The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, October 12, 1864, Image 3

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    October 12, 1864.
granktin rpositoq.
, tOSSIP, WITH Ova FRIENT O B.—The almanac
for the day in aa 'follows: "It rains, it blows, it
storrae7ladies' skirts are no longer white, and
thgir stockings, we know, are splashed up to the
knee. Abraham Lincoln is President of the United
Sates,, and Gen. Grant commands the armies of
the aforesaid: It is so dark that though it is 10
A. M., weare compelled to use gas,"
We now reside in Brooklyn, and twice a day
cross the East rivescbeing one of the 150,000
Brooklynites who work ln.NewYork. Brooklyn
now contains over 350,000 inhabitants, which mat
acccount for the fact that we ,have not yet met
with HearfWard Beecher, who has not yet taken
uPit collection in his church for the destitute of
Chambersbilig. 0, if we were only refugee ne
_grecs, how happy wOuttbe our lot ! Donations
would flow - inmpon us from all New England, hut
alas, we are " pale - faces !"
Ai an instance e: the' tyranny of the present
adminisliatibme we Late thefollowing grievance.
Two young fellows , corking in a brass foundry
near by, had a difficlty, and conchnled to settle
•itby a fair and squa fight; so at 54 P. M.. they
set to with hearty ill -ill, and fought like game
cocks. About a build od of us gathered around to
enjoy the exhilerating \ ight, when a minion of
the law rudely dropped in, put an end to the en
tertainment, and carried off the coinhatOds to
the Tombs—yes to theil'ombs , bethre they, were
dead. Nnvi, - why will M i r. Lincoln allow 200,000
men to tight in Virginia l and not,pErnuit two poor
fellows to amuse themselves in a private way?
Some might say it is the fault of Mayor Gunther
or of Gov. Seymour;,but 'the Governor and the
Mayor are - purr, and can db no wrong.
"The (all in gold makes 'us ' i jabilant, for it fore
tells the defeat of the rebels; but it is a sight to
be remembered to see the anxious, agonized faces
thitt throng Wall and William streets; and then
wei dare mot pity the poor wretches, for they have
triad their best to enrich themselves at the ex
pelse of the country, and now their doom is seal
ed--(almost as good as hanging, and better than
Fort - Lafalette. _ ,
As we said before, we live in Brooklyn; and
Fulton street je one of the brightest, cheeriest
streets you ever walked on of a cool night. Every
store is brilliantly lighted, end every window filled
with inviting goods of all descriptions. Every
body seeiiis to be on the streets, excepting those
who crowd the stores._ It is a more lively scene
than-can be seen the same time ognight on Broad
way.—The street is very wide, with cars diverging
from it to all quarters of the city, which renders
it the main artery of a great part of Brooklyn.
We, once familiar with . the "Arabian Nights,"
amuse ourself in imagination (which is better than
reality, and much cheaper) with making costly
purchases for friends in old Chambensburg. We
have already bought four wagon loads 4 cakes
and candies for the little ones, twenty-five sewing
machines, thirty-seven silk and Irish Poplin dress
patterns, and fifty dozen fine tooth combs foi the
married ladies, one hundred and five bonnets (per
fect loves!), as many handsome shawls, about a
peck of ear, breast and finger rings for the young
ladies, and any amount of underclothing for young
and old. All that 'remains to complete our exten
sive transactions, is tc;pay for the goods and have
them shipped. Under the circumstances we think
Adams' Express should not charge, or at least
should make a reduction. You will perceive by
ourstatement that we have made no provision for
the men—let them make their own "provisions!"
We visited that "Beer garden," and will one
day devote - a paper to its description, which is
well worth-the while.
NEW YORE, Octjet, 18E4. °
DISGRACEFUL DORI/WT.-II ii always.-dis-
Ifiraceful €a-disturb or in any way interrupt a Po
litical meeting. Speakers may be fools and utter
' disgraceful sentiments, but there is no law,that
compels anybody to listen to them: and:it is al
ways-best to let them alone. There have been,
in lies-end instances, disgraceful disturbances at
political meetings in this county. ' At the Union
meeting at Dry Run Mr. Stewart twice narrowly
escaped being hit,with stones while he was speak
ing, and there were slight disturbances at the De
mocratic meetings at Waynesboro and Greencas
tle... Mr. Sharpe's harness. was cut while he was
speaking in the • Bed School House, and stones
were thrown at him when he was returning home.
Subsequently C. Eyster and W. S. Everett, Esqs.,
spoke at the same place and their carriage was
cut; their horse turned loose; a shawt and the
cushions stolen, and stones thrown into win
dow while they were speaking. Stich conduct is
disgraceful in the extreme, and iargoodcitizens
should resolve to have it arrested regardless of
consequences. It-is a disgrace to any community
toshave a meeting interrupted, and all should aid
to expose and bring to punishment those who thus
violate 4A decency. If this disorder is not stopped,
there it but one remedy for it, and that is to ar
. rest and punish the offenders, and we trust that
no man, of any party, Will be found ready to ex
shield the men or boys who are thus dis
gracing tliemselves and their communities,
ORPHAAS.—In accordance with the
act of Assembly providing for the education and
maintenance:of the
,destitute orphans of the sol
diers and sailors of the State, the Superintendent
has issued an official notice 'risking for applications
from the several, counties. The application must
be sworn to and certified by the school directors
of the district in which the orphan resides, and
upon its receipt an order will be issued to admit
the applicant. The schools will be ready for the
reception of these pupils during this month. The
State will provide clothing, boarding, washing,
1 mending, instruction, books, &c., for the orphans
while ui - the,schools provided for them, but the
relatives -or friends are expected to scud them
thither, without - cost to the State, and also to send
withltbem,in as good order as possible, such cloth
ing Batley may then have, to be worn till others
can be provided for them. Applications in this
county may be made to lion. Jas. L. HEack, Chum
bersburg, who ;will give all necessary info' niution
on the subject. It is an act alike creditable-to
Pennsylvania and just to the children left father
less by treason, to make provision for their i-du
cationfree of charge. -
of Carlisle met in Shippensburg, on. Tuesday of
last week, and was opened by a sermon from Rev.
