TERM OF PUBLICATION THE_ FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is every Wednesday morning by "TILE REPOSITORY ASSOILIATION," at $2 per mutton. IS xpv,txt E. er $2 50 if net paid.within the year! 411 suberriptlon ar counts MIST be settled annually. No Rill be senj oat of the Suite unlea paid for in 44,1rancx, and all snob sitl3seriptions will invariably be db*ntinned at the expi ration of the time for a hich they are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at PIPTEEN CENTS iivr Mae Car fist insertion, and TEN cENtS per lane for sub sequent insertions. A liberal discount IN made to penons advertising by the quarter. half-year orcyear. Special no tices charged one-Iddi mop thin regular advertisements. All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual Interest, and noticerf Marriages anal Deaths .exceeding fire lines. are charged fifteen 'cents per lit, f:P" AU Legal Notices of every kind, and afl Orphan? Goon and other Judicial Salts, art required Ily law, to he adrettised in the REln,lTOltr—it haring Use t..6;4.1:-.1 ein• .et'LATP,N of any paper published in the rannty r j Frani:pr. JOB PRINTING ()revery Xincl. in Plain :nut "Pane col ors, stone with neatness and tlivatch. Cards, Pamphlet, da., of every variety and etch. pr:uted at the 41airtest notice. The liErn.rrottr tIF I'alf.lneelin4 been re titled with Struts Power and three Pre.-'+ and Story thing in the Printing line ran be ea, , ti in the Moe artistic Manner and at the lowest rate, TEMIS IN• VARIABLY_ CAMf. , o t a ' Mr. John K. Shryorl, i; Ahem to receive mid Advertibemi nt. .nil 11 enpt toy tbq mutne. All letters should. -Ile athlre,ed to • xpc Lulu; & STI)NEIL ' alcs. p" I : 1 1 , L A ,,11 otter sit Public Sale. fin Tit (vdny, du I:itis flayny nr.r: on the pnonikes. in Green ton nship, Franklin county, Pa., 1 mile k . :4/0 of Fayetteville. on the l'orutilite rung froiniQgMiliergluirir to Manumit., Estate, viz . :ll'lw FARM on in Lich the tallith - now rir.onte eOntaining' about 100 ACRES of Land. :Ilse iwpiot el meat,. sire It two-storied double front 111tW'R (t SE, mid Rank • Building.; Log Barn. Frame Stsdile. Gram House, Wash House, Cs.rrialre 11uu.v, Jrn Crib, mini other out latililings. There are In olVelli of nevi r failing Water, supplied nits Pumps on the premise:: 011 e at the House, under cover; and the other - at the stable; ulso an excellent Orchard. Also—At the same tune and puce. n 1'A113111; Unilford township, I mite south of Fat etteville adjoining lauds of C. A. Funk, John Craw ford, .11/ralisissi 1.11 and others. containing about ISt ACRES. The two storied,,LOl (in ) and ' Kitchen ; u growl Lot Corti oilier neve:, lard buildings: u Welt of:exeellvnt ,its - u Pump; and a youlitr Ortliard nt igen., Fruit The soil on floc and the ,s , lve Faro is of cooil quality. iu 11 11111' state of eultsysstion and unite proilln tit A.11 , ..-At 4111:V1111P time and place, a Tract of 31( t'S 'rAISN LAND, situated partly in Green and partly inn iu,t fond townships, rnitildisi county. adjoining lands lut the late Thomas Means J 4,41111 Stahl's 114 , 1, unit Geo. linu dle's Heirs, eontassiing about 119 Also—At the 141111 e, tillll. suet place a Traet of MOUN TAIN LAND, int iisillord Fraaklin enintity, ail the 11110 V, unit lam', of Ilolker 1-11411 e, Ucu, Me. ;Ferran and Thomas Memo, about Also—At the +lune tine. and plat, a l'rat t of 3101.. N.„ THIS LAND, gituuteil in lit-evil, tom adtip. 'Franklin e"., itiljoining had , of Jll.le, until J111114'21 Itetllll'W. 1.111.1111 , 11 Z about 119 An - rim -- All of thew Traet, of .31iinistain Land lire VIA ere.' mitli gust Tinsber are citui ,ittlateil to tot-111011w. and neveggible by twit road). Persons wishing tin viete Properties ,au has t tai opportunity of unity so by nJltiinit 101 l On.. at Mr. Caledonia Iron Works or oh 3lr. Carnahan, at the 31,in. lion Form. Sale to eoinniessee at 11 oleloek on , aid din-, wise? III" ' .. etintlitions of sale )Inch 15 111 be such se. In, snit pun hasers, will main kiiiiti.ll by N' 1111;11.131. act o.ts For the Dews. pit I N- AT E SA I.E.—The unden:igned to TOlllO4O t.. the West, offer, id Private Sale. the following dem Be.d.Esate, to wit: ii FARM. situated. in Lett erkeany tp. Franklin co. 4 :nil, fronl Obatalltaburg. anti north..wr.t of the Rua) Spring, rationalist lands of S.' I Inher and Spreeher. ronuaning about 1115 ACRES of BI.ArK NLATE LAND. The in, pro, ements are a large ta o , ntoried lumi•cAsT nwELLING HOUSE. Log and lane Barn. Wagon Shed. Cider Pregs and all odor neeen.ary oat.bnilthan, ALso—A FARM adjoining. the aboCe. of about II() ACRES. one-half I.f ohn h is Limestone and the lulanee Slate. The Improvements are a to weaorled BRICK 1101'5E, (pearls netyri.og kind Frame Barn (with Waes..a Shed atta.elPd) and other rum enlent.out.bail.haz, The Farms hose been is ell limed and are tolerably well Tnabered. There is au 4tCHARI) kolla Fnut 1.11 1)14 of the Farm+, and a Well of never.failing Water at eaello the tin &hag,. and a Spring' on the fir tlar•Zaiaas4/ tract fo it merino; cattle. 'rhri. Wako a 1.1.)1 E KILN and Q 1 Alt KY on e , ael, of the fonns. About meaty .ICIIII, Mt /I*.NTA IN LAND. well-tuabered ith I.la,tnut ;nal Chestnut Oak will he sold with etch l'ann. Mso---Tnro ACRES and 2, , PERUIES aIsAP on the Public Road. wgh a Li , aorled TEN ANI Ilf tESE,'Ntble. &e. 'This small tre% is oen plane, with FRUIT TREES, and ho 101,6o:111y adaided for gar doniag'purposes. There is ft OlJod Well of Water at th house and a Spring near the Snible. Persons wisTang to View the Wends, Van do s‘2 by . property. Al! to he sold on 4.thl day to the hifzhe.d bidder. oetl 1C11.1.1.131 II RA CC. 114.1t11 FOR S A.LIE 1 sT. T1101A:i 1 1 TOWNSHIP.