TERNS OF PNBLICATH)N. THE PRASE:LIIt REPOSITORY ix pfthlislied: every Wednesday Morning by `THE REPOSITORYi -ASSOCIATION," at $2 per ati;itun, IN ADVANCE. ur 82 50 if not paid within the year. AU sulotertption °el rannts MUST be settled annually. No Raper will be gt-nS nut of the State unless paid for in adranee, and all such subeoriptiouskill irrrariably be discontinued at the expii ration of the tine for which they are paid. ALVERTISESIENTS are inserted at l'lFf KEN CF:..VT4 l(er lino for first insertion, anal CENTS per line for subi sett tent Insertions. A liberal disconnt la made to personi advertising by the quarter, halt-year or year. Special not tires charge - El ons.half snore than regular advertisements t All resolutions of Associations; communications of limiter or individual interest. and notices of Marriages and Le;ithS exeeoding - Ave lines, are charged fifteen cents per line. T.Tir All Legal NO:kfl of every kind, and all Orpknn.' _Conn and other - Admits/ Sales, are required,. by kir to be advertised in the REvotirrorty—it /taring the t.hualt-tr clitL et'i..vriox of any paper published in the money of Franklin. JOB PRINTING} of every kind in Plain and Fancy col ors, done withneatness and dispatch. Handbills. Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, dca, of every variety andstyle.jirinted at the shortest notifti.. The REemirtorti O;'a t: has just been re-fitted with Steam - Power imel three Pees-ss, and every thing In the Printing line can be executed in the ndist artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TE LEIS IS VARIABLY CASH. Mr. Iszhn K. Shryock iy our untliorizod Agent to reeeive Sulnwrilliong and "A tivertitoonout, and re'eript for the. same. All lottnrs nt until be nddm<=ed to MTLURE & STONEll,•Th;bliehen U.Eat 05tcar *dtes. iiEAIJ SALE 01 0 V.N.LIJABLE EST.tTE.—Thi. 11,1 n Of D., id Baghum, deed, nil totTer ui l'ablit Sale. im rue,iny trith day of Yu , rmbe , l fart, on the pretati. , e. in (;reen too,n,lot. Franklin connty l Pa., 1 mile F.aht of Fayetteville, on the Turtipake whichl ram frout Chambers:tore to Bannon., the following Iteati 'Estate, viz: The F.‘Mt utt IVIIICh the L1111!Y 1101 r reMtle,i rmutuininK talxnat 1110 1/1 . Land 'rho improve.; talents are a tWo,ttoried dottide Irma BRICE 110FSE,, land 8.-tek Building; log Burn, 'Frame Stable. 01 , 1 , 111 - House, )Vu....11 Boto.e, Carrialre Ilot,e, Corn Crab. a di other out buildings. Tlvs-r• are too \Veils of net er failing Water: supplted with Pomp% .at the prenme:: one at the. House, alandc&eover; told the other at the stable; alto am extilent Orehani. 3 . lsu—tAl the mune tune and pia,. a FARM in Gnißol townihip, I mile ?couch of Fayetteville, adjoining lands of C. A. Funk, John Crawford. Abraham Dull and others, containing about 13.1 ACRES. The hapsA enema are - two storied LOG 110L - SE i•atherbourded ) and Frame Kitehen ; a good Log Barn. Corn Crib. and other neces- sury buildings: a Well of exeellent Water, supplied with . a Pump: mat a young Orchard of choke Fruit trees. The soil UlOll5 Und the ithOVP Farin, in of gnat quality, iu a lino state of cultivation and unite priiiluctivii. Also—At the same time and place. a Tract of MOUN TAIN LAND, situated partly in Green end rartly in Guil ford townships. Franklin vounty, adjoining lands or the tats Thoinus Memo,, Joseph Stall's Heirs, and Geo. Brim WO: Heirs, containing about 119 ACRES. Il+.—At the KUue time and place, n Tract pf MOUN TAIN LAND, InGuilford township. Franklin county, ad joining the Waive nod lands of Holker Hughes, Geo. Me- Fernwrand 11101/11. Means, dee'd, containing aland ACRES, • Also—At the same time and place, a Tract of MOUS TAW LAND, situated in Green township, Franklin co, adjoining landkof James Bighanis bezel, Thad. Steyens and James Renfrew, . ontaiueng about 119 Here+.• All of these Tracts of Mountain Land are CON credo with giant Timber, are conveniently ntuatell - to the turnpike, and accessible by good roads. Porno...wishing to view these Properties cAn have on opportmiify of doing; two by calling on me at Mr. Steven,' Caledonia iron Works, or on Mr. Carnahan, at the Man ' slon Yarn. • . Sure to commence at 11 o'clock on said day, when tim conditions of sale, which will Le suchuo to suit will be made known by JOHN G. BIGHAIf, oct s.ts For the Heirs. PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned,- heirs and legal representatives of John Grove, Into Of Guilford township, dt..c'd • will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, =Wednesday, thedth of Norember, at 1 (;c lock P. M. the following described Real Estate. viz : The old Mansion or Spnng Property, situate in Antrim township, about 1 mile North of Brown's Mill, adjoinibg land of John L. Latskaw, Andrew Dailson and others. chntainiag about 150 ACRES of excellent LIMESTONE LAND. having thereon erected a large STONE DWEL LING and new Bank Barn as ith Wagon Shed attached. all in good repair. There are on the premisesla fine Spram of Water (being the bead of "Muddy Run,") and an Or chard. 40 Acres of skid land is covered with prime Timber. Also--A FARM of about 100 ACRES Of gasel LIME ST( eNE LAND. situate in Guilford township, about ii - miles North of Brown's Mill. having thereon erected a - Two storied LOG DWELLING, with Stone Back Budd lug, Bank Barn; Wagon , Shed. and other neee.sary out buildings. There it on this Farm an Orchard o f choice Fruit, and a Well of ueverfaihng Water. 25 Acres of said land is covered with good Tauber. 'There will also be offered on Thursday. the 10th of Norem bee, in the hitt . ° of Marion. about T 0 A NS OF LAND, having thereon erected a good two story BRICE DWELLING with Back Building, a good Frame Stable and other necessary out-buildings. There is on this pro petty a small Orchard of excellent Fruit and a good Ci -~ tern at the door: Also—At the same time and place. about 3 ACRES -ofl LAND, adjoining the lasi described property, lutemg , thereon erected a LOG ROUSE; good Stable, Cooper) Shop and other neceNtary ont-buildmg'.. There are on this property a email Orelan] of good Fruit • and a Wed of never-failing Water. Alai--.l.itlie.uue time nu.t plaice the toticnvisik IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND. situate in gallon ll township, adjoining lands of John L. Lithaw. 3lichaell liege and others, containing FIFTEEN ACItES, mur or less. ;5 Acres of this land is covered %wit the best o Timber, and the balance is inn good state of cultivation. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said dap. when lb terms will be mode known by . _ HENRY GROVE, • ELIZABETH WINGERD .MARGAKET WINGERD MARY MILLER, [0,t12.4t1 JOHN GROVE, JR., JACOB GROVE, PHILIP GROVE, DANIEL GROVE, ABRAHAM GROVE TRUSTEE'S SALE.—Theft;will be'exl posed to sale, by way of public iuczy, on the prep • toes. in St. Thomas township. Franklin/Foamy, on the 3 day of November, .4. D., 1664, at 10 /o'clock, A. M., th following Real Estate. viz: i Purpurt 1 being the MANSION EIAR3I of decedent situate in II tuniltu u and St Thomas townships, nn the Wall Spnnst Road. about 8 miles from Chambersburg contai • tog 90 ACRES and 129 PERCHES neat, ailioming lam of Joheph Christman, Lewis Betroth and others, witha BRICK-CASEI) DWELLING 110-USE. Log Ba . r ls Wagon Shed and other building-a. Those is a Cider Pre. s ou the premises, and three Wells of good Water. AboUt 'BO Acres clear and under good feucei wilt a good OrchaSl of choice Fruit: • I a Purpart 2 being the "Kuhn Tract," sitna.e ides on tl a Warm Spring Road, adjoining. the Mansion tract, lands if Jacob Knitter, and others, contaliung 77 ACRES and 1 6 PERCHES neat, with a two story LOG DWELLING- HOUSE, Stone, Log and Brick Bank Barb, and other buildings thereon erected, This is all clear land, has a good Orehantatul a Well of never-failing Water. Of the Bleared land Acres is good Meadow. Porpirt 3, containing 15 ACIIDS and 70 PERCHEII neat, with a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Log hijable thereon erected, Fitt:tate on the road leading fro& Elliott's Tavern to Stitzel's Mill, in same township, u.djoin talla4ns of Lewis Detrich. Immo Kahn and others. 