The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 09, 1864, Image 2

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    4VIIIOIiU . • Ntptisiti,telll.
Wednesday,.7invelinber 9, 1864,
The great political struggle of IE6-1 lie=
longs -to history, and few there be who'd()
:notrejoice that it passions and prejudices
have fulfilled their tuisscon, or at, least ex-
haustetli their efloits for e' il. That their
baneful fruits must linger and survive
the field of mad strife and pbrenzied po
litical hatreds and , hopes, is, we fear, but
too true :. but it is a welcome hour to ev
ery faithful man that doses the contest
and bids the conflicting hosts to retire and
yield the victory to tlMse who have won it.
Never before to venue struggled through
a National • contest with such a sense of
responsibility. and with such mingled
hopes and fears, as in the onO just closed.
We had no idols to consecrate with power:
no shrine ofpersonal devotion that called
out a "I:tition's overflowing love and en
thusiakinn such as wept in the train of the
4till white phone of Harry Chiv. Men anti'• 1.
men-worshippers were dwarfed in the
Colost.:11 issues of the contlf i ct, turd they
faded into insig,nificance as"a migi?ty
struggfed with deitilly treason
in the Acid and subtle treachery at home,
for its lo‘rn life•. Candidates were but the
rnpres'entatires 'of ideas, around whom
gutheiled their supporters often with sul
len, earnest, tireless effort rather . than the
heart shouts whiciihave usually intuit , the
welkin ring in Presidential contests.
- Passion deepened into prejudice—pre
judicelinto implacable hatred even of" . a
beneficent government: and tlfere were
thousands upon 'thousands whu were hi
senNilily led, step by step. until they
mourned Our country's triumphs and le
juiced at its misfortunes. Clouded by in
tensitied'poritical inclinations, they forg“t
-- the hilly duty. of the citizen to law and
orderi and laWlessniss sprang tnillio4r
tong,4ed•from one side' of the contenailig
lineb and spread the seeds of anarchy
=wig friend and foe. On the side of the
Deiniicratic party_ there was an habitind
teaching of disregard for law—a constAnt
wetufing out of the sanctity with which all
havEi been taught to regard it 411)i:firer
-- --days!; and it culminated in thousands of
skt4ing conscripts who, forgetful of ho
nor,i shame and couhtry, turn upon their
own! homes, upon their house-hold-gods
and;urion their Nationality, and peril the
j• last hope of Free Government by their
perthJy. Equally, earnestly and persist
eritl, were the people taught that our
taxes are but needless oppression: that
ouTlebt but-the fruits of remorseless t'y
. =fly, and that the calls for troops to
strengthen our brave armies in the field,
are 'bat the steady strides of a grasping
usurpation: and resistance even to reYO
- lution was counseled. either in spirit or
in fact, until the last adage of a free pen
ple-k-the majesty of law—was threatened
in the very - house of its friends. , Conhi
such elements in a National struggle fail
to he fruitful of evil' -Not alone within
their own chequered ranks did it lessen
the sanctity for law: hut its pestifermts
breath spread,likl?ir deadly miasma over
friAnd and - tbe. andiaiped at the very vi
tali; of the life of triadic.
4- -Weyrite wit Ito knowledge as to tlie
re alt of the great contest.. We hope to
re& - ird in these columns the re-election of
Pisident Lincoln a decisive marjority.
but. improbable as it is, a different result
is i:emottly.poAsible. and we would have all
men, of whatever political persuasion, pre
pap to leave passitiff and lawlessness on
tIM field so desperately contested, and
'make commnu cause for the iireservation
ofl the government. If Gen. M'Clellim is Presidenf of the United states. he
lu(s a right to "demand the itupport and co
operation of every citizen in his efforts to
. administer the govennnent. As its con
- stßattional head, we should histaiii him in
• -
al t l things looking to the safety of our in
, stutions. We. should differ- with him
dimbtless in many of his measures and
' cqinicil against his ,polity -; but looking
114 wo do to the majesty of law as the only
safety to person, property and our institu
lions. we should seek, to strengthen rather
than weaken his pincer so long as he stood
litraly for maintaining the unity of the
States and overthrowing treason. And
e4ually sacred is the duty imposed upon
opponents of Mr.-Lincoln if he is our
Chief Magkafate, clim,en in cdnformity .
- With our laws. Mere political differences
cannot justify an open. iltp.perate effi t!
fiefeafthe measures of the goviffnment• in
, adly conflict with traitors. Ife who
j aun
es that he is the best judge of what
_ 7 , 'sures the government should adopt to
, preserve it, au& refuse as:ent, or support
' t 4) anv other, is himself either deceived or
. purposely faithless i to his country : and
whatever may-be the political affinities of
Our chosen' rulers, let :them be sustained
- With one voice until treason is overthrown,
' and an honorable ;gull enduring peace
gained for ourselves and posterity. We
• hope indeed that the torrent of .partizan
prejudice has spent its fury,—and that
henceforth we shall make common cause
- ..._
to rescue the Republie from its relentless
foes, and give speedy and decisive triumph
:to Liberty and LaW !
The eifork of the
_Dennteratie lenders
to defy the nrllly vote have been peisist
ent and earne,t. They resisted the ex
tension of ,ufirage to the sololy
be• they feared to allow them to \ ore
for the can't' fur "itivit they w ere pet iling
their liven ; but defeated in their effort to
digfra r ichif,te out• heroes in the tiehl, they
next re,t4lve,ll Iu (lefland them by
nuttic and :denude:, manipulation of their
votes and by - the aid-of every tlinHy_tech-
Meal irregularity. lu Newyork the SPA"-
mour and .1"(21ellati It:niers nen. appi (
)Jenard in a -.Nips of the ino:4 Jtjipaling
forgeries and hands n pun the soldier; and
ate 'ptirit:. oftllel.atllot-sox, :mil in Penn-,
lvania e'•er\ sophistry has liven enlled
in to_aid tl:ni hi 'utterly disrvgartling the
vote of our battle-searred heroe, in illy
V4ir ~ u tdi a work Gen. Cotlioth is a tit
instrument. Without rational appt
tion of the S accident thing npon
_ him. it is. not.surPrking that 1w:411 , 11111 nt-
tempt to defy the laws and pilfer the
empty honors of an illegal certificate of
election. hoping to gain a seat for a few
months ill the next Congress. That he
can hope to hold it in the face of his pal
pable defeat, is not probable - even with
Gun.. et:ft:lth. He may think foolish
thing: andinflate himself with the wild
est of chimeras ; but he cannot be such
a super extra Ass as to believe that a
thoroughly 'Union Congress would not dis
pense with his Presence as speedily as the '
rules will , allow of it. Still clinging to
the position from which his own constitu
ents have ejected himehe is, we must be
lieve, a party to the insolent disregard of
the law that has culApated in rejecting
certain at my returns for informality in
Adams. Fulton e and Bedford count
Th ere is no evidence of fraud: but merely
e :mlarities. which, it mu-a be _reinein
laq ed. are all covered 1:y the law itself
pros iding that u;) mere intro malities .Loll
detbat the army star:q.v. Regardless of
this plain direction of the law. enough of
the army vote has been rejected by the
,judges of the three counties
named to give Coin oth an apparent 11u
jority. and he has received a certificate of
elect ion aftelp , fashion.
In last week's paper we showed that the
run 411 jut •es -had flit authority to reject
any e less so defectis va, "to p t e•-
vent lie frombeing undeistood.'' It
is not Pretendeil-that any pats of this vote
is not perfectly
,intelligable=every vote
returned is entirely underssood. but the
difficulty is that the soldiers did dot please
to vote for Cotfroth and, thereflior their
'ballots are rejectea.
