November 23,';1864. tuilliu cril,4.i.;toxj2., LOCAL ITEMS Goss'' , 'WITH Otn Fttir t tcusi--We are just, now in receipt. of a coniumuicatiotilfirom Chatty-4 berslnag requesting us not to write such hilish things," Witt M be " noire dignified." , Our' cgse, we fear, is somewhat like Henry -, who some!thirtVyears agone was a 'weigher of the e• Chainbersliurg Troop ; On a certain revieN day lieniy got on a spree and into a ' tight ; and heiiiE• knocked clown, lay prostrate upon the lap of mother earth: His Captain came up and indig nantly ordered him to get up tend mount. use, Cap„," be immediately repliql, " if I git up knock um right down agin.". •The applica tion is simple. The readers who imagine us, how ever, alsw9s to he laughing, is in grievous error 'Joking:lnd clinking are more nearly allied than liy the alliteration and rhyme. Indei•il 1 7 enni.31- vania Dutchman makes no distinction in the pio nunciatien. Is not eating, then, a serious matter—,rd el as oar French I riends would say? 1 .11 - e will therefore attempt a deseriptiiin of a dinner we'enjoyed latcly 'at the St. Nicholas, and we would - also recommend tie perusal of this gossip on Thanksgiving day, for the benefit of those N\ ho have no homes, no Thanksgiving dinner, no 'fur key, no mince pie. We heard that an old fribod was coming on to. New York. and expecting to be invited to'dine 'With him, we prepared ourself aci-s. cordingly, by a sjisteinatic course of diet, consist ing of water crackers and Croton, until our entire inner man was in a high (or low) state. of deple tion ; in fa6t we fairly rattled as Is e walked about. Ile came, both saw, and we conquered. 0, we can imagine how a young lady tbels when she has itecured a ticket of presentation at thrliourt of her' most gracious majesty Queen -Victoria! Three o'clock was the hour; fixed upon 'With one eye opon our work, and one- upon the clock. we awaited the slow moveutent of the minute hand,-Ail kept our appointmait possibly we were a little it'd advanceof time—'and now behold us seated at the talk. "It is soup ye want'" ' ,sinuatingly suggested an Irish ganymede 'behind our chair. }sappy coineideace of thought! It was soup we waited. Then 'our mind Vas seri ously exercised as to whether we would try boiled cod fish or broiled blue fish. I After that was set tled we underwent a desperate mental turmoil in determining the relative merits of 'turkey, duck, pork, veal,lialb, ellicken or' beef. We decided on roast ?lief, rare, and aller eating and enjoy lug it wished we had ehosert.torkej. But Ital! ) you know, We'd have been just as likely to have want ed beef, if we had taken ttirkey: For vegetables . we selected s•W r i•et and Irish potatoes, turnips, squash, egbace,iiiilidowiiii beets, onions, hum bean, tOznatties. Of course we filled in with ritious kinds of piZhh-s, such as chow-chow, pie walnuts, cucumbers and onions. That Filkso over; we paused, lonslid the lower button ," onr - rest and remmed. 13C - this time out appe tite was not quite so raver 4, a , it had been, and we !did become more cloddy; so I‘e examined more critically the bill of fare, determining main apple Tie, port wine, jelly and some custard.— Another rest and another button ; here oar friend from the Emerald Isle glided up to us, and whis pered, penal:lsis ely, " ice cream, apples, almonds, raisins, grapesl2.—(it seems'we were expected to make a choice.) "Fes,' we aniiwbred compre hensively and sententiously, and in a moment the 'polite but shocked waiter had a. regular barricade of dishes about us. We sipped iee ?Jean', munch ed tipples, snicked almonds, (and eat no philopo-, 11 . 11 R, no sir,) cheWed k.aisins and bolted grapes like an animated pop-gun, tor about a half hour, and then, the last.thing we were helped to (the dear old juke) was a settee, where 'P.e lay sighing like Alexander, fig. More worlds (dinners) to conquer. The Insulin' stuck to us to the last, and e‘t.n ventured to approach the settee with, " how d'j e feel now, sir ?" Though alive gone we roused our energies sutileiently to redly; "Failing fast !" " Faith, and if his'dinner kills him, he'll die «lust lie likes, I ls arrant = game iujhow," was tile last we heard or saw of•lim. Almost the best part of the-entertainment was the genuine satisfaction our gave to our kindliost. Alas, alas, dould he have but seen 'us in our lonely risari the snipe night, racked with pain- in the—warn our dinner was—with " no oni• to lose, DOW' to ca ress," or give lei peppermint or, Jamaica gins r, hi; would have doubted «pettier we Were under any obligations to him or 11(4. No -doubt many will hesitate to believe thisi.story, and tae expect it all we write, but let everjivine that doubts make a memorandum, and when he comet to New York let`liiirEcaikon us, and hasiing. called let him in vite us to dine with him at "a -first-class hotel like the St. Nicholas. Out of Tigard fur our reputa tionk veracity we w in go through the rery=44atue ordeal isary us, and we willbe willing to add, Trrifins - -ilpon Compulsion, a bottle of somethlng-or other,,to make a sure thing of it. There, we have tried to write with seriousness and with - dignity. Lct posterit) assisted by echo unsiser in the " af firmatfee affirmatively." ! • NEW TOILE., Nov. 13 ltai. I . IIE 130R1)1.1 . 11 To B 1: PROTECTED.—Itqa with ' no little gratiiieatio; that We inform our readers that the large and spirited meeting, a brief notice of Which we nimie in our' last issue, resulted in - the organization 9f three eompanies for 111,nm pro tection. A 'comniittve- having tt ailed on Najor -General Ciincli be appeared, and in a khort but patriotic address urged the necessity of ilninediate action, and prolni,ed hi- hearty co-operation Mr the furtheranele of ally plan that might be pro posed fur the protection ofiur much I•Xpi.sed por tion of the State. In connection with the pames (A, It, and (.',) fimnrd lure,tse learn that in Gi7Fikastle they hat e a company of 0111` hun dred picked men under Cbpt. .toe Dat bison, an old Pennsylvania Reserve antl in Wwt nelkoni, llercersburg, Loudon, St. Thomas and Fayette ville they are aethely eaginzed ia Perfecting their organizations. Our companies are already armed ati - tan effort is I,OW 1/vlll4llllMb' to get a recoltifi thin by the Seere.tary of NyiAnel be fully equip- 1041 by tbe get ernmen• Coo Many C will be billy • arnfiid, as part of it already is . , with the Beare, Allen or Ballard rifles; these arc procured at the m ills idnal ex iwnse of the in,uitiers. Of the Iliinry ' rifle we would sac that evqryfarmerin oar county who has a valuable horse a ,protect, should be provided with Mai of these iiffeetive vie:Apt/11S. One ifr two in a ilMuse; with a willing heart and a—pair of strong arms, would be equal to .