TERMS OF PUBLICiTION. TICE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY Is publith'ed every Wednesday morbing by ,"THE ittlynsrroly ASSOCIATION," at $2 per aroma, IN or 82 ISO if not paid within the year. rill tahcc\rptur,k,bc. counts ifUnT be stiffed annually. No paper a out of the State unlessilvid for in adranee, and MI saeh subscriptions will inorariubly bo tlivontinued at Mil eXpi \ ration of the time for which they are paid. ADYERT/SEMENTS are ;Averted at T,N feline for first insertion, and Imt CENY3 per line for si satiant Insertions. A liberal diveounitmade to perianis rulvertising by the quarter. half-year ot year. Special to: , ' Kees elumged ariedredf more Matt regalatmivertivementt: Allresolations of Associations; rotnmanii;ationg of limited or individual interest, and nothres of Marriagee and Deaths • exceialing fire lines, areehargod tiftgen cent, pe'r line. - M•' AU Legal Notices njerery kind, and rill Orphans' Grett arldighse Judicial' Sales, are reguirrd`by laic it be adrertiiedin the REPotlrmaY—it haring the LAILMI,,fI'ILL - CUIATIONV an y paper published in the county of Franklin. JOB PRINTING eiTf every kind in Plain and Fam , y ors, done with neatnesaanddispetth. Blanke, clads+ Pamphlets, du, of every variety-and style, printer: at the shortest notlee. The R54'11 . 47010 01 , 111 s has jag 'Keen redltte,t .. l with Stenm •Poa er and three Provo-4, and thingja but Printing line' can be ere , 111.1 in rise dtritit artlatie trimmer and nt the lowevt rotes TEII3IR IN• !VARIABLY CARYL iar Mr. John K Shryuck is our atithorizell Agent to rutrive Subscriptions and Adv,-rtisciuentv. 0101rove,pt for die same. All letters should be addre-sed STONER, Pultshers. ieai Ootatt pUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL EST.% TE.--yh, heir, Of [Livid Brham. ikaftL trill - offer at Public Sale. on Tur.lay, the 17ith day af Narrinber =I, on the pronvisfs, in Green tawnduip, Franklin eoupty, 1, mile Bald of Inytttevilie, ott the 'f 4cl:wit fun. frnm Claimberdiarz to Baltimore the folhavingßeal BPtate. viz: The FARM tas which the hinally now rexide. toutaini4,abollf ,101,1 ACI2ES a Laud. Th.. , improve. iftf.tits armet r3:4toriect tionide frank fififftii 4 - 61.1. and Back Builplingk Log Barn. Frame Stable, (train House ; Wash flames Carriage 11n.... Cam Frit: and other oat Them are two Wells of never failing Water, supplied with Pumps.. km the premise., one at the House, under never; neat the other at the itch!,; also an ex eellent 1 inkharrk • name time awl place. a FARM in (4 afford township, 1 mile south of Fayette% elle adjoining lands of C. A. Funk, John entwforki. Abraham Dull not others, oontidning .tbout 1:i:l ACRES. The improvement: are a two stoned 1.0(1 110USE'(weathorliimbleil.) and Frame • Kitehen : a good Log Hue. Corn ('rib and other neceit , 1187 buildings: a Will of , eseellent Water sruiplied with a 'Pump; and a young Orchard of choice Fruit Trees. The soil on thin and the ohm e Farm. it of goofirtuulitY i Via fine state or cultivAtit in, and quite Also—At the same time and place. a Tract of 3101.7N TALLY LAND. sitrosted - partly is Green and partly in Guil ford townships, Fnmklin county, adjoining lands of the late Thomns 3leans Joseph Stahrs Heirs, and Deo. Brill ••cile's Heirs, containing about 119 ACHES. Also--At the snow time and place, a 'Cruet of MDUIC TAD: LAND. inouilf ml township Franklin rettnty, ad; joining the above and land, of Milker ibighe, Gee. Me l'erran and 'llunntis Mennr deed, containing about 282 ACRES. • Also—At :he cane time and phiee. n Trout r of 3101-N -TAIN LAND, sitrowertGrevn ton aship. rratittlin , adjoining hirsda,of 'James itirsham's heirs, Thud. Stevens and James Renfrew. cont,timng about 119 Sere-. All of tht,e Trati, of Mountain Land are e,,ls eruct with good Tilinber, are cont'eniently situated to the turnpike, and accessible by gorsl. rigid& • . Persons wishing• to view these Properne. c n 6.nv all • opportunity of doing so by calling on me at Mr. stei ins' ,Caledonia Irun Work or tin Mr. Carnahan at the 31tin don Farm. Side to, commence at 11 o'elock on said day. when rho conditions of sale, which will lx' such astir suit parehasers. will bri mash , known by JOAN 0. BIGHAM, oet the Hei n ,. inarri.burg T.'l , graph and laneagtt.r Examiner insert weekly ts. and send bill, to this etlice.l TTRUSTEES' SALE.