The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 30, 1864, Image 3

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    Novell - I'ler 303'1864.
SrPPLE3IENT.4I. DR At - T.—A SuPPkiziPata/
draft for Adams and Franklin, and a second sup
plement:it-draft for Fulton and Bedford, w : ere
made at Captain! Eyster's - hcad.quarters in this
place 1111 MlHlL*ldit. It will be seen that but
few of those drawn on the 14th , inst. reported,
as the s'upplewetital draft is for nearly the sante
number &awn at that time. The three districts
drawn in this con j uty_pr.esent the following account
with the 4.05-eminent:
1) 11 ,41 at 14th. No. HoportetL Draft of tMth
40 1.11 • "..14
IVarr, n
Ininedford and Fulton they, an a rule:, have he
tuitated Warren bud not reported at all. Indeed,
the Democrats of the heavy Democratic di , triet s
deliberately def t ' the lawn and the government,
and 11011,C hut Cllion „men' have re,•ponded. Now.
a ,new draft is Made to fill the places of men 'who
are at - home !lisY,egarding ttie clll of t belt. country,
and h• it to he wondered that the men call-d by
the suilineutlil draft should imit,te those who
have with impunity thrown the draft upon them,
and - remain tuniii•turbed at tame while their neigh
blirs'are called ution to,take their places I If the
Government Nt mild have its Antkority revectid it
must cease this offering immunity to deserters by
'calling others in their Places without attempting
to entbrce nervie.e. The drafted men of ::iomerset
report this week, and a supplemental draft will be
made for that county shortly. We subjein the
lust drawn on ,M4day : • ,
' Pannrtt totenr/4---I(oltert M'Clore, 14enhart• Ricken.
'.ltoek, \Vm Entkpatnek, Denny Ass Uulterry D.o.
• French, Wm P Fagan. Ilturh \V Liun, Chad, IVulney.
Samuel Bierly. Michael Crouse, John ,111,
Stake, Simon Steward Tau% Hurry. Jame, II Root:non.
hutilliehardson, S Dononia Doyle,, Mor•
tut Harntriond. Albert Stake, John I lockenberry. Mat•
them (2 Wilton. Peter C Bealman, JelTen.on LL'lng,ton.
Joseph }ruin, Davfd Stevrard. Watson S Alexander, \Vitt
"-Metal totenship.ltuneS Taylor, Adolphoi Sklnner.
James V Davis. NV •A llonkenberry, Thomas V,' Me _k leer,
Sylvester D Junes/Wm 1' Skinner, Jacob Ilan er. John
• Can-en, Jacob Winhman. Johu D Junes, Win N
— ll"arrrn town , hiloi.—Jacob Ftita. Levi Fritz John 13
Myers, Jaeob Hetvet,: Win M Phenicie JNV (Dear.
Gen C Martin, Jonathan Brewer, Denton Miller, Devil
limes (cord). Moran Keefer, John Conrad.
Reffrot Tuteneditp . ,-I,the 51orgret, is D C , f•vincer.
udam Mellott. Ennth Pahher .11tynnuteti Runyon I . .)antel
B Mellott, Powelt I/1.110ne% Thus Partner, John Elute
OL,Ston.O. Samuel rm.:, Witham 51eEhlunney. Am,
mk. Itenj liaradal. Jot, Fletcher Caleb 51ellott Jot,n
Everts Henry cht3enger. Jomph E Palmer.
Bethel Totentirp.—l%th: Fiore. (:eo Brakeall, (lreen
bury WAeltinton, Charles, John Ball Bnlyt
lbamh Latnan. Plnl.ll Banek, Wm Lath or
,sforgre:. I , 4aae Bambara :Saar uil Diehl , Wra Sig,. I,
Fn.her, Jaeub Barney, Job Amos Ilixua, Denton
Hoopengardner. rnalt Diehl. .1,• Diehl. John Mtn‘en.
Lorenzo Engle, Jatn!..f 11 Taylor. Juhu Gough,
Charlton. Henry Morgret:
firm! Creek . frnendlip 7 Jno'Riloy, Amm liill, Jam..
Bartoll. Chas L Al4rh. EmantMl MeDaniel. inn Badgely.
Dubiat TotraFhm.—Arlnttag6 Wallace. Ilnerh Linn.
Licking Creek Torer,rhip.—Davill M Dishong„ JOhn Vs
Kmg, Matthew Sharp. Jo lltslania. Nathan 3le
(image R Sipe, C6arad Klsne. David R Mellott, Adam
Vallanve, James }lunch.
MeGianellsburg..-1.3.ij N St'errett, (leo W Greathend,
B Seyler, I.ttae
T'Aump.opnuncnship.-11ebry isher, Peter Peektiehael
Birins, 80h0t , ,; DAS la- Trozel. It.t‘ij Johmun
John Paylom Pepk, Oliver Peek, liner nowlittA
Todd Townghip.—Joloi Fore; Abraham Wagoner , , Jere.
Ott, Jueob ROtL.. David Wagoner, I'vter L
Ilammell. Benjamin Wilile, )lotto 11, !Tina. lianiel;Mock.
- Well., Torett.chtp,—ste , trart It. Cara. John A. Itoady,
John W. Orallth Allonay, Wileon
it. Kt:lth, Timothy II Aker, J.lhn A Woodcock.
" - 7Terzriek Borough. Ildnry 31 Ilaner, Lant,•llman,
David Bare. San I..atuzlonan, Emanuel I,auglauan
Geo K....F.11111z, Henry Steveag. Emanuel It \VIM:.
—gum/iron/muCautiman, Franos,:itrl
Liberty townollip.—Peter Broad}-. John- F Adtnn:‘ J,la
W Gallagher, Wth Martin. tiava S Finatroa,, Styli!
S J.ohn-1.-\\ Daniqi lianders. Wa.h SN)Ver.
Loafs Y Overhultrer, lsaltth JariThs, Davul Kemper,.
11 Etir ORD cOUNT Y.
Bedford Towns/tip —George , Sbiller. Adam Milei,!lteu
ben (:urea, (eohl.), Jaelv.'9n Ruby, Henry W
W Philips, John Powell. ;John F I.ephnrt. Solyinou
Ileigle, Jacob Wither. Frniterißk,Numr.le, Wm. Thumpion
linglty Moore, BenjuMin F Shorter.
Totenshsp.—Lmuard Sheffer, Levi MOIL, ‘1 crt
C James, Nathaniel C May, kbrahmn C
Tru.tie Eli Carle, Simon Harkl..rnad, John H. !Stowe,:
Franklin Burnham.
Snake Spring T o wnship —Jugplx btestirow, .7ne0'1(ol ,
Harrison tescn,hip —John J Puivrh. .larvtb r Hardman.
Kieholn, Whaehne Geo It Bailey. Das id May.' Boah
- -Wertz. James Morthner, John 11 Wertz, Joseph .11.4ter,
John Bowls. • .1 1 •
Juniata tairnally.—Anilrew Warner. Daniel E Reitz,
Chas Sleek. Michael cicindon John F Kein.r.John L May,
Chas K HilleKas Peter Mn.r
orey. John Speer. Jacob Foil
ner, Michael Corley, Len is Btreney. John Fide, Jacob
Eg 01 f.
Liberty tarenaKp.—Jacob Harrold, Jolts footer. Jt oh
L Vochler, Frederick Zook. Sohn B Young. Jthn
Pant SArnuel
Cumberland i alley tutroadity.—Juseph Geo
Rice, Solomon I...);eketi, Buchanan Ct,int, John Book.
Baltzer Boor, Oliver 11'11 Houch. 0 I' IlandrizNon. Stull
-- Morgan. Joint A Wqrtz. JCe4alt Brant. 1.; M S , Dkken,
James NlTerran. 1100 k. John 31 Ito,ebmok, Geo
Hook Jacob Plow& (cold) Boson Bin.bon, John 31,
Coy, Jonathan (bier.
East Prorideure todnehip.—William C Clarke, Peter
tFoor. Nychtn. Aker,.
40 - ndonderilt R Grovn (yOlow).
Puter Boor, 11 . 11,,zit MeAllah. Samuel Lopon, Car
-pouter, William I:3 mid, Henry Miller. Samuel Iloym.m.
Martin L Miller Daniel Rl* Josiah Wilhelm. William
cook, Henry Y,144, J , dul .11 Ymll;
Middle libodlorry,44; em, .311.,wk John D Batb9r, jIIO
Leach, Henry 31...1ey, larttn 33•nrehatn. Abraham . Kirk.
Monroe Toum•htp.=MtEKlm Mors. Flavens .1 'Shaw,
Peter 31.•Uaniel Ephraim Robinson, Abraham 3tav, Jnn
Fletchcr, Wm Ford. Ilanl SleDatnel. Andrew Gairezher,
Jacob 'I mac. An. Farnep,. John V. IVenri..k.
- -„
Napler Torrahip =V."nt Intler. Da , . Router. Darol
Snyder. A J Jam, dl. John .1 3f6•kfe.'lZiilehart
Blum, Satn'l Horne AJ:wrt ISlarkhltrn WaAting - rlinliarr,
I"rneker, Benjamin J Hiner 'Jno Doliard. Wiiham II
Davis. Mtehael 31111er, Peteltonzer, Fienrrle.
John 8 Mortimer.
St. Clair ratr7i,hip —Geo Tiekroy, Jaime. liminzer. Val;
,entine liileling. Lewis lierpiuner liinuieier, Win
Kirk. Charter ltieluer. Cyrus May. Tiel Cuileute.
Israel Davis, Elwood Millbr • Jamb neeliley. Ec-iley B
pravi L s. Wm llo..ver. 31.Ar+ Chri%man Gen Meek, ItoLert
B Jocepb Corby. Jam E,nmeh, tiimua Hellarlek•
von. John W C111.14(74(14 I,ike Walker.
