'Vega gotta*. A ITDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under -LA. signed, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Franklin County to distribute the balance In bands of Jos C. Kennedy, arecartor of Henry Smith, late of Chain bersburg, dec'd, to and among the perscns legally entitled thereto, will meet the parties Interested at his oftice and ossidence on East Washinaton Street, Chunlhereburg. on Tkuraig, th 34 day of - No-ember oar; at 9 o'clock, mid perform the duties of his appointment. octl9 ,H. J. SONBRAKE, Auditor. .LI.A DiSfINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No lice is 'hereby given that Letters of Administration au the Estate of Jacob Brown, late of Green township, ilec'd, have been granted to die undersigned. An persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate win please make Immediate payment, dad those having alaimsdresent them properly authenticated for settlement. oc ELIZABETH BROWM, Ad/Wm ADMINISTRATOR'S tlte Iletketqly gbren that Letters of Adnltnistration on the Estate ' nfJesse IL Jones, late. of FannetMbarg, died, have been granted to the tuulernigned. All persons knowing themselvterindebted to said Estate still please make immediate payment, and the*, havin Maims print these properly anthentiested forAettlemeni ddt26 JOHN D. WALKER, Adnir. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-NO , lice to hereby given, Mitt letters of Administration _ott the Estate of Christian Royer ' late of Antrim township, deed' tuctrre been granted to the undersigned. ' persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to Matt Immediate payment, and those having claims kill pkNuie present them properly authenticated for settlementl dets* / CHRIST/AN ROYER, JR. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-No tice Ii hereby given that Letters of Administration OD the Estate of Anna Wingert late of Letterkenny town. ship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. AApersons knowing themselves indebted tosaid Estate will Please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. seplN ABRAM B. WINGERT. Adm'a A D MINISTRATOR'S tieteby given that Letters of Adaduistrutiork on tke Estate of John Moan, Sr., late of Quincy township, deed, bare been granted to the undersignecL All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment; and those having eltivrient themproperly authenticated for settlement. A. S. , MONK, Admin. A :DMINISTItATOR'S teals herebygiven that Letters of Administration on the &tate of Paul Geddes, late of Metal township, dedd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons krusaing themselves indebted to said Estate will pleasamakdallansadiata.payment; and tholialniv . • elahnsprosent theta I authenticated for settlement. "PO' ; •' ' WILLIAM NOONAN, Adutr.. A DMINISTBATOR'S NOTICE.—No• 11 tlee is hereby girl* that Letters of Administration °tithe Estate of Mflton Shkey, late of Greeneastle, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. . •All persons knowing themselves Indebtsielo said Estate will'please male Immediate payment ; and those having claims presentpresent them properly authenticated for settlement. J. C. KLANAHAN, Adm'r. -ADMINISTRATOR'S lace is hereby given that Letters or Administration cm the Estate of Dull, late of Quincy township. iee'd. have been granted to The undersigned. • AU 'persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment, and ,those having Cams prosentthomploperly authenticated for settlement. - GEORGE DULL, Adm'r. 0et.19 GEO. BENEDICT, ADMIN'ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration 011 Ms Estate of Joseph Funk, late of Washington town. shitideed, have been granted to the undersigned. persona gnawing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those flaying alai= present them properly authenticated for settlement. oat 110 DAVID H. FL" X, Adm'r. BiPMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-N out o- lie' ill hereby given that Letters of Administration Estate of Wm. Gil man, late of Ohio, deed. have been granted to the undersigned, 4.11 petsans knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please [nab immediate payment; and those having alarms preiwrit,them properly authenticated for settlement, oat 19 Aa.EASAAI METZ, IR., Admen • ADMINISTRATOR'S ties is hereby given that Letters of Administration or the gstate id George Snider, late of St Thomas town ship, dWd, have been granted to the undersigned. AZ persons knowing themselves indebted to raid Estate wilipissee mks-immediate payment- and thane having e] alma *skint them properly authenticated far settlemept octig JOHN C. pNIDER, AIMEMISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No lice is hereby given that Letter of Administration an the Estate of William A. Armstrong, late of Guilford towiship, deed, base been granted to the undersigned. All perstms knowing themselves indebted to said Estate Will please make Immediate payment; and those having alai= present them properly _uthentieated for setttlement. oetl9 WILLIAM VERGESON, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-N ties is hereby given that Leiters of Administration on thenthite of James W. Linn, late of Fannett township, dee'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having. olaiMspresent them properly authenticated for settlement. octlir H. W. LINN, Adm's. /.I.A DMiNIsTHATOR'S NOTlCE.—No tice is herebY given that Letters of ‘Administraten Cu the Estate of Charlotte 'Newell, late of Antrim town ship, dosed, have been granted to the undersigned. • dll persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate Rill please make immediate payment, and those having , slams present them properly authenticated for settlement. BENJ. M. POWELL, Ada/. A DhINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No- Bee is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of John W. Ilarbaugh, late of Way deectlaVeibeen granted to the - undersigned.'" - All persons knowing themselves indebted toaald Estate will please make immediate payment; and tto.e having claims present them properly authenticated fotnettlement. oets JACOB BEAV4, Adler. A DitIIgISTRATOR'S tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover, late Ad Antrim township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. , octs ABRAHAM HURST, Adru'r. p - 121:ECUTOR'S NO TlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of James Wallace, late of Southampton township, deed, .have been granted to the undersigned. persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and those having , labAresenttherAproperly authenticated forsettlemept. CONRAD PLASTER, Ear. ,PXECUTOR'S NO TIC E.—Notice is hereby &ea that Letters Testamentary to the Estate of Noel' Myers, late of Montgomery township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned pemama knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those haying claims them properly authenticated far settlement. DANIEL HAWBEOKER, Ex'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice Ls isereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es tate of Philip Foust, late of Southampton township, dec'd, - have been granted to the undersigned. -- All persons indebted to slid Estate are requested to make immediate payment, a d those having claims will please present them properly authenticated far settlement , octs panip FOUST, Jr., Ea'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC E.—Notice is hereby given that Letters 'Yestamentary to the Estate of John Fouver, late of Antrim township, dec'd, have been granted ' to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate trill please make immediate payment; and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settlement. Oct 19 HENRY FOUYER, Her NOTlCE.—Whereas, my wife Lydia has left my bed and board wlthoatinst cause, I caution all persorut not to trait her on my account, as I will pay at debts of her contraction. My three children, Adam, Eph raim and Charlotte, 1 warn all persons hot to harbor or employ wiihont consent DANIEL FORNEY. Cashtown, Adams co., Ps., Oct lii. le d4.-3t• (Clothing. NEW QUARTERS AND NEW STOCK Tilia 4 4stD currttrso. Empoarcm. IX THE HAMM HOLIE, • - Cheumbersburg, Pa. ' The undersigned, after a temporary absence necessitated by the Sustructiou of Chambersburg, has again returned and opened out intuit blast in the Market House between Wallabies Dry Gool store and Iluber & Lemastor's Oro ceryitore, a large assortment of - FALL Milp WINTER GOODS, of every description and quality. This stock consists of Ready Made Clothing such as Over Coats. Drbss Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Drawers, dze„ Mkt, GENTLEMENIP . FURNISHING GOODS, such - j. Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Shawls, If asulkerchiefs, Col him, Umbrellas, &c., mistook of Cloths for customer work consists of French, English and D2nte.tie manufacture. Black Doe Skin and Fancy Caisiniers, Black Satin, Vie-wed Silk., Plain and Fancy Cassimer Vestimrs which while made op to order In styles to stilt the taste of customers, on short notice, and reasonable terdis. Having engaged a vortical Cutter from the Emit, lam ',per.' to !mall clothing in tho most fashionable stylex, and ea none but experienced workmen are engaged per eune may rely upon rotting their work wall dune at my Store. Thankful -for the patronage heretofore hemowed, I to spectrally solicit a continuance of the Lune. octi9 J. T. HOSKINSON. •.T W. 'SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR ittl, MESHING STORE and SHIRT MANI? F AC'r CRY, Na. 814 Chesnut St., 4 doors below the Continootoi, phn. adelphia. Particular attention given to ordered Shinn, A perfect fit guaranteed. Persons at u distance ma order by the following Shirt measures : Size around the Neck. 6t .Cheat under the Arena Waist. " " Wrist. Length of Alms (bent) hum centre of back to middle of ' hind. Length of Bosom ii at Sloth. AATEsTtN BROTHER, MERCHANT TAIL RS, No. 900 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Raving recei4ed a liberal share of patronage from Clam bershuxg and vicinity, we aro encouraged to oak for more. The excellence of our goods uud our work, and the care we take to give entire satisfaction, area sullicietagnarav Me that we valneorrr reputation. uffeiVia4.ls.F.STON ArrmrynTEß Sines of &abet: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD! SPRH4G TIME TABLE. FIVE TRIPS DAILY to ansifrom Philadelphia, on and after May 16th, "S&L The Passenger Trains of the Paunsytvania Railroad Company trill depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia ha follows : ,EAST VCSA. RD: THROUGH EXPRESS TKAIN leaves Harrisburg lv at 2.45 A. as., and arrives at , West Philadelphia at 6.35 M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) and tijX) A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. at. I'asiengers take breakfast at Lancaster. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION. leaves Harris. burg at 7.20 A. 14., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster Accommodation Train,- and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r., M. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Ilarrishnrg at 12.20 P. M., Coltanbin 1.55 P. If., and arrives at Lancaster at 2.30 3f.: connecting , with PaR Mail east et Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.20 P. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M., Wiens. ter at 2.47 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.30 P. it. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.5.5 P. IL, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. M.• • WESTWARD: BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ilarrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. 3f.; Altoona 7.35 A. 11, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. M. PIiILADELPIIIA EXPRESS TRAIN leave. Itarris• burg dotty at 3.10 A. 3f.: Altoona ?..20 A, It., take break fast, raid arrive at,Pitt.ibarg at 1.00 1•. H. MAIL TRAIN leaves Ilarrisburg :It 1.30 t•. Ifa Altoo na at 7.15 1•. take supper, and arrives at l'athbarg ab a. H. PAST LINE leaf es liarrisburg nt 3.15 P. 3c.1 Altoona at 87.15 P. 11., take supper, and amres at Pittsburg ut 100 A. It. 31017 NT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Lancaster at 830 A. If., and arrives at Rarriebtug at 11.10 P If. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P.N., and arrives at Harrisburg at e.lO P. 51. 310I1'T JOY ACCOhLMODATION No 2, l eave Lam:hater at 6.25, connecting with Handslnirg Aceonrmo• dation West, leaves Mount Jay at 7.00 P H., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 t. x. AAMI;EL D. YOUNLI, jan15,8441, Sup'tbe Div. Penna. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY FALL TIME TABLE.—Four Trains Doily_ to and from Da/assort and Washington City, Connections made with trail:mon Peunsylvanla Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the Strew. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira and all of Nat -them New 'York. . On and err. Eforulay,4lm. 17th,_1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern EenVral Railway will arrive at and depart from Elanisborg and Baltimore as follows : SOL TRWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sanlitu7 daily (exeapt, : Suaday) lOur. A.M. leaves Harrisburg 1:20 l',K. " - arrivea at Baltimore 5:40 P.H. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (ex• ceps Sunday) 11:45 P3l. ,A leaves Harrisburg (except - libnclay) " arriv e s at 8a1tim0re... ..... HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIO eaves Harrisburg SUNBL'RY ACCONMODATIGN leaves Sun bury daily (ex. Sunday)... PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves StuttnuTidaily(ex:Stmday) 9:05 P.M. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9:90 4.51. leaved Harrisburg 1:3.5 arrives nt &tabu. 4:05 IiIXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily... 9:30 r.m. arrives at Harrisburg 1:504.H. • leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) arrived at Sunbury ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Haiti Gore daily (except Handeirs) at. • leaves Harrisburg daily-(ex eppt Suidays) at. • arrives at Sunbury at • HARRISBERG ACCOMMODATION leaves Baltimore daft (ex. Monday 100 par. arrives at Harrisburg at. ' 7:30 P.N. SUNBURY . ACCOMMODATION leares Hat. risburg Sally (ex. Sunday). :.4:00 P.M. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. 3lail and Express tralas run through to Elmira. For farther inforrention apply at the Orace, In Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. achge64 3. N. DtPDARRY, Gen. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND I, 7kE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses eir:orthern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvagia to etity of Erie, on Lake Erie. has been leased by the Penttyl7•6lB, 12.7aNlroad Zany. and is operated by them. • / Its entire length wan opened for plisseugsrs business. October' 17th, 1864. TOILE OF PASSENGER TRAINS Through Ilan Train... Elmira Express TrNa. Accommo • Through Mail Train.7. lll W 12.20 A. M. Elmira Express Train ;US A. SC Accuutmaili, Won 1:4 r. Si. -Passenger Ctn., run through without change lxith wit) a between Philadelphia and Erie. .. . Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Express Train both Wl,* betltc•en Wllll•surport Isal.lll4.ltimure, mud, Wntiau.po and PhilaAlelphia. • • - For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market Streets, Milade/pilta. And fur Freight business of the Company's Agents A. B. KINGaTok, Jr.,•cor. 13th and Market Sts.,,,Fitila. J. W. BETtiouts, Erie. .1: N. DRILL Agent N. C. E. U., Baltimore, Md. 11. li. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. GWINNER - , Gen. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, Gen. Manager, Williamsport. )rL . '6, 64 ITTNIBERLXND 'VALLEY & FRANK \J lAN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS— On and alter Monday, Apnl ith, Passenger Trains will ruu daily. as follows, (Sundays ereepta(l): FOR CHAMBERSBURCI AND HARRISBURG: Leave Haa - entown .1.. ' Greeueastle . s / Arrive it Cliambersbarg Leave at. Leave Shippensbarg '" Newville A-11. " Carlisle 5:55 10:10 2:42 Mechauiesburg - ti:2s 10:4:1 Arrive at Harrisburg 0:55 11:15 3:40 FOR 011,431BERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Ile'r'risburq Mechardesburg " Carlisle " " Ship , ,abt, Mppensbarg- . Arrive at Chambersbarg. Leave Chamber: a.. Greenmail° Arrive stYlag : Making ciZes connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and with tersins for all points Sliest. The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20 P. la. runs only as far as Carlisle. - 0. N..LULL, Supt. Oaks. Chanih'g, !April 4, 1E64. ' MASON 6r. IIAbILIN'S CABINET ORGANS. _ _ - _ MELODEONS, were introduced, some twenty years since, and were sueceeded by the fIAII3IONIUMS about nine years ago. The CAII.I.,NET ORGAN was 'brought tn its present state of perfection only in the summer of 180.. THE ACTO3IATIC BELLOWS SWELL has great ads antages aver any ether invention of the kind, is capaLle of much finer effects Us= can be produced by any other, and is more easily heed by the performer, and excels especially in oveouty for =pre-anon. !Lr Please notice advance iu prices. CARLNET ORIIA.NS.—SINSiLE BLED. 15. Pour Octane, Single Bleed, in Walnut or Oak Case $llO No. 16. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Case 135 No. 17. 