The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 26, 1864, Image 3

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    October 26, 1864,
frauhliu fptoit'ory.
Gossip AVITII OCR FRIENDS.—We promised
our friettilaa description of a full blooded German
lager-bier_gurden, and DOW hasten to make gad
our word, trusting that the details will afford them
"u itibiety of the enjoyment the visit did us.
- These places are called gardens, most likely,
_beiiause the - plump, rosy checked dutch frauleins
may well represent cabbage roses, dahlias, and
lady slippers; the spruce, broad shouldered beaux
tiger fillies, sweet williains and buehelor buttons;
the fat. old ladies pumpkins, squashes and tur
nips (their noses particularly;) the old smoke
dried men conisrocks, rutabagas and carrots too
reterenee to their hair;) and the little boys and
girls and babies ()es babies) buttercups. daisies
and primrostai. No other evident-en of a garden
were be seen. -Sunday night was selected tor
the visit--0 profane one ! and vie found a hall of
immense prize, about three 111111, tlg , large as an or
dinary chnich jammed With well dressed, well
behaved and }veil conditioned tier:nails. all eating
earned -beef. cabbage,' roast beef, ham,
briiwn bread, pretzels, and [millions of every rad
ety ; drinking bier; talking• and drinking bier;
laughing - und DRINKING ; and listening to a
tide orchestra amid DRINKING BIER: Thoughts
of bier, drops of bier, ,oceans 1.(% bdir, smells of
bier, an atmosphere of - bier, pervaded the east
assembly, one might well think that a secret clause
toot yet tramdated_from ernamilar) in the
Au usherg contiaision. or the Heidelberg catechism,
related to the consumption of-hies. It 'put us in
mind of a fire; hi the country where liten'itllllll.ll
and children all turn mat, the Pumis vim:, and
the full and empty buckets passing and repassing
with the ,if (lever:glom the inily differ
enre being that none. of tholluid was spilled,
not is drop. -Dow the pot bills inn wined to thread
their ways through the throng,' to recollect the
multifarious orders, and nor to lose themselves
in the melee was mindce. Etery noiment we
looked for some coufbund Teuton isnitbr,to deposit
himself Mien a table and the glass to rush hack
for another waiter. The most incomprehensible
thing was that these fellow:, would MB at full
speed i \ gl: k t throluth the `dense mass with stx mugs
of bier in each hand. Now we, kane:v_ full well
that there are but tour tihgexs and a thumb on
each hand. fire prong• in all, but where would
they phPtt•the sixth mug. Wit watched and peep
ed and scrutinized and poked our nose in the clos
et proximity to many a Ill'Xil-111112, but all to 110
parpooe, it:depot nu ppecasioneil growl front an im
peded bear-er he a purine.e:, and finally gave up
the researeh, hazarding a 'guess that it mind be
pressure, or, volte•Pion or capillary attraetion, in
other words that the specific: gravity of fire pot:
ppf bier will sustain to sixth, as lye will bear up an
egg tin its surf iii' ; or 'perhaps (we verily believe
we Mire the solution of the problem iitdv) the flue
are the bier for the sixth.
We saw women actually swelling under the re
peated draughts of bier, and. observed an affectipn
ate mother persuading in sweet German gutturals
hem infant to imbibe of the bitter nectar. More
thin one muntrehill carried her baby embran.d
closely to nature's fount, mid from the placid looks
of the little saugling we were assured that their
fisid was a kind of 'milk punch, provided that bier
and milk will make a punch. No - Wonder the Ge
rmans waltz so Well when their faVurite bevrage
id made of lops.
At the close of every piece of mushc the applause
was deafening, consisting of the rappi g f some
two thousand heavy mugs upon the deal tin les.
and. food erica of bravo, encore, his, etc. The
leetion of eatables on the front counters was tiF
tounding, comprising wagon heals of sausages,
small sausages m testoms and necklaces, looking
like bunches of banalities, and larger satifiges
nearly us large •as a bolster. We thought we
would'hotice Who in the world would bin} and cat
one of the big ones, and fixed upon one particular
old lady, out of whom the fut was slowly oozing
instead of #rspiration, as cure to do so. but found
that they cut theiri in slices. The greatest g a ud
humor preN ailed. the only ill behaved person in
the room being an Amercan, who Was summarily'
rejected with the loss, of a coat tail and with a
fearful strain in the seat of his pantaloons. Doubt
less. in the concourse were represented all clas,es
of society, front the most erudite, metaphysical'
philosopher. to the dullest hour. Smoking, of
course, is not onlY tolerated but encouraged, as
provocative of thirst, and a dense cloud arose
over the tables like that from a burning prairie,
.the iltnsiun heightened by the intense brightness
of the - myriads of gas lights 'that illumined not
only the building but the adjoining street. The
cheese deserves a passing, notice, for its perfume
rose high abo‘e the notes of the .moqic, and the
dmeldof the bier. It was u niiirinz sight, and as
for smell—well we once nosed a dead mule that
had been lying six days beneath a snooper's sun:
and the memory of that poor animal gave only an
approximation to the penetrating effluvia of the
Base. If we have not stated before, we
will now, that the price of the bier Was 5 CENTS
a glass (none of your froth), notwithstanding the
enormous rise in the price of othwr - articles of find
and. diet.
Now dear gossips, this is not according to our
ideas of spending Sunday evening. and we can
each draw our own conclusions, but one thing is
certain that whether the bier drinkers get used
to it (likr the old WOMIIfI . I , eels—to skinning) or
Whether the bier is unintoxicating. no one seemed
alTheted by Ms potations. When au opportunity
offers we-purpose attending an Trish Leben
gie mild. -
KEW YoMC; Oct 2'2, 12114
RAILROAD (tRD ANIZ ITtoN.—TheCnnunission
e•rrK of the Connelliwille and Southern Pezinsylva-
Ida Railroad Company met at Bi , dfiad on the 14th
Ink., and organized by calling Hon. S. L. Russell
'to the chair. The hooks were ()pelted and 102,-
21k) shares . of the ittock were immediately itibitcri.
hed for. Among the tubseribers were Col. John
A. Wright, Hun. A. King,. S. L. Russell, John
Cessna, A. K. M . Clure, .John D. Ruddy, W. J.
13aer. John 111. Kennedy and others. her
miy,foNs of -dollars were thus subscribed and
tivt dollars per a hare paid down, at , once tiling
thVconstruction of , the road as a certainty. \V
ilipibt not that when an opportunity is presented
tire people of
_.l , ninkliti coomtt will contribute
most liberally s. aid in thief great thoroughfare, -
which ie abotleto relieve the Southern counties
from the exactions they have hitherto suffered for of tweets to the roll and iunbrr of the Nm :
ties immediately west of us. It will be seen by
athertisement iu to-day's paper that a meeting
of the stock holders will be held in Philadelphia
on the 19th of November to elect a President and
Directors for the company. It is conceded, we
believe, that Col. Wright will be chosen President
and no better 11/All could be found for the position.
SWOR . DS PRESENTEIL—The enlisted an•n of
Company - E. 21st CavalQ, presented Capt. Phe
airie sword, sash and belt, worth
$2.50. Orderly Sergeant Palmer made the pre
sentation, to which Cupt. Phenicie replied in an
upproPirate and patriotic speech. lie will Ine'ri
led this
_manifestation. of the 'confidence of his
command. ;The members of Company G. same r
regiment, have presented Ist Lieut. E. Knowles
with a sett of-w•legant horse equipments. It is
most`gratifyirrg to witness this confidence of the
men iu the officers who tionunand them.
THE stockholders of the Bank of Chambersburg
will find an important notice in our advertising
cokunns. Tiler or to meet on the. 15th of Nn.
Velither pelt to determine whether the Bank shall
be continued. as a L'itntr: institution, or go under
the act of Conzress.
NATIVE Ton - .4.cco.—we have received from
Mr. Solomon Dunkle, of Spring Run, a specimen
of tobacco grown, cured and neatly pressed by
himself which is superior to any specimen of the
'• weed' we have found in market since the war
the wan) improvements since the late fire, Eyster S Bra.
stand protninen -- -Ttre - v have fitted up their Warehoube
which itamooliat . ely in tlw rear of the old store house.
