TERMS - OF RUBLICATION. THE FRANKLIN REposrronN-1,4 published el:ery Wednesday morning by "THE P. F. v05i,719 y Assoc:lAT' 1.2 i," at 82 per annum, vi MA'AM §2 SO if trot paid 0 Rhin the year. All subscription at. eiTunts HEST be settle an - at/ally. No paper v iii be sent out of the State unless paid for in adrUnce, and all such subscriptions' will invariably be diFontinued at the expi ration of the time for which they air paid. . ADVEItTISEMENTE aro inserted at TIErgEN CENTS per line for first insertion, and TEN CENTs per line for sub. eminent insertions. A liberal discount is made to persons ads erfising by the quarter, bait-year or year. Spectra; no tices eharged one.harf more than regular advertisements. All resolutions of A.ociations ; communications of lumma or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged fifteen cents per line. I - V." All Legal Notices of every kind, and all Orphan Cdort and other Judicial .Sales, are ruitured by lax in h.. 1 adreriised in the REPostrottV—it haring the I.All,*isr'ciii ct•iriTtics of any gape; pyhlirltrd in the nanny of Fron4lta. JOB PRINTING of every kind in Plaiii•rinil Fainiy eek.. lir.% dune with nearness uudilispateh. 13hink* . Cards, Pampplets, &e., oI every ynrivty and gt le. printed at the shortest, notiee. The Pain'is t rrrinv just been re-fitted with Serum Power and Three and et cry thing In the Printing line eau iiXecilt , il. iu tile moshartisiit,nrgneirind at the bin est turns. Ti ti Ili IX. VARIABLY CBll. Mr. John K. Shryock 1+ our ro'horiir .1.„1.11t to Stzfrzerirtlotr. and Ad% rrii.r: o rra. nud rp, wpt the utnn All letters should lr• adOre..i.d to SITON :Ural elitatr . . 1 1) Uln AC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL 1. ErT.ll:l;.—Tho.fleir. of lid, id l'lLrh.oo do. 'd. wail otter at Publit Salo. no Tirenday tqr reh'rhiy,f Non -nth+ urn:, 1.11 the prtqlllso in Green ton n-Inp Franklin vount)l, Inn.. I mile) 1:044 of Fayette% ille. to tho• 'I nrnpikn whieb runs from Chatnherthurg to Baltino.ro. 'no tolloaTnr, 11,4 -Extate. viz: 'the FARM on gide), the :and:, non• re.ald, enntnining ,loaf 1IX) ACRES of 1..u.d. :The itaprovi. t 110.111.. are a two.storied double feint BRICK 111)1.'S11 . n,..1 Baok Building: Log Earn. rraino 5i:,).),. t)raii Bons", Waxh How,, Carriage Rouse Corn Crib, al other out buildings, n; There ore to Well. of liei er ram - Votor, supplied IN Int PUMV, tin the pr)..i..e.: toie'ar the !louse. uhder (Myer; (Mt the other .tt the t•tahle : abo an excellent ()reliant. Also—At the same time rAint in (Ittillo township, 1 mile south of etti, ille adjoining lands if C, , A. Funk, John Crawford A bralmin Doll and °the , cionialiFlng about 153 ACRES. The import einenti are a two storied LOG HOUSE (it eatherboarded,) and Fro; e Kitchen; 'a good. Log Barn, Corn Crib, and other nee sary buildings; a well of exeellt or Water, impplied wi a Pump; unit a ynong ()reliant of choke Fruit Trees. The soil on this and the alone Fans in of goislivality. iu a fine state of cultivation, and quite prduetive. -11.0- 7 At the same time and plaee. a 'rraet of 3101 . k% 'VAIN 14AND. situated partly inl:reen and Only in I:tfil ford toun.hipi. Fn,nkliu enmity, adjoining laniin of the :ate Thisit, Mean. Jo.epli staid', Hein.. and Geo. dle's Bears , containing about 119 ACRES. Also' -At the hallle nine and plai 1 . , a Tract of 3IOUIN TAIN,7,AND. inGuilford town , hip Franklin county. ad- Joiliirig the above and land. of lion., Hughes, Geo. Me- Fernn and Thom,. Mean.. dee'd, containing about ACMES. Also—At the ~tune thee and 0:n e. a Tr.e t of 3101 TA IN LANIt gitnap,l in I reen tie n,lep. Franklin.' :uljoining lands of Jame. Ble . luun's hell,. Thad. Sten and ObOOt I it) A. re, AU of them. Tract, of Mountain Land are t mere! a good Timber, are conveniently satiated 10 the turaPi and act e,...uble by good road, Persmu wb.hing to v - h , .v then,. Properties van have opportunity of doing so by railing on me at Mr. St.,. Caledonia Iron Works. or on Mr. Carnahan. at the M lion Farm. Sale to commence ut 11 drily k one vtid day. when enntlitinte.Tif NJP. wine)] will be snob as to 'Ant pnrelant will-be mode known by JOHN U. BIGILIM. MEM 9111USl'ELS1 SALE.—The undersign l ed Trustees to sell the Real Estate of John, Sleultier late of Grt , etitimmAttp. Franklin county, Pa.. Jec'd, viii oxpo, to Public Sale. the premise., in s'.,.tland, an Friday the 2tith day of Ortoner, ISII.I. the followmg last Real E.tate Porpart 4, of No I helm( - THE mtri, 141°1 , F:wr1'. situated in Grebu township.. containing 15 A. res and Y l'ershes. neat measure. adjOit• mg lands of Wm. Thomson and other lands of deeealed. The Mill is •itutited on the Conoeoeltengue Creek. 