The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, December 07, 1864, Image 3

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    December 7, 1564.
grantlin. IRTptrcii:ton).
your loving gossip has become thoroughly disgust
ed with his 'editorial Iti, And without giving rea
slin.l, which you understand at least as well as he,
hereafter expect the more modest I, my, me, my,
mine. It looks like the name of some redoubted
Indian warrior. Nov--Last Tue , 4lay ‘51.. (I) had
OifeaSioll to go to Philadelphia. and after vexations:
delays, which extended our trip fully two hours,
I reached our do r tinhtion almost numbed With
c01d...„.1 will forgive the Camden and Ainlmy H.
R. Oat trip, for I purpose exha - usting tnv spite
•on the return. Stma after I I P. M., or Tuesday
night I hailed a Fifih Street car to ride to the I:.
R.:depot. Reachea it in good time, and after
Wale delay, a conductor lushes in, shuittiv. ":•11
aboard Mr the New York' train! limn up! tlit
aboard! quick about it." I was quirk ittio,tt
it, tearing a lady sty hurry, Mori[:_ at
the' F.lisin g t on depot full
twenty niltmtes before
the train started. The ticket ;meld, not n
who was, dithi't ha ;it um, examined my green
backs "sPleiously, mid
... tactual me a tie:wt.—
:Showed my ticket (One inch LIM:, tv two broad)
to the lidlow at the gate. oho g.o.eine a .1,o;
and with an imperious e bout !rota
another official was directed into—shall 1 tas it
passenger car long box on
of stale tobacco quids, - half I,ll:itkiti eia pe,,
nuts, and t•iTlllll,ed Of twit part.. :all% sod
°lie part toluteco jlliev,Alowine . that lire had
iu the car. It was Nei.) cold, ecery - one emit
plained, and we all `rendered each other as tut.
comfortable as the circumstances permitted A•
cold as it was I beeamo so deathly siek that I
to open :the %.% i n flow to get the I . :a sh
air. The - gentleman hell UI me remonstrated, and
I Itatito take-to the plat torn', dangerous a pet
for me as the (111 e oat. Mr:\ r
trout ls filch' I profaned the sacred t Neu
.Jersey, .Mate of him of fin.ogc, it ith
the contents of my .;toniach. When we reached '
New Ilvqinivtek, we had a good loft re , :t, in the
cotd, of an ligir and a half. We doy% tied brakes.
and urea brakes, v.c shifted and tins:lifted, backed
and sprung forwaid with ;Ingo jerks, reminding
me of It shrew of a mother grabbing ut a mischiev
- ons urchin who_had been playing some ll:nighty
pranks. crou ti all our loromotive caucht a
bad cold, and the say it coughed and sneezed,.
1110 8111Ifled Wid van at the nose Asti , a X% fit
all cowing trains not to - run into us. EN•CiI utter
f •
we started again, its miserable asthmatic whistle
was no more like the startling shnek of a IPlM
hylvamia It. 7t. dngine than the squeal of a stuck.'
pig. At Jersey City the passengers w en' ordendl
out of the cars with the sati•ditutor) explanation
that—" they had hail a fire, and could not net up
to the depot," I mentally and sentimentally aid
to myself, 'tglad there van fire S(11111q1 here
NOW in it. not a shame Iluvt a 11112i` 11101101,111:r
the C. & A. IL IL err. — Should not provi‘le betterl
,fur the comfort of its passenger s . Indeed I felt]
myself lucky to get a seat, fir I frequently towel
to stand all the way. No IA wafer the governmentl
is so anxious to have a military road from W—nl
to N. Y. After all there is comfbrt in the moki
unfavorable qircumsiances. On the night trip
the New Jersey newspaper beggar boys are all iii
.bed, dreaming of'the forcigncrs they ha% c ;`skinned
during the day,
Thankngiviug day was bright and eheer), and
entry one seemed-gar and happy. - Not 1;1m ill . 1 .
m hat to do with myself, an exile from home,
went to my work as usual. The sun ,114/111-brigh
and clear, and all Brook]) a was out iu its Sunda) I ,
g6-TO-74itetiug chlthes. Vlsh us of turkey, Timm !
kin-pies ,
um-puddit.g danced in the eyes 41
every youngster I net. In spite of m) filonchtS
far off in the ashes of dear old ('hamper: horn.
begn to fed the Pleasant influence of the :.:nictt
around me, and by the time I reached the news;
stand ufthn hard-featurvd, gray-headed old w oniait
from whom I buy auc Daily Herald, I was abl4
to address her u "Well, mother, I hope )
enjoy your dinner to-day!" To my surprise thi
pour old creature burst into tears, saying : " to
110, NO sir; this day six )ears mitt poor Median(
flied in the hospital. and I could not eat a bite thi,
.day to save my life!" I v.mtured the• old. time
holiortd, comfort of -The God of the wido‘%, - dud
passed on. Ala's. alas. we cannot all lo• happy:
and we humbly think that there are some lidera
. idy good people ‘lllO tiro not quite read:‘ honestly
It is well!" • The day passed litT pleas
antly, but' we fear many. had laid df, am dorifig
Thanksgiving night. / dreamt that a drum•
• hobtes tramped mer no s —tlocre was a half a dome
mares eel leant in ,tier drore. The next day wa ,
•'Evacuation dry'`—on honor I'm not thinking of
a pun—and the entire' military turned nut. :file
booming of cannon, and martial music itonalcd
all day lung. The excitement N% ith regard to the
attempted firing of the city by rebel ean4krie,
intense., hut the nial danger 4erin , to las c pas-e'•d
by, for forewarned is forearmed, Tluh; bid
another proof of the chivalry o f tlo• tout of tee
same stampas that exhibited hy Gen. VCaffhland
to our, defenceless WWII. I I% mab•r is hat 31r.
Beecher would hay if the licks is mild burn dovl
his church; or Mr. Greeley, shoubb hi, 'Fri:mne
office disappear in a blaze of light.
Wdtruuslate the thllou lug from 1.101
book that we bought at a book 'tall, tor MI trio
It means something
110311Ni:4 NADIA N
"Toll. toll the mottrintitl
j,,y, 11.‘,1• tied
Stitch. ',Stith the lon. ral
For her so dead !
Tread. tread o it!, seleielt
The right, ray
Fill. Jill the efuel gr.“.
Ana tome te.tay!.
l'ni on,v vyitE•
A;t:s. , Co; G i e;
N. (touch reaeliett here 1 , 11 AVetlite.tiay
:l'ltursday departed ha. hi.; nett . field
ttetion ith (yen. Thema. m the now threatelie
IhTar t ylent of thf. Combveland. The neces T it
Mr his presence v. ith the army, presented ilia fr.)
remaining to give our ,ritizens on opportinay
tuanifestik their appreciation or Id; merits at
soldier, and their ret.trets ut I , l4lepartare :(
leas big his coutaatad how, lie i,.+'iu•d4Lr ollosi iuc
.11}:All 1 / 4 ( A ti I,IIX-1/1,1 . ' I OF 111 E -RI t,it t\ IA
• ell t tn., en lo 4'. i 1 , 1,4
• i.onond o r krm N. —ln ohinl,ht n• ft,
tin Izioaominrlieneral vonnunandang- tlet Arndi
United State+ 1 hereh,:. rehalindn e11111111:1Ild of the thion
intent of the lileginebanna. In thong 1 n! , •Int• to eNpt
any thank:. to the. otho cr. 11) • borg, on tin.
statT departnnenei. :and name to r 0111:1,1101 of 111.4(tOtf O
IPOStN. for the a , de and i,atirinetory manner ill v. he le tl.
hate itowbaro Al their tltait: ar o a i _jo the (Islet lixedd
of tbn• rtd.ntit. hie fiend. of tie • , ern ,nt n‘ndto• dorartO. ,
at! the Nti4on• xooor.illy !or then I,z...tiny ol en-anion
toy Padua% on. to in:animal la, and .ird, r. and f.,r I In, tr,
dial rapport to the nne.t.ll,- for pro,
0. LII ')
I). N I ( 11,
nil 1
Clllllll 11114 af , u i• •Il,li 1111 Urpropriatf
order, whieli V.111.1,e ilotild in nor a,d , ,ertii , iini eul
(len. Couch in Taunton .Ma‘s. In. Inane
when he received untier of the nrder 4/1 . 1,1.111
' Gen. 'Grant tralniferring iilit In the lind
public' dinner teas given him befine he left 111
reply Lir a tnait in big behalf there, ~,id
110 IV nr TAI , I , 1 , —.1
nay add. I
tan—{ha I see grntlruvn Er,.
/ma glad to load° tatter that the
intere.led inlay :eat by Ineellog yon here to be 1i.011..4'
tliat thir people ol 'faradon appv,late
am sure the; nut have thaw, utile.. I hod &le
my duty parl, isheoever
I Lure .lony anything that :1111011IIIVII to Ill1)IblWr.
Illy firh,t thought ham been how it tllould be thought 41))
the.pelople ot• lapplior.e.l I thaol,
yint tor t rompillu,nt tnu have paid me II era• to.niclut,
whit h. luou evcr eanipit Inufly meant fur Po , per•tun
ally. It in 1111,111 t of ,hunting sour attachment and deter=
uninu:ion to , upport :he . u - .twr - .ul (I“vernutwnt ::nut to brum - t
the war t o in 11 , 1nontlule pea,o, with ,uppre- , •
ifu of the Rettelllon.