\Ve borrow no trouble about this f‘adislt
ttttelopt to ilefnual the Vnion people and
the_lolve soldiers of the I Cult district out
II the, viection of Gen. Koontz. They
have 110 W exhausted their villainy and in
due time the remedial power of the pi ()i.,-
authorities AVM lay a strong hand on this
attempt to usurp t o seat in Congres; itt
detianee of the people, and Gen. Cotfroth
will have only grief for his labors. The
case is hot without precedent. In Irol
M r. Butler teal regularly teturm:il as eke
ted iu the It district of Philadelphia I've' .
11r. Lehman. Ito had,„ the certificate of
election and as far as the preliminar.k curl
monies of the law - could go, he was the
mentber of Congress elect. Rut Mr. Leh
man alleged that the "return was made out
by frauds in eertain precincts, and at once
indicted )Ir. Byerly its the chief instru
ment in consummating them. Befori•
Goy. Packer issued his proclamation de
claring. under the broad seal of the state.
who here chost.o to Com, , ress, Mr: li, ptly
was con icted and imprisoned. The re
cord of 1.11(. ft-until - was thus brought offici
ally betore ft;.Y. Packer, and It accepted
it and tout the demand of justice
claim ing Mr. Lehman elected.
,Thi being
the official evidence of the election of Con
gressmen. the, Clerk of the house entered
Mr. Lehman on the rolls and qualified
him, leaving 3ty. Butler (attside with his
certificate of election in his pocket.. Ile at
tempted to contest, ',.but ILLS own patty
friends rejected him. lit the case of this
district tin: evidence of the election of
Gen. Room.. i, ,a• record lusty. oiliev of ,
the Executive. :t 41 it is e melusiVe. Even
irlTgllialitit , :HI, exp essly prohibited by
the law of the State from - putting the can
didate honestly elected ill the posttiou of
a contestant. and by that law Gov. Curtin
is solemnly bound, and in :teem dance with
its jupt requirements he will, we doubt
nut, is.sue his proclamation in due time de
- daring Gen. Koontz elected. and thus give
him Isis seat. Hon. Ed waid M'Pheison is
the Clerk of the House. and we Clllltilligni -
ZillY and atrectionatety advi,e' Gen. , Cof
froth that he will (1111 , idel jilt' artily vote
fairly polled as entitled to be-fairly eounk
ea, deference to the Isroad seal of
Pennsylvania he will call and 'plant) -
, Wm. 11. 11001 AZ as the Congressman from
the 10th district. Gen. Cothoth willthen,
.have his constitutional right to protest
and to contest, and we Mil him be merry
in his labor of 'forcing himself into Con
gress by defrauding the soldiers out, of
'their votes. When the General is through
with the atThir, he will oblige us by report
ing all early statement of the profits (tithe
-The_t,llicial nthjorities of the :limy
-"vote for Gen. "Koontz in the seveMl coun
ties of the district ar , as- folloWs : •
Adams 175
Franklin - , - - ' - 111
Fnit,m :Li
• Iteiltiml .
t•mnierwt. • -14 n
Collroth's majoriq on home vat, 601
lionntz't; majority
_on whole vettl.. 74
The record evidence of the election of
Gen. Koontz fortunately does out depend
solely upon the returns to the several
counties, where they are accepted or re- :
yeted as unscrupulous partizans prefer,
but they mere of record in the Exeent FIT
office at Ilarrishm•g, and upon them Gov:
Curtin will vindicate - the purity of the
ballot-Lox, the sanctity of the soldier fra4-
chise, and the undoubted right of Gesi.
Koontz to a seat in the next Congress;
.1- , the cal now stands, both " o -1;ntz
owl Cotfilith have certificates of 't ectiim.
Gen. Koontz's certificate gives the lull
vote of the distrietas follows:
- k,,,,,,57. cortr,;,h,
.1,1.1 , 11. 'l;2s '27:0
11,..,1f0rd 21•1:, •2:;17,
I'mukun 11.", o, 11157
nilton, 7 „ :,:i2 , r ., 1
Sulam,' " 270'2 1."412
. . .
11,12: 11,171
. ,
Koontf.• majority, 88.
1 . poi: thi , w hole we regard Gell. KIMIlt•
' it, Oltr C011gre,S111:111 elect, and have to
' fears but t haat , will takehisseat. ii living
in December, I Sti:i. and serge until the -hi
- of Motel,. Ir l o7. ' ''" •
It is :it ;ill times 'unwise to Conceal the
pet ils that surround us, and especially so;
iu time; Hite, the present, when the desti
nies ofsociety are trembling- in the ball
:owes. and every care is - needed to pre
serve its order and stability. It is then,
ith just ("Misc. for -alarm, that , we See
abroad in,t he laud a prevailing ant-grow
ing tenibMcy to hi wlessness, a Spirit of
disamdie,uce to establish authority. and a
consequent increase of .crinie. °Such are
the beginnings of a!nar n elty, ana if they are
smffer . e4l Ili increase. if 'one43 the st ntiutA
bands of law are broken asunder. then be
gins the carnival of ruin. It'is not
cult to point out ale causes of suclo state
Of affairs among us. War, and especially
such an one as that in which we are now
4.nguged, naturally gives a lieen:.e to crime
A thousand. evil.: follow in its train Ndliell
110 discipline can reach and no law pre
sent: Under the high plea of military
necesAty, it often over-fidc , the civil pow-
IT., and so. in the conflict of authorities the
guilty go unpunished. The disturhed
state of society, ale, caused by the pres
yore of a arnty. is such as greatly fa
cilitates t i i tt sums of the htwless and
wicked. nuuderer clothed in the
uniform he has'dishonored. is lost among,
his conyade;i: ttliile thieve , . and plunder
ers, ply their trades unsuspected. We who
live ;dung the border. where contending
armies hare swept over Its. have sullered
and ;ire still likely to sillier from this de
mon of lawlessness it hill! It ar has un
chained. Pot there is and
‘‘t• think. 11 far little r,nitt'td v:nt.,:v. it
may which has tilled th,• whole land it lilt
:11)111 C11(41,1401 ;Ind brought ft•l't ;th
many hurt ilde 11111111:..;: , ;111.11 t;r1111P , 1t is
~y lllpathy Vr ith tI t rebcllinu. lit•b0111011
is or ani ctl rUNkI:IIIC(` it, lawful ;Intim; it v,
-and it is natural to expect that s‘ wrathy
iiith it would show itself in laWlessuess
and insubordination. And SO tt e hat t
ev,ery degree of it, ft out that tthich
tleno\inces the admini-a ration ,!•,. tyran-
lea]," to that 'N114.11 openly and ilvtiantly
shoots down the officer of law. When a
re:1,414;114 prcss gatlivr, to
ether •llch things a.: arc ratenlated t4irA
itt• the pa,,i(ou> of the att.
