The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 16, 1864, Image 1

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    TEitaLs OF pIUBLIcATIos
every Wednettlu> mornmg by "Tlif.; ItEN
ASSfiCIATII IN, at $2 per annual. is ,fora't I:, or
,• not paid within the year. All e ub.crtp:,,,,,. ne
',mats- fat's' r be, serffed annually. No paper w it be sent
out or the State unless paid for in adrerace and a!! sue!.
Rubscriptiola will invariably be discontinued at the expi
ration of the time fur Which they are paid.
ADVERTIgE3IENTS are inserted at Fff'rk.fiN CENri
per line fur first insertion, and TEN CENTS per line fur nub-
Pument ilsortions. A liberal discount is made to persons
advertising by tile quarter, half-year or year. Spec , nl no
tices charged ono-ball More than regular advertisetnents.
Alt resolutions of Assmiations; eMartiunittatrons of limited
or bath-lanai interest, hail notices of Marriages :uul I)eatii
eseeeiling }lye lines, are chargetl fifteen cents per line,
d11.1.4gal Notices of tray kind and all Orphan,'
Court and other Judicial Salts arc ieguired by late to be
adrertitted-in the REPOKITQIeY—it haring tix - L`tunesi
CULATION of any paper-published in the bounty of Frall;"ti 11.
Jold PRINTING of every kind in Plain at d Fancy col
ors, dune with neatneu and dispatch. 111 -‘ ,3 ` ,
Pamphletl, &e.. of every variety and style printvd
Ut the shortest Indio.. The REPOSITeItYFFIt F. has ja.]
Iveu mated With Steam Power and thr, Pr...-ec and
every thing in the Prinfing line ran tot exee.ited in the
most arti.tie umnner and at the lowe,t :ate , Thi MIS IN-
ri r Mr. John K. Shryock is our a uthorized .bout to
receive Snbseriptions and Adeertisemant+• and receipt for
the „vac. all letters should he aibtre.,,El to ..P
Iteat 05t , atc {airy
- I_3UBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order
11 of the Orphtufs Court of i'r.tnktut tiututy, there - will
nand to rubble tiule, on thet pretni.ei, cm Thuentay. the
lath day of December, lrti4. the f..110u tug cle.oribiq Real
Kite. being the rroporty belontung to the Ift.u, of John
Keeft.r, lute of Antnat township. . . . .
. The MANSION FARM of sad den '4l, situate in 'said
township. Imunded byliins of Chanil.ers & Behr, (leorga
• Sheller, Jacob Wentz, Daniel Stiekt I and other', being 1..„
mile North of Brun in', Mill and and ;ibunt 1 mile from the
village of Marion, vont:union. •-ilk, ACRES (more of less) of
that class Limestone Land &snit .10 Aires of which tie
covered with chore.. Tool - yen 'Die improvements are a
double two-stor) BRICK awl FRAME Ili M'SE, with a•
large Stone Mid Frfahe Bank Barn. Wagon shed, Corn
Crib nod other nen resin ,rot-bulltllyam There is a Well
of never holing WA!, near the I on,, a hIrM. I In hard of
fine Fruit tend el , rrlhMir ..1,11.d1y appurtenant. to a well
regulatenl farm The ll m -.., •Irc in nrohi co:id:non. a litre,
prOpOrtion of , hie 1, i• II no, post nrol ra:l totes, And the
land itself in a high .0...,e of I 111;in.rroli ma being tainted
with BAe dise,i, uniulty kien.ii n., • It orke/1 out "
Also—A HOUSE ...141,0T of CBC/LN I) in New Frank
lin bounded by lot of John l' no the South and tin
alley on the North and W, .t. with a :v.n-story BRICK,
MOUSE ; a large St..lde and ]lone and other
neeeNrary building , thereon.
The n :do, 'N do“ er illl relnoin ;In the TIMM-Wu farm but
trill he relel,ed Cron] tint' hoe, in Now Frailislin. Tr7ila
onn-iialf )
nosh on tlir :•,1 flay of ISoS. :nal the 1,141-
anee in tWo'enpial p.iyateLts on the lit days of April IFilti
and 11.67,, Pnv,e,,,on 0 :O. lir gin en on the lit of April
The N0.,1: Fronklin •st ill be solil'&d 10 o'cl,k.
A. M., 8,11,1 the Mantioit 1 unit ut o'clock, I'. 31. oti rail
Per-on 4 wiqiiing: to Nit,- either of these properties can d,.
o by calling; at the ig-g •
For farther Information stpg.ty to h
n0v0.41 • Si Tn
PUBLIC SALE.-1 a ' latrhuance of an
order of the r irp:itrire 'err of Franklin colinty,
the rtndi.mglied :tier at
Sale. on II crinesdriv, try of 2.r/rem/Jer i Ir2rirl. at
rten'4 Hotel. iu Wv3 ikt 1111 the Real Ei.late of Eman
uel Mill e r Tate o f \l're.d.: , gr•ra iwterhip. dec'd Ptir.
part sr, being the "31 FARM," situated in oil
tut 17•11 i 1.. .‘:111.1 ,, I I. :11:1.1.4 nfli ell 1 . , Resit and 11.,notirill,•.
containing 171 ACRES .4ND 711 PERCHES neat. the Ink
be;ngthe best limes - wee There is also an excellent Spring
watt ring a tine Me.trlow, and an Orchard of ratted fruit.
etrir•iii. are STONE HOPS E. rough
eat. ASTONE BA It Sr rior: llou.e and all other bri inl
rerpur. d. Th, purl 'Lrt I: one of the lnrst farm. and
mutt dr-rirahle hone , to the county.. ;
Purpart being a Lino of SI ACRES and 41 perch.,
situate in Q i ttirte;.- tow,h•ii %nal of Storsr.
hen, ( and O tlco,l, having clarion
Ni'IIATIII.RIS(i.N 1)1 . :0 Ir01 . .;1: RANK ISARN rut
other intlir. , ‘ eitient. , -. There is it ,treatu of watt r.
through tl•rr barn S-arid for ritoek :nit a well of er .1 w. , t. - 7
near the lcit. ben. '1 he land it al , olaner.traitr
11-'. find pr.perty s' , .re C, . nii .
one I,f the to-=t of tee that region.
l'urpart I , ea.g.:ts ..tereA of Mut INT. IIN 1 %NI ~
Aintath in W.obinnbl hvneldr,the 1 , 0 flier 1:01
Road. ,of nablivanna and talier tant.s r, Ti.. re .• , n1
spr ntr mist [tint tree, and an 0..1
tri-hunt. in tt it Slue above,,e-lh tei:'
tali on N. Bonel.&k., or the pane. re..;ilititt • m pre,
iti s. Sale to otrnoDtuee 11l d, L. k trL, n rink pt'at, trii
he talon n and tom , nanio known he
Th.. nndersirned, ..Ik..oter tho of Joh
Nof" - e/ - nner, /krowterl, will sell a: Peblle Sale, ui trout /
the Court Howe. in IlagUrstuo
, On Tuesday, Norryn7iir f2.9th, 1-64.
A.Trif,t of Land minute on Benvert•rr••k, mlv 1 •+:'0" Txnd
of ,ltu•„L
.Fank's flan, Georg:,
idn4it two hundred of whir his tilearea and In :t
of eultii'ation and the balance covered an E reel len
od}-of TIMBER. The impn, ,en•a .tee ❑ rotal.
A new STONE' 13.-NRN tA‘g,ellirr ;vv . , ren , •san• Ua
Iliffictinc, •
'rhere is a well of never-Lulniet,tter near tilt , 2r tol
a ctri,lll of whter payees through the tarn i•
APPLE ORCHARD raid a N.triety of 0t! , ..r fru:: zre,..4
uu the prermseh
The grain DIAS grwring on the zrowel re-.ern • I to
gether with the right to harvest it.
Per ,o ll+ witfliiii; to •ee the proport3 can d„ by• rallinl
upon Willi.llll New coiner re.i4l , tlg .
lion (10•11,ttleurir,riting it. 1%.1y be 01it.1 . 1...d
Tr.e..m...--fino tidal of in per. Int4o to lo
owl, and the halanCo in. In o e.ptal 111110..1,, illettizi
intereA from the dal- Of -ale, Is oh coal -on nti'y• A es." qt
and entrwa•nt ,1F6,1 in 111,4.• Io t r on the
full payment o f the pen ha, money.
Poqe 4 eion given on the flr..! of tloll.
• nor9-3t. , 'RIPPLE S.. NEWCOMER..
Itimsitary ..00y And bill to th, dhl t• ft, 1.011,Ctilt(1.
- SALE.-,The undersianed oiler at Fri:ate Sale,'
his FARM. situated in Lure= totrnsltip, Franklin county,
Pa., adjoining lands of John E. awl tp 511:lay. Daniel
Clippinges, Joseph 31thveN ;I, or :he Con,
-doguinett misielC, and about 5 tn:Ds from Xhippensburg.
Containing 2647 , 1 ACRES good C LAND, well
limed. 70 at rep of thi' It. tort of *ell TIMBERED, 25
acres hi MEADOW and the halanee to a !nail state of
eultiyation, all in exeed• nt erdfs ared well feneed. The
lanproYetnents the aln star WI:ATITERBOARD.
ED HOUSE, riew Ban': Barn 7'2 Le• lona, tt.tston slied
and all other ats peon i.rneriwnt out-buildings.