Trest I'rovidrnee varn,lap —Henry - Fry. (eol d) Fred'k
Frient, Wesley liiihtirn. Joi.eph Clari, 'Vivid Price, John
,'S,',M,ortiinore, Gen Lender, John Lioninnitleld. John Clark,
Philip Snider.
SuPeasED ilciitsi-t-Tinti*Sinrr.---On Friday
week a horse belntutinu to Sir. Martin fleintzle
tuau was stohit from the hitching-pot
gert's store in Fayetteville. Su-pinion attached
to John Myr,, Who was in town that eveniim,
and tic , su,pieious tver? confirmeil whit fl y ers
and his brother; re,idin‘g in 'tile
MontrtaiM—were in navel-stow it the neat
- morning, and - the '1 ohm horse was sold
On Friday last the heti brother , returned
to Fa:,-ettevilie, both riding and armed, uud . w hen
confronted by Mr. iliiintzeighin ti n y n • 46,1 two
dap; to prove their innocence. and pr s e a-d to
leave their lior;ws there Until the) Wits so; but
soon tater they I%tere seen trying to get out their
horses to get away, and when the citizens showed
a deli-rutin:thou to arrest then], they ran across
the fields tow a 0; Mr. John Craw lord's. Capt.
Funk got four I firuled tutu attf-puisued them. Ile
soon eWerteek nearly a mile from town, and
'caught ; but- Join} refused to stop when,
called upon MI do so", and fie was shut; the ball
, entering his hick wider the left shoulder and
passing through the lungs and tint on hi l tright
breast.- lie yarned hack to. Fa:vettleville,
—.where he nowt lien in a very crithial condition,
and his brotlirr William prisua awaiting his
The people of th;isicomity are about pre
pared tossave bur courts the troubfic of,
of horse-thievrt They or- either- rebels ,ir ui
yolk-ion WO rebels, and 'their 'villainous work
will be arrested only when they learn' tint ti- )
must face bullets.
GEN. A. le,CotTreth was in tows last it twit
looking-sinneWhat as lithe "midalichilly days' had
eome,the "xaddcst of the year." Ile still cher
hales the deltision that he is elected to Congress,
anil thinks itihighly unbecoming In• Gen . . Koontz
to asiAre teethe seat when his majority is made up
solely of the N' , Uialll4lllK :inny vote Still as he Marx
that Uongro{s may think ,soldiers had a to
vote, the General concluded thalre would be pre
pared, for tViinning the seat -in some other vi ay.
lie east his be over the return; of the various
distriet, in the several counties, and found that
North NVard, Chambersburg, hail given Koontz
more majoriiy than ie claillivti for hint in the dig
- riot, and conld the IsTORII. Ward box Le net ;wide,
it Iht!uld make Coffroth, min)
thoaght t - A tdt wag therccore made at the Nt.i lli
. Ward, ninn,%e learn that an affidavit has la,'
made, undai• the direction of Gen. Ciffirot'ii, idieg
jog frauds iic the North Ward. We Lid the Gen
speed in 14 ulisgion. lladn't he better go the
whole . 114ure and have an affidavit mink that fin;
entire Sanierset election was fraudulent 7. That
would he doing the thing in Filial- sort of gt)lo,
!Ind rrtth jli4 as 111:1ell foundation in taith and hon
esty as there is in ion assault upon the No'rth « ard.
'e affectionately advise tire General to "go in'
freely ; insist that ep ery Vote east fnr K . onntz was
a fraud, and keep insisting upon it until L'ongress
pays his milege and per diem as vontiiistant. If
h.• can't exactly g et unto -•, ine can lr nest
to the fellow that cites!
is the ofpcial vnte of till", county fa Ilie,ident,
etudii army retain::
'O4. Prr,idrott,
431 423 411 P 443
„C North Ward :la 141)
chain.!4, South W ord on 201
It) 7 22 93
90 '9v F- 9-1 . VS
208 " 179 : ,1:1:? 190
163 I lr - .1 - 163 . 1119
165 1113 175' 1117
Dry ltm
(;reen rillxga
4.ts, .Ird
~. 1:11; itt.:7
t , tl .1:“I F 3 I.P!
119' 74 . 121 r'S
.'tlt.l 5:111 211 • 147
71 :110 76 - 119
I t
\lt • a
AtL,.ta ry
4') ' „6.7
Nouth . antton.
Sniphm Spnng
77 ''' kit - :312
' :W 9, :A)
.1;t:i 9..2
.1:17 3 -;Ii
I%a n.
Run .
.Irm3 tut u
3:ice - :5157
' McCiellan'tc-majority on the 'hme vote is It%
'and Lincoln's majority on the whide vote is 41.
The total vote polled i. 7.6 , !!.:1—the large , t ever
-cast. The vote of Franhlin has ex. veded 'Loon
but twiee before this )0,14.. In I tii there ‘‘ ero
-7,43.2 xast fin. Presidut, and :in 1t I I there were
cuNt her Goverair. The army vets" east fin .
President is ttis, atid t wf that Lincoln bas ?-7 ma
jority. The army vole east in October was but
3.-5; man) 1 . 0!s liaritu: been lost by the Move
ment:: of:!,:herman anti Sheri.dan.
to learn That the first edition of law.
1)1. 13. S.
'Schficeli, C interesting 1. olauli• on tlic burning of
ChandierThurg I.y the rebels 41a the :41::1 of July
lag, W.a , exit toted in a idcgle month: and in obe
'thence to the great demand for the m ork, Messrs.
Lindsay & Maki-ton. Philadi , lphia. have issued a
new edition. The firq teas neci , satiiy
imperfect, though still invaluable a, the only con
nected and reliable history of that crowning an
dalism of a barbarous tie;- kiut the volume now
!wrote us is vu,tly improved:l)y an accurate map
nhowing this portion of Chamhersinirg destro3dd,
and also by Narions corrections and addition, in
the graphic but unvarnished iiiceonnt that is therein
given of the full cup of rebel; saN, , gery that fell 1 - 1
till • lot of our: people. S ally of the redundant
matter that found its war iuto the original cork
in the haste id its preparation for the press, is
now omitted.: tlo• 1%110h:is co,'refully
lyrevised, and the interest* letter of Mr. J. R'd
Sheyoek, and diNpill,,ionate article from
the pen of Rev. 31r. AppV, and another front Reed
Mr. Batisuipn are added. The wofk now eniii
nearly IN orthy of the patronage of an
public, and a., a Itutliful and intellig l nit hi tory utl
the darkest died . !cruel and drsnlath
war, it should find a place hou,ehi 'ld. It
can be had at ,Slirt orb's.
RAILROAD AccliirsT.—We learn from tIM
Newville Star of the I - alley that, the morning
train We,tward on Thursday ran or thelrack
about six miles Mow; Carljde. upsetting too or
three pli=senger 4,-;wetip4
tnz that no one ‘N Os injured! It va ,, , 6 101,n:k
in the evening -before the debris w:ei retuovi,:a and
the track clear, and the train due here troin 1 Lir
risburg at half pad timr, - dig not reach the. place
until nearly 11 o'clock, at night. Another rail
ci - ti'broken same day near Red Barn, above Oak
ville. but fortunately no damage was done. In
the morning too, the engine of the train from blew oli its stack, caming
considerable delay. Quite a chapter of accident's
fot' Thanki;iving day.
BlNli OF CH.l3llsl.lOollit(i.—Nearly all
stocktiolders of the Eau!: ChatzlherOntrg haNt.
loom the neet,,ar3 alithorit) to convert the Banti
into a National institutin. V. St wn kromn
as The Nntionallkulk of Chamberslitirrc, and IN ill
re:wre its 11 , 1 V Cirrlllatillt; iute , from the general
government. The presenti.o.ue of the old Bank
Course be redeemed :18 it may. be pre,ented
but it, excerwut credit twill fiPtkt: the work of re
deemidg it a fediotis one. We beliew that: the
old I.)anks have three yeara in tthitch to Ow, up
their present bu,nws,
Tiii citizens of Mercersburg and vicinity held
a large meeting on the '24th. inst., in'the Cernian
Reformed Church, to take measure- , to effect an
amendinent of our constitution so as to recognize*
the distiative character Christianity. Iter.
Dr. Creigh presided, and . A.. M. Wbetsthile acted
as SecreLtry. ; The subject vufii hilly diseased,
and a memorial; adopted to be signed urging Con
gress to act iu the matter. Messrs. Whetstone
and Bowles trite appointed delegate.. to the next
meeting of the National Association to be held in
Philadelphia yesterday,
119sortA8t45'DiscitAtt:GED.—Ity teferatio , . to
the follolsing - iiffici.ll order it will be S(!t`11 th:it
Lieut. 12th l'erma. Ca% alr),
aiel lately wrving et the itatl of his bitter
.18j Crm%ford, bas been holiorabl:, di--
charged from the WrVire ten :Wegnilit :
WAR Dr.i . unmENT. Al , T.
lVA , 111N1.11) \ , %!I, i-61. 5
Licit. A. NT,. "Cr.tu it.l, i2lll 1.01.
110roby honorably gli.rhargfrl thy•o 1/1
tl.O 1111001
011 .o.oouot • d 111),00a1.1)0.1hlity.
order °rah.. Sr, ret,zry of War.
ToriCsnE‘r: f:t
12 , 1)UNT1( r.NROI.I.3IKNT pur,l,olee of an
w r tlerfroia the State the Coiniiii,4oll
- IMw enrolling the eitizCle , mlijet , t to mili
tary ditty - , with the Nifts - of making 'a draft tor
State deldiny, ehould such a proemaling hr neces
sary. wade by the As , w,sor,.
y:e an. hopeful that the requi,,ite force trill yet
be.rah•ed ct ithwit a draft.
1) F:A l'll (W A 1IINI:•Ii.R.—T111( .Rev. .To h❑
Borten, for mote Wan thirt ) , ) eirs uu itetive lain.
ish•r of the Ilethoill.t .I.:llNeon:it Einit
I;altunirre t'nnten•uce, died at hit re,idence in
Baltimore • on Frida ) et etuilLf last, after a
lon a and pron.:ivied in the sesenty-tirst
) ear ag(: was fo r 41•VP1 . ,11
)euri ill tin,
WI; regret to learn of the death of LUVIIt.
