TER3LS OF PUBLICATION ;TIM FRANKLIN Ml' lq pllbrOilati l''sirY liv — run itsposrit IRV ASsl 't:IATION," at *2 yet .1 . 111• Its. tS A 1.% AN( or 152' :kJ :if lint 1 nal mthin the year. 411 kpb•errie ar- MI II LS )11.'1 b. retried fins wally. lalker I, ...at ant of the State unless p,lif for in advance, and ail !tit. r lai!na4 o ill invarnahly dear ounnued at the ex pi. hillon of the tune for which they are paid. AD V ERTISIINIENTS rt, il at rtri LEN per::: r fit fir. 4 in.ertion, and tn - frl p•r line for -101- .“I'llmt insets ant A librral dire ount is made to per,on, ailvertiNing hr the quarter, half-year or rear. Speoial no tices charged ratt.half more than regular advertiNementi. All resolutiong of ,Visoeiations; cominunieations.of Cr ladividatul :merest, anilinalee, of Mamagecaml Deaths eitqeding fir.- lines. are Cillrged fifteen cent:: per lfee. .111 Lvad :Coto.", of r , ery Lind. and all Orpha Court and 00., Jacheiai Sole.; are rbin ;red by Lenin lie ad-r-trtisa in tar Mar...mom—if haulage.. cu.- cut.A rtox oaypaperpubli.hed in Mewl( oty , if Fra JOB rms.' ING °revery kind in . rlaiu and Raney el ors, dune with neatness and 1114 patch. Iland-bill,,j - lha Painphletei&e.,"of every variety :tad 4tylo pro. d at the Id rte.; l a the. The ,lttiPn,LTU ltl:t Writ r, has just Leon re•htted n:th Steam l'oNe•T and ',lire.) and every thing' in the l'rintinz Rae can be eceieltea 11 the moot artigh• IT . ..Muer Metal the 101.Ve,t rates. T IN VARIABLY ":.".iir Mr. 3„t,:: K. shryo,k 114,t `XV. t.. Sa o and %at r. < •ipt the .itine. Al' letter+ - • 31 . cultr, & ,), N1:1; o.7=ztatt • I,E. —By Vil'llll.' of ;tit 11 M ria-r Churl '4 th. r.• o 11l Le •01 , 1 of Put 011 lite 341•:11 :mn Thrir•ilo tar tiam • - ember.ll ,6 l the t.•110,,11:: . .,Id, d li. hennz heltaartag. to the 11, ot Ker I int- 31.1 NS 140:31 •t• n.,me :11 h , nr,.1r,l In - Llhd. ot orze Sheller. itteld?:Wentz, (}nt:y, I to 14 l 0.31111 11111..1111i abont 1 iLletronn rhe ot2Slarnt.in, 21 , 1, Al tap', ot firer 4 I„,r , I,lm, ilimr. I. nil. 44) ..\• Iv- at sl lilt 4.6% ered '1 rmia r, ho t1:11,1 , - art• a doli1)14. tan4lo^% 11111( K and FliA34l: 111 il'sl;, with a larae Stone 4,.4 11,:n6 11.trn, other nee, out•lkunld , t,;•. '1 tare I. :t NVell ,4 00. rr fitllll,i! Witt.•r V.., the Lour .t Loge I n t , 4,04 of Frltif .11/11 1.011 . ) th.. 1.1,1/13 . appnrtemtist I..st tll reotivted farm. '1 he fent r. are ta 3 - I.trze prcTortion of nineh Is a IleW 1.0.4 and 111.11 I, W., uud the hand it.-elf in a higli state ot en , t IN at ,4111 z.. 1 6.111 g. .111i4 red I%llll'OW usually knit, n ;to ", t .,r1,.