There iq a - Weil of never f..11;n1.7 Water at the door and
two ORCHARDS or '1,1 , , the pretd,, , . There
I.s_-also a goodITENA NT ID sis en the nitb a
Wrll-of Water r , nn, rnimt and all nere;
Pers , .as wishing: l ' .: o b . \ ~1111,1g- ,P n
the . I.lllllEvriber,llM,,. '11.,11,,, toe a- , 1p .4. on John
E, WOlay. adjql.ltf the lane. [ . ;t,si %UDR.
TATE.—'II,re von hy the undt•r-Izned,
, A.rsijimet.s i,f.lMo Go—l r: (m the priml.4,, ill gain, y
townNhip, nn SnEnrthry. rig!! of Nr",rinthrr.ll.l4 the
toth,winkt E:htte About nO ACRE";
of Land. adjoit:mar l,t101: 11.1rhanzh.
IlnniiltLn and Alex. lin.•pp , r. it Ili:about .2 mires from tie
tarn of Qualey.t ab.,Lt s I % - ri - AC It the 0
are elear6l and in a vo ealt , ratam
timer,. The I,4an, NVoo.ll. LEILA:
TiTITIA of to f,• paid on the ldt day of
April, 1F.6.5, whin] the., deed will,. le• deli,•red and
tion waren, thu) balance in tttu, Niaal Amami jeLyiaents
with.lnte'rett frutn the 1 , 1 :IA i.f
Sale to oat 10 o't" 1,11,10, when attandanee
will be given:hi 4:1.F.V1 C. KEPNER,
\VM. 110,9Si:ill'.
A::irnest of ja. nn fic“wrt.
K.) AM) 11.AINIMl 311).1.11qt SALE.—The to di,
liavins; early a year Id,: In I ii•i•e
their prebent thr , fall, now oilier for sale their. v.-
tietigi% e out complete NA WING AN WO( )lIK.
FM; EFII'AISLIMI witit all the Ptnek
eentierted with it, tai•loiling alio, Wagons, &e
two :old trio large ltf,unce. and
of containing pine horses.
rwattliishrnent ib too well known in this einnmuni`v
li, tie, it minntr ile6eription ai,il the sueeessful eharat
its luatneen , -Mr 5 , i en ye.irS pent, an well es it, prnnyer is
tor tin- hitarn, ik" , fully uniiii,to4,4l.
Preforonee t it 1..• * ci,..n to purehnert, If appli•
canna be inadeau due tune.• 1'0:051.5MM-I given the Ikt of
January next. ILENIty SII EPLER,
Glnutolioorsliargi.; t000t:1-2,n J(111N CULBERTsoN.
ESTATE.—'lliti Ilea, of Robert Slat o i 4, 11
offer at Pahl:. Salo '. 0,, Fri,/ ny; the I, , th or,ior, OP 0,
Oa the pfClll,O4, }IPA n,lrp. Iltankion o tount. on
ti., niaol l edu,t tronio io•lot oi to oottiis illoo, otio.oat tvi
toile. lima 1111. fOrl/1•T 40,1 ;lira,- tram tlir the (all" i.OO
inic 110,1 1 . ...Taa1:, VIL, FA 101 "II %%hi , In mono
aiontooinitw: aloant 1:11 A( 1 111:14
urn! a tato,tioriail PR(OST and it 51'li I 1.1)1NO
( I ,Vrath.tiroartled ) a Moak Han, Cara rnlo nail ciao r
roroo—ary ant•li Mina.. it Weil of one, r fa.ioloz Vo..oter
On' logloro. Cisicrn at tloa I. 'I loane o ati
,t , o ou th.. farm far Polo, ralioolal: tern
tho pond. fill the year. Salta too nommen, lit 1 n'elnook
taiv22l 1 (I} l .ll. I,MM L, for the
s q l sell at Priiite Sale, the SMAI.I. FAIOI
on which he ,notir re•mles, situate in Antrim tolvi,lop,
Franklin rounki, , aboat six wiles from (lreenuortle, 4IA thee
Cie444wn trait, adjoining land.: of S3lllllll M . . era :ot
other eontaithng. about -It) ACRES. all e1e4,1l hind, in
good , order and ender good ream '1 here,l,,i-Nfl
ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the plate and a IV , II .if
excellent W ater. The imirrovjnient4 son-;.t of a too
story LOG I)% ELLING DM's!: a fi.wk Barn 12 feet
long, and well fitddied, and all other ~,, a ry on' lnl , l.
Pth" - eioi.° o on the I:4 .d 1z , 1.1.
Terms trill 110 made 1;110110 .1110,1 at,gl t.l !MI,
scriber, residlinif on the pren&e,
oerdldf • - SAMrEL C. CRIDER
01 7-7— EL PRIVA'TE sALE.--- .
xell at Prlvid,•
born lintel, rituated in Waynesbor' Frankl.l,
Pa. Tie' Hotel is a 'large. 2 entry BRICK. Itl ILI >lNei,
situ:aid in IN. centre of the loan and ha+ tiee IA t ra irpl.
hat and transient enst9tn in the Shtte, Th;• II on.). has In
Sleeping ROOMS. Large Luang ROOM, Bdt aen, Parlor,
Dar Room. Nowa/eat, Sr. There to a Well of Wa
ter at the Kitchen door and an exeelh tit' (h.:ern iu the
yard. Therii in ntablinin for thltly head of
Also—`ll ACRES of LAND, atilt ielnit teem, e.iit to'
sold with property if lie' plan loiner
MORN; LOT FOR SALE.— 3 y .ot on
ain Street, known an Borlin propnrtv, will 1.
**Sal Viliwiwalle Orsdcfml Si* kGalillingr
• t,
7 kiln/ t - Art,
itcal 05tafc 6-7 cars.
(ARNIANS' COURT SALE.-13y virtue
VV of an order' of the orphalfe , Court of Franklin youth,
the nub,eriber. Administntfor cif the l: Late of Samuel
Baughman, lute of Largan townOtip, de, 'd, will sell at
Fabite Salo. on the prenoses. on It, dro,rlay, ;;Oth day
of Xoranbrr. at 10 o'clock. all that r LAND, en.
nate in township, Il auk, from Roxl,nrv, nn the road
fowling from Roxbury to 'fhree Square thdlowt bounded
by lamb. of Gen, 3lowery, Frill, 14,elatek and othea., con
tain:at; trrl ACREti neat measure. The laud h• :,late and
of fee quality; A'Oettt 170 Aeres are Inghly hope'. it ,Ind
the remainder is covered w , th good. moon:ate. Timber—
pnueipally Chestnut and Rork Out. The improN etnents
cormist of two coninmdions 1,10 DIVELI4ISt:-S, a Bank
8.11, W 1.4.11 lord Cora Crib. and other .'”tt-buildingi.
There is a hue young. Orchard, a nontneain stream, and
IN,II never-(:thug I Xellt. of Water_ on the premise.. Per
belll.l destring to see the property
- can call at fhe preun.cs
or on the undermgned re..idtng to Shippea,l.arg,
lION2 SAMULL 13.11.tiMIAN. Airmr.
liv order of the Court. W. G. Mitchell Clerk.
VVALUABLE FAIEII.—By order of the
Orphans,' Court (4 . l'ranklin county. Pa
nt Public sale, tin the !seen-.';, on Troine,thly. the tnd
Sc,mber, the FARM I),•lrenzing to the E• 1100 of Nam.) ,
K. Carson, (1(.61. S:tUdted S011111•Ii e,t of M.,
vet...burg, coutnininz 1.17 ACRES of first-ran. Land. na
joining lands of Adam h M. 8010, and .abere. (In the
11,1111-en are a not cr.fainu.4•4 I run if \Vann.. Bank Barn,
STONE HOUSE, Wagon Shod and Corn Crib. Also,
firht-rate Apple I /reliant. More than one-half of the Fen
cing is Locin..t Post and Che-nurt
Alm - , at the ',line. time and pin: i•. TWO TRACTS OF
TIMBER LAND, 17 ACRES and 1. - ,3 ACRES, within
two and three mile: of
Terms, hs pr'serzlt,l" — hr the Conrt : One-half Oil tilt
first day of April Its Cr. .:1.;1 the Isliatzt•e in three equal an
nun' pay ment• with re-t •
Sah• .‘t 1 I'. 31
L. file earl call :on tire
tenant. or JUDI,. U. l'ar , 4m. of Mprepr.tuirc.
T 11( )M AS C.V. RSON Athu'r.
, SA undersigned.
trit•tee.of 11 tt1t....11 NvAlsell at Publie Fair.
as Fret/4:y de 1, (1,• r r. 1,1. in front of Bow
den's 11at.21. i t Wayne.' I.n, tie clltvinc . Real F. -Lilo
to, •t•nip Franklin
the o f hydra.: ~ ,, b ‘ea, to 11.1
vb.pit in ll . 41", a t 0,,. tot 111 , rote,
Linp• Land •:v a_ , ACRES mere qr
ohnng lath! , N', hoia. 11,,n , bral,e,
lien alt oil 3111 1 ,..r\11.,, pith a Log DWELL•
ING Hut SI: good 1\ 1... e; Barn and Hog
Pen olwreon ere, ~l. with a , o v t r g Well of Water
at the door. a 11,12.1 f 0 (Jr. hard (trotted Fru:t, and now
3At reool good 31eado,. The above laud t, nearly all
eleared. Any per,o, the aim% e rty
SiU Pull Samuel Itnwhe.,rt lit ing near the prenn.e,
Sale to ..,al•to eat 1 kon day e lira
the tvrtop trill be Poole known by
JoiIN w-AurEit.
