apiruitural. AORICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S CHEAP FERTILIZERS. • • PABULETTE. This Perlalier hi composed of night soil and the &nil' element of urine, combined, chemically and mer.han. bully With other valuable fertilising agents and absorb eats It is reduced to a pulverulent condition. ready or en- Mediate, use; and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizingproperties,. Its ttniTerial applicabilitT to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well }mourn to be all that agriculturists can desire. I, Price, $25 per Ton. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely Composed of animal matter. such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with eimagoes and inorganic fertilizers, which decor. , pose the new, and retain the nitrOgtmulle elements. It is Thoroughly impregnated truth urine, and the thinner por- Vous,ot night soil It Is a very valuable fertiliier forheld Crops generally, sad especially for potatoes. and garden purposes. Its eioellant qualities, strength and cheapness, bar e made it very popular with all who have used it. Price, fk.:s , per Ton. _ TREE AND Fitut:r FF,ItTILIZER. It in D. highly plicephatic fertilizer. and to particularly liclapted for the cultivation of tree.. traits, lawns and flow r,. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity tel perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot-house and usehold plants and flowers,it will be found an linlispon 'able art i cle to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure dimased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for puss mid lawns. The formula or method of combining its constituent fer tilising ingredients have received the highest approval o eminent chemists apd n ieatil a ainculturists. Price, 6.30 per Ton. _ PHOSPHATE OF LIME TAe Agrie' lateral Chnnmal Company manufacture a ries. phute of Limo in accordance with new and tnlualle formula, by which a very superior article is pnaluced so as to be afforded at a fess price than other manufacturers altar4e. Practical - tests have proved that its value. as 0 fardhzer, is equal to the beat Phosphate of Lame iu the market. Price, $45 per Tom - TERMS CASK.—Cartago and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEAUc.q. CO'S WORKS. AT CANAL WHARF, ON inc DM-AWARE. Office, 4134 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular. embracing Pall di rections for wing the above Fertilizer', aunt by mail fee, when requested. (aug. 31-3111.1 (IGOR'S SUGAR EVAPORAWR, endured. b BL:INRIL, BITES & llausliebt, Ohio.—We are w illing to guarantee - that from too acres of good Cane, a intik:Mat number of palm. of Syrup eau be produced to cover oat of Machinery. curable of mak ing eighty gallons of Syrup per day, which at fifty cents per gallon, will pay for cost of .11111 uod Evaporator in four days ; or where pun is wanted for a brick melt, o ith 'out the Furnace, in lea time. COOK'S• SYRUPS. have been sold at as avenge at sixty cents a gallon, and none in market. Au nere or good Cane will produce from 2 to 300 gallons or Scrap. SORGO SEED.—We offer a Superior Artele. 'selected brourselves. Sprout the seed and roll in plaster. Plant In drills four feet apart, from North to Noirth. Light soil 'and Southern expostuo preferred. although not absolutely necessary, as it will-grow on soils where many crops would be a failure. Cultivate as for Corn. Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over • others at two United States t'ain, and over thirty ,' to Faits. Clark Sorge Star:line Company's CANE f , and above SEED for sale by W. O. REED, Agent, Chumborsburg. Pa. tU" The Serge Hand-Book sent free to any person...A -l:1g or it. . maal. S _ ORGEO SYRUP.f—The undersigned baying distributed large quanitties of seed Jai spring for the purpose of encouraging more extensive planting in Our respective districts. Ito as to wnirent the exin•nae et procuring improved machinery necessary for the munttfar. Lure of syrup on a more extensive scale, we w cold now say in reply to the numeroniinquirles of our fiends, that we have now nearly completed our steam works and will be ready 10 'oomtnerMe operations in a few days. (The terms and condition of manufacture were made knows when the seed 'was distributed, one third of the product. or one third the retail price of ate Syrup.) All parties who aro in. tweeted are invited to give us n can, B. L, RYDER, Manufacturer, at %be Wait Franklin icurseries, near , Loudon, oil the Lon don and Core Map Road. DANIEL STOUFFER & SONS, at Stoutterstown, I man own. of Chamboriburg, on the,Bal thoore Turnpike. - tipp9.l THE TRUE CAPE COD CRANBERRY. FOR UPLAND AND GARDEN CULTIVATION.—Oeto- NY and November are the best months fur planting this exeellant and easily grown fruit •in Gardens and Market Gardens. The crop here last season in my method of rut. titration was over 400 bushels per acre. Explicit direc tions for cultivation on & small or large scale, with prices pf plants, will be sent to any address. together with A priced descriptive catalogue of all seeds, t'rult, Garden. or Nur sery: All the new Straw - berries are now rbady fur digiv • sty, prepaid by maiL Now Is the time to ph - int fur a Spring . crop. ' Carriage of tat - packages paid to Boston-or' New York. B. M. WATSON [ser(4 4 44` Old Colony Numeric., Plymouth, Mans. AMMONIATED PACIFIC GUANO.- A real guano, containing from seventy- t. 5 eighty per cent of PHOSPHATE OF LIME. to which has been . added, by a cherub:hi process. a large per centege of entrust Ammonia, sMa-zed that It cannot evaporate. mak lag It equal, if not superior to any other fertilizer. Pamphlets with copies of A 71,13,416 by Dr. Jackson, Ilea. State Assaier. and Dr. Lielng, of Baltimore, and tastimontabi from scientific Agriculturist, showing its value. Can be obtained frt. J. 0. BAKER. & CO, SELLING Ai ti-:frts, it Wall Street, New York. Hoch 2-Iy. WM. L. BOYE;II & y y AGRICULTZ'HAL 1111•LEMENT MANLTACTII:EIt, Strth St and tieffivanunen Avenue. Philada., Manufacturers of ',Rime Powers, Threehent and Clean ers, Reapers and Blowers Fenn Grist Mills, Fodder Cut. tens Corn Shelters, Circular Suzy Machines and PS ery va riety of apprueed Imidinnents. SEND eon C u. toctl2-3m - pREMILTM FARM GRIST M I - Ecrry Fartnar haying it bor.ie power übould have nue uf our Pfenniunfra7 firistMdls to grind all I:irs'ir trim for feed! The Mill it simphi durable and edit-lent, and i..iidatpted for all horse powenm. ;.!:end for a Dtscriptire Circular and address foctl2-?m] NVM. L. 130YER a Mtn. Agrteultund Implement Factory. Phila., Pa LATEST IMPROVED, PATENT. HAY, STRAW and FODDER CUTTER.—This Cuttor combines very euperior advantages over all other Unite, atm in use. • Sendfar a Ducriptire Circular and address inetl2.3ml WM. L. BOYER & 8110.. Agvicultoral Implement Manufactory, Phila., Pa. DEDERICK'S PATENT PARALLEL LEVER HAY PRES. .S.—Thete Pr all others in use tor the and pidity of their opera tion and for their durability nd eel operanon. Send for a Descriptive Cir atirLre , t luetl2.3m) WM. L. ROYER BRO.. Agrioultural Isplment Manufarpurrs, Phila. -knouranct. AINIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AM) TRUST CO.. Comer tiourth and. Walnut Screen., Phil lelphin Incorporated W5O, Charter Perpetual. Xnthorised Capital. 