5 miles trine Ohanthorshitrg. in Village of Scotland. There is also. a large twtestoried Dwelling House on the preirnk Purigert B. being a I.(yr (a , GROUND. eituated in the Village of sent,..a. Aires mat 121 Perches, neat measure. havlng thereon .ereeted a large Brisk Store House.' Then, t. a Young ApruccOrcnarn on, he prennvss. P asjt'rt C. being 'A LOT OF (lIRIUND, containing. 2 Acres andri Perch., neat measure. having tbereon erected n t vo. storied Bock Dwelhng House and Stable. There a so, an I )rehard of good Fruit lal the premie r .. Pur;mrt. No. 2 A TRACT OF LAND. being the Mate.ion Flinn of said dee'd situated in said' town-hip. containing 102 AA res and lid) Perches, neat measure. adjoining, lands of Franklin Besme, Jacob Garver and Henry Kyle—about 100 Aares d - which are cleared. The Minn, emeats area to o-stoned Brick Dwelling House, Log Barn. and other uitt-bunduig, There is. aLso, on the premise:. grs Pllo,llar PliTizrt v. .3. A TRACT OF GOOD FARM LAND. adjoining NO. 2, - conitaining 101/ Acre. and 10 Pert he, neat measure. .4.1111- log lands of F. Bemire, A. Oyler. and other,. Ab o ut; 90 Acres of the above Tract are cleared, the retnionderl in groat Timber. 'rhe improvement. are a Large two.storied Atone Dwelling House, Log and Frame barn. Therel an Orchard of r huh, Fruit on the premises. Both of the Imd named Tracts are first quality Lime-tone Laud. Sol 4. A TRACT OF 'MOUNTAINLAND in stvid. towmanr. I , ntaining 54 Acre,. and 1:30 Perches rear.' Thic Tract is %ell set with Chestnut and Oak Timber, pod will be flvi ilea into Five Lots. a 11 Acres eueh, to -nit pureha%ers - - Sale to c'ommeciee at 10 ro'cloelc, A. M.-11. not , 111 's old on. l'iday.qt.he Sale trill Le eontunn4 on SAtur4y. the 29th. Atteratuneu will be given anti tist fenus• made known by GEORGE SLEICHTER, oetl2 HENRY 'LEICILTER, ) • PUBLIC SAL E.—The miderslgntid, heirs and legal representatives of John Grose, late of Guilford township, dee'd, will offer at Public Sale. on the premises on Wednesday, the 9th of Novcrnbcr. at 101 tck P. M. the following described Real Et.tate viz ' The old Mmision or Spring Property. ,Inate iu AntEnn township. about 1 mile North of Brown. Mill. adjoirg Land of John 1.. Ltd...intw re . Andrew Dtts 1..0n and oth containing alKna 1:t0 AcRES of exc ellen: t , IM Ea')' ' LAND, has n . ht: thereon ere. teal a large S 'NE .I)WEL and new Bank Barn with Wagon Shed fitta. all in good repair There are ou the pm.. Sprng uF Water,(beang the head of "Muddy Ran,4l2ylam )01- chard: "40 Acre., of Auld land covere4 tt iB,prow Tunber. Also-L-A FAILNI of about 100 ACREirI - Fif gOedsLIME. STONE LAND. situate in flinlford town•hip, abok ii miles North of Brown's Mill. Inn ing thereon erecter a two storied LOG DWELLING, with atone Back Build. Mg, Bank Darn. Wagon Shed. and uPlei Out buildings. There it on this Form an Orchanl of c•ll,',,iste Fruit. and a Well of never-fading Wafer. 2.1Aerc.,4 of said hind is covered with good Tauber. There will albo be offered on Thnr.aday:d i c 10th of Norma ber, in the Milli of Marion, about TWty ACRES ;OF LAND, having thereon erected a gaol two .tort' BRICK DWELLING with Back Builißiw a go 0. Frame Stable and other necessary otadtmldr There in MI dd.% fro -perty a small Orchard of excellent FPnit,.and , a good Phi. tern at the door. • • ' Also—At the same time and place, about 3 ACRES of LAND. adjoining the last described property. having, thereon ereeted a LOG HOUSE. good Stable, Cts4ier Shop and Otlisir uwessary ant-buildings. There are, on this property if smdil (Sr. hard of good Fruit, and a Well of neyer4ailing Water. Also—At the same time and, place tie following 'UN IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Guilford township, adjoining lands of Juhn 1.. Latchaw. Michael liege and others, rtintaining FIFTEEN ACRES, More or les+. 