The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 16, 1864, Image 3

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    Nov caber 16,.1864:
Stuart, Jenkins and .11'Qausland. With the Henry
rifle Wen tains can be fired in as Many seconds,'
and it 'can be! re-loaded to fire fifteen more in legs
than half a Minute. It is simple in its con,truc
thin, aceurat'r in its aim; and of great range and
power. It i 1 besides a neat urn), and noot e?:etd.
lent ininting i piece. We have tried it thortiughly
and can coMidently recommend it. One hundred
determined Men armed with it could arrest the
;advance of lone thousand raiders, and if there
were three hundred Men thus armed in the lead
ing towns,-no fuTeri t as a raid would be at
tempted by the rebels.
Wp would earnestly urge the border people to
consider well the danger to which they are ever
exposed by their de6nceless habits of life. Teu
thousand men, however skilfully commanded,
could not qfend all parts 44 the border against
small bands Tot marauders; but the people them
selres eon eft; so, and they should resolve to do
their duty pi themselves. We do not look for
invasionsin!tiirce herafter, and even timnitlable
raids seem most improbable; but asilw dangers
dithinish the chances 4 thei; ing hands
breaking in; upoii_ us muse ineretae,
tude - i4 - we :resolvt; that come where and when
they may, they shall pay dearly for their crime.
1)110; prepated to re , ist neut. there Nil be en
'tire -safety, for free-Worms have no love ha: loil
letsorid will not venture when• they know that
they will Meet with deter Mined defence. We
believe that the safety (if the border, in a militdry
point of view, is well assured ; but against - the
daily increasing !milli' of moro reckless plunder
eni, there can be no pikiety but in the timely` energy
and courage, of the'people themselves. Will not
Chambereburg, Waynesboro, Greencastle, Mer
cershurg, and the people of '-the border generally
'arm and thus Make themselves secure? If they
would be entirely safe they must do sp, and we See them act promptly and thoroughly l in
the mutter of protecting , their own homes and
REBEL MOVEMENTS.—Chambereburg was
thrown int 6 O fever of excitement on Saturddy
night last, by the apparently well authenticated
ruiner that Jiaj. aftwore'with fifty of his rebel
cothmand had croised the Potomac at Shepperds
t4n on Saturday. Gen. Couch made prompt ,
&position of his tortes to meet aiiy movement of
the enem!, by,throwing his men fin.ward to the
border to cover the wore exposed points : and as
the troops loft this point for the border our peo
ple were appi•ehensike that a small raiding party
4 lmight reach, our town. Considerable unew•iness
;prevailed during the night but o ith Sunday
morning came assurances of safety, and the ven
erable village assumed its serenity agent We
submit whether it is not worthy of reflection on
the part of every able-bodied citizen, whether a
a rumor of fifty-or even'five hundred rebels ad
vancing upon this point, should create Mann and
confusion! If there were no military forces here
at all; the people i of Chambersburg could readily
deftudtbeinselves against small raids, and 'they
would do so if they had but organization. Let us
have organization at once, not only here, but
throughout the entire county, and raiding and all
danger of raids will be at an end.
The_facts which led to the flutter heti? on Sa
turnay night IA ere.ahout as follows :—On Thurs
day Major 'Gilmore With perhaps, twenty inn,
was in Shepperdstown. He robbed the stores
and individuals hi the mostappioved rebel stile,
and we learn, killed one man named Snyder for
want of promptness in delivering up hit pocket
. book. After 4lutting his appetite in the way of
free-booting, the command dispersed, and a por
tion of the! paety crossed the river and seat
tern through the country in citizens dress, doubt
less to look Mit goiid points for plunder. I, That a
portion of them are in this county there is no
reasonable doubt, as three of them were arrested
on the cars on Saturday last near Newville. They
mean robbery', arson andtourder if necessary - to
carry out their plans, and every citizen should be
on the'alert to compass theirarresc. No stranger
should be allowed to loiter in 114 part of the
county without being required to; give a satisfac-
tory account of his business, and failing to do that.
be shad be allowed the privilegu of vigil:lining
F his i business to the nearest military commande'r,
Thitcommon safety demands that suspicious char
ac4ers should not be tolerdted at-all in any part
of he border, and if honest and innocent men suf
some inconvenience at times, they can 1 , 11
affi,rd it in view of the perils against which;we Inive
I to guard. Let every citizen be vigilant, and fully
prepared fOr rebel prowlers. and in their vigi
lance and preparation will be their entire safet)i
• ---
ARRESTED AS SelEs.Three suspicious men
goton. the train for Harrisburg at Oakville on
Saturday morning last, .and ;they were at onoe
su4weted by a soldier on the care, who arrested
tlivin before 'they' reached 7Sewville. As they
wells being transferred from -one car to another
near Newvilleli one of them jumped'off the train,
while it was_ going at a rapid rate, and he was
somewhat injured by the - fall. The other two be
lieving that their comrade had been killed con
fessed that they were rebels belungidg to Gil
more's command, and that they had been through
thili section before as spies. They were sent to
Carlisle and are now held there for trial: We
' learn that since the third man has turned up
therall chat(' to be deserters: but the ttOryis
most improbable, as they Plemednur Military- post
at 3lartinsbuig, Hagerstown and Chambersburg,
Mid (lid not gite themselves up. It seems clear
that they are spied, and, if they shall be proven so
upon trial, they still donbtleQs pay the extreme
penalty of Military law. -It is high time that the
people should make• common cause with the mili
tary authorities to break up the calling of rebel
114vrto they •have been able to pass
through our country] allnost at will, because our
citizens hav'g 'not directed their efforts to detect
them. Heitii4orth every man make it his duty
to watch vigilantly for 'Spies, and they will boon
find it a most perilous business. It effects the
peace and safety of every citizen, and they but
protect themselves by uniting to rid the-border o
all dangerotis characteri".
BANK up CH. 31111:1t , BURG.—A meeting °files
ptockholderi of the Bank of Chambersburg was
held yesterday . at 10 o'clock, and it was resolved
to change the Bank to u National inkitiition. It
will therefore soon be known as "The first Na-
Bowl Bank, of Chambersburg," and the_old Bank
oeChainberslairg Will belong to history. Its well
establisliediiviiit will remain, and give the; new
insfitntien ut 11110 e the highest character forsafety
and usefulness to the community. d"ndei• the en
abling act of the titate, all stock holders who pre
fer to withdraw their investments Y., ill be pidet,by
the Bank thi• actual value of their ;dock. .John
Armstrong Esq., has been appoint 4 Auditor to
report on tl intrinsicvalue of it, and the %aime
so ascertained will he the price to be paid to with
drawing stoCkholders. We presume that but few
if any will withdraw, It will be gratifying to the
business men of the !pow thatilk.
_ Messersmith will remain as ctishier of the 111• W
institution, and we presume tlt no material
changes will'be made in the organization.
• 4% series of resolutions of the must compliuTed:
tary charac i ter to the officers of the Bank wad
adopted, aid theappreciation of the servites of the
finangial okeers was manifested by. unanimously
votiqg G. R. Mgssereithith,, Cushier, $l,OOO,
T arictlfessrs. Mull and Taylor each $7,00. This
~1113 but a just tribute the efficiency and fidelity
of these officers.
CALLED TO ST. Loris.—Rev.; S. J. Niccolls,
Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this place,
has received a unanimous and urgent call froni the
Second Presbyterian Church di St. hauls, and
'commissioners from the congreg4iou are now in
attendance upon the Presbytery at Hitrrisburg
to prosecute the call. A congregational meeting of
Mr. Niceolls' charge was held here tin Monday Ii t,
a which profound regret was manifested at the
probable dissolution of his pastoral relations with
the Ouirch, but.the, members lilt that they could
ant refuse to their pastor this new and extended,
field of usefulness. Mr. Niccolls lths not assented fo
the change, but submitted it to his people and the
Presbytery. Messrs., Sharpe and Peed were ap
pointed commissioners by the'eongregation here
to represent it at Presbytery'.