If is son enient of aecom. is neat and eontfortable for them
sido es as well as their customers. The eotrouttnity appre
ciate the eliancw. judging from the eroaa ds minting. out
&tied with their iitmlaties. It io also noised arnand that
they Me sellintt omits at very low figures—having been
liteky enotnrh to hit the market at Ito lon est ebb, and pay
d; cash for their goods. as 4100 them for cash. en
ahi” ik.m.t" .4 , 11 them to their enotonters at a very mina
adoJITAV. For NO of prices see their advertitement in
another eolumn They will continue to i•ell at Mier., nam
ed until the stock is exhausted.
mended fur public speakers Lind- others. for the relief of
Colds and to clear the voice. Their efficucy I. strongly
attend by Congressmen. Clergymen, men and
mlotri who use them. ds there are Clergymen,
be Rare to
URTAI the qtrtuine.
PIitut,ELPHIA, October:3l, 1864.
To the Loyal Men of Penhxylrankil
The smoke of the first engageinent has cleared
;may, and upon the vote of her citizens at hot '
Pennsylvania stands by the Government of our
fathers, while her brats sons in the field will not
give less thou to eke thousand 'majority fir the
good cause. The last hope, therefore, of till- sup
porters of General 'McClellan has disappemted, and
toe only result of continuing to sustain hilt is to
give aid and comfbrt to the rebellion by incieusin
the appearance i& dihunion among ousels es.
Genetal Sheridan dealt a terrible blow to trea
son oa Wednesday, and every patriot's heart thrill
ed with joy upon bearing it, but a great Majority
forAbrahath Lincoln in Pennsylvania would be Mr
Inure fatal to the armeti conspiracy against the
Union and the Constitution. Every vote for our
tried and faithful President will paralyze some arm
raised to shunt down the flag, bile every vote for
the base surrender at . Chicago, and the men who
carry its white flag. Will encourage some rebel to
shoot another Northern soldier. The ticket nomi
nated by Vallandigham, Wood, and Seymour is
now - black with treason, and after it is voted will
be red with the blood of our brothers fighting for
us. The tsar has existed for the last year only
by reason of our divisions. nod its continuance to
day is solely owing to the activity of the disunion
party of the Noi-th and thelifintform of its Conveu
_thin. While any hope remained of the election of
its candidates. plausible excuses might be found
by misguided men for giving them their suffrages;
hut after the verdicts of Maine, Vermont, New
Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, all
sensible persons knots that the tlection is already .
decided by the people, and that it only remainsto.
ascertain the majorities. It follows, therefore, that
creep rote for McClellan and Pendleton is an earn
est incitation to Jefferson Davis to continue this
fearful war to waste more of our treasure and to
murder. others of our sons.
The sublime spectacle a united North Will
cud the tsar. We invn,lt all patriots to lend their
effiirts unceasingly to produee this result. By per
fecting the ward and tovinship organizations ; by
the circulation of documents; by public addresses,
especially by local speakil'rs; by earnest personal
ellorts with honest hut mistaken men; by making
arrangements to bring every loyal voter to the
polls ; ¢y sending tax receipts to every soldier and
sailor by the immediate, formation of campaign
clubs in every borough and community; by great
meetings of the - people by daylight and by torch
light, and by :Stile honest agencies of an 'active
and thorough canvess;appealing to the patriotic
zeal and kindling the patriotic enthusiasm of a
great and 10)01 Commonwealth; we can attest the
frailty of our State to the flag of the Union by a
majority worthy of the historic charabter of the
contest and of the great issues dependent upon
Forward, then, e% cry lover of his country to thil
good work! Looking not to the past but to the
future, forgetting all personal considerations, and
appreciating the privilege of some sacrifice for Li
berty and the Ninon, let us relax no effort until
the polls are closed. This committee will continue
to do its whole duty, and relies upon your instant.
earnest i and constant assistance.
amide march of valor and of glory from the
Rapidan to the James sealed the late of the re
bellion-. Since then Sherman has turned its left
wing. Ftirngut is closing its a% (mites of escape,
Sheridan has sent its vanguard again whirling
down the ‘ valley. It only remains for us to sound
,the charge along the whole line, and wrapping our
ballots around our brothers' bullets, march to the
pr aceful,l final triumph which ass ails us in Novem
Broclai ming the war to be a failure, George B.
Mi•Clellan isidiumelf the great failure, of the war
—a general without a victory — a statesman with
out a record ; and if we are faithful, history will
add to his epitaph that he was a candidate for the
Presidency without au electoral vote. Let us all,
therefore. labor without ceasing, In memory of
our buried tunny re. in regard tor the wounds of
our lninglieroes. to guard liberty- front its deadly
peril, and the Union front its treasonable foes, in
the interest (if religion, and in the hope of the Re
public of the ;Mare, loyal men of Pennsylvania,
ton% rd to s ictory In behalf of the Committee,
t 4 llttiN CAMERON, Chairman.
A. W. l;Exn:Dn - r, :2 c s ectarie s.
—Pula:MI6% 11(1., I.l'llA not burned by the reb
els though man} outrages were committed._
—A party of armed men, from Canada, robbed
three St. Alban's, Vt., (.11 the Five
citizens were shot. rr=
—The rebeLs hn<e ritruifed about 6,000 men,
it Li reported. from tlui ndherentio in northern
—Gen. Sherman reports that he captured,
Ship's Gap on Sunday, with a part of the 94th
North Carolina regiment. Deserters represent
Hood'a army tia thirty thousand strung.
—On Wednesday Gen. Shenntur started inpur
cult of the Rebels.. Col. Minty'a cavalry brigade
met the enemy in force, routing them, capturing
Gen. Young -and a large number of prisoners.—
lioddy'a Rebel command nt Rome had been driv
en out. all his artillery captured, and the enemy
driven hi confusion. On the 17th our advance
came upon Hood's rear guard, and drove it out of
Snake Gap.
—Adviern from 111-.s.diri statethat Glasgow in
Howard county, w as captured on Saturday week
by a large rebel force under General Clarke. The
City Hall and several other buildings were burn
ed. The town of Ridgely ,in Platte county, was
plundered by guerillas on Sunday night, and Smith
s ille, iu Clay county, was burned on Bfoudpy.
Thornton and Thrailkill, notorious guerillas, en
tered Platte county with it large force of rebels,
on Friday, and business was suspended at St.
do , wph and Ransm city. Leavenworth is being
—At length the great movement upon Sher
inaleo communications, so iirt-'ll threatened ;
vehemently urged by the unskilled civilians of the
rebel preso; xo vainly attempted by Roddy, W heel
er, Forrest and Pillow in succession, has been
made in lull foree by Hold's entire tinny, under
the advice of the arch-rebel Jefferson Davis him
oelt, Anil Imo run Ito brief career in much the same
style no thilpreeeeding attempts. Hood has done
a great deal of hard marching; has loot several
thonound men, and taken about as many prisoners;
has torn up :any miles of railroad filled up some
deep eats, destroyed some bridges', and been unable,
to hold any position whatever. He has not re
etb.ered Atlanta, nor surprised Chattanooga, nor
destroyed Shermun'm supplies, not captured Ala
toona. lle has not been able to maintain any line
of communication for Ins army; has been obliged
to carry all his supplies isith him, and these being
exhausted, us well as the country, he is in full
- . •
—.l3etwAll Stoneinanhas been exchanged and
hapt arrhed at Atlanta.
sudden de ease of Gen. Birney will give
Geo. Terry the pi. lanent command of the Tenth
—Gen. Dobludo, the distinguished Mexican
General, arrived in Whi,hington on Thursday and
dined with the 'Secretaryof State,
—Col John P. Sanderson, former editor of the
Philadelphia Daily News, died in St. Louis, on
Friday last. lie was a native of Lebanon county.
•ln ° les6 lie was Chairman of the Amerieen State
Central Committee. When President Lincoln
was inaugurated, Mr. Sanderson became Chief
Clerk of the War Department, under Secretary
Cameron, and on the 14th of May, 1861, he was
appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the 15th regi
ment of infantry, U. S. A. Within a year he has
been promoted to a Colonelcy, and has been act.
ing as •Provost Marshal General of Missouri. To
his efforts the.exposure of the Knights of the Gol
den Circle in that Siete is due
I !ab I P t'Atl4
By the NVe.teru Union Teleqmpli Littn_inti,, a t th.
.~ ; ~~i
PpsiWalla ililioll on }Nig dote !