••• score of men with the •commou - c om p : my A is eininnanded by Capt. John Dodder and Limits. K. S. Taylor land I'. 11m:filer; Cow ,puny 13 by Capt. (rate Cop Stinidjaugh and ZtLients. Platt and John A. Selder's ; Com pany C by Captit(late (ol.) Win. H. 130y4 and _ Liruts. L; llanunill and K. 1 PUbtre. • These gentlenlen, with tie exception of this '2d Lieut. of Utimpany C, Mice all seen active service, and have each given anitile evidence that at least a small partial of the Blood that stimulated the hearts of the sons of It; OM courses in their Capt. Boyd, wllO will be recognized by our readers iaiithe late (;id. '2IA f we arc happy to state 1p.1,4 and the ball extrarted,. : from his neck, which- iMlreceised at thebattlii nt Cold I larborand,havik cast his lid aIIIOIV, hL isdetermined that MS Well earned latirebi"!liall nut lade because of juddliirence on his part. AVM' such leaaers as the above, we hazard nut Ic ing in saying that if the rebel horde again cater our midst, this, which they may expect to make a Valley of Desolation,' will prove the Valley of Deitth to many of thqr number. Ite.v. S. J. Niccol.lls.—Welezirn that the Cai- I're,l)3tery, last pastoral rvi,,tinat «itl the 'rl.sbyh•rian Church of this phme, to accept the edit from the Secimil Presblyteriau church of St. Louis. Ile will go to liiiThew field of labor early in December, as I:iidel; regretted as have been his ministrations in our community. \V E learn that Mr.. James liinL, 4 , f this Place, has,reeMvml a tett.•r from tilim szaling that some* of the rebel prisons 'at Camp Chase have silver uare and told Hatches said to have been siolen pia Chitmlier , burg on the :311th of July last. Some of the win eis niarkdd "B" and some " D." Mr. King can give ibrther information on the subject. . learn that . 4 Rev. Dr. James L. Shnek, formerly pastor of the Lutheran Church in this place, left his home hi Nnw York nn the 19th ith ti o; intetition'of going to New If:I -lea. and has not sine(' lredlioaril from. Sorinin; apiri.her , :ni»a-niefelt by lib; frio'nds for his safety. A TH,NKs t ilvl i NG Db.roa , E bedelivered by the s‘n:. F. W. Courad, I). a to-umrrow (Thurmia!, ) morning, in the Erimg,hcal Lutlivrafi Church. Services to (.. - oalawai.i. at 10 o'clock. "TM: IFI'3IAN 1 Act , Netr Sit s lm of Phl4 , tra ars, ..Vot, /.tps, Mouth, Ikad, Boer, Bowl, Ertl .17,in, volt all "st,.:,,ttr %It. Art and Hoy- to 111,111 hen wtrt rt to rk. PilltENol.utt. :CAL JintitNAl. ASIt 1.111: II I.t .t.tit.tllty , for h , t.:t. S. NV1:1.1..n, Editor. Portrait, of Iletnarkable Men. in every estllnint, illuntrattog tit:tonna 4 .llltunan Character, the bane laid the b100m,,. the Nirtlntr* ,tett the n t jetet,,— rhysioymany, Etlotalaiey, I'ltrenala.yy, Psychology, etc., in ouch number. Nen Volume 41.4. for Itlu3, Monthly. Only E , 2 a year, ‘• NOW t, the finite inn ,Ilintenitite." Sant. ple numbers is n 1 ,4 thet Mete, address Messrs. F0W1.611 &\N Itnutitt.ty, 1.): York. MILITARY OITIC4Its anti SOLDIERS_ abollid have MeWY's Bao , “ OIL TeoenE , , a. , they can be ear tied In the pocket and talion upon the first appearance of a Cold or Cough, w hi. h. if neglected may terminate in something worse. As there Ore imittiti.M, tie mire to OD TAU, the genuine Return's Bronchnol Troches, is hick are sold everywhere at 25 cents a !Sox. .X:c01)1.: CoRDIAL. the . totlier's, Friend and, Cln hi. —This ah‘amt• Inoliv;ni•to nvain for sale at MILLEIt'S NEW acct door nest of llrov, Ilott.l. It f,:r :apt nor to :nri! Sootha L r or alt oth., prep.trati..” for chtldrva m Tettl,:o; Chola% ornlimard TuT..—C. 11. er, , .. ler has; - removed hie Drug Store fruto*Matn Street to Seem.' Street. ~pro,te the Po.t. ()thee. in Itoom V. 11,0 to. t, non prepared ',Ur" rty e.. 01 vrth rtrrp thlng- In A Drii;:Zl-4 • 'AI, 411' Fre , h, Pure ahil it rear,uable nay,. GEL & otoutod out in their nett n,unn r , Street. They anti retail. Cuinitry nu harm beck to-yens intere.t.— Yon eau tiny titan us 3 on eau in the toy. G Ur. & Br•ni HART 81./1 the be , t 'sent ntl .01.1 rta,all, • Lamps, AV and G bac, ery-elivap. GO' To Gelwie6 A.: Burkhart for pure borne gruntd rem r 11,11 . 1, :resh Teas, line Cheese and the best Ceo here lands. GEr,wit It: & BI'ItKIIART keep - the largeqt fittA:k of g0,,k6 w town, and bell Alen' « hole,de and mail. Sli •`' RIDE I=l I.:}rfrom the South at'break of day, liiinL:ing to Vilnehe-ter fro-h dz-tmly. The affrighted air w ith a shtabler bore, Like a herald in hmte to tin ehiectAill's door, The terrible grumble and rumble and roar, Telling the battle was QII once - more, ,\41 .. 1 :zheridan to enty miles away. Alld wider still bore billow of war, - Thundered along the horizon's ljar, And louder )I.t. into Winchester rolled The roar of that red sea uneontn`illed, 31aking the blood of the listeher cold Aq he thought of the stake in that fiery flay, And Sheridan twenty miles away. . But there is a road from Winchester town, .1. good, broad highway leading down: And there, through the flush - rdf the morning light, A steed, as black as thet°_.elln of night; Whel neon to pass as \Oh eagle Night -20 if he knew the terrible need • lie * .tretigo.d away V, ith bin ntnio4t sN•ed ; .r.,nd fell—butt his heart was guy, -With She - ridan fifteen wily, attar. -sprunz front those bwift hoofs, liouiderinz The dust, like the i.inolo• front the t•amitnis month, Or the of a emit swetpiaz faster and la.ter, FOrelp.ding to triniors the ( 1,1 011 , n of (11.41,t„, , r ; The Heart of flit. steed and-the .k,oart of the toaster 'Were heating likeprzirers theirtiails, Impatient Iti ben here the battle-field Every nerve of flit. charter watt strained to full pL _ - With Sheridan only' ten miles away. Under his spurning feet, the road .Lihe au ;arms y Alpine river flowed; And the landscape sped away behind Like an bet-an flying bethre the wind ; And the steed, liktl a bark fed with ihrnace ire, Swept on, with his wild eyesfull of fire. But lo he is ner.ring his heart's desire— Ife is snuffing the smoke of the roaring fray, Sheridan only fir e miles away.