NoN . '6nber. 9, 1864. fr41:1101 4?,.tp.D,Jit,tlll). LOCAL ITEMS GOSSIP WITH OUR FittEnts.—The aide walks of Brooklyn are all paled with large fiat stones, of them the entire width of the pavement. During the night the policemen are required to strike upon these stones pith their maces. pr o .. dgeing a clear ringing sound that can be heard at a great distance. We wonder if this is wlt3 we have come to speak of a watchman's heat." flth other fl ight on our way home with a frieud discos ered n man ing by the curbstone ap parently dying. We hastened to lilt up the poor fellow's head, but were summarily presented by ouritiicial, who said in ezilanation " so me years tt friend of inine_att r empted to do just a hat you were about to do, to a! person ling iu the street. The fellow was:drunk, but just,solicr enough to think solll,* one was tr)hel to roli and drew a pistol and shot hitic dead : •o'rioa always prki 4m." there Wa.4 a awl al. Nothing illustrates the Ann•tievt rharaeler more flireibly than their irrepressible jumping . af ter the ferry boats as they leave the docks. Al most every * day one is eitherhooked or droved. For ipstanee, at Fulton Ferry a boat lea} es about evert three lllllaltei , . and 3et tlauo„mds 4,l ft lis j um p rather than gait. Hirt: l,hl wmnen hpbble down to the end of the ()rola, and aive :1 lone skip nither than Is nit the interminable three minutes. Ttlytive an idea of the humen4e travel, ei:eh ut gale boats, about seveu in the moral - 11z and six lathe eniMz, (the time Of ifreate.t travel) t:nrry over one thousand persons., Tin is great ex eitenient when mime our goir. overboard. When the 'unfortunate is drowbed, a shudder pie throrigh the f rovkd that 1;1.4 , ftion one to tv - o minutes, but when the ..lieeeed in _fishing up a bathe , : 43 the seat of his pantaloons, a laugh arises that last , hilly five inmates. Snell is life. NILW a drunken woman on our :street coin the other night, with a barn - iu ner arm, ,ID at-, 4empting to get out r,he till, tlroppg the huh? 'and failing tut it. „V charitable gentleman picked - up the poor little thing, a policeman carried (dl' the woman, and the car those on, h ats in the " charit - able gentt-mat.' :stand:a:2 in the , trot With hi, suing ch,,tg.. iu his cry log (the gentleman), Who will take the bah) ! I must go. I have an appointment.' Trzt..•t munelDuly viilltalse the hnit ' The last We salt of the gen 'fiemen, and the ta,t ss,:"fit and as our car tuancii the cornet', w Attuding disemn-olate to SIIIIIV place, holt:ha': the 1)0,3 at arm,' length Nchimpering, " For tiod's sake. 55011 . 1 su ni -Is is • relieve me of thin poor little brut I Olt : Ni-e, Wirk, New York: We v. ere in Afithon,)'s great Photograph estab lishment the other day:mid saw some French Nu al officers elmhered around the cases of por traits, and heardone; of them, ask in French Col: the picture of "The gratfp Adddral of the North:'• The clerk, timug,h undoistanding French did not know witch he meant, \Vs suggested -Pal Ili gut," “),..4, yes, - he era-il, delighted; "Fur-ris y goo. - and - so we Mullet that the grand Admiral of the Nidth i. Farragut—Bully for Farragut We enclose a fragment of our epic peut'iler whom it may concern. founded upon a "reeollee tioukl of Chambershurg. The critic will observe that the lines are long, owning to the slow now v iewed of the' machine: amid that the di) me, Inulti= ply exceedingly toward the close, rained the rapid and sudden putting on of the brakee. We would mention, of course not 11) way of wirer tisemedt, that "Oak Hall" is at the corner of title and Market, and that the proprietors are Wana maker & Brinvn: Tin sad to lose a horse, a row, a Loa., a ..,tote a litre or mill; .31m.11 harder "tit to lose u home, a friend, a 4ister, broth er, trite; . Hul sudile4t words of tongue or pen (in Engh..ll, Ditteh. Chineme, or French, Cr Cherokee) to sat. or 'Mite: "Ivr list iny c"yt'. u •. but .red my-life: 4! For n hat is man without his clothes, wo 111.11 ,11 Mt 04 • ( Ile, by means of which Ile Nils n certain plare—"aet, 1,41 his port"—aiiiiine . hie fellow men! Thew vircurnstairred rvere v.e, in 41i t. of curt.. (t rant and Meade and C.n'n'; • Referring.. frunstN, of course, to Joty thirty,..ixt -four. Mime when lird—but never mind detdd—our what we had Upon our hark ; and when st e 1111111• Ithlitolt City fair, We looked (we t 1 oth aair 1::111, a 4.71. Braa.l, for thee we'd Way) ' just like a Itr.vol Plucked from the flame.; WI! °III 11.0. A nor flood, - latex the pun ." rare. We looked, far all the worl.l, IN, the Lte.: r! in or `-``-sharl—the filth' Mutt dear epicures--o uar and pants, Find T(. 4 t— To quote a line (non' I , 4llinn nPm.' all "mod -,wondektully made." In -such attire we boiled our forte, who, of friends the beat Quick took us to a tailor man (01,0 rails Lis famous place "Oak nall") And purchUsed us 0 .nit of clo:ho; froth stem to ;tern, alkiiriellt and new; And now 'Sing. Itielthrd in 4imK-0f nicain. - Ire tliteg2lll 'thank; irhrre :7;;znke - Are due, bilnorral lud our Ms; tr too- - Ero,i ooThowout lEEE There, by the grace of “The Bard of Timer Hall;' whd sugue,4ted the ccatipedal uu•aaure, we have paid dur iumu,rtalizin4 our made. Wuw NEAT NEW YiRE, N,A. C'"ulur PRoctbbiNi.s. — (Yourt convened nn \luuduc•, the :11:4 ult. Ild,'ltonor, Juque K will! hia :uninciates, Judee•s Carson and Paxton ou Iht• launch.' Tiu• morning session , A a, inandj ta ken up by motion,: and petitions of Attoniejs.— :fhe lad of jurors was called, and the grand jaQ ingtrueted in their duties.. The constables made their returns. The Court adjounied until I', 31. )o"ruiccoos - t4:ssioN Tlw lothiwing eam.n worn, tuki:n up and dinpo , od OM!. v'ti John Andrew. 2ikliliault and flatfryy. This prioulention was comnieneed by Joseph Eb erly against said Andrea defendant, for %% nipping his Sort innnoderately at school. " Verdief slot guilty ztnd. t hat JoKapti Eberty the prowentor pay two.thirda of the cost and staid John Andren to pay arid-third. Cow. N W Williatits. Larednt. Vvrttirt tunt guilty. ; COW: V. Yhilip Troupinnu. TluuV ing Ahuu John Radebaugh roseentor. A-tzue bill Ver. diet not guilty on the ground of mtauitt and Was ordered to the Poor Itone, to he kept in routine meta. • - tom vs. Leonard Yeager. and flat tery. John Casetnan prosecutor. A trite bill{ Verdiet nut guilty and each Ito. 'mid parties to pay onednilf of the mists. Corn. Vs. Wm. Stoner: Assault mid te - 0 . Jainea Harris proseaubir. A tune bill. Verdict guilty. Com. vs. Caleb Harris. Alisonlt and - Battery. A true bill. Verdiet not guilty, and ea( hof th.e . parties to pay one half the costs. Corn. vs. Win. Butler. .I:arrelly, J. garret prosecutor. A true_bill, The lefelhill is It colored boy about 11l y, aasnfnge; was found' guilty' and sentenced to the Douse idßefuge• Com. vs. Geo. Smith. Horse Stealing. dolin Kissecker prosecutor. A trie bill. Defendant plead guilty, whereupon thes-Court 'if:o,9lNa] bim to two years told nine months in the Eastern Pen itentiary. • Cum. vs.tit and Battery. Ann C. . A t rug• hill V. , r dicl"guilly. The. defendent •tu' pay one-half the co,ts and the proserutor the other huh: Cony. vs. 'Wm. Stoller. aenaalt and Battery James prosecutor, Verdict ;41111.3% Com ; James Bohn and John Ifetts. Lar ceny. Robert Black progecnbir, Verdict:au:lll . y. The deleutlents were onall w , re scut to the Ifon,e of Refuge. The sew inns 1.% as urn' notch eremite:ll with Ili !Bleu. causes. The number i- near .0...11; iet soNentren were htne , red hr t:ie I Jury . . The balance , were r w •el itel.