PROMOTED.—James H. Gilmore, Esq., of this
place' who has rendered most efliilient service . to
the government as chief of the Telegraph Corps
in North Carolina, hue been promoted to a Cap
taincy, and assigned to the staff I ifl‘laj. Gen. Fos
ter at Hilton Head, as Quarter master. He has
well earned his promotion, and will do credit to
himself and the goVennuent in his new position.
He was the author attn. spicvletters contributed
to these columns during the last eighteen months
from the North Carolina coast, and our readers
will join US in the wish that he may be bles,ed
With the gift of continuance.
WE noticed in last week's paper the merited
promotion of Gen. S W. Crass turd. Since then
we learn that his staff signalized Their appreciation
of the honor done their commander, by presenting
him ssith an elegant sword. The hilt is of solid
silver, surmounted by a golden sample, and the
guard is formed of a double eagle with spreading
wings. rpoti the richly chased scabbard are in
isc:ribed the names of the difOrent battles in which
- General Crawford has taken part, from Fort
gumter to the Weldon Railroad before Petersburg.
SERENADE:—* Wednesday niglit last the
Union men of Chambersburg gut out the baud and
derenaded Gen. Couch at Headquarters. Ile re
sponded in a brief speech, congratulating them
and the country on the decisive result,if the elec
tion of Tuesday. The crowd then proceeded to
the residence of Col. Shtaibaugh where the band
discoursed some of their best music, and speeches
were made by . Messrs. Stunthaugh and M'Clure.
A large and enthusiastic crowd were in Web&
OFFICER ELECTED.—By reference to pn ad
verti,ement iu to-day's paper it will be seen that
Col. John A. Wright ha 4 been chosen Pn,ident
of the Comellst Hie and Southerd Veinctylvdni,a
Railroad Company, and A. K. - .M'Cluee, of this
county, one of the Ditvitt4Pl'S. learn that ini
mediate step, will he taken to have the proposed
route u veyed.
ritESENTED.—The First Presbyterian Church
of Pittsburg has presented the Presb3r twin!' Con
gregation of thi4 place with a beautitul Commu
nion Service. as, a testimonial of Christian :diets
tifp and sympathy. The service belonging hi the
church here was destrtlyed by the fire on the 30th
of July.
IVE arc informed by a Roxbury correspondent
that the limning- of votes counted from the box in township was in excess of the number of
names on the poll-lints. Ilow‘rasthe Aiscrepaney
fixed up ?.
TitE l'ost offiee•at Keelli.r's Store in this min
y has been restored, and,: Win. C'arph Esq , ap
,ointed list Master.
ANODYNE CORDIAL, the llntln , t's Friend and
IZeiief.—Th!N v01u.t1 , 11% „toed, n for,
at 3111,1E12'S NEW IlKl•U l tRE. next door wo , t of
Browtiz, Hotel. It t. far ,nperior t.. till ~ootIL:uq
or any other prop:lnitiun fur children to Teutßing. I
or in, and
NOTICE.-=C. 11. Cressler h:i removed.hi. Druir. front Main Streht to Seeond Street, opp.eite the Post
Offiee m his new ]tarts where be is now prepored to ,up..
ply all who call w ith every thing in a Druggi,t's line of
business. Fresh, Pure and at rea,nable rate,
• BROWN'S BRO?:(111A1. (IMES clear and give
strength to the voice of Singers and are indx,pen,able to
Public Speakers.
"I have never changed my mind respecting them fnutn
the fired. excepting to think yet better of that which I be
gun thinking well of? Rev. HENRY W.tia, ISEEcitEa.
GALWICKS & BURKHART hare oinnied out in
their new rooms on Second Street. They sell whole ale
and retaiL Country mereltant, look to your interest
Yon ran tiny as cheap from them et you can in the City.
& BURKHART sell the best Kero
sene Oil. and retail. Also, Lamps, Ricks and
Globes, very clear.
Go To Geßvicks & Burkhart fur pure home
Sri und Popp,. pare Spine-, fre.l. 'Peas, fin,• Cheese rind
the bo,t Craekerb of all
'GELWIrES & 111 ittuLticr keep the largegt
litoek of woods in 10100 and s‘.ll cheap is holesale and retail.
The several Lincoln and Johnsiin Clubs of the
District'of Columbia called on President Lincoln
on Wednesday night and gave him a serenpdt; in
himor of his re-election. There %% as in addition an.
immense concourse of spectators of Ilth sexes in
front of the Executive Mansion. TWfiying of a
field-piece was of frequent occurrenee,idding to
the excitement of the occasion.
The President appeared at an upper window,
and, when the cheers with which he was greeted
hat ceased, lip4e as follows :
" - It has long iieen a_grave question whether any
Government, nut too strong for the liberties of its
[x•ople can be strong enough to maintain its exist.
ence in great yinergencies.
"On this pi . iint the present rebellion has brought •
our Republic to a severe test ; and a Presidential
election, ()email's; in regular course during the re
bellion, has added not a little tie the strain. if
the loyal people muted. Were put to the utmost of
their strength by the rebellion, must they not fail
when divided and partially paralyzed by a politi
cal war among thenrselves , lint the election was
,a necessity. We cannot have a free Government
wit} out elections; and if the releillion could force
Us i tbre,., ,, 0 or 10141)011P a , mitional election, it
Lida it tangy claim to have already conquered and
ruined us. ~
" The strife of the election is but human nature
practically applied to the facts of the case. What
has occured in this case must ever recurin simi
lar cases. , human nature will nut change. In
any futuregreat national trialkompared with the
men who have passed through this' we shall have
as weak and as strong, as silly and as wise, as
as bad and as good. Let us. therelore, study
the incidents of this as philosophy to learn wis
donifrom, and none of them as wrongs to be re
enlik [Cheers.]
"But the election, along with its incidental and
undesirable strife, has done good too. It has de
monstrated that a people's Government can sus
tain a National election in , the midst of a great
civil war. tnenewed cheers.] Until nosy It ha;
not liven Proven to the world that this was a pos
sibility. It shows, also, how atonal and hoe.
sinew we still are. It shows tile. 0:1•11 atunng
candidates of the same party,-he who is most de
%riled to the Uniou had most of the people's vote.
[Applause.] It shims., aim), to the extent 3et
we h a lemore men now than we
had when the war began. Gold is good in 08
place, bueliving, brave, patriotic nom are better
than gold.' [Cheese, and other demonstrations of
applause.] But the rebellion continues ' ;mil now
that the election Is over, may not all, haling
( , 111111,,1l interest, reunite in a common effort to
save sir emninon coma* t [Cheers.]
" For my own part, I have striven, and shall
strive to avoid placing any obstacle in the way.
[Cheers.] So lam g as I hare been here I have
not willingly planted a thorn in any luan's bosom
While I am deeply sensible to the high compli
ment of a re-election, and duly grateful, as I trust,
to Almighty God for having directed my countr3-
men to a right conclusion, as I think, for their
own good, it adds nothing to my satisfaetioiDthat
"any other man may be disappointed or pained by
the result. [Cheers.] May I ask those who
have not differed with me to join witll me in this
spirit towards those who have ! And now
let me close by asking three lamrty cheers for our
brave soldiers and seamen, and their gallant and
skilful conunanders."
The thre'it cheers were enthusiastieplly given,
accompanied by music and the sound of cannon.
Speeches were also made by Secretaries Sew-
and and Welles and General Ord. Secretary Sew
- ard urged the adoption of the propo4ed conditu
tional amendment abolhilling slavery.
Cavalry Fight In the Valley—beret - it of the
Itehels—They are Pursued to Front
MAIL rpi , ll4l:G, Nov. 14..!
A brisk cavalry fight writhed on Saturday lust
about four miles south of Wineheiter, which re
sulted in the deleat of the rehelA With the loss of
two guns, 150 prisonors, and a number killed and
.wounded. Gall. Tolbert pursued them to Froht
Royal. Geu. Sheridan e.,e: on the field.
Movement 4 OH the Border
We have nO intelligence of any rebels crossing
the Potomac, excepting a small body of Oilmores
band which scattered in citizens dress, and some
of whom are now prowling around in our midit.
Let every citizen he Nvatehful fur them, and let
trusty rifles greet them wherever they present
Prompt Mesemrem for Defence.
A. large meeting of the citizens of Chambers
µ•us held but night in the basement of the M. E.