000,000. Paid.l2p Capitol. $'250,000. Feb. 4. 104.1. The Trustees have this day declared n Uicidrnd of P71 , 12Y PEIIOENT, on all premiums receiN ed upon Mil il.At.ibiLicnie during, the year clehnz December 015t, 18&3, - and in force at that dite, the above amount to be .crudited to 'laid Policiea. and have a 1.,. order,d the di t i. dead of 11 , 60 0o Policie, !eared ditrins that year to be paid, as the annual premiums Ori paid Policie s urn re ceived. OFFICERS President—Alesander Wbilldin. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. WilAnn. Actuary—John C. Sime. BOARD OF TRUSTEI:S.—.Vlexatler Whilhlin, J. Edgar Thomen, Oenrge Nutvot. Hon, James Pollnek, Albert C. }Whom,. P 11.. Mingle. Samuel Work, William J. Howard. Hot. Joneph - Allinon. Samuel T. MAMA; John Aikman, Charing F. Henzlitt. loom Hazletiorst. Wkt. G. RY.P.O, Chamhersburg Pa., is the nitthorislid !Agent of the Americau Life Insurance and Trust Com. ,pany, arid is always prepared to tufaish pamphlets or any Information a anted. and to take Insuranres. Don. J. C. RICHARDII and W. IL ISOILY., Medusa! F.:c asino% REFERENCES-71ton. A. S. M'Clure Rev. S. J. MC. bolls, J. & Nixon, Cliambemburg, and Wm. 31 : Marshall, Gi'satder of the Ilagerstown'llank. Persons desiring information or wishing to insure will t ploose eon on, or by addressing the undersigned they will -toe waited on in any part of the Couhty or State. mar 23 W. O. REED, Agent. 1829 F V 1 1 1, 1 1 1; N E F I i t R I g_ ) E r c i c l. o .— m. PINY OF PHMADBLPIIIA. MEV On January 1, IFC,4 CArrta. Acesrrup St iwt,us. Lin - sorrau Yitssursts UNEETTLED CEA - .SAM Logas PAID SINCE I , O IhXE ?OR IeGS 63.04 1 0,1100. 4.5,0)0,000 PEBPETU•L AND TEMPORARY POLIOIES ON ' ° LIBERAL TERMS. liiit)7orts. Marla. N. Bannkow.- Don. 1..., Tobias Wagner, ErlwmTl C. ihiln. Samuel. °rant. (leo. rule., Jacob R. Smith, Attract Fitter, G•orge W. Ricbont.; Fen.. W. 1... wt., M. I). CH A It1.1:14 S. BA NCEER. President. ,ET)WARD C. DALE, Vtoo l'hiditlent. JAS. W. kI'ALI.ISTEIi, Soe'y pro. tem. DAVID ()A KS Sul the authorised Agoot of the Core. piny In CheinberOltuit, who will furor all Information 131/oNliary to ItrptICAMIR. . , mar2:l-tf. INSURANCE (101PANY OF Noirril AMERICA. Inrorporated 1794 Chnrter Mrp.truti. CAPITAL #:',oo NVidnut Str.iiit,l n . Ths prompt impale:lt of C [Rims for Losses dining the period of nearly sea l•nti years that the Onopuny tws been in existence, irtitties them te the vonfidence of the public. Person,: wishing to inatire will pleuse t ail .nu or address the undersigned W. 6. -- 4 t RED. Agent, Chum- Limburg, Pu. Rtingt:Ni.y.s—.l. I) (icier, J, Eyster, Esq., Major J. C. Austin. tuar'2,l. n UR AGENT.--Mr. Gitorm, 0 Chambereburg ip the flem,nl Agent of thr Frank Im.County Mutual 'unmet. Company. june7) TT SEIRER HAS OPENED A CHAIR • and CABINET WARE ROOM ha the basement (Atilt. M. E, Ckcuu.h, where be has 1/001' uu hand all kinds ' of Cabtnent Ware. Such as SedeUeufa, Barcena, Tables, Chairs, Stands, and Mattruwa,uallof OAK and WAL MUT COTTAGE FURNITURE. Window Blinds, dze, ShNis, 143 set thief tsr ea.a. not lingo attb inebtrines. I J INDSEY'S B1;00D SEARCHER, at fiPANGLER'S. KENNEDrs 'MEDICAL DIsCOVEItr. at SPANMER'S. 1.1 OSTE I I E. Ji rA LIOCiPhAND'S 'GERMAN BITTERS, • • at_si•ANGLER s. I-10' E AND CATTLE POWDERS, SPA NU g QOM'S, PERFUMERY, HAIR, TI mud Clothe. Brushoe, ut 4 PANGLER'S STORE, NEARLY oI v.,ito Dr. Sow.etly's Aloe. leipp.2l HOUSEKEEPERS NV11,4 TAKE NO TICE that StitlN calla a SOAI' that ean't N. ex eel] • ad for wnahing rlothing, retooval, grea.,s, oleanin pdota and for all wagltlttg purpobra. Tty it GROUND PEPPER—PURE HoMF Grewld Pepper at NIXON'S. 1 - A I)D ER, EXTRA.("I' L (i GAV()(11) I. lv Indigo and other iyes t >.;II.4)N*S. Ilir ,ErrucE sEEI).--A New Variety for \ ark I'r re tilts Awed from Nll4)\. THE NEW LETITCE.--porfect jlj bunt,. EA W EE' 1) - N I SemelJer, • Ayer . Sarsuparills, Ayer's Pectoral, lircawn't. Tmehes, Ht./in:Xs Batters. VIXON'S DRUG STORE IS IN THE tusee ut Dic. SENYE‘Y, Mats Stmt. DRUG DRUG S f f c. H. t'RESSI.EII, suceessor m 111.Y.ii & LEtr, kap opened in his new moth, on Second street, oppo site the Post tntlice, whore every effort will be made to F 11,1400 the.popnlarity the old eatablishtuent hod natutred. A eotaluunnon of the liberal patronage which the Ina re ceived to re , pectfully solicited.. A taw stork or I)rug., (3endeals. and Patent Medicine', is now otered.. Alau a desirable 14 4 ,•11.11111t of Pereatnery. ° boat*, Poatt 'Nooks, Hair Brustee. Cloth Tooth itroalow, C.,sasartica. 11.nL fnewet. and Earley Articles. In great •ariety. ss. KEILMNENE I.AsiPS.—tivery Ms...rips-am of Hand Immps: Stand lamp.. lianzing Lamps and Sid.. Lamps suimbisstnr IZltehen use. P . .alnr u.e. Store use and Mtn, use. THE 81- - .S(TI'oALOIL IN THRSIA.IIKET. Family 111 Fs of 41 EN a rrthtn on si I /ruulvet... line of twine:o, ir_F - Preeeritatend reeeive ppevial attentien. and ate eetapounded watt en, and sltdt. C. U. - eßlissl-ER. Street Oppllnite the I M 1.,. A-N(II)YNE C(1l11)IAL, the :110,t1ii:r'N 11. Friend and Child', Iteliet.—Thin jut tiltlttthe tn.!, eine atrium for mile tet A. J. 311.1.1. ER ut hji DRI - U . STORE. next do, weer 111 LIROWN's 110 TEL le - . MILLER S. MEDICATED CDUDM SYRUP ni.. Laud again. POWDEIL—A Land. RIII:1. - MATIC. LINIMENT -'l'h,, •ut am, le can titl iC lie hail at 31i1lpr's tiny Drug . St. u. 8 NEW AND I;ENERAL supply of all 11 ,ptalalard :rtedlein... 3IILLEK'S Dm: . Store D 1 NICRHEA AND DXSENTERY cured by NUBIAN CA311'111)It PRDIAI.-10 Ahll, DMZ ,Since. 4 ulifiratiol6 A LECTURE TO WNW MEN.-- _Li but I.:0111..11M in a liettle:tl Eu‘dope, A Lecture on.the Nature Treatment and Itadteal Cure of Spermidorriara or Seminal Weakneo. Involuntary Emiwiun•. Sexual Debility, and Impedimentv to Mamage generally. Sen ousne4.4. Corenunia LmlepAy. and Fibs; Mental and Phy4,ll Ineaposeity, resulttng fri.mSe &e. Byslion't .1. Ct IA tatit•vt,t, M. D., Author of the " tireen hunk,' The world renowned author, in flab admirable Le•ture, clearly prove. from his Own t , Tperielwe that the awful roil• 4ettnenve of SeltAinise may be elTeettutlly removed ith out medicine, and without dangerou% .urga•al operation. bngles, inatruattentw. rings. or mirtlilll, pointing, Cut amode of care at once certain awl eirprtmll, try which es t ry• suf. frier. nornatter what his condition mac be. war mitre llitll - elienply privately. and rada•nllr. Tlilo ),ECTURE W 11,14 I'It()VE A IIOON Ti 'r /lOVS. NDS AND TIIOI.'SANDS. Sent under ,el5l. to any uddri,.. m u plain. , tettlea en relope. On the feeeipt 11 , 11 x rent", or two ', dim.. enunpi. by luldremnag. CHAN: J. C. KLINE* CO, 4012-Sln . 1 127 BON Ory, Nen - York. I'om-01111, Box, 4:i+d COPYRIGI-FIED VIEW g OP CIiAM . BER E SISUIN: IN RUINS. Bank-of Chainberabliig mat Franklin lime., (Curt natl..: and Town_flall. • _ Main Strei,t, -' - .._ Maim Street from the Diamond north ,oa ~,,,.... Corner Maio awl Enet King Street_ ~ - fieneral View. Coma,chengue Creek with Itarirt Church. Se44and near Market Str , •ot.. . N,lll-went Corner Pollee Square. ' Publighed by IL NEWELL 724 Arch Street, nod lbe *ale in Chambernburg at S. ti. tihrynek's litmk Store. ..4 I(lsnral glinnnunt to Me [rode. ee 14.3 m. E 1 A i RUNKLErii RITTER WINK OP IROZ , :, ♦ yure and Powerful Tonie; CorreotPre nod A I ifrn of wunderfal of lenely In diseases of the STOMA OIL LIVER and BOWELS. Cunt, I)3•Rpejeiu. Liver Complaints, Ner.ousnov. lleprew Mon of SpifdaTConetipution. In• torittittort Fps,. of the Stow- Naum , u- nenriburn. filsgust for Fowl. $2,4V,P49 95 41400,0,0 971.000 0,16,....1X/4 NVehritt in Ulf. Stomach, Sinking or Flunating at the Pitt of the Stlanaeh. Su imming.4 the hoot. Diffieolt Breathing. Yellow Head, Pahl iu the S:111 . . Thu k. Chest. and Lunt.