El AGRIC . II This Fertilizer soli and the fertil , !zinf. clement of °fan!. ebeinieally and thechan .oaLY with other' , valuable fertilizing agents and abz,urb. (MLR., It is redueed to a pulveralent eiclition. ready or in mediate use, and without tact of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties Its universal applumbility in crops and soils, and ifs 'durability and tit tier quid , t are well known to he till "that agriculturists can desire. Price, per Ton. - CHEMICAL COMPOST., ;- • This Fertilizer is Largely composed of animal matter, inch as meat hut*. fish. le.ithei, hair mid wool, - together with chemicals and inorganic 'fertilizers. which deeinn pose the mass,_and retain the nitrogenous elements. it is ' thoroughly impregnated with unite, and the thinner por tions of night soil. _ _ It is a ten' valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potans,s, and' garden pngst•r•. Its exeellant qualities, Strength and cheapness. have made it very popular with ho have aseSl, Price. 6`25 per 'run. TREE AND FRUIT FERTILI7,EII. It is a higikly phosphatic fertilizer. and is particularly adapted fur the cullicuf nn of trees, fruits, lawns and Mat-- era, -It will promote a very vigorous and healthy gronth of wood and fruit. and largely increase the quantity and perfect the' maturity of ,the fruit For hot-hose. aid t household plant. and Miner,. it n ill be found an native, sable article to soeure their eveatest perfection. It will prevent and mire diseased conditions of the peach and - grape, anyi is execlient for gra, and h a t nn. • I The formula or method of combiniSig it, constituent-fro tilizing ingredients has e oil the higheit approval 0 eminent chemists and scieur e agriculturists. Price. ts", Al per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultural Chemiral`Cimpany manufacture a Pho.• phate of Lime in uteor.Lmt all a net, and valuable formula, by which a N ery superior arti. le IC proan, be atb,rdea at a le.. pea r thou other maoutat tre, eluirge. Praetwal tent. have iltuVed that it• yalat, fertilizer, 1.4 equal to the. Ite,t. Pho.nphate Of la the noultet. P,ritte. 845 per Tom TERMS..:XASIL—Cartatro and Fr.tmeht to be pant by the Puri:baser: AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Ct. . WORKS. AT CANAL oN DELNWAItIL rbtb,e, 413} Arch tt.treet PhiladelOtia. Pa. It. It. Ft 1 . 1 : S. I;eneral The Company's Pamphlet' Ctn•nlnC. a‘ rections for using the atm, e reruhze s. Seta by 1.1,p1 tree refoestea. Lute. st.:bll.l OR GHO SYRUP.—The undersigned having, distributed large quanittico'm seed last spring for the purpo, of encouraging More eXten,re plioityg our respective districts, so as to warrent the 1•191_u••• of prOellnng improved machinery neee.sar) Mr the 'manila, tare of .yrup on a more elitensive scale. w eat roll now say in reply to the numerous Inquiries tit oar !helt.. • that we have near nearly completed our steam a orle, and Si ill be- ready to commence operations in a few ala ys. l • l he terms and condition of inanufactune were made known then the seed - coo distributed.. one third of the product, or i,oe third the retail price of the Syrup.) All parties sviai: are in terested are invited to give no a call. L, RYDER, Munufaeturer, at th'e West Franklin Nurseries, near Loudon, on the IA al don sod Cove Gap Road. _ DANIEL STOEFFER S SONS. ut Stoutrerst . curri, 1 aide eaAt of Cliamberi.burir. nn ibe 11.0 tinvire Turnpike. [-ep:!1 THE TRUE CAPE COD CRANBERRY. FOR UPL %ND AXI , GARDEN' CULTIVAMIN ber and November are the best months for planting thi+ " • ace/Lunt and sandy grown fruit in Gardens anti Marhet 'Gardens. The crop here last SPIP.OII in m y method cul tivation waoverv 400 bushels per acre. Explicit three. tams for cultivation on a . nu ll or large +vale. Inth pore. of plants, Kill be sent to any addre+s. together a rth a priced descriptive catalogue of all seeds. Fruit. Garden, or Nor ,sery. All the new Strawberrie• are now readnfor rry, prepaid by mail Now is the big to plant for a Spring crop. -Carnage of all packages paid to Boston of New York. Il B. M. "{YAM...()N. Isep'2B-2ml Old Colony Nurseries. Itlymouth. Md++. MMONIATED PACIFIC GUANO.- AL A real guano, containing from neventy to eighty pc,r cent of PHOSPHATE! OF LIME, to which has been added, by a chemical proves., a large per maltase of actual Ammonia, no fixed that it cannot en aparate. teak. ing it equal, if and superior to any other fen-bluer. Pamphiclts With cope, of Aualvnes by Dr. Jackson, .Mast. State As•ayer. and Ur. laebig. of Baltimore. and testimonials fopm scientific Agrinulturhas, chancing iii value. Can bff obtained from • J. 0. T1.. 3 1.KER, & ShILING A,.tsrs, 7 Wall Street, New IThrk march 2-ly AT M. L. BOYER R: B R 0 AGR.II.I.I..TVICAL MANI - FM - TV ItElt, Sixth St and liermantouni Arenlit, Phllada., Pa. ' Manufacturers of horse Post eN. Thresher,. and Clean ers, Reaper.. and Stun 'en. farm tt riot Mills, Fodder Oilt ters:corn Shelters, Circular Sass Marino, and everlva• ?jell. of approved Implement,- Si.:l) FvIC CAT.J.L.cu.LT. ix.1.12-3M • pREM lIJ M FARM GRIST Every Farmer havinga loint powershould have line of our Premium Farm Greet to grind all their grain for feed. - The Miltis simple. durable and etheient, liixi i, ailaptml LT all horib_povvers .'Sand for a Drsartpttra CtrenThr and address luctl2.3m] ' L. ItliVElt S 11110., - Airrieultural Implement Factory. Phila. Pa. LATEST III'IMVEI),J'ATENT HAY, X. 4 STRAW and FODDER erTTER.—:This Cutter combines very open, advattLikos over all other Cutters nuw in ase. - Send fur a Descriptive Ciren/or and addrear ioctr2•3m) W3I. L. BUYER Se 13110.. . Agnealtnral Implemmit Mdmlllietory. Phila.. Pa. nEDERICK'S PATENT PARALLEL LEVER HAN PRESSIN.—These Prices exi ell all others in use for tho ease und,rapithty of their opera tion and for their dural•ihry and pt!rte,t operation. 'Send for a Descrverc Cwolor anti address toct.l2-2m) W 3t. L BOYER 61 VRO:, Agricultural Implrment Manafat tureen. Nola. Pa. ,fire43roof THE, GREAT FIR,E AT CII..IISERSBUTif; = ' } VICTORY , VICTORY! i rou • EVANS & WATSON g SAL.OIANDEII SAFES READ 2:11E FOLLowiNG CERTIIIENTE:, CIUMBEIL.-1:1 lir:, Aug i 5. 1-t,4 Messrs. Erans 4 Batson (knifemen-, 111., is to inform you that Merl-mfr. Jar. eirane• d of l'uu 'some time tmaie gre4 fire which .LLsllllloli our store Burin;; the rob, nii.knon of the 30th of July last. We are happy to ,ty that after we had from the num, whore it had laid for a pi clod of rhri days. and opened it. u e found our to and paper, In an ezi ellent ponditum. We would rtsurumend your Safes to all ponous who wish a article. boars. truly. - IIA3IILTON S CO.' - CHAIWERSI;eIt.:, Au'.. 15. 