ultlin tpfasitorg. Wednesday, November 2, 1864. UNION NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN, or 'uncoils. ROIL VICE PRESiDEN'T, ANDREW JOHNSON, 07 U:IMM6I. UNION ELECT ORAL TICKET. lIIMA. MOZIMIIMICHATt, THAL. TROILUS CCMINGBARL 1- AMT. 11.1. Ewa W. HALE. 14. CHARMS H. BRILLNISL 15. JOHN Wiants. 16.1:Mym IMoltwain. 17. DAVID W. WOODS. 18. ISAAC 19. Join' PATTON. al. SAMUEL B. DICK. Enwan BIEBER. 22. JOirh - P. PBMS7. 23. 1 E8MT:ft WJENSLN. 24 011 W. BLANCHARD. L ROBERT P. KII.NGL 2. G. MORRISON COMES. 2. MISTY BMX. 4. WILLIAR H. BERN. HArrox H. Jnits, It. MU/SU M. HUNK. t ROMS PARER. . . 8. WILLIAM TAYL.O R. 9. Joao A. 1117.8TAND. 10. RICILIRD H. CORMS. EDWAIM HALIDAY. Osmium F, Azzn. • UND2N MEN ! the time for argument is past. • AcrtoN, earnest, systematic, tire less action alone remains to fulfil the mea sure of loyal duty. In less than one week the , • .le of the North -must determine by t suffrages whether the war for the life of the Republic shall be arrested in thenddst of our victories by a humiliating "cessation of hostilities"—whether our sacrifices of brave men fallen-in our coun try's cause, and of millions of treasure, shall be pronounced vain and fruitless. The issue cannot, must not be - evaded. It stares every loyal man in the face; is plain as if written in letters of living light, so that he who runs mai read, and the subtlest sophistry is defied to conceal the momentous issue from the candid, intelli gent and faithful citizen. If Gen. IP Clel lan shall be chosen President it must be acceTted by friend and foe at home and abrdad, as a verdict in favor of Peace upon any terms, even at the cost of digmember ment-„while if the national verdict is for . Mr. Lincoln, as it surely must be, it is a, declaration that the war, now to all hu: man appearances on the threshold of final and complete success,- shall be prosecuted until despairing traitors yield to the Maj esty of the laws and the unity of the States. We appeal to faithful men to appreciate, the issue and give it that effort its crown; ing importance merits. It is fraught with the peace; the order, the safety of every slitisen, for the maintenance of government is the first duty—the last refuge of all. If we would' accept a degrading peace our government would be without honor and , power, and its millions of suicides would - be Without shame; and anarchy would be the sad fate of the fairest continent of the world. We should be without credit, without security, without law, and op _ pressed in every -hand, the direst despot ,—/ ism 'would be at—last_welcomed as the 4 fru* of our perfidy to our own and a sa- ; .• - • erg. country's cause. ' Th 4 loyal hearts beat strong with cord - denee of final triumph. Indiana has spo . ken;hy 22,000 majority; Ohio by overso,- 000 and Pennsylvania by over 12,000 with one accord declaring for the preser vation of the goVernment and the vindi cation of the honor of. brave armies. Thus foreshadowed by the October verdict, the ' Nation cannot turn upon itself in NOvem ber. But it must be decisive, as it can be. The faithful people would stand appalled should the math of the great struggle of Tuesday next exhibit the Union ticket but barely successful. And that is possible if there. be'remissuess or over confidence.— Already the moat glaring frauds are shown to be in course of, consummation by our desperate and unscrupulous foes, and every loyal heart Must be quickened and every loyal arm strengthened to give over whelming victory to the Right. Forward loyal men! The day is at hand—the crowning triumph is within your grasp, and enduring Peace, through victory, must sood be restored to our Union, in honor, might and Freedom! THE ARMY VOTE, The Supreme Court of this State, a ma jority of the members being Democrats, interpreted our constitution iv a manner depriving such of our citizens as had en tered the military service of the privilege of voting at our elections. The injustice done that class of our citizens in thus dis franchising them was so apparent that . last August the loyal people of the State amended the constitution and put it be yond the power of any court in future to prevent the free enjoyment of- this right by our soldiers. We rejoiced in the suc cess of a measure' so just, -believing that it would secure, to a class above all others . entitled to it,` the exercise of a privilege which every good citizen must regard as inestimable. The adoption of the amend ment was opposed vigorously throughout the State by the Democrats. We saw as well they that the votes of „men who • were venturing their lives and enduring the hardships and privations of camp for the sake of an imperiled government were not-likely to be cast for any man or party whose simpathies were not Wholly with that government in its struggle, and core3e- Attently we understood well their grounds of opposition to the measure. We never supposed that its operation would be in terfered with after it had become part of ' our constitution, but believed that with _ _the, verdict of the people all active oppo sition would cease. That we have been disappointed in this may be our fault, abd certainly it is if the old adage be correct —"lf a 'man cheat you once it may be his fault, but if the samenian cheat you twice on the same thing it is yours." The frauds In Kansas where, by stuffed ballot boxes the Democracy endeavored to surrender the new State to Slavery, were fresh in our recollection, and the present gstantie rebellion, begun by southern Democrats and encouraged by a Democratic Presi dent and Cabinet, under whose adminis tration it was commenced, was before ns Either of these interesting chapters in the history of fhe Democratic party might hAe been sufficient to put us upon our guard against an attempt by the same party to thwart the expiessed will of the people here. But be this as it may, we have this week to chronicle a bold and in famous attempt by the Democratic return judges of the counties of Adams, Bedford and Fulton to accomplish that .very -ob ject. They