—The undersigned Trleaves to sell the Read F...tate .of .John Sleichter. late of Gres n township, Franklin ru6nty. Pa.. tlasfrl, will exPor-e to Palle Sale, on the pretnise, in Seothtnd. un Friday Me :2 , th day of October, 15141. the folk owing descri bed Real R. ate. vtt Pot-part A, of So. 1, being nip MILL PROPERTY, souated in .clreen township. eontarling 15 - Acre. and 9 Perches. neat measure. adjoin ing lands of Wm. Thom 4 n and other land , of deceased, The Mill is , ittlated au the Couor-ochengUe Creek, A miles from Chambersbnrg. in the Village of Scotland. There is. nlno, a iantetwo , toritslDwellnur Bosse on the premises. Perrpars A. being a LOT OF GROI . ND. situated in the Viliage of Poodland, — 7sonlainitri 9 Acres 11111 i 24 Perches, neat measure - having • thereon erirr3tAl a large Brick Store ,liouse. There rn also. a Youpi - Apple Orchard- oil the prerni , es. f'arp , rt (2, being A LOT QT GROUND. containing- 2 Aires tad 15 Perches, nest Imerouta having thereon erected a two. . storied Brick Dwelling 4 - Ifte and Stable. There e, ads., an Orchard of good Frtfit on the pr. mbos. l'urparr. Nll A TRACT OF LAND, being the Mansion Form ,A.„.1 . rlec'd. situated in said township. containlng 102 Ann- , and 120 vetches. neat measure, adjoining lauds of Franklin ,Besore, Jacob Garver and Venn- Kyle—about 11)0 Acres of which are cleared. The improvements are am Los - tolled Brick Dwelling House, Log Barn, and et/serum-in:Udine, There Is, also, on the prinni-es, agonolOrehanL I'urpart lib. :3, • A TRACT OF -GOOD F'AIIM LAND ady.tninc. eontaining 109 Acres and 10 Petrels, neat mealure. adjoip• ing lands of FI liesore. A. and others. About 01) Acres of the above-Tniet ari4leared. the remainder in Komi Timber. The insprovemimbffire a large two-storied Stone Dwelling llowie: Log and Frame Barn. There is an Orchardofeboice Fruit on the protti.es. Both of the last named Tracts are first quality Lime.tone LamL A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN L.IN I) in said town.lop. containing ZI4 Acres and 1:10 Pert hes neat. Tlu 'Chet Ist well set with Chestnut and Oak Timber, and will be divi ded into Ntre Lots, of It Acres each. to qua port has-rs. Sale to commence at If/ titl a rk, A. M.-1f not all sold on Friday. the Sale will be continued on Saturday. the :29th. Attendance will be ;men and the terms made known by GEORGE SLEICIITEII. octl2 SLEICIIT S T00 " .4. ' • [Lancaster Examiner insert •weekly till Sole. Solid bill to thin-office.) p TiBLIC SA L E.—The unden , igeetl, heirs and legal rcpiet.entatives pf John tiro, e. late of Gailfoni towm.lllp, dee'd, will offer at Fab , . safe. on this premises on Jcsdnesday. the or. :74,rember. at 1 0 elot k P. 11 the ft heals deseribnl Real Estate, The old Mansion or Spring Property, totuate m Autrno ...firuship about I mile North of lirmoi".l adjo.ning d of John L. Latehaw. Andrew Dan - ,-on and other.. containing 'Mont 150 ACRES of e xcelle n t I,DiEsToNE LAND, hat jog thereon erected a large STONE DWEL LING and new Bank -Ram with Wagon Shefk,bnached. all in good repair. There arc on the premised 12:* Spring of Water (befog the head of "Muddy Rim, - 5 and an Or , chard. 41) Acres of said laird is on erta with prime Timber. • Also —A FARM - of about 100 ACRES of good LlME wron LAND. situate . in Guilford ton 'ship, about 2 miles North of Brown's Mill. ha, mg thereon erected a two defied. lAD DWELLING. with Stone Back Build. fag, MIA - Barn, Wagon Shed. and other neceo.ary out ' buildings.' There it on thi. , Fllllll an Ito-hard of choice Frla, and a Well ofincs er.failing Wader. 