1,61 Messrs. Evan; 4 Watson: Gentlemen : I with pleasure inform you tlia on i`P' ,i,4 ms - Site. purrhnseAl frOrit yon .otne tor, rtdee. on Rater. day evening taut just two weeks er 410 htlrlitrlV of our town by the rebels, I found my tombs and paper , in muelt better eondition' than I expeetell on orolnini.; the !nooks and paper , found them perfeot. My Safe wa+ irronit hniat on emmt of the (inanity of oils nod other eom hugible matter I had in my yeller. I writo you inn 11110 of the paper that wits itt my :late during the' that you may Stne.lyniil ROI 15 pr,e,ervell. 1%111 tn St amt my Safe repaired. or a nest one in exehauge. Pry reopw:tfuliy, yours, L. 1.1: IWSTEIL C11.011.11:1,[1 11a:. Aug. 1 5, 1 , 61. Moors. Erans ¢ Watson Grailmsn In the - dreadful ire whitih dectri* ed my shire and the greater 100111011 of this t 0,,, wha d one by th o rebel4 on the .10th of July last, I had one of your Pire.Praof Safes. purchtrod rum yon stane *awl sine; which eoptamed my tombs. papers, Sr. Atter no dergomg the violence of - the Haute., and fullinz smt. ten feet and mumbling in the, bean dnulls atr a pera4 of w-r enteen days, aas if.n.OVi‘lnni from the hurtling tna. , itatui o,,enett. I have the gratification to inform you that its nOlinnltt were preserved in an 1,11:11,int InnniltiOn. and its tins is one of the many instances ahem your Safes hat fully sm,tained-thegmUl qualitw. Rtnbuted to tam, I feel It an agreeable duty to render e‘alettee of the fact. Re.Trtfully, yours, J. L. DEplEitT. . Cu tlrium-itrivl. Aug, 15, 1,44 Meagre. Eranx Watson. •• Gentleman • 'llrr in to ,nform you that the Umfe we purchased from you some tune nuo was subjected to the fire which cotonnnett our °Mee dom.: the relieLim asion on fhe 3lith Of July last. R'S, are harpy to ,ay that the Safe stood the test of the fln• cell rem. ored one captors from it uninjured. - Very no.poetfolly. , NILL. Aktg . ,`24 . , IE,G4 Mr•ero Ernes A Irw.,,n Gentlrmrn : I La', IlLi• nri.ort , :loty to inform yea that 11/3 Safe. %Inch i, a No 5 of yo.tr /nuke. Wu.; w the great fire which tiestro) at tin, hot it oti t :Pith of July, . iota Luse the ple,itri , hi hit, that after I mitt token tie Safe from the nrn , , win re it had In., for to an linen, heat. tin openiiaz the Satel WIIA 01,•141 to 1.1111 that all tap papers, I,o',k'. mai villas/Nett t•ane tint itinnjurt il in tile leintr, Ing the fireproof qua lit.es of y o ur :I,o:tun/miler Safe:. Shure, n spec S. STl'3lll. \ 11, . - More Satet.,.f the g 0..!0n hand and ter sale. Alm, .01,1 Itargzlai Proof, Nation al Batik, .0,4 11.m.e Safi t, Vann. Doors fur Batik., u.itt Itank ,Sl'. N NV A 'I'S( X. Ni .'”.", .11/etad, 1,. B . EyBTlin, Xgeat I, I lottlilw,lot, g, Itr. 0t.p..2;', Sortuartring jpottses, w 1 ;: North St ~ , it,l Str.te:. the Cutolterhtiel "1 alley , Itnilroad Dep., r.loirtt. 111C:tr., rut, n wll.tri) to and froni Philadelphia laid 13ala• mute. AG ENT.g.—Pe,eek, Zell C Ilinehtnati, • No. NIFI Mar. e--- ket I,yl,en+ Valli Erz and Nutt COAL (d 114,1 front the mine.) NVIII,e-Patte Rite (trove FOUNDRY COAL, LUMBER, SALT, 11,AsTnit and Hancock CF.YIENT; 'Pri • 1.4.1 , •11111 FLOI 11, EtRAIN and PRODI hind% ietieltat•ed at the lahiplest ez , h Sept 9; 63. WI . N131:11LICII kNEAD. Tifurl. h. GlLl.F..srit. J.. 1% on ZIL3.ER. - G ILLESPIE , ZELLER_ ritom . ci: AND 11:4)%iNio& MERCII.INI 8, AND triioLF. , 3l.l: Gllocydr:z, NortloWe,t corner oT mxth .totl :Nlarket Stretr, Philu deiphia - - AR Elt IlLty has opened his shaving Saloon in the dwelling of Jgoeuli Trout, opposite tfro A eadenly lot. -11)s old customers end the peddle gerrully aro rospoctfully IDNited to Hive him ft call i` INS Erru anb itifoicittrs. :DUCAL CO'S ERS. L INDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCIIEB, :11t SPANGLEWS. ENXEDYSMEDICAL DISCOVERY, 11 " -- at SPA NOLEWS. tj OS TEVrER'S BITTERS, at StANGLEWS. HOOFLAND's GERMAN BITTERS, - at SPANGLER'S. witsE AND CATTLE , 51i3,?\1.2A1.;,5, S ' ).-1 PEI:rI.7.MERy, HAIR, 'moll' 0 -Nil and sPANGLEirs. •- cIPSN - GLER'S STORE, NEARLY OP p.ite Dr. iiel,ell Oinee. jTOUSEKEEPERS WILL TAKE NO i TICE that Nut's m•lht a SOAP th.tt can't eti 00110..11g, Tonoviilk Ditit and fir uli resating IMITONes. - Try it, 1101.7.N1) PEPPER.—PURE If o\l E Njr (7,..na Pepper .t NIXUX'S. m A D 17.1 ?;h EXTRACT LOGIVO9,p/ A I DYE)/S at NIXOa,IS. .E.TITTE SEED.—A New Variety for LE tall plowing,. Very tile Pro. ure 81.i:a front N 1 oN. TIT THE NH' LETTrCE.—Perfect -1- Lardy at SEKUN'S. gEA WEEDJONIC /11,0 Senn her, - vixox's STORE THE tntwe ”t :.c.N-K•sr, Mth; str,t. P DRUGS! PR'UGS!! C. It. C111:: , `;1.Elt, r•ve , one ;: l eee ha.. opened in h., new rq,ano on nd , treereppe rrie the lot I /thee. o here tlyrry effort Hill be mule h. .‘.lain the popularty the old acquired. A CM/MHZ:T(4 . tb,• hh-rai patron:l.-e which the firni is re. nclielled. fxr rtoek of Drug, Chem:cal. td P,:ent Mediemee is now 'altered. Ale, a de. -.tile arintnen.t Perfumery, t Punket . • • , hair Itrlndle.. Cloth Touth lint•hee: Cl/011Vq:1 o. /) , `lltlftit lA, • • and Faney'Art;el.- nt zreat varitey. KEI:0;ENI: LA MP, —EN ert tle.eriptl,•ll of liana :stal!,i L..n rr. 11,111,zkog. Lalni..tl,4l std.. .I.„onp, K, , , . 'Store me mid Oth, TII E BEST ((IL IX E M. T k KE T ran,c, ) colk , rs. E‘er) I li, lino 4.! t 1."1 - ••••mpt;on , speelal And 1 Are ,tit• C Se. ipp,..11. the 1 . 4,i ,t NODYNE COIIDIAL,4the M - lithVeN :Id aria Itelwf m‘: 1ua1.,• ,a'o• Lc A J., III!. .1:1: it 1,. URI I. stl inn; h ext ,t BRONVN N HO I EL. Ch: /3 1 MILLER'S MENIC.kTED /UGH I' i. ,1 .” (41 haatt 3111.1.1-.lt S 11011 SF: l'()W1J I:lt.—A , upply knot 3111.1.1:12K 1:111:1'31ATIC LINDIENT ex1 ,. 1- 1.41 t eau WAS be had .0. M Drktv NEIV AND GENERAL sapply,of 1i2e41.4 1. , . at MILLI:ICS Drtz N.re. TIIARIZIIEA AND IiYSENTEPX%ruted U, 111 RRAY•-cAMPID , Tt ( 0111,1 AL at r.( 1, , J4 'toro AV I S TAR'S BALSA AI == Conall%, Cntrt. Whooping Cough, 144,1 , 1 hiti, 1)1f- IvisTAit's I;A],s,lll tIF \VILI ("111:1111.Y. 8n tri.uvrul ina-S 01 0 11 , e o f thin retiolly Lc. , otie. . L n4l, p.11,11141' i. it ever . whet,. that it iy 111,1101 , ;•- • bary U. recuont its virtue,. Its tt orisN •peah for it..aidlook utter: no e in do almmlant and (limitary b,taliwci . NNof the itiany twig frig, baip.alitvring •eltholl t":....1 , 11.1, , by it-. 0-.• i welt rest.);i4l!” pri.tine N M.M.•i.tn I,4etit a hat.% bt eN - ideta••• in proof of our wo•rtwn:, that , :tniApt hr hti, rraiti•ti Grytibm, IM. hereby t err sfr tout during the last ten ve.ti. I Leta 1...0n subj.,. to frequent mrerr Congh4 and Cuirt.. When., yr 1 li.tve expermn. etl In/r of tit. se azt.t. ks I h., a Inuneolmtely r, ...rt../ to Itr.‘Ve.tar Wild Cherry . and the re.ult been to afford retail: I a oultl rommuletal v.ilimble ant. to to ail m om . u from 1 '..turh. or any Pulmottar!, Complaint. r.,hnir tiittlittiiiit that it trill pr,ix a itoelt tii bf, the Au-ernisi) in any of the,. I a mod. l o u t esll . , t .union tlr. puhae namin.t it a counterfeit ,t tOlo•11 WU. In.' of Mi. Bal..1111!ollti nieltinort. harm tlm.. K .ssl. 