The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 19, 1864, Image 2

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    grituldin quoitorg.
Wednesday, October 1 - 9_, 1884.,
or Emma.
FOR meg prissmxyr,
1:3. ELIAS W. RALE. -
14. CHAELP.I3 11. SR
15. Jolly WISTEL
19. JOHN PArrcs.
23. EDENV.7:II IrJuNism.
4. IVH.t.ux H. 'Mum.
& CUAELES M. Ru - sr.
9. .loint A. Hnurrical.
The great States of Pennsylvania, Ohio.
and Indiana have ;declared in thunder
tones against a hum iliatinN peace with
murderous traitors, and in favor of the
prosecution of the War, until its crowning
victory is achieved by the submission of
rebels to the of the laws. The
verdict. so significant on the threshhold of
a great National struggle, is in no respect
indecisive. Pennsylvania, with thirty
thousand brave sons just sent to the field,
held the enemy at ban en the home vote,
while her gallant soldiers have announced
in most emphatic language that the men
who libel their horoisin, hate them for
their victories, and rejoice at the miafor
tunes, shall not rule the fair land they
have sought to destroy. Sixteen loyal,
faithful members are returned to the:next
Congress, displacing four of the men who
ever voted alike to embarrass the govern
ment and its noble armies in its fearful
contest with traitors ; and a Union legisla
ture in both branches and a decided Union
majority on the popular vote, detertnine
beyond all eavil; i that the Keystone State
cannot be seduced or intimidated into su
icidal hostility to her brave sons in the
field and to the great Nationality of which
she is one of the brightest and proudest eir
-naments. Ohio has swept the Vallandig
hams, the Pendletons, the Longs and
their followers into dishonor by an utterly
overwhelming majority—one that consig,ns
the sympathizers of treason to open shame
and the authors - and followers of the Chi
- cago platform to perpetual obscurity.—
Scarcely ilM'Clellan Congressman is left
to tell that his party has an existence in
Obiol• where but five out of nineteen in the
present congress fail to vote as Val andig
_ ham anci Jeff. • Davis would dictate. In
Indiana, wiere Democracy had culminat
ed in open, insolent treachery—in positive
and thorough and armed organization to
• plunge the 'Nation into anarchy, the loyal
• people of all parties have made commo n
' cause to hurl the faithless- into obscurity
- by a majority entirely unprecedented.—
With their gallant soldiers deliberately
disfranchised by a disloyal legislature,they
confidently hoped to save the State for
M'Clellan and Pendleton; hut they are
routed by a majority of 2'"...),000 and but .
two of the eleven Congressmen elected are
Of the M'Clellan school. ,
—Such is the verdict of October! It
points with unerring certainty to the utter
discomfiture of the Chicago tricksters in
November, and declares- that neither by
traitors in arms nor by their less manly
aidt4 in the North shall the great cause
of an imperilled Nation be I . IT 11AS
It has tiled the policy of the eople, and
while loyal men and the frien -'of Free
dom in every clime will rejoice that self
- 'government is/vindicated, the last hope of
traitors - witut as they reel in de
spair._om theAterwhelming verdict that
Loyal Men !—rally once again for your
own and your COuntry's cause, and let
your triumph already well assured, be so
decisive that treachery of every' shade
must cease to breed disorder. and strife,
and death in the most beneficent govern
inent of fherworld. The ha, !ady
won, but let it leave no futui
no hope even for mean ambition, but in
fidelity tithe Union, the Constitution and
the majeky Of the Laws !
While Ohio and Indiana give overwhelm
ing majorities for the Union cause without
the aid of the army, Pennsylvania was
well nigh lost in this momentous struggle
by over confidence and the absence of or
ganization. - Had there been asystematic,
thorough organization of the entire State,
the Union majority onthehorne vote must
- have been from twenty to flirty thousand.
Philadelphia alone of the Union strong
holds was prepared for the / contest 'when
the day' of trial. Caine, and Mitt, was due
' mainly to her complete local' political
machinery and the consumate skill with
which it was directed.. Lancaster, Chester.
Dauphin, Lebanon, Union, Snyder, Hun--
tingdon, Blair, Somerset andiall'the strong
- Union counties of the West and North
west .were entirely without organization
such as a Presidential contest demands,
and the result was that three Congress
men, three Senators and half at score of
Assemblymen are lost on the home vote,
and perhaps hopelessly lost i and the State
is made to appear as faltering in.fidelityto
the Country in this crisis of our history.
True, one thousand would -have elected
Stevens, Broomall, Williams and More
head to - Congress as well as twenty thou
sand: hat the popnlar verdict of the State
is tested by the : Congressional vote, and
the prestige of viCtory rededon organiza
tion and a fall vote. Sowiaely reasoned
our foes, and so they acted; They gave
their outside vote in Perks, Northampton,
Lehigh, Monroe, Pike, Schuylkill and
other counties, solely to determine
preliminary struggle of October in their
favor. They had organization—perfect,
systematic discipline, and that they have
not triumph is the fault of their cause, not
of their want of skill and ceaseless energy...