Mr. Wightman, of Greencastle. There was a
full attendance of its members, nod its sessions at
tracted large audiences. Its proceedings were
marked by great unanimity and good feeling. Mr.
JaineliDonaldson.was ordained to the gospel min
istry, and- arrangements made for the installation
of Rev. Wm. Gallen/lett in the Church of Dickin
son, and for the ordination and installation of Mx.
Mitchell, in the Church in Harrisburg. Duncan
on was selected as the place for the next stated
meeting of the Presbytery. _ - •
. DFATH OF A BoLoin..--)Appears that Henry
Sennicle, son of Mr. Henkliennicle, of this vi
minity, says the Waynesboro' Record, died in hos
pital at Richmond, several montg - since. He en
listed early in the war under Captain Jonn_E.
Walker, and we think was taken prisoner at the
battle of Chickamauga. A letter to his father
'from John W. Bryson, attributes the death of
young Henniele more to starvation than any other
cause. He was•rt gallant young soldier and we
deeply sympathise with his bereaved parents and
other friends.
aux OF PROPERTY.—Wni. S. Everett, Emu
has purchased the beautiful residence near Cham
bershorg known as "Federal Ifi11."
LIEUT. THOMAS Mims, of this place, (Co. k,
107th Pena& Reg") who was captured at the
battle of Gettysburg, is now confined - at Clrlea
ton, S. C.
- 4.
Chambersburg Markets.
CiIAMIIEMBUTIG, Oct. 11, 1811.1
Flour—White ' $ll COI Butter 28
lour—ltNl 10 50,Eggs ..: 20
's t—White 2 00iLard W
R W y l e teat— 1 90Tallow ' 14
1 3013acon—Hame, was
Corn ' 1 50i Baeurk—Sides.... ..... 20
Oats .... 80:Soup Beans 2 00
Clover Seed... ..... 10 001 Washed Wool 10
Timothy Seed 4 ' 1 itimvadled Wool 40
Flaxseed . rlOi Pared Pearhea 5 00
Totatoes—ltereer.... 1 SD; Unparel Peaches 300
Potatoes—Pink Eyes 1 50;Dried Apples 2 00
- Philadelphia Markets.
PdmaDELrina, Ont.ll, 1864.
Flour—Sales reach about bids. including 500 tads
good extraat $lO and WO bbla, mostly westem extra fam
ily, at from — to 12, tne latter for fancy, made from
white wheat, and $9.25'42.75 for superfine, which is very
scarce. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet, and we hear
of no miss to establish quotations.
Wheat—Sales of voresooo bush at $2 05Z2 10 for fair
to prime Penna. red, and $2 3532 45 for prime Kentucky
white. The last sales of Rye at 81 60. Corn—Sales of
5000 bushels are reported at $1 60 - a , l 63 for yellow, and
$1 fur white. Oats—Sales reported at 86388 c.
fleto abbrrtisentento.
ANEW AND GENERAL supply of all
standard medicines, at MILLER'S Drug Store,
Drug Store.
N " ICE.—The Jurors summoned for
the Second week of Court will not be required to at
tend. By order of the Court.
octl24it SAMUEL BRANT, Sheriff.
Certitrate No. 762 for 15 Shaer of Stock in the Far.
Mee' Bank of Reading. Issued to-Anna E., Pauli. Notice
is herehy given that application has been made for t new
certificate.. toctl2-3r) ANNA R. TAYLOR.
Imui 3 October 10,1864.—An election for THIRTEEN
DIRECTORS to serve for the ensuing year, will be held
at the Bank Room, on Monday, the 14th day of November
nett, at 2 o'clock, P. to
octl2 • - _ G. R. MESSERSMITH, Cashier.
for one President, six Managers and a Treamrer of
the Waynesboro', Greencastle and Ifercersburg Turnpike
Road Company, will beheld at the Public House of Fred
Foreman. in Greencastle, on Tutaday, the let day of No
camber. 1864, commencing at I o'clock. P. M.. By order
of the Henri [oetl2-3tl JOHN RITCHEY, See'y.-
14r31. L. BOYER & BRO.;
AGnlcuLiun.u,lbirt.Estr.yr 3lnmrparrrnEn.s,
Sixth St. and Germantown Arenue. Phi:oda.. Pa.
Manufacturers of Horse Powers. Tbreshers and Clean
ers, Reapers and Mowers, Farm Grist Mills. Fodder Cut.
tern. Corn Sl:ellei,. Circular Sam Machines and every va
riety of approval Implements. SExo iron CATALOW:E.
lIBLIQ SALEiII be sold by Pub
lie Sale, on the premises, in this Borough, on Thurs
day, the Nth day of October. 114. the following valuable
Real Property, viz: A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the
South-west corner of WaslandOn and Second streets. on
which there is ?meted a large anti commodious twtestmied
BRICK HOUSE, Back Buildink and Stable-
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M„ when the
terms will be made known. ioctl2l SAMUEL MILLER.
NOTlCE.—Estate of Emanuel Miller,
late of Washington township. deed. To the Heirs
and Legal Representativen of stud decedent. You are
hereby notified to appear at the Orphan's Court, to be held
in Chatribershurg; for Franklin county, ox the .9.41 day of
November sect, at 10 o'clock. A. M., to take, or refuse to
take the Real Estate of said deceased at the appraisemeat
valuation, or show cause why the same should not be sold.
0ct12.3t SAitUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
NTOTICE.—Estate of Christian Frantz.
luta of Washington tranship, dec'd.l To the Heirs
and Legal Representatives of said decedent. Youenre
hereby notified to appear E the OrphansiEourt, to be held
in Fhambersburg, for Franklin county, on the 2d day of
Noronhcr next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.; to take, or refuse to
take, the Real Estate of said deceased at the appraisement
valuation, or show cause why the same should not lee sold.
octt23t SA:HrEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
PUBLIC SALE.—There will be es - posed
to Public Sale, on the premises. on Saturday the 12th
of ..,Voranhei. 1E64; at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following Real
Estate, viz: 40 ACRES of first-rate Limestone Land. sit
taatenear the town of Quincy. under good fehee, and has',
on it all needful BUILDINGS in good order, two Wells
of standing Water, 'and also a Spring of running water on
the premises. a firstrate Orchard of Grafted Fruit. At-so—
ld ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, near the above premi
ses, which will be sold separafe or in lots to salt purchwers.