• Seqeral were continued until in , te:•m, becatHe the eiclenelants men• nut arr,,tet main were • , ettL•d by the I arties at It is azl - Our Courts are an thrl.ll2 will, unimportant ll= 11131.\11/N chlinCrl .ketiOn in _k Plaintiff. SUM of $l6 (d) r%lafidio: ‘s. John Aslion. Action in Assfoupsit. Verdict tor the Plaintiff $lO 19. .Indrew,.l. t .Loehhaum vs. Dr. John Lainhert Lk: Jelin leplef.m. ;Verdict tifr plaintiff f:41:55'. Qtlitt• n 1111111111 T Of WVE(` Uc roll•Vili of 1:0111. , ..1 other, ber•iii'l • the Par tie, (4)41,1 1 11ot get \\ court. The %Nits Lehi ii, the ha , elpent tor\ of the ...‘letl,ecli,t and Court, I.eutti; of IL low eeditil..- and 1 The Court wa..; fre quently requited to-trait getting th. 2 ir hound mole comfort the tint 4 . 0111 T tor jury irials hid m this count) iii !for.. IV • hail !T.:cc:l: L ion to be loco ‘ oit iluril• • tin „Hut tilt all o(•ea , loh: liettd tin otahli. •• Dank by the voirdiet. porliv, in court ant ape a lie seemed to be indulgent. lie% ertln (.4 IV up as much it not mole o • t: nalh I,aNe clone, In lbe ivuoit of tittle , rent , tqlli1.01111:1 11111 . 11 h.r Ii h:.411 - ;drectoP.ol nlih . called 11'n: to till. ' f:::tz he'v‘ , ll.o.laler er•al e::11 , eare..l) I eieikret•tt.d. lint that he to ' thet,Hi , e all the requirement , of deci,ii t 1;1 elloracte,.. if ext,ll:i,l. :1Ztli11111e11:-. aild Zu•li:11)10 11.01' eeneedefl. the Ito ttt'hi. party 11?4, lie .~-- Itttiti. 1:1.N.': \V, (At 1R rinti , hit. 1,14.11 pro iii,tetl to Maja.i. t;, , tieral hrel..t, for int Ow tirid. T,lrdt as lia , lwn “ppr i .- eplttlin of liiTointi. it Will M=lll=2l2lMl atal ri..• e..uniri I it' Rat a stiruean iu Part ill I Z`lii.,-a111.11 , 1 . 11aV,a ith I.lreatbraNer . tin; :mils. Il e 1 - ,‘ 111 l,illlll.ted to the rank of la th , • r army;. and a , :sigrard ti; Gen. lioseerans. , %N: 7l, V. lion hr • tirv. , l is IVe,t ern Vin:inia. On 111.• or hi< ennanan4ing uffia r, ploinofild to the ponitton of 13r1L.adier in I --1;.2,;i0al ds•igiwd to tlw Arm) or the Dotoiac. In tlie early part of lw was honored ss ilia the l „ faun:nand of the l'elninlvania Illenerve Corp:, is which Re 31101, 1 ;, Old and Mc ledd cotfunand, andwith hat -kill and heloi•dn he dincharged hi; ro9,oa,ilr'w teal. the bright record at tint , ':!)11111i core. on til:iny con tented field, ahuni f lantl tentiflen. Nan it and it.; gallaft)none feafkr efurpicuou; at Gettynloirg, wheij;. they is ene •truggning to drive the rnthlenn invadr, from Choir own hone,. In the re-orgattilati;4i of the aim} of the pozo:c.: npring, Gen.; Crawford coinalanded the :Id Division of the Sth Corp;, conrininal cmini•a ing of the renudint of the I:eaercen and, some New YorkFtroop.. Ile went tlirough tho tea , -rate battles .tif,i - PZ - and many struggle, ofless urde until the arinly landed South of tie Jauls, participating in :fluids; ev.ry desperate contlictin which his Corps is as el itned. Recently Gen. Warren had lease of ah,r , ace, fuel (:en. Craw find wan left in command of the Ith Corps. \Via.; in eouniiand, he fully nttotained tin record. of thin Corp, and enpeciall) di•din guinhed him jellf iii ,thee late reconfloinnanco made (.rant. pr•anotion in but a junt tri bute to a gallant . and faithful soldier , a nal sve trmt . the tat is near-at hand when he w ill Iretiell a I\lll ,Nlajor Generid'n conaninnion—already more than et,nu d unfaltering courage. tinge,. 1.11-Tuy and kill an a tuilitart lender. EliE bytitturr..kytt Gen. (lunch, ...MU- M:1110.T Of tiliS s l) . p.lrtniiit, has g.gued an import ant order relative io rofivzeeg dud deserters, and which should be heartil seconded by every law abiding citizen. °ft is known that here on the border we are evertexposed to spies, and it in not doubted that tint tire about us and anittngstbut whenever it in imPurtant for the atheist to know the condition of anal rs in I'enu.yhattia. Refugees are now in this ctinuomity in large numbers,— illoot of 'them we dNibt not, sincere and honest in their denim to ttsenpe the tyrany of treason; lint their. itxmlus from ,1 irginiu affords the best op portunities for spit,; to 14.1 n our midst, and there is but 4 une nwans4protttetion mains[ them. Are hope th..t e%ert citizen will make it his business to see that t v‘-ry i•etliget• or stranger lion, the lioutli complies promptly witd, General Couch's order jid,f is it that drafted nom should be held to seritte7 at m) ;weds them; the country needs ii due alike to the blare men who Inoe [,sour to respond to the Na. lion% call. that otla is shall nit skulk behind and st; engi ben 11,..'itte , by weakening our 01111 rai ks. t, i, qne order of (;.•,,. ll= \1111 , 1:,.111:1•Ali Up,lli. SI sgrIIIIIN I ; eliarribe rrort.,-, , , -Po. _Via' I, 1. That the int( rern: of tlnellgen Vllllll,lll and .nii• t•cl n.n• cit 111, 1)P1,111;1010 111.1) 31116111ailiell. it I. tirlit•ll4l. nin n et all ref - Tiger:. nit•-ertn fronts tine 1(e•1,1 hut,.;ln. d 4, of ! .. 01 . 1 .4 .. , .0 ei/ePlen. alit ate Hone a Ilion then De on Han-ltelere the iii, nt:n el Nlll, r. ernet.. roper( tin the tnenirn it 1/entront or TO, Prll‘ll , thatthrrnuty 11 0 "lllt , iin nnelniennen reennrcletl. owl to rev!, e proper vertninr.nte, ant ItlBll3 et The clie../..lnerela t.. 1 %Ain the d• T art,n,,,t ,Alciot.fter the t,,tttl.l, atollor,t h.. 1.) lullasnt_t . . ....tot...lliittz mit-break. /Lb .illy 1.1 . ,1, 4.1 f i,011 . 11 11, 8 .4 the (a.surzt.t.....t rtwar.l..t told t 0.h....•1...1 ~.mitilttry ii. in ‘l. A ,tprOlt , lllllg elortioih .1.4.....ttet , trim ,riOy :OA ti,. ‘l,lll.iy ',turn w th.• r hnuu •, .1".. It mu.t h. ...tole t.. aural and 1...1.1 no: L .2ITh th. 111. ;1111.,ry I i t Prw 11, iwlit tor tiii• wg elit of i , 4 cuff ni • 4 ,, VIP olijevt. IV. All Litt Vit;Zf'2, taw I Zlllll 0. ith 011. N -op, :oft tzitii. if mii,..ittry. th. " l atr, lit' or Major = - - "Tut: Ili it.stst; tir CtiAmitix-ta fiat edition ul thii little work, by the Rev. IL Schneek, having been evhau , ted within tour weeks row it,. first ,appearant.e, the .nititor Im. hit in dueed to prelim. , a n.Ni.ed. F114111'1% hat enlarged and improved stereotype edit ion, with viten:omm] repretumtatiou of the bunt portion 4,1 the town. It Will be ready in about Pa , with. 'lle Prior will remain the sinneas the 111,1 edition. A s on , w hat condensed edition in German - iv now in course of preparatloi. I.y the Rev. Dr. Seibett, and N 1 . / 1/I•CtNi tli be _read? in three'weekQ. The price, per egg., will be: :SO cent, in paper, and cents in muslin binding THE Eldership - tit the ('hurrh of Clod met at .Nl\% burg, Cumberland county, on the tilt., ;mil after a pleasant • and harmonious sitting, ad journed on the Imt inst. The follinying appoint - nietito were made for the meming pear: I, City, IL L Mt." J,,y . Tint 4upplida: I:i.l,ll. l tunn, .1. Stamm; 11:Irrnamryr. D. A. L. Lit,..rtyi J. la , Snub.; Merhann.s burn ft. n. Sig! , r; Carl,lo, It. I'. Berk, Chorelitonn stud ing,hlth J. C. Se.tbn.ok, , No•winle and linen sprinu, C, Prlce ; C. It. p o rvey , ship 1..-1 , 01 , . not HANDSOME PONATION.