—Tho ttader,gned oftert at Pt:lv:tat Sakahisf..\ sittatted :a St lama, toa - I,lllp, t till. I ' ublir, /had lea din frOni S 4, era N, Loudon. I; miles fruit the latter Ida,. 1.i..111;11{4 . al , ont 200 ACRES SL4' . I7E AND GRAI EL LAND. :thout eU Aers, of which is eleared and the balance in THRIVING TIM BER. The haprovetnenta are a LOG 111 WSE, liars, and 1 TOll.lll t 1101,e4, Mat a geed Apple I Prat+. Cherry and Pear Trees. SAW MILL and CIIOPPINU..ILILL. in good musing order, pith I' feet of head and 11,11. Thk property would atTmli MI QM ALL FAHNI FOR SALE.- 2 1 he sub scriber NS ill ).e!I at PriN a'e Sale, the SMALL FARM on wlsiell 110 non rr , idt•. ..otlo.llo In .111 i rllll Frmikhz, t•outh - . nbont loth, front Groom :0410, on 1.10 ( . 41 , 104 4 4, To4tal.' alij4 41{111.4 land. ad Samuel - Mver, nod other., eontaminc alsoat atl aII'IZES .111 4 . 14‘41re•ii L 41141 in good or thar and laraaler -taaaal fen,. 'I here is 't NB , llilflIA . B1) of liarift3 tree, oaa the Ida, a and a \Veil of a valiant Waiter. 'I he 'nary aa ennaut. rvn.i.t of a faro story , 1,1 1/WIiI.LINI Hill SE a Bank Barn al.! ft it lama. and %%ell finished atrial all a alter neve,ary antadatulth Paraaaaaaion sill I ta :cis en on the 1/4 of April. I'Gi. 'Berm. - a all he an,de iithann application to tin , rad, nerther. re.olang on the Fremo, aler2l-tt ENN" QUARTERS AND NEW S'lnCli _Li 'IIIE IHII cD,T111.1..(1 Iniroi:11 M The tubb•ndgned._ a:ter a tene.rar) lie, nrrek,bited by the 41,r - 1101011 e , t (Ilan:bar-bur,: ,ate., gull retained and opened oat in tail I, t the :AlarXe: Horse trebreou e's Dry .bar and Ilan, t t. I ema:dal... eery , ±l,O, a lara, aa.orm , mt of • GENTI.I-:11•::\ .tloh CraN ill+. ; Ilzoolkeri 1,44, 0 , 1. Linn l :1•1,,),I. &.• S. en•pt,htt'rP.• hsP.4 ,, f h ~ turf , . ), and Fan , y 1 , Sih h i" Far.ey hPer \ ‘rtop o, ,actor kyl• - hp rhp• 1 0. - r 1,1 2 . 4. 1 : - Tr.q awl many Ilan hz• a prat; hal ( r front: tia• }:,,t I :hi ••• Lt • :00,4 in the it 411(1, 11,14 1(1,1 ik•irk iur , ur e ew rAg i t ,l um) reiy upn gt tt ily; their tr•irk IN ell ihniti at CHAALBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1864. deal estate . olwirtunity to make money. Fur terno , apply to time ...Itle Titter. vnitllng. On the prentim, julyti , FRED'K Itli.nuirrtt... SAMUEL C. CRIDER. I•: llt.l I L E RESIDENCE4'OIZ. S. 1.1: —1 tier at Pr, ate sale tie lle,elemu•ou st ree t tt iiL the u-rwliaL, awl bailthug, .01“ t liwl to .11,1 Ist. I.('. vcIL-:!nt .11 /SEPII E. T:iptifing. .1NI) Gl /DN. 1,1,7 dli,iTtptlion nd I Luaqty. 11, Paid} , avh 4 ),, Coat/R. Fait. e-1,, Unkle, ,lErt• )r,iwer, &.t• ,Llqo 'I k.f.l L,r 11,4' p..tn 1...refi.t,,,• I re. ..po t IfiCly -nc.n fit•l' l. • 'IllIA . ll.' .tf •Ifi• • netn. J T. Ilit•••ElNAth's: T IV. SC(1'1"I', NENTLInIEN'..3 FUR eI • :\ STWIFIA1.11 , t1IIRT11.1N1T.UIT01:1 - . t ',I 41. q N Lt 101 t i t e 1 . . , 11t111.'ILId. VII to Ifi,lerre :0.--; .1 pert, t fitmrafifio.ll. Iterefi, f it t . ... tru, ,hlrt fifi.,firt, Sle.e firk.fi rn, " 1.11.11, Anlak '• ' Wrigt Lfll ,, il I,ll..fiti . trwe ..•it•st• bark fel tei,l,l of • hand. I..•ncth nP 130-orn ot 5.41 •• Shirt ' reek, d r, ..here Iris I 1., Iterabtlret, and 7:t nnty, e are neeernn.,l as.: 'Ph.. toi; ,LILO tl: • or. we take ?L. prt:l, ..,t .f.a. to. An A .ffin eolt weitron tee thttt aNo'ote ottr tte•n. nos 11,C41-1. flits ) rl Q oZLI, 3/ Ulllbcr, `f. T E ()N A I?, ) E T & () N AND IA )!EV-CHAN I r lolr n lot 11,01 ti all I, rt,tl 1/AMOK r art are prepared to filr, --II It .11 orl, ..`lort all at r.,-atald• t. r0......,..p/sr lalaa berVIISSL. ~ r winto I. no " It • eeleot •• •• I i ' Plank. odeet and Calloig liar Is, " Boards.. " t " " Bast River Shingles, " " 'Work. d Bloriag, •• Joist and i•o•notling, all Ilktsa. Brin-loa. Joint nod Seantling. •• Boards r Q Yellow - Pius Boards, Joisf and snarithug. Parting and. Plastr rlng laahs NVO barn al." always on hand n ' /Imml eopply o: All kind. or Cool for store. and lonedn b orel-Fg. Alm, ;via,- nor nroolr 1.1 Brondrop for itrd to tti. e lt,l 1,01, MR rao will eadeay..r giv.. s:dist:ad . :on to all ilL.dettll. Coal anti lain.hrr faroidied fife va-s b, auy st.itios no the Braidloi lin St St. 111 ther,atr , J 1 th" Jul Yard, Clintoll..rouirg In. I.la S_ rs. jai) S-tf. • • QMALL, BENDEI: & Cl)., •F,rud ,iolf!...ll,roueh Pa. i" n i: it 1) E A U E 1 s A\ 1, y k\ I 1 - ,11 I:l'izc SASH 1)0(1It.. !•4111'ITEli:h 111.1N11,'; - , DOW? .I.V1) 111..‘1 , 011 i At ..I1 1.11.1 a x ,•l] S. 11.1 (IA .to. k of 44,,5• on.thlo founber, { 411.1 1-01 L, , 111112 . 1., P.klittg,And F.,cour. :V- \VW'. Pi, nod Onk ell, to orb r the.. e A111 , 111...0 Alv,,ll t l 14r .1 to l' , lc Pt. 1 . . I Eabacco aub T.‘(:()liri"l' oli ACC° AND (' IGA It FJ r..IOILE tog' _re-built we Cigar ~ •, • .ot Soath 5141t1 t.trttot (..urtior of Wto-litligton ctrott.t.)tt‘o , qttrtr. , from Ow Ititttfi , ,,l, I wmtlti tilt ;IS 411 ettll unit oxwottit• (2111:\1'1N t; I c CIL\ I (lc. Comm,. all Linda, 1.'.0.Ya11,11. . l'lvi-t all 1.9a15. Ita•••• Taist Flccatalc•c, •• I'll! Vaginal, . A Na''. llcace) Dery )la•biumn Fircv Cut 5.4.. La. Aucle•Nan Sharts Solave 'rall.tccan, 111111 . 1 I).•lacht, Placit.cticon, Si....)'c :-.14•. Sr. SNI PFS : 1 ' 11.111...... s. at. li, Coat+, 1,30111N11 • • Largo 11.u.1, Big I.teli. Cat coal I)ry. Dant ill, 1.) -14 cctc , ” - g. Ic,cralicclal Jcacccc4l:,, , , I .I.lllt, 31.,41, ' . 511.f.