5 Acres of this land is eirt °red with the tir't of 'limber. and chylialtunie in a good state'of eultivath n. Sale to commence ut 1 o'elork on said day+, ocher the terms will be made knintin by JOHN GROVE J it., HENRY GROVE, JACOB GROVE. ELIZABEFILWINGERD. PHILIP GIN /VI:. MARGARET WINGRRD, • DANIEL GROVE. MARY MILLER, ABRAHAM GROVE. [orthielt? TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There wilrbe ex ro.ed to sale. by way of public o u tcry. on theirene boss, in St. Thomas tiro whip. Franklin comity, t e 3d day of Nero:then Dll, at 10 o'clus.k. A. 3f., - the following Real Estate: sic: Purport I being tho MANSION FARM of decedent. situate In Hamilton and St. Tin /111aNtOW ilFhipS on the' Warm Spring Rotel, about ir miles from Cinunbersourg. erintain. log PU ACHES and 12.9 PERCHES neat. tlekenillilll4 lands of Johepit Chrtstrann, Lents Detrieh and Oben, With ItICK-CASED DWELLING I.og Barn. Wagon Shed and other building's. There k a Oder Press on the loot three Welk of gtned Water. About. el/ At re, clear and under good tent e, with it good Orchard of ehniee Purport beour Ku' Warm Spring Ruad. adjain ===Z =lll HOUSE, Stone, Loa and ~~ good Orchard and a Well a ;lewd land le.; Acres ix firOud l'urpart 3, containing 15.. neat. a BRICK DW titdbh• thereon erected, eitu Elliott's Tavern to lititzel'n Mil, to Faint: tmv.,t ip. jig land% 14 Lee. I )...rit•li. Nun. Rahn Mel urines. - Vat . Pilrt 5. contaitung 1:39 ACRES and :10 PERCIIES neat MOCA'r LAM?, to Peters town•lup adjoining hut& of Wm. 311..rath, E Kuhn and, ether, TEMP. SAI.E.—f tne•tbirtl. expeo.e: and fees to remain in the land for the nap of the AV/lit, for lute to her death to be, paid to the heirs of C. Plum del A; the balance to be paid one-half Ist April, len; w hen po,s,e.;ort will he given, the other half:lnt April, 1,66, x ith iotereAt let April, 1e1,15, to he Aerated on the premisea; oets ADAM FLUX Trnsii, of C. Plum dee'd. A DJOURNEI) SALE OF VALUABLE Cl REAL ESTATE. = Ey Virtue of au Order of the -Orphans Court of Franklin 4,,unty, the undenigned will offer at Public Sale, on the Tremble,. on Thursday, the 101/ day of Noronha nest, all that valuable Traetof fjaue.tone LAND, nitunte in Montgomery township, id biaid itwat - , adjoining lands 1,1 Daniel Mi . , booker J. B. Angle D. Miller, heirs of Jileoll Myer,. dedd.. Eubmunl itropThei. anti Swart , . eontaildng.2l , s ACRES: with a 4TI,NE DWELLING HOUSE. Stone Bonk Barn, and other in, Immanent, thereon ereete,L ILO ekl,lll.llt ',Ham] on the Mlle, and 11, - ”t'• , , run. ning through it. Sale to emnuamer• nt 1 o'eloek 'n Kahl day,, when tenon will bn mule known be. , • JAMES W. DU W3L C DUFFIELD, Tt'o,tee, fo well. MEM QMALL FARM FOR SALE.—ThE. subs ykriber will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL FARM on :tc'hich he now resides, Ritual" In Antrim tawaship. Franklin county, about ttix milt, from Greenee.Ath.. en the Coebtown road. adjoining lands of Snook and others, containing about 4B ACRES, all elearedland. in good order and ender go(si relate. 'rhyme in a youNI: ORCHARD 'of thrifty trees on the placer:sad a ; Well 0 excellent Water. The lio r rovothoats coahkt of a trio , 4 story LOG DWELLING HOUSE,'a Bank Born 411 feet lung. and well finished, and all other necestari• ant.hathi hags. Posses""ilval will he gin en on the tat of April, 1.464, Tenon .1,11, be tondo known on applicallon to rho sub scriber, re.idhar on the premises. orall•tt SAMFEr, I' ('RIDER , it volt 111 L,krittorv BY CLITRE & STONER. teal estate ,eales. PUBLIC SALE.—TIie subseriberhaviug '-detennined on removing to the West, will sell at Public Sale 111 the Borough of Mereersburg, on Thursday, the 27th of Norewher, 1564, the following Real Ectate,vix: 'A -LOT (IF GROUND. on Main street and near the entre of the town, having thereon erected a large two ;toned ST( ENE 110I•SE. in excellent repair, with a Well of good Water and large Cistern in the yard, together with all ti n ' necesSary cons enieuees for a drsiglass The Gunton is u ell stippligil with clod.. Fruit. and on the Lot, facing. a wide alley, is a large Brick Stable, with Cow Stable, Carriage House and Granertes, all tinder the same roof: The above is the most desirable pn.perly as a residence in the pine and to any one desiring to purchase a home no bette wlllll pportunity offers. Also—At the zietime and place. will be .old a LOT OF 1 MOCNV situate on the Cdr., road, immediately' adjoining. the; Borough. haring thereon erected a pod LOG lit /USE. with Kitchen attached, a Well of 141+01l Vat, in the yard. The Lot i. well supplied with choice- Fruit; and the ',holt , in enclosed by u good Post and Rad lot nee. Albo—Another LOT. iimbediately Smith of the llormuch obtaining. about THREE ACRES, and enclosed hy a new Ibbst and Roil Fence. Ako—Ai 140 same time mid plaee, the foil ou lug PER NAL. Pl{6l'FillTV. vi. 4: 1 llorkitway ISulky. I sleigl, . 