'I lie venom,. In. istarlrrit.ti-ant of 11 il,I( lit rrt rottlP A. 1 10. l'or,tuti, mill tli , •fr irmorn-'10.3.,i , r• nport the ...tk0.11.. tt r..p. r . From J,o,r Prrgolrot 0r777-Morm• 11,,wr WWI' Dr. \' .t. 11.0. at of \ ( borr:( Inr about tittpront I at , And h.n nn! 'ln .111,41 It 4 .nl in 'my fowl} it :tflorti, 1311.1,7,0111,001, in n 19111 Ur ttu Vtibli , , 111.tallk ri,Lway ‘‘,•.1(.°13”,.. awl n rntnnoly n !toll I 'nay Int %Own II 31h p.•:,. • in It 111 411 I• 111 111,11111 Fr.a 11,a..10an E. maid.. a drarurr,r.l,rd lautyrr rn 11 . 4,taaart.r Md. 1 1110,...11 1.y.il 11-041 1)r. Wt.tar', 1).0.4 0 of A v t iq ci„ ullt) ahllt), NSA!. devlctiql. ).014.fit liorrttit.Liiill).ll !hilt t, won ,r lug to! still 11.11+.1111 trwil ,illl i•N't t lo y v J. It 1:11o,.list r.tut 11.111, (N..... 11 , 1 1 1 4 31.1. IiALSAM ()I , W 11.1) l'111:1:1Z1" N..eix..ttutto• ma.. , ..a,..•.“. a 1. M. rr," On tile SVlltri Or. [..:: -AI.1: Jil .1.1'.1/IN 'NI( /I:I:. No l'll 11r...t.15,ay. N. V. ;4. \V. I.( , VLF: ,v l'o. Proi.net..r, 11,...t.m. and by all (Jul - - P 'ED DIN ; (; 'ti ICI'SSIA SALVE . tie.us Obl SnreS: Init,L t 1:1:1)DIN(:'8 RUSSI. \ SALVE run- , Burl, tit aid' , 211 , i Cuts. R1.1)1II:a7'S RUSSIA SALVE lirldt , eBllll.l SI. HIA,DING s Ht's:4l4 n.\I.VP Con , Ilc il,, llvvr, and Cala ins ItrSSIA SALVE. Salt Ithatan, and ErysipecaA ItEDDINWS I'S SI.\ SALVI: Cure. itmo",m, NO VAMILY 1,1101:1.I) 1.11; WITIIOUT IT. Only Crnts a Rat ,4A Oric J. P. ItlNSltiltE, No. NI itr,„o„.„). S . Y. S. W.1 , 01V141 di:Co., No. lP 'rtraAmt St., lioatoa, and by all Dnitzgista and Graintrriaorok,,, i , July ~fl oovr•W iM Ayer , S.ir.aluriillt, . A:, PC, Pet•tortil. Bru Troche. I lot,flanti's Datil++, farbtral. I,L 1);:C R Y, = tieutty of Breathiok. A,thcrol. Seim Titr , i3t I,,ry. dr 11 n V Lt NOS AM./ CHEST ll= c 0 N 5.1.7 31 1 4 T I 0 N From .3fr. IThlry Kl . iftiorprburg. EMEMEM M.ASO-N & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. 311.1.0111:ONN teen• introduced some twenty years since. aid , ere but,•,•e4 be the II A ILMON I C3l:j about nitu• yc,r, oeo. The lIISET URGAX was brought to it- present .t.tte • of pc-ricotlon only in the summer of AUTOMATIC BELLOWS MELT 11.l' WI% MILLI:, of Cr any other inN entom it the kind, xs r"pabter of mkell finer rift:as titan ran be prodla eel by uny other WWI ae more rimily , n,rd by the perjbli7ltr, anti eXI a le eiTevially in raparny for expression. .alValt,i , in trice, CABIN - EI':ANN.-011 , ;(.1.1.: 121,ED. v Ni. 15. roar Votao, Moyle It in Walnut or Oak ('ate. ' 4.1 10 No. 16 Th” Salt` elel.r.m: - R0,n,..4(!the..... 135 No.-17. Five octa% e, Stngle Reed, in Walnut or Nil Iv, 9he 1311 a., ht e:ev;ant Ito ,5ett......100 Dot tit N'. 19. Four (h.taN e, - Reed in Walnut or Pak Co-. 1.40 No. tft). The ' , HMO, in ,L•; ant lto,en tool . 1(6 No. :21, Ft, e tetaN tt, 1)00ble /teed, m IN alum or tak Ca.r. 170 Ibe S,iputt, in elezant I{4,...entoott C._, .... _4X) N. ..2.) 'llle Saute. in :+ttb.,l Culled Walnut or oak, nttlt Walnut Carvng., 200 - mite. No. 11. t - ts Stop Cabinet I)r,tran, in Walnut or (Lk .............. - • ....... , 300 ) 13.' he :tante, in elezant 1:11.11I x.. 12. i:'"ht Stop eabi.. l Ore.:tit ain Walnut or No 11. ill Slane in plrgant 1:0m•n,,,1 :AA) N. CI . 'llu. ' , tune. in S,,L l l'ar,t,l Walnut "AM G,. 10.' Potlal Ccbinct (rrt:an, m IY,Lhmt or 1).,k COC) Co." of , ara fittzs on hand, or made to orthr. MELopEoNs, Ng.. 5. I ' ll, lk tax, Plano:NT% /.. Ca, ..$1.50 N. , . G. Tlij , “:".•. 110 7. San:.., P..rtable Walnut C.c., 4i5 q. (It Live. l'ortablv, 75 Dzenrrlve paltiphie:(4 but. , ri- .Igents far 314 , ..rs Mamal S: Hamlin we are en.t.bl‘d •••!: at thetr New Vark 1 rik'e,, charge waiting tor freight. - e 1,1% t; ,ala a bowl • r give numeral, eat •nwtury refer. la es. S. 111 ltV(tlK. Agent. aug:3l = Clionlber.burix, Pa. MILE (101 Z NE 1' 11.N.ND io furn,h for 3111, tary Clvic•. Itol4loo. an.l .0 l`nie k ... ~ 1 011, in any parr of 1111. ,I'll nir. m, t y rat., 3., al,•111111.1,a.t1,1 at 1.1.011 P. DOCK FILES. See'y. 11, IS. lIATNII2 K. Lender 11.u2)1brt, E 0 lt D 11 E 1i 'l' & SON, ci1.1.1. AND 1.1 411(1:1i 411:1:1•11 IVe hal a on hand all ( , a nt Lnmin r, ;ire prepared to torwa• roll Lumber to ar.ler at -short ti, e all ai tat. mo.l raa•anable Willi.. Our nt.044: of Latin bar 04 41.4 . 4, 44 White l'ina e inch " II •` Ilan), " " 1} •' Plank. " 1 .(al• • t Board', " I • B, rd. •' " • f• raah ) ".4 " 13e.t lifter " 1144 - 6 ed ('!,man. ' rindslur. - 11alitinek ,10,1 utak aNti.24:c. • Yellow ('ter Board., ,I•act :not f•t(mititliat,',. • 14.itri(r. and Loh, We on 11.0141 2% wood aapply of .1111 kind-%d Coal f, -tot and litneaalanittitz. AI, 3 .11W row in,, la 1 , 1 liroaatop Th u ru b. he aro a • m• tac a toll, n wa will eiatattvar (..111-1.4 Thai to ail that 'all. ('oat ay.! L u mber furawla.•l tat the ears to Oily ot.(tia. 41 Frat•klin I:7l.lraad. (Oa a • n t-tarotl St., in Ilia rear 4.1.1114 . JaA Said (211.,.b0r.441%..... PA. - LEO. E111:1:1 S it,. _l' If Li NI ALL, E N E R & C . , 10,11 .1,111 P. 7 . L U 3.1 1.: R 1) 1; A 61;F S AND It n's, I I,'lt I I to 4.1- S't `qt. 1)(W•1:-.• .-.1“ 11.1:, 111./.\ - f.,S• pt,( .I.A• (U 4 II IVA 12. , . Kt er ~f I.lll:titt r 41 • 1 , a.• and ti,i4it.• I at the a All • ...az..tuatato.a. ...la, .l .).1r• ly C- 4 EASONEI) r Sa;,' \Vllile Pao 1 1. :lw PI,. I • ..1;d1(1 I, • I a• lir. ••:..,••••.: Nor •• It• 411,1:1 111.4.c1.: 19=1 ttortirvs at itatu. ri )1. &W S. STLNGLIZ. .1:1"r( JR . VI 1..1W —VI" • 4 , 0 0, "II • , 10 01 3111A1 . 1. :II -1; E 111:. .11 T(.1:N.1.1 ) I. 0, —int., 0 011..-::0 ~,,, prllll.o t“ al' 1", rll , lld :•• 4,1144r,4 .1 .\L I'4 ,k,44,4.4 N 443,47), 1;4, '4. 1'.9 4/ 4,1e41-4r ~,,,444; 1414 S EXEI?ETT. .Ittoriii. at Law. . 31.4r*,, , t44 1 '444,1 114,4,44, 1444-4,44 r'y 4.4 , 411444441 a 3 ,1444- t`4,444., All 14 t" 14, 44,,44 u 44; 1444 1414,4!4! ~1•4 41- it :-TF,NvAteT. A-11,,RNEy An L.\\\". it. ,4, I'ENYO )4\ • Ilia :\ l" 42 0,0, 4.w, 4.4 41:11 . ... I .\=N CLARKE. AT r, , nNin 11.(f•ib.,), "0 F,:. 4.`• ••lt .11.• 4.lti 14.0 M irk. t s'r4 nntr'0:•41414444.4t , t 644 (.4 :4-, 114441, rip .T. \I LI,. .1 , 1:•.•[ - )" AT IV.' ( If _lL • .a ri - , olf•ry 91. B. IiENNEI)Y. Ai ri L w. . t t Q..'lotl) , • NEW QI".IIrI'EIZS .1.N1) NEW s'n ICK. THE lieuu.trruur, Dmi , 4)lo( - 'lir m nith F.i Mali! Ch4,7',l"Fbitrg', rd. 1 - The under+igned tuber n t....np.. 7 ary niKonerneeeAsitated by the da,triletani ui r hdinher.lairg ha• again returned da d area , .1 unit 111 fall tiler in the Afarket Mule beat een Lore liu,.d nti.. and Undo., S Le niaNter's Gar eery ...tore. a large ~...ortad ..r FALL AND WIN IT% 1;t aif ,S, of terry desenption and gnat de. 