•1 Fol. 21 J A. JACc clbr.. pusri slim, ON 11.1N1)----'11)1;Aecc) just ronn.vol from Th.. I , ty i all 11 14111100 V ntn.PiZ and Si'. gars. s•I. It `.N.itoraf Leaf, 3lg higug. Smoking .Ime- 1 ,4 1.1 Ittpi•tt Slot,. MI (4110,1 :01,4 iiito, I roun ult.. M. I:. Chun L. Contr., M t. Lima lilt. MEM CUBS S-MVSEII Nlsvnif.t, mare Dealer? , ‘Ti TOBACCO, SN 1 . 1 , AND CIGARS, Nfprth Thiel .Vrert Om, rtnr, If of .ntle. J PLIII..kIiFII.I . IIIA, l'A. 3, iTro, Into or (1..001,', \ Itl C 5‘11. , 1.1 r A E ASSlirrniEN r i‘ 01 . "1 . 011ACC( and SEtiARS, srt:Airrs tm (pp.., atrert. E,illt Or thr Chord, EMMET MIMEEKS EN E I, UNDERTAKERS “int‘laalhenuar MAIIocANY_ CHERRY AND They ,ill fur ~,rllfir s " METALIC .NI. ZINC ID UAL CASEY. :ir" F ulanils attended in Town awl Countr2, Lsr itataa• at \ Plana t lid Stand, South Alai Strut, Clt.tattma 41,arg:, I.t. 1.7 e, Night rail, uttrnd>•d at all lkourq. Mr. Frry ran hn fnand nt4hP trairlentw of F. A '/Airman. nnr door Smith co/ thn khop 0-03,0r.3111 :ioats, a4)5 an!T ,furo. F A 'N . C Y Ar ANP UNDIM jun GoLI) STAN%OAitr) 11.11;i,E FASHIONABLE FURS, EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC ORIGIN FOR LAMES .4.VD,MIkiES. Th.., floods liehiq moatly pureltitsed FOkltold paya IN Gilr,D, iu nu cab., ,‘ ill the priced elrurged emceed the a Si:11011,1-1W wetter what Peint the latter may de r•lin. ire. We icr`oteetour...elvi, front loss IT daily purelia ~rig I ;..!(1 u. iii,llll.,unt of vur Salm. .T. W. PROCTER. & CLOAK AM') FUR FM PORII*3I, =EMI . . ._ • G n„,, E W ! -puOD NEWS ! ! /R 'I:S ED CC ED ! PRICES I: D PCI: D ! H_1l•:, CAP:: AM" LAL[li,• 11:1:51 EI'IIERT STILL A IVE A D! llneiit:t hod in a large tifeekLl MAUL I.:al ,, ltnd Lt.lLn no• and havaitt• how! thelat rt!tdueed prwei, I will now infer them at nearly the uhi itticet. FUR C.tSll. 1., ri? -- CALL AND IiXI\MiNI:. ,Jkl it - 1).,,ct the On., sEtti IN \l few tmr, North f 31-trket.tl9] • LDIES FANCY FUR'S! AT JOHN ♦ I'AR Ellt A :4 f )1.1 1:..,t.11,1‘..b...1Fur )taunt.; tarp. No. .street. there 7rh lut, now in star, of my own Importation and .Maimfavture. one ;('the LAIN r BEA.' Tn- r „vie, tion, FANCY' FUlts for L.ADIEN' ;tml CIIILIMEN's \SEAR. in the try. Aiv, r fin, a,..r.rfinvi.t of l:rat r, For t:lovoki mad Collar , • \ • l'kup svory all purchased v,11.41 Gohl Wll.l t{t 1'11 , 111.m, prenninn than at pr•onil I aln enable.' aiS• Of mat ery rea...nablr pritnl,ntnij nnuld there •• vAI , : role my friotoll ,if •••,tuity 1.1.1 Nanda.r and ~, ,t revt ! dl QIN F.kliEllti 710 Intl, 1 , 11. ta ...tom 0 7111 south lad, ol- iloaa PHILADELPHIA. i 1., 0 n t liartLer ilor 0.1.01 f non- o I tin Huy tallur date in Ph '...101p10,' -, coME TO T i llE 31ARKE . T HOSE II 4 I', r 41'. 0 BM YTS. SHOES. , IV! W . I' 1 - X . I tIN It, ja , t 01.• 11.4 !.. a One H,artnteut ( EATS l'.\l'.. Hi a 11l 5 out •lIDEN. at 10, new Sher the Marloa Ilott., a Iti. ro. la r.lll larilish all alai, le. Ia ai s li LI., e 100? . :,,r 0,4. .•:.1,0, yer , nl. , arr :add at ildirrar,.., A Eno, .s.-oritt,”. ..f CANE` , I ! MBID:I.I.AS. CAR- ! PE I It u:.. r A I.l.lpii , .le S. d ; t al.:H.1111y On bawl. t.lll and 1•,,,,,Le .11 Ltrve ,a,s 4 .0 stools. ,00.21 \V. Ny. I'A X'l'(l\. utl.,fhu N.. ZiEtatcbcfi anb j)cluchli. STEIZNE kk - ;CO., I)EALERS JrnvELity \NI) PLATE:I) 11111 , Ulfh011t the 1 . 110,1 5t.11. , ~ ak,duneid t,1.1«m elry and Pia t.d W,01• riptom pnot , egiurvi th 4,11-13 • IIZTICT.I:' , r .P.l" NE ii Frer of Chrtr..7e. nvat preti and 11., at A •. 71.11. r., attliolt :he f011.,,1ng• r• 11.• li+t I .1.1 t.. 11 el J. .i(12;11. nt.me jnta- I( . ( 11ts1.((1Lott I,Thutiond Rua:. _ . 1.. t (si .1:•.. . 1 . Id) Plated lOnek en ‘,.;t. , pro., 0.11, 51ng1.....t011e VQ )I,ll,ionsi. .11 „tilagnlhoent lirtierlept ha , ett-et , -Xi • Pen tuui .1 n ,111 1 4 ,1, t-.,11, Revel ettlter•selei 41 :hit Jet • r t of Pin Mid 1/6.1,1 t• L-1,T11.• '.• ,91.. n. Wateh K t . ) , I I It.tr.l .01.11:11.oelatlie :1 , 1. trent, I PerPl,4 ler pr ; Seal 11.1r4r4 SI- red. ~, lia'l yip I.l,lljrott' , , hand -imp. J r. 11,, 1.• er .1:m1P, ll (aey 1 .,,tt, 'of I prime - PIP Srll,l. tol4 silee? 1{111111.14 phi,t Poo, r Kmr e. 4 . 1 pl• r • ; N o s , p i, 1,1 r .I'l 110,1,1,11 rd I'' gir t re . fn' intim iutrlr . R third .: a ill PR , .• "rdein for a number I , f :tritely" at = (ht Lug r.., ii(),. .N. T liE AT porn /./1 oft, ..ry re///1, - .'.(111/1 pair:, 1% WO/ 141 . 1U1i1 . 4 th./11,//1/1 ./1 1/11, old imtmus and .Itoittamtauce, // t /// ../ / , / II 1 // r / c.. varwts. t/t .‘311:1t1('.1N ,t I //q../r. /1 NV. VI IPI t and I.letrnt .II:W I:1.11Y, SI I.\ W.Ant:, TM .11-J* N H ' , 1 , 1 Elt , ARCH ST.: PHIL 4DELPIILL Hat a 1,14, .a,,, k „I, 1 , WAT('IIES. , _ • 1.1.7 E JEIVI:I.It \ . ' - .1 , 1 ;MD sll.lElt \VAIU. I Sflqi/ nor pluto.l Tt4 SETS, hl.(a)N::., } . ()B.1•;:, 4, o ot:s—an):l tattourrv. T I4E -0 L D'% 1 0 K 'l' AN I) b , file new huddling,. oppo3itu thet II t'a I taherr it fall le,,,lratent or • sill( a )1. ,\NII 311SCEI.I.ANEOI'S 13041 KS • •:TATIoN,Eity, vifrar)(:lt k Pit A1.131: - .tf S. El'e.. ran he had nt E•Sri . .`tilttzly I,uw l'ruq. NV,k1.1.. laid WIN IttiW 511ADES, a largo and 1,, sttiok Ilerrhild's l'. loin-alert lions hilly own:toted. f o r ,rotolo. whit It o ill he tizlirermiil in the M1i11,11,4 Nesi . York and Iphin Pal‘eru rived doily, for to he h oill lie taken. Firut evel+, and l'ereeticalu required' roe, 11 , 1.10111 , 4104 i. f• ik)littnir.ohoalier than they ran be Inel 014 e, bore. .3 of port, t , .kuy part of the ef.1111,. I; Worstliti.,d Faio> Good% ennstantly on bond filer are .ntelt tli.Lr et" 1 . 