2:1 Acres of ' said land is covensl with enod Timber. T hereescill also be °Aired on Thyrsdey.ithe lull of Norm ber. in the town of Marion. about TW o ACRES OF LAND, having-thereon ereeted a good two story BRICK DIVT.LIvING with.l3aek Building, a good Frame Stable and‘ithaireiseisstry outbuildings. There is on this pro -- a /mall Orchanl of exerliciit Fruit, coda good Cis tern at the door. - Also—At -be same time oral place. about 3 ACRES of LAND, adjoining the last de Bribed property. -having thereon errs tea a 1.00 HOUSE. gOO,l Stable, Cooper Shop and other necessary ont-builiiimm There are on this property a smell Orchard of goof Fruit, and a Well never-Ltifing Water. - Also—At the sometime and prove. the following' UN IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND, situate di Gn,iford township, adjointng lands of John L. Latshaw, Michael Hege,and others. containing - FIk"rEEN ACRES, more or Mohr 5 Acres of this land a rovenst with the tx,t of Timber.and the balance is in a good. State of cultivation. . Sale to commence at I, o'clock on said days, when the • Woe will be mails known by JOHN GROVE, JR.. HENRY' GROVE, JACOB GROVE. ELIZABETH WINnERD, • PHILIP GROVE, MAW:ABET WINCE:RD, DANIEL GROVE, MARY MILLER, ABRAHAM GROVE, r [oetl24o TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There will be ex peed to to safe., try way of public °inky, on the prem• bats. in St. Thomas township, Ymnklin ....mot, nn the riflYo.flNerresthat, A. It., .1t , 64, ut IS o'clock, A. M., the. following Rent Estate, s . Pnrpa tl beiore the .1.4 - ANSION . FARM of decedent, situate in Hamilton and St. Thomas townships, on the warm Sprineltoad. about femiles from Mantbershurg, eznatito is g 90 ACRES and 1210 PERCHES neat, adjuinlui lands of Joseph Christman. Lewis Detrieh and other.. with a BRICK-CASED DWELLING HOPSE, Log Born. .Wagon Shell and other buildings. liberals Cider Press on the rrencrs. urokthree Welli of gtosl' Water. About SO Acres eleiw and uivler snl,oll fence, tiltb a good Orehard of choice r,ruit. - I'gripari 2 tieing the "Kuhn situate...also on the Warm Spring Head. adjoining the Mansion tract, laud+ of Jacob Krirlet, and other, containing 77 ACRES and 110 PERCHES neat, with a two story 1.0(1 Stout'. Log arid Brick Bank tiara and other buildings thereon erected, This it all clear 'land hat a good Orehard and a Well of never-falling Wider. itf the ilßearediland 22 Acres is good Meadow. Purpart ;1 containing L 5 ACM'S and 70 PERCILES - neat, to lthn BRICK DIVRT.LING H(OI•SE and toa. Stable thereou'ereetod, situate on the road !eluting from Elliott; Tavern to Stnn•i'n Mill. in same town hip. :nljono hie, lands of `Lest is Detrieb, haute Kuhn and others. Purport 5 +•ontaininir Vet AelellB and 30 Pll/W/1.1 - 1S neat. Qt•ATAIIi LAND, situate in. Peters adJoiningiunds of Wtn. 31'Grath, 1.1 Kuhn and others. Tyluta Of SALR.-••t)ne•tbinl lets expenses and tees, to remain in the laud for the rise of the widow for life, at her death to be paid to the heirs of C. Tium, deed balanee to he paid one.half let April. IS6A when piessession will be given, Wet other half let April. I/4A, with interest from tat April, 1F65, to heietwured on the premises. oet.s ADAM - PL13,11, Trustee of C. Plata. deed. lIEAL ESTATE AT IIUBLIC_ SALE. The undentignetlri offeint Public Sale, on the premlegs, in Hamilton township, about 34 mile" xouth of Chambersburg, on the Conticochengue Creek, one note west of the Gr" o • ll stic rood, oh Thursday, the 27th On. Luber, all that FARM containing about 215 ACRES. more ur lees, part Llmeitone and part Slate. The buildings consist of tal,new BRICK DWELLY.N.fI J{OI'SES( tno F ood Bank Barns, with other no essdry building% l'hoir is a never failing Well of Water near the Rouse dnd also Running Water on the farm. Also a tin:laird of ' • fruit. The buildings are located in suctiiinanner as to divide the Property Into too farms, and till be_ sold to. gether or divided as may suit Purchaecr.i. " Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, 4. 