5, containing 139 ACRES and 30 PERCHES moat, MOVATAIN LAND, situate in Peters township, adjoining lands of, Win. MlGnith, E Kuhn and others. I Tams OP SALE.—.One-third. less expenses and fees, to remain in the land for the use of the widow for life, at her death to be paid to the heirs of C. Plum. deed; thebalance to -be paid one-half Ist April, 1865, when- pCAS,APS3I(III will be given, the /Aker half,lst April, 1866, with interest front list April, 1865, to be seetwed on the premises. ocis ADAM PLUM, Trustee of C. Pluto, dee'd. PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigne intending to 'move to the West, client at Private' Sale, the following deserMed Real Ecrtate,to wit r a FARI, L situated Letterkenny Frauklm co., 4 mileri fro, Chambernburg, and} mile north-west of the Rocky SprinT .'adjoining lands of S. Huber and Spreeher, coat about ids ACRES o BLACK SLATE LAND. The in • 'provements too a Loge two-storied nouGH•cxst DWELLING HOUSE, Log and Frame Baru, Wagon Shed, Cider Prer.mand all other neressiiry eut.building, • Also—A FARM adjoining the — ahove, of about 110 ACRES, one-half of which is Limestone and the balanc'e ,Slate. The improvements are a two d storre HOUSE (nearly new) Log orrame Ersra (with Wagot Shed attim ' hedrand al 'F other convinient oat-buildings. The Farms have been welldirded and axle tolerably well .• Timbered. There is an ORCHARD - of-good Fruit on both of the Farms, and a Well of never-fail ing 'Water at eaehof the dwelling's, and a Spring on the first mentioned trnrt ' , watering cattle. There Huts° a LIME KILN and clu Alt - BY :On each of the farms. About twenty - ACRES of MOUNTAIN LAND, well-timbered with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak will be sold with each Farm. Also—Two ACRES and 2, 4 PERCHES adjoining Wei above, on the - Public Road, with. al/ storied TENANT HOUSE, Stable, rtr.s...„lrhis small tract is well planted with PRUIT TREES, an..a. is admirably adapted for gar dening purposes- There is a good Well of-Water at the house, and a Spring near the Stable, Persons wishing to view the premises ran do 50 by cal ling on me, at the first described frfrin. octl2-tf WM. GSEI.4 PUBLIC SALE:—There 111111)0 exposed to Public Sale, out the premises in Path Valley. ~toot one mile and n-half north-east of Fannetisbarg, Fmnkllri eouuty, Pa., on Friday. the llth day of Novernerr, nut, the following very saleable Reel Property, to wit; A FARM. contsining about 300 4,CRES, (Black Khoo WA Free fßone soil.) in a logh Endo of cultivation, a part of which is enclosed with about one thousand pannels of - post and rail fence, all of which is in excellent elniditiOn. About one hundred and seventy-five Acres are cleared, -the bahmee is covered with choice Timber, containing a huge proportion of Locust and Chestnut. There is also about 30 Acres of excellent Meadow. There is a lurge two-storied Stone and Frame DwELLrse, nOT:SE, with a large Wash House attached; a large Frame Bala; Corn Crib; Wagon Shed, and other out-louldlngs on the prern• Ines, and a Well of never falling Water near the kitchen. The tarns well watered, having running water cons rot' eat to most of the fields. This faun is admirably adapted for division, and would make two excellent farms. .The above property will he sold whole, or 10 port, to suit purchasers, a good title giN en, and moderate terms of pay ment tw,the buyer. Any perms:l:desiring further information in reference to the above property, will plemos tall on tbe underairned, residing on the premises, or by letter, addressed to Pam nettsburg, Franklin county, Pa.' Sale no commence at 10 o'clock A. M. ootl2 - • HEPLER, CLARKE & CO'S SAW. I...J'AND PLAINT-NG MILL FOR MALE.—The under signed, having purposed for nearly a 'year past to chew their priSieut business ibis fall, now offer for sale their en tensile and complete SAWLNG AND WOOD•WORK-. ESTABLMINENT, with all the stock and ftxtdns oimnected with it, including Teams, Wagons, &r; Also two tracts of Wood -Land, and two large houses. and A Stable capable of containing Moo horses. The establishment is WO 3% ell Slums in this community to need minute description, and the snecessful eleirltrter of its business, for seven years post, as well as its prospvets for the Suture, IJ fully understood. Preference will be given to thane purchasers, if appli cation, be made it, time. Put-session given the ha of January next. SHEPLER, " JOi-SEPFI CLARFi, thamb.rsbure. ant3.2iii JOHN - P. CULITRTSON. - _ - 4 . - - - ht ---. , -- '-ftmtkiio.,:. -- A*4o -- L:; - :10 - 11 BY ECLITRE & STONER. fled Ootatc-_,"afrEi. PUBLIC SALE.==BS - virtu - Le-of the last will and testament of Peter WeiSter, late of Antrim township. deed. I will offer nt Public Sole; on the premi ses. on Friday. the 11th day of Noretriber next, at 1 o'clock, P. 34.. the following described Real Estate, situate part in Antrim and part in Wrodlington town!hips.Franklin county Purport Ist Being the MANSION FARM of decedent, lying north of the Greencastle and Waynesboro' turnpike road, adjoining lands of Jeremiah Gordon. &unite] Moo demon and others, containing itS ACRES and 50 PER CHES of good Limestone LAND, with at proportion of Timber. The improvements are a comfortable DWELL ING HOUSE, Bank Baru, Shed for hay or grain, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Spring Hmue and Blacksmith Shop, with all the other necessary outbuildings. ..Al‘,3 a good Orchard of Crafted Fruit There are two streams of Wa ter running through 'the farm. to which the stock has an- CeS.P from ull the fields. Purport 2nl, Adjoins the above described tract and lien smith of the turnpike road. contains 49 ACRES and PERCHES, with a proportion of 'rim ber. On this tract is a due meadow, watered by the Marsh Run. There in a moll Orchard. Also a Shed for ]my or grain. At the some time will be offered an improved AP PLE MILL with a Horse Power for operating same, malt Cider I're's attached. alt in good orrh•r. Any person del simus of viewing the premises Hill please call on the sub. scriber, or with Jacob Weiner or Nathaniel Ra,k residing on tire premises. Terrovnudd known on day of sale. octl9 BENJAMIN SNIVELY, Executor.- VA LUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-- VA The subscribers offers at Private Sale' his Frirm sit uated about 1-4 of a mile from Quincy, containing 151 ACRES. 12 of which is in Timber and thriving Chestnut —The farm is of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND, 'except a few awes which is gravel soil and all in a high rude of cultivation. If purchasers desire it the subscriber tt all reserve 30 acres leaving for sale 121 ACRES. The buildiup will then be in the centre of the farm and con. ement to every twill. Tin improvements are a largo BRICK HOUSE. with a portitio and .porches, a new BRICK BANE BARN, et) test long, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib adtaithisl2a large new (rune Hog Pen, Double Frame Carriage Ithuse, Brick Wash House, Smoke House, Bake Ocen, and other out-buildings, is good rte pair, all the buildings being under Cyprus/ and PIRO roofs, with till spouting to each. There is a large Cistern close to the ham, used for Stock, aud one new the kitchen.— There is a Well of excellent water la the yard. There he also a variety. of choice fruit, such as Pears. Plums, Peach es, and Grapgs in the yunl, and a good ORCHARD of young thriving' Fmit on the premises. Persons wishing. to slew the land can do so by railing on the subset-lbw. (octs-hri) JOHN MIDDOI"R. If the above Farm a not sold pnvately on or before the 12th day of Norember. it will be offered at Pubis. Sale on that day at I o'clock, I'. B. J. M. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE .-By vir lure of an order of the Orphan's Court of Franklin County. the undersigned administrator of Dr. James Brutherton, deed, will sell at Public Sale, on the premi ses. on Saturday, the 12th day of Forember, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described Heal-Estate. to wit:—The fine two story BRICK MANSION HOUSE of satiddece dent. situated on Main Street, Waynesboro', opposite Kurt's Hotel. This house is entirely 110 R—is built in the most approved modern style and is well adapted for pub lic btunness or fora private residence. undivided half part cif a HOUSE AND LOT nn Main Street. This lot frosts 33 feet 4 inches nudist:lE4 feet sleep, and is situated in the most business part of the town. Also— , A LOT OF LAND within the borougk limits of Wayin.-s'ooro', well fenced and in a good state of eldtiva. tion, bounded by land+ of Joseph H. Crubs and Lewis 8, Forney. containing 2 Acres and 11.'9 Perches, treat meas ure. Terms will he made known on the day of salt by oetN.ts W. S. AMBERSON, Adm'r 'VALUABLE F A II 31 AT PRIVATE SALE.—Tho undoNigned will offer in Private Sale, his FARM.,,mated m Lurgan township, Franklin county, adjoining lands of John E. and John M'Clav, Daniel Clippinger, Jmeph Mowers and others, near the Cono doeinnott crock, and about 5 miles -from Shippenshurg. Contikating iNiB ACRES of Rant SLATE LAND, well limed_ 7u acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, neres in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of cultivation, all in excellent order and well folioed. 'the improvements arc a two storied log WEATHERBOARD. ED HOUSE. new Bank Barn 72 feet lung, wagon shed and all other necessary and convenient out-buildings. There in n Well of never Maine Water at the door and too ORCHARDS of choice foot on the premises. There In also a goal TENANT HOUSE on the farm with a Well of Water convenient and all necessary out-buildings. Pers,no n i,hing to new Oho Farm tan data by calling. the eddisonher, living in 'Hamilton township, or on John E. St Clay. adjoining the farm. [ jui.,] JOHN ZOOK - pUBLIC- SALE.—The undersigned, itt teutors of the hut will and testament of Abra ham Carbaugh, late of Antrim township, devil, will, by virtue of said Will. erts sm to Public. Sale on the premises, on Saturday, the sth day of November nett, the following described Real Estate. six A certain TRACT of LAND, lying and being situate in said township of Antrim 3 miles North of Greencastle, and about imif a mile East of Brown's Mill. bounded on the North by lands of Hollinger's Heirs and John-Reacher. on the West by lauds of Hollinger's Heirs and. Mr. Lindsay, on the South by land of John Ha) d and on the East by land of G. Brendle containing SINT Y TWO ACRES and TWENTY FOUR PERCHES, neat measure. having thereon orceoul agao.l tw...-fauriri.l BRICK DWELLING, Stone Bank Bath. and Wagon Shed, all new. There is on the premises a young Orchard of choice Frua, and a Weil of Good. Water. About twelve or fif teen Acres of raid land is covered with prime Timber.— Said Land-is m a gaol state of cultivation, and of excellent quality. ABRAHAM CARBAUGH, JR., / Eeri „ oetb2-4t ADAM ZARGER. SHERIFF'S SALE. , —Byvirtue of a writ of Venditioni Leprous. istaied out a the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county. Pa., and to me direct ol:there will. be exposed to Public Bale. at the Court House, in the Borough of Chambersharg. em Friday, kke 2. 4 th &gni' October, IC4I. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following doterilsed Real Estate, viz: All that tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in Let. terkenny township, containing aR Acres more or less. °d i-wiling:lands of the heirs of Isaac Rosenberry, Lee Horn and others. . _ _ A defendant's interest in all that TRACT OF situate in Letterkenny township, containing At res, more or less, adjoining lands of E. Rosenberry and' - other, with a Log House and Log Barn thereon erected. defenda.nt's interest iaall that tract of MOT:N- T-ILN LAND, situate in Letterkenny township, contain ing' SIB Acres, more ur loss, adjoining lands of H. Ileefner a t , others, seized and taken in execution as property of Isaac Roieinberry, and will be sold by.me. SA3II.:EL BRANDT, Sheriff. ASSIGNEES' SALE 0 F REAL ES TATE.—There will be sold by the undersigned, Ab,,ignees of Jacob Gossett on the premises, in Quincy township, olSaturday, the lath day of Noreixber;l664; the following. described Real Rotate, viz: About SO ACRES of Land, adjoining Lands of Solomon Harbaugh, Alex. Hamilton and Alex. Knepper, lying about 2 miles froze the town of Quincy, about SIXTY ACRES of the eo_sersts are cleared and in a good state of eeltivatimi with good fence. The balance is Wood Land. Terms of Sale )0 1w pald on the lit day of April, 165, wlien the_ deed will I,e delivered - sad pima lion given, the balance in two equal annual payments with interest from the lot day of April. 10.5. - Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on mad, when attandance will be given by LEVI C. KEPNER, GORSERT. noe6 ti Aulgoess of Jacob (looser,. PUBLIC SALE.—By .virtue of the last. will and testament of John A. Shank, late of Quincy township, deed, we will expose to . Public sale, on the premises, on. Thursday, the lOth of November 'next, the fol. lowing described Real Estate situate in Quincy township : Franklin co., vie: the MANSION FARM of decendent, adjoining lands of Jacob Price, Wm. }lade, Stove?' heirs and others, containing 131 ACRES and 3:3 PERCHES of good Limestone Land about 1 W acres of which are in a good state of cultil 'Men, the residue is covered with Tim ber. Tim improveineuts consist of a good and comfortable - DWELLING HOUSE, New Bank Barn, Cora Crib, and Wagon Shed, Wash House and Blacksmith Shop with all other necessary nut-buildnigs. A good Well of Water. Alio a good young Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Sale tocom inence all o'clock, witen the - terms will be haute known. 11F.ZEKIAll SHANK. t oet39 BENJASHN BNIVELY. ITTALUABLEEARE FOR SALE.he imbwriber intending to remove to the- est, will sell at Private Sale, his FARM, situated in Bandlton town ship. six miles from Clonlxoshurg, bordering on Warm i 4 pring Rona, near Cashtown, adjoining lands of Everhart linter and others, containing 19.5 ACRES of excellent fltel-Eand, The improvements are a 2-storied BRICK DWIILLEifi TIOUSE, a Wash llonsewitli a large Cistern under 0. large Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Hog Pen, Smith Shop, zt Cistern nt the barn,and a Well of never faißng Water near the dwelling. .Tbere is an excellent orchard a, lne,. Fruit on the property, a number of good Peach and l'ear freed and large Grupe Vines in excellent bearing order. - The abo., e land ban all been limed over with about ten thansand bushels of good limo, and is in u high State of cultivation. f ortdfi-Ilt] _ ABRAIf All E. EBERSOLE. A i3JOUIZNED SAE , n)F VALUABLE 1...2i1EA ESTATE.—Ify Virtue of an Qrder of the orphans' Cotirt of Franklin county, the undornigned will offer It. Publeo Salo, on the premises, on Thursday, shell:A day ajorember flea.,ull that valuable Tract of Limestone 'LAND, situate hi-Montgomery township, in mid county, inkjet:ling laMtn - of Daniel tiorbet ler, J. B. Angle, V. r, heirs of Jamb Myers; dee'll. ' Emanuel Prussian, and So viz containing e ACItES; with a sToNE 1)11' ELLINa HOUSE, Stone Bank Born, and other IIII• 'To...melds thereon erected. Also, an excellent orchard MI the same, and a nes er-fialing Stream of Water run ning through 1. Sale to commence at 1 u'elot.k on said day, o hen tenni; will .In, made kunwn.by, JAMES NV. DITFIELD, r.VOL C. DUFFIELD, ottlll - Trusteths w sell., - LlAlt-IIIT PUBLIC SALE.