S 1 I -ILL FkR .1."1.'
LI. h.' • 0 . ..0n00r NI illN•telaYt•
•.:111 of l'ayettoN FrAn's , ln uouto
1:11. 6 1.. rt
t,t11.,.1.411....11.. At ItES TIP`
~,, BRICK 1:1,LIN1
t' „ t l'rl4 , W,, h' it. 11,,
..t.:•ti.1•11iln;;; - . A \Veil of r I.ttitt•et \Van r
a..t„ 11'.t , ntttlt.1 rump, th,cln.
h. r I
1 .. 1 . 111; .1 , 1,1 a variety 01 .''her
1' •ii .te. The loud is et
'l , l i•i a 1 berig 110 INny
~ 1•111, : 1,1 1i . fhe great ti.irtion is tue,ler
0.1.1 . . there 1,...,11,0 .1 ...tre.ini of Running
ter 1 0 / 111 , I Thiti '- farm is it I,l'.i • by
i—rf.or, of the 1 nuntrv,l unvement
I. 44,01
‘l ,, irntt. tt. viAs the propi,r+y 0.11 1
1111tAM ,NY1)1:1:,
1 - 1; L SALE.—Tfie
lan. of Ilatuillon Inn EnElni. EIE E 'EI
- I'E.,EI E. ',tie on the promise:, 'ln
1 -m%, r 1-61 lAI ILE: , ilrEEltlf E•
EE' .E rl, EE• ET .1., 01 EEtn I.••
T., -7 1:::/.1 . .•; -
~ ~ )C..
the 1,1,1.4 •, '11 , • ..f prtl ", If .1 f
‘s itt
5..••• M
S kli
A' \ I ;
lli Ai S. Mutt 1. n
L EIL E AT I'l' EL.—
hu , ,,ant 1. , an, nt, r the itrphani. I' , 1,-• ~f t 7,111 1 ,
1111 t..s , unty, Pa. the utrli Nam of 31,
Catlitirtn, t•lntiltt, Antrnn
n, at Pahhe Sale. on Naninlay Nor, Irt, t the
f, , :*ii , s3 Mir Real Eqate. v.r.. A Litt nf Gl:tit Nlt, c.nt.a.,.'
2 ACRES, ianate tin the niait ii St. rem:.
toile from Itarit. n 31 , 1 hi:
'I 1,,. Atlivrtiin aim! Dash,l Bann. '1
, quality and ,tva ir k.: •
11, a story and..l:hali IiI)l
and S Tiwre •.• Isov. r a 11 1
t {rt. tauter nrar tttr hu.e, 'awl Fruit ”..1 tlv•
. .
Snle to ~,t nin, t e, at I 0'..1.01: ,I•pn
n ill be gist , r, awl the t. 11.1/ I•• h•... I , :c
11,2-31 1.V3.1. TA-1.1.11 ELM .I,t
TOWNSIIIP.—The e,t de.-.,:n.d
Sale lo• FARM ,IF“att d nnen. 1 in0...,•;0n , 1•11 p ano .
Trading . from r• 1 Ai. tto 1,11,t0n,
Iron/ the lath rpi.l.l7P . 1:01I ACILLS
(IP SLATE, AND (iIiAN EL LA m) Acre,
uh rh 11 ,band nod the halarane TtigniNG
BER. The innproveno nn. are a 1,01. 11. Wel:. 1.,.;
Barn. and 4 Tellant 11 oe,. and a too 41 Apple On hard,
Praeh, Chen . % nand l'. at :••.11V MILL
and CHM-TING Mll.l. runn" ....der, with l•
e . . 4 head and tan. pr. I ern!: noaol ,•,
oro.rtunity nialio nioney. 1 t. api tho •ffin
no timer. re-sating . the pr.,:
EsTATE —The tun1 , ,,i44-t.r.l A.ln.ll...trator
ras non cum ..,n,enten , ,, :ite heirs of Paul Geo
des. late 11 Mend t.,iwn.lapu de. ea. 11, %% fifer at Publ.-
Sale. on the premi,e, an ..!..atordan the ..2.lth day of Norm,
her, A. I). loot, a TRAcI LOU:STONE LAND, bit
ttaTe in Metal t..e.t.ship adloinme. landc of Samuel Juno,
Samuel and R.o..en..erry. and other%, eon:a:Mai;
about 137 AC BLS. The
ueproNement, are a good mo
story STONE DwL
ELING 11 , )I.'SI: a Stone and. Frame
Barn and other bu:lditez-, ham tong Orchard. of ehoi,e
'Grafted Frtlit. and-a goo.' Well of Water.
The Sal.. It 11l vouilnen. e at 1 al I.,ek on said day, when
he terms wilt be tnakit km,,ve by • W.M. St)ONAN,
nor 2 AdMinistrator.
TY.—Th” 11 , 1 , 1. 4 •, 1 L11/ 41 Id,nini-trAtors to the E•tate
d Neiwu Wannuntak, r, late of ChAnbtirsburtr..di
nit exo. ~,, utp,oo.v. the pre:lll,A, on Frith, 0,
<l4 'niter .1 D. 1,04. rt. t Wel°, k j•
that LOT IF Glint ND, ...itih t ti• iu Borontrit td :
ts.inn t r int Ilttrn.on Lit tirate and bound. dbi oC
Conrad W. ”Inihn „hilt Mr...lthn W. Itetree, alai an "Ile,
The tot i , alit thvr, to t front abort dine
te , d,tivente h •• deep, ha %na; tht rem) erected tw,.
BRICK Both both-, are in geed repinr, and
writ be ...111 ...perately.
Terms made he le% nonl ' day tlf =41,-•
Th.• 61. .161t6661.,!rat0r of Jaffa) Eber - ,6.6166
de, dlt 111 661111 1'66161666 6616 the prtnt6.66 , 6 in (4:6.6.n
6,106666 2t - 666. 4 17,111 Ch.antler+l66tre on
1 th,..r.6.61
tthat nt , ,1166166.61- 7 ,1i1614,4666ing1ah6D
of l'hrt,a.66l , 1).t.6666/ ..t6616116 r John
1a16666 , 6. on Frvie;:, r,""nn.ber 1-flt. 1.164, it '1 It.'l.lq
LAND. 66111,61nithr 661666661 14 ACRES. tt ell feneed a6llln.
L f4.1.1 4-, , ,Gt,-tou,n. The mitr6sentent% are'a
6,6.61 1w6666466merl 1,4 411 - le.E and l'rant, Dann.
II C rib and tah,r nee. ~ary ant-hit 1146666.6,. 1.
F Ali f•Nei , .'.o•,t \': at, r kni the proani.6, anti tau 1164etni
st..h.rau.; 6466. '6,.= 'entre 14 al,O m, Dreh.tril 66f
f. Fruit 1 1 .1,11. Sale to 4,11111 , 11 e, ut I ill 1.4
MICHAEL 111141.1t5111,11. All tar.
CoLnrbrbarg, ration r r'darty. =
Large Drralrlo \\ it STORY lIOUSE Lien ell
fva irra. Holm. &e.: TWO LOTS OF ORM ),
ho, rent mat Shrubbdry; Stabling for ti:.rh'-lir O
brr,r, Lor atll,ll and iMiidlll4 , l SUitabil, for ajl ntul , hat •
11,7 1 , .• 111 a. a MN ern fur Frr.t•
nor V. all ul mat, at the..door. All rr?gt.,,l rad,. 'I br
nabju rdrrr tt ill roll at a bargain and gr,‘ o ir,,,,nion at
any Carr. lor iliTuraration call on ur ;Orin,
1:0111:Ia AFLTZ,
taarll4l -rCrd'ruellsburg, Fnitun. County, Pa,
' Illy Attorney, Hill gin r, all
try, arr , •,11:a1011 in ray alrrrnee. It A
I{ll.ll. Es'I'ATE AT 1'13111,1( 5A1,1.1.--
~11nn I or,
lot •t+ •Jil tar
.ta Put,: t , •Pa OM' 141•1/.1 ,, ,
Thu, thr 21th rfoq ••1 ,) •, • t T rr
PAIR LI, t 1.-1N1), 1.• ,41 tin- road
I. to all .11
ati.,,tnin4 'mills tot 1:,
i,tt,l 1.1)11 1)W1.1.1.IN1:
(411•••• amt•lon!clina-4 all in jar
th.• 1:. I 0111174'011 illo•
l'r Ili. ni ant.
Sale ...notmni eat I I. day. v,lleti.tho
tIII"Iti•I II 111
114,9 ,H.NA rit.‘N ,
r i. l E
114.111% No. '..1) South , 1, ta~ • ~ Vioo
rt ot, one ~..itturo from tln• t mite• of Lane
, t•t:n¢ of a THREE-STORY It IWILI)111;,
tenn feet front, pith au adtlitlun in the
The Inupte nontnius olevfm spacagn.l . l , ./111,
and elegant throughout, RI. and n :der. Th.• Q n:ne•
teen (.44 faint by (Ml' hundred and Inneteen lei t in iirl th,
oh fine grape arbor and fruit tre,,
Anil the htrniturr 1t4 , 1., in the
Lame t 401,1 then's% ith, if dewed, Apply ou the
9 Ilit;Sl'E Eli SA
on the prrookl. in Lotfrnh.l.ll
ui PleVeollit lA,II toOne
11. h. Iron, the honer ,t,41 t from the lattor plye,
o n Saturday tkr 86r1 don of .Vo , rn , brr r,4 ,
P M., a small TitAc'r T 1: L.\ entaitzia2
ACltl,h, and 12 PERI. 111:S, .14a.notar Loots of IVilhata
thlian, Sr, henry kVa e , r and ..t:o•rs The iucprnto
tneat. 0,,..0 of “ goo,' t,o.ctor:. 1,0(; 1101 SI: and Lug.