'I • I s nlt eonit•ht of in atly nide L'lnthing such an river ('oat. VeLth, Under. Linen . i;ENTI.I;NPENS' 11 - IZNISIIING G01)115. such n. hitinet, Ibindlrerehiefa, tam I mbreit.o., ..toe In of Clot!, for co..troiner n ark eonAi•ta of French, Enah..l. laid Donn -die timmsfal tare. Ithaek Doe Skin and Valley r as..itners Sum Fignted r a dii and facet h Ve. 4 u.g , h.. hi tall be toad. , rap to older .1 ilia the riftindorner, on short lion,. and :aria terin• Bat lag eogdge.l praetiroal Cutter from the F..t, lam pn pared to furti:di 111 no , !mat I,lm.nable.tylea • aad .., n o ne but eNpera norkinen tire engaged per non. tn.* re-ry upon getting the, oath well done at my St..re. Thdidtful for the herrtofide laadowed, I TO , .Imo t fully •id:, n n eontinuaner• of the •atne. i net .1 T. 111 ISKINSON. 1311125rtait5. I' lug If .IVI. ft.i , VI ity. tl p, & SIONTGOIEItY have L intntl 11. 111 thy l'rartior of Mrrhouir. hat. htkeni all I //111 . 1 . 1/1 1/11 • late r e ..a e lin e e e• of.ln. e a t IS. named leanly 111.0...te. the Proile) trio A al° nalabtol to vale, of the. a10e... It ill I.lreate eoriy ,-eitlemeet of the ', Tu e. (ntit.r2l 1.1 fIV. il. li()Y1,1', will attend irionipt ta ,ell earn.. Ila, t,t the. ll.ana• lyru the .InAL Ittut,e-21 ILLER lA.llll.'l'ON & , 11.,,,p1Nt r..e. IN. it .ki...1.-0111r.olit"f STifVES, NNE!) .VNI) NV.1111:. 'Hwy ,re tb•t. ,111,twok to -.ell , t), 1111111 ;$ll3 luoliy put .1 TIN 1:1)Ill'ING . 1.• .ittAllty mat. nal tirl,4 ...1111,1 • 1.11. t 2I 10,011 It. 1 . 1.11 t• , 311 quality I '1'111•} d , r Sl'l /1•TIN1: 111...•lv. and promptly. for I . IIIIIV. hot Id c p. r ,m 1 /. if tu❑ I . lllllltlt to better uitli than than craft um ,1 r•~Grlrh~lrmrnt pr u r 4 aucpd -11:t of tld 4'l" TERMS T AN ELFcTiuN 11E1,1) oN '1'111.; .11,1(1 , 3, day .1 Novtnnln.r. . tie no.> of 1.1 0 1.„11 1 .Ia. Int . a Prr.alent and Inrn,n,.. 01 thn NI:IA.:4111AX .IIS St It 111.11'AY C.WIPANY foliinring pe,ow. W.. re duly ha o•vil : Pr, eichrtt, 'I Itimia4 A 51•ntt. liarfol. .It.l o . M. kentil dt I: I; 1(111011 S f. lItt•,;•11 non l'; It k:FIRFR.IjkS OPENED A CHAIR • am( I'A BINET It ARE RI itn i t in the l itnit i teen t I I tile 31 12, R here he 11114 lig. bl4/111 _ ,finds br( abin..nt war,. S'‘..t, :up rmi•t••,,,i. Itnreanx, Iwo", Mattno , ,., go,. of 0.31( WAI.• NUT T.NE E FrIINITI RE, Window Bloopi, ,litrik 41 , 11efg'llp 7.rraeL 1:6,18.24, A I,AI{GE ASSORTNIEN'r OF GLASS / WAlt Que,t,,, t. and Sion,' ware. tiwether with IL 00•1101,1 ('mitt wan. •114111, TILL'S 'kid, elq Liall R 11.11041, , j o t lyt HIMEI= itk: . sjiEßßlES.—'Ten Barrel's Jersey ki t omtabonino too • ' the ivanitlin tlepositorp, (11.4antber5butg, Pa. leusicat. .11)1IN A. IVILII:111 Ore, tore, (;‘...0. W. Ira 44 11 IC. this id•ent. I) SIIIIIII, .1 I A. 1 A.1k11..1 (;,1 7 21.4 1". M R. D. 15.W.C1..1 V. S. '3. =ME eitrifeti£s, N . E W 8 T ( ) R E GELIVteKS & BURKHART WyoLEsALEANU RETAII 0F.1.W1( Kr, S.. BL ItKIIART having-been burni mit by the Rebels in the burning of Chaulloer.burg, , have Mince built New Store Rooms (IN SECO N D ATItEET, Between Seller , ' a1!..1.,8r0 , where they propo.se nellhg. Ifitoltsoli:and Runt,. - firtiocrie,, Salt. - :•i". reps. . •Prociiions, FIA •,' Itorkets, ... - Flour. Coll Mil, ' Lamb., Produce, Sri. v. (Hobe.. - Tot., . tirOlo.. Wicks, 'Werei , , 0011,, Suzan.. . ' Oils. ' 1 winii.. ue thotuatmls of u,iful artielt; onfil by every f.ltuily 1!11111MIIZITill GROCERIES lull nisi 0.4111.10 e emhnu•in_ evert' article in thit. late, tram the p.llllllll _nuh• of good:rill. to • . the tlfa,t finality. Our .•torlif-faf- G 0:-U -Vl)‘:4 1 7 .\ - 01:0 USD ItTs are all t.trietly pure laid fn•gh has eu ITeen earefally sr th,• Ilarkhart. Ma) a I ritual Laker atnit-oufeeaanei . . All our Ground. :i.14 ea are gicanal on oar larn,!spn 1. !nil!, and eau Ix• Cell cu. . NV.. \ ,ITer ;lu. i OILS. Al mu:ATLY 1:1:1)1"1.1:1) Spann Oil. 3.ih.red Oil. 'Whale Oil, : lato; oil, 0,11 Oil. Flax,ancl Oil ' 1.1t1,60 llil . yaintar.: lhl and :46 Ily I:rann Kt.:RW.I:SE 011.. LAMPS , n ms. WICK,S ( Inhes and Wli k in the enunt ,ear ae urn Wlll Win- Ntdi ,waptl time dle 1d..111,d, as tiler Mina Juin ii.voni in hag , 111140- ' dl t, Ire dltt - - - 111,11111(dk tilt rrv, To for lari , • k of OIIKEN AND lILACK TEAS . SPICFS. “RoUNI) Mk;FEE COFFEE IN PAPER N ANIx CAN. "C incar•pr, w• n iil marrmit 1u giv.,.iii•stak•t.ol t ra.1 - 4 the money Wo it. a-ttontom to omit r en' hr , Ve amt /L 3-411 awantinwut • T I )I I ACC. O AND IEGA.I?S. whi, 1, o ~ r or!. i• I FLOUR All hr,lualn t 4 Flour l the b.trrol ta. C 0 N-I.* 1: CT IONE X i r% nui In c,nn., tinn n lin the ,11/01., 101..1110, , n - t t i Ir flu' 4 :1111fVetholler!• 1;11:111..•.. ill aIl TI-. tq..tn,•ll. - lint me. , I urunr 111,Lu ..f th...trro lea n: till. Ilk o.ir•oll.. r lli, i`b 1.11,0110•• II" t 4, ..dl vPry I,ot Ip.rlt wh01t....t f. lout r o.,it I (1,,,'..,t, wt.; ~ I Ontt, u.n,r:.• ~,,...,1, . in part i. t MEM A:1/10,1. EOM A:4l k,5. , 1•11f tt eenerd n...m. , :1nv0t of tolzettwr de,r,ptiott t ' 4llll I ..re abd IT•ti in. by fl.r t00.n...b) name b.; .„, 0 !„ to b-rtb k f,ll r,t .Loch B —"it, Men•ltat.t. and .1:: vt lit. hay Lt .. ... M tO .1.1! •1 .4 . .Lny 11.1,. In tnt• , I 1 11)1/1 ,N 1) „f A. f i AS h.,•.1 the ti t ill be i• vitt in roil, n I:, .1. lil 1a:11.1.127% I 1,1.21.., Blllll'll •41:61111:1T, vr Pre.ent • Pron. • 1%,p. r Anti.4l.l. eurratlt... klard i .",us 1 I:l,er, 1 erli.,i F' i',...1. J'e...l. Not .. M..l..Lra F.,,.. ' ' C....1N.:, l'unt . . Ex,',4,1.-1,1 \N....ilia:A. 'pht 1'e,..., ' NV i n. 0.,.. , , ' \N 411111 T t .1,1111. ,1/..1. ” ..fri, ' ' ,lr. 1 (Iv 1.6,-0. 1.- " .. q'l ''. I I , ' r.". ' .11.,1 h. • ' ~.......;., ' 11.• , . ; 1.....1 e . ..t..i.. 1...z1.... .1.• . 5.e01... l' ii.. A.. A 1, 11 11 7.4.11 4 ..1,1t,....1...... 1......i.nr, r It., , 1'.....10,.. , P.... 1..., t 1 0 ,.,,,,de, ' 1ire....,.. NN..r. le .......-.1.1r. Sau..l, i 1',....,....• L..,,,,. 01 1 1 11 7, Citr% .... 1 __C.l l lli 1 1 , I 11‘3.11,-.1 M.1.1111'7,....1 1. id I'. te i:.., . exi.r.......1 mily ter fa i, . i',.......1. , ,11.111.. . Fl-au-. Pt. kit., ' 1 ...ie; do': Cl.O, Clio, l'",..klea. 1:—.11 do I.'.ittliti..iver .1,. r... Mixed do , 5..... it. .Nl.ive, (iingoe, , NVrappiltir 1",..,•- - Nu.nu.v g -, . 5.., ~..,, 31.... r,,.. - 1'r..... r. 'I,: T..... 1.1 - is. Vermicelli, I S. rol.l. lig 1ir00....., No.ip-irell C..p.,..f. L 50.... p..., .1.. Lentots, 1. do . Frenek )1it5....r.15i..... BLit 1. - ill, I CoNitria.is 31ted.ird, I , ....In . rs.s.itol„ linirliam do , Ifitio 1tri..1., , Salad 1...1. I. ' in1i...1.. for-hale at SII.IFEIt S STUARTS, Con Qn e yn Stn 1:a . ..t of thy MetinKin.t 110(' EltlEs IN' 1101 ,Es Al ,E ANI) Itli - GT 11 , —,IIAFIen er • Trf ills, on. (loan .stre '4 O E, : ct of the lb thodiq Olt, role nhnt,l r ,,, eetfully roll the attetthon of the vrtueno of l'hamber.hdrz, nod living to the sarioj arid ecton.:.,ivli 3, , 0rt:111 . 11i ilit()C1:10 ES, FILE:SI( FRUIT, tit, 1:1: :\ 11" .% P, I'El4 A RWARE, and a general Snn k 01 Mi. v.D.+11‘...1% .thleie, m lurk they are nom, 101ering rued eo , y4.liwly r, Rut from New YtnZ, and Italtimom,4rt tb, tr Store I z oont, Street, I.a.t , 11111 1. lethoito,t('Lure h. If is theff intisithja To keels sip It tin assort molt( ff.. the tip: awaits of the i'olittatirat , ih” best, nfetlffa.. C r the ,r". 