'Wive Octave, Single Reed, in Walnut or Oak Case - 130 No. 18. The Same, in elegant Rosewoml Ca5e...... 160 DOUBLE Bull,. ....... . No. 19. Four Octave, Double Reed, in Walnut or Oak Cue 140 No. W. The Same. in elegant RuMwood Cure 1115 No. 21. Five Octave, Double Reed, In Walnut or - Oak Case i. 170 No. 22. The Same, inelegantitreewood Case. WO No. 25 i'he Same, in Solid Carved Wnlnut or Oak, with Walnut Carrinp. 1 2OO - :SIX 8709. No. 14. Six Stop Cabinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Culte. No. 13. The Same, in elegant Rosewood Care.. No. 12. Eight Stop Cabinet Organ, In Walnut or Oak Case No. 11. The Same, In elegant Itosesmsl Case No. 21. The Same, la Solid Carven. Walnut. ..... Organ,_ In Walnut or Oak en so SOO Cases of zltra finish on hand. or made id order. MELODEONS. 5. Five Octave, Piano Style, RUfeWl.l ClllO, ..szo Nu. 6. The SIIIIIP. Portable, Reaewood (bo.e ....... . 110 No. 7. 'l'l.e Same, Portable Walnut Ca.. ' No. 9. Pour Octave, Portable, Ibmewoial , Degoriptive pamphlets funneled by the sulpuni ber. 'AP Agents for Messrs. Mason & Hamelin we are enabled to sell at their New York prices, and charge nothing for freight. NVe have sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfiwtory references. 8. 8. BHRYOCK. Agent, Chruebeniburg, CIMM THE CHAMBERSBURG SILVER COR Y NET BAND is pr9pnred to furnish Mush: (dr Mill fury, Civic, Religions find Political Astundations or Proees shuts in any part of the State. Picnics, Nay Parties, Ste., nectunnuxhited at tihort. notice. Address P. DOCK FREY, 11. 11. lIATNICK, Leader. uetl9,3ntos MILLER, IL MILTON & CO, Havejart re•egved a lino usrortment of NTOVEB, TIN, JAPANNED AND OTHER WARE. They aro determined to Kell lower than anyliody else. They put un TIN nooFING, Ist quulity material for 18 rents per square foot; 24 quality if cents; 1d quality 14 eenta. noll They do SPOUTING cheaply, well and promptly. They use best Iruu fe Stare Pipes, and charge bat IV cents pet Ih. Come and see if you snout du better with them lima with any other establishment. Priers reduced to suit the times. orVif f TEIIIIS CAM. sgIEP,. 2:504:x. 7:00 A.M. 7:00 ♦.x 1201:2 3:15 A.ll 5.53 LM 7:30 P.Y. 12.3.5 A.M. 3:115 Zia =EI I= 71:45 F. 2.50 A. it I:•_'U p. =I A.N. F.M.' 7:(X) 2:45 7:37 3:35 - e:l7 4:26 :30 12 . 9.1)0 1 ;IN ::k2 :!,UU A.M. PAL P.M. 8:05 1:32 4:20 ' BA7 2;15 4:54 9.27 5.45 5:Z.) 10:132 - 10:33 4:00 .1101 4,30 ...11:10 440 _..11:55 6-.30 -12:35 6:10 leusicat. IMMUESSI PI DAL BUSS Pt:,#oo - itrfo4fiettott, itjambersbrgc . Va : 1 . 1 . 6 4:rt0P *bar!), TTOREIS, STERNE & CO., DEALERS D . : WATCH:ES, JEWEIAX AND-PLATED WARE.—We offer td purchasers thinughnui - the United Eitat&v 6 large andsplendid assortment of Jewelry and Pla led Ware of every description at prices which slily comps:. fititm, ARTICLES SENT By MAIL Free of Charge. Pot the benefit of persons wishing a neat, pretty, alit useful article at a moderste price, we attach the following price list: Ladies handsome 'Seek_ Chain 81,00; single stone imita tion Dianiond.Ring 81: Cluster imitation Diamond Ring E'2; heavy Plated Vest Chain $1.25 ; Heavy Plain Ring s (will stand the strongest acid) al ; Heavy Platedblack en amelled Sleeve Buttons 50 egnts; gents single stone or clus ter imitation Diamond Pita $1 maguiriecnt Bracelets 61. in; handsomely chased 3fedallions $1.95; Pen and l'enetl with extension case $1.50; Ladles' beautiful Revols s ing Pin (can be ‘son; either side) $1 25; ladies' _small Jet or Garnet Pin $1; hand-some ladies bet of Phi and Drops : Ciarlinuele or Opal sets $1.25; fang• Watch keys ; Ladies Long OULU,' and Chatelaine Chains $1; genu ine Gums Pins for hair or likeness $1; Seal Rings .S.l;ryd or black Ball Ear Drape 50 cents , children's hand.- ,unie Cakinricle or Cons! Armlets $1; Vest llooks, fancy patterns, 50 cents; Carbuncle 'Studs and Sleeve Buttons ; Silver-plated 'Butter Entres $1.50 per pair; Silver pla ted SIoOOTIB &IV per half dozen. All articles Warranted to '-ire satisfaction or money re. funded. All orders filled immediately. A liberal reduction in price will be 111:14 on orders for p. number of articles at one time. Addreks 101 orders to NORRIS STERNE & CO., 0,1.5-3m] 311I!nut St., Pa.- CO., 42 ana44 N - .sett 'R 7 2 t l l i -(a%j.inf Poet 0113er,).ffes for aloelloen7MtgteeT WATCHES. CHAINS,.JEWIMItY, Valued at $300,000 ! Back Artitla One Dollar, and not to be Paid For until you know what you get. 100 Gold. and Silver Watch."' $lO 00 to $lOO each 200 'Ladies ((old Watches 35 each 500 Latices' and Gent& Silver ' 13 each 5,000 Ladies' Gold Penell4 4 00 ; to 6 each 5 000 Gold•batil ....... 3 tX) to 10 each 1.0.1X0 Lockets, Chains uml Ringo._ 250 to 6 each 5 000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches 4 00 to 6 each 6,000 Coral and Florentine Ear Drops 400 to P each 10.000 Goats' Breast Pins tal to A each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons & llosotn Studs 2 00 tos each 10,000 sets Ladies Jeti.etty. 5 (X) to - 10 each 6,000 Lava and Florentine Sets 400 to 6 each 10.1100 Gold Pans. Silver mtd. Holders - 4 00 to 5 each 5,000 Gold Petis. with Sheer Erten- Ilion Cases ntid•Peticils The articles in this awl of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certificates of all the various articles are put In sealed envelopes - and mixed. thus giv ing ail a fair chance, and seat by mail, for cimle each ; and on reeeipt or the eertifieute, it Is at your option to send OSE Dot.r.sit and take the article named in it or not— Five Certificates for 81; eleven for $1! ; thirty for $5; sixty for 810; one hundred for 815. Certifleate money robe en closed with order. Correwondence promptly . answered. ACK-VIS WANTED in *very town turd regiment 'Send or a circular. Marries W. FORSYTH ltr. CO.. Juni-2241m] - 42 44 NIIIIIOII St., New York. ELI HOLDEN, 'INVITES THE AT tention of every' reader of this paper, which includett many thousand of his tild patron and acquaintances, of his unusually large ane beautiful" of AMERICAN Imported WATCHES, CLUCKS, and elegant desigas of JE WELRY, SILVER WARE, etc. ELI HOLDEN, 7UB Market Street, Philadelphia MEI HENRY HARPER, NO. sal, ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. , Hits a large stock of WATCHES, MIE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE. Superior plated TEA sETs, SPOONS, FORKS, &e. gept29, illatral. CIUESTI=ONSH QUESTIONS! QUESTIONS! THAT CONCERN EVERY ONE TO ANSWER. IT=I!E Does your hair fall oft', E[B.i your hair become thin 1 Doc, it feel harah,•and dry, and ferarbh 1 • 1, it turuio gray before ita time ' Are tou tumbled tritli itching. tiuraing .11 the ;Cali' ' Aro you troubled with I/midriff?, Are vuu trunbled with what is ,eillud Sorufulu or Solt ITheuni Have you had the Erysipelas, and lost your hair Havryou had the Measles. anS lost it t Have yen jtaa the Typhoid Fever, and lost ill Have von I liad the Brain For or arid lost at t Has e yOu hat )(nu. hai?by any II ekotla Be yeu wish luxuriant hair Do yial wish soft and lustrous hair Do 3 nu wash gray hair rest•mil on wish wish your whiskers glossy Do you wish thrum restored la molar PU want is dreasius? • Do yoq a not it for .oursiiic, tor foams or mother, fur brother sister, or Mend? Do you want to make a present - Do you scant n perfnmo for your tallest ? Do you want a harmless article ? Dolton trent a pub article 4 . - 13 - cr,plt scant it double distilled article? Do yCiii o ant a cleansing article 1)o yolMrant the best preparatuu out for dreowing, itint tlatintr, ternu,ting, , rosturing the color. and reutleriug sok silky sud lustrous the Human Hair t If io, We waitint CLARKS DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR TUE HAIR Ta be Uuequaited and Superior to any Preparations ever Compounded aud offered to the pub/er- Sutlefaction guarunteed, the rbone'y refunded. It mats but $1 for one - bottle, or six for $5, and Is rold by druggists and dealers evenchere. C. O. CLARK & CO , Proprietore. D. S. RAet-vAli & 'CU., N. 'Y., General Agonts. junel.9ru I f?d - ' P 9 In lt ,t, T A . .N T I \ \ A L I D.S IRON IN THE BLOOD It Is well known to-the medical profession that 111014 Is the vital principle or Life Element of the blood. This Is derived chiefly- from the food we eat; bat if the food is not properly digested, or from any cauite whatever, the necessary• quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs. will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all parts of the system. ;and every one will suffer - In whatever Organ nub' be pre diiposed to disease. The great value of ;IRON -AS A MEDICINE is well known and acknowletigssi,by all medical men, The difficulty has been to obtain stichliprepanition'of it fix will enter the circulation and essimulatist once with the blood. This point, says Dr. liaies, NlASSachusetts State Chemist. has been attained in ilia Peruvian Syrup, by Combination In a way before miknown, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ha PROTECTED volution of the PROVIDE OF IRON, A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE that strikes at the-Root of Disease by enpplYinalhe bloat with its Vital Principles or Life Element—lron. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cure 4 Dyspepßia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Fever snit Agee, Lose of Energy, Low :ipirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, ♦igu;, and new life into the system and builds op an `" Iron Conititution. THE PERU-VIAN SYRUP lenses Nervous Affsiettons. Female en t apinate. a n d all diseases of the Kidneys and Madder: THE PERUVIAN SYRUP la a SPECIFIC for all dienates originating In a BAD 'STATE OF THE BLOOD, or arieomlinnied by Debili ly or a Low State of tba-System. Pamphiela containing certitleates of MIMI 'and - remit. inemlationv hum Rome of the molt eminent illiyalehinv, Clergymen and "there, will boycott 'FREE to any addreas JOHN E. WILLIAMS, Evil., Prekiibint of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Lihrhitian Advocate ik JourtiaL • Rev. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont,. Loviiii JOllll5Oll, U. 0., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., hey. Arthur 11. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, M. I/.,' Hoc. Conlon linbhivn, - W. IL Chiiiholm, 34. 0., Bev. Syivanus Cobb, Frimeia Dana. 31. IL, Rev. T. Starr King, Jr'relllillllBfillle, M. D., Eplintun Nate, Jr., JIM. Antonio Sanchez, M.D. Ito, Joseph H. Clinch, A. A. Hays, 31. 11., 11ev. Henry Upham, Abraham Wendral, 711. D., Bev. I'. C. Headley, J. K. Clinton, 31, LL, Rev. John W. Olinpitead, H. TL Kinney, M. D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., excluitively for J. P. HINSMNRE, 491 Broadway, New York. Sold by all Diaigglatar i Pay 13.e0w-1 y T EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE lAr FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE , has fully entublisht4l.the superiority pf R_EDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing prat - ovations. It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Barns, Boils, [Boers, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Met, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &c., removing the pain at once, and re• during the most angrplooking. Swellings and Inflampia thaw as {thy magic, - ONLY 2; CENTS A BOX.. ,POR AMY. AT J. I'. DINSMORE, Nu. 411 Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLE & CO., No. 48 Tremont street, 13ostrui, and by all Druggists. julylibetrw.ly Vropooais. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE.-CuiEF QUAIITEU. DiASTEliiiii OFFICE. iitpartment of {rat Cumberland 311, January 184;4. , SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate are invitedby thy I undersigned for supplying the tluartct - macter's Depart merit in the Department of West Virgitha at Charleston, Parkersburg and -Wheeling, West Va., and the several other Depots on the hue of the Baltimore and Ohm Rail rued, as follows: Clarksburg, Grafton: New Creek. Cum berland, Martinsburg, Harpers Ferry. Rerun, Poiot of Rocks. and including Hagerstown and _Frederick City, Did.; of either of those pluees, n ith Slay Cora, Oats and Buis will be received fur the nleibvery of three thou and (300(1) buiihel. of tloru . or Out* aunt hfly c:.10) toy, of liar or Straw and upward*, and utast be accompanied by a co py of thin advertisement. Birldeis mast state at which of the-nlibve named they propose to auks deliveries, and the rates at winch they will make deliveries thereof. 11,0 41111111iitieS of caniti iirtiele proposed to be delivered. the time - when snot dell, ere shall be commenced and when to be cOmpleteda' • All deliverie , must be promptly m u ch aithin the time and for the quantities ptoposed - fool iwreptetl, 1. 2 Insure Prompt ..ettleinelit thereto. The price muNt lie trlittenamt in words on the bids, The particular knit) of de, eitiniei of , nit, .orn. hay or straw, proln ,4 nl tit he delicrreil. 11111,4 lie stinted 111 the pro posals. -IL Corn to be put hp in guts' htlint n.trks of about tb o bush eta each ; Oats in like sucks of about [ha, lat-bels each ; the sacks to be fumiehett n about extra charge hi the Our eminent ; the Hay and Sttaw to be ..ecarely babel. All artieles uttered under the lads herein in% hod will be , abJect to a rigld ills lion by a (loverntnent Imipeetor. before being at N I ,tsd. l'ontraetr will be awarded front aims• to 1 iwc to 111, est re.ymtiibie bidder, [L. interesiii of the Goverotiiiint may require: and iniyupului uJI I.e made N't hell lilt' w hole tOr niillti ilAtre been !tethered and tic. eepted. No hide, It ill he• cuicutr red from parties who has e fllllell heretofore to comply st ith their otittractt, • • All propt.als untzt by :tecompaii:ed he a gmaraaty, I¢n pd fiy Stan rt•Tonsibla per,.ons that In s'ilee to o • bid ac cepted. he Or they will, tciFlun 1110 time• the ..tra , t tirtite ~wn•. it itli zood and ,alhcittitt, sureties itt it Ann tomb ill amount To the - amount ut the outitract., to de-0n Pro Posed, in emnforttut) with torus. ott this ativerti4nient„inil in ritu• a bidder tail to enter into the contruct they to make• 41 the dint-rent, bottre•tu the tti•r of said hold. r :ilia the a , •zt lon d.tt ret.pon,thle holder or till' iter,oit m whom 60..1.111mM n u ts alAtirdt , d. The rcossm•ihiihlt' tot the •cttmmter, triott.t be ,Ittiten by the nthrial certildeate of a United States Di.strict • 1 mit:, or Attorney Collet for of Customs, or other (,:overtiment oat curl, I,lloovat by this. , °thee. 4 00 to 13 enel All parties will be notified of the xseeeldnuce or fe• jnition of their prop4.:M. All proposals nnou he mad, in duplualte, and be - u, toms 111111iPti tech the 00th of allogialo e of the party or purtie,‘ unless it has alrendS. been ',laced thl file M tbit alike. No bids exeept in the form prescribed. gill be reoLa‘ nd and only Alm producer, sir purtie. regularly engaged in the business. The foil name and post nthee address of each bolder lust. be wntlen m ti e proporals. Proposals meet be atfalre-, , ed to Copt. A. V. 15AI - ringer, Clnef (.2narturnmedur., Department of West Virtrime, burhied. Rd.. end marked "I"rmawahi for Forage. - Blank forms of bids. gauranteearand bond!. may be ob. tabled on uppheatiou to tins oilier. FORM OF PROPOSAL , • [Sulu N, Cut atC 0, L, I'Ars.] [1 , 41E.] 1, the malersignell, do hereby propowth furnibhand de liter to the United Stak, at-the Quartermaster Depart ment at agreeable to the terms of t our advertisi, 111 , ,1a inviting pr,nmeuls for Image dated Cumberhmd, 1d el, the following articles, viz": Bushels of Cont, in .b.ake.,at --e-- per bushel of [he) tifty.six punds. Bushel. of Oats, in eat•Ls,at\— per bushel of [3:21 thirty.te, o laattaiN. 1'i.119 of Baled !lay nt per tAllot2.ooopotuals. Tons of Baled Straw at t i ter tun of 2.111U0 pounds. Delb,pry in counneneo on or before the - day 0r— k134, apd to be cotopleted on or before the—day of nod— pledge'mi self to enter into a wraten contract with the L'utted States with good and approved security, within the spurs of ten days utter tiring notified that my bid has been arreptod.• Your ob't, rourrunt, Capt- A. V. BAltltril:F.ll, Chief QuArterinahuir UPpxrtmru of AV mit Cunilx•rlalt did. We, the undersigned. resident. of the Comity of —, and State of —, hereltyjointlyiand 4.1-entity covenant with the Coiled States and guarantee in czae the foregoingibirl of —be accepted that he or they will within ton days after the aeceptani e of call bid executeAlte contract for the same with good and sufileient sureties in a mon equal to the amount of the I.olltrllet to furnish the fun.- age proposed in conformity SO the terms or All,rtentent dated 1264, under whieh the htd was made and In cam. the said— , — dish fail It. enter Otto lt t un trw - t as liforemid, we guarantee to make , gt,od tiro ddlerence be tween the offer lity the .onl the next lowest rut' sponsible bidder, thelierson to suborn the contract may he awanlest. Riven under our bands and seal. Pi i e tiny of 11164. Witneie • I-1 ~ ILI V.1.A1.1 I tieretty- certify L. the heat of toy ko.toicolre tool belief the above name d lettarantorg ore rood tool , hl leiettt kur,e eoritte, for the amount f.o• wltieh they 4,11 i, to hi.....ettrit. To he certified by the Caned Stateo I ht.ttiot Attmwy, Col tector of eitstorns or tin, other looter the f States Goverrotoint, or rosiletelblo verso oi .i-n to tints =I tgienad and exatattied at thlstnberi.tn WEIINESIiAY and NATI:ItLAY af each leek, 13-12 M. Biddy:ear,. re tweetfully invited to le. ptF.A,..iirt at the opcning a( bid,, a they death.. . , = A V. ItAltitlNt;Elt. Captill and t kith goarterin.t,r. ~ septa.tf l'eparlalool a \ Ve4. Virginia. jfitrzl3rocif *gm. T lIE GR-EA T FIRE Al VICTORY ! VICIoRY I, EVANS wATsoN's SALAMANDER SAFER. READ THE FOLLOW] NI I CERTIFICATE Cil I.Mit6Rl.l.lrit , :. Aug I;;, Shafr S., Brant Cr I{ rsuun cirntlerneem This t.. he itifarrit yvt.t that the Safe pur chased .4 you. sonic time eila eiwal:rdttdret to the grew fire which consumed lon r store llitring the reb;d lutunior of the JOth of Jib Ited. - We are happy to sac that after toe had taken our gaf, from the ruins. Inhere it haul Lail fora penal at thee, dunt, and piwnt d It, m e tumid our Itooks arid papers th at excellent coaditioll. We Wvold reeoutuu nd !. our 3111 . 