1 good Family Horse. ii good Curer Hogs, a n d I.irgilot of Houselo,ld and 1-I.4elien Furniture. not 11P- Ce , sary to enumerate. Tit; Sole will connitooli ot - 10 o'clock, A. M., ilium the term% will he 'wide known. .Nl , o—At I'ra ale Sale, a 'rIIACT OF LAND. bituate ant the Tonmike leading from Aft:reemburg to Greencastle 9 miles Irmo the former place containing 105 ACRES of good Linn...tone Land. with a wool new two otory BRICK lit a good St o ne Bank Oar,. a liar Tenant House and a glMaDrehard a.f Fruit. The above property is sit, noted m a good peighhorhood and will he sold flat,' to It ZOOd For particular, enquire of the stibsel ber in 3.le,er.lms: loctlV2t) NV. T. SMITH. St. D- PUBLIC SALE of REAL ESTATE.— . Pusutant to an order of the Orphan.' Court of Frank lin county, l'a., the undersigned, Administrators of Jacob Kea.y. late of Letterkenny township, dee'd, will offer at Public Sale, on Saturday, the . 29th day of October, inst., at the Piddle House of John It. Weist. in Strantakrg, the following valuable Real Estate, taNit - , The MANSION FARM. situate one mile east of Stria burg. in said tartcn.hip, :ulloininglitrids of H. H. Rife, Jon. Kell, W. G. M'Clellan and others, containing 105 ACRES and 75 PERCHES. neat measure, of Slate Land, of goOd quality and in a good. mate of cultivation. The improve- - are a large Id iv BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Bank Bar% Wagon Shed, Coni Cnb and other out MILL PROPERTY, adjoining' the above. nearl) wiz Aires, having thereon Pr, tad tt,nenr'. Brick Gr.... 1 Mill. Saw Mill. Brick Dwelling Home. la —At the s.une time and place, 77 ACHES and PEIZCII ES, neat men,a.re. of Wood land. in mid township, • udjontina lam 6 of Felty'h heirs, Sullinger's hem. W. G. McClellan and • this Med into fair lota aVhdlow‘: No. 1. contamina fr.3,Arre. and Pd Perch N . •• 1t " and 117 " No. 11. " 17 ' and Fl " No. 4E . , . ' ai44.02 •• • desinms the above tles,;ribett premi• coo, or any Kul thereof. trill be theerfallt• shown the same by callinr on either of the under+itmeti. rtotitino; m Strag burr. Sall . a II eounnonee at 10 o'clock, on said, day when aue attendance and term., id fate nlll be raude known by W. W. BRITTON, JOHN' R. WEIST. 00E! Aduira di bona: non of Jamb Keasy. pnl V AT E SALE.—The undersigned mrwuliug in rOno.le to the West, off,-m at Private 5,00, the rolioa Mg described Real Estate tawit : a FARM, Milliard in Lett erkenny tp., Franklin 4 miles from Chan, , ienharg. and mile north-a eat of the Rocky Spring, adjoining lamb:_of S. Haber and ,Spreeher containing about lii. ACRES of BLACK SLATE LAND. The im-- pro% moent, ore a large - two-storied Ht UGILCAST DWF.I.LING .110Ur.E. -- Log and Frame Barn, Wagon Shed. r and ail other n6ressary out-building, Al.o—A FARM adjoining• the abut, e, of •about 110- Al RE']. one-half of whfrh in Limestone and the balance Slut, The Improvements are a two-storied BRICK' .11 . SE. (nearly new) Log owl Frame Barn (with Wagon Slevl att.,, a, II and other votivenient oat-buildings • " MERE The Fano. have teen n elnimed and are tolerably well Tnnbend. There la an ()I:CRAM/pi' good Fruit on both of the Farms. .aid a Well of never-baiting Water at each n( the - dwellings..and a Sprimr on the first mentioned tract for motoring -male. There i. a LIME KILN and Q FAR- R 1" on a aeh of the farm.,Abnt twenty ACRES of MOI - NTA IN LAM), Icell.tililbered with Chestnut and Che-quid t ,ak mill be null with , ,aeh Pant,. ACItES and f. 2 ., PERCHES adjoiniett the above, ion the Pubhe 'Road. with aII btoried 'PENANT HOI SE Stable &e: Tie. ,ntAll trent i.. well planted an FRUIT TREF:S.IIOIi to admirably adapted for gar dening parpe,A• There 1 , a good Well ,of Water At the hone. and a Sprit: near The Stable. Per.ons winhunc to view the prenii,es run do e.) by cal ling un me, at tie• tint de,erilled Emu.- COM p LIBLIC sALE.—TLi•rt lit. expaged to Pohl, Stilt on the mend..., m Cath Valley. about one mile and n•halt north-east of Fannettsburg, Franklin county. Pa., on Fr:thxy, the 11th day of Nu : reran,. next. the I . ..Marinn very valuable Real PKaperty. to wit: A FARM containing about :10a ACRES. (Black Slate MU Free Stone soil.) in u high .taie of t ultivation a part 01 Is WI, is enehr.ed with about one thourand Pannels of put and rad fell., all of which it in excellent condition. About one hundred and seventy five Acres arc cleared, the balm... is cot crap with I lance Timber. containing a large proportam of Locust and Chestnut, There is itlho about 30 At res of ext client Meadow. There is a large tu - lestoried Stone and Frame DWELLING BOISE, with a .lartre Wash Hote.e Mulched; a large Frame Barn; Corn" Crib; Wagon She,L and other out-budding> on the prem :WS, and n of never failing Water near the kitchen. The farm is well watered, having ruumng water runt eni ent to nor,of the fields. This farm i, admirably adapted for dtvlsion, and a ould make two excellent Fauns. The abut e property a ill be sold n hole. (min part. to :uit parch:own.; a good title given, and o dern o te terms of pay ment to the buyer. Any penton desiring further information in reference to the abol e property, will p:ea...e rail on the, undensiano& resitting on the premises, or by letter, addressed to FAI, nett:burg% Franklm county Pm. Sale to ronanenve at 10o'elock A. 3L ovtl2 OR.PfIANS" COURT SALE.