•11 not. - Alum 1111111,1 VIM{ (1111)U,N1)111 Net,-Frank lin bounded I,:y lot of Jim CitZ111:111 ,no Iil,• pnuth .tridi un Wiry ino the . .N.nrth and )Vest, wall a to 111:11'K ; a larzp Stable CArriage lint:, :tut other Ineee. , :nry lainl,ltni, thereon Tla• don or ,111 r, tri.an in th" tr,a , ,h.n torn Litt 'a ill by rele.n , .1 final th e Inalse Ne, l'r.mkhla 'Corn. one.hlar tin,. 1.1 ,li‘ s o .1)11-. 1 . 1,11:1 1141.1,1..‘ WWl' 111 to 0 4.4111:111 , ',.t3 1111.111. on tin,. 1. 1 ti. 4) • ..t .\nnl lern; rtarT 1,67. .m ill of AprA port, Thv Now 1'r,m1,111% prolwily 1,11 kw , o.;,1 ..; 1..(1...04, .k. M.. and Ow F. 3.1 at :2 tit It., ,k. 41 day. lemon a 10011Willt iers g,thei of th, to by 0.:Ilour :it :Ile prettli.,-, For lllrtle r apply tr. 'l:r:' 4 ..14 /ll\ I'. ni:l-liii 'lt F ) I VAT E SALE.--Tht• -.4it,milnx rmle,ol., th, Y, Ont., .it Sale. Ti,.' fell!, the: 11,1 , ter st : 1A 1 A11:SI. •ttnatt•d. rn I,ettells, hoc 1,1,1,1ttp l'rayl,lin nnui-, Pa.. akmt 4 int't, nottl,t, r.r rd r-h . lrz. and :;1•011t t hale from the lo ad 1nz. , 1- 4,f S. iinlPer 11 110 .ICIIIIS. 1.01 - 1 1.100 part I':ee..l..Le and 10t1 Shoe. The 4•1:14 a tn., rr !tali K 111 1 1 :nen l'ntnn• Ear!, ~•i. Slit.l arta, tof :End- r„•.;‘ ail \V a t,- 1 O.J. the Dont renel , t-tirci,a.Jl On 111.1 he or+ll, - 11ratml I rn.l „nal a Linn . 1:11n on' the preili:.e, 'there ,ater, Tar ,tp. parp...ec, et. en livid. Th.- ;;, ir.t•r.,te 7:.•l•nithrie,t. tr.t, ulllll` Fl•nLer s lit, pun r et.n ha, e tire pr.ctle,Z. '4 tin rug acres 31,motaul Lanni. ail Clot-twit ()alt. j At,„.._tpty., At_ %I' , az l'F:Illt1111 .4 :tap 4.11:n4 I:, /11'.. • ' On thin • 1 . 111411 . ,, ,rlTh a 1' I:S.\ N F 11411 NE. St. ',1.• 'l.lll, &Irian ,tract lneH with I'.lfllll' 111:1:,. ,1 to ~010 , ,,b1y a Lih.l 'll.ort. a vr.,4,1 \Veil of Wale!' :a fel hehm• ILlia a grin:; hear TI:ACT n 13101 - NTAIS LAND o , lltat.• in Lett. ,kuisny adloninn¢ lands of hen, conta,rang. It acre to:wt.—both 1\ 4 •11 set wok 'and . t.lo,lnut IIA.. • to !he i•an dpi nil by inc tla nn'. at tht.tin•l d"•.rrilnd far.. MEM cut - irr :iALE N'AL c..t.m.z: It EST. TI; .--Tlie under-igie d. Anith'iitrator , of Daniel Dual. lade, f Qiiiney- toe try iit nn order of the Oriilian,' {limn rd' F'rarcklin eeunty. W7ll exiie-e at l'uhli Curie, ea Friday. On 111 k day of I,a-mbp-r. jell. oic the the inw [teal thaati• to Oct . The 51 IiNSION F.VIISI of -rid on the read then I' to ailiiiiiiinW Benedict. Beery ~1111,1 /Z., il and M'lt Era. r Lin).. Anti laifing-aiiiie Land 'fee •iiiena iale.stay and a-half Ili FlATHEltlit.i. 110E1/ 1,1i)l',1: Frame Barn. Nithig llou,e. Ilia, kianitli Choir and ethee There is r inlet' \Veil of \Vat, lit the Dwelling llotim. and \Vali r"ritlinaig near the Sethillog.,, f hitharil of Ilrafiiid Thw abeve preperty will be ;old in lot, or u. a m h o le, to '.2il small Tracts of tri,,l TI31111:11. LAN A---one einitdiline: 3 :len, Width*, 11311, 5 Aereii--..titaii es' iowuarip. iti the foot of the Mountain itiljewaigi 1,11 7 .1 , William!. Smith :Wel oilier , Any one hr rir.ui 10 vlOO the lithreirty eau e 2 ealliar 1,31 Ihe a@ler.