31, when the trans will be made known.. [nue if PETEic unitv,T. - _ ,HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.--In •11pupsuanee of an order of the Orphatis' Court of Franklin county. the undersigned. Administratoi of Mary $ Koehao. deed tKil burposo to public sale on the prow. ices. on Saturday. October 2211 d, at In o clock, n lions F: and LOT, situate on Broad street, Chninhersburg, near the Stcann l Save Mill of filiNpier, Clarke Co.& flutu i e Is a cod Btrick structure, and in good condition, with a thy: tolkrotitid. rO9gellSloll Rill be given one the-tat of April next Tema will be made known on day of sale by oertsi3t . A, K. aI'CLUIIE: dm'r. • .18,/ Lvf zrit Lgi Ito- BY M'CLURE & STONER. l.eat Q? tats *airs. p LTBLIC SALE. - -Thesubseribt.rliaving 11 determined on removing to the West. will sell at Sale. in th e Borough of Mercer. burz. on TeinisadY, the trth of November. lead, the followlng. Real Eetate.cix: A LOT OF GROUND, on Main street and near the •centre: of the town, having thereon erected' a large two storied wroxE HorsE, in excellent repair. with a Well of goal Waterand large Cistern in the yard, together with all the ne•esonry conveniences for a first-class dwelling. The Garden is well supplied with elloice Fruit, and on the Lot. facing a wide alloy, is °large Brick Stable, with Cow Stable. Carriage House and '0 mnuoldes. nil MOP? the Same roof. 'l 9 h• above it the most desirable property as residence in the place, and to any one desiring to purchase a home no better iipportUnity offer. Also--At the samo time anti place, will be sold a LOT fiROI'INZD, situate on the Corner road, immediately adjoining the Borough. having thereon erected a. good LOG HOUSR. with Fitelien attached, a Well of good Water in the yard. The Lot is \yell supplied with choice kruit. and the whole is enclosed by a goal Post and Rail Fence. A bo—Another Lt /T, immediately Forth of the Boroundi, rnn [brine, exult TRREE ACRES. and inwhilied by a new Pmt and Raul Vance. .11..--At the came ttme rind 'dare. the follewing PER soNAI., PROPERTY, viz: 1 Rockaway liumzy, 1 Sulky, I Sleigh. 1 good Family hone, 12 good Cona,:i! Hogs, and large lot of Household and Kitchen 'Furniture; not ne comsary onnmerato. Sale mill commemen at 10 o'clock, A. M. when the terms will he made known. • Also—At Private Sale. a TRACT OF LAND, situate on the Turnpike leading from Metcersburg to Greencastle tailes from the former place. containing MIS ACRES of good Limestone Lana. with agood new two story BRICK HOFSE. a good Stone Bank Barn. a Log Tenant House owl a gnu! ()Mum! of ('rail. The above property is sit uated in a rood n , ;+.oiborinit - xi, and will be sold low to a good purchaser. For particulan enquire of the subsci• her in.kiennTsbaqs. 10ci12.2t1 T. SMITH,. M. PBLIC -SALE OF REAL ESTATE.- Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Frank. lm county. Pa., the ander:lame& Administrators of Jacob Keasy, - late of Letterkennv t0n:1:44, deed, will offer at Publir Sale. on Saturday, - the iNth day of October, inst., at the Pablie Home of John H. Waist, in Strasburg, the fabnwintr valuable Etna Estate, to wit: The ..M.A.NSION l'Altlf, situate sae mile east of Stras burg. in said township. adjoining lands of H. H. Rife, Jas. e i . Kell. W. O. 311'1011in and others, containingl ACHES awl '75 PEltel I ES, neat measure. of Slate of good ydality and in a good suite of eultivatiotit. be improve. ments'are a large new BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. Phirne Hank Barn. Wagon .Shed, Corn Crib and other out building.. Alto--The MILL PROPERTY, adjoining the above, containing