met in their respective coun tieslast Friday to count the votes returned. On the home vote the Democratic candi date for Congress, i Coffroth, had a decided majority in eagh of these counties; but this majority-16s greatly reduced by the, soldiers' vote which, counted in full, elects Gen. Koontz. The Democratic judges, determined to prevent.the fair and impai-. tial operation of the law, and at the same time earnestly desirous of having this dis trict misrepresented two years longer by the present Congredsman, took it upon themselves, in Violation of law, to reject certain soldier votes. Of the votes thus rejected Gen. Koontz has one hundred and sixty-two majority—which would be suf ficient to elect him beyond all question. They were rejected, as we have been in formed,, for informality. In the different poll books votes are - registered for candi dates of other counties which, according to the decision of these Democratic judged, is in violation of that provision of the act of Assembly under which the army votes Were, cast, which requires that a seperate poll book be kept and seperate returns be made for the voters of each county. This at most is a mere informality and such mistakes are provided for by a subsequent section of the same law which declares that—we quote the exact words of the law—no mere inforniality in the manner of carrying on or executing_any of the pro visions of this act, shall' invalidate any election held under the same or authorize the return thereof, to be rejected or set aside. This law is plain and unmistaka ble. It prohibits the very conduct these judges have been guilty of and leaves them without an for its violation. If we rri to the general' election )aws in which e defined the duties and powers of re judges we find the following : "It shall not be lawful for said judges or clerks, in casting up the votes Which shall appear to have been given, as shown by the certificates under the 76th and 77th sections of this act (referring-to soldiers' votes) to omit or reject any part thereof, ezcept when in the opinion of said judges said ter tificate is so defective as to prevent the same from being understood and computed in adding togethet the number of votes." If we have been correctly informed it is not alleged that. the votes rejected were defective in this respect and we are at a loss to account for the conduct of the judges in any other way than by attribut ing to them'a bitter, partizan 'spirit that hesitates- not to violate the most sacred obligations in order to accomplish a desir ed object. For their own credit we would gladly believe that in pursuing this course they have followed the advise of persons whom they trusted and that they had been duped by scheming and unprincipled men, but the piovisions of the law are so plain and unmistakable that he who runs may read, and the circumstances will not per mit charity to throw even this cloak over their conduct. The fad that the same outrage was perpetrated in three ofthe counties composing this district and no where else seems to indicate that it is the work of a vile conspiracy undertaken in these counties• to defeat the will of the people and destroy the purity of the bal lot-box. If it be so then it is another proof of the , revolutionary character of modern Democracy. In Kansa's it stuffs ballot boxes and intimidates legal voters, it forges soldiers' votes for Seymour in New York and in Pennsylvania it rejects them when cast for Union men. While the southern rei bell in vain endeavor to defeat our sol diers with bullets, the efforts of modern Democracy to defeat them with ballots will be equally futile. This its latest at tempt to achieve a•victory by gross cannot be successful and can only result in exposing its Juithors to the contempt of honest men. Despite their efforts, Gen. Koontz will represent this district in the next Congress, and the shameful public career of Coffroth be brought to a-efose. THE SPIRIT COMFORTS THE MOURN _ERN. , The Spirit is a journal of sorrows and acquainted with misfortune. It has ex hausted its versatile faculties to falsify the position of both parties, but the obstinate people have given it only grief for its pains. It has piped but they danced not; it has wept and they mourned not; it has given them here a little and there a little of everything but truth, and they have ob stinately voted just as the Spirit didn't want them to vote. They have eyes, but the Spirit's arguments they see not; they have ears. but its diatribes -they hear not; and they have votes, but the Spirit's tick et they vote not; and it is left disconsolate with the only promise in The future that more of the same sort is coming. But the Spirit wouldn't die. It wasn't good enough to die, and -it resolved not to die. Even when its coppery body politic was laid out; when mourners, made up of bat talions of "short" candidates, were draped in the weeds of sorrow and refusing to be comforted; when the lifeless. carcass of copperheadism luul even ceased to wrig gle its tenacious tail, the Spirit made mer ry in the very balls of death; was jolly in jostling even the pall-bearers in their train, and sported roosters in full feather and proclaimed banquets of joy to grate discordantly upon its house-hold - woes. It had got to believe its own follies andfalse hoods, and wouldn't believe any success but that of its own candidates. It there fore proclaimed them elected, and having once declared them successful, it made up its mind to stand by it in spite of election returns and all the accepted rules of arith metic. It first declared ' Pennsylvania Dethocratic all over—Democratic in the popular vote; Democratitin the Congress ional delegation; Democratic in the Sen ate, and Democratic in every other way. It not only said so, but it flung ita banner to the breeze with victory streaming on its folds; thrust out its rooster and bid him crow over the crushing Democratic major ities: It had-Bigler in Congress; Miller in Congress; White in Congress; CoferOth in Congress; Ross in