Store Rouse, in the town of Quincy, in which
is the Store now kept by Lookabaugh S Secran.
One share in the property raper] the Wertz property. An
to be mold on sad day to the highetit bidder.
0ct1.2 'WILLIAM B. RABY.
/TRUSTEES' SALE.—There will be ex
-1 posed to sale,loy way of public outcry. on the 2.51 k
day of October, 1864, on the premises, the following de
scribed Real Estate, situate in Quincy township, Franklin
county, Pa, containing 160 ACREA and allowance. ad
joining Levi Sanders, Robert MT Ivaney and Samuel Bear,
about 153 Acres of which are clear and 12 Acres goad
MeadoW--all fenced and under good cultivation. There
is a Imo& .ttra - story STORE DWELLING HOUSE.
Stone Spring House. Stone Barn and other buildings there
on erected. T Limestone, and lies 3 miles North
of Waynesbo on the road leading to Chambersburg.
Little Antietam flows through the tract, and the rattle have
access to water from every field bnt one.
TERMS :—One-half of the purchase money to be paid
Ist April. 1565, balance in two equal annual payments,
bearing interest from lot April, I&6.1
actl2] Trustee for the sale of Real Estate of Nancy Myers.
[Waynesboro Record copy and charge advertiser.]
JL.-I in the Poet Office at Chambensbnrg, Sate of Penn
silvan's. Oet.
WTo obtain any of these Letters, the a plicant must
call for "advertised Letters " give the date f this list, and
pay one cent for advertising
Attieks Martin C Grery Miss Mary Smitl Limit TG -
Bear Samuel H I Howard Mrs Wm Say, .1- Mrs lietsy
Beamer Capt V C'Harchelroad Chris day Or It E
Barns Johnson I ifissong Peter Stake Miss E M
Burt Jacob ;Heintselman J W Stager David
Blank E F Wm L iStonatLeonani
Bona William 'Keefer Nancy A • ITemple Wm 2
Cartll Martin W iKeefer JobnlLimble Joseph
Cline Wm I Liebig Chas B !Wert Pater
Disinget John McCauley G T ?Wilson Kir E B
George Miss 8 A Rinehart W H Wolf John L
Grove Samuel Satcher Mary
Uieesgore Sam'l L,Sbown Mimi! 0 _
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned, Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of Abra
ham Carbaugh, late of Antrim township, deed, will, by
virtue of said Will, e.rpose to Public Sale; on the premises,
art Saturday, the sth day of Nov cmber 'next, the following
described Real Estate, viz: A certain TRACT of LAND,
lying and being situate in said tottunthipof Antrim. 3 miles
North of Greencastle, and about halfrwinibt East of Brown's
Mill, bounded on the North by lands (Fr Hollinger's Heirs
and John Reneker, on the West by lands of Hollinger's
Heirs and Mr. Lindsay, on the South by land of John head
and on the East by land of G. Brendle, containing SIXTY
measure, havingthercon erected good two-storied nurcK.
"'WELLING, Stone Bank Balm. and Wagon Shed. nil
new. There is on the premises ayoung Orchard of choler'
Fruit. and a Well of G.iti Water. About twelve or fif
teen Acres of said land is covered with prime Timber.—
Said Land is in a good state of cultivation, and of excellent
ortl2-4t ADAM ZARGER.
Franklin County Educational A , sociation will be
held at Chambersburg, commencing Wednesday, Novem
ber NA, 1864, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Tie friends of edueation
in this and adjoining countien are cordially invited to at
tend. C. R. Coburn, State Superintendent, and Joseph
Douglas, Eeq., will deliver addresses. -
Orthography—J. Sollenberger, J:Eckhart, I). S. Mc
Fadden and J. Boos.
cssinst Readia t q—P. M. Shoemaker. I..einuel
Snivel). and A. Shank. '
Pensmmhip—J. W. Coble, J. M. Philips and J. A.
Written Arithmetic—J. C. Dietricf4 J. Wolfkill and T.
P. Farmer.
Moan/ Aril/urae—O. C. Bowers, Er Eldon, J. A, ZIA
linker and IL F. Noble.
. .
Grography--T. Enterline, J. Forst, J M. Andrews.
Grammar—J. S. M'Eirrain, S. J. Renderron, J. Nrciain.
..figarra—A. B. Sthier, J. R. Gaff, A. B; Kaufman.
PAllosaphy—A. 2rlTAwitin, J. Atherton, Sam . ] Gehrix.
Phyriefogy--j, c. Burnet, W. ff. Ifoekenberm
Dismission Bent Bent method of tiring the Seiipturea to
Ecsays , —Misses M. Het!lnman, M. Reall,.S. A. Reynolds,
and Messrs. T. M. Richards and A. R. Wingert.
Chairman Executive Committee
PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber having
determined on removing to the West, sell at
Public Sale, in the Borough of Mereersburg, on Thursday,
tkr taxa of ;Verret/ter, 1844, the following lfeal Eetate,vlx:
A LOT 01 , GROUND, on Main street and near the
centre of the town, having thereon erected a large two
storied STONE 1101;SE. in exerdlent repair, with a Well
of good Water and large Cistern in the rani, together with
all the necessary convenieneee for a ard•elaise dwelling.
The Garden Is well supplied with choice Fruit , and on the
Lot, &Pingn wide alley, Is a large Briek Stable, with Cow
Stable, ;Carriage Bowie and Orunneries, all under the
same roof. The above le the most ifeeituble property as a
result:nee In the place, and to any one deniringtopurchate
a home no better opportunity offers.
Also—At the same time and place, will be sold a LOT
OF GROUND, situate on the Corner road. immediately
adjoining the Borough, having thereon erected a good
LOG HOUSE, with Kitchen attached, a Well of good
Water In the yard. The Lot is well supplied with eh nice
Fruit, and the whole Is enclosed by u good rust and
Also—Another LOT, immediately South of tbe Borough,
containing about THREE ACRES, and enelosed by a
new Post and Rail Fence. . _ .