I 1 remethber the time tahrn r lint heeofm.
at gmun:cl
with ninny of yon permmally. It was in the .krlnony Hall.
on the tint'.: ;10..1" Sumter, when run %et the
'patriotic. (.o.llaptit of ~-oning soar pallant soldier: that
childre, and fam , he, should to- provided for--.m r<-
ample specilll.• 1,311.,ved by the other New Env'-and Stalo.
and 1,2, the e.4l,,try and which hoc had noteh
reertntiaq our toll h• arni e= Gvntleinen. I till very mach
c,1,1.20/1 to 11l l:roan for and,
tast„t,,.ar yon ycacr , olallwa- „IA hoi3O
1 ch. 0.1 flut, I , v,t;cv of ywn tric-cdship clad of
beim: c.1Q..41.1 of Tan . riton. I' 0-
d tin hu n
~•r.trt: 171 Tv.—Th.• ,zll.j•tilwd letter atkir.., , ed
t3vli, ti,.• I,trwer iutruat•d v, hit th...
alit) .4irai , ilit4 Troop , t . ..r SlDte det..lice, will he
inter,: to ❑LAIC Ilf ..v.rtetitien.:
iir :,17:1 , 1rIris I'. M. Imp. God' s Orp.,
Ibt rk,hurg, Nan 17. 1 . 5
I. Are (.m1'44 . 1011 fyrutieute,
&mil U. S. extviit !valor the 'taco '
The eertiticat , • of exotoption for owntal or phy s
isal the rmuil
he of OW ‘111.1111{:illit received a.
evalei,ee disqintlitivation for Stat.•
h must itial,c its tutu unnp
/ 4 10111 all the ,irettliman, ,, of
earl, part iritiar ra-e ‘vitetlier the party 4 prop
•1:1,j.•(.1 tin f-xelaption,
; •.! 1, V% :111 paid common:lion to the
S of fiirfli-lied substititto, exempt 7
Tl.l. ritvru "wv, and, a
imth st;:tt , and National tito,
and t-,,;.itiption ft Ulll smite under the
provi , ioni , of the .1,4 , of Conate , s for enrildling
and eallint! out the National tiirre,,,, dock not re
:ll,re a party trout the sen ice he owe., the Slate
;under the nolitia - la‘%ls of the (lontationvealth. It
11, , 0p-radaed ohlization.
hiri nit . I'llllor 61 be, gentlemen, Ntoill' Oh,
.1;(“Ir ' ,‘ . 11 Zllll. LF:'‘ll I,!, 11)10).
4 . : I alweior t leall
s.n:l,ltAt 4:11)1..—On Saturday niuht last z 1
aliair tool: place at .1 t erninn
m_ , :loon on East INtaiiiet Street, which re...lilted
in the death of Juhu Itedunm. a member of the
Gnat .I.• 11111% doihg pro% ~41. clot in o ur
hot a., The eireunn.tance,:. are :1111111t 11.11111 V ,:
;1:1 , 1 ht . v.•,:tal others were in the ,aloon
d,nninoes. is hen Lieut. 171elerhill, pmt
1'1(151, t Jl.u.hall emceed and tindinL! the v.ere
without pace, ordered them to camp. The
nn n ru.lied ma of liit• hack door hi order to !
the Li - ent. oho 11101%1.d and ordered
them to halt. They did not obey lite order and
he 1;6.d Only tiMes .after them. tat, of ill(' !mills
1 . 11:4 - 1711;4 IZI . 111:111. ono in hi, back'and
hi, hoisel,, can•ing dealt in a .:hort time. A
pub( iportrin WZIS 111.1de by I)rs. Stu , -
serott and .Mont::(nnely. tuui a eoroner .,
held_by v.hich rendered aver
diet :in .aceordanc.‘ with he l'oreaonor facts.—
Luna. I - nderitill is under military arre,t 0 11 ,1 Will
he tried by court-martial.-
Iliafsrsc• ENit9LLMINT I.I , TS—:S " teW
order , 11;1%e just been issued front the Provost
:%Itinilial.Cleneral',. office relating to the revision
and correction of the enrollment a view
to-Ivo mg them ready for flitur.: emergencies.
General Fry Say , the names of all person , . who
ar&lialde to militaQ, duty, taking lip their resi
dence iu soh-districts, a, well :1.4 those who 'front
five 1, tinte bet ante lielble, shall be added to the
enrollment and all persona ho enlist or n..
1110 \ permanehtly (roll] any district. or whose
liahihh terminates «Lilo in it, will be Arieken off:
and in case of removal, '‘'.tienever,
the Board of Enrollment of the district to w htrh
the person rig:loses. %%ill, be 'notified. and he be I•n
-r”Ildt1 hi that 110 Lrd.
if E NEw rE u cif INIII. tritit ENI —11”
~t the 11,-.% titt route frictional tqtrreney
re nearly n•ad3 for printifig. wil
le Or 1-11171 - e bre.lllth thOil - • lIIIW 111 eil'1•11111111.11
hut warly ix\ ioo '.1 4 11(‘ nett filo rent nuts;
t% ill be a :!lo , anie the the
ton mill R ‘ o tt t-ti....• rot,: nf length.;
grvici.tted— !WM i't•ll and 101%.N:
auuiivatioa,. It i probablC that a three cynt noty
will by i , •ued for the _realer facility of nvikiaa
learn from th e - Wlim s o;
fora' !boort!, that the of that place and
are iudkinu airani. , ,Cpwatg tol held a Fair
arlim . the Holiday., the proceed,: of Vlldell are
At. tee the Chri , diaa Commission for the benefit
d rick and di.mblt:d . ,oldier.... The Fair I.Na , to
tare beep held several poj'aths ;me,. hat the un
etiled ..,t: } ife of pnbhe feekin, darinz tie. :annmer
motolc a reference to rc i :trel eompdled an
d..indonment of the enterpri.m mail reeentl.
r IILV CH SNGE:s.-,We leant that the
headquarter , the Depitrtinvot of the So•ioe.
r, ill be moved to Philadelphia. Th, Jrt
mata di.drietta: been edlitra.,ll3 .- order of (;en.
Cddwi-ilkuter to embrace the countiv,iof Unitiber:
rrnnklin. Adane , , Y.tdi: and Iteadoov..r
t,:i', 4 , tdbli , lied is Ciiilloberi.inirg. (leo.
conimittol likely
0100 to thi,
Dour • lii .• it: Al
Comp.ll* arriu•d 1;11f.,111 oil the '21:4
111.. :1:14 4.11111111,11i:NI
.t It)11(.1:13.
Two 11AD of' PILl t , ( - 1.1:1:1) by 1)r
1 1 .1e01.T
oAr.,. tor the lA-, 1:r of .1 1 1,1 e, ,olfer with the
.t ber,l*. :O d.• 1I r Sear. with .to
;1, 41, • ••.11 . .1. , t.t . Pile , .I'l , l 11, t•roth. liar:red
1.1111 the :Lrley ‘,ol'ag• 1411:111.• , 1
101 tiii• Po•tit 141 e, e.ero
.111 A me il,llll. of Dr. `.l'r“ 0.1.4', Pile Itemody 'rho ,
oeienmentl,itoel the., ,e n ib oo , tho da•ly
1,:oot.1• rejoisrd 6. Or. Sir. , 1.1 t•d en:4l; to
linrntl..lllSerlnz that the •Itto.t r hred. by Or. "re 1:1:1111 • P:te 11.eorel
It i , -ffid by I )rn,zz,d,
110 . 0. n Maio ~tn•vt a frls
li,vs gm,. ti o ttent--- Drn ix StOO .. 1 , 11/00,1
On:Dr. Itielsards' 1,111'01113g oar
trq•ltaSpaugl..t . boltinti
:•Int.ket •-to tt. 1 4 ,
puke. anid t,il; .v: En.; OT
thi• 1 , 131ri,/1111. ut. olOt
prup.l, - -
ANI/1/1 NI: ( . 01:1/11I., vittl aid
11,0,1%. : :
NrAv 1,1:t )1: .•%1
h. • PO 111.
101 l 01 u„ • • I-, It ••
I. •
Pt taco Nur h;iv 111/011.' 0 d Mit in
'l.ll(4r:why rg..”11 , em • :erertgl !" . teet They .getl hleglt
cetttil menhd ub itte,k ne iemr Inter. nl.
.1- .•!/, .1p tr,n , Tzt ~ pot I .to tit the g ity
LC' lit ttliti 'art' th.; 1,,t Ken.-
1)11 ~r! hodi. ,Xk. , Lan p• WI. I.- awl
GO 'II) G t• n ts% Is I.^ et. pine
. :17.4”..11 4 -5.p. - SIM Lm• I In .•%.•
tt.t t .