''' itr=r\ n t
.1:11' tor tlii.:Tirejtffilref- 11!ell I t.I
t ••:: :
tt and :1u n.“ .. 11 pet. - v:in•n
izan , ; 1,--,n1;(41 111,11
• 1 , ),t, and arm, a'av 0.10 C.d !1) tL:•::1
t111011:2:11 . MWMt t)1 -1, - , 11;;Ii!;t
it t• ,11011111 trap I,l'olll >tn•ii ,ek 11. a
Of ei rout and hluutl•-iu•tl
ittg that thQ :u•t• tall; rt,i,t
-ulat bets of - the attn., i ist !au -
ever sineete. this 1 . :1,• d oesnot
avert the areallfal cuuse.tutau , ut tlit•ii .
conduct'. The Tirit ut insulioritination
whiut once aroused, due: not ili4i•riciinate
lietween laws. The _New 'foil: moll that
destroys the l'rovost
out stop until it has rim through tile
whole catalogue ut crimes. Authotit
cannot, lie resisted in olio 'point Nvithout
wounding it in all the ri st. ha\ e
pointed to those thing-v not to ex, use the
hmgcssnes , that now cur:es society and
lt desire liligthe
(:':[11:4, 1 to Shutt hots gre;lt i um in til Let
the lieettse Of war float the - talialter of
crintinalz..• let the spit it of tiea , on anti le-
Le]]]on roiltimig• to ill...tilt 11(•-
fy the 1411 - I(.(.rs laNy or.lue,ulPin.nrree
tinu 1111(14.1 the cloak of party anti it
regiiii 1., no 141(4144W. (4414.4414• to i(4l et(.ll the
ruin that await, in the ','mare. fa ppily.
however, the mean , . are not wanting to
avvit the fait. we Tin in,!l • e-
Mince of a collect mural , ent intent amo
deieneeto,oloo to ',Loot •
the lawful authorities mhoevet they may
be. constitute the simple and permanent
remedy foto111:m lessees.. lit these 'lays.
as in no time , in the past, the opinion of
the people has a power that nothing can
succe.sfully resist. ft can:f mope: ly
Srcted,in the degree
e.xcesNes of more than all, at
home, it can 'lna au such a look of d(4,1-
mination that lam. lessness will ,•,,, v( . 1 •
fore it. and hide it , elf for teat.
porn' and heal: when they devend fur
their etiicienQ upon the alrilitc of
the authorities to enforce them: but N% hcu
they are backed by the healthy mot a
sentiment of the people - they become irre
e••i;tible. and he would be a -61141-Man in
deed who would dare to resist - tlimn. 'We
appeal then, to every eitizen, now tint the
i:iolence:of party struggle is over, to few
get the past and cordially and earnestl.
unite iu upholding lawfully constitute(
authority. Particular laws or men nnt •
be tlisPleasing to us, tent public interes
and public peril alike demand the saeri
Lice of personal feelings. IVe are all
interested in maintaining miler and seem
ity in society, and each eine., to a large
degree than Most are pi rhaps are.'is
custodian of the public peace. It is then
in view of the whie:lt surround a.
the impend ice duty of all; to rise super
to gait}- views, to cultivate a heat tfe
alt3 7 foy their country, to uphold tb
majesty of gm - 4.1114(.1d-, to respect
trates, to be' submissive to law. and tln
• • • - ie tit tes%
Chicago Convention after explicitly
declaring the war a failure and demanding
its cessation "in the name of justice, hu
manity. liberty and thy public welfare."
proposes, as a remedy for our troubles.
"an ultimate convention of , the States or
other peaceable means." No 1001 v wept).-
tenis or mischievous duct rini: could be
taught to the*people than the' one emba
died in that infamous "second resolution."
It seems,to propose something which m ill
bring uslo what every 10. al heart most
earnestly desires--peace : and so. many
persons, without 'considering what the
phut is, have thoughtlessly heel' led am - a:.
b•, it. Bat a moment's con . sideration t% ill
show its lurking treason, andthe folly and
danger of cherishing it while the country
is passing through its tier tri a l. At the
very moment, 11 ben 4)01. :unties are_t (trot
ding the rebellion, when the . 1 emotive, ot•
treason are exhateted. its finances - MAN ly
ruined, its armies demoralized, and its
President frantically- calling upon count.-
less deserters he ('al'l'ot compel to cottie
back, at such a time it demand , . that we
\fhollid sue for atr armistice! 11• e must
let the prostrate and dcspetate foe, who
sought to take our life. up on his
then heg him not toinjure us. After forty
mmiths of war and till out• costly st . terilices
_ to crush this rebellion. we are to cease ono•
eftbrts that the accursed Ching ma} rally
its wasted energies :nal then coax it to a
submission. The brave are magnanimous,
but this is not the magnanimity of valor t
it is the foolhardiness°, rashness, cotn•ting
its own dl•strricttvu. Along with an -
act)t ,franklin tltpositatn, tbainktersburg; pa.
mh3tice-an "ultimate," not au imOdiute thousambi: of IldierS, w should be in
convention of the Sthtesh:propo,ed. And the tield. are now necessary at home to
how is this to he brought about ? Have enforce ti ! e •lg A rs and preserve order iu
the Southern states doisectit, 4isit at sui:h tlistyfrts as the tSpirit'spoliticalfriemis
all likely that with the armies of treasoa l n argtly plwdominatc, it might have given
in their midst tin emimWt to , m4i anotifer good' rean ,for the possible
a procedure, .10,1 yet without t heir coU- ee-zity of anotili, , r 41.1 aft. If.the ~),;) • it and
sent the proposeki eimventhai canuot be its kindred journah. will but (lemma that
hell. The suggestion i. ati
awl. in the pt e,ent eriti . eal condition ofolir
eotiiitry a Nyiel:ed cheat thatsinii , :t work in
the -.erviee of trea,:oii: :•ailarini-4iee with
a view to 'tile eoliventloii of the
States." : ‘ , only ittet'ut'in
the ryt•ogitition the:euitti.tivriie. - anti till
destrittlitin Of (tilt' Ntitiontility.! "(iv otitt.r
pc:wt.:titre liteatt,t.': 11 - . hat :tift•l ‘ t lanntragt.
Ilitlll. pan tt.ll wile,: it i, National
lif:w10111 - 171 w;lrilcbts.
t o in hiu g !II Irtjffil,k , 4c. ;old
the u-taltlit-ittymit tit ,--1;t - ,01:, ritt ilit- tem
titrit.,: :di
.1. ,titi,otot 1111.1-
:nloli , iullk 111:114)1
opost• th••nt. 1\t:11,•1 - pi :1, -.04c.
0;1:1 vii: y, ill 11)1: q il -
1"i" " 1 ant! tho
11 1 .0 v,, or
"' I- r t l t" ,ll l' t iniii It',
..,\Vi•li t 11 not 1i it i tt4l4, l
\\ itil nit• ;A t t• of iiip nalliiii, \liitilli t titiiiit, , i
lilllirliMt. It ionti;111: ii , ' of ' o,,, vtllil , '-' , \'''' '
learned long ago:
- Iliery v.a. otl ~lo 11 .11 Vihi..‘ma : ' I t"" -
!•••h:111 1 11-, tn,it• lilt , ittlrl ?Ito t•:tVt.
. t - 1 ti 'II -
, is, t :, ui,' ii,- , . .
\\.1...!,•', a .•% -,t,t',.1, :1,,:-. Lt•.l a; Of iiii• i•ttN't '..
0 .,
Tin t " 1 1 t•till• Iflillll t \t11111(1 i'litiliAli t iO•li ..
1111 i; sll l / 1 111 , -tifill: it it t itl( V. t isir•ll - liiViti- ill,
ilitill t l ttilliVilt,,,i tit' Jt•ll. 1.)10.i , A:I ii.:-. :
ual'invt• \ VA•11.1, - ( 1'111144.f : 1 . 10 (11,-; 41ii11 . 2,-,
Pot [HI tin• ; . :11,-. , , ,, 0 pi,it:lini i- •I'l;I:lit , '-:
1. , I 1ii.....::-.....% . ~:c.,. i-:1 v.... it 1 ii. it . i. viti 4 1 1
Iii• $1 ;1'. “ i'.! 1: l i'"01. /;Print e 1.., . , •111.t:1 ,.,
of I hi' • 4.1.,:,;., ,, 1ij ~,ii , (,1 221 .. ..I . ..7. ,. ..: Or OP . ,I•
11111.•% ' , 11:l.. 1.1:: '!1 , 1'.,1 1 1 , 1 ,,, : .'"]ll'. .`
•I !,,,,
it .11,.1 ' , I t , 1• , 1•.c0 1 .t .t 1 4., ' 111 . 1.11.0.
ill/1!1,Ell I ..11: ~:li, • .1. , 1 AIWILI l ''' ' , l :“'''`‘ 4 1;
( , iii ~ 11. 1 , :1,1 1 iil 111 .' ... 1 {1 . 1 : ,, . :i ' “ . l ,/ dt . silin
l' . ' l ' " ''' \\ ,
... I, i n ( r1'"1 , I!. 1 . 0.111!