. .
Also—At the enure time and place; the following PER
SONAL PROPERTY, viz: lltoc.kaway Buggy, I Sulky,
1 Sleigh, 1 goad Family lions, 2 good Cows, 2 Hogs, 'and
a large lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture, not ne
cessary to enumerate.
The Sale will commencu nt 10 o'clock, A. M., when the
terms will be made known.
Also•—At Private Bale, a TRACT OF LAND, situate
on the Turnpike leading ham Meroersburg to Greencastle
3 miles from the former place, containing 105 APRER of
good Limestone Land, with a good new tea stair)! BRICK
DOUSE, a good /Bone Bunk Barn, a Log Tenant notate
and a good Orchard of Fruit. The oboe° property is sit
uated In a good neighborhood. and will be sold low to a
good purchaser. For particulars enquire of the enbsei•
b•r In Herr•ershurW loetl: 2t) W. I'. BIIITIJ K. II
fteb) abbertioemento.
Ever y Farmer baring a horse rstwer should bare one
of our Premium Farm Grist Mills to grind all their grain
for feed
The Mill is simple, durable and etlicieot, atallsadupted
for all horse powers.
Send for a Descriptive Circular and address
toctl2.3ml W5l. L. BOYER & lIRO.,
Agricultural Implement Factory, Phila., Pa.
TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There will be sold
_IL at Public Sale, by the undersigned.. on the premises,
in the Borough of Chambersburg, on Wednesday. tdc 15th
of October, DNA. the following Beal Estate. viz The undi
vided half of a LOT DP GROUND, bounded. by Water
street east, by Pitt street South, by lots of Peter Ereigh
banal and Hannah Whisler west, having thereon a one
and a-lialf story DWELLING HOUSE: Sale to cum
mimeo at to o'clock, A. M. Terms, CASH.
0ct12.1 - Truntee of Gm Flory, deed.
,A NODYNE CORI)IAL, the Mother's
Friend and Child's Relief.—This invaluable medi
cine is again for sale by A. J. MILLER, at his DRUG
STORE, next dour wog of BROWN'S HOTEL, Chan:,
bersburg. -
on hand again.
MILLER'S HORSE POWDER.-4 supply alitays on
lent article can now be. lead at Miller's new Drug Store.
PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned will
offer at Public Sale, on Wednesday, the tkith of Orto•
be,, 1564.-a LOT OF GROUND, situated on ihe Public
Square in - Orrstewn, Franklin county. Pa., on which is
erected a Awli story BRICK' HOUSE, Brick Back Build•
hag, a two story Brick Wagon-hlaker Shop, Frame Stable,
Hog Pen, Bake Oven and other improvements' There is
a Well of good Water near the Kitchen door. and choice
Fruit, such as Grapes, Apples, Peaches, dm, in the yard.
This property is in good repair and well situated thr Mild
ness. Termsmade easy. Sale to commence at,l o'clock,
[oetl2-2t) SARAH YOCKEY.
following accounts have been filed' for confirmation
at the October Term, A. D., 18th
The first and final Aecount of 11, 11. Russel and William
Louie, Assignees of Henry liesore.
The first and final Account of Thomas Pomroy,'Trustee
and Committee of John Btayman.
Account of Wm. Kaughenhaup, Committee of Robert
Clugtodon, of Quincy township, a lunatic.
First Aortonnt of A. B. Wingert, Committee of -Eye Wol
gatnet, a lunatic.
The Acoosint of Jacob Myers, Committee of Geo. W.
Miller, a habitual drunkard.
nett:: K. 8. TAYLOR, Prothonotary.
By virtue of the last will and testament of David and
Jonathan Cree, late of Dublin township, Huntingdon coun
ty, Pa., dec•lL will be exposed to - Publio Sale, on the pre
mines, on Monday, the 31st day of Ottobrr, 1564, the
MANSION FARM of said deed, situate in the said towu•
ship of Dublin, miles east of Burnt Cabins, containing
179 ACRES ; about 130 Acres cleared, the remainder well
Timbered. The improvements are a two-storied Went],
erboarded House, Log Barn, with sheds and other neces
sary out-buildings. A Sp-mg-of Excellent Water conve
nient to the Dwelling. Pobypsion given on the, lot of
Aprit next. -Terms made knliwn on day of SaIe.JAMES CILEE,
octhat DAVID WELCH. "‘
EASTERN INN.—The undersigned ha
ving, lately purchased the large and commodious
Brick Building of lice. S. It. Fisher, m coma, 11011 a rth nis
present place of busineis, on the corner of Main , treet and
Lads Alley, is prepamt to t,munoil.,e -BOARD
ERS by the day. IN eel: or month lie is amply provided
with STARLING to neemumadate the tras cling public.
!laving a tarp. Li\ ERY STABLE eealleeted. Wail the
Hotel. g,uents and the public generally can b• - •
with Hone. and CarralZell at any mo m ent. Puma,. visit
ing Chatathersburg- with their Gttnilie+rt ill find this the
111,1 comfortable lintel in the coniity as: it has been
fitted with entire new Furniture, and the .ronc , .ire large
and well ventilated. The TABLE is amply suppbed a stir
all the luxuries ofithe fell,eo, and the BAR, whin tt is de
tached how the Bnek Building,. will lthelly, be furnished
with tthoice and pare liquors. Every attention paid to the
comfort of guests. I octP2[ S. F. GREENAW ALT
ptiBLIC SALE.---,The subscribers :in
-1 tending to relinguish the forming business, n !der
at Public Side, in Puyettevdle, on Monday, Orinbatrth,
1664, the following Per.onal Property. viz: 9. HEAD of
HORSES. among which are a Team of tolls-nor Draft and tiro Brampton Sruti Colt: tool di ynars
3 head of Milk Coos. $ head of Young Cattle, till of un
proved Stock; 10 head of Sheep among, whi t + are a foil
bred Cotswold Bock, '2I years old and sett-11 full bred
Ewe anti Buck Lambs: 2 Brood Sows and Pugs 1 Road
Wagon anti Bed. I Plantation Wat,ntn. I One-(fosse Wa
gon, Orain Dnlls, 1 M'Cormiek Reaper 1 Fodder Cutter,
3 Plows, !forams, 3 Double Shunt') Plows, it Pair Hay
Ladders. 3 Fifth. Chains. 11 out,. Horse (tears, Bridles. Col
lars, Single and DoubletTrez.s, ;besides many other aracisot
not necessary to enumerate.