—On Satur day, tI o thlth day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. IS; - virtue• of order, of the Orplimpi Courtof Cumberland and Franklin co un ties, the subscriber, Guardian of the • minor children of DameMowery, late of the Borough of Nen burg. Scald. will sell at Public Sale,.on the premises, till that certain TRACT OF LAND, situate part in Hope well towlehip. Cumberland county, and partly in Lurgan township. Franklin county, about 1 mile west of Newburg, on the road leading from the- State road to Newcomer . ■ Mill. bounded by lands of the heirs of John Laughlin, doe'd, Andrewilross, Robert-Elliott, John B. Morrow and others. mumbling 231 ACRES and 68 PERCHES, strict measure. The land is Black Slate of good quality, part of it having been limed reitentty. About 190 Acres are clear• ed and under eoltivation. and the residue is covered with good Timber. The improvetants consist of a large two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Coro Crib and ether buildings. There is an Apple Orchard and u Well of never-failing Water on the premises. and the run or stream of crater which divides Cumberland and Frnnklin counhes on the North aide of the Cimodeguieet. ist.s.es through this traet. About 181 Acres of the land lie iu Cumberland and the rest in Frank lin sonority. • • l'ersons desiring to see the property we regretted to mil m Simnel Christhob, reddlug on the prernitom, or on Dn• id Wherry. Esq , Noe burg. Terms made known on day of xale. CM ATA L LT A BL E FARM FOR SALE.-- The tutted about 3.4 14 a mile from Quincy, containing 151 ACRES, 12 of which Is in Timber and thriving Chestnut —The fans is of the best finality of LIMESTONE LAND, excepts few acres which is gravel soil and all in a high state'ilf cultivation. If kurehut.eni desire it the subsviber w ill reserve imres leaving for sale 121 ACRES. The buildings w ill then be in the centre nf the farm and con venient to every fiehL The improvements area large BRICK HOUSE, • with ti poitrou .and porches, a new BRICK BANK BARN. 80 feet long, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached. a large new , frame Hog Pen, Double Frame Carriage House, Brick Wash House, Smoke House, Bake Oven, and other out•hullilings, in good re pair, all the buildings Is•ing,under Cypri•ss and Pint roofs with tin spouting to each. There is a large Cistern rinse to the barn, used for Stork, and one near the kitchen.— There is a Well of excellent water itt the yard. There is al., a variety of choice fruit. soell'as faire, Plums, Peach en. and Grapes in the yard. and a good ORCHARD of 01111 Z %tit sag Fruit on the premises. Persons wishing. to View the land can do so by calling ou the subsenber. (oets•l rid JOHN 3111/DOUIf. If the clot r Farm IA not !sold privately on or before the 12th day ‘if Sotrmber, it will be offered at Public Sate on that day et 1 o'cloek. P. M. J. 31 • nate also no the Oil tract. land+ of ACRES and 116 G DWELLINO Barn, and otiwr 'dear land. tau a Water. Of the ATALITAI3II F A It M AT PItIVATE v SA LE.—Tbp undersigned mill offer at Private Sale, lon I'.\ 11)1, situated in Lurgan havnship ' Franklin county, Pa., adjoining lands of John E. and John Welny, Daniel Clippinger, Jo..eph Ailment and others, near the Como- dogninett creek. mut abent 5 miles (roan Shippensburg. Containing Ceo ACRES of god. SLATE LAND, well limed. 70 neron ed this traet in well TIMBERED, 25 lieren in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of eolt.(101,111. all in exeellent order and w ell fenced. The lint ;pa einent. are a tin o storied log WEATHERBOARD- E D 11l )I:SE, new Bank Barn 7'2 feet long,, wagon shed and all odor necessary and convenient ont•huildingx.- There in arWell of never failing Water at the door and t wo OHCIi.UttS of choice Fruit on the premises. There is also n good TENANT HOUSE on the farm with a N'rll if Water convenient and all nee e nsaryoat.boudipg., Persons wishing to view the Farm ran do so by calling on the subscriber. living in Hamilton township. or on John E. M . Clay, adjoining the farts. I . jinanj JOHN ZOOtf. I '7O niitell Es OT'SF: mid Log urd leading from • Li EPLE R, CLARKE & CO'S SAW 1 , ..) AND PLAINING 311bL FOR SALE.