% will cure every 4 . 11Ae 14 Chronic or Ser. rt.. Debility, Dieenerot of the Kid no) .1 and Dilteason arming 11 - on. diuordt;red Stomach. Good fir „Mule- or Femnle. Old Or • Young. Thu mot.t bend.tlelal medicine known: Utter wdn IE =I er preparation offered in the 'Phis truly valuable Tonle has been lisliloll/11ghly 1144,11 by all elahveo nt thoveounnotnity that it iv now deemed he dispetaable tit 3'l ante Melheine. It role"; but little. gives taro, tin the ktornarh, mats ate* the plysteni 111111111,1h/110 lite, We nun uuh ILA a trial of (him salnable , Tonie. "elt EW ARE lII' CI 11 'N ERFF.I T5...g...1 Preparerl aed wad wholemtle and retail by S. A. KI'S KE LS; BRO., Ile Market et.. tlitrrialutrtr. For ,vale by Druggiste and Deniers e t er ywyer, mt+yl l.ritn. 1864: R " A C T, R O O ASC H T 4e A R ' 8" EXTERMINATORS. . "15 years established In N. Y. City.. " Only infallible Ten...idiom known. ' " Free from haul.." " Not dungen.ue to the llinnith Family.' " Rats outer out of their boles to die.' rrii - , Sold by all Druggists everywhere. lit Miworell 1 of all worthless imitations. " 0./Panes " Depot, No i4i , 2 Broadway, New York. Sold by all Whotereila and Retail • Druggistai a Olamaentbary Pa. pneePika VRIIITS, SPICES, &c. 1.: tOranges and. Lemons, Onions, 'Bunch Raisins, . Preserved Ginger, Seedless RnisiA, i - Girkins. . Layer Raisins, : Pineapple Preserves, • Prunes, Paper shelled Ahnonds Currn,nts. Hard Shelled de Citrons, - Filberts, . Turkey Figs. Pecan Nob, Mularra Figs, ' - : Carus Nuts, Fruit. English Walnuts. Split PPM, WlanGl* - • Walnut Catsup. „ : Ehellbarks. Tarintal do I NViiter Craekers, Mogilruom do 1 Sugar do l'inapple Cheese, ',I 'Matches, Sap Sago du Stuva l'olial, EWAN), du Smote Pilak., San. do Market Baoketo. Limburger do Buckets, Biker's rhoeolate, Brooms. - Woteluder,hire SUIIIII. Fauteheo Coffee. Pepp•r. 'Clove., ('undies thamonon, Al.idee ground Lead Peavils, . . errn,Nly ihr family we, Cotile ti.p. 8e,.u0 Pickles.. Toilet do Chow Cboo Pickles Roain do Cauliflower do - Indito, •.. 311seql do tanrelt. -Mao, I; ill if, Wrapping Twine .Nottneg- , Stone ware. Macaroni, Preserving Tumblers, Vermicelli. Serulthiug Brushes Nonpitreil Cape., sweeping, du Leta,.ls. Shoe, ' do Fl,llllll Moen.' shoe 'Raektog, C01t . ..1i, Mutton]. :Silver hotel, Durham du t Both 'Mel. Salad Oil .. , Tripoli, fur uric at , SHAFER & STUARTS, On Queen Strt. East of the klethodidt Oturch. . 110CEIZIES WIIOI,EKALE AND RE- U TAIL—SHAFER A- STUART. on Queen Street Ert.t of the Methotitlt Church, ssould respectfully call the attention of the citizens of - Chontheraburg and vicinity to - the varied and, exteusivh adsortment not tiIIOI'ERIES,k! FRESH FRUIT, QUEENWARE, CEDARWARE. unit n'grnentl Stock of Mineelinneons Articles which they are now 'offering, nod cenntuntly receiving thou New York, Ploludelpiliat and Baltimore, at their Store Room. .a (P.m Street. hurt of the 'Methodist °hawk. It i. their intention to keep moth .11110•SI/rP01111t Iln the de motels o f the community require. - They ha, e the hest fuellties for the Tmlinse of glods 011 the LlllO, edema.- genius terms and box Me: their own ears 011 the Road. and one of the firm long 11111 Ant constantly in the city, affords Ilion every FillVlllll,lgo 1111141,1111.111 g good,. itt the eltortest time, and at lea expettee than mond, which ucubl. thou to .11 very love for cosh ! SUGARtt, COFFEES AND TEAS ufull grades. from the highest to the lowest prices lo), the barrel, dark or premed. SYRUP AN!) Mt 11.ANSES. by the Hogshead, Bun-el or retail tor tardy nice. lill4olt C 111,4 llama, Connie and Fine halt, rah and Cheese. We would call especial attention Aountry deaden. and Others. wishing to puteltare at a lialeZle prices. as_we ure . re epared to sell everything m the lir., ry line Ad cheap 4, , ~,,,,, be pareltrueal in the latoern kite, 1 • Tile highest pies 151141 to cash fur ,vuatrt produce or token in exeltange for ip.ls. •11.1 FER S. rsTu.kllT. M AIIK .1 1 1 :1 1:„ li t i!l: orm 1 E. . , --- , :i:lle.ll llllt nereat :I'Sigll ef anen al the publie generally that they hat e re-opened theit C. r eery Store in the ~eta torutercy ...mph,' h• the Hook end La C Hoare,dder Company, in the Market Hoare, lair, 1 ili. ..)\,.., 100110,1 of returning their Altunks far the lily tl patronage reread re extended to them. 'Their st,ek tr complete in every variety of FA M ILY Illlt ICERIES, consisting of Ham. Syrups Sult: Maekmel, Coffee, Sugar., Thus, Tin. baeene,"Brttslll, 11r-omits Bucket. fonts Twio..., 1i1.0,0 Is are Q 11111.100,11, ..1111 everrthing heretofore kept at their former plan •• of Intsinves. 'el.r. will alit rya keep 0 01110 tient snot on hand to bt. Vllllbil.ll 10 meet the demand. of the r•eintituntt. COI NTRY PIP hit 1. E taken in el eltange for goods at casts market parr.' Inat't forgot 11. Pince) (Market llotow ) three hors (non the tomer. an' QllPlllll,lreat. [ntur3l j 11I• 11E11 & uneAsTER. ___. I) S YI NixoYs. NTENV ARRIVAL, AT THE FAIII.I Grorory of E. D. itElls, 4 l:orr.r Wl,ll isurton Ntrevt, - Prime Cott:, 1018 :wells 8:11.:::r. all :tr0..11.4. .011iirteI1s 31111114. t. 2 11 IS:melts :4) rups. 11S) Barrens N. I aml rb Sea ,Yiat! trithotit bon,. , - ISESZEI At trhole+ale or retail. Lowe4l en.. 11 pore. (rietl9l Plt ECI IE G OCERY STOKE.-- L 2 The undersigned ha the hirireyt strc•k of FAMILY GROCERIES in nnin, which he oll'era to the puha iit the Invent PRICES. It it n o t nen•r.ury to y111111. , 1,1t0, 111% Stork is Lag. and i s oniplele_ Higliei4t price, mid for 'N'IltY E to exchange fiir meets. Lallg.ii J I'l ((('.5 SPItEl4ll7,lt. T. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE I L ]. GROCER .1. ), I) (1)31311SS103" 3IRRCHANT, 5415 SriItKET MELT, (N,trth mite, ab..% e FIR It street) 113,44.1 y 1 4 110:ITS AND SPICES.-ift . NCII ItAl; SONS elrrnirlt+. Fig.. Citron Pre.erved Pt 4,11.44 utrnep, round' Pepper A I.pir, Ma, p , Ire and fresh la E. 1) 1[4:11)'4.. , . _ (10BN BROOMS. BRUSHES, BED N s. , Rope% cenentl a..,ortniont ‘ir =l= LlIZE:411 FISH AND HYSTEIZS eNery wevk'nl, SHAFEI2 & Quern rdrfet. Lattt the Nl,tln.ltst Church. I,IANIILY FL( Wll. AXIS 1 .,„ Mind, he the barrel or •1111131 .111.010, torwle s't I is: - r. n .treet. Ivry C 1" RED 11.kNII , -',I) DRIED ist,r In.t 1 4eekt ell at E PIZANBEIII{IES.--fiq. Barren, Jerse:, N._ ('ruuheer j”.t nvened at E D REIIL 11()A1INY ANI) SWEET PO TATOE, nhra)x on hand at E. It. REID S. VORTIIEJIN CENTRAL 1 IL,'VAV FALL 1 IME TA ILL E —Four 'Era ona Au dv t• and f,ti, Hatonorc and H dvimyton ray. ('.aat.... MO. made wlllt ttll,llo in re/1,1 , ) Is at& Italln.al ...vat tram l'lllehurg 10.1 the • / I It 1 It.‘INS lUI I,Y to amt from the North m a t Itralteh Fubgnrhnnnu, Eluara ,ual all at Narthera N., Ynnk. On and op, .Monday C' E. 17Th ietl-1, the l'a,teuger 'I ruin. of the Northern C. titral hail,cu, a ill arrive at Itad &hart Ilarrishurif .thd tui fulloa • : o u T It \ V A It 11. 