~y nevi Sale 10 iiiiinmenee'ut ....lc 10... k, iS. lien Laiiiiiilatice will be given and ternei ci kall• mail, know nby ' (:rm. BENI:IA(2T, ;Et ) S El MD , • A DmiNISTRA'ITI X SVI.E.----'l“..re ix: will be etue.ed on the preni.-e , in I • , , eamie, t'ralkhi.ll euntity. 0,1 the '3d dm; Ihn m ,, r. at 1 I'. ~1 0111 er. the 24,11,m in_ llea) E,tate. ,‘ 1,111 ()I' 1,1:1,1".N1), ...10..tte thy corner of Sc,)e•L Suit .4t- in ..,I , l*lp.rooirl.. zujjotbittz the Metlre,ll-4 than Ir lot un 1.4.. i• N.,rin ;t0.,.',••r Ehel. WhiTeol, are err, ft:it rr to e..4.,r). It WEL I. I NI. 111 part Weatie•nheankil told port Brit k, Stal‘ie Carriage lion., at.l ,Vtr . t nel e,iry ent-h,althrz. Thole itt and ram tnt:qr 1 I,,tern o t en t ypr,a t ,..., and running' Water throunit the let. '1 LII.Jdz , (ll' SALE—t tierd ef the part.h.o. 111,41 , y to rellittill a 1,1 cm the prean.e:dur t na tho lifetta,.. of tb, idwx. the iater,t to be paid' to h. r it-ttir'.4 . of .Ipnl at h✓er tle,th prmeip,,l to iw laud t,l the heir+ of (If : to.- reneon,ler Itrlte paal. otteltalf. I , t Apnt. Ittr, tzl% en) ant) the other hait• t .\ pri'. 10 o, ,; n fret" IRt Apr., 1-115 * The Invotl pertien 1,, be •Pcllll 41 en thelprernigett. ItY rrt.te~+, noel!) ..A31:11 , a/A T. 31ILLER, puBL re s A LE .-13 v virtue of an Omit f , l the Orphan.: 01111111 f FranLiin t minty. Pa., the unar , migard Adawantratt, of the Ezrate tlr 1 ash r ick It's Mani. late of nett - . n bill ',hip. in sail! county; due d n all tilt at Sale, If ul nrerloy. thc::"th tiny et Nortembrr tit,. ttfr .1.- .1.611,1 Real 1',.,0.00, to wo Port art .No. I 1,1,14' the tott.,:oinz laud, .rt M., Intel Cool:, Ja. ott Itas 1.1 :tLartin containing Acre, loot 41 Pere: J o., rig thereon I...roiled a ta.kt.tory Sumo Ili ur 'lloo.o, Stone Barn. :old a St., :vrintr ballaola. IMitrglVPllll.ll, Ai.,a zucol A ppi.• r ,r -and util, Irnit 'lr. 1.•„, ~Ippi. ‘ r toting Water nnthc I, '111,4 ,ti .01 , 1 reeently nen Limed, and a. g. the. ,• tit a intl.! farming 1,1111;60a. Salem ennliaellet• at 1U ~ look. A. :4 , al.. a the attar 'e .0 ... , 1 .2..:1tutte km.'" 1.]." ' 1.1V11.1t1:,.'t tow"! . s , TANNE ItY F'l )lt SALE .—:l.lc.te v. ill p 0 w.0,-;4,i0 m ti of 1".1111111,- burg Vranklln vounty,. I":tt. 