41., in lalsooost atVitttt• groan alias anti hat tux oftJltv ' , fa/ one of the firm Melt; uhno , t Ista.sfattlly itt the rite, affords' theta liN Ory ill p.. 1 .1111,111:: nil , 111 filo shtfrtost.' Vane. 111111 at If., eXl•onse I Tian usit.ff tt Ineli ti,rll red!, /farffr f;./f I (itI'VEI.S Nj Tits , : of all !trade, front, the lagle..t to the Mot,: pro-, h, the harry!, po rat d, 141/I...ISSES It 3 the Hog-Iwatt 11.1.T. , 1 or retail fOr famtly i.e. Sligar Cored 11.ntli, l'totree 'Loud Fine Salt Wt , ,wind I ,ill e.preial attention of t otititry dealer 4 and' other.. it itdolig to pun hair at it altt,tle pace a. at or are prepared to tad' Sit rytlinit; in fir nr.wi•ry line at. cheap lon tali the Ea-torn t•III4, • The Itightt.t prier paid in 1,1.1 i fir yummy proilume or hats, 111 Vorehanae ha' good, Sli.l FIIII S sTi•Airt• r I'll ' 111 )I:SE.—Tlie respretfally Inform their , analent'V't rtntutnery 4lltf the ',tithe they Late rr tip. tied their Gro cery Store in the room foruovly °erupted by the lima, Ladd, Company. in the ;%Etrket• I tonot, and take 'III +I 1111.1111%1 of returning' tilt, Mao}, for the iitterdl patromore hen r0t0r,.,• ttrtittrq to them. 'Their itoth to It. • ro vdmety of rs3lll.l' tint WEIIIES. Ilaiti. Strip. Salt, Ntaeltort I, ('.4ltm, Sigurd 'l't T 0..! 1,0 Ittot•tto, itrto o os. itools o t- Too, o.ot-, (tit ,11,,,tre and to erytltint; lottetoforr kept it their forint r plat ...df inf.fite.. unit aloastt a .tutf t .t' tarn: •totek oti hand to be math d t" tilt,l de.1111111,14 nr couvrity l'E taken in ex_ , honer for gm.l. at I a.l, m trket pro I. Don't forget the plat t-, I Ntdrket lion, I three tlt ftnto tht ,- "t`oroor, no; kitettn street. [attz.ll 111 '111:1{. S. ECII ER'S 1Z (1.0 E Ihe tualertagnrd ha. the ittrar.t smel t ttt 41:1 , CERIF:S in o hit ft he otter. to the publie at Ito: 100 eat l 'Asti l'ltlt'Ed; It itt not Ileit•-•nry to e4 . tiaterafe, at In. t•tot•ls it oomph to to' Iliehrtd prier, lath! thr IrSTRS - PI:(1111TE to exeliantre tor amod, C 1 T. I,IOI,LONN ' .IY, 11"//(//, EN,IIL E i r;noci:g .1 , 4) fit %111/SS/WV 3/E/e7•ti iNT; :05 (Nmth solo mho, Fatli.t.treet atm-21-ly = FII AND IN Itl , l- 1.. I ery vek itt SHAVE I A,' STUART'S. on Qneen ntreet, r.iest or the Methodiq (loath. 141. AND Corn m,o, he tho barrOl Or 411.111 tuttoitittel, tort.ttlo at - SHAFER sTr A wrs. duet. _A MAX OP A TIIOI'SAND.—A CON , mpitvF, Lk:111:5, 'ltetired smart of great eminence, dlseovered. 4 ,laile in the ]allies, n certain Pere for Con.tuninton, Asthma. Ils , e0). t , t, 0.0. , Cold, ni,,l tteeor,,l 'rite remedy erect by lino when hi. Indy elnid, at daughter, W.. gn ing,tap to die, ills child was eltreil, Met i• nett nM e null wolf. Desirous of heyliting hie lrllmr utortals, Len ill went to tit , e who wish it the reeii,e,'eonntinint; frill dirtetions (nr malting and .104 flak rem' dc, free on reeett it of titer names. watt two titatilp , to pa)erpenses There is not it Angie t age of Con-unaptiotut that it Ines ant fit 1.. e• tad• . hohl•of and ' nn e,Jc previnlatte ,, , irritation of the nem.s failure of ilielhery, .11111111 h f•Cpeetileatiell, Nhaer 115 1 0, in the lungs, h.,ro threat, tieleutflote, IleUnealit the toonauch, frou of the bowel., rinsin g nw aI of the tnn.ele4, The n Pit. r tr ill please et.lll. the , I,llle of the paper they seen this MIN ..iisiquent in Alit/0,, I citmirmcK & tear 'ly' 'kb* Myth )2(1 fit., , cl) ENNSYLVANIA 11.-UTAIOAD wiyilm Tl3lll TABLE. FirE Timvs !)41L1 rind from Pidadaph in and Pitt•bnrg. On and after Monday. Cklubrr:ll,t ii. , .34, OW P., ,, ,zee Train,..f tho Pennsylvania Railn.a I Cwor any will d..part frinn Harris burg and arrive at Pl lladelphin and l'at,larg as folio, a: EAST WA 1? D : TimorGH rArRESS T,RA IN leaves Harri..titirg a L 2.4 A. 31.. will arrive- a We-, A. 11. , . . . I.*-I'ST LINE leave: Ilt‘rrinlaux o•xeept 3li,aat'ay) at .1.10 A. M.. anal art', e 4 at WP-t 111113deli.hia at 1..2.41) 1!. Pa•zeagers take brew Lan, TRAIN leave.. ll.,rricharv: ihttly (eselpt day) ai1.30 aud \\'e-at Phil.tdelpliia at 5.• 33 P. N. ' PlT l ' s llVite3 AND EMI: 11,Jrr burg latl (ex'rept Sunll“yr) at 11. - jt it 31, and arrive, at We.,t I'lliraledplaa at 1 111 A. 31. 11:11:2:1'zig /{1 ;ACC( iMMUDATION liarra.latra . daily xrept t4alalay) at I ip , l I. 34. And L'adadelpitia,:a p.:tt) P. It. trnia'h. no con tot , !tun j - enut the ' C01.13113/A .11'1 ( 1 31MM/A Tll t\ Tll'.l/N lea yes }Lir ritharg (vt:••••pt st191(1.1) ) at 7 A ti. allitlirfivo, ut lA.cy,ter at 9 15 A. 5f.• a mlllect.ryf (except au )load.,') with shot Falii 1.1111 • 1 • 1;q. • W 1 S'F \V A R .1) : PITTt.I.:I:I4I NI) tiILIE li . P.l;•Oti us Irani,- burg' daily (t.x•••1•1 Sallitriy) at lt.t':;.• A n. Aal . take aiel art-, .• at l'ltt•••ligr.; 1 . 21:0 r.m 11AI:1'1310EL: EX I'ItENS TIZ.kIN leave, il.L.rh,harg daily (ex.! ept M•nal.ty) 1t.'2 . 1 a. : A Itooa, r•. 151 A. at.. take I•r••,Llita..t. andarriN • Pitt.letrz I 411 P li. , jii:OFGH j,Nplu:klS o,t,e, I larr.-001%; tlail'y at 3.- 25 t. ‘t, at 1.5 A 71, at. l'ltnirg• at 2. 1 1 . tt . 1 FAST LINE (Lai,. (ex, or. 10 4 00 I' 3`..: fo 1 1 . 31.. q.t . .' itud ar• Pittlir,..; at 200 A. 31.. 31.1 IL TRAIN - 1,, daily (excilt day) At 1.0 Alt4,..Da AI 3 ': - r+ V. It., •an a 3.1 urns,. at Vot.barc at 1 Al tt -muryr,Joy ct.•(,:kimoz,ATioN, _ _. , .. ••• ~. wi•-• li a, j...J.,,,, vast,r x:11.'10 A. Mvon, 0 : tle the n , v. it:: the M. 111,1, , : 1t..,e. M.Ond 41“1 al 1 , ..T4 .. u...md; rria ...a li.rrll.l.llrg ;It LIE I% M. I 1 . SIT.(I.\ I. NOTICE. I 1 in: .kci,.1)31:!11)1).V.C1( '1:11..\ IN fr.,..1*11t,1,11rz, Nl!nt :,....orhon at 11.,r 1 ,- 1 .1,rz •aq,111.1 . 1.. f"r G.ia df liarn.barg - ox. eta, tll r. ' , AMU I:1. 1.1. , 11. 11, _ i'ENTRAL IZAII.\\"_VY 7 1 /1/E 7 1 .11:1.E-6", Traon• L'a:,'" to 47,0/ frr I:4l:lew.re and 1 1- .4 ,,, gt , PA CUT. 0,11,4. :4,1 , ...,4, a Ail 1.1..zat , *1‘.11,1.111.a1 1 ir, ,e , /,1 from atol ti. , 1. 1 (t l, 1; ;ri:A IN, DAILY sr, zipafr..ltll..lC“rttr.,.l, it./.1 .111 ot .N.llitly , rlt Ne, . . _ _it- nn,/ //per Mondari. (hr. 1.7t/t. ISal. the l'a,nprig- r T1 , .'61,..tf the X.4rEllern l'4 at-r 1 It.kil,,ty'l.iil arrive at -,1.1„ depart Ira Han-1:0,11v :Mil Ii tlthn,q. li , follkro,: S /1,1%,T II \•r A 11 I.) . , - MA 11 , • TRAIN lea,,, Sitlzlp:ry dishy ,extnt , - Snt,thiy) . , - : 10 . .25 A 11, 1... tr, 11.0r1.1.r.7 1.10 1 . 11 . . ..." arm% e? .11 11. Clt tu ,: - ,.,... 5 . 4 , 1 .. 31. lIXPRES:S TRAIN leo, ei ,tInimiy11:111 11.:- , , p E ,npt Sund.lo ...f •„ ... 11.41 rAr. i" .4.,,•• 11, r r ~11n rg 1,4•••• pt 1 - .11..1.11. .., , , 11 11 A li. . nrrii.“..it 11. , morn . : ... 1" ipr,, M. WA 11111 S nt. • 11(1 A(' 4 (11.M. 1 ,r1) - A F. 1 4/.). 11..11-,.. 1 11:,,,1•1trr •• 2. -- • .- • 7i:4 AM. St - NBURY ACCU'IMIII) 111),`, liv v•Sua• . , .". hart 11.,21 (1,.4‘41.1,1.1:, I . 