—The under signed, hat purposed for nearly a year past to close their Idecldd 11U-4111eS 1 1 thi,, fall, now offer for sale their en and complete SAWING AND WOODWORK ING ESTABLISHMENT, with all the otoek and fixtures connected with it, including Teams, Wagon', dr. Alen two tnteto of Wood Land, and two large hoaxes, and a Stable capable of containing nine honer'. ht• establishment is too well known in - lro-entamitnity to 'mud 11111111144 deoeription, and the successful character of na 1 / 1 1•111C,, fur navel. years past, an well MI its proopecto , tar • the future, is fully undershooL preference will be given to home purchasers, if appli cation be made in duo lime. 'Peooesohm gat en the lot of :Winery next. HENRY SIMPLER, JOSEPH CLARKE, Chamberohnrg, ofq:e2rn JOHN P:uut.BERTSoN. )USE AN i - LOT FOR SA LE IN - TILE borough of M'Conneliburg, Fulton ronote. Large Double TWO STORY HOUSE, Eleven R , ./us Kitehr HMO., 6-eW TO LoTs fl ROUND: F. S It AIl L E RESWENCE FOR- e i tlee F r, rt i tr o %V i tr b u , ltary; .Stabling for thirty•fivo LI SALE —I offer 'at Privnte vale. ReMdenc'' on lug be . en used to I t Tayeni for a moles rof Broad Street, with the grounds and buildings attached to rate Well of Water at the &or. All la good ordt: - r. The it. Poddession givon April Ist 186.5. - subscriber will sell at a bargain and give posseisiou at ,s.ts.2in JOSEPH CLARKE. any timer For information call on or address TOWN LOT FOR SALE>---My Lot o Mnin Street. 'known to the Berlin property, will t .44 Privete Snb. isele.!l 3rni IRA AV in"rrniv. I= A. C. TYPER. L=Til ':11!EIMEI!!!! lied rotate *atm PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of the lust still and testament of Peter Weister; late of Antrim township. deed, I will offer at Pahlie Sale. nu the premi ses, on Friday, the 11th day of November nate, at I o'clock. I'. M., the following described Real Estate, situate part in Antrim and part inWsalungum townships Franklin county Purpart Ist. Being the MANSION FARM of decedent. lying north of the Greeneartlt• and Waynesboro' turnpike road:adjoining lands. of Jeremiah Golden. Samuel Nico &mu, and others, contahung lfkt ACRES 111111 50 PER CHES of good Limestone LAND, with a proportion of Timber. The improvements are a emnfortable IiWELL INtI HOPSE4tank Barn, Sh4sl for hay osgrain. Wagon Shed awl Corn ('rib, Spring HIM. and Blacksmith Shop. with all the other neveoars outhlultiings. Also is gaud Orchard of Grafted Entit. There are two Streams of Wa ter running through the "fars to.whieh the stock has M., rest from all the fields. Pitman thi. Adjoins the above I,M4l;,!',„‘,ot'r.d lies noni}s of the wmpikr mad , emGtim+ fOn the tenet tine meadow. nutercd S t e rise Shtrth Run. There is a small Orchard. Also a Shed for hay or grain At the unite time m ill be offered au impro, twl Al' , PLE MILL, with to Horse Power for operating same. with Cider Pre, , alta+Led. nil in good order. Any person de sirous of viewing the premises will please call tilt the ..crober, or with Jacob Weister or Nathaniel Rook on the premises. Tena, made know non any of ,ale. octal BENJAMIN SNIVELY. seem,. FARM AND MILL l'HopEirry SALE.—The undontipted. Admini4trau, a Jolin Ilettettdee'd. will offer ut Public Stile, hi the town'ot ...uttun. o» Erzday. the Qtql. Oceober, li+64. the follmv ng Bent Estate:ln wit : - _ A FARM sit tutted in Path Valley, about 11 miler tram Donlon. eontaining Rib ACRES of hood. under good ante of eultil alien. The MIK°, onents ore a to ...stoned RI UC lIC AST 11OUSE. Stable and other nece,try buildhrt. There is nn I trchard of good Fruit on the (ann. TheWeSt C0110e0011.1g111• Creek runs through the land. Also—TW) TIMBER; LoTs adjoining the above, containing respectively 17 and 11:1 Acres. . Also—At the Lame tinte will be offered for sale. a- large STONE GRIST HILL: morning 4 pair 'of Bum, turd a SAW MILL, situated in Loudon • There are alto FIFTY ACRES OF LAND and a HOUSE AND LOT to be sold in connection with the above property. Also—TlAll 1 DOUBLE LOTS in said tows. with a 11 .ton- Wentherboarded Dwelling Boum, Stable and other impnrrements thereon erected. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the terms will be mule known. PETER KUM:LEMAN. AMT., sep , - RI: JANE LEMASTER. 13UBLIC SALE.