1111 F11p1.13 . any In , .4terr .intoifiii it wily nral a ith di.p.att h K. 511In'tli K, 1.1110%, bowed in Shat York. ahleh Tultlvrtake do• olio( of particul.tr • d'aion., del', or ,f), to lauded up at a regeni,oo..• 01.11/110.1,111. - ."' Al A II IC E T II IT ti E 1K ()Iti: C BINDERY. I:1., ..1' 0 0" 41 u HU , lIIIE BIND :ItT i■ the t M\i 1:'1' iii)rs•l:. Loep I MI 1111111 i is lArgelmort.ertt or )( It. 311SCELI, 1 NEOI S,AN ISLAS;K BO(IKS, \VALI. PAPER. NN IN - 1)0W II1.INI):4 .VNI) FIXTURE:, ITIONERY, BLASE II(H)NS made to order.' l'.ll . Elt Itri.r.l,l"uny potter:, ()bi Book., P,nodival,4,_Nvw..vapvr. r. Bouml to oni , r lIIIIKIEM A MAN OP A l'H(11"ANI).-A CON /- ItjM lll, N. ( . 1111:1 , —IIIC. 11. JAMES II Retired colon of greot eminent, clttottavorett, tt tole to the n vertaln ollro for t'ontottpti/ik, Artht,,, lSronrhi t,o, Cough. Cold* awl ft otteral Itehtlity. 'rite remedy t.t.ot cll.; to on.' by Into o hoot but only Hind, n daughter, nits gi. ing op to tile. Ili. Auld wire curet!. nod ot now alit e Mot tt Olt lk,oron. of lootelitoig Ilia felhor mortals, he toll ' , tool to tho.t. v. Ito got]] it the trope. rontaintog 101 l 1111, 11.00 l for mak tug tool toultetesfolly uwin~, this rroOoll n opt ~r their IVith tor, /1.1.111ra to pay 4 , (ltent. Thi ri. ant 0 single elute of Con•umittion that it atm not lit .80 o take hold of tool tlittnittate. Night wu ettt.t, peovt.tloo o ttt, Irritotion of the nerve, failure of liteotory, difficult esp., titration, ttlutry point it'll,e lungs. sore throat. %ell...motion nausea - at the Atontnelt, into , tool of the Ito, tt totting IWO) . of the rototeleq. 7;4- Tho 0 rot.r It ill plea, ittntnthe ' name of the paper the yyiti tit Mit f•rti.forood in. Addl . .' on. CMS= (Ai.% Itl)(iCK S VO ilutr23-1 North . ..41 l'hiludelphiit, Pu. PE LAW PARTNERSHIP HERE • 'fore exi•aing hells...on T. B XESNEDT and T. J. lnot ill, day (I h•tulper 15, ) EB.) been (Biamlvell'll mutual eona.at T. B. KENNEDY. natV T F I - R S NOW OPEN En= 13=1 =I =I ELI lIIILIEN 7R 4 3lnrket Nrert 1110,1elphia iiiiiii =ROME Varbbiarc Oaten), etc COACH AND 'SADDLERY -HARDWARE. The subssgiber respectfully informs hi's, friends and the public. that he continues to cam' ou tire above business, ut his old stand. on Main Street; opposit e the Gerulan Re formed Church, CHAMBEItSBCRG, PA linvittg enlarged his hash rrss, Saddlers end Corteh nakers mill final in Lin Store Room a general ksiortment. ftwxis stilted to their several regairementa, such - al Fair aad Connuy Itomikins; Patent Leather, ' ~ .. Saddle Trees and Girthing. tib.; Treeg, Poll Plated, Tinned and Japanned: nrat ' --, Hair. Strabung. Web and Worsted Rain Wrb.-Itareg, than Cotton': • , flume+, flit unit Semi} GM Tinned and Japanned emelt Handles, new styles; curtain Frames; Huh Bands; Bridle Mats; • Robeates. Swivels 4.1_111 Ortattnenta: _ Innt Plated and Wood Gig Humes; BITKLES--BILASS, SILVEIt AND JAPANNED, all Styles and Patterns Ivory and. Wooden. Martingale Map,' Stamp Johds. aim{ a variety - of other gooeti suitablie • ALL KINDS OF PLATING, &c., done withneatitesa and despatch. LEWIS WAMPUM, Chambersbum. Pa. MEM CHEAP HARDW ARE! BRANDS FLACK Had a this gneuis smiler the pavement, whirl. were not burned. Suds ad Locks. Ilinires, Screws and other Hard. nom. Besides. they have just re...lied from Nosy York. and Philadelphia a very large lot of gm sls, purs-hased much inheaper th.in they are generally sold. They having been btallvd net. therefore we Nan, iliwk., Serowe, Bolts, (Ala. Gm.. paint: 6,e., at the:newest figure. TO BLACKSMITHS AND FARMERS! We have on hand about 10 Tons Iron of different kinds, hieh we in, ill sell lass th . an ij rain be bought irs the city. Also foc have 100 kegni of Nina and Stake& we offer stt from 6 to l 0 dollars tar keg. , CU'FLERY., ICnivre nn,, Rork., Scissors, Razors Pocket Naives, Spoor. `just received from New York which we oiler very low. belaS TARDWARE, 0 - 11, AND PAINTS.L immi, are invited in mull rind CI:111111W 1116 large and well selected stock of. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, jo.t opened on-S'eremd, bettrun Queen dna Market Sirens. Chanthersburg, Pa- Having purehased mint their wads before the recent advance in priers, fn on leading nianufachirers, it °pre determined UP sell Our enstoniers good...cheap, lance on band Oils, paitha, they Cutlery, Spoons. Iron and Steel, Ftitkes. Shovels & Forks. Saddlery, Shoe Findings. Ropes, Cords. homes, Chains 'Brits Powder. Locks, Hinges Seraws; Flies. Pots, Kettles and Patti. TOOri of crew dewription. rind goods of all kinds usually kept in a well regulated Hard in are establislunent. Shama form a distance. accompanied the cash. promptly attended to. and goods furnished its °heal , as when the person is present. Calk rind:try us. oets IRWIN - & miour:s. VAILS OF EVERY SIZE AND PAT : all sizmand qualitieb ; Looks, Hill. Kee am} SereUS . 011. and Varuishra Turpentine, ileymittion.a isoimiugSlardwareran I,e had, at lbw prices;lry ra , hng nn IItWIN S: RHODES, bn See rid mrort. - CARRIAGE MAKERS' GOODS, FiTiaincs • aI,IIILANiI A_ FLACK'S. HOVELS. FoIIKS AND :-.;PADES Al' et•lliVal 11 and manly ether nitieles which wu. lit the fizp. whiv'tt m:ie ro - tr0.,1 as new - = F YOU WISH To BUY CHEAP k I TARDWAIIE 1,11 m IRWIN & RHODES, on Sc owl :,trt,t. inAlt WARE.