Let us learn from our foes. Our cause
is not lost—not even, failed, for Ohio and
Indiana have rescued it, and our brave
army has shielded us from dishonor:—
Benceforth let organization be the motto,
the purpose, the effort Of every Union
,man, and our verdict of November will be
no less decisive than that of other loyal
Mates. Let the Union men of every eke
ion district see at once that a complete
list of their voters is made out; that their
wants are supplied; ihafi documents are
on hand to meet every sophistryi of our
foes; that means are provided to have the
feeblectheinfirm andthe doubticig brought
to the polls, and Pennsylvania will be Car
vied for Lincoln by, fifty thousand., Let
.no Union man feelthat his district is small
and therefore iniiMportant, or that a few
votes will make no difference. It is by
losing a very few votes by supineness and
neglect in each of the three thousand elec
tion districts of the State that great ag
gregates are lost. \V hilt the State is in
no sense doubtful for Lincoln, half the
moral triumph will be lost if the overthrow
of the base propositions of Chicago and
tlieir supporters is not so decisive that
med of all shades of treachery will learn
that in fidelity only is them safety with
the People. •
Let org,auizatiou therefore be the wprk
of every loyal man at onec, and the Key
stone State will not blush when Inditum,
with a disfranchised soldiery ,rolls up thirty
thousand for the Union cause. The time
is short. Each golden moment lost is a
wrong to a threatened- government and to
a heroic. army. Forward loyal men!—the
hoer of triumph is at hand!
WE do not vouch for the genuineness
of the subjoined document, but it eo full•
meets the wants of our sore-headed Dem
ocratic friends, that we insert: it considc,:
uonely without charge :
WatiTED.—Reinforcements are sadly needed
just now for the shattered Democracy, and muat
he had at once in large utfahers, or the struggle
Must be abandoned to the Abtlitionists. In vain
did we declare that our armies were defeated ;
that the war was u- failure; that our debt is be
yond computation. and that the only road either
JO peace or war, whichever the people preferred,-
Was thi - ough Democratic success; but the malig
nant Z.:Lerma confused the country by the most
Unexpected and undoubtedly premature capture
of Atlanta just as were about to prove the tsar a
failure, and President Lincoln. instigated by a set
tled purpose to distract the Democratic party.
ordered Gen. Sheridanlo defeat our ally General
Early, and sent him "whirling through Winches
ter," with the loss of everything "he had on'
wheels," besides many brave: devoted soldiers
from the ranks of our " southern brethren," thus
defeating successful resistance to the odious draft,
and restoring the distracted border to peace and
its natural love for Union. Gen. Grant, an apos
tate-Democrat, would not retreat even when he
was whipped, and to this day has persistently de
ceived.the Nation by insisting that he has driven
Lee from the Rapidan south ()The James; and_
Famagut has defied all well accepted Fulesof
" strategy - by taking all the forts about Mobile
without even the formality Of a siege. Beset with
this mountain of embarassments we Isere com
pelled to accept battle on the llth inst., and we
have found it utterly impossible to ovi(reilme the
stupidity of the people aufficieutly to make them
believe that we carried the State when the re
turns show a decided majority againstits on the
popular rote, a loss of seviral members of Con
gress and both branches of the legislature. - _dud
everithe grief of defeat at home has been aggra
vated by the vote of thousands of " Lincoln's him,
IMO," commonly called soldiers, as ho regardless
of the ties of conaanguinity and the claims of comity
and fraternity which have hitherto obtained be
tween ourselves and, oar heroic but misguided
"southern brethren," have iiiiiiherately voted that
the war is not a "failure" and against "an im
mediate cessation of hostilities."
Being without even the luxury of gun boats in
Which our commanders may take• refuge on this
retreat, we must have at least "five hundred thou
sand more" recruit's at ouct, or it will be difficult
to preserve the fact in history that we had a Pres
idetdial faudidate in 156.1. Recruits must be had
Sow! War men will cull on lion. F. M. Kim
mell; Peace men on C. M. Duncan, EMI., or at
any of the many, recruiting stations recognized by
Gene. Lee and McClellan. No bounty paid, and
rations extremely,doubtful.—
Chairman Dem. Co. Committee.
THE Age seems to be — relentless in its
vengeance upon a loyal people for main
tabling the integrity of their governmeiit
at thepolls. It announced on its bulletin
on Friday last that the Army of the Poto
mac had voted for the Democrats, and that
Gens. Meade and Warren hadbeenreliev- ,
ed. In its issue of Saturday it announced
disaster to our gallant armies at every
point—manufacturing wholesale false
hoods to libel our brave soldiers. By such
means it hoped, in its blind desperation, to
stagger loyal men and drive them into the
deadly embrace of its slimy treachery to a
common country - . While the Age thus
daily announces the successes of the re
bels, the defeats of the Union armies, to
prove the war a failure. the Richmond
Examiner is discussing the propriety of
deposing Jeff. Davis, for utter failure on
their side, and says:
" We write with the knowledge that our army
has been driven back from Chattannooga, and
that a triumphant enemy pretends to dictate terms
in the heart of Georgia—with the knowledge that
the enemy has driren ourforces up the. Utility and
are ravagi ng the fields upon which we rely for suh
sistunre—withthesound of a heavy, cannonade in
our ears, and the news that the enemy has carried
an outpost of the definses of Richmond."
Jett Davis has just been itinerating in
the cotton States to plead and beg the de
spairing rebels not to desert his sinking
cause, and the Montgomery 3fail prayed
that God might deliver them "tiont the
dispensation the past teaches us to antici
pate" from Davis's speeches and visits to
the army: Mr.' Stephens, the rebel Vice
President•, had just written a,letterpropos
ing a convention—anythingalmost to end
the war and restore the South to govern
ment., Still the Age, the sickly spar of
treason in the loyal Nerth. forgetful-of
the utter despair of its masters lathe land
of erimeOnsists from day to day that our
armies are-repeatinghnt "failure" and that
treason is triumphant in every hand. .It
may for a time deceive some of its readers
as to the utter defeat of the alders and
abettors of traitors at the polls. Will the
.Age just once tell the whole truth, and in
form its readers that Copperheadism has
lost Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Maine,
Vermont and every State that has voted
in 1864, and that it has lost with equal de
cisiveness at Atlanta, at Mobile,_ in the
Shenandoah and even lost " the out
post of the defences of Richmondt Try it
on just once, mournful, distracted Age,
and when . the loyal States thunder on
"Little Mac." and ".an immediate cessa
tion of hostilities" yow will have some
place of refuge from the loyal people
whom you.-have so pergistently and ma
liciously_ defamed!