Congrbss, and Johnston in Congress,, and it was merry; but in all these ambitions National legislators it had just made one mistake—the "other fellow" was chosen in each instance. In the pop ular vote of the State it had erred in but one particular—the State -Was Union by overeleven thousand instead of- Demo-. cratic by five thousand; and the gAin of two Senators over which it rejoiced with exceeding joy, vas simply an error as to the side to which the gain belonged. Ex cepting these little irregularities and mere clerical errors, the Spirit was right, and being nearly right, it 'stack to it, and means to stick to it until the funeral is over and - the dead cleverly buried. In its last chapter of rejoicing its merry notes are somewhat chilled, but it still shouts the tidings of victory. It, has learned of the swan that sings its sweetest notes in death, and it makes history repeat itself, forgetful of the thoughtful poet who wrote for such— "Swans sing before they die— 'Twere well some died befele they sang !" But Uneasy, discordant notes fall in upon its later dulcet strains. Shadows seem to. flit about its wreath of victory, and sadness breaks keenly in upon the symmetry of its song. "The army vote !" Some fatal magic clings to that brief sen tence—some spell-bound dream seems to confuse the jolly journal with mingled bayonets, bullets and ballots flitting about the tented field, and it breaks in upon the glorious summer of rejoicing and spreadi over the festive scene the winter of dis content.. "What:the army vote may be," says the disiOnsolate Spirit, "-we have no means of ascertaining until it is officially annomiced." . . It .has doubtless grown . weary in searching, for this fabled "army vote," but while it turned its anxious in quiries everywhere but just where it could be found, its labors were unrewarded with definite information. "Only .e few scat tering returns" could be gathered in the diligent search of the Spirit, "from which nothing can be decided with any degree of Certainty!" Of course not! As the State give only a very small majority, fo the Unienlnfrty,' and as the "army vote" give only about eleven thousand the same way, it could not be expected that by such "scattering returns," anything could be "decided." Such a tax upon the imagi nation as to require the Spirit to form an opinion as to the result with such imper-, feet sources of knowledge, is most nnrea.: sonable, and it turn's its joy into expres sive silence, and waits for November like the weary, sworn-out, dying pilgrim who stands— " Waiting, ever waiting, Till the ahadolta,aip a little longer grown." Peace. nioumi'ng 4- .:S!pirit, the. People have done well for the Republic, if not for thee! THE SOUTHERN RAILROAD The Commissioners named in the bill in corporating the Connellsville and South ern Pennsylvania Railroad Company, met at Bedford on the Nth ult., to open sub slription stooks and commence the work of organization. Hori. Sitmuel L. Russell presided at the meeting, and FIVE MIL LIONS TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS were subscribed to the capital stock, and five dollars Paid in on every subscription. Such an immense subscription made bone fide, as it was, at once secures the early construction of this most important artery of trade, and must add fabulous wealth to the Southern tier of counties in this State. The stockholders adjoUrned to meet in Philadelphia, on the 10th of November, to effect a permanent organization of the company by the election of President and Directors. Thus far we have heard only the name of Col. John A. Wright suggest ed for the Presidency, and we shall be glad to learn that he has been chosen and accepted the responsible trust. He is One of the most thorough and experienced Railroad men •of the country, and with, the sternest integrity combines the most comprehensive 'and practical business qualities. .We can think of no man who could give a brighter promise of early success to this-vital enterprise. • The delay in the approval of the -bi l by Gov.-Curtin. arising from the grave on stitutional question earnestly urged b the Baltiniore interests in opposition to he reSumption by the State of the franchises of the Pittsburg and Connellaville Com pany,. necessarily postpones ; active opera tions on the new road this season ; but we are assured that the promptest measures will be taken to put it in readiness for ra pid progress next season. We presume that the heavy subscriptions to the capi tal stock made at Bedford came mainly from those interested in the great internal thoroughfares of the country—the Penn sylvania Central and the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, as the con struction of great Simthern line is of the utmost importance to. them. : The Pennsylvania Central is now uneqUal to its immense and steadily growing trade, and by leading the Southern PeuusylVtuda to the commercial city of our State by in tersecting the Cumberland Valley at or near Chambersburg, its through trade can be well accommodated, and the local trade of tho State immensely increased by de . - velopiny the exhaustless mines and forests of the counties between this and Councils vine. The investment, on their part, is therefore most judicious, and at once dis enthrals the Southern counties, develops their slumbering wealth, enhances the value of °Very acre of laud on tke border, and must greatly cheapen coal,lumber, and every article, wanted from the West. In addition it will make Philadelphia the receptacle of all the wealth of 'Southern Pennsylvania, and add greatly to the gen eral prosperity of the Commonwealth. This enterprise cannot be too earnestly commended to the people of our county, and we hope to see them co-operate gen erously in pushing it forward to early completion. ---, BRING out the aged, the arm and the sluggish on Tuesday next. A full vote must gife a decisive Union triumph. the iranidin fieptisitorp; tbatitbetsbag, TEE political campaign being'' practi cally over on the Spirit's side, since its party scarcely elected men enough in Oc tober to prove that they had a party or ganization, it has naturally enough turned its attention to bolster up its twin-cause in the Shenandoah Valley. , It devotes two columns to prove that Phil Sheridan and General Grant don't understand war,- and insists that some new plan must be promptly adopted. Sheridan is hurting our "erring brethren," and it must be al.