—A fest/Lys ago, the patients of ward 11, Beverly I I o T if; : !.. snort their surgeon, Dr. I. N. Snivel, to come mid see "ease.! — When he arrived in his v.ard. he Ibund all,he: patients oho were able to net out of bed assembled around apumber of the medical Dr. Newcomer arose, and in the name of the pa tients df ward 11, presented file Doctor with a magnificieuf general operating case of instruments as a token of their gratitUde for his unceasing at tentions to them, and asan expression of their ap preciation of his surgical skill and talent. The Doctor, in accepting the perseut, replied feelingly in a few words, promising that this mark of their .appreciation should be a further stimulus to his exertions in their bebalf. C'Alita , i are now, in season, and our reader, N 1 ill be gratified to learn that the crop serer 1111 4 no a f!anda at or plotitif u i: No Amer icaabreakfa,l Cal iaooplete - w;ti oo t b m •kwbeat 1111. li. _;;•1t :ue,gleat nn breakthsi, ;nal it lealaa,l a, nal 4 t_b. a en:tom to i n cite friend, literwy and prof e:sional mon, to break ta,t, or to•dinner. and pedlar:, more 1i:11V.11,11 NoVvliSt and i,itari.t, speaking oa ti,;s •o feet, "('oal na:11.1 the t.; Imn i ,..tkfat•t•,' one or the priatiple ;tttr.zenon: of which to bita, was the bi eritalde ( NOTIC!:.--C. 11. ( re -41`r It S. rmoved hi, I ritg St,at• from :11.•In 41 10 ,Vl,lllt 1,111.04t' Plint in hi. DP, ;.11,Ols prepar,4l •141- ply all who eal s.ith ev v ry thin_ in a I>milaL•t ., of ImAntsc, 1.11,n ,t 1 at 1,a:4m:0,10 nit,. ASTII.III.I, on Pirritls!(...—A spasmodic affe-1 the 1:1,1,1•14.11 Till.t , whi( ot, till it! dry, r l ll,,rn! 1;,,ide , 11 , ! it 4 will in V:141 . 1111111e1li.q.. 1,410, ME! Uov. Curtin has- issued the follov,ing luorianut tion,' fiting Thursday, the 24 hr 4. (the - s'aine day set be President I,h,ruln.) as a clay -of tliankhl ISES MEM Wtir.ttr. is, It 14 imnorod cutout ot liania to set a;,;:i I, on I fa , revounnendation of the Exerntive. s da) tor re - tuna:lL , : fluattliuu to the ;0 el. of all (400d.'t he Shepherd and lii‘hop of our :Non],: Now. therefors. (;. 't governio. as aft,: e,aid. du fesommend lha,t the people throl.glaint the 011'1111..1.5\ ,with ol,erve Thursday, tar trent y fintrth daq of Nur, r instant, as a day us ith d, 11 10 !lathered trolls 44' the earth: For the (•ontintr:nee ut health; Ferrule pro'uper:t of intitt,,trr _For the pre,ers...tion of good order and tr.un quilitY thr , agliont our border 4: For the vietorio o hiejt lie has souch , aled to its over armed traitor, 110 for the nuani;old which he has heaped upon IN, and that they do. , :no:Wter, 1111110 , 1 i beBeeelv I nal to renew and increase big inereititi fat or to ward us during the year to that rel,ellion being overthrown. iwayu watt he restor , t to our distracted eottittr3 , and, iv e‘uur . u. Statu•, n Int grate= fill and loving accord. the of Praise and may be otkied lr all the neonlo un • to alit Holy Name. Given tinder toy hand and the great .seal of the State at liarri•iott , . thus 555,0nl 41 ,- ,y :Nos-out her. ill the fear of our oil,. hundred and sixty-four. and or the COllllllolilk 41111 the -ninth. 2; heca a I arpr it env+ tation, 1;) tilt. (:.von , to . Et.t ~t'ti:,• wnitolnvo..llth '1'111: Cabinot tlr:z.o, ot ..)toson ino,, for so ..ti9ll i,trnint•tit. mtnd..rful Notion. , and tumer, and a vari.qy of exnre- , ittit that etpl.l - only 1,3 a c,,-.113 pipe in gas. 1111r1V 1 and ton.' nr, (Harming. It . 14 tuna atiwiigi is coletdeed ti nroot lii \vont...of fonnlio , :111 , 1 .:all I.llurelit , . It c• i Ito tratt,por-; Jed take,. up no mon• room than a Ino ("demi. dot.. not .1111 i ~..!11 nut of order. and maker: an elettpla arttekt of tut niture for tip. parlor. NVe are hot doing a favor to our reader, It% calling - ' their attention 11 , the ru LOIVE—SMITII.—, )11 the I.lth nit. iu Trih;t:, Men , rsimnr. Ites. I 11. 8r4 , .,11. C. G. Les, to 31,5, 31. 1•. Suit 11,11 r otrZ. Ht rioN-31.1.11A1 . 1 . 11-4 ilil• 2 ,, .11 •f Sopti.mber, 1,61, by tho It,' I'. 1,1:.• Illatta, to ;NE, .\unx I. 31.1401y.1”,1,:t 111 , • 1,4,4 ( \ \ - -1)4 I,‘• Ili, sizo,• V... to :V.,. 1,1 11M-1.-1.11 t ~• 1,••• 1.1; I.y ilit• Ilr. •,t .Th , ('. I. 111.0. of Ern:li(lut 11111 S.l•nu inEtnt t0..,...kt 1: nwitll• I • `:.s: •,,,1 .1 IV;•it 0, 1,• :1,1 lot W.` 11,11rn n.• .4 Rut b., Wt. would ma ‘‘mild go t. , Theo. - (:etty•lottrz paper. p1e.,..4,0py. ENTLEm Es's Cl.f yritt , a;, P,(4-as' . ' ..I;ovtlernen . , Clothing.lLo\ - . Clothing. tient/en - 0 . u % . Clothing; }Joy, ' Ith•thinir, Gentlemen ' . illetletnett%i Chithing., • Clothing, - Cienticincn - . Clothing, Clothing, limt Clothing, - . Cientlenten . l4 Clothing, 'Soy, •Eiitlinnon ( i gitlong Clothing. n • icniou 'othiril; oithz Nliiii • •• Yining .thin tilU4 . Mtpl 1.II • 4. 4,11 . L.T )1,1 .4 Ywing Suu<, • looter 114.. Violin.; :.11 t h . , 1 1 ,11 , r Ilion a 11thII il i , • \ r lin. xi. lIA lie stn, .1 (hilt li ii , (nth 11,0'. - \I an r nik ' r Eat: HAW ili•cA \Van:lll4 . .oo , S [thin in ILIA .Sr - . I:. Cnr. ntli .11 a Strocni, IL Cnt. lilt anti 1\1,1,0 ! . .trects, E. Cor. brit alla Mill strcen., S. E. Uor. nth add Morhci - S. I: (i.e tilt - S. Eor. tth su d Marko Stieria, • NtrrE raak, :111 4 , ....1'111111.1.1`1111—. 111 ynanolf w 11,11 the for von To ‘l,ll. IVi • "Winn.lll .irot roil', lion that ue It.tte bri far the , clothing innl faire - wt prfrre. N. B iminioc•c of 1 INl•relho. , ;non in.t lust. —tellingWAN.l)l.k ER S. 11111 \V N. t A111.!.1 (,r; and . fil Dr. It.vIlva) . ,1•111. 44 Q 4 1141 4 14 . 4.. 614, bo, • A lofrid) I I• g 1• 1 4 1 . 4 4,44 , 43) 111 th, t ity out tho lumt, iit,11 1114,4113,a 4 • hot, °LS rut) !ti n,. Ile to 11.•1•1 tiaturi• I,y 1111 . 44114 41i 1 ,11 ti 4 411 ryr> 1114 4 1Ilitle Ile hod nil nil P. pop , l3. i 'r pill , it,lnr, 1,0 ,•.oy Ow watt r rlu.. t oith•ii,l. d :111 •it - tr•t't , t t tt: .11111 trAtt••lll, and Hoot ,to ottto ro•• Ito it, 3 , tiotts 0 . 4 4 1,1 4 41•41 . 4 . 4 141 lA,' ILI: r0it1,1,141 tho not hot Ti,', 'i44,4 4 4 4 I 4., 1414141 1111.•4111111 111.1110 111111 t, 11,119 , 3 loan. II.• t . 4 1 .144 11 4 ., It retflllar IWO 1 , 1114 . tit 4, pry aad lot• tott 1ak..11 particle ul uuvh. hit. In t•tyfltto , ll Mutat.. ittot,.l,'• I'o ' B I.,Lry -11 tat.. , , hit, p,r lo.x. A (' k I) 7 ro lxv 1.t1) , . —A cl..rLyinati, while r. nldniC in `omh Amon. al.o. annaaaatut Ilio aa vied. a •an• anal annarle.rotannl:, bar Abe Ner, on. V....tkat , , 1:1111 111.r.a.4. 5011611..11 IrLfall.. and 'l% , ',l“);4•4rhin if ali-airalor , : lionagla on lay 11.ana nal anal ‘l‘ , on. laallo Leon .411a.aly t anaal by thoanallana ontaaly Vraaniatoll Li aL t a la n notit tho arlln teal anal onfor.loaltb• 1 I a all neat! Hata ronipe for Id , - 11,(ring ;zll,l al-mg rho , tnealta lan toe ,calleal envelope, to ;a n ) n ay win, Irrrtif Charge. New. , iw lanao a aaatopeal 104111,41 , d to your. Nall. .1"-1:111 T. Is NI ti 1111111==MEME celebratvd T.lll.Er Sl,O, in .1,1, ull,%•,“1(1.•11)..”1, from th.• 1 lii , 1111.11 and r 1 11.1..11 \1 1 1 ..11.,\l 111) I. I I.V. 111 11, a , 411.11 ask , by .111 1 Irttan , l,. .11,11 Fanu y jsr.r7l;. th.• ‘ and 1111 , 111Ci111' for .41 MILLER', NEW STIYILE. ?loot 41,..r (At .of Brun t iur 1 . 4 nll I'"iihuig or r•I l'ior rhilcirvlt in Tei•thlng, o ir mot Ar•Tll‘l `RI umar:piteed in telt uiitprb • nud pen , rtt ruyr divvied by the 11., 0f 1:1.- n . t} e,, AFrIIM I 111. trom tvido tircnty yea,' stiadi , W.: 310111 at •• to tt. itaigiinee. limo $2. Seal 1:1,41 biaby whirr.n by l'l'llAM,Tifitigth Eighth Strei.t. (:11 , 11hirr. irmit fr., (net '26 :im iCtie franklirt itepositorn, ktbambasbuig, Pa. THANKSCaI:ING I=IM :ILI le le 11:1) DILD • L ' Alano more unfilensant or un sa f e . M e dici nes .