7:30 .1.31. PIIII.AIIIII.IIIIA I:N1•I:E.: 4 i i:2, IN 10,,,,../ i . (»). p. 11.1 p.m • (7t'l' II W 117'1). :m.ur, •' 1 '2,5 "art, e% . 4.0) F:XI'ItESS 'CHAIN 11,t , thyily !,.30 rt,v. at at t i.trr,lmrl4 • -- - - 1 :Ai leo.,•• If al: ,cl , ll - 9: n tny V . N.- et•pt 314,13:•) !3 A NJ. . 5.! ERIE EX PILE ITAIN ; _ • 01.t,1r en: A it itArtlWkralti: Al'0()WI , IDA J •.‘ - P.li. • ittr-,',.• 1:: at •- in Nlll:llY.ACi_i '31.31('1 , 1 rislrfirc ) 4 .4 , 'I he Erie Expr. , ..v,a .ro , zzln incnct . .. t .m.l from Erlo : p,l .01 mr:11:" iot.. )1,11 lirol Espro , thr..1,13 n. E'opra r 111:1,1-1.1.101 N . :MY it."' Supt. T 11 \NI ) VALLEY /!/r 74 it! At:A att‘ r t FM: C11.1)113.1:11,,iLl Ni) 11Altal•BURG : MEM .1 )1. P. 31. p taco . .• • . • • • r 7.0 r) .2 45 '•;I,. ... . rl7 4.1.11 I'll - .t1:11 , 4 r•fmrg, 5 • 1-7 " .--, - 1.; • .11,• t,90 • , A ta ,10 II) irrh eat ilare,burc. . ... 7. i 0 11 fr. :5 11.1(;ER , T,OWN I. H. 1.40 4. , 15 • Me, liani.,lntrg -••47 Yyl 4.50 •• t 'Arll.3a ' '3 27 '2. 7:•; 515 Sea 10 ir.i 7.31' Sliiptatry.3ltra: 10 :73 134 • Arrive at Chambei,burg - ... 11-IA) 4 :3'5 Le:lN e l'harfiller.btlrg• _...11111 .4:45 (1 rt•tm. 0..110 . 11.55 A rt, 4 , at llawt tt 12.35 6.15 Maktner at Ba-ri.hurg . %stilt Itrarnh for rtal.ole:phia N. a Sark atol and with trains , for :di I , nur, ll". , Thert I' ii. nth., only /1. Nupt, jt 1h t. - - 1311ILAI,)F.1,1'111.‘ AND EIZLE 11 Val —TI 111.. tra• era , . •he Now, nt .” 1 .1 ~1 1 . , to the ~ity Erie' o n , at io _ I: h., t ,, on), ,I 11; OA , I!..a.iro.tnt. 11,1. ~4,2 I , ....ettver 0.101 Bill: BI IC FRAINS a ; I ,b 1 1:.‘ 4 1‘1" 11.1.", B. NI., Tr.. 1,13 1. 2.50 b. it. N 3 ohare•port o.tation ...... .11 dii B. it. t NVlAlbrAltl , . ..... ... 1'2:35 A. it. Trlon. : .......... .3(1 A. it.. ii IP.am94 , rt .k , 00n . 3 . 1”, ,, Luti,pn. ' • .1.41 I' 31 1 , ,,.....eg,zpr ears mull thpattgit 1.11 Mail Without b;•1•A;t1.11 l'hiladelph a and !I:no. awl Italt.mot l patml Lfrie. I:.eirata Car , EXrret,Si - rally , both 11!..tAt 1.. VI Call:tut-port anti Baltimore. information role. Bog: Iht,havaa, apply ut Corto r 3 0 :It and 31arhet Sul et, Ploladelploa. 'Atel fir rr,ight basihe..4 of the Coa)panil, S. It.'KlNG,insi. Jr Cr.O ll3th J \V. Eno. lzent N. C. FL It., Baltimore, Md. , • , • II If. lIOUNTVN • I.len. Fronght 11. W. GWINNEIt. - 'Gen. Tlrl.rt• ALrent, - - - . .11)8 (;,.” • _ lIFIZIC 1N LIFE IN'.li, vi, yre.id,nt, 3A4 W. M'A1.1.1 , 11.1: S. pr„ tOlll r, I t.IV r 1), OAKS i• the tthiletrtrett .A gent tq th, ,‘ 11 I furn,ll all ittnatn,lion • titr2.l tt OT T R ENT- - -,TM I': .1(111X it: „f Ciinitlii•Nlitrir.:, the I ;eneral Agent of th o y ru4 k. lit ;it utit,ll 1114 , 11 , 11+ ,0 f'..P•LnY. , lionA )ENSR)X, R() 1' N-T Y .AND, WAR -t - LAIM AftENCI —l'estqien• of if, pro-rot ho are tti,bled up red , on W , J1111114 .41 or 1, a nvuale In the •Pl, 11-c of the United Pot,.joll• S 11%) Bounty and Arreari of P a y ,lituinot•tor , or heirs of One.° I who tttlh, e died or Itei.n killed it Idle int,ervieo. RHIN II (HUI. - Chinn Agent, ChAntherllttog, - - TOB Pirt, TINfl in every style 'clone a$ Adler the PROM JAI • 'llintS Of Crab& insurantr. S•crttary, 01/.1-Trot•nrcr—,l,,lta S A, to,ory—jo),ll Pa., alithori7ed tint, .• 'l'rl,4 ('am= 11,11-11 an) 11. 11 , ,i .Ifesitia/ Ex. 1 I - Dry ai6Yry fsl)l3b'S. J. M.:HAFLEIUW 311)11a: ,AN ri(zrq-1 Ti‘rri:*l (tJLUI I :L' TAFFE ht afi tL. NI:Nr 4 1:1>1.1,111S. tvitit a w..ll , kNorted Kn>.d poi J. u. 11. ;.n : .•, 4.leasury tit -biting o f the urn air Tit.ll)l.: thn: lie I:, boom for:aarae in landing hid imp4t , tatitnk .tt this u the .11.4 Is TilliitTY-Tll pint ; (• ENT. thanjat ahich a !..rgeyorti,a of l'itr v.gn ,•,I , 1 - ‘ lawn pat , al on • the market s .ea-an of ‘11.1.-IL will N- i•At I-.wPr Man ;!, iplll4P, can not re. - . A 1" 1 D E - ( ;OLD .--;TANI).71:IN). • 111.1...1,4.,;:14U\11t1F: ND WINTi - • tir*.xti; alv,t IN 1;1)1.13, will tlir ;Wive rinvsrd •1ce.".1 110 NOW, pout rho latter We pro?ec fr"ita by daily pm Itltelui (101,1 ihe SITEET ruiL,l;r:F.rtitA OEM .1)111" (LC) ()Ds sToli 1:. ,ipptp.iff gre 04ire •jlt-t r, , ttl sztrietlttto.s of 1 , 1 1 try t" tocit V.l -y tmtte ttttention 01,1110 W.• itt-t lo•rt. t , t.tt Iv, are prepart it to .; 11..tt., tit the 00111113 the mgr., illtti . it. it • OM k • - •.- 1 , part i Itlti:`,4 to 4 t 1, ,, ; • IK t'IMAINtt Lou rs, ory hettp. I; 0.31,)1:AL e llul)P t•lti•ap. , r than • tilt here. Glove. If ottipry. s kre„ trretlt r „, v:t•al.,k• tf , Ttt 11,10: Shirt.. lithtwert., t N•.r. • ot p A vi. p• - . 4 k Plan' I. all 6 , 1 n t..elt ,1.1 Lu Ntlti 1., 7 ,11 cuslumons. Sow 10 rho ,) bay. , mi:Tc.u.rn Ll., Lk ,c - r lox - ItE'VURNS (011 E, IN ~' - , , :1., 1 . ,• not,. 0 : 141 the 011,31, 01111 IVarlett 11 1 151/11011•11t Ifi I,re i:oe.l-jle, * o; etet, .tr WM WALLACE & '(it) 6 „e l ,„. 3t, r i r , 1 11.,,,,,,,,,„. r . „ i ,p,,,,i, the'Metlemliw Crain-h. They hat. Jer•t p.: rearhort trill ,New Vert: where the..., .r.t, elt , tql .11 A heti... the large-, h.""rt ,,, '. , "f Pr?' "!'''''' et!, Int rre:llt tp thi. eurtr,ty which they *tiller at greatti - co. dheed i r,, es rer r.,,,h. ~.or”.i.„rit h. ; rf I ;j.,i ?in:”.l ~I'ls cepts. . . I \and 1,,,1,. Er. :::) ,•Plit.. ' 21 Y,trils wide r•heetire.t. rf.l 03. f , . I t 1 , ,,i,", ('it.'' 31 te.1.1. 75 t east.' Iter..t i!rwitr. at :17,t vent. - • lierni Veil:, at (Otter 1” - ;tea, i Cr' trizham. 371 0,-.143 I ellta; 1 • • lio1111030 • a. 1: 1 2 73 rt 7. 4 I/0, E-4. .50, r r Sl.:te, I. .1t all pr. Ca, 1.,d,.... ci,Lki , ,, all r011,r5. . • j C,lnet• .lo.of, azelC,itnerk. 12 (Itiar, 1;'ah1...4. all wei,l, $.1 . 230 pt , r liarr. A fill aaaertllellll of( .kw e-. I.lerrer'. ti.,., cor.t.ihtfylAg llarcl. , , , , Ti1,..n),,,,,•,,. d , bong pen 1.1,141 ill Now York ittgoo•• est aril prier, 0 e are tietertt.it,l tok !tel.( ut low rate,. to bur; the t'ti., ..-,- I ;it e 113 0 Callbefore 11 . 1 • 131•111 1 151110 1 01.. 1 ,11331 1 I , ta 11h. - WM. \WA I.L'At.'E & CO. Mqz =9 VEW ANI). CHEAP in.t op,tni It .t.trill in Si 11.1 , 111:1Z.. a new sad splenaul Monti of Simple atalFor riga UODDS. e.ant.re,ng . nimont every artwle, mitt able to My mark. t; ltiii,'rs AND SHOES. DRUGS AND :111 , ..DICINES, two .in .rtieks 11 , 11nUy kepi in a StOre. Ile i• o .. ett,llll:pett to m•il gootts • cry CrtuAr X i I:1 no Clovor 5.1 . 11.1 'Flinotity :Flax Ita...n Lard, Tallow Latillwr. sari. tin Pine hurts Sli:nalti‘and Liaw,t lie taken in tAi lur t tooits at Ch.itillint•lnirg Itriciiti. 1:1:-.11111.1t. ha. Wti ti-4 , rttneut of till kook of lattal.ernm.Mintly ,i•hand. cheap Pi KARTER. ATOTIC'E TO Trit nt‘ , l. .1\ INTL:It bILE , s am). ' 1 10.:\:11N(;:^ .. ,11, - - lt; the lee: V , •lNri. 1 {.111 1 .m. IN .1 vtvi Itnrle Botiou.. c irmunent,, and Fringe, in an A anoly. Lla, 1111.111 DRI.: ,, SI;S mid ' NETS. the brit arat 111,11 1 ,4 111 the rite. .d o, 0 larnv of all WOOl . ...haul nail Srarf huller/a o'. alit a Fond ara•le - itlera , e vall at No 13 North roit Sir - et - 0 Plailah , ltia. A 111.111.1 1 (0 - 11:11., L: 1 1.21111 11 1 31.1111ffs11 1 1ttrer. EYRE - &: LAN III I)ElLiL, Ft )1T .1 171 Re 7/ .qTS: PLAIT I'.aer for tho i v.t l'll,ll/11. and I.flerti" or doeer. t „ thd,„, re'_oy oli Falr Dealitur nrulp toad 11.