—CaII at the Store in V) the ' BRAND & FLACK. Booth ant f,,boch. Boffr .VNI) VARIETY STORE. P. FEiLDMAN, having dispo , ed of his entire itoek of Boots, Shoes. &le., at wholesale, on the 30th of last month, and andinc it moons ealent to resume business at his for. mer place On Main street. I have juA returned from the Oty tatth a A LARUE AND ENTIRELY NEW SI t ICE, to nitwit he respectfully iuvittn the attention of cli..bouler. and its many now on, lift will be 111..41 to Otte him a , 111 at MS NEW STORE ON SECOND S r . in ('ILA (MEI - KLINE'S brink building. nearly 6p -I•,tte the Po.t Oltile. Ih. ‘toek embraces every s ariety of y add Men's Down; ,k SHOES, which for ‘t3 le lefint-b and dundolUv of wear, cannot be tle ptt,.•ed in the I 011,1 q. and which wal be sold at riees to snit Ulf' Too, LlaCI ogpurrha.cd "(TIE LATEST STYLE LAsTS, prepared to make Costumer work. tot short ii6tice. he the hest workman the county. With a thvolotoon ti Ile ohligonz and aecomnealating he hopes to merit a liberal share of patronage—mahout a desire to monopolote.'lts'ltis motto is, in nor Nauman Calamity, to 11,e and let Particular attention paid to all kinds of Rtparrtrez. TERMS. CASH AND PRICES 1 'NIFOR3I, WIT!! our ExTaßTiox. lie ha.. also .1111111 d. it9d ,for sale. cheap. Trunks, Va• h4ps earpot SyiekA. I,lllllotl and Paper Collars. Paper, En% elopes. Inkstands. Steel Peas, 11—All.1,er:ems knowing them,olves indebted mill eall and make immediate settlement, that I may be enabltd to cocci ll* former liabilith, in the CitY. an,44 r1:10 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ,id C'Olt lIPTTO 'S 11007' Tint undersigned takes this method ~f retuniinyf his thanks to lain numerous customers. anti the public genendly for the ,very liberal ItatrilllllCe . 11,110101,1 extended to him, and, hopes, in his present misforithe In common xvitli near • in every business Man In tOWn„ that he will stih continue to be rvmembered. • lie has the pleasure of informing the Fable that he has o - pened his Store in the Ilasement of J 3fannahaa's Dwelling. on Second Street , (tint doors North of the Methodist Chattel,, where he is prepared to offer n general assortment of Melt', - NVollll'll'l, and Chil dren c Boot. and Shoes. embracing bin diva until man. uf.dture. Which. for rat Pilot, of etyle and durability are itiperior to and of Inn furring •tt - g4( and wall be Oftemd at prn'es to omit all. Ile kin Weekly Receipt of (tannin from Philadelphia wilielt for beauty and excellence cannot be South orthe Siiwpiehatinia. ('rsTa IM KR NV, tilIC of every variety &Ale with i . .unt.tne,•=•As he employ s flout' taut 'lO pr rice at orhtnen, I:le.hrjustifted an guaranteeing all work made at lain eft- I,Vttl.hment. Don't forget the pine°, Poor MO, North -‘,/ -the Methi;tll:4 Church, St, arid Street' Vasr Titt'SKS, of the latent.style, from approved inakers,.al. crliyr tali hand, _and for mis at at r. era 'small advance on °riga nal ea 4 ititr24l J.lii_!i 11l 11l I:'f rp IT El) Cl' A GrAl.k.—l would re l." spertfully itdimm 111. e fiends and runtonters. that I hate again opened, mi. ,Gerard Street, opportte the Market /fru+, where path wall find n good mssortnient of WWI'S mid SHOES, TRUNKS, ,CARPET 11.105, 3.. a• -ply ntoek it eittirciy new. ti.Cnly 'old stock tills entirely room,. ined by the late fire. which I sin disposed to sell as low as the naarket afforilL Ttntild request rill (icho have not Iwo burnt out) to eall and nettle their Ohl .100,11/)1,1, no I need money. ISj so doing. you nlll confe9 a grunt Nvor and enable me to go on or to business. • tler2l-Iltul ISAAC' lIUTTOS. (pqtrls. .... . LAsTE INN.--Th. 6 undersigned ha , lately-parchrtiod the (urge HMI 00R11110d1OUS Itrirk;Building or lieu. s. 11. Fisher. m 1.0111101.6,11 with his prevent place of 111151111`9,. on the winter of -Main street and I.lldw iY s is prepared to aeroonnodase hy the day. week ur month. lie is amply provided, with STA ishisii to arcommodate the twin ehng Having a large LI vEitv wrAnix, eonneetod with the I fillet, gite,tz and the publje genentlly mt . he famished ith Horse.; and Carriages :Amy moment.l'ersonslisit-; Chantherldatrg Mitt; [belt Comities willfinal thlirtile nee.t emnformhle llotel' in the cannily, HS it has been re• fitted w gin elan, vow Furniture. and the 1 . 001114 are large and well ventilated: ho TABLEI, amply ,tappliod with' all the Insaries of the M.0.4‘1.” and the BA It„ de• taelled.frirn the Itriek Pailding it ill always he furnished ith ligtoms 'Et err attention paid to the, romfort of guests (oetl2l, S. F. nuEENAwAur. DAVID' 11. II TC If ISDN has bevotne the Pniprietor of the I'Nrr ED STATES ITEL. near the lltbirotal Depot ut Kt l l'A. 'nue I,,pttlar and!cournaslionsllotet has been newly Petitteil eud fltrill.hett ti11 . ..110101a its parlors and eltamber4. ninl rends for the rereption of tote.ts. tilts elinz pnblip will that the tTnitell States Hetet the m i nt eon, enit4it in all partieulars. of any Hotel in the State Citintill. ttrt neenitut of Ito ItelnisS to the Tettleed: being illinteiliatelyibotm yen the too wrent depots In this eity . [lfarrishutg, Atte 17. ti:34f. - C,4TATES UN.I()S - 1101'EL,OPI'()SI'VE the Lebanon and 11.1,,,,t pinto. Ilarrishurg City, This eons en,lent plsmant Hotel iN rate kept Ire Ow undersigned late .of the Indian Queen In Chunthers . bara, and he invites the planning' , of his nit frannils and thepublie Cnernlly. Innilerntn. oet:i.tf ; Jon's W. TAI: 1M11..' . , .A, 1 0 N'l' 11 011 Eit Y 11 OIT S E."—The ,IYII2 Montr,nolers 11011.0 Ina. again In4a, ~ponett on 01,0 ~ity of the old hotel. by the untlyntigne,j, where the hula* tnnetaannuataty her former putran s and the inthliegeneritily. l'oetl ' , si, , MAltriA It ETTA hit :OM F.ItY. „ - ,4IIIPPENSBITIZOr FEMALE ACADE MV.