Koontz Elected by 521
:IRIII FNIOX 111,10111 TY OVER 11,0001
Special dispatch to the Franklin Repository
The official home Vote of the State id in from
all the counties but two, and reliable information
front them makes the Union majority in the State
on the home rote 43.
The aruiy rote returned gives GEN. KOONTZ
712 majority,' giving hint 52 on the whole 'vide.
He here and is heartily congratulated by the
Union men on his triumph.
The Union majority on the Army rote for the
State id over 11,000 ! _ _
Such is•the verdict of the - Old Ke:t itone State
in a "cessation of hostilities" Ns ith traitors.
The Army Vote,
A Harrisburg correspondent has furnisheiLus
with the following detailed iltatement of the arni7
vote returned thorn et noon on Monday, for Con
gress, Judge and Assembly:
Koontr. Coffroth. King. Kimmel).
Adams. 22.1r6
8edf0rd...... 31:7 112 2 1 J1 105
Franklin. . 271 14d 165 128
Somerset 171 64 12
1e31; 362, `• 1
Majority for Koontz, 671; for King, .305. The
following is the vote returned for Atgenibly:
- Roath. Sharpe. Mite ell:
Franklin 323 244 155 124
Perry 2d3 320 • 204 203
11121ure over Mitchell, Z 79 a Roath over Sharpe,
175. As Mr.-Sharpe has a majority of 454 over
Routh on the home cote. there is no possibility of
reversing it. M'Clure's majority will he about
300 to 350, and Mr. Sharpe's 'from 250 to 275,
when the full rote is returned.
The a Election*.
Indiana gives.Nlorton, Union, 21,000 for Gov
ernor, with several counties to hear front which
ISrill increase it probably 1,010.
Ohio gives over 30,000 um the hoine vote, for
the Union ticket, and will pile fully 25,000 ad-,
ditional from the army.
Maryland has adapted - the free t:onstituttan
by oTer`soo majority, and nonanatitata Ini%e been
made tier the State Elietiunc nailer the nev‘ ean
Nebraska has elected a raion Delegate to
Congress 01Tr lUD majoriq.
Rebel Nem.' from tile_Valley
The Richmond papeni lit' the . .22(1 acknowledge
a sleMat in-the valley, and say the!, lost .23 guns,
health% thto.e they laid faker' at tir,,t, arid alookt
I,otai killed and moulded, with a foy priatineri.
President -Lincoln has ward the fidlowing
proclamation, fixing the last 'numbly of Novem
ber ma day of throngiving mid praise:
By the Prrsulent of the I;retted .Slattel of Ameri,et.
It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our Na
tional life another year. Defending us rah Ilia
guardian care : against unfriendly dins from
abroad, and vouchsafing us. in His mercy; many
and iignal victories over the enemy (who is of our
household). it has also pleased our 1 leas Poly
Father to favor as v, ell our citizens in their homes
as our soldwrs in their ramps, and our sailors .11
the rivers and seas, laith unusual health.
He has largely augmented our tree population
by emancipation and by immigration, %%Idle He
has opened to us !WV, resources of stealth, and hats
crowned the labor of our y,orkinamen in every
department of industry with abundantireward •
Moreover, He has been pleased to animate and
inspire ~or minds and hearts tt ith fortitude, emir,
age and resolution sufficient fin- the great trial of
civil _tsar into hich we hate been br.m2lt
our ildherance as a nation to th, t yanse ireedotn , ,
and 'humanity, and to siffirdto roue hopes)
of an ultimate and happy deliverance Irvin all our
dangers mid afflictions.
Now, therefore, I, Abralittui Lincoln, Pre,ident
of the United States, do hereby appoint and set
apart the last ThurAday in November next as a
day w bleb I &Nov to be observed by all
eitizenhereTer they may then be. at a da -
of thanks and praise to Alanglit I;od. ti
beneficent Creator and Ruler of the =verse
And I do further recommend to - my felh • (tit-
Izeneaforesaid that on that occasion th do re
verently humble themeelves in the dus and from
thence offer up penitent and fervent rayers and
supplications to the Great Disposero Events for
a return of the inestimable blessings of peace,
Union and harmony throughout the land which it
hal pleased Him to assign - a* a dwelling place fot
°nivel% es and ffir our posterity throughout all gen
In testimony whereof' I hare hereunto _lug ray
hand and caused- the seal of the tTnited Stated to
be affixed.
Done at the city of
,Washington. this 20th day
of October, in the year of our
one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-four of the Indepen
dence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
By the President
WM. H. SEwAnn, Secretary of Stott
—Major Hurry White, who was recently re
leaged by the rebels, reached his home in Indiana,
Pa, on Friday week. The Register says, notwith
standing the many vieiggitudes of hip prisoner life,
Major White looks tolerably ei ell—a !utile I hin in
flesh—and is rapidly being int igorated .by the
healthful fir of freedom, width hein °nee morn
permitted to breathe. Four difli•rent times, du
ring hig captility, lie made effort+ to fuicape, but
was foiled each-time: three he wag at large sonic
three %seek., eluding search, and had reached a
point within twenty-five mileir of Knoxl ilk 'l% hen
he was again caught. The Richmond authoritie4
constantly imputed harsh treatment upon hnii—
subjecting him to life in dungois, and sickly pla
ces, without room for exercise, and without fire
in winter.
.ILI I? I? IE b
AIX:MINIM IT( ill—\Vl LLIAMS.—t itkile sth inst., in
Indianapolis, Ind., by the 15. 11. A. Edson Mr. eintrles
R. Aughinhaugh to Miss sf. Intim Williams. both ,of that
HOKE—.IIOKE.—On the9oth inst., to sl'Connell.shurg,
by the Roy. N. G. While, Mr. Leafs A. Hoke, formerly of
this place, to Miss Laura M., daughter of Wm. Iloko, Ecri.
of the former place.
ETTER-111IAND'r.—On the '2Olll nit:, a Orrstown,
b' the Rex If. S. II umelbaugh, Mr. Henryll Etter to
Mina }famish Brandt, both of this I,Jlllliy.
LENTIART—FISIII:R.—On the 1..411 oh. h• the Itev
J. C. Smith, 4r. Samuel LenbArt to 314, Sundt Miller,
both of Greeniltgtle.
ltt tIt3IAN=MYERS.—On the 20th ult., by the 411111.,
Mr. 'llotrats I.:tannin to EilZll. Mt ers Mnh of Mnnt
'ornery township.
NEISWANGER—MI.I.I.EII —On the none dov, b .
same, Mr. Willis Neiswanger to Mi.. .Mary J. Miller
both of Montgomery totroghip.
SMALL—ISASH(,RE.44)n the 9th inst.. by the tme,
Mr. Henry Stoull.,,f Guilford tor, mild! , to Mrl. Rehire:
litothore, of Quincy township.
SIIErI'EIt—SMITH.—On the 20th inns, by 4orue
Mr. Simon G. Shutter, of Marion, to Aliso Sue H ., Bought
or of Geo. Staab, Esq., of Guilford towusthip,.
HECKMAN —On the 14th of Almost, 1P64. at the real.
deuce of his father, in Jiamiltim township, Daniel Wes.
ley Heckman, aged about IN years.
HOLISM : Li—On the Bth insL, In this place, Mr. George
Houser, aged 67 veers, 10 months and 16 days.
ICHAVOILEV.—On the 20th ult., at Newberne, N. C.,
Mr D. Calvin ll'Ottughev, (Telegraph Operator,) and
22 years, 1 month apd 21 days. Mr. 31'0. was a member
of the 126th.Eentak.Aeg., and participated in the Rattles
of Frniorieltahmi
Q.:l)e ..ttftitichit tiepomtorn, tbdlifbersiatvg,
a: tttrt.a CuitEm—Relief gnarlinteed in ten
mi n ute,. and a permanent cure effected by the oat of "Cr.
11,3(' , 4 i•TIIMA CUTIE." Cases of from ten to trtntry years'
btoodlog yield at osier to its indnenee. Pelee $2. tient
poit.pald toany addrest,"by S. C. Cl'Llk3i.33.S.lntbEighth.
Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Circulars tent free. loci 26-3 m
aproulod frofficm foreheads and all
partg of the body by the 'We of rruAwit DEPITATORT
Powbitt." :flailed to und.uddrets for 81,25 by S. C. UP
HAM, ^3 South Eighth stint. Philadelphia Pa. [orthilre
41.1trtinberalEarg Iliarketa.