11A 'I HA IN lea," Sunbury daily (except Sunday)'• 10 2,1 1 W. lent e+ Harrtsbuig - • arrlVt, Itt Baltimore a an EX pitEss TRAIN leaves Sunbury doily (e:• ' rept Stindlty) lent es 11 art)* burg (aseept Mouday). ........ • arrives at Baltimore .. HARRISBURG Al1:031MODA'llON leave. Harrt.iburg SUNBI•IUt ACCOMMODATION leovriSue• bury daily (ex. Sunday) . ttHILADRLPIIIA EXPRESS TRAIN 'naves Sunbury-lb:0y (es. Sunday) 9.03 Y.Y. NORTH WARD. MAIL. TRAIN lea,. Baltimore gaily (eseept 11.11),, Harrisburg 1.3.5 P.M. Darr,. at Sunbury... .. 4.05 PRESS TRAIN lea en Baltimore daily .. 9.30 P.M. amn vela itarrisburg... A.lll leas rn liamnbarg daily (ex- Cept 31.uuluy) 'ftmves at Sunbury BRIE EX I'IIESS TRAIN trarre Baltimore dully a ezrept Slalayil) at. 7:30 P.m, leaven Il arnaharg daily (ex ceps Sumln3 n) ui arri, rn at Sunbury at ..... . A RafSTSl'l(r. 2 1CCOM31()IJATItYN leave.; Italtiraare daily(ex.lloaday 3 , 5cr arril es at ilarrilburg at...... 7:50 P.N. SI'NBI'RT AC('(111131011ATION leaven liar rinbarg daily (en. Sunday). - 1:00 I•.m. The En. fixprele and Philadelphia Ex pr.n are through trainu to and from Erie and all intermediate point,. Mull and Exprens trumn run through to Chaim. Fur farther lofornattioa apply at the Office, in l'ennsyl. v.inia-Ititilmad 1)11.4 00t26'04 MILY DYE' COLORS PATENTED (IcTointit la, ltiKt. Dark arena, Liwht Green, Magenta. Molar, Maroon, Orange, Pink, Purple, Royal Purple. Malmo'', Reariet, Slate, glferina. Mirk: Blueir for Silk. Burk Blue, Light Blue, Freneli Blue, Claret Brown. Bork Light Bruwe, ' Snuff Brown, Cherry. Critivion, - Durk brit& Light Drub, Fawn I)rnb, „ Violet, light Fawn Foi Dyeing. Silk, Woolen mot MUM (Lasts, Shawl*, near& Dre.seg, Gloves, ,lionne. flats, l'e.ttLeni„..-Klll Clillalriolyx Clothing_ -, • and all kinds of Wearing Apinwol. EV- A SAVltiff or wl PER cEsT. For 45 ;•c o ts you can color Its man;• Foods tot would otherwise 40.1 t the tiuu • s that 'num anima mhadelt can produced from the Mtn. dye. The pnu•tsn ie simple, nod any elle' emu use the dye with perfect Ineeegn, ElnrJigh, French nod “ermun holide of ottch uaekace. For further information In Dyeing, and giving a pedant knowledge what (llots are beet adaptad to dye over other. (alth many valuable reeeip4,) purchase Bowe & Stes s emrrentise 011 Dyeing and l'oloring. Sant by mall on rwid of prier—lo cents 3lttiorfnetored HOWE & STEVENS, nov2s-1y) .260 Broadway, Boston. For Salo by Druggixta nail dealers generally. P_l YI) ER'S FRANKLIN COUNTY , ~ . ..-ritsmittEs.—riturr Ast, OUVAMENTAI, THUM, I imp?, VINE?, EIRAWBERRY PLANTS, ETC.—The hirgent stock to select from In the county. Everything in the ritriT TREE and PLANT line that is at all desirahle, can be supplied from the commonest standardrrult Tree, to the rnrost and most choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit In• Flower. Oar Standard Apple Trees are unusually tine, stout hem y trunks, furnished with fine hninelung beads from three to five feet from the ground, as may he desired.. Our aim is to grow the best of et ery• f> thing, p ' lg. and cultivating upiin scientific principles. consequently, HT praluctio. lire not offend. in competi tion with Tr s grown upon the lad let - clime system. Au invitation i extended to all who arr"interested in fruit cul ture, to come and see for themselves,' . A largo stock of Greenhouse and Bedding' Plants • Rosen, de., in pots, will he rendy in Apnl and May. En. dons a three cent stomp for descriptive Catitloguo of Frail and Ornamental trim, &a, MEE JOB PRINTING - in every style done at thos Mks MY» Psantri lliroarruscr tht franktin Repot:in, dhambtpburg, pa. Groceries; Sce. MEM= Limo of Eratnl. J. It; DMARRY, Gm. Supt Ove.=Qlottiro. B. L. RYDER, West Franklin Nurseries, Near Loudon, Franklin Cu., Pe. iftebird. _ 1 T A. --:0:-- / ARM Y'A(i 1 1 E D Dl' S kig 'AO rmitiatlN arlfEl' , 7 i Olt nit: clikF FEUER AND .IGUE, ♦l.l. IL If. I 11,1' 1) E: .1.6 B . i I ,1 • I • A 7' N 7' I o S 'Skilerersfrom • I'EVSIL: asiraurs, Etc. TL'u.o.t vroullorta , l rcturtly fur Thu p«tiumost nerd FEl,l4lt AND Alit E. ETl'., wary al,urerki` *owe year. ago by Olin of Wu I=l CII I.: 31 I Tr• iiF AU HItIC • , vi C;..” it ht. Lirl7l. !¢ila otlmltiug van:. A nl...iu e. 21 111.4;:vp. 5t,48.4 . 0,1 14-I.ted 7/10, ...1111(1111 7.01,1 t I=ll MEM I= =1 II lIE lOW U.ll(Gh ut BIAS !!'1 II hi" FP .1% A lUD!. I. AND 1 . 111(111X1,S1 ttl 191 HHVI , H H I Hit ! A !)1 . )" A 0 E 01' S J1,1411,1.1c ituvortA bum b...:,, anti it th. Veal Sp. , Gm I=l ran •Nunl. 1t popnlarity or uobla 4 •my and alnrivitnaii..,. naa• vat,' . itn ettret. hn•ri bees quirk and 11=113 r M SOs TRATIVR'I It 1.% fat/V..1 It grvall . hin.lUg and .red many a 1,311.16 hie Lie to tl.u.e n k irotuatlo lonulitio,s whore rise? I.olllllllnve ralleu rirttnat to B11.1()U3 ==l A lIMY AGUE DROPS Quirkly I) , rirm Away 11=EMBECELIC2= = To it. •stural 111.10.7411 , and Atmutitiou ; rtislirttrarlitg tLn b v ,l3 odd v.:dour - mg ow E‘, MCC S HSTIGE OF LIISEANE =I I= Mr',Vto peroo.t r.•iding J tya. DiAirWc Sa•ita br mrps•a a Bottle uf Ike ARM Y AGUE-DROPS ; r--- dud J P. .trough roonnnaPnAied'tu poriwu• cra-veLiluic th/vOirli 01111rgest irliCLL,,t/ We reepettfully mall attention.to our:reednionutle. lluuy of our letter, attest that hundreds of lines halm herb sanest in the Army by ito ute. Jo deed. so well are ita curative •ualttles appreciated to • Use Army: that . lbw MOM JO 1..11 7.01.1 ME EMT! • Surgeous the field sad Hospital use it ahaost erolcuove ly in the diseases for which we claha its of i➢hllity . The INNit physiciaas always seize the best 'mint to oleo a ears, hence the uuleeraallty of ti.e A 13 11Y . A.GUE DROPS. EEZE! 3:15 A 11 5-41 A.M TBSTIMUNIA'L'SIt. 12:33 cm 3-25 ♦.ll Mr, are happy. 4, ietir to His Ezeilleeily, A. Lisoole: Tit. Rev. Blatti.p Poitee, N.l Gee. ll'Cleilsiu,. Rev. Dr. . 'fyng, .• •• (Ten. Fremont, Rev. Dr. Taylor, • 111:=1!11 Dew Ilatuaick. ..Mee. E. H. Chapin, Gen. Kilpatrick. ' lien. Mr. Chariest, (;en. Rice, Rae. Mr. Dario, Col I've. 25th N. r Ills honor Mayor Wood.ll'n. Col. Quirk, 17th N. T.. C. . litoi. Si. Kalltdelsh. '• Col. Fowler. 14 N. Y. N. Si. Hon. M. F. Ddell, linj. Dominus A. I). (;t Cllion. Mayor (Soother, N. V. Maj. Reitkyader, 45th Pis. Mon. Horace Greeley. " Maj. Willeoz, A. D. C. . And hitadreds •or ether Maj. Ramsay 1 .quail well-known gentle. Mai. Stillwell, I.9uritsto. ' mew liir whigh sea circulars. Mal. Vahr'ock. ( I:. 9..4. I 1 Lien... Whelan, ) •NE 1 3 01.1,411 PEI? BOTTLII, WILLCOX & CO., OFFICH, 181 rfitt, .NYrrd, N. ) N. B.—.Yeinr gmunt; unlrrr bracing au, signature an do. woof.; . Omit let yUur Druggiet put you oft will a r tiy olktur rattled,. lf he doe, nut have it for erlo4 encl... no Si' ^5 per wall, and we vrtil toad you one houle of the Arm, AWle Dropo por umik it A ' A. D. • aalL9•Jm 1 ' I A. Fur Weak ua,aPa nribiag hula Exare•bu• Hahn. ul rant, Early Itahaeretan. car .I.lalaa , ,ratua,l,,,t a viii 0 v tad loss lug ipoi .10111 M :-411Lilelp. ' , film - ~r Mernury. 'Weak SisfVet, Ilunur ar Ytkiun, rah tqaal'iltwotada cat the \ Nava!, I ittI011a) DryOUM nt the skin . Luna ,41'0,0•1 lidti, lin:t or Breathing, Troaubhn,,, Waketali,e-la Paw It the Bout, Flushing or list}' I:rupticana uf the F.tea, PalaiCoaa• I temacee. =OE I=ZEI MR= 'sl a t =1 Inv. li.ti. Beecher. Wklyn. —:o: PRICS r •.n.