--Next Sessinn cotnnteneee tonday, Sept. sth., Pupils instructed in al) the higher branches tnught in Setniittmes. With !heal and instrumental music. ; A limited nitmlter'of pupils will he hoardjwlih thr family of the itrineitntl. Person, having. daughters-to educate, will And in this Institution. omen• advantage they audit.% Fur particular, and a circular Is dress lUSS 'IL J. IFICEEE:IN Prim:lW, hh ppniAburg. Pa. w 10.4 3snua TOB PRINtING; in every style, dons 0M the Mks of lbe rn AICKLIN 11.11P4ITOSEY. • VOL. 71....WH0LE NO, 3,679. avpoitovt). For the Franklin Repository, CHAMBEVABIYEG BY MOONLIGHT 11T DR. A. L. M., U.S. ARMY The moonlight lingers on the wall. And on the joy departed Mall., • ltrtrere peaeefnl grandeur swelled its'thle, And rettel Humes ex anted, died. Thew sad mementoes of the past, Reflect a chivalry so Yost. ft ends in nothing but nunmo, ..tad old M'Causland's bootard fames The nick were thrust out in the air, The dead, were tot reipeeted there; art quit fireir labe's last dying km Jima through the smoking fire lifsky N. r.ior iierspreaditsnufferisig head, 1 It hail been burned down o'er the dour,' Its chly cold mother. as it 'lay; This, this. was southern chivalry. But these old walls that loom so tall, Like inonlimentel, their shrub - me fall, Upon a race, who-woulit not give The tribute to the foe, and live. Then let them stand, spires df the peat, They are thy glary, let them last For ages that are yet to come, When , southern chivalry Is dumb, Upon them let thy children gaze, And they'll groti strong in freedom's pulse, And nerve their arms to.deeds of fame That vet shall carve a nation's name. Abikles of pease, thy ruins stand As beacon lights throughout the land; As monuments of blackened crime With which the villeins' name won't rhyme. Repair. beneath their shade will give New life to heroen,thut yet lice. For liberty still lingers where Vile tniltors dared 'minute the air. These marks of brutish beasts remain, Apt on them gill remain the stain, When that ignoble race iadorna And victory• is nobly Foil. Their star of empire fides away, As does the night at coming tiny, And all their boasted power and might, Sinks down before the blaze of right. _ Secession is h thing of crime, - That blackens still s by coming time, Lending ita votaries to the tomb! And shrouding all that's dear, in gloom. Tke taring heart, the tender wife, Is torn from all that's dear in life; Virtue disgraced, and seas of blood, EngulfM the Nation like a flood. The young aid lovely in their pritae, Itsmh throughthe catalogue of crime, * 4 . Who would have blushed with honest shame, Ere vile secession's hellish flame Wreathed round thetiatiiM like a coil, . Of some vast serpent, who'vrould spoil Fair Heaven itself, could hebut reach Its jiMpor walls, to form a bsestch. - These blackened ruins now attest, • The serpent wlieshonld never rest, his fangs are borne away And be is cruised by Liberty. THE PROFESSOR MARRYING ♦ COOK Some years since, when I .was in college, we had amongst our " faculty," a curious personage; ,whom every one regarded with considerable re - pect, and yet as a character saigeneria. He had lived many years without a wife; and expected Ito live so always. Indeed as he was the profeki sor of mathematics, the abstraction of his science lorbade his indulging in the idea- of getting mar ried. To the female sex, therefore, ho showed no other regar4 than common politeness required!. i I tis character was purely negative. Of course he 1..-:vs eet pepuler with the ladies, and they kept themselves at a distance from lam. But &ream :stances that often bring about a match in othe'r eases, placed - him in a puenliar dilemma. If seemed, a whim that a necessity was laid ninth him to get married. He was one of the faculty :of the. Collegj,—all the „other professors were married and obliged to entertain the distinguislA visitors of . the Institution. He had always board ed. Of course it wasn't never expected ofhim .that he should ever give' a party ordinner. But it began to he regarded as rather mean in him fu . shirk of this matter : from year to year, and, "'well of as- he was pecuniarily, to throe; upcin lim other members of the faculty the cost and : trouble of entertaining the special friends and pat :tons of the College. The question was, therefore ',frequently asked: ! : •' Why dosen't the old miser entertain some of the distnignisbed visitors that visit use" ',z Now our professor wasn't a miser at all and it often troubled him to think he was situated that he couldn't bear his part ot. the burden. 'And ;yet; what could he - do 1 Midst he get Arriedl lAnd if so, to whim: ? He had no speciikregard :for any one in the vicinity of the college, and no one had any special regard: tar him. ...In his youte „ger days he had seen at school a young lady in the city of New-York, in whom he had felt a pi , - leuliar interest. But , of her he hadn't heard for years. Doubtless before'this time she was mir lried, or-in hervave. Possibly,however, she was 'still living and 4•aiting for him ! Glorious thought ! He was quite relieved at it, though, indeed, thete !might be no foundation for his relief. Neverthe less, he maid make dde inquiry. Nor . eouid he long delay, for Counnencement . day w,asitt hand, only a few weeks off. It was his turn, at' ,rather would be it he was married, to give. the great dinner to the distinguished personages who , would he preiient on the occasion. There's:could be the Governor t of the State, and his lady—the trustees of the lustit4ion and their friends, , ao ! others of equal repute. But who should be mail -.ter of ceremonies , And who should grace tbe, ' tablet