—IIIa tiers:guild will offer at Public Sale, on the premised, on 7'hursday, the 10th dove/ Norembrr, 1064, the following yotluable Real Property, to wit : A FARM, situated Ii Antrim torwnshlp, Frunklln county, Pa., about two miles from Brown's Mill, and about four miles from Greerocastle, containing 140 Acres of good Limestone Land, 100 Acres of which ors a under good cultivation, the remainder Tim ber I,anol. The Improvements consist of a twoontorled BRICK HOUSE, Bank „Baru, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and Wish,: necessary outbuildings. c There is in Well of rso odlent Water at the residence. and a Stream of running Water throoligh the Pnrim There is, also, a good Orchard eholoo: craned Fruit on tlat protalses. - - Sale to molitmencs, nt lit o'clock, A. IL., when attendance 'ism hn k r)vo n , and the tornus made known by 40.1.0 , SUSAN FUNK. A. C. TYPER ESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR JLor SALE-1 oficr at Private sale my Residence = Broad Stropt, with flic•grcunds and buildings attached to it. l'uss..esi= given April lit, RIGS. ocei.thn JOSEPWCLARKE rrONVN LOT FOR SALE.—PIy Lot on Main Street, knoun as the Berlin property, tett' be sold it , t Prieto. Raw, ISAAC IitYrTOL ilitai_Ootate „Sates. `pAßla FOR SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP.—The undersigned offers at Privat6 Sale his FARM, situated in St Thomas township, on tho Public Road leading from Guyer's Tavern to Loudon, 6 miles from the latter place, eontaining about 200 ACRES OF SLATE AND GRAVEL LAND, about 80 Acres of which is cleared and the balance in THRIVING TIM BER. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE, Log Barn, and 4 Tenant Housesl - and a good Apple Orchard, Peach; Cherry and-Pear Trees. Also—A SAW MILL and CHOPPING BILL. in god running order, with 18 feet of head and fall. This property would afford a good opportunity to make money. For terms apply to the sub scriber, residing on the premises. Jutyd FRED'S GILBERT. ÜBLIU SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Executors of Jacob Remisderfer, late of Antrim township, dec.'s!. will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the &A day of Noreetber, the MANSION FARM :if said deed, sitimte in Antrim township, on the road leading from ti reeneastle to Hagerstown, bounded by lauds of (4eurge Rhodes. Sone! Slundle and others, containing 126 ACRES. The laud is the best quality of-Limestone, and about 25 Acres of it are heavy Timber. The improvements are a LOU 1.) L Int ROUSE and Bank Barn. There isa Well of never Failing Water at the house. Solo to commence atticlook when terms will be made known by SAMUEL SHE'S - DLR. octlg JOHN BEMISDHREER, pIiBLIC :SALE.—TheTe will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 12th of Norenhgr, 1804, at 10 o'clock. A. li., the following Rent- Eaptte, viz: 40 ACRES of lust-ride Liine•ome Land, ell mate !liar the town of Oninity. under good fence, and has on it till needful 13U1LDINGS in good e.nlor, ton Welk of standing Water, and also a Spring of running water on the premises, a firstrate Orchard of Wafted I•'rnt. .11no -18 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, neni the above prend. ace, which will be sold separate or in lota to cud ptirtliaaers. Also—The Store Howe, in the town of Quince, in which is the Store now kept by Lookabaugh Seenit: Alstr— One share In the 'property called. the Wertz property. Al! to be sold on Bald day to lb• highest bidder. WILLIAM 13. RABIC. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN THE borough of 114'Connalsburg, Fulton county, Pit.— Large Double TWO STORY ROUSE, Eleven Rooms, Eitehen, Wash House', &e.: TWO LOTS OF GROUND, choice Fruit and Shrubbery; Stabling for thirty-five horses Location and buildings suitable for a hotel lwv log bean used as a Tavern fore namber of years. First rate Well of water at the, door. All iu good order. The subseKibior will sell at a bargain and give possossiou at any trine. For information call on or address ROBERT AULTZ, mavll4l) Rlionnellsburg. Fulton. County-, Pa. A. Smith. Esq., my Attorney, will give all gateeesary iniiirmaiiint in my absence,. R. A. MALL FARM FOR SALE.—The sub -s,ribor will sell at Pncme Sale, the SMALL FARM on which he now resides, situate iu Anima township, Franklin county, about sir miles from Greencastle, on the Cashtown road, adjoining lands of Samuel Myers and others, containing about 40 ACRES, all cleared land in good miter lane under good fence. There is a YOUNG OIiCIIARU of thrift) trees on the place, and a Well of excellent Water. The 'improvements vonslbt Of a two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE. a Bank Barn 4't feet long, and well Anished. and all other ueeesadry Porisession 1,11 be grt en on the Ist of April, 1E64. Terms will is' made lowa a on application to the sub scriber, residing on the premises. ocull -sr SAMUEL G. CRIDER. PUBLIC SALE.-FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY.—This popular Institution eilLbu sold at Public Outcry. Oa Tuesday, the lithof November, together with ull the inrorporatad rights mat pririliges to the high est and beithidder. The property cultists of two BRICK HOUSES and one Frame. Also, a large Stable with all neeewotro out-build Posseasion g iven on the Ist of April, isdr,. By order of the Board foet26-2tl J. KENNEDY. attornrys at italD., & Iv S. STENGER, ATTOR NEYS .kT S EN..}.lt. I),triet torney and Agent for procuring. Pe,stons, Itounty Mom and an-kArs of par. OM. e , um James Dulield's dwelling on the Wm.st Idde o: Second Street„ between Queen and Washington Street,. ma-24 RITUVIIAUGH GEUR, ATTORNEYS Ar LAW.—OES• opposite the Post Ottoe. Will at tend promptly to all business entras , ed to thsor rare. P. S. 4—Authorlead Agents for the colleetion of Pensions, Fkmnty, Beak Pay asd all other eitiirllS aganugt the govern ment S EVERETT. Attorney at Law. (Ake on Market Street. oppolate the Court Hoene. formerly (x:colued by Jet. C.,ok. Esq. All legal busiums entrusted to bis [lce mil 'retch e •prumpt ntten- Cm. sep7-tf. JOHN STEIVART,..A•rronsEY AT LAW. Office on Seebnkl Street. a few donna South of the Market House. PENSIONS, BOUNTY and other claims promptly collected. [nl2ol KENNEDY., & NILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, have for the present removed their office to the residence of T. J. Nill, on Second street, nearly oppo site the Market House. _ (aug3l Ll 7 NI AN S. CLAIM:, Arro RN EY AT Law, Chamber berg. Office (at the old plaee,) on - Market Street. nearly o p posite the C. a‘rt Hen., t.ep'll -Can TJ. NILL, ATTORNEY AT LAw. 244 at his residence on Strand street. : octl9 T. B. KENNEDY, -kTTORNEY AT LAW. (Airs an Market .01,44. arty coat, 'Lumber, S. LEONA-RD EBER'r & SON. COAL AND 1.1:31BER MERCHANTS. We have on band all kinds of Coal 'and Lumber. and are prepared to furnish Bill Lumber to order at short no tice, all at the most reasonable terms. Dar stock at Lau ber conslias of White Pined inch Plank, " " seloct Plank. -'• 14 " Plank. " 1 select and Culling Boards. " " Boards, " " Siding (ti • Best River Shingles, • Worked Flaring, • " Siding, -" Joist tad Scantling, all eke., HeraloCk Joist and Scantling, Beards, Yellow Rao Boarda Joist and licantlin& Palling and Plastering Laths. We also always on hand a good supply of all kinds of Coal fur stoves and lime-burning. Also a supe rior article of Broadtop Coal for blacksmiths. The pub lic are invited to give na a call, as ,we will endeavor to give satisfaction to all that call. - - Coal and Lumber furnished on the cars 'to any station oti the Franklin Railroad. rirOtrice on Second St, in the rear of the Jail Yard, Chambersburg, Pa. - LEO. lEBERT & SON. julyiNtf. SMALL. BENDER bc York and Goldsbarough, Pa., _ LUMBER DEALERS• AIN MAAUFACIVRER. OF SASH, DOORS. SIII111"ElLg, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAME., 4e., Keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of seas onable Lumber, viz:—Joist and Scantling) Weatherboard ing, dressed Flooring., Siding, Laths, Shingles, Palings soul Fencing. IM" White Pine and Oak Bills, sawed to order at the shortest notice. All eommunications should be addressed to YORK, PA. sablyterg - ant 3arneos. Q( ADD.LERY! SADDLEItY!!