=' rested. lie has destroyed their crops, - and rendered it impossible for Early to winter in the Valley and send out guerilla parties to plunder and burn towns in Penn sylvania. Such an infringement upon the constitationalrights of the South excites the liveliest indignation of the Spirit, and it makes its last grasp for Nl'clellan by an appeal for despairing rebels. It writes "with sorrow!" Surely it may well mourn, for its kindredjournala of rebeldom mourn deeply over the desolation of the Valley, and the defeat of Early. They mingle their tears with the Spirit's because the Valley is nor untenable for their troops, and raiding on the rich border is at an end, and they mourn too with the Spirit that Early's defeat insures the enforce ment of the draft and the defeat of the Democracy. Mourning friinds-- "Distinct as the billows, but one as the se•a." Let mingled tears dished. for treason has brought upon itself its own curse. and defeat and humiliation come from Sheri dan's thunderbolt alike to Democracy and Traitors! But 'the Spirit has a rem edy. It would protect the border people. It yearns for 'their safety, and affection ately writes then! to embrace what little is left of the cause of Vela= and be Secure. Looking to the peace, tranquility and pro- tection of the border, it bids the people "to read and study General, M'Clellan's method!" We beg to advise our afflicted cotemporary that the people of the border have done more than "read and study Gen. M'Clellan's method"—they have ex perienced it, and prefer to have as little of it as passible. When Gen. M'Clellan was on this side of the Potomac With 100,000 men, the'rebel Gen. Stuart illustrated - the Welt:Han "method" by raiding clear through Franklin and Adanis counties, stealing one thousand horses and taking such other property as pleased him. If Gen. M'Clellan's "method" made the bor der entirely unsafe with .10,0011 men to protect it, how many millions would his "method" require to insure tranquility and protection to our people t Will the Spirit figure it out —As to the winnings of the Spirit about "the changing fortunes of war." none but the craven hearted will respond to it. Let it and its supporters stand up for filling the ranks of our brave soldiers—for pros ecuting the war vigorouSly until treason bows to the majesty of the laws, and the safety of every foot of the border will be assured. Rebel armies hat=e become but hordes of vandals as our blackened wallS and desolated homes testify, and we must strike boldly at their vital points and at their resources, instead of shivering like coward over the possible "changing for tunes of war." War is upon us, by the act of traitors, and we' must meet it like men—not like trembling slaves!. Our homes will be safe only' when the armies of crime are defeated and the Union re stored by the triumph of the loyal peiqile at the polls and the Union armies in the field. THE Spirit should own up to the loss of its immense majorities it announced immediately after the October elections. The people - no) - that they are all gone, and go e form- 'l', and it might ;is well own u) in some vriy or-other. Let it do like its lly, the .ichmond Examiner, in accounting ' tl . loss of Early's guns in his late fight with Sheridan. It says that "the captured artillery got mixed up with Early's own artillery, and he had to abandon thq whole." . If everanything got mixed up it was the Spirit's Demo cratic majorities. They got awfully "mix ed up," witli a perfect flood of Union ma joriti, and the Spirit must imitate its great Peac ' champion, Gen. early, and "abandon tae whole!" No other why to get out of he falsehood with a show of decency. [ ' Tn. E unign men of Maryland have nonce Mated Hon'. Thomas Swan for Governor; Dr. C. C. Cos for Lieut-Governor; Hon. Alex. Rantall for Attorney General; Ro bert J. Jui p for Comptroller, and Hon. i i Daniel Wi!isel for Judge of: Appeals.= These nominations are made under the - new Free Constitution of Maryland and we eannott doubt that they Will be sue t csssfuj. Maryland well - nigh sacrificed her gteat *truggle for &enthralment from Slaver by supineness, but that danger is not now be • apprehended, and We con fidently look for a clear and decided' ma jority of the whole vote of the State to he cast for ithe Union ticket. The Union men of Maryland egn poll a positiveina jority of the whole vote, Mid they owe it to them. Ives and to their cause to do so. WE W,arn our people against believing anyof the lies and "last cards" that will be i,ircniated from• now till election. Re- membl that those lies do not change the Chi* Platform,. do' not change that platforin's sympathy for treason into love for the/ Union, do .not change Pendleton,' from the man who would never "vote for a cent/of money!' with which to crush out tress on into a loyal.man, and do not change the 4eneral who retreated to a gunbotit during a battle into the General who goes' into the field and "takes the matter in hand and wins glorious victory. These Hell do not and can -not change the real issue/before the peophl, of "Country or no Ceimry." • crtith dres: WM+ WARD, Chairman of the Demo- State Committee, issued a short ad t two weeks ago declaring the State cratic by n from "soy** to ten thou- Baia" A week later , he issued another addiess, and to get out of his first false ! • hood, he made the second so long that no hod - would read it. Mr. Ward goes on the rumple of the landlady who found oit hat her boarders didn't like and then ga . l - them plenty of it. OrtrustreArED—the Spirit over "the army vote." It has been able "to procure onlynfew scattering returns," for the very