* Tne (irk that the General saw were the groups Of t:traiewrg, and then the retreatingtroops : What %N its done—what to do—a glance told )Tin both Vein striking his spurs with-a terrible oath, He dashed doss the line 'mid a storm.of huizas, And the wave of retreht checked its course there because The sight of the master compelled it to pause. With finial nud with (lust the black charger was gray; fly the fla,ll of hikeye, and hit; red no.strila play, jle'xeemell to tl u • hole great army to say: " lomight you Sheridan all the way From_ Witiehe:ter down to SaVe thy 'Hurrah, hurrah for Sheridan! Hurrah, hurrah, for Ii and man-! - And wimp their statues are pliwed on high Under the dome of the Vnion sky, The American soldiers' l,ei iple of Fame, There with the glEAsows generß's mune Be itsaid in letters both boll and bright: "'Acre is the steed that saved the ddy By carryin , Shcrid.m into the fight, From NVinelic;tcr-Hwenty mi1..3 away!" RieiED IVls4 IN—TAymM la the lath 111 , 4.. at the resi dema of the bride r ilareati 111_11arri.b - m*. • by the Key. A. Hay, Cap,. J 4,, .1. Dal e.on. (late efl l m/t. 1), (Oh I'4 rt .311k4 111. !laughter of Jolla \V. T., ior formerly of th, .11.11 . 1('IS-11 IIItTAIA N —Oa the lith iu.t . by the 11, S. lNl'ltetiry. Mr. 11.tittel Getwit kr to 311, Ctiarlotte 31' flerthttor, both e,l St. 'Llama` REITER-1 NGER... 2 4 /a the tome day, hy the ,Kati, P. Ilepfrr to Mlo, Kate 1. top •r, both ofilreen townqlop., - REF; D--LISIMIANI '-Llto the 11all in‘t , it, the Wo+t mini-ter ellareh. by the Ile,. Or Tilton Mr. John li rd to 311., 1.17ti0, daughter .J . the late s„ moe i Ihrltimer, LIE I) - HAAS —On the Loot inst., at the roooleareitt horgrantl• tathor, If onr.-1.. Reed, Lotus rtizotl 1 year+. WI LSO\. tm thin of October, nil'. 5.11,,0p1tal nt Ca,ro , 111., Mr. Jante4 M. Wtt•ort, of 1/es Len, utrl.d 2.2 and In flays ,Mr. Vs florin, has int! 1101.4 drafted, I.lli otootnntatinti and i!nrrot tharoly ershotett iu tho Pith Pa. ray. Ito felt as u tire tin tliwaot• before 1-1 aolontt Lis Rog.. :moat. 11111 , 11 at MIIIIIOII4 T,11111',.1 . 1 . 1,111111.1-SON.—On 13r11 i or., 'loaf' Dry Pont. 11,a t t‘I t Cath e etoon :wed T 1 yortre, 5 month% antl 17 day-. LINII.-011 the 1110 t trust, u 1 tlaatitton towaghip, .hat oh Lino al.rt 41 ears, 11 ltinnt Ito rind loco, 1111'11—On tilt , I 2rh trett,, ni st. atlas In p. Saintetl Hams apt naiit 3 moat let Mot I 5.1 , 111,111,1 - iil' . 15th Uni t In Barbara, tuft' of Jolta It, 1--ttsoly. m tie 1!:411 year o bar ovo. cli( t rif:Ll) —nu the 16th,14.„11), plote. Annie V. , lititgiltpr mai Sundt aged I year, 9 iiiontb k and 5 day, ' , . 1.4,1,1 y bu!.•.ll(Ar thy kfirLy, Short andNV, • 4 ; Soon the shall rrvq:o-e, ThU buried babe ue now deplore. LATEST HE S! Tin• War in Gporzia The Ca:Wes:Nashville despatch say's that mil itary afihirs are unchanged, , ,, and comparatively quiet. The rain continues and the roads are in bad condition.. llood and Beauregard are Ftill in the:vfeinity of,Florence. Nine hundred ;,rebel prisoners arrived at Nash villi, on Saturday-morning. from Atlnta. Think ing the pi:l'T evacuated, theytmlied in to pillage' and plunder. and wore eaptured. , 4 1'he wing 6-) inpat Vizors NaAicillo:are glooruy and diseon , olate in consequence Of the antiripa= ted results of Gen. Sheilndn's movement. - .;Ice7'ssijui , to our army arc arriviag - ila4 fromi the North. G e n, 87:pt.:nazi - 4 .Itt, Cuanix(;. 1.(1•,1•t, , r IL , L••11110I1.4 1, ...1,1.11r. (.111.1•,, ( Gehl:L.lm t, ( ..• 111.5. (1,11110111 , V , I. ••• 116111:5. Clothing, Caltlong. lil nt'ono_ii's (1 entlt n e,l . Clothr.g, Clot l . G,Oll. Clothmg, 1 - cl o thing, t • ,t (111 , :11111121. 15.'3- , Clothing. YLLVIT.,_.: Mon'. 1 . 0111, 31. Li', '1,111.,7 • Y - (.1.1..: 31, 0 V 0.1.;,,. ' LAIL • YLLItt Y• • n 1 . 1 ••'• • Y. .10,5 IL I, I'LL. /1," 5101.. 1 ,11110, • 1 ,1. ' W1L1111.1.1 S i , 11.1 r. • NV.l`i.ll/ 1,11,11. 1 .Y.01.111..-kr 11 t (1 araii.alo•t i a 11..av0, IVanant.t6or i(..0 11, Wallantalsor a 11-own, _ W00„,,/.47., a 7: ka,. 31 aira,, , ,,Ler l li,long, O a k 11.11, • I)ak Vittrianr.tlier a. Boat .11.t11, S. I. t•.l. 5.1.111 3Tarltot Street... • (',.r. 1,1, nod 31arkot$itr. • 5. Con Sr 11. Cot, lon 31atio I street.; • S. F.. ur ,Mark; t • ( tall .no 31.0.k1•t street.„ • Pio! ' N..TF. —ft Cools N0th,,,, , to 0 al," as - i•xamitiation,-you Can WAY,. it IL lnlll it the- 0 , 4 111,, , tl ,ii/ tI 411 al. We atitrui 0,111 ,tl l bar of lonn,t lan that we I' 0 0 far Mr •t stork—the cnr,nlogono! fain or Er' , - • N It In ituttten, 'tool: of ON 'roost. trot; ln.t , :von low. WAN.I3I.IKEII. ti ItROWN, Great Central Clothing Ilou.e. Oak Ilan. sortll S. 1 - .1. For, Silian.lNlarket St.., Phila. A C kRD, To IN itl.l l) ' , .—A. clergyman, I%lnle a a , a 111: ,, ..a.,11":. II .04-1-14 , 1, r• , ts r • I. aro, I in • . •-• , , ap•,, , \ , , p.i.7114.!“Ptt of 14: ti• • 3110 • Il 1:1 a 1. II any A•ne :f •1.1,11.1.41 r.,1,1r• to your self. .fddr, rd INNi ‘N. =I = 1.Z.-11:im•INE M. THEII: —Rail way t• ill, peer teal, le , .t tr.ta,,l a a relieve lain of pail. :a a lea•l.di ean• non it .I,;k .thoat id-. et If III; lb a. orer tlo• 31, xv, , b titter, the Isnabaab, It e t.ll wer 11 11 babl. tI I4lultalt . Sr the 1,, .1 wv.h sa irailtsay's lie.ldc iteliet day In a y ear tvell be lest by -it 1111- luta:. ale lF Itrzed I , .tu or arsoiabb , rt le esperieneed. It -1.4 i;tl be in every hat cabin, lati,e. pala• t., camp, bare „ amaul boat in the Lind: P^e rent, per b o tt.e. told D'rugaitild and Stor t theeper4 even - 11 here. EYE AND E ili.—Prof. J. Jsaars. 