Church, where steps were taken for a prompt
organization and alining of our citizens. We
omit the details for the present but we can as
' the people in other• sectiomt of the county
that if, they will keep up w,ith Chumber ,, burg
rebel plundering V% 111 be unknolAn ,ui the bolder.
Ile'Clellan Ret4ig:ev, C
WE1 , N1,1..1.1, Not. n
, Gen. of his commiNsion
in the army wai - received at the War Depart
ment 3 c,terday. It v% ill be accepted. [lt is-be
ed. that hi, rehiginition will not be accepted;
but that he will be a....igned to ditt3—En. Riduis
Reported Capture of Atmusht.4;it.
- A,111!.; I irk
It it_ rumored here that Sherman has take❑
Augusta, Ga.
—A general exchange of prisoners of war will
probably take place :awn. The tha exchange IA ill
occur below Sll% annuli.
General Blunt writes that he caught and beat
Neo , ho, %10., (ni the with a Union
1 0 ,4: 0 1- No against 200 rthel loss. Price was
llOtt — strong, and has retreated towtmds' Cassville
wok about 0,000 unarmed conscripts. Ile is
vigorously pursued.
—General Hood has been defeated with con
siderable he.s in his first attempt to C VIISs Ten
twssev river. The point chosen for this not moat
is between Deratur and Florence. at the head of
the muscle Oloids of the 'llenuessee ricer, and is
illustrated in a wap ttltich its give this 'morning,
showing the relatite posttion of these points and
Nash% the withl;luewater creek, the point at winch
the elLagement tool. place.
—'Tice particulars of the capture of the pirate
Florida hate been yrceit t 4.1. She wai taken ut
Bahia Snu Salvador, on the morning of
the,Sth ult. The Waehusett ran into her, striking
her od the'quarter - ot ithoutdoing any great iugnr. .
2t. surrender was then demanded and at "nee soul
plied wick. No lit es were 104. Captain Morris
of the Florida, and about half of the crew acre
on shore. Twelve officers and thirt)-eight 111111
were captured. The captured vessel was taken
.in tow by OA: Wachusett, and was to hate left St.
'Thomas on the 2d inst. her New Volk. l'he Navy
Department yesterday received front Commander
IVaelid•wtt, al] ntlictal rkTort of the
eaptur.. ( ft' the
fr.nn tlw Valley of the .:Slienandith
State that General En'ly 11;1. beau .npinsnd. , (l In
knell in the (11Cattland el the Rebel , . in that regien,
and that the latter :wend:
,tielt.2tFo thi• nue
.•.t.. d a re
hicen'eale;:t .4 a Let.'. , and
tikl,ol:-. al. repotted 10 ilat", , lq•en at
IViirden.%llle. on the Cacapou ricer. 1,11
Au attempt to make a raid ou Witichll , ter ,onle
6111,1 part of : 4 1a•ridat,•,. lint , 1,, looked for. and
(11,1,, , 1ti0n has , lucc lliatle,ol hi, cat airy to uwet it.
ii , A,paper: present a terrible
picture of alhor , la l:. 1 pr , ..a.oub•iana. lib-
In the La,, )ay,,* Q. The der:tint-
4 , 11 0t . t1it..1P4•01,11. 1
, 4 rt:pir. , r ut.d a. eXtreille,
starvation is paid 1;1 a ,taliag them in the th e e.
One of the principal earns, mentioned fir this is
the ab.)olute worthle•-ne': to which Rebel money
Lac been reduced. Noru•ty is et ident4y in a moat
disorganiied condition it that region, as "thieving,
plundering, pilfering and 'horse ~ t cttling" are said
to be the order of the day. The Rebel editor=
have finally liard of the defeat by the UniATVeu
eral Gillen of their pet Vaimlian in Eastqviies.
err. • An order line been i4stied at Mobile for the
enrollment of all negrui• , between fifteen &nil forty
—Major General Pleasanton has issued a NM
gnaulatory order to his troop: for their routing
and deatruction of the un.eoonary army of the
Rebel Prim in 31assiinn. This official paper is
dated at Fort Scott, Kan., on r ictober and
accompanied by a despatch from Gen. Rowermis
complimentow General and loss‘ildnint
in the highest terns for their brilliant and most
important labors. General Ko:eerans i.a). that
General riemonton attached three time. hi. nin
ber, and rotted them. captii6t:g ten piece , of
tht- l:ebel_to de-troy t.N er to
hundred st a ous. and kitting. st minding nail raising
prisoner: and that Ins pursuit of the enemy
tor over three hundred miles, it short a time,
ith hitting for a tionsiderable portieln nfihestay,
resulting alwayslictoriously -for the Union anus,
atalwith greatly_ superior nun - fliers on the oppo
sing side, still rank among the brilliant arlues
meats orally war. and rover with honor all enga
ged in it. Since the date Clthe above despatches,
other victories have been gained' by Pleasanton
Over Price, who stas last reported in the extreme
simthwesteru corner-ot Missouri, desperately en
deavoring to escape back into Arkansas.
Samuel Medary died at Columbia
Ohio, on the 7th:
—Gen. Sheridumand - several staff oflimirs were
poisoned 0 few date imo at Winehei.ter, by , l111ji•
eorrosise aubstanceu-hick, in a r.oppo.ed accident-
Id manner, got mixed tilt!' their food. They all
suffered severe pain. from the lirleetii of the
-8011, hilt it dill not prine fatal tilnuy of them.
Bowixs_inGGs.—no P rn
n 13",1,4 to rono., T. bott
of Chasnber,buri.r.
TitE.Ninvlniryrort I b ra' eoneliales an inter
eQting of the Naritini hulefitiltes for the
large and e 0 ,1 1 .1, pipe organ with the fellowine, %Nell
(11,erved "11111. Cabinet 01:4ffit : them.
ins l'lllll,ll, hots i.r, hut tittle ittol,• than a
serien of experiment., a striling 'alter an ideal,
lchich should combine all CM . ..111'11124'S and reject
all impei 1.1 if ich, according to the er
sal teidimony of the greatest iniodelans throughout
the N%orld. has at hunt 1)1.1'11 attained in the 'Cabinet
()rgan of _Mason & Itantlin. Those who hare
haul their earn-pained by the thin, brassy amend of
the old-fanhitmed sci•aphine, in yylnch the wind
wan forced instead of dray, ii through, or w hoine.e
tried to be thankful tier the ilupio‘ed melodeon,
but v. idling there - Wan OHM . oh it, can hardly re
alize that an instrument of the name clans nlimild
be capable oh such puyycr, richneo, of tone, and oiled: as the Cabinet Organ+, It in
fortimate, too, that their expewe in Si :I`. to
111:11, them yyithin the 1110111 IN of ;Minot evor;
[I!, in the Kurd: and tlo , ir 11; 1 1, w• (10111.1 t
110 h, 1/0 Ell, 114,:ii oi ' v . . and so
cial IOC:"
Jr i reported that addit;ooal returu, have
been received at I lan i•httrg . the Arta).
hieh will 01.! 1)t•. Slllith l'oiori candi
date fin• (longreBi at the tv.eaty-tirht th,triet, a
inajortty over Daiwa.
NA I?.1? I Eli
MA(...KEY—(: AM the :14 in4t., by the Rey.