Small, Adjutant of the Marylad,
%%omitted in the late hattle ‘‘.f nod
lit since died of his w ou nds. IIeWH , a son of
Judge Small. Hager,town, and a III(Int gallant
CAIMV.‘I.LADT:it Imn Lrrn in Claw=
iwadquart , n+ h r,otorar
da)s. Com. Im, had Ivare.-01 al , eueo lu
Visit Nrw Eng
T.VC-PAYLUS.— . I%IX-papTS Win notice h .
nil official advcrti,uuncnt in our columns that th
COlOlllln,lOlli.FS hill eonuuenec their
the litli of Deel.llllll.r.
I nt,*titt:tstit.--'l'he Board a I hrectorJ of the
Firg Nationalitalik of 'll - a, tie.horo,
ett a di idend urs p,r cent for the last t.i.x.-hioa
'F! ‘NR , GIVING pn•.<ed ,dl' Iu re quietly mud w
generally obsen-eil. Divine ervice was had i
most of Nu• rharches.
the rtt If 'tell t Pl/ rff :he
I 11 lite :rad Delft /ft
Ifoj,ter A Pryor, now a Khanr sridi , r id the
'Conlederate arm), ;iv, captured t,it Friday
by the Fifth Cot pi-h t, of 11t , arm . , of the Po
tomac, while tiqemptio,4 to exctrur papers
with our pickets, ar a ret:diatory act for the re
imut capture of Captain Ildrbridge by the rebel
pickets under to:inik/ti • eireuuedances.
r 14j
1:e1 , 01 adrki , yid 5a1%,1111.111 . 111 . 111 . :11U• ithbe
'capture, ofle.laeville, the capital 01 tlle State
ceorgia, 1 i tietrtion of Sherman'. MI t - es I\llo
immediately tlestro eA the ortpital (1,1-
N i.rnact, house mid pondentittr). ,dso
hold the - railroad juner:Mil at ..trilttn, m Ma.
and there it; a rortut that AN t' have the la: tor
'city abto. -it ia certain that dur t:ti‘ all) has de
stro3aal the railroad it,-iMze .1M be Oconee riot
Thus, itteatill ami alt,r*, both ttititlo. , ttl
Sherman's voteitin artny aprar to be eat ry iag
out ids programme, anti rie'att . irmeti to eluorr.
of South CarolitM and G....r: 4 1a bare ordered a
• levy CIII;ItiSSC to resist the invasion. Itofore shell
a thing can he done sliertnan wall lite.o marched
triumphantly ht tint st.altard. tettr,tia:tinee the
I . le 1.l
1 4 1 ,•11.0
Q. 3
I M 11 Mlll9
Whist soeuro of tho rolu.l ;Stole, fnuo
now fevlinn: the of v 6 ar a force ‘‘
Jkor proplo nolo; ooahl h tvo dr ~.nod of Stoto:
, A tlavollth ,ii Ii a% ZN llii. W ill Lc
apt to kautc ILI' V allte of 111.:11. , '
and Pau..• heron• thy my tho fortano, of
= •Ni 1"..1.1.. \ 2--11:• 1 A )1
eno fribrAin sprri.,l Fatrlt
It - .17-11 1 ;20 P. Ir. -1h r. has
been smart sLirnushimt I rtwron Puimkt r.i i Cr
lumbia 1;11" -.air day. Our ;Mors li.tve
bark behind Ihmk river. .Part (It " 1 1' ”ITt 1 ,1'N turves
11:11:1•111 , ii rher 1/11mm rbMt and
arr unu e to strikr" otm rear.
, it) , p0 ,, ,1 to I , 1..0; in!:
4 , 11 1110 pike r
n.nd ttm ant,. alid IV,r
- Th.. rri l Crueral I:1, 111-; ;Intl
tho ii
si‘er, 'Mut. ago /a roll!: tLi Ari„e,as.
lie had a lira y 1,4,x
Our Pr74.oner , :Probably All !tele:v.:ell
A'' ~1, 1 I- NI U.
trati,ports Iliritm Lirlng,tmi :LA Itcpinrs
sct arrived w ith twelve taludred and tift
get , .
All 4•XI - Ila',Vi• l,a , e.•ased.
Sheruizni La. cot ufl the nolromis tll
•4)iir pi i ir, rt 0! , • upf...d 1 . 11 11l
briar tuthiu a lOW ,tockafie ,
when the Mill-poll,
In eft,,rt it a , lwiw , inade ht th, IL•bel , to 4end
our riot{ -
Attempt to Burn ate Ne u r Daparttutorl:—!
'lnt"rmation haNnvrbryched the War Depart
ment that an latellipt Ikan to he inatie to flre,llll
- the IA .ir 11111hlitp2 , mutt, adjacent
()11,. the 1 - .•l2,linet.t the IV,,r 111 , ..1tow:it
NNele rolled eat jolt -pedal pttr.ol
and the ow-piracy Nva: hattlod use the pre.ent.
\Vatelonen and patrol; are bow
totblin and ttn3 ono k loy•ete k t itt in
eonquct be" dealt
•'No prisoners will be taken." had
better beware."
From President 'Lincoln - % IfMite—lllinois
'rho the oflizwl re-tilt of the last
'election, viz:
Abraham Lim'ln
G. B.
Mr. Lineithi (tarried the Stai , In I-I‘,ll 1, 2 . I I r
6'15 tnajiirit, and the Dennierat , elected heir
ennzres.inian in I=C2lev a hlaj , .t ,01 16,1;;;G.
:Narrow FAcape of Geo. Batter-card Staff:
The mall L.!. Inner WLNleJer, from ( . It- :
report: that the gleamer Gre3 lealaLL V%
jug the Jame-, 'river, caught tier .1:1(1 V%:% , Aet ell}
Gen. Butler and :Jail' and Hear ALltuirall'orter
were oil board at the time. hot all escaped ‘N
out injury.
It (I W I;l:riNf lit 11,
( Lurk.'. 1:. , b0,..011, ..f Tr,,y, (.1 ,
firtlvri. 110,, hurl. I he •Rov. Slr 1110,th
pave Inv 10.... r fro", : a foss
make.: them 1, lie 1,01
them 1410.1, r.a. 1 Lk., 1.01.1 110 in en 1:011.1 .0 ..r -1.0
anti flam.l attor tl.
11 , o,l', 1,::011,,y101r. ~r1,101'..)11
A Nonl"NI: CORIII ,‘lullltlft , Friend and
select :rte. .11x,int
ut 3111.1.1:1t ti NEW IMUl; xt ,17-4 ..f
13r.. , 111'4 ll.tnl. H. r
or :ow other preparath. t, , r ni 1, lons th,lie.
Ili..rt 7 hea, Cr Inv.,Lni
X (,"11(1'.--('. 11 Cr..,•11 , r11;:. rt.inovva pnvz
:Nt, 1,,,n .1 t,,
,• in It - 111 Sl Rl,lll r, izt • ~,, P r. '" ',P
-io::: all %%11 , all v. 1 ,14 ~, 111 a -t , 4
-4. l ' n Puri
‘it havi. 411)1.11141 rut iii
tiwirSntnlol Tlicy -411
nd r 1 .1.111 rn,n'ry p I. n , /,‘n in!. r.—
Vtot bny a- I heap 11, .11' thou on an w Ult. • .ty
(;1.1.11-n h. S. ii( 1:K11 It I . the 111.4 Kro
.lll U,i, , ~:,• .11.0 Lamp, 111 ,
11.50, ,r)
(4) •ru & ll.r pure lu n m•
WI: call the attention of htt.i:lc' , 11101110 the of ground tt,l tI n I)Linina, re.l for
A. J. Miller.
(titr,...strit ha ;,11 th,• spiefF, rilui , ito to ni:1111 •
p4li,LiablV l‘ 1111 i ~ ~, IVarrtitt
:1,1,%51 JiI*111;1111:T keep the large-4
enn: 4,f ww.fl, ttild 11p unit rvt.,ll.
_ •
Thi4ollowbz. \ by (',lo
-11l•h('llitrhf3I;. (ln . elle, the editor .1 .
Ehgland—at na l late liangnot iu liu.tou,iu honor
Captait, \\ ' m.•lul%, 1:ea1 re,e :
Colonel (;revue, in re,pon . 0 to tin• l're,ident ' s
1•:111,,oud th,. 01(111 Wilde. forth (11.0ord,,nt
but he had no doubt the II:11111011)
hr lu'rti•rt 011 the tuorio‘% •the,
ellortss 1f lrlape to the glorain , a(•lltel enteral Jlt
the .111er the 111,4 d ~h eloquent 0 that
loul liven toured hind
011111 tiliulc, to 110:11 thv 1%
(4)11111 11.1 he i • to illlll one dr 01l
to tin patriotic sea: but lie eoultf Lit I et, ;du troy
expre,,ing - hi, deep phl-ti n • at twill:az in a
, 4% lure there t 4441.14 4.1 411,11113 fa -emtiln•ott
Vk l a •re 111.41111 . M Ili,' V, ft, not ;111.m ed to Intl inle Its.
1,111‘10 , 1 front, ;nal µlore NO tilled 1111'
heats but that :it 21.,i1 ft littli p 1,1
patty exciteinelit, he often %tax Vet)
µEIIIII and call 0:1011,0],er name. ot 111011) t ill l iul
uo•hthr hut the raw of vuuilo • . yrs)
1111,V 1 1, Rr tied lull 1,101111 aril, 1111i1 that t\e all
hold , i 11111• uutmual iuh,•nt:wcv—pt I . heir , t ,
the r , nam national de-tier. man. 1)1
111 , 11 -I '.llf 11,1,1,111;7J 1 lie curie Il iq of t u t Union
It ID fly . nation': li oiner—t he entiden, ul It 11:111.1
it (11 . 1 . 111,11-1, :u • r ii t i loit t I oi) It
1 , 1111 , 1, I. 1. rx• lolr haoh.