11. A, Oe. .I,4•yclon, I Lora toil permanently at N. 31.1 Nrra, If where par.on. atlhote4l t, lii fl`,s,lre of the Ea e or Ear, will lie ~ ioatilwally tronh.,l and area, if cur.,loo. A1:1111,1Ar. El without 1,110. No ,Largo= mole for Examination. N. B —The nietheal faculty invited tt hell, no re eras ln Lis 110 nie of trvatmllt j&p).l. V111N1f)5tA1...—1,3.11 ,4 and fivntkiniiii if you NTI-11 to I.l.trlty flu' .1 who , 11 you ,Ithout mon. pro Ltbh• it't rl/ tu„,, r' ta' ..r 11.: .n, yint 11,4 tlt; .11111 II L U V.,11 T.L I St 'T• ur.) o•••••nt pui .1 , ,, t• -41.• Tl:,' tls I,tal rho d• • zr. iutno - nuo,t, II r. turn Ina .1,•1 ••,-; ALlarets %it t I .2-2155 • guarantevil in fen nn,m , an.l a prrtnerlict,.. elle. .4'. rt. A-11cm from ten to tv.41....j 1,..,1411112: 1.'141 111 OW e to 11, 14111414. n. 4. e paid dean. aaar,:g. t NIA); 1 . 101.1 , 11105 i, (141 . . , 11.0 , 4 pr t 116 .11a, If.etit aproatiql from - lute forehead.: and al parr; of th.• btalv lay :hp of • rvii 11EI•1t .i t y nu:l4l to tad `25 by S. (' :3; :tn. REPO IfT 1? KE TS thamber.bum rk M. . . CIIAMIIER,III i1..,N0V. '..t!. 1/ 4 01 Flour—Wliito, :,- $ll 00 Butt, R Flour—od . ..ri. 10 50 - 1:g14% _ Whoat—iVliite .....- 2 32 laird .... ....... .... Whom—Red 2 33 Tallow -7ttt 2{}ar , I Nag I) 1111 IV,hrq • 11.1 1 SO 1 . 11t,,111. 1 11 V. 001 .1 ; ti Pao.ll lie • r 110 (loner SI ell.. 'ltutothy 1 . 1.1,1• ed „ •• • • ... I ((1 ( (;(1 11,11 1 75 fur I ) Plzilsttle11)11111i PIIILAI.Li PI!) Nu} 1.-1; I. Flour msvk. t .11:11 and priee, nat., r m,•.11,1 1 hi•ro i. ery_little Jt l I.TTI tiontall4l, allll .$V fl.nlY I , nt at lea 1 . 2 NI :old thin nu prn.ill• terno, rt•t.aia• palm!! INt.jiniz doing Ilintr or,oru r field at tln latfis .Lt wia..a doll ; .a :4) t, tu)l..r 1r hife. Eye rer11111,111,1. , 70. t . 0.11 lv .it 79 f,,r .61 , 3 E.l (Ala 1 70 for new. 1 at 4 avtivo CRY ILI 11.1111'11.1 Philadelphia SjOVii nrliet. Pllll Stnekn Lane. I'enn fire= n4i;l:e.l.llnz 1 adrmul , n.}} 31.nris Canut ;09 , 5 ; I,ng IL IL, t 7: Cold,--: L•nbuniv• on Nen loch par. Pan . abilcrtiFirmelits. j - 11TICE —All iwrgons indebted. to A. J. whit.. DI: unt, "r At vomit rmfer r fa‘ ar by oalling . thcl, .•..01110.1:111”,nt delay Ili , . bee{,lre all that hi his 41 not of the grit hr e, n„‘ . ..23 A.. 1 _ north of the T ()sT 01l !..41 . 0 LEN. --11 . 4.-;11).t or 1.1 i n. k, t ..f o,de,o,oed Sunda lw.t, ,11 ( hun awl le- te.lll,lf "..,,..f.V..llrStlk,t, .111 WEN 1 - ACI:1 , (m 1,1.1) lit- retttroo, to the In 1t,.. 11. , finder e dl he Itherally rewarded :yid no mte.tion, nov93 .1 0 1LN T ,`4E IV Alt I) .—F•ltolen from 111(• lf Hutt !dor Po , t :o.lVm:zert Stw, in ra, ette s on the Inght 01 r h 1 , 111 het , t .161)" LURSI:, Inn •1,1 Obi 1.:114di Sadffle. Itridl. mei I:l,i'llket. A r0. , ,,1ttl w •h It ttdi he Kin vim for the rcl tun of the llor,e, Saddle and Undle, to thoundersTned, uud 61() for the Thief. 10.”.r.3-3t DIARTIN lIEINTZELMAN. • - 41., ( 1)C titposqovn, Oatnbtrsbuta, Pa. DESIRABLE FA R M NEAR CHI3I - FUR SALE—Me nuderszgned wlll 41 ”f at Private, Sah. theirTAlN, •Invoe in Green toanship three miles la.rto Chatabers`anre near the I.arhsle turap - die road. adatinatz lauds at Henry Lutz, 11.hopaad other, Thin 1.10 ACRE >: of very sup rha - land. 0 portion of 1414 hie in tim ber, Tile hapro,emehts tonsi-st of a tics sorted LPG HUl'Sl:and 1.4,g liara 1).0. 111111 R. Telt ° (211.4.31111:11S. =I TO PYSPEPTICS.--Having been afilie iL led for a number of years with Dy.pepsia, I 'teas ad% ised to try OIL S mEDILINE fur that - disease. I deriled great benefit add recommended it to quite a number of me friend. and who were also much benefitted by it, and whose testimonials ran fa, had if nee essarv. I have been appanted by Dr, Wish.ut as Agemt forth . , Sale of hta 3ledtcme, wholesale nr retail. - G. REEIt, Rer.itory office, Chambersburg. MEE P UBLIC 8.1.1,E.-11111 be offered .at salr. nn tl.t , prrqniir, on d Nt , 7•144- be r 10th. at I tinlork. P. M., Twe Le)f (' 0 ['S,), s.tuate on North Main ...trOet. iu till . lillrl/llgh of Chain rI L.treo of wioeh m thnrofro , tod a ta-0 ,tory 11()I":•17, gi• . tbo Lot t 'front-anti 1:0' it et 0. i. L o t ,11, f. re to front :111,1 dt•ei , ^ • h.q . ,' T/1 , , : a a tht Mir al ho 00,1 wpar.tte or toz e d,,, t o .11:1 O r . eL,, To. Torn s 01,1110 khown on day of by ' S. 13AIINI:sT( .vT3-Itl .Izent for .lo,el - 4t MinerL . ) II I E elyrt r(l.—lStohfn fi,,n, the ,rable id the :111t, ni t r. in Green 1t...n..11111. oitatly. I'.t. 10,1111 t f,lllr 1111 h, Ea,T of >4:ollraayll,2llt the stlt in,tant, TWO HI ili l f j, 111,14.1: about It; han,1 , 111. - h n t'J•i ,ipea the tight lee., till it nt.trk ai r. tho 1,,0t on the 14 It 111,1 iii. Tine other h. a knit Rae Mart% a1 , ,i11.1 Lana, hia, syear, old—tote I,,reheo,l.—Tho Mare era , the , „I The a10,,N, reward Is i'd 4n en for l he re•llru ur tnr• 11, t.,.., 111 , 1 1 dot .... no:l,e the Thief IQ' VtleVet, or a 1.701 , 0 rt ablt• aut,,unt fir ffikirett.rn .;I either. SALE.—WiIi be liold TueB- .A.drrt AronlAr the 14Ith, I 0 4, nu the proud... , in St. holo r .tm, taatii., near St. Thoznai, a sTo.NE G ItIT 311 LL, 10 by :41 li.e.t, three .tones Ingh, tt ith three Run! of Burn.; aa .tore - STONE DISTILLERY, :n loy , 4:1 feet, with a:I the futures; two TENANT It oirsEs, mid ACRES,of LAND. TER3lS—One.fourth ....lA, when a Deed v. ill he tondo; balance tn three annual payment., secured faith alterent. Per...llK ,bin; to 'Stew the• pretniees aAI ~ill 11 the 11111110,11.1 . 111 A or P. W. Selbeth at Chant ber,t'oa rt_!. Pa. net 93 - DAVID PIPER. - Lam...ter Examiner insert three time, and rend hill to this oat. v. ) 1'2.1'22 DIME _ . VIU ::. - \ - -i yr IcE IS GIVEN, I'IIAT in S A. 1 11.ce all 1 er.4.11, Iwlnd shon!lng (:,mm 01,11LE-41-r -r.,,,,. t, ~ t hesr.,se tri,l,l , , ltg . ill, the propt r, •0 MC .Zll - ~ 1 :4., 1 '..11t . J. M. ill,i,N:s :, ;MI 1 I. 0r i la: ti[C, _ Milt %it ‘3l - I ti0.w. , :11. I -.1 ti MIL) En, J It , k 1! 1:1: ,, 91', . In.Nll , 11 , 11 I . Jg , ll\ Ii ,, I.1•.: , .1::- ANDIO ii i.M1 ,4 0N, }!I '.II 1, I.!N!'