Stahl, There i. a We , -of IV.2er at the ilnor. Them in
:tloo a 20.4 yourar Orah.tri 'Orn the I.recna.e.s _
nos !Joule L ao , aou of S.ll o . lip
JOH:\ li. UMINLVNY, 'Fruatoo
- E le r
Brutal Street, with the J,r.routal. and !ital.:n.24 aitael n a ' • ‘ :ll ' • •
it, .IN , e , aion iii‘ou April
notA 30{4111'11 (ILARKU,
Erres,-V • ants ant Tinrs.
GRAN: Vim..., sritAiVlll:ll.ll.7 PI-\\T6, Etc.—The largest
stock to select froth in the county. Everything in the
FRUIT TREE and PLANT line that y at all desirable,
-can he supplied from the I omlnonest standard Fruit Tree,
to the rarest and most ehen e native or torekin species or
iariety of fruit or Flower. Our Standard Apple Trees •
are unan.lially true. clout lie n v trunks. furnished with fine
branching beads torte to five feet from the ground,
tas mn'y be tle•tred. (tor aim in to grow the best of every
thing. prumeg on.l • ulti,sung npon scientific priue,plen,
eon-equently o u pr , cluelien , are not offered in enmpeti-
Jim! with Tr,. gnay r niten the 01d let-alone system. An
:s ,st,,4k,i i u fruit euj.
rale , rlll. ,or fey titenewlvt, •
A large .4”, k. of G reenhonse and Bedding Plants,
Rows, in p.,ts, will tie melt - in April 011 d May. Eli
three toot swing for lleseriptive Catalogne,of Fruit
and Ornamental trees, .Lo.
Address • B. L. RYDER,
We•l Franklin NiTeries. -
roar le-tf Near London, Franklin Co.:4'a.
fEYISTONE NURS ERI .—The subseri
_v. her ,4 1 ,, ..r.0,a to 11.1111iAll 11,4 ortiole• u•nally to
tor bland in Na,orio, of good quality and at TV:I 4 QM/b: , 3
The Stuck embraeo- all the leading kindc of
F R U. I I".r REES.
Arp!eb, Cherries, Penchi"
Dwarf and Standard Poars, ,
° Raliberritai Currants,
Googeberries. Elaekherricii.
Also, eau In. furni,heil n 12,1.1.1 asioirtnievt of
Evergreen and other Shrubbery. Shade Treeit, Re.
Great raeoaie, ar e pa, ~,ed for dhipping artailes to
all parts of th . f• country. ae the Narbery unideiliately ad
join. the City of Ilarridiurg. JACOB .M toll
roar I 6-tf. Itarrudiurg Pa
OPORTO GRAl'E.—This Grape is
not reeounnetnt, d I , ,trt , ettloo an a ,IP,rt Iriut but
T eak," nn,wenent. ; e h. tt 01 b odied Nvh, e ,
re•ehlhhho: renaine °NI toned I's /Hi! WINE,
it ot•I eri.nen.l is an .I%thernhOs I.etwno n
the to .volbenth it IN mantniartimit rat.,,, 1-: of 1%
t. rn New I".ek. roe 1-nppl . . to the de - nond,
TAI to
In, • I n. ~le by V.O • 0,1 r.bne, a Iv, ha, been upptente.l
A L neo, fnr it nt tin toth•wrinr. pet e-:
, no tolltren yeOr. ,Jld tre.
stints r lnu
mar Ito tf !it. 'tone Nurery. Iforro•let,rz; Po.
1 ) F,AR • TR E ES.—St andartl and Dwai f
rear Tt of 1..1 , 11m; 1111,:t
A tr,k,4 to mvan I c lorv,ltg,t , ,,ln • ' 1:\ I IZA
t'.cl a,tf Lat irn bad., .ortl re.tay
i ,li.ttu aril.Z.
73 t" t
y RWAY MAPLE TREES. ft iii 6 to
_LI 1 . 2 foot hich:444.41 vlcltr,,ll4. A lut•pl.,:o• Trot . !ouch
4.4,:b1.444; :144 4 . 4 4. 4 , 44. r .. 1 / 4 4/4;,, 1441:44f 1144.4, certain .41441 rabid
Pries 4 , %16.11,114.5 4 avls per
1 ,4 0, ' .1:4) 4414 M 1 , 4! f.
4444,21 1 , S , n S .T`te Nu
TIiEES.—A fine
f b, sl to lanco ant
4 , .;(,) ,444, 50 t• e:.r S,' per o.,,zeu,
, Fl,l re, 1C) .1 311:,11.
zu.44-14 -4-41 K. t.s•4 11 - . 4:r_. Pa.
11)1NE C111::•TN
V. •' ()!S
N r•• r
F 1-iii)PEAN LINDI: 4 N---Tlic• Rt.ll-1.
Fx, 1,:i()1; :I_3 , Ind- qnp. 0111.1-
;u) .I.NI
A I , I;LE 7 I'I;EEs )1; S.A.LE.—Thv
r • • ••N 1.11 , ,
1 - Ruwaf
row, o. 10, '0.:•11 )1 , ort
Mho 1•n.., The C.N.IIINET IV rrlo. 1.1 ouaht
L. pr o•.,• .h.• of •:”.. on:) . in tho rof
Tli .v •• I 1, • it 111:1.1.0WS I:1.1.
.141% :11 • •,:r o 14, r
ra l i ,f P h . r or. '1„ e All bv tl by
%oh, a: .1 I '",', . 0 , pr:,r, r, and
1. , ,.....• not , • .ni
\1;l:i. I . 411, s
1 ,
No 15 , Ihl 4,, 84414.41 or
444 k .....
No. IG. Ti.. 132
No. 17. l'lse W.l 1:111I ur
N0..1t. The S,Orto I% 4 •' 4 1 1t,,0
1,..?) 111.1
NA 0 . rout 0,...,1, ~• 1;.:..1 1n W.,:nnt or
N., 21. 1 ,s e 0, 1 , 1,*. iz, 11.1)4“ , ..:
N.. •.:2 '1 be
No :23 '1'14 , ~
1141 1 4-1141 C. il NV, , 'l,lt
.th Walnut CAr, • 200
040 0114•
Nor 14. •• , x. 51.1 , Colt . in -or -
Oak Caw. 300
Nu. 13. "11,1. Same, in vietz:o - .• 160
Enoir sow.
N. 114 1:4;111 Slog Gilnnet Organ, In - Walnut or
11:4k ca., ....... 445
1. h.• 5.V111., in rlreant 12rnewo.k1
No. VI lio• 44.44:114•, in NW.) l'arl 011 Wathmt 500
7.1 DO. 13%••••:'
No. 10. Volul Calnnet ()rpm. nut ur
.018 a of rtime jinith en hand, or made to orchr.
Xll5 In, 0 , tal 4. l'oltl4. 51,14' 110 4 .,•,..4•,•41
t0.n.41 . 110
No. 7. '1 0.• W,llllll Can ,
.:‘,• 9 P„-,r l'ornnte .14 ..
1./. , ..4 -, 1114 fur,ll-.1441 ny
I'3 l'o .4 ~, for ?-14 •••r• , - 711. , 4-nn A. I (morn
nt t o- Nvn V. rt. I , io .001 44Intrge lor
...old nm 4,1.4.- of thoir iis•trtnnentr, and can
gi, , • If 1,11 , tnry r 4 fi •
S. S Sli RV( 14'K o,o* ,
• C,.
i2 :CD prcp it. dTO fg- t. , 11 ,r
u I..rrt , •1 "Tx". Pu
Lira at short Add', -4
P. DOCK FlUil",
I:AT.NIt;K, :19-.1,11TA
(4-. ir()IED 1 , 01? (:()ME I,AS"I',
7 1 , ,n lit. rfr.r .