WA NrEu--re-inforcemellts for the grand
army of the Peace Democracy commanded
by Gen. Geo. B.l4PClellan, Vallandigham.
Pendleton & Co.' It was vigorously as
saulted along its entire line of battle on
- the secotal Tuesday of October. Itstight
wing re - sting owPennsylvania, withstood
the _onset with some vigor until the re
serves, consisting of veterans under Gens.
Grant, Meade, Sheridamand Sherman were
brought up. when it was sent "
up Salt river with the loss of its baggage.
Bigler. Miller. La zear and other division
commanders were also lost, and a com
mittee - on " the conduct of the war " is
about to inquire whether they defeated
M'Clellan or he defeated them. -The cen
tre rested on' Ohio, and it broke on the
first tire, scarcely withstanding the ad
vance of the Union skirmish line, and the
tout was complete. Sunset Cox, Pugh,
and half a score of other disunion com
manders fell early in the action. Fears
are entertained for the safely of one Clem
ent C. Vallandiglfam, crcfugee from the
land of chivalry-., who came upon the field
bj• way of Wilmington and Canada, just
before the skirmishing commenced, and
has not since been-heard from. The left
rested on Indiana, and it also fell back in
confusion add surrendered the field with
the loss of all theofficers, ninny rank and
file, various batiners with strange devices,
and a limge assortment of small arms and
munitions. designed to defeat the draft.
It has been expected that' the _array of
Peace would but "feel" the Union posi
tion on the 11th of October. and proffer a
general engagement on the Bth of Novein
her, but the: failure" of the preliminary
engagement has been so signal and over
wheltuing that the grand army will pro
bably go into winter quarters in some sun
ny clime at once, for repairs and reinforce
ments. -Welearn that the "Major Gen
eral commanding" was sadly stunned by
Gen. Sherman , recently at Atlanta. and
seriously if not fatally wounded by Phil.
Sheridan in the Valley, before the engage
ment of the I ltb. It is confidently ex
that he will propose " an immediate cessa
tion of hostilities," based on: the preserva
tion of his constitutional right to do if ot g
and draw a 31 jor General's pay,--
WT. give in to-day's paper the official
vote of Franklin • county, as- returned on
the home vote, anti the official vote for
Congress, Judge and Assembly. The
Union County ticket is beaten by au aver
age majority of about 70 on the home poll,
put the army vote gives not less than 150
and it may reach even 300 Unioamajority:
thus electing the" entire Union local ticket
handsomely. Messrs. J. M'Dowell Sharpe
(Dent.) and A. K. M'Cltire - (Union) are
undoubtedly elected to the Legislature.
Shupe has 454 majority on the home vote
—mote we apprehend than the army vote
will overcome, and s,i'Chue has 14 majority
on the home vote in the district: - which
will be increased to probably 300 by the
army vote. Judge Kimmell leads Judge
King 235 on the home vote, fully one-half
of which will be overcome by the arm.
vote of this county, and - probably
thirds of it, although in some army returns
already received "Kinunelleadshis ticket. -
If the other three counties give Judge
King 100 majority on the soldier vote, he
is elected, and we contidentlylook for it.
Gen. Coffroth leads Gen. Koontz 698 on
the home vote, and is probably elected.
Franklin will give Koontz nearly if not
quite 200 majority on the -full vote, leav
ing 450 to be overcome in the other coun
ties. Adamsproiuises a reduction of from
150 to 200 in her majority by the army,
and if so, Gen. Koontz should be elected.
Confronted as-we are with doubt and un
certainty:at every point as to the extent of
the army vote, we do not pretend to cal
culate the result. Mean time . we shall
wait with patience and hope for the best.
FRANKLIN county did well at the late
election ; but she can do much better.
The entire Union County ticket is chosen,
putting Davison, Criswell. Skinner and
Wertz—all men of capacity, fidelty and
unfaltering loyalty—into thiik local offices:
but with a decisive Nationalatietory-clear
ly decided. Franklin can and will give
Lincoln a majority on the home vote.
Mereersbuig, the Old Gibraltev can swell„
up to her old two hundred, and Washing
ton and Antrim. can add not less than fifty
to their majority - of October. Chambers
burg and th'e immediate districts will im
prove ftilly fifty, and noble :Greenvillage,
ever faithful,Will surpass her decisive vote ;
of last week. Orrstown staggers undet ,
her own banners of defamation, awl eau;
not recover her lost ground, while the
Union men of Letterkeuuy, Welsh Run,'
Warren, Lurgan, St. Thomas, Loudon and
the Valley will gain imeYery district. Let
thete he a general rally for the Union in
every district, and Franklin will mingle
her loyal voice-with that of her brave sol
diers in opposition to all thiit 7savors of
THE last fBBllO of the Spirit publishes a
most false sad scandalous charge against
President Lincoln. It alleges that the
Ptesident -made various overtures to Gen
M'Clellan to induce him to withdraw from
the Presidential contest—including any
military command he might wish or any ci ,
vii office he might name. The slander was
based upon au interview had With Gen.
TiPClellan by Mr. F. P. Blau Sr., who,
Pe /mulch Utßoitorg, att)cantesAntg, pa.
• •
-One a political friend of the President,
has s idsck been 'a - personal friend ot.