- \Y. C. ".; ) \ llMlt,ti. - 8),MI 1 t, , 1 11..11.1,4:I ./A. ,q: Z Inn/ 'I 317 , II I v !. •;1,111 , 1t If, A Ili: ill ot 1:.,i - prmAN, .1 , 00...M - init. .I , l:An I , ; 111. ,, ,,J , -.1.1 . 11 NVINI.inT JIL, .1!6: \ 1 lii II; P , -. 11-11:, - J 14 , .11 Kul.a. ,1„ ; a,. ID,: I 1N,.E1. TNst:l?-INCE COMI'ANT ()F ~, . 11;1:1(.. r C A I'l l'A I. IKIlr. 11C'., IV.t],to Sin•vt t Th. , pro:tipt th, •I•N‘olily 1:.• ..tpany IP. • 10 I. I l,tlit,,1tll,•:1.:l Ih4 . 11 , A the paLi~. addre-- %V. 1:1:EL.. •It ("Lam- Mil A. A gy:11 t•sr thi, Company. T ant IbroTOl . ll to Cancel al! r,.,„•,q 4 , 1 4 11 , 13 _l'..rtn 1.11, f I rw4r r4,p, cry the 1t0b..1. the:lilth returnihz the full rpatil - un-alphe.ition at Illy able., lb. 111:1:11 AC, at, rru,cr. , --.1. D. Grior, J. r. J. I' 04. A. E.. ,inr, FRENCH. HUI;li MILL sTox f. rear 14 , C,:t , Fa•b•r~, TI41.11: tl., sO,l ~ tO , T• t 4.• •itat Ii rou!im •r.,111 11. e no,t I I ilr4 .t. 1 ,in.irro • wl . r. • I • ve Flir..\(:ll lit . )Ni:S., • ~tL , ' t• a• 4 g•• w - at ‘at'••• r tlit• 014 . .11 KA.P. BIZANI) Bra"! INi; Clj ,Tli, vood,, for n.Lrat ,1 by r.,Cr0..,1 , 1•A ore—, If 1h• 21‘1. = 1 , 1, ati , AM altot t BLANK BooK MANI_ l'Ai,rußEß AND, .11` 1 , 44 • ,I till. t 11,11/.0 .11,11, 1 1. I.:/ bao , t.'l., 150.ds cry. Part, awl .I;nnvn Lm , n rrn.. 1:. et Hy.t, ,rIJ`Z PA' r 1 'IV I V.. 1 I .taoy a M :t 1 .1, . •1.. . “ro fl \ \ ,• r,r rat • a I , = 4.VIA . W Ii I T E It, it,• • 'tn • n• 1111:11 :1: 4, 1 ,• 4 4, 4 41 4 ' 4 4 4 t ao ,l4 ' 4 'N I/4,th 4,:1114 , o .•, ardorp,,te t'ASSI.)I vusTisels, GEINTS' GOODS. GiVe V. r.JI. n'}ts _LI_ ( . 11: 1 11111., ”1 1 1 1 1 , of Franklin four: y. mot the diet A --eddid h rid Vdiii,, , s .0 .1 o,i .I.d the .1111 10,1, 10111,1.01 f ,11 . 4 Loarit • :-.Lite 11,1dia l iNe, for the vat 3'or t; ;ford ilieiri , rerii —4 in Titi.olay, Otis iiel)eeember, at ti , . "thee, in r„,. r 1"1 1 1/fant11 .1 /.4 —1 .0 ittie-day. 7th Of I /4 1 1 1 .1 1 /11' 1 1 . r. Lin (int ri,'y.-011 Thoroltiy. intiber, at the Itioe.i..d it. 'NI .1001,, in 1;11,00 . o r ita:Jogai/on and Ira —I rir Vriday, 9th of Doi einlier. at Ilia I'iddio llott, - .• of. Franc / or thonii3O 31.001 y. Italud December lit the 11. 21 ran L. tre ,•.--I , tl I 5t , .. 1 1.1% . . 1.3 . 1 lkf rend), at the John na-, 1 -1 in l'or or.•U• ,•1•1 . MI Of thriiont.. her it Pali', 11.01-0 1.1 J, IL' St Thom- For t foritz,mery,.lleret nrr, , the t•tithrtr. tt: the itt.lttle littuse 01 'rhos: Mt• kit tt io tlen rtatttrat Fow ,IPtran and iirtrirea ,It your ativerti,eJ 011114 11, ma; prinn,al.,liir forage. •hiteil , I 1110 0,114,1 VIL 111-11/1 , .1 011, in rack., at per bushel of (;ttllittc penni'li.. Li of Oat., is Lail,. at —Ter In l ishel of 12.4 o —'tunnel lin:ea Ha) at —per ton ofb 000 pound,. of ISalett. 6traw at—per toll of _ • Deltv,ry Cm I,f,•Te the—day itter CO be et rtninleil on or boor,• t.iv of pit ,10 , Itt . ) tt/ enter coutract n ith the Valued :•aatt , tvth - g111,41. ailproV,ql Set unty. St 1111111 the :Tat, of "1011 days utter l notillo.l that Ili) bid ba, bi•ett . I our oli t. hvmpit, Cupt. 3. t. r.tuxswourti., Chief Quartennamer meat 31d, tlni, undernicned, in the County ataLSt 1[1 , 4 herel,v hautl2,- and Nest:rally covenant ~ Ith tin,' raltea. State- andguarautte in vane the fo ... Ingtad I,t - to ciTted that ho or they wilt walon ten dpyd .1111'1'2)1e 44 .aid Lut cfieaute the contra, t tor th,,,,:ne wJth and, sisihetent,urott, in a Km, equal to the amount et the cantraet to Ittrnt,h the for 111 cont,anaty to the tern, of ash erttsealent day , r tine , tdd t•hall "hil to enter into a eoptract a. aton ultaratitoe to mike he dun e. Id tAN. , II (ht. •rnre by tine o;uel -and tint ut+t l re Ladder, or the iler,on to 1, hoin the , tartt.tet titan I; Is t•it unkler our halals Laul evals this day of EEO . kii.lll • ' l'iil 111 1 hereby certify to the 1,....t (.1 my I,ltoN,q, Izo ..,1 b-o the a 11.% e 11,au(411:111111tiiIiir.i, yirii yi.iwil Wel slillit it lit it , entities fur ow alpolult for w hiell they - otlt tto he ~...,, i ,; t To ho , rni , leri the United S Ctdle tor of Coetotte, or troy whet edh i r unit, tt” , Ire (I , A,nuttent, or. vel,s -• t'stitt uhcr. - All proposals reevived muter tld•; ntle,tewnlent opetti4l and exanitoodattlits otfi, eon V EliNESi).‘ OM S Vl . l . lti , of eal.ll m soh. tt Y..' :11. 11141.14'r , ore re , I•ectfttily invited 11, be pro.ent of the epollitox bets. _1 .they desire. J. G Iv-• . l'Ait\\ i)l:Til,' Captain 111114k:hid Qaturtvrtna, , tor, • 40, (4•Lf - Department of West Virsiuia. 4EID'S Grocery Store. 1 / . INTWon-tt, FORM OD: PROPOSAL. DIANN, NO:"ANI , . OTATE.I 111A11: MESE! I=lll Ergat gotirco. THE ESTATE OF CATHARINE late of Antrim township. Franklin k•ottrlty, Penna..; , lee'd_ Whereas. Catharine Beatty, deed. dot bequeath by her last will and testament toted the 2001 day of June. A, D.. IS:I:kali her estate (except 0 few small legal ie-0 to her firrt cousins, both paternal and undernal, who were at-the date of her will in the United States. Her Inether's name was Susan Allen. Noif anti cis hero• by , iveri that the final account of Walter Beatty, A dada iunuer dr booms non, with the will annexed, of said Caths urine Beatt,y,dee'd. has been filed. and confirmed by the firphans' Court of Franklin' county, and that the nude:- sighed. Ailditor appointed by said heirt to distribute the bal.thee 'tine en said neeonnt, a. CO' illll 10 " the provisions of last will and testament. w'd met , : and hoar said e'ainun , hi. at his office. in the Bon agh of Chambersburg„ Pa.. on Noildny, the 46th day of cennkr, 15114. at 10 o'. disk, A. M.- All parties failing establish their claims on rind day will be debarred fro coming in on said fund. novl6 . T. M'D SHARPE; Auditor. . A UDITOR'S'IOTICE—Estate of Fran: els Robison. deceased. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Finnkr, ea, Pennsyl vania, to dis7tribute the balance due oa,tbahrit and final account of ken is P. Skeggs, Administrator'do 6onis non, with the will annexed, of Francis Robison, late of Mont gomery township, Franklin county, Yemi a, deed, to and wining the locataiiis named in said wilL and to find the fa, is and return the evidence to the court, will meet all rarties, interested in said E.t.a° for the ItrPo' o, of his al' ' , ointment at 100 other, in the borough of Chambersburr, on Tburidny, the Nth day of lheeinber. A. 11.. 