.hula , ;- to .ti, eon
tribute to the (roa,ul), tit our el/111:11.11 1111,j0r.,
In the prewat; ksti% ities may NSt` ttrrg t thi
family jars jivit ;Ind, ilhe a hand it broth
Capture of Pryor
General Thoum'.
A . 41.,:0tva SP
artklin tlepositorn i Ciano
Cie It
er:, only , ee in the runt we now eelebrat4- new'
iii•tro . aodloor-a , ed strenath ghYn 1)i oar - Other's
L:re .t Tel%) +•f Liberty orectvd hy,
tierith :their blood, and pie.:
the bravery of their eldhiren, wol d
Ilemem car, that thode,iii,u, re tor .1 Yin=.
torie , -. would draw It rift; re , poilise,fillm each
of the thimty -five StLtes of tlii , greatieountry: ticit
no pang , houll tiaoalz.• iine t :Ainerietin hem ti that
tin blow ,tritelt MVO that which timaht
aloreign - the might that shimbeiN in a free,
wan' , arm." DI% milianpil3—nnist un h a ppily _l
quell' , not the can.. Theo present heee , siry for
spreading do ith over wit and land is an awful. a
h izi poitalde one: a neue,sity that ha, arrayed iii
terrible eombat ime portion - of our house again 4
another portion : but, like the Roman father, the
Government, while it administers ja , tice is lb
throbbing heart and weeping eyes, cannot with
hold the ch,i , tisimient, integr4 . nop.t Nin„
(heated, it , authority mug be :mid:oiled, its Con
titution inu,t be perpet aided, and the Union of
MI/ ..1" 6e ri, , tahli , ll , ll. at whatever
emd. Therellire, sir, I ofilir as a toast
- Tho Navy and Army of the United States-4-
May the one ilsiN e piracy iron the water, awl , the
tither trea,nn from the land."
NVON1)1:1; , -111:1.TAN 1 9:: 1 Z tb" 21Ih Eta. by
"Phu.. Mt. o \Vendor., of Cambor
4: I.lno, r, of Fr.ioklin
e , !ft the 1:41 :n , t. by the
M,.CI Mil. to Mr.,' of , t Liu., r.t.
7 :I'l K 7.17.; —ON .. t.tlt 7.t! ottls
..r 'lto a t..;,,nebhu Pz.,l I ar ,
tii.1.1.11 , .11A
rl . l r IC.- ivlly.
11,0 Ifi•pr:, tl
t6.;•2;4, r
thi , .P. 4 P. (444.0ry •
II ;NZ111:1;;;11: in IV,
ni ..,
11,n.‘.11 ;. • )all I.; td
m. 5.111 currlnst.,
. •
•... I
i halemv,„
t;. 11...11 , 1•14.1i1),7,
144,1,1 w, 1 11.1.1 , ,:. , I ( _
I;.• 1!". (11411111
I. .. ;!,11.1..:. •
•1•..-n.'ll'. •I”tltm - ,
,t).•;1',4 ciotht;.44'.
a Sll , l,
31,1, :e.u.te.
Yo, , Nuts. " 6
k... 11,
\ ...mak, S 114,4,3. !1%.k 11.111.
114.6 : 111.1 4 4 11,. I.
'.4......4.. r 14. , it,. i“. 1.1131.
R , •lk 11.111, -
`3:.1.1.:11`31, 3., P.n.,. 031. 11U11,
1i 11.0: 11.111,
14.0,11. I /.14. 11.01.
11,4411. , 11314
.• 1 1' ~:131.t1, 1 1.1-10
S 1
• I ( • 0 0 1 31 .11•1.. t. KOT
S I . .*” 1-.M.,t40•4 'qr..
5. 1 ('or •,th
, 4
Inake• au FC11•11111.1.11.,II—y
41 lit,'.. , .• tor p. 1.1
W. .441 "1, 4 4:D1.. 11 , 141
1.....• Lo :dr no- larq,e,t
N. I,: —At. (1, fr,na tvas.4l
• W NI 1 II 1/14 1 /AVN '
ytr.ll 0..1. Ind],
I' 31,40,
A ('tßh To IN t %Liu; (.1,11;y1111111.
.2 rt , d
• u., t• r 1 , 14 t
I •I,\ • t.1;1,.. riT•hry !of. ,
ilele";e' eeeereleet , lee , eeetee;e ete l t nee:Q . l.ola
see I 'it,' hat 1, e 1111
1,) ,ttlt,tlt,
,•1 t;»l.•11 E..•lt• ntl P. , . lee- IN
.1 to
tOsi I,lv, , d.I: Ire , ,
14 .1 li)N I pt...d.i 0-- i! tee your'
r-,1%11 ,,, . I) `1:1411: .Nor rori, Cay
I: I. G , (.liangenbi,
- a•ol , 6,‘
• • arr., ;1•01. 1'... are
!., a% th, r.
:in r. 4,[0•7111i Li fl•r •do
1„t,1„ _;_ l , 1,1 ~,t•, 1 1 11 /, I . 11T. . ' , 1,.11)1n-
and ..t 1,4 0.1/111P/1011.
if von
sri.h to marr. , addre., th , ` Auld, ,1 who i , ill N'T.ti
)nu and, without pr.,int..rlll.l-
I,n !In t: ,t 1: 1.• .1101 .. ,- 1144:14.4rr •I 44: 444 i lac Ir
r, p.• %N.' 44' .4,4 14 r .1•4• . _ o,'lll,liiatloll,
r 7441, 44414 rtwry ;,101 , 11444 . 4,
044 4 \,'l, •,•., . 7 1 4 4.4.t44144:4:4 .1. Ti4f4 41.44
t.trttt •1... t itv t t• trtt.t. t: utttitt.t..rtttt,
tt \ k/ ill: .1 I r
1., z 111.14. front
th• f ft .***t t-*!.MII I tni 1 , 1.11 IF, I in
11.1' l't• Ft* , S'• 11l *-t F , 11.1* *x•r**tt***l,
(I It I.D.—Et•lN•t' LlNitanteed in 'ten
C, A p• 'lt , . I •.re use u;* UP'
1J I\l.. %-.1 II,: e 11. :*l - I,ro re/P
• 4 I,t I , •.ll n laqito Pricy :S.! S.`rlii
1 ..1 ( 1"111.(31 - •250,.(1thr,10,11,
Stn. •. Tl, frve. [tx t
11.‘n1 _uprooted flow low forehoadg and all
par h no. run ‘31 ., DuttAiolty
1.11. ' -- L , r r 7.1.25 by S. C. UP
-IEOI, "01:1: E.,:hth Pa. lue:20.3111
- 11 43:1;441)4:1,1)14414. 4 31:t rl4 o ts.
l'Ilpt,IIL::•111 Rt: N , , V. :: . .. 1, 15r..4.
Fleur—, ... i.:41 Pi , Iliie. r .. ..... ..... 40
4 . 1.41r—11e4 ...... l• , 51, LS-, ' :II
Wle..a—NS Ih. 2 '0 Li- I - 24
5V1”..4-Itt 4 2 T,', I 4i:oll . . 14
Rye 150 111 otl-4110n.. ' 2(.4125
c,,ro 1 5 ,, 111neep—5.i4e5......... 410
nut. 75 , I,lli, 1 1 , .ms ' 2 00
4'1,, Se , .I 10 00 'Washed \VO.4 60
Ta t ,tity :..., ..4 4 - .0 rh,., 2 1,,a Woi4
1., 4))
114,4 , •4 .... ... ' ... 2 .t 4 l'ar. .1 Peael.t , 500
14et. L t.e.-51erc er... 10 , I npared l'esele, 'l' 00
144,00.,—1ttul E•••. 00 Dre , nl Apples 11 75
Philatifillb Marlielk
- PIM x1;1 111il Nov. 29, IF6I.
Flour—Sale. e, o r alo Iona) II h l'euna :Ll,l 'lc.''tern o xtro, 11. ao.l .•,•rafatoll P 1,1.1 'l'l4e
rt.talien; and 13,,6•-r• aro 25 f, , r
aoa $l:2 for 1.40 , .1
ti.“ 1.41 ['Ng, 1..10,.:4 1.,1 Coro
M. al n 441, hafirod. ,
\11,..11—5,d , •.1 A uolt 4.0 I•u•btP. , r 2.37 ft,
ti: l ,l,:an, .e d i-. 2 1 ,0 for .Stott totor atoi
I lor o tomuttlo v. it . ... tr -oily
ta •I/t,l‘i y 70 IA toi.lo
r o tzt. .11 a II".-..n rpro tor , t - ta:...'"yt•l.
loot, ,11611 11:..x 170 P bills I. a... 3 to
IP.M pilr 11.,:1,1:4I itr.Told 3h_, r,
W. I. -t:I, N,.te not Lc
Intik,- 14,9 , 011,719 y Los. A C; \ VIM; EltT.
Cir I C —.ll. GII, I, 111 iq)eitell a
1:1:1" w r .•
A r • oloi :he' ' She inn ite.;
.•all her All p•r,otn
ht..l.tre wipe .1. it n aii :tal !mew litin..•.lh.h. 1..1) •
ineht lat r n. re the sas. d tr..tti the
hr.% het .til-.31
i)issoi.t''nws.--I'he ('O-I'artnership
z lizi,,C r I. • :..: \ b• .ml 'll3 , a \ VI,
:1 - .•,1 I ,l '- 1 ' ' ' ..::::::.:. 5.- , 1 :: tht• I . or , ~,b . . g : •t , .-
1 ( . . , 111: , , ,, i
t,,:z..... ml.l, 01.,,,,,, V.,...11,•.;"' tn , ,i." . ..Z . Z11111,4. I'y
111111i1.1 1 ...1i,.,11
:Id" 14(1 :It(' 'II t11101(11111'. tsf A. C. IVIn
lICMIO thr i/11.111a. ti' 1111.