0 d to all alo will, uga at :truck. Yuan, truly. MILLER., HAMILTON S. CO. • ClIASIIIF:ILiBlItl;, Aug. Li, 1t , 64. Mows. Enns 4 Watson if;entiemen : 1 with pleasure inform you that on opening my Safe, pttrchased from you some tune since. on Satur day evening Led, just two weeks after the burnihg oPour town by the rebels. I found, my lse,tf and papers murk better condition than I expected ; on opening the 1...6 and papers found thetrifferfect. My Safe nan expased to groat heat, .on rberlalllt of We ;inanity of oils and other combustible matter I Malin my eerier. I write you on some of the-paper that AM in my Safe during the fire, that you may see byte well it was preserved. 1 will soon wont toy Safe repaired, or a now tine iu exchange. Very respectfully, yours, 1.. 11. EYSTFIR. CitkStatilthalltw, Aug. 15, 1864. Manes. Frans 6- Iratsint Genlienten; In the dreadful lire • which destrot eti my store and the grunter portion or this town, ts lush wan done 14- the rebels on the 31/th of .fuly last I had one of your i'ire.Proof Safes, purchased from you some time since, which contained my books. papers. &e. Alter un dergoing the violence of the lidineN, and falling soma ten feet nod remaining in the heated ruins fora rit.riod of sec outeen days, it was MON cred from the burning muss and openell. I ha're the gnmttration• to inform you that Its contend Were preserved in an exeellantsondition: and as this 1.1 one of the many instanees wherin you! Safes have cully sustained the good puilitieA ittributed tolthenr, 1 feet it an agreeable fluty to reinter evidence of the Met: Ettspei•tfully, yours, J. L. DECIIT.II.T. Cittauettnnt•¢c, Aug. 15, 1864. Etaas b Anton omtim;:n. 'nos is .to inform you that the Anfe . we purchased from on some time ago lens suhjected to the . fire which consumed ear office during the rebel invasion on the 3Pth of July lust IVe are happy to say that the Sal...stood the test of time fire well, and we recovered our pepare from it uninjured. Very respectfully, , KEY:s.T.DV & - Cli.A.,winn.,uritc;, Aug 26, 1:64 Alum Erma, 4. Natoon: . . (Imam* : I take this oppothatity to inform you that shy Safe, which is a No. 5 of your make ; was in the - great fire which destroyed this town on tho atttb of July. 1 eow have the pleasure to state to you that after I had taken the Safe from the rams, whore it bud le im for a period of to days en/5.1441 to an intense heat, on opening the Safe I was pleased to find that all my papers, books, and valuables came out uninjured in the least. then attest ing the fireproof pmhties of your Salamander Safes Yours, reepectfully, COL, F. S. sTl:slßAtion, line Sate, of the game protl finality en hand RDA for sale. Al,O, tial.nuandor. Fire. and l:arglnr.Proof, :carton al Dank. Mt:remade and IttlellinK.llon, Sri foi Ymdt• Doors fur Dank, and StOrt . g, iiitilk 1..,•k, &e. EV.% NS S W.VI`SON. 16 South 4th St Philadelphia Po T. 11. EYS'rEtt, .latent for Chanilier , hartr. Pa. ser2,, ALECTURE TO YOUNG M EN.— JusiPublistrdin a Eactlop. Prive Su IBM A Lecture on Nature. Trontinent and Radical Cure of Spenntitorrluen In Seminal NV..ikness, Involuntary Eni/salOng, Sexual nobility. unit Impediments to Marriage treuerallyz Nervousness, Cou , .uiul ,, n'u, “‘" 1 Pits; 31ental and Pl* qicul lneupneity reaplhu4'rnmSelf- Ala~,&e..` Py Rou'r J. CC LVEIO% r.i.i „ 11 . b, of the " “reou Book," Sc., T • bu world this admirable Lecture, ehurly proves !ruin his own experrerae that the awful Coll sequenee of Self-Abuse may be elfectuall:, reuses tsi with out medirine , , and tt idlout dangerous surgical operation, tsmgies, instruments, nap, ur eordial, 1.616114nd amoder of enter at agecertain and effectual, by o Well every gni , term., no limner what his condston may be. may mire him m'ilithenlaYi privately, and radleally. Ti) IS LECTURE WILL PROVE A , BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Seat under seal. to any address, in a plain, Seatell en. velope, un flu: receipt of six cants, or tau postage stumps, by addressing. CHAS. J. C. 'KLINE & CO., oetlt.l.Bm) 127 Bowery, Ness York, Po . st.Ofilee BUS, 4586. LETTERS ADvIcE FOR LAmEs FIVE ANATOMICAL EMMA VINOS. Ilan information Iles Or Indore Sent freil in a Paled (nit elope fur IVs Cents. ' Address DR. STANFORD, July6,3in. Ban No. 4,652 New York P. 0.. rplili!HlGllES'r CASH PRICE PAID ‘ 4 l_ for; Barley at Om Brewery. of • anie. - 24 I 1 1 . WASBABA UM!. GUARANTEE. Vublirations. Ereco, Wants anb yDE R , S FRANKLIN-COUNTY C stkiEßlF.s.—Fiturr AND, ti HAVE VISES. SFlCAlilififiia PLANT a, fi,,,-The largest stock fo select from in the county. IXersthing to the FRVIT TILER and PLANT line That is at all desirable,. can he supplied from the commonest standard Fruit Tree, IO the rarest and most choice native or foreign species or variety of Fruit or Flower: Our -Nail - anal Apple Tiees are unusually flee, stout heavy trunks, furnished with tipe branebing heads. from three to five feet from the around, on only be desired. Ourliini is to grow the bent of every , . thing. pruning and cultivating upon scientific principles. I nor rirmluetions tire not offered in _competi tion with Trees grotvii upon the old let-alone system. Au tat itation is extruded Wall who ere Luterestedin fruit cu./. lure, ,to Conan and see for tv ,sr large. :deck of etreenhotbe anal Beading Plants. Noses, lie., In pots, trill be ready in April and May. En il,l • a three eent , stionli for descriptive Liiitalersie of Fruit nod Ontinieutal trees Au Adam.. B. L. RYDER, West Fiauktirt NurAeries, Nettr Lottarrn.•Pr.taklin Cs.. Pa. CS= I;EYS'L'ONE NURSERY.—The subsexi bet is prepared 'nest ' urtinles usually to he found iu Nurserie.i, of good duality and at retunousble rates, The Stock embrarel all the letidine kinds of F R IT I T -T R 1 ES. • Apple Cherries, Yeaeltiv, Dwarf Scznallin.l Peons, ''-- rsinres," Strawberrion Raspberries Currants, • Also. eon furnished It good .nos,runent of E tt.H. It.•E EXTREES. Evergreen au Cher Shrubbery. Shame Trees, (:teat raetritied are I.lsrers'ed for arttel" to all laald of the callatry; ;a. ttte NurAery inunettiatelv utl joiu, the City of ItArri‘burg".„ JACOB MUM, mar 11.;-tf. - Harrisburg, OPOItTO Grape is not recommended partieularly as• u th,crt fruit, but makes an exkollent. dart. I aimed. rich, Bell bodied Rine, "1..0y reset - lading genuine olit.tittted POICT WINE, fbAt nuns but o.peritmoeti juslorig can 11.1,,tiugni.h between the two .klthongh it i, nnonttarturod e:oeta•ls In Wes. tern New York, the supply ieunequal lo the deal.ntil. at :Al to SI per gallon. for rile by tae onles r4rer, who ban ',yea appj,inted Agent r,.r it at the filth Iwing "prices One to three' years old 51,),ts 'each. 52 50 to 55 per dozen, 515 m C3tl per 100 mar lre-tf Feystone Nursery. Ilarrhanirg. "Pa. pE THEE.—.'tantlard and I)warl Pear Trees of the leadinv nod mod vtlnahth vurie• them eau in• furnished EXTItA 1.I.:(" FED" 'Frees, the 'Dwarf haying trill! buds I.llld ready Ga Hetnediatel.earieg.. Prier for giant trees, 30 to 60 eta each—. Extra netneted 7:i eta to $1 eaub. Rates loner by doion. • J. MASH, Keystone Nursery. uov 16—tf - • •--- Ifarrisimrg, Pa. \TORWAY MAPLE , TREES, , from e to 12 feet high and vigorous A bandsoV, !!nuell re,enildlng the Sugar Maple, byt ,f t tuutece uthapid growth. • Inn ChM mutt r.tell; g 9 50.di per dozen; 6.4144 U per lOU. . , JACOB ,Vll6ll, mnr2Jl Keystone Nursery: Hurribburg. fIHERRY TREES.—A flue assortnicknt of "about Forty brat varieties, trees of large size anti ingorons - - Pra4. 30 ets, 50.cts, 75 its eat:4 ; 87 per duzn. ..?'.15 815 per 100. J. MI).H. marlli-tf] Keystoue Nursery, llarribburii, Pa. 1401fSE CIIES'ENUT TREES.—QoIi -11_ nvry 'Les for plithwar, 50 vents eath ; Snaltrr size— from sto 7 feet—:2s eepts each ; 50 r : $l,?. per /00, ' JACc)I; ' niar.!.ll - , . KeyFtOlit, Niinery, -LINDEN—The Itt , (l-tw - is4 - varirty. not polo . cry to injury Iry the Lora. nt Keritnuf• INorwpry, l'a. Troes - 10 to 11; 11,4 hierll; i.o cents each; 674 K, doz. nor- I] - • JACA)II3IISLi. E XCELSIOR ASH, a haudsow; Odra mental SluuleTry...f mat rapid growth.. from to feet hick. 4001 k) nuts each; F:3 :dlali qua ,tor. : 82.0u40 fi:3l. 100. - JACOB WISH, u1ar . 