1111 1 111.111111111/ _
n tin p 11,1%1:-
LE 1' .• , r1 11
I , 41111 , 1,..i,
.11t • A
~ cb
lo•r•• all per‘on• totono.t• •I 1 SA., Pla .M.O It:non aro ills
"Ind 10 call and PUIIOIIII ,I EIII, C;011111.1"fill
I 11, Pro n 1.t.01 the 1 . 1.011 I 1.), ( . 1/ SI:WING
31ACIIINI: CO \IP \\l - to -,) , ply a m.l. I :”y_fre!• from
tlo• oln••• thins 111 1.1010 d d, tint, 1104161.- nou•lliuo., .11x1
min. t•t. onto tug Lain rof 111..1 a til•or.•1 ox
i••••••Itton, of oltintal it• .1 i1t."1 , ;2; Ito or••••linni• t 110,1,
ir short. •• het, oro,t ..11, • .11.11 Ihiy itro
1..1 on". ring to tlo• ptil•I•• no. 0 0 0 t p, . • t :••• o lip In t o t ,
iu tito orld. A1110(1g it. many tots nottio• nu t rr all other
11110111111 n, tatty no nn nnotonl
• Int 1111,1, rep , ,ti , rlo OTI 4,11.:1I1,1 1101
roe lilllo. 1 .14.11,n , 111n0t0t I•erttn I tont altl.t• on ln,tll nl,l,
the t.,1•r1• •
!.4.1 fr hit,' of ,i, I,pi rim , '
•• " r,
1.,• on !. !Iwo ot tto -tit, itt
t, • an A•lti.• - olo.• tote
no. o ••• Ito ••••••
o /re tin it• , !% lc 1 1 11,2'
1 . 111, itli 111.110;1d tom.. • ,to • .1 at
in .•
. /. ir nu, in I!.•1,1111. , :li4l
ro • a • 1 11.. I, 1.. too ri k le or left .toy
t•••ot 11,1111 or Lint. the t rd, 01 ...Min ithout
totti,... Ito tato, or ..topinsin - tia• t 0..•
7 , 11 11 • 010 me-, roped r //, rh• ahoor five
to i aol• ronolinton, tool ti otloo- 11130 unit
/11 111;11 1. 111•1" a ••... no ,
1411. 11./...• the lirariiiit 'l4 111th .•
itlnntttt..)-11.1.1'0r too . ol lii •ol
7th. It 111, le 1. 11111,1, Z. 1111 1 ,1, bra.a...minitn, 111111
gotoor. nod • , •u's out a runt. , at 111,..011e tont...
14:II Its nitopli• Ity • Bahl, tlln no•nt toox)rerioneerl to
oporate it. 1t••• tootton. tire 01l o, tool tiltm room
Inn ,rni nu, iv go! of,r•lor. Ana Inatlaptoll to nil ki11.1.4
( 10 t 1, 1 ,01 -k, 100111 11111 1. in 111111, 1111.1 at In 11111104 - 1 111.1,d•
011. l'lllll'l4 - 11iENCE S1:1VI . N1.1. MAllltlNi in ono.
in by:lqty ;c011,111.1 In. 1.01.11 to be 111.1.1
1111 11. I'. lI.IZIII.IiT liavitoz In.vo apinont•••l
\ o t t o , tL , . •.,11e of 111.• abuts Son lug '\a• lino , to
110111 1. son • ounr. ro.)•••••ttally ins o• •••tlto•••ti• Ina
ecatotti•• t lo• 11.01t17,t IL r •
.\ II Avistoon nal rnot•••1 for one ytokr....t lattel
'he 111, • Joreph Treat,
n 1.).. ~ the - A....1. la y li.t. lu,tolnorn and the
Ithil'' item nay are roTerthilly im 11..11 hi gine bin, a
A L.11Z(;1'; .1S '(1 ( )1' (31,ASS.
1.-1 NV:\ 5t.401,. Hare, Ingetlier
a C..1:4. nart , • 11114 _Bw k
-01, 110111, halt 1111.111.1-, 0.. in4t
.NN ed.ll rat. , at F.. I). ItEity,S.
." I'. 11. At •iNi.I T nod Jr
NIL!. ht. tlll4 41y (oelol.wr 15, 1-b l) twen- dis•olvixt by
mutual muft T. D. K ENNEDV.
oda 4 V'
o eti earl.*2 50 to
0 .7 1 4 ,-I:VrT: e,icttt../
7 Iv,- ,1.,, n.
J MISII Keybion.•
Aats, Ql,%aps anti Suro.
Theca. (food: twing mystty purchased FOR, and viz%
IN GOLD, in no ease Till the priees eluirg•
field St.tmlard—no matter tt hat Paint the latter mat• de
cline M. We protect ourselves from los's by amly pureim
Einyr Gold to the amount.of our Sale.
G 00 D. NEWS!- GOOD NE \ "S
'aving Lthl in a large gook of Hats, Cape .ma Lad
Fur., and hiivlnd bought them at r , 41i1,1,1 prices, I will
now oiler them ut nearly the prices, P1)11 CASH
Z . ?" Don't forget thu phtcu, SEcom) STREET, a rtilf
_ LA .boni Moinuf,atory.
710 ‘..lrdi n , wre Ito, l''ati.-1 have noui iu
e.i,re of Iny 1,10 Iloportit,,nr , l Ml.nut.lerare, one of the
I. !Ft I. .'reto'a of FANCY
I. ant Cllll.lilt EN'. 11 l:.11{, in the
Al, a .onnrtinel.i of (e-e. s Fur GI,
'•' '• •I .1,1 •`11:110 , 1 •0
I..l•pru l et, 11Ild. 1 en , -
ii, I VI Fr, tttt,t•y
'nett , '“ r the Nqtttlwr m.l 51mrt'
71 , Ar. a :• -
~ .t•et, 81.010 •to
I le, • • I Art, r, _runt, • Ilion inth an) uthn elOre
I'l ;•hi,l
IV W. (1N 1, a hue
11 1." 1 1, I )( Nlll /1..5„.11 ll'‘ , to , `lll
11..1 a la Iv 11,11,,I; larr.:•l3 ail area I.- In la•
r ,4;14n arr .e.eri. at 02 nrtrn
A C.\ C
i.ruli:' Y. 11. 1 ,1:": , s ,. ogugg..troly 1,“:11
.1101 gg,.111 g g gl g g•cg' k
• - .11 Nk. w. I' x'rox.
Ktzitcbcs aith jielprirp.
‘.. 4
_kit r:: W vrciii:, JE‘ 'I- UV AND PLATED
\\ APE —ll .• "Iler , 0,1.. o , ' , broutrhwit the rusted
teq .1r,•..: .N •'"Y 11' -,,, °II 4.. .ri, all defy cf:nii•e:
:-.I:NT 11Y )I.llTt
r p v 41liar. a In tl 3 . taut
;; T.. I. We til4 . fulluwnng
tt , N,•t: Ch. , i.11,1 ,;nitl,•,,totio imiLt
I I:51:1 1/I , t, mt.:11;1,1 1/„iru•atl
II N: 4".11, it \• 111,1 s Rant - atituzi
0,1 ' •I • ,•• . 1 It•avy Plat.,l,llla•-k
VOW , ,rt..w,L•.ton.•ur:Ln
•••,:t I'd, ei: 111:1:411014
Nleti.oll(4e, wel
I .' l ' • II beailtlfal Itex..l
- I.e IA id ; I +plan
..01.1.-0n,e1,1.1,..,0t 1.1 I'111:111I1Jr.Td
11 - .:+ , 9: N. •
t r
v I
J et
1,, , Chatel.taa• , ha
lve 1.111 t,.. Pla•slt, , liktqa :
I ..r la.t• Ear I t
.%rtalt , h. ; 110010.. 'fancy
patlora• ,••••11, • I larltant•lt. Shah. an Sleeve Illattall4
I. SC, ur p1a...t1 [Sutter Kahl, e5:1.30 per lir; SilvelTla
ti i")...1,1 per half doz,n.
A Ifarranad toga, ,rd money rc--
All "rd., filled immediately. A roditetion in
1 1 111 ,1. ,/,itie on orders fora noinlo, of artltl, at
1.1r , ..6 all dlrlloll, IO NORRIS sTERNE co .
I. t 31li AVrtinut zst., Pllll3 Pa
t4 trtien vf every reader itf this palter, ,chirp inr Jude,
arrt Illrt-arld of his cart plrttrms art a, ,i, r mr,rrees tr,
n to Ily I r rrce arra bearit, fat v.triety of s A IC .1 N
Impert• d R'.%re cs, r Lou Ks. a 1.,111t dr dins
1 T n
1 ,II 71 ; 11111:11) 1 L,P 1 1 3 11.4 E , R
-1.1. 14 large to k of
Sup,r;or plnti.d. TEA SC ioNs FORKS,
..10 4 .2 4, •4m,N -
a ,
11:144 been removed to the - no, lonian,: oppesita the V 0,7
Oil it L. a here a frill 11,1,1111Pilt of
Can ire hut at evoeodataly Low Dives.
WALL I%IIT and WINDOW :,11.k.DES, a large
and no, stook
Fairshild's•C'elebrated (hid Penn. }rally warranted.
Irib'. liken Lir goods, ulna will ho Exprenbed in
shortest possible an,
The New York and Philadelphia Papers reruire,i
for whiel, we, My subs, nLtinps n dl 1.• taken.
Ctr.t Class Novel, :4lagarin, and Periodiealli reeelved
Ire pubh-bed.
We van sill Ploaok.r„plt Atbnms elle:Ter - than can
lie had elso,bere
2durre seer fr., if 1 , ,t.10e to wly Part of the - comity.
Eramos, Wonted., :ant Fanoy constantly on
I ( o r orntmzen,u:: aro Nadi that lie oan s ,appl:„ any or.
derz and e. ,Ilsp',stelt t
,1 , in : , .4,N0rit,1411i,•11
ai to zt, tho' e ,or otep:ee
0,1 of parte ~ o. chars or loaned
A LEC 'l' 1;11E ) YOUNG' MEN.-
led 1:11% Prict• Az.
A I,,ture on ill.. Nature, Tr...A.111.W and Cure
spe, tu.oorllo, ~r , 11111:11 NV...1;01...i
‘II,LI I h.1.11,Ty in Itupt.dinienh+ to Alarri.lo.
Izeoer.c 1 . !,,11111p110:1 • I:lnhgny, and
1,1,1 Inrnp,l , .ity resulting . frou7Self.,
L k, 11. - Jit,,rct Ct LII‘LII.I, r)., Author
.ot tie• '
The ,orlatri tia .1 ,Itltipor. in tLte Illitliil.llll. Lecture,
clearly i.lttl e. Ilium Las nn I vx34.1 - 11.nen that the auful eon.