-0 :11111tIN(1115. l'a,lnolublo SILKS Natality 'lll,lll/S PINE'S Pt /I'I.INS. 1/ark 1 1 01"1:A111 1 SJ I'ar -111:11 IN( /1; . 1 Phial SIL\ AVLS. Go. d Bi,.‘NKETs. I' S. GoIL (I,:or‘r. ns rn+ roe foollozr it 1:4.FL911 tant • fir )tyrefirtris •and l'otaatall, to rrl un• in - -- VAS - I'EIZN INN.—Thelia , ; ata- Inteiy itarelt,e.e.l the Lana, and ..anan'alion, ' Malaita: of hot . S. It. Fe-her. in t onneetion with Lis pre.ent place of laaalle--, on the / oral, of Mani -aree-t and Lade 0 Alley. 1. prepared to aeeoltiolase It) by the day month. Ile e. ateph.-; I.t ot t,,ka with -to aaeolunnalate the travelailt. public•. Ila,ntaz a s iartze 1 : 1VI:111" 1-t'r A 111.1: enaected all the Hotel m ist, and the polka. Kenerally ran taraMaal ith l'artiatte , at .1a) neaneta: Iter.oni resit, lug ( - kne1t...n.1,1,1,- a Ith thett- tamale-. a ill find An. the moNt a, a h., 11.1 - ic re fitto d nn)i ennm new Fartiltare, uml the root, arellarLry and n ell ,1'1•111.1, d. Thewith all the luxuri.. of the 0,1000, unit the 11.\12. IN lin b i 0 dr tarled 1 . 111111111.1 Pre-It lltahltna. w ill .11, fitr,l-41,11 I 'holt f• 1 1010. 1141111. f, ory cl,llfin-VOr aate.ts. loothll It. F. wtEENANv.‘ur. ri AVI I/ li. II C I S.' .0 N e,he 110. Pr.,prietor it the UNITED s'r _ITER 110 TIA, neat the Itailteatl 1)01101 at 11AliltISISUItti, PA. Thi. 1,01.1:Jr and e , .nanodaaat lintel ha. been newly refitted and foriaoledthnatzhata n. parl,--: and elnualter., and 1-• -110117 ready ho the reception ot gueett., iflilet trot elhat tol'', fuel the United State, 1 11etitl the nly.t ta in all Fallout:lN. of in the Stale on - nt of 1111. roil rant be,e 4 aamedlately lain ern thr to o irreat depots in thei •Hat ri,lturg, jllOl. 17,1 G 1 tf. 4 - .•••I'ATES UNION noTEr,, c)pp 4 osurr, ,k)thr l.eh,uem valley and Penn‘ylean:a Ruilnr,,U Dr- Ifarre.letre,- and pblnrant Hotel to now lola by the tindersiatied. late of the Leh, Queen Inq'harnhett.httre-, and he inn Ilf'S the patrontia-e of he. old I'r,-cal. and thepuldie gem rally: Torms !moderate. pet", tf JOHN W. T.\.Y.l.oit. 4 , :::•Li7,R GilMl,lll. '7ll. I DR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL I OF FTC!! On &Vona Streot:One Sqllllllo &path of the ileeeieet Rime. ere Hitrbetl'i Shoe iitneee theta I= t)ELPI!IA big V I \ IEP FALL ND] 4 0 0 D ti, ii t IF 1) S ES • ri.• WI: OTTOMAN SII,KR =I MEM \Y ULEN AND 4;11'.1c )11•41'1:1) BRIC'S INEEII=I CLOAKS, fbx 1..4D1E..; AS D MISSE,Z. ME= .T. V. PROCTOR co. ll= ti.DAK. AND 1:1111:31P01:11"M. = Hrrucfri:Nr E. C GROVE 0%61 as iurtinent Wrdn NorLfthrr .!.11 in her NEw, Ito 311., SE - COND STREET, opresite the PoNt. I Itheo, • - to whinh the invites the attention of her' • Old Ctn•tnwera - - - and the pahlie trenentlly. _ I November 23; ig64. Byrr-Colors. 1 4 1A}3IILY• DYE 'COLORS. -- PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 1663. - Dark Green, Itiaek for Silk. ' Light Green. Dark Blue, Magenta. • Light Blue, s . Maize, French Rine, , • Maroon, Claret Brow*, Orange., Dark Brood. • Pink, Light limn's,. Purple, ' Snarl. Brow% Royal Purple. , Cherry. Salmon, , Crinitsm: • - Scarlet, • Dark Drab., Slate, I.ight Drab,• • / Sollertuo: - Fawn Drub, Violet, Light Fawn Drab, • Yellow. For DSl'inc Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Snarls, I.)rest,,,, Ribbons. Gloves, Bonnets, Rats, • Veathers. Kid, Gloves. Children's Clothing. nod all kinds ofWearing Apparel, . • . A SAVING OF'BO PER. CENT. ,A 3 For rent,s you eon color as ninny goods as would oilicrwi-e east hive times :hint own. Various shades can be pits - bleed from the con., d 3 e. The process is simple, and any ene can use the dye with perfect suecess. Directions in Englich,l French sad German inside of each ;pack:lac. ; Per thriller Information In Dyeing, and giving a perfect ltDoll1 , (11:t• what colors are best Ildapted to dye ever thliers, (with many yalealge receipes.) purchase Howe & .stevons"fratitise on Dyeink and Coloring Sent by mall ou reseipt of 3•rice•-..10 cents -3lnnuthotared by ROWE & STEVENS, nor2A. WO Broadway, Boston. Sale by Druggists and dealers generally. I= farbirat. I 7 ) , ALT IMOR E LOCK HOS PIT AL.-Dr. Ur JUIiNSTON, the foamier of this Celebrated Inititn tiou. otler. the insma i , ertain speedy, and may etWetunl remedy' th the n arid for lieeh,, Struetares, Seminal Wealaoi. Pain in the Loins. Countitutionnl Imp dem e. Weithm,s of the Back and Linibs, Atfeetions of t. kidneys. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep,ia, Net , lice ices of the Eleml. Throat, Noon or :dim; and all the, .terIIIIIS 411 , 111101.0.101 y 111 , 011terS aria. her Gun the iloaruetive baba,. of Youth, which destroy both body awl mind. - These secret nod solitary pructiees , their,,iet.loo than the sung of the Syrons to the moaner t 13-Sits, ilheltlng their moat brilliant hopi a or antimpatai, rendering montage, Le., imputaibls. • YOUNG Mi:N! young I.l6liosl,eu uly. silo have ht route the 'victims of Sont..r.r Vice. clattAiniailfill and destrtwtirebabit winch and I , IIIIU4[IY 10.1 4, T* :ti) grate thousands of yiatng men of the most exalted talent and brillhint intellect, who ought otllerwtse haseentrah. hsietung Senates with the In under.. of elo.luell O. or naked to et,tatcy the lising lyre; slay call with hill V1•11tili, it AultlAGE! per,orc , . uti y rung 'men contemplating marriage, .hclog aware of phy‘ical n enlme., organic debility, defile• should immcdnatel! consult tie. Johnston. Ile alto place, imn‘elf annular the titre of Dr. Johnston man mh;;iou , ly eotititte in his Imam as it gentleman, and coundently rely upon his ii.iil as a physician. _ CeltraD ; AND IT LL ilisea, is flu: penalty Most frequently paid by those n ho Ira a ben 0111 e, 111111. of improper indulgences. Yount.; pernot, are too opt to cemmit excesses from not aware of thiLdreadful consequences that may ensue. :No,. a l u ih.tt itollet'stattilstlie Sul jeet trill pretend t odeny that the Ismer of Prisieution in. loot simmer by those (Idling into adbroper habil than by the pendent Ilesidesbeint; de ilrlN ed of the pleasure of healthy oil:going'. and the moist ~11111, toot destruett've sympathy to mind and body arise. The system lieeowei , iteraneol, the physieill — and mental pro err rt ealti nerret, debility, dyspepsia, intlpiatloe of the heart, indices-don. a istiMillg of the frame, 'tough. sytotonis of consul-44km. Office Sol :foot& Frederick &rest, o yen it or. from I.l.lltimore street: pia side, up the step& Ito rarheihar in ote.erving, the. name and number, or foe o ih inktahe the Idaho. ♦ 6VRI: W.iItRANTED IN TWO DATA. .1/,erury or Nauseous Drugs. Llt. JipitssTox. 