— prat paid. WILLCOX di (J 4. Irt Water . :4l, New York t , geluingltiartitteo. L ONG.LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST, The Perfection of *ming Moaners. THE Ca.}.I4IiATEIL FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES CCI,II WM' pe Atm at the Traub-rut of MRS. IL P. ILIZE L gr. Soak Main Street, imntediuyiy opposite _ Pr. 4. Sensenid, Chambersburg. where all persons interested in Sewing. Machines are invi ted-to call and examine this wenderful machine. . • it has been the object of the FLORENCE SEIVE!,a+ MACHLNE COMPANY to supply a machine free from the objections attaches! to other first class mat hines and utter the patient. untiring labor of years. and a liberal ex pematuee- of capita! in seeurlng the first mechanieel latent. their Offorts have been crowned IN lib tad they are now °Tering to the public the mint perfect Sea iii Machine in the world. Amoug its many advantages overall other machines. may be InentiOned. • Id. It makes /oar Lir/freer stitches on one and the same wielder each ..tich Titling perfect and alike on both rid, of like fabric. Changing . r pro otte kind of stio.A to tooth,. as le well as the noll of the .tirch. can tenthly lie done the machine 11 in tnotitin. I,rery .tit-) t perfert in itary. Inakqr. thp !Nun beetle and mlifonn, eln.stirity.,,tret4.llk and 4th. lt,ltar the rerersthir feed motion. Vs Itieh ennblen the, oretutor to run the nor& to ehther the right ur left, or any', ear pert of the gettin or tette° Cie role or Qt,ltll.l \VICIOUS turang the tune or stoppitte the utehine. 3tit Is is the most rapid reed' in Mr netkint; tire hattvlieh. to , Orht Viroiliriol, .11111 there Is no etherl.ll:ll . l/h..! I leb trilldo ,u r,P. I rung, of work as thin Fl,l hii ESI E. ! Rh. II dos. the Lcor to{ nr,Att.st trunk IT tftt equal ho ihu v! ttt.out tention Or breaking of thread, - 7th. It heat.. . tells lumlN: guthh,, dud Lrathero turd ten e on Will MO at tintste rune P 1411411 thy mutt ntexperieneed operate. It. Ito ati,tals are .111 , 4.C:1r and there are nu time tpringh to get nut inter :ind it tp utinided to ull loud. clotlesserk trout think to !Inn, 111141 it i• tthnoit Itur, 14in, -rho FL( tItENA., SEW INI ; .keli IN ei une qualled in bbaut) and At) le. and into be .evo to be appre ...unnt. MR. R. PrifAZELET. having boon appoinnql Sole Agent for the of ti, nln.re Sewing Machinen Vu Franklin county. reTevittilly itiviften rite LaAion tonal! null exisutitur tire Fi,t)ltENt'l: All M.whine, ien.rr.utted 601vte y,iv. twigqi ,JttbLcaL.• - I_TE1,1111301,1)'S GENUINE I'IZEI'AII.I - rt.vii) E'lvritAtr it["- I 111 , u uud. tipkwilac Remedy Jrl Dia‘quotg of the ithultler. Kidney, Tlravol uud Thi. Met Urine, inervuelocilnu rulvrerAtiou, Ana t.ro nue. 1 - I..kby,rbi•ntr r ilitu heulthy..ution, by Watnry of (jaleure.‘4l7lepo.itit.ll 4 awl nil I.l.u.ourui Eur litri . enu•nbl:lll!reau,v/I iut V11•II P.llllllllll 11111111131.1.1t1 1, 11 II V.I.MIIOI.D'S EY-Tit:WV III.C111". 'Chive ot% inplonts. ll . ..bowed to goini. Motel/ this nottli. rune turonahly r 1.111115., site, hobo, brainarnry, fet•tiag and 1-;lrthiei(• Fate, Inoue .at the Patient laity ex• OM Whoeon oy that the) Are noter rolbef hr dome - Direful Lo. Sens. - •IN:tANIT,I" .VNI/ TN SS. - Mn,,i are au are or the ...loots of the'r....4l..rill{, bat none }NH ~ •1111ff,.... The Iton.orcit of 411. Illt.tote .:.j•,hulas, ant/ Afrtvrheii Panay /iv oat, pis wither, n, t}ttl. Truth or ile• lottertion. • . „tn., (*Uats:l,l(lo.l. av t rr Offt,trd„-ao It require the out of Me.lioute to r.irengtio.... wet the system, wt.!, h tt ELM Ii(11.1oN EXTRACT 111 ('III' rorlablia ofai.. A'l ta.tl V. ...MN 11111.0 Ffl3lAl.l';‘i—FTY.ll.U.l::,—lliill lir,: In nanny -4) jerttnn,e pea bliar In Female.. T EN .1111,111IlliAi by any other rth.ealy an f lob to, Reten tion. Irreguisfrity • Iriontulneso. Nt.piir,.ll.ll 4 , 1 ( . 11,Iii• IttlVy EV.1.1111101, ii . ..ratelt „t th e I 'terns Leta...rhea r Whites. hterilloy, noel ter .11 tuna- plaint i neo d eq t doe sex, tiono Inole.ore• tion. Habits of I/ otopation ..r ie the 111:CLINE r 'lt . Take no mart Balsam. A fereary or naaptenennt meal:eine, for arreplenennt anal alars.gernue di:nu - tem lIILMIIt CLIP: it.tt"r Bu('in..• ANI) imotov- ED ROSE (Tian: sr:AA:ET I)ISEAbEh. to all their ...loges; Little or no elninge to dirt At little ex pense. No (ileum enienee And no.Lisinotaire. II emotes ,C frequent lif,ll , unit gin Ca atrenglb to urinate. 'thereby Rein., ire, toting noel Curing intrietur. l 4 of the I. ruiltra ottlitying Pahl anal lionnintiamon MI frequent In this and expelling ati i'nosentitts. Diseareal and vornuot matter. 111 , 0n ' Ti1,.11,111,1% Wht, i tt e been Nu• Vieth., Qtiark•, uud n ho hate p,od /vary fees to in , eun•d m n Alum time, hare fonutl they were doeeis ed, iuul th,d the USON hna, by the une of inwerfta illortnnrents, been dried up in the nyevty lot,rent "111 iu ati atterunated form and PERHAPS •e Helmbold'n Extr,4l Bud' for all alirtiott, and ilineuneft of the t RINA RV 4 /RI iA N whether eziithuf in LE or FEMALE &tot is hate, er e.l4lne Onklll.nlng. and-no mutter of 11, D'ING NDE\ Disrmos of.then• (Irgan• re il oire the .tid of a }lElJlitt)l:lt•n nxrizAcr TIII: I;REAT its(; ll• not ~et r t h l n t.. i n lyr thr .le4irest ertt.el in all &AA hirh it ti rreornoteuile‘t' Et tdenre of thy thr , 2" retail, 01,1 Nrpo.Lble chnnieter will aorompnrir thr Illechrlne Pi 1101: Zt PER 11(‘ - rrt,E, 1)11 six Foil $3 Delirrrrd n_r . any aildre.% rp,r011.P1,1011,11. =====l Re::: GrAIc.v.NTEED Ailame+ letters for t o oilition t. , It /I Rl—Mlicito w herti 104 South l'euth St. below rheritniit Phil, ItL3llll/I.IPS. Depot I.MIII3LD'S I l'hetnical 'Wntefitlll9, 511.1 BROADWAY. N. Y I1P.B" , -.‘,17 OF FOU.NT}:RFErI's. AND t i NPRIN PEED 1_4:11-FII5 who etirleli,or to dispel. , nt their u awl yther ofteliw oil the lepotitiou attunea by ID Tonne Prep.irationo.' ' Estmet '* • hoproreil Rode Rush. 111 ouNq , EN-IntrwiantE. A ... 4 R 1-*Cli 11171.311t01,-IrS- TAU:: (4171E11 CUI OUT the 0•11• Ir•,• li•••;•1•••••1 •••• nd f••rit..k Cu Al'1111) 1-111•1o 4 1111).\ AND EA Pi ,••••, I l ta l w WI'STAR7i .BALSAM ' WILD CHERRY, =II= I= clorgita CMIIIA Whooping Cough, Broontatils, trit tiorilry or Breathing, Asthma, Itorussuesik Niuns Throat, Croup and ..may lifontion TUE; 'THROAT. LUNGS AAU CHRS'T.. =I C,O,NSIIMPTION l'A BAl.h'Ali . oj , Wn,l) - (.1 Eltity. • Su general has thu bise of tJda - retndy become, and 10 popular Is it 4overy vs here, That iti. - unnece4- 14try ru recount itS . ,ftllea. I t wort* Ipt , nt for it, and flail tittora nee in the ILltnidant and v ~tauten - fmn a mnvof Ulu many win , from long Antrenng and piettlUd .., two have by It ase.bevn rj•stured to priAtinn vigor and health, We al dprea..l2 t a taut t el, iilouce,ll3 proof or toLllilAdortiimg, that cannot biritilieretlited. Tram Mr.