Mau:En:Asa la.. Oct. 23, 1814.
Flour—Waite >`lloll Hutu r - 30
Flour—Red 10 50, Eggs
Wheat.—t White • tlO Lord .
2 05 Tallow 14
e . 150 13w 20a25
Corn 1 50 Bneon—Sido, ....... 20
Data ~, . Soup Bean. 't 00
Clover Seed 10 00 Washed 60
Ttinothy Soot 4 l'amotted 40
Fin eett ..... 2NI Pared rearlawg. 500
Potatoes—Mercer.... 1 :101 npareil Pettelnw... . 300
Potattn,—Piok Ito en 1 tat Dried Apple" 2 00-
~ ---e
-1111 TEILIA.ItA
Philadelphia Markets.. --
There in vory little chipping demand' fur Flour and only
MY Ltd& a ere disposed of at $lO 25 fur Extra $ll S 11 50
for Extra family, tool $l2 it 12 25 for fanny. In Rye
Flour and Coen Meal nothing doing.
Wheat eotnes forwardund is rather finig-. Salee, 3.000
tom. good tool prime Rt. red at $2 '301:2 35, and white at
s'2 40 it $2 60. Rye sells lit $1 60. Corn rathef cpuet,
and, 2,0(11) bus yellow rind at $1 lit Oatx active and ad
*ward. Sales of 3,002. i butthela Penna. at 86c.
Wlticky i.. steady—Sules of 400 totrrelc, Ohio at litto.
Philadelphia Stock Marked
:snots 'way) Penn. th VS. 93; Reading Railroad, old;
Morris Canal :r; Long Island, 45i; Penna. , -R 11. ;
exchunge_on Sea• York par.
11.01) ; ,IThrrtiorintnto.
1 0 f"Ei,v:
y( l )r Stolen
ALI/ERSY BULL, abont le months old. 't;hit s e t a ' n ' Tai u g ‘ h 'g t
red o•olor, with skin quite yellow. Any persons ratterte
ina. him Win be paid the above rewant . _
oet26.3t' - JOHN LINN. nesr Chamborslatm.
NTOTIOE persons indebted to A. J.
White by note,or Book Account will onnfer a Styor
by railing and settling tbeir accounts witboutdelay. His
book. are all that he has saved out 0, the greet fir,
0et..9.6 J WHITS,
Stone lkiibling, 2 loon north of the Pot
TOTlCE.—Whereas, my wife Lydialms
_l.* left my bed and board without Just cause, I caution
all persons not to trust her on my account. to, I will pity no
debut of her contracting. My three children, Adrun.,Eph
mim and Charlotte, I warn all persons not to harbor or
employ without my convent. PETER FORNEY.
Caihtown, Adams ro.. Pa., Oct 26, 1664.-3tt
lIPOIITANT NOTlCE.—Penions know
ins- themselves indebted to Eystor &Bro., and wishing
to confer a favor on us, can do so by paving the same with
out delay, 114 we have changed our mode of doing hesitate*
and are now selling patch exclusively Tor milt. We are
very desirous of closing up our old Books.
ctet26-4t EYSTER & BRO.
1,/ Election for seven Managets of Cedar Grove Ceme
tery Company, will be held at the Ibwk Since of J.
der, at the Market House, un Saturday. the sth of Norm
bee, between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock, P. M. A Divi
dend of six per cent. Ili. 'wen declared upon the capital
stock of the Company. pa) able on demand.
octfAl @t J. N. SNIDER, Sec y.
hereby given tharettem Testamentary to the Estate
of Jame:. latA f Southampton township, deed,
hate been granted to the undersigneti.
All penons knowing themselves indebted to said. Estate
will plea , e make Immediate payment, anti thou having
lu:nl4 present thew properly at ithentiented for settlemenL
V.XiCUTOR'S NOT IC E.—Notice is
ILI hereby given that Letters Testamentar to the Estate
of Noah H.y ers, late of Montgomery township, deed, have
been grunted to the nodertigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate .payment; and those having.
elaims presentgbem properly authenticated for settlement.
Lice is hereby Riven tint Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Jaeob Brown, late of Green township,
deed. have been ranted to the undersigned.
' All rOTS4IIIt knowinir themsels es indebted to said Estate
will please nuike immediate payment, and thossthaving
(dadas present them properly authenticated for settiement.
uctdd - L • ELIZABETH BROWM, Adra!rx.
_L A_ rice is beret., given that Letters of Administration
tin the Estate of fosse M. Jones. late -of Yannottsburg,
dee'd have been granted to the undersigned
• • • .
All IMMOmc knOlir themselves indebted ti getid....ll3tatte
will virtue hike immediate payment anti tie.. Anteing
Claim.' , res s ent theta ',roper') ittzthentleated for settlement
netiit3 \ U. IVALS.I:II, Atitn'r.
tention e.,ery reader of thli paper, winch includes
many thounual of his old patrons anti acquamtAnces, of
anonnally 'lame sae IreanttfUl variety of AMERICAN
& Imported WATCHES: CLOCKS, and elegant deigns
SEIIINARV.—This popular NMl:Wien will be sold
at Pubbe Outer!. an Tuesday, the Sthaf Novenae,. together
with all the ineurpirated right. f{llll pnriliKee to the high
em and beat bidder.
The pmperty ereasiats of two BILICK awl oo•
Frame. Alan, name Stable with all neeeoutrr out-build.
ings. Possevopn g 1,1.11 00 the let of April.
Ily order of the Board (.m.t.'fi t2tl J. KENNEDY.
71)TICE TO TOE LADlES.—Opening
T RIR)! !NOS ewnpnslna . the hest Silks Velvet. Rithont,
Bead loot Bute Gimps. Cords, Buttons, Ornaments, Taa
Nell, Leaves and Fringes in all vanety:
Ladles' 1117. AI) _DRESSES and 'NETS, the best,And
cheapest in the Also, a Lira' , assortment of all Wtiol
Shawl rind Scarf brmh•rmt
An who-anta a good articlo pica, all at No 1 Sarth
othKtre.t. Plldadr I'IIA RIJ-t I. vo(mL.
.1412 , ; , 2ra1.4 31anafwtarer.
- voTi('E 'l'o THE S'ro(' 1( S
In be held for u President:mil Ihrector.lot the “Con.
unit Itn.hll-1,('01111\l6y."
ht S.. 238 South :Ird 5q....t in the eit) Philadoglatin,on
Thursday, thr 17th day of Norruhrt A D., 1' , 104. at :1
link P. M.
S. S. 11.1:F.1.1- A. J.
ALEX STUTZMAS, 'Jon s t' t,
1:1:4, W. 1101.'&61101.1.1M, A. KING.-
Ir. I) BAIteLAT. W. AtillloaN,
.1\26.3t J•( Ott WARRIA: Commhutunitrs.
At ILKK:4TOER-g,,,N1-8, 17 S
Han . 11reni.d. r ROOK STORE 5: RINI)ERY It.
Wa n ! keep ronstantlyonlatud a large sasortmeat of
BLANK BOOKS made to order,
PAPER RULED to any Pattern.
Ohl Book: Periodie rs
als, Newspop.., Meisies&c., Bolted
to order, I (oetiti.3t/
ileHigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premises,
on l'hurklay, the lilth day 4?.f :tortmber. the followirtg
valuable, Real Property, to wit • A FAILMt situated in
Antrim tnwnship. Fruniiiii county. Pa.. about-two miles
from Browns 31111, and about four miles from Greencnetle,
containing 140 A, ass of good Lime:Aim. Land, 100 'A cres
of w lticlt are under good eulti‘atioo the, remainder 'rite
her Land. The Improvements of a tutestoried
1(1:11 1.1; 11'14.. Bank Born. Wagon Shed, Corn Crih,
and islf the There is a Well of
excellent Water at the residence, anti iZstrenin of running
Water through the Filial. ,fflifiejF. alp.. a gt.el Orehard
of choice Crafted Untie on the menus.a..
Side to i•inamenee at 10 o'clock, A. If., when nth . ..Mance
Will In. given. sad the terns maid,' known hy
(tet2(l.7lt* SUSAN FUNK.