I\f• ;:itt tl::•
AI Vi( •'INTO-di,' !to Make
- Ntltt.ttgi ,, ;. I! ,tt .. It:i v.13.11.4”:51.. ritn• :trot
1:K11%ItT hrri, lite 1:11%..1 , ,t
paiiN n, :1•.(•,•1 t din Nvilat
iur,rpun at Id h.. ninny now. thf. pnhhr
flit it 1•1+1111,11..•• ;lIJIIIIint or real I XI.PI
- 10% f• itr0,( . 111..4 thit• 1111111' I t
of ;t:ii or iliri;etimi tutu
e ophi:on: of Ninit• of ill , hi . -1
moil honlif•l'• fitso• 1,1,11
nod ; 110 ort, of i , xp..rup•ot , matt. thr 1.1-
,dllBll 'l , l' nt sariooB 111,11010, t, m elmr.•ll ,
told lotwhes, lane be..o compar. , ( l, .oil oil
vk ins:oultnit), yonvor .1,- , .1.411-
14 - ;),, , Gr.Y ii!:te, Yu lip: I '4l-44,..1 111;::t , of :%1:1 , 011
I hinillit—;l 114•1•1•11111 nail
rod. :1.11)i,t n
oid.Qt int•fion , of the I :nited an• ,
01 , 0: , e (PI R...pio....ntatnesiA ;:lercits.
Vi.;111 , 1%),1ip, p.;11 , 4a :4v,
t Youngefit Jam. , (.;:irfield, nr (11.10,,
Latt.%.t from the ArmieA
- f;en.'fhoasw trpnie•tl II dcrcrnt•l3 - at - Frank
hit Imi Nu1.00.-Ntly
in t.nd around Na-d. herr Hood olg,trout ,
luo roa ,onaldr doubt
::iron Tlona.k. : " ainllty Su {add and
4.m..n0t varl!. 4
s I it' hti, 0.1 . .1 ,- ;,1
vttr.,:toly 4tv•re-Nfitil rwssanl
Lir;\ ill pri.rt)
. .
We 11;1‘e 1,0:),I$u ..., i• ;en .: ft,e , ) tl,,...Var e •).
it 1, proleildt. t...;1'..1”:•e, :1.- ~i,, , , . ...inuan.e.e.1:tr, e
lw-it laruk.i.y ‘l,•plt t... 1 1 . ... ilif.a . ev V., lirniit , ;
atmul lZie!an.r.i.l ,
(illE\T BUR!: 1\ TE\\ESSEE
He .is Repulsed with Terrible Loss
11..000 Pristmers: Capturigi
G vela vy of One Troops
•.! —1 'l' v.. I.,,eirvd fill ;iv
count, of thv
cm cliroitielea
our of tho It ~t
the vvhnle- \III. .
!.r. p ‘‘: l ' k:•l<t 111,
auriut: <ow al In:,
liin•r to ,t
;Intl n. , pl! 410 ti,•
tional •
(;,•n. t'ox rear um if. an,i on ;Ile
2titil itt., achie% , I,lid t. tort- , I•a•
liabr!. at 3pii:,• 4 10,ult•
cavalry I.;:lined 11111101111111
tnrr FOI admit e al,der 11.,a1,1%. on the pike
bett‘ vim 'Frame ,111 ti ;! 11111. - 1
/Zll iO.-
1 . ...rni),01 whirnoih 1;o6t.1 soul
under lion 1, N\ Ltd t awl
F44 , ‘‘ arr. corp.:. and. a I ,m flon of P0e.1,-1 . 4i2,10r's
command, tonn , ,eriwz nli over rs\ - ent-11Vi.illill1 , -
and inen.
ItAnt.J. to ,I;ll.tut cheek at ,Spring liiL a
I - Mt:lion of the l'iotrlh and "ryteolQ-third t'ffir,
lk ere enabled to nain Frani:int the day,
where tnny threw rp bre:l , llAm k , extemlinz
from one cud to the other of fl., one:, in_th, 11-
: t a,f behitAl tt tutu ourrut l ii ri.illl
- pi,ilitlll. _ -
At four Werbek preci,el:, the 0111. in• It, :01('
mathe a charge, and succe,lo,l ia ntalCon: :l'tell:-
, porary break in (tux trite, , cniminaini,•d
net% With i•laracteriNti.•itnyn - the
ut I,..:lll;ath.on's Corp.; ru.hed Into ”rh-t
eo-iperatingwith 1,11 111 , 11'141j
ia_an attempt t, etn..•1,,p.• dn•tin) - astir left.
of triHp. IVaL9l,•r here
rattled. and thrim their , A•11o10 hwee 11111011 1 ill.
_/;-0 4 )e1 , . drove biek the sN/r111:11 I,lll} 111 _n ~r
4t v1 ,1..r. , ever.ll Immlrea p 1-...
Fotfr Y:01 nar 11ttl ,••
ill tl.n 111 .1.: 41 :o re a- 0": - en 11::11
grea.k "rim miadmied
oar ! um; a- ill I Iht,l of :he I',.utllt And
Itt rah :111111 Verl'• tier 1 ;
work , ‘‘,l - ..,0ti1) IC4II. lit
and 1.1 tnllldc.l. three times a- , 11:,c1 .1- 1%.•
while the number of their ttintoi ..1
tin ,
girl than nor-. moot of ”ur nam •:, being
I‘ounded iu the head. arms and brea.t. Hy ar
tillery 1 . 1 n; 111 ft,•• ;•;;;•lit wadi. 111 l!", r L , ,-
ei , oni,
lin, of ion,e nomie:ott. It• Ilti 1:,•e1
ith feartul ttirt into the Irehel lam,. Ali the
:men:pt, of the tebeln to gain a lit:t twill - atft
ta2.t. \very fru-thtted. ;Ind at k the Federal im
,itien 01,10 unchanged. the ret::. a
wider,Te i• r et cm matll ~1 the CoMmbla
ith T 0 tt, lo•tore .t.ttetl2h, tally
pis thoo,ool, ioeht,loo , 0v.0.,n0• tiaot-an,t
ere, number. of Nt 111 , h:were offiegi . s.
Our Inn , reached a total olabout nue thousand.'
' An artillery dm I tom, kept t‘p till nearly -mid
i:Milt. whi'p nor troop.; munmeneed erm,ing I:lar
hetn bringing all our trail', tilt parapher
nalia °Nig' itt , arid brictre nn'
then retired fwir war. finny. 0.11 , .:;t.
at 00 kilt point (kr fklunt IMemnlll, the el:en:J.
Tine tailing haelt,o4 the army I , areor..,;:wol•
to the programme. awl the hart
though one of the ino,t alt
bromilit about 0%0 iie.4 H the
cherking the Ftebei It:
•nil•Illg the safe thl• II) WU' tritolnt.
N 0t•I I 1,1 1.1 I:. _Dee. .2.—Addlntlml reporm ecei
ved inerea-e the touhnitnJe itt ! a lt. I h•;,,t . % at
Fr.:lsi:lt. Thirty , t.old of color,. were t...llltalnd
by the 1 - mien force- to t:ener.,l :-tauley'n
l'he Forty-ninth Indiana 1-aptitrt.,l 0, the I:i•llit
e3tllitlt ;ehera/ IZetfley , ol,l Itr_mle I^,
and the "I'ss eitt. -third (- Orpr tlt•ni.;t).
i1•111•I'lli I.I,IIIIIIIIIItEIVZ inn 1111 1 MI,.
had a %el.:, narLiMv.• e-eare. h r. - ing Lid hone
killed itt.der hit, toil .aa ,, liot la the right
the ball tta‘ et ring the ha, k and going utlt tine 11,it
shoulder. Hein to 11l .113:=1001 though null. ring
entn-iderabl) is ,tlll at:end:n.4 :ooln:y.
It i- mom: meti that General 1 ( h• 1
Cl.Morne, it L. 1 1 0 .11.
, ire It1;1.
- 1111101,m:: 110111 ) 11010Itho/ ;i11.1 . 1 d; -pal. 1;
1,0.. jtl;4l 111.111 . ri•r••l..t•tl her , . It 1::111,1 later the
ot noP. •it 0t the army muter
;,meral Thoino , , tlo•ge'd .1011
1., into l't lVat
tNlif.IN, IT, It , Ni.l
nelt;tlntti•• I heavy "1,11 -
••I 'ent nltlllll Corp-, 100.11,1
al•ttIll tour e'e'n ai•eromm.
Ile 1%.,- - h
or :,t tl.t.ll,lna in 11 . 1,1t;t•tt
miloher. !
,11 , 14/. 4 .l;illillit 1.110 11111 . 1QAU
111111110 111,e Ili:gadier.l;em•ral
.1 iturir
.Irti.y In the field'
—The otnt i.l 1::
a : 1 1.6.)I li.r .111 , 1!,•t% .1. Kr1:11.111,110
1 101.114, 1 t , I W:i1:3111
—No:v.lll,,tandiivi. 41.. 1 _iy,tj.,rh L:l %.
;6 New Yiak 10 - r '. , lc:( 1. i;an, L fit! . : I
111 ' 0 1'1,1101) Ili tile 1:.•1/11r+fit.1.111
(it 3 inak4ll
11$ 1 . it' r• t;,6r t ln • prrv i rtirr (
1;i 41tin , r , ill their unaillinit 1.1. :01 Li I,,ti.
:`ktr. io
.1 11_1 E 1).
t:ttt tt:
rt.,.. 1-- It- , 1,1 It
1!,1:1 i
• ql .
0 •
01 I'l.ll. +110.1:
1%0 >L ry 1.4 N
11 (
, .