—The mulersipted, I_Ex routers of the lint will and teattment of Abrit- huti Carbaugh, late of Antrim totes•hip, dee'd, will. by Tittle of said Wilt expose to Publie Sale gm the premixes, on Atturday, the 501 day of Sere-ether nen, the following. described I3'eit.l Entate. riz certain TRACT of L-AND. lying and tieing situ to township of Antrun. 3 nnle4 North of l;rentionstle, and :tlinut halfa mile E.oeof 31i11, boundod on the North by lands of Hollinger'. Hers nod John Reneker. on the Wont by land. of Bollinger's Ileirs and Mr. i.indsuy. on the Routh by land of John }lard and on the narkTlandof li. Briaalten.,,aftahnna'..-81V-6-- ==l lea,ure, hat'iiugthen•on ereeted n $lOO4 two,noriud B H B 'K >NV Ei I!NU. Sumo Bank Barn. and WI died all new. lliere is on the premises_ a young Orehanl of rho,- Fruit, and a Well of I ;mod Water. About to eh e•or fif teen Aires of said land is covered xi ith prime 'Nab, Said Lamd in in a good state of cultivation, and of exePilent quality. A IlliAllA3E qAl2llAlli IL Ail . r 4. ovtl2-4t ADAM ZARS4E SFIERIFFS SALE.—By virtue of a writ ki of rendstiorni Erponari, i-41111 out the Court of Common Pk. of Franklin county. P.L. and to ate direc t- Od. there will be exp."sed to Public- Sale at the Ontrt Holt,. in thnorough of Chamber...burg. on Friday.. the i't 4 th dayqf Oct.he-r, 1114. at 1 o'Llek, P.M., the following deserilted Real Estate. viz: M= •rkenny toslnship, eontaimag JS A. re.. wore or nninz lands of tho heirs of leaae nberp, Lee II ni , t Aleo---All defendant's interest in all thtit TRACI' 4 IF LAND. en-mate in Lenerkenn• townslup„ contantinit .Acres, mare nr less ntljnittint; land , of E Ik'n'sntht'rrY and others ith a Low 110114 e out Log tiara therenn errs ted. .I. , fenditta'n mien-4 in all that ;rat g,f 3101 N• 'VAIN LAND. situate in Lettvrkininy inie,kFi A. re.. Ittore ur tnlloqucaz lam:, of 11 1114-fp, and taken in exea•lttla. I,l,,pert 44‘8. t• Itowsentrerry, will Will lw.,ati 1111 iietl :..1 . 1111'1:1, (IRANI i'f, Sheriff ptilLte SALE.--By virtue• of the la ,t u-,,111 and tvntalliellt of 5,1/111 A. Salallk Qutney tun we Nllll exp.:4e to Publit Attie on the pa:lnn:it ors Thitrythly the 1(04 Norrniber Ilea the nil {•,l nelibed Real F.stote .:tutu. town4hin: FCwitklin en viz the MANSI(iN FARM of 111,411111'M. adjoining lands of.lasssls Pries, Win. Hades Br's heirs, dud others. emit...tang 131 ACILES and 3'.! of gstesl 1.1111,100 e 1.111111 .11/(00 100 lien. 1/1 Ns Lick are in a good, state of eoltivation. the resniue it. entered n ith Tint her. The intisrso esinsest of n 10nnl and tonitiorralsle DWELLINt tit /USE. New Itassk Bans, Cunt Crib, and Wagon Shod. 11010, nail Illarksonth shop .nth all other neer ssarj - out-buildoers. A good We)) of Water. Alit, a good yOung• ((reliant of Grafted Frost. Sate aeon, nettle, 10 1 sivlstek, when the terms wsillet wade known. HEZEKIAII SHANK / BENJAMIN SNIVEIX. MEI VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR .N., - V SA i—The tinclermgned will sell at Private 4ale, his T. .."ERY known as the Corner Tannery, ,“0, Steam *, ter Power, NAW MILL Cliorpmg.MlLl, Storks for brei ing lodes. Sr. The Tannery lio. eight Leerhes, 32 Vats. 2 Lutes and Wilier POOL and I. eapahle of tanniukr 'OO heavy lodes a y - tear There are two LIU; DWELLING ROUSES, Barn. stable and other ne, es vary iiutimildings coma,. ted ,i ith the Tanuery. :Lad moat fill Acres I leuri,l, a ith irood trurt, lie mill .11 any quaattv or land with the I'.lllllery. from 100 to 700 Avre, Over t;t,Xi Xeres are Timber and illi :imp', supply of Chestnut Olds Dark to run the 'fanaery for thy years. It it situated about 7 miles tlath.eait of Mereerdiurg on Lilting Creek. TPIIII/, 111.171” VAS:, FM' filrther pampa lar4 address the walenigned, at Mereerhag Franklin en.. Pa. fait a .l2-tfi . C. METCALF. ATALUABLE EARM FUR HALE.—TiIe saNeriber intending to remove 14, the Wes. will bell at Pnvate Sale, tnii FARM, ..itunted in Hamilton ton ship, six miles from Chambersburz. bordering on Warm Spring Road. near o,lll..avri. adjoaling land, of Everhart Hafer and others containing 12f, A C It ES of excellent Gravel Land. The improvements are a t..l.storie.l 1111 K K DWELLINIIIIOI'sE, a Wash 11.nise with a large Ci-teru under it. large Brick Barn. Wagon Shad. Hog Pen Smith Shop,a C 6tOru at the lava aud a Well al.', er taihng Water near the dwelling. There is an excellent °reliant of choice Fntit on the pro;o'rty, a number of good Peach rind Pear tr.,s and large Grape Vines in eSeellent bearing order. The above land has all been lunrd no er With Wrout ten thousand