel under our:hand.: and eeui., this day 1864. r Witdebs: - f,EAI.I . RF: +Li hethy certify to the bi,t ienowleitire belief the above riarnelf eltaminfor , are monlihrat ,utheient ciffites for the innelint for which they y. To be certified by the United Statec 1)1 , 4ri, , t _attorney - , Collector of Customs. or any other officer under the Crated States Government, or re•rem..bie person known to this office. • 1 ,—\. I All prop(dali received ender thi. advertif.ement will be (veiled and examined at th, otrue4m WEDNENIAY ..n.l SATURDAY of each week. at 1,2 31. Bidder. ar• c.- spel-tfully invited to be prem.nt at the opening Ad lnd, if they de.re. .1. C. SWORTII - Captain and Chief Qt n +rtenad•tcr. Departinent nl NVe..t Virgatia. MEM sirr43roof T H E GAZ EA , T F I 11, E A T chAmßEnsm-r,(;. VICTORY ! VICTORY EVANS & WAL•ON'S SALANIXNDEII READ THE yoI.I.9WANG 17, t , ret Mom. E . r.ans h in , t , on : Gentiene - n . tti4 1. to int' .rtn von -that-the Sale per abused of you SOIIIO •gbmu 1./ tlo• ,Ve.lt fire te l o L euu mo n ed. o•v ' - tr:t4; ithe tebe•l len •eel of the 30th of Jut• 1,,t We are lytppr - , av . " from the ruins 'Wale dap= and jp..zwiti.!.. ,Tr - p excellent eondlijon:- We I,lllltl 1;f i , :11111 , e wish a god artiels, Yi. • - • 4..3 ETIMS k ri v aten: Urn tktacn : 1 with plexsuie inform pm that on ottmnag jay Sate. pureha,ed from you 51110.• tune St, e . o•• , . t;ttr day evening last, jut two weeks all. r the IMril•ng eJ mfr Walt by the rebels. I totual my hod., ;And Nye, ;a 11.,,11 better venal:tit. than I erpet ted ; nn oPooh.,u the and paper+ !Omni them per.to. t. My Safe wa, great twat_ onomit of the qn.tnttv of and other comba.tible :natte :to r I had in nit, eller. I -rrit” you oe..eme -ache paper th,lt w,,111 nn 1. ed 111:.: yolt 'quay set. how well it Iraq present .1. 1 will ,tott want my Safe repaired, or .1 new ore in evellanzt. 'Very- recreetfully. your. . a 1. R. EYSI,EII. Cit.....t.ttax..ttrito, Aug. 15, 21fr,, , r$. Erans h Warpnrt-,,, . G,rttirmrri: In the' dreadful Ere vAtiein ,l .'roped vq etnre and tile greater portnon which • tine lion.. Inv the rein-:. nn la,. 1 had 111, If , your File-Pronf intrelhe•r•l frets yen •onne non.) •inee, whielt d untamed to 3 ?oft,. r un -ilergoing the enoleta e of the hi-tele , ahti lal“hg toxin ten fit and retnaih:ng 111.• 1., .1:1_•1 ram-. him a pertl4l.6,f enters at.t.m. it n.. reen•oert the tenrintez nno,te.l ni.enelL ,I hare tine gratlfivat,in to inform you that it= e: ..,tent= were ere}l - 1, ell in exeollant ~anlinon tuna mi tin. le One ,[•I the ithinny /:,1.0/1 •1 4 llll , Ai yn or:;•11., have hilly awitainett tlFgnokl, yhthrie. atrihnited to then, I ft el it an agreeable ditty to rend, r evnienee r/ t line fact. 11443 eettully, CAI,. .1. In. DiAlimur. C11.t111:1,11,1;1 11‘,. Aug.. 13, 11,41.1 1311iNtql. ELVIS e r frozsot, Gniqrnza Thl, 01 40 i11f.4111:,. 4 144 ;I,,hztt the Stile W.• purclui.ned from pat solo, tom,. n nun ,11), to. he fire which emmtmed oar ,t a.f. tlttrnar the rehel lot ou the 30th of July he.a. iv, lh.ppy to nay tha' tie Safe stood the tent of tho 'fire tie!! :ind toe recta 'red our papers from it uniaairml. Very (11 %311:1,1:..-111 IV, A 11.4.96. 1861. - Meftora - Erans 4. liillS,ll I 6,,,,1,,,, ~ I t r,,b,• lb, orp.rtunit:• toii,f.rn yIIII 11, my sar, , wi i i.•l, !,, a N., 5 ~t ~111. ,11:4..., 1,,, in the gri'a .111 . 0. Much ile•tru •d tisi- t , ,, i II 011 the 0111 ' .,1 July, • I now jots, lhd pleteotri• to stoto to :,,1,11,t1 .utter I feel Laken the safe tr , un Iht• V. hi ft ,1 Ladkit it f.r pt•riott of 10 dap. ‘ oti 4,14 the Sat., I 0 1.1160.“1 fi vil that .Lll 111 y stud valoahlt, e "VP goo uun000"I .110' ring the fin eproofoar : . ..d.‘10:01d, CM. i'. sTi 111'. hi !I ;II More 5at. , ,,..f ;bpOn 11:1,1it.r1 tialamand,r ' l :HA al Bank. )Ipreanl.l,. Daello,. , ll , nm• Si k m IV.:.111 Doom for 13ankr. ;r1.1 .4 t0r. • ILtok 1 16 4 , h ,t, 11,elnar phm L. B. EY ST En , for Cila,tll4 r•111;rz •• Q.lptbing. NTEW (,11 . TAIZTEItS AN DNLW STD(tI THEOLDCLOTIIINI; F.:411,1t11'31, IN Tim M I =I Phe „„th.,i r , w il. ;120 . r .1 tl neg ,t..t.nl by the tle..trlnnion ot „,„ .1 1 1.0.1.etted out in fun bin , llr, the 31 tni.4.o Wal)nee'g (try Gong .ttore and }littler k I,ennone, Urn (0.1 . V story. it of vAtn. Am, WIN'l (11)orp0 of no ory awl quality This m,k o iFf, of Iteady Clo.l.bur Over Cont. 1 0114 Under Dratiet . .. &a., al , . CENTLI:MENS' IZNI9IIINIt 1:0‘ , 1 1 S. Cravat', Suspender.. (;:o‘l 4 . 5 / 1 40 1 4 flantlherelllll•. I ..l• Cinbrellto. Ilia htuek of (.71..:11• v3l-4,11, n 1 Engli..ll 1/1.11,, st...intinnlo.t. re I /00 Ohl', F' atty e l'n...itnert. 111.1 e% S,, al Slll Plant and ['wry CaKsitner 1 . 1.4 , 111;; , i II n. 111.0 10:010 up to taller in .3ctes to wit the 1, : .Lott not u'r :uol reiegonai.le term., B itting enga re.l n Prcnnieal Cutter fp...111, - F.aq lam ?prepared to e1..11.1pg In Iln. most i:1411.011.111:0,, toil 11 4 110111 1 brit oXperlo , . , d ‘1 0 1 r 1,11.01 1,1 0 0•11,,L, , ,, .1 I,n, • 'onniteny rely npon getting . their work n (10110 ut uns 404101 . 1 1 . 111a11kfIll fir the pitronnyln hnre , nlele he,tovnul 1 re. sp. et Inlly n r or,:annitten , of the ~ one I .1. 'l'. 11014:1N-tliN . _ TOB PRINTING in every style, don© at ibealawolibe liermamitspoePeolor N f E S TORE 'GELWICKS & B :RKIIART GEt.wicKA S BURKHART having been bunt out by the Rebels in the burning of Chninbersgurg, have sinre built New Store Rooms OX SECOND STREET, Between Seller,: and Brown's Hotels', %%hero they propoee selling With' regale and Retail. erws I'COribioll Flour. MI 4 . 1 tee, ttibri , e , • 7 Brooms, Van-. Cord:, dw .gaud. of articles usvtl by evM-y family and in Lonntry qures. Our is fall Slid complete. embracing - el m y article in tLi. Hue from tl u •cmnmon crane of g 004.1. up to • the finest quality. (Mr btoek of unellvp AND UNGROUND SPICE.' art, all mrietlyipare a,l fresh. ha% beeli i.arernily ri It etsil by one of the firm. Mr. Burkhart. tin ms a prat tit al baker awl i . , ntitis. lion,. All yfir Ground. Spice's Irralllll mm hplee ud ME= S 1 tin" (hl. = Lilowed. Oil IVlude Oil. /. liltiat iiiiil NVliitiir Oil, l',i.tl i W. . r 1a,.......t i yi. LIII , rj, I ill, Paint.,. Oil .tuts In tlyi• prime ISIEROSE.Nr. OIL. LAMPS. GLOBES .IXIS WICKS TI.P larze , t si,orttnent La.np , nu t ' % Vivi:, in the County. The,. ,ay we van - and t•heaper than, the 1 . 11,1p,t, Its they NNW(' purelut.ell in lire title. ;turret tern thus niatinfat nu e,. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. SPICE'S. GIB WN COPEi7,I COFFEE PA — Mills' AND CANS, we invite ati,ntiou..... warr.mt them to SCIS e twist:onion or refund the monity ins it' :Menu.m to our very larze and ToilAcco AND sEGARS, whichm e offer ery ebeap. 4en,iil An imtmic of Flour by the barrot Or +mall lu eonneetion with the above bu,inen4 we carry t n the Confeenontriy business in all its inanuf.telltrinti 1.400 .•f the articles in thi. line onr,eh e. which ennliles 115 sortl4lW, loth-IClloleS.lie and retail. I'm .•f• Conteenoner - eonsi , ', in pan of , Raisins• ' lEEE • All kintis trarker, a uonoral a.....rttnent of F.RT.:SII CA NI)IES tocether with ever:. (10,ripthal isf tionle,th• Calal , e4 that •Ire Oar toe k ]tree and 11. n. been carefully 'Ol4 eted en bra '' by far two ❑:any ditn,,nt to ot:r rupt to name ankle. or H..: e to .ay th.tt it flour determitiatum to ulnae. I,op np ti f,tll .1.- •-orzm,lll,f 11-0,1-,11 heap a, the bfilre.a. N li—To 12,etri:ry itant4 atilt. all sVlto milt to buy trood, at w110:. , ,,tv, our- , •lte, to olteap any nt 4 Cl q."\ FRY Afoul CE AND yARNETINti t.ll' Lindy Wante.i. ftir ah. h th.• 1,2:11,4 - prn...•,111 patil Ili] f ;EI.NVICES lit R UITS, SP I—C E S . 4 , Lcmuna.• °nil..., linm•L T4muv Pre 1:1E=MIll Lay er MEE Tnirliry 31.‘1,:za NV.llaut t':d-;j MIMI EEC ME! , • I•:tiY:t =I MIIII=III M=El ERE =ME liad taken 4,ar •af , i firm 6.1 f there 1 ,4, 0', and apt •In an I,dtl 1/, 'vxpre....' , ) . for I•ulul\'lL N,411. IS41•1'. Pivbl, • 1I , •i di. Chow Idt;.. in do d.l Ir., 11ix.•d d., Star. trs •i all =I .M.tt , Gutgor 0 - war, 1.1:G. Aug. 1:5.1,61 %limp ~ 1:1 Cap," 0=! 11221=2E •I - JC.,11 k. ..t SIIAI 1:1; , In Que., I ., ..tret t. li'l.!11/411.1 Chu:, h. fUIMCEIZI AVIiIOLESALE .IND 13E - VA TA SR.! FE!: A ,77 - ,ART. ,n .strrrt .F.:4•1 of the Method r.t ,•tl , l .u.II ;he hut Ch.onlo.r.hrrv: th.;. (;ROCEILIES, V.H.E• 4 If FIWIT. QUEEN NV.kILI: 11:1)AltWARL:, :1.14 t•'.111e111, Art. let a luelt tlp y ruJ Wort otre.rntv ..011,1,11ti, tr•an Sort Y.FriC, hilitclolph:a anti IL.itnnor.• tJ t14,1 , ,t0rt• Sq• • t 1:.1.1 01 11., li.lln.ha ULtil !r In .11,11 au ar...rto,ent as ;Le tle -111..1, of 11,•• d•wittuttoof Tlit.y hay.• tn.. td , r ;.,n pur, 17411.1 4 , 1:i.• 1111,1 all% .Iw, , 0 7,11. 4/1/11 . /111 - ,1s1! :111 1 1r 11111. ..tr. 1111 OW Itll4l l l 111111 4,1,i4 Of Th.. Frio In L c ,011 411,1411,0 y 5 1 1 tho• elty. afford. II lon ••‘i.r:• ath anto,re In purl 1::::::::2-;:....1:: ::: Th . :: ... 1,,,5,..1,_ t:::', .. :..ial I, -, .....0,1.. , then a , tno. ,hi. II 1,1,1,.11,,,, 1.1 -4• TI rrru 1.,:r fur r t ri 7 t ' 1. , -I. sl'i :Alt: , COPI'1.1:::; ANT: TIT k::4 r f ::Il p,4..4 - f,n: thf" i'44l. , 14 f!:01.. ,, :ti nt5e ,, :.*:1‘ , .1 , ,irr . ..! 4:1,4, ::::I.:::::::It . • ••• nri• 'AND liarrttl tt..t , Si, It Curc.l I tt:tr.t• ' entl 1 - 1114 . I / . 111 ( ..:11 ..;11 I ..r • 1,11.10t.11% , 1101 . (1/111ttry 111.1 other.. L t. tat t.a'tra L•lt 4., rtl th.• iirtwort hut. , L. I urelia...4l Ft,t. • Jr. , Ili .11111•Iry , Lie, in... 1. 1 1;:.• FE I: ST 1...11C1 . •k - 1A 1Z I'E'l' 1-101 - SE.---'llle ini(lert-igiwil .1 T i r,) , “ :ruin, ns t fortti tl,ll iiiittivloil , i-tt4lonli r, It.liti the pit s .ll. ttellet t hlly th.t! the , h., ere el eft ' efi the . , (tro it', ry ,ture .1110 1 . 4.0.:f. 1 . 111 ,, rf ~1 ❑ 111..4,1 by tlnp If I/I bk aMi 1,,v1,14 r C•lplp.itr . i . i, ..1 11, IMded, 11. tn. , ii.l tils. I. ..' ,1 .. 1 ..d r 4 t.d ll, :n ••..., t.h. :d... I , r ti p ;.”• nd pot r,..110. hi•r , : , .ll.rr .•Nu•[..1,.: ~. Ilium '1 h., '4. I:: , f 4.lllldott 111 err .11 ( .1:1 riTiZTES. I 1/n•i•I Lng 01•01. r.zi • 1•••1 T..• .Itat t it. t,(11" ;• Cora., war,r:.•lt.ttc 1,114 1.1. n It 01 - , htl'in.. t.tWl• . 11•1,t ,114 . 11 011 11.11111 II 1 11.• 1 11 1 1 01 11 , . COI N FRY rit , wrt.l; t.th, n in ,• clirtng,.• lor ntark...t t 11.,;:et pi...! 1,.1.11-1:0 Fr i ," Th, on M.ll , & QPI:1;(11EIZ'S (i It()('El;y rAmit.)" 1.1:01 r.iLl I telt it p, he effei, te the poltle at the e•t ( 1:•}1 hei `‘'` '''' 22; 11,212.' 12222 2 IN2IO. 122 r 111 N'11:1" l'1:01)1 (1; 22.22 12,222,:e10r 0222.1. 2 NPIZECIIER. I T. J )1.1.( 1171()LES.ILE Gieor Ell I.\ r 1 (1)111TIS.NION nvrr x.1:27 541", UI I,KI I 1I (No.rth Ifth 222,222 1'1221.2210102 .2 .2222.2,..1 2 1y I. 4 l l:Esii Visit .\N sTElis 1%4,1, at ,11 \ & S'lT.ll(l's QM` , n ,rt,t E., .4 the M F I.‘ Com Ai , ul ), the I,:tt, ut .s11A11:1: A `VIT.\ Que..tt •Irvot MA) OF A TII(II'S.ANI).--A CoN „t N:01 , P. l't IIEI,-1711. .1. \ .7.1 ES. a li.dired l'Lt.:•,,iw4lll . great P 111114, 1,, 1,1611. 01 the d I 1.11,1:1/ I ate for Con.annidion Al.:llnm Brom hi. ('olds and _(;101etal 0 him when Idld, rinught. r, "• 0. 4: op to die. lir, rhild ori d.. 0011.. non e and .e.truns of lstel , ting hi,. ti brlstk. hr ill ••••ri to tht.4! who c6i..it it the re, ilu`. 4ot n111_411144 !song fur making and e•ric t e•r.r..11) lining, this r•Illetly free on nveq , t of their stunt.. ntth 11. stators to pay f•X1.1•1,..11.4. Thert. is got II ,1111:11` (lite of ['meat:option that it dues not at flume tahe hold of and dhodpate. Night 5,04114. pet.11 , .10.— , irtiuokm of the faildroof 111.•1111,‘” eldil , l/11 , hurp pain , it, the sore t'.r 4 Mi• . 4 . 01 ) b , " 1 .0 1- 000 , asto.ea at the stomach lane. ton rr lad, el, o.kott•fr ao.i3 of the :111,1 , S The writer n ill pl,se .tae the alone of the gaper thoy - seen this adverti%etnent 111" (1tA1)1)(fl'K t l'O. mitrZ. o .l-Ir'l °Jarr Nnnth 9/1 PO. &c. WHOLESALE A,iii RETAIL. Salt' 1-4 h Syrup. Burizets,, Lamp:, Globe!. Sugars, •r« imp, GROCERIE-S =i We !lifer the folhm I=lllE2l=lll v.trl;2lla,,orttot at ,if F. 1., 0 LR. CONY': Y:r Air° ndc I 111, •rte. NN ••1111, Prrlll,. KEE n e i hinger. IMES A MZ:= MM=I J~l•..11l NiiiL , Nl.lll u rk. IV.lt‘r 01/933 IMEEM P 1 4 S Ise 1 . 1, • = MEM =MEE BET Wrapping T, ~ .,S one ,1,. - I're-t•r%;111;,- Tuojt,!..l rulthing. J'.%. opt UV. • 110 ti. MEIEDIE MIZE! ZAK iranklin ii)antbeisbu itluoiral. & HA CABINET ORGANS. MELODEONS were introduced some twenty years since, and were .ucceeded by the H.Ii.RMONII73I - 0 about nine years ago. The CABINET ORGAN was (brought to 114 Pre , etit Mate of Perfection only in the suvrter of ISW2. CIIF AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great advantages over any other invention of thE kind, is cupoble ujmuchjinrr effect; than ran he produ ed 12k any other, and is more easily used by the performer, arid ereelo espbcially in capari:y for ezprtAion. Please notice advance in priceii. CABINET OR(;ANN.