;In the PI Ai Wave at Cliambernlnirg. State of Penn•
sylvani.t. 0.. t .•
Tn „warn of these Leiters the applicant mast
Ball for 'advertised Lettars," give the date of this list, and
pay one cent fitr advertising
Bennett Henry ' Hamburg Frautis Miller Martha
Berks K. 1. iiey,E 11 alwen Elixatiethi Misehief MisLeum
Barney Kieuili Hamm Julian }later H
Burke Miss II Ilartmun Frank liglespevjan t es A
lireiolt tie !looser Henry , Proms F J
Bucher Adam inglow Jane 'Rank Daniel
Camden C.l Janes hunt. Maul 1.
Smlth Mien 'Andra
Cave Wein it . Little .tifurrtril ,
Devalmogk Ltpe Joseph V .ShutdeberirerJohn
Freemout Mite, Sur 31'ronellElir.nbeth'Timmins Altinte
Fe'long Gideon Etnnn'l IWoK Juent t
Farris ‘Vtrt 0 31'1.1111011in 'Vm. 'Walter Peter
Gullaher John M 'Sfillhountt.lariel l Ward`James
Glidts °hail, 3 Miller Peter ,Ynecer John
Gonin John Smith
A • .1 . H. M. W H I,T - E
Ilttr:Teried ttrir
in the Stone linildinr, no Seeuu&LStn•et, two -doom
Clive ai a cnll ' oc
708 Hertel Street Philadelphia.
CltAIIIIEIC411r1l , ; PA
J. W I)IIAL, P. If
enrth nt the Poet Office, and oppneße
the County Jnil
a good 11.‘,1111C111. of
and a ganeral auartmaat at
133 ab b ertiS anent% •
LOST.—On Thursday-, the 184 h inst., in
- the Borough of Chamber:Mum a pairof GOLD
SPECTAL'LES in a leather cate r The finder + - kill be
liberally rewanlCil byleuripg them at this office. oeil.
determined to sell lower than anylady else.
They put on TIN ROPPING.,Ist quality material forlE
cents per square foot ; lid quality 16 cents: 3d quality 14
They do SPOUTING cheaply, wetland promptly.
;They tnte ben Iron forir e Pipes , and charge but
Colic. =dee° it Tou cannot do; bettor nith thou, than
with an} other efitabheluuent. '
Pii , es reduced to suit the timer. t
oen!, - 1; CqSH. _AA
'rATE.—There trill be sold by the undersigned.
Arlipeel. of Jacob f.lossext, on the prentisl, in Quincy
towmhin, on Saturdrio, the 111th day of Noremher. liti4. the
following described kcal Dante, nix: About POACHES
of Land, adjoining lands of Solomon Harbaugh. Alex.
Ilmnilton and Alex. Knenpor. lying about t: miles from the
town Of Quincy. about SIXTY ACRES of the PISI acres
are clearedend in u good stoma& cultivation with good
fence., The balance' is Wood Land..
- - -
TOM! of Sale :—tage) to be paid on the let day of
April. 1e55. when the deed will be delivered and puma
don reven. the balance in two
. equal annual payments
crisis interegt Irons the let day oLApril. 1265:
Sale to enninteurp of 10 o'clonk on said, when attandancr
will be'n LEVI O, KEPNER,
not to Altsidneas of Jacob Golsen.
lure of an order of the Orphan's Court of Franklin
County, .the undersigned Administrator of Lir. James
Buitlierton. dee d. will sell 'at Public Sale, on the premi
ses. on Saturday. the Iltk day of ..l'arember, at In o'clork;
A. the following detnribed Real Estate. to wit —The
800 two story BRICK MANSION 1101" SE of said dece
dent, situated on Main Street. Witynestaini, opposite
Kurtz's Motel. This house is eutioiy sew—ls built in the
most approved modern styles and is well adapted for pub-,
lie liminess or for a private re.iiilener.
Also—an undivided ball part of ft HOrSE AND LOT
on Multi Street. This lot fronts 13 feet 4 inches and is 564
feet deep. and is kit noted in the vireo business part of the
Also--A LOT OF LAND within the borough limits nt,
Waynesboro'. well fenced and in a gaiii state bf cultiva ;
Con. bounded by lands of Joseph H. Crebs and Lewis S,
Forney. containing 2 Acre's and 121 Perches. nest meas
Term■ will be mode known on the atm of sale be
oct2ii-ts W. S. AMUERSON, Ktiar.
V. HOICK di. CO..
&and Strest, him doors South of Post Ogee
The public arererpeetlally informed that we have juit
retuned hat the But, with ~large and seasonable it
mod:meat of ,
Bought at the late decline In prices, and which We offer
at greatly reduced rate*. We hare a line aseorunent of
Good Brows sod Blasehod IR:SUNS from 35 to 60 cent& ;
good SATINBTS at $1,26; a line amorttuant of all-wool
Black and Colored
Boat Spool Cotton at 10 eta, ; Skirt Braids at 12 eta, 100
dos. Children's, Misses Ladles' and Men's Winter Gloves
bouibt at auction. very cheap. The handsomest styles of
in the country. Call And see at our Store, in the house of
Mr. CHRISTIAN,FULLER, ea - /Smd ttrsei, nett door
to Me Port
We adhbre to our motto to:6611 as cheap as the Cheap
ell I 10cC26-3tl J. HOKE S= CO. '
ROAD: This great line traverses the Northern and
Northwest 't.Nlontlea of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, ten
Lake Erie. •
It has been leased'bv the Pennpytrania Railroad Cora
parry. and as operated by them.
tin entire length ran opened for paawng-en; and freight
bumneas, October 17th, 1864.
Through Muil.Truin 11:95 P. M.
Elmira Express Train. ' • , • 2.50 A. N.
Aeronnesslativn - ' 1.20 r. sp.
Through Mail Train .:-... 12:20 A. M.
Elmira Express Train • 3:15 A. ti.
Accommodation • 1:35 e.'sl.
Passenger Cars run through without change both ways
between Philadelphia and Erie. '
Elegant Sleeping Cars on,the Express Train both ways
between Williamsport autTßaltimore, and Williamsport
and Philadelphia.
For information respiTting PS: anger business apply at
the S. E. Corner 11th :mill Market Streets, Philadelphia.
• And` tor Freight business of the Company's Agents :. 4., 4
\ M. B. KI2TiGSTON, Jr.. eon 13th and Market Sta., Phila7,
J. W. RETNotais & Ene. , I:
: ii
J. M. DIIIIJ., Aggat N. C.• R. R., Baltimore, Md.
H. 11. HOUSTON. •
Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia,
- H. W: 0 WINNER.
Gen; Ticket Agent. Philadelphia.
0ct25,64. Geo. Manager. Williamsport
--.-- 1
4:uptreet c driven up the Valley Moseby eurrnived his
annot) mi., red and • heapt .11)py
2.500 yards beautiful Patterns very latent st 3 le of Printod
Detains at the wane old price, ci4. 9i P eenfti
DomeatierAnghams 35 00112.
Rest goisfa made 40 eents,
Calicos' tom t() In 17 k rents.
50 piety. best quality, Black and White and Plain Black
Colon's at 35 cents
italm'onsls from $2,25 to j 5.
Stocking Yarn, $ 1 , 2 5. 41,50, best 1111,87.
Unbleached „Muslin 1 yard wide, Ti. '
Spool Cotton, 10 eeot*.
Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from 15 to 2.3 vests.
In 'Satinetur and Yens' Wear we defy the eonatry ha,
rag laid in our stock of Woollens last spring when good' of
that class were 50 per rent. lower than they have bean
aloe., and we intend to give our eustbmers the advantage
of Cheap (Uvula for rash. People will begin to no., the
advantage at the rash over Um credit aptein whoa they
examine our priexs and goods.
Carpet* ea nil Wool ELt
11011e - tol F 10... Oil Clothf.
We Wive :vide.' to our tttoei n line of Grocetiet
o fe oil mg lii Itliry no Niertt{• wlvu sae, in oat. We tire
, ion at the ill taint tut gain Street, ache,• we wi ll l ie
wit. • ;Id Wends and roam- net .111 . 14. .
--- fi .nystm-: & t a ußO.
. e .
- rr ICE that NIXON ,114 a SOAP that Ali% be ex een
ed for srashinq elothinx, nonor mg Arrrltyr, oleaninq pants
and for all- washing porp., , Try ,t.