bushels of gaud lime, and is in a high .Mate of cultt•atlon. (mtl9-3tl ABRAHAM E. EBERSOLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will offer at Piddle Sale, on the premiies. in Hamilton township, about '3i miles south of Chamberoburg, on the'Conocoeheague Creek, one mite west of the Greencastle road, on Thursday, the Urizh Or. Lobes, all that FARM containing about 215 ACRES, more or leis,_ part Limestone anti part Slate. The buildings corniist.of two new BRICK DWELLING lIGUSEs, to ,, good Hank Burns, with other necesciry Intiltlinga. Their is a never failing Well of Water near the House and Running Water on the fann. Abe 11.0p.al Oreliard • .pr fruit. Tire buildings are located in suell manner an to divide the Proper[,/ into two farms, until will be cold to gether or divided ns may Ault Purelineers, Sale to eI.IIIIIIOUCO at 10 o'clock, A. M., When the terms trill be made knot, a. Imig2.l] PETER CHRIST. - LIAR.II FOR SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP.—The undersigned efier. nt Privat6 Sale his FARM, situated in St. 'The a, township. on the Public Road leading fnon Go) er s Taveni to Louden 6 miles from the latter plan•, eentaining about 200 ACRES OF' SLATE AND GRAVEL. LAND. skirt Si; Aere4 et which is cleared end the balance in Tmuvist; TIM BER. The. improvements are a Loll HOUSE, Log Barn, and 4 Tenant Houses, and a giant Apple Orchard. Peach, Cherry and Pear Trees. Also—A SAW MILL and CIinETING MILL, in good running order. wall 1r..? feet of head and 6.11. This property isottld afford a Coot omiortunity to make money. For tams apply to the sub criber, residing on the premises. Julyti . F RE UK GILBERT. p EAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC - SALE._ AA., By virtue of the hat will and testament of David :nal Jonathan Cree, late of Dublin township, Huntingdon coun ty, Pa., der d. will be exposed to Public Sale, on the pre mises, on Monday. the hot day of Oriobrr. 1R64. the MANSION FARM of said dec'd. situate in the raid town ship ,of Dublin, 14 miles east of Burnt eontaining 179 ACRES; about 190 Aeres elenrod, the remainders ell Timbered. The improvement. tur ato o-stoned.Wenth erboarded Bonnie, Log Barn, with illy& and other'neees• snry out•buillngs. A Spring of ExcellenrWater rout " meta to the Dwelling. Posseshion given Int the Ist of Apra. next. Terms made kown on dust of Sale. J A mit; cItEE. octl2-3t DAvm wErAni. , PUBLIC SALE OF VAUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Executor , . of Jar ob Bemisderferlate of Antrim ton nship dee'd 0111 'ell at Pada. 8111 e, on the premises, on mturday. th e zgh d ‘i y ft r Norenther, the MANSION FARM of stud 111, * 11 situate m Antrim township, on the road leaAhng front Greencastle to Ilagertaoun, bounded by lands of livorge• Ithollys, Stool indle and others, containing 126 ACRES. 'the land is quality of Lime:done, and about 25 Acres of it are hen The Immon ement4 to, a LOG DWEL LING VSE and Bank Barn. There is a Well of 11,, Failing Water at the house. Sale IA) cornmeal,. at 1 o'rlo..k P. M., when tenns will be mode known by SAMUEL SIIINDLE, . octl9 JOHN BEMISDERFER, f " a "' PUBLIC SALE.—There will he exposed 11 to Prdilie Sale, on the premises, on Saturday. the Igth November, Iho4. ut 10 ,i'eloek, A. M., the following iteal Estate, viz: 40 ACRES of flritt.rate Litne.tovai Land,'sit• tide near the town of Qainey, finder good (epee, and has on It all needful BEILDIM:SI in good order, two Wells of standing Water, 'and also a Spring of running water on the premises, a &strati, °reliant //f ' , fait. Also— IN ACHES OF TIMBER LAN:II, nean-tlar:above prend• ses,i'whieli will be sold sepurate*n i Oh tomb purchasers. Also—The Store 11011,1 e, In the Cain of 'Wino), iu whieb is the Storintow kept by Lookahaugli & Seerhd. Also— One share in the property called the Wertz property. Al' to be sold on said day to the highest bidder. eetl2 WILLIAM II RABY. • H" • - ' ItithElCr A CLTZ, m.Vi M'Connelleburg, Fulton. County, Pa. ra t e ri u. A. fjmith, Esq., my Attorney. will give all' m"^"....nrY informmiott In toy oMomoo $1 A CHAM - BERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER= 26, 1864. ‘f;l',iinlaill Illm.slitopY, MAJ. GEN. GEO. B. 311.1.ELLAN GEORGE MINTON M'eI.ELL kN, the Donn cratic candidate for the Presidency, scan born in Philatdphia on the :id of December, 182t5. and in nov‘ thirty-eight years of age. -lie is a son of the celebrated surgoiln, Dr. George M'Clellan, late of that city. The General was educated in Phil adelphia until sixteen years of„pge