%%'. A. Wo.t. Jaim, W. Alael,), M. D. lab. Acting
Surtreon 0. S. Mom,. «'...4
Phihab.lphia, to Mi,4 J. Giftriblv, of the ',Holt) , of
Dr ) Rms. '
ISFI"IXER—KOHLI:Ii.—on the 3.1 inbt., at the reel
donee of Samuel Kohl,. I:4q , finilfortl to, unhip, by
the lie.'. S. 31'l leery, I[ . . Ihttaer toe3ltae Lizzie
S. Koller, b o th of the t it laity of Manion.
WICELVY.--On the I:1th of ()ember, 1H64, at Laelode,
III : , I)ata! hnn of George mai Sarnh 111'Keli.vy. of -Path
Valley, thin comity u¢ed 17 years, ii month, and It! dart
John J. Mid
dleton. S. Minister to under the adminedration
of l'rekident Polk, r Prtifif•N that n laterite len ant ..1 luv
'real trota anal to fir t with the inset frightfulsiii . e,
In at letter hi Mr. James Palmer, who it; at prepent
fury of the Ihug Exelnintre, nod a n0101,411r lirturired an
Philadelphia, mated that Itudwayki ltello, Wing: Ite.,..ltent
made a perl,t cure. Tie,. in nu Wll'6l'llll' 111 the world
that will Cure Skin A Pet Cr Sorev, Glees, Ilerof
nla, Chronie'Diseasee, Salt Rheum, Stninious Disehargelt
from the Lair, Glandular San ell oar. no quick and thimiturl,
ly ni Itadway ' s Renovating It, rrOicent. Unc in/ NIX bottles
will cure the worrl cane. Prim l per bottle. Sold by
tie franklin ilepositorn, ttpambersburg, Pa.
ASTHMA CURF.D.-11elief guaranteed in ten
minute . . aid a permourra.crerc effi rid by the moo
11.1): s Asi 1131 3 CLIZE:' _Case , of from tco to treaty yotro .
,[ anal.LT Yield di 1,,0 e to s inflamer. Pnee a Stmt
;“1,1;,;cs by S C. 1 . 111.01. 1 231.11,1111 l Farhat
Phllmle:phia. Pa. Circulan fire: [oet :26-3m
ILAiit uprtioted Iron] low foreheads and all
part, of the boy by Ow u.e •• Dr.M.4l n 1:Y
PowDER " Sailed to and addret, for 5.1.:"..3 by S. C. Cl'-
TAM, '25 South 1 . 34;111...treet, Phtladelphi., Pa. f,.a6-3.
Chaimbersburw 31arkiqm.
POUT—lnit.. CRAMMISBUItr..NOV. 15, 1864 .2
$ll 00 Butter .35
Flour—l:ea ...'i.- 10 50'Ege,, 22
Wheat—White 2 If) Lard 20
Wheat—Red 2 05 Tallow 14
Eye 1 50 Baeoh—llae+. ........ 2.0a25
Corn ' 1 50 Bacon—Sides 20
Oat.: ' 75 Soup Beans 200
C , ,.ver Svetl In On WltAbell WOol (30
l'onothy Sort - 4 50' 1:11W13.+Iiell Wool 40
Plax.e.l sat Pared Peachei. ' 500
Potatoe--31ereer._.. 1 Ott Unpared Peacla..s ..... 300
Putatoe,--Pml: Eyes .90'llried Apples 175
Philndelph sr Markets.
The Flour Market continue. firm but the demand is lim
ited. Sale., of extra at €ll, - , 11 M. and n.vra family at €l2.
:inperdine brhers €lO et.lo I:ye I=l . l.air and
o.rii Meal dull aml prier, rinelianged.
Wheat—The th in. 111111/r Wllll.ll . 1511151114 i Sale:
to trio 11 - e•tert and l'enrelvania red at 82
at '2 per Im.hel eIS.III quality. Rye
at $1 Corn la sear, e :Au! “re rin•
eliallz , l.‘,l rant: , trout 41 7 3 10 €1 t' o Per haThel.
ore ,u;a'111 Si I'l , per
ROB abbatiseninfts.
c4TRAy . muLE.—Taken up by the sub-
J ~• t on the morning of the llOth of July laid. a
M The owner is requeded to pr ove p ro p er ty.
lad ellartViii and tuts it away. S. D. CRAWFORD,
not I ildtt Near Fayette% Me.
IVIDEND.—The President and. Matt
.l_, 11 , PP+ of the Chamberithurg Turnpike Road Com
pany hate declared a dividend of I I per cent. on the cap.
tpd ctk, payable on demand. W. 11. ISFDOWI:I.L.
novltidlt Ty.a.nrer.
OST OIL STOLEN.—On Thursday, the
loth roar., one Bond of SSW. with coupon. attnehed,
on the Raclin. rind .Mts•i,stild Itallrond company.. If
turned 10 Downy E+.l,, it and Hill a, gven,
.1. KENNEDY. nyetterille.
-I cOTICE —All persons halebteAl to I\. J.
_LI White its note or Book A oeouot n ill eonf•r a favor
and •ettlint; their nnrnunt• NVIthOM dcLq'. Isis
it k. or, all tint he ha, hayed out of Ult. zroal are
nova A. J WHITE. ,
Stone Mating, 2 doors north of the Pont Ode,
VTOF,SE FOR SALE.--The undersigniql
11 «ill .rll at Privdte Sal• a lit tI'SE and LOT, on
Kalg ,trees, ea-t of Seetnal , trees. The House t, a good
tw,,tory l'none Imillhog n,th link buildingtutu
nel out-buthliw, 'lt,, iot t, tlerty•ttt 0 feet trent
l'ete,,,em gin en en the 1.1 or Aprtl ..Ipply to the
•rther reNeling en the premittett.
nev76-3tt M RIC RITNER.
ti.•••;= hereby given. that Leto, of
11.1 . 1.1.• ~r rider. late of tile Borough of
7 .inther.hure, ILANI2 been granted to the under.
Al! p, th, nv,,1i.1.t4.,1 to said D•tate
,111 plea.olll.o,e immolinit• p..nn of , .1,1,1 those i , .n mg
prt,ent IliPolp2opt.rly authontleat. d It•r Nettltnuelit.
1,,,. 16 F. ii. SII 1'l; 11. Atlnir.
XL4 hereby civ'en that Lett( r.'l,'„, , ,,tainentan to the Es•
tote of Martha Sunpmm, Lae of 1 flitniltim township, cjee'd,
have been minted to the tnnleno.rne4l.
All per,mts knowanz thene-elve; Indebted to said Estate
will plen,e make •lion.ediare pit) a n ent aml those baying
claims present them properly anThenwatell for settlement.
novlti JOHN 111,1,EU.-Eir.
EEOUTC/R . S NOTIC E.—NOti(l. is
her. by Oven that Lettor4 ... tilmowary to the Et
ta,' of 1,1.16 ST, kelt, Lee of ATl . rall dee'4l,
have I.eon graut44l to the 1111414,,:t..11.
Alltagl'll,ll , 4, • ,11.1.-bleil to .aid Ectate
•111..1: theqeLhasang
elitiu, th•lrt rhy
11" v Ii ,TICIcEI.I., Ex ru.
;:,.. - hat L, th•r. ~f ;1111,11i,:rat:9,1
Cur,. Lowry la:, , of Guilt*, ,r,l town.inp,
_ranted to the ttn,1,•,,-01,,1.
nws 110 u,,,•1% a,llaTt/sl t,. Said :state
vl.nt plya,e make 1111111.11“, payment anti ttn , se has mg
Man+ pre.ent Iman pzeperts .tthe nte ated fer .ettlement
ALI:AIIII' 1.. 1.9W11r 7 ..
Mr% it; Ai I /I; A ILD, y` "
w1.t104 ht d.uip0 , ..0 of a
‘.li l'.l een ton !val.', near Greenwood. ad
the 11.-I:ren propert:, eonlioninc 75 Acre:,
hax n 1111 • , 1 a ta 1,0 f; HOUSE. Fra,e, e
Man alai taller 11111.1 , ,, 111e11t5. alsa a youna•
hard ~1 I:rafted Fruit, on this property, nib a
.ti on? About 50 Acres are cleared.
od lb , •Ine 11l younlt Timber. Any pen,on
1",:11/1,1.1 , 1A latarmatam aal pl.. /m thumb. riber,
at I 11.ants:rslanr.z. (lan 14;40 eas 14 I> SWERT.
A 17.1)1TolIS N I C undersign-.
Xi ed. Anibtor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Ft, 11.11 n eounty, to make distribution of the balance in
hand. I-aluulla A rur.trone-, Admmistratriz 'of John
Arm•trunz late of Hamilton township deed, to and
, he 0,1410,4 of rid iced. Will meet the pantos
d at M.: °An e in the borough'ul Chamber:Luiz.
tat Frldan, thr•Xd day nj - AA -ember next, tall o'clock A.
When awl n here 11,e, 1t.,. ing claims ur in any way in
attend if the) see proper.