1 . 11:\ I ila.•
I J.l: 1.1 —l , ,
.t, did •
11,I• —Op 11
II i' • 2. I t•
Ilr poc, th
sit at,and ati• lais: in Th.'
rat I, Sila s, tn.nt, c: -lie tiosi
n,art ,- si t: Hi - s ail,. iota .
amid iit I 11., r. hin0.,111...
~r .if
dig ifle gnn In girl-1,;.41 1,1‘,1 tin,
fraaklin tiepositorn, piconbers,burg, Pa,
I Influence of tilt . Holy Spirit and the later
,cars of her fiflt
L o ma h er ~rowitt_ into the datum Chra.d. tnolltru
.wele and- she stood - at her pent in ills family t ir
tle for oir. •no.taneen did not call her beyond it. Ever
road:. to oud.urt• in any good work, yet dilin¢ thithfully
is hat nor hand. hound to do. she txd , en! iy nektitod tile eont_.
lot of her Master. The loot twst year. u. t her I.te we're
tiartenell irc thsea, and ,ntrermz: lost fa•
)11,1 . 0'1 her inerea4nd serenity and parieiee r.roclauned
Om* und . 11... r s ere ilnw , ipline its was rim r tr ennoz tirt
tier I i.t .111.orded a ln.anzitol illustration
of the pow. r of faith nt Chrid w the tool, and 1,13,1!
jt ;•1•.. •nor rer,n. ta l doato, Sio.; 0,4 /1,11 her
n.o.isnlmg . them of the .overoijot n ill of I lud,
st a in. thin:;, in locint wi,dont. 'With 111.111 V
der a ilarColl them all "tolls ...tar
of iler departore come...he haao h x friends fare.
them thar the •....t entlroly on the
'I lin. a al: a dupe trill i f . ..T . .1 , y felt inn We c
tore. or?. a, tills. la ,al , O ;I.ey Show. it hid we
ytoo of en os orlool.. the excellency and poa nlr at relnzion 111
th. I r, to. Wl` at, :la the value
of .t runt-taus bile hy the tothhody othat ten tie.
it.. I.ord yaldo. jt-ti•
114 111.• tiny 1.,.” In.. 1,1. nip at' it be Lrath
t rod : ow, ig ht. `•l d len um..
.'ld.•' sv.'e,p or spei'llaC.on is not.% ex
tending. iniot cl cry section emultry. It has
rt3,l iu ihr c;tie - S ana 01111 r ccutres or business
lin• tt‘o pa -t, and is :zra,lithlly N)1111 . 11illg IM-
F.] the lora' di,trfcts cry eon!' l'ontinif, vastly to its
10 eu v.tatilad, but the volutni• of currency
iu the o; iuu plc unimiploYcil mu<t seek
Doter , of ;me-Anent, it nuturiilly &ides into
those 44iiou , but rlllloeSrAillyiJr-
I t iiindc.4 WS
u•n: wanly lias on immense s.ur-
Nt•arly it not guile half, mullion qf
:ire held 0111 .
,iVe Of . tuft held ty' our bank , . tattl still there is ft
va,t t• prolitttble
haN 1•
1\ l%
Iron, Li:dins:id ;Ind oth •r sto r k., noi4l
mailict. and ever) thilig isoims toHO,
stead) inerea, of such intt`rl:lll.lli,. Maur still"
the-0 \ goin Id hagaid mugh,
%, 1-1:, imp•• of speedy fortune; oho: ;
ti.; est yoncion•ly in tested 'ski; k, Ivitich are rea 7 ."
sonahly is tt.liu to pay - liberal di, idt-tid,• trill a: nl
rule be ressariled.
To na:et the grossing ;sand of 'people
l'enm)isania• the Pitilostrotts
give a Is - els 1), report 4t the price ot
mid bonds reported bK the Birard tit
Proher. of Philadelphia, with such
coma-rutin , the value of the satin" as map be dui
tirels reliable. Of course in the' multiplicity
1101 poi•ption , , especially in there must
ver3 man) tslich are purely Mavis. and designe4
; to mulch thee 11 hu originate the;a; but in cOmi
rude, with prndncing 111•11,, a fide" and often fah!.
'dims interest on the capital is realized.
We would caution our citizens! in making ire
sestineig. in Ili! companies. nero r, to ~lent ctinii ,
panes which art bast d upon lanil;, nut yet eleect
aped . If the i.e. tiers of snub 'mitts had faith
them prmlitotii: Oil, 'Jury tsiltil(i have thent,qt
tot partiall) developed betide the atlu•klethroicti
;in the market, :Mil thus 'secure the sMbstauti,il
ben.-tit of their producing ialite. such
lations are speculations solely tuY gentlemen :01
11; • tiro' fin; r,' as the oil trade has it-4thaUs
thit , r is hn ;mil the hmd and sell the stock.
t.l site ...Nock lake :111 rick of let ,duet
i%itll.. :mil the chances are :rent) to one'agaiHt.
I ut eompantes wilteli hate tested tile
pre_.. i,cemf oil t. 'sinking .sells, may be - taken at
Tit .1.1 triter I'olllllp paper is ill be MUnd
an mist Tut: 011. ('4ll
- INI, ‘l, ill! II capital .m 1 I .:2:)0„(10,-1114` t o r
h;u to otizil,ll r•tell,crilierN 110111,1 per
share rids imilipan) has a perpetual
.11 e'ral tracts of land op and it , ilVt
Iron, a NN ..11 in--operation shire last' .
September. I. IslAV:i..10(1 per day.' It is in :the
of careful men mai of 11,11.1 . :111!”IN
~ 1,11111/d not lie successful, the ill pa) ssiell,
hilt' its lalltlb now in course of development "."sre.
reasonably certain to swell its inconievery
Stock' can be had as stated in the advertisemimi,
-fora fess days.
— . Pie folios. soar is the latest A l tiotaf‘wo: of Ithp i
, to, Itt,ttd , iit • •
Irl I: It 2kl wort 107
I" • o • 7... . 1•1111.1.
t . ".1 & Erie lA. IL
It ‘111:11%1) !'
1: 1: . fri; l'1111.1.& Erie IL kL 1 30
l'f,tral IL It I
\i. I
. _
••••••, •N
IN I, \ I 1114
-•• 1.•
.••••,•e - 1;.1
)1 '; 1' :El,' ud
31*. - 1 11:i
\ 1•••••",T62, .
•.‘• (H.
\ •••• .
I ,• •
•t 1 I;
Go'.ll llnytnatt•ti on :londny from
cloN:% lanur tiznre. liii teankqs
In 1:4,r0w on tlo• 4th toils /llt ) 14,1(1.
I tr-N% h
I I ir-lt, 1,
'l4llov. ... .. II
1!!! MI; t.O-110nr+ 2102:!
I . - A) ....
11 SIMI. 114,1 v. ...
• . . lit 00 \V1.11. , 1 \\v „ l . ”!
111, tin •••1 . 4 10 1,00,10 NV!!01 ! 40
,11 0!!
I`. 4. 0 0 . —41,0 1 14.1 10 are!l ' lOl
10 . 1 111.14.,%011.1
1 , 1111 11.1.11 . 111‘ . Ir. 141..
, s 1 •11 i Io r t,. fill tratto 514r11l for Ni4ler
, 10 - 65 for ~Ire. rt lotlwrgi,to•
t rioti .L
r .1 if ,LI to.t , la, .1. ,vg
hrot 57 er 'till Ib o •••11 , at 17t1, 't)M doll
71 .8 t 11. m. ; ,or for
l • 0 1 r•_••• • • ••• •
- .•11 C. it
a,.. 0p i n.,..,,kt0 the has
.1 . 1,11 • citizen: d•ho
'",: t: I
111 '\l) OIL STOCK,
7.1 llltme*,ly Oil =
P 01.,. rum (Ott I
11 - 1,), , ,t00re 71,
- 2 in:roll to
lt'Clhony 1 51
It) O)lnstea,l ,
Nwltle a 1). limmtvr
-- ....... '2l
l'etrol;•mo (2 , .ntre.
I • •
11, _•• • • • •
. ''
Cri , ,
.1 ,11.1111:1
5, L'.1;11 Plant,
411;0.1, thl
I*.trr Farm.
.! Farm
. - 1my . 1.111
. \\
; II;,l • I
RE PO le n 7' OF _II._Ih'I►TETSS
Cll:lniberrbtirg 3m rlct iv.
abiliTtisClllCllo. -
1; 1 L 1 ( ':l' () . I(
II %,1 ilt 7 I, —A, I:10,14,
\ 'I III:, hi' 111 , 4 11.1,11 lo .1111.1, ill.
• I•t,' I . t ti z_r11.1.,. r/"./. ,
,: I: 1::•\11 (
u"l' Il' . 1 II:I Vl' :11,11111/liZt'll •J ' 1)1111
.1. t)..r)).• ;it 1..1) t,r I•Ne,
/11 • 14 ~ 1111.0 I 1.111/1111/11•11i 1411 Q
11t1 ,ot• Ira
E 1 , .1 1)E.S.11:.11M1'. TOVN
.f LI: 11 --I. . 1r,.1i ‘..1 ,%.;1
1/ Ili I" Itl 1 1' ..M 0,11 1 , 111,
/ • s 05.4 .2:roar old
t,TA% ,rtiu Groy ‘,1012,1,0.eye,5, theiother
01, I ro .l Del hr. IA ill intol
to, the 111 hi•
II E.N . ln (;I:I:EN.\ W.11:11.
ilmniitott To,slmhip.