1£64, at 10 o'clock, A. M. All parties Loner to make rood their claim on that .toy will be debarred from corning in on the fund. novild J. WDOWELL SHARPE. Auditor. lIEIZIFF'S NO TICE OF Moyers Enate.—To the heirs and legal rep,o atatis so of said deceased: You are hereby notaied'that in pursuance of a writ ,4 Inquisittou to me di rected, in-uint; out of the Orphans Connor Frtmlihn corn• ty. 1, aholdrtrt ithinesnon on the Real I:•.tato of which euid` decedent d:e4 sewed, situate in Antrim townNhip, Yretuklm county, on tl r Id duty of..lkcember kett-t. at 10 o'clock. A. 31., when and where you may attend if von think proper. [nolti-att S A MI'EL BRANDT, Sheriff. . - lIERIFF'S NOTICE OF INQUISI kj TIC/N.—Willie Orthnan's Estate.—To the heirs and legml representative 4 of said lieCtWeli. You are hereby notified that in pnrsuanee Of a Writ it Inquisition to me di rected, iR4llllle out of the orphans Court of Frankln coun ty, Pa.. I will hold n ninquiSition motile Real Estate of which said decedent died,seined. innate in Antrim township, Franklin eountyi. Pa., on the 3d day of Dre.ember,ls64, at Celock, I'. 31.. ashen :old where you may attend if you Rank proper. SAMUEL BRANDT Sheriff. ALDITORS NOTICE.—TiIe undersigri ria. Auditor appointed by the Orphatne Court of Franklin county. to. make , distribution of the balance in hauls of I,abella .I.rvarong, Adminietratrix of,John Armstrong. late of ll:indium, township, deed, to and nnienCe the creditors of said deed, pill meet the parties interested at hi , other, in the _borough :el Chambersburg, on Fridcy, the 25 day of December next, ul ll o'clock. A. M., when and where. that• having claims Or in any way in tere,tnd will attend if-they or e proper. novlf”lt WILSON RFALLY Auditor. A ITDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Noticeishexe li by given that thd understemed hue been appointed by the urpluans' Court of Frunkhn county. Auditor to make distribution of the•tualnnee in the hands Of Geo. W. Brewer, Esq., Trustee to sell the Heal Estate of Truman Cosgrove = deed, to mud among the persons entitledhy law to roeeive tle• same, that he will sit in the office of Stumbaugh uk. .6 eh r, to anend to the duties 01. his appointment, Friday, crabrri)t h. at I o'clook, P. M., where all persons intjr ested may attend if they see propfur. - uovill . 11. GEFTR, Auditor. A DIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No• _Li. tire is_herelly .gin en that Letters of Administration on the 1 - ,tate os Carte. Convey late of Guilford township, deed have . been n.rantetl to the antiersizneti. , All percale bonne inn tV.lll,O.lVeb inriepted to said Estate wir please make immel"te paytneeCt met those having eleal..pre - sttat them property athentie.ttotl for settlement. ALISERT J, LOWRY j Admits. nnvlfi .fACOII REICHARD, • ADMINISTRATOR'S nce h hereby given that Letters of Administration trt's, I:state.of Jal . lll, Sweitrer, late 'of the Borough of Chambersburg, disasoed. have been granted to the under signed. " All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having clip du pftsent them prepetly authenticated for settlement. BON F. S. STUMBAtiGH, Adm'r. t WIINISTRATOWS NOTICE:—No 11_ tine i,..hereby given that Letteis of Adminktration on - the U.:..tate A. P. Ex er.ole, laie of Antrim towmhip, de i d, have been L,Talltl4l to the undersigned. All per,onn knoll ing, thenoolt es, indebted to said Es . Late it di plea., make Immediate payment ; and those bar g•- Oahu , pn ..ent them property authenth aced for settle ment. [nor:2.W CJ A. T. N. EIIEIC,OI.E. AdM'r. , - 1))1 N STIZATOIVii NOTIOE.-No ,v. her, by Lrix ..n that Lett rof Atlmitastration otS,-the f. -tare of ;Jaen:, Itrown. late of Green township, d. ',l hal l•here graUt l, / to the untlersirtmetl. knennant ttiethselve; ittaellted to said Estate nal plea.e mat, immediate p.‘yttnntt and titre., Ittotittg ttlaun• pre,ent them properly totthentivatt,l for:settlement. ettt!it 1:1,17-1.111:111 11110 WM, Adnrx. DMINISTRAD NonCE.—No _Li_ nee is hereby given that Letter. of Administration on the E•tate of Jesse M. Jones, late of ntnnetbiburg, ha% e ln,n granted to theiimderi-igned. All pen - ion, knot themseirb6 indebted to said Estate ii‘' !mike immvar.ite payment. and those Laving c 7 ou • pri scut them propiiikb: aniti.entientedi . OT.iettlement [26 - JOHN D. WALKER, Admit. IDMINISTRATOWS la-Why giver' that Letter: of :).thami,tration on fine il.tate nt iJ:inal Dull late of (,!uitley decii. hare been Granted to the nuclei .itz;nell. AIII p. rani. knowiq them,lve, imivlrt,Nl to said state tr,1•p1e..," wake initnetllatt , payment , tutu tho, Laving .11 1 / 1 1 IC - Cl ; nem prol,rly autileat,tted for tile/I/COL • GLI )11( Dl - 141, o•:1? Rh:n. 111:NEDICT, A I)AIINISTRATOW:i hereby ton that Letter, ..f Adnitilidration on the Est.ite Lint of IVa,llinzt.di ton - 0- dup. Iran I. 111,11 granted a, the noilen-igued. AP. porson, knowing thent•elve.d.dold.i.l4.tol E,Otte make pa, 'tient ; and trio., in_- tirrtsent the:op:overly adthootiedtod for . e ttl o niont, n tt t Iv IL I'l SIC, Admr. NOTICE.-No -I.l_ ti, eis lierlelty given that Lett. on of AdministntLoci .nit.., I,lte of Ohio, decd. Lave id. ' ll 1:n/1• 1 / 1 d,ll al • 111 11 / 0 . 1 r,11:1 . 111 . 11. .oi, Luett II,: Ii rccindolited to itnill'E•tate make I:mood:ate payment, and tinge baying pro,init them pill,. rlv ~ , for A dtio tn e r a,, t Alilt A)1 31ETZ. . NOTICE. is heroby giteii that Lotter._ of Ailitittoßtrationi on the of 6'0.1T:04.1M. r, late of - St. Thomas tonal , ' ahip der i d. hate h..en Knotted to, the atnierogned. , All permit, Knowing tneini...lvek - indebted zo ;.,iidEhtate: redike, inind^ilodo payment, nod those having' Present them proi.orly .intheoneated for settlement' poll); , JOHN C. SNII)Ell, Aduir. A I)NIINISTRATOR'S ' NOTICE.