, •
i Roux]) I LI I hi .-- - II 0k M I
, •
ir !;rottint Popper at NI lON'S
.01 laalgo iid taker dy NIXfvN'S.
Il i A 14 I 1 " • 1).-kiixoEtrs.8
LETTUCE SEED.—A Sew Viniety for
fell plautiug. Very time itud Herds. Procure this
tied fro= . NIXON.
TRY THE NEW - I,El"rl.7CE.—Perfect
luirdy at NIX(IMS,
LI Blood Sitiovlior, -
or's Banal rills,
Apar's Pectoral,
Brown's 'froobes,
thwflassis Bittars.
.A.. 11 ()Mr° of Iflt. gfr:virtxr. Main Stmet.
./1 FALL TLVI TAl7l,l;.— Tfiriost, Daily, to
and from Baltimore and frashinirton. eery.
Connection,. notehe with trednle on Penney - iv:Lula Itailrotul,
to Mot from Pittehurk and the. Weed.
FOY R TRAM DAILY to atotlrtnn the North and
Went Branch Sulotnehonnn. Elmira and all t.l Northern
New York.
On •nd after Mortritry. O:. ITtA, 1t 4, the Pasomicer
Trains of the Northern Cetttral Railway will Arrive ut and
depart from Ilarrhtburi. and Baltint"re au fotiovr..
MAIL TRAIN lerm. Sunbury dedy (except -
"Sunday) ' 10 25 A.IL
llorrieburg . 1.2 0
armlet ut lialtiniem. 3:40
ESPRERS TRAIN leave. tiutthury dbily (ex.
rept Sunday) 1 1 :45
. lemes Burr it, burg (except
5I ntutP ). . . ..... 250 AM.
arm el nt Italtimore ' IX) A 31.
Hurriaburg 7:00 A.Y.
bury dady rez. Sunday) 7 : 30
, Sunbitr3l,l•l.illy (ex. Sunday) 9:05 P.M.
• N 0 It T II WA RD.
MAIL TRAIJN ledveg Bnltinows daily (eseept
5unday)......... 0:41 A.M.
leaves .. 1:35 P.M.
arrives at Sunbury
BIPRESS TRAIN leaven Baltimore daily . • 0:30 P.B.
.wirer RI - 1:50 a.m.
leaves liarrisbarg daily
cept Monday) - 3:15 A.R.
arrive/I.ld Sunbury - 5.53 /i.. 11
ERIE RIPMESS TRAIN' loaves Baldis's!
daily (except Sunder) et.. 7:30
WIT.* Harrisburg daily (ex
cept.Sundeys).at ...... 12:33 A.M.
arrives et Seabury et. " 3:25
Baltimore daily(ex. Monday 3:00 r.v.
arrives at Harrisburg at. 7:50 F.M.
Asbury daily (ix. Sunday). 4:00 P.X.
The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through
, train-Ito and from Edo and all intermediate 'Watt Mall
' tad Express traltur run through-to Elmira
For furtjier Infonnaarm apply at the Mee. In Pennsyl-
e.c4011'64 ,t nee. Hap.
election firoclamation:
UNITED STATES.—Whereas, in and by an Act of Gen.
eral Ashembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylituda. en
titled. An Act relatinto the Eleetiens of this Common
wealth," passed:the 3d day of Jitly, Anno Domini 1839, it
is made the duty of the Sheriff ofoverg County tithin the
Commonwealth to give public rmtice ot the General Elec
tions, and in suc notice to enuMerate
14—The Ofhe ns to be eleeteiL
2d—Dssignatt places ntiwhieh the election is to be
held. Therefore,
L SA3ItTEL BRANDT. HizitSheriff of the County of
Franklin. do hereby make known and give this PUBLIC
NOTICE to the" Electors of th County of Franklin, that
NEXT, a General Electiont ttchl be held at the several
Election Districts established, by late in said edunty, at
ninth tinorthey will vote by ballot for the several officers,
Ste. • hereinafter named.
The said-Elections will be held throughout the County
as follows:
At the Court 'rouse in the Borough of Chamliersburir,
.r the North Ward of raid Borough, and part of ',Guilford
At the House 4.1. W. :Taylor, for the Sonth !Ward of
said Borough.' . .
At the Public llobse of John Gordon, at the West Point
of Chambershurg for the township of Hamilton.
Al-the School Home in Fayetteville, for parts of the
townships of Guilford_nnd Green.
At the Pnblie Howie of Martin SAmemater, in Oreenvil
loge. Ad part of Green township.
At the Western School Hottse, in thetown of St. Thom
as, for the township of St. Thome&
At the School Hoime in the town of Fannettshurgy fee
the township of Metal.
At the S•huol Rouse, in the town of Roxbury, for the
township of I.nrotn.
At the il..osc of John Harvey, for part of the township
of Fann•tt.
At the School limes. in the town of Concord, for part
of the township of Emmett, and.
Al tho new Stone School House in Morrowsiown dis
triet, for the other part of Funnett township; 1
At House now occupied by Geo. Andenfon in the
Singe of Quincy, for the township of Quinej.
At the Western School House in Wayucsbore, for the
township of Washington.
At the House of John ii. Adams in Greencastle, for An
trim and part of the townships of Peters and Montgomery.
,kt the School House, on the land Michael Cook in. War
t township, for the township of Warren.
1t the Strasburg School House, for the township ot Lot-,
te ..any.
A 'to Howe of James Mullen, lathe town ofiLoudon,
for pa `3f the township of Peters.
At the ler House .rn'the farm of Jacob Elba, fur the
Welsh Itu. istrict hring part of Montgomery township.
At tho House or Thomas McAfee, in Mercenburg, for
parts of the townships of Peters and Montgomery;
At the Mount Rock School House in Southampton town
ship for part of the township of Southampton.
-', At the Eastern School House in Orrstown;for the other
rut el Southampton township.
At-which time and place the qualified Electors will
elect by baCH TWENTY-SIX PERSONS to IW Electors
of President and Vice President of the United States.
son excepting Justices of the Peace, - who shall bold any
office or aplsointment of profit or trust under the United
State; or of this State, or a City or Incorpontted'D (strict,
whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, who is or
shalt be employed under the Legislative, Executive or
Judiciary Departmentof this Slate, or of the United States,
or of any Incorporated District, and also, that every mem
ber of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the-.
Select or Common Council of any City, or Commissioner
of any Incorporated District, is by law incapable of hold
ing or exercising at the time, the office or appointmentof
Judge. Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common
wealth; and that no Judge, Inspectors or otherofileer of
such election. shall be eligible to be then voted for." '
And the said Aot of Assembly, entitled "An Act rela
ting to Elections of this Commonwealth," passed July 3,
farther, rovides, as follows, to wit:
" That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the res
pective places appointed for holding the electices in the
District in which they may respectively belong, before
9 o'clock, on the morning of the lid Tuesday of October,
and each of said Inspectors shall appoint ;one Clerk who '
shall be a qualified voter of such District.
"In case the person who shall have received the second
highest number of votes for Inipector shall not atteud - on
the day of election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the second highest number of votes for Judge at
the next preeeeding election. shall l , 3 t. as Inspector in his
place. And in ease the person who received the high
est numbersnf votes for Inspector shall not attend, the per
son elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place,
and in case the person elected Judge shall not attend, then
the Inspector who received the highest nmxiber;of votes
shall appoint a Judge in his place ; and if any-vacancy
shall continue in the board for the space of one hoar after
the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the
qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which
such officer shall have been elected, present at the time of
election, - shall elect one of their number to fill the vacancy." -
" It shall be the duty. of the several Assessor; respect. ;
ively. to - attend at the place of holding every rceneraL -
Special- or Township election, during the whole time said
election is kept open, for the purpose of giving informs-
- lion to the Inspectors and Judge, when called out in
von to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at
such - election. and on such other matters in relation to the
assessment of voters as the said Inspectors, (Walther of
them, shall from time to time require. -
' No person she'll be permitted to vote at any election u
aforesaid, than a white freeman of the• age of twenty-one
years.or mere, who shall have resided in the State at lesit
one year, and in the election District where he offers to vote
at least ten days immediately proceeding such elecßon. and
within two ytuirs have paid a' State or County tax which
shall have been assessed at least ten days before the'election.