I' A 1; Nl \ i t IP S-.11.E.--The inn-
I I th,.k Iv. 'firm,
.it It 11.1 ,t ••, , t• "it th" Pt"tt . '"` ' ,/ . ”t t ' -
t rrnebt r, 1oI1,,l‘im:
.1‘ .1. 1,
Iton.l in I:etter-
I t•:,•ts- to.llll. about 6 milt, Sorth Ile-t 'of Ciinialberr
lona 'the tttip,,, antra. an• tt wit iNt. rtursE,
tt .tt, t othpr out triffithog , . 'l, 4 ltont iv annuli
' , l t , ti,.111:11 th.• Laud and a Wall of
r the ttm elltntt. 'I hi,. it 111.,:111 (irttfulnl of yip.,
on rn•nt,t.. Snlt• tar centutient..., lit ttuttnitiltwit.
P. 31 -\ 11. K ItE311:11
Reba 'abbertisement4.
ELECTION.—There kill be an electiion
held at the Fanners and Mechanics Savings 'pant
for THIRTEEN DIRI:C1 ORS, on Saturday. the 244/a of
Drotothor, 1.91;4, between the:hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. EL
l'. W. EYSTER, Pee t. decc.3t
or COMMON, alitiOLS, flarri3huriz,'Noveinber
.1,1 1. 4 64. . ,
To the School Dirtrtoi, of Frazaliu Ap
plication lowing been made by the Birartin of Directim of
a majority 'of the school di,tritlii in said 12(31111W, gtn,tinir
their di‘iiri4 increa,e the ialary of -the ColinV Su ir ri ""
tendont thereof, con are
re ,peciftill,y requested to moet in
Convention nt tie Cool-f Hesse. in Chamberidnirg, on
Ti sudsy, the 2.."! d day of Derembey, 1864. nt I o'clock, I'.
M. for the "-purpose nth., stated. according to the berms
of rhecighth section of the supplement to the Scheid hart,
arpros May H. ie.55. • S. COISURN
drc7-3t - - Sept Common Sella Is.
ESTATE ,-Hy virtue of- an order Of the Orphans
Franklin eounty. Pa.. I will expow to Ihthlic
Sale on the prentLen, o, Irrdamday, flu 2t , th day of Do
rmber, 11.0, at 11 o'einjlr, A. M., the folhiwing dekwibed
Itiud Estate of William Hays, decd, TRACT
)1 , LAND, situate in Pannkt tow . nship. in laid county,
mkj o ieine; lands Johnnton Widney,_ John L Hun NN
li t! . I liekinver and °alert. eontaiaingabout 140 ACRES,
wdh TWO Li ill DWELLING HOUSES, Log Barn
until other; en.t.builditta.s, with standing 'Water at both
Pilling, and Running Water through the tract. The
lan in a gued quality of Slate, with alxatt ‘21.1 Acres of
Prime Timber.
der?-it' j WiLLIA3I 11. LITTLE, Adair
MR. MIL S. SOME having permanentic 'located
in Chamber:burg. as a Photographer. conlidendy assures
the Poplin' that they may rely upon getting Pictures our
nor to anything rrrr produced in litht rnmnpsnity,. and
orittal to thebe4 work frinn ej . ty e:tablbhments, nod ap
peal: t o ,..111• past IN ..r1: prout7 01 what he says. lle bun
bat tiio elf ennvenient and plea .ant roman on 9d Street
yo arty n i tpa.te the Marl,et Hauer. with a combination of
huge amlapikkaorking Stets I L NI, SKI -Lutirrr. stolen.
hoed for toilliiiiA .- pitooros in all binds of weather. His op
erator. 3115. Dt•••"%. 1,
.to , t from ,not of the best mono in
ehemird. are in tine working c o oler and
he is bilk' pruning. pletures. Which for oneness of tone and
tutu beanie of modoling and delineation he believes the
Public bill fool nnotrpossed: deeT-lm
s ENc r...-T he-mine Tiber. Asitiignees of .las.
H. virtare of a deed. of CAs.signoint, trill expose
at Publot gale, on the premi4s. on Saturduy, Dcambrr
!4th Ir , (, . Ihr fOlowing de.eried Real Estate. - situate it
Berl - digit of Greeneastle on the 'North-east corner of
Ea.l Balt imcre 'and Second Sts etintaintrig, al feet front
ou Baltii6ore Steet 777771 1240 feet hack on Second Street.
having tkereon erected a large and einnmodious DWEI.-
I:1N( ; a'SE, with Store Itooin. two story Back
and Smoke House, a large Weather
boarded Stable 117111 Hl/114P,' and Hog Pen. all in
'giant replitr. Tlik Lot eontaitis it largr manlier of excel
lent Brod Trees. conneetion with many. tine hearing '
Crape Yineq. There 1:4 an exeeltent and 111.ver•failing well
01 Watet at the time. -
11-7 e, Side 10 eioninduce at 1 B. M.. when the
terms trill he ma* known,hy
.lAl'Oll WIS'FAR. I •
Q 2131
comp - 11:01.w: 0r.% lIE TREASl'llf, l lrashington,
;6. mbkr-30.
t. 2 By -sitisfactry evidence presented to the
undersigned. it hits been made to appear that "THE NA
VIONAL ;BANK in the Borough of
Ononbersborg. in the County Of Franklin. and IState of
Penns2. has been dull; organized under and accord
ing to die regain:melds of-the Act of Congress entitled
- An Alit to provide a National Currency, secured by a
pledge id United states Bonds. and to provide for the cir
culationi and redemption ther'Orif." approved June , :i. 12i 4
basl complied with all the provisionC of said; Act re
onireit. to be complied with' before tomineucing the busil
ness of ;Banking nailer said let:
_N e u, igwref • ore I. 11.1.%:11 MVULLOI.I, Comptroller-of the
CIIM:I4rY. dolwreby certify that - TOE NATIONAL. BANK
C11.0111E1I 4 lit'lli:. in tile Borough of Chmuliersborg: in
the ("Slimy of Franklin and State of Pennsylvania, is au
thorized to commence the business of Banking under the
Act atoresaid. ' ,
In teir r unony whereof witness my hand and seal o ffi ce
this wth llapa - November, 16A-
• , '
Comptroller of the Currency
- f _____
in the`Pof.t Chainhersburg ; State lof Penn
Dee. t,, 186. i. :. '
_ .. .. .. . . .
.1 • ‘.74-t
IF - tjo obtain anv'of these Letters, the hpplicant most
call fort 'ads erti.ed * Letters," givg the dateof thiS list, and
lute one cent for advertising
Andrelt Jatneg Geln iek , MigLouis Neuiraan Elias
Ada o. 31rsS.11lyA , G hetto,Jul ,:h.roglandMissMary
A danej Mr.+, Mary :Goff Elizabeth iOvenwhMisMary
Baser Mis . Jlartha:3 Hollerd Mrs Han Owen Robert h
liarTwer Mi,MaryJ Irvin lifts Jane 'Parker Ehnon
Bryan 'John Irvin Mil. Elr,esa • , Phraner Mrs Eliz
Ito t lerlMi , Margret •Jelfrie:4•Janies , A hPurvianeeMisHan
LeddrueAugustui RaimerMrsMarthJ
t'arf Mi.sElininaAo-ittlelli,RacheiC Ritter John
I EllenCh Little Mrs R B" Rots John
I sera iMe,liarriet' Little Mrs Sagan 'Sheldon Wm WW.
El'•‘•tt Mr: 'M'ElativMrsLau 'Smah3lrs - Mahafda
• B:loat s Franklin M'Siel DrTS 'Smith Jivheph '
ler J • MeNair Bertiamin Smith Henry (OD
FA attOlt.q Ariapa' Martin 31io, Kate Ifinnteh Mrs Mary
Flal•khDrinier Mangoto ery Ralph Snively Jonn
I olier Jame4l2 Alyek Henry J 'SwittglearMrstial
FhtruyMi-Matiome Sl`, ruttier Liu...tit Swinger Peter h
}TES ! ! !!
mm opened'
a large zlssortmel4
1:;Es1s FUR GLovfls NUFFER.:
hlrge Stork of
-01i .E.llllll - 1 , the ' , Lin in that'll 4 totally eelip:e ntl the
I,,ser ltnivak, Th,. I. only And the pfibli , her: lawn
led from the Iwginniapz that- they e•houtddo. They have
enraz,l all the blot talent to this Held of liter:onre. an,
pay the h:Lrbest . price, to their authors. As a natural c
sequence their Is ohs has e received an tutexamPic,l
nt:lrity They never get np 'crude. uncaleatile book,
. -
are, thereforv t: pot under the tli..alrree.kt , ;.• m,cr ",ywf
erowthmt ti.eni—unorde!ed—upon, gra -le dealer%
Ink'ptto I.lway , been, '' Mont will aqsert itself in
of all the folluu hie 14,:t of nos el: hill
.Ilfaridlllllly : •
So. 1. The Floater, 2. The 'Prat:pees 'Retreat.