—SINiii.E No. 15. ii:our Octave, Single Bred,. to )Vaillint or Oak Casa. ----------- - • - ----------------- No. hi. The Sane, in elegant 1:o.-e‘ro.1Case..... No, 17, F,ve Octave. Reed in Wllllllll. or _. 4 oak Case No. --- 11 a. Same, 111 elegant DIA ISLE REED. 19. Four Octave, Double Heed iu Walnnu. ()akla :?0. SILIIIO, is elegant 110,, 0 , 4 1 Cas t , 21.. — rive Octave, Double (teed, in Walnut or (Ink Car, \0.:12. The &Mlle, ill eh•eant lamra otHl No. 2:1 The Same, in sulid Caned \Vali:lit or (Mk. with IVillinit Cureing4 six Sun!. No. 1-1. Six Stop Cabinet I /rg.in, in it ••,! COM. 79. .The Same. in elegant R05ewinx1C.,....... No. 12. Eight Stop' 'Cabinet Organ. in Walnut or Oak Catle. . . The Sallie. in ele,.;.mt 1Z4e.ew00..1 Cane. .... No. '24. The - Same, in 5.11.1 Cars '.l \\*alma. MIME No. 10 Peaal 110,4 Onran. io Walnut or Oak C tie • Gnaw of sera finish on bind, or made to order. MEI.OI)LuNN. • No. 3. Five Octave. Plano :sts le. ViiseiVoott Case. .i 151) No. ilk TLe rlitine, portable. itesesiomi Case. ...... . No 7. The Sme, l'ortaLle 'Walnut lse. 93 No. Four 1k tare, Portable. U. 1, 01'100(1 CAM, 1) .r.ptit e pamphlet, forilished In the subs/ I.A -th r. A .kgenie fur Me,. 31,0 n 5.11,1111.11 e e are enablea their :sew Irk and el.rge treizltt e lia‘emdd a 'loather of their in,tritinent, anti can give nani,ertal, ,at:4l.etury refer, 71 , 2 , , S. ' t•iiirOCK .ktfent. (46‘inbei , Iparg: l'n._ EMI ,_,- I -T ORACE V" ATEIVS, GREAT MUSICAL•ESTABLISIIMENT• = Eighty Nov littrulutimuls Alekan- In• ortzatit4. NVltolt -.al, anal retail let It•w. SEC( HAND 11.1 NOS greatlemraw , front tiq'ttlit• i , attti. New 7t it tat,. PlllllO, i2iko anti Cart ea Lep. , aatl3lottltling, $.lOO and Meltult on :ILi to i~al A large Imo k n SHEET \ll - SIC. MUSIC : 1 6 „d all k1,,d.. of Mr:ill:Al. nu - 31EsTs. and Mt.,. \lr,hanli,oai ifir /on •L rem a., I iro.J ;Meet:. el Mu•le a little eml,l at 1 1,1 l'eat. per l'age. nut :111-8w TILE CII.IIItERSBURCir SILVER COR -i. E'r ISA i• prepared to forni.ll Mto.ie for Mili tary. 11ehgaat, and I.onm- or Pro , e•• any pall of the State. Plena •, May _rani, to, oanno.hiwil at ..hart noto, , 10 K FKEV. See y. 11. I. HAT:NICK. header. o, 111,31110, Foal, 3lliilbrr, &r. E N 12 1) El 2 'l' kk:• N. co.u. AN!) 1.1 . 318 ER MEI:CH.IN I S. e 01111..7,1 all C'oal and Lumber, nn.! P,P,reff in fart. , ..11 1111 !-umber to Itnit r ar Jwrt .1,0-t,, t,, I' :IP 1. - I`l. ino , t n.a..onable tern.. Our '44,t Linn ' to P a ir It in. Plank, " I; • t Plank. " I: " Plank. " 1 !elect and Bo„I,', •' " Board.% " " • 411 inch ) • " Be , t River Slungleg. " " 11 'irked Floring. Suianr. .• .Foist and Seantlin; nil 41/..r,a. k Joi.t and. Se.,nr.:ng •• Board., Pine Boards, Joibt and Scantling; Paihnz and Pla•aernar, We lime al,. alalty, a good. xuppl. "f nil kind: of Coal tot a... 1 irne-bunting. Al..* a buy, rior oriole of Bro.nitoi, for Illaeksnnth, The Intl, are 111Nited to gita t, a call. ne n elide:, t• - gn e .ati.fat tin', to all that t co.! tut! Lannber furni•liell on the car, to any , tatlon .on the Franklin 'Rai:mad. " on Second Si. in the rear of the Jail Yant, 12faa,ber,i,urg. Pa. LEO. EBERT S SON. inl)27-tf. •k , It 11N 1) 12 (k: C . , r;old,hur.l.os L 1'.31 11 1; 1: 1)E A 1, E 1Z S AND )1 stt:L.s ;1. SASH OOo!! 1!I! - :I Tut:, 151011 A. 17) 1(7.\71011' 111.411 E, hr..' . hand a xvo•II srle, tea .lin.k of Pe,- 111,1,1.• and , atalimg Weatherl , ard- II 1 Floormg. Salnnz: Pahng..nnt r 4 11 4•. W. Willie Pipe and I+11: 8, ,, 4 c,nr , i to , order at the 4,1111111111., .itTo4 be .ntoire., 41 to-Y I ty attorttri at Eau). C i M. t. WS. STEN(;ER, Arn.)lZ -11. k:YS Al' I.AW.-IC. Sims...Li; ntrtnty at.ti for pr. onnin: Boma . ) Main} ari It.. - tithe in Lintliel.l c 1141 - 0111nWuntin . We ., SM . ,. “ f S••• Ind Strnt , i Qtteen ,it..l W.ntionizion . k;„4 . 11T ArrouNLY:, urn at. 1...•11 rare. 1 5.—.1,...11t.rt/t..i t t.tat of Kit l'.iy anti .til t.iln tint go,trot S EVERETT. Attorney at_ Eau". / ' o- l• .41 tin• Girt titri.t.•o> erg.. C. All ti R. 1,4 1.11, Ma Ii els I. prompt allele itnitiittf • liillN : , ,TEW AUT. .1"1 PIZNI.I Ar Lk w. (11,4• 5t:,. ,, a 114.0 r. Sopth ~f PEN,ION, 1.101 I'V :La "tn., I,llto prt.acerly ira , , a.l [atar:ll I YMAN S. CL.IIZKE, ATTunNEy AT iJ 1. k , V. .h.itttlier.thurz, Irttie.. (st , the old 11 , .. ) 1111 ,21 eenn).eip. eite 11, Coltrt 1 !eh,. 1,...•1,21.1.111 T. J. NB E 1 A,: ArpolN .AT LAW. Of • f-A t• ni iretl9 rp B. EENNEI)Y. A rroincEY AT LAW. . ole, Thirkpt , reot: „119 ittsarancr. t_ LIFE INSI - 12AN('E ANI) III"NT Corry Furth and Walnut street., l'n11,11•11•1•:,. In• 1-. - ••1. Charter Pen,,•tital. Antlinti,.•••ll zi:Ar) IX.tt P.,1•1"p non, Fnlp. 'I lin Trtn••••• - bus, I), •t.b d •lartql a In% ;dell 14 I I r 1'1" .111 prel4l/1111, rei•••,v•••1 upon :11I•• Cnt• p•ar en•lsun• I)••••••non r 31. t, -u I nu•ko fon •• ut tl.la 11,0 e, th•• ,L•••%.• .011101Ilt to Ine en•thu.i to -Ant Pulu 1..‘•• 4,r411r,••1 the Ilk 1',111t•i• i•••toll 11111114 Lr. • to be 11.611, .1.• .111,11 OIL -.a 1 , 4 tire rt•• eel, 11. I'rr+ulrnr—Al , •c:mdrr W 31.1 So - Wary trqd 7 rer,orrer—Jolin S. rl c. . - Bo tin, or' TIZI's I Er,s.—Alvxamler 1 h0n..... I wori.o. Now•nt Hon. Janie. C. P: Samuel NVork. .1 Ihr,,onl ;ion .11h.0.0. Samuel John tharlo.. I'. 11,06.11; ' , .lie 11ww.lehltr-I. ‘VV, t:. Ctt•tittl.to•b,ra. 4ho ataltorizt d Lrt.,tt •tf ti Anton, .Itl i.if Itt.trtirtt, tool Trot l'tott• •patt tv.tl t• atmt) • I.tt•t..tp•l to forat•lt patteithlt tA or tiny Va1110.11..111,,t,h,. I=l K FA' I . I:I:NCKS-11. 0 .1..k K. M'Ctille• Sie r .1. S Nl‘,.” and Nl flu: If az,,,t,,,A ,I. , l'inZillf,lll.lll l ol or 1 . 1.0111..:41 1011, ,1111 ;.11 WI! I, by ailetro , , ltu; 11. 1111,1,-1VP. , 1 he 1..,144 1 tol Jr. ati . part ”fth, , t'olthls , W, LED. Af,nr. 1 ‘, - .2 (1 . 1 (II kIZTEI{ PEIZPET ( •11.11,-- E ( . 011. Tr, II \ I I . ll'l ,1 I:I 1.1 I PCI Olfl. I t 1.3 (NMI (dro. \ 111_11 , I'l =1 =IIMMSI 1'; It I . ll'll _\l. ANII TEN! PoLIA ItY l'01.1(11:s ON TEmis iqui.rT(Jus • 1:11=1 IMIIIMI!II ,:c 1111:. Ci.Lh N. It INCKI It. I:U11 :AL (.' 11.11.1..: 1"n.• Pt...1111/g. 11 , 11 C err , ill" t. m. I) vij, tr \ 11 r ainlttgwetl Ac •rit of the I'.a.-• 3 . 111) ,1 1 a1n1”:,1.81%.,. 1,111 all I NSF. .1 N )Nll , , NVN( ti{ . l . ll 1111:It.I2' 1. Iti....tp.ratt it Cht.ft. r .11'1 1)111. alma :ir.,t Nub .,111.1.1... for ..... 