A lOHNisTizAT()Irs
Is 1;4.m,, c ivu tltot Lettort A,11,r1,1-4--, t p..n.
It. It N. t , 011 Ii: ,111t1 NI, escy. Ikte of
tott trtlttp. e 10 , 011 crautiA, 11101,-
\Alp.lode s :4,ll o
t, ill 11314 [ll, , !lAN 112 g.
prop, autit. of '4•;tlc.vriont
Tii ffiNt-3,11.\ 1111,1!\ . ;1..
1 4 1 XEI N 0 'l'l (' i s
I le, t o, 1. , ;i, I:•tait.
~t 1Z.14 (1.1:111 ,, 11 1, I.,lN't• h 1 ,1•11
in, 11i. I . .t:tte
ffl 111
w pl.. -4`L'...An.ctli.lte p,n 'tint . ..... Uut nn;
11, PI 31(
, h. r h. cn. n th .,t L. ;to,: of A .InlittNnattot.
tho .tote ”f .101,rl r 1.1..0 o:t to‘i
ttrhtt,l n. th. tot,l•
A.l hihratiW thohtn-lt o•• tn•lo'ttott n..aid I:ktut t .
.ttthttl.t• 1.1:111.•.11 :111.1 ch. -, t t nig
pr.•-“ 111. ill prop nit I toti,otto..ttott 1 , , , ttfootont
, .
.. 1? I'ATII.% I:I \I. `..111! '. 1 , 1:1: \ ,I:icr,.._
V I 1 - 1:1',1 UZ : c\V lI.IS- () l'E N 1:,Ii . A.
iJ. - U\ S 111110: ~ QI I - L\ sli;2l:i. 2
door, a•t - of Ow Rl - .11 t:: I.t tt lit , a, L s 1,,1.,ai a t d d o .
.dl N,4•14. 'llll, iii, 111 110 1.1ti , 1 1 . 11 ro. :Intl 1.0' 4 1!n ;. 1 ,,,,, ..
i•ii. D..orul r. ' , lie 1., cp. ~.,..ntly ,a. hawd titi la.tst
,;....,.4., ot 'I rLIIIII I ., 1 . 1,,,.•:,, A ,-,
i'i!:i'r(*.l.llli. V.(11i.F... 11,11. , tu ~rtli.r m1.,,,i,,1'i0rt it.).
t it
' l' -\ ti.,%.10-1!1'
1 '
rchuva -13 a.
ilctu at„bcrtiseiiiiltts.
- ----- - - -- -- - ---- -- --- . -
—AI ip6rsons inili-bted
now (.rrit—•.: lei nr...t trill( , :ofitla fill pr
..(1n tt. , h a.t_tttatt ith o l , l
10. k are that ho 11. is 14:t hf the zreat fire.
Iwv.loA. J - warrE,
. . .
Pod one
()TirE 7
ilEizEny GI - EN 0 AT,
(-:' , 01,4 r,t to pus 1.,• orpteei-,. for Pt.llet th°
();w dated ,26
p.iy,113, urd:,• or ,rthr, for th,',4'tt,,,
f,tty e , :t.5 an t i-one 1'r:..111:,!,ry
N. d '"` to .1 31.31 1
r , li r for th , •u,i , ~f ;;:td. cvnt, I
reet.:‘ r I 41 , 11 , ',frrati,ort tot the ,a)eve m 100 d
not ray thew. In, 1 ./1 , :( AN.
P U BLIC SALE —There will be rill'ereil
P.lblic Sari aa the rr , mi.:A, on
rOth 1•914 a dr.:rah:o 111 ILDING "PT. sil ' ll4lle , 411
the North,,, , t aster 4,f the Dhanond. 11,1v9 a; a "front Of
19 1 1 41 t 1 ad hen exe n it aof a four foot A list' or aro hlelly.
.1141 .1 ul4lll of ro feet. This I. t 111:11Q:11;1e ov keen allot
of :Ire shunt of etay had k and this rioiht to l:1 1 1 , 1 4:ON-1 .1 :114 , the
honor at obit it. central loo,ltion. 1 4 .0, , t0
I' at 1 o'clock. 1N loca the trai l s trill' i t . Info hN kohloti
[nov:l9l A. .1 mii,tr.R.
0, -El 0` 0 M 0 E E !
Dr. St,. V...;l(l . olel:dhictits entuzli r.trrrinted
to ettre tilrh•. Cd! , !.. 110.1,rue. , A,throo.' \N:hoopitlfr
: - 'l.ll - k• I hroat. CLlll,lllllptioll aml at afrveth al, It the
Till Ihst .111,1
li. CrPs=ler.' Ch:ol,l , ol,barr... ;General
j).-pot 61;a,t F(Airth Street. enleinnati, ()hi°.
_ _
A -A IZ It II CE I A !
_I the trelliettl men and the Progs.tßommurmi
:-.II:IcKLANI , ',. AN 1141 - 101;EI: A 'MI'NTURE
c, the enly i ;11.1itt D.trletly ter I i:lrrhtt.:. lit , entery.
It :s - vouNnoti.lll at ..
;,•,0% told i v,arrerited if ell'el:t n cure
lift, ~ ' 1 011,or swat, bit e to Iod:
l'orlty Cltamperrttr.,... (lenoral
I' 14 •nee• C,n in hti Obi,.
PET, IT It 1: :tI Y I
I , r. IZ,Ant ettro.l thotictmlq of
I), nao , : t 1;t11,1,1,11ca edintr:l'lli.A. It 6004 111,
ttiNti“ti• 1410, tc a. ix,rmalli.nt cult'. Try it di.
re. ry, It tx.nttrati,l 1..!
liy C. r..(l,lmber , l - tr. J I;eneral
Dep.!' 0, S•r. t PAio. rim:3o-1y
Wis rei eeiet int 10.,4 tar..‘ppt,
tit,. 1,0_ 1 '4 ••tlenn.• , l'a Nem end Nen onti
Ibibile -. nit,e-rNin , Chtml It I. ala C lactate pre-
P.rai Jee. an 0 franca 11 , 111,ei it ...Irene - 111 , es the
otlz. et ,tehl ti'.,eteates a natal Itypetlt, stanti t.
ti,&r,,,,t0l to Nary wiii i pebility.
Fern de zoher.tify..t: rtir bottle. Pre
pared by lit A. 5tr1. , :!.1,1 I:a.t fourth street, Clad II-
A Pam - nt.'s NoTicE.-I'4
tractar-o;,1,11:1 IV. ;ate 41,,t,g1,enny toiyn
!VI, 411,4,1-and ka Wiwi thrir ao, Ant bel.fre the Register
of Fr.thhltg eolg.ta nneennll7ll enliillm
e,l by tine th 1,7,111:. (',r e nt el •••thl , ounty utll let,.iwr Term,
I , lq. I r..• 11.olvent. the Onllrt
tie Ilea, r. , !.:11..1 A edit, le and apportlen -the a.
n.t .Int,l.Lt , I•n• Not:, n•it hereby Gunn tied tht
.3or la, la h...• 1 the crolle.r. tar tine llith et 'of tine ap
po e in the 1, nri itit of
in? ry - 11., mirt . r, 1,1; I,VVilo n ntiltt ta here they
st pe„ Iwle r the,r rLmu, properl , tettlieutietteil.
o JOU N utlttor.
()RACE \V A-T E R S'
1-1. 61:EAT ztt - sicAl. I:STABLISIIMENT.
, tt4l - ."..1. NEW Y•luK,
dr.• ,ad I'.donl , t f IrL^an.. ut Whole..tle :Ind retail. Tri4,4
:-.11(1) \ I) 11.1 NI) 11.1 Ni /S. at wrvathirattn,priet tjj 51lM1. Nac 7 4 Jot, 1'1.. 4 . i.:14 4 .1 and :
dit :1110..M0111 , 1111G,, $3OO and nrwq . cd.4.-
314 , ...1.;..,1 1 505 t,,
'11...•k of SHEET )rrsic BOOKS,
.A-41:Slt'A1..INNTBI'MUNTS , . and :11‘1.:e
th, l or. •( Two. 10,0,1511,2. of )111;io,'
ot1:,11 at 1 12 C. 111. 1., I'4p.. 13.,91)..:3tn
t trod al Nen tan,
111,11111 tram Ml` lean' and Youthful Er- •
bt a th .:re to hilt!: t,thor., v.lll bekuppy
b, tuen... 'also net 1 it iiree t,f t hurir , ), iii.r re 4, l- ,
re, for toultuq the ample remedy lewd iu
t,tiuterer, eiabuur to prom by the tuft erte.eie had
a Nur.• mar valuable remedy - . ran
i • 1.01 e at hi: plow'
i ilki.q . lll{oi.rt—Of SiLtl
IS I.{ et hi t rtully kin by Tetum mail. \ ddre,
1./01I\ a OGDEN.
No. CO. Str. et. N: Y.
. .
P. S —Nem.% Skfrever. , of bolls reue., find Sue in•
forma; ~” :..valuable.
e i• In ruby F•er
t;..11 f 11.1 \ t thoftrzit.ral.\-...”."1” flip et kottitlit
-011)1 4-I ,t11 , :1 :rod et,trit.ll. - 111 Act v1,,111112'
t.t 11, Oil - 101 , 41A I Ran 1 , 1111 . 1 . 0111e11141thi11 , /IT
Vl.• t:..:. '
~'..eli 1,1:11,•,1TZU • ~t Attti - tt, A. It
11, tit. , fiANK
Itt ; N 11,41 tr ,, a that rd. I t.ret c,.r h.ts ate,i iLr au homy of
tltt• 110 •ri• 'the
r n , thor. , tor, ht flee hr.,. of,
(1. P. musSElZsmrrii,
T 11: 1;1.IC SALE.—LThere will be sold at
1 , , - 116• , tklo, on z•he inl - Ini,eQ on Wed no , day ,Tanun•
rt 0,, I 3 ,; 1, , 0 A. IL the foilunivg
0z1 , ,z the I: , tate Marthow MeK,e '
3111.1., nuts 15 OF LAND thurounto
(,ro, ; , ,p:bri, Frubklut nn the
ir,mi the Baltimore Turmpike In the
ethttel N .1.4 111215ut alone I Imle from the former
:root the ,The Merited on
ha, no eloellt M,Water Nwer:
eloti :ft Lee( I+:n good pureha.