Itatrtotapill`ll. 4. The hauled Irition6t. 3
The I'r,,-I.+' of Ftre. lii The ,Nlon.Flteri. 7.. Charlott.•
Temple. Tlw Deatli•Fare. 9 'rho latlian.Sdayer. :10
'V ht. Tlcer of the I teem,. ' 11, The Ilanktet:Tnumpb.. 12
The Ocean Roper, 13. The Troy Ounvittlit 14, Lela
Sternum the Lion-Hearted Seou.t. 1 1 5; The ;:eourge o
th, Sea , . 10. Tlw .t.arttve Maiden. 17. lain4-I.ecavt'
Joe; or, Ihe Demon of the 'Wood:. 10. The Willi Scott
..f 11,, :Mountains. 19. The:ltinteis Lode, 20. The Roll
kiefp,^4:4ingers-. 21. 11.0fh , , , nak011ick ;' or, 'Fite Flow€ ,
of till+ \Vizi% am. tn: Eleketv th,.'itover., 23. Th,
hoi+ of the Prairie or The klaThor of the Cote. 24 TM
Rohl Tern. Joe! the S,upint • 21i. Licht th:
Sei , nt. 21. The Giant 111,; 1101. 1 " -
Tbe,,b4 NA; art• f.a. Nule by all Neu . .Igehls - datl 1.3(J0k
en.•,, ~,,d -:,..i. ru,tp,‘id, u. re,:rt ..f prii ...:
Libt•ri I. rn., toAgent.+. ' I
111:01111i'. MUNI:O
No. 137 - William trot Yurk
E '►
V. rA
s A N if I: 1: ' S
(; s' R
1 .
e •
- 4
U I. U p 4 N
M I N. E
. •
- nest itrAn•
Ifamilt., S. CV, Tin•NVurii Stu ' n
1 ,
I.l_ Militia, 4arrisbiarg. Dee. 3. lEti4.
i GENERAL 0111 , E7L,. N 0.54.
I. The commander in Chief. in announcing that Maj
Gen. Couch. has been, by the War Department, relieved
from the cceriniand of the Department of the Susquehanna,
and ordered ti service in the field deems it just to Bxrmss
the regret which he felt at the terinininatioabf the relations
which have ekisted, during more than eighteen months
belwhvn 41 tillicer and the State authorities, and to say
that the promptitude, earnestness, vigor-and integrity with
- which Genf Cduch. at all times faiiillNl all his duties, in
this departinent. have entitled him to the highest esteem
and regard. The c itizens of l'emisyl-, .win have learned
to know his thetit. and 'dill be gratilied to hear of that
new distinction. which, in active service, his skill, spint
and gallantry Calinet fail tadd to In already high repu
tationi as a Pat hit and snider. ..:
11. The Conanander inChief di Ins it a proper - subject
of congratulation that the inane - and of the derirtinent de
volves upon Mai. Gen., Ciailwaltler, a citizen of our own
State. and on &dicer of high integrity and military char
miter. mid by ;whom the people van rely. the public ser
vice it ill b 4 wisely and vigorously
,earried on.
By tmley. 04 1 ' • A. it CURTIN.-- '
i i- , ilovenior and Commander-in-Chief.
A. L. lit:esEm„kilj. Gen. Penn'a. - dee - I-tit
- -- i -- -..--
•Q, fr E )0., IN 14 OIL C 0 3 , 11' A\ Y •
13 ' i• 1 . ---
- ! ' STOCK FOR S -11 E '
1 - - •
31 ! . .:11,t i ros Ditwtor, and the Stuck is Aifli-n tl
\a‘l ,1
t y n tam organized with A. K. Mt Clure.
W. L..},• A. No. in. L. D.. D. Gilbert. 31.. D.. and
apt 9.:A/,000 itlt :ttLitin/ ,11:Artte. Itt rt
rettet i ty itf the Steelthe andit:4ooooo to rt
d itlr;w4ithisr varital
now 6. I'm:Er. mixidua)
puh. da l % Zr"!" ,ingle Oil Well, lire iu
p4f.orty is on Oil Creek. innnliattqy
ilkvibei l t prod ovilol: sac I!
77,1 r .itork mill all be void within Ar no to' rrn;r. n r•.
Early a-ppliezitimo enonld be made L.
u...rrATE.—The undersigned, Exeentor of rim lad
Hill and testaMent of Charles Heck, late of Quincy town
ship. der , d. seD at Public Sale, u,e Thureday.
day of DecrUeucr, the following described, hind &got, to
Purport t of LIME STONE LAND, in
Quincy town Ship, county of Franklin, situatetn the village,
of Tomstownl and cold:dime; IS ACRES. The imt.rove
meals aro n rough rust one and. a half dory DWELLING
1101 - SE, Log Tenant House, Bank Barn, Sc. Part of
the freed are post and rail, and there is a peel Orchard
on same.
Plirptai Nri. 2.—A TRACT OF LAND,_containitig
ACRES. sir to north of staid village of Tomstown,
The land has lately been lintett'is in tr high state of culti
vation. and has thereon a young Orchard of choice fruit.
The improvements are a sm . .. story DWELLING
HOUSE. Born, &c. There is also, on same, a Fountain
Pimp in the 3 ard, brought from a never failing spring-of
crater. f 4
Also—Three several LOTS of GROUND, with com
fortable LOMELLING HOUSES thereon, situate near to
and adjoining tract last described, to be sold separately.
Also—A tMet of TIMBER LAND, containing Etteen
ACRES and 13.5 PERCHES, adjoining the village of
Tomstonra 'This tract is well covered' pith Pine, Rock
Oak and 'Chestnut Timber. and is easy of access. Will be
subdivided in two tracts it desired .
tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, almut I mile
from ToMstowty and adjeining . Purpart No.
- 2, containing
sif ACRES: !One -Mind stud tract is arable land, enclosed
avitlrposaml rail fence, anti the balance tihvered with
thriving konlng Chestnut. This piece will be sub-divided
if desired. - I
, Also—A small tract of 'TIMBER LAND, containing 2
Acres, cOvered with heavy Chestnut.
Sale ti 0011111101 N, at 10 o'clOok. A. 31., on the premises
just described. whenattendanee nilt be given and terms
made knOWti by blec7l WM. FLEAGLE, Eer.
p R 0 S P.E C T.O S
Cppital,i4 , 410,060.
4 , 4areF, 40,000. l'ar Value. SW
A. B, LONG AKER. Prideut.
Ji At,t,isoNETtlitt. Treat , . 13. 13. PIIALER, Seey
alirt .Vn.2te Smlth 4th street, P,hiThtielphin.
The pimpfty of thin Company to situated in Wirt county,
.We..t Virginia. and in part of the valuable and well known
SPRINt: .TRACT," eo celebrated fig its
wellz4 and Cotl , lStr• of:
nr,s - ri-6no Hundred Aeres in Fee Siniple. with a lint
linenti 'pride° of Sixty A41 . 0$ no which ThreelVell. have
hf fed f and two of them. to the depth ninety two hum
dred f q ha, e yielded oil ; and the third, at a depth of
leventy , fivi• feet t.ent out large . quantities of gas, giving
the mo 4 flattering hail...minus of a getst Well. Great val.
i!te is plaeol; upon 11, Krtion of the Company's property
&onto, i'bele proximity to the celebrated "Lewellvn" and
'Etern:il Cimtre" Wells, the former - of which flowed three
#.onsal lairrels or day, being cepamted Inuit them only
aln'okell ridge known as the "Bog Bark Ridge; and
Oite issienjlv two wells near by havlng been struck. each
Toducing fifty barrel. per thy. Also from the high prices
f Royaßle4, the Company expect to reuli7e a large and
I . .
. I,IIIIIIIINA Inenthe from leasing.
St:cop.,.-Also a 10840. on Burning Spring Run,.of One
r 1 a half dere, with an unexpired term of fifteen veato,
nd a royalty of one.third. 04 it there to alsira well only
n o hundred feet deep, from which ha, been obtained fifty
, i
6 one imuldred barrels bY• au ordimuy distiller's hand
nunp. :dal (ens now in it not less than one hnndred feet of
liil and Hai, boated . Thi, Lease is lated near
s-oppoVe ;he alive named celebrated Wells. and is also
n close; 1 ot t itiguity to the far famed "Weie•and 'tam
len- Wiello, Its location is ,uch al, as to be protected
non orrerfiqoneeo arising from }inking_ of Well: on adjoin
fng properties. Thr - Jease provides for a piece of land of
jodzlong shah' g.ving thereby a larger boring frontage On
Nin ,- Iturmt4 Spring Hon. cud enough for ten nmre - n ell,
1 - . The ti'om'pany feel every assurance that the Well upon
AP Lease referred to. when properly. putt in order, trill
'iprove td Is very pminctive, and will yield ofitbitlf rerun..
- ,llth, jell: ll', itrCS hatta.trlle tliVitiellti, 111,M1 their th.
'') rile theiltiett for r.hipping. Oil. which are L.7.Ni. '', .11 he
,greatlyi•nktrxed and unproved by the eontemplated enter.
1pr , ..,• ott,m4tnt; a Slack Water Navication.