- L 7 JEREMIAH OYSTER re.peetfully returns his thanks to his patrons for the liberal encouragement rerei• vent from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community generally, who may need any thing in Ids line, to give him a call ut his new stand, ou East Queen street, near the Franklin Batilroad, Chumbershurir where he keeps constantly on baud every variety of SADDLE. RY Ala) HARNESS of his own manufacture, and ho is prepared to sell the same on terms thatdety cumpeti• lion.- Every 'article offered fur sale is wurrented to be made of the hest materiel and by competent workmen, which will be fully ilemrmstrated un an examination there. TRUNKS ANIJ VALISES.-110 would alfio call the attention of penions iranting,us good neat and cheap nod suladantiel Trunk or Vuhre to Mx nmortment. jun017,1'4% D°NTFORGET GORDON'S place of buaineu, one door South of h r. . 1. Suesserott'N. His term, ore Club, as be lu. no onpital. CCI H. GORDON is still on Main' Street, • one doer SotahFat Dr. J. L. finessema's °Mee. Ile is ready to fill all eiders in his line of business. lauff24 G ° TO GORDON and see if lie can't tuft yon toimething In 114 lino. gortuarbing ii)ouoco. WUNDERL•ICH & NEAD. FORWARI , INti CONMISSION htEitCIIANTs North &woad Street, opposite tho Cmalierland Valley Railroad Depot, Chamh.•nhurg, Pa. Cars run regularly to Rad fronn Philadelphia and Bahl. more. AGENTS.—Peitoock, :Zell & Hindman, No. FOB Mar. ket Ht., Philadelphia. Lykens Valley, Broken Egg and Nutt COAL, (direct from the !nines), Wilkesbarro and Pim ( iTOTI' FOUNDRY COAL, LIMBER, snrsn LES, HALT, PLASTER nod Hancock CEMENT, kept constantly on handl FLOUR, GRAIN' vol PRODUCE of idl kinds purchased at the highest rash prices. 80119; -- (0. WUNDERLICH & NEAL). Taos. L. Gnamirit. - JAMB ZELLER ILLESPIE, 'ZELLER & CO., G -, .RoDrcr. AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND WKOEESAI,E, GROCERS, North Wed comer of Sixth aqd Market Streete, Piffle delphla. [sold, 634. - FIR. N. SCHLOSSER'S DENTAL OF FICE on Seoond Street, one outinre South of the rkni. Ituueo, donor lifiMttdl'■ Moe Anna angel CHANBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVERBER Q 1861. HON. GEO. H. PENDLETON Geo. H. Pendleton, the piimocratic nominee for Vice President, is a native of Ohio, and is about 46 years of age. He was reared in afflu ence, bib family being one of the most influential and wealthy in the State. He entered Congress about five years ago, and from his first entry into the National Councils he heartily eipousrd the couse of the South. When Treason was running riot m every deiiartinent of the government, it had a steady, unflinching friend and supporter in Geo. If. Pendleton; and when the traitors left Congress, stained with perjury, to overthrow the Republic he-always voted and acted so as best.to serve their cause. He never voted to raise one man or one dollar to prosecute the war, and from the day that the war commenced until now he has ever advocated the side of-,traitors. A glance at his Congress'ional record is the best evidence of his ' treachery to our - Nationality. When the war commenced, in a speech he said: ' Cain ally [Mtn . ", of troop.; .4- the u.te of any armed force on the part of the Stmes compel the General Croy ernment to exeente those p.m ors if the alfont , G¢ Una parpo4e dellianutely. pt.2ll,tetltly refuse to execute them? Fur, the nehote scheme of coercion is impracttrable. If 1, contrary to the srenelis and spirit of the Constitaticen." On the , ieth of January, 16(31, he protested against the,governmentyreserving the Union and said: '3ty Sole to-ola la for 42111161.1 M. , lily *owe a forootte promise, and it is but the polio of the wise of My, constitu ents. I beg you, gentlemen, who with nu. represent the Northwest ; you -who with' me represent the State of Ohio; you who with me represent the oily of emeinnuti—l beg von, gentleman, to hear that voice. If von will not ,if you find Conciliation imporosible; if your differences are' go n.rent that you cannot or will not reconcile them. then gent ,men. let thesearding_States depart in peace let then 0..tedi1i , , , , their Gorernment and enip!re, and mock ane l thew dr:ttny acr,rd in.? to the trudors :Attu/ tiod has peen then On the 10th July, 1861, Mr. Bendletoo. 'with only ten others, it:eliding nuchl parrot , a+ Bur nett, of Kentucky : Reid, of Misoiuri Vallandig ham, Voorhees, and Wood, voted ugain4 the bill for the collection of the revenue in seceded Staten. The bill was panned by 0 vote of 1:10 to 1 July 18, lz6l, Mr: Pendleton loted against the bill providing "increased,reventie from inzports." The bill was passed—yeaS, '72 ; n'apz, , July 24.1,.1z-131, Petidletou sited against the bill "to provide'additional revenues fir defraying the expenses of the Government, and mninpizning the public credit." The bill passed—yeas,..7; nays, 60. . April 1862, he voted agaiirst the bill to pro vide internal revenue, support the Government, and pay the interest on the public debt. - He was in a minority of fifteen, including such copper -heads as Kerrigan, Voorhees, and Vallandigliam. The yeas were 126, including a inlijority of Dein \ April 11, lci62, Mr. l'endleion voted against the act for the eninneipution Of the Klayi, in tho District of Columbia. The yeas were 92, nays 38. He voted agititeit the Treakury note ; net, on February 6th, 186'2, and au.iiii on June 24th of the same year. - January IS'th, P. , .(34, Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, iubmitted a preaml resolution, as iirliOWB: WHEREAS, A mu t desperate, wicked and bloody rebel lion exults within the Jurnsliction of the Cursed State: and the safety and seethity of personal and national liberty de. pond upon its absolute and utter extinction, therefor, Reiolr,ed, That It is 'the political sin il. moral nod marred duty of the people to meet it, tight it, crush it and forever Irertroy it. Mr. James C. Allen Toyed to lay the preamble and revolution on the table, but it failed, though Mr. Pendleton voted with him—year, 26; nays, 102. The resolution was then adopted—yeas, 112, nays, J 6; Mr. Pendleton voting in the negative, ~..c with Wood, Voorhees, Jana_% C. en, Long, Harris, of Md., Ancona and other C ipperheads. February 15, 1i:i6.1, Mr. Arnold au nitted the following resolution: 11(mired, That the flotettantion be so emended as to abolinh slavery to the United States wherever it now ex ists, and to prohibit its existence in every part thereof for ever. It was 'adopted by yeas, 78; nays, 62; Mr. Pen dleton noting in the negative. June 13, k 64, Mr. Pendleton voted agaThst the army appropriation bill, as finally agreed upon by committees of conference of the tWo Ifouses. On the name day, Mr. Pendleton voted against the repeal of the fugitive slave nets. The vote stood—yeas.'.o; nays, 6•„2. June 15, 1/1(14, Mr. Pendleton voted against the joint resolution of ,the Senate proposing to the States changes of-the Constitution, so as 'order to prohibit slavery._ The foregoing record peaks for itself. It is in perfect unison with-Mr. Pendleton's speech, Jan. nary, - 1561, in which he denounced the idea of compelling obedience to the Constitution as uncon stitutional, as Well an impracticable. He has uni formly voted against measures neeennary for the, prosecution of thii war; and every declaration of the duty of crushing the rebellion and Film% ing the Government he has either voted dgainnt squarely or dodged. ' Mr. Pendleton line shown considerable boldness in advocating the. cause of the - rebels; but the fact chnnot I e,rb•uied that he has also shown much skill as an A rtiulDiAger. He has not merely opposed direct war meas ures, and voted against appropriationstil carry on the war and pay the Interest of tho national debt, but he has displayed all the ji:alous antagonism of a Smith Carolina propagandist of slaver), to ineas HON. GEORGE H. PENDLETON ures which may remotely tend to strengthen the military - arm of thy Government, or bind together the Union. He voted 'against an, increase of the number of cadets at West Point, Mid be repeat., edly dodged. a vote upon the Pokfle railroad bill. The necessity which his position, as the Re 1 4,0 resen tati - t . i from a free Slate,imposes upon him,has übt less constrained him to do many thingywri h his strong Southern ,syinpathies tindprePossessions re volt at, and to omit many things whichthe same feel ings Would prompt him to do; but ho may,at any rate console himself - with the , reflection that almost any man in his place would have done as much, or probably more, injury to the Southern cause than lie has dune. lie is, in his quiet and courteous way, the bitter and implacable foe of the wai• is hicii his culltape on the Presidential ticket has he'en waging fur the suppriasion of the slavehold ing rebellion. Gen. McClellan h'aa declared in favor of preening the Union " at every hazard.'