— For tin.l dangerous,es Ipso liehubuld's Extract lin••hu, x laic h has receis oil the e•alor,emeat ofthe nt , prominent phy.itiot, in the C. S. 1, note uttered to atllict-d = huntatuty certain c•tre for the follossing dis t-H.., and Syou tor, orozillat:los. loan dt,easer: and nbu., of the Urtnary or Sexual Or2:111, l ; dental and Physical Deptv...sion, Itobt•cday I)etrnitinattou of Blood to the Bead. klvstena. t:oneral and SieePlessta . : 4 at t bsence of 3thscolar Etlicteney, Lop. 01 Arpeute . Splrlts, Di.orgatn,non or Paralyst,ol the 4/rg - ansot Gen et ation Palptation of the Heart awl. in fact. all the - con. eondtata, of a Nervo, alit Deb - Mt:Rod state of the ,•11•111. T.. 111 , 111 . 0 .t• 1:111111:110, rot the. out, Syjc tar Hohlib”hr:-:. Tal:e tal other. Cares glatrant , !ed: See ads erris•entont in ~,wther coltann. - 1110V2.11111 . _ Evn .;Nn Extt.—Prof. J. Isaacs, if. D., OC• eulist and Anri..t, forila•rly t.f ntl pernnthently nt N.• Xll Pt', Str,f • piilMariph,47. itinleted R itii di•e”,t• of the Eye or F.,. 111 he ~ ,•ntan ally trvatvd and...m..41. if ,eurabie. Cu In, iU. Err. in...erted witliont pain. No IS —'l'iw t li. al t.u•nity ti in% a. lie Ft twAi....; , - 1111 Aim; uprooted from low MrtMeads and all f 4 „h. ,1 1 ,• l'1•4 tm's IlErit,‘loH.l7 Pol\ ." M:tilvdto Wit( Illtdrem for 81,:25 by S. C- 1.1%- ITAM, 2.5 • 1' [oc-26-3M If Fl'o,lll' OF MA RKE Chambers. burg 3lnrketsi. Cn Nur. r 4 1,1 i( 1 1N) Batter.., It; Emr ,- 1;1 E,:ird 1 5 , 1 liaeon—liAtn..:. I Soup Bean. ..,. tit 09 \\'n-nrd 4 :A; U.nuam6e,l\V,H3V P,tred . 00 l tir.l , ;•;l 911 1)11,;;I _ _ 1I it—`lli , F . nu—_.t I It!.r-1;. .1 jt crllll.lll, iNCIA • t:yr - • [I:Y rrty4dt trlll PlltiiildPiph in ]I i 3 B=MMI=II Flour —Sale- e,aarri, abort 1,:100 Ife.tera and rstra I.anily at $l2 1-2 511 p :rat :.00 gat jai% ate term., e Ploar in •111:1i1 N, ay at i•r• to ".2) 1,1)I. Corn INlval t c.,ll . limm ,, quiet. rUt 2 ON/ Imistm.l, iritvnor rya oki ar :1.110/ hit,• raw. , nt .275 Vt• to I,ll.lfity. ilyl• li 41 . /ling 111 .1 170, ty I•ti••••••1, Corn i•• ~•••.trve: .e•nuall :‘r 170 E• •r i•tt ()ats:ar•• without Vil.llla, about t,1)1111 it l.i,K ill lit }MAW!, 1.1.01) Rtrbertiscinciiis: )1,1"r10.N OF I'ARTN i I P.- 1 f arther.hip Evrvt,lor, uxt-finlr tublol the, ut I, nutubil cou.eub li nr tio..!‘ up by Hp u-Nti G. A. nErrz. A t ' I ):1'1( T. --Allipersons'iudt Ltitl to _ 4 l h.,. r",), nwyr , ttlpur It, 11..,;,, au I:aat has ~ q r:. the Ji SCI i IT I 13t1Pairnr nort 5 of ct• EA s 1) 1., 1.7 E L.:, for S::,. to , ) j I.'ll k. A . 1.”0,\ PIT. !! ... Grorm,..kiNqv Ili ME RV' 111,ACK. 1 NE ( trT.O ivs NoTi cE• th.,t Lao 4,1 Ito,t11.11111,1.• A I, 11, n z ranted .itb.rrlbt r r, Euhnq :1..: d I,lm. pt.,l:l=l,ll , •sitiz t, E,Late vCI ~ t- ; and has ing theal nos 11 IV3I. FLEAI: ,E. . . z: _ 9 e_./ REIN-Alli).--Strayed Stolen fitm col the , eveniir ti of Tiles -3,,y Nov. 1...• VIA GREY AREre 3, a, Mote lee, ,110111 y ,111/ foal, lalnC., aureole trio''= tn.' I, jo.vt, anti snn,ll lump dh lINIttE. of I, I, 1,1 n,) n ell Limier the 11.111 on n hen •1..1en a M. •utile. ,irmy kindle and 11w mail for tap: rt, I 011q..1.11y 111 ..01111.• i Tirqtabil,' . o re oant radi tot r, torn or tile mart, ii.l.lress, nom • tt w. 0,..1,1.,•”dent purr ~f 11...,.1.1nartt0r, 1),1..,runt nt or the soA (:It Pa. E II)EN (' E V R clinNi -ttl,ertlier %till [kid - Anne res, ,•,1 N. Ito South U,,h,-Sr into 4,11 Rine %Old VIII, i•Tr,•et, on, c loar,• 1 oar,• tn.tti t entree f tote nu- et ,T11111:1:: -.r( BUlLlitNli Nlll . - 1, t, tree; ilrh .111ndd,tiva'II thuro,o- ,tor'o, 'I 110 I'4 ITNe •••VITT'II, • 'vll •••1•ill DO, r•ll• 1 / 1 •• 111• • •11,,11111 4 11 •I • d el• 1,11,1 1 , 1r01.,1,. tit 12., 1,41 NN.171, Th..,l"t i. Itte• 1,• • 11 11,T ro 4 or 1,, Olfe :ma . ititteteen feet m &Tat, tort, Caw ,t.r.titt at ititr .red et, 'cern, %.11.1t l'e-e.e.,eti 'I 1111,1111'..11.1y alai Tile illnl/T ore nun, In the Lon, .eiti • tierce. 011 If de •;1,41. pply ou toe prl • I1114`.. il• •T W.)t• ill i11IIZEN". SAl,E.—Three will be :411‘l the prenthe... Letterhunn) timtt-hit, the trent 11.01 to I trit•tetyll ohlott title tt , l•l the I.,riai ! r .otti us." milus fr,ii the Latter plat e, .aotnleu tqr dn., Nor,ishrr In+t lo 1 .• * olook, Pl•2/1.1/' T 1: 11'1',.f NI. 11E 0.•,/1.4/1111,17 ottl lz 1.1 - 11E,-; m 1.1111,111: Nutt.. or tW,lltatn lot .11 lit tri,n r .10 splilOh. Insist", e ltes, • (MI Story 1,()(7, 1101:NF: 1.44; Nt.tblo. '1 tivre We , i . 6f 11 " ...tri itt thP (boon Tiwro •L ;zo,' 11.1 rd tot the Tretnettls. ern , made ',town on 11,, 03 Stilt' by JOHN ' II COltl . llA - 1 . 'fruit44.. ' ,':'stoic SALE OF TOWN I'ltOttElt i Tv.--i hi. under-le-Intl Aslosini.ttlittor. til rhoE,LVI• hoe 01 , (11,11 , borbur4 • •to 1',1035; sit the preynboot, Frld.pi the / .55 .1 15. 1,4;4, clt I tido,: P. ill. all 11:.11rr situato in ISOVIIIeII Of 11,1111- i. r-lito •n I Ix% i•on I , •,m' and bmiTtil,l 11 . 01ot lyo ,soul Jo!,rt W. list;(, and T , • ,abotYr front alx,it bittylr..l nt 'jeep 11,t - on," thereon ron eretsts'a inst stns.til BRICK 11l 1 1 •• ,1: • •: g , 0,1 ropai'f. all , so:t1 ^LtTl•n TI al , 111,14'1,1,9,11 Oil Vof - • o • .011 r t -r. .11/IIN NV INN 131.1n1.1. 1 • pri3 I. use C = AL A T. 1, In: 31, }•>TATE '1 i••• i., 0,, , r-IL - ne,too-011,0. , • 1 ~ f .1011,1 r 111 r.h'.• n Irol,tif (In l'ormlay, Nor, nit" r' .211tIt, 1 , ;;I. i A 1.,4 , ~1 1..tilit .il ILO, on 800% ~.1%..,.k ~,k,,in i „,,1,t , ,,v.; .1 .1:1 , ~‘• l'tml.", flirt G. urge nulls allil ,1.11,1,1:, urii coNTAINING ACRES :teal . ft, ef lan It it, elthret! and In a _"ad .'ate anti the halauce t erettNX I:1' art ht, el lent et P.1111.:11. The tml,rt, went. nre tenfartahle .5 /XF. BARN togother •sili: Chtt 1 hero d tcdl of aever.failintr _der tiktr the door attd , redet of water pase, tbronzh the farm There 1. /111 APPLI: mid a vartely of other tru.t trees 1,4 Ittm Or, 011 r - kt •Ifi 'he rtOtt to,l AN 1 , 11,11 TO •M , ' !ILO r'i11 , , , C,111411; .11 4 .V0'l MIS NI, I OM, I . ...iaiin L r tio.mon ..r :ccc dc.- ci c cct.c ccricinci it, t tt• 111 , 1 1 .1 1 11 , 1‘ 1 1 Alta 114,610 .1/11.11 •• off ro ,‘ 4 11 , uh lit .1, a cct c.: I.c. cc. Thy , pan ccic thc• IWO ict• cif clic icctrc h.t.ot to4n• y. L,:N1•.1 tin ill, not Art - LI -IH,I I,o‘') , :St NIPPLE 6: NEWCI/11EIL r.); PI'!LIC -S.A LE.-- I o loin:wimp of au r • of rh. airr . .ll.l,' 1, tart l'a - anklaa,t•tatitaty. Pit.. the I.llill .I.llllitn,,iot •• ' , lli offer itt lit aral/rtiaa , ay, tha aolth of a , wreln,fr, 1 , 64, ilt 130,, Waylii all alw lta rti I:,atte Ellaall a awl 11,11, hat° of R a..1111, -. .altaa 11 , 111 p. tiva'al. c ut . 3AN.14 ,s 1' 1:M " ,ittaatcalju 1 , ,ai1..1111, nniu, urns; P4l ACRES NI) 11 , 1 • 1:1:C111::: beat. the land I•,:auz 0..1,1,1111,1,4"nm . . 'I n exeelli•nt Sprint" ririaLrate; a laii• 11.1L414/IN", .111111111 Jr. .r grafted trial. 1101 - SE, rongl, • a-4. A ` , 1'()N1:1111:`: 11 , ,g-eantl all oh, bailtl• totviln.4L 'I I , l,rv.Lrz name of the 1,,t faro. 11,1111 Tl/F•1 dfi , ;l,Me lb , I irl/la y . PorNal :Ir,l. h, Inc a,Larat of \I ttEs and -14 perrheii, in Quinn'l, I„.. ad:0111111g StOler, La, mit /I , lr. 1.r..4 a:rti /awing thereon a \\* r,A1111 , ,111%4 ~ R111;11 110 l r,ANK. lIAItS and Tilele it a •?reaal of ivater - ranninz 11),4,0vh the 1,1 - 11: - h. am' ~ mue4 ovater Near the k 111,11 1 ,11. Ill1.11.61 , 111 , ”1111: , ,t011e y(00(1.1001- 1.% I Ilt 311thi, %tore Sr, snd "11. nl till i.e.( I . lllloe, Ind ht ,1,7:15 m.i \Mt STAIN LAN!), M Sollti•Vp 110ifirer r. Thore is,oboe !ear land a •print (Vikit_trei— lotine th,• ahoy., pralu.rur. will ,•..Ii Ili.a pdrtio+ prign% Sal. a,.•0n,:mv,., , at11. 11. 11 ,0 k and Icy Aci dt NICII4 ISt/NI:1112.N R A.loom+trat.%, to ....IL 1)1:BI A I(' S.\ LE.--By virtue of an order 1 oi it, 11 -phew. tort of Franklin comity', the - re nil! be of Patin. :sale. on the preniewo Ilotr•fLlo. thr ronb, r the redlining olt l lad r lteal I hang the l ..