31ember of the Royal Cotes* of Louden. itraduate from one of the most eminent Chlleze6 of tho United and the greeter part of who, life 114 , beep ;petit iu the hospitals of Londe]; Par, Philad-iithiaidnd ekewhere, Lae effected some, of the most ti,hiaishintr yams that were ever knowt. Many teoubled. with rinicduz hilt, head and can when Asleep, _rent nor,,insooss, heilig alarmed at endden sounds, and :th fiequeut binshinz, attended sonielimei At ith derangement of mind, on ere eared immediately. A CEILTAIN DISEASE! IVllen the ini,ruitle,l and itnprutlent votary of Ideatuire find lit has imbilaT d the ceed of this painful disci:me,' it too or b., h. tpla m• that ittn I iin ed sense of shaft.% ordreadof dis• I,i, from applying to thos.r;vf ho fronredurd non and re•peeml (Hoy eon alone befriend him, delaying t till tit, I 11`,' it ,fi,,,,,1,p1ip101115 of this horn(' disease make their appeal:me, sueit tdeerated sore throat, disunited nose. it. tumid rains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, tin tin. , lade. ott the title. bones end antis, blotches on the In .01. Mee and extntinities. prouressing with frightful ra pidity, oil nt Lett the 'palate of the month or the banes of the int.e fill in and the tlotion of this awful t disease be. foto,. a Itorrld 011::e• t of commisseration, till puts a period to Id , dreadful sutlenngs, by sending him to "that bourne (rein no traveller returns." rtesuch. there tine 11r..1‘.1m.toni pledger" himself to preserve the most invifflahlt• t rune and from his extensit e practice in the lio‘paals at Europe and Ameriea, he can confidently reetUntaeial as s.t fe and speedy cure to the unfortunate hunt of this horrid disease. It ie e mtlentledy fact that thousands fall Tir.1,11115 di , . band gli,on,e , owhig to the un,killfuluess of igl.lolllllt pr, to,piont alto by te.e of that dreadful tit:on. Mercury,' ro.o lilt colivnttitwit, and either e-esid. tit unfortmutte TO an tuituo«ly crAN o. or make The residue of life Intberable. Ell==2=M Dr. J. addressesllio.e oho have injured themselves by grit ale and Improper indulgences. 'lla-,e are ~onie of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz :—Weakness of the Back und•Linilig, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Las of lklittonlar Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Lys pep-ia 'Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges. TIN 1•'Illie110114, General Debility, Symptoms CoulaUliP• non La. the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; loss of 3leinorv, cdnfu.ston of Ideas, Depres sion of Spirits,, Evil Forecasting% Aversion to Society, Std f-Li~inmt, o - i-e-tit Solitude, lmhlity, So., are Nona of the es it ctrectl ' 'thousand., of persons of all ages can now judge what e, the enuse of their deeltutac health, Tossing then- vigor, w.nik. pale. have singular appearuncoollmt the' e) ce sough. and symptoms of Consumption. , Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY Effit ORGANIE WEAKNESS. groat and impwnurt remedy, Weuttieslo of th• or;r:ln s curet. mall - all vigor restored. Tlnebends -id the m et nervous and debilitated, who had lo,t all hOpe. have beet. immediately relieved, AU impediments to Marriage, Phrdearor Mental Disqualltl,- N,o-vods knitabelity, Tretnbling, Weakness dr Ex. h.tustion of the mo.,t fearful kind, moodily cared by Dr. Johnelon. YOUNG 31.y,N, ho havt; injured thfunsgh es by a certain ,practice, haul. /fed rn when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at schold. the effects ore nightly felt, even when asleep. and If not mired render marriage impossible, and tied roj s lanh mind and boily.iin told apply immediately What a pity that a youn4 man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents , should be sudtched from. all jec;pects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of de%iatmq from the path of nature, and indulging in a cer tain secret habit. Sm•h persons, before contemplating should reflect that n sound mind and b.lyare themostne :,,Ary reillusit es to promote connubial happiness.. Indeed, ithont these. the jonniey through life becomes a weary pilerimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the n“uul becomes shmlon od with despair, end filled with the inclancholv reflection. that•the happiness of another be conics blighted with idir own. IEI 0111(2E NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERTHFC STREET, TO STRA NOl:l2S.,—The many thousands carpi at this In , t,tation in the hod fifteen yeurt.; and the numerous lrn• itort.tut nurgicat Opendionshterformed by 'Dr. J., witnessed by the riporiel, of the lepers, and many other persons, notit PS. of N‘lnehlowe appeared again and again before the polite is a r•nthvient guarantee to the afflicted. ..N• B. There nre- `." iiiiniYignorant and worthless quaeki advert.sing Phystetans, ruining the health of the idteatly toil. Dr. Johtnton derma it neeessa7 to nay to the, unnequaiuted with bin reputation, that his Dtpletn.n. hang in he, tltee. hE rlicl .—All let.tera mutt be post paid, and a DeittiZo otautpft,r the reply, or no answer will be son: [mar 1647. " I'ESTIONS! ES T IONS! Q trESTIONS! TIIA P CoNcERN EVERY ONE TO ANSWHR. I= IL cm y our hair fall off 1 11, your li,or l,M•owe thin t it fool lia,ll, taut dry, and fererish tirrn:iur gay before its time -Are ou trouleed aiuu ttohiug, burning sensation of tlis, scaly Are you troubleil o itlt Dandruff • Are you troubleil nit]. n hat is called Scrofula or Salt Phenol ? ... Hal e you had the }:eysipelns, and lost your hair? • Bare you had the Measles, nil lost It? hive you had iii' Typhoul reVAI", nail lost it / I 1.0. c you had the 'Bruin PeNce, anti lot it 4,. . , I love you lost ) our hair by any sickness I._ ' I Un yea I,l , lllllXitrialt hair f ' 1 lh, 3 ou visit soft and lustrous lair? - ' I Lho you w Idt my hair restored? I lin emu ii kit wish your whiskers glossy t f 40 you ii lqlt them restored in Color I - i Po you 'want a dressing? l l io you u,ntt it for yourself, for father or mother, for Im.ther. sister, or friend? Do y o u want to make Rpresent I Do you want a perfume for yonr toilet? Do yoitant a harmless article? I Do you smint a pure article? / .• Do you want a double distilled article? I , Do you want a cleansing article? Di, you wont the best preparatiod out (dr dressing, stint? Mating. protecting. restoring the color, and rendering tort, silky and Imtrous sh e Dum an Flair e If 10, a 0 warrant CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVI3,. FOR TIIE HAIR! To be ruequalkd and Superior to any Preparations ever (74,...p0kn Jed and offered to the piddle. ~ati.faction guaranteed, or the money refunded. It (est. but 81 for one bottle, or six for e 5, and Is sold by drugglett and stealers eversehere. C. G. CLAIr & CO., Pml!Mita*. D. S. BA AI Ar. CA ., 4 X V:i6enpmslAvecili klu&Shat = QUESTIONS! INI