11.• ot 11/ 1111 , 111 10 nil. +' .In, I; ;II van ddn ` , lll. tel ,101,11 W. I A;_o f 1•.0ni.,12 lam pr, ',trod t.. C.tot t•I ilii Porpoto.i: 01l tr.q (rip, lingo rty 11. i!i'l, Lin•l , Ll)l - return).; the. f.. 11 pn moo. toi /Ipplroot,rl l)- ottioe 11l HAIL', I I) Major .1. Aut.tol, t'ot -A. K. LON OF G R AENT. --Mr. thy t ;1•11 , r i A¢rot of 1111 1 . , Ilk• Lu County Mutual ilt4nrillico 1'01144111y. jitto,7) J 0 B PRINTING, in every style, dune /tem vitmoup; W.; 4.711.0141 • rorrcieo; &T. r • FRESH CRA:N:BEBRIES, BY TII .1' quart. pr l or In.hal nt ItElD'',F, I:rorpry Store. Corner Hain S. AVaelungttat Stree , t, I C.l TONE WARE.—A Lir;ke assortmi!ut Stone Ware. ctu It u Pitehr, - Bowles. Jug, cte... Just received and fur Sale at E. D. REID'S. PRIME FAMILY MACKEREL.-At . retail or a Imle-ale nt T, , R ES H SWEET LARD POR SALE I at the Groevry Store, cun u •r of Queer. S 11-::.li64t h Steer'. 911-lANKSIIVING.---,llaisons. Currants, CitrOWltlld fig' rieh nlw ny front, and imre. uY LI. ItUAD'S. NCE A T.—A large supply ,of freblllv prep,,red Continental 311111, 3leat. putt rv etived fro I:96l.4i:o.oll;a.•quantitic, for 11: turly:!, I). pENNSY VANI A' 1?AII.110.-1I) • j_ WINTER. TIME TAlit.r. FIVE TRISS it.ilL a. add frant P idndeiphm ttial Pitt burp. (In and of Mon day, Ortabra 'il,t Ito; _the Pteeetuger Tram. of the P.,...3 - 1% anis, Intitroa I I 'lni,pany win depart from Ilarri•- burg and ..irrive at Pt latlelph;:t and 1W:1mq; ar rop..v.-t.: EASTWARD: 'I 11110 r :n 1:x1 4 141:SS '1'.14.11N ,t‘ 2.45 A. 11., dud arriN et NVe-t .it t; 55, A. NI F' F.l` LINE Inttv, Ilarrit.lotrtr daile cext.t.ll Nliimlav) Km A. NI and arrive. nt l'lnt.ntolittlin.nt 12 40 0 31 .1 . 4••• tot, brnithEt-t tI Inuns.l-1. r. MAIL TRAIN 14 , ,,,ve., Ilarri,burz It.t.ly (e•xcel, at 1.30 I'. , amt 0,. ..t 11 t...t PLtindt•lpLt. 35 P. \I. 1 , 11"/'.1.311ti. AND Mtn 14411' I (exveint ..surd..) , ./ at 11.5:, r. apl "Ft) 11"..41 l'lll , atlelptra at 4 I. M. lIARRI , I3I 1:6 .I(VIL)LNIODATInN TRAIN 1i,,,...barv, 51.611 Itteept titztalat ) lit 1 510 I' M • nye. at t1'0...1 Philtalelphia at 2,:iii p. M. Ih ts trvin: c,,7lustrials fru., tic IV,t 1 COLF.MiIIA AC('OMMIMATII fN TRAIN leattl rt.burg, ,Lily (1•0/.1 pt 1 , 111111/1)) at 7, A. M. 11:111,11 1.1111 , 14. ti, at 2.1:, a t:.: I.olllluoting text opt on Ms w ith the Fast Line east. • NV E S T NV A It 1): - Prrysiwut; AND rani: ExritEssli,m , . I burg . (lath• wt. eta Stititi) at 12 '2.3 1 if Altos A. 11 , take breaklast. and arm, at l'ap.harr, tli-12 BALTIMORE LX I'ncssall.olN 1,,,,,, 'EI.Lrr, date teia•ept Matalay) al 225 t. ti t Aktootat 0 .13 I i t ak . ' "reak i,a . 555 ,es at l'ltt.la rtt ,1 arr. tit 1.4 5 / P. N . 1 II ii. 0 1 .4 :II EXPIZENS le, i. , I artirl:11(1.; ti.li% 111 0.'4. AP.4311:t ~ 1 ,111 3 A. It., take nie.t`afai.t alai lit PIPAPRII.! .11 '2.1(1 P. it. FA t'I . LINE leases Ilarrisburz 41:0'1:.' (..ttt , t•Pt Sr, tit 4.00 P it : Ai1.04111, al 9.111 P. it.. 1,1 k ,• .upper. .) me. at l'itl.brirat at 2. Oa U. ti, )LVII.. TR.) IN 1 •1 l../ 11:krtiaaartr tl.a l, (etrt•l 'day) at 1.4 a P. 31.: A Ita..it .tt 753 P. 31.. take •appi arrit t.- at P.tt.....trz at I :Al P it 3.I I Ii • NT .11)0 ACl'Ott:ll.s)Lbtil lON is I,t 11.11,1 r 1,,)). 1,1-11 rat 11.20 s. 31. I'olol/ 1.111111: tli , T , is :i.i. 3:P . 31, 4 tt i'rt t leat e. Mama .1,. '.l' 11 5/ A. M. lithlarrit e...at ll:tribtl , ant.t . at I (NI P. N . THE ILVIMISIII72O ACE(01:11()DAT141N troth ritt:lntrir i nitwit arrive, at t lt,irrt•hnrc at a lit it . t i t er., th er e p.n•engerr for sit 11.5r"i•I , Itrz litter Iris !!! I 1 5.5 P. u - S.ljll ' b:l. it. 7' of 110V9 t ve”i,.‘ it. R. V OPT I lEIZN. CENT ItAI2 ItAl \VA Y FALL 1 !MI 71'.41iPE Trorns Nnil,j ;o an I frnnt rnfl ;I"a•htnsztnn ran C“nn'in•tton , made s% ith trai,mt Jinn=j hmua to :Lint Snail aml ,114, r(r f'l2. ItAIN: , [IX n, leltt tr,,to the Ng:rth .kml Nl'e.tll - 4 ;Ina :ill Northern New ‘..rk. :Pt and •1107. M0n , 1,11 . 1 Oil. lith 1-44 the Trailln „t :he N.•rzhern Central 1t.01, - .ty ,111,trn‘e at aLti. ' iwpart frelsi ii,111:1•1eIrt; lia::::hore se. Sot TIINV A 111). 311.11. Ti: kIN 'cow , : , :mlitiry .I.llls - ~ .X.'l't , SIIIIILLY). . f 1I :25 A.. ' . • 1...11 e.11.117,1evv ..... ... ]:1111 3 .M. 11,1 V, ,I ILI 'Olll,, .. ... 5 41? p.m Ex riu - s.r II kIN 1,, ,, Snull.,) %1:111 l .;,...<1 ept . 11 4 T.M. •Ham -burg . (4..x...0 Nluridav) •• nrrit 4. , at Ita'tatt , av . . HAIIIIISMI7II...WI )F.‘11)1) ATIIVN SUN lIUMY AH'i IN-MI/DA ill IN 11..0 . 1... , 111; Til.l IN ,•4 ! ittlittr-,41a11 3 ~.x ) 705 11.11. ........ I AI AIL 'PILO. IN 11.1,., Il. u nun,rr daily (rxemzpt • ' . Satt+l.l 9:20 . .......... I Carri-buri..*....... 1.3. i 1::M. 111T.‘, at Smtlmry ...... 4:05 C.H . `xiltEss TRAIN leave. Ilaltiejore doily ~ 9:30 - rorive•at ...... 1.50 .I.X. S Ilarrisbuei , doily k er.- Moruitts) 3:15 .. • r.rt,,.. :a S. .almvy . . .. 555 lac nog EIPI:r: , , R 'I A , IN 1 0 1 • Bl ' 6lll ll, da11) k,., ..p t Na1..r.0.) at. ;:301 . .a. I, ,+ 7larr,l,,tr .1...1)- . -, .x -r. pt Smvl.l .1 dr , . . . 1 . .! 'l5 . I. ' M . ... . . . ..,rts• • .a Suaa.c.r• , I. , J YS i 51. r, IiARIZISIIII 1 :UN) r .m. SI NBUItY ACC..)1)1(•1):VI It )>. 111 ' I r - •Gra .• .4_oo Th.: Erie F•apr......•11111,11,1.1:ii:1: .1 Expir,..,:retli,trtrir to and Imur 1.11:: and :di door::::::1.111 , r,.:11. 31:111' trio run throtoill Ettptrtt ,t For further iriformatl.a. •ii.i.1),1 Ito I in Purrur.yl• iraniA 'Railroad riepot. ,et:26 J. N. In BARRY Cii7NIISEIZI„INI) VALLEY &FRAN'I- Lis RAILR(IA 1).4 —CH ; 11011: On and alto - Monday. (10,1 Nor :11 0- ++ill run eiJoIR : FOR CIIAMBERSIR - RO .\ NI: IJARRI'4IIFRIII: - 7 l5 3 41 ' 2 11 th Leave !laver'town Grey. a%tle ...... . • Arrive at Cbnui,bernburg I.e:iv:. at . 1" Lean e Slupp.m..barg " Non illn. ....... ~ Si ' r e. tux) . , " . fi 30 1111.111 Meehanie-lien; 7 ! -1,1 3:16 Arrne .0 Ilarr,bura.... .. 7-30 3:43 rI(It CII.k3IISIALSIII 111!' ANI), 11.1(41:1:s130 \ : i..N. Ilarrirburg ..... . t" 05 I.lo' 415 " Meelmnusliurg. 4.:41 Carll.4e ......tri '2.f.e ;1.17 N.•l, t II!, - 10 (32 334 , • " 10'30 4 eat Chataber...burg ...... 11:00 4:15 • ct..ol)..mburg.. -Io - 4 : 45 " even. ....... Arrive :0 llairerhAva 6:15 Mnhim.r .. emu., ti e r. at llnrri.hnrt tt ith trajlet for vi„l,"4.ll.ltia New York .11n1 Ihtz..o3rer, and with 1,,51U11., for all point. WI The Tnua 1. - mi net n tr,r nt 4,15 0. rune Only Ile far ac N. 1.11.1... It It. (Mee. Oet. 31, 1,64. - T5111T,A1)EL1 1 111.