•petty belonglag to the Iled•cf Vona 10t. by kite of Antrita totc,lp alee'd . m.xx, lox rAItM of ac i d dne'd, nitwit.• in odd n.inn Inonnind by lona , of l'hatalter. I telir. (leant, .Sheller Javolt %Velar. 1 01,11144 Stickel and other., tieing 1 tile Ncrth of Itroa a l . 31111 and awl :thaw 1 tailV from the illage )larlott. ettatanang 2 0, A Cl(11: 4 ranne of 1..••••) or lilt ...or oared a al, .halve 'Nab,. dettlde tne..tor !MICK alal — F 11. \ Ilol'sl . l. n ill. a largc Stone nnci creme Bank Kira, Wagon :died. ('urn and other net tatt.latilitiagd. Thor, in'. \Vol t , l neo er Cali,: over the 1i0n.., n large Orchard of fnn• Frail tcaially appartentatt to a a ell regalia...ll;olll e, in eliiillitil;ll. It large prcpartlon or m hi. I. tied pad and rail fence, and the laid nlt 01 a lush .tine of entity:alon not hems; :Winded null tine 'worked oat: . Ali-a—A I ttl's,E ..,„1 Gll.ol'Nli in Nnn" Frank- =r file 1..11111 1kk . 0.4, tr nh t it Me-story 111t1f4.K. _}llll - >1; a hove Stable l'arfpago, 114, and other faLitlata%lltoroon. 'I o or ndl retnnin in the Inatieititi farm but tall l a . 1-11111 MP in Nnn, Franklin. Terme one•leilf e.e.11 4.11 the 1.4 4itz, April, leti:i mei the lim ner, t o hi, e g g.' poe iii elo in the Int days of ]tali o all 1,67 1'0,0,0011 %lilt to given on the lst of April oext . N_ Praokba prolairiy ' Will hesold la 111 o'clock. A. A. and tho )Idadon - IF'aim at 2 o'clock. 1 , M. on !Wit Wi - ire ph, of the,. pi.-1.11.41j....,..a."1,1 hyl,llllng. at the Tnnal-ii, Par furtlo.r inforrnatton , apply to • It it III , : I". KRl.:l'En, Tractor geh) .alibettisrntelits. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.--: Admim,trator elan :cerement., em. 11,0 on thereto •.f Chriitien Stoner, late of Auttim town , hip, x, Paths- Sale, on the premit.en. nn Tlthreday, the 12 td. day of N'OrrOcr. that TRACT or PARCEL Of LAND. ',....tnete in still township. on the roast lendimc..frlM% Browrio Mill and ME Hope road to the Grind Stone Mil, ~ adjoining.lands of Boor[ Wingert, George Specimen and 'other:, containing 2-. T ACRES, having thereon , erected A LOG DWELLING. Log Stable and other neeesbary all in good repair Pernnu - de.iring to sieve the property eon do - on, isv calling on the present o, chmod. Sale to commence at I o'elock, on said day, when the term , a ill tot made known by 110 V, - • JONATHAN STICKEL. A,l'mr. C SALE.-LThe undenligned, _ ilrirs:nfJacob Line, late of Hamilton township,deed. will offer at Pnblio Sale, on the prerniseft, on Saturday. the 19th day of, Norrnther. 16'64. 4 ACRES of prodtictiNle Land. 'lbw° in Cosi - down. Hamilton liarn4bip. adjoining lamb; ot Eve'thart Hafer and otheri, The tutpnlvement , ot n two—turleil DWEELTNG HOUSE, (brick aml ;smith erboariled.l a one-otoried Frame Shop. Stable. Hog Pen. and other ll.ut - httildincr.. There 15 an Orehard of chain. Fruit tut,l a Well of excellent Wittig -0n the prenthes. :;Ta o Hundred Dollar, elislt on ,lay of oale. the balar,Fe on the lot of April 111 ., ./ 1.41 , 40.• ion mill be.ciA en immediately. if' Sale r„ vommetule He I dclru•k. p. t' tail BitowN, S \RAH BROWN, N „ ANC' , /I,S.FREN - RIERGER 1411 ANNA S Mt HY Eirii. JuOV9:9A] keSe LON,. the nrpliennt dust . 4`llll for '`navertiF.Nl Letter. "give the ante of tine UM. anti ray tine Ittas,inan Mic, 8 311's F , !ton., Bratjiy. 7.\ I,ry Johnson 3lett, Hottly,telot Blot:And J Kelle2,' Me., AIC Stitzu - er Petet Paquin Janie. Kitzmiller 1! steel Miller 1.'Ite:•Ito Rose Leibtrne Ant 5 Oil -3 INI M=M Pia aelet 31i.. I. :I'Coy Wni: '1 11011111,,, II C Fl.lik 'Daniel ,l'arrott I' 112 'Wintxr , .I(.eidl FitsPatriirk !Peekman Saran a l l M'eavxr gamll F Fre..l(.lli.i,SuutnE s Heider.Martln , 1 Vrazert Henry Man, Alexander Rohm Geo , 'lVli.l.e'r Lydia Jrall 31i4 3lary };;Roller Toter ; • , RANI; AN NOTICE .—Notice lierely 1;1 given to the Storkhohbors of the l'ottik of Clinuibera. burg, Pa., that in:wording to the provision, of the :int e.g. ton of an Art of Assembly, entitled •tAra Art enabling the.! fitiuksbf this Commonwealth to beeonir log...lotions for the purxose' of banking, meter the -knee of the United Steve." approved 12d Attor,f A. D.. the Court of O'aninton Pleas of Franklin eamoty, leave (appoint," John Abat.tnata: et• Auditor. to vert 2): to the Pre•nient and hi ret of said Dank of Claamln v. 1,0 It ' d, Ill , ' fair' warier l x.thie of the Slrarer of the Bank a,t lie time of rah lag the last Dividend, ,11 11.1 if ,:ithin thirre day.nny mtoel.holdermtifies in Is tithe: the pre.ideot er Cr,!.,, of lan de-ire to Nt&retatler hi. ..took, l nap„o ferric in¢-th,; detrraatined, .ttela Bank ,Call. tcithin thirty day., theleafter...isty earl. 1.40.1,;10da1er for his ..hafes, aoteording to •Itelt valtudion, null mitered fermi the time ,• playing .aid dividend, up. ra_lds .matentlerittes iris gliarec, add that raid Aud;,Tor trill oteet the stork holder, tat hi. fan], a• in flit...BO:flu:A of elmaa,l,/ rdnare. r e r a yy r dwradep. .j/e. day Nevrrnbrr 1 , G4, to affix .1111 land where at :,:t,•aa that ~de proper. Llnveo.:it .iOll N ARINISTRONG. Auditor. i,iTATEMENT OF THE BANK OF CliAmnintsßußG. Nov. M, 3P64. • ASSETS; 1ii11.4 and Note, ti..mntl4l. Iktudr. am! `J.4lamt.ul4.. of the eteninonwealth C9,t247 is 01,it41. Slate , LoXIII e2zomoo Depotit. with Trews U. R.. 521).000 00 aoltl(ese:W,lVe J 000 to en, rnonweal th.) 1 ;3,000 00 1) no by Ilther tta tk. ' 4, 1'20.150 04 Leval Telltb•rilotl dud . Cheek.. • i - .11:3:4 4 9 46 11) Real EFtate in Philatleitilti t I'ooo 00 .i t tritinni Rettitt in' " 10 9e! UT Cirenlation Per,,ts ..... but. 1.1 otiwr . . . - i $1,0e9.7 ? -45 15 • . The 111)0, Milterflejlt i. - ,a - ri , , , t to the best of tnt- know). etlKe and belief. lL_ It. MESSERSIIITII. Ctshier, f Sworn and subaeribill before tue, NM. 4th. 1F , 114. nos. 9 11.'11 D,‘VISO.N„I..P. J. &.- M. W H I- 'P E • Easy opened their, CLOTHING Ait:l) FURNISHING STORE in the Stone }Hulling%on Set•onit Street. two docrA cr.o rHS CASSIMEIZES and a quota' as..a : trneut of G EST$' FURBISHING GOODS. o zoNp LAUELI'IIL•I ANI) , ERIE RAIL -1:( ,AI r_Th”. great lin,tral, eves the N,Frtherh and hwr.: ~,tinti4, oY Penn4yhania w the city t.fErte un En,.. It hero leaned by the Penngylviltna — llatlrund cnni r.lny, and i. aper:lted by then, - c- It- I litin• lonatit opened h r p.,",...ertger and ft eight I /viol', 17th. 1,64. TIME tw vA.sExt; Tit.tiNs AT /1AILIII.S131;RI: 1111' ' '3l,lllll , ain ............ I I:41 it. K!,11 era - Expre.. Turint i Ar V. At•,onin.lotitotl'l M. 1.7-: tVE 1; rW . : 35 ii. E?,,ra Ecpre...• Treat ,1- . .2.110 A. 31, - .Veeennaladation.. .. - .... I .15 r. Ihi.seuzer Cu-. nut through an Train wtthont ltatigr both trace between Philatielphla :111.1 Erie. and Ilaltnnore and Erie. - 1.11 1 4a11t FllOlllllll4 . C[o .ll 011 Etmira F:xpre... Train. loth ways between Wllliatn,p..rt and Italtini,re. For inf.quattion reApeeting P811,0111.1 . 1 1 r,1111 1 11111 1 , apply at Cruet 3t.lth and .I.turlet Streets, PhAndelpltia. And for Freight husine.t.B of the. (2.,lntuLua , = Agents : S. B. KINGSTON, Jr.. 'Cr.o filth and Marlet iqs.. Phila. J. W. RlrrimLns, Erie. . J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. It.. Baltimore, Rd. H. H. 111)1. • ST1)N. " Gen. }right :kgeiri l'lnla.lelphia. 11. IV. GWINNIWi, • Gen. Ticker Avent ;Philadelphia. , . JOS.. 1), 1 , , , ru.4.• 11., "64. , Gen, M...tzo‘r. Wi.i.