'I her.; in ht present 'an ntatlaniplett ante of artyity in
qthi.. rels4on,laTi . et deveTopments are goin nu rapittl pc
311,4 r.xte,Trqve .rule, =nine twenty-ht e engine. having
In-en reeentlshippeti to the, vt e i h ite.
t 4llTile in oltteirents that offer to throe wtna are wit ireltS 02
,rellrlng rid uttered in this new inonetete .agree ni wealth
trlneh ila- ,tartletl the world. 6 mu , of the very hitzhe.a
ehora , ter the locality being the - very heart of the Oti re
, cu, . te,j tine many gigantic Well, found on it at; . t..t -utti
rilf , UnTllrally ieoriranire,t entirety am! solely fig' rla
t pnrpt4 of engarincin ti. e lecitinntte bn.itio—of pretha•trigt
nil. and developing the tine Ample property belongittir_ to
- the l onipany. and the manowentent ft* the ....Ile_ has ing
hey, etttrutett to tientienten of known Ina•int, , I ~krpt lac
and n ho wilthriuz to the
r. t tivjir milted energy ind,t•th - . NVii
in belioi•or 01.1 urisi our Stiii•iilliTidt‘r , the
t tx ill latv:el> to them. owl reLtle'r the •r..ek
and pmlui•tiv,e
t4t114-riptee, 1,11 be reveivetl by (toe, 14. 11e4.entei.
, htl C.l Talvlhr. F. 4.1... at the Hank of I'ltainher.l.llri,
Es ...ten . " I.ll,llters liepo.itory Otte,: (Ittive. at
hy am Er.ter. Trealqwer. 10 the °thee ot the Cot
i Z•hettli 4th Strtett. tlet.7-41
11ZTEIZS, i l'itl)l:"1' :\ 1 . 11-
fi l l :F k r
l i‘ ' V t4t L: . - ,
i3 O . (7 :
1, iir e t , I )t, I nb( r (.‘h .1 , LA.. . , .
I liak e 'rot; dm, ted to Itmko pliblie. the follkiaing ad.
l erostimeltt. The Board ot Euroino , ta alit be in 'a...tam
daily at (411.unbtrlit,rg for the of 1.461,111va-the
namel indicated betow, unto,. nb•ent limier ordere or en.
cazed, ;n- f lu , b,rune lucent duty I men.d - examining drafted en.
- it I. dp , 141 tlint enrdit,l own, calling. with the N 'ea of
,liaNing-tlivir an men Ariel to on". present themselves it; the
atlernon' beta eel no, and f ur ....lock. The Ihvkrd a ill
e h, Kull} ...f.„..., a rvi e ant... by letter of the gifaiitity mid
harieterl o f p1,,,1T route. a n. - I ”, ihea C..,
1 1
i , t Capt. and P M
roar. It'd; 1)44. 1'a.
_ Inoraor 11l Seellr, the 14 , .• ' ..4.11.. e nut eo„,,peration of the
people hij the endeavor to keep the emollient fits comm.
nallyfe4ret I, the Enrolment Board, littvl.S been direeted to
have Volje• of said 11.1. kept open to the exiitninathM of
the pnblw at all propt..r ton, and ...hall give piddle martr
that anylper•on liitiy 'appear before tin Board and have ,
any liable •trielarn ell the li=t. if he Clint vdiow. to the calls.
faetion 1 - the Board that the pet-on named i• not properly '
enrol!ed. on :woo:tit of, .
I.t{ Alien:tee. - ' ,
t.ld., Nati-re•alettee. ,
;MI °ter ~00. . ,
, .
4tII. I.rtitaineid ph} ...ical &lity
nobi, of saeli a degree a.
to relide; the per•on nut a prop. I AtjliVet for enrolment an- :
der the laa — and regulation. ,
501. llaving ...en ell ill the military or naval serviee two
yoarb dariag the•pre,eut ~zr. and . been honorably k ilt,:
Eipeciall'y lii il °Meer, elerzymen, and all prom i inent
1•1.121 . 11 S Lill me 11C,1 to appear at all naive , ',tort. the Board
to pollit um errork in the ;;•t•, ,red t•k CIS 0 •itell information '
intheir ....1.11111. nary-nn A ill the verret tiro and - rennion '
theri , of'
limy •liknild unilentatal tloa it i. plainly for the intere.a
at e,holk .10111 , 4:h tip laic e ... rit.hvi: 11 , 111 the has ail o an“..•!
impioperlyeitritlled, becale , :tit rare , .. of 11.11111.5111Cre..... '
tile itinita called for from saeh ,Zith.kli.ariets and that it ek i
„equally: for the inter( .4 of eta li person.enrolled in a gi , en 1
sallitlishiet to phiett apos , the ledn Jill permit]. in the titb-1,
dimiiet ilialde to do ill intary ditty. be. au, the fireater, the 1
amain; ill be draw n film the lens the chant r that any par i
tietdar titltvitilial a ill lie drip II It ',the perNottal hite • !
re•ti of '('N ere e1.11,11...1 1.111 the tillolll ill I, ilitll . lo.. is l .
man...rat it shall nut be made tau la at.. audihat hi.; tilt ii,
eh:meet. forlleaft nliall not be tinjuntly recessed : both the , e,,
ohjjt etpla illke lammed it all rirties a nil aid in .ntriking ma I
the wrung- nine' , and petting it; the right 011.,. l',lleellll-
1:, ii. thi• tine io:, , re.r a, thew dr.. veil men oho by parringl
iti"nl....tit ate. theto•vis4 .. ... balite to draft. have ‘rotrd es..,
,rn a10ha1 0,4.14 by the terni. .I the lea, hohl• tzoed out' , tad t i
t I the pro•oikt I nrolinent in exit:m.4okt in their sub tic-:
Irian. !Men alio are over .1 - ; years ~f age. and in eonne•.
.ink!tli.d, 4,ei1..e4l 'by law from the perfortnatteeTlf - duty in'
,h,li e lii. et, 0 It in the callsr and the i,iintry ttrtakc a zeal.;
onfeand at 'ive I , et In the “;rreetion of theenmin‘...t liqt,,,i
a tilitthkr_t, lon ice of the fit impart:vice. The law re,
goi l Yrs that the quo tas shall he assiglii•fl m propsirtion
the!etlolnielit. and the Lane.. and Justness of this 111101 ,
of iti•ts 4 the amount of military service doe front o.rry sei tiun of the einintry, eanuot he 1100teiti
it the prrefirent is made US nearly perfeef,an , in pai.sillle
to make it, 'tile amount of serviee Our to the tationfroni
el erf ton a or county, in thus laid fairly nail phtialy ihrforo
al7ens. ant it is expected that a ldfrher motive than
sellLshl interest, wilt proMpt all to do their share In perfect;
in 4 the enruliaent. and securing a just and etficient useful.
tiou of, the laws Air raising troops. Irlieueier it becomei
ne'resiatry to ripply them. Br order of I
I NVILLIA A. A. P. M. Gehl. I
.• enpt. nittl A. A. et. (itlit. I
Legal „Romeo.
Comn;i&RionerA of Franklin- County. and the Ames
sors aid Assittant A seewers of each Township and Borough.
will Ineet at the following .times and places, to hear the
aPPealelmin County. State and Militia Taxesfor the year
186.5 n _ - • ,
Fa; Guilford and Grim-012 Tu&gday, tith of Deg. ember,
of the, COMEL6S.4IOIIOIIe office, in Chambemburg.
. . ,
For Ckaenbernbelig and Hamilton.—On Weduesdaz, 7th
Deeember, at the CoMmissioners' othees in Chamber*.
For Quincy.—On Thursday. Bth of December. at the
Public House of H.ll. Jones. in Quincy..
For Wash/kg:an and if aynnebora.--On Friday, 9th of
December.: at the Public House of Francis Bowden iu
For Sautkortipten.—On bluntly. blth of December at the
Public !liaise of John Kymerin Orrstown.
For Latdrkrnny.—On Tuesday. 13th of December, at
the Public limise of John \Yeast. iu Strasburg.
Th omils ...—on Wednesday. the 14th ofrDtcem•
her, at the Public 'louse of J. R. Taukersly. in St. Thom.
as. '
For Manetgamery,3lircertbeerg and Warren.—Ott Thurs
day:the lath of December, - at the Public Rouse of ThOS,
31cA fee in, blercemburg.
Fat' Antrim and Grechcastle.—On Friday, the 16th of
Devcniber.,4t tl Public House of Forevium and O ildo , iu
Fen' Parrs.—On Tuesile3 - . the 20:11of December, at the
Public I louse of John Treher, in Loudon.
Far .1/rtiih—On -Wednesday. the illst of December. m
the i addle House of Jesse Jones in Fannettsbmg,
Frir F., , nar..—On Thursday. thud of Deeember. at
the.publie House of 'Benj. Crouse, in Dry Run_
For J.Artgari.--On Friday, the 113 d of December. at tie
Pratt' I ionse of David Kitsmillerin Roxbury.
Ilt, 23-lt
&atty. -late of Antrim 'township. Fraltkliu county.
Pewit, decd. whereon. Cathatine Beatty, deed, did
laupteath by her last will and testament dated the 20th _
day bf June. A. O„ 1,5.1. all her estate(exeept a few email
letud , ies) to her Urn cousins, both paternal and maternal.
RqIO:NA ,re at the date of her will in the United States.
fie? metier': name was Sasan Allen. Now notice is hero• -
by given that the final aceount of Walter Bratty, Admln•
istrater de.bimiknon, with the will annexed.. of said
arinf Beatty. deerl has been filed and confirmed by Me ,
Orphans' Court of Franklin county. and that the under -
signed. Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute The
balance due on said nceonnt, according to the provisions
of said lost will and testament, will meet and hear said
claiinantit, at his office, in the Borough of Chumbersburg.