..v 1v 3r , 'WILSON lIEILLY ,A
v t - Di•r( arc.E.=-Notiee: iv here,-
i loaf ti , 2.lll.aer• app..tnto.l
•1..• FralikllT t.lotty : A na..t.,r make
11,11:011. • n rl.elt.tha , 4 G.,. IV.
Tr 11•1 ., th.• ENtatr Tyllmazi
.1. , a.l. a .Llll , .nz taltledby r.+. e
IP 0 I:.•tt Ali•.tll Ilii• e Stallil,iiiz,ll
I hr 11.1 ~ tl).. 4.1
Lthe r a' I 1.1'114 M.. 1% Ito ri• all
•i.. :la pr..por '
SHEIZIFrii NOT 11 . 1 , , OF IN(,!171S1-
1,. Tit re , tian Ram , r'v Eqatr.—To_th, hPirs and
W. 1 ., 01 . 1.1 111 • 00a , 0 , 1 ou arehl.r,hy
la, ti..l that m pur,latt, of tent ,of 1ta401.0.00 tome di
-14,1. a I...itatat out of 14101 orphans Court of Fnvaklin man
l'a 111 an inque.tion on the, Real F. , tate of which
Ili - 11,11 . 1n died seized, situate in A oarna township,
4,,nntv. on the 3d day of Ptrenth , r. 1,64. :0 10
A. 31., when anti where you nut attend of you
13401:101.)16.3t I SAIICEI.: BRANDT, Sheriff
-3 TioN.— William Orelman's Eetatr.— ~the Loin and
leLral reprPsamtatis ee of Said deeeilski . You are hereby
”otated that in parsualua.‘ of n Urit of Ingno.ition to ole
I nit of tin. Oridmtm' .11,mm rmw.l. 111/11.
. . 1 itill hold an ilini,rtion on air. Iteal Eaairte of Mhich
n.tal.deredent died t•etztth. ratnate in Antrim town.hip,
Franklin t noon - . Pa., no tin :Id :Lind' Member, IeLI , at
1 Wel°. It, I'. N. v.han and %%hero volt mat attend if you
tG•nk proper. [nolUitj SA3II . P.I. , I3IIANDT, Sheriff.
I..llftit day of Nos.or, 1), I.t, In tho Pity of
l'lo , ,olelphia, for a Proidynt tool Dtrt,tors of the ChN.•
4LWAY COMPANY, tho foto.a int; pvr,,on.twort , duly
Pry. 'dolt.
IThonliis A. Senn. Ileoro. W. Clltti,
.1,4111 lb, on. D. R.
.1..1in . 3t, Xennotly, I) I; 810,11, .
Wv.tar 31orri , g, .1 I). E.. ,41,1 y,
I: C. Kuielrt, A. K. 3l'Clare,
S I.: .‘410, - .1 linen.
U. 11.11tCLAY, Soup
A unrrolvs NoTreE—EKt atv of Fran
ix o, Itoln.on....det eased. Thr under.izned. Audito
nopoint,l by the I Jrphan's Court of 1 , 1ml:11a co., l'eunbyl
vouLt, to thkrtlotte the halm , " doe On the find finn
Id Lem, :•kew.c• A,lsn,i ,, ttatur Jr bona non,
with the will annexed, it Frinll.l. ROlll,lll, tutu of Mont
14 . ".n`'rY towaqnr, rranlihn eount), l'enn'a, deed, to tutu
among the lezatre. named in no], a n d t o W m ; th
Met% lout return the evidente bt the. court, will meet all
parties interettled in sand E.tstte fur the purposes of his ap
pointment ai bin °Mee in the boroultlyof lltambentbursr,
tin 'Fliunday, the ,11111.1 y of 111.1,111111 r. A. D.. 11 ,4 61, at 10
'cick, A. Al. All trartie.f. cling tonnthe izooil their claim
on that day null be itelootrt ti fn .at t 0111ilIC in on the fund.
novlfi J. 31 1)0AV1:1.1. Sll.lltrE, Al/atter.
j_ I3I,IC SALE.—I it pursuance of all
...Id, of the itrrllan.' Court of rranklin eonnty, Pa.,
Aohnlnearator to .ell. %lII' oiler nt
Sala, flit Thur.da, 14, rwh,r7tle. at I. Weloel:
on the prente.., 11, it in the borollzlt of Chum-
AI the 1.-Lite of ,L I:rut Intent the
boron:411 of Chancher-Lol-yr ,Tr, d ; A I.ol' of llltilt'SD
his 111{: tle•reon I ted uenther board 1)y:1:L.
1. I II (lI'S I; Ilere Wall. out Stahl, lnannie,l by
rninhhn ,greet Donell nn tho South,
1)., nl I,e•h, r n e NV o'.t Ihnlel.augh on thu
No: th
'I , ma , n ha le4llool TI Oil th , ` of S,tlr by
.1 L. at ls, Elt(/'l7,
111141.1,114111.4, I:veoutor of
,Nlanzaret 1.. Campbell, 111 1 4 . 1,15 14 11 by s 'rule of
1".",, runt.tined inn h , •rn 111 11/r that purp,,,,,
at Publu ...ale, 1111 110 1 premise+. no Tureilem. [he '.lllth rkf
mh.r. .1. It., 1,64, the tlata.itnt valuably Real EY.
Mt.., to o out .1 II that Tit koT LAN I), sitoato in St.
tounnlop iuljoinoux , land: of Epltutint, Yyttag.
Ile.j.uni. Bub, r. 3,llebael 1 4 104, 111,1 Milers, euntaining.
1,5 ACRES, 13.4 neat measure. 'Pin' its:
pro, ement• .111 1 It ninny 1,111 It Mtlt story Simla nod 'wo g ',
t' a -t • nit,! frame harm
The;lartier part of the traetas vieared and tillable Laud.
The ba.. e.,4•11 Net nulrthnving timber.
Sale to colommit t• at tune unlock, P. IIL, at ldcb time
ill be giVen anti terms etude Ann„ by
WM. 11. WI/DWELL, I.,:ecutor.
it atty. late or Aotriortow..tor. Fraliklin county,
Whereas, l'atharine Beatty, de d, did
her last will' and testament, dateit. the s,toth
41,1 y 44 .11111 e. A. If.. all tier ”Jnitl. (except il.foW
lep,aedeil to her lirrt nntl,lll‘, bolls patertadlland maternal,
Ito ‘tt re at the date of her will in the United States.
I ler 11144114•I'A n.une tin, Sto,att Allen, Sow notice is here •
ItyglA en that the final net "pit of Walter Beatty. AJlialin
i.tlalor tir - itrotts non, it ith the will annexed of .taiti (tag,
114,1‘!,, dot hat 'lton hied and confirmed I*pin.
Orphan.' Court of I t rauldin county, and that the under
•oglied, Atoll:or appointed by said Court to di,ribute : the
italato t• due 011 :411141 nef 4,lltit, necorthng to the prof iiitatt;
et ".td Lot will told I,lament, will meet and hear taud
stlaintants, at hit Olive t in the BorOngli of Chtunhert,buret.
i t,, Monday the iloy of inttenibr r, 1,14, at 10
clock A. 31 All parties fdiling to establish their chums
On that slay will be ditharrttd from coming in on said Natl.
enovl4l .1. 31 - p. SIIARPIi, Auditor. •
fitto iibettiormento.
sate—Will be offered at Public Sale, on the pram ;
i , es. in Hamilton Ton-wl ip. on the Warm Spring Rcall 1 ;
adjoining honk oft. flelbinger, Michael Peat, and others,
on Friday, thr 211 day of Dronnhe-r, 1c64, the following
REAL ESTATE, to vit :66 ACME OP LAND, lti Arm,
of which is well Timbered. and the balance cleared and in
a high State oft tdavation. The impto\ emenos - are a two
Crib. Carriage Shed, Hog Pens, and other necessary out
buildings. There is u Well of good Water at the Dwell
ing, and a Cistern near the Kitchen door. There is anOr
chard of choice Apples and Peaches on the premises.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. M., when the terms
Will be matte known by JnoVl6- . 3t1 MICHAEL DEAL.