. ..Ci . :`2, i:
Li: .. P:.l)l^l.ilit • nr :!I N.l ' triti . l . it t s - ••.• -t. i,t - i ...
Wl' , i•i 11•_: ; 11 ttil i :1,111%, 1 1. ,it' ', „ei X7l
.ii I'l l I\ i , t l l. ilii• l' , .1 1:', , 1 t 'tt'i : t 'tltiii
:It , .11 ti , ..itt Pr:, I' t !Ii•-• , 11 t' .1 f• • ....,.+,..:- ~
fni:nt ', o•n-. 1'; i, %v.! 1 ',I .11i" , ,ir. ..i.t , t.•
to gi‘ c in i`. ,, ,k1 I, do, . ', ),. :11.i: 1 ..1 II .-
11011 , ;11.1111W. it , ' iltill• "1111'4:41, ii: it - - 1 , ;•11:111.
j 111I'l 11 . 11111',4tilifl - .1144 ft', t i • lill..' fitt,i.iii 1,111
-11. , •\Vi t 111 . 1 i•I•111111}1 . l 11•. till. 1111.1:1.:Zil 11 , 1 .
111110111' pc,tliw•ly of , v.::. :i -'r•. p• ,: '11;111111
' 111111 IlillItilitilli• illtili•it lii - t t ;I/ 1111- iitill ".:(`
11111 , 11 w iii o:It• wind. -.\l::ii-.lnec ”t rvar:•-
ttltli• nivan..".;;tl \ , 01.11, ‘.l . ' ..t.h.0...;111 a i ; (.
1 conifoit to iffil t-In Inie, :wt! .1,...1..1. '1 irh, 1111.1..1:. 1 . 110,0.,111:1111t4 Pi , . Y 1t1i11,111 , 11
l i 1111111. 111011' ti' 11 , 1 , 11. 1 ti lilill' . lla Cirllli , ,:i i li 1:11,1
1.41111( . 1111 ['Alt ' Il Ullil ell, , 1,41111111'111 1111140 J:
i lISI'a lit .' it.lllllll.ll :I'll ;1.1 - ..i.11141 ht. iill All
111111i4t1:1114/11 t tut iill• lll ' ''. ill ; t,. I:lii./lii, It
keep up mir :trii;;(•-•.'in the' ;:.k lil. -,;,1111.11.(
a I,lolv to tIc.:1 , ”:1 II (.(01111 not 10111 4 111.;:'i...•
pa ii.,-
IVt• gi‘ e ;a1.% ott• - I:l,l.liiti•
in i hi, .11.11 i, I. vlucti;.:, .111.1. , ••
'rite te•itlnt
('(0,grt..,1011,11 ji1(1 7 41, jejc•rti d
tiloty rt it of the ;truly vote tti Jutize
iuuuell it"l it y. :1 et•ltilivatc ha
heel/ alsolcllll ;I:id
jtufge: but ila. a o t , ltunt :•:Autuu.q.'l, ,
a ,, unteil lit deli.lllVi• 41: . till . 1:11 . .". tO ' 1101 : 1-
1111111.' tile , if th . c cit., I\
i Ill . :, .11 - t• l'it.:1.111 i:Ii:. to Elirti . I[ o I ,na
ct•itit:,‘,.::, o,i,lin, h, iho I e-tiii. ;Intl tint-i
iiiitl. 4 , NMI - mei] 1 , 4 o . l'o ' lit t I . rtijlt ' sqi . b\ -
11 reputed iiil , ' ,4):ii:, of ;I. The tiCitial
vote of i'l , p• di.t riet c., ,i,110111111. , : I
.. ,ft
A 'tat ~ .1 .•1!
Artily Not , ' I.l‘.
I 'i,alildilt ...... :. _ .... .. .... ..::?.... ti .tEli.t
Ann:. IlltI• T ,I, ;: 71
11ilt. , 1) ' 1 , 1
.\. riti ~,,, . . ~; - i.',' 1
:•••,,thri ?•/•;. . ' - ''::. l , 1. - I', '
-\ nuY I ti, WO lit
•-,-R/St, - - -:lri:,
KIIIL', n 4 Ilitiiiirit. 128. ,
-- \\e do Hot knit ti What ;Judge Kintnitill
IZ -: ill do undo! 411 e eirentustitnees. We ate
nut ath istid that he in,i , tttl upon tit et r-.
tidrate. and do not toov as.liniethat 11 ( .1\111
rittPlllitt to Is (-dr the .11111C:11 Urllllll , on
any such doubtful authority. It is alleg
ed that ht• meitiot to examitm the vote anti
rehr‘e Iln• e!'llit;c:ffel: he to ..., i ti....110 Iliac
li' 1:t no: le,:i:111 - (-1(-Idi.l1.. 1 id with . all (1(.1
1•11 , 11,., to au a-phalli ti - t a l ff,r , ition ° : 1 / 4 , ,fficif
titi man , ft t n anvil hi. till ii.ll, VC , sninifit
I b a t it N r,all - 0 lie a -.aft• stile lint to brir•
aMbition ;toil intere-tt in 11,poNktion'to eon
(rout the tight. The vet tit tied vote of the
tli...h iet defrats hint. and lie that he illiMilil
abidt , witlt 4 ille tight of etiMest iti 'cor't (4;1.
Ii rung, and sillanf 4 t t , ne
.fff:4l foe :mil ICgaltly
of ifisicaso to ,ftlfor
. iffil.Ltit , than iiiin+,if.
Men ilia, cliffilt,intif political floNiffolll. 1t
sittatitis path, and eveti [live Altet iiit't ter,
but in i it so twit h tho,e Who ittay attempt
to usurp tile positiitu of ,Iptlge. Ll' illidge
E r
Icing L , 111 q lioneNtly elvvik•it Ito A . ("mid not
accept it, nor It 0111111 WC! Sll,4tilill hill! in
1111 S attt'lllpt 11l defy the +ll,llllttr-Nql t 11111
t he - manipulation of part iilatt 1 et ut n judges
is Hot' i the tvay to ,taut 0111 in the deter
mituttfon ofso grave a ciat , tion, 'itiffi the
vote returned is the liest! evidence at the
t ilt. the certificate ismfaile :41,,tibt b,•
accilkefl. NVe flintilt finii illat .inilge fiffl2,
is litMestly elected, and if so. there i-i no
tem...4)olde doubt: that Itti ‘t ill in 11111 - 4 vivo
got.lis'•feat. , , i
1 .
i -
T i p - ... Sp iri/ pl:Qt(1 the. la-4 t :it'd, or the
- I teilliteptic,‘ with 11101 el ITil leo-. eael iiy• It
has :initi nothing agailet I hilt or : ,, link,:
li3 ai•eident, ,iliet• the campaign opimed.