-11e101 - 1;. Mercrrsburg,' l'a. R e cnartnen: I do hereby eertify that dur.ng the last ten ,) ears I lots e te..011 subject to feeiVlOnt aretre trough+ and Colds, Whenever I have - ex periette.4l one of these titisicks I have immediately resort...lto Dr. tKistar 4 It.dmiln ~f Mid eliorry, and the result hem alwri3o been to taunt me speedy relief. I would- recomitteml lids valuable article to 01l those aho suffer from Coughs Conti, Pion iirfiteltrcoot, or any Thilmototry Complaint feeling' confident that it will prove itself to be the best rented) in =en) of there elites. WOlllll, huts its or. ...Lotion the ',oldie liellhett it ourthleas enonterfett, n bottle of o oilfi once, rowed upon lot.. The use of tits spurious liaisonu did tout wore harm than good. The geom.... Dr. Wistikr's Iltilsoni of Will Cherry is prepared by Seth W. Fowl.. S. Itoidon, nod hos their printed mune. us well us the mean, signature of " I. B 1 Tin' upon the outaide wrapper of elleh bottle. From Just knish, i'rrntit-nt of Ihr. Itorrio C'ounty Bank, 3b , ,. taan, 4 N": I. --(Taring and Dr. Whitario Hakim of AVild (`berry for about fifteen yearn, and having - realleed ita beneficial re sult, is ray family. - It tiffoblA toe great pleasure in recom mending it to the public: nn a valuable renudy in ruse of weak mold* eongloi Sr., and a! remedy which I eonnider to be entirely 'lnnvent, and ina3. lie taken wall perfect entfet) by the most deliciate in health. From Hon . John E . smfth, a distaneutged Lorier nt irestntinmer..3l(l. I haye an ne,eral Me/IA(1111 toed Dr. Vietnr's !Salaam of Cherry for revere Cable, awl nlwaya with dt•eitled benefit .1 know of an rip:watt. that 1. more eflicavow or more tlettervitar ut a-etter, t l are, The Tinlsnm-hatt atm, been lased with excellent elreet by J. It Elliott, Merchant. 11n11'4 (taw. Ronda, )Id. WISTAWS 11.\1,SAII l/F cauntity NoneAenulne onleor Aigneil "1. Bt TT:+" on then rapper. ism J.l l . DINSMORE 491 ZS'. Y. N. \V. Fl)W1.1.1 st: 11,istos. ruitt 1, tJ Druggists. R E I)p IN 1; 'S 4ALVE odd Soren. • REDDINE'S RUSSIA SALVE Cure, Eurnn. Scald. and Olt& RUSSIA SALVE s Cures Wounds, Bruises and Sprains. RELMINU'S Ri'SSIA SALVE Curse Hot rm.! Cancer*, 1 REDDINI:'S-RUSSIA SALVE • Cures Salt Ithotim, PI aml REDrIJIN(i'S RUSSIA SJLCE curecltitrku Coniv, NO FAMILY 911017J,D BE Wl . lllOl*T IT. Lv- Only 25 Cents a 8.. „ L D FOR BALE BF J. P.. DTNSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N. . W rpWLE,Sc C0.,-140. 1N T t, Boston, and by all Drugipata and Country keepers. July99-eow-ly Bp.? anb ;fancy (Bubo. 1-1 A F L IH.; H NV. Itch! CIII.:v7NCT STier.nr: PALL AND WINTER . , gi 7eK, oy NTING 71101111. ANTIQUES:. BO.NNF."I"S TAFFETAS. roi.oBED T.krFEl-A.s. lull ti NEW Col.int :111. well.osiorted Atoeloof I. 4. 11. tali,. plt.tettreiu otatimc tioltlle It TICADE tr;; ;; ;;Ile h.t. Leou fortiiinue iu laulliug h., itill;cir• tattiscat,ailz date. wltea cost is' li'llrifTv.Tni4:l; PLR r. Allan at gSiah at 1,0 Iportt. of , rilto opot; the 111:111• 4 `t th, •elt4ffil. Alt of 10. 1, to tll lA' ROM ',ft% or Lntet j t1i..1. emus good, elm 1. elpemliere. :e 4-i T A N I) . - I). ;11 F a I. 1. a N ) NV" I N 1c • 1. - () A K ;4, Thq.k betn,:siciath IN I; 0/.1 t fu Ili. 1..1,` wt/1 Ey.' pr. V elairge.lttxt,e..ll - T/11: Gni,» riI.INI/A!ltit, i .1 1 : ut. sealtor , lint eptta 'he :Ater .leelttlee to. W. istiotwtee , op,vlA to (nett 1... Ity daily purell,i 3 Ott,e; rte/t1 ! ; 1/ }ily : . .4•lmoty.d..f ...r ~..'t,17.: "i i .1.4". PROt"r01? i Co.. Till: Pim , lI I ANI'II.I..k, t IIAUK. .1 NI, rt•nIEIIPORIUNI MEM V N' 0 T U E R. Gll EA 'Y V 1("1:01ZY , - 171 - ' cir .. Th 1,00,..cr0rt olriveu tip rite V.,1ry .,. .. ,,, 11r0111t tifirpri4o, hi. otatnmtrnittortylt t 1t0...140de Allr mi nituntl? ' 2.0 l pints Itettottiftal hut., lftiPit Md or Printed, Ile1.0111.4.:1 the note 014 itriito. vi, 374 I,lltlt. 01,10,1ir f iitigqlllll 4 .1.1 t'efiLl. . I littAt goals matte. 40 tzettt,t. . t , Cnlll,ttt fro. 20 to 'Si* ttteray, t I .7,0 g;tsvits ?toot ritutlity, Illilek 111(1 IVlet ctitnil elnitt Bind Ca1iett...4.33 I,IIU. - linhilortlbt Iron tit't2 Ili t .55 ' 1 1 IttilottllinitYoro. SI 2.1. SI 50. byst E.s?. ,I •Unltlt.tttitttil 310.0114 I t. orb wide, ni•, Spottletttutti. It/ rent, )• I - lailt.ii Nektti llntitll,nr, Heft. firm :15'40 t.lkrentn. , 3II:NY. IVIIMI. ',a' In elrainett. and Men.. Wear we fiery the toaitary hay ing Lod in oar she•l, of Waallene last spring when good.isf that ell.. were per eeter. I n ner Than they hose been Lee, WWI we intent! to g %r 6.11 r ,11140111. TS the ioiniatage. of Cheap (ionic f , r eaell People (Till begin hOOP the advantage of the enelt over the credit Iystern when they elantineentr prier , :mil P n'f'S ! CARPETS ! Carpet. Qt. f i all - 11.7a0l sl.2i. Table nod Floor tlil Cloth.. , . lete have folded toontr ..toek a 'dui , of Groeertes winch we are .el!ing 1..1 a very rootteraleadvanee'm em-t.( We are now at the add stand int Maio Strelet. where we will be pleased to see all trill . old (none.. anortnany.new °hes. nee:.;..4t 13R( = DRY GOODS•;;•: TOHF na Srennti Strtet randy npim i tr the PEW o.fre, nave jtei! reveit rvt tot tyoneda 14ge and vatried as irk of fail dry gars,. to Si till+ they . invite . the - attention of the Nl*.t. a ill Noy J ot here that ate ATO prepared to goldswll ur low is nay hnn,e to the: inmate, the liuM and flints not exeeptea. . • Our .-1.119, • olisintb la part 1.41,A+. • DTES . DRESS (01/1)8 rtlikage vorioty, CLOAKING- CLOTHS, N ery HALMOIL LS: HOOP SKIRTS, clutur, Hum eon Itrea‘t Variety. Fur Men anti Boys well!' we huts Cloth. (4.,•inier. sat. tinett, TIN ...14, Jeann, ruder shire, I /rawer, Sin king Sc, all very cheap. We have also a full stock of2ilaslias. Titiklikwi. Flan. Unit. .S. p.. all it 0 Meta will he nulti io 'nit ett,lonlerk. Sole le the rime to buy. iwtl9 METCALF'E & lIITESIIEW. . p i , ,L E C"l` I 0 N RETURNS COME IN _a slowly. nut so with the large and varied assortment of I)ry CiatAle,ju,t opening at W3l( WALLACI.: S. CO's at the 3farket lloase corner. opposite/ the 3lethodtbt Church. They have just returned from Newl.York wheni they pur chased at Al/erll/11, the largr4 a..iirtmerit of l',)ry ('mops ever brought to this county which they offer ut greatly re amed prices for rash, condoling of I - mil.l. 3lttslitfut 25 rents, 1 Yard wide nt 50 vents, ..I 2.: Yards wide, Sheeting. $1 tb, - li t' flow Cane Muslin. 75 yenta, ;Best Print, at 371 vents, I flood_Priut4 at honer prieoi. tlinglattna,!37l, best. 45 cent% ?j . Manumits, ,?.3 75. 5400, 04 :Ai • 1 Slut wi4 at all prices. . . Ludie.: Choking, all colon, i ! - , _ - Ca..inet=, Jeans and Casirdert, 1 12 Quarter Blankets. all wool, 01,2 30 per putt. A full tt,,,rtment uf Glove,, llostere, &e., eoladantly on hataL - 1 The atone zet,gl4 Lein; purehasM iu New York at lot, egrea•ir prier% we Ore- detenninoti;. to At , ll at low rates to suit the times. k. 4. 1- , '" (live rut a call before purel y Plrewhere. ovilli ,! -- W 31.; WALLACE& Co. E W J. HOKE & CO. Sectrad Strew, fro e'f Port offire, ClIAMBEItS111:1111, PA.' , The public urn respeethdly inferined that a havit'jwit returned from the Eiuit. with u thrge and Aewuntible en snrtment of FALL ANI) WIN - PER GOODS! _lfought at the late deoliae iu Trines, and which we offer at greatly reduced tutee. We have a line tut ortment of CALICOES AT:3ricr.NTs ; Good Brown nod Bleached M Ui I;INS from 3.5:t0 60 Nat",; good SATINETS at a Ihnt rwtortment of all-wool Blank and Colored CLOTHS FOR LADIES' CIAIAKS Best SllOOl Cotton nt 10 ets, ; Skirt lirnide tOll2 ets. 100 doz. Chihirell'2., Ladies' aid lien's Winter Olovws fought nt Ilitetion. very cheap. 