The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 19, 1864, Image 1

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every Wednesday morbing by
,"THE ittlynsrroly
ASSOCIATION," at $2 per aroma, IN or
82 ISO if not paid within the year. rill tahcc\rptur,k,bc.
counts ifUnT be stiffed annually. No paper a
out of the State unlessilvid for in adranee, and MI saeh
subscriptions will inorariubly bo tlivontinued at Mil eXpi
ration of the time for which they are paid.
ADYERT/SEMENTS are ;Averted at T,N
feline for first insertion, and Imt CENY3 per line for si
satiant Insertions. A liberal diveounitmade to perianis
rulvertising by the quarter. half-year ot year. Special to: ,
' Kees elumged ariedredf more Matt regalatmivertivementt:
Allresolations of Associations; rotnmanii;ationg of limited
or individual interest, and nothres of Marriagee and Deaths
• exceialing fire lines, areehargod tiftgen cent, pe'r line. -
M•' AU Legal Notices njerery kind, and rill Orphans'
Grett arldighse Judicial' Sales, are reguirrd`by laic it be
adrertiiedin the REPotlrmaY—it haring the LAILMI,,fI'ILL
CUIATIONV an y paper published in the county of Franklin.
JOB PRINTING eiTf every kind in Plain and Fam , y
ors, done with neatnesaanddispetth. Blanke,
clads+ Pamphlets, du, of every variety-and style, printer:
at the shortest notlee. The R54'11 . 47010 01 , 111 s has jag
'Keen redltte,t .. l with Stenm •Poa er and three Provo-4, and
thingja but Printing line' can be ere , 111.1 in rise
dtritit artlatie trimmer and nt the lowevt rotes TEII3IR IN•
iar Mr. John K Shryuck is our atithorizell Agent to
rutrive Subscriptions and Adv,-rtisciuentv. 0101rove,pt for
die same. All letters should be addre-sed
STONER, Pultshers.
ieai Ootatt
EST.% TE.--yh, heir, Of [Livid Brham. ikaftL trill
- offer at Public Sale. on Tur.lay, the 17ith day af Narrinber
=I, on the pronvisfs, in Green tawnduip, Franklin eoupty,
1, mile Bald of Inytttevilie, ott the 'f 4cl:wit
fun. frnm Claimberdiarz to Baltimore the folhavingßeal
BPtate. viz: The FARM tas which the hinally now rexide.
toutaini4,abollf ,101,1 ACI2ES a Laud. Th.. , improve.
iftf.tits armet r3:4toriect tionide frank fififftii 4 - 61.1.
and Back Builplingk Log Barn. Frame Stable, (train
House ; Wash flames Carriage 11n.... Cam Frit: and
other oat Them are two Wells of never failing
Water, supplied with Pumps.. km the premise., one at the
House, under never; neat the other at the itch!,; also an
ex eellent 1 inkharrk •
name time awl place. a FARM in (4 afford
township, 1 mile south of Fayette% elle adjoining lands of
C. A. Funk, John entwforki. Abraham Dull not others,
oontidning .tbout 1:i:l ACRES. The improvement: are a
two stoned 1.0(1 110USE'(weathorliimbleil.) and Frame
• Kitehen : a good Log Hue. Corn ('rib and other neceit ,
1187 buildings: a Will of , eseellent Water sruiplied with
a 'Pump; and a young Orchard of choice Fruit Trees.
The soil on thin and the ohm e Farm. it of goofirtuulitY i
Via fine state or cultivAtit in, and quite
Also—At the same time and place. a Tract of 3101.7N
TALLY LAND. sitrosted - partly is Green and partly in Guil
ford townships, Fnmklin county, adjoining lands of the
late Thomns 3leans Joseph Stahrs Heirs, and Deo. Brill
••cile's Heirs, containing about 119 ACHES.
Also--At the snow time and place, a 'Cruet of MDUIC
TAD: LAND. inouilf ml township Franklin rettnty, ad;
joining the above and land, of Milker ibighe, Gee. Me
l'erran and 'llunntis Mennr deed, containing about 282
Also—At :he cane time and phiee. n Trout r of 3101-N
-TAIN LAND, sitrowertGrevn ton aship. rratittlin ,
adjoining hirsda,of 'James itirsham's heirs, Thud. Stevens
and James Renfrew. cont,timng about 119 Sere-.
All of tht,e Trati, of Mountain Land are e,,ls eruct with
good Tilinber, are cont'eniently situated to the turnpike,
and accessible by gorsl. rigid&
• . Persons wishing• to view these Properne. c n 6.nv all
• opportunity of doing so by calling on me at Mr. stei ins'
,Caledonia Irun Work or tin Mr. Carnahan at the 31tin
don Farm.
Side to, commence at 11 o'elock on said day. when rho
conditions of sale, which will lx' such astir suit parehasers.
will bri mash , known by JOAN 0. BIGHAM,
oet the Hei n ,.
inarri.burg T.'l , graph and laneagtt.r Examiner insert
weekly ts. and send bill, to this etlice.l
TTRUSTEES' SALE.—The undersigned
Trleaves to sell the Read F...tate .of .John Sleichter.
late of Gres n township, Franklin ru6nty. Pa.. tlasfrl, will
exPor-e to Palle Sale, on the pretnise, in Seothtnd. un
Friday Me :2 , th day of October, 15141. the folk owing descri
bed Real R. ate. vtt Pot-part A, of So. 1, being
nip MILL PROPERTY, souated in .clreen township.
eontarling 15 - Acre. and 9 Perches. neat measure. adjoin
ing lands of Wm. Thom 4 n and other land , of deceased,
The Mill is , ittlated au the Couor-ochengUe Creek, A miles
from Chambersbnrg. in the Village of Scotland. There
is. nlno, a iantetwo , toritslDwellnur Bosse on the premises.
Perrpars A. being a
LOT OF GROI . ND. situated in the Viliage of Poodland,
— 7sonlainitri 9 Acres 11111 i 24 Perches, neat measure - having
• thereon erirr3tAl a large Brick Store ,liouse. There rn
also. a Youpi - Apple Orchard- oil the prerni , es. f'arp , rt
(2, being
A LOT QT GROUND. containing- 2 Aires tad 15
Perches, nest Imerouta having thereon erected a two.
. storied Brick Dwelling 4 - Ifte and Stable. There e, ads.,
an Orchard of good Frtfit on the pr. mbos. l'urparr. Nll
A TRACT OF LAND, being the Mansion Form ,A.„.1
. rlec'd. situated in said township. containlng 102 Ann- , and
120 vetches. neat measure, adjoining lauds of Franklin
,Besore, Jacob Garver and Venn- Kyle—about 11)0 Acres
of which are cleared. The improvements are am Los - tolled
Brick Dwelling House, Log Barn, and et/serum-in:Udine,
There Is, also, on the prinni-es, agonolOrehanL I'urpart
lib. :3, •
eontaining 109 Acres and 10 Petrels, neat mealure. adjoip•
ing lands of FI liesore. A. and others. About 01)
Acres of the above-Tniet ari4leared. the remainder in
Komi Timber. The insprovemimbffire a large two-storied
Stone Dwelling llowie: Log and Frame Barn. There is
an Orchardofeboice Fruit on the Both of the
last named Tracts are first quality Lime.tone LamL
A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN L.IN I) in said town.lop.
containing ZI4 Acres and 1:10 Pert hes neat. Tlu 'Chet Ist
well set with Chestnut and Oak Timber, and will be divi
ded into Ntre Lots, of It Acres each. to qua port has-rs.
Sale to commence at If/ titl a rk, A. M.-1f not all
sold on Friday. the Sale will be continued on Saturday.
the :29th. Attendance will be ;men and the terms made
octl2 SLEICIIT S T00 " .4. ' •
[Lancaster Examiner insert •weekly till Sole. Solid bill
to thin-office.)
p TiBLIC SA L E.—The unden , igeetl,
heirs and legal rcpiet.entatives pf John tiro, e. late
of Gailfoni towm.lllp, dee'd, will offer at Fab , . safe. on
this premises on Jcsdnesday. the or. :74,rember. at 1 0 elot k
P. 11 the ft heals deseribnl Real Estate,
The old Mansion or Spring Property, totuate m Autrno
...firuship about I mile North of lirmoi".l adjo.ning
d of John L. Latehaw. Andrew Dan - ,-on and other..
containing 'Mont 150 ACRES of e xcelle n t I,DiEsToNE
LAND, hat jog thereon erected a large STONE DWEL
LING and new Bank -Ram with Wagon Shefk,bnached.
all in good repair. There arc on the premised 12:* Spring
of Water (befog the head of "Muddy Rim, - 5 and an Or
, chard. 41) Acres of said laird is on erta with prime Timber.
• Also —A FARM - of about 100 ACRES of good LlME
wron LAND. situate . in Guilford ton 'ship, about 2
miles North of Brown's Mill. ha, mg thereon erected a
two defied. lAD DWELLING. with Stone Back Build.
fag, MIA - Barn, Wagon Shed. and other neceo.ary out
' buildings.' There it on thi. , Fllllll an Ito-hard of choice
Frla, and a Well ofincs er.failing Wader. 2:1 Acres of
' said land is covensl with enod Timber.
T hereescill also be °Aired on Thyrsdey.ithe lull of Norm
ber. in the town of Marion. about TW o ACRES OF
LAND, having-thereon ereeted a good two story BRICK
DIVT.LIvING with.l3aek Building, a good Frame Stable
and‘ithaireiseisstry outbuildings. There is on this pro
-- a /mall Orchanl of exerliciit Fruit, coda good Cis
tern at the door. -
Also—At -be same time oral place. about 3 ACRES of
LAND, adjoining the last de Bribed property. -having
thereon errs tea a 1.00 HOUSE. gOO,l Stable, Cooper
Shop and other necessary ont-builiiimm There are on
this property a smell Orchard of goof Fruit, and a Well
never-Ltifing Water.