and :it Tittle ifs st longest :Iptit:als agzlitist
Mr. ..,.ineoiit' by IL (
I hitlitl ; l its-dii:lll(.l• l that
another draft is f 'pending. .•• it -v. l ilt he'
a dritft for 111111, : Id 110 . 11 . ‘(•111111 1011-i trill
Le folerated" i-ays the' spit it hi its la.t
issat'•,; hopiter t 'lel eh, to make
men i!,iirittic ft:olli their owit duty ate:Hain
upou'ttlienisel‘ es aud the gtA ermiletti liv
voting down a loyal adittillistratioit.t . I lad
the I'' - prit told the Wllllll' I nit IL atilt tt tin
pitildliiliiies of aiiipl.R.l. dralL-and i i.:;iN ea
the 1 io:nie, tvh.v. ,tielt a vroceeditil2, - way
hecotile tieee: , .. , ar - . it \\ 1)11111 have Iteili tli
t itleti to some eirilit. 'Hail it stated. i'ra til:-
ly th;it theil. :Iry liow thotisaiiils• of:41:111-k
-• ing ci)plii•rlipatt coliscrilqs ..-Iyiiii retire in
0 11 4 . .\ ' llit Vial of f ht. goveriti(iviit, and hide
ill th'e 111411d:tilts. in Canada, and iti ill-
I en-tr I teittorratie districts. it could 'have
giA - t.ii one good reason for another draft,
Hid itittl it glint , r !tille :mil stated: hit
; I
VOTE 1 . 4 - 1 t: .11•1)44...-o.l'C'll';
the-w eiWcardli- and treaelierons
frielld, shall olwy the law:. and render• the
.ercict• to the AOVC:111111elli * flint 1;a.: been
Cheerfully -iven by loyal men, the
:ante hill , ' Unite 111 th - illandilll4 ihl;ll.4,4'.here
1:11U11 inlidirit obedience to the lawsat
bond.. there. woidd he no iuNsible neet.i.-
sit for A - 11,4)ring. draft. Our atkillvr, wouhi
lic• ,tivngtin sect fuily .one bundled thou
',du d - idyll. ;In d toshouhl UlO're 1111111
etnan4h to 11e,troy - tbe:niiii• - ntry i power ui
etu.b. ;11111 re:4lllT We Union, to ' t ea
NOV. 118 (11 . 1 - 6011 iS ON Cr
nutl o the .Spit/t
1, ( . (1 ,, i(C:1:11.11:1 ' if) 1 il . lllllgl ILO tqlb.
[III' br.V.'! %Fr , t - it
m.1.4111)01 tbr tie :!111"11' 11 tho '1161114'
Yainu I..I:IIIEILLTV, ft),
Cork:lll , r ;Iry
n.ajwi it it
i'o(-,favi that a iht4iol7
(":1•-t at ;ill for th•'• lolal
Thv . al viatt for
u! Fl.tnl.liu r4orn,fy 1:3 - / kw H.ll.
-giv;iig a Union nta,i() - r.'.11 061 I I.
;Fru. run. tiro (:iihgre.,, ja tilt' f1i . 4 2 ,, -- I>if
hod the i,aino ,v(of.•
1,1'•, for E 2 i)inini , ,Niuni.l, Andit4,r .1(1.1
hvell 2(4.,11. "f
IDV .i 5
..)111 h i jrj.„l:
deft 'h., :A . , lil• 'I - Ici , ;11 :Z1 Z.. •
i„• I1•:.-:th:r1
:or t'l4, -, :n-1-
\s, It
Ile D, , n,1,,,-t;tt, 1 1 1
Owl: t.,'‘tittot;t 1
; HO; I 11, ',lntl
;,, i :f
, •; en•.l nn-
Hnit.oi't;t:•,l cotlldv utIA
,n e t i• I ',1%
1111(1 I4' 1111 i i, a
!:11 it:I•1111\
Olt 1111 n th ti';nr 111
41. It fr: , (tintt 'tltt•
= ,
. 4 ' 4 •110... 1,11 gti , i:
vozi 1.,11 111111 1 1C *-
i. --4,4111(1 n,t-Tl•nt•r-..41t1:111of
;intl. ‘.s. ill In.Osit- --11 t t•t i rit-it-nt
I/het-to! lino; -
Ti}i.,w,, ..:. Q i ',': I , N I, li , • vicuttt 1 1 ,,,,,,,.;
, : y., :"., v. .2. t„ -; ,ii,"11 , •,, , i',.,1,4,1,,,,iia, ,
I , ' , itf: ...i._'.okl th , i 0h,1,;,..11 , 141.1-:tli r
to 1.v. , .4.1'1. 11 ~.:* ih.• VII. :Y. :it tieb , el4,l li,:tlr.i;.
11 :-.:.n , n. 111,. 1,V.1::1'. , f , ,1 1:W, .',.'•-,, 1/141 , %%en.
:ii., , rt.•ti ; : ; ,:i t, , ,,,, i 1,1 , n,:t•b: I,lr thi ,,ut•
:A.ris4 , :IT, .-00,..f , ::r.1.11 . 0.0i.•:iii.1. :m•iti,..l:t zilri
i. ,
t,14. , 1 propo..l ro 111:11, t•
i 1 ~. •\
',...r1. ,. 01H ill Ih,•
-pert. ri,irt . t• , l\ - -ly. 1, - 1 • N, 1.11 the i l l.htla (41111, 'Old
ti: , ST.:to 1111:11112:1'llt. %%lib I , llii.r impros einem,:
on ila• I i...• awl it "Ow Hott4nla. "Flirt plan
55",,,,1...p0. a 111/1,1, , tie.11. ..a u.)-otott of. its eon
:tro,l ' ill , ' talltiago It. ‘V ,, ltill 110 (ll, ' pnnlie al'illtlal.-
"Ili , • t1,".2,11 of :Va. t's/ii,k.ii cant Inplate: plaeina:,
tia..,xtvo.lon in tin. - . wlil.ll :i in4intio•n;
how oa 1:,,t Std'.. 11 . : *, .9: ~lilt iIS ho l . in:, e eMial ,
,mi tt .if li.. : , i,:: 0 ,11' , .. 10: ii vont 1 r In' the oia s
tl:on that
it Ct!l.ld. not lir
_itnpr,a ~,1. anti v, ken Ila•: troll, i.i,
..;iinplo , ll?ll , o..xTon , ;' , n will Itlalonl)teki. An.,k ,
thr ( •ger , d, P.i,, ,, ,)1 , 1,;,1.1 til; , ino,r•v(Aripik,fra;
v..i.11 L , iii,• 1,,, , -: :.:11;11.-too Stab: Capliol in ;he
Tilt: i• 1"- eilleuilluto for A ,, enibly
ario) vute';
7 ern.
31") on - l• i.dr Miveliell,:267:; u.rr Utia:ll
or over Rnith-269.
(11,Ilt . e; :s I'+,a:our:die 141 the party - to ear.f.
'hire gains Illpyr on Jli. parly Vote, than,doeA
'Mr. Sli.:l:pe. and y et Sharpe leads A
s:riet patty carte would have elected ill .the
I bunocratir esaudidates by about GO majority. It
is v rttr dt note that Mr. Sharpe's yclte l'erry
i.,,sol"en more than that of Mr. Mitchell; wlltit
tvi enty -one nu ll' o eltire it: that
Sri:ma:Ns tit' a jit , lN N. 1.310 offtactioual cur
ourr io 9ipersede that now in vtreulainm.
rr,i):011 t t tho Trea,ury
will I w nt;td,•to Luar l d aLtainst coult
po.% tit Unit , extent uith the
prownt :s im,hahle tip. nru currency
will 110 I.t * ,Eirerent s;zer.. gr.a1u. , 1, - ;.t,tte,<l s rding to
the , rural dellifininathniq.