“llll-p.rTt. is r,totttrtt ot tot 'ar:ll - 113EIZ1 ANI) VALLEN - & FIZ.IN.K-' I.IN 11.1“).1 —(3/.l.Wir 1101 11 1,4 ill run daily., AN I / 1 , 0 72.41 1:20 EIMEMBEI 1' .;rt...n...1,1 le . ... Arri e at A 'harnberThnrst t i j.eavt, at. lAN... Slapp,..,barz .. NUM . % ille. tin. • . Carlisle - G::10 Ili•In - • 2 41, ' 31,, , lainieslittrir 7:00 lo .12 - 't.li3 A rin 1101 t CIL\ 1111:1Zi.111' AND 11A1:4:11S'Ili AV.N •• i.. 2. ,1..2. Le ii I' I farril•airc: . ' -',05 1:411 :4 15 '' 'llvelmololirc. 1147 2.20 , 150 '-' ,• - 1',1111.11 0 .27 25.• '3 IS l'i. Nen rifle 111 112 :1..14 , i'• Sliala•mburc 10:14 4.04,i • Arnie at Cli,k.iilier,inirg ....11;00 4:35 Leave Cluitilber,lairc. 11:10 - 4:45 '• Creinnal,tlii ....... .• . ....11:53 5.35 • A rriye at I hicerliai a ... •,. •• - - • 11 ,35 14 : 15 Making. eheie immieetain. ni liarrislairg \vial train. for' Illiihnlelphicr. Nee: York mill Pith:burg. and milli 1011110 for all p')vl. Wect. The Train louring I.larri-lairg• at 4:15 I'. ti. ran...llya. far a. Carlini, O. '..P. LULL, 'ittipt. 11.,11, 0111,m, Climatic, i/ei. :It. 1.14. I , _...., PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD; 'WINTER 'VDU: 'l'.\ I;LE FIITTRINS to and flans rhaode ljh,, and Pat;la.rg. Un,r,l ap, ganday. (Jabber 31'4 inl the' Pa..tavr Tram. 1,1 Vtam.ylvaaia lierart film; I larrt.t burg awl arm 0 at Plot oto:pitto aail 110.1.14 , , a, folio, EA STW A RD: Till:111'1;H U NPRESS Tn.\ i N lea've.• I lam.) .1%7 Il.t ly at t. 4 A. M. and an ive , ..a N 1 e.t Ilnlioleigloo ot i, ii .i.. , it , FAST LINE leave•lllar s r" , lnitv daily O'x• ept 3' at N : 00 A ti.. and ;aril,- a \S't ..t PtiniivylpiliA :it 1:1 I I 1.. M. 1 , ,,,, , ,,,, , , , %it, bre, tact m 1,,,, , , , i.• M.\ 11. l'li.l IN teat e. II a ri , l nal: ' , lad (e, , '14 - Sni dart at 1•4 0 p M. itiltl arrive. at NVe4t Pltllad.•lpina ...t :4• :15'1 , • - m. . - • .. I'll' l'Slll'lUl .I.ND }mu.: ExiliEss Ivan a. ILarli- Imrg daily (evrept Sunday.) at, 11.51 I'. tt., and arr:v, .1: Went Phandelplna at'4.'..N.l A. M. r RA RRISIWIR 1 ACCONIMODATION TRAIN 1.•.‘“, Ilia rianag dad.; (eat ept Sunday) at '4.011 p. tt , and li ck-en at AVe.t Philadelplan at 9,30 P. M. TA [strain leg• an ron ',ram; iron (hi ir,f. (:( )1;1'11111A A CCO . Nt Al onATioN TRAIN len' e. 14 - ri:bura daily (eneept Sunday) at, 7 A. If.. and arri, en la lattaqi.ter at 1 1 E1 A. ti. connecting (exeitt qn 31‘all) \vial tltel'a , d Lille viva. . ' IV 1:, srrwA R 1) : Prrrsitritl i AND ERIE EXPRESS leo es 11.irrip• tiara daily (except Sunday)-at 14:11 A. M. Albano 149 A. M.. take laeakfast., and anivo at l'ittdatn( at 12.40 1. iii • 11.11:11 - MORE EXI'RESS TRAIN lean es iiiirrii•linfg daily (curet 31•Auta)) at 2.25 A, M.. Alumna Kl 3 a. V . WO• brellkfit.,A. and unive, at l'ittAntrA; at 14) 1.: 11. .; 'FIIIICR•G II EXI'RESS kits ea Ilarfisharg dail‘ at 0.- '25 %. M.. Altp./11.1 at N.I 5 A. ti , take breakl,t•and arriv•••• at l'itt.burg , tat 2.40 t'. I L PAST LINE I. II; 'abr - daily (ex I ept Staa.l:l))r Ilanisbort; 11.X1 eTt, Sllnd:, at 4.00 r. M.: Altoona at 9.10 I'. It., tAke eupper. to al pr rives at l'lrtNilarg-at 'lOO A. N. MA TRAIN -leaves ilarri, , ltm (except Son.- ) 1.40 P. M.: Altoona at 755 P. a.. take supper ;tad arnve, l'atOntrg at 1.30 P 31. :Mt /1. - NT 1111 ACCOM MOIL .111.11‘; lettS(4. 1.4 m racier at 11.20 A. tl. , conocctiatt there aith th 4 nal a Moult) Joy at 11.51 p. M.. alai arrh es atAlarri•litjrir ,kt 1,101 NOTicE. THE ilArtftisßune, Acc4 rmNtODATI6S TRA.IS fruits Pittsburg', whirl arris I, at Ist 6.;f1 r. , .1; 4 , there, iiassi':ngers fbr East lir I larrisburg lay aver an 1_41,1,551'. N. SAMUEL T) VOUNU, &A-9 Supt hikblfsi R. rt 4. AINIX'G USCIJAI M ED t'llinl , erurg, State of Penn- MEM REll J., W DE.A.L., P. M inn a. - •fj,lai oo - 14,e-91 9f, lii=2 ,riorth ul the Po.t Office. and opp,,lte the Counq•Jall rt.m.,tment MEM MEM DRAWERS, TRAyELINC; BAGS 01 1.:.2^ I+ 32 :Loit Legal. Rotireo. A' 1)31 IN I STRATOIi'S NOT ICE.-No-; tice is hereby given that Lettersof Administration] on the Eetateof A. - P. Eversnle, late of Antrim township.] dee'd, tutre been !minted to the undorgizaed. km ,,,, mr. themselves Indehtthl to said Es tat.' Will mob' :mmedinte payment; anilthese bay; inC• 1111.0.11 t them property anthomemeti for settle . mint. [nor.!-tit'j A. T. N. EIiEIZSI )1,11, Atinfr. A DMINISTRA.TOR'S tj(n is heroby given 'that Let, nn tlwEetiate of Jarob Riot lati deed, have been Cinnud to tl. 111111 All per,On4,knowing them.elvt, 1. bred to slid r.4taW will please make immediate papa old and Tim-, having, claims present them. - pnoperly' male ; C, ated - for settlement. eetk., ELIZ.kBETI 111t01431. - - A riNIINISTRATOIt'S NorrlcE:—No -Li- tine is bereky givetitkat Letter.' 4,1 A4lminharation F.. on the . r ate „ j,., e 3 Jones, late of Fannett.tbari4 dee'd, have been granted to the tualersgied. Per^nn , knowing them...l'vea indebted to ....aid Estati v,ll plea-, make immediate paymen . t. and tho.e having m t chains prevent them ppertv untheneated for ~e ttleinen 01 . 1 . 21 i 36114. WALKER. Adnir DIIINISTII -vr ()R - S, NOTI CF,.-L_NoL Is hereby given, that letters of Adminigrati k in On The ::.rate of Chri.tinnitoyer, late of Anton, township, dew d' luiveeen granted to the nader,gned. • , I All pen.oin, indebted to sasd Irlzaate are requestett make immediate payment, and tho-e hm Mg elating will plea, pr,elit them properly antheaticated for settlentetal ( . 11.111,TIAN ROVER, J A 1.) IN ISTRATOR'S xwricE.—No ix. Iu roby ziren that Lett , r, ot. Allmin6trati4l on of Daniel Drill tat , • of t.l)l,WwhiP. le., ' • L. 1' tzninteil in Al: ,Ml'r,q, Lunn in;; then,. icticl. E•titte m ill plea., l i itiniiiitan• 1,1) 1:11Vith: ehtill , jot ~,, lit Int MEI A I)IIIND , :TIIATOR'S rive ie hereby wit en that Janten:or Adtninigrnhint lel the EStett.uC .11 , 0 , 11 1 . 11/Ih. l a te of WeShilletell tnwit shop, dee . (1:11.11e been :zrllteal to the Illithq - Sipled. All perhuns kninvihn; indt•hird to said getntk. plett%r make itnnle.linte payment; and tho,e having, rlain;94.n,ent them prope::y autlietineated fin -ettlemept. ort 19 DAVID - 11. FUNK, Adnir' • A DNIINI srr )11'S NOTICE.—N- 11 tie iv her, , by zit en that 1.-rttirs of Administratibtf no tho Iletnte of \VIII. t f ilhn.ui. late of Ohio, deed. hate beet: granted to the lizolereiznol. All pereons }.non he themr•lres indebted to salclEstate will please 100 he immediate payment: and those baring claims preeeur them properly pntheutn•ated for settlement,: net 19 .11311.111-01 tIET7.. Jll, Adm'r) A D3tiNisTßATows NOTICE.-X tick , k he] Lti: on that Letterc of Alltnipi.tintibt on the 11%*t. of Grorg..• :al, or St. Th.. 111.1.5 tn& rlet , t/.,Lare Leon 47.1111,1 v. the peren, Isnowln_ theta-eh... 4 ink:voted m ,titl_l", will plelete make trotnedt..te ila.)loent ; :net ltavije claims pu•>ent th t: i n j,toporly dr. thetriwted for rA.ttlt`lileilt net l!1 .IpIIN C. SNIDER. 4‘...D.,II:LusTRAToi NOTICE.—N 6 , to rol y Zit ea that Leta' t c of Sdraini-tratan on the Emate af Artn , tronir late of llutltt'a, townqlop, de, d. limo . , !wen- Crusted to the tualersiamedl All pemons knmlin g. Ilidelatal to mid Egtat• gillli. sue make anaaltliate payaleat ; and tho-v h.l~ -b, clamp prO•eilt them ithperly,oltheatleated for ,kttletwait oetl9 " WILLIAM I'EIIGI-hON,kdalla WHNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Nb tier is hereby eiven that Later.. of Administration ha t) tare of Jame. W. Linn, late of Fannett townAiii deed Lace been granted to the under,i¢ned. All knowing. themselves iudebted to said , Esthte pleas, make iminediate payment;, and More havioa claims prevent them properly authenticated for settlement H. W. LINN. Adsu'r.. IL VDMINISTRATOR'S het•eby given that Letters of Mminigraion on the Estate of Charlotte Netrell, late of Antrim •bstrn ship. deed, lave bcqm granted to the undersigned, - All perons knoaingthemselves indebted to said E.tate make humedtate payment, and - those having alaltns pretest them properly authenticated for settlemimt sect - BEX.f. M. POWELI., Adnfl, 51,z.35,69. - t 9'2 DMINISTRATOR'S tie is, hereby Riven that Letters of Administra:tion en the Estate of John NV. Ilarbaugit. late of Waynesboro', deed„ have been granted fe the undersizned. All Tenants knomng themselves intiebted to bald EState trill please make immediate payment; and those biting claims present themproperly autbetieated for nettlelneut. opt:, ' JACOWBEAYER, Adtuly. 