2..3) - - 7.0p1t0114 NUSSOI7, /111M3bitig. A PI'LE TREES FOR SALE.—The nu d,Ni e ned. residing I:miles North of Chambersbarg, offers for sale a largo number of Apple Trees. from 6 to 1* feet Mall, from 3 to 5 years growth. . J. S. .OLLEMIERGER =SS iLiqyars. I M P 0 It E H. 'S WINES AND LIQUO'R.S. I. A-1' 3f 'A N. N A L /. A D E CO., • •No. I.IIS son!! NIN tit sinEr.r., &&-ern Chestnut and Silitnur Stretts, Philadelphia. N. ) A. M. Skl.l.Alor., '? • iilllll,l, 5 ItIVESE, GA EtURAT - 6... ao:f; "- SCPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, ' ... . . VINTAGE OF 1: , .3:3; Fay Lonnie sealed with green watt with the initials el the TH yo 1 . 1.111 . 117 LAIMLAN, SAI.LADC, Sc CO SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE FINE SHERRY, CLARET AND -HOCK WINES _ea) AN A , SOILTMENT FLNE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE\ OSBORNE & CO.'S OPORTO, - VERT FINE AND I , F.LICA O,L D P'o R T W I Each bottle settled with yellow-wax with the initials &the Firm. • IKl`Olt rEL, BY • - LAUMA:S . ,*SALLADE & (*O., Nj. late South Ninth itrect. Philudelpkin. OLD RYE OLD WHEAT WHISKEY, 1 IA It ItASTED. OBERHtILTZ WHISKEY FOUST WHISKEY, • ' I NV Ell WHISKEY, TAKTEY'S WHISKEY, AND EA•DINtI WINES. SALLADE &, CO:, • Yo. 12S sosidiNinthSti - get, Philadelphia.: ' nolP.ll. Moiris'. PASTEPASTERN . 1211'1 , ie midersigned hil, ut. RN lately based lame and commodious Brick Building of " . . ober, in conneetitru with his present race of b ness, on the corner of Main street and Ludwig's Alley, is *pared to necommedase BOARD FIRS by the day, week or mouth. Ile is amply provided with STABLING to accommodate the traveling pnblit. Having a large LIVERY STABLE connected with the Hotel, gnenls ;mil the patlie generally can be furnished with Horsey and Carriages at any moment. ' Persons visit ing Clutnibersburg with their families will find this the most eumfortabie Hotel in the county, as it hoe ~e n re fitted u ith entire new Furniture, and the rooms are arge and well ventilated. The TABLE is amply suppis with nil the luxuries of the season, and the BAR, whic 's de tached from the Brick Budding, will always be farm hod with elplce and Pure liquors. Every attention paid to the comfort of omits. [octlf S. F. GREENAWALT. DAVID H. HUTCHISON 1111 haw become theiProprietor nf the ITNI'TED STATES 111 'TEL. neat the Railroad Depot of itmtisinrßG, PA This popular and eornmoitious Rotel la< been newly refitted and throbilaul throughout its mhos nod chambeis, and is now,rearly ter the inception of ,gutigor .The trut'elitui public will find tire United whites Hotel the mice convenient. in all partieniiirs. of any Ifirtel. in illlo4llite Capital, on account of its access to the railroad, beihrr inunodiateo between the two great depots in this oily. [Harrisburg, june 17, Gi-tf, STATES UNION OPPOSITE the Lebanon Valley and Penwt)leraun Railntel De- Inds, Hurristotrg City, I'a. This eonvenlent and pleasant Hotel is now kept be the undertigned, Into of the Indian Queen in Chnutbersbarg, and lie Invites the patronao of his old frientlaultdtlat!Publie generally. Terms mixl•erate. ortS-tf 1011 S W. TAYLOR. "AfONTGOMERY ILOUSt."—The 'Mdritgotnery Rouse has again been opeur4 on the site of the old Hotel, by the undersigned, where she hopes to necorninthlate her (owner patrons and the public generally. octill.M. ' MARC, ARETTA MONTGOMERY. j‘..MAN OF A THOUSAND.- - A-Cos st urrivn 11. JAMES, a 'Retired Phynirian of orrioit. (oninettee, discovered, while in the certain I,ln , for Consumption, Asthma, I.lronchi• hut, Cough., Cold, and General Debility. The remedy wan dtOorered by hint tv hen his only child, a daughter, was gin ing up to die. lit. child ATM cured, and is now alive nod n ell. Ih:sine's of benefiting his fellow mortals, he n 11l send to these who wish it the recipe, containing' full dirrettoun for making and successfully lining, thin remedy. free lin receipt of their mutton, With two stamp+ Id way expelotes. Thereln coot a single cement Commutation that it does nntat nice take hold of and dissipate, :Night sweats, pees Witless, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difilcult espectorntion, sharp rans in the hags, some threat, ehilly enotnationa mufnea at the stomach, loam. tun o f4lm bomoli, Westing envoy of the firtimleS: . .. r:€t The rrit.•r u ill phva• mate the name of the paper they •eo thi. ,ah ertisement IT. AddreSS. ih i ~.A ....0cK .„ CO, ri 1 li.ltl 'A ti North `2,l,St„ rtalt4elphia, At. _.•4 . . • . • • R'K .b.: T II 0 U S-E pooK STOII sz BLNDERY, r , • ClTAUltr.RSltl'ltfl, PA. , . J.E. SNYDER Has opened a BOOk STORE '& BrNDERT la tht, MARK kr ifOrSE. Win keep constantly ,i hand a large sparest:meat of . ' SCHOOL:3IISORLL AN EOUS. AND BLANK- ROOKS, WALL PAPER. WINDOW BLINDS AND - FULTIMEH, STATIONERY. Stx., BLANK BOOKS made to ordtr, PAPER RULED to nut. Patten. 0141104 A Perfixlient.vdietripapers aldes&c., Bonid to order. • toettl6-3t) I.HE ...LAW • PARTNE-RSHIP HERE .duftite existing. between T. E. Kk.a.st.DY and T. J. Nit.L'hos this day (October 15, 1964.) been dissolved by =had (visitant - B. KENNEDY, T .1 GILL _ Ein)._aulr Salm 48001t4. A\ OTHER GREAT tle'r4RY ! --- • Lungstrerot driven up the Valley; Ifeseby Burproted.lai outman capturtql and Cheurf,skte Alley still ahead. 2500 yards beautiful Patterns very latest styleof .prlntetl 4.laines at the same okt price, riz., 374 cents. ; Votuestie (linghums, 15 cents. Pest goods ulnae, 40 rents. • Calicoes :Zuni 20 to 37i ceuts. . , 50 pieces le it quality, 111aek and, 'White and Plain Black ;alikuis at Si cents. . ,4 Iltdmorals (ruin 42,4 to $l. ' 1 sioeking Yarn, $1...25 $1,50, best $1,17. ' ; . robleached Muslin 1 yard wide, Ali. Spool Cotton, /0 count. - .1 Linen l'oelo‘t liundkereniets non 15 toll centi., W a all lu tilitinetto ,ind liens' Wear we defy . the eiatairy hav, try( laid in nor Stok , k of \Voollet 0 . last Apritig when koala of hat eiros wore 50 per cent. I wer than they' fia!ie been litre, and o e intend to give o r eustovneta the advantage ,t Cheap flood. fid each. Pet plei begird k see the idviintago of ton enSII 000 r LI • credit VStk,tlt when they Ixrunine ouroUo. algolo. - •CAliPE'f'S . 'CARPETStIi Carpet.. tUI. I Wool , • Table and Floor Oil Cloths. , We have added to our ztovk a line .. (Invents - which m um SOWNZ at a eery moderate artrauei. insovt.; We are tow at the old Nland 141 Multi :"Iroot. stqlere wr y trill be dt rased to Ace all our .4d friends .ant 4.1171 S iletV tones. - tK.V26.4t - bYtiTER N E D Y Goo s ,TC)UE ch‘ strert, nrarly opl.,•I:e the Po:: Ojh. r, CliA3lol:ltSf3tilW PA :tiETc2o.rE < HiTl•:NuEw , , EL, ,• .111.4 reveheci atui 4010.'41a large and curi e :tuck of hull dry ~..,,,41., to Nrliel, th,y incite the- lateution of the P'1"•••• \\:• it iii -,, Y .1. 1 here flit ~, ~,, 1 4, 1 4 " ~, vll z4”,,1.,.., low., :my hotu‘e in the County thttißril/.. and B -ars rti•t. t• ..01•1•T A. • . , . • ' . • hAr .turf. 1.1111,.AS rare b: LADIES . DI: !orge ).‘./\ CLOT VkY C 1.1 1 ,. I 13AL.M01.A.1.• /1001' Clutovr than hsrbonzilt skew here. Gloves. Hosiery, Ilse els, Le , (_teat variety. =I , Por.Aleu ued Ito S . wear we have CI •lllC.tsinint; Bustin 'rweells, Jll3lll, Under Shicti Draw ers.S.,,t,onkingss, vory cheap. - We.have also xi full st.,ela of Muslins. Tinkunza, all of Mhirh 1.111 be sold m salt intstonters. Now is the tints to but , oetl9 mvre./LrE 11l T ESIIEW. L E C! N RETURNS COME IN slots ly. not so witlethe large alai tarittLassortment of l)ry fiouilsjust opening. at NY3I. WALLACE S CO'S at the Sl.tri.et Howe t•onier, opposite the Meth•skist Chareh. 'lliey hat e Just returned from. Note York wlteni they pur• done.( lit Auction, the•largest assortment of (try floods ever brought•to this tsinn4y which they offer at greatly re duets' priess'for cash. consisting of 1 - flood )latch ui at 25 cents. 1 Crud settle at Weems, • . Yard 25, • • 11 Pillow Case Muslin, 75 Cents„ Best Prints at 37i cents, • : ' al lower prieos. Glnglinutsli7i. best, 45 cents, Sul titorals; 75. $4 $O, $4 50, • Shawl. lit all prices, Lathes' Chalking, all colors, . • eitsinetsc.lins and Cusimers. 