'lltit dim of I), 7/11,1 gin. at 1 li ; r1rorl. (in the I. lour .11. IMIIII. Prop•rt t A '1 AN Y Thirty.l.:l,yall..., 1,, I Bate, Li., iu Pr..port,n Al. O , ILO I. . Nl ,ll . :Ma Ship, 'I 6 ,. .1;,5 1)W1.1.1.1Ni , 1101 SE. 5t.4100. Sr tlpon I re. t. d. 'llw,, g . ovor ri I +l' GRA , )I":,l i att.-11,d ro 31, Vara: Iltr .d" , •'' Prot" 111,.0e .110, 4. lII'. , r0,c,1 Pr.,l tty it o ill 011,...t1 I, , 110,1stalon. M01..1 or I • Nl.lnio r, 1 - nom tt...burv, County, 1'... .1 N. :•! , ZINNI:1:, It. S. 111:1)1VN. kiP.M ,. 1::. ..101`. ;hp, vt 1". ‘.ll. jtAcT LAN!), ,ittuot. , l Cary, Pa. atiparlimr 10,i urn :trd otliwlr. t-.1; , 3111mv Al.olit Ell; 11l l'•E I N E ACRES. v. . sn,,n{ 1,(K; Mg . ~.., E me(-Earn 11,1•1• ',Il ..c,:etl, lin ri , i. a!- , , .ui 'Jr it,t1,,r.1„, a. 1,• , r ,„, ..„ • ,„ 1 ,,,•.‘1, ; : , .. r 0 ,,,-.!.0, J. S:1 N N 1. I:. (111:1:1' LE.-1 vit lie of if Pu•t )rphati . . Court ot rmokkii. tlii. AttoLaaLtrao, of rite 11-auto of Saa,t‘e M.:Zion: ol 6.,r ~f lairzan lbw d, :ptrime n ILr. prruosu, tot • d il , , f^ , ,:arrtaber all that 111.1(7 of I.AND "a" mate in said from Ibtsioury. on tile u tut It:W . ow font Roxbury 'llicoot Square Rollout bound, d by kulds, Geo *lto, rrl , Prat, Helmet, and ,turn, • - tuit..ng ;171 heat 1110,1,nre. he l ual , :slate .01.1 of flue a:airy. A bla V i 2 , l.ti.:7' her;hly mipror rd ..tut the reuutusier is uvere ,sith ,rood mountain '1 !ther— prireipall3 CI, stunt un4.l6oek I ink. 11111.., on 41 . 111,1•1 Of 1,,,,,1 111111h111111+ LOG 11 wEr.f.f.x(;•4 nr.44 , 5 , tibtrth. NV . rurt 5104.1. Corn Crib, and tolier nut btuidnur • Titt • re is ' a Butt )outur GrEhard. niotottaln ,treat and too never i, ;:aot Wells ta Water in t b prono.t.K. Per 1.101, tletantig mnv the property all call at fa" on the weienotrto re.ithng It) SIIII , I,D , 111%: - ”4012 SAM! CI, B.V (,ll\l.\N.Alt By ,der G. 3titt fielt, Gjerh. TALI ABLE FAR AT PUBLIC $lll,-Will be offered at Publ.. Sale, on me prom in Hamilton 'Dm rig. sprilas +; 11.11.61,N. I:o Deal and oih.•rs, 117, Frtday the 2,1 .thry e j brrernbor 1.• ,, ;1. the i,;; ~ L 'REA ESTATE. to IA; MICE OE LA A' r . " - • of e. bit L in •‘ ell Timbered, and tia, Now a , :ant in high stab ..tc uitiratum. ' ll ,eimpro‘ cialtlios are a cairn LOG DWI:L[4SO 11 , 11 st:, Li a 414 A EN. on, Crib. Caret:are Shed. 110 g re l / 1 and other m on! Imilibnlg , TM re is a M".•II ad gletri air at the , hhl unit (::.tern Dela the Kliebt.ll tiottr It abard al claw,. Apples and i l eac hes on tie (.retain Sal' to I,l4lneen. I• at I 06011.. "M• ula•a tit ;erne. will be mail , loam° by Inas 1 1 ;.:Iti lAI. L 1, T OT FOR SALE.—Thin Ul t . ] . or i'vrx ut Vrivab , Sale, t h e LOT t 11. ' , it ( N 1) 0 0, 1 ,0,1 by him. siblab4l St! , el 1111 bat Wunted, awl oor nits the Into.t tb,rabb., inns. ein the marke!, 16 .3 t. JAM E 8 11.