- Also—At the sometime and prove. the following' UN
IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND, situate di Gn,iford
township, adjointng lands of John L. Latshaw, Michael
Hege,and others. containing - FIk"rEEN ACRES, more
or Mohr 5 Acres of this land a rovenst with the tx,t of
Timber.and the balance is in a good. State of cultivation.
. Sale to commence at I, o'clock on said days, when the
• Woe will be mails known by
ABRAHAM GROVE, r [oetl24o
TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There will be ex
peed to to safe., try way of public °inky, on the prem•
bats. in St. Thomas township, Ymnklin ....mot, nn the
riflYo.flNerresthat, A. It., .1t , 64, ut IS o'clock, A. M., the.
following Rent Estate, s
. Pnrpa tl beiore the .1.4 - ANSION . FARM of decedent,
situate in Hamilton and St. Thomas townships, on the warm
Sprineltoad. about femiles from Mantbershurg, eznatito
is g 90 ACRES and 1210 PERCHES neat, adjuinlui lands
of Joseph Christman. Lewis Detrieh and other.. with a
.Wagon Shell and other buildings. liberals Cider Press
on the rrencrs. urokthree Welli of gtosl' Water. About
SO Acres eleiw and uivler snl,oll fence, tiltb a good Orehard
of choice r,ruit. -
I'gripari 2 tieing the "Kuhn situate...also on the
Warm Spring Head. adjoining the Mansion tract, laud+ of
Jacob Krirlet, and other, containing 77 ACRES and 110
PERCHES neat, with a two story 1.0(1
Stout'. Log arid Brick Bank tiara and other
buildings thereon erected, This it all clear 'land hat a
good Orehard and a Well of never-falling Wider. itf the
ilßearediland 22 Acres is good Meadow.
Purpart ;1 containing L 5 ACM'S and 70 PERCILES
- neat, to lthn BRICK DIVRT.LING H(OI•SE and toa.
Stable thereou'ereetod, situate on the road !eluting from
Elliott; Tavern to Stnn•i'n Mill. in same town hip. :nljono
hie, lands of `Lest is Detrieb, haute Kuhn and others.
Purport 5 +•ontaininir Vet AelellB and 30 Pll/W/1.1 - 1S
neat. Qt•ATAIIi LAND, situate in. Peters
adJoiningiunds of Wtn. 31'Grath, 1.1 Kuhn and others.
Tyluta Of SALR.-••t)ne•tbinl lets expenses and tees, to
remain in the laud for the rise of the widow for life, at her
death to be paid to the heirs of C. Tium, deed balanee
to he paid one.half let April. IS6A when piessession will
be given, Wet other half let April. I/4A, with interest from
tat April, 1F65, to heietwured on the premises.
oet.s ADAM - PL13,11, Trustee of C. Plata. deed.
The undentignetlri offeint Public Sale, on the
premlegs, in Hamilton township, about 34 mile" xouth of
Chambersburg, on the Conticochengue Creek, one note
west of the Gr" o • ll stic rood, oh Thursday, the 27th On.
Luber, all that FARM containing about 215 ACRES. more
ur lees, part Llmeitone and part Slate. The buildings
consist of tal,new BRICK DWELLY.N.fI J{OI'SES( tno
F ood Bank Barns, with other no essdry building% l'hoir
is a never failing Well of Water near the Rouse dnd also
Running Water on the farm. Also a tin:laird of
' • fruit. The buildings are located in suctiiinanner as to
divide the Property Into too farms, and till be_ sold to.
gether or divided as may suit Purchaecr.i. "
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, 4. 31, when the trans
will be made known.. [nue if PETEic unitv,T.
- _
•11pupsuanee of an order of the Orphatis' Court of
Franklin county. the undersigned. Administratoi of Mary
$ Koehao. deed tKil burposo to public sale on the prow.
ices. on Saturday. October 2211 d, at In o clock, n lions F:
and LOT, situate on Broad street, Chninhersburg, near
the Stcann l Save Mill of filiNpier, Clarke Co.& flutu i e
Is a cod Btrick structure, and in good condition, with a
thy: tolkrotitid. rO9gellSloll Rill be given one the-tat of
April next Tema will be made known on day of sale by
oertsi3t . A, K. aI'CLUIIE: dm'r.
• .18,/
zrit Lgi Ito-
BY M'CLURE & STONER. Q? tats *airs.
p LTBLIC SALE. - -Thesubseribt.rliaving
11 determined on removing to the West. will sell at
Sale. in th e Borough of Mercer. burz. on TeinisadY,
the trth of November. lead, the followlng. Real Eetate.cix:
A LOT OF GROUND, on Main street and near the
•centre: of the town, having thereon erected' a large two
storied wroxE HorsE, in excellent repair. with a Well
of goal Waterand large Cistern in the yard, together with
all the ne•esonry conveniences for a first-class dwelling.
The Garden is well supplied with elloice Fruit, and on the
Lot. facing a wide alloy, is °large Brick Stable, with Cow
Stable. Carriage House and '0 mnuoldes. nil MOP? the
Same roof. 'l 9 h• above it the most desirable property as
residence in the place, and to any one desiring to purchase
a home no better iipportUnity offer.
Also--At the samo time anti place, will be sold a LOT
fiROI'INZD, situate on the Corner road, immediately
adjoining the Borough. having thereon erected a. good
LOG HOUSR. with Fitelien attached, a Well of good
Water in the yard. The Lot is \yell supplied with choice
kruit. and the whole is enclosed by a goal Post and Rail
A bo—Another Lt /T, immediately Forth of the Boroundi,
rnn [brine, exult TRREE ACRES. and inwhilied by a
new Pmt and Raul Vance.
.11..--At the came ttme rind 'dare. the follewing PER
soNAI., PROPERTY, viz: 1 Rockaway liumzy, 1 Sulky,
I Sleigh. 1 good Family hone, 12 good Cona,:i! Hogs, and
large lot of Household and Kitchen 'Furniture; not ne
comsary onnmerato.
Sale mill commemen at 10 o'clock, A. M. when the
terms will he made known.
Also—At Private Sale. a TRACT OF LAND, situate
on the Turnpike leading from Metcersburg to Greencastle
tailes from the former place. containing MIS ACRES of
good Limestone Lana. with agood new two story BRICK
HOFSE. a good Stone Bank Barn. a Log Tenant House
owl a gnu! ()Mum! of ('rail. The above property is sit
uated in a rood n , ;+.oiborinit - xi, and will be sold low to a
good purchaser. For particulan enquire of the subsci•
her in.kiennTsbaqs. 10ci12.2t1 T. SMITH,. M.
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Frank.
lm county. Pa., the ander:lame& Administrators of Jacob
Keasy, - late of Letterkennv t0n:1:44, deed, will offer at
Publir Sale. on Saturday, - the iNth day of October, inst.,
at the Pablie Home of John H. Waist, in Strasburg, the
fabnwintr valuable Etna Estate, to wit:
The ..M.A.NSION l'Altlf, situate sae mile east of Stras
burg. in said township. adjoining lands of H. H. Rife, Jas.
e i .
Kell. W. O. 311'1011in and others, containingl ACHES
awl '75 PEltel I ES, neat measure. of Slate of good
ydality and in a good suite of eultivatiotit. be improve.
ments'are a large new BRICK DWELLING HOUSE.
Phirne Hank Barn. Wagon .Shed, Corn Crib and other out
Alto--The MILL PROPERTY, adjoining the above,
containing nearly six Acres. having thereon erected a new
Brick Grist Mill, Saw Mill. Brick Dwelling lionise, &c.
Also—At the same time and place, 77 ACRES and 21
PERCIIES neat pleasure, of Woodland, in saidlownship,
adjoining lands of Felty's heirs. Sullingefs heirs, W. G.
McClellan and °them divided into four lots as follows:
No: l; containing Y,3 Aires and 22 Perches..
" andll7 "
No. a. " 17 " and El "
No. 4. " 17 and 10.2 "
Persons de' irons of viewing the above described promi
ses, or any part thereof, will he cheerfully shown the same
by railing on eitheevot the undersigned, residing in Stras
Sale will commence at 10 o'clock. on said day, when
due attendance and terms of sale will be made known by
W. W, sarrroN.
netlll Merl dr banjo non of Jacob Remy, dee'd.
P• i VAT E SALE.—The undersigned
intending to romove to the West, offers at Private
Sale, the following described Real Estlike, to wit : a FARM,
situated in Lett erkenny ty., Franklin co. 4 miles from
Chatobebhure anti i mile north-west of the Rocky Spring,
adjoining Itral,c of S. Huber and Sp - reel:en containing
about Ib.l ACRES of BLACK. SLATE LAND. The lin
pro, ement. are a large two-storied ROI:OH-CAST
DWELLING 1101'SE, Log and Frame Barn. Wagon
Shod. Cider Pee.., and alt other necesrary out-buildibgs.
A FARM adjoining the above of abotit 110
i..,•-half of which is Limestone and the balance
Slate. The improvementt< are a tiro-storied BRICK
ROUSE, (nearly new) Log end Frame Barn (with Wagon
Shod attnohisi) and other convenient out-tmilihngs.
The Eitrie. have loin well limed and are toleeably well
Timberi,L 'there is an ORCHAIII of good Fruit on both
of the F.unr,, and a Well of never-failing Water at each of
the dwellhig4 and a Spring on the And mentioned tract for
withoing rattle. There is also a LlMk KILN and QUAR
RY on each of the. arms. Alwyn twenty ACRES of
MOUNTAIN LAND, wellgimbered with Chestnut and
Chestnut Oak will he sold with each Form
Also---Two ACRES and 4P PERCHES adjoining the
above. nn the Publie Raid, with .t I} storied TENANT
HOUSE,. Stable. &c. This small tno.t is well planted
with ' , Burr TREE?, and is adworably adapted for gar
detung purposes. There i a gssi Well of Water at the
hate.e. and a Sprint near the Stable.