% AN ERIE RAIL . I) —T)).. great line trnver , e4 thr; NorthertiFaal .N , •rtltu,t I I nintie. ut l'ena.3 llama 1., the t.it Erbi, o n Lalo Erie. It ha. bet a lea-rd by the Penn.) Muna Itatlrnall Com ! pally aunt aiwratyl 133 them. - P. 1411111 . 14.11011 11, opened far aml frehrikt - 11. u„),.. f 11,1,, 1-14. Tnir, .yr II ‘itiusni)iti; Mail 'l'non ..... ENpre.Clintin. . Wtiii.pn,port . V}, .\ I"...g_WA IiI Train Eluma I:Aprm. Truiit ICilhum-pmt Aecommodatonl Cars ram thronivb ou ?,iii min, a ttlimil • hattve (ninth way. .rind Eriv, awl Baltinior...:ll.l - Kl • r eNsur r.tss. 011 I:111111A 1:1114., Tra111 , 1.411 Ita.• 1. 11l een NN ilh.unq , urt and For inform:o.ml bu-itt4 4.• apply ot :inch And Marho Ntr,, And for Fr. ,, chthtiAms... of tl.-1',,1311 , my'. Au,•ut. S li KIN.,-111 . .s: jr Cor, 1.:111 and 31arket .1 111•1*Ni,LN, Er, M I Igirj. Awl!. N I' R it. liilltuttore, 31,1; U. 11(11, S'lllN, (;••11 IN 1;11 INNI.It, Tit•l;vt Aavot JUN. I) •1'1) . 1' . 1;1•11 “11 r. gitl BEM _971 0 I ME =1 A LE C'T t: it E. To yor . x(; lA_ I: 11% !lope. t• Six .1 1.1, tow on ii' N.Ltorv_ Tre,Or,oott /aid Itod;oal ( 'oro of Sporiontorrlnon .or •onio,nl I 0 ,,,;,,,tA r y S•<1.11 1;;;;;;;•Q x1;1 I.l.ltvglultvrit. )larnavo Nto's oto.no•-; ; 0 , ;•;;', ;; •;; 1 :1;i 1 1' , • awl; •0,11 ,i, ; r ••111;;;;:x frOn; S, If' Moto' ' It L',;;; .1 1'; , ; 1:o 111 M. I). loth, Groon hoots S,;• !MEM I= 12=1E=1111 Tho tt ~rl,l cio. itanctrabin I,nntlacc,• elecirly icrco.c, from cniqc c‘pcircnoc c• iltikt !lin an nil I. 011- ‘ori,lettet. Snifi,Allo.4•llta 11.• 111. Uti Megit 1111., ;Ind tt 01,111 clonti n.ii• .Sorgival oincratian. bougn.q, iminuuruM, rue.,or norch.ll. Pointiccg.oni nuunlr of c ore at inn, certain nullcc . iTc•ntic It, 1,1 or Cry kof. fccricr nom:MIT ulna 1114 onclsnon cony:lcn, cony nitric Jinn• aril nheaply prieutrit cunt roll 11118 1.1:("/171tE PILOVI: -A !MON k 'I'IIOI . SANIIS ANI), THOUSA:;;Iis. ' s,ot. nadir ',II, tautly n061r..A.1, in a plain. rectille (.11- N Vlore on reVtlibi litS ti'cc Ihmlage .1111111 t, by citillrciconinz. (11.1 ti KLINK i‘; . Nccii York Post.iiillce Iles. ci)1 , Y1t1(411'1'El) ritA3l: III:ILS111.1: 1 1 IN lll'lNs. lEEE Bank of Uluunlier.nurg . Anil Franklin than , • r'llurt Ifunbe and 'Fenn flail. I%fain Street. 1 3i,, n , ste i .er fr uit , th, Ithtmoral north and sontb.. 1 l'erver Maul mad 1:11 , t King SWOT ; i (;1•111.1 . 11i ' VRV. C 1.111. 1 .111 }WIWI.' Creek with liirptna Church Serf na near 31;tr'net Stri'et North seat curt), Pull, Square. Published by R. NEIVELL, 7:24 Stmet, anal Jur Nth , in Chantinn,lnitg tit Shrr4V. Ito"I; Store. A !then lel arm Iv r. tratM ; MEM E LYS ( titirtx itiltrs of e'fabri. ‘l.TicE Vublirattoim. 1, Pa. Drugo *4llll .ffittritlars. HOUSEKEEPERS WILL TAKE NO- . TICE nat. a SOAP that twit be o:reel'- .1 Zro washiag elothia g .. retro, In g • grea..tr, rle.tain g and for all wa.illiagvarpo.ei. Try it.. ' HOUND PEPPER.-PURE H 0 :11'.1?, Grand Poppor - A r A DDE R, EX TRAC,7 LO G WOO D Indqru and other dyes , at NIXON'S: F .A 1:1 .1 L Y Y'E at NIXON'S L ETTUCE NOr Varietv-for Con- in. , and ll.rdy. Pj . 'wure.this m•ed frpi NIXON. TRY THE NEW LETITCH.--Perti,et ± Iv hardy NIXON.S. 1 / 4 1E. A WE.F:D T , DNI - C i•—) Wood S. art Aare Ayyr'k. Pet tonal. 'l'nuvher•, VIXON'S DRUG : 1 1 . 1)1:ZE IS IN THE /Ilicu 41: 1) . :( \ Dlt ii G s ! D it I: I'. 11. C1t.F..551.1211. •:,,,,,or to,111:1 , 11:S: Ulti: 1.1.0t. - 1,0, ,q,t,,,,1 in 11.1111 1,,,,m, on 01, 1 ,0,1 .0 re,o,yirmly7 mto Ito Po.: Wis.,. S 1,,,, , , 1,,,..y I.lllm v, 111 1,1 ma,:,‘ to 4100,titt Alit. poptilttri:y 1)11• via 14,0,1:•10.,(ent 11.)d 10,11111e , 1 A • fr,ll.llltion of the hi 111! 11.0nm:it: , v 0,6111,0 tinn n.- .•n n 1 1 1 is 1,...1,/,, 11 1 ,0 ' ,oh, 0,./1: A !Lir ..ute# or Dri1....--, v , ...-IcaN. 'and r.o, nl Ni..itleole. 1, tow uNereti . tkl , o it 4 de-irabli.ll.-lartittent llt 1 P..rfanwry, S..p Po ,' rliet 1,1",1,.., . ,_ littlr! i liro:;11,.. , .. f : 11001 1irt,11,,, , , I 1 Ttmti, 1tn1,11,,, , , . .01 l•-• 13111 ar a r rn ee ttt la I and ralle, Article. in zreat vuznety. KEI;ONI:NE 1.,1311'S Every de-wription 4 Mold I.lonri aml Side Lamp: ,intabl. , for Ritvlum il.se Parlor 11. e. Stop , oze and I Wit, n;1.1 . 11 I Ni. t e. 'l' II I: If I: t'(.A I. UII. I N THE .1. It RE'''. • I , Ajti e's ~r all ( 01.4, I , l,,:tlll:nic inn 1 , r14.r.,t.". 1,1. 'al 11 , :o•nron 1111 ~tnpunn,l,l C • li. Clt9sluEi: : P.,•.; (Ifni 1 .: I - NoI)YNT. cotti)lAL.' and chil,r+ meth- • I‘l.l ) 11)1r. ,1)11 1 • r tut I,t,lisatr.un for . .. ;it 1.1,s qtr., nest v;1 BROWN', 111 /1 EL. Chau, MILLER S MEI , ;(*ATEIJ COrl;11 s'YEUP , aleu liltt.,lnzatn MILLER'S 11111V 4 E P(C.VI/Eit.—A , upply nlwa)bl/11 11.11111 .0 • - .N111.1,1:12'S I[III:VMATIC LlNlMES'[' —'Ahi , r~ccl- Uvv art leo , ran now he rid at IMlrlitn‘ 11P11 . Drinx NEW AND GENtli:-11., suppl:".', of ill 1+1,4 Stun , - eured 1) 1 1, k ) 31 illor's I wI s - .,T A R AT. AM. 1".11..1) :0 A It Ifil 01.1 , 1::•T Itl:*El,llr,lC TILE ,W.,10.0:l.,1: • l'ontgb. , ci•hlA, Whopittg l'gagh, lirkowlatDit- Ifeility of BreatlSing, R-ilona.ll.odr.o.l, ,or Thro, l M Cr. m[ , and L, err I r . taltwtion t.f I ' TI/ E TURA) vr 1 LI - N(F§ A.\ I) (TIE 'l' 1 • INCI.I UNIT g.V,EN - i CONSUMPTIIO,SI a I Lt. ISALSANI OP, WILD Sc, geTrat has the use of tilt, remedy heeome• and otypkOpillar it ery,ld•re. that it I , 111,111.,e --7,gry to ree aut iK t inve< 11,1 work, ti+.lk fur it and hod titteranoe 41 the all:lnd:nit eluntarl:te.q.l"..' , oy of the rr.t‘yl ho fr.m long intrenngpnd,ttled nas e lnv rte IL, been retired to mintinv l'irzer arra Ireafiltr e rrarr irre,erri ev • Mel. , 4. proof of our .I,•ori.no, Chid t a:wo he itr4 edited Frain IG. lh nry li . rUrr.l3frrezr.bnr,y. Pa Grath tarn Ido herol, 4rtity tletyhtnng tl!e la.gt ten ye:tr.:rt.% e ntren rt re cy'llghs and t ..Wheuever I il.l V;rl.3.l`eritu.je4 „ft or., I ha,. tn Tediately re.orted7.