%3111.111N. • . • •'` 4 % • q . ' 1111 10 A 1, r _.,, -e ; • t v 'TA 4 g • 1, 4 1 '.;:ed - . ""V I • BY M'CLVRE & STONER. , .. , . . . MAP SHOWINGTHE - OF ``HE OTHE WAR_ - MAShaded part of the Southern States : , 4hours the Territory eopturd fronitheffitebels.anditow held by the tnion Trciops. T denotes the Territory still held by the }Rebels. i . . - . I 1--1 0 I NE BEE 0 i - 7 i 1 \ L,-,,, -..,-\,,, \ t__-__ OFStatc 911x5. F A 1:1I _l'l' s..\ LE__ll 01111.1. 101' at I'm r.klnt fatr.to tl.t -,q• F'rtt.t. o •atnt: - . Pa • Ittiptittliz Itttol, .ottl .1•11% >I tt la). 11,111,1 ( . 111 4 1411 • 0•t It 31.01101 .41141 4414 4 ,44 4 14 4 .1 t T 1,.. 1:4,44 11 4 ,r111114 4 1t rt4t41.7 rat.l,ll.otut '4 • - • tort 01,101 r:: ,1.01:1:••• „1 j: I, t ; ha.. cl I'o ;0 1 , • .1`" Go- '4l r::•1.1:4:1, not' in '!.111A1) , )\'‘'' .0101110 1, •:... n L, , . •;,:40 01 cultt a':•‘•n. all;'.-.-'.'.•ot • 4 4 11 141. 4, 4 II 4• k 1111-I,i “ llt ,T T TE.ro. - ty Bankl.o 1,41: 4 4:1 on 4-4 T:II 4 T T Tli t ,41 4 'lt 11.4,T lo :41 T.. .t V 1 41! •.f t.t.r al.: . •tt .ttal t oit.t • t t 01110 1.r0at.,0- 1.:••• .! lit 11, t trto 0,111 51 ' V. 4 wor „, T 4 .1 Vll 4. F41:111 • 4144 , 44 14 u 4411 1Lr11144 4 ” 1141:41: 11/ Ji.:11.11,4411 114, t • r .40 .104,1 E. )1( ' t tatm. 111,: .14 /I I N Xt, ti; F.\l:)l' AT I'l; 11;AT E , •111••• tib•l• la , al ,„:4;,1144 acr.•l•- •ar:%alt. :•••1 al•iie •••11th gal l'as•qta l . rauniill 4 41111- t} llt . • 4:44. la 4.: . 4.1144144 44: al, . la, 1••r•I'M a:•• • ,1 ••1•••••• •• • r ”I",r.i ta:.rn• •• il•••••• 'rho 'ln' pl•ra a al ;••••• ••••, i I"; L\\ a• ••a ,a,111.• ••.; ..I`.Vt•az,arl , ••.•r•t• a Itaraa l'a'aZ••.a -.hod a••• 1 eflaa. l'r0 , ••• 11r; 11%. , h • 11,..lalipar• h \C'a a• 1 114,41 tal'allu \Var. r m•ar anti 1:1•••ter, a‘,11114,1111-4 11444, th,11,41i,t If••• 1• ,4 4 r ['nut, •'• I !al , • l 14 , 4 , 44.• a. 4•4 41144 44t 1••. t atla•lana ara••••al •••.aaa of t.L.: la 4,N 1114.4 41 a•ii,a1:1,144,: It '4 .14 l n , , ,,arra.,•: 34•••:•.• • , 444114a4 1 . 4-t allil R.lll 1 - 444.4 44. '[ ha-re al-, a ••aro a aaa ,•f 1:,1,1;11%! NV a Ter "an tile Ira Th,- tartan •4t14.0. 41 al aLe .It , y )414...•a11t )'4441-4.44:1 .4 the I= Pi near. ti t iarrirer. 1.. VlOlt 1.11... pn 1, ,14 . ` . 1 1 et . ..”..111 iria,!-:lthrii.l II IltA )1" T. ,NY1)1.1:, SIIEPLER. ('LAI:KE t('lrS SA‘V AND PL.\ INI NG 3111.1, Fl It —Thr at,: prin. %ill far irrany a year irr their prir -ant Lein—, Ur, :or! 11..11 .di.r th,r eV. t,1,1.• anti e, rip. iri 1 /I .1, 1.1111114.