Persona tvlalmar to Vil'W the protases can do to by cal
lag on the Ott the first described farm
prn LIC SALE.—Therewill be exposed
it, Sul, on the m.0....4 in Path v.n...., abmit
one mile and ii-h,ilf uortlceamt t ut iettaburir, F ranklin
county. Pa.. on- Friday, th e 11 t h day of Sorember , nail,
the following very valuable Real .Pni ierty, to wit
A FARM. containing about no O RES. (11Lick Slate
and Free Stone soil) in a high Ca of cnitivation , a pa r '
of which in enclo.ed with about ne thousand paunch of
post and rail fence. all of which 04 in excellent condition.
About one hundred and seventy hve Acres' are cleared,
the balance is covered with chr ce Timber, containing a
large proportion of Locust d Chestnut. There is also
about 30 Acres of exi , eale Meadow. There is a large
taro-storied Stone . and Fm e DWELLINC: 1101:SE. with
. . _
a large ltinsh Rouse attached; a huge Frame Eltu-ri; Corn
Crib; Wagon Shed, and other uut-bmld,ngt on the prem•
lees, and a Well of never failing Water near the kitchen.
The farm I, well watered. having naming water ronveni•
ent if) most of the fiehls. Tho, farm o Malin/My adapted
for thvi4iou. and croold make tivo ezeollent farm,.
The above property Rill be .old whole, or in part, to trait
ynrchmehl; a K)Od title given, and n o terms of pay
ment 20 the hu)'er. -
Any person desiring further information in reference hi
the übme property. will p estge e9ll on the tmdersigned,
residing on the premises, or by letter, addressed to Fan
nettAburg. Franklin county. Pa.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.
oval! A. C. TYPER.
clay. Mt 29th day of October oat, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
By virtue of orders orthe Orphans' Court of Cumberland
and Franklin coontie.i, the subscriber, Guardian of the
minor ehildren of DLit id - Mowery, late of the Borough of
New burg. der it will sell at Public Sole, on the plemises,
all that vermin TRACT OF LAND. situate part in Hope
well township; Cuniberland county. and portly in Lurgan
tow nship, Franklin county . I{l.llt I mile west of Newburg,
4111 the road leading from the State road to Newcomer's
Mill, bounded by lambi of the heir , of John Laughlin,
deed. Andrew Gross. Robert Elliott, John B. Morrow and
other'.. eonnoting Fil ACRES and 68 PERCHES, strict
measure. The land is Bluek Slate of good quality, part of
it haring been linied recently. Alum 190 Acres are clear
ed and under cultis whin, and the tesidue is catered with
gi•.ial Timber. The improvementii eonsist of a large twit
story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, large Hank Barn,
Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other buildings. There bran
Apple Orchard nail a Well of never -falling Water on the
premises, and.the run or stream of water which divides
Cumberland and Frunklin counties on the North aide of
the Conodogulnet, passes through this track About 181
Acres of the land lie in Cumberland and the rest,to Frank
. •
lin rustily.
Persons desiring to see the property are requested total!
on Samuel Chnitlieb, reniding un. the premises, or on Da
vid Wherry, Newburg.
Tenni, made knbmii on day of sale.
9ct.5-3t DAVID R. BAKER, Guardian
The sutesnibers offers 4 Private Sale: his Farm sit
uated about 34 of a mile from Quincy,'Containlng 151
ACRES. 15 of which is m Timber and thriving Chestnut
—The farm is of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND,
except a few acres which is gravel soil and all in a high
state of enlttrnhon. If ptireh.tgers desire it the subscriber
will reserve 30 acres leaving for sale 121 ACRES. The
buildings will then be In the centre of the farm and CO..
venient to every field. The improvements area large
BRICK HOUSE, with a portico and porches, 6.13 PW
BRICK BANK BARN, 80 feet long, with Wagon Shod
101 , 1Ctirn Crib attached, a large new name Bog Pen,
Double Frame Carriage House Brick Wash Mouse. Smoke
House, Bake th-en, and other out-buildiinps, In good re.
pair, all the bulldingsbeing under Cypress and Pine reefs,
itla tin spouting to each. There is a large Cistern close
to the harm used for Stock, end one near the kitchen.—
There is a Well of excellent water in the yard. There is
itlw, a variety of choice &nit, such as Pears, Plums, Pesch
en, antl Grapes in the yard. and a geed ORCHARD of
thrh ing Fruit on the premises.
PPIMPII wishing to view the hind ran do so by calling
on the subscriber. leets.4m) 201121 IdIDDOUR.
If the alone Farm is net sold privately on or before the
12th drat of .tiorrtabrr, it will be offered at Publie Side on
that day at 1 licluck, P. M. J. M.
SALE —The undersigned will oiler at Private Sato,
his FAR:II. situated in Luton ton - Mint), Franklin county,
Pa.. adjoining lands of John E. and John NrClay, Darnel
Clippinger, Jo•erh Mowers and others, near the Cono
dogninott creek, and about 5 miles from Shippenttharg.
Containing ACRES of good SLATE LAND, well
limed. 711 acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, 25
nerm , in MEA DOW and the balance in a high Mato of
cultivation, all in excellent under and well fence.l. The
itnpno.l.,lll•its are a two storied loft WEATLIERBOA LID
110USE, new flank Burn 72 feet long, wagon shed
and all 001 , 1 tiel,l,Ury and convenient • oat/alibiing*.
There is a Well of never failing Water at the door and
two ONCIIA.RDS of choice Fruit on the premises. There
is also a—good TENANT 1101'SE on the farm with a
Well of Water convenient and all necessary ontthoildings.
Persons wisldueto view the Farm can )10 to, by calling on
the subscriber. living in liattalton township, or on John
31'elay. adjoining the' farro. I jowl) JOHN ZOOK.
...tu By virtue of the last wilt and testament of David and
Jonathan Croe, late of Dublin township Huntingdon coun•
ty, Pa., deed, will be erpoied Public Sale, on the pre
wises, on Monday, the Mat day of Oetaber, ItICA, the;
MANSION FARM of said deed, situate in the said town•
ship of Dublin, /i miles east of Burnt Cabins, mntaltung
lilt ACRES , About 130 Aere. cleared, the remainder well
Timbered. The improvements arc a twoktoried Weath
erboarded Home, Log Barn, with sheds and other neces
sary out-buildings. A. Spring of Excellent Water mace
nient to the Dwelling. Possession given on the Ist of
A pnt next. Terms made known wu day of Sale.
oet11!•3t DAVID WELCH. 1
pUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will
offer at Public 81)1e. on Wednesday the iedth of Otto.
Orr. .1e64, a LOT OF,GROUNII, situated on the Public
Square in Orritown , 'eranklin county, Pa., on which is
erected a two story BRH HOUSE. Brick Back Build•
ing, a two story Brick Wnpn.3laker Shop, Frame Stable,
Rog Pen. Bake Oren and other improvements' There. is
a Well of gad Wilier near the Ettohen dour, and chain*
Fruit. such as Grapes, Apple; Peaches, &c,, in the yard.
This property is in good repair and well situated for busi
ness, Tatman:lade ease. gale to onnantence at 1 o'clock,
P. St 2)2t1 SARAH Yr/ORE?.
Ural 05tatt *aim.
...u - sALE.—The undersigned. Administlutors. of John
Bearer, dee'd• will utter at Public - Sale, in the town of
Loudon, on Friday, the :!Bth of - October, Intil, the follow.
ing ReaVEstale, to wit :
A FARM, situated in Path Talley, about 11 miles front
Loudon": containing 131 ACRES of land. under good state
of cultivation. The improvements are a two-storied
ROUGHCAST HOUSE, Stable and other neeessary
buildings. There Is an oreharil of good Fruit on the farm,
The West ConocoettentrneUterk runs threugh the land.
Also—TWO TL2IBEII LOTS, adjoining the also e.
eontainirierespeetively 17 and IV Aeres.
Also--At the same time a ill la-offered for sale, a Wire
STONE GRIST MILL. rimming 4 pair 'of Burs and a
SAWMILL, situated in Loudon, There are also FIFEIC
sold iii connection with the above property,
Also—TWO DOUBLE LOTS in said town, with a Is
story Weatherboorded Dwelling Horn, Statue and other
improsements thereon erected. _
Bald-to emumenee ut I o'elm.k.i'hen the term, ,1 ill to
made known. PETER KL'\KLIEMAN•
The undersigned intending to remove west, n ill of•
fer at Public Sale. on Tovdoy, the 2.lth of October, woliall
tract of SLATE LAND,sittutted in Hamilton township. ad
joining lands of Daniel' Sollenberger, Joseph Eberly and
others, gn the Kiefer road, about I I miles North-nest of
Chambersburg, containing 'l7l Arms of h ell improved
slate land well fenced, The improvements are all story -
LOG HorSE. Log Rant and nit necessary out buildings.
There is an ORCHARD of elloice Fruit on the premises.
There is a Well of nei•er fading Water at the In riling
and a gets! running Spring on the premises. There is a
near the dwelling. This is a good !ovation for either of
the above business. There Is alto a BRICK YARD on
this tract, with an excellent quality of clay for numufae
luring BriOt. The above property au closely situated to
Chambershurg, makes it desirable for farming. or either
of the above mentioned business. Persons wishing to
view the premises can do so by calling at my residence.
Sale to 'commence at 1 o'clock. A grant title will he
given. fectl2-2/1 , JACOB BURKHART.