good reason that it don't hunt wellin that direction. Will somebody call and in -form it that the " few scattering returns" give over 11,000 Union majority, and send a very distinct invitation to one Gen . . Alexander Hamilton Coftroth to. stay out of the next Congress i The only ,sense in which the army returns is " scattering" is the admirable manner in which it has scattered the hopes of a cord or so of cop pitr:head candidates. " Scattering" is the word, as they can well testify ! FREE elections don't suit the Democrats. COffroty its beaten fairly and they, throw out enough votes in Adams county to give him an apparent victory. The army votes against M'Clellan; and they forge ballots, &c., 'for soldiers and send them to New York by the store box ;.but the people can overcome all their votes, both fair and LET every Union vote be polled. No Union man should rest until every Union voter--is on hatd or certainto be on hand on election day. One vote lost in each election district in Ihe'State would make a change of nearly five thousand. TUESDAY next is the day that mak de termine whether 'we shall concede. to wicked, despairing traitors, or crush trea son to the earth and preserre•the govern ment. Choose well for whom your votes shall be east.' FRANKLIN can and we doubt not will give Lincoln a majority on the home 'vote. Union men let each do• his full share to redeem the county. RETIREE—the Spirit'R rooster to winter quarters for mint of re inforcements. May it live merrily till it gets them. , THE Democricy of Fulton gave 'their hill vote ta one J. Nelson Sipes for District Attorney, who is now ti skulking deserter from the draft, and dare not show himself: Of course, his elected as the officer charged with the pAweution - of all offences against the laws. Justice has a jolly set of guardians - over that way ! THE_ Union men of Washingthn county, Md., kayo made,the following legislative . nominations: Setiator—Joi. F. , Davis, of Hagerstown: Delegates—eapt: E. F. Anderson, of Hagers town; Henry S. Eavey, of Boousboro;lieury S. Miller, of Williamsport; Frederick IC Zeigler, of Leitersburg; B. F. Cronise, of Sharpeburg. BUM - MARY OF WAR NEWS. —Twenty-tour pieces of cannon captured froin Early arrived in Waahington on Saturday._ —The rebel; under Forrest, Chalmers and Bu ford are threatening an attack on. Paducah, Ky. —Early has issued t l ,a-lengthy order, attributing his recent defeat to fhe desire of his troops for plunder. ,—Gen. Price, at last accounts,- was nealr.Gar : tliage, in Missouri, in full retreat, with our'eaval ry in pursuit. • —The case of the Verinont iaiders has been transferred to Montreal, and the proceedings post , polled until this . week on account of the Catholic holidays; —Guerillas attacked the steamer Belle, at Ran dolpe, on the 3fississippi. on Thursday night.— Two paymasters were killed and several of the crew were wounded. —lmboden's command attacked the garrison at Beverly, W V., on tl 29th, and after two hours fighting were sent off:with a loss of about half the whole force. Our losi but 28: —Winfield, W. V. was attacked on Wednes day morning by guerillas, who made three desper ate charges, but were repulsed by a detachment of the 7th W. V. cavalry.' —The Provost Marshal of Buffalo on Sunday received notice that a raid wati planned- against that city by rebels in Canada. The militia are under arms, patrolling the city, and the tugs armed to defend the harbors Gillem deteated%Vaughan's rebel brig ade at Morristown, in east Tennnssee, on Friday. The enemy was driven in confusion many miles. The celebrated McClung battery and about 500 prisoners were captured —The, rebels were defeated in a late attack on De Soto, Alabama. Hood is said to beagain at tempting strategical movements, and trying to get in the rear of Sherman. Paducah is said to be Threatened again, on the Ohio. —A few days ago a parti , of Rebels, in the dis guise of passengers, captared the fast steamer the Davis, near - the mouth of the Rio Grande, Texas.. She was taken to Brownsville, where, it was re ported, shei would be fitted up as a pirate,.and sent out to destroy American commerce. —ln the Alabama Legislature a resolution in favor of peace . upon the basis indicated in the Chi cago platform was introduced on the 10th, and caused much discussion. The body adjorned after refusing to accede to the Governor's call for aid to strengthen the defenses of the State. • .—General Gillem attacked Vaughan at Morris town, Tennessee, on the 30th, and captured five guns mid two hundred prisoners, besides routing the enemy. General Gtanger took six guns and one hundred and thirty prisoners,. The rebels athre treated fro Decatur. Both Beauregard and. Hood ar rai be with the army which attacked Decatur. ' —We nave thl substance of official telegrams from Maj. Gen. ( leasanton, commanding the cav alry now in puTit of Price and the invaders of Missouri. _ Our en had marched.ninety-two miles in two days, fig ging more than half the time, We had less than,ooo—Price had 23.000; yet he had but one cannon left and was out of ammu nition, having blown up his train and burned 400 wagons to save them from capture. We have 2, OW prisoners and • several thousand stands of arms. Price's army is reported as completely de moralsized and flying in every direction. —General Dnfie was captured on the 25th about five miles from Winchester, an the road to Mar tinsburg, by guerillas. He was riding in an am bulance, and - had with him an escort of twelve men, who all escaped. The guerillas belonged to Meetly's gang, and numbered about four hundred. Later in the day they attacked the head of the" large train winch left Martinsburg in' the morn ing. Finding that the guard was too strong they were persuaded to leave, after two or three shells were thrjVW — n among them, by a battery which ac companied the train. , . —Dispatches from Gen. Grant state that an ad vance in force, for fhe purpose of reconnoissance, was made on Thursday by Warren andllancoek. In the evening the rebels attacked HancoCk