104.73'2 OCI 4 , 4,058 17 177,4 ,D)IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No ±1 given that Letter: pf the E,tate of 3lrn. Elizabeth !louver, late of Aiiirin ton-n.. 1111, hone been granted to the andel:4oler" Ail thenn•elves indebted to ~ Lid ‘v:11 ideiew make immediate paymeM : and thee 1111 , 71 D thenwoperly authenticated settlement ea,ls ' ABRAHAM HURST, Admlr. VXECtTOR'S NOTIC 12.,1 herehy given that Lettent TentarnentarytotheEmate' of James AVallare. late of tionthatnpton town•hip, 1131,,bven 47-anted to the underghoed. All per...a... knoalutrtitem.eltrrt.'iudellitml. to battl 17,..tate tcill please make immediate payment; and tlar, having tlaim, present them properly autlientivatett for •tettlement. nethi CONRAD PLASTER. EXECTJTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notiei! iiileStiy fitiVo.3 that LettorsTestainentary to the Estate of Noah Myers, lute of Montgomery towtobip, deett z lurve boon granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselres indebted to said Estate still please make immediate payment; and those having claims present thetn'properly authenticated for settleinent; I/ANIEL FIANVISECRER. Ee'r. - EXECUTORS NOTICE. —Notic:e is 124 het. by given Ur Letter= Te , tzunentary to t,be 1:s -i.lte of Philip Foust, I eof oouthanlpt4m townAkT, Lute loon granted the undirf..dera,L • .1.11 penons int e and to said l'...tato are regnAted to =he inanedtate payment. anti,lh,e 1111VillZ (lain' , Will 11(000 pre,..ent them properly antlkenti , ated tor ,, ttWinPlit '4,ets ForsT, EX ECITIOR'S N O TI C E—Noti hereby given that Letters TP.I.1111,1:Ity (11114: E.tata ,t 1 J tam l'kquvvr, late of Alumni dev%L hays Lain g .. rn.,ltltinit 141 rite ttndrniirctrl Al: print 'Kum, tug tll,•llthenlynns indebted ti, S.Oll tctate. Rlll 1011., rake inyment . : pronnennt tin, nun incopinrl:, nktntl,ntivatotl Gar .ett lemon. 'at Ll l . r vvricE.—Av iiert.a i,yilfa has I left my bed and bo.trtl tt itl lot Jut eau-o. I tmotion all person+ not to tro+t hor !Maly .1k4 . 011111. ILS I will rar no delo, of 11:.rt,ntniet ton. My flirt. children, Adam nom abd. CilllriOtte. I warn all to /111X1Nir or employ N, it hoat my c , nownt. DANIEL Ft nt NEI% , C,n.htown, Adam+ t o Oct..2ti. PRA —,:ft" ikost, *,tpitit ant ,Stragit. TT S. 5420 I'3o .Nl)6 STOLEN.-L - The WarehotNe of the under.iguccl was entered .by barglors on Than,lay night. the :tilt OIL- their Iron Safe broken ot,n. anti the folio,, int; V. e. 5-211 'tomtit stoles there fpoo. No- 74,1. 74,5 .nil 74:-.0. 4th serie.. froto ,1111, the 1 ., 11,1 , 1..1 . the Noven,oor interest 114,1 Imsen ett•t,tonoll. kt'o—A larzo l'yeket It )0), COntililliMt a rum . tb, All non-ens ore ttoton oti tout,ni at, • , t botttt, tl 4 prop r . lltTartt, of (4' the 1,, Pllti•,llC ha, , neon not:tl,l tlit, to.t.oo.L'lto • e•tt.,ll v. ill Inn FLU for the ,tllni of the i': , eket Book nith the I.l , puls. ot:, NEAI). NI rrlt'E.--:Syvvral of the , Bomb; of the (on.p.nty an• ha, leg heeloye 1 or w zio• h.tiol•of I,,ines not known. Any "1„, 14,..1. ,ni- of :'d Ilrtt•le kOn n e;‘e osefttl infer ot,ilz Thom t tt.ply',oz to It t I.l,:ehr or T. It. I. •1110•11. Cl , Alitt/I ,l, lt . Z.orFrodorit'k 'N'atts, .•t • tlet:t 11=1!il l US-I' , ,c ( ) It- )1 i S L:111). I leo\ (4 , 4.! P.k , ter 1 -. p":.linan . it, ~t. .n.t :..i..r“ ..ct .1 LI fi: ,-1.0-e• IL., ..fl'ap ..,,,,•:•(eo• fl ',tree% Ult.ii(tb., ,t.te...t M( )• 1:4/t't 't ? PULZ:.E.....w.y4/ii.x ..) W. : ~, ti ,, A IZ., .rd t,t :•ixvi , l be trIN Cll. hit I.', /lig it tit J. 14. i •Vilitltf,ll.4l anti Cup ,tote,l liainbe•-');tro --!. • 11.,243t .J( 111 N 11.V121 IN. L,i • 1 1 i IZElVARl).—S , tynyi•{l.orStoiell .. I :1) . 1,1 Ire. the .111‘.. rib, ,ol:••,icarkl.l l.s ay, riaL , ,-1 A 1.1 /I-Ilp V ISI. I.L. ahoat I, months t,1,1, ‘111:te : and fight ' re.i ~ t,,r milk .kit toile )ellow. Any, rer-,93, raturn , l .•”..- lour e-,11 be pail the ah,,ce remanl. , et. 26.•;- .. ;It 111 N LINN. near ChittithetAllarg. I L 1 , 4 1 5. I' 1.1.:cY 'li.- —The tola q si r,,.(41 i ! ,st- iivt. A ,ii El 1.1:1, Thurnklay, the bit of I /et;ibtr Ir3II I .. a:; 111.1•,A1 AWI the right mill , . A hberal nAA unl' 1; 31/11, s 4.:‘, I, 5n the rl'ellVery of the ottlitt, , 4,111i 0 PETEII. CRElCl6i.kl'3f. 1 17Thnrsday, the. iStli • 1 () , ,r J./ I barged oat 1.3- flue rebel.. ,nll.l 4,4101 , 1 - ....nnin4 the earlie,t all in-debt...l t.. lieu meat- ntlnonnt Ti 10.7.0 n llo ' ilss 0 10,0 1i1,11,1 ma ar‘l o ' 5O at the tune Hill bettl.l their .n e.tinrtD Inv note nr I . , • 1 .mPowrAyrNoTi .E.-1.,,,,,,,,,k now , t „.. ~ ~.. i„,tbe„,..•,—,1„.10,,A i 1:,-.,..r..., ~,,‘, 11,11%1.1.1111 4 . t.. onit, r a r.,sar 011 liK .all 110 . 113 pal .0 the ',Lee with,' oat delay 10 llr have eNta4ed irec I.e.fie et Ile;:o41,u-ale>i alai Die 111/AT ,r41,1,:z guats elelm.., ~ for malt. \\'e aril I. s ~4..Kironis .f do-i 1 . 1.7 nip ,air ~:a 1:0.1,... I ..115.eit . EY `ZTE,II & 11110. j ON EY WANTE NI) 4 FLACK ,11 1111'111,1‘ PS Illtit•htfq to 1110111 by 1101. , or 1 - 34.01:: oorooots tk luitke immediate bPttlement. t'fit,••••,ity tit thle - thqice upparont to over 3" eve, mot 'ye oebt..ll will report at , DVE Ii .—.I have lost trtv ;Toutit by'the de.troetion of l'h.anhtnia'n-z on flap ti 11 ult.. and aat4t troq to trio honor .11.11-Iko6:e old ,at..tona, to pay 111. I snit oaalty t 4ot i , d 1 0 141.44 Chambensbarg atkrilyill ha A. 1.1411.. 1.11 order, it, brtorp. S. :. 4 .411:1 1 4/Ch:. - ; ANK, OF CllANll3EltSlitritG, %ember, lot. be Dayator. of Lod: 1.10. lanYl a DIVIDEND o r pi, CENT. —puyabla on& nand.. nor_' - O. IL AIESSEIZSMITIh (ta..hier, I IptAltBER SII9P.—J. ltdit opene4 1-1 his 1413Tillir saloon in the, dwelling. of Tmut opposite the deadvnty lot. Me old eaaeniatre, and the public generally are rrepectfulty Invited toillti,ce lilm a rail • ansiliMi Esi NOTICE.—NoL tefq of Administration 0 of Given turrnshill, 10ndam.1. liEllitta; /WU.. GEO. BEN1'...01("1. ) ( 'l. la - 1 . ' : =I attont Cato. , W'S. STENGER, ATTOR-: NETS AT LAW.—W,- . S. STEstaln, District At. tarney and Agent forproetaring Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears of mi.. ' ptliee in Jatttes Duffleld's dwelling, on the West little of Second Street, beiween Queen and Washington' Stre'ets. QTUNIBAUGH 6: GEIIR, -A.TT.SIINEY:.• ki AT L. W.—Oft ee opposite Pact Oillee. Will tit- teiel prolrptie te nit Ineccess en,trasted to their care. P. B.—AutLerizeil Agents for the collectieu of Peasicce. Biatnty, flack Pay cad 011 other claims against the gaTern. mint. sepl4 • -IAT S EVERET'r.t Attorney at Law. • ()Mee on Market Direct. opponillb the Court It 'mum, formerlylonnupied by .Inr...t`ook, Eng. All legal ..tnisinesss entrmneillo his earn receive prompt arum. run. sep7-ti. 