'ihe handsoniest styles of SIIAWLS AND DIIN..SK GOODS - . In the ronntry. Call and bee at ohr Store. in the house of Mr. CHRISTIAN Fru.En. •niSecond 'trees, nrzt door to thr Not Office. _ - We adhere to oar ninth, to Sell its cheap ad the Chem. c o t ! (.Icr_37-3i , J.IIOEE Sc. CO, NEW AND (11EAt' StTOl;.T'+. T'tleun deteißuetl hug jug opened :d hip old stand, ill S mit-id no. II ten . and pplentlid stock of Staple and For eign DRY (it )4)1 IS. 41,mprInin¢ nhatist everyartiele suit able to the market; 4iIII ICElll Ills. QUEENSWAILE, 13001'S ND SIIDES,' .kND MEDICINES, and all orttehot tiflaalls - kept in .1' firAt-elass More. Ile is determined to sell _ads very CtitAP lICA OII tat Cou:s. DO Pitt da t I sneh na I 'h.cer Si;k4l, S..M, Flax Seed, !Inert.. Lard Tallow. Soup. &e, Latilber. snelt as bac.. Pine Nand, Sltintiltot nti Lo..uktr.Kt,*iii he t.tken in exehmige for 4 :.Ixl+ .it Chantherplatrz prick, LI BEI( .S A (Al.—lle Inn an assoitment of all kinds of Lumber volioantly on h.Pol, for Pale 'r heap. kept - M -3m s K AIiPEIL N - roTtcE TO TIIE LADIES.-i-Opening N of FALL and W I sTint DRESS and CLOAK Tit ISt 111Ni:A eon pridng the lxist SilkA Vel4 et Itibbnna, Bead noiningle Until 24. Conk, guttons, Orantnenta. Tao Bela leaven and Fring.ea in all variety. Ludieoe BEAD. DRESSES abed * NETS. [the best and elle/wog in the eity. Al.o. a hirer towsruneift of a ll w oo l Shalt I and Sear( bordering'. t All who want a rood ankle ptrme erdl fit No. 13 North- Street, Cti,kftLEA L VOGEL. 0rt.26-2mos Meinufnetorer. EY RF & I, A. N DELL, FOUIZTII s ARCH STs., pHiLAIrA, Cater for the lie.l TRADE, and offer no BAITS or deetiti (l,4, to induce eli t nn, lint rely on Fair Dealiniz and Good Goods. 'telt MERINOES. rindilonable SIII,KS, Nobiltty PIM'S POPLINS. Dark - FOULARDB. Fig ured NIEIIIIsIOIIS, Plaid NIIAWLS. (b u d 11LANK.1•1111.1: 1. S. foot, Go LI) dotrui na Host ai ire jotime ir up. Now it a ginot time fir Sfetrltants and Commuter" to come in. THE HIGHEST, CA:i3ll PIIIcE PAID for Barley at the Brewer)l . of j Rug% U. WASHABAti6Fi -VND-BILLS from the largest to the H' smallest. in Plain or Flank- Colors. Orinted nt the *We of the Fl aNKUIC EFTROMTINtY.,I. - Pnn,.tl)l LPuta. liva tq.c. ,Ayenett Lia =Z= AND VE1.0171: 01"CDAAN SICKS I= r.tiluttA. TIII: (401,1) STANI).\I4.P. NIIIV OPEN • • .1 . 1 /J. =1 cur.sT^NuT sTitEET =I E \\ EMI ISIBERSBURG tiETcALFE S (1113,EizitElv G O- November 9, 1864. fot Ba ing ou~eo. _~.~.,_ ~.,. r. __,,~.~. WeUN-I)EItLICII & J Is; EA D y FoinvmanNa Am) COIIIIIMION MERCLIANTA North Second Street. opratsite the Cumberland. Talley Railroad Depot. Ctuuoberobuog. Yu Can run-regularly to and from Philadelphia and Balti• perm. - AGEN'f.S.—Peueookl Zell S. Mucha:um, No.-SOR I Mar - Let Nt.. I'h iladrlyhit~ Lyb e t t s _Valley. Broken Egg and Ntttt COAL (direct from the mina). Wilkesbarre and ride Gravel-NM:RORY 'COAL. LUMBER. SHINGLES, SALT. PLASTER and Iluneoek CEMENT, kept constantly on land. FLOIII. GRAIN and PRODI'LIE of all kinds purelulsod at-the higheet each pricer, Septa. _ TiioF., i.. GlLLltsm,___ _ im . JAeouZtax. G ILLESIIE, ZELLER & CO.. pwIDITE AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. .4.ND WHOLESALE GROCER& . . - - - - North-Weft comer of Sixth and 31arkst Strevtx. India delphia. Dote, Airbicat. Bvur 51011. E LOCK HOSPITAL-Dr. JOHN:"... lON, the fooluler of this Celebrated Institu tion. otters the went certain speedy, and only effeettutl remedy in the world for Oleos. Structures. Seminal Wealaw., Pain in the Loins. C6tistitutiotud Impotence Weaknei.s of the Bark and Limbs. Atleetion. of sac Ktiincy. Pislyitalion of the Heart, Dyspepida, Ner• e o n. irritaialsty. Dbeack , .if the Head. Throat. Nine or .1.1111 and all the., smolt,: and melancholy disorders tub/. pia from the th,tructis e habits of Youth o hick destroy lusty and naiad, Thl,e cati ret and solitary pructices are mow f.ttid to their Victim. Haan the citing of the Sy-reas to the mariner 1:4...u+, blighting' their mast brilliant hopes or anticipation., rendering marnas:e. &e., impomdble. YOCNG MEN! Young. c”nceially, w tin have bc.nao the tie/1111g of Solitilry Vice. that dreadfnl ;nal tit...tractive habit which nut anon:city ‘..wceps w 1.111.111111t1;1) gncce thuuaawdaof nu•u of the loot exulted talent and Lnlliantlntelteet. aEu otherwl,e hove entranced listeiang Senate.; with the ot eloquesa e or v. aked to et,tacy the living lyre; may aail with e..ittittence. MA RRIAI; li! Merroot p0r,.0., or yollll4l' Moo vontetriphsting wordage, hojoir an are of I,ltt +leo' orgalne dobllity. defer. males. da. vhoold inallediatett rortbOlt Dr. Johnitoll. 11. Oho plartoi him..ir under toe care of Dr. Jolomou nosy re igieutly eonfitte in ho, honor a gentleman, and eonfilleutly rely op on phyNielloi. ORGANIC WEAK:NI:SS 13131EITIA'rELT CURED • AND FULL THI Olt It ti•iTORED. • This liitVelltie in the penalty mitmt trequently paid by, Shute who lima b..conlo the vivtiru of improphr indulgence& Young vermin, are tot apt to etattnat exceisseli from not bong aware of ine dreadful ~ , i1Nelt111•111`1'i that tttu etude. Now. no ho titan at aler.tatid. the +tatii,t w ill pretend todeny that rite power 14 Proereatniat IN let stonier by flawe falling itao improper habit thaw by the prudent. lie.idee being tie. print'd of Ili, pletemre or tio..hhy ofimirituf, mat the Tama neriott. :tad 111111.1 and hotly urine. The 'watt hia.owa, aiamozoil, the ph) .11 and 11.1011t.1 t, flied 111, 1111 , of boar ittilia e,tiott a wnwaittg of the triiwn, Cough f) I 1114,11”. of 0000thIrtiou Ufcr No. 7 .even .loort Italtunure etreet Eaht.mtle. up the hitepe. pate:. ll', in uh , er‘ lug chi, name mut muuber. or 70* wall luihtuk• the plum A CURE WARRANTED IN 'f DAYS. We' airy or Natincoto Drug* lilt. JOHNSTON, Annher of the ltoyal College et Surgeon,. London, graduate from 0111.11 f the 111.1 t etuinsat v 0 th., 4 ,,, of the Untted Matt,. and the greater part •or nht.e life ha. been :Tent in the htepitalb of Lute i, hunt. Plithalelphia,and 4.1.,ev.1tert.. has etreeted Soule at the lout cure. that n ere ever known. Buoy troubled with rintrinz in the ;watt ;tut earn eLen akleeit, great ner...ne , . being. aklarnitql at Autiden nuundt, 11(1,1 Itil 111.11111 g 10tentkta matketirtent n Alt deratnzettlent of mini, sere cured nt.ttnnli.ttely, A CERTAIN 13`.1:3E A E,l When the mi...zu,de i an I impradent Niotary of ph nomr• Nod lo• itiOnhed the nee Ito( tinspa.nful di-4%Se. It too of. tea 441.pcin• that al. 111-n tiled sea, dame.ordrendotdu coverp, tieterA 1 /11111nnnaPplyinic to - thiee who front edition • lloollund rc•pectebilityl ;duns befriend hint, the vomit' atiount rs toolottoonA of this horrid liscage make their - app.;itrance. such as lacerated Store thrm, tihscastni mete, ter turnal pains in the head and limb., diuntessi of sight, deafness, Ind, on the chin, bones and ann., hlotemek on the head. fare tthe extrentition, progressing a ith frightful 111 joirlity. till tit het the palate of the month or the bones ut mr nuon, fall in ;old tine Nietan of this awful disease fe mora a lotorritt ithret tot eohilineAtoortllloll, till death puts a petn.sl to his dreadful sufferings. ho sculling him to " that boar.e from whence no [rat eller rettims: To .otelt, there• Dor. Johi t ahon pledge.. 