1„, effectually rem", with•
out meth, in, .mil without 11.togn.rots Puriocal operation,
ut,, rings or curdillid.h1014011(11111 ,1 tif •
of VIII, at 4 , 1114• Cortalli and cneetttal. by" snhich-erer
c,othoon may tie , may ilire hiur
)4,11 1.0.11 y rek.v, iut.l ruin nth. THIS I,FA;TritE
iTcm C A Boo:, To Tuot S.INT)S AM)
S. nt ill r sual to nos altdre,... io 11 phut, Ahttled en•
velopc on Ili, ref PT; hnto, or tw o 1, stage . 0.1111114.,
( 'lf A:4 J. C KILN]: 11.
'l,ll 147 Tim, rt, Ne,s 1 orli l'o.t.olLee Hoz. .4.7i.QT.
isi:itsui - RO IN ILI TINS.
of (ltotulo nLur 4 tint l'noth lin Moot.
Awl Toe. it Hull.
Moot Strio.t.
Shoo :ilrio.: from the I ,/dllllO,lll nortkk anal *lntl..
e..rit, Moto and ELI Kin g Strek. ' •
ootioavo• Crook It Mt Itttpti.t Church. •
near Marlot stroot.
N.,rtil nw,t • orlltT 1 . 111 , 11.•
1'11.114:141 by it. NEWELL, 7.'1 As+ Stroot,and
stir in Charol,..rgllra at S. S. Shryookp 14 , N0k Store. -
.4 . ldora bitoongtmo rn ti. ornd4 1.14•14. int
parnicfre eittlrrp, &r.
The 'subscriber respectfully' informs his friends and the
public.: that he continues to carry on the above business,
nt,his old stand, on Main Street, opposite the German Itt.
Sonhmt C hurt, 11, t• •
Having :enlarged his brisines.s, Saddlers and Coach
makers will find in his Store Rotmea general assortment
of plods suited to their several requirements, stub E 8
- Fair and Countryllogskins,
. Patent'Lmither, -
Saddle Trees and Girthinw.
Gig Trees, Full Plated. Tinned and Japanned;' Goat
. Hair, Straining Web and Worsted Rain
Web, lower [tau Cotton
Hamer, _
Bits 'and
Tinned and
- - Coach litindles,
new styles; Cithain Formes; Iltzb Bands; Bridle Fronts;
Roseates, Snivels nod Ornaments; ,
Iron-Plated and 'Wood
Gig flanies --'
all Styles and Patterns; Ilorp am! Wooden Marti le
Rings', Stump Joint!, and a variety
ALL KINDS OF PLATING, &c., dope evittr mentisiwi
and despattb.
n04,ff.3-tf. ' Gliambersburg, Pa.
•H E - A'P H A R. D' Wr A E !
1 lad a few gotxls under the pavement, which were not
bunted. Such as LoW, Mtge:, screws and other Hard
ware. BeLides, they have ju , t recmved from New York
and Philadelphia a very large lot of g,syl., purchasedmuch
theoper than they are generallt bold They having been
Minted' out therefore ue oiler Iron. - lc ails. Hocks, Hinge.,
Bolt,: Oils (tlao.. Pamt, at the lou cot figure. l'O
We have on hand about 10 To, - Iron of difierent kinds,
Wh'loll ire will aril lone (pan can be bought in the city.
tie have WO ke , Nails and , tipikok we uffer ut
from Ow 10 dot • ,er he a,
•Cl TLEizy.
I ves mud F o rks. Si 'r 0.4. Razors, Pocket Knives,
S},. on just received from New York which we offer
very low. sepd
fiabile are invited to eall and examine fbelirgie
and ‘,ll 14'101 t 4211 stook of FOREI(4N AND DOMESTIC
HARD WARE, Jug opened oh S,oni, bettacn Queen and
Market Streets, Chambenburu. I'a. diavinc purchased
most of tomf gonls Lefort the recent advance in prices ;
from leadm6tannufat turer,, we are determined to sell our
customers $(0( Mb ( heap. We have on hand Oils. Patna,
GM,. Cutlery. Spoon. Iron and Steel, Rakes, Shoviqs &
Forks, Saddlery, Shoe Findings. Ropes, Cords, Homes,
Chaieh Brushes, Powder Locks, Hinges, Screws, Files,
Pots. Kettles and Pans. Toohi of every.desCription, and,
goats of all kinds usually kept in a well teguLated Hard
-ware estahlishment Orden , from a distance, accompanied
with the .Lsli. promptly attended to, and goods furnished
as ( heap as when the person is present. Call and try
oet:otf ' , l-- , , LRWEs.: & RHODES.
TMiN; Glit.ts, aIl razes and qualitiei; Locks, Hin•
c.,7••: and Ten.. I el, aTr Varni,bes. Turpentine,
ana rt ery de,cription d Buildinz Hardware can be had,
by c.dlaig. •,a IRWIN SI RHODES, on Se,
oltd street
In dr tuts. - -
JI many usher _Articles whn•h wax iu
it firs. ssfu ji Crlit Lr fifitileai irsgsli as new
If .I'RDWARE. oall on IRWIN & RHODES, on Se-
cEnAit AVARy:.—can at the Store in
Boot% anb *lp3ts.
I' FELDMAN, having ll...posed of his entire stork
`et "hoe-, Sv , at trhotesok, on th'e 311th of 'ant month,
and :hiding it inconvenient to resume business at his for
me, p , on Main street, I have junt returned from the
WI: to wWh be,re,pectfully inn ices the attention of
hi, old ,•udtnmen tont as twiny new 011eS tots ill be plen,eil
to g,l e_lem 0 call, at HIS NEW sToi:u. us . sucf)Np
CHARLEY MANE'S brick IntilOing. m:arly op.
the I'o,t Odic°, His mo: enthmee, every variety
of Vooth+ Ladle,' and Mess 11011's &SI IDES. st hit It
for le of finish MO durability of n ear, cannot tie fair
pa.,c,l in the 1 • 011111 Y. and who'll trill be .sold at price+ to
suit the tone, Having purchnsed TIIE LATEST STYLE
OY I,A s I S, he in prepared to make Cusfomer work. at
the best workman in the &unity. With a
to be obliging and neeomnambning. lie hopes
It, 1111 rit a liberal share of patronage—without a desire
to immopolize robin motto is, in our common calamity, to
iive and Set Itl.ltaP.
- l'arta , ilar eategtion maid to all kinds of Repairing. •
lle has also on hand, and for sale, cheap. Trunks. Vu
h., Carpet saeks, Linnen and Paper Collars, Paper,
Envelopos Ink-stands, Steel Pens, &e., &c."
N- 11.—All persovis knowing themselves indebted will
pleae call and make immediate settlement. that I
_map be
enabled to' meet ely former liabilities in the City, - aug - 24
JACOB HUTTO - 11"S BOOT 4. 811.0 E ST-ORE.—
The undersigned takes thin method of returning hie thanks
to his numerous customers, and the public generally, for
the very liberal - patronage' heretofore . extended to him,.
and hopes, in his present mist rune In common with near
ly every business man in town. that lie will still continue
to be remembered. lie has the pleasure of informing the
public that he has opened his Store in the Brtormenr of J
It. MeLnnahan's Drelllng.,•on Second Street, fanedoore
of the Methodist C'hurch. where be is prepared to
ofli , r a general ahorttnent of Men's Women's and Chit
alrcn's Boots and Shoe,. embracing 1315 iav and City man
if.‘, Cure t which, for o xeelleoe of kyle and durability are
•opo6 0 to and of In. former sfMlc, and will be °Tem' at
purrs to suit all, Ile is in Weeldy - Receipt of,f& t oe from
Philadelp hlt hia, wh fur beatify 1-.1 excellence . ulna be
South of the Su , queluinna.
CrsTOMER. WORK of every r.lrioty dour with
poimptra, —A4 tie employs none Lit sari-nor workinen,
lie feels jitstaied In guaranteeing nil work made ut his e
Y.thht.lunent. Don't forget 1.1,,e, Four Poorr North
of the Methode,t Chur.h, Second Strut, - East Side.—
i'lti'NES. of the latest le, from appros , 4l makers al
wayn on baud, and for sale at a v cry sm.di advance en
original vest. j JACOB Ill"1"1'Oli.
TURNED. - UP wtiuld re
srwrifolly infiirm toy friends and t n4torners, that I
ha, e again opened. on Sec/ad Street, opposite the Market
House, where you t‘ ill find a good. assortment of BOOTS
and SII01:S."F cAItrET BAGS, &e. My
i•iot It in entirely new: as my old bioek Was entirely C 01151.1-
inert hr the Into tire, which I mn-ifeTosed to sell to lowan
the marliet aflonis.