But a citizen of the United ,Statos. who has previotisly been
a qualified voter of any State. and removed therefrom and
returned, and who stall have resided in the election Dia
uiet and void taxes aforesaid shall be entitled to Vote after
ros.ling in this Suite sin months: Provided, Thtg the white
freemen. citizens pf the United States. between the ages of
twenty-one and twenty-two years. who have resided in the
election Distort ten da3-s os aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote, althotigh they shall not have paid taxes. -
"No perdu shali be merrndted to vote whose najne is not
contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the
Corninmsioners. unless, First. he produces a receipbfor pay
went. within two years of a State or County tax, ;assessed
turneetthly to the Constitution, and rive aatisfactory evidence
either on his oath or affirmationa
or the oath or ffirmation
of another, that he has, paid such a tax, or in failure to
produ'e such a receipt, shall make oath to the Priyment
thereof: or, Second, if hts claim a right to vote by being an'
elector between the ages of dl and i 2 years, shall depose
on oath or affirmation, that he has resided in the State at
feast one year next before applicatio . u, and make Lis such
proof of residence in the District as es required by this Act,
and that he sloes verily believe, frorri the accomitsgiven
him, that he is of the age aforesaid , and give such other
evidence as is required by this Act, whereupon the name
of the person so admitted to vote shall be inaerted in
the alphabetieal list, by the Inspector, and a note mule
opposite thereto by writing the word "tax . " Le shall
be admitted t 2 vote by 'mown of having paid tax, or the
word "age" The slush be admitted tot ote by reason of
nem and ill etther case the reason of such rote, shall be
called out to the Clerks, who shall make the like Mite in the
list of voters kept by titans.
' "In all eases where the name of the perstm claiming to,
:rote is not found on the list furnished by the Commission
ers or Assitsson. or his right to vote, n (build either
by verbal preelamation thereto. or by any In-Uteri thereon
or not-is objeeted to by any qtudifled citizen, it shall bribe
duty oaf the Imipectort to examine such persons on oath as
to cp.mlifleatitom and if he claim* to have resided
the State one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient
prof thereof. Inn he shall make proof by at least one wit
ness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided
within the dhdriel for more than ten days next Immediately
pr-ceding said election, and shall also himself spear that
his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling,
is within the District. and that be did not Yet:weeded° the
;mid District for the purpose of Toting therein.
"Every person qnaldied as aforesaid, and whet shall
make clue proof. if
. required. of his residenee a„nd payment
cif tales, no aforesmd.hall he admitted to vote in the town.
ship, ward or district I n which he shall reside.
" If mi r y perspn shall prevent or attempt to prevent a;
oflioer of the election under this act from bolding met ales.
tine, or use or threaten any•violenre to any inch officer, or
shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him Is The axe
ration of his duty. shalt block or attempt to block •p the
window or avenue to any window where the name maybe
holding, or shall use or praetive any intimidation. threats,
force or violence, with the design to Influence unduly, or
overaw, any elector, or to prevent Min from Toting, or to
retain the freedom of choice. such person on conviction shall
be tined in any stun not exceeding five hundred dollars and
to be imprisoned for a time not less than one or More than'
twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the court where
the trial of such offence shall be bad. that the Person m
offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the said offsmee was committed,, and not
entitled to vote therein, then on conviction he Shan be nen
teored to pay a Inn of nat . Ws! than one hundred nor more
than one thousand dollars. and to be imprisoned nee WM thou
*six months nor more than two years.
,"lf any peram or persons shall make any bet kw wigor j
upon the result of nay election within this Comm cinwealth,
or, shall offer to mate any such bet or wager, of printed,
a vernsonent, challenge or invite any person or pebrsonsto!
e etiejel,e for wager. upon conviction thereof, be or they)
slott Melt three tunes the amount so offered to bet.
And the• Judges of the respeethe districts nforeetnid. ore.
'lntoned to meet at Chneubeenburg. on the Friday next
following. the }whims.; of saiek elertion. then and there to
perfim. !hair things required of the ne by law. .
SF(-noN , 32. When any of the electors. mentioned ins
the first tul•tion of this net, lot than ten in number, shall
bemembers of, companies of another state Or territory, or,'
for any sufficient and legal cause, shall be seperata from
their proper campany, or shall be in any hospecd, n'ary udrd;
teasel, or on rertruittng, provost, or other duty', Ardor"
within or rithout this state, under such eircumstanres ti
shall render it proboble that he, or they, will br•'unahlr 55
rejoin their proper company, or to be present at Ale propel ,
place of elen'tion. on or before the day of the electron, there%
to mentioned, said elector, or electors, eke! hair a right
In rote an the following manner.
Ste-rioN SI. The toter. aforesaid. is heirlk ' r antht,r•'
loch, before the day of election, to deposit hitykollot or
ballots, properly folded, as required by the general election
laws of this state. or otherwise, as the ester VOgyr rLnoer: fn
a sealed enrelope, together with a written or printed, or
partly smitten andpartlyprtnted. stark tot. rina•inirtir rely
54,241: Or THE VOTER, THE couxrr,
on IV HE 10 A RFAIDEXT. and a written
or printed authority. to some quoit:n*4.d rater in the election
distrtet, of which said voter isa resident. to cast the ballonl,
contained - ht said envelope. for Aim, on the Ay of said
elation. Said statement end authority to be :tinted by tbs.
sant voter, and attested by the eomnamtlinw, or gone , mai
missioned, officer of the company, of which he i• a menit ,
her, in the case of a pnvate. and of some eommissitend of
fice r of the regiment, in the true of an officer, if any of such
°Mears urn conveniently accessible and if oder% ise. Abell
by sums other witness; and there •holl also secompaaj
said ballots, an affidavit of said v ken before some
one of the officers aforesaid, and in tl nbs flee df such of
ficers, before mane other person dal anti trizet4o
ister oath• by any law of this state , he is riqualified
voter in the election district in which be to rotes.
that he is in. the actual military sect ice of dlr. United
States, or of tide state, describing the organization to whitiz
he belongs. that he has not sent his ballots to any other
p er son or persons, than the one in such authority mention
that he will not offer to Tote .at any poll. wiiich may
he opened on said election day, ut any place whatsoever*,
and that he in Out a deserter. and has not been rilshonortt
bly dismissed from the service. and that he is now strait*.
ed at -• in the state of - Said sealed envel
ope. containing the ballots, statement, enthorit and affi
davit as aforesaid, to be sent to the proper person, hymen
- or otherwise, kering vertacrt or petaled on the outside,
across the sealed pan thereof. the words, "aoLornsa BAL.
LOT FOR- township, (borough or ward,) in the County
sEcnow 34. The elector, to whom such ballot shall be
sent tidal, on the day of election, and whilst the polls id
the proper district are open, &diver Me envelope,l so scat -
rd, 'marled, to the raper _election officer, whochsU •pc.
the sass, re taipresance of the diction beard, ad deposit
the hallow thgrein contained, weeks. with the eandox, and
accompanying paws, "as otter ballots are deptsited, and
- saki bowed shall count and canvass the sasnaln the smite
Mrs r/ OP othw rates mar re fail{ effatiwn a ond
01Crtion Proclamation.
- •
deliveringthe same may, ob the demand of any elector. '
beeemPelled to testiN, on oath, that the envelope, so de'.
livered by him, 4 in the same state as when received, by
him, and that the same has not been opened, or the non. •
tents therearchanged. m 'altered, in any way, by him, -Or
any ether person.
SECTIO!!, 35. The right of any person, time offering to
rote at any such elecatfn, May be challenged for the lame
causes that it could be -challenged if he were personally
present aniC lbr no other reason or cause.
SEcrioX 36.- Any officer of any general. or specie' 1 else.
don. in this State. who Shall refuse to receive any such ea.
velope and deposit such ballots, or to count and canvas*
the same, and atm elector whoshall receive such envelope,
and neglect or refitse to present the same, to the officers of
the election listrict. endorsed on the said envelope, shall
be guilty of :a misdemeanor, and conviction thereof, shall
'he punished by imptinortment to the State prison, not ex
ceeding one year, and by fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars. or either. or both, to the discretion of the court.-
Sheriffs Offica Cbambersburg, Oct. 12, 1864.