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, Ex
ecutors of the <lust will and testament of Abra
ham Carbaugb, late of Antrim township, dee'd, will, by
virtue of said Will, expose to Public Sale, on the premises.
on Saturday, the sth day of Norember nett, the following
described Real Estatee'di A certain TRACT of LARD.
lying and being situate in said township of Antrim 3 miles
North of Greencastle, and about half a mile East of Brown's
Kill, bounded on the North by lands of Hollinger's Heirs
and John Reneker, on the West by lands of Hollinger's
Heirs and Mr, Lindsay, on the South by land of John Hoed
amino the East by land of G. Brendle, containing SIXTY
measure, havingthereon ereetell a good tumeitortedl3RlCK
DWELLLNG, Stone Bank Barn. mat Wagon Sisal all
new. '.There is on the premises a young . Orehant,J chile.
Fruit, and a Well of. Good Water. About to eh I. or fif
teen Acres of Said land is .rot raid with prime Timber
Said Land is in a itowxl state of eultivation, and of excellent
octl2-4t ADAM ZARG ER.
FF ' S SALE.—Br virtue of a rit
of Venditiont Erponos, i.utd out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Pranklin counts, Pa.. imil to roe dinvt
ed_ there will' be exposed to Patine Site, at the Court
House. in thelloronwli of Chambersburg. on Imlay, the
20th dayof October. 1864. at 1 o'vlock,,P. 3f., the following.
described Real Estate, viz.:
All that tract of 3401. - 3i - PAI,,N L.IND, simate in Let
terhenny township. mintaininw rle , a kerr. more or less, nil
joining lands of the.heirs of Issue Itoellllll4ry, Lee Him
and others,
- -
Also—All defendant's interest in all that TRACT OF
LAND, situate in Letterkenny tonnship eonntining
Arms. more or less, adjoining lands of E. Itreenhorry and
others, with a Log House and Log Barn thereon eeectol.
Also—All defendantadntere.t in all that trio tot MOUN
TAIN LAND, situate, in Letterkenny
ing 300 Acres, more or less. adjoining lands all. !feebler
an others, seized and taken in eXeClitil 1121 as property
Isaac Rosenberry, and will be .idd by me.
0et1.2-3t SAMUEL BRANI)T, Sle
TRUSTEES' SALE.—There will be ex
-I.s.ect TV sale by way of imblui outcry. OR the itritii
day of October. 1,44, on the prem. the falba, mg dr.
scribed Real Estate. situate in Quito y toninship, Frattklm
county. Pa. containing IGO ACRES and allowance, ad•
joining Len i sanders, Robert 11 Ili aney and Seuun l Bear •
about 11.itt Aires of which are clear and ld Acres cond
Meadow—all fenced and under gloat liulti,ation. There
is a g.,4 - 1 tivii-story S CONE sIIWELLING
Stone Sprinn , ironee, Stone Barn and other ha/Wines there
on erected. The land IS Llthestone, and heS3 miles North
of Waynesboro. on the road leading. to Chattibenbors .
Little Antietam tiows throwli the trim, and the (little hen e
access to water from every field but a ne,
TERmS : -4 Me-halt of the purchase money to be paid
Ist April. Isf3 balance in tno equal annual payments,
bearing interest from Ist Aprd.
7'rtt.tee for the ma,. of Rea/ 1-.:•tate nf Nanry YityPrs
j,Waynebon. RecurZ t,py n .l ehar,.,
signed, having purls ged fur nearly a 3 ear past to close
their present business this fall. nose offer for sale their ex.
tensiv and complete SAWING AND WOOD-WOILK
ING ESTABLISHMENT, with all the stock and fixtures
connected with it, including Teams, Wagons, .ke. Also
two tracts of Wood Land. and two large houses, and a ,
Stable capable of containing nine horse,
The establishment is too well known in this community
to need minute description, and the successful character of
its business, for seven years jour, as well as its prospects
for the future, is fully understrssi. ,
Preference will be Kiser to home purchasers, if appli
cation be made in due time. Possession gin en the Ist of
January next, ~i . HENRY SHEPLEIt.
Chambersbure ott.j.thri JOHN P. cuLtn•atTA - kt;.
- ' • .._...,
SALE.—TPe.anderifgried offers at Privatii Sale, a
valuable brimstone Fano, situated about ton miles south
of Chat:abet-shunt-and I rode from the Wayeesboric road,
adjoining lands td Michael Lester and Wm. Vanderim ,c on -
taming fat ACRES, of Limestone Land. under good ~1.11•
tivation. About 11:i Acres cleared and the balance is N ell
Timbered. The improvements consist of a twie.ton,sl
1 ,
House. Swigs Barn. Wagon Shed, Carnage lib ge andall
necessary outthizildings. _There is a Well if tie er failing
Water near the ilo ening, sufficient fir witterin r stock.—
There te an ORCILt,IO) of elnoce fruit on the preni,es.
R e mo, wishing to view the property Mil arr. , " by railing
at tine
e Farm. If nut sold before F riday. the..o et dov of:
October, it will on that day, at 1 o'cles.l.. be offereii at
Public Sale. (e5.t.5.3t) SAMUEL. HUTT,
SALE.—The undersigned call sell at Private Sale,
his TANNERY. known us the Conner Tannery.. with
Steam and Water Power, SAW MILL, Chopping. Mill,
Stocks for breaking hides, &e. The Tannery hat, eurlit
Leeches, 12 Vats, 0 Limes and Water Pool. and is capable
of.tanning SOO heavy hides a year. There ere two LOG
DWELLING DOUSES, Barn, Stable and other neces
sary out-buildings connected with the Tannery and about
60 Acres cleared, with good fruit, He will sell- any
quantity of land with the Tannery,. horn 100 to 700 At res._
Over 600 Acres are Timber. and an ample supply of
Chestnut Oakffiark to ran the Tannery for Idly s. ears, It
is situated about 7 miles South-east of Mercer:burg, on
Licking Creel. Terms made easy. For further partieu
larl address the tualenilgned, at Merrentlour, Franklin
co., Pa. [augl2-tf] C. METCALF. ')
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Flunk/in count),
the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of bloat. Iles
mestlerfer, dead, will expose to public sale. on the prima
,yet, on Saturday. the 29th day of October, the following riot
scribed Real tistate, situate In the township of Antrim.
miles south east of tireetteastle, and near the Leitendairg
marl, adjoining lands of Henry Stine., James and William
Huston and Martin Mickley. containing 7 ACHES and 123
I'ERCHES. The improvements ure,eel/A,VlllPrit LOG
DWELLING 2101.15 E and KITCHEN. Wash lionso
Smoke Howse Log Rani, a Well of net er failing Water,
and choice Fruit. The whole is antler g , sl fenny, and in
excellent condition.
• ..- .
Sale to ennunenve at 2 cieluek, P. MA , when the term.
wilt be made known. feet:3.3o' J()IIN It(llVT:,Truntee
TOWNSHIP.—The tmderrigura utters at Private
Sale Ilia FARM, situated in St. Thomas tounsliip, on the
Public Rikulleading from Euyees Tavern to Loudon, 6 .
miles Burn the latter play.', containing about 200 ACRES
OF SLATE AND GRAVEL LAND, about so Acre,. ef
whicb is cleared and the balance in THRIVING TIM
BER. The improvements are a 1.0“ HousE. Log.
Burn, and 4 Tenant Houses. and a good Apple Orel,m,f,
Peach. Cherry and Pear Tree, Altar-A SAW MILL
and CHOPPING MILL, in good running order. `With le
feet Of bead and fall. This property would sherd a good
opportunity to make money. For tenon apply to the
n residing on 11. premises.
borough of 31•Connelsbnra. Fulton county, Pa.
Large Double TWO STORY 1101 - SE, new. R o omy
Kite hem Wash Demon, eke,: TWO LOTS OF t :ROUND
choir° Fruit tend Shrubbery; Stabling for thirty-fine
horses. Locution and buildiners imitable for hay
tog been used am a 'raven, for a number 0r yean. Find
rate Well of water at the door. All in good order. Thl
subscriber will sell RI a bargain nod gin e posiossion tt
any timo. For information roll on - or Melrose,
Rf MERU' AC 1! t 70,
12143.1141 WConnellsburg, Fulton, C u y, Pa.
Ur' Geo. A. Smith, Esq., my Attorney hill Rite al
necessary information in my absentee. R. A.
►)o scriber will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL. FARM
on which he now resitleS, situate In Antrim township,
Fraakhn county, about six miles from Greencastle, on the
Cashtown road, adjoining lands of 'Samuel fifyers and
others, containing about 40 ACRES, all cleared land, in
good order and under good fend. There is a—YOUNG
ORCHARD of thrifty treesan the place, and a Well - of
excellent Water. The improvements constst of a two
story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a Bank Barn 42 feet
long, and well finished. and alt-other necessary out-build
ings. fuss vision will be given on the lot of April, 1844.
'Terms will be made known on application to the /mb
ar:rater, residing on the premises.
PUBLIC SALE.—There Will be exposed
to Piddle Sale, on the premise* olf Saturday, the 12th
of November, 1804, at 10 o'eloeh, A. M., the following Real
Estate, •ir.: 40 ACRES of fired-rate Limestone Land, sit
nate near the town of Quincy ' under gaol f«rier and Ilan
on it all needful BUILDINGS in good order, two (Yells
of standing Water, and atm a Spring of naaning water on
the premises, a tlretrnto Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Also
-1B ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, near the atone promi
ses, which will be sold separate or In lots to suit purehozers.
Alse—The Store Hnuse, in the town of . flalnon in which
le The Store now kept by Lookablingh ik seeder. Also—
one share In the property calla! the Wertz property. Al!
to be laid on said day to the lithest bidder.
octlik - WILLIAM B. BABY.'