Gen. -Mr. Blair, having, seen
the statement, pnblishes the-following rel
ative tohis interview with Gen. M'Clellan:
" I had an hour's conversation :with him, which
I prefaced by telling him the motives which had
brought me to New York, as I have stated them
above, and by stating distinctly to him than I did
not come from Mr. Lincoln; had . no anthority, or
even consent, front hint to make representations or
overture., any wish purpose, which Wei in
part toadvise with him (the General) - as one
whom be knew to be bis friend with reiardlO
the public interests and his own." f
It will be seen that 31r.Blair. acted sole
ly as a friend of Gen. WClellan, without
either the knowledge or authority (I.f the
President. Will the Spirit retract its
Slander? We think it might afford to do
so, since the PEOPLE of Maine,' Vermont,
Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania lave
given Gen. IlPelellan a hint of the Paddy
stripe that he is not wanted in either a
'civil or military position very, badly just
now. If ever Gen. relelhui heeded' re:
inforeements it is about this time!
TuE Chicago platform has a now and
.able advocate in the person of the rebel
Vice President Stephens. He says of it—
"This cheers the heart, and towards it I could
almost exclaim, Hail holy light, offspring of
Hearen, first boon of the eternal co-eternal ,brain.
Mayl express thee udder:heel, fur God_ is light r
How felicitous and jolly the rebel Vice
President is over the Copperhead platform!
Vallandiguam could not _6ify more for it.,
6tephens sees and admits that the war has
failed ou the side of treason ' ;Md in his
despair he l„ . rrasps with hemline delight the
proffered aid of Northern traitors, who,
would hide the triumplisnf our armies - by
unblushing falsehood. and save treason
from its speedy and ignominous death.
Will the 'Spirit and Age add the name of
the rebel Vice President tOheir list of
converts to Gen. 31.1.11e11du They cer—
tainly should, for with all the chartteteris
tic ardor of new concerts, stephens throm
all of them in'the Meade.
M'CLEI.I.AN. dazzled by the embrace of
traitors who protlered - him' theif fatal
friemlAtip and flattered his ambition, turn
ed upon tile gallant army he once led and
declared their sacrifices vain—their bloody
triumphs at "titiliij:o" lint the day of reek- .
°fling has come, and the veterans who
once honored their leader when lit , Was
true to himself, to his flag and to his brave
wart iors, have thundered their disapyro_!
Nation and sealed his once honored name
with dishonor. For Jothiculars see igec
tion returns from the 'gallant armies
Grant. Sherman and ''Sheridan. With
what loathsome hatred must the soldiers
of Antietam turn front the,Vallandighams,
the Woods, the liiglers and others who
have covered Nisi with iierlifly to sink him
in info lIIV. •_
Gov. BIGLER went bi - Chicago.and de
clared the war a "failure :",demanded tin
immetli:o cessation Of hostilities;" nom
inated Met'lellan to divot the War men
and Pendleton to plehse the Peace men,
and then returned to; be elected to Con
greas. lie got the nomination, uttumped
the district most inductriously, and the
people ileclaredlaifin and Iris platform a.
"failure" to the tune of twelve hundred!
Hadn't Bigler better resolve that the po= -
'Rical. campaign is a "Tanury", and• Pr
opose a -cessation of hostilities:" between
one Gen. McClellan and the People_? As
to Bigler no formal ces.sationisneedetb . as
they dont get up such things with dean
men. Stand aside, fellow eitizens..and let,
the mourners pass!
limiN'T Gen. McClellan better get, Col.
Marcy; his chief of stalf. to write another
letter demanding another draft immedi
ately to till up the shattered Democratic
ranks? No exemptions must be alldWed,
for a man with a spark of patriotism left
- would promptly commute to eseaPe such
service. Thot war is a "failure," and no
c•onsc iption could be rigid -enough to
conscrippls-fot• such a cause. Noth
ing lint an "immediate , cessation" with
the people by an unconditionandidication,
can avert the Waterloo of Nov'druber.
0 u a Democratic Leader i in; Franklin
county enteretPon the present el:int - est with
a vim and vigor that de oted tbeir , confi
dence in their cause. far `their party,
has not carried a sing Stat, and the
chances are that it won't carry Tiny unless
Price's soldiers in Missouri Itirry that
State for WC - len:in. Better pt?f, the trap
pings away, hang up the banners, save
your throats and powder, 4 ,14 close thf
show for the season. Wilati says Nit.
Stenger! , „,
THE rebel Vice PresidentSt4hens calls
for a Convention of the S i tate4, but they
the dissevered States are tole United.
must not have power ,to decid,e the way
Treason is exhausted in its strength and
resources, and "an inunediate cessation
of hostilities" to enable them; to rally for
another bloody campaign and hope still
longer for the triumph of trea F ehery in the
North, is its last hope. ShalOt be grant.
ed ? , Let loyal men determineiat the Polls:
THE New York Her a ld strfiggled long
to save its favorite candidat4, Gen. Mc-
Clellan, but at last sensibly casts him over-
Isoard as past, saving. Afteif an elabor
ate review of the late elections, it says:
"The conclusion inevitably folltiws that the re
sults of the State elections of Pennsylvania, Ohio
and Indiana on Tuesday last, hare .determined the
issue of the•Presidentiat Contest o f F64!"
Of course they hove—Duly hove ever
(lone so. Will the Demociaes still go on
with the cam paignl . - ' -
BUT three States remain t
'debatable on
the Presidency. Kentucky vote for
M'Clellan, Missouri will do so if Price's
army gets time to scatter, and vote, and
the State of Camden anti Amboy, some
tunes called New Jersey, 4ay give him
her electoral. vat 6 - Bettetilgive us "an
immediate-cessation of hostilities" andlet
Lincoln go as by default. 41 leyikpeciple
have willed it, and what's tht i use of kick
ing against the pricks . ? -
LAST year Pennsylvania hve 15,000 for
Curtin and New York follo4ed with over
40,000 for the Union tickets, By'the same
rule hoW much will each de#pat an already
defeated candidate in 18441
. shall next week publish`a. correct
portrait ofG4p. Ge0.41%-lifeeiellailDamo
'ant candidate for Preddent, Vritha,cloful
biography and history of his polo iil: and
military tarred. in the issue following,
we shall do the same for Pendleton. - -We
wish to preserve some tangible evidence
for history that they really were candidates
in 1864. .