nearly six Acres. having thereon erected a new Brick Grist Mill, Saw Mill. Brick Dwelling lionise, &c. Also—At the same time and place, 77 ACRES and 21 PERCIIES neat pleasure, of Woodland, in saidlownship, adjoining lands of Felty's heirs. Sullingefs heirs, W. G. McClellan and °them divided into four lots as follows: No: l; containing Y,3 Aires and 22 Perches.. " andll7 " No. a. " 17 " and El " No. 4. " 17 and 10.2 " Persons de' irons of viewing the above described promi ses, or any part thereof, will he cheerfully shown the same by railing on eitheevot the undersigned, residing in Stras burg.. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock. on said day, when due attendance and terms of sale will be made known by W. W, sarrroN. JOHN R. WRIST, netlll Merl dr banjo non of Jacob Remy, dee'd. P• i VAT E SALE.—The undersigned intending to romove to the West, offers at Private Sale, the following described Real Estlike, to wit : a FARM, situated in Lett erkenny ty., Franklin co. 4 miles from Chatobebhure anti i mile north-west of the Rocky Spring, adjoining Itral,c of S. Huber and Sp - reel:en containing about Ib.l ACRES of BLACK. SLATE LAND. The lin pro, ement. are a large two-storied ROI:OH-CAST DWELLING 1101'SE, Log and Frame Barn. Wagon Shod. Cider Pee.., and alt other necesrary out-buildibgs. A FARM adjoining the above of abotit 110 i..,•-half of which is Limestone and the balance Slate. The improvementt< are a tiro-storied BRICK ROUSE, (nearly new) Log end Frame Barn (with Wagon Shod attnohisi) and other convenient out-tmilihngs. The Eitrie. have loin well limed and are toleeably well Timberi,L 'there is an ORCHAIII of good Fruit on both of the F.unr,, and a Well of never-failing Water at each of the dwellhig4 and a Spring on the And mentioned tract for withoing rattle. There is also a LlMk KILN and QUAR RY on each of the. arms. Alwyn twenty ACRES of MOUNTAIN LAND, wellgimbered with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak will he sold with each Form Also---Two ACRES and 4P PERCHES adjoining the above. nn the Publie Raid, with .t I} storied TENANT HOUSE,. Stable. &c. This small tno.t is well planted with ' , Burr TREE?, and is adworably adapted for gar detung purposes. There i a gssi Well of Water at the hate.e. and a Sprint near the Stable. Persona tvlalmar to Vil'W the protases can do to by cal lag on the Ott the first described farm MEI prn LIC SALE.—Therewill be exposed it, .r.bi. Sul, on the m.0....4 in Path v.n...., abmit one mile and ii-h,ilf uortlceamt t ut iettaburir, F ranklin county. Pa.. on- Friday, th e 11 t h day of Sorember , nail, the following very valuable Real .Pni ierty, to wit A FARM. containing about no O RES. (11Lick Slate and Free Stone soil) in a high Ca of cnitivation , a pa r ' of which in enclo.ed with about ne thousand paunch of post and rail fence. all of which 04 in excellent condition. / About one hundred and seventy hve Acres' are cleared, the balance is covered with chr ce Timber, containing a large proportion of Locust d Chestnut. There is also about 30 Acres of exi , eale Meadow. There is a large taro-storied Stone . and Fm e DWELLINC: 1101:SE. with . . _ a large ltinsh Rouse attached; a huge Frame Eltu-ri; Corn Crib; Wagon Shed, and other uut-bmld,ngt on the prem• lees, and a Well of never failing Water near the kitchen. The farm I, well watered. having naming water ronveni• ent if) most of the fiehls. Tho, farm o Malin/My adapted for thvi4iou. and croold make tivo ezeollent farm,. The above property Rill be .old whole, or in part, to trait ynrchmehl; a K)Od title given, and n o terms of pay ment 20 the hu)'er. - Any person desiring further information in reference hi the übme property. will p estge e9ll on the tmdersigned, residing on the premises, or by letter, addressed to Fan nettAburg. Franklin county. Pa. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. oval! A. C. TYPER. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—On Sqttir-. clay. Mt 29th day of October oat, at 10 o'clock, A. M. By virtue of orders orthe Orphans' Court of Cumberland and Franklin coontie.i, the subscriber, Guardian of the minor ehildren of DLit id - Mowery, late of the Borough of New burg. der it will sell at Public Sole, on the plemises, all that vermin TRACT OF LAND. situate part in Hope well township; Cuniberland county. and portly in Lurgan tow nship, Franklin county . I{l.llt I mile west of Newburg, 4111 the road leading from the State road to Newcomer's Mill, bounded by lambi of the heir , of John Laughlin, deed. Andrew Gross. Robert Elliott, John B. Morrow and other'.. eonnoting Fil ACRES and 68 PERCHES, strict measure. The land is Bluek Slate of good quality, part of it haring been linied recently. Alum 190 Acres are clear ed and under cultis whin, and the tesidue is catered with gi•.ial Timber. The improvementii eonsist of a large twit story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, large Hank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other buildings. There bran Apple Orchard nail a Well of never -falling Water on the premises, and.the run or stream of water which divides Cumberland and Frunklin counties on the North aide of the Conodogulnet, passes through this track About 181 Acres of the land lie in Cumberland and the rest,to Frank . • lin rustily. Persons desiring to see the property are requested total! on Samuel Chnitlieb, reniding un. the premises, or on Da vid Wherry, Newburg. Tenni, made knbmii on day of sale. 9ct.5-3t DAVID R. BAKER, Guardian ATA LI: A ALE FARM FOR SALE.- The sutesnibers offers 4 Private Sale: his Farm sit uated about 34 of a mile from Quincy,'Containlng 151 ACRES. 15 of which is m Timber and thriving Chestnut —The farm is of the best quality of LIMESTONE LAND, except a few acres which is gravel soil and all in a high state of enlttrnhon. If ptireh.tgers desire it the subscriber will reserve 30 acres leaving for sale 121 ACRES. The buildings will then be In the centre of the farm and CO.. venient to every field. The improvements area large BRICK HOUSE, with a portico and porches, 6.13 PW BRICK BANK BARN, 80 feet long, with Wagon Shod 101 , 1Ctirn Crib attached, a large new name Bog Pen, Double Frame Carriage House Brick Wash Mouse. Smoke House, Bake th-en, and other out-buildiinps, In good re. pair, all the bulldingsbeing under Cypress and Pine reefs, itla tin spouting to each. There is a large Cistern close to the harm used for Stock, end one near the kitchen.— There is a Well of excellent water in the yard. There is itlw, a variety of choice &nit, such as Pears, Plums, Pesch en, antl Grapes in the yard. and a geed ORCHARD of thrh ing Fruit on the premises. PPIMPII wishing to view the hind ran do so by calling on the subscriber. leets.4m) 201121 IdIDDOUR. If the alone Farm is net sold privately on or before the 12th drat of .tiorrtabrr, it will be offered at Publie Side on that day at 1 licluck, P. M. J. M. ATALUAIiLE F ARM AT PRIVATE SALE —The undersigned will oiler at Private Sato, his FAR:II. situated in Luton ton - Mint), Franklin county, Pa.. adjoining lands of John E. and John NrClay, Darnel Clippinger, Jo•erh Mowers and others, near the Cono dogninott creek, and about 5 miles from Shippenttharg. Containing ACRES of good SLATE LAND, well limed. 