TILP, a gog.ta SAW MILL. a two
opt /01. BRICK DWELLING 11 , )I - NE—arid
~,„ y, ry XV, ,1111,1111al 'll 1111 t/.. ;T.tlZ T 1,1.11 0. I/IM,
ai d ;t1: onicrnet 1113reoVelllerlih M.:OlRa to the Into
L—at tln , a ma-lime and plat.° wi:l 1.0 afror e d a
1 , f1i(11 - ..vr.AD: C;r1.1.11/,111.11 , 1•11 . ,0 11,1111.
.11 1, .4 Um l Ch. :111'0,i, and atiu , n, tont.tiu
-1.1.7 11 ACRE' , nal. , Or 11,,
11 TI Any I", , r.ion+ wish
sie,‘ tin Pr. Teri:, sv , ll ...till' r•.•:.rnetl re,
~t , Alto:nay. John Ii l )rr
•1 I 011 l all ormennieanon , 1tt.n. 1 ,1. be
& M. i rr E
ir.sve opeciril
in tli,i , St4.noMintz. )11 Second Street. two door.
cwrth ow Port Offit.e. and oprodte
CI OTlts'
gu,.;l a.zorttueut 01
Slllk - N,
rind is gvnerul n-•.,nmrnt
01:XTs' runx1 , 411: , :(4 (3.OQ.Ds
a 4 a call.
ipiltt 511.E.--Thcrc•,will 14; ex
l'inhhe iJun ry, 011 tie run,
P.L. 0*
. Pe rctul, r. 1,61. the fitilowlng
. . •
No '2. A •riz.he LANI 4 / ...nmino,(Zll
0.17. 4 11;1:1111:8, 111,41111,1..4re. adjonnug N, I and 3,
:1,0, land. I,l ' ICIICT(.114/ &motel' ttljn4tot tutli -
Stlatad Plot it], t., VAIVII erveted it good +tidy
Itltll'K iIIVI.LAILM; 11 t)4';•1. Barn :dot tailor buthl.
mg, Alum! 47 .14. re... clear rind Av o n t the
.1. r Cold n nee. ',Oll %Vat:, ~.d every eonlvltlthoe l
olmat tho rrente-eit
No_ .1. A 11111 - 1 . (11' 1.24.N1) cow:Old-11g =ll AeltES
;eel .7 1 1 1:1:4 111:S ne:d no .eolre.thlllloldl.2'Nll, 1 and 2,
ood tath, Jon:eh:to Itear. John Soon, COnrod lardy
al.d,anthel Phone tin than tn , t flier:: s, t .rorted a large
I:izt•-•T'NIII.I., on lattle Anti, tam (reek. about
1 ndl.•• ft.,h. CO :out 14 mll4 , from 0 ,. 'dna
.411 of the Or.ddl• the eollatV. There
1..111.," a 1) I ILI. E V. 7 111:ICK DIVELLIN,I4 -
111 ol to otlor Ilttldlng, on the rrett e ,e4, all in good
I'iAL3l.-011C-liiii.l of the rtreltnse tummy to remain a
11011 on the hoot doing the llfothol. of the union .the to
rt ••••1“. 11.• Ill ' rent , t thereon ..eult.atinttall). to hoe...wittd
tholl 1 , 1 - Allllll 114;5 lulu 1,1,,,,..1111 nail lA' e.:.% on, at
L, rd, all, the •olni le Ire p.o.t.ttr Iwir, of M.
1'1,111.. di• e---olemldra la .11011
tend 14,4,,,,..,0.14 ..\pril 1-64, , % ,q, alto from
A prit Alllthe unpaid ionell,,e t tlion.ey to ho,et n;ed
...Ale land t
e6tainiento 'r .4 A '
Jt tIIN 111.1.1,E1:,•
Attnt'r and. Trn,tet• for the NO, of the Iltto.l.'L,t,tte of M.
Nm/ - thq ; It
_LI in the I't .4 utiete taw of Pent,
..1t out,, Nor 211. 1,01 ' • t
1" 4,1111,11, 1111111., Olf. npplittant 11111 A
call for "nth ertl.o.ll,t tter, - give the .Ltic of tlti, liet, and .
14,1 tel 1:11, 1":1:....114r
Anattey 'Mt...Anna painter littorV•
\ Tenth Mi... 1.1,1110 Ille. 1).111101 Nt . .." Err Mr.
Ithrry Mr, Uhl:- ('hart.m.. r e , ),, o . t r t r t.,,o tt 't Jr
f:ll , ..thethr '- , 11 nit SVitt 1. - -Peobotan'Sli-.l::tte
pro, n J, O lO, K.•,.11., M 1.., II 11.11n-ey bat
it o ,t..t t eht John .1 1:e, ter floury 1) 1:1,-0 Joltit •
11.101 Nl,t• 1.1i,D 6.olitPl:tontot,l
I r \
r 1,111/111, Ainntl,un
",:1•1 ',Attie! W 1{111.1..1 r.y ,
I a.;tn , 1.1 oL I. timler Pet, 31..rLr,
.11. try
11, '“ lnrnl.lil 311, I.vuo :\ I, I) II Slomborker
Alma • Little ' to llPe r; W
1::.1.,ird Mr. Chth Chalk,
I'T , ` , lll hi !".:1110,,1 1,1,4 Ail
1 . 1'061 Nil• , Mt Coy Mis-50.r..11
11 , ‘ ',lt, C.itTi 31.•Cleali Stiu. ,ol l.-NaticyA
r Nadi :''' , .ya..rMl , Ser , 'nes
Forney. Ur. I .ylll,l t I, 'SI, et Arma
r Av.lrew Stet
. E Swartz M. El,"
I'vvek I IL,.
Ta31.)x..1. tin Jr 4
Ile,rotan .1 C 1„la At.„
. _
1 ktntitnan .1.1 n.;"
11,111 tr. \ tlli.ti,`
,No.l:lTy 'l4 ath
Nl.srz IVe.. Abralt.un
Me•sn AD..11111.? IC Weurlek,Riellni
IhKnef J - 0 4 41.11 '011‘ , 11 . 101,1
1. commi,....;oners of Franklin County. and the Assbs.
so, ,nd A t•t•t nut A sst,surs of each Te wnellip and Borough;'
lc il! ne•et.a.t the fullowtraz times and plat,...k to hear 'che
from County, &Ate and T.tcftfur the year -
F Pi'ord anti recn—On Trlcsrlay, l!th of DeetanVer.
at Otrl , o, is Chamhe773blZrZ..
or r'Tirr.l-brr..4llre and ilaniftnn —On Wednesday, ith
of 14 eember, at the Cotatui,,loven: otliee, is Chambers•
coinry!—On Thurnany, nth of Dm ember, at the
Home all. M. dune,. in r;meey.
I , rlta,ehing.on nnfl :a Friday: Ma of
- at the Public 1.T.0c..0 of tract.. IMTrden in
.lir .'euth.tmpfen—On Mona If.hht , f December at the
Public Hops. of J, Saner n Orrs.nnen. •
For hrtrerktnny.Lin Tn : ay. 18th of December, at
the Pnhin` Del,e of John We at, in Strasharz.
. .
For bt. nnmas..—On 1% - fttne- , lny. the 14th of Decon
her. nt the Public Euutte of J. R. Tunbectly, in St. Thant
For Mentgamcnr,3/crecryb erg and War, rn.—On Timm ,
day, the 15th of Deemnber, at the Public flen,soof Than-
IleAfee. in Nt c ,reerAinre,.
For Antrim. ea el Grarnrar!l.-01, thelGth
December. at the ruhlic Ilian.e of Forethan and (3
ret liras; ie.
For Par.,..—On Tuesday. the : - !Othof December, at the
Public Ilouce of John Troller. hoLoudon.
Fur .Ifrmt.-1 M Wednesday, the 21st of Dmernber, at
the r-thhie Hotter ofJesse Junes in FannettsharZ.
For Fee :wt.—On, the of December. at
the Pul.lie hoes• of Ituni. Cronfe. iu Dry Ran.
L„,,, 1 - rhttcy. Ow :I'M of be,mber. arthe.
Pu ot David Kit , mlll6r in lt,-;xbory.
Beatty, late of Antrim tow - re:hip. Fraltklin county.
Penna..cdm.'d. 11 - herea.4. Catharine Beatty, dee'd, a‘t
bequeath by her last n ill and testament, dated. the l a th
da2, of jmte. A. D., 1°55, all her e,Mte(eseept a few:mu - ill
legaeico to her brrt dm,ins. both paternal and maternal.
n in, were at the dam of her 'mil in the United State , .
tier moTher, name wa,, Susan Allen. Non' not:, eis here.
bygn - milhat the lima net omit of Walter Beatty, A damp.
i•arat, de Imni4 non, n ith the trill annexed. of ,aid Oath
aritm Beatty, deed. has been flied and eonlmmedby The
orphan,' Court of Franklin county, and that the under;
Auditor appointed by said Court to di , trilmte Bib
s'' due on sold neronnt aeeording to the provkions
111,aid last ql and testament. will meet and hear said
claimant+, at hi. ogler, in the Borough of Chamber :burg.
ra, no Mon 4,, ,the tVith day of Decent/4 , r. 174;1, at 111 o.
eloek A M. Ail partm , faihng to entabliAh th e ir c l a i ms
on that day will be debarred front coming to nn sand fund.
taw In - .1. M 1). 511.1 RPE:, Antittor.
il 0,04 ,- . :111 I,roals fiord slice - Alba: Gaul. Plekinix ISer.
ne% , others, i, 1rt,....1....*1r in the pnipero'lei of thd Itn
der,igned.. Will he dealt-with zecord!lvx to law:
.14 ill': ft once .11:.„ - J. M. linvwx.