He could square the circle 'perhaps, but such a circle as this, what could he do with bit If he were only married, what a helpmeetwould hie wife be at such a time. - And yet, hiawifti must be is 'good looking, intelligent, and aeceth plished lady ; - otherwise the blank' would be a blot I Now there was a young lady in the neighbor hood that the professor thought Might 'answ&. He had seen' her at his boarding house, and spb ken to her since or twice. , "But, ahe may say no," and if she did, in creation'," thought he, "could 1 hide head!' And then sa hat would become of the dining I" , The Governor must have a dinner and he mast have a wife. And hence he lay awake about lit all night. At lust as the morning broke he cried out to himself, "Contempt! She will say no, will she! What then 1 Other men have livedl hroueh it, and I shall. • If nut, I shall have a clear con science about the dinner, and a clear couscienee is theimatn thing utter all ! I will write a note to Miss A. anyway.. It may be she will regard jit favorably. So the professor sat down and w rote a note to Miss A. "Stay a minute," said he to himself, "what w ill the Governor think of the Lady I She is handsome and polite, but can she converse? Can she entertain company ?" "Doubt ful," said he to , himself, "very doubtful;" and ko his tore up the note: Maui! for a man on, the erge amid riumny ! In an hour or two; however, the Professor called on the President mai said :; • "1 should like to he absent a few days ?" "Al!" said the President, 'just at this time?" "Yes-, t.ii•, have lily cheeses in readiness for 'the examination, And I wish to go to New York." "'tins any death iiiscurred in the ;family," said the President. • "No, sir," said the professor "but I have a lit ' tlematter of bugiaens that requires nil immediate attention, and I thought it best to go.'" - 1 "You hive my best wishes," auidthe "and etas yin return safely and not alone.", = The professor almost smiled, but blushed,rathisr than smiled, and left the President, and hastened to New York. llis firat‘iaquiry on his arrival there, was for 'Miss Adeline G. the young lady whom he hid Bean some years before, at school, as we haTe men tioned. "Why," said the respondent, "the family hat been reduced, and she is a cook.. Perhaps you dont know it, sir 1" cook !" said he, "Oh ," said the lady, something else possibly." - "No, I hare been half starved to death since; left New York, and I want some pue to 000 k, decently." . • l'Well, she can do that, for she scarcely hue her eltull in - that line in this city. Why, sir, she it a ok, par (acellence." . "And how does she look?" ' "Shi is the kulOsnmest pooh In the iity,brin.‘: "that is jut what I want!" "we thought you waut4hl liot quite that, Ipresurne," said tbe - Profesior, but is film intelligent t—l speak confidentially." "Intelligent ! She is, indeed—she can converse ike an angel," "And'as to manners. Is she acromplisdrcl "As ginceful as an actress." "When can I see her ?" "At eight o'clock this evening." "Conan% I see her before that hour ?" "I think that would be the most convenient time for her . to call, and to see.you. She will be en gaged M ied her duties till then." "I will wait then. Please to tell her that Pro. fess'or.3lnek, of . Virginia. wishes to-see her—an old aegnamtance of tiers." "Shill I tell her that you wish to engage a t a: °WI • "roti may tell her that I wish to see her; alcul the Professor. "What name did you say?" "Professor Mack, of Virginia, if you please. madam," , - .An everlasting long day Was before him and he - had nothing to do; not a problem to solve A except • the one in hand, - and that was one of a doubtfulsolution. = '- Eight o'clock at last came, and the Profesebs----- called again to see the young lady. "A cook, indeed!" said the Professor to himself; "she is 'a splendid woman fit to grace any parlor in:the 'world?" But how in creation should he make known his 'business 1 Poets, they say, 1;4- gin in the middle of their story; but professors of mathematics, where do they begin? Finally, said the-suitor, "Miss G., how would you like to go to Virginfa 1" i"To Virginia!" said she as if surprised. Are you'not mistaken in the person whom you wished to' see 77 "•No',i no,' said he, "don't you remember when we. both attended school in Franklin street?"' "Oh.;" said she; 'it is George Maek—l remem ber von well: why, I didn't know that you- ere alTvg!"_ -"And I have never forgotten you." "Ali;! indeed, you are very kind to remember me so long! I thought every one bad forgotten me in my calamities." • 'APeople often think they are overlooked when trials overtake theii; but it is for you to my that four present trials are at an end" "Professor' Mack ! what do you mean? Why Y am a mere—" "If You have had reverses I have had success, and have the means of making you comfortable in life.!' • - "84 you do not know my ciroumsiinoes:now, for I would not deceive you, George 1" . "It does not concern me what you are now, but what you are willing to be." .;But I have-an aged mother, Professor "' ' "Ind I sigh to have one; she can go, too," - Matters were soon arranged as to time, place, and ceremony, and this' being over the party were off forVirgirua—the Professor pleased that he hid solved, the matrimonial problem so easily, and the lady that she was no longer al, the world's bid ding j In 'the country of Virginia great ado is made for a newly married couple. Of course much was expected in the case of the Professor. But some "bird M the air" carried the story in advance, that Professor Mack had married a cook ! What lady then Would call upon her? What society could • the F. F. -V . 