. •
Sale toCOMILIVGICV at 9 a'elork on said day, when
terms mill be made known.
PUBLIC SA LE.—The under s signiql.
Administrator of Mrs. Elt?.abeth ID aver. ths 'd, trill
expose to Pub& Sale at Ins residence two miles south
west sit tiressitsqatle. on thy Wilharrisport Turnpike. an Sat
urday the lath-eh* of Umber. led-t, the f 4 tug Personal
Property to wit 3 BEDSTEADS and Bedding, Feather
Bells, Qnilts Sheets and Cos oriels, 1 eight day Clos ; I
large Copper Kettle; 1 Thning Table, 1 case of I)ntwor.;
3 Chain.: 2 Tr.. 4., lot ,d 4 ierrnan Itoo)oce-ittb.o,
Queens and Crockery-.sure. and a vartety Of otherllouse.
hold and liitelten,-I , 3, 4 *NiV.L:.E.E.
Sale to.eommence at 10 11 . (q. A. M.. when the terms
will be mailsknown by ABRA AM HURST, Adair.
Also—At the same time and plate, be offered for
Sale, 2 Work Horses and 1 Colt; Shoats, 1 firainDnll,
1 large Dinner Boll: 1.000 lbs. of TOBACCO; loot year's
crop: 500 bushels tit Burley. ABRAHAM 'BURST.
I'. S.—The Tobotro and Batley mill he offeied for sale
at 1 o'clock. foctl2)
cIHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
of renzitiimi Erponas. ismued out of tb.• Conn of
Common Pleas of Franklin county. and to me direr t
ed, there gill la exposed to Public Sale. at the Court
House, ih the Borough of Chanthenburg. on Froiny. the
21 4 th dayof Ortntarr. at 1 o'clock, P. 3t.. the following
denenibed Real Entate, viz:
All that truer "of 3101,7ZiTATN LAND, situate in Let
terkenny township, containing Agree more or less,
imnimr lands of the heirs , )1 Isaac It,e.enberry, Lee Horn
and other,
ALso—Ali defendant intent in nil that Titmil. OE
LAND, situato m lAtterkenny tow w4up tontaining
Arms, mare I,r adj"il./i)g h 11 1 ,6 of E. Rtga , nlwrry and
others, with a Log lime and Log Barn thrreon eret ted.
defetAnnf+ intereNt in all that tract el ,MOUN
TATS LAND, situate in Letterkenny tounsbip. eontain•
log TO At reel. less, adjf,ining. land., 1 feerner
an others, seized and taken In executi o n as propert y
Isaue Rosenberry and will be mild by me.
orthl-3I HR.ANDT, Sher
sou on Frtdery, the t›lft of October, at the West
Franklin Nurseries. Franklin county, Po.. on the Loudon
and cove Gap road, 2 miles from Loudon and U front
Cove GaV, a large collection of Trees, viz :
FRUIT TREES.—AppIe, Peach, Pear, Cberfy mot
EVERGREENS,—Firs, Arbor Vit'irs, Spruces, tie.
DECIDUOUS TREES.—Maples, :Poplar.. Elms, Sy.
zamoresi Ash, etc.. etc:
SMALL. FRUITS.—Grape Vines, Strun bemes, Env.
berries. etc.
DEAL, P.ll
Green Muse Trees and Plants in every variety, Shrub•
bery, Roses, &e.
till ,
proposts to sell the best stookova r ,knerCia at Our
Surgeries, affording a line opignitaiityfoii Agents, i)culern
and Plariters to secure good stoeli Tor sidling this
fall or next spring. -
Ge- Sale to einnineiaie nt 10 o'clock, A. N. A liberal
credit will be given: faiiitl2l , It. L. RYDER,
West Franklin Nurseries, near London. Franklin et,- Pa.
)R IV ATE SALE.—The unilersigned
intending to romove to the We'd. offer+ at Private
Sale. the IZ,ilon ingdeseribed Real Estate ton a: a FARM,'
situated in Lett erkenny ip., Franklin co , 4 mile. from
Chambersburgy and mile north-west of the Rocky, Spring,
adjoining 10101+ of S. Huber and Sprecher, containing
abont 16.1 ACRES of BLACK SLATE, LAND. Tho im
provement+ are .1 large two-storied ROUGH-CAST
I>WELLIN(i MOUSE, Log and Frame Barn , Wagon
Shed, Cider Pro,l. and all other ne.e.sary
Aloe—A FARM wljoining the ohm e. of .LlPont. lid
ACRES, irov.half of mt forte i. Lime kone and the halal.,
Slate. The improvements are a two-storied BRICK
1101 'SE, (nearly new) Log mei Frame Barn (with Wagon
Sheol attached) and other convenient ont-lutilding,
The Furrog hate• been well limed mot are t,dembly ne it
Timbered. There is an ORCHA RD of good Fruit •to both
of the Farms, end a Well of never.faihnz Water at etwit of
the dwellings. and a Spring on the first mentioned tract for
attiring cattle. There Liaison LIME KILN and QUAR
RY an each of tin, farms. About to only ACRES of
MOUNTAIN LAND, well timbered with Chestnutand
Chestnut Oak will be sold-with melt Farm.
AlsTwo ACRES and PERCHES adjoining the
atiovet. an tho riddle Road, with a storied TENANT
HOUSE, Stable, Ace. This small tract in well 'planted
with FRUIT TREES, and is admirably adapted far gar
dening purpasen- There in a good Will of Water at the
house.-and a Spring near the Stable.
Persons wishing . to view the ;monist, ran do ho by rai
ling On me, at the first described tarn,.