MANY Union votes were lost at the late
'election foi *ant olOwrough'assessments.
Let no vote be loit in that way at the nest
and final struggle. See diat , :every Union
man is assessed without delay, and 'es:pecialy
see that all the soldiers are assessed. Dont
ask bow they will vote—let them all have
'the ,chanee tji
The etil fraits of rebel vandalism as displayed'
in Itary - land and Pennsylvania under Early, Mc-
Causland land Johnibm,‘seent to, be endless. Bit
terly-11.14 the rebel journals been compelled to
lament this demoralization and utfer worthlessness
401E61 troops Riney the plunderMi; o ff Maryland
"and the Owning of Chambersburg, rho Savan
nah RejOlican' of :the let inst., complains that
Hooirs army has been sadly impairedln useful
ness by its licentiousness, and says that by the
.people of Georgia it was "more dreaded than was
theinmy of Shermaii." It compliments - Sher
,for Wine " pursued its ,stern and
ruthless path from flhattam.iga to Atlanta with
out' NT r conclut 1 e with the following
significant confession relative to the brutality of
Early's eavairv. lt says:
"Lie use is fatal to discipline /tad Co' efliciency.
Evi' the modified license of the Maryland cam
paign ruined the cavalry of the Aimy of the lathy
of l'irginia, and it has done.nothlng worthy of its
reputation or its real force sine, its return to rir
If indiscriminate robbery and' the burning of
Cliambershurg, mgardless of the claims of the
aged, the infirm and even of the dead; is tt"modb ,
fled license,!' We should" like to know : what the
fiepubtican l would regard as_" unbridled license'!."
The Richmond Enquirer of the eth inst. treats
ou the same subject, and eunfeuses that the fatal
fruits of rebel vandalism are now realized by them
in the sluipe 'of -disaster upon disaster. It com
plains that drunkenness pimails in "Early's army
since. its return from Maryland and Pennsylva
nia, tied demoralization is the ke) to their rever
ses. It says:
- "The cavalry forces that had been operating
in the Talley, and flitting hither and thither along
the Potomac and Shenandoah, were already de
moralized, /and since their last visit to Ataribind
they hare hied utterly worthless. .They Were in
the habit-of : robbing friend and foe alike. They
hare - been known to strip .women of all
theyAad—Widows, whose sun were in our arm)
—and'theMto burn their houses. At Hancock,
in Western Maryland, they stopped a minister of
the Gospel in the street, on the .Sablinth day, and
made him stand and deliver his watch and money.
These monstrous truths are stated in the official
report of the officer commanding a part of these
cavalry forcesoind which I have read. Do you
wonder, .theU that MiCauslerad's and Bradley
Johnson's commands, just returned from such an
expedition and loaded down with plunder, should
hareheen i disgracefully surprised and dispersed as
they were tome weeks iighnear Moorfield
The Equirir wits one of the journals that re
joiced at the burning of Chamhersburg: .):;ow it
is compelled in sorrow and shame to deelatethat
their plundering commands have been lost as sol
&era, remain thieveato prey on their
tovn 'already poverty-stricken people !
TSIF, poetical BUY McMullin, of Philadelphia,
the bully of the 4th ward and leader of the Wharf
rats and bouncers who Cotelhe Deinoeratie tick
et with a yell, has come to the rescue of the De
mocracy-in this .its hint extremity. He is chair
moo of the Democratic committee in; town meet
inw, and as his army is routed, dispirited and
in danger of disbanding, Billy devfites a 'column
atid a half of an advertisement in the Age to tel
ling them lidW they won the last, election, and
how they can win the next one. Billy dont,in
dulge in figure:work—in fact he rather despises
theuld fashiOned rules of addition, especially when
it makes niajorities against him ; consequently in
.the face of a th;cisive defeat df the Deinocraty in
Philadelphia, in the State, in Indianna, `and-in
Ohio, he announces a "grand torch light pro
eessieu in commemoration of ,the brilliant victory
achieved by the imllont Democracy Of the Keystone
State !". - Bully for Billy. He has scarcely slee
ted a Councilman or member of 'the Leg,slature
in Philadelphia, and only here and there a strag
gling member of Congress on the' 11th ; but Billy.
nevertheless insists that ti • brilliant victory has
been achieved, and he is gOing to "commemorate"
'it with torch lights, tanglefoot and poetry. Nor
does he borrow all his poetry, but mingles the
original with the adopted thus—
Come with y ' our lthnners and Torches!
Come with yonr Color* and Lights!
Come FL% the Wares come Vlen navies are stranded,
Core as the wind.. me when the forests are rended."
Will some kind friend—say Ron. Sam. Ran
dall--41ease senrßilly a simple arithmetic 1 A
few of the Modern poets might be thrown in for
Billy to read to his admiring followers of. the 4th
Wurd between their cock-fights shindies.
Dairjd F. Jamison, preaideut of -the South
Carolina Convention which adopted the ordinance
of Secession, died on the 14th ult. •
—No doubt is entertained amongthe prominent
friends of Ex-Secretary Chase that he will be ap.
pointed Chief Justice of the Supietne Court of the
United States. 1
—Mrs. Breckinridge, mother:6f the Rebel Gen:
Breekbuidge, died at, Baltimore on Sararday at
the house of the Rev. Mr. Bullock, her sou-in
Jeff. Davis. bays he-loves `hiit friends and 'for
gives his enemies., Why, that's the way they all
talk on the gallows. Read the' last speech and
dying confession of the disappointed felon.