--=No- 1 , hereby' given that Letter: of • Atitnittistr;ttioti on the P.,tatt , of 11'1.11.1tn A. Arln•trong: late of Guilford" 41. have peen grnnted to the undersigned. All per,:oli knowing Clem:wive:, :wielded to baid. Estat ni.ike . and th,,e barihg them pep rly authent ..tteil for ;•ettll , ll.lvnt: I))IINITRATUIVS - - NOT ts, r t, hereby git en :h.:a:otter, of Adtnintt.ttictiot: th: l.not 1:Ite rflTlpett tultlAipy . grat,tod to the.tindi rt,011,.. 1,1•....,:;:gthemm:11 v.:wielded to %aid Estaep tithe . :Itt::‘!•ttate payment; and' tho , e having .1.71 , present tinny pruyerty atallet.tlented to settlenlelli. a rp: 11. It. LINN, ..qrn'r. 1 4 -I XFA'I:3VIZ'S NO T ICE.—Notice is bo.ruby r ;, era ti , at Letters Ti,t,'lttentary to the 31.1111.1 N:lor , ort. Ilaniaton toma.hip, dev'd twoll tt. the tuulermgne.f. ' .11i i•en,z, Loon nu; Ind. btetlto Raid F.t•tae •Ii immeamte payment and thofe pre,lst. 111.111 IQ - Opel - 1Y allthe'stlVat , 4l for , ettienvlkt. noel t, JutliN ItIILLEIt. Exl-. I LixEcl-ron•s NOT I C ice is J 1,, TO , y eVI" , 0.1 lt I.rttcsd"ro , ..lrll‘ . lltary to the ET. - lit U. 111 . •/ St:, hi if Antrim township, . 1, c4, lA,. hi v:r.oit..l to the All per-ons known , , theutNelvt, ludeta,,t to said I..' , ..tate will plv,ue make ituriledtate payment • and thow havhig chum, present thou properly ttotheutivated for settlement. novlV JO - SEPII STICKELL. Ex'rx.t L - OECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is X hereby given that Letters Testainentary to the Its t.lte '', )neiioy late of Id reeneustle, deed, have ben g , ant , d to the ander•igned. .\' 1.vr,0v% indebted to said •Estate are requested ito make itualedidte pet meta. and those havaur Claims 01/ them properly allthellikated for •Ptt.lolllt. 1114 V 16 MAI:Y IV. DICKEY, Ex.r.x.l, C PT t i IFS. NOTlC'E—Notice is • to.rel.y _•tt on tiot lottors To•tatointary to the E.t.t.ite 01 Cl.t.t.rlt.,:t 11.010. 1.110 of t,tuilloy IotWo , lolt, It:tve Leon gr.mtect to the solq.eriltor, rt,:ollog in nttia tottlt4tir. .I.ta j•esen. knot, mu' thetti.elt en ittlel•tett to.til tilt Ito a,o took ittotteilt.tte 1,1,i - fount I .unl 1 110 -V 1 -t.": 'auts• pro.ehl Moon proptlty atitheottot.teti Jrt. •tsttfettlettt.. tttts' , \V M. Ex•r; N I Oh b I C. L " .—Notlee is relic Gll - en - ihat Lettv,ll...tanu•ntaryto the I:•tate ut .Lune. \‘. all.too, late of Southampton town.bip tlec(d. 1, " 1, giatitva to the mittenum.,l. . _ AI( periiiimi Mom Mai tlielomih es indebted to said .17,Mte till pli~ne mot,. Immediate paymeuti; and not', liam:aK tiotlimit mated conk:mei+ ~( P2l; CONRAD PIASTER, Es'n • ...; , \EcuTows NOT I f! E.—Nut ice is , ,„,,,,r Letter-, Peraa, ,, , , ,tary t,, the I , ,,. thte „t lade ttl MI. , 11golilvry11111L•hilt, 1,, F r.w tuttler.i?, - ned. Nil l .thelllWlVer‘ indebted fil - FtlitlF,Sillte will ple. t , matte Immediate payment; mtd those basing' ~pre;ent them pruperly nntllentittated tor ,Uttl4.llll)t. 'DANIEL 11. k W 111.CKER. Ex'r. 11XECFICOR'S N o'r I c E.—Ntitieel is n•lty given that Letters Testamentary' to the I:,tate TI late of Antrim ton tthitl, dee•d,•lime Veen thr wolt , r4l,:nett. .\ll \ Them,eivi, inaelged to said Estate 111111! tn.•h•• ravtuelit 411111 ttnra balling Ltini. it 11,5.111 propt rly tulle tittralt it for , ettieniput. oet lit • 'HENRY FOUVI;I:,'Ekr.. pISSOLUT I )N OF P,ARTNERSHIP:. Th.on partnor,llll. 1101 . 011i1./ . 0 eNi•till{r 1111.111 . ! th 111.11/..,\ 31 ILLM Kt.i. wag Ni o manta'. I 1111,1J1. The ~f" firm N . , 1 Ut .Fiord Ilp 1110'1:I.:It] R. A..DEIT'K,. rrj IF, HIGIIEt•U PIUGE rAID Male) la the ;Irv, • r,N. MI TOB PEINTINCT, iu dvowstyle, dime eprib•the ay, dia.& FRANKLIN 41Cliint?, ,financial. • . TIANK. NO TIC E.--:Nbtice is hereby ,L) adieu to the Stockholders of the Bank. at Chambers bitrg, Pa.. that according to thsproviSions of the sth sec-, Chu of an. Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose. of banking, under the lairs of the United States." approved 2`-"'d August, A. D., 1864, the Court of Cnrumon Pleas of Franklin Mindy, have oppointed John n .Armstrong as Auditor, to eertite to the President and Di rectors of said Bank of Chtin t hj rs h art r, w h at was the fa i r Market value of the Shares of the Bank., at the time of paying the last Dividend, .so that, if within thi rty l ays ., oloekholdar, notifies is the President or Cashier, his desire to surrender his stock, upon 'receiving the value thereof; as so deter. 4.... midi Bank shall, Within thirty days thereafter. Pig Such stockholder fur his shares, according to such valuation: With - St from the time of raging said dividend, atve his surrendering his shares, and that said Auditor rclll meet the stock holders ut Lis t-fai" in tho Borough- of Hharubcrsburg, on Widnaday, the 23d day of Norember.lB64, to tax said value, when nod where all may anend that see proper. !nov-9-3t JOHN ARMSTRONG, Auditor. VOTICE.—N9tice is hereby given .that the u bas been appointed by the Court of Common l'ests crsg o s frrati Court klin county, Pa, a committee of the penmen and Estate of John Noel, a lunatic of the Borough of Chambersburg. All persons h av i ng c l a i ms ag ainst the Estate of said lunatic will please Present thinn, and thoso khowing themselves hutch led to said Estate make immedi ate payment. [novh,-3t.1 JORN ARMSTRONG, Com. h I‘TOTICE W3f GELWICKS having been _LI burned-nut by ti rebels and desitirasi of resuming business at the earliest possible period. would respectfully request all persons indebted to him to call and make pay ment without delay. Those who have been burned Jurd east able to pay at this time will please call and settle their accounts by note or Slue bilL raug94 A i , TONEY WANTED.—BRAND .sc; FLACK respeetfullyTemtest all persons knowing themselves indebted to them hylpotes or book accounts to call and make immediate settlement. The necessity of this notice Ls apparent to every one, and we hope those in• debt4d will report at once. aug24-tf ADVER Nice lost my Account Books by the destruction of Chambershurg on the 3fitL nit. , mid mast triad to the honor and honesty- of my old customers to pay op. I stilt conduct ray old 'business in Cbnmbersburg and wilt be glad to fill orders as before. augl4 - S. S. BHRYOCK. DIVIDEND.