PUBLIC sALt.—Bylvirtnre of an
Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county. Pa.,
the undersigned, Administrators of the t Estate of Ireder..
ink Divilbiss, late of . warren township, in said count= ;
dee'd will offer at Public Sale, on the 'premises, no Wid the 311th day of lYonember; 1864 the following de
scribed Iteal Estat'o, to wit Purport No. L. being the
MANSION FARM, 'adjoining lards of Michael Cook,.
Charles Gelnitx, Jacob Bear. David Martin and others,
containing 139 Acres and 21 Perches, neat measure , liar
, ing thereon erected a two-story Stone Dwelling House,
Stone Burn, and a Stone Spring House, with other need•
fill buildings and iniprovemetits. Also, agood Apple Or.
r hnnl and other Fruit Trees. with a supply of never.failing
Water on the same. It to well Timbered.-'and bus been
recently well Limed, and altogether is in a good fltrtriing
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when the terms
ill be node known by
lT RS. E C
will open,
a fall amertment
li - rtinesday, ;\'orcenher
. in Lit
nyrivsite the'Pcmt OAiec
Old Cuidotners
and the,
pUBLIC pursuance or an
order of the Orphan's Court of Frtuik lin county, Pa.,
the undersigned, Trustee to null the Real Estate of Chris
tian Frantz, late of 'Washington township, dee'd trill sell
ut public outcry. on Taeedop the•29th of Normber. 1864,
on the premise * s, all the Real -Lamy of said dec:tl consist
ing of about 16 ACRES OF GROUND adjoining landi
of John Frantz: Sallow) Frantz, John rirdrely and others,
ut sifuateti within ..1)0 yards Fnir iF4%. Mille. The land
in (Ind quality. and well improved. having thereon acorns
modiotes lit H.'S& Stond Wash Howe._ Baru.
Carriage Howe, and :nil etie r braidings neeessary to com
fort or c ens enienee. 1 here. a well of the kitchen door
and running IN Me( neee•eable to stock in tile barn yard. A
proldie ORCHARD (of glutted fruit, peaeh and plum trees.
grave are roau{uf the rueollllllenclatillns of this
property'. 'the building.. ;end fences are all new and in
very good comlition, n tole the place is eepc.c Tally conven
iott. isung retched by roads front four direetlons. The
neighbialos.d is one of the host and dpleasanter residence
could not n all be found. rrirSale to commence at 10 0'
clock vim, the teron tr tll be made known.
novl6 ABRAHAM FRANTZ, Trustee to sell
11 kill Le exposed to Sale, on the premises, in Green
castle, Franklin county, Pa., on the 3d day of December,
lAti-1, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at public out-cry, the following
Real Estate, yes: A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the
corner of South Carlisle and South Sts., in said borough,
adjoining the Methodist Church lot on the North, an alley
East, _whereon are erected a tw'restory DWELL INC:
HOUSE, part Weather.boardedltra part Wick, Stable;
Carriage I louse and every necessary outdadiding. There
is a good Well, ,tad rain water Cistern on the premises,
and running Water through the Jot
TERMS OF SALE—One-third of the purchase moray
to remain a lien un the premises during the lifetime of the
widow. the interest to be paid. 'to her semi-annually - , be
ginning with Ist of April, 1565. at her 'death principal to
In' paid to the heirs of Ileary Miller deed ; the remainder
fir be paid, one-hidf. Ist April. lrtis , (when possessiork will
be gut en) unit the other half Ht April :1866, with interest
from Ist April ltsis. The unpaid portion to be secured on
the premises
novl6 A MANUA - T. MILLER, S ..Trtstees for Sale.
pn IV ATE SALE.The undersigned
intenainz to rrara,ve to tti West, offers at Private
Sale • the r .1N Mg' dr.rribed•lteal Estate,' to wit: , '
A FARM, ...tuati , tl in Lettftkouny township. Franklin
county, Pa., about nob, north-west of 'Clumibersbrirg,-
and about z of a tulle troni the head of the Rocky Spring,
adionniur lantL4 of S. Hither and Daniel Byers, containing
110 ACRES, part Limestone, part Freestone and part
Black Slate, The improvements are a two story BRICK
HOUSE—nearly nen ; Log and Frame Barn with Wagon
Shed mulched. and other out-buildings. There is a 'Well
of ossl. nmer-tuiling Water, near the p welling. ad ex
cellent o,hard (in lull bearing) of 'Grafted Fruit and a
Lime Kiln do the premises'. There is water, for stock
purposes, in almost every field. The above Farm in in
tirst-rate order. having lately been well limed. This tract'
contains tame Timber Land, but the purchaser can have
the ',nonage of buying2'2 acres of Mountain band, well
,at with chestnut and Chestnut Onk.
Alt 0-1 NT), ACRES and 2A, PERCHES adjoining the
above, on the Public Road, with a 1* storied TENANT
11€14.4E. Stable. &c. This small tract `is well planted
with PRAM . TREES, and, is admirably adapted for gar
Bening purposes- There is a good Well of Water at the
house, and a Spring near the Stable.
Also---A TRACT of MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in
Letterkenny fownship t - adjoining lands of Foltz's heirs,
containing, 11 acres each—both well set with Chestnut
and Chestnut Oak.
l'emees wishing to vies - the premiSes can, do so by call
rot es me. at The first described farm.
UABLE REAL ESTATE.—The, undeniigned,
Anonistrators of Daniel Dull,-late of Quincy township,
deed ,hp virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Fraillstin 'county, will expose at Pullin. Sale, on Frtday,
flu ! , ti, doy of Demnber, 1564, on the premises, the follow-
Real Estate, to sent n
Jet. The MANSION FARM of said deceased. situate
on the road beading fiena rilnkbtoWn to Quincy, adjoining
lands of Benedict, Henn food, Samuel Reedand
odors. eontannong `Si ACRES, more or less, of good
Lame and Tumbling stone Land. The improvements are
a one story and a-half WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE,
Frame Blum. spring Rouse, Black.smith Shop and other
neeesenry out-buildngs. There is a good Well of Water
at the Dwelling Honig *and a Stream of Water running
near the buildings, and a good Orchard of Grafted Fruit.
The above property will be sold in small lots or as a whole,
10 cult purchaser& s
:Id Two trmalVTrarts of grind TIMBER LAiND—one
containing 3 Acres and the other 5 Aeres--siturate in Quin.
op township, at the foot atf the Mountain. adjoining lands
of Hoary Good, William Smith and others.
S Any one desiring to view the property can do so by
calling on the undersigned.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attendance
will tie given and terms of sale made known by
GEO. BENEDICT, ). Adm'rsof Datil
GEO. DULL, deed.
_LI in the Post Office at Chamber:burg, State of Penn
sylvania, Nov. 15,1864.
;To obtain any of these Letters, the applicant must
call for 'advertised Letters." give the date of this list, and
pay one cent for advertising -
Alexander E Miss Davis David or M I Miller Francis
Alexander E' Mrs'Debart Cornelius iMalock Joseph
Allingsworth (Decker S C Miss MoorhendWA Lt 2
Albert John ofdl Fentiman Wiliam 'Nolan Mary Miss
Adams lbeharilW:Foulty Christian_ I Nava Phil
Ault Ann A Mies:German John 2 I Parser A Mason
Aastin William Rielsinger rx.tFi. Mary Mn.
Barker Sand II IfloNbert CC, It.snhart.o Mrs
Bell Kfitll Mies (;ranby N O Idiss,Rot Toter 3
'Blackburn Wm IC Grove George ;Seiehrist I' Miss
Bricker William !Cron' Sarah. Mrs 2 Seller!! Harry
lloose Daniel N CroN e AliraKam" I Soiam Starr Ellen
Brown Israel IGlotnaut l'eter 'Sliehter A G
Bowman itlrove It Mrs: , Smith Norris
:11arrison E Miss Smith Fanny '.hiss
Brent 11(41..11 Mrs Harvey Julia Smith zg Mrs
11.31,1 Fredrick ,Ilolhuginer 9 Mrs , Suyder Alfred
Boa ers Marlon ' Hunt Hon Troup Eli H
Byers Duval C Haber AG , ( TRompson SC Mis
Burkholder C Miss Kammerer Ricoh aithb D C
Cages Lea i• P Kelley Richard IThomai AB 2'
Coney Fraukhn ',Martin Joseph I Waugh Francis
Cover Mtruh MeDaniel 3t4nuel Olean! I/livid
Crider Henry Miller Martha 3frs rWilsnms John
Cunele Joseph J Miller Ellio Mien ,Weiner
Cunningham John Miner M Mr , '
Da,:is George A Litter George •
11 . .A.R.A) WARE
Have okned their store
on Main-street,
pearly opposite their old place of business,
NI ill! ato?xteunivElawk of Ifaidwure, etityry; ,S4c,
1 -
ronf44ting .in part of
\ui1 .