? Mr. Pendleton declared, at the beginning of the contest, that the attempt to coerce obedience to the Constitution and laws was utterly at war .f% ith .the spirit of the Constitution itself. =Such is the blistering record of Mr. Pendle ton, the Democratic candidate for the Vice Pres ideney riLd now, When \ utter defeat stares him in the 6.ce, he is driven to write a letter declaring that Leis in favor of the Union! Can he he in favor of the Union when he has said and done everything asked or desired of him by those ,who are seeking to destroy it? The, People have al, ready answered by their, overteltning verdict of ( 'ettiber, and they will thunder louder and citiper, in his eondenniation in Novembeir I _ Even the New York Hero/d, which has wean estty lohored to take care of McClellan, can't stand the hypocrisy of Gov. Seymour and the other "lights" of the party who expound the Chicago nondescript tier tke purpose of misleading the peo ple. In its issue of the Herald thus dis sects the political nondescript : "(fel ernor Seymour has been stumping' it for the l'Iden;:o ticket in Pennsylvania. campaign spe \ f-ch fjf his. delivered the other f:erening at Phil adelploa, has been published full length in some ui thl - democratic papers, and.the Governor is a man of:words. This speech, it follows, of course, in a long-winded and tiresome rigmarole of elec tioneering claptrap; - but still there are several prominent points presented in it worthy of a pus inz notice: - Let us bripfly consider them. "First, the speech is'h billof indictmentizgainst the administration. It has proved a bra adminis tration; it bus mismanaged the war; it has pur sued a policy of sav4te cruelty towards tie um 't,owbatants of the SOuth and especially the people of the border slave states ; it hai violated the Con stitution in its arbittwy arrests of individuals, in its supptession of obnoxious newspapers, and built np oppressii'e taxaffoils and a mountain of debt; it has prohibited the plink. of Indiana; Ohio and Illinois from buying weapons of-war and ammuni tion: it has suspended at its discretion the habeas corps , , and -en Ihrth—a blldo of specifications in ono' eaten with which the a. linistration his com mitted many blunders. , Especia have Mr. Lin• coin mid the party in powalint- .ered in their experiments of confiscation, nanniiddion and re sonstruetion. Yet all these things together are but dust - in the balance weiithedagainst;this para mount, all absorbing and all important question— shall the - rebellious States be made to submit to the goveniment of flp Union, or shall the govern ment submit to the lrebellion ? "This is the greht.' co/droning question, and it cannot be covered tip in the side issues raised by Governor Seymour. The administration his cer tainly been laboring to put down the rebellion, and its declared policy is to "fight it but on this line." What is the policy of the democratic par ty,? According to the Chicago platform it is peace-at-any-price, inasmuch as the war is de. dared in that platform a failure—a complete , fail ure, With regard to the war GoVernor Sey mour makes a nice distinction: our army and navy hisye been successful,butthe administration has failed. The Chicago platform, in effect, de nounces the war and all conterued in itas wrong from the beginning and as a failure throughout, while Governor Seymour does - not denounce the war. On the contrary he accepts it, and recog nizes mil - victories, but thinks that we have bad war and victories enough; that just- as we stand, with the democratic party in power, we can and will have peace, " But just here the Governor is lost iu a fog. What sort of a peace 7 Jeff. Davis has repeat edly said of late that .it must be the. peace of Southern independence or Sol/them subjugation. In his late Macon speech, in which he virtually confesses that his cattle is lost; he makes no sign of submission. Governor Seymour treats him and his rebellious confederate,. conspirators very - tenderly. He forgets that the organiiation of a hostile confederacy within the Union, was the 14- ginning of the war: and that, after all, had thsre been nol rebellion against the government, the taxes, expenses. debts, corruption, Ice., of Lincoln's ad netnistraqms would probably hare been no greater than under ,Buchartan's, A,ND PROBABLY MtiCit LESS. HoW.is it, then, that, in the estimation of Governor, Seymour, Lincoln's administration is the einhodiment of all the crimes of a crual.des putisin while Jeff: Davis is a model of injured in nocence t c ' "1,11 this connection the peace promised by Mr. Seytutiur„we au oracles of the Chicago Convention though not exactly of the Chicago platform, be comes a very eloinlY sort of pence. What is it to be? In his closing remarks of this Philadelphia speech the Governor thus appeals' to the "God of our fathers:"—"May the God of our fathers, He 1 who gave the wisdom to frame our constitution And .e.stablisli , our Union, grant us the wisdom to retrace the steps which' we-have trod, and renew this Union, restorethe supreimacy of the constitu tion." See. Now what steps are , here to be re- A NONDESCRIPT DISSECTED. VOL 71.-WHOLE NO. 3,678. traced to restore the constitution 11 Accordiil to leading democratic expounders, we have no con stitutional right to coerce a seceding State. Un der this construction we must retrace our steps, first, by stopping this war of coercion; and, second ly, by contest* to the rebellions States that we haie been wrong iu prosecuting this war against them; that secession is a constitutional right, and that the confederacy-which, regardful of this doc iririe, you were peaceably allowed to organize and set in motion under the democratic administration -of Buchanan, will again be recognized as your right by, the-democratic party of the North if re stored to power; and hat if,you cannot come back to us we will contrrt73 to come over to you. If this is what Gov. Seymour means, his appeal to the "God of our fathers" is the cream of his speech. What does he mean f What is the peace which he proposes or expects: by stopping the war This is n question in the presence of which all the blunder,. mid follies of Lincoln's administration um) be diiinissed and will be overlooked by the prople.7 ' - HEAR AN OLD DEMOCRAT Gen. John A. Logan was a democratic mem ber of Congress from Illinois when the war broke out, and afterwards accepted a commission in the army; and so prominent was he as a dernocratic Politician' in that State, that the Copperheads boasted hiudly that the would take the stump for MeCiellais. He has taken the stump but if we , - are able Ito understand the following, it is not much iu fav6r of the Copperhead nominee.; After they had adopted-the-resolutions, they all went home singing hallelujahs. They all expee ' ted to be, elected President. They. nominated George B. McClellan for President, and for what purpose Il 'Was it for the purpose of advocating the, prince pigs of that plattitrm 1 ' He or any man who ever drew a sword in his aountry's cause, who would consent to any poi tine on a platform of that kind, is unworthy to be called an lAuterican soldier. Whenever I become so greedy l for office; whenever I have-such an itching desire to obtain a little power for a short time as ti l stultify myself in such a Manner, and to so slander the past acts of my life, I hope God , imi his infihite mercy will take me from this earth, w este Gen. McClellan, I have naught against persOnally. As a soldier I respect him, aaa glntletuan I reaped, him; but on that platforM - as a polittian, I have no respect for him. [Ap plause.]