12 Quarter Blankets, all wool, $l$.:A per pair. ' A fall askortme of o 1 Gloves, notiery.'Stc., constantly on bond. The above gads being purl hued in Now York : at low est cad, yrs, e tt e ate determined to SOH tt low rates to suit the time-: •• I _lls -- titre us a cull hefore purchasing el:wit - hors. tell 9 WM. WALLACE dr. CO. v E \V G 0 D. S! -Li T. • .:; IC:J. /ZION-F. CO., Se,otid Strcet. two - doors South of Post , Cdrire„,z CIIAMIIERSBURti. Thy public are rr o pocklully informed thrit:we kraut jui rettrnradlPrni the- ! Est, witli a Lore arid airamonable fortmout or . FALL. ANI.) WINTEP. (4001 A Bought n: the late dot line 10 prices, and which we offer at greatly reduced rates. We haTe a fine assortment of CALICOES AT 31 CENTS Gi od Itsucn and Blew heti MUSLIN'S from Si to t.O ce•te good i3ATINETs nt sl,2tii; a sue eaeortmint of alhnoul Blank and Colored CLOTIIS F6R LADIES' CLOAKS Best Spool Cotton at 10 eta, Skirt Braids id--1_ cts. 100 doz. Cloldren". Misses; Ladies" and Mena Winter Gloyea bought a!faxtethin. ven7 cheap. The handsomest styles of SHAWLS AN - I) PRESS 1;oops In the country. roll and ree.at our Store, M the house Of Mr:CHRISTIAN FULLER. en Saeond street. next &dr to the Post Office. We adhere to our motto to Sell, as chenias the Cheap eat ront26..lt] " J. HAKE itz. £O.l MEW ANI) C REAR STORt,—The an hos just opened at his old stand.. in UrPia a new and apt mild stock of Staple and For eign DRY GOODS. comprising almost every article suit able to the market: GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, BOUTS AND SHOES, DRUGS AND AiEDICINES. and all artieles usually kept in a fint,class: Store. He is det , •rtnined tO sell cond., very CIIRAI• YOH. CAelf Ott COL*- - rwr Poom en, nue.o an Clot or Seed• Timcdlls - Send. Flax Seed. lineup, Lao'. Swp, er, e0w.13. ao Log..Pme Boards Shingles aud Locust Posts n ill be talein in exchange for Goods at chumben,bureptiox.. LUMBER FOR - NALE.--ife has an a,a•ortment of all kinds of Umber constantly on_hand, for stile cheap. sep.ll.ihn •YHLLIP KARYEILI NTOTICE of , FAI.L and WINTER DRESS and CLOAK TRI3I)IINGS, Ric hest Silks, Velvet, Riblents, Had ;mil Baste Gimp s , unfds, 13tyttortn, Drnarnentx, 1-ele Low,: and Fringe. in all Variety. I - Ladle4' HEAD DRESSES and . .NETfi, the best ani elleal,at in the City. Also. a large assortthent of all Woo Shawl Snit Scarf bordering. All who Irant a g ood article plea, call at No. 13 North etb Street. Philadelphia. CHARLES 1: VOGEL; oetili-2nuo Manufacturer: RY RE & hANDELL, FOrRTH 4 ARCH STS., Cater for the best TRADE, and offer no BAITS or deeer tip,, to thdllee custom, but rely on Fair DWilift and Goal t.oods., Best MERINOES, Fashionable SILKS, Nubility PLAIDS PDIT, POPLINS. Dark FOULARDS, • Vas. NERINOES. Plaid SHAWLS, Good BLANKETS. "T. S. We follow GOLD &non, as dose as tot fallow it fp. Now is a good time for Merchants and Consumer; to come in. octs-21nos Zobacto aitb<*rqars. . TACCBS"POBACCO Alb CIGAR 0 STORE.—Hariug re-built m,y( Tobacco and Cigar Stine on South Man street, banner of 'Washington &Maio streets.) twb squares from the Diamond, I would invite all to call and examine my stock. consisting. of ,Gqui,i,vii&v, TOBAC-CO: . Congress. all kinds, - , Cavendish,. I ~ Twist, all kinds, Rose Twist, ' Flounder,- : „ - Old Virginia, ; - Itravy, • 1 Honey Dew, Michigan , Fine Cut, ; &c., !mk . Anderson Shorts - Solace, i 'Talisman, dart's Delight, -I ' mi II try SideAc: • Ylantation, SNllFFS : - Rapper., . . Bentehi i Cuarafai SMOKING- . Large Hand, .., Big Lick I Cut and Dry, Daniille, Lynchburg. t Garabaldi, 1 {awes River, . Grant,' Mead, Sigel. nap 21 . . 1. A. JACOBS. USE' STILL ON HAND.-TOBACTO B & SE4ARS.—The undersigned! has just returned from-the City with a complete stook of - Tobacco and. Se gurs,- such us Natural Led, Michigan, Smoking Tobac cos and Piper. Store on. Queen Street, three doors from the M. E. Church. Come,sire him a Lift attg-24 C. H. BUSH. j -A -0013 S & S3IIY S•Ejt. litannfacturern and WitoleealetDealens in TOBACCO, SNUFF ANTI CIGARS, No. 310 Sarth Third Street, ab_ore Vine, Trot Side, - roetY2-13.1 PIIILADELPIIIA, PA. J. D. Jacone, late of Chamb'g, Pa. ItENRY E. SISTHER. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO and SEGARS, trloitesale and retail, at • • r SHAFER & STUART'S, ou Queen street, East of the Methodist Church. /C A L ME 8 RUNR - LE'S FITTER WINN Or IRON, I . A purr and Powerful Tonia` Corrective and Albff‘ tire: of wonderful of lu diseanec of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. ; • - Curee • Dyspepsia. :- Liu I er Complaintai • , lleutliwhe..tieneral Ito- hility, Nervourtaeci, , Depres• • j sior , of Spirits, Constipation, In. tennittent Fever, Acidity et:the Stow- I neh, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for FoOd. ' ;; Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at Ihe Pitt of the Stounaill, Swimming of ; the Head.. Difficult Breathing, Yellirir Ilead, ' Pain in the. Side, Back, Chest; and Limbs, I • will Core every reoe of Chronic or Ner• : ; cons Debility, Diseases ofThe neys and Diseases arising from it disorderiff Stomach. . ' (laid for Male or • Female, Old or Young. The most benefleial medicine, known i gives better satis faction and cures mertedlaelueislthan any otiti Gr preparation offered to the This Truly Naluable Tonic has been be thoroughly tented by all elaases of the eounnutaty, that it is now di:valet! in. ffispeucible us a 'holly Medicine. It costilintlittle; gives tone to the sternaeh, renovates the sietemTTTrffi. prolongs life. ,We now only ask a trial of thisrtslonlioniic. .. . . .• . . .. - 'III , AVAILE OF COUNTERFEITS. Pr pared and soll wholesale and retail by S. A.l KITS }CET: & BRO.. 118 Market st:llarrisbnrg. ; kor gate by Untgaints and Dealers everptherp, mayll.6m.. JOB PRINTDM iu ever style done at tlkeiNTlca orthe VIUNT,LIN REPOOTOIIII. I I.November 2, - 1864. F A MIL Y DYE COLORS PATENTED OCTOBER 13, kat. flack: BMA for Silk. Durk Blue, ,Lit t itt Blue, French Bine. [ Claret Brou u, • I)ark Itrwou. Light Brown. SlitLir Brown, Cherry. Durk Drub, Light Drub. r .. . awn Drab, :Violet, . l Light Fawn Drab, Vellow. . For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goode, Shawls, Scarfs, Drosses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets. Ilats, Feathers, Kid Gloves. Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. ,' ...,[a - A SAYING OF SO I'ER CENT. „A-1 Par 25 cents yen vin color us many Foods as would otherwise mot five times that sum. Vanous shades can bx . prodatledifrom the some dye. The process is simple, :aid any and can use the dye with perfect starves& Mieetions in English; French and German inside of each package- .For-further information in Dyeing. and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are boot adapted to dye over .ethers, (wills many valuable receipes.) pnrelusse Howe fc sfrveos"rreatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price—lll cents ,- Manufactured by llOrE & STEVENS,,, LON .2. - elyl akt Broadway. Boston. For Sale by Druggists add dealers gem-rally. BALTIIORE LOOK 11osprrAL.-11r. JI )lINSTON, the I. mailer of this Celebrated Intitu dun, otters the 111 , 41.• certain. weedy, and may effectual remedy in the t{ ..rid fur (fleets. Strnettuies, Seminal 1)e„ laces, Pain in the Loin:. Congitutiantil I ability, itatsuenee, Wealitte.s of the Bask and Limbs, Affeetnins :rf tin' Kidney, Ihiltirtathat of the !kart. .o`spepsirt. Ter. Vow, Irrittihilitv. Disease, of the Head Throat, Nose or ohm ; and all those serious Mid umlaut holy disorders aris ing from the der,ruet:te habits of Youth. which destroy both bawls and mind. , eoret coil solitary maetictvi iire more finch to their visthin. titan the song of the Syreua to tiro mariner Nuts, Idlislitinir their most brilliant lisp, or anticipation., render:tar marriage. &n, Impossible. il:Nti . lll:; , ;. Young Men ewecially, al t o Lain he. !rune the NlCtilll3 or Soluare . VICI", that dreadful and des trusties habit it pith auttualle et, eelos to an untimely Igrave thou...m.li of p.m: ,n. , 11 of the moat exalted talent and brilliant intellect, oho tit' Olt otherwise have entratiesal listening Senate, iiab the thunder, of eltaptencti. or waked t o onto, the may mill n ith full confidence. MAltlitA(34:!—Married peNO., or young , 111011 eon ' tetoplisting marriage. being aware of physical iveaktiao l ::, organic debility, defortuitum Se., should immediately coast& Dr. Jlll.l.tolt. Ho whir places himself muter the cure of Dr. Johuston may religimesly, confide in hmu,r as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill :LA ,t ste i ns. 0111:A SIC WEAKNESS IMMEDIATELY CURED ANL) FULL VIGOIL ItESTORED.—This disease is the peualt> most frequently paid by those who Liss a become the victims Of improper indulgences. -Young persons are too apt to commit excesses that not being INlTitre of the &melba consequences that may ensue. Now, she that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the poser of Procreation is last sooner by--hone tailing bass Improper habit than by the prudent. Besides being de. prived orthe pleasure of healthy pit:prim!, and the moat ierions and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged.' the physical and mental ]misers weakentsl, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of , the heart, indigestion,-Ikwasting of the frame, eouglk— symtotos of Y 01.11111116.111. Office .10. 