‘,l) . r.W;vitar'. liakant of Wild l'h,rry, and the rt..nn inu al t , a, h.teil ut ntrunt4ne Innnly relief. I wreltii ro4 vahlahit• arth , lnlo all th. , e vle ho noir, Iron, Om 'olgi4 Plan in Ihn Bre,tst, att•l'nhnonar:. fin4me. rotahhma that it wilt pin r n-elf toil,. the Lr.t rl.llll.dy any of the..e rases tr tto,,er eittlta;l the - ixtblie ocair,t a worthle,„ ozlnterieit. St twill, or 1, hie, ginee fon•ed up. rue. Tthis , anti, BaNank =ISM lee more harm than v:ood. The geom.. Dr. NVl,tar' , 4 ilaletnt if Wild Cherry pr, 1' by Seth W. Po, le and hue liner pf k oted ri:une rt en el{ 11 , 1114.1rritte . n nionttarenc",l. u pon the ont,de wrapper of earl, bottle. - Front Snitth Esq.. I'n-stilt-tit of thr Morris County }lank Morristown. (lan ion:114,1 Dr. IVh.tar'4 Balsam of Wild Cherry for about lino pit years 'and has inn . ; roaltzed its benela 1,1 re. salt, la itts fatally. it alhods ate stroll Ph`.." , nu 10.11iing it to the poblitvcatothle remedy in is pal, ltont•. roll. yontrhs t .l - It and .1 rellletlV ppo.ider to to politely :nros,nt, and may be t:tkett a ith pellet , safety by the 1110 , 4 tlelll,lll. 111 11,11111. 'l .- rorn inn. John E. .mah a theme:llAM Llitcyrr to •?.. /I I lots t% it, ons oral .4...5ip,. used Dr. Wi.'tar'S lialstat td NVIld Cherry for pes ere Cold 4, _nod olntay: sp.ith dot alosi Isnwht Lanny of 00 preparation that i.lll, etliePions or more ihs.prviog of ttetkenti its..' Tbe been Ilwa .it; excellent efret t by . . : ‘lonbant 11.11%. ( 'ro , • 11.1.t.5.131 0 T,F AI-11.1) 'oe ge.ittitsv ~ .ia11t.41, ; 1. lit tit • . P. 1/IN'..ll , )lils: Co 41.1 Itro,ttht.sy N V. , \\". F1,1\1.115: Vo.. Proprietor. Va,aoa. by all Drt l pal ..2.lbt-oa -ly EE)111 sl;'S RTSSIA SALVE: _Li.) }leak • EI)I)INO S RUSSIA s.ki,vj; Bur, 'Sc.:ltd.:rad C 10.," I:,,DiNu•S \ SALVO', • • 1;r1r.•.. Brun., and Sprit.", 14 4. 3f. M. I • EDDiNi Itl NSI.I „ l'art•• Itw'• !per., and Cam el, Etrfps(i's RI Rip , run. Erysipelaq MESE 2 110 t m 1 111DINWS 1 sa.,SALVE Oral 0,11,&e., . Su r A ‘Ol.l ;L 1.0 10 \\ 111101 r Bou . . .1. V. i,i Ns No WI ay. S. V. \ I IIV LE' S. Trruto.ll St and by nll I )11tge,,14 n 341 I nintry ST,l4,Nperk ily:n know ly =lli $ 'l' It I K I. A N I) ' S Rl. L I IILI I) '' 11 - 1 A s .!31 moLth,, ere Ctiwir.. 0,111, onCll $oro• 1 Inry.o 4'• .ku.i'llll affo, tin.n.f the atill vklt• 11. I , wirtit - I). .1 A 'Th R •11 (1 : A ! All 1!lo 111•••1•,11 then aml r••••••titilivii•l S .V 1.714 il,l•ill.‘ .NIIX !Val: the •11;. • • rtiii•• r• nig dt fill'. I i•t• iy• t it tiolibiii.itt•Fil of i•trititt•tnts • , it, Olt • a •ii'ire fiJ•r .111 ••11r• fiii111•1. • Cor 1,11•• 1,, C. 11. t 11••••.117,. Cliami•or.buitr. /1•11i.t. Nol 1:1,t Flavtli Stn., t. Ohm: is I W.l L A - N ' P 1 1. P. M 1)Y! II Sirieiduiul'... i ii. Itemetly Taa eared thuttruml. of m ur,t 1 . 41•1• 11r 1111.1. and RiVeding. 'lt uu r. itn notliate relter and kiret , tri a pennancnt rune. Try it ili rt tly. It I' uarmotell eurt. For alr by I:eneral iepot b Ea:4 Fourth Strut llimuunan, Oluu no‘3o•ly • I • DYSPEPSIA., NERVOUSNESS AN D Dr.ll:-Lify DR. sTRIc KLIND'S TONIC. • \l - r ran recommend tlio,e 3 sittlerottis watt „r Ap v e• Indige , tion, or I), Mn 1mm0.... and Ner,oti• . ,. Debility, to u.e strn %land 2.0 1/on% It k a vegetable pre p tr.itant. free from aleohohe ; tt ,trinirrhens the n lode lien 011 S S) Rhein. It t reate. a K. 4,41 appento dud is warranted to vitro plat Serous .DebiPty. ' Cor sale by Dfinziz . tht, gtaita . ttllk, at $1 per Intl lc. Pre ]aired bl Jr. .1. Stt 17.,nit Fourth Street. l'inein uati. Ohio. C. li. Cre.at•ler .Nirent Chattiltenburg, D" --N. SCHLOsSER'S 'DENTAL OE FICP, on Seeond Street, one %quart. Sonth of the Itteeltet lionme over Itttobeni Shoe RION 24110. \ ON r. ! MIMI e IftebirM. PM I= N 0 NI tr E! frees,; Vain% anti - Vim. 1. - _NDER's FRANKLIN cousri: 2 1 Nritsultu:s.—iurir AND OP.S.OLEY:AL TItEl. , 0 u krE VINE,. FairAwfizattY P::a.`tri , Etc.—The targeet el` il.` l / 4 to ??Acct him: ifi the county. Everythlyg, in the I - lalIT Tlum atal PLANT line that 1,.. at oil tle,r.rable, curl he , filitplied trout the eotatinaiest standard/Frfit Tree. to t4e , nirest anti tutor choice native or foreign specie. Or v..,,ety of Yruit or Flower. Our Atanilard Apple Trees Ore;Lute...llly tine. stout heavy trail., furni.thea nith fine bratiehing ;wail. front three 'o five feet front the grounil, 14, 11i..y I`` `lil.,i rill. Oar auto is to grow the 1,,,. (of ere 4. thin& pilfintig 41,1 etut:vut;ng upon ,eleafife prine:ple:c con l ootne fly, tear produetton- are not offered it eon e, rti •ein,n ith 'free , 47,, tip m l'os t ;44 iet.alone 0.) etc", AU ilIA:ltal101`i, OVilllllit`a io . B i I `x i...re :etere.,,t6l in fruit val. Ifirti to eona , Anil we for i11.10,1V:``..• , - ..k1 large ;to. It of 1,,' ~.olow .tr.it oldine, P1.:10,..• /. t , ,,, &v. in ~ , ,t s.- s till 4.e re tai} in April tool May. Ills , .t 'lre. , i.i . it .tut:; , for de,riptts e Catalogue of r riio in.tri Or , " , '"‘' Tre", \ ' Adam, 11. L. NNW:IL VV.!, Frankfi . l. Nur.ore .V.ir 1,0011101 Frunklut Co.. Va. L tip r lti-tt - 1 4 - EYSTC)N E ‘NI'RStE . RI.--"I'lle snitseii iv iter . i. prnpxreti 7. r11:111 , 11 tno..t artlele.. mm.thy to be !fo.tnil in Nun., rie••• of zoo.; .41:ality And at ren,nable 1-.4... 1 The Sh.ek eniethee: ail the tel ruin! of •1 1' RV It f Tlt EE a. t , A L tittes, I c 11121111,, P0.11.1 - IWI , 111,1rf ilalil Standard reaN, - I (4ntpe-.. • , I . IS:next-ernes. I . ~ 1t..,02.•rrm-.. r.:rrant, l;. ~.,.., , ,e0 r 1... Ilmel,l-er , ii, .c".... t ~ Al-a 4:111 111• f.lrm..iled n omti :1,-er:theta .4' I it v 1: it tot t: F. 5 TE.I:I: S . 1-:,,W11.1.11 and . tiler iitrabher. Shade Tree,. ..C:e. - I n ,in 41 allito sar . r‘.....,,,,e,1 for ,InplAng- arnelt , I to (I f partn.t the 11, 1,: , y. .1. 6.10 SAW., ry inthke.thtiett .iit- 11 j“e, the Cit y • of liant.t.mn.: - . .1.10)13\11511. ' :liar 11-tf, ~ t Ilarrn.lnirs; Pa. irTiliE opuims GEAIiE.-711tis Grape is. j_ not I, ..1111, “.I.fil partienlarl a... a dmerf tr...t 1111 tnalo•-• .in ex,. New .Mr!: cob., I melt Iron 1...da .I. Will, ... eto•ery re,mlbilt,,,4 _et tliee .2'...tainti I'' ti' \vim: ~,,,, „,,„,.1,,,r,:,,,,,,q,„.,1,,,,h,,, e,..tt tte.Lhzet-tt t.ettvei•tt the t.tt .t. f‘ It h, th.tt aF. te.t. t te;ttrett extett,trety,tt V, r• - lert, Ne;• '.nri . I!.e yggdt 1- no. '-lani I...zhe .1.-..mnd l at from 'S.!. - Al to ~ . .....1 1.. r gallon. . 1. ine.Cinl •-tr.t by lull ~11,....,11.1:r (.1 , 01 , e.. 'Men XlTOinlett A,....1.12„ for it a; the io ,nn - u.;; prn .-4 : Ime to I •re. ,e• •:, 16,1 -2 - 1.• 1., '.:41,:-. j ....It ' P :AI to Y. 141 - d,,, , .. ~ ~. .....5 to ',1,),1•0r ill.; At. (1, .11.1,11. i . In." - to-11_ ~ _ 1 - )EA 1; 1' REES.--St:t rtdard a Itti t 1)w - tfri' _I, re, 'lre,. of .tb.. 'ex...Me:mid nok• valon x.. , , arm.- ' ne, A nn , M" n ... ,n ~tu Ie I inm.im.; ,0011. : ;;:`. 1.1 k :4E LE(' N.D .. VI, - thi. , 1),.. rf lit lug to 'a load. ,p,ti r, .lity for ma , •ed .110 Imarim% Prio r to ; 1,4,1 In et, 30 to t,O iu 1.