Uiat 05tate *ate.
TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There will be soli'
at Puble Salo, by the undersigned, on the prefithe.,
in the Nrougit ttf Chamberxhnrg, 611. IFrdneadity, , thr 19 d!
of October. J*3-1, the following Real.Ertate. viz: The Ind:-
aided half of a LOT 01 , T1H01'ND, bounded by Water
street enet, by Pttt ArreYt South, by lots of Peter Crelgli ,
bairn: and Hannah Whishir ive4, hat fig thereon a One
and a-halt stAiry DWELLING !]OGRE. Sale to Com
mence at lb o'clock... M. Terms. C. 1.311.
Zotl2) - Triritee of Geo. Flory, dee'd.
. .
p 1.7 BLit: SALE.—WiII be sold b' Pub
lie sale on the prern , e 4 . in this Boniugh. Tocurs
dog. the 9.oth day of October. 1'414, the following valuable
Real Property. viz: .A LOT OF GROUND; sibutte on the
r e 0,,,, of Washington and Second erects, on
which there 6:J-retied a large and conunodlous two.sts/tied
BRICK HOTiSE, Rack Building and Stable.
Sole 'To commence at 1 o'clock, bf„ when the
tee, n ;II be Node known. loetllll SAMUEL MILLER
-1410i: LOT on Main street,
the property of Miehael Hughes, n ith good
BRICK. 11017 SE. two and a-half stories high, with tick
Back Building. The Lot is in good order with excellent
Yrtut. It will he offered at Public Sale at Brown's Hotel.
l'hatuber.hurg, on Santeday. October '22d. at 10 o'clock.
A. M. P.•,ses.ion given on the lot of April next.
sm.E.-1 offer at Private salo toy Residence on
Bread /freer. with the murals Mill buildings attached to
tL I , n,te...inn 01N. April lat,clBl6.
• 1 3fain Street, known f Me wiN bn
sold at Przvatr Sale- [see.2l.3n4 I,AAC IWTTON.
_Ll, torested will pleain take notice, that the fulloinst•
Accountants have filed their Accounts in the Register's
Othee of Franklin County find that the same will be pra
.ented to the ()orphan's Court for confirmation on, Wednat•
day the had dart of .Norentber, IRA. con Chambersburg
BPI. 'First and final Account of Isabella Armstrong,
Adra'rx. of j,ohn•Armstrung, late of Hamilton twp...dee'd.
101. Ftn.L.lrattial Account of Hannah Plum., Adm'rx. of
Chri.uttn Plum, late of St. Thoreau twp,. dec'd.
Pir,,t Account of John Shirts and A. J. Unger,
Aduirs, of David Unger, late of Peters twp.,
Prt First Account of S. R. Roan, surviving- Adair.
of John Renfrew, late of GuiLfonl twp., deed
140. First Account of P.R. Burns. Adair. of J. T. Ron
/yew lor e of Gut/turd tap., deed.
141. First and final Account ,if llos,ct,•Atim'r..
C. I'. A. of Iteberea Treher, late of Hamilton twit., der'd.
14'2, Pint and final 'Account of Martin Hoinesehmin,
Atinir of S. W. Heintzelman, late of fluilford twp.. dee'd.
143. Find and final Account of -Martin Heintielnam, '
Guanhat of Sarah E. Stahl, minor child of Joseph Stahl.
144. Ftra and final Account of Daniel Zilch, Ex . r. of
Marna Byers. deed.
145. First and final Account of 11. Al. Martin, Eir. of
Henry Myers. deed.
1-16. Ftr-st nod ft ualsA ccount of Aaron C. W ingert.Adufr.
of Anna NV. 'Wingert. dee'iL
147. Final Account of Samuel Branthaver and Michael
Reed. of Geo. Brunthat er, Lug of Guilford twp,
14e.. First and final Account of Josiah Hesore. dee'd,
Guattlian of JUhn Foreman, as stated by John W. Coon
and aererulali esore, Adtrin.. of Josiah Besot,.
149. First amPfintil Aecoint of James Stark, Eir of
Robert Love, late,of Ennio% twp.,
150. Pint Acconnt of Wut. Slaughenhaup, Adm'r C.
I', A. of Nancy Plugs - ton. late of Quincy tali.. deed.
- 151. Fira and tinalAccount of J. B. Cook, Adm . r. of
Peter Reed, late of Fayetteville. deed.
Jra At count of Macx E. Smith. Atlm'rx. of David
Smith. late of Southampton toll decd,
153. Final Account of John Shedd°, Guardian of Mar.
facet E sod 111•11e1) V. NIIP I IIIO. minor children of John
dee'd as stated by'Sainuel Grossman, Eir. of
said dee'd. •
154. I'mq and thud Account of Mary E. Campbell,
A titn - rx. of Hugh C. Campbell, late of Fannon, ta-pl, dee'd.
15.5. Account of Pet, Kunkeltnan, Adm'r. and Mary
.1. Lemaaer. Aduirx of John Beaver, late of Peters twp.,
dei .1.
156 ount of Walter Beatty. Adm'r. D. R N. L. T. A.
of Catharine at late of Antrim twp.. deed.. '
157. A. count of T J NAL Etat. Adair. of 'Charlotte
Smith. hoe of Chanthershottr decd.
123. Find Account of Michael Bushey, Aden
of .r,Mathan Wright. late of Peters twp , dee'd.
Fica end fm,l AceoMit of W. W. Hntton, Adm'r.
ti. It N C T. A.. of Elizabeth Benham, lam of L. tter.
kennv tap.. dee'd.
Itid. First and final Aacouni of Moses Kunkel, Adair.
of Gee W bnekett, law of Southampton twp. des d.
101. Fird'Accould of W. W. Bnttou and Wrn. P. Ram.
sev Atha**. of-John W. Ramsev. cite d.•
Ira Fint and final Aver , ttut of Vat id Newly and Alva
loon 3(111, r, of M.try Miller, late .if Muutgl.mory
16.1 F,rt oral final Account of Mir hael M. Stoner, Eir
of Samuel Rite. late of Washington twp., deed.
ts•L5 HENRY STRICKLER, Register,
T. M. carhop rurvivi nyq .
Partnrrontobison&Carkqe, °en !' Phrear. ' ""
John 'h.. Sot Fly v, Franklin Fnnt.
Emanuel Kuhu, vs. W. Crouk's EF:rs.
M. Zellers. vs. JUMPS Rule.
:Strithlos l'hillppil: '.s. John Ashway.
S. & M. Penroteit & Co.. vs. Wen Reber.
Elm Jar.. Trrndle And t , Mary Ann uthi . ke.
Sarno,' IS Doyle.
John Trod), ' = • vs. Joseph l'nee.-t.
Samuel M. Worley &t•
J.teel, S. Pao% o '
sn. / Edsr'd Ankinnhaugh
Thos. L.Fleteller.Jno.
/teen /bay.- en. A. S. Conner. John
. .
.Grin teks and others.
-,. S Simon Ilitner Atint . r.
Sul klolor.. - ' -.' /of Philip Kkner. dr
IVrn. Rash. vs. John Slow', .
. - .
Charley 110 k. va. A. S. Adams vt. aL
J. J. Keunedy's Kz ts, Ts. Peter Brollglr. et.
W. N Mailers. i.e. Wm. Keysf.r.
'tarn, .17.
Andrew J. I,ochbaum,
r°' Dr, Juim Lam
John Huber.
i Rena Kreiter, Jr
Behar a Morrison, AA. C fur the me , 44 _Units
. • ( of J. H. Mlltrr.
6eorge Gatr . use, , No. John H Trifle
John'.. 4 nydef and Wife. on. Won Chrizt
_ .
AixAwn /1.4,
3ROCLAMATION.—To the Coroner,
J the Jinitieespf the Peace. and the Constables of the
different Township', in the County of Franklin. t :reeling
Know all to, that" In pursuance of the precept, to Mt'
rechv( under thehand and seal of the lluS. ALIA
President of the several Court. of t'onnnozi Piens, in the
Stisteenth District coutuding of the tlittlltit, of Somerset,
Bedford Fulton and Franklin. and by virtitre •lf his Mitre
of the ('ottrt of Oyer and Ternuner and Denend.iall Deliv
ery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and
in the teneral Churl of Quarter Sessions of thePenee, and
W. W. I'ACTON. and. JAME:, r)Sr; Utstq, Eiro., 'Judges, of
the tame county of Franklin. Yon and each of you are
hereby required to be anti appear in your prop:, persons
ith your lteeonls, Recognizance+, Fix:l:ulna/6ns. and
other ftrourennrances before the J octave aforet.aot at Clunn•
tter , l.llrtr. at 11 Chart of Oyer anti Terminer unit ( h
Jail Delp:cry, and tienerai Quarter St./.10114 of the Peace,
therein to be holden for the County of Frrinklut aforesaid
on the sth ,ifOnday to October. brin4 , the fist day of . the
month, at ltl o'clock iu the forenoon of that dal then nod
there In do those things, which to, your several otilleei ate
(hut',, under no. hand nt Clouribersburyr. the' sth Octo
ber, NANII.7I:I. BRA
estate lit' James Beatty, late of
Martin township, Pranklin county, Pa.. ;lecease,L
'Whereas- Jarnci Beatty, deceased, did bequeath by his
last will and temanient one half of his estate to his first
COII6IIIIR, both paternal ...d a - internal, and dhd direct that
my legatee, who tidied to 114:1110,111 his or her, claim'. be
fore the Auditor appoint.A lov the Orphans' Court of
Franklin comity afore,aid, to dintribute the amount hi the
hands of but Exeuntors, upon tilP settlement of Itheir first
Act not, should not receive any part of his estate. Now,
notice is nereby given, that the find_ areount of T. B.