IN our lit of S••mttura Nvek, l
err put_ in the naim• of Lumberton: Denmerat.l
awl omitted ,ilSonal - or 5 Clair, 1 - niulhl
7‘l r. I,ant.hortial':z tern Ira, -
111 to 14-Ll'iiion
SI3I3ILitCY * U WAR `E : ti,,
—The Ltuerilla , 1-014(e.1 eml -turns near Gr:tf..
104. ((a 'rue-J:9 (4 P.n.' tveek
rortoni by
a Itt•l'4ol,ll:ellt , kt "'tit it STllltitt3;
\ .1 -
,Wriu.lll. ill 111 . coljr.(e ul Lis rt:vent
e. mp,rcu 111 - 1:11. 11‘,(:( had 4lior
or 1\ oun(le - (1.
• 2.-SiNee the 1 , 1 of .lotionly,'29 (14:-.04er , ..Itozo
the 1,.1.-•1 recoil...a at the mihtory
',limo( it
p ,rty ut 16.4((4, fr(un s t',outaa :ittemproa
-tirpri , .. the N4,,,1( , r 1);(11,(ti(:.
but I+ere drn rn (41 . 11 rife
whet raw Aihetwolo 11:1;7 , ii111%%11 t‘ ,
pit . 1 . 1 .. Oil the 1.) I.iettt. Co•hiloz. N‘l4(
4totife expoiltimi up till Uoal:(40( riser to her
re1..4 plaeed under tire at Mot:-
ris S. . lure beep 'remol.ed t F or t p u _
la•ki our pliNioili•rn tat\ is hi , ll crnux rd trop
their e!ifii9se4
s - a,•,.m•s, -in an
Ofhehit e1,11L111111111110.011. 1111.11
tl. f rinirL itwl do 110 i aetually entri - the ,kn•N
are no: ,rnalt,nl on MO .1.: .\ SlIp1)11.111011C1ry liralt
dill be inaan tvr any tirlitnene3 that
the pre:eitt drat i,. conirieted. ,
—This Tall:droo-eo at her ; old trills main.
~hl la- 111.111 , 1 , d and de , tro,..ed the Bchoemor
G. - mdsp ,, d, llf liipstoit, 811'1.11 111111 , I,illll of Blnich
I,laud, and I I 'r'\, homted that thel had already
destroyed three other re•-'sel.4 utinhoot
tdritra,,/ left Newport ill plti-miirvi the
.1. has an orkier-atln
eliappnlis. that the -Solis 01 Lihert)", are
thleateiiiii.g to a , a , ,itakt , the,‘Nitta,kes who haNe
exponed their trea•oii, and that hi. Dill hritt, to
and rondien 1111111 , 111111 qt a 1 . 1 . 1") ploinnietit
member to evt.t . winity when.; a Nlitties , may be
injur..d. by then] o'r the Order:
—The I?irloaead FLreilainrr or the 31st ult.,
1;en..1. N.
,1 coniniaodui dqa
do tainu eavaly),ltepartment Weht Sher
idan's 1011.1, WIIO was gobbled" reeetitl) I T ))
Nto,„eby, arrived in ltielnpood 'yesterday, and
Was the , •
—Mr. Whiting. Solicitor of the War Depitrt
'tient, in a receursprech at litetton, said thitt tlf•re
mild hi. no impropriety in st.iting that on the tir,t
day of October we had received under thelast tall
over 1 . 2U.U1k) volunteerA, and he had been Mit mined
hr authority to whiidaterrgave the highest credit.
that the hit draftvw hen completed. would fu Nigh
all the 111"11 NN hit would he net-ded fir the iv u.
• "-From North Carolina we have th' report of
a eler , yn an. aho just arrired trout that sta h.,
in which it is , rated :hat dt , serters from the r,toeh
army are ninnerous and well armed. An exten
,ive conspiracy. :Teel tly di , covered, iinpliezites
maity prominent opricers of the Conservative Oar
h••..openly :11.1teat•di to head these deserters
'lnd to he isi•-•essiiin of the State, in the event of
Gov. l'an - e•• failint to tak • steps for a peaen With
Presidimt Lineold• •
—Eruct t ho Army oft to l'otomae 'ye !myelin-
te!iblenro that thy robed, penetnited our lines ';be
tWeell the I.idiet, of t i tle Sot-cum:land Filth Carp
on Sunday picht,o,tpturing all the pickets. They
then sent ii,rward adie•iv,‘ fore•• to change the line
of bro:INM orli` , Iloilo of pitreinit our rehire, fla t . W.', aereal'ea. Relleated.atteLllpt4 were
jilt re..tia'ea manoor, and aithoizli
zin• tiriue rr.r hops up ine lily all 102.1 d. the emit
, J.:[ l., e a Ii till'a,er Chit 10-• i• pot
dew ii a; 377%•,11 , ; 'fwd.
'.lit.-e;w :4 mei, v.a ,- -arro , te'il
‘..1-%. I "N\ -, .ley. Proy...t
I”a'Zn.ti sue t r eis i I .,.';:pit a.' 011 ie., Vs.e , Gmad
th, idomicalp.of,,l.D•
• • 1.. •.. 12. , 0 I. ol 1, . , q
ta;,•• ,
I ii,h• nail. •,••,.. sh;,ro
z•S\ entx 155 fillrtita a 11.11;11, ti,er ,
e t ,t% ;.1...r al. .. , :111a; ;
!• 14, I , at•
.fa.!lll . lPg
Met 'mull Ara:
prep:rat:Pry lorururaLlU Tat
:I:ll,UCate,, 4
. - ...•git5...) , •:.‘..i..
—IL. 11. 1).„1.r, t!,.., .- ~..,I iturt. ,•,,,ii,..ta..;
tot. 0.,..: n.,.. - ril It tmt. 11, i~ lit t . :t-tatla.l I
-1:.,j tarn Wtt.sttitat a 'at, t... qtr .' a rt•Etts . • .1 II utu l
I•:. , ttnanatitl'at :IltattL.Y• 1, 1 t :vit. I' , t.t. i I
—ii 'v. , ' , ;I''' :") ‘‘...' .'' ! i' " "'" l ' .: ''.'" "I t 2 " 44 t
. 1,1 'AI, • t:1 , 111:., ~ V.IIII'111:: ilq.,:. !
— . III , 1.. " 1 . 4 ImW II: III . t• Atiill:i. i1i . .... , 11 II: . /" . :11111X. 2 ,
ll' , • '1., 4 1 ... —. "..• . '4 ,. .' 1 ....' , 1 A'i H . I . k- l A . 1 . . V1 AA 6..
01 , .me 12r ,1, • n,, -;-, tt-11.-rai :Y.ot _. t..- 1.t.1.
1 -1'0)Itot ot It ',la '.. l', fialtjt,... i,..,•, mar:lC..l tt
r... , ..ta ; ottititt...,rf;.74 No-,,,,i., i :.• ~,,,,,,„,14.•:,-,
!.... ,
,-,. 1). , ,,...-iii. .1.,.• 1, ~., p„-.,, , ,, , ~ , .-1- _1 i-l_
...., ~. : ~÷,-...,: - - ..1,,,, 1,-.- ~.:,,,,. ‘., rar
...1. Sct•'l . I , :i , -..:1. 1 %.'1 :IT 1 1 .: 1,1.1 , :1•1:11±.-
..', L .11. N.. 1.: , C... 1.... 1.1• rob:llia - rt-intilt: d. r t.
I -a: :ftt• v?ibtrt,-. 2
—ltt'ff Ht-a. T.' I:. H. 11:, , t , 0ta. 4-.l.titlatttlitiv,
•, .. -, \ , t.: ttt: Ilt .I.rttt:t I . tti It , . diet:at, lit•ti..
on 1 . ...! : .', , t
; ti , ., l,:ttt.:..