'NHS . STEW ART, ATTORNEY AT Law. 0 Odice otr Seeitnd Street. a too - doors Soath of the Market Roue*, PENBCONS..BOUNTY and otherelaim• promptly collected. fanfal • Jl.l. ENNED &.: AT'foßsETs AT LAW. hate for the ptv,ent removed their °Mei to the resident, of Lj. Nill. o n Second stlvet nearly app.,- vde the Market House - tanfr3l T ,Y3IAN S. CIJARKE, Arrotnirk AT -LA LAW, Chambm,hurg. o#lep (at the ohlplace) nu orket Street, nearly opix.ite the ourt Mune. [qel,2l4im IJ. NILL, ATTORNEY .AT LAW. • Si, of his re.ill;nee m Second street. llrf 13. KES'NEDi, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Ofitec on Markk greet. 0111:1 F-abblco anb pantroo. ADDL.ER V!' SADDLERY!!— ij JEREMIAH. OYSTER. ,reArectftilly returns his thou,.- to hi, p.itron, fur the liberal encouragement recei ved front them heretofore. and be would invite them and the i °nanny:iv generally. who May 11,d any thing Mid.; lute , to give him 4 call at his new sztalid, atr Ea.. 4 Queen -treet. near Mt! Franklin itailroUtl, Cbauthersburg whom hr /.eent c,tutantly on hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS-or his own manufacture, and he is prepared to ovr the Same on terms that defy competi tion. Every artiele altered for sale is war:rented to be Made of the bent tnaleriol and by competent workman, which will be fully demonstrated OTT an examination there of. Pitt - NI:S. AND VADISES.,-.lle would also rail the attention of pen,ons wantingda good neat and cheap and substanttal Trunl. or Volise table agsortment. junel7,63. TIP YOU WAN'r GOOD HITCHING Strapi. V4,111 , 111111' Stntp., Racking Straps, or any other Vint of Strap, nall at r. li. GORDON'S, one door south of Dr. J. 1.. Sue•SnrOft's tare. ‘ H. (ORI)ON HAS ON HAND A G • large a.t.ortment or S.IDDIES, HARNESS, BR!. COLLARN, wilt HALTERS, which he will well at nee.rrouble tenet DON'T FORGET GORDON'S PLACE of bui.ne44. un MAD, STREET, one door south of Dr. .1. 1,. Nner.....entt's Come one, come ell, imd see fur your- Alves. T F YOU WANT ANYTHa'G IN THE Saddlery line call at C. IL GORDON'S ahem you can see the setirl: all ready made and in the latest style. • intsion & i3ountn asencieo. OHN M. POMEROY, ARMY AND_NAVY AGENCt Nu. 204 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. The undersigned having resigned his position as Pay master in the U. S. Army, has opened mt. No. 204. South Fourth Street. an AGENCY FUR 'ROCURING PEN SIONS and forthe collection of Ocent', Soldiers' and all other CLAIMS against the Government— ". My, long experience as Payngskter has given me unusual facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with this business in all its details. On the receipt, by mail, of a statement of the case of claimants, I will forirard the ne tessary papers for their Personal attention will be given to the eases at - Washington. No charge unless successful. when $5 will be - chaiged ittr collecting small sums under $BO, and $lO cm all sums to, yr that amount, and under $2OO. Larger claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension cases r as fixed rev LIVT. JOHN M. POMEROY„ No. 204 South Fourth St. junl7 63-tf. BOUNTY. AND WAR CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions procured for solalers 61 the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease contracted_ while in the service of the -States nail Pensions. elm Bounty, and Arrears of Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who Lustre 'ied or hero killed while in service. JOHN R. ORR, Claim Agent. Chamtiersburg, l'a.. eirrtion gotirro. N - TOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. 'IN OF THE "CONNELLSVILLE AND SOUTHERN !PEN. - NSYLKANIA RAILWAY COMPANY."—An elect ~ Minn trill be held for a President and Liireet6ta of the "Con, --- ‘ 'nellsville and, Southern Pennsylvania Ralltrav Company," r ut No. 238 South 3rd Street In the eity of Philatielplaia,nn : 2 7:11,,,, , day. ihe 10th day of ‘ Noronha - . A. IJ., 1864, at 2 0 elock, P. M. . . S. S. IlPssrim., , A. J. BAER, ALEX. STLIZIIAN, I JOHN CE.ISSX, 'OOO. W - ;.IIOeaEIiOLI,HR, A. iiiiio, , i it D. BARCLAY,' C. W. ASHCOILV, i OCt2G-it, JACOB WAItREN, Commitskiners. VLECTION.—BANK OF CH : AMBERS- J 2.4 in:li;.oetoberlo,lP64. , —An election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to berm for the enTaing year, Trill be hold at the Bank Room on Monday, the 14th day of November nrzt, at? k, P. M. I ,octi2 G. R. MESSIIIISMITH. Cashier. Ver.sonat Vraprrtp *ales. -SALE.—A spud STEAM ENGINE, Iton,• power. in a... 1 r nditi u, CFITI be xeeu by af T. ser2l-tf • e JACOB GARVER. - FOR SALE.--A One Horse Tread-Power; (rdt•r: and for sale Wa - . Apple at this ale, _ _ VOR SALE.—A full couDze Scholarship in the Quaker City lilrimuq College of Plliinaolphot. Apply at thi , . (iop7-tf Pbmiriaus. =I N: MONTGOMERY have asso.-iiaea thetn•el.',• in fhe Pretetiee of Maki..., and In.e taken an litlive in the lute re.idenee of Jamb It Miller, sunnetliately opposite the tenon Church. A I4per-.+l, inttebte9 t....itheruf the abve. trill plea, make early ,ettle.nent.:”( the tune24-tn D . W. H. IIOYL-E will attend prompt . 111th e in the Vestibule or th. , !Nen no,l near the Joit, tatt4-1., fetisrettaiirouo. - - - - - Elll CANIIANK NOTE REPORT-EH - The 0,11,- Book Note Iteporn rin Phile4olphie.. PUBLINIIEIt The only or,. h I,tainiw 1.11 OT ATI( )NS UT %W I. Note. 1'1)11: '- = I only one tvhieh contains the NATIONAL BANKS far organized. official lint( - _The °llly one n•hiph eoutitin, the Cl NER AL Dl§ MI NT in I=l tSkie4.4-0. Baltimore. NVuslzhigtwi Ibtypupott, eineimuttl, Albany, Pittsburg, St. Paul, ' St. Louis, Itattque. jtiluraukee, I,la (9r V. I. vu, 1: I 1 e ter, BE ritO Only one TChikh gives the earliest information of NE* COUNTERFEIT NOTES, Markets. Stocks, =I AM) ViNANCIAL NEWS / . . I, ' II •I ' PES "r th`' " A." 6 ` l ' B." N,t It, P'n'tur: 1 , 1.1 . M.:1A1, ANt, Tr PnGRAPHIC.A i. C\}:Q('ALEI I st - 114,clzipTioN 11:12 ANST3I.,IN Al/rANCF,: L5O f Semi-:110,1;10.y. . . S . : '4O 314,:it10y.. 1.50 1,1604% 11, 6. , 11111 TIIII:1) SireeT. (third HO,or.k. r. E. (1)1I EN.' 4+17 4 s QT(WIiII.OI.I)EI'.S EE'r n A .K wt. I;th 186.1--A gou• nleeh ~ f tho Stockholdor. of the Ilan"; of Chtunlwrs o hi•hl at the Banking house. an ritadaY, day of ,V,rerabrr inert at Tim .A-lock. A. M.. fortll3 Of taking' 1115" and deciding ion the .pio.tiont. whether Or not said Bonk sludl beet.° an Astor c'nl;ol3 for Parr r yillg ou the lonsinees of thinking adder the Lan! of the United Stat., and of ezt rc6:rig the pwc% conferred by the act of the I 'enteral A ..caddy of Ibis Cow nionwoalth. entitled "An act enabling the Banks of this l'unlinonwealth to become insswi.itions for the purp,o4l , of liat&lng under the laws of the United States," approved the 22,1 dap of Antrum, I errl ; and to take Such netionVitbow.- regard thereto as may be noceciatn and proper, By ordar: 7 l9. of tint, 'Board of Directors oetl9-41. G. R._ SEESSUILSIIIIII, Caidder._ mt)iLER, HAMILTON & CO.. Have-Inqt," finis n,nrtnu-nt of STOVES, T. JAPANNED AND OTHER WA R . E. The}•utn aletenninthi to nen lower than itnylxoly ..he. 'flee put on TIN lit /0 PINf:. tot lonlityqnsterial for IF Cent. per 'ulnae f,t ; if rent,; ZIA quality I 4 They do spot-Tin; elleaplv welt and' promptly. They use best Ino. for Stove l'ipes. and charge hot 18 eroti'per lb. - Curve and ire if von cannot do better 'With them ihan with any other establishment l'Heee rellueetVto snit the (IMP, oettbi 1-17' TERMS CASH'. ,i 717/ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GLASS -L WARE. Qneensware and Stone were. together w Ith a general amortment of Cedar ware. such as Tubs. 'Buck. - CtA, Bowls, half Bohn% &a, inst received and 'Aroma at ennh mien at E. n. Rvym. Of- =I Scu Ytlk. t EMI