Kl.llll,^dy, sureiring Executor of said deceased has been
: Bled. and that the undersigned auditor appointed by: said
Orphans' ('ours, to distribute the banner, doe oir salt no
roeordine to the prvision 4 of said last will and tes
tament, will meet and hear all claimants under osaid :will ,
at his office in the Borough of Chambershurg. Pa.„ on
Thursday, the !AIM day of Ort2hrr, .4. D. hut. -All mrties
riffling to tqaahluda their claim air that day, will be dOor•
red from eollllllg in on said fond.
- J. MI!. SHARP, Anditnr,
friend 1,44,rge J. lial•le). 1.4. Daniel 8, Funk.—
AEA', Ruh in Dlvorre. Np..141.Ur. Terra, lETri. Pont.
Soh. in Diver.e. No. 2•4 April Term, :KR.
To Daniel Punk ;tr. , hereby notified to be and
appear at a Court of Common ,Plea, in and forl,lrrasktin
nand, to on dbr sth it/amity/ o[o, lobu nut, beim/ the
flit flay of .ahernonth. to' rubric mum.. It any yon !lave,
üby the prayer Or the petitioner should not be MIMI Prod.
tMtlrJt NA3II - Bli BRANDT, Rhera
A up ITOIVS NOTICE.—Thu'' under
would give nodes that lmtting bped appointed
.111,11 tor Ipy 11110 Otlibatis Court of l'runklal ealtlity, to dim.
tralnde the bolutive in the hands of Robert J. Boyd, Ad
nuril..trator of Mary Julio \ Volker. deed, to and among dm
heirs of said deceased. twill uttund to the dative,- of his up
p,om, at at ibe Store ./f Cook '5, Boyd, at Upton. on
:Ph tired° y. the ttilth rt . ( October 5111, at nhieli time and
place all persons interested are notified to appear. '
sobs. (1b 0. COOK. Auditor.
OTICE. 2 -Estate of 'Emanuel: Miller,
11 Into of 'Washington township. doe'd.. To the Heirs
and Ltlfal Iteprosentatives of mid. decedent. You are
hereby notified to armor at the Orphan's Conrt,do 1,1 held
to Chandiersburg, foe Franklin county, els tho y of
Nenonhor mod, at 10 o'clook, A. M., to take, of refuse at.
tako the Real or said deceased at the npiirnieerrient
alituthoi, or show cause why the same should nut be told:
1144111-3 i SAMUVI , BRANDT, Sheriff.
NTorricE.—Estate of Christian 'Frantz,
IN Imo a WanLine= tovrailap, deed. To the gaits
and Legal Reproxentatives of µLtd decedent's Yon are
hereby notified to appear at the Cphans'eourt'to he Veld
iu Chaluboriburg, for FrAnklin county, 00 the d day of
Norember nett, nt IO o'clock, A. M., to take, or refuse to
take, the Neal Estate v ot said deceased at the appralaelacut
•(alttatton., or alma entice why the tame PhOrad cot be +void.
ortld 3t SAMUEL BRA.NDT, Bberiff.
tice Ss hereby given that Letters of ddministraton
on the Estate of Charlotte, Newell, lato of Antrim town
ahip. deed, have been grenteddo the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to Said Estate
will please make impediate payment, and ttuie having
claims present them properly authenticated for setletnettt.
octs • HEM. M. POWELL, Ada*.
Dnuiel Ito.ber.
K. T.ll - 1,91t Proth'y
Regal ,floticcs.
ROT HONOTARY'S N T (", E.-‘ 2 The
following accounts have been filed for confirmat iou
the t )etobei Term, A. Li., 1e.64
The first and final Account of D. B. Russet and WHMon
Logue, Assigue. of Henry Besure. • '
The first and final Account of Thomas Pommy, Trustee
mid Committee crflolin Staymmn. . •
Account of Wm. Slaughenhaup, Committee of Robert
Clughston, of Quincy township, a lunatic..
host of A. B. Wingert, Committee of Ertl Wei
s-moot. n limatie.
• The Account of Jacob Miers. Committee of Geo. W.
Miller, a haDitual drunkard. .
octl2 • , K. S. TAYLOR, ProthonottuT.
it 'N :i.,e t te l ti N 3, l:gr efrlb,h3 R .n ATOß'S
h given that Letters of Adminiiitration:
theon a W. liarbangh.! late of Waynesboro',
ilee'd. hare been granted to the undersigned. .
- All ts.c.ens knowing themselves indebted to said I.:6tatel
will please mak immediate payment ; and those linvingi
chitine p'resent eafprtiperly authenticated for settlement.;
netli JACOB BEATER. Adair.
is hereby given that Entters of Administration,
on the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth lloUver. late of Antrim
townthip, dec'd, have been granted to the undenigned.
AU pertains knowing themselves indebted to said Estate:
At ill please make immediate payment; stud' those having
claims present them properly authenticated fur settlement.
oet.l ARRAIJAM Attar.
tie, is hereby given. thnt letters of Adroinirtration i
on the Eetate of Christian Royer, htto 'ofAntritn townshiP,
have beer, granted to the andersigneci.
. .
All persons indebted Io said Estate are requested to
nake immediate payment. and those elnims
dense present them properly nuthentientedfor settlententl',
A•' tire is hereby given that Letters of Administrition
sm the Estate of Anna Wingert, tate of Letterkenny tosnul
ship, dec'd,'llave been granted to the undersigned.
- All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate
will please snake immediate payment; and those having,
claims present theta properly authenticated for tmttlement
cep - ABRAM. B. WINGERT. Adair..
tare is hersbfgiven that _Letters of Administration
on the Estate of John Monn, Sr., late of Quincy township,
dead, have'been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted to ;aid Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those haring
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
serad A. S. MONK. Adm'r•
-11 tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
an the Estate of Yawl Geddes. late 'or Metal township,
deed. have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing thedisolves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate !payment: and those having
alarm' present thew properly authenticated for settlement.
sera? ' WILLIAM , NOON'Ais.:, Adrn'r.
tire is hereb3- Riven that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Billion Shirpv, late of Greencastle, deed.
have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment,; and those having
claims present them properly authmticated for settlement.
seigin J. C. WreASAIIAN, Adair.
is hereby given That Letters of.AdminiAtration
t , ltV'stitte of Dr. Jas. flrotherton, Jr.. late of Wayne.,
have been grunted to the' undersigned.persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate
will please make intuiediate payment, and those havang
elaints present them properly anthentieaS for settlement.
sept 14 W. S. ARBERSON, Adm'r.
tice is hereby gls en that Letters-of lAdministratio.
on tha Estate of Conrad Zo,lv, lute of Quincy township,
deed. have been, grunted to the andeniigned.
All perem: ktn.wing,thornselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and thine lutvingi
claims present them proprrly autheutihatea for settlement
(iEottGm st'mmEAs,
septl4 JOIIN ZODY, 1 1 5
EteuToKs 'NOT'I C:E.L-Notice is
. hereby git t , n that Letters Tr:stametuary to.tbe Er•-'
tote of Philip Fou4t. hire ref Southampton iownslur. dee I.
It A ire *nutted titthe under:4ol.ll2 1
All perNons iarlehtoii to Reidll. - tate ark, requected to,
Make imutetilant paynient, and those haling chums With
plea.* pre,ent them propPcly authentimitl f r nwttletnqat,
0415 : Jr,
EXECUTOR'S N 0 C E.—Notice is
1,1 herety it en that Letters Testamentar) to the Estate
of Catharine tray, late of Greencastle., deed. hot o lestu
greeted to the nodereigned.
vers, n- knon lac thenewives indehreit to sold Estate
mai plet.... inktke antm , dinto pKiinflttt foul thawLacier;Lt. prt sent thetn pro,o2ll} auillent.l,l4o.l6,,Otlonwns.,
pi."l-ILIC SAiIE.-=-The subscribers in-.
lending to relinguishthetarming buemene. trill offer'
at Public Sale. in Fayetteville. on Thursday, fferobrrtrthd
1964. the following Pomona! Putperty, V/Z: 9 HEAD Oil
HORSES. among which ate a Team of rice Draft'
Horses and two Brampton Studeolts, 3it yearsold; '
3 bead of Milk Coon. t , bead of Voting C. •
"'" ll of
proved : Stook : 10 head of Sheep, among w a full
bred Cotswold Back, s2S years old and several fall bred
Ewe and Buck lambi; it Broad SOws and Pigs ; I Bondi
Wagon and Bed. I Plantation Wagon, 1 One. Horse Wa-'
gen. 2 Grain Drills. 1 k'Cormiek - Reaper, 1 Fodder Cutter.
:3 Plotth, 2 Harrows, 3 1 -Double Shoved Plows.' 2 Pair Huy
Ladders. 2 Fifth Chains, ti sets 1101131. i+saws , Bridles. U.l•
lam Single and Double Trees, besides many other articles
nut necessary to enumerate. • :
rr,Sale to eoinmeViee at 9 ' oek on said day. alien
terms will be made lean
netl2 l H. C. GREENAWALT.
PRMC SA ,E.2--'1"-be undersigned,
Administrator of l:llzabetil Hoover. deed, ,vin
nubile Sale. at'lds resident e. two miles south
west of Greeneastle, on the Williamsport lihrripike, on zzne
urdtly the 12th imp of October, I Ots4,.the folio, toe Perscinal
Property to wit: 8 BEDSTEADS and Bedding Feollier
Beds, quilts, Sheets unit Coverlethl 'I eight day Cloal 1
large Copper Kettle: I Dining Table: 1 eau , of Drawers:
3 sets 2 Tninks; u lot of German hooks.. Also,
Queens-nut Crockery:Scare. nod a variety of oilier Dense
bold and .liltelien 'FURNITURE.