0rt1241 CSELL.,
PUBLIC g A 1., E.—the undersigned,
heirs ami legal representative, of John iiirove, late
of (inilfiml township, deed, n ill offer at Publie Side, on
the premises, on Monday, the 7th of Nom-a:Ler, at Ilk:lnch,
P. M. the following desenbed Real Estate. viz:
The old Mansion or Spring Property-, situnte in Antrim
township, alsott I mile North of Brown's Still, adjoining
lund of John L. Latahavr, Andrew Davison end others.
containing about 150 ACRES of excellent LIMESTONE
LAND, lutving thereon emoted a lara'n STONE DWE 1.-
LLNG and new Bunk Baru with Wagon Shed at:twins',
all in good repair. There are on the prerni4es:n line Spring
of Water (being the head of "Muddy Ruh,' ) and an IC.
chard. 40 Acres of said land is roe erect w is4pntne Timber.
Alert--A FARM of about 100 ACRE:S:4 oxxl LIME
STONE LAND, situate ,in Guilford nattAlp, about 2
miles North of Brown's Mill, having thereini erected a
two storied LOG DWELLLNG, Stoni. Back Budd
ing, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed. and °the novessary oat.
buildings. There it on this Farm an Orchard of choler.
Fruit, and a Well of never-failing Water. 25 Acres of
'mid land is 'covered nith good Timber.
Thorn will also be offered on Tuesday, the bid of AMU
"ber, in the town of Marion, moat TWO ACRES OF'
LAND, having thereon envied a goad two story- BRICK
DWELLING with Bark Budding, a good. Frame Stable
and other necessary out-buildings. There in on this pro
perty n moot orchard of excellent Fruit, and a good Cis
tern at the door.
Alen—At the oorm time and l a me,ithogt 3 ACRES or
LAND, adjoining the Mat deserilisl property, having
thereon erected a LUG nousn, icood Stable, Cooper
Shop and other geeeasary out-building-a. There are ou
this Property a small Orchard of good Fruit, and a Well
of never-failing Nutim -
Also—At the same timli" and place, the following UN
IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Golifinti
township, adjoining- lands of John L, Imbrium, Michael
'liege arid other*, containing FIFTEEN ACRES, more
or leak :5; Aetna of this land is covered with the beat of
and the balance is Ina good state of cultivation.
Sale to commence at To'clock on maid days, when the
tenna will be made known by .
ABRAHAM GROVE. (octlii-10
Qcbe franktin Repasitop), i.hambtObuti,
',fteto abbertionnfittO.
jA C B S & S SER
'Manufacturers and Wholeallp De n i m i n
No. 310 North Third Scree, abet, tine, West Side,
J. D. Jamas. late of Chamb'g, Pa. HENRY E. SXTOER•
LEVER HAY PRESSES.—These Presses excel!
all others in use for the ease and rapidity of their opera
tion and fur their durability and perfect operati/M.
Send for a Descriptire Circular and address
, loctl2-3rni :WM. L. ROYER. & BRO.,
Agricultural Implement Irtrulutacturers, Phila., Pa.
kJ The t•rlernigned fareuding to remove treat, will of .
fer at Public Sale, on neaday, the :?..sth of October, a small
tract of SL.TELAND,nituated in Hamilton township, ad
joining Inn& of Daniel Sollenberger, Joseph Eberly and
others. on the Kiefer road, about 11 miles North-west of
Chambersburi, containing Acres of well improved
elate land well hawed. The improvements are alf sthrY
LO(1- HOUSE. Log Barn and all necessary out buildings.
There is an ORCHARD of choler. Fruit ou the premises.
There is a Well of net er boiling Water at the dwelling
and, a good running Spring on the premises. There is a
near the dwelling. This is a kmarlocation for either of
the above busboy,. There is also a BRICK YARD on
thin tracts with an excellent quality of clay for manufac
turing Brick. The alone property so closely situated to
Chambersburg. ni.thes it desirable for farming, or either
of the above mentioned business. Persons wishing to
view the premises ran do so by calling at my residence.
Sale to comnienec at I o'cloek. A good title will be
given. [octl:2 , 2tl JACOB BURKIIAR'i.
Jug rllbli , hed lo a sealed Envelope. Priee.Six
A Lecture on the Nature, Treattitent and Erotical Cure
of Spermutorrluen or Seminal•• Weakness: Inkulnntary
Emissions, Sexual Debility. awl Impediments to Marriage
generally. •tien.m.ue.+. c.aaagaptiaa, Epilepsy. a n d
Fits; Mental ant I'll 3 sical Ineapaeity, re,ultitur from Self.
Abuw•, a,. D'y Doter J. CULNERWELI, ii, D., Author
of the •' Green 13•40 k," &A., •
The world moot ned mittn., in this admirable Leeture,
clearly proves frmn les own experience that the awful con ,
sequenee of Self-Alat.e may be effectually removed wait•
oat medicine, .nalro about dan t rerout tltrgieal operation,
Wttigties. in s truments, ring's, or cordial, phintingjout limo&
of cure at once certain and effectual, by St bleb every Buf
feter, no matter.wbat his condition may be, may care him.
self cheaply privately, and radically. TIHS . ,LECTURE
Sent under rent, to any address, in 1 plain, sealed en
velepe, on the receipt of six cents. or too poinge Stamps,
by addressing. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO..
0et124 , m)-927 Bowery. New York. Post-Office Box, 4:356.
PUBLIC SALE.—There be exposed
to Public Sale, on the premise% in Path Vallevi l about
one mile and a-balf north-east of FannettAbairg. Franklin
county, Pa.; 011 Friday. the 11th day of Norember, next.
the following very valuable Real Property, to wit :
A FARM; containing about 31k) ACRI;:eI, (Blck Slate
and Free Stone soil.) in a high state 'of cultivation, a part
of NI Lich is enclosed with about one thousand pannels of,
pool and rail fence ; all of which in in excellent canditijim
About one hundred and seventy.fiVe Acres an, cleared.
the balance is covered with choice Timber,' eontaining a
large proportion of Locust and Chestnut. Them is also
about "..10 Arms of excellent 31eadiM'. There is a large
two-storied Stone and Frame DWELLINft 50th
a large Wash Homm attached; a large Frame Barn; Corn
Crib; Wagon Shed, and other out-buildings on the prem.
and a Well of never failing Water near the kitchen.