---If General-McClellan had been a eillkl lan when l nominated—if he had been taken from the walk jof private life—l could have excused bim. I ould have said that he was simply mis taken, deceived perhaps; but having been a sol dier, having fought under the .flag of the Ameri can Union, having heard the soul stirring sounds of battle in the Union cause, there is no excuse oil earth for him—none whatever on the top of God's earth, except that he is so craving and so anxious fOr a little poWer, that lie is willing to accept it even from traitors and cowards. They ask me to vote for George B. McClellan. 'on such al platform as this ! I say, I won't do it. .[ApplausC.] _ They,ask rue to vote for George H. Pendleton, and I saY I would not vote for him on that or any other platform, for Vice President, many other office, if the devil were a candidate spinet him. Why do I say sot I served with him in Cringress, and I have been forced and com pelled, to 4enounce him as a traitor, anal have a gpod right to do so to-day. I have heard from his lips, in the halls of Congress, before he was even thought of as a candidate, words of treason and disloyalty) He has denounced this war from the time it commenced. He has never voted a soli tary dollar, nor a cent, in fever of prosecuting this war, nu Matter how the money was to be expen ded—whether for grub for the soldiers, or anythiag else—not one dollar has he voted, that could be spent in any way against the rebellion, and in fa vor of the-Government. I defy his friends to•da • to point me to one line, or one syllable, ever writ ten or uttered by him In favor of restoring this Government by putting down the rebellion—not s word.. But, if,you will read his speeches you will find that he has justified secession. You will find that he has advocated State rights, and said that be believed the people of the South had a right to secede, and the tiovernment had no right to coerce them'back into the Union. That is the doctrine be has advocated, and upon that record people ask me to vote for him.- Again, I defy any man to show me his letter accepting the nomination on the Chicago platform. What is it! Why is it that no man can find it? He has never accept- A'd that nomination except by simple acquiescence and by his being put on the tibket. Why is this I Ray 7 Because the Chicago Convention knew When they adopted that platform that McClellan would write a soft letter, sort of for war, saying that he knew the Convention was for war, but they forgot to arty en, and all that kind of thing. They have prevented George H. Pendleton from writing 'a letter, and I venture to say that he will never write one. Because if they wanted a let ter front him, unless they wrote it themselves, he has been en much in the habit of speaking treason that he could not NA riteany thing else, - It would damn him before the country, and they knew it'. From the Philmielphia Prete. .4}iP7E3lllEft 19Tn, 1964. Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan! 'Rim of the horses and sabres I sing. Look, bow he drove them 1 . Look, how he clove them! Sabred, belabored, confused, and oonfuudel, The whole rebel rout, 'as they fell back asloamlall At the fierce stride and swing • Of our men galloping; Shouting with vengeance, roaring with landlady Cheering with viotory, as they plunged alter - Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan I • 11. . Al I fair Shenandoah, thou- nest of the robber, • How stands the count with thy people to-day? Where is the fire now, - , Showlng thy ire now, Blaring; while gazing with fear and amazement, As on it crept swiftly from door-post to easement,' Weeping with palo dismay, Stood maids and matrons gray? liar it not spread to thy end of the Valley? ' -Did it nit follow thee in thy grand sally, Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan ! 111. Chantheisburg, Chimbersburg, saioulderiug Chamber*. burg; ' - Sit in thy . ruium, rontent'with thy lot I Lo! thy despoiler, Snared by the toiler, Retreated, defeated,-torn, pierced, slashed with gashes, .And what thy homes were, now their bodies are--ashes! Ohl be thy grieft forgot, Every bright laurelled spot - On thy fair hill-sides wait matron sad maiden With chapleta of gloty,_to welcome and laden • Sheridan,'Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan. SY. 0 I Early, mad Early, thou ruthle4innoler, Where are the troopers who followed thy Look at their Corse', ' ' Soldieri and horses ,Whiten and brighten with bones, shlOg On all the wide plains they rode Att.,. trimly. What has the raven said t - Where has the red for preyed! What to the highlailing buivard declaring, - In Richmond's white, upturned face, of thy mutating, Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry - Sheridan I Sheridan; Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan, When Moit shalt come to thy people again, Crowns we shall twine for thr4, • And the ripe wine for th 4, Flashing and splashing from goblet and beaker, Shall whirl round the lips of the eloquent speaker, An be essays in vain - Homage to wake it plain 'Flew the great heart of the jubilant nation SiVells towards thy own in Its full admiration, Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan I GROUCH "Lrrrtz Mac."—The 211th Penn sylvania 'Volunteers, while marching up the Ave nue to day, tame to a McClellan flag Winging a cross the street; wherupou they filed off and care fully-marched around it in silence. The "straw" was delicately pointed. • Another regiment marching down the Avenue to-day to the depot, upon approaching the-McClel lan flag, halted, and turned up aside street. The exasperated Copperheads who aituested it shout ed out, "they'd put one over the door of the depot, and compel the d—m outwits to go under it."--; WasA. enr..Tribunn. I====2====S==!l - POLITICAL' DITELLIGILVCE. -401elin ie not on the platibrui but theilate fors oh him and -will grind him to powder.— Theil wont be a "piece" 'IA of him. —The; Mowing is the vote among - the desert- . ers and bounty jumpers in the Guard- Rouse of Camp Curtin, taken by order of the, officer in command: .. . For M'Clellan, 21 , Fpr Llnooln, 8 —Ex-Senator Hrowiiing, of Illinnis,'who bno been very extensively claimed u a supporter of McClellan, has written a letter denouncing the Citicagolilatform zind the whole Coppetheadputy. He comes out squarely and fairly for Lincoln and Johnson - . ! :—The N. Y. Daily News (Copperhead)saya : "Let Gen.lff'Clellanasseetpublulyechathadoespri icitely that he, will favor an immediate cessation of hostilities; and a Convention of all the States, and the Daily News, and we believe the entire pease party will admit that ho stands upon the Chicado platform„ an d will give him their earnest support." If McClellan is elected, says the Cecil Whig ? hd will do one of two things :he w-ill stop the war, and let the South "set up its own Government and Empire," as Pendleton says: or he will pros eehte thel war with white soldiers alone, amiss flg the two hundred thousand colored troops now in; the field, filling their places with white men, arid drafting white men alone for all future Deers sties. Think of that, whiteyeople. deieribed in a Wheeling,. papdr as "a quick-spoken; silver-haired, hind: - some, earnest-looking man, about tiny five years of age, " followed Senator Willeynt a