-I;xtt, ft4tl 75 t. to f:t.4. - 44,41te Nt.r, ty. P.t; =IE inV.AY API] 11 - 1)111" x' filet A 1 , ...1,1 , 0", , 11:1 , ce. - utli,le ilupb. but IA ul.au• / ert.un 011111 rolid. II h. Prll ur d•, , 11 $_% , ,L4.0 ,! )13 Xll Xll. . . _ ' tt..1 , 2A , 1:.... ..t,,,.• nu... , ,,ii. r-p, npo. i ~..... I ~ ( iIIE4RY TREES.—A tine ;I,,ortnwitt I '1,.... ) 1.f.11.•lt; riin, h. •., ,{r0...:1, tr.,: .Jf lartri• size 411411 "'" _ - - • Vr.t..-....0..t.. J.. -, .... .5 .t ....... , 4; , , '3-.0.5 .i. 1.1 1 ... r tlrt. .1: MINH. . . ;J.:11 . 16 . -4f; I. Si., • ~ t ar Ntar... n'. Ild.rri,ll:trg. P.I. 1 If()Esi: rily..s . rs,i - T TllEF.s.__o,..oi_ — ,, 1 ~k.,1:1:. f, •,;I...:itnix :.., , enl- .•.V It; ~,,t ;', ~,,: fr.:" .51.$ ,' re,t--25,, , ,t....-h: .i , 2 :50 p•r cllc..n: slr per 100. , . 1.•.i,21)11 NII:-.1;. , . .. .. , i )1 , 1 , ..N LINDEN rho IM :r I-tvd-i „ J el to 111: , iry ‘,y "cre.^ , IV,, 1 . ..! D•ot togil; ,t 3 • ot•I • l.ll'll, .3 , 7 Per .I.li Mls,ll. 1 , IXCEL:iiI)Ii: A:311. lotit(h , oine, knth:-1 f ,re nngt,rapi.: cr.,th f, to 1,2 ;got 4.' rant oh;a :Oaf; iper . - 0.1...• • ii , ...0..40 pt r WO • , • J.\ ci )I011•411. ; marTi] ; Ary;'.'.P N . lir ,, ry. 11.trr;-inir.r.- . `tupjars IMP 011 T E RHI oF , WINES AND LIQUORS:. I, AEM A N SALL.\ I) E& C 0.. , • .. NO 12F •-•,,Ern NOM! :TM:F.I' • , nrflr•ni Ch,:nut and Wall,' ."n d , Phdaderphid. 1;17, M. L \ UM t'. ) I A. M $_,11.1. %Di:, 1 t J. 1). Hi.--nt\ „. . ... ---, • t I RIVESE. I.; AUDI: AT & C(l.' I t NUPE' lOR COGNAC BRANDY. i It 1, VD:T.11:1: 3 , , (/' , 1 . . 17,01 both. o. led 7111 , :i f: 4 ) :: : :::: ,, kvitli Ow j...thtl• 1 ti:.! , 1 f.AI - 7 , IAN. N.\ r.i...":1)r: & yr). —•--- , . • ! ; 51'PEit 10 It 0 LI) M' I) El It AW I 1‘: E , t F.1*1.: SIIIIREY CL liatr .4NII - ; ; . . HOCK VINES --_ . . ' AND A\ _\,-.4 4i - 1 - ME:Cr ,W - 1 : FINE BIIANDS OF CIL\ 31PAGNE. i • ()SI:WINE C. Co.'s orottv ).; OLD PORT WINE, Each with yellow ,iar %tin the initin,iiftlr Finn. • !Nl . °l El)ItT LAUNAN, SILLADE &CO.. VCro. S,rect J'Ailadelphic OL•p EYE 'SY K E 01.1: Wit EAT WIII , E1?‘", IVARRAN f EP. i() 71 E () Z W 111 •-; K rouST'NVIIISKEV. . 1 .1 EERT'S \V H PS K E Y, TAFFEY'S W111 , 4:1:1"-, AND READING WINES. LArniAN, SALLADE Sr G O No, WC South Nmth Strret. IME 130p15 anb .s.+lationcry. ip ru liliOtli BOOK "I'A-N.l) S. S. Siiilr( Ili, 68,11 trITIW.ed To the tie , y I,lP4ltte; oi.psite the rv i -r where a full ac , ortmext of SC AND NII,CI-11.LANI1o1,'S 11( m 11:•; ., STA:I p ;111\ ALIII'MS, • 1, had at exeeedi•zir Low _Pre el. "I' WALL 1 1 .kr1:11 awl NVENDO O,S; SHADES a awl new .t k. • (.01d rout. folly warranted.: ' , rink for p,otr.. V. in LP res,eddu the po , ....itde time. "The "ew Vorh and rlnlatle , phia rapt, ell for Axinh ueekly sutueripl:ent, ulh he taken ra-t eta., Mag....ri.n, and l'eriodwals reoCiviql ; ;n 'm1,1141141. We van Phorearada Albums eheaper than thef eon be had el,ewbere. ..,ent frt. eof poraa r to any part of the county. (.ilt Frames Wong, 'Lahl Faney con•tantiv un hand. . nq arn.w. , ..ements are that 1 1 ,4,111 , 111 , 11Iy atiy hr der; and ai t t11 , pa71.11. 1 Nit. J. K: i , non located in Nen York. ri buck to mult.rtako (411111.10‘ )1.1 1t1.4.14 of 1,1111. 111111 i 11C hunted tip at a rea-onabie etannot....a.a, Ittnr2.ll N . SNID E biA,K 111..NNI: Boob: MANt'F..CTi'IU AND PAPER IZULER I= 11,. (Tenet; .1 I:o.mk - it tb 31z.rke,t Mut.... and h.inaSeh,ol. )li,ellane..rcs Book, :sultihn er-. Plunk 1104.1;•.‘ IVall Paper. Pal,r mal Ilrtmn Litton \ APR.:I4 Lutheran.ierl/111 . 1 . 1 Pre , b)tertan St..l" ) Pletotial 11.• Pont• 111141 Pene;' I. Nar4ing .Ireititei iatr and Patte,a Pap r. Nln eh , , Ink Stand• Ii rte. Strnuz, nine) 'I r .111 . 1 S. Iti NK 11..4 11/ 111. l'ap,r ruled. I., , Pat• iern, Per ”.1.. , mid . .N,A•palier.: Pound m au:, ptyle. 0u0.23.:5111, lirllstoll liottittvt grurt'rs. _ - - L I) ti N )1: M E R - 0 Y: , .‘ 101 Y AND \ A(:ENCY. No. VO.I ,4nith Fourth "terra Philarldphiai The inz hi• I.o.ibon Hns:- :is the i . S , op,: II .1, Ni, '2. 4 . tiottrit Street an Fut: PIO WI PIIN• viiNh and f, the volb, tr., Dr aaa. 1 ...113 1 " , the or4;:ent. 31) l.mL evelit nun a. 1'w)111.1 -t ho.g, en :no faelion, for beeonlinlf thorouzill• Ite,111:1111ted so ills' this i1i, 7 111, , ill all 11:. detail, On the -reeeipt. hr w.lih 4:1 .l , WZI•1111.112 15f the 011 , 1 , of eh moats, I w ill for, aril Tilr.ne eo-s:ry raver. for their •:14,Alttre Perom.tl.wentboi 14:11 he en to the ea.e. I . llllrge It 111.••••• 41104 0.4111 tritertriterWill be , for`nnlll ollllle toolor and $1(: on all 1 , 111.11 S over that amount .111111 under $2.1.)0. I.Jraer 1551 Nree.al arrangement. re, in 1 . 01,101 t race. av filed by law. JOHN 31. 'POMEROY. j:117,r7,1-tf No. :AM Nonth Fortirth tgot,g row etn4emplatingliVirtilip. tiling aworo of AU." orp:otne debility, delor• tu:f.on so.. nbknuld nuno duueh eito.ult ltr Johnston. lle nho play, bitowll tu.,14 the turn of Dr. Johnstoit nut re!i4,oa.ly toninie In hi% honor a gentleman. u4nl votaulently rely upon his skill a. It physietan. IMMEIgATELT ponattyu..t ft equently paid he theme ho lowa Lob, ine the of improper Indnigeneee. Young I al, tom apt to timmit ,exeesses from not In an-ar.• of the dreadful cpw.e.plenees thnt may ensue. Non, iglu thatquali:r..:and‘ the sal lie et will pretend to/Imq tlint pon er of i'roi reanon t, ie,t , ooner hr thug im,lo improper habit than be the prudent. Etrgide, being de• of plea.ure of hemthy oa..pring, and the neat mpathy to mind Alla fanny 'rho system berome.'deratcred. the Phyme.tl and mein.' pen cm, a eolcened 11.`1, mint, tiO . o . kil , y .Iy,lapSll.l, of the 11.... rt itelice.tion. a wa,t , to_ of the frame Gough I,ltolll, of COIIS/1111141011. OE OE! der. o:. to u Baithnoro -trent, East sltle. Ity the atepl. .1 - n• l urn, lOW in (..b.ervir,z the name and number. or fon us 11l Mint:lite the I.lllee. A (TEE WARRANTE.D IN Two LaYl3. - .• G. 3117 rury or Nan..qns Drufft. JOHNSTON. Member the, Rival C 0 1:11,. of Surgeons. London graduate fn.. ,nu•nt tlte mow rtniLcut Colleges of tha: United r5t,,re.., and the greater ',art of hire life lon, been SIS nt in the hocritals of !Antic*, Par, Philadelphia wad ei4ewnere. has,rtrevted nine of the tao,t u,t•sn,-ping ear, that were ever known. 