The farm is well watered, having running water convyni.
nt to most of the fields. This fann' is admirably adapted
for division, and would make two excellent Lams.
The above property mail be sold Whole. Orin part, to suit
rare), ;. a goal tith: given, and moderate terms of pay
ment to the bbyer.
. ... . ,
Any penpii_ desiring further infonnation;in ref, ren to
the above property, will please call on the anderigtied,
remding on the premises, or by letter, addressed to Fun.
nettnburg Franklin county. Pa. % i
Sale t" COMUIPIII . I. lit I ll'elock P. ?A
A J. R. H: M. Rr H I TIE
, Have opened their
in the Sioue Buihlinlr , un Second Street, ISo doors
north of the.Po.nOffine, and app.ite
a god Lor , .sof tiut , tit t.f
and ignuend :wwrtment of
GIVP as a call, oCtl2-
.Juror. drawn for n Court of Oyer.and Terminer,
Court of Quarter +o n, of the Pew,: nod tt Conic of
C, ,ono Inoue! to he held nt Chambersbuik, en Monday.
Medlat they of October. A, D. 106.1,
John Walter. Wariie.dioro; Jno fi Allen. Montgomery;
Sarni iimekeziralsre, ilreen; Wm H Blsir. Southampton:
Samuel Bauer. Largan; Thomas Bovey. Guilford; Javair
Bear. Warren; Nun.' Craig. Ciliamberchargi Jacob Cuak,
Meutgamery: Win Peters, Sam'l Etter, Green:
Leonard Pntz, Warren, Andrew Gift, l'eters; Samuel
Greenawalt. Cliamben.burc; R. C. Horner, l'eter , : Upton
ndet,on, Jno It Hostetter, Clreencnstle; Sarn'l
I.,nrlzan; John P. McAllen. Metal; Jno Mono,
(;reen; John H Tboina - s. Warren; Nelson Wilson. Ster
rersbnrix,: 31artm Wingert, Green; John P Walluce , do,
Peter Ackerman. Chauffg Jno Byers, Hamilton; JET
Bntke, IA tier \ enny; Dan I Brant, Fannett; JUN Ilossennm,
Montamnery Hiram B. erz Antnm;
Jovoll Carhaugh, Washmglom- Solomon Cook,
Warren. Jaeohl233lfinan. ILtmfflon; Lewis Deatrieb. An
trim, Andres\ Darl-ou, do, Chnstimi Diehl, Guilford;
Len Dputr,ll Antron . Wrn Fleaele, Quarry; Leri
Grthhie, Nlet,l. Smug ( hell. Montgomery; Wm Gillan Jr.
Letterkennv, \nl Ileiwleki, do; Adaul limber, Au
trial, (leo umber. l'harnh'ir; (leo Lowery Quiney; Chri ,
Imo 11 Le.lter. A ntrun, Geo Ludwig. Cluunlig David
Lehman Green Goo MuchelL Alarm: Abruhum
." , I, s g; II Mutters Qulne3; Jacob L Mohler. South
all:, II; A(1.1111 Hiller \ otrun, .11, S3L Curie. Mercers
hum, ‘ln. 31' \ leer. Hamilton. oet lJ
l'unuant fo an order ;,f thq ()Timms' Court of Frank
lin ~m aty. the underNwnetL AdrainNtratoni of Jul oh,
late of Letterkenny town.hip, dee'd, will offer - at
Puirhe• • ofe Saturday. the 29th day of octab,.. tart.,
at the Pablo , llouse of John IL Weist. in SnliSbUrif, that
f',n4,‘“ng• valuable Real Estate. to wit :
The MANSION FARM, situate one mite east of Stras
burg so raid tonnship, asljuining lands of H. IS. Rife, Jas.
Keil. W. G. M'Clettan anstotheis, containing 105 ACRES
and 77 PERCHES, neat measure, of Slate Land, of godd
quality and in a good state of cultivation. The improve-,
men% are a large new BRICK DWELLING ISOCEE.
Frame Bank Bam, Wagon Shell. Cons Crib and salter out
Alga—The MILL PROPERTY, adjoining the above.
rontainaat nearly nix ACTIN, hasmg thereon errs test a new
Bnek grist MiII, Saw:Ma Brisk Dwoiling Hooke, As.
the ,uno time and, Owe, 77 ACRES and 21
PI:IBISES. neut. mensuro, 4,f bald too nship.
11.11Ohting Lords of Petty's he en. Sullinger'A hers, W. D.
Met: lethal and ethers. divided into four lota on fidlows:
No, d, e.mtaining tr.l Arms and Pereheu
No. 2, " unit 117 •• -
No. " 17 " and RI "
So • 4, "37 " nut Itt2 •'
Perr,on , t,troott of I it,intr the alone tlekribed proud•
seg. or any ptfrt thereof, R ill toe, cheerfully Munro the :woe
(iv v.:Ohm; lot either of the trtt,rr,igned, roiling i n stet',
Attie will vellllllolloe Rt 10 4Felte•k. On %aid ally, It lien
title Rttelldallee 141111 teens of .Lli• UM he Ina& known by
.112 Muir, de &mix 11011 of Jung, Kenny, dee'll.
SALL—TiIe under:4llyd
Trades to tall the Real }; , fate of John Sleichter,
Late of Green ton nnlop, Pranklin a minty, Pa. deeM, will
expo, to Public. Sale, 00 the premises. in Scotland. on
Friday the .20th day of Or toben, 1.4,4 the rid lon
bell Real Estute. dm: Purport A. al' 1.
'nil!: MILL PROPERTY. 'satiated in Gre'en township,.
containing Acres and 2 Perches. neat measure tid . .-
ing lands of Win. 'Thorn am and other lands of deceased.
'f he Mill in Sitliated cat the Conneoehetigue Creek, S inileS
from Cluunbervilatrg, in the Village of Scotland. Thent
is. also, a large twientieled,Dwi•lllng iioll6ll on the premiers.