Union meet ing in Wlleeling on the sth, in a speech in which he said: _ "I ran see but two issues in- this con test—an honorable peace accomplished by a lig otoun war, or an armistice, a conventioh'of state's, and a final dissolution of Union and eternal war." ;The 'New -York Herald remarks, and for once, at least, with literal truth: -. "Jeff Davis tlOes 'not attempt to conceal the fact' that the re :trek 'have , experienced great 'dieasters. z of" late.' The only P.P150118 who do 'attempt to cofactor thia. faet are the Copperheads of the - NOrth hpd their ; organs, the World and the New# Of tb . ty isa lgi ; they., 'are tho only fellows who make the effort to belittle those Union ifuecemes - tha Davie looks upon as great disasters to tho South." ' '—The "Iong.roll" was sounded in ()MO and diannon the 11th inat. The warriors fay the Union sprang to their arms, and repelled the Copperhead attack with overwhelming nunibers hud impetu osity: The long-roll will be beaten rp every free :Senn! on the dth of November. You speculators patriotiem and a nation's manhood, speculating for a rite in a Rebellion loan, and the - restoration of a party to office upon a pledge toMaintain Hu men Bondage, look on then, and, in awe and hum blehess, learn one of the great lessons in Govern ment which God Occasionally teaches-Man. -When WClellan was in command of the ar-. my he sent Gen. Sherman to the Benton Barracks' in St. Louis, as a "crazy man." He wanted to teach him " moderation . " He was soon after re leased and has ever since been playing those strange prinks which frightened the "Young fle -went down to Atlanta, stopped in front of,the city a few days, and was regarded as a very dangerous man for his "neigitborHood." Since he entered the city, however, he has beha ved himself so well that M'Clellan pronounces him "gallant and skilful." .11'c:teller' never got "ore !, —The Unconditional Union State Convention of Maryland has nominated Hon. Thos. Swann, of Baltimore,' for Governor; Dr. Christopher C. Coi, of Talbot, for Lieutenant Governor ;Hebert J. Jump, of Caroline, for Comptroller, and Hon. Daniel Weiselyof Washington, for Judge of the Court of Appeals. In the First Congressional District Hon. J. A. J. Creswell, of Cecil--in the Second the Hon. Edwin H. Webster, of Harfotd ; and i in the Fourth the Hon. Frank Thome& of Allegany, the present able Representatives, - have all been renominated. - It . would be useless to attend to all the cal umnies sow floating through the Copperhead press but 'one of the most frequent, viz: That Presi dent ISinc* receives his salary in gold, is refuted by Me Critenden of Vermont, the late- Register of the Treasury, who had charge of all payments of that kind. Mr. Lincoln and all alit, Cabinet receive the ordinary greenbacks, just like ordina ry nien in Ordinary business, and the regular in collie tax is regularly deducted from Mr. Lincoln's salary just 'as it is from every other salary. The only •:;ffieera paid in gold are our ministers, abroad, in places where currency,is not recognized. - -Cincinnati, the home of George H. Poodle ton. has gi*e a majority of nine thousand against the edcoeatee of a eetniatini of hostilities. In our present Congress that city is represented byPen dletim and Long who were elected by a majoeit. of about 1400. Mr. Long has already been corn ned to a merited obsem ity by his constituents and the Candidate in Mr. Pendleton's district has,been taught that the path to congressional honorsis not open to those who stand upon the Chicago plat form. Thus has his own home repudiated the Peace candidate for the Vice Presidency. His nomination; on the National ticket has postponed his personal defeat for a few weeks, only to make it more complete and humiliating when it comes. The Free State Legislature of Louisiana has chosen Charles Smith, of St. Mary's, a United States Senator, eke Judah P. Benjamin, *hose time!expireje with the ensuing session, and R. K., Cutler to till, fin the three ensuing years; the seat which was left vacant by John Slidell's treason: Mr. ',Smith is a carpenter_by trade; a Unionist in all weather's, who was compelled to flee from the ' hate of the Secessionists, and take refuge in New under the rale of Gen. Butler. Ile - has been Sherilrof and is now the State Senator from his own parish. Mr. Cutler is a leading lawyer of New Orleans, and has filled several important -posts in the; Parish of Jefferson. Ha was a prom inent member of the Constitutional 'Convention. =Phil. Sheridan, the son of an Irishman, has shown more generalship, whipped more rebels, captured mere guns, flags and rebels in twenty four hours-than George It McClellan did in twen ty-f Our months. Phil. Sheridan, with such an army as McClellan had in the Spring of 1862, would have' annihilated the rebellion just as he bits inmildlated the rebel army under Early.— Phil: Sheridan did not atop at Winchester when he gained the first victory and send to 'Washing ton for " more men." a No, like a true soldier, he seised the opportunity to press on the heels of the rebels and storm and rout them in their strong defenses at F'isher's Hill. In future history Phil. Sheridan Will stand head and shoulder above "Little Mar - 7 -McClellan's Mounted Body-Guard of the Pe. ninsular Campaign, better known as the "M'Clel.. lan ;Dragoons," were, it will be rememben4, merged, upon the retirement of McClellan, into the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry. Bead the following extract from a letter received yesterday in this city] from an officer in the Twelfth, - Who was a member of the old "Dragoons:" "I wish I was home to enlist myself heart and manilla the coming campaign. My belief is as strong as eter in the McClellan of the old Army Of the Potomac, bathe can never have our support with the backers be surrounds himself with, or upon the platform on which he stands.: We are unanimous here that peace can only be laid at the point of the bayonet and in the complete subjuga• - touu of traitors:. Cirs. Jo4tri Coo:maNi lifted his audience to theli feet in Philadelphia ; and received an ovation froth them hi response to his declaration that the peice the Rebels would get from us. would be that which the musket gives to a conquered host. He 'said : "Wt Chicago there were gentltrmen in the livery of War Democrats. They were - modest, for the prelssure was upon them. A very little war, they begged of Vallandigham: a little will 'sewer us. "No," says Nallandigham, "we want pestee—un conditioaalPcaee Ilowis it in the field? When the private biv ouacs in the night does he say to his musket, "we'll have a little peace in the morning ?" If he did the musket would be too much of a "peace" for him. Do'the officers talk of a little peace? No.l They:retire to the sound of war, and when they rise the raatin trumpet sounds the charge of war. [Tumultuous cheers.] They are there to fight for the country. They abhor the uniform peace-gun at Chicago. The war is nearly closed. The Rebellinte is at its last Its resources are altnoat gOiie. The Examiner says "the enemy is gathering about us. Richmond will be [Deafening applause.] An officer, who surren. dered to Sheridan, illustrated this. Throwing his sword at the feet of the Provost-Marshal, he said; "The Confederacy bee gone to h—ll. The men woit't fight; neither will I." The Rebel comma nitiis falling away by piece -meal, and at last the head Mid aid front of the Rebelllori, the State of Georgia, mikes overtures to return to the Union. And now Make peace ! [Loud shouts of "Never!"] . "All the resources of negotiation must first be ex hausted," says Gen. McClellan, "before we pro traet the war," There will be peace, but it will be that peace which the musket gives to a con. quered host. That peace is now at our doors, And it is fcir you to declare in your omnipotence that there Shall be no perm save that attached in gliirious ensigns to your standards in the tield' In