—Chief Justine Roger B. 'Taney, the venerable
Chief Justice of the United States, died in Wash
ington on the 12th inst. Tints' is eeveredanother
of the links which condect this generation with
the early days of the Republic. Judge Taney
was born in Calvert county,Marvlatal; on-the 17th
,of ,Idarch, 1777., He belonged to an English
Catholic family which settled,in Maryland in the
lfith century, and graduated at Dickinson College
in 1795. He began the study of law in Annapo
lis in 1796, was admitted-Yo the bar in 1799, and
represented his countyin the House of Delegates.
In 1801 he remotled to Frederick, and, in 1816,
was elected State Senator,rin which capacity he
served six years. He reuioied to Baltimore in
1822. He early won a high- reputation as a law
yer, and, although a decided Democrat, was, ap
pointed by a Governor of opposition politics attor
ney general of the State in 1827, and in 1831 was
made Attorney General of the United States by
General Jackson, who subsequentlY appointed him
Secretary of the Treasury, on-the dismissal of
Mr. Duane, in Int. In this position lie encoun
teredti o-
the hitter hostility of m Whigs for his a
tion:in remoVing the. defies from the United
Stales Bank. The-Senate. re need to confirm his
nomination on June, 1834; anti the following year
General Jackson nominated aim as an assistant
justice of the Supreme COurt but the Senate in
definitely pdstponed action on the nomination. In
the meantime Chiet Justice Marshall died; the
Senate changed its political Complexion, arid he
was nominated aud . eonfirma as Marshall's sue.
cessor, and took his seat in January, 1837, Since,
which his tame has been pareof the legal history
'of file country. He was a min of eminent legal
,attainments, and great puriti , of character. Ex-.
cepting the famous Dred Seottidecigion, which
surrendered the Fugitive to Slavery his course as
a Judge has commanded the greatest respect of
his countrymen. , , ,
'--Bpeaking of the declaration in the Chicago
platform that the war la a failure, the New York
Herald keenly remarks: "The - conventiou must
have been thinking of the war as conducted by
McClellan. But the Corivezition oughrto know
that a man by the name of Grant has now taken
hold, and the war is not it failure "
iberty and Law!
Pennsylvania Union by over 10,0001
Legislature Largely Upion!
But 2 Democratic Congressmen -Elected!
4 fru /wt:Congress in en Ga hi eq.'
The • McClellan and Pendleton War a
The elections of the 11th inst. hare resulted in
the utter overthrow of the Peace Detnoeracy, and
leaves them withont hope for a loyal !State in No-
Au tuber
Pennsylvania. -
The official vote of Pennsylvania is not all re
ceived, but taking the official_ as fat': as reported
and moderate estimates in the other c l nunties there
St!tlllit to he no reasonable doubt that the State-1
is Union on the hotim rote, and the aimy,will give
from 10,000 t 0,15,000 Union majoritfr to bendded.
We believe that the official vote will not materi
ally vary from the following majorities :
Union. Denlenttie.
Allegheny - 6:440
Bence? , 760
Blair 330
Bradford. 2,900
Butler 2OO
Cameron 70
Cheater ' 2,050
Crawford 1,450
Dauphin ' 620
Delaware ' 1,250
Erie_ 2,100
linntingdon 5201
Indiana...... 1,7501
J efferson 501
Lancaster 4. 050 1
14twreneo 1,560
Lebanon, ........ .... 720
hill: eau e 70 1
M !Met' 4001
300lin. li
khiladel phia - -
......... 7,730 1
Potter 700'
Snyder 120
Somerset ' 7301
Bedford - 670
Berke 6,340
Bucks t 995
Cambria 1,070
' Carbon 510
Centre 700
Clarion 850
ClCartield...._ - 1,300
Clinton L 680
Columbia i 1,375
Cumberland 540
Elk I 440
Fayettee 7OO
Forrest ._ .. ..1 ..... .... 50
Franklin. • 60
Fulton. 4 ' 240
Greene ,1 1.700
Juniata , -330
', 4 .... ... 2, 0 40
Luzern ..
Lycoming , 980
i Monroe l ' 1,570*
i Montgomery 1.380
IMuntaur 470
Northampton 2,895
INorthumbelland 870
IPerry , - 80
1 , Pik e ! , 750
i Schuylkill 4 .1,750
;Sullivan , 300
; renango - . 150
IWayoe ' - 850.
i Westmorel . ind ' 1,480
IWyarnitul ' _ 300
Work ' 2,850
&Igoeham= ' 8101
Tiugn '2,100 1
1 - nin 1601
Warren GI:01
lya4hington t ~.... MO
-Union majority on home rote, 1.211 I
. We alive - received but partial returns from the
army vote of the State but we giie the follow in'
"specimen bricks," being all that has beet' re
45th Regiment
56th "
t 4 / Rt
100th "'“
121st •• '
140th 1,1
142.1 • •
145th "
149th '•
130th "
153 th
160th "
168th 4 •
179th • •
184th "
199th "
297th " 909th ,
211th "
20th Cavalry
196th Infantry, Chicago
21st Cavalry
Nashville Hospital
Yraahin,gton and Alexandria.
Cheater Hospital'
..111arthisharg and Cumb . erland
Camp Cadwallader
City Point
Port Delaware
'The follow* is a list of the Congressmen
elected by the home vote on the : 11th ins*. Dem.
ocrats in itatics—Union in Roman.
of the with a star (') membOrs of the present
House :
-L S. J. Randall..