Pa.; at Monday. the f2iith day of Decernlxr, 1564. at io -
'Mock A. M.-. All parties failing to establish their claims
on that day will be debarred from coming in on satdfund.
J. M . D. SHARPE. Auditor. • •
_1 date, all persona tlitold .hooting flame, Puking Bar •
6 , 4, or Othenvise tres,pac4lllZ on the properties of the on.
del-signed, will be dealt with tieeordlug to low 7.
Jull:s Grow.. Jr... ' J. 31. BROWN, ,
S.V3ICEI.GMAIIIIAIir. AlllOll AM CA11.11AU(111,
I , AA(' 31n.xlin, - J %con Duovr.
I) ism ntitil.l., .IIIIIN Hot.l.rcnEß,
A:sin:Kw DAvrpsnx, Ulan D. LrNi.sAY.
A 1111.-01 AM HE-As. .ICAHN! WsNwirr JR.,
11. S. 11OLL1NGER. ' • nrv23.3t
AUDITOR'S NOTlCE—Estate of Fran
cis Robison, der/eased. The. underagned, Auditor
appointed by the Orphan's Court of Franklin co., Petmsyl
vania, to distribute the balance due on the first - and final
account of Lewis P. Skegfo, Administrator de basis non,
with the will annexed, of Francis Robison, late of Mont.
gomery township, Franklin county. Pcnn'a, deed, to and
among the legatees named in said will, and to find the
facts and return the evidence to the court, Will meet all
parties interested in said Estate for the pnrposes of hill np.
pow/intent at his other in the borough of Claambersburg,
onThursalay, the Bth day of December, A. D., 1064, at 10
o'clock, A. M. All parties failing to make good their claim
owthat day witrbe debarred from coming in on the fund.
novl6 J. MT/DWELL SHARPE, Auditor,
tranirs ofJohn W. Ramsey, late of Letterkennv tutrn
ship, dece...ed, settled their account before the Register
of Pranklin county-, Pa., which account was duly confirm
edliy the Orpheus' Court of said county at October Terre,
1861. The Estate being insolvent the Court appointed
thq undersigned Auditor to marshal and apportion the no
sets among the creditors. Notice is hereby given that the
Auditor will meet the creditors for the object of the ap•
pobitment, athis office, in the borough of Chatribersburg,
of the day of December, 1864, when and where they
will produce their claims properly authenticated..
nov:36- JOHN STEWART, Auditor. .
coll TO ALL
persons not to purchase or ve for ection 'the
following lite-t t One Promisory Note. dated Nov. 26,
1664. payable to Robt. M'Curdy or order, for the sum of
eighty-seveu dollars and tifty (Tut& and one Promisor).
Note. dated N0v.26, 1664, payable to J. M. MThersan oq
order, for the sum of sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents. I
have not received considenition for the above notes and
will not pay them. Doi-30-3tl JNO. SNIDER COWAN.
TAISSOLUTION.—The Co-Partnership
I_l heietornre existing mister the Style and title of Win
gerd &,: Foreman, in the Forwarding and Commission
business- in Greencastle. was dissolved ou the Uth inst.. by
Mutual Pnisent.
:The nooks hf the old firm are in the hands of A. B. Win•
who will continue the business at the old stand. -
Greencastle, n0v30.61.
. - -
thie is hereby given that Letters of Administration;
IL B. N. C. T. A., on the Estate Of John Meesey, lute of
Guilford township, deed, have been granted to the under
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
gatims present them property authenticated fur settlement.
fi tide is hereby given that Letters of Administration
n the Estate of John Bhrader, late of Monigomery town
.hip, deed. have been grunted to the undersigned.
I Alt prol..xms knowing themselves indebted to stud tstate
trill pleasvnake immediate payment. and those having
Slainu present them properly authenticated for settlement
nos ;hi CATHARIXE SHRADER. Adru'rx.
ÜbITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here.
LEL given that the uriderstped has been appoint.
rt the Orphans' Court of FrAnklin emtnty, A udltor to maks
otribution of the halatTee in the hands of Geo.:SY . ..Brewer.
'Prustee to sell the Real Estate of Truman Cosgrove,
alee'd. to nud among the persons entitledby law to roods*
the same, that he will sit , in the office of Stambaugh d:
Geld. to attend to the duties of his appointm6t, Friday,
!PcermlnT 9th. at 1 o'clock, I'. M., where tall persons inter.
es =AI y attend if they see proper.
GEAR, Anditor.
dee is berths given that Letters of Administration
aetlie Estate pm emit,: Lowry Lite .d Goilfiwil township,
Lee'd, hat e been granted to the underdamed.
All persons knowing themselveq holoptott to quid Ditate
yin please make immediate pa 3 went ; and those having
. 1.1111, pre-cut them pn,periv othootiouted tor .ettleinent.
JAOpU rg•
is_ tier iS hereby given that Letters of .Administration
on the Estate of Jio . ob Se, enter. late at the 13ornurch ' et
C'haitbersiurg• da•e•a-ed. have been granted to the tinder•
All porous knowing thenthels 1,11111014,1 to said Estute
will please make Immediate payment - aunt those /raving
presenfthent properly anthen t mated fir settlement.
1%0, - 16 F. S.STUMIIIArC;II, Admr.
tire is hereby giveu that Letier.
uu the Estiiti..if Eveisole. hat.• of Antrim timuship.
Grunted 10 the ithilerii.eliciL
.‘llperi:etis, - thetn‘eh t o intlebtol to said Il
tato Will phaue mote imtne.hatv pAyment and thosehav
eqtims them 1 , 1 , 11 , 11V turthrn :MN! f,,,,ettle
'P. S. EIIERSO ti, Muir.
VXECT:TOR'S T I (',E.=. Mice is
hereq Fit en that I.Pttot , Te4t.llitentary h the Estate
01 lia;ltel Mason, Into of Chamher,burg., dee'd. h.tve been
granto to the tunter,,rned.
Allfper,ous linmrimr themselves indebted to said Estate
will plea, ntalie 1.3111.1( and thins h av i ng
elahnspreqent them properly authenticated for settlement.
tatt4o 11)Itt:AN. Ex rx.
•VXE('UTOIt'S NOTI C E.—Notier is
'hereby given that Letter. Teel:mega:4u to Ow El,
tote of Martha Sltur.nti.l.ltt. of Hattlithm trArtk.hip, lw ii,
granted 10 the antlersil_imeil.
All person: hone ii'.! n11.111,1%1. , indebted to ktlitt Estee
- trill ple.tsr make intrieNliate payment:and thole hoeing
present them properly atithentieate.l for settlement.
nov I ,11./lIN MILLER,. Ex.r.
L. 4 he l o•b y givt LI, that Letter , Te•tatnentnrit , the Et.
tate of Daniel Stieki:ll. of Antritu town hip, doe 'd.
hav, , ,lteon muted to The undersigned.
All per.ons kno, log thernselye: indebted to said Ezdato
trill I,leatql make umnedlate payment, and thole having
eialtns presed them properly nuthoutivated f r settlement.
X ECUTOR'S N o'l' 1 C E.—Notice is
hereby given flint Letters Testinnentary to the Es,
Mare Diiikey lute of,:le. ilee'd, hove been
granted to . tioi mole:NFL:med.
A! rer.ote. indebted to said E•tate urn requested' to
tonL r ii innnediate payment, anti tinwe having claims will
pieapr pre.ent Mein properly authenticated for iitittlement
lON It; MAL:Y . W. DICKEY, I•iirx.
141: XE C T NOTICE.--Notice is
ON VII I /La La Item Testamentary to the Estate
of k. late of Qtnney ton miltip, doe'd. hate
LriltlileiL to thin subs. ribs r. residing in caul totcu.hip.
ingsc., ', ‘, , 1, sowing themselves indebted to sahl Fislate
tyilt pleas
tab immediate intyment ; and thore baying
dame. p Rheinresi - Tri properly authentieated for settleieetit.
no, n WM. F.1.E.%6 Ex'r.
11 from pun-twang a Note given iejefin Myers fist
•1nt, , ,1 \m.4. 1P64, as Will tee he paid
eanTelledby law. A. G. NV I.NnERT.
1111%30-11' MARTIN 111 x INN
Lth,rly Strect, near thr CattOto k:rrtoru
ITA.,llltl.titirlt(l. PA. '
The umlerdn-ned doonounetss to the troth. that he eentia•
nolo to matottadure and import direct from Roo, Mint 44 , 1 e•
I,rmcd oimorti, in Franco. the boot qualities of
tolilelo he otTers tot retsouabie rateq, and guarantees Natio,
hoolnion to the purehaser. Also—. Every number In noo of
the celebrated -
Orders by mil puomptly attended to. and good, for
witrolml by railroad,..canal or express. if desired.
inovnam] • Sa. RI West State Street flarrichurg Pa.
g ' t.lltamb'g Repository :Int and send bill to tip
to ee -smediauly for eolleetion.—Warrisbuefit Telegrapq
• for Barley at the Brewery of
4 woota 1 . . WANT/AS:WM