7, South Frederick Street, seven doors from Baltimore street, East side, up the stern. Be particular its observing the name and number, or you will raistak• the place. • A CUItE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. VarAfer. &try or .Yanscori, Drugs. Dlt. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. srraduate from one of the roost callow:it Colleges of the rioted States, and the greater part of ' is hose life bus been spent in the hospitals of Loudon, Paris, l'hiladelphia and elsewhere, has effected some ol the most astonishing mires that were ever known. Many troubled -with rsurriug in the bead autl can when asleep, great nervoinness, being alarmed at sudden sioni&, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing, fittended sometimes with derangement hf mind, were cured iminstdiately. A CERTAIN DISTIASEI—When the misguided and imprudent votary otpleasure hurl he has imbibed the seed of this painful disemte, it ton:often happens that air Ill 'tinnel sense of shame, or dread of slit/shivery, deters him from appl}ing . to those Who irotn education and respecta bility can alone befriend him. - delaying till the constitu tional systiptmiii of this horrid disease make their appear. Lowe, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased misc. noctur nal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, dmb nest nobs-on the chin, bones and arms, blotches on. the head, fare and extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till at bast the palate of - the Month or the bones of the nose fall in nod the sictim of this awful disease be. comes a - horrid object of commisseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne train whence no traveller returns." 'ro such, there fore. Dr. Johnston pledgei himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and froM his ezteusive practice in the' first Hospitals of Europe and America, he cam confidently recortuneud a safe and speedy sure to the unfortunate •ia tint of this horrid disease. t - . . . , It is a melancholy fat - that thousands fall \ WHIM to this horrid disease owing tb - the unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders who by,use of that dreadful poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution. and either send the unfortunate to an untimely grave, oi• make the residue of life Miserable. TAKM 'PARTICULAR NOTICE l—Dr. addresses those who have injured themselves by private and im. proper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early- habits of youth, viz:—Weakness of the Back :Old, Leash, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Sight; Loos of Muscular 'Cower. Palpitation of the lleart, Dye reptile, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges tive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of CorniuMp tiou, MIINT.U.I.Y, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dn.atted; loss of Memory, eunfusion of Ideas, Deprete Mon of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Ave nto Society, Self•Dietrust, Love of - Solitude, 'lnuit ore some of the evil effects. ' „' - Thou...ands of per.ons of all ages is the cause of their declining heal becoming weak, pale. have maga 1 eyes, cough, and symptoms of Dr. JOHNSTON'S INVIO • SG REMEDY FOR ORGA'-sIIC WEAKNESS. , great and important remedy, Weakness of the is speedily cured, and fall vigor restored. Thousands of the 1210 st nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieied, All impediments to 31arria0, Physical or 3lental Disgust - if, cation. Nervous Irritability, Trembling. Weakness or Ex , haustion of the most te.uful kind, speedily curial by Dr. Johnston. , YOITNG )LEN, who have injured themselves by n cer tain practice, indulged it, when alone—u habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt, es en.wheri asleep, and if not cured render marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of Ids parents. should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the conseguetico of deviating from the path of nature. and inditlglng in a eer- Min - setret habit. Such perstms, before contemplating MARItIMIE, should reflect that a I.lllla ailed and body are tho most necessary. requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life ,bBCOMBI a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy redecilon, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFIFICE NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICK: STREET, DALTUSOILE. TO STRABGERS.—The many thousands dared at this Institution in the last fifteen years; and the numerous Im portant surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared-again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. T. B. There are solnany ignorant and worthless quacks. advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of 'the already afflicted, Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his Diplomas hang in his attice.. TAKI: tiOneE. 2 -All letters most be poet paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will beient. {mar 16-Iy. H O,ST'ETTE R '8 CEIXBIUNED STOMACH BITTERS. • A pure and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterr e, of wonderful efficacy - in diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, • Cures Dyspepsia,_ , Liver Complaint. Headache, Cleo iiral Debility; Nervousness, Depression at Spirits, Constipation, "Colic. Intermit - tent Fever. ennui's, Spasms; and all Complaints of either Sex aria- . ing from Bodily Weakness, whether rent in the spinal: or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wilt/lea/nue, genial and reatonative in its nature eiders into the eau/position of lIOSTET TER'S sTomawi BITTERS. This popular prepara tion contains no unnend of any kind, no deadly botanical element, nu fiery excitant, but is a combination or the wk tracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and faddest of diffusive stimulants. • It Is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so Ear ea the human system on be protected by human means, against midadies engendered by au unwholesome stains. =ern, impure water; and ether otemal dwegs, HOST. ETTER'S ISITTERS may be relied or; as 4t. safeguard. In districts infected with FEVER AND AGUE it has been found infallible as a preventive, and irresistable as a remedy : and thomnunbi who resort to it under appreltem lion of an attack, escape the scourge ; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in ad. vanes, are cured by a very brief course of this nmrollous medicine. Fet et and Ague patients after Wing plied for months with quinine in vain, until fairly saturated truth that dangerous alkaloid, are not =frequently restored to health within a few days by the use oultosTETTEirs BITTERS. 11 'Then oak stomach is rabidly invigundell and the appe tite restored by this agreeable Tunic, and hence iTivorks treaders in cases of Dyspepsia and less confirmed forms of INDIGESTION. Acting as a Foutle and painless aped ent, as well as upon the liver, it ales invariably reHeres the CONSTIPATION superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and secrebre organs. Demons of feeble habit, liable toNERVOUB ATTACKS, LOWNESS OF .SPIRITS and FITS OF LANGUOR, find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this pointis most conclusive and from barb cozen. The agony of BILIOUS COLIC is immediately as• sunned by a single dors rittba stimulant, and by occasion• ally resorting to it the return of the complaint may be pre vented. - - AS n General Tonic uosTETTER'S,BITTERS produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In eases of.CONSTITU- . TIONAL WEAKNESS, PREMATURE DECAY and DEBILITY and DECREPITUDE arising PM' ra OLD AGE,' it exercises the electricintitienee. In the convalescent stages of all diseases irverates luta delightful inviscurant. When the powers of nature are re laxed it operates to reinforCe anil re-ostablishr theta. Lust, hat not least, it is THE ONLY SAFE STEM," LANT. heidg manufactured from found and innocuous materials, uud entirely Bee from the /Mid elements pres ent more or less In all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. • No faMily medicine ImS - beeri so nniversally,"and it may 1e truly added, desavetlly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as HOSTETTER'S BIT TERS. Prepared by , HOST-ETTETt & S3LITH, Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers nail Stomkeepers, every whom. . 111311-Iy. Bpc-At.olots. Dark Green, Ligl.t. Green, Magenta, Maize, Maroon, Orttrigey Pink, Purple, Royal Purple Salmon. • Lieprlet, Slate, S'ol!eyiuo, ltirbiral judgo what, Aug their vigor, 'ranee about the phon