2 Charles OlielL.
3. Leonard Meyers.*
4. Wm, D. Kelly..
5 H. P. Ross.
jl3.—liipaar 'femur.
04. George F. Miller.
11. A. J. Mosahrenner,
16. A. M. Cojrroth.*
17. R. I. Johnston.
6. B. Markley Boyrr.
7. John 31. BroomeiL•
8. S. R. Ancona.*
9. Thaddeus Stevens..
10. Merr &rouse.*
11: Phdip Jebutton.*
10. Ovules rkl/1111071.*
18. &T. Wilson:
19. GleratiW. ela.*
20. Chitties V. Culver.
21. Jo in L. Damon. -
4. James X. Noe head..
Thomas Williams.'
24. George V. Lamemee.
the home vote the delegation stands 13 Union
to 11 Democratic. The present delegation
stands 12 Union to 12 Democratic. But certain
ly. two and probaidyfirs.diatricts.will be changed
by the army vote. Ross leads Thayer in the sth
district less than 50 votes on the home teturn,
and the - army will reverse that by from 300 to
500; and Johnston ieads Barker less than 100 in
the 17th distritt, where thei army will give not
less than 500 Union majorities. Thus a gain of
three Union members of Congress -is assured be
yond the possibility of doubt—making the dele-
gation stand 15- UniOn to 9 Democratic. In ad
dition to this a full army vote many elect Ketchum
in the 12th district,. Koontz in the 16th and Ful
ler in the 21st. In each of these districts the
Democratic majority on the home return is from
500 to 900, and it is not itnpabable that any or
all Of them may be Union onthe full vote. If so
the delegation will stand 19 Union to 6 Demo
cratic. For the present we set the delegation as
badly against us as it can possibly tura out, and it
presents the following gratifying_ Union' griini:
Present 'Convex!'
Next Congms...
The following Senators ire returned by the
home vote , --Democrate in frolics: -
3. a M. Donovan.* 14. Jobs Walk
5. Horacell , eL s. , 21: R. W. Christy.
6. Oliver P. " H. J. Waiters.
Geo. B. 2 Thomas J. Bigbam
B. Relater Clymer... 29: Morrow B. Lowry.*
9. Win. M. Randa/1. .
' The army vote ought and probably may change
the result in the 3d,114th- and 21st districts, ma
king a change of four from tlie_Democratic to the
union tide; but for the present We count the Sett-
ate as the home - vote returns it, and it stands as
Union soilf catty, L
The Howe will stand, sr elected by the home
vote as follows :
Union majority, 16: onjointballot,l7—enough
for all practical purposes.
There is no reasion to doubt that the army votly
will add two Union members to our calculation
in Bedford, Fulton and Somerset : three in Ly
coming, Union and 'Snyder, and probably one in
Armstrong—making the House present a Union
majority of 22, and give the Union men-a 3 in
joint ballot. •
Indiana. , •
In Indiana the Union men have achieved 'smolt
gloriooa triumph: Gov. -ilokton, Union, in reelect
ed by a ma)ority 0f22,000, wiiout the army WO
—the Democratic legialatkire kutVing refilled to al
low the soldiers the right of aufrrage. The legis
lature is also Union, and four Union member' of
Congress are gained.-
In Ohio the Union 'tate, ticket is elected by
bout 40,000, on the home vote which will be in
eneased from 20,000 to 30,000 by the army
vote. The Democrats elect but me member 6 of
Congress, to succeed the they have in the
present delegation. Cox, Pugh, and the candi
dates to iineceed both Pendlettin and Long are
defeated by immense tnajoritis. Cincinatti, the
home of Pendleton gives near4 . lo,ooo wattle
Union vote of .1862. Hadn't Pendleton better uk -
for a " cessation of hostilities
• Maryland a Free State 1
Elyerial dieptiteh to the Franklin Reketeitoty.
Bet:0310n Oct. IT, 1864.
The returns of the reeene,eleetion are 211 in
The home cotes foots up :
For the Constitution
'Showing ti deficiency on the home voted 1574.
The soldiers vote thus far reCeiVed 'is 2,463, Ma
king a majority for the new Constitution. of 662
votes, which will be increased, it is _thought, not
lesethan sta). Thus the Constitution is clearly
adopted and Maryland henceforth ranks as a
Thus has the last hope of Treason vanished iu
Idaryland, and anothr Star is added to the light
galaxy of Freedom in our National Flag.
Antrim 394 416 431 fa
North Ward.. 308 119 251 140
South Ward .. 187 179 261 201
Concord 23 'l9 87
Thy Run. 84 82 90 95
Fayetteville... 203 _ 152 208 179
Greenvillage.. 153 89 163 102
Guilford 118 - 139 165 183
Ilamliton ..... 95 124 ,99 132
Letterkenny 121— 209 1M 212
Lurgan 89 118 130
London. 75 80 ;78 97
Metal. 119 84 119 74
Monigornery.. 191 128 202 139
Onatown 65 123 171 110
Peters 112 46 132 48
Quincy 154 269 170 592
Southampton,. $7 :58 !49 67
SulphurSpring 36 ,45 :23 41
St. Thomas... 122 136 131 167
Washington... 301 261 277 239
Welsh Run... 71 143 .77 135
Warren 55 50 36 47
Antrim - 431 4.. V
North Want 282 216
South Ward.. 285 MI
Concord 19 19
Dry Rali. 91 89
Fayetteville... 211 516
Greenvillage.. 165 157
Guilford 179. 169
Hamilton 1( 96
Lettertendy .. 128 127
Lurgan 80 80
Loudon. 80 76
Metal. 120 118
Montgomery.. 203 198
Orrstown 71 71
Peters 139 131
Quincy 204 154
.Southampton.. 56 49
SulphurSpring M 23
St. Thema... 132 130
Washington... 275 268
Welsh Run... 75 76
Warren 36 36
Union." Dem.