V, °TICE— W3l GE I. W 1 CKS Laving been
11- burned out by the rebels mad iesirous of resuming
business at the earliest possible period, would respectfully
request all persons indebted to him to call and make pay
ment vritheld delay. Those who have been burned and
not able to pay at this time will please adl and settle
their amount* by note or due . (ang24
MON Y'WA NT ii - 5.-ItRAND &
FLACK reepecttally request all persons knowing
themselves indebted to them by hotel or book stemmata to
call and make immediate settlement. The necessity of
this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those in
debted will report at once. • aug24-tt
Apv E R have lost my Account
Booksiby theldostruutlon of Charnbeniburg on the
30th ult.. and', must trust to the honor and honesty of my
Old eumomers to pay op. I hilt ecroduet my old busioesn
in chninbersburg and will be glad . lirtlll orders ea before.
.uErki S. S. SURYOCIL.
rpo TI10:8E - INTERESTEIP:=The
11 dersigned is desirous of having a sat/anent with Ids
customers. All persons having had business transactlorm
previous to this date are requested to call upon him and
make settlement, as he is anxious to know how he stands
with his Mends. [allot-2ml ABRAHAM METZ.
'Lost; *taint atili *trageb.
Wniehouse of the undersigned was entered by
burglars on Thursday night, the "..9th ult, their Iron Safe
broken open 4 and the following U. & 5-20 Bonds stolen
therefrom, cis: Noes 7444, 748.5 and 74116, 4th series, from
which the Coupons for the November interest had been
,detached. Also—A large Pocket Book, containing anum.
'bar of Prumisory Notes and other papers. All persons are
cautioned against purchasing any of said bonds or notes,
. as the proper department of the Govenament has been
notified of their has. A reasonable rewariln!e pad
for the return of ye Pocket Book with the pap*
NTOTlCE.—Several of the Bonds of the
_LI Franklin Railroad Company are misting, having
been destroyed, or, in the hands of parties not known. Any
one who holds any of said Bonds can receive useful bear.
motion respecting them by applying to D. 0. Clehr or T.
B. KennAly,i Eats., of Cliambersburg, or Frederick Watts,
Esq., at Cartisle. oct.3
ing Policies fumed by &Penn Mutual Life lunranos
Company of Philadelphia, to wit: Nos. 5145 and 5175 to
Alex. K. IrClute. Notice Is hereby given that applica
tion has beeri made to the said company for the issue of
Duplicates of said Policies. = sep2l-6P
Certificate No. 7E2 for 1.5 Sham of Stock in the Far
mers rank of Reading, leaned to Anna E. Paull. Nodes
is hereby given that application has been made farm now
certificate. (ectl2-301 ANNA. E. TAYLOR.
ESTRAYS.—The undersigned lost five
HEIFERS on That's:lay,h of October, 1864,
all marked with tar 011 the right. A liberal reward
will be given, for the recoveg of the same.
penoton Bountp agmtits.
No. 204, South Fourth Street; Philadelphia.
The undersigned having resigned his poaltioo as Pay.
master in the U. S. Army: has opened at No. 204, South
SIONS, and for the collection of Officers', Soldiers' and
all other CLAIMS against the Government.
My long eriperienoe as Paymaster has given me unnsaal
facilities for fbecoming thoroughly acquainted with this
business in all its details. On the receipt, by mail, of a
statement of the case of claimants, I will forward_ the ne
cessary papers for their signature. Personal attention will
be given to the cases at Washington.
No charge Unless sumesisful, when $5 will be charged
for collecting' small sums under SA), and $lO on all sums
over that amount, and under $2OO. Larger denim taken
on special arrangement. Fees in Pension eases as fixed
by Law. - I
No. 204 South Fourth St
junl7 fZ3-t
CLAIM' AGENCY.—Pensions procured for soldiers
of the present war who are disabled by reason of wounds
received, ur disease contracted, while in the service of the
;United State's; nod Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Anvers
of Pay obtabled for widows or heirs -of these who have
died or been killed while in sereiee. JOHN R. ORB,
niargly Claim A4perit e Cbambers • • Pa.
election ftatirgo.
for one President six Managers and a Treasurer of
the Waynesboro', Greencastle and Mereeraburg Turnpike
Road Company, will be held at the Public Holm of John
H. Adams, ire Greencastle, oi Tuesday, the let day of No
umber, 1864, commencing at 1 o'clock, P. H.. By order
of the Board.' [octr.l.3tl JOHN RITCHEY, Serey.
ELECTION, , --An Election
for one Prezitlent. Fire Ilannwers and a Treasurer
of the Greencastle and Mar: Anna Line Turnpike Road
Company, will - be held at the Public House of loorouniu
& Gilds, in Greencastle, on Monday, the 7th day of No
vember, 1e4;4 1 between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M.
uctl9 , 2t i .1011:4 RUTIMAPFP See'y.
ntittn,llctoberlo 1.964.—An election for THIRTEEN
DIRECTORS to serve for the ensning year, will be held
at the Bank Room. au Monday, the lith day of November
nett, ut t l,eP•ek. P. IL '
G. R. MESSERS3IITH, Ca.shier.
The IMIv Bank Note Reporter in Philideiptda
The only one rnn W ininqQUOTATIONS of Riak.:•i , liee
la FOUR CITIES, ris:
New York. --.
The only one which contains the
for toi orgnonte4l, (official liot(
The only ono which wonting the DP.
' i Ell: lIT KEN CITIKii, V.I Z.:
PLibuielpbia, Chicego Baltimore.
NPR Yort, Louisville, - Wastungual,
( lerabol.. I)as e upon Cincinnati,
-NV ilmingtim. 'Albany, Pittsburg,
Ruebegun-. , St. Paul, 4t. I.ouis,
Troy, Dubuque. Milwaukee,
lime only one which giro* the earlreAt information or
Ihmottis ,
The FAG iLmEs of the " Amorituu Rank Nut. rt.
Weekly 83.51
)ftto., , , 108 South THIRD Street, (third dour.)
ep7 4[314 ; Address. )1. E. CORES, PubdsheA__
„,,i, --- ' --- "IOCKHOLDERS MEE=TING.--
BANicloF etwilim...nrnG Oct. 17th Ifiret—A gnu.
oral meeting of tlia Stockholders of the Bonk of Chambers.
bur,: will be _ held at the Banking Thome. an Tae day; tAt
15:-/' day of:or-tuber Cart, of am v'elkwk. A. M., for the
purpose of taking into considerution, and deciding on the'
question. whether or not said Bunk shall - become an Assn.
iatji in for o;arryinst on the holiness of honkin g under the
Ina M 1 of the). United 'Mates, and of ozonising the passers
eon:erred by the net et theft:emend Assembly of this (M-
moon ealth. entitled "An net enabling the hanks of this
Onnunnortinlth to heeuna . toweintion• for the purpose of
Banking under the laws .d the (lilted States,” approved
the .9:211.17 of .lUallgt. 1564 :and to take such action iu
regard thereto as nosy be 11,.+Kary and proper., By outer
of the Board of 1 hr. , mom
A.T Fe N:l).—The committees and halitiduals +elected
to collect subset - ill:gone in the Seitertil FCIIOOI CU:Ariel. of
Guilford totrneltip. to mite the additional bounty of two
hundred Millar, for each recruit emlited to the township,
are reqtae.ted to :nuke their eolleetione as promptly na po4-
4ible of that the 114 tut made can le- met at mammy. It is
important that all the money to be relied by outneriptiou
be raid m on or before the lot of Noverrpor.
A. K. iircLuitE.
Treuer Guilford 13ounty Pura.
NET PANlbis prepared to furnish .Musie for Mai
inry Cis let iteiigious and Poliueal Amt.:lotions po r or,,,
sioos in any part of thX'State. nailer, May Parties, die.,
aerOmmortated at shotTnittiee. Address
All persom has ing Certificate.. of atoek trill please present
the ;lame at the N%re of Stambaugh 4: Gehr, so that OM
rertilleatee'may be (hued in their stead. 11. GEHR,
oetl9-4t tbee'y and Treaer.
wmE, Queenswere and Stone ware, together with
a general assortment of Cedar ware, Ruch as Tubs. Buck
ets, Bowla half Bushels, Sm.., Just rewired and elated at
lowest cash rates at E. D. BEIM.
to existing butyl/um T. B. gItXIIBDT ud T. J.
NELL hus Oils day (October 15. 48,14.) been dissolved by
mutant eitiaeut. T. B. KL , NNEDY,
net. , T .; NUJ,