SAM FM. GEAR - 11A la, Alm 511.1.31 CAlillArt:ll,
DA VII, (;-.E1.1.. , .THING IIoLLINGEIt, , ' '
-A NI , I:EW . I)AVIPsoN, 11.1*(.11 1). LINIp4Ar. .
C. S. \VIII n u o Eli, S 01LEI. ii.q.4 INGEIL,
JAColl ZAIIIii:It. .1111illAFZ. St.o moult,
A Iti:AitA3i IC 11 . 1-TMAN, - J"IIN Winn: ,
.11.tRA 11.131 TIE-a, Jr,pl.ll Wr..NG.Era Jr.,
A IittAIIAM IT' :.•,..I.E1:, JA( 011 111 ItlZ,
.1. S. 11,..i.uNioin. nos-23-1t
.4 ITDITOR'S INOTICE—Estate of Fran
_LA_ ,•:, p,,ti.",,. dece.,ea.. Tine undi r.igned, 3t.ildltor
app.,,nted liv the Orphan's Conrt of Franklin no., Penni2,-1-
tama. to di , tribute the I,,nlance due on tine first and final
anoint of Lewis I'. Ske..._ ~ . drninistrator de Lone non,
with the will annexed, ot Fra cis R01n: , ,,0n. late of- Mont
gomery towne.hip. Franklin eu art n•. Penn nn, des d. to and
aneam the len.cate..- 4 mined in odd will, and to find the
Ira i.. and return the 01 ideas e to the -ccihrt. will meet all
parties innt , tre•ted in said E..tate fur the pinrpo4es of his ap
,at. In: ofinee in the borouglrof—ChamberAmrg.
In ' t hunalay. the rah day of De. ember- A. 1,7.6.1. at 10
lieloel. A. SI. All parties failing to make good their claim
otn that day w ill be delurred from comingin o$ tine fund.
hos Id . J. ,:Ii'DOWELL SHARPE, Auditor.
Ki TlON.—ehr,tian Eetati.—To the heirs and
lezal rere....ntatives tN = ud deeeaned. You aretereby
notthi..l por•naneseei 0 Ault of Inqpitttion to me di
. .
re,tcd. out of tio; Orphans Court Of Franklin cqun•
ty. Iht.. I mil lupliran inum,ition on the Real Egiiite of which
:0. decedent tiled smod. situate in Antrim township,
'rnkim county. on t/ 3d day of Pecrnther. P...G4, at 10
Vo t .).; A. M., win dad nimte yin may attend, if you
,onk proper. inallf..3tj SAMUEL 131L-iXDT, Sheriff.
TlON.—lfilliara4rantaWs Estatt—To the heirs and
rerre , entatiN es of said deeoa,ed : lot are hereby
n , Clad that in pursuma e of a a-ru of Inquisition to me di
out of the Orphan.' Court of Frankln coun•
fit'. to. I win hold an ingni•inon on tbeiteal F.,tate of which
e.dqnt di 61 ceiuvl, ,Itztale in Antrim 'toscp,hq-,, I
rrant.l,n eounty. Pa., on Mr fld day of Decrother, ISC4, at
lof le. k. :11_ when and where you Tray attend if you ,
think preper. 1111 - ANDT, Sheriff:
A L'I)ITOItS NOTICE.—Thk! undersion- t
rd Amlitor a r poimed by theOrphans' Court or,
~amiy, to make th.tribtaion the botanic in,
bail& it 4al;ella Arnearong ,Vimiunstratrix uf•John ,
Anne;rene., late ,of liatailton town:hip . „ dee'd, to amt . {
amelexs. the ,•tedaer, of - taut de, nalj meet the i,artles:
iveae.tA3 at la• ottlee. in the Cracailiershurg,.l
on Endal, tla.2d day iyDerrynbrr nert, at.11cti0ck,14..11.,!
vt hen ,Lll,l where :how has init or inny seas' iu-.
utteutl if files , ee prop,.
ntn 16-3 t ItEILLY -Aralitqt:
X 1:D1. TCIR' S NoTlCE.—Notice is berej
to ¢iva th,t the Uniter.lalle4l. boo) er, apirturted
in the orphans'Coltrt of Franklin e.innty.&lllditor to make
d,tribia on of the balance in the hand, of Geo. W. 'lroner:
Era.. Trubtee to cell the 'teal Estate of f - rumun Coso . rovo t
d. o'd to and Onalin , the penionaentitleil by law to receive
the ~mac, that he wail cit in the office of Stambaugh SI
Uchr.•to :mend to the duties oL hie appointment, Friday;
Der;iiihrr 10.'at 1 oclock, P. 31., where all personts inter;
i,todlinav attend if they :ice pioper.,
no , : Hi 11. GEIIII, AutTiter. ,
hereby Firer that Letters /If Administration
m tie? F:tate o. Gurte, Lowry late of (;uilford towoldop,"
1iv..11 granted N. the uncler:iLfned.
All per...n.knowlms Thomelves indepted to said Estat+
will make M11111,11:1ie paymom th,,,e lint in,-
elaims..preSeut them p+‘l4 nt atlientivated Zr.. settlei,nent.
A 1.1.1.F:Wr L. LOWRY
novli ?tam s& •
/ I.eret.y 111‘ , 1 Letter , of Aihninistratioli.
011 1110 11.1a1. 111 .11100)1 Sll l Oll.ll l l - , late of the liw t otittl, of
d,, Lave lo ten granted to thoand,i.
. ,
All 14,01, krto.;al; thom,olve, indebted to said Estate
it idea, wake ttnniedlaty paynund. aunt thin, liming
awn , pr,ent thins prorerly authent tin. mit leineuL
non Int F. S. STUMBA LOH,
6 . 0 I, hereby given that Letter. of - A dmon,tration
on the Esnite of lute Antrim town.A.4,
dei d. have been grunted to the uudersnrneiT.
All per,ons hn,oinq tholnwl, es indebted tosaidEs
tafymiil pled, make immediate payment; and those hai'-
pr,eut them property anthemented h r .t.ettli
meat. jn0v . .!.01 - A. i f. NI FItEIt iUI E, Adinir.!
..i.:l_ tie' , is hereby given that. Letter,' of AdministiMitin
on the Eitdate of Jacob - Brown, late of IL:rent - 1 tom - m.llq,
doit i ti Irate been ;nutted to the maler-arnotl.
peritimi litaketng thont,elve, indebted to said E.t.tie
adl plea, make Immediate letsment, told those having
elaine.proNent Them prop. rly nnihentie•.ded for ,ettlement
oet2ti fLizSBETII ER( )W3l, Adnirm ,
- .
POW:, NO lIC E.—NC)-
LriN en that Letter. of
on the Faille of .ie,l! t 1 Jone, late of Fannon:Am*,
&Aid. have been granted to the unden-e_med.
-All person, Imo, themseh es indebted to said Estate
wlll , pieam. make innue‘fiate paytnent, and tho, having
c:ame• preeent tbem properly anthentieatetl for .ettlement
0et.26 3, VEIN 'D. WALKER. Adair.l
toot Lot/ern Tt.tamentnry to the E.-
tote of MarilCa son,,-on late of Ilamtlton ton ',hip, dot 'd,
e 1,1-a grat.ted to the ardeniv,.ned.
All per-on. lonm fog the:m.o,, indebted to slid Estate
xv‘ll plea., make man-jinn- pa meat and the,,having
el .ans rte,ent them pro), eel} - authenticated to.
.101 IN MILI.EIt Lair:
TitAvELlN'a runs
.-vxEcrroirs N 01' i c E.—Notive •is
hart y :riven. that Letter. Te.tatnentary to tb' Er
tete of I htittel titiekell, late of Antron tint itrh,p. deti d,
line heett tzranted to the isael, r
All itt:l-,on. knotviturthenewl,e3 tudebtetl, to said I:Ohte
will 0,...,e male m 111,11,11,, mimic aatl t7u,.e Imvithz
chum. pret-eut theft properl ;moth, rtth ttteti-for,otletneht.
noo jioscrii.;••TicKELL.
11xEcuTores N "1" 1(1 E.—Notice;
her, lT L'iN Im that I.eff , r,, t , m ,„ tar y to toe Es .
1,,t, ut 31. try Lifo;my !ale of Grt et otle, tlim'fr, pnvolMen
v.offo.l o. tho4 . , tuflor,fr.t.od.
A' por•onf flolefftea to end E•tate are rrrino‘teli to
ftta'm ;muff Abate payment. and f M.... hat hu, °Lim , fLill
pl;a, lee.. .41 them properls anthont:eatoll for •ettlenomt
IION" It; • Ny. DICKEY, Care.
li I NECUTOR'S NoTIcE:--..Not ice' is
betel 1.:1,11 that Letter, Te,tamentars . to die E.tate .
of Carle, ii'. late of Qainey lox, 'd
. 11111,e
been Lrl. eted to r Nitio,tr 11'1 ~rd
pe.:•trtz4 ti. nit EN!..ite
,11 wake itranedlate pay'inent , end tly, halting
r a a • o t thea l properly ai:then , ;c all,: for "eV:lenient.
'WM F 1.1;A 1.1:
1 1 XEU N o 'l' I (' E.--I-Notitp: is
, , .
that , l',..tanwntary tothe Eitate
1.1 t.• 1,1
11,41 canted fo the 11114ler,VIell.
Ali .ac tll,lllSt IN I • itlat`lltell
Ri1161,0 111.11, '11):11,411.1Ie and th.ce hayttlg
ropyri. , I.rwttlerilent.