Sale to eammenee ni 10 I ,'clock. when the terms
will be made known bi - ABRA II A2d 111 - 71ST,.Adni r,
Also--, the same Amu , and place. vill he offered for
Sole. II Work Bones and I Colt; IT. Shoats, I Grain
1 hue Wilmer Ball; - 1.4210(1 M.. of TOBACCO. last veal's
cr.p; 5pD buthele of Hjtrley. MIRA ILL)! HUR tT..
Tubeeel) and Barley I,e offered for sale
at I Orieelt. 4 tortl.2)
s o u en j}iday, of (3ttober,% at the West!
Franklin Ntirseiiii, Franklin county, to , nn the 1,otolon;
and Ono Osp m.1.'2 miles from Loudon Dud H fmuti
Core Gap, a large convtion or Trrna , vu .
FRUIT TREES.—AppIe, 'Petwnit; Pear, Cherry and;
VlTEllafillENS.—Firs. Arbor Vines, 'Sprlo,s Me. i
1.11C11)1JOLTfr Ti ES.—Maples. Porlrs: Sy-1
eattlore:4, A:sh. etc., ete:
SMAI.I. Iff.l7lTh..i—ll rape Vino, Strum: terries. l ,
heroics, ote.
Green lionse Trees and l'lmits in overy tio-foty. Shrub.
ltuses, •
We propose to sell ,the best Abu I. - e'er J,111.1.141 it nun ,
Numories. affordinir n filoe opperiunity do Ammts, Dealers;
1,7,11 i'lanterN to 'Noire good homily for setting thin
fall or,nert rprinfr.
I-v - 16111e to votv,uence at 10 u' look - A. A Itberab
credit will be ; 11. 1.. It\'UF.Re'
\Vr•nt Pmnklin Nurseries, near Loudon. Frrenklin co., l'n.
aix Lone power. in good combtion. Can be been L .
eallinz at T. B. Woods Foundry.
,srol-1.1 JACOB OARVF.It.
VOR SALE.—A One Horse Tread-Tower
in ;mud order. and for sale to i. Apply nt tlti3
1.41011, SALE.—A full course Scholarship;
11 in the (41aker Cifr of
Apply at thiii eflirii, •
'6lass and euernslnart.
t'und tuau Ware, which he is offeriownt km prices, lit,
the Family Grcer), corner of Main and Waohintalon
nne- 1 4
(41."111;NEWA . 1.2.E ituitok%ent,l it K. 1). READ's
Venoimi S.i• Bounti
-- • - - - -
No. 204 Sonth Fourth :Street, Philadelphia
The untlenogned has - ins resigned, hio position 8.1 Purl
master in the C. S. 204, South'
Fourth !Street, nn AttENCY Volt pEoupEING PEN:
810N_S, and for:the I olfeetion of Otneeri, Solthero' and:
all other MAIMS ugalnot the Cowennent.
My long expenem t e US Paymaster has gu, en nil• unusual
facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with this
business in all its details: ' Uu the receipt, by mail, of a
statement of of claimants, 1 will thrward the lie•
cessaiy papers far their signature. Personal:Mention wilt
be given to the eases at Washington.
no :Marge unless successful, when $.5 will he charged
for ralimung small emus under *FM), and 00 iwt alt sums
over that amount, and auder VOL Larger elaitns taken
Onimelelal arrangement. Fees Pension cases as Axed
by law.
J91.1.ti M. POMEROY. • ,
junl7,tttl . N o , r,,,ktvl south Fourth St.
DENSIONr. 1161% T Y AND- way
A CLAIM AGENCY.—poustons procared for soldism
of the present war who tare disabled iv - re:moo of wounds
received, or disease contracted, while in the service of the:
United States; and Pendons, llounty, and Arreara
of Pay obtained toe widows, or heirs of bulge who have
died or twee killed vll4lOll service. JOHN R. 01111.
rosa947 Maim Agent, Cliamberab • • , Pa.
JOB PRINTMO, in every style, done
0 At the (Mad thb FRANK,LIVIIucVrotu.
VOL, 71,...WH0LE -NO, 3,675.
pauktin Ot,ql:4sitorv.
The Shenandoah Valley has been well termed
the "Valley oftuunliation," and both sides have"
-hi tarn been compelled to adopt the phrase. It
was first held by Gen. Joseph E. Johnson, with
Harper's Ferry as his base, in 1861; and on the
advance of Gen. Patterson in June of that year
he fell back to Winchester, and from thence inoVC.I
to Jinnassas in time to turn the tide of Bull Run
in favor of Beauregard. But General Patterson
did nettle!) penetrate it beyond Falling Waters.
Subselluently General Shields moved op to Win
chester where Stonewall Jackson attempted to
dish .4 , 4.• him in the spring of 1862, biit Shields, de
leafed him in a pitched battle. The rebel friends
of Jackson say that the battle of Winchester was
the Only one he ever lost, :Later in the same year
GeMßanks assumed command in the Valley and
adva i nced as far as Woodstock. Shields had a
force at- the.same time east of the Ridge; Mc-
Dowell was on the Rappahannock; Fremont was
in Western Virginia, and McClellan wasin front
of Richmond with ati s. .2.,of over 100,000 men.
Wille the siege of Richmond was progressing—,
twee corps or McClellan's anny_ i being within six
miles of, Richmond—Gen. Jackson was detailed
with some 15,000 men to drive Bank's out of the
Valley and menace Washington to raise the siege
of the rebel capital. Gen. Jackson moved with
great celerity - and drove Banks clear across the
Potomac at Williamsport with great loss of Ma
terial'and some men.. Gene. Shields'Dow
ell were at' once ordered to move into the Valley
ii Jickson's rear, and Fremont was ordered to'
:Move for his. rear from the west. In the com
bined commands of Banks, Fremont; Shields and
McDowell there were nearly 60,000 men, while
Jtickson had but about 15,000; but Fremont ilis
obefed orders by taking a different route from the
one he was ordered_ to take, and instead of reach
ing the Valley in Jackson's rear, he methinalat
Crone Keys where Jackson gavebattle and worsted
Frertiont. Be then attacked Shields and whipped
him and-eluded M'Dowell, so that he got
Richmond safely andin a feiv days thereafter led
the terrible assault upon McClellan's right at the
commencement of the seven4ays' battles. After
the siege of Richmond was'raised by the defeat,
or-rather• the retreat of General McClellan, and
the Withdrawal of his army to - Harrison's Land
ing On the James River, the Valley waa aban
doned by our troops and Gen. pot* commenced
his memo - table Campaign to create a diversion
North of RiChtnond so that 3PClellan's army might
be got away from the Peninsula. Banks fought
Cedar Mountain unsuccessfully, and the campaign
resulted in Pope being driven into the fortifications
of IV, ashington, and Lee intadiniMaryland. After
the hattletvf Antietam. Lee retreated liesurely
into the Valley, and held it utitilbsimaide's move
ment brOught him to Fredericksburg. The Val
ley c uring the winter of 1862-3 was not garris.
l imed!. Gen.: Geary entered 'Winchester once, but
abaridoned it in a few days. In the spring of
'1 S6al Gen. Milroy moved to Winchester and torn.
fled it. He had a force of about 10,000 men. As
au offensive campaign whir expected on the part
of Lee, Winchester was regarded as a most vital
point, and Milroy was deemed abundantly - able,
with(his forlifieations, to hold It in case of attack
until; he could be rir-inforced ; but Ewell carried it
twenty-fotir hours and entered Pennsylvania in
command of the infantry advance of Lee.
roy'd command was flanked in its retreat to H 4 . 1.
per't Ferry, and was conipletelyrouted, scattered
and dembralized. The history of Lee's invasion
is painfully familiar to our readers. After the
defeat at Gettysburg Lee retreated rapidly up the
Valley, and wintered near Orange Court House.
Duling the Winter of 1863-('the Union troops did
not Occupy the, Valley, but held the line of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. When Grant made
his movement from Culpepper in May last, Gen.
Sigel was in Command in the Valley. and moved
on Lynchbrirg simultaneously with Grant's move
ment anaintt Lee. lie was met at New Market
by Brekinridge and defeated, with a loSs of some
600 Merl, and most of IM; artillery. Gen: blunter
situ; ceeded him, was re-inforced and moved prompt
ly en Lynchburg. -11 c met and defeated General
JoueS near Staunton, and reached Lynchburg and
was 'repulsed hi the assault upon it. The citizens
of the Valley being unfriendly, and his lines being
severed, be was compelled to retreat to Parker&
burg', and his command suffered terribly on the
march. They were persued about 100 miles, and
had no regular rations for eight days; Early
luovl-d down the Valley :IS soon as he returned
frond, the pursuit of Hunter, crossed the Potomac,
raided Western Maryland, levied tribute froth Ha
gerstown, Boorisboro: and Frederick, defeated
Wallace at the Monocacy, and moved upon Wash
ington. But'for his efiorto to-plunder, he might
havti taken the Capital ; but 'his delay to steal
horses, money and provisiem,, enabled the Sixth
Corps i . e. reach Washington from Grant, and they
met Early just as he ads ;diced upon the outer
works and repulsed him. Had he been tWelve
hours eitrlier, and known the weakness of the
Mrt..s;'he could hasc taken the city.. Ile
was dris,en back across the Botoutae and followed
by the 6th Corps under Wright until he entered
the Valley again, when Wright returner.) to Wash
ingten. and Crooks and Averill contiauctl the
pursuit. Early haviiug divided his conriand,
Croriks defeated one portion of it and occupied
Winchester; - but Early - sqliscquentlj united his
forces and drove Crooks and Averill back across
the ; Potornae. From the Potomac Early sent
M . chusland and Johnston to burn Chainbersburg,
and Vaughn and Jackson to prevent Averill from
alefendiim our town. Sam after Gen. Sheridan
was assigned to the command of all the forces in
the three departments of. West
,Virginia, Balti
more and Pennsylvania, and when all things were
iu readines , i, lie unwed on, Early and defirtded him
badly near Wiuchester, inaUtwo do, s afterwards
rofiltid him again at I , l;dier's 11111. 11e pdrshed
Earl) clear to Strasburg, butt his lines could not
be loid open without immense gun ds.; n , I lie could
not supply his ;truly so thr from h",-: base. There
yew. no rebel soldiers in his ref:, , but scarcely a
sqmid of wen o r a ,soldier cOuld attempt to,traref
the road without being inurderA by bushwlituly
ors. Gen. Sheridau mitilerttretid inquiry into the
inatbir and found that the citizeos of the Valley
were :farnierd - by day mid murderer by night,
many of wheat - had Protection papers from our
officers. As it would require roam 50,000 men
to hold the Valley and thus protect the border of
Maryland and Pennsylvania, Gen. Gram resolved
that he would make the Valle) utterly untenable
for either army. therefere ordered that all '
pros isions ail subsistence of ev.zy kind be destroy
ed, sad that Sheridan should, retreat as Be de.
stroyed it. Every mill, stack, barn and other re
ceptacle of, forage or food was destroyed by the
.torch, and the citizens enamelled to elect whethsr
they would go South or North. , Thus were the
skulking murderers of the Valley driven nut, and
,Union men were east North to be provided for.f
Hundreds Of Unionists are now iii Martinsburg!