1 mould toqinS•t all (who bus e Ind been burnt out) to cull
and Nettle their Old Aeeounts as I need money. By •SO
fitting tot ndl confer It great ta., or and enable me IA go
on in m 3. homier,. (sepi!l.lizo) ISAAC ItliTtO.N. ,
rp.A.:N Eil.N . undersigned ha-
Ting- hrtely purehaseil the large and 00MIlloilions
Itra k Ituiliiiuq of Itey. F It. Fisher, in connection with his
pr,ent plat e of latiinc, on the,corner of Main street glut
I ig's Alley. is prepared to accommodase 110A121)•
Elts Inv the day, n eel. or .month. Ile in amply pros ided
,r.:TXISI.INCI eveontioadate the traveling
Haying is tarp.: LIVERY gr A 15LE connected with the
I lotel. .1101 the , public generally can be fornOtosi
nith and Carrittc:c, at any Pflonlent. PerFerisTi•il•
nog c'hatutoorshorgs‘sfitlF their fatuities will find tin, the
mod oma.rtahl.. II .to 4 is tlot comity. u 6 At has been re•
hthvl n 110 cab, nen rid-adore. Ma the rooms are large
mat 11111.a..1. The TAMA: i , amply supplied is t!t
all tin:1113.1111,. ol the :...1,011 and lino BAIL, which inn de.
tacit, a from the always be faintsh.d
11,cith c!..111. v alri .iri. hidtor , Every:attention paid to the
..11111,1 of grO.;l , [on I , F.• IiItEI:NAW ALT. -
the i'ropriettir .if the UNITED sTAT Es
111 Y1'1:14, near the Railroad Depot tit H.IRHISIIU d},
l'A. :mit tionitnoilionit 11101 has beet, nettiv
refitted and fnrt,i,hod throughout its parlors and chambers,
rti,v read) for the reeephoit of Fritei.t.t:
tats chug public is ill flail the United states hots
the 'lnont‘ I'llient its tt,II particulars, of M 1 y Hotel
the State Capital; on iteeount of ite tire,s to the r:iilroni
!wine inanedtately beta ern the ttv,i great depots in thi
ea t s - . [Harrisburg, June 17, fi7.l
____ - - -- z.
),J the Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvaniii Railroad De
pot, Harrisburg, City, Pa. This convenient and pleasant
‘ lliael is noir held by the Undersigned, Lite of the Indian
Queen in Clit.tudierstiurg, and he invites the ratrcuarre of
lair ill trienik and the public. gthiertill v. Term+ moderate,
is tsitf JO.ll - .N NV. TAYI,OIt.
i oNTGo Y 1 4 1. 013 S li."—The
L. Monte, awry 11911 , 411 w a lin been 0111.1,11. in thia
•it , the old - I lotel , by the imAlerr. gned, whore Abe hopi+
to at.. ,titrino.l.ite her former patronaand the lotbhe wen , nutly.
AIARGARETTA 'MONTI :( 1.)11;111,-.
-0 MY —Next Sehsjun Cl/111111.111 . eS 31ett1ity, Sept. :Ali.
I'npiltiiiitrueleil in all the higher brant•liti taught in
kith and.
A limited munber of pupils will be IMurtled in the family
of the pnueipal.
Per,on+ lowing dnuglitcers to viiktrate. w ill no in tltl
1.14,,n0u, ivory ath aping° they de.ire. Fur particulars
Lour etroular tuldre.s
TO 11 FRINTING, in every style, done;
t NI the Meted the WitAIIIC . I.II7 IMPOETPOIA
a ether gtaatt
for the trade.
3i185 H. J: 31KEEIIAN Priucipul
VOL. 71....WH0LE NO. 3,680.
ttantliu . 11,1proiritg;
"I shall never recover fro , . this blow," said M
Coulaincourtas his friend lid him from the,t6o
in which he bad been gazin„: for the last timO o.
the body of his dead wife.
Henri Augrer sighed deep", but though he b.
liVed to know that time finds for all consolation
he did not attempt to console. ~
"Husbands have lost their wives before, limo •
—wives that they love—but remember how' Ce
cile and I have loved each other since our child
hood; remember all the obstacles that separated
us for niany years; remember how I toiled t.
make home worthy of her, and now but two }lea
of happiness, two years of enjoyment for the *or -
of a whole Oh! it is frightlul! . Cecile; m •
poor Cerile,lioW her eyes yearned towardsime
till at last they closed forever. .Oh! Henri, I!ca
never know happiness again." ,
Henri Augrer led him silently to his study ,an,
there sat by him whilst the widower paced the -
room, now talking of his dead wife, DOW sobbing
like a child, now exhausted and weak, throiving
himself on the sofa,- and lying in the stillnesa,of
despair. -
The laws of France prolong but twenty-four
hours the survivor's watch over.a dead oneloved-
Mine:Coulaincourt was next morninghornefrom
her home, and in a few hours her husband returns
to his desolated house, his heart nearly broken,
his nerves worked up to the highest pitelrbi the
horrible ceremonies he has witnessed. - f .
Madly aid with wild shrieks he now paces the
room, thrusting from him all his friends;,';even
Henri, who has asked to be left alone with him
is, repulsed.
At last the door of the room opens - slowly', and
a lady in deep mourning robes, her face calm and
solemn, but with red, tearful eyes, enters the
room. She has in her arms an infant, whose; long
white robes form a contra`st with her mooning
'Coulaincourt does not notice her, but she ; goes
up to him, and as he stands beating his breast and
sobbing wildly, she holds up to him the fair, sleep
ing child.
"She is another Cecile," said the lady in a low,
calm voice; "and the Cecile that is gone left her
to you, a memorial of your love and of the two
'years of happiness you passed together."
M. Coulaincourt , sunk dowri on a sofa, gazed
on the child as it was laid across his knees,!and
for sonie moments spoke not. Then at last; ex.
temEng a hand to each of the friends who wattled
him. •
"Sister," said he—" Henri, for the sake of the
child, I will try to live." ,
, SeVenteen years after this, the door of this,srtme
room was opened, and a young, bright, beatitiful
face, with shining braids of chestnut hair around
it, was thrust in., '
"Eh ? Father mine, why are you so 1041"
exclaimed a fresh young voice, and a lightifornt
bounded from the door to the sofa wherd Coalain
coart was seated.
"Cecile!" said Coulaincou;,looking up; almile
of joy beaming on his face.
-Yes, Cecile," said the young girl. "It. really
is very strange I cannot make you more obedient
to your daughter, yet I'm- sure I spared no pains
I in - our educatioa. Don't you know that break•
1 fast' is ready .
oN0:-yrs; I had forgotten it. I was thinking—"
`:Thinking about N‘liat I"
"Now, sir, if you dare to have a thought you
,have not communicated to me, you hod better
look (nit." • ,
"Indeed, I have not—"
"Let me cross-examine you."
"Are your affairs in Order 7"
"Yes.' -
"Has no house'where you had money fail ?"
"None." . 4
"Are you prepared to meet all your notes 1"
"Yes." .
"Have you made any bad speculation r
. L
"Are you not satisfied with Adrian'?"
"Absurd! You know Adrian is devoteiftotne,
heart and soul."
"Well, then, what were you thinking•abotit
-'tiMe—about me? And you dare to look Seri
ous, almost sad, when you, are thinking of sue
This is mine than anything Pray, what thoughts
could I inspire you with that could tnakeyou look
sad TA serious?"
"lhoughts ingpired by last night's ball—"
"Why, they should be merry thoughts; waAn't
I the very queen of the ball? didn't I dance every
dance, and were you not surrounded by all the
young men in the room 1"
- "Yea, greeted I was and overwhelmed With
wine and refreshments handed to me on all sides,
and that ha's made me melancholy, for I am afrilid
of losing the treasure for which I have toiled these
many years.'
"Why? Do you think these young gentlethen
were robbers in disguise, or ain't you sure of the
lock of youf strong box ?"
"Cecile, Cecile, you are laughing at yourfather,
the treasure I mean is yourself."
"Have these men any intention of carving me
off? What a pity they should be such dangerous
characters, for they waltz so well."
"Don't pretend to misunderstand me. Cecile,
you know exactly what I mean. You know that
you were admired by everybody, and you know
what is likely to follow this admiration of a pared
of young men."
"No, I don't.'
"It is too bad to think that after a life spent in
loving you, in making you what you are—beauti
ful, amiable, good, accomplished, just because yOU
are eighteen, I am to give you up ; yes, give you
lip to a domestic inradef called A son-in-law, a
man who will carry you oft' from use, a man who
will assume to love you, and vtlmt is worse, a than
you may probably learn to love yourself; it is
"But all this is imaginary. I'm ashamedof you;
-one would think you , were• a young, romantic
"Imaginary, is it 1 What do you think has hap
polled this very morning ?"
there been an invader here already ?!'
"Yes, an invader that has actually proposed for
your hand, Colonel Santerre, an invader who is
'rich, vt ho is well born, an invader in fact against
Whom there is not- a single objection to be made,
"Yes, one that you have never thought of, but
which is the ,most powerful of all ; I don't' like
him, and I won't have him."
Monsieur Coulaincourt ruse, and -clasping-his
daughter to his heart, heaved a deep sigh of
'I thought you would want to get married; all
youi '
f ig-ti\ ci
1. are said to want to get married."
" jirrzth r hike not such fathers as I have:now
come t,, h ealithst, andinake yourself perfectly
easy on thi seafe of husbands, fir I shall dever,
as long as ice. leave you."
, Now when Mille. Cecile spoke in this was, she
was telling the truth ; but not all the truth, for
certainly she was giving her father to understand
that she had no aflection in the world beyond the
hoc she had for hint. and that she u,-,et: intruded
.to marry. M. Couloincourt hod made an idol of
his — daughter; after hi, wife's death he had-con
secrated ins life : to this child, and gradually lie had
grown to look on all who sought to share Ilk. at
fectiou With joaloilsy, such almost as a lover night
' hove • felt. But with all this, •Me Coulaincourt
knew that every girl in France ia expectedfto he
married between the ages of eighteen and lWenty;
an old maid is it rani aria in France, and.till his
wife's and his own relations were iin port una'te for
hint to find a match for his daughter. She was
beautiful, young, and charming, and possessed a
handsome doivry; pretenders were not wanting.,
M. Coulaincourt felt as if a doom threatened him.
lie was afraid to talk to Cecile on the subject, so
the positive declaration he had drawn from his
daughter that morning,eaused him more hapPinesst
than he had knowif for many years.
lint after all it was an Eve-like, womanish an
swen;she had given him, she did love some one
Netter titan her father, and the happiness of her
life depended on her marriage. .