- 4.Nr, 1. , I .11:i.1,1( MI.N I xi rth all irle iarir irairrei 1.41 Wllll it too: ndmu ' l ears,. &,` A 1.., W.rof Wood Lit‘ritt. and.l. Ltrue L e iria., and iirzairle vapid'', of errntainiirz nine Wt.,. The e-4,14,11ah ut ib too v. O ll know a In this el/Innainlty hba the t haraeter stl for eq, en }ear, 3asl as cell a, it pro , p4A f, the L;tore andensu,o4l. PretOren. e wifi to I.ollte rutelia....o, tt api It atoo. at due tun.. 11 C.1,..11 tho fli 111:NRY r..lkur L r. oet - olUn JQIIN P. Cl FAI3.M FUR r .11 ' , Ai at Pr.,.tto ....ale the t.'3l tl.l. 1 - .1131. on tom - 4..•tiato in Autru,. utuutt ft. M 4 14 - 4 :44 4,4.4 the 1'....ut0u ur...0l au.l. 4 •thout .\ I all untl. la , ,-t V."( ....a; tp,e11.11:1) ot thrfty 111 ,4 anti •L WI '.I W.co t u soil. 1.. •1.%\'1;1.1.INI: 11111 , E Lank ;0 other ill he 01, tho ot I . ruts a ili I.n to.olo Ott tho lit tile prom...—. t2.-tf SA)Ii•I I. t'. CRIDER, .1. 4 1 A11 F 01: SALE 1N sr. TlllolA's Nv),:-.111P.--The . 1.6,11; //is FARM sitimieil in .it 'I bon .1. ion I , r th PUbh , • !,1•14.1z fr,utt (;n\ - 1t i.. 1,;;1141., I; friso tae later ei i'dm!.l)llV,Z . AL , RES (H SLATE AND I.I2AVE L . L.XN itisett f wh.,-11 in vie:teed mul the bithipiie in 1111:1 t. INt; BI HEIL IT, I.( oi: Horn, and 4 Ti•Halit ' lll.ll , li, au , i a ri..41,..4pp10• 0,11.11,1, li, ;Loh. Cherry 'and Pear Tri ..kiso--.k SA \V 311 EL and rflin'l'lNG MILL in gss,il rumour seder L•et of Leant and i ii ."rbi• pr,, r wrtt. tc.uld n 4 11..m1y' 1., . l'or apply to the sale ,senber, rtisnla,g. on the pr. mires FRI:IrK GILBERT. ANI) Itllli Larg.• T I ultY 114 I{ - :".1; ka, ben. •U".,11 A. '1 NV.) liil n t I. (;%IKN . I), holit.t. Frll.t ant :-.llrulliFory; .:taaliTaz far thirty-4%e ia.ikhav;•- •-urt.l.lde I, a if wet. ha% • inwhoft a 11tt 1 - 11 fora 11,11111), .1 v.... Fir.: - W.,1 et: 11,C1n at iii. din, 111 Ili Ifiltof Ord. r. 1 .-elaber a ill .•.11 ,i1,,,,0rt "nv all , aan.A.Vou t.1:1 tin I, .111/11,, i;ttitl..lll'.Sr tn.YII-tn. ununty. Pa. (;e.. E.g., In) n.l] C; ,,, ..11 nen. , ,r) n.y ft hl'lll.lC •SALE. ill 4+ll Tmes rift? 13,0,ilier iiri pr, , t tl/1 “1.11• T. lioar St_ 1 loner.— ti K'll , \ I: 1 1 :41 lee:, till - . ii i iri, s m i .. iiNi; I T. 4 .0.. i 0.11, ivlo 0 ill thret• .1111 11, ub •. .111 h> milli .•• . , t.t ‘l ,-, the t•••1‘ rail 4 , 9 the unfior , trw , l i.r I. NV. Setltt rt et I Ito,l.,..lntr t r. 10,V lit I•tl'l,tt I ... . E0,411,,r in:et , !or, 0 t,o, s•M1,11 to , • l ' lll.lU , of-au fordo, 2)o. I*.atriott I rank'. • ~0 0 0 0 , II.o• Mod , , goo. ol ;kW...l.:rat, st ..11. r .00t toot i; 111 11 •day lb,. ,fo, ;th,i 1-61 ~t n I'. M 000 lo•. ololso oo I r00r1.1....4..00d ,47) ti o 10.0r.0ng0..a ( hr o .:, 1.04,4 11, looor.ogoo od 1.41.100t-looooz 110 Li) .4 I, 111 Or\lx 'I,. tv., r Loarol 1)\V1:1. L ,o t ro, ‘v,), „,„! I ii „ 000 0l 0 0 0 i orr.mil, Jo. o; •II .00 505.,.9 1. 