vig orously, but were repulsed. At every point the enemy was found intrenched, and his works man ned. General Butler- extended around well on the Yorktown road without finding a point un guarded. Hancock held posession of the field until midnight, when he commenced Withdrawing. We captured several loaded wagons, some beef cattle and 910 prisoners Our casualties were light. The Governors of Virginia, North. Carolina, South Oar°lina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi held a meeting in Augusta, Georgia, on the- 17th, and passed resolutions which declare that it is ne cessary thqt every male person of suitable age, and without regard to color, shall at. once be put in the southern armies, and that all details of men as specialagents, provost and other guards through out the country shall be at once called ih and placed in the ranks. With regard to the employ ment of negro soldiers, the resolutions declared that they are forced to that policy by the similar use which their, enemies have made of negroes, • ud that in fact every means must be restored to arc the independence of the confederacy, and t they must succeed in that or perish in the at tempt. They further call upon the confederate Congress, which meets in November, to use the most vigorous means for the defence of the con federacy. The resolutions are. addressed to Jeff. Davis and the rebel Congress, FRANILLIN COIL TIC ELECTION.; We re-publish our bibles of the houie vote Of Franklin county, with tht official army vote added: Congress, '62. COogress:64. ?fleas4l,ii,e c====gs g C 2. o o ..!! 5 5 2 : Antrim 394 416 431 , P 4 ; 424 - ; 432 North Ward— 3R3 - 119 251 140 240 152 South Ward.. 187 179 261 201 254 208 Concord 23 ;98 19 87 ts 84 Dry Run. 64 82 90 9S t 89 96 Fayetteville... 263 15! .208 179 208 180 Greenvitlage.. 153 62 163 102, 161 1 01 Guilfonl 118' 139 - 123 1 163 , 185 Hamilton 95 124 ": 99 132 99 132 Letterkenny 124 ' 209 123 212 . 126 214 Lurgan 88 , 118 80 130 I 80 130 Loudon. 75 ; 80 78 87 ; 79 , & 4 Metal 118 84 119 74 119 74 Montgomery.. 181 128 ' 202 139 ; 200 144 Orratown 65 123 71 110 70 110 Petem. 112 46 132. 48 , 130 49 Quincy .134 269 170 282 : 167 284 Southampton,. 57 58 •49 67 ; 33 ,58 SulphurSpriog 36 45 23 41 41 St. Thomas— 122 136 131 127 : 130 '165 Washington... 301 261 277 M 9 277 239 Welsh Run..., 71 143 77 135 i 78 135 Warren 55 50 36 47 1 - 34 49 Army vote. .. 248 137 ; 230 '134 3124 3148 3508 3457 1 3431 3477 Assembly. Commissioner. = • • = • I • 5 .. . . •••• . C'l it. 421 421 433 421 173 104 • 238 150 231 177 ; 252 208 87 87 19 87 96 94 90 ; 95 179 176 207 ' 180 109 101 i 164 102 le; 176 164 184 136 - 100 131 213 211 .• 128 212 1'.;.17 130 80 i 130 89 ' e 4 78 87 74 70 119 74 145 140 202 141 11U 110, 41 110 40 41 132 48' 298 247 170 28'2 67 . t.O 49 67 41 41 23 41 169 - 1115' 131 167 245 215 ; 277 239 137 1'35: 75 135 47 47 37 47 147 1181 203; 140 Antrim 431 432 - North Ward .. ` - s.). 216 South Ward .. 285 231 Concord ' PJ I9 Dry Run. 91 89 Fayetteville— 211 206 .Greenvillage.. 165 157 Guilford 172 169 Hamilton 132 96 Letterkenuy 127 Lurgau 80 811 Loudon 80 76 MetaL 19.0 118 Montgomery.. 203 198 Orrstown 71 71 Peters 139 131 Quiney 204 154 Southampton.. 56 . 49 SulphurSpring 23 St. Thomas .. 132 130 Weibington... 275 20 Welsh Run .. 75 76 Warren 36 36 Army vote .. 252. 224 31'11 3376 Director. 33e0 3442 i 3478 4rditor: coionn.. • .*O• : : •: F : A 32 422 4221 431 248 ' 142 2474 143 2.59 21X1 259 901 19 87 19 ,87 89 95 90 94 207 181 206, 181 163 103 -16:1 103 165 18:1 165' 183 98 132 99 132 126 214: 128 212 71 129 Fl 130 7e PS . 88 119 74 119 74 .909 141 55.2 140 71 110 71 110 132 48 132 48 170 2 4 2 zas 265 49 67 - 49 67 11.3 • 4'l. 23 41 131 167 131 167 277 Z 39 Pin 238 73 135 73 137 '37 47 37 47 200 140 197 140 Antrim 432 421 North Wanl... 2.52 138 South Ward.. 264 198 Concord •19 87 Dry Run .... 88 97 Fayetteville:— 209 178 Greenvillage— 169 97 Gin!lord 167 181 Hamilto9- 101 130 Lettarkenm•.. 212 Dugan 80 130 London 70 87 Metal 119 74 3fontgornery.. 2(92 141 1/nl:town .... 71 :110 Peters 1:39. 49 170 282 southamptori— 411 67 SalphurSpring M, 41 St. Thomas.— 131 167 Washington.— 277 239 Welsh Run.. . 75 135 Warren 37 ' 47 Army vote.... W. , 139 3475 3446 3441 3466 3451 3459 RECAPITCLATON. 1 3474 Armstrong ' 3478 34311 : partisan L.. 3442 —; Armen)** maJoiity ;36 46';,' Director .f Cite p oor. CrineelL ' ' 3475 3508,D. J. Skinner 3446 34571 Criswell'. majority.. 29 1 4ruditor. , Koontz's majority— - 51 t 3fartin , - 3466 Assernidq. M. IL Skinner ' 3441 31-ei • Martin'. majority:-... 25 3;376 ; &Ironer. '3560151i11er..,. t ' 3459 3'298: Wertz ' 3451 ..FEL King Kimmell's majority Congress. Koont- Cuff roth M aura. Sharpe.. Mitchell. sliajority M'Clure has 52 over Sharpe ; 334 over Mitchell, hod 256 over Roath, his colleague' Boath has7B over Mitchell. Sharpe has 204 Aver Roath, and 282 over Mitchell, his colleague. f. PENNSYPVANIA LEGItiLATUKE. We give the following as whit we regard a correct list of the members of both branches of the new legislature: SENATE. 17. B. cr.katapneys t U. John,AL Dunlap, U. 18. George. H. Bucher, D. 19. Wrn:McSherry, D. 20. Geo. W. Honselkolder, U 21. Lenin W. Half U. HirleHaines, U. 22. Wm; A. Wallace, D. , M. 0. L Larnbezton, D. 24, John Latta, D. M. J. L. Graham,, U. - " Thee, J. Bigbam, U. M. Win:Hopkins; D. 27. C. C. McCandless, U. M. Thomas Hoge, U. 29. Morrow B. Lowry, U. I. Jere Nicholls, U. 2. C. bt. Donovan, D. 3. Jacob,E. Ridgeway, U. 4. George Connell, U. 5. W. Worthinwon, U. " Horace Royer, U. 6. Oliver P. James, D. 7. George B. Schap, D. 8. •Heister Clymer. D. 9. Wm. M. Randall, D. • 10. H. B. Beardsley, D. 1L W. J. Turrell, U. 111. J. B. Starke, D. 13. S. F. Wilson, U. 14. John Walls, 13. 15. Dr Montgomery, D. 16. D. Fleming, U. HOUSE OF REP Philadelphia. 1. William Foster, U. 2. Wm. IL Ruddiman, U. 3. Samuel Josephs. D. 4. Was. W. Watt, U. 5. Joseph T. Thomas, U. 6. James Freeborn, U. 7. Thomas Coehrin,l.l. 8. James' N. Kerns, 9. Geo. A. ,Quigley,D. 10. S. S. Paucoast, U. 1/. Frank D. Sterner, U. 12. Luke V. Sutphin, Sr., U. 13. Jas. Donnelly, IL ' 14. Francis Hood, U -15. Geo. DeHaven, Jr., U. 16. Wm. F. Smith, LI. 17. Edward S. Lee, C. 18. James Miller, U. 