's 01 Virginia have with a cook But the President advised his wife to call upon her out of decency at least. If the professor had married a cook, why, he didn't know any better: All that he knew was how to solve problems in mathemat ics. Besides, he might not have'married a cook, or if he had he vas well off in one respect—he could; have a good table. "Pshaw!" said the President a lady, "what does a person care about a table in comparison to caste in society ?" Caste in society will do well enough," he re- plied; , "but since we must eat to live, a well roast ed turkey is better than a fried chicken, and a short; biscuit than an ashcake ! And what does an epicurg care for ceremony? A. good cup of coffee is better." "You are do Virginian, husband, dtherwise,ybu would never say that, for any body knows that • nobility in a log cabin is better than a cook in a palace !" " W ell, call on the lady and see—theories are often good for nothing, whilst practice is the sum of perfection !" The 'residentess called and was amazed—the cookwas much her superior_--and she felt it. The other officers' ladies having heard that the' President's wife had called on Mrs. Mack, were obliged acaording to custom to follow suit. They, too, I were 'disappointed, for the New-York lady hadn't lived in a city in vain. In mind, in man ners; in accomplishment, she outranked theui all' Besides, in respect to family she was not at all in ferior—her father having had fortuneonce and lost it. Commencement day was now near at band, and the great dining was to come off at the Pro fessor's. Nor was Mrs. Mack at all disconcerted about it,' She had seen a thing or two before,. and, as fully confident in her own ability to meet the exigency. When time arrived, all eyes were fixed on Mrs. 3layk. How would she appear in the presence of the Governor of Virginia? How in the pre sence -of the professors and the President? - And what sort of a table would she set, and how - Would she grace it 1 Could she go through it with dig nity Of course all this was enough " to try met's soul's," but Mrs. Mack was perfectlyat home. Iu etiquette—in conversation—in the-arrange ment of all the circumstantials and in the formal itien of the occasion she showed borsch equal to the ;duties devolving upon her, and evidently in terested the Governor very much by her powers of conversation. "What a charming lady," said he to his wife, "is Mrs. Mack! and what a table haelnhe set! how well she graces it !" - 'lMy dear - hitsband,"pud she, "do you know she: is a New -.York cook—wily, she has been a mere servant for many years!" • know nothing about that," sail he, " but if she; has, I wish every other lady was a servant and a New York cook, too. We should have something to eat then, my dear, besides . fnod chickens and ashcaken." All men are not epicures like 'you, GoTer norl," ; "No—hut if they were they would imitate the mathematical Protesimr. nod go to New York to get{ a wife. -A man wouldn't be compelled. then to !go to a aaloun to get a decent dinner! llu (mold find one at-Thome—now a great rarity," A TRAVELat, near the close of a weary days driVe user a lonely and muddy road, (mule to a lit tle log cabin in the forrest, and asked fur a drink. A young woman supplied his wants, and after wards, as she wan fhe first woman he had seen hi several days, he offered her a dime fora-kiss. It wit.; duly taken and paid tor, and the young lady, whO had uevej seen a dime before,_ looked at it with some cariosity, she asked, what she should do with it. lie replied, shad she chose, as it was her:* "If that's the ease," said she, "you may take It back and give me another kiss." I • 4 YOUNG woman in Jackson, Michigan, has been carrying on the recruiting 'bushier% in an original and highly peculiar manner: She married a man on condition that he will enlist and give her his:bounty.. She being strikingly handsome the man consents. After lie is gone she marries amither. Four men Lax she thus wedded and sent to the army. On the fifth occasion she waa deftated. - A FAnvtAtt, having lost some ducks,was milted by the cmuisel for the prisoner accused of stealing them to describe their peculiarity. After he had dode so, the COMISPI remarked, "They can't bu such a rare bleed, as 1 have some such in my ynil." "That's very likely," said the farmer; "[liege are not the only ducks of the UMW sort had stolen lately." .131 RNED FAtwrs.—A printer, yOuseltalenqi we but indifferent, turned physician. lie wag asked the reason or it, and replied, " In printing atllthe thaltg are exposed to the eye,but in physic they are buried with the patient, and one gets off unire easily." FELLOW contemplated in utternderment thy wonderment nagiutuditioua dimensions of a by standees feet and said, in a. tone of toitouisloooot, as be survey edlthe man's proportions. "You'd have been a tall man if they hadn't bent you so far up." A LADY who aings in a choir, Waye she will mar ry la small main, because short metre biros are the eastegt 'to get along with. ;IF A WOMAN could tulk out of the two coruerii oflher mouth at the same time, there would Luo a goOd deal said,un both ' DiSCONSOLATE young lady tune bean] to re mark the other day, that if a cart wheel had nine tepees, ihe didn't see why she couldn't have our. Wily do hens always lay in tho day time Because at night they become roosters. :Way is a cow's tail like a swan's bosom? Be 'cause it grows down. To what lane does ths mess sing? Neptune.