14,:ool ; r II.o• ~ And 1:,11tr , 1,114 - 1L wt liko N,0 , 11 f I 00, . /HI oof ,alo• toy 1,.1'.. I ; - 11. j .vr 1 TlV.l'l'l•;.k - 5.1.1.E.--The L. ",1 at llo.,\Va • • oo -•totatjel 11; too ,Luau, , col v., tool), l'a i• a largo o-tortv ..;tuostr ol flo 11;.• ..W., Ow 0000. i •10/o ho , tlr.;‘, L H o g oonol traolooomt 10.161111 I. ,1“1... Ito,. ha. 15 5h.r.1.1111: Ito., Largo. tum,., Room:. Ilit, l'oto Bar o\',• ri• I.l\ 141 of \\: t. rat t, , • b. 1 ,0 .1..1 .0, r it 11,. .101 . . The, nor blurry to, .4 ,o; L.. b e to,ltt v..th the proll4.tts EH Nil , i 'MN% SMALL FAIIM A'l' l'1:1 V ATE S —Thg• t...1.-p. .... :•• M.\ In Ur, It I.MI,ItIP, Lear I ,„d a d th+. 11111 prola , rly o'ntao.nor bet tog float oo aroatoti a two 01,3 (.1,1 111,1'51., rratoo othor Onja - o% volooo, 'I la ro I o-chard of how.. I rat`, Fruit on 'hi- pros .1. NVolj of NVaier iiit otio \u J0...tr.• oaol thi ro•lel/o.- iv torn °IN tbrbt.r. "1 ,14 ottornotttoo.iit 1,1111, at t lli troornintr,./, loos u, tlj S. I/ SIA 1;111. -/ - 1_1()I'SE I > IIIISAI.E. --The 11 L ttal ..,•11 at I'mzzo• Sale .1 ;ma LW', Fun 14,t ol Soroutt qr. it. TO• ,at dim 3'ranu• balii/114. tutu go”. 1 h.O 1. )putitilitg Mutt Ali eNtr3 ,a11•1/11114i11114 , lot in 11n1 vis ell on lho I,t of April lit,t Apply lo no• the/ o..:olling 11. not .a- 1 1 ) E . lItAII L E ItESIDENCE 5.% LE off, vt I'm ate tni v. Ilniad Strvet, va,lt the groutL- and lon:14131.;- dttavhvtl to Own April li.t. 4.4164rti icr.4WII (ILA N EB RAS KA C 0-LO RADO A N , /7" .-,.; T_' 1111 / s • lical 05tatt gulf to,“1-1, p thr..• .n l J. I'..' • 114,1 - t•t 1 rruw \ I.i s'l' SAI.E. t'll‘.l . l, g•tp• A ,- 111 I its' =MI 3Pi - tts, Lz',1.15 ;U g= .ITS. (I l (),(1 N:\V. -1,;)1.) 1'1:1( LLD; t LI) AND LAI , P. , 11 liil a DEt . II IZ 1" ST I I, .1 II I: Ai) Ea% in 4 Li;il pi it ,arzp nu, annt LIN ti`• Itr:Z I oiler tln•m at nearly . tie 'CALL A.NI , LXAMINE. 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N .,-• •0„ 1 . , u. reilt hi the tour wpm% ill ,I 1 roil :I'. us", ii:l/10/ be reatly t•• epf.. • / I Iv' 7,16. iiiati • iiiitilhoh r , t Uir• u. tfbioi , thi•,l it I, .1.. .11 , ,11.t.11,1r O . 1 , 01, • 110,1'1, I , r.g •• !up •• • a.. a • ~. art-1.4 aft. •::, .14,1 t,- • r 11 1,. I:1 I'M: r .tt ...t LII:N1.1•4 Me, 1.0 , 10, 1,1 ‘ 3,, 1 and 1).1N11:1. S ~ 11;1", I luti , • taw,' 6. • k P.1(11 , 1r ILL A ri i.tt tit P1it , 1 . 11.1 I; 1,1 t.. r. , - ol by .. • ' J. o. 11.1"1:- I. it ./II 111• 11 I; IN; ": . - .Ttt • • t'-M . L. 1; E, It & 1; it (1 y y . - ,1,0 „„ j;4:,, 41 Pp. , ~ •1 1 1k 21 1 I \ ,s, „ • 1.1, :'•- ;•1. 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