';,•,,1 I!,..•..11 . :',1.• ,-.. - 11 C St. ji: , ;61;1- . \.
't , " •..; l:.. r• t•liTt.';:ll.7t ;i2Z.Hiver.l! I larri , -
1 , 1. , " •'" 1 , -... :111.4. t' rd :‘,1:11 , 1! , Inilt• Nrli I : 11 1 1 " , 1:
Si:. a• 1 '.1.1: .. I . • ,
—P , 11..:. VIC; tit'til:lt..o:. a 11,01--w of ll}, an:a:
- uoi,..'i I:.nuaanzni, 1: .. J ', l s• born r0:,‘, , ,,'.0d at
Nlasuatio.., lowa. l'or i'.'::..o. volauf in T•Ial ui , v!ln
'SI::: l'` ' ^'. I'' I ‘ . 12 . 1:1 hr. ,I•Nt tii It,. St.t'ii 1„14,.
-.11 .•-., ~ . ...i.• -.1 that y:i.. 1.... Toll i . 0,:.,.,k. 1,1,
1 A ~,,i,,,, 1,,.1-...• ittok...y of Eltu.lazal 14 al.timt - .10
, rttr”-t. 1, ati tt tar: 1f '_q Ya.r....- a n. a tl ia . i tti4,t,i
I I. , ' h
. ~ 1 n t. . ',. : i
1 ,_...i , „. 1 ,3 11nt r ritt.:41;f. t.f Ilradfnrd, no..s..;dind:oli
I - F r id u) -1 n ,4-, a c ,:f ".--.,. plias. Ile was w idelc knioNn
ius the antlinr or a sari , - of- mathematical wdlks.
whial Ila%•• had a %\ ;tit,- ptitularity, :aid life found
in public and vix ate -ni',.ol , all user the? land.
Wl.htlit.;.tat Tl 7 Iti Fore% . the-Neiv York (I'onnilis
sionerh, uli .r_ ' kith eloction bands, liai-n ii , ..ii
suotanced 7. , it , lpt i-ohilynt trot lit,', and flo.' , :ini.-
toner Zia- b.-cu upinoved 1,3 the l'residul4. .1
Cyni, Pr0...41At 3farsiuill
or lb.. I1 ) th rit . t, kr,N by
bil.• t"arr...t him in
,ii..(111 , ,n1 ti, e'ill . ete.. , f w
, • . . 1 .
—l;ea. Vll•ter. V.1:0 12 1. , SO tii,tillitill , heil liilllSl'lf
in ti. , iqtVil ., NN , In by (;en. Sheridan. ;ma ~li”lha
ht.., nffie,” a Mo:),,r-tienerai. is hat tv:',enty-four
year: ,)141 - I To', '• nue ,If the 1,,,y..,•'1,1,,l I his
mother hilt he , prwal of him, l'ille that ',tiler
mother of Ilk his effitutry.". ;
, Maria 'Mack', the fat girl of
Phovoixviiit.,,ll,.a. on t•iniultiv, the i23d alt., at the
a 2.• of thirteen months; and twvetiteen
flat When at the :tino of t‘VI.II t•
Whit we:Lihed pounds, .At,the of her
death I ' ' , VI untie. , She wife remark
aid) n.r of her au,e.
—Gen. it.. ha.. been prouniteil
)lajor 4.,•11eral of volunteeen for (blithe niords,
of the otiirial ortier) — gallant conduct durno4 the
ivar. partient,nriy thiliniitle , of the prifs,,4llFaut
pahlit itenei;tl I:rant. the ~ loinniaey tinder
General , Wallar,, and the Glieginni. I.l.tdier' . l. ill
mid Cedar E'reek: -in the Shenandoatt - rampalin of
Gen , •ileridan. The conunisNion vtl'eet
from Oct. 19. 1t.434.
l - lerar4l, the eelehrated EMI' killer anti
African trai-eller, has, it is report,4l by thi , last
foreign art iral. :CrOSS ' l ' lla, II
rin r Africa. Deli‘ered, like Daiiiel or old,
th,11!1/11t11 Of the lion and Elf; J . )
bear: he ha- thilen a vrefint fo an accificitr lc hick
happens luil is the in, ot
is chiefly lino ih this country br ItiOexci
tiii.. hook on lin-itimtinir. Recently Giiii,i,ril;ll;.ad
•ol- an antatenr expedition into Ahr.orij, f o rni o d o f
sportsmen, who also wished to see: and `sli'oot
lions. -
—Dakota has ;10111" the right way, eleetin l a Dr.
W. H. Burleigh, the regular Union Cildiditte for
Coterrm.s, by ISO majority.
—Mayor Alexander, of Springfield. Malis., haw
made a wager with n Democrat. of that city, that
in'the event of Meelellan'g election,_ and within
fifteen days thereafter, the Maser ie . -to gi l ;ce the
McCiellanitekv,heelbarrewrifle adistancetoftwo
miles, between the hours of fan• and ti o'clock in
Washliiirne is pushina• riaorously the
work of contostio;4 - the election nt .I)Eitt Vtiothees
to l'ot:,rrse in the 17th liistriet of Adios!.' The
1111,1 of fraud. aceintinlates (1;013, alai it:is said
T h a t a m ass of will be iire,enteil is
Washloirne's el.fini to the -kat that will carry cer
tain convnition with it that 'Voi;rliiies owes his
eertitivate of eliN...tion to the most! unblushing
A St - h , ,Trft'rit Sty xt.imws :!:*lOO.-o,nite au
in'eresting and um el ea , ‘ oecured Blum
ottice ou Frnia) night la,t; The facts
are stated - as A m a n 41:14;ed ehadrs
W light, represented as an alien, frinu eittiada,
\i n..; 'taken a, a :rah:final' , for one Of the l,tlrafted
men. After he had passed theexamiinition of
the [mirk!, he was sent up to the, sillNritute'q
room, (under charge Or Cal/Will Lee; ilepity pro
vi marshal.) prepat atm) to heing seht,tp caul).
[t s custoina ry to Trim:, the substi
tutes t!:, .count } - money they rec,eive, until they
are delivered over to the commander at Camp
l[riulferd,. and then their tansy is; giveii to the
coi m im ml r r, who holds it subject to theii'order,
or deliver, it to fl rte at oric,.if they so dr.ittt it.
This inea.tire been adopted so as to !preveht
Men frenn naming ate ay that go aik
lr light bents made aware of this fn t, elincluded
(.10 hr e , to ov,allow his iiimity; money.
bild lot , greenbaelts aird
up into Nlii.lll ou., or ohe at, time.
1.:„„,:j r , r rr ty Wright, :End the notes
%sett , rect.\ ered tudidured.—ThittiniOre Mtn.
, ;MAN' TI lit. or Tit rn PrN , NI , Ii,VANI.I.-
I'erloolo , in Ito Nato in the hair liii resonr
ces theroclf been none larzelv develf.ped than in
Peim , ylvania la-areal u 1 the Sduthern eouu
ti ha., eit,4ll ;lied ,at
..f turbiweo'l,:. been
mail' tont , tot tht•printetrid crop, tot s thofatiiier. la
deed, the importance of [ohne,. plailtmLdo, rots
become of the not rharacrer, and lis liaivc-t a
matter of great input tame... We 055 observe
that in Cambria. tSomer,ct. and theadjoininxtemni
ta.4 a good quality of tar h: being inandfactured
from the knot,: oithe pitch pin... I;lte'
titre of this ntiliqtitute for North Carolina tar is
e',l crud oirquite extensively., and had already con-
Went bly depreciated t In. price of tin , tatter article.
The tar tit. produced aimvers nearly all the re
-4LbNtitute tl.rthe origitral
eh, atticle. .