711 acres of this tract is well TIMBERED, 25 nerm , in MEA DOW and the balance in a high Mato of cultivation, all in excellent under and well fence.l. The itnpno.l.,lll•its are a two storied loft WEATLIERBOA LID 110USE, new flank Burn 72 feet long, wagon shed and all 001 , 1 tiel,l,Ury and convenient • oat/alibiing*. There is a Well of never failing Water at the door and two ONCIIA.RDS of choice Fruit on the premises. There is also a—good TENANT 1101'SE on the farm with a Well of Water convenient and all necessary ontthoildings. Persons wisldueto view the Farm can )10 to, by calling on the subscriber. living in liattalton township, or on John 31'elay. adjoining the' farro. I jowl) JOHN ZOOK. p EAL ESTATE AT I'IJBLIC SALE._ ...tu By virtue of the last wilt and testament of David and Jonathan Croe, late of Dublin township Huntingdon coun• ty, Pa., deed, will be erpoied Public Sale, on the pre wises, on Monday, the Mat day of Oetaber, ItICA, the; MANSION FARM of said deed, situate in the said town• ship of Dublin, /i miles east of Burnt Cabins, mntaltung lilt ACRES , About 130 Aere. cleared, the remainder well Timbered. The improvements arc a twoktoried Weath erboarded Home, Log Barn, with sheds and other neces sary out-buildings. A. Spring of Excellent Water mace nient to the Dwelling. Possession given on the Ist of A pnt next. Terms made known wu day of Sale. JAMES FREE, 1 oet11!•3t DAVID WELCH. 1 pUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will ,11 offer at Public 81)1e. on Wednesday the iedth of Otto. Orr. .1e64, a LOT OF,GROUNII, situated on the Public Square in Orritown , 'eranklin county, Pa., on which is erected a two story BRH HOUSE. Brick Back Build• ing, a two story Brick Wnpn.3laker Shop, Frame Stable, Rog Pen. Bake Oren and other improvements' There. is a Well of gad Wilier near the Ettohen dour, and chain* Fruit. such as Grapes, Apple; Peaches, &c,, in the yard. This property is in good repair and well situated for busi ness, Tatman:lade ease. gale to onnantence at 1 o'clock, P. St 2)2t1 SARAH Yr/ORE?. Ural 05tatt *aim. pARM AND MILL PROPERTY FOR ...u - sALE.—The undersigned. Administlutors. of John Bearer, dee'd• will utter at Public - Sale, in the town of Loudon, on Friday, the :!Bth of - October, Intil, the follow. ing ReaVEstale, to wit : A FARM, situated in Path Talley, about 11 miles front Loudon": containing 131 ACRES of land. under good state of cultivation. The improvements are a two-storied ROUGHCAST HOUSE, Stable and other neeessary buildings. There Is an oreharil of good Fruit on the farm, The West ConocoettentrneUterk runs threugh the land. Also—TWO TL2IBEII LOTS, adjoining the also e. eontainirierespeetively 17 and IV Aeres. Also--At the same time a ill la-offered for sale, a Wire STONE GRIST MILL. rimming 4 pair 'of Burs and a SAWMILL, situated in Loudon, There are also FIFEIC ACRES OF LAND and a HOUSE AND LOT to be sold iii connection with the above property, Also—TWO DOUBLE LOTS in said town, with a Is story Weatherboorded Dwelling Horn, Statue and other improsements thereon erected. _ Bald-to emumenee ut I o'elm.k.i'hen the term, ,1 ill to made known. PETER KL'\KLIEMAN• sep7. MARY JANE LEMASTER. 5 SI MALL FARM . AT P LTBL‘ IC — SALE. The undersigned intending to remove west, n ill of• fer at Public Sale. on Tovdoy, the 2.lth of October, woliall tract of SLATE LAND,sittutted in Hamilton township. ad joining lands of Daniel' Sollenberger, Joseph Eberly and others, gn the Kiefer road, about I I miles North-nest of Chambersburg, containing 'l7l Arms of h ell improved slate land well fenced, The improvements are all story - LOG HorSE. Log Rant and nit necessary out buildings. There is an ORCHARD of elloice Fruit on the premises. There is a Well of nei•er fading Water at the In riling and a gets! running Spring on the premises. There is a WAGOS•MAKER SHOP and BLACK SMITH-SHOP near the dwelling. This is a good !ovation for either of the above business. There Is alto a BRICK YARD on this tract, with an excellent quality of clay for numufae luring BriOt. The above property au closely situated to Chambershurg, makes it desirable for farming. or either of the above mentioned business. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so by calling at my residence. Sale to 'commence at 1 o'clock. A grant title will he given. fectl2-2/1 , JACOB BURKHART. PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, Ex ecutors of the