Blasting Powder,
Grind Stones
Co {La Wore,
Pocket Kuivi;‘,
Specialatten tun Is culled
Builders and contractors,
as the) are
rppared to furnish to any quantity,
at wholesale
everything m their line
Cull and extunttie our stook. •
LOT. FOR SALE:The subscriber ..oft
fers at Private Sale,lhe LOT OF (-MOUND fur
nierlymeeupied by him, situated on ,Main street. The Lot
is elisely sittuded, and one of the mo.,t desirable for basil
la.s ii*1,014,1 in the market.
hereby given that Letter; TestamentalT to the Est
tate of Mary Diekey, latd of Greet castle, tleed, have boon
grant6sl to the tualersitrnelL
. .
Al persons indebted - to said state are requested - to
make immediate payment, and t ose having claims will
please prefent them properly anti eutleated for settlement
novl6 • MAILY,W- DICKEY, Ex'rx-
VoTicE.—Notice is hereby given that
it. I the undersigned his been sippointed by the Court of
Common PlefUS of Franklin county, Pa., 11 committee Of
th operson and Estate of John Noel, a lunatic of the Borough
of Chambersburg. All persons having claims against the
Estate of said lunatic will please present them, and those
knowing themselves indebted to said Estate make funned'.
ate payment ituys' 9 ,-M1 JOHN ARMSTRONG, Cony ;.
A. J.. & H. M. W H I T
In the Stone Building, on Second Street, two doors
Give ea a call.
' the leading and most popular
Will enter upon its XVlth Year and Volume in January
next. It has for years been recognized as the best cone
WEEKLY 'on the Continent, and the Publishers and Con
ducting Editor has resolved that the Volume for 186.5
shall fully equal. if not excel. either of its predeeessons
in CONTENTS, STYLE and APPEARANCE. Under the head
ing of
It will contain a great variety of Practical and Scientific
Information on the various brunches of Farm Husbandry,
including the views and., experiences of hundreds of able
Contributors and Correspondents, reports of State and
Country Fairs, DISOC...SiO[I9, &c. It will also embrace a diS
tinct Department devoted to .
Conducted by the Hoy. TIEN LY S. R&NDALL, LL.D., au
thor of "The Practical Sheprinls," "Sheep Husbandry
in the South," and other valuable works. Dr. It. is coil
ceded to be the best authontv on the subjrct in the coun
try, and his department is alone worth the price of the
paper to any one engaged in Wool Growing or Sheep
Breeding. - •
- -
In this Department the nuit.G., will present the experi
ence and observation of the best Horticalmrists in Mami
e°, inchulmg those of P. BARRY, Esq., author of " The
Fruit Garden." and fonne,r • Editor* of the Horticultarbit,
who is a regular contributor. Every one interested in the
culture of Fruits or Flower will find the RURAL indispen
The Ladies will find in the DO.IfESTIC ECONOMY de
lartment many imeful Recipes, with practical directions
'low to manage difficult matters pertaining to Housekeep
ng and Domestic Affairs.
But aside from the above important Practical Depart:
menu • the Itt - trAt embraces Others of vast Interest to farto
Hie. - In both Town and 'Country. For Last ance, it tips
thuie under the headings of LADLES' 'DEPARTMENT,
:Tici.LEit—and as often as once in two weeks, EDUCA
FUL, &c.. &c.. while the NEWS DEPARTMENT, MARKETS,
Sc., are ably and carefully • conducted—embracing ;a
Weekly Summary of the Latest War News, anit'Reports
of the principal Grain, .Pranision, Cattle, li - eel and farit
Markets. ;
Trideedi no Newpnper in America combines such a As
riety of I7seful. Timeh and Valuable Information as does
the -Iturz.iL NEw.Voiticisa. It EMPLOYP.i THE BEar
TkI.ENT. and in the Leading and Largest Circulating
internelief its Class in the lrorld! And we are deter
mined that, in the pied, it shall be unsurpa.,ed iu Value
Purity and Variety of Contents—embracing more Agri.
cultural. Itoruoultural, Scientific. Educatuitial. Latery unit
News Matter than any other journal—rendering it the
America. •
QCOTA PAGES' (40 columns,) and is published Weekly, in
Superior Styl;.—Good Paper, Clear Type. Illustration,
Sr An Indei, Title Page, Sm.., at close of each Volume,
complete fur binding.
TERMS, hi ADvANce—Only ea a year. To Clubs
and Agents—Five Copies for 814 ; Seven Copies for $19,;
Ten Copies for 825. tar Now IS THE Tare vo.Suu.
seating J..xo Foam Clams. Specimen Numbers, Show
Bills, Sc.. sent free on application. Address D. D. T. 3100/IE, Rochester,
N E .S T TO It E
GELWICS.9 & BultKitAirr having been burnt out by the
Rebels in the burning of Charnbersburg,
hare since built New Store Rooms
' Between Sellers' and Brown's Hotels,
where they propose selling, Wholesale and Barri?,
Groceries, , Solt,
Provisions, , Fish
Flour, Coffees,
Produce, Spices.
Iluntisods of useful articles used by everrfamily and
sold in- country• stores. Our stockof
Is fall end complete, embracing every article in ibis line,
fronOlie common grade of goods up to
the finest quality. Oar stock of-
ore all strictly- pure and fresh. having been carefully; se
' leeted hyi one of the firm, Mr. Burkhart, who is
a posetaml baker and confectioner. All
' our Ground Spices are ground
, „ • on our own spice mill, and • 1
• can be relied on.
Linseed Oil,
Bleached ;IN tater
Flaxseed Oil,
, Lubrie Oil, : Painters .
and strictly- prime KEROSENE', Oil. I I
The larcet,t astartment of Lamps, Cflobes and Wlttka
in the county. These We say cce eau and will
stdl cheaper than the cheapest, it. they
were purchased is large (luau.
I titles direct frets the
Sperm Oil,
Whale Oil,
- Cmil Oil
- - ,
in, I to attention, an 41 1. will warrant theta',
- t
We al ° urylte attention to our very : largo and I -
varied assortment of
Whit'll tre p6r very cheap, whole,tleltind: retail
In connection With the above business etirry on the
Confectionery tinniness in all its branches, tiatituf.tetttring
of the articles in thin line ourselves, ;which enables
us to sell very low, both wholesale and reiail. Our stock
of Confectionery consists in part of
- ;Raisins,
All kind!'" of CrackM3,
a genet's' assortment of FRESH CANDLES, together
with every descriptiort Of dotriestic Candies that are made.
Our stock is large and bas been carefully selected, em
bracing by far too many different articles and quantities
to attempt to name articles or list of prices, endive ro say
that It it our determivation to always keep:up a full' as
sort-mentor goods and sell as cheap as the cheapest.
N. B—To Country Herchants and all who wish to buy
goods at wholesiSle, we pledge otinteh•es to sell as cheap
as any Jobbing House iu the cities.
kinds wanted, for which the highest price will be paid In
zebu at bertisements.
Hate opened their
north of the Post Otilce, and opixisite
the County Tail
a good assortment-of
and a general aasortment of
Tv area,
We offer the fulloC%ing
To uur 'large stock of
give Kitiidaction ur refund the.tnoney
All brands or flour by the barrel or
lLegat gatitts.
tice Is hereby given that Letterset Administration
,a 1 the Estate of A. P. Eversole, late of Antrim township.
deed, have been grantod to the nriderslgried.