1411,14 to ilreetine the Wont ; mud from his turtensice practice In thy fin: Hospitals of Europe and Atnerica. he can confidently reetastmend a satCtetal speedy ours to the unfortunate •le slut of tins horrid disease. 'lt is a melancholy had that thousands fall victims 10 111 i, horrid disease owing to the tulskillfulner.., of ignorant, pretender. who by u.,e. of that dreadful p. iiion, Mercury. Mite the constitutam, and either •end the unfortunlite..te an 'untintly grove. or make the re.hlue of life miserable. TAKE PAICEICTLATI. NOTICti! Or. J. aldroe..es than. MI," have injured themsele pnrate and improper indulgences. Tloca are some of the aNdnoll melancholy effeets prro Allred be early labita of youth, i2:—Weakness of the hack and Laths. Pains in the - Head, Dituneas of Sight, i.e. f Mlieular PO, er. Palpitation of the Heart, Dy* pepsni. Nervot, Irritability. Derangement of the Dive, ave. Functions, Geoeral Debility, Sympunns of Consump• thee, ate MEN 1 A 1.1.1. the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded ; 10-.. of Memory, 0.111115i013 of Neils. Dept's, /non - Spirits, is ii Forebodings, Aversion to Sotnots; Solbliistrast. la, e of Solitude, Timidity, &a., are nows of thin evil effects • Thaoande of per:are, of all ages eau now judge what is the eauta of their declining health, tossing their vigor, becoming weak pale, have singular appearance about the rough. 'nod +ymptenns of Consumption. . Or. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY - FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Ity thi.; grout and important remedy, Weakness of tho Organs i+ rpeedily owed. atalinlingor restored. '1 hon,mds of the most m.not.to and debilitated, who had Lost all hope . have been immediately relieved, All impedintent.+ to Marriage, • Physical or Mental 1)botualill• canon Nerlons Irritalnlity. Trembling, Weakness F.x• hao.non of the Tacna fearful kind, speedily canal by Dr. Johneton. YOUNG MEN, who have injuredthettsselt es b.) a certain pnictiee, indul -4,1-in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school. the effects are nightly felt, even nhen asleep; stud if nut cured reader marriage impossible, and slestrtsys both mind and body, should apply iminedialely What a NV that a young nom. the hope of his country, thss starling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospeos and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of 1 1 deviating front the path of nature, and ndulging in a cer tain scrret habit. Suck persons: la. ore contemplating MARRIAGE should reflect that a smuts! mind and sly are thsemOst nes cessary requisites to promote connubial annum. Indeed, without these. the jotrney through It • becomes a weary pilgrimage. the . pmepect hourly darkenSSS to the view f the mind becomes shadowed with despair. and 1111 Cd with the melancholy reflection. that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. TO STRANGERS.—The amity thmasands cured at this Institution in the last fifteen ye•tra; and the numerous portant surgical Operations peeormed'hy Dr. J., witnessed by the reporters of the Dapers, and many other persons, notices of which have itripeared again and again" before the public. Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are tot many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves nit l'itysitians,Jaining the health of the already aitheted, Dr. Jorm.tort deems it neeassat7 to say to thaw umu•quainted with his reputation, that his Diplomas hang in his oho, Tsgl: Nina E.—All letters must be poet paid,'and Coutuitt u pootage stamp for the reply, or GU snorer wtd be sent. [mar 16-Iy. ' OSTETTE R• S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and pun erful Tonic: Corrective and Anent• tive of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the :...1:031.1.C11. LIVER AND BOWELS, Corea D,)spepsia. Liver Complaint, Headache. (lea oral Debility, Nervonsmets, Depression Spints. Clmstipatton, Colic, Intermit. . , tent Fever. Cramps. Spusms, and all Complaint :of either Sex aria. .from Bodily Weakness, whether Mlle. rent in the syslent. or produced by special causes. D S! Nothing that in not wholesome. genial and restorative in its nature enfers into the composition of I.IOSTE'r• TER'S S'I'O3IACII 151'fTEIRi. Thkej ponultir prelim' }IOU contains no mineral fd any kind, no - deadly botanical element; nohery Pteltallt. hut in a CUlllbillatiOn of the ea u-nos of rare bakimie Lens and pinata will, the pireat and ndldest of diffusive stimulant, It is well 41 be forearmed against disease, and, so far, as the human system ran be proteeted by 111181811 mean., against maladies engendered by an unwholesome titmois. plane. impure Rider, and oilier external—muses, HOST E runt's 1311"rER8 may N. relied on as a Safeguard. In ,I.tricts infected with FEVER AND AGUE It has been found infallible as a preventive, and irresistible 88 a remedy: and thousands who resort to it tinder apprehen. Ai. of an attack, escape the semarge ; and thousands who neglect to as ad thenNelves of tG protective qualities in ad. ranee. are cured by a very brief 11811118 of this marvellous medicine: Fever and Ague patients after being plied for months with yunine in sails, until fairly saturated with that dangerous alkaloid. are not unfreiptently restored to health within a few does by the use of lIOSTETTER'S HITTERS: The weak stonmeh as rapidly invigorated and the alTe• tite re , tered by tilt., agreeable Tonic. and hence it works wonders in ease, of Dppept•in and less confirmed fume of INDIG EST l e /N. Acting us a tretitle . und ',Widens aped-. ant an well o.‘ i1r..11 the liver, at also invariably relies-ere. file' CONSTIPATION supennducell by irregular actionl 4 the dige.ti, 1. nand sevretive-orgaus. ' - _ _ . I'ergous,4 feeble habitlitlble to NERVOUS ATTACKS; LoWNESS OF SPIRITS' •t4FITS OF LANGUOR, find prwupt and rermtinelit relief from the Bitten. The te•einn,ny on TM+ pOitit is 1,1051 etlll , oll3{l . e and from laali cisfolly of BILIOUS COLIC is immediately SA• nthtied nitigle acme of the stimulant. and by oeclasime a ll ) rt....mil t :- to it the return of the complaint may be pre. voted. n :mend TonvnosTETTEß•s BITTERS produce ¶4 1,1114 . 11 11111.1 le. experieneed or witnessed before d-y 1.11 he folly appreciated. In eases of cossTrru. TIONA I. WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAr and DEDILITY and DECREPITUDE; arising ftnm OLD At; p, i t ~erelses the electric influence., in the eousuleseent stages of all rriSPliNeS it (gyrates sa • cielightfol invi(rontat. When tho powers of nature are rs• hexed it operates to reinforee and re-establish therm Last. but not least, it is THE ONLY SAFE STlliti• la-mg mitatenetured from sound and innocnoua materials, find entirely free from the lieldslements pres ent wore or - let's in all the ordinary tonics( and stomachic" of the day. Nu Lindh- medicine has been sit universally, and h may he truly nifiletl, desenedly Popular with the intelligent portion of the einumunity, al HOSTETTER'S BIT TEIts. _ Prepared by " , ' HOSTETTER dr, SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all .Druggitta, Graven and Stcirelteellers, every • II here. • no/I-Iy. H. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FILE on Second Street. one square ?oath of the Market Ilterenfserer ltpah Aqb Atsefisorss. men WUNDERLICH & NEAP i•uuth Frtdcriek strer 13EilMEI