31,my troubled with ringunr in the head and ears when Weep, great n,rvottAne... bang alarmed at sudden xrueL:s, .and b,hfulne.,*. with frequent b'atshing. attended eoueht•el ith deraugetoent of nowt a ere Igned inonadintely. A CERTAIN DISEASE! II IVltet, the na.pu11, , ,1 and imprudent rotary of pleasure Sind he lots ital,ibedthe scent of this painful diset.e, it too of ten ltaptlen , imit an ill-timed sense of statute. or dread of ills 1 overy, dqter, hitt, from applytegtl/ those who f(6111 1111111( 1 a. tholl acidll..l eembiltty elm alone betnend him, delis; mg till tile eons, i thlmnal mptums 01 thi.,L , rnd disease mak e their .:ppelunoce. ,itelt as nleerated sore throat, disee ,, e/ nose, ,1‘ the 1,0,1 d Mill 11111111 1 . 111111111e,3 of sight, 41.1:1111,, uol.•nu then lon. hones .11111111111: 1 , blotches onthe head. thee and extremities. progresslng with frightful nt till at I,a-the palate of the mouth ;a the bones of the no, fall cut and, the N. il . lllll of tins awful disease be- COllles a horral obied of I ontusseranon, till death puts a period to his dreadtal stilfehncs, by sending him to "that bourne from w hence MI traveller returns." To ratch, there. tore. 1)r. Johnston pledge, himself to preserve tine mina inviolable seereey ; nod front his extensive practiee in the fast 110.pitals r.i Etirope and America, he can confidently onanend u -, ,ite and speedy cure to the Utlft/rtll . llltlll vis aim of thin horrid disease. It e• a toelatteholy thet.that thowands fall Tktims to t 11;. horrid Oa lung to.ilo• unskillfulness of ignorant pretender, who by itse ot that dreadful poison. 31ensury, rum - the eou-titution, and either scud the unfortunate II au untimely .rave, or make the residue of life mi:erable. TAKE PA RTILULAR NOTICE! lir. J. addrislses those who hate injured themselves by pneate ;Ind improper indulgences. - The.° are smite of the sad and melancholy effect. pr•- dinee'll - by early habits of oath viz :—R - eultn, ss of the Rock mid Pltills inn the. Head. Dimness of Might. Loss of P. aver. I'ulpra.tion of -Me Heart D)s pt.psia Nen on, Irritability, Derangement of the Digrs tnn o boon tiong. General Debility, Symplans of Consump tion,. MENTAT.i.v, the fearful effects on the mind ore =eh to lie die:vied; lo , s of 3leutory, eunflthion of Idea.. Depree -ion of Spirit!, 1 nit l'orelnn ntinp, .1% et,ion to Society, Self-Di-4mm. Love 1)1 :,.01im414.. Imidity, ke., are mane id Me evil onion to. '1111111,114n of it• Non. of all am, can now judnre what is the es,Atse.of their declining - health, bossing theirvigur. no, x1j1114 , 1:21:1,1k, pale, Inane e singill.aappeafunce about the eye, couc:11. awl 'symptom, of-Con.amptiou. JiiIIINN'fiLY:s INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR 11:6.1NIC 'WEAKNESS. By ,this great and important remedy, Wenkriebs of the i/r1(.11, is greedily 1•111,11, igoi restored. 11A,..ands of the 51,4 pert au= and debilitated, who had . all hope, have been immediately relieved, .111 impediment= to 31arriace. Phy-ioal or Mental Dispuddi, raisin, Norton. Irritability Tremblinc, Weakness h.oemon of tiLl , ThOtt feartal kind_ speedily cured by Dr. J qt. • •• • • YOUNG ')IEN, who have injur4theinselv, by a t , crtain fauctiee, gorl in when alone,. habit ti ',greatly !earned from etln eteripamon -or at rehool, the effects ore nightly - felt, even a hen a...leep, and tf ma eared Fender marriage impotaible, alai drei r, .3,, both mini I and bolt ...loath' apitly i ediately What a pity that a 3 °nog man. the hope of lin. r unary, the darling - of his parent,. "lambi be ,tiatehed from all pro,pect, and enjoyan at, of life, by the e,lll , ololerlee of deviating trio the pith of nature. and indulging in a eel - - T.lh) , ref habit.:it R . h befirre .contemplating M A EIAGE should retleot that a sound nand and body are the mostne requaate., to promote connubial happiness. Indeed. wiilif,tit these the Journey through life becoint,t a Weary pilgrimage. the pr -pert hourly darkens to the view -the mind hero:nob tdnoloand with dewair, and tilled a ith the Jnelanclioly reflection that the happiness of another be Ilfzlttr`d with 1,111 . Vern, tI rit . l; NO. 7 SOUTH STREET, BALLI3IO/tE 'l't) sTII,INt ninny thousands rare.) at this In tinnion 111 the Ifni frfteen year.; and tilo munemus hu• •,..rglka; t lrenttlrm4 performed by Dr. J., witnes.ied by the re) "111, ..t rhoand many other persons, of n :licit have itipqtred wain-and agnin • before the p,ahi r ,:•a ,itheient guarnutee to the afflicted. N. B TI . 0, many ignorant and worthlen, quarks ndye rts..ing thetuseive+ Pl.vsh ianc. ruining Ilse-health of the "In•aily ted. L{. Johnston deems it neees.ury to 5., 1b.., pta , nted . irk 1,1 out fns LqLn hang its Inn "thee. TAKE N,.7trE.—All letter..l must tie post paid, and l'11112.:1:1 a 1 , 11 , ti1L!,, ,t.llllll for the reply, or no MISS% th . be .rut. [mar Ifitly.. E S - T I 0 N L'.QUE.,iTiONs! THAT cONVERN EVERY 1 \E TO ANSWBR. Di,e4 your hair fall oft? li.i. 1.11.1" bni;Tiecome thin? Dor. it feel inod dry and feirerinh 1° it turning tiny litnn, its time e Are you troubled with itching, burning itensalion at thn se.dp 11117 ? .11 are you had the mid .st your hair? e you hadtio , and it? have ••••11 bard , the Typhoid Fever. and lost it I Li,e rota hadithi: Brain Fever. and lint it? INN r yea l*aii hair lay any sianem 1 - Do yet: tri.liTircuiiant hair ? Do yon n Eli sWtt td lut.treu4 hair? Do you a i . ll gfay htir restored? Do you a-igt Avi4h year whiskerx glossy I re%tored in color Ma you t Uu yon a a it for yourself, for father or mother. fur brother, ni.b.r. or friend t Do you wattt to intake tf preseut Do you waat a pert one fair your toilet 1)a anal aunt a intr:lll4, , S artiele Uul :la pant It pore article! Lh: yen o ant a double distilled arlielet scant a eleaning article? 1)0 yon wait the limst preparation out fortimsting, , ll:Muir:protecting re:torinir the nolur; and rendering soft, and In-trims the human Hair ) It' moo, we warrant To be Coronalled nod Superior to wig Preparation. ever o , XlpOlOtrled and offered f 0 the pltbile. cuaranteed, or the money refunded. It . nsts but SI for one bottle, or .ix for $5. and is sold by di tmizi.a... and dealers evernbere. C. G, CT.AIL & CO., .Prouria!are. D. S. It & 0n...N. Gamma] .I.a+ 5( tun 01.441, potrlo. ftlebiral. M=M =I ,Yo. 7. .5,1 , th Frrderick Ptrerr, Q.I7ESTIONS!, QUEST I.oNi)'! A re you ba,d.f Are you troublf (1 It I fandrulit Are you trutit,led nitU Ish.o i. ealleil Srunfula or Sult , CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR THE HAIR! -