All persons knovritw themselves indebted to said Es
tee will please make immediate payment; andthcoe hav
jug- ,claint Present them property- authenticated for settle
ment: (not9.-6tl A. T. N. EBERSOLE, Adler.
tee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate- of Jacob Brown, late of Green ton-nshtp,
deed, !lave been granted to the undersigned.
' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said aanto
willplease make immediate payment, and those having
elaims e rseutthem properly authenticated for settlement.
-11 Vice is Kereby given that Letters of. Administration
on the Estate of Jesse M. Jones, late of Fannetteburg%
dee* have been grunted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment,. and those having
elaims present them pn,periy autbenticated for settlement
oct26 JOHN D. WALKER, Adm'r.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Daniel Dull, Imo of Quincy township.
dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to mild Estate
will please make .immediate payment, and those having
olahns present them properly authenticated for settlement
tioe is hereby given that_Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Joseph Funk, late of 'Washington town.
ship, decd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves ibdebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
eLsbus present them properly authenticated for settlement
oet 19 DAVID IL FUNK Adm'r.
tice is hereby given that Letteritif Administration
on the Estate of Wm. Gillman, late of Ohio, deed. have
been granted to themndersigned,
•All pen.= know - Big themselves indebted to gala Fsstate
will please make immediate payment; end Rime having tr
claims present them properly authenticated for settlemeut..
oet 19 ABRAHAM METZ, JR, Adm'r.
dee is hereby given that LettOrs of Administration
on the Estate of George Snider, lati Of St. Thomas town
ship, deed, have been granted to thOlvmdersl,gned.
All persons knowing themselves indebte4 to said Estate
will please make immediate payment.; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
oetl9 JOHN C. SNIDER, Adm.r.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of William A. Armstrong, late of Guilford
township; dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
elation present them properly authenticated for setttlement.
tier is hereby given 'that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of dames W. Linn, late of Funnett township,
dee'd have beeugianted to the undersigned.
All pertmns knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment', and thosethaving!
claims present them properly authenticated fur settlement.'
oetl9* IL W. LINN, Adm'r.
E:YE CUT° R'S NOTlCE.—Notice-is
hereby given that better Testamentary to the Estate
of Charles lierk. late of Quincy township, deed, have
been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims pretest them properly authenticated for settlement
nov9 „ WE. FLEAGLE,
E. FA xE' CIITOR'S NOTIC Eotice is
hereby given that Letters Testamenthry tbßie Estate
of James Wallace, late of Southampton township, deed,
have .been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated fursettldm
- V-XECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is
14 hereby given that Letters Testameutary to the Estate
of Noah Myers, late of Montgomery township, deed, havo
been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
VXECUTOR'S N 0 T LC E.—Notice is
1.1.4 herebygiven that Letters Testatnentary to the Estate
of John louver, lute of Antrim townslup..dee'd, have been .4
grunted to tUeMndersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
please mate immediate payment; and those having
dill‘ms present them properly authentwated for settlement.
NTOTlCE.—Whereas, my wife Lydia has
_L .1 left my bed and board without just cause, I minion
all persons not to trust her on my account, 11.9 I wilt ray 110
debts of her contraction. My three children, AdaM, Eph
raim and Charlotte, I warn all persons not be harbor or
employ without my consent DANIEL POENEY.
Cashtriwn, Adams co.. Pa., Oct. 26, 1264 --.3t.•
The co-partnership heretofore existing under the
name and etyle of DEITZ ¢ 31'DOWELL was dissolved on
• the Ist inst., by mutual consent. The Books of the late
firm will be settled up by [nov9-31.] - G. A. DEITZ.
RANK NOTICE .—Notice is hereby
J.../ given to the Stockholders Of the Bank of Chambers
burg, Pa., that according to the provisions of the tithlec.
tion of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act enablffig the
Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for
the purpose of banking, under the laws of the United
States," approved ‘..e. , 4 August, A. D., 1864, the Court of
Common Pleas of Franklin county, hove uppointed John
Armstrong as Auditor, to eertify to tha President and Di
rectors-of said Bank of Chambersburg, what - Was the fair
market value of the Shares of the Bank, at the time of
paying the last Dividend, so that if within thirty days any
Stotekholder, notifies in writing, the President or Cashier,
of his desire to surrender his sto,ek , upon receis ing the
value thereof, as SO determined: such bank shall, within
thirty days ihereafier, pay such tdockholder for his shares,
Recanting to such valuation, with interest from-the time
of paying said dividend. upon his surrendering his shares,
and that said Auditor will meet the she k holders at his
Office in the Borough of Cbambersburg, on Wed nrsdr4 ,
the ind day of Noiwnber, 1864. to affix said value, when
and where all may attend that seeproper.
nov9-It - JOHN ARMSTRONG, Auditor:
Lamps, ;
iTOTICE— GELWICKS having been
.1.1 burned out by the rebels and desirous of mourning
horsiness ut_the earliest possible period, would respectfully
request all persons indebted to him to call and make pay.
moot without delay. Those who - hare been burned and
not able to pay at this time will pleases call and settle
their accounts by note or due bill. Nuir24
MPORTANT NOTlCE.—Persons know
hm. ummielves indebted to Eyoter & Tim., and widling
to confer a favor on us, east do so by raying. thu same with.
out delay, as we have changed our mode of doing business
and are now selling goods exclusively for cash. We am
very desirous of clodng up our old Books.
cietal4t EYSTER & BRO.
FLACK respectfully request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to them by notes or book accounts to
call and make immediate settlement. The necessity of
this notice is apparent to every wee, and we hope those in•
deleted will report at here. • anc-244
f i t DVER have lost my Account
liook by the tlestruetcon bf Uhambersburc MI the
lah tilt .. and maNt int,: to the hialor and honeity of my
d en‘tomers to pay Hp. I ,1111 t unmet my old Ml:Allem
in Chamber...lmeg end trill be glad to till order.. a.; heron..
s S
.II v ember. I,t. Ibre. tor. of the Bank have
tlt> day declared a DIVIDEND DE FIVE PER CENT
—payable on demand.
now 2
"Lot, „Stolen anb -4---,tramb.
OTlCEeveral of the Bonds of the
Franklin Railroad Company am missing. having
been destmyed, or. in the hands of parties not known. Any
one oho bolds any of said Bonds can receive useful infor•
Illation respecting them by applying to D. 0. Gehr ur T.
B. Kennedy, Esqs., of Chambersburg. or Frederick Watts,
Esq., at Cartisle. ncts
LOST OR MlSLAlD.—Between Reter
14 - Febinutn's Boot and Shoe store and J, L. Deehott's
lint and Cap atom, Second Street Charnbersburg, u MO
ROCCO PURSE:, containing ttlil
PL 7 Fr A Reward of .95 will be given. by leaving it at J.
L. Webert's But and Cal. store, Clunnbe.burg.
navißit JOBS MARTIN:
STRAY .—The undersil s tned lost live
11EIFEI1Son Thursda3. the 6th of October, 1564,
all marlosl with tar on the right rump. A liberal
a ill be given for the recovery of the same.
UST.—On Thursday, the lzith inst., in
the lianamb_ of ClituribeLburg, a pair td cora)
spi:urAci.Es, in a leather came. The tinder all' be
liberally rewarded by leaving theta at this office. oe2ti
Verottal. Vroptrt
six horse power, in gr,xbd condttion. Can be seen by
calling at T. B. Wood's Foundry.
sep`2l4f JACOB GARVER.
11oR SALE.—A One HorseTread-Power,
in good order, and for sale low. 4ply at this udice.
aep7-tf -
FOR SALE,—A full C0111:13e Scholarship
lathe Quaker City litn+ineat, College of Philadelphia.
Apply at this office. ,[sepi•tf
.Itl tolsociated thenwelreS in the PrdCefrt. of Medieue,
and hare taken an Oltiee in the late residence of Jacob B.
Miller, immediately oppoette the Preshyterion
All persons indebted to either of the above, will please
make early settlement of the same. fang24-tfl
TAR. W. H. BOYLE will attend prompt
ly to all professional calls. Onion in the Vestibule
of the.ReAr Behan, liodee near the Jail. intieJ4.