Many years before, Cecile, being then only six
years old, as she was sitting in .he father'a car
riage, driving along the high road in n i•iuntry
- place where her father had hired a residenee for
'the summer, had spied A boy three or four !years
older than herself, sitting on the wayside crying.
One coimmind from Cecile had stopped theear
nage, and the neat minute she washy the side of
pie child, inquiring into his griefs, and forcing in
to his hand the cakes and cherries with whiCit her
little basket v as laden.
Monsieur Coulaincourt inquired, howerver, r more
particularly into the bdy's circumstances and con
dilion, and finding him ronlly an. object n( pit/.
_ I
and believing his story, had taken twenty francs
out of his pocket to give him. But Cecile step
ped him indignantly.
•,•Not at all," saidahe, "he is going home with us."
And home he had accordingly been taken. It
way found that he had the beginning of a good ed
ucation, that he spoke correctly, and was a very
NM] behaved boy, confirming his - own story that
he Was the orphan of a gentleman who had passed
his' life in writing, the boy could-not my what, and
who had died suddenly, - pen in band, leaving no
indication of who he was beyond his own name,
and but just money enough to bury him.
'lite orphan boy had been turned adrift; and
bewildered and helpless, had wandered on until
forlorn and wearied, he had sat down by the way
side and. ept. -
Coulaincourt had Adrian, as he was called, ed
ucated, and now at the time Coulaincaurt was in
such trouble about his daughter, Adrian had taken
off his patron's hands all the responsibility of his
business, one of the most important in the great
commercial city of Havre.
Cecile has been a blessing to me," Coulain
cenewould hay, " fronithe moment herauntlaid imp arms. I owe the prosperity of tuy
ho se to her,lfor she gave me Adrian."
Adrian felt the deepest gratitude to both the
merchant and his daughter; his was a fine, getter-
mut nature, that dogs not shrink from obligation;
but the sentiment he felt for father and daughter,
as he grew older naturally assumed a different
aspect To both he was devoted ; but as he saw
her expand intoloveliness, both of mind and per
son, he came to love Cecile, passionately, deeply.
But he concealed his passion as ho would have
hidden a crime, for he felt it weak:the the basest
ingratitude, which is a crime, ti\seekoan allianCe
which was sillinfinitely beneath whit Cecile -had
every right to expect,
But Cecile had not been as blind as her father
to !Adrian's feelings, neither wasshe so scrupulous
asAdrian, for she had made up her girlish mind
tomarry Adrian,,tul she had by her woman's
tact discovered his love for her:
,Cri the day of her expianatiTer with her father
Cecile contrived on some vain pretext—he often
undertook commissions for her-=to summon Adrian
tolher presence. She
,had determined to make
him declare his sentiment, for she felt that the time
had come when she would have to combat all her
relations determined on her marriage, and• her
father determined on keepingliekto himself.:
Adrian was so timid in her presence that she
felt shehad to encourage him ; so after a little in
significant conversation, Cecile , suddenly asked
kiln if he had seen the letter addressed to her
father by Colonel do Lacy.
"I have." - - •
" You know the answer ?"
M. Coulaincourt has told me—"
I P That I would not have him. I tida't intend to
marry at all; I wish people would leaf - eine alone."
Thgy are not likely to do that; you know
Sfille. Cecile, that wherever you go, you excite
admiration and love."
" Nonsense ; do you mean to say then that every
man who sees me is in love with me ?"
Every one who is often in your society." ---
s :'," Every one! -Why, Adrian, you then, who
haVe known me all your life, and see me every
day, are you in love'with me
"Mademoiselle, that is a cruel question,"
"Not at all, Adrian, it is an honest question,
and demands an honest answer. , Give it to me
from your heart, Adrian." -
Then, Cecile, from my heart I loie you." .
" And Adrian, with all my heart, I love you;
do riot go off into ecataciee of joy ;_ our love
-bas a
yreat obstacle to surmount."
j " My poverty—my birth ?"
No,- your love; my father will never forgive
What then is to bd done 1" -
"It must be concealed from him, this is the
only' way to bring about our marriage. Trust nll
WI me and we shall be happy."
Adrian'spresence in the counting-house was
never of so little use as on that day ; he could not
bring his mind to contemplate dull commercial
flntails after all he had heard that morning. The
dream he had never dared to think would be-re
alized had become a reality,
lOn Cecile the interview of the morning had a
different effect; it made her serious and thought
ful. After all, Adrian was but a creature of her
fa,ther's bounty, and that might I:pts an obstacle, not
one that would resist a positive desire of hers ex
pressed in her usual positive manner, but one she
could not signify without declaring her love for
Adrian, and that would make her father misera
bfe, and might perhaps utterly prevent the sue
'crlss of her plans. -
I"Iie mast Propose Adrian to me himself," was
the result of Cecile's reflection.
jt'so happened that a few-days after she had
taken it, a letter catue from her aunt, urging her
brother to eAtablish her niece, and requesting him
to sehd her on a visit of - three months to her to
- "Lhave been nursing a'e apit al match for
her for more thn - a year," said she, ',,so pray send
" Now reallythis is too bad,'7 said M. Contain
court, ". your aunt being your mother's sister fan
cies .she has a right over you.; and I cannot part
With you."
1"I shall certainly not go."
" Then here every one. is asking the honor of
My daughter's hand. I wonder if the men think'
I took all this cars' of you expresslyfor them
" They need not troutle themsel% es," said„Ce
cite, "I will never leave. you but as youivould
nOt like me after all to be an old maid, I should
like: to find a husband who 'irolld consent to come,
and live here and make my home his."
1" Capital!"
k.!.' For that we must find some one who is not
H I am rich enough for both."
, " Who has no relations.
" Certainly."
" Who has great respect fur you:::
" Of course."-
"And who will understand us both ; but-where
is such a being found /1...
"Alm!" exclaimed M. Coulaincourt, starting up
- 1 -" 1 have the very man ; he has often tolihne he
would lay down his life forme; he will not dare
refuse lOC this—Adrian."
Cecile's heart beat, but she had sufficient
control to keg down the blush that tbplled
through her Tema, as with an air of indifference,
she replied—
! "Adrian ? Olm, yes ; why, he knows us both so-
Well, knows all our faults, And knows all my lovo
for you; you might make him your partner, but
then would he have me 1 Perhaps he love. some
one else."
"Nonvense ; he cannot, he shaffriot ; my Cecile
then will never leave me,' and no passionate love
[Fill ever come to obscure the love of all hdr poor
father's life. It will not be too great a sacrifice,
though, will it, Cecile? / think you must like
"Just enough, father, to marry him without
aversion; and I shall love him for keeping me all
my lite near you.'
"Love him, but only second to me."
" Of course!"
Coulaincourt hastened to the counting-house,'
shut himself up in his office with Adrian, and
there made the proposition to him. Adrian, be
ing a map, had not as much tact as Cecile, and,
thrown (Jilts guard, avowed his passion for her,
whiclPcmue near spoiling the whole plot.
13u?,Cecile's tact and skill came to the rescue.
Never is accepted suitor receivesl in - a
colder or
More cavalier manner- Not one word of tender
ness, sot otto look of love was bestowed ou him
dining the whole courtship. Not for tea minutes
Was he twi•r alone with his intended. Coulain
court was enchanted; Cecile, too, for she had
gained her point; her father was out jealous of
her Illoband.
I On the wedding day, as they were returning
from chord', Adrian offered his arm to his bride;
but she hail already taken her father's.
; " Cecile," said Coulaincourt, " your husband
s,---fre lb ps; the ugh t—"
! Iliad forgotten him," replied Cecile,
just touehing Adrian's snit with the tips of her
Even on her wedding day," said Coulaincourt
to lignself, with a thrill of joy, " she thought of Me
befori• she thought of him."
Cold and ceremonious was the bride's manner
through all the banqueting and rejoicing. Adrian
hlinself was almost deceived, and on this, thehap
piest du) of his life, could not help feeling sad.
When all was over, the guests gone, and Coulain
court conducted his children to their down apart-
Ment, his heart thrilled with joy to think that his
home was now to be forever hers. Then; when
the door was closed upon them, Cecilu threw her-
Self into her husband's arm and whispered, "
Ildle you." •
They have all three been supremely happy ever
since, and Coulainconrt takes the sredit of all on
himself, never stopecting the ltrat.sgem by which
a v, mnan contrived to have her own way.
Anonnistine WnATEIN was endeavoring to
,elicit a candidate's idea on the market value of
!labor, with reference to demand and supply, but
!being, hernial, the ,prelate put a question in th'a
'simple form: '"lf there are in your village two
,shoemakers with just sufficient employment ,to
'enable them to live tolerably, and no more, what
;would follow if a third skoemaker set up in the
same village 1" "What - would follow, air!' suid
the candidate, "why, a fight to he sure." -
DEsrMI gives the same fatal ease to the mind
!that wortificotioo dont to the bap.