• sect Maitland; and the rebels are driven back:
upon Richmond, and none can live in the Valley, , „
nor'cau : the rebel army live there a day, without'.
hauling their provisions; which is impossible The;.
(, agencies
_L. -
coyretrtidenpf. the Baltimore **kmtkerster
deseribtilithe'firesent condition eflthe ;tit*:
Our cavalry, returned in safety, after thorough
ly accomplishing their work, and. bringing buck
at the same time herds of cattle which_they had
collected in the country through aid& tbey pass:
ed. The destnietion of mills and barns was most
complete, and will be severely felt in that region
of the country. , There were surmie*supplies
'destroyed and - ettphtred to.hav*R4l-the'lch"ole of
Early's command for three months. Now the
whole country presents the appearance of a barren
regiuNfrOut which a greatproportiten tif-the in
habitants will be obliged to emigrate or starve.
So thoroughly has Gen Grant's eider fer the do.
struction of property been carried out; it will be
impossible even to sow or till the land is time for
the harvest next year. The horses and' all the
able-bodied negroes and field hands are beinigool
leeted and sent to the rear; and even the min,
which was to have been used as seedby the 'farm
ors, has been destroyed.
"All hopes which the Rebels may have hereto
fore had of holding the Valley must now be eon,•
pletely at an end, fiur it would be au utter impost".
bility to subsist five thousand men in the- Valley
for a week, and there is no time of supplies from
whick a Rebel army of "oeupation could •be Ted.
He represents that the' inhabitants are-leaving,
and that crowds flock the Provost Marshal's office
seeking passes North. Some belong .to the reli
gious persuasion known as the Duniers. They
have been levied on to support the war, buthere
tofore exempted from serving in the army. They
were officially notified a few day'sprevions to our
occupying Harrisonburg, that the ir services were
imperatively needed in the Rebel army" sad- that
they Must prepare to serve thecause."
When Gen, Sheridan commenced falling back
to establish IN base at Culpepper, thetebelspur
-sued him with large re-inforcements from Rich
mond. On the dth hist he resolved to give them
battle, and he did so, defeating theta badly and
arresting all pursuit. The followiiigis the official
report of the actionk
" sraminunti, Va., Oct. 9—Midnight.
"Lieutenant General Grant, City Point:
"In coming back to this point, I was not fol
lowed up until lee yesterday, when a large force
of cavalry appeared in my rear. I then: halted
my command to offer battle, by attacking the en
emy. I become satisfied that it was only all the
rebel cavalry of the Valley ) commanded by Roper,
and directed Torbert to attack - at daylight this
morning, and finish this savionif the Valley.
"The attack was handsomely made. Gen. Cus
ter, commanding the 3d cavalry division, charged
on the back road, and _Merritt, emliaganding the
let cavalry division, on the Strasburg pike. Mer
ritt captured five ens, and Casterrapturedmix
glop, with their caissons, battery forgeak.c. The
two diviAons captured 47 wagons, ambulances,
die. Among the wagons captured are the. head
quarter wagons of Roper, Lomax, Wickham,and
Col. Holland. ,
"The number of prisoners will be about 330.
The enemy, after being charged by our gallant
cavalry, were broken, and naa. They -were fol
lowed by our men, on the jump, tweotpsii miles,
through Mount Jackson and across the nonthfork
of the Shenandoah. deemed it best to make this
delay of one day here and settle this new &Very
general. The eleven pieces of artillery' captured
to-day make thirty-lux pieces captured in the
Shenandoah Valley since the 19th- of' Septkinber.
Some of the artillery was new, and nT?r bad
been fired. The pieces were marked 'lredegar
Works." ' P. E. SLIMBIDAN, &KO
A late despatch from •Gen. Sheridan, dated the
12th says:
" have Seen no Signs of the enotty sitice the
brilliant engagement of
.the 9th inst. Itwast a
square cavalry fight, in which the enemy wan
routed beyond any power to describe: Ha lost
crerything on. wheels, except one, pieceof
and when he 'was last seen it was passing over
Rude s Hill, near NM' Market, ea the fultru* 26
miles from the battle-field, to which point the pur
suit was kept up. The batterytaen and htues;bte.,
were captured. The horses were in good condi
tion, but were exchanged by our cavalrymen for
their broken-dance, animals. The casualties -on
the 9th :will not exceed sixty men. The one hun
dred men of the Bth Ohio• dispersed *Me guard
ing the bridge over the North Shenandoah; have
come in; except the officers."
Thus anthe campaign in the Valley for the
present and in all probability during the xestof _
the war. The rebels cannot occupy it, for it has
no provisions, itui none growing. Hitherto they
have yearly gathered a - rich harvest there to feed /
thaair famished-army at Richmond; but tis now
ended, and they cannot occupy it. -The alle
being thus untenable for the rebels, raids y '
regarded as titan end, as the rebel cavalry ever
ventured to cross the Potomac excepting , hen
their infantry had a secure lodgment in Win es
ter or Martinsburg, and they were enabled
lodge there hitherto because of the great abun
dance of provision the Valley furnished them. ~
Now Treason his concluded its sad work there.
It has necessitated the destruction of .one of the
moat beautiful and bountiful valleys of - Virginia, -
net as an act of vengeance, however justly it might
have been thus thine, but as an act of military ne
cessity, and the " Valley of Humiliation" has
drunk the fulness of the bitter cup of Tremon.
' From the Brooklyn Urkioll.
Ye noble soldiers in the field,
Who shed your blood, but will not yield
Who leave behind all that is blight
That ye may battle for the right-1
Oh. say. what think ye of the men
Who, hatching treason in their den,
With Copperhead., envenomed sting
Your victories to naught Vouldbring?
They roe you meet your stabbort foe.
They' see you thunder blow on blow.
They see the traitor reeling stand,
They see his fate is la , plot load;
Then spring they forth their Wends to aid,
Throning - disguises in the shade—
This shocking scar, they, isy,titUst cease,
For naught can save our land but peace
Can "nave" our fund, all f what is "save r
Is it to crush out all that's brave
In it to cease what we've begun
Juot when the victory is won
Is it to let loose Maoris wild,
'Wage war on women add on child;
To burn the homes of orphans young,
And let foul murder go unltung
is it to bow our glorious flag
stitmd..dv.• to the Itehel rag t -
Ts i tI) rricfram daered denil •
The halo that their deeds have shed
Is it to eatuo the nh•Yaud maimed
of every sear to be ashatned
Is it to let ali tyrants sneer,
- Aud stamp their feet on freedom's bier 1_
'Twas not for thin you nobly fought,
And by your blood each viefry bought. ,
You 4ouglifthut all men aught be free
For Unlon, and for Liberty I
You want no peace but such as givei
Assurance that our country lives: e i
And that this struggle &roe shrill...slid
The traitor to n traitor's end.
Our storm-rear Bag again shall wave,
But //evermore oppress the slava;
Bentath its folds, from even• land,
t!ook a free, unitinintral.
Who, joining bards in Freedom's cause,
Firm for the Union and the Laws
Shall see, rejoicing in their might,
When Peace was wrong that War was right
Guthrie, one of the makers of the Chicago plat.
form, asks, in a late speech in Indiana, "Who
dares say that we shall not hove peace 'upon the
basis of the integrity of the Federal Union?"
Mr. Geo. 11. Pendleton, who, with Gen. Geo.
13. M'Clellait, stands upon Mr. Guthrie's platform,
-and for whom, as Vice Pre&ident of the United
States, Mr. Guthrie intends to cote, is the man
who dares to say it. Mr. Pendleton says frankly:
"If your differences are so great that you cannot
or will not reconcile them, then, gentlemen, let
the seceding States depart in pease."
That is race upornthe basis of the dissolution
of the Union. Mr. Guthrie is answered by his
own candidate.-11arrer's Weekly. _ •
—Alexander 'Long, the Copperhead. Congress
man who advocated disunion, writes from Cincin
nati: "There is•iw enthusiasm in the Democrat
oy, and the election is almost going by default.
I see nothing ImilTdefeat." What else, when for
years past Mr: Long : and his friends hive been
preaching nothing but defeat sad surrender
What else after they, have attempted to aell -their
party andlhe country?
- —The exaltation of slavery is the devaititiort
of labor. Laboring men, remember ihaa st the
palls, and strike a hloie at. the friend* of. slavery.