4.4 tt!ti • CON R. I) I.I„ISTER,
ix lterel - thot I
Ect — roll'S 2i 0"I' I C E.—Xiitieci is
ty as, en .0;t , r,Te0,,,,,i,t,,y to the El.tate
.1 , Noah :tt:k 4 r'. LIP , Of Moral:Oillery h0.1,11‘11414, dee'it. hare
hi 111 g1 4
.11414 . 4r1 to the tooler,izne(l.
All per.l,ll, kit tloonNelN to 4 indebted to gala I),.titto
tall ple,, , make immediate Nyment : atol t1i0 ,, ,, hoo nig
el ion , lament (hem properly authentic:ooi, for settletheot,
• oett!t; DANIEL lIAIVISECErit, Li:r..
3. C ins 11 vv._ 11 p. 3 ;, 11 1 1( , 11Ii ,11 II:ItY, M: 11.
1C.IIA1{1)S M . ONT(4OMERY have
theiv,i•lN e, in the Plank! Of .iffelie
OOt Lace talsen nn Mtn, In the Lite re•idern e of Jacpb B.
.N1111 , •r. 1111:11..41.001y Pre•h)
All 1.;TAIIIN 4110ted TO I . ii. nor of the :Moot.. n ill vlemio
male earls settlement of the • m.o. jaile.:l-tfj
J)R. \V.
Jl. BOYLE will attend pro4lpt
h. to all prefe•—lea it e2ll, ()thee la: the VeAllatle
el the Nei, .S 1 110 . .1 /1,, l't .11 the Jail. latir.:4.
111 “ 11 EST CA:I-1 ITIcE
for Barley at theßretvery
aug24 U. WASUABAUerri
Legal flptice-5.
1111 IN DOWNi:X,
ENRY . Goon, H.
Cobarro . aub ~isegaro.
fel STORE.—Having re-built my Tobacco and Cigar
'Store on South Main street, (corner of Washington & Main a
streets) two simares from the Diamond, I would invite all
- to'call and examine my stock, consisting of -
Congress. alAinds, Cavendish, ,
Taint, all kinds, : Rose Titist,
11(nrnder, , Old Virginia,
:Navy Honey Dew,
:Michigan Fine Cat,
Antler:am Shorts Solace.
Talisman, •
Large Hand, j 13ii; Lick,
Cut and Dry, 1
r end,
ERN en
& EGARS.—The undersigued has just returned
from the City with u complete stook of Tobacco and Sto
wars, such as Natural Leaf, Michigan, Smoking Tobac
cos ami fires Store cai Queen Street, three doors &dm
the 31. E. Churc3l. Come, give him a Lift:
Manufacturers and Wholesale Realets in
No 310 North Third Street, atrore.,rinc, Wen Side,
1.< 11 2 .1 Y1 PA.
„1,. D. JAcons. late of Chamb' g, HENRI" IL SS11(14111
J_A• and SEGARS, nhole.ale and retail. at
on Queen street, East of the Methodistkiburch.
Root, stolen area ,StrapelY.
s, - ,vrop Reicaril.—Stolen
Ki from the stable of the subscriber, in Green township.
Franklin county, Pa., about four wiles-East of Chambers
bang, on Saturday night. the sth instant, TWO HORSES,
one of which is a Black Horse. about Id hands high, a lit.
tie cupped in the right hip. and a mark above the !warm
the lett hind leg. The other is a light Ray Mare. about 14
hands high, rising S years old—one glass eye, and white
in forehead.—The Mare was lame lu the left ort•leg when
The above reward will given for the return the Nor..
sex and detection of the Tthef or Thieves, or a proportion
able amount for the return of either. i•
L''OR STOLEN.—Wa.- ost or stolen
from the pocket of the undersigned. on Sunday even
lug last, between the Methodist Church and his residence,
on Eat Washington Street. an OPEN FACED GOLD
WATCH. By rehuning to the REPOSITORY Office the
finder will be liberally rewarded nod no questions nuked.
• n0023-3t - JOHN F. M'CLEARY.
S 5 O'R 'VW AR D.—Stolen from tho
• Hitching Post at Wingert's Store. in Fayette
ville, on the night of the 18th inst, A GRAY ROAN
HORSE, (six years old=mane cut off on top ofheadi)
Saddle, Bridle, and Blanket. A' reward of $4O will he
gis vn for the return of the Horse, Saddle and Bridle, to
the underdgned, and slfffori,the Thief.
yOTICE.--Sevtal of the Bonds 3f the
Franklin Railroad Company are missing, - -..having
Is-en destroyed. or, hMlfe hands of parties nut known. Any
one who holds any of mild Bonds can receive useful infor
mation respecting them by applying' to D. 0. Gehr or T.
B. Kennedy. Esqs., of chamborsburg, or Frederick Watts,
Eq., at Cardsle octs
LOST OR STOLEN.—Ou Thursday, the
10th inst., one Bond of sear, with coupons attached,
on the Racine and Mississippi Railroad company. If re
turned to John Downy Low, P. reward will be given, by
n0v16.30' J. KENNEDY, Fayettevillo,
CS TRAY MULE.—Taken np th 6 sub
-4j scriber, on the morning of the 30th of July lent, a
stray MULE. The owner is requested to prove -property,
pay charges, and take it away. S. B. CRAWFORD,
1 novl6.3tt Near Fayetteville.
VSTRAYS.—The undersigned lost five
Jl_l4 HEIFERS on Thunalay. the 6th of October, 1864,
all Marked with tar on the right rump. A liberal reward
will be given for the recovery of the same. ,
T . OST.—On Thursday, the 18th inst., in
L the 'Borough et Chambersburg, a pair of GOLD
SPECTACLES, in a leather case. -The finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving them at this office. 0c26.
",•ablitrrp ant( Marntso.
0, JERE3IIAII OYSTER respectfully returns his
thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement recei
ved from them heretofore, and he would invite them and
the community generally, who may need any thing in his
line, to give him a call-at his new nand, on East Queen
street. near the Franklin Railroad, Ehrunhersburg where
he beeps constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE
RY AND HARNESS of his own
-manufacture, and he
is prepares! to sell the same on terms that defy competi
tion. Every article otlered for sale is warrented to be
made of the best matelot and by competent workman,
NN 1110.1 will be fußy demonstrated on an examination there
of -
TRUNKS AND VALISES.—Re would also call tbs
attentiount persons wanting3a—good neat and clamp and
subgantiul Trunk ar Valise to lds assurtment. Junel7,63.
1 Straps, Coupling Straps, Backing Straps, or any other
kind of 'Strap. call at C., B. GORDON'S, one door south
of Dr. J. L. Sucissenat's office.
V). Yarge n,sortment of SADDLES, LIMINESS, BR!.
DLES.piLLARS, awl HALTERS, which he will sell
at rea..mable terms.
of business, on 31. UN STREET. one door south of Dr.
J. L. Suesserutt's Come one, imme al, and seo for your.
Saddlory line call at C. H. HORDON'S where you eau
we the work all ready made and in the latest stele. -
FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing
themseli en indebted to them by notes or book accounts to
all and make immediate settlement. The necessgy of
thi. notice is apparent to every one, and we hope these ire
debted will reportdrt Once. angti4-tf
AD VER .—I have lost my Account
'Books by the destruction of Chrunbersburg on the
'3; tIJ ult.. and moot trust to the honor and honesty of my
old customers to pay op. I still conduct my old business
in Clumbersburg and will be glad to fill orders as before.
tutg-t - 24 S. S. SHRYOCK.
DIVIDEND.—The President and Man
agers of the. Charnhersburg Turnpike Road Com•
p.m)' lace declared a dividend of 11 per cent on the cap
ital stock. payable on &lama \V. 11. SI'DOWELL,
n0v16.3t ' Treasurer.
1 ilerbign,lwiNlung clohelis books, would respect
fally,-ohett per,ll.4' - knowing - thernseli-es indented to
c..11.mal route ~ettletnent without further notice
nor J. 11. COOK.
-.4.3tr50nal ?romp] ciatro.
V 1 OR SALE.—A 0 . 0011:3TEAll ENOrNEr
10,0 power, In co.I condition. Con be seen by
o.i.liotr at T. B. Wood's Foundry.
•er.a.t4 JACOB GARVER.
Lion One orseT read-Power,
coinl order, nod for .le 10 v. Apply at this air°.
1 4 10R,SALE.—A full course Scholarship
iu the QuoLer City BuAuess College of Philadelphia.
A I ply at thiA othce. kep7-tf
The_ Only Bank Note Reporter in Philadelphia.
g'he only one containing QUOTATION'S of Bunk Notes
roUR erru:s,
New York.
Tho only one which contains the
.I..tar'iS organized. (ottirial list(
Tho. alp one 3 tv111141 contains the GENERAL Dia
Vol Nl'an
u- York,
{t - i!!niturtoA,
It• t licarr,
' Troy,
( have,
1 tme,ilie
an 3,
St. Paul,
The only one trhieh gives the earliest infonaut:ion of
Markets, Stocks;
'n FACILITIES of the " - American Bank Note Re•
83.50 I B.nni-Moothly
Office, 71~ Sinith TIIIRD Str. Ir. (third flout)
Ada m s, . ;II P.N, Publisher.
11`1,11avejast received a fine ......ortiaent of STOVES.
determmed to •-cil law, than an)IMA,
The}• put on TIN IlllonsoTbd Iltu.lity material for Id
cents per square tout ; 2d quality Ib I eats; ad quality - 14
cents , •
They do SPOUTING cheaply, well and promptly.
They trot best Iron fir SUP, r, 19..5 and charge but 1$
cents pitr tlt. . .
Come and see if con cannot do better with them than
with any other establishment.
Prices recluded to suit the time,
retQO ti , 7' TERMS CASII:
iHEID has opened
his sharing saloon In the t welling of Joseph Trout,
opposite the Academy lot. His old customers and .the'
Faiths gemqvair ate respeolantly ineitOd tet give him a
own, IGO
Hat Delight,
Sunny Sido, At*
C. 11. 13USII
St Louis,
igl 50