—The President and Man agers of the Chambersburg Turnpike Road Corn patty bare declared a dividend of If per cent. on the cap ital stock. payable on demand. W. li. It'DOWELL, norl6-3t Treasurer. Embarro.auff *egaro. TACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR 0 STORE.—Has Mg- re-built my Tobacco and Cigar §toto on Scott, slain street. Ammer of Washington &Main street,) two squares from the Diamond, Lwould invite all to call and exannim my stork, consisting or 'CHEWING TOBACCO: ' Congress, all kinds, Cavendish, Twist, all kinds, Rose Twist, Flounder, - Old Virginia, • Navy. Roney Dew, &e., & Stichigen Fine Cut, Anderson Shorts Solace; Talisman, k. Hail's Delight, Plantation, Satiny Side, &e. SNUFFS: •. Scotch, :1101UNG : • -' Big Lick, Danville, Garibaldi, Grunt, J. A. JACOBS. MPPee, Large Hand, Cut and. Dry, Lynchburg. James River, Read, sup .9.1. • RUSH STILL ON HANII-IT' OBACCO & SEGARS.—The undersigned has just t'eturned from the City with a complete stook of Tobacco and So gars, such as Natural Leaf, Michigan, Smoking Tobac• ,cos and Pipes. Store on Queen Street, three doom from the M. E. ilhurch. Come; give him a Lift. 1 aug24 C. H. BUSH. TACOBS &- SAIY SER. 10 Manufacturers and 'Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, 310 North Third Street, above Vine, West Side, PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. D. Janitts, late of Chattdig, Pa. HEsur E. SNYESER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO _LI and SEGARS, trhotteede and retail, at • SHAFER & STUART'S, on Queen street, East of the 'Methodist Church. anl) *arttess. cIADDLERY! SADDLERY!!— JEREMIAD OYSTER respectfully- returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement rebel- Veil front them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in his line, to givt , him a call at his new stand, on East Queen street, near the Franklin Railread, Chambersburg where he keels constantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARN - ESS of his own manufacture, and he to prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competi tion. Every article offered for sale is warronted fo be made of the best materiol anti by competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated on an-examination there of. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—IIe would also call the attention of pereons wanting.ta good neat and cheap and substantial Trunl; or Valise to his assortment: inner7,6l IF YOU WANT GOOD HITCHING Strom Coupling Straps, Backing Straps, or any other land of Strap, call at C. 11. CIORDOIsI'S, one door south of Dr. J. L. Suesserffit's office. C - IL GORDON HAS ON HAND A . lnrge assortment of SADDLES. HARNESS, BRI DLES. COLLARS, And nAvrEas. which he will sell lit ren.innable terms. ON'T FORGET GORDON'S PLACE D of business, on 31.tts Snletr, one door south of Dr. .1. L. Suesserutt's Conte one; route all, and see for your , seleog. I i YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE Sadillery line eall at C. 11. CORDON'S, where you earn , elite work all ready made and in the latest style. iLost, cAtaicn ,ault *trapcly: NTOTlCD—Severatof the Bonds of the Franklin Railroad Company are missing, having been destroyed, or, in the hands of parties not known. Any one IN ho holds any of said Bonds can receive useful infor mation respecting them by applying to D. 0. Gehr or T. B. Kennedy, Esqs., of Chambernburg, or Frederick Watts, Esq.. at Cartisle octs US ,OR STOLEN.—On Thursday, the 1.1. 10th inst., one Bond of ti. , tioo, with coupons attached, o n the Racine and mird-dppi Railroad company. If re turned to John Downy Esq., a reward will be given, by nor 16.:tt• J. KENNEDY. Fayetteville. STRAY MULE.—Taken up by the sub gather. on the morning. of the 30th of "July last, a strur Mt - Lr.. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charge, and take it away. S. 13. CRAWFORD, novl6-att Near Fayetteville. E s TRAYS.—The undersigned lost live nr.irmis on Thorsday. the 6th of October, 1564, 411 marked with tar on the right rump. A liberal reward pill be given tar the recovery 01 the Same. • octl9 PETER CREICIiBAUM. OST.—On Thursday. the 18th inst., in the 13oruch of Chambert.burg, a pair of GOLD I'EMACE.F.: , , in a leather mse. The — hailer Will be Lberallp rewarded by lea% Sag them at-thhttothyo. 0e215 4lirrsottai•Vniertg laic . Oli SALE.-A good STEAM ENGINE, six borso power, in uogil condo ion. Can be seen by" calling. at T. 13. Wood's Foundry - VOR SALE.--Aline HorseTread-Power, in good order, and for sale - low. Apply at this other,. "sep7-ti FOR SALE.-:--A full course Scholarship - in the Quaker City Business College of Philadelphia. Apply at tbis•tallee. [ A MERICAN BANK NOTE REPORTER The Only Bank Note Reporter in Philadelphia. PUBLISIIED WEEKLY. The only ono containing QUOTATIONS of Bank Notes in FOUR CITIES, viz.: ' Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York. - Cineinnatti. The onlyone which contains the NATIONAL BANKS as far as organized, (official list.( • Thr only one whieli eqntains the GENERAL DIR COUNT in EIGIIT ' REN CITIES, VIZ,: Philadelphia, Chicego, Baltimore,' New York, • Louisville, Washington, Cleveland. Davenport, Wilmington, Albany, Pittsburg, Rochester, St. Paul, St. Lou Troy, Dubuque. The only oho which gives the earliest information of NEW COUNTERFEIT NOTES, Markets, Stocks, Do, le tie Tables AND_ ..- FINANCIAL NEWS - • Te FACILITIES of the "American - Ranh Note Re porter," both FINANCIAL AND TYPOGRAPHICAL, RIM EURSCREPTfON, PER ANNUM', IS ADVANCE: Weekly 0.50 I Semi-M0nth1y........ 82.50 Moutlity, Ilee, 1O south TIIIIip Street, (t 1,114 fluor.) ep' Address. :„§1 E. COKES, Publieler. .I! , SEISI FRET 11E Y . _ GENERAL VNDERTAKERS an.Vlllonwfaeturen4 of MAHOGANY. WALNUT, CHERRY AND. CLOTH COFFINS. ' They will alqoifumisil METALIC AND ZINOACRIAL CASES. F f i tmentla attended in 'rosin and Country L f ref Rooms at %%lidera Fierrl Old Stanci, Salsa Mak Street Chambersburg. Pa. Pa , ' Night calls attended at all hours. 2.1. r. Frey can. be found at the reside:tee of F. A. Zeman, orie door South of the Shop. july2Z-3m l" AVASII.III.4CUII Coarse JACOB GARVER rNECJITALED WU. 11. lIONG M 0 ti G