• 3',1
~... 67 11
... 31 8
87 33
91 61.
210 16
114 24
• - 93 38
~..- -n 9 .T 2
13.1 ' 34
27 3.
168 53
160 -
26 50
Antrim 4 . 21
North 'Mart .. 252 138
South Ward.. 264 198
Concord 19 87
Dry Run...— 88 :27
Fayettoville.:. 209 178 , _
GrioenvUlage.. 169 97
Guilford 167 181
Hamilton ..... 101 130 1
Lettertenny .. 128 212'.
Dugan - 80 130
Loudon. 78 871
Metal. - 119 74
M Gartman 71 ontgomery.. 202
Peters 1% 48-
Quincy 170
Southampton.. 49 67 1
SulpharSpzing 23 41?
St. Thomas-131 167!
Wash mEt ,
Welsh Run— 7 277 5 1351
Warren. 37 471
310 03
.. 122. 50
.. 115 17
219 47
..270 'BO
/800 220
- 55 7
• 350 55
• /308 212
. 81 3
357 -
- -• • • 950 121
L .... 149 3
10,650 1,350
Biomell's majority. 11«
Coigns& i
Colfroth xO3
Noma - 3211)
Coffroth's majority.- 601
Mitchell 3M .
Miller 3M9
31t 1 Wertz „WM
1 1 Miller's makettp..... 65
The total cots polleil is 6,574, being I,ol2less
than was polled last year. Considering that not
less than from six to eight hundredmeohavegone
out of the county into ;the army during the last
year, two-thirds of whom are voters, the Tote is
quite a full one. Shape has received about 110
Union votes and M'Crkre about 120 Deznocratie
votes. Sharpe has 5.1 over M'Clure ; 281 over
Roath, and 253 overl. 11,01, his Democratic col
league. M'Clure_hae 00
over Mitchell and 228
over Reath.
We have not as yet received anything like the
full army vote for Frig&lhi county, but the fol
lowing returns indic4te how the vote his been
i Union. - -Dem
Calit. liaMures emnpaay, Pottsville 40 13
Signal Carps, Greenest/1 3 1
9th Penna. Cavalry, FVltxeslde, Tenn 38 8
Carlisle Barracks. 1 4 1
21st Pennh. Ceve17 4. ...1 .73 18
Douglas Hospitital, ngton 1 0
M'Clellan Hosp 2 , 0
Corm. A, 49th, near W in
j ester, Va - 3 I
Com. A, 99th Cavalry' , berland, Mt.., I . 2
Com. G, - 2011t, Bloody Rua I
Campbell Rospital, Washington.. 1
Carver Hospital,
Camp Stoneman. t - 1
White Hall Hospital 1. 1
Com. A,l9sth, Hedgesville, Va 1
Turner's Lane Horpitalcada. 2 1
Remount Camp, Marti um, Va. r I
Coin. If, 16th Cur, Po Grove Church.. 4 4
Coln. E. 149th , Weldon frond. 4
Jadidary Square Hospital, Waahlhgtort....
Camp Cadtralader, Philda
Coro. 11, 20211 t ... . 1 ..... . ....
Coto. G. 17th Cavalry, hear in: iehester.....
Com. D, 17Th Cavalry, j
Com. 19, 11th Cavalry, hear Richmond..
!.12 'l2
13 -; 9
217 67
The full army vo sill pretty 41 ' 3 erteirdY make s
the Union majority in Franklin euentY. giving
Koontz about 550 !majority iu thi county and
King about 150.
The following is the official vote for Convent
in this district on the home return t
October 19,1864.
- 3r 8
38 1 Democr4fict
Coneress, 'el awn - 414.'64. Prat Mgr
"d.• g 4
R. 5.1
3 : : : :
3124 3148 *6B 3320
I ...I
:+u a
173 104
gll 117
1 9 176
109 101
189 176
136 128
213 211
-; 129 130
89 84
74 70
; 145 140
110 110
S 49 41
t 238 247
67 60
41 41
168 165
245 235
137 135
47 47
; 3133 31KI
r 3120 31M
2 P
? a
432 422
248 142
259 WO
19 87
89 95.
207 181
163 103
165 183
98 132
126 - 214
71 129
78 -87
119 74
202 141
71 110
134 A 8
170 282
49 67
M 41
131 167
277 239
75 - 13 S
37 47
M 73 33Crl
3241 3326
Davison: ..
Armstmag's majotity 99
Director of the-Poor.
D. J. Skinner 3307
Crimea 3213
I . :Minuet's majority.. 34
M. /?. Skinner
Martin'. nintority
424 482
240 152
254 209
M 84
89 98
12€ 180
161 104
163 185
99 132
126 214
80 130
79 88
119 74
21:0 144
70 110
130 .49
167 V 4
58 ' 58
23 41
130 165
277 829
7$ 135
34 49
3231 ma
1 i
• it
423 421
238 150
252 21:8
19 87
90 95
ON 180
164 102
164 184
MO 131
128 212
60 130
78 87
11.9 74
12:12 141
71 110
132 48
170 282
49 67
23 41
131 167
217 239
75 135
37 47
3239 3:03
$ N
r !I
422 431
247 143
259 901
19 87
90 94
216 181
la 1 , 33
la 183
99 132
la 212
60. 130
77 88
119 74
202 140
7/ 110
132- 48
185 265
49 67
ZS 41
131 167
277 M 8
73 137
37 47
M 54 3319
18 to
13 3