A '• Sem BIEN BRict:."—Thi• Christian
reetlired from INi . rflnda a silver
aw l 2 ,01,1 briek, worth $ . 2.900 imenrryncy, :14 a
Contrifaition t - the rause. It is ilk notch as a
man -could conVeniently blb. nod nb 1111111 Clllllll ,
v;irry such a brick- in his hat witlididllosinu his
balance or hi., hat. We believe' it is one of sev
eral bricks of the kind this Connuissioli has or is
to received.
Inn GREAT CENTRAL 1' ttn —Tdui cash re
ceipts of thin Fair for the relief of dick and ir oun
!hi! ,eddieN, held in Philadelphia iii last,
anoint tir.slo;d.3-1tt,30. Well (fond, Peuns)lva
t That is sobstantiaTsympath,s - . I •
November 9, 1864.
Vot?, I , l2aply Minimum!
3..5.2.ECT0Z1A C 1, ILEGy.
TILE G I TENT ," Lir _ME "
OF - TILE 1114.1 f
'rift Thunders of the 1,0)41 North !
The eleetion )en:.•rdn)' r.•.<ulted in the trium
pluint re-electionut Pyt:.:111 , 111 Lincoln, He hog
the Slnt but :o:.1 ecru two of them
may In• cert..iii 205 of thi!'23.l
v.:4 lin• Titi•t ter-
rendered is tlie exerei.t.
nt • In% .11 la) rrnrm tot
y,u6hl u, ti . .dt",-, to dout.t ziw of t!it. loyal
-...1 , •-`t” Yoik ;. , ,i\,•4 about
.0 .! Lint oln ; tali, - Aunt 15,1,9 n
,; 1 lamp , rate. :11.11.:!::,,r(10 all the %%hole tote:
C,,nnecti, 1;1,1+;.0 : 7 , 00:
11 1 .,nn, • : Ix N Ilamp-hire 10.000; Rhode
; tit),l4.lf Indtana 30000 t trod
r,-.t of the Wo,tel n State. , in nitwit the
4.1.111. .130;.tV. ate and Ilart land has c
I oili toted rot- Lincoln, aatl Nett .Terse} in doubt.
1;1. 7 Jra paintlar onjority against Afretell an
trill h , lir rgr , / I rer fast against a l'residialul
atuhila -
..14: table rxliil)lts the Stater; and the
.r of eleeoral votes given to 'Lincoln and
I'' n volt
oaLectient- ii kinitucky .. I
..... Mishouri I I
I h•lav, are :1 Nett ;
. I Linots .......
Indimta 13
Mann. k
Afart land. 1 7,
:Nta ,, achtiwttr. Iti
Nev. I lam 5, •
Nets irk.__._....:l3'
whio - •'I; -
Pre.uoa. -
213 •
Roo , lolaaad 4 1 , '
VI. !limo= -
;11 •
We ,t Vir , nti.r. -
....... _ 3
Nebra,ka .
. I .
Nrel . }sS,lry to a choice, 11't. Majority for Lin
coln 176.
The following are . the inajorifieg given in the
di.4riets of thi , county- received unto the, time of
g4mig to prt , :g. The counti% trill be 'abotit a tie.
Congress. '(l4. President, '64.
Si 5- 1 t••• ta•
... ,
-2 .....,-.. n
. .
Antrim 431 411 23
0mmi ,,,,..› . ;0rt1i NV , ard 251 140 135 • v .
r' /I..enth \\ 'nn] 12e1 201 , 211 --
C,,timaill9 . S 7 ... . .
Pry Ran - 911 ...
,Favetteville.: - ... ..... 20S-. 179 - 39 - ...
44r;,[rvillatze - 1(11 102 . 52 ...
I:talterd.... ..... --•• 16 - 5 lca - ..... '2l.
ililltkilloll - 10 t:i2, 26
• - -
Letterkenny . • 110' 212 ... ...
liargan el) 130
Lerelen -
Metal , 119 74 ..-.
31entgetnery . - ' , 202. - 156- 9i •. .
i !rr,tuvra 71 110. ...
l' eter. - 132 4e et;
- ,
Qain....y 1179 ~ ...., • .2 • ; ... 1.
s„fitim:nruin • :49 67
Sulphur Spring 2'.l 41 • •- ...
St. Th a ws- - 111 107 • • • ...
Wavlitrteu277 `:-.19 • ...
Warren 36 47 • -• '-•
Welili Ran - 77 133' '' '"
3266 33211-
--' - - -
We have a,flood of :dispatches giving details of
the vote of the State. Allegheny gives 8,500;
Philadelphia 9,500; Lancaster 5,500; )3aupitin
1,200; Erie 3,000, and steady gain's for Lincoln
are shown in all the counties reported but Cum
berland aid Adams, Which give slight gains against
us. The :State is for Lincoln by not less than
10,0170 and we believe 15,000 on the home vote,
uhich will be increased - fully 10,000 by the tinny
Is soon as the polls clo n ed the parties gathered
about the I.ZtiviVSITORY and Spirit tiffices, tho
headipuuters of the respective parties to await
the Hashes from the wires which were to bring
of victory rt . . defeat. The first news re
ceived w as scattering returns trout Cumberland,
indicatiag - sfoady Democratic gains, and jubilant
cheers went up from the Spirit office. Soon af
ter a dispatch gave the Union majority in Milli
fphhiat hut 6000. and it was - a perfect crusher
to tint cii - Vvv i l of anxious ArnionistS altut the livi
rosirfilio - office. Next Caine fr4Mentayy re
turns from New York city giving intense Mc-
Clellan majorities, mid deafening Aouts again
broke out front the ; Spirit office. But . soun the
ttil, turned. The coppery tribe were•tiadly tirnised
a dispatch from old Allegheny giving the Union
un,jority at 8,500; another swelling Philadelphia
to l:).200 'Bratcl. red them in confilsion, and as Lau
ra-I,c 1 1 ,0 . t 0 5,500: Dauphin to 1.200, and huge
gitipi flooded iu from almost every part of tip.
•l , t.tte, the Spirit's-Inin-tiite gradually died ant into
darkness: IV -.bouts of the earl} . part of the
evening weri - Oilled in despair, and nothing was
to be seen id- the coppery tribe but the wriggling
of the nilice hissing, venomous, defiant sank)
tripe. On the other hand the Union boys grew
- and, their enthusiasm -broke out . in
along. Mr Lincoln and the Union. A
jolly crowd of them took a tour of the town,
cheering for Lincoln at every corner. They
stopped at t 'ol. u inhaugh's and cheered him out.
responded in a brief speech, conviitulating
them and the country on the - re-election of Mr.
Lincoln. - They than gathered before the REPoS
minx - office and gave three cheers for the RE.
miserina mid its publishers, and called vocifer
ou;lj fur " M'Clure." lie appeared at the win
dow and waS received with three cheers and a
tiger. -11 e said he rejoiced with them that the
Union'Eause was triumphant' Later dispatches
left uu dinibt that the Union triumph was decisive
and complete, and as the "wee cilia hours" dawn
ed upon the 'battle field; the belligerents gradually
scattered to their houses, and faithful men rested
with their household gods reassured that the
faithful people of the North can be trusted With'
the destiny this gnat and beneficent giwerw
went. • -
Toldivy the hearts of traitors are stricken in
sorrow, - and a suiferiug but devoted people rejoice
find the Reintbliclids escaped its greatest peril—
:hut it cannot be betrayed by perfidious satilytc
of treason, and that Peace through the victories of
our brave Muffles Ma Soon reward them for their
fidelity' and sacrifices. All honor to the loyal
North hail the Ilkwit of Peace and Free
dom ,