'RESENTATIVES Berks. John Missimer. D. Frederick Hamer, D Henry H. Rhoads, D. Lancoater. E. Billingfelt, U. R. W. Shenk, U.l Day 'Wood, U. Charles Dennes, U. - Lebanon. Isaac Hoffer, U. Dauphin. H. C. Alleman.-U. Daniel Ealser, U. York.. John F: Spangler, D. - James Ouneron, Curaseriand. Dr. John D. Bowman, D. reiry and ; Franklin. Alex. K. M'Clure, U. J. M:Dowell Sharpe, D.. .ddasts. James X Marshall, D. Sontersd,Bedford and Fulton Gen. Moses A. Ross. U. D. B. Armstrong, U. Bradford and Sullivan. I Joseph Marsh, U. Lorenr4Grinttell,_U. De/aware. Ellwood Tyson, U. Cluster, N. A. Pennywker, U. Wm. n. Woad!, U. Nathan J. Sharpless, U. Menttgoars7. Dr. A.D. Markley, D. Edwin Satterthwaite, D Bunko. - - Luther Calvin, D. Francis W. Headman, D. Lehigh, Nelson Weiner, D. James F. Kline, D. , Northampton: S. C. Shinier, D. Owen Rice, D. . Carbon and Monroe. Peter Gilbert, D.. - Wayne and Pike. SL Nelson, D. Luzerne. Harry Hakes, D. Anthony Grady, D. Daniel P."Seybert, D. &aguelumna and Wyoming. Geo. H. Wells, U. - Peter M. Osterhout, U., Lyconeing, Union and Sny der. G. B. Manly, U. Samuel H. Orwig, U. Samuel Alleman, U. Columbia and Montour. Wm. H. Jacoby, D. Northumberland, Truman H. Purdy, D. Tioga and Potter. A. G. Olmstead, U. John W. Guernsey, U. Clinton, Cameron and Mc. , • Blair: Joseph t). Adltua, U ' Ontario. 14 Pershing, D. C *44 Elk and Forrest. Thomas:J. Boyer, D. Clarion and Jefferson. ' W. W. Barr. D. , • Armsreon John W. McKee' t Indiana:: and Ifistn;orcland. Geo. E. Smith, 17. James R. McAfee. 11, James McElroy i Fayette. c. Thema/ill Searlight, D. Green. Thomni Rave, D. Bearer and Warkivtais. Robert R. Reed,' U. Jamey R. Kelley, U. M. S. Quay, U. Venango and Warren. • W. D. Brown, Wm. Ineria, U. Danford. • J. C. Sturtevaut, C. Geo. IL Bemea,' U. MiSM CM! Atka , llinty. John P. Glass, U. IR. A. Colville, 11. Alfred' Slack, Ti. !Samuel Chadwick, U. Geo. Y. McKee, U. H. B. Heron, U. Lawreitce, Mercer and Butler Hasslet, U. John 11. Kegley, U. , Runnel McKinley, U. - 'Charles Koonce, U. vt.A.nqN. Union. Dem. 18 - 15 64 36 E. B. Elthvil, 1) lESZI Cyrus T. Alexander, D. Hunrivirdon, "Jertiata and John BaWelch; U. John N. !Swope, IL Schuylkill. Michael Weaver, D. Joshua Boyer, D. John Dormer, D. IMES Senate House. Union majority on Joint Era HENRY S. FoATE, of the rebel Congress, who at one time disgraced the 'United Stales Sen ate by holding a seat in it, in a recent Speech said "Should the Chicago nominee - be defeated, as I believe to be scarcely possible, such a result would be so clearly attributable to force or fraud, on -the part of the unprincipled faction now in power, That it would not be reasonably expected - that the great body of the Stites Rights DemO cracy of the North, now so fully and deliberately committed fo inflexible opposition to the atro cious despotism organized in Washington city, would be -found willing to submit tothat despot. , ism for four 'Tara more. I:venture to predict, therefore, that should McClellan and Pendleton be defeated, the States in which the Republican Presidential ticket shall be found to hare. failed, with a view tosecuring thettufelves from threaten ed enslavement will themselies promptly secede from the Federal Union; that one or more new confederacies, based on true State Rights princi ples, will be immediately farmed, which must naturally seek • a military alliance with the Con federate States, after which, l as is moat manifest this most unnatural and exhausting War would be soon promptly brought to an end." i Novembei 2, 1864 ENORMOUS FRAUDS IN THE NEW YORK SOLDIERS' VOTE! ' OW AITLELLAN WAS TO CARRY HAT STATE CONFESSION OF ONE OF THE PARTY! FRAUOkENT VOTES BY THE BOX How Our Heroes Were to be Cheated! THEIR VOICE TO BE SILENCED The Peace Party's - /lan for Success! SEVERAL Tactics were arrested, and tried before _a military commission at Baltimore last week, upon the.sharge of preparing large quan tities of soldiers' ballots to-be used in the New York election. A boa. three feet long and two ft et deep tilled with such ballots, was seized.— Some of. the defendants are the State agents ap pointed by Gov. Seymour. One of them made a confession on Thursday, and said that he had signed the names of a great many soldiers to'blaaks which were to be filled up with local candidates. Otheri forged the names of _officers. The trial was Concluded on Friday, but the findings of the commission will not be made public until submitt ed to the President. The following is the confession of M. J,Ferry, one of the party implicated in the frauds : "I do not recollect the time whedthe first pa krs were forged, but it was in the presence of 0. IC. Wood, of Clinton county, New York. It waa done in my office, No. 85 Fayette street, Balti more. lam and have been for the past twoyears the agent of the State 'of 'New York, appointed by Governor Seymour, to look after the sick and wounded soldiers of New York. I first saw Wood on Wednesday of last week, at my office. He came abd represented himself as an agent of the Central Committee of his county to look after its local ticket. lie talked about the way in which the votes could le. taken. "It was agreed that we should sign the names of soldiers and officers and then send them home to have the local tickets tilled in. I made out small papers ; I signed the name of soldiers on quitea number of them; I cannot tell what name , " we signed; the papers are in_the bundle r -now on the table ;-I did not sign the names of officeri, - but Donohue signed any quantity of them ; there was a large package of these papers left with me, which I destroyed : that package contained over two hun dred : Donohue signed them all. "The idea of forging these papers was first sug gested by a wan named Stephen Maxon: He is from the western part of the State of Newiyork. I do not know from what county.. Ho is not iu the service. He Ma State