Peepers R. befog a f=
LOT t GROUND. situated in the Village of Seidltind..
containing 2 Acres and 24 Perches, neat measure. having
thereon erected n large Brick Store House. There is,
also, a Young Apple ()reliant on the 'mantises. Purl/vet
C, being
A LOT OF GROUND, containing P. Acres and i 45
Perches• meat measure, having thereon erected a twos
storied Mich Dwelling House and Stable. There is also,
an °reliant of good Fruit on the premises. Parpart, N 0.2 •
A TRACT OF LAND Felugthi , Mansion Farm of 8811 i
deed, situated in said township, containing 102 Aires and
120 Perchrs, neat Ineastire, adjoining lands of Frsinklin—
Besere, Jurviti Garver and Ifenry Kyle.--about 100 Acrett , ,
of which are cleared. The improvements area two-storied
Brick Dwelling House, Lens Bain. and other,out-buildings.
There is, also, on the preznisk n goodOrchartL Purpart
A TRACT OF GOOD FARM.LAND, adjoining N 0.2,
containing 100 Acres and 10 Ferches, neat measure, adjoin
ing hinds of 9`. Ifeeore." A. Oyler, and others. About 90
Acres of the Marro Tract ate cleared, the remainder in
good Timber, The improvements are o larie two-storied
Stone Dwelling Douse. Log rind Frame Barn. There is
an Orchard of chid,' Fruit on the premises. Both of the
last named Truets ore first qtuillty Limestone l Land. No 4:
A - TRACT OF MOIiNTAIN LAND, in said township,
containing 54 Acres anti 130 Perches neat. This Tract is
n ell set n ith Cheatunt and Oak Timber, and will be divi
ded into Five Lots, of 11 Acres each, to snit purchasers.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock,' A. M.—lf not all
sold on Friday, the Sale will be continued" on Saturday,
this 20th, Attendance will be given and the tetras made
known by DEORGE SU:RD-ITER, 1
[Lancaster Exam - fur insert weekly till Sale. Send. bill
to thin ofbee.l Trnsteet.
UNITED STATES.—Whereas, in and by an Act of Gen
eral Amonbly of the Commonwealth of l'enmvivania, en
titled. "An Act relating to the Elections of thrn Common-
Wealth," paciaal the lid day of July, Anna Domini lEIII, It
Ic made the ditty of the Sheriff of ever . ). County within the
Commonwealth to give public notice of the General Elec.
tione, and in each notice to enumerate--
Ist—The 011 leers to be elected. •
4d—Desiennting the.placen at which the election is to be
held. Therefore, •
I. SAMUEL BRANDT, High Sheriff of the County of
Franklin, do hereby make—known and. give this PIIBLIC
NOTICE•to the Electors of the County of Franklin, that
- NEXT, a Ceneml Election will be held at the several
Election Diottrieta e4tablished by law to mill county, at
which time they a ill vote by ballot for the several officers,
hereinafter named.
The said Elrietions will he held throughout the Courtly
• At the Court House in the Borough of Chamberitmrg,
for the North Ward df said Borough, and part of Guilford
At the Hpuse of J. W. Taylor, ' for the South Ward of
said Borough.,
At the runny House of John Gordon, at the West Point
of Chambersburg teethe township et Hamilton. •
' At the School House in Fayetteville, for parts of the
townships of Guiltiest •
---Altise-Pubrenise of Martin Shoemaker, in Greenvii
' loge, for part of Green township. -
At the Western tiehreti 'rouse, in the town of St. Ihoin
as, tor the township of St. Thomas.'
• At the Sethi' House in the town of FaMtettSburts'for
the township of Metal.
• At the School House, in the tor-slit.' Roxlmefor the
township of Lurgan.
At the House of John 'Harvey, for part of the township
of Fannett
Al the Sc'hool How, -in :the,toweeorConcerde for pert
,of the township of Fannett, and. ,-,` ' .---et -
At-the new Stone Scheel House 111 Itiarowstown die
. triet, for the other part of Fannett township.
At the House misses occupied. by Geo. Anderson in the
Tillage "Nancy, for the townshp of Quincy. t
At the aVwderri School HousseeirWayrtesboro, for the
township of Wallington,, -et" '
At the House of John H. Adams in Greencastle, for An
trim and port of the townships of Peters mid afontg,omery.
At the Schad House, on the land Miehaeltook in War
ren township: for - the township of Warren, -
. . At the Streshins School House, for the ioWnship of Lei- I
terkenny. . - . I
At the Home of James Mallen, In the town of London,
for pert of the township of Peters.
At the Log House un the Sarni of Jacob.ElliPt.-for the
. - Welsh Run DEstriet - being part of Montgomery tewnship- -
At the House of Thomas McAfee, in atercerbures for
parts of the townships of Peters and Montgomery.
At the Mount Rock School in Southanatbe town
ship for Puri of the township of Suuthatraten.
At the Eastern School House in Othitown, for the other
part 9f Southampton township. •
At which time and -place the qualified Electors will
elect by lallot TWENTY-SIX PERSONS to he Electors
of Pntsident and Vice President olthe s tnitsel States. -..
NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN-' 1 That every' per
son excepting ,Justices of the Peace, who shall held any
-Office or appointment' of profit or trout under the United
Stairs or of this State, or n City or Ineorporated De-mita,
whether a. emends-shim-CA Iseiticer or otheroise. who is or
shall be employed under,lhe Legislative, Executive or
Judiciary Department of this State, or of the United States, -
or of any Ineorpohifed District' and also, that every mem.
her of Congress and of the State Legislature, µad of the
Select or Common Conneliof any City. or Comedissioner
of any Incorporated District, is by law' incapable of hold
ing or exercising at the' time, the office or appointment of
Judge, Inspector or Clerk' of any election of this Common
wealth, Sind that no Judge, inspectors or other officer of
meth election, shall pe eligible to be then Tided. for." •
And-the saidtAct of Assembly; entitled "An Art rela
ting to Elections of this Commonwealth," passed July 3,
1e39, farther provides, as follows. to wit':
"That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the res
pective places appointed