Agent. I cannot say at what time it was first proposed to forge these papers - , but it was at most two weeks ago. Ido not think there was anybody present but Donohue and myself when Maxon first proposed to forgo the papers. There was a men named S. M. Brundy in my office. He is now in New York. Also a man named H. Newcomb. _I never saw him until he came there. He is a lkWyer in Albany. Part of the forged papers were made in my office and part brought there. They were usually brought in a bundle tied up. Ido not know who brought them. I had no letters from Peter Cogger except what were found in mtdesk. I never knew of any correspondence on this subject With General Farrell, the Commissary of Subsistence,except the package whickyou have. The package contained a lot of blankrenvelopes and powers of attorney, with a letter from General Farrell, marked "con fidential," which contained a list of the names of residents of Columbia county. " I did notlet any one know thatl destroyed the forged papers left with me; but told my as sociates that I sent them to different parts of the State to be mailed. A young man came from Washington ou Friday or Saturday last, saying if I had any spare blanks, to send them onto Wash ington. lam not certain that ho did or did not say anything about there being twenty men over there who could attend to these papers. Ido not know hoW many forged gofers were heat off; but I heard them say that they, sent them from Wash ington by . the dry goods box full. Ido not recol lect hearing them talk despairingly but they talk ed quite-jubilantly and confident, I sent a package of forged papers to General Farrell; with the fol lowing letter : BALTIMORE, Oct. 22, 1864.—My dear Sir.— If you are energetic' you will be able to get the within votes all arranged fot the Bth of Novem ber. I should hate done more to them, but I have not time.. They are all on the' square, the same as. the Blacks got theirs.: Neither would bear close scrutiny. Ed. Donohue said send this on to you, and nave done it. Truly, yours, (Signed.), DEMOCRAT." P. S.—They are all soldiers, company and regi ment all 0. K. The rest I have nothing to say. If you have no use for them send them back. (Signed.) M. J. FERRY, "No. 85 N. Fayette street, 13altimore. - 3fd." . POLITICAL INTELLIG ENCE. —Nathan A. Farwell, has-been appointed U. S. Senator from Maine, in place of W. P. Pessenden. —The President has issued a proclamation ad mitting Nevada into the Union as a State, in ac cordance with act of Congress. —Governor Bradfiltd, of Maryland, on Satur day,_ issued hisproclamation announcing the adop. tim of the new free State constitution. --'4.-The Maryland Court of Appeals has refused to grant a mandamus against the Governor in re lation to the soldiers' vote on the new State con stitution. —The election in West Virginia on Thursday, resulted in the complete success of the Union ticket. Governor Boreman was re-elected with out •opposition._ —The rebel army cheered when McClellan was nominated. It would cheer louder to hear of his erection. All the traitors, north and south, are on his side Who is the dupe —Thomas A. R. Nelson,. of Tennessee, one of the Democratic electors nominated in that State, and a signer of the remonstrance against Andy Johnson s hardehell oath, has come out for Lin coln and Johnson, —George Francis Train, a member of the Chi cago Convention, is canvassing Pennsylvania against McClellan. He speaks every day up to the electron. He produces "a great sensatien wherever ho goes. —A paroled soldier has made oath that the Rebels made him the offer to set him at liberty if he would vote for McClellan. His name IS Franklin Schwenk, Company H. Thirteenth Penni sylvitnia Cavalry. —There are but three Copperhead Legisla tures in Free States. They are—New Jersey, In diana and Illinois, and we read those three are the only Free State Legislatures which deny the . right' of the Soldiers to vote —Little McClellan is prepared to surrender everything he holds sear, for the benefit of bis country—except his commission ; which reminds us of Artemus Ward's resolve to see all his male relatives sacrificed rather than let the'war fail. 4 —"The Union must be preserved at all beards, months McClellan. Pendleton boldly declares: "If these Southern States cannot be reconciled; I would bid them farewell so tenderly that they would forever be touched by the recollection of it —"I cannot vote far Gea. McClellan," said a mutilated soldier in one of our hospitals, a :few dap ago, "because he said George W. Woodward's opinions were his own lust - year, and George W. Woodward decided (as a Pennsylvania Judge) that a soldier had no right.to vote atoll. —The soldiers inrthe armies have a double bat tle— we a single one. They handle ballots and bullets. They ask us only to use ballots as faith. fully as they use either ballots or 'bullets.. And we should consume with shame and perish from among men, if we allow our brothers in the field to be turned flank and rear by a Rebel victory at the Northern polls. A 2 51 —Orestes A. Brow - tison, heretofore vehemently opposing Mr. Lincoln, now declares that the choice between the candidates of Baltimore and of Chi cago is virtually a choice between Union and Dis union, hence be goes for Mr. Lincoln. He says: "1 cannot vote for -a Peace 7 ticket, for this war has coat me too much for me to be willing it should end till the rebellion is put down and the authority and majesty of the government vindicated." On Tuesday, the day of the election in Indi ana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the rebels hung out a huge placard at a point in their outer works.be. fore Richmond, upon which was inscribed, ~Vote for McClellan," and fired a blank charge to call attention to it. It got attention 'speedily—good Union attention. A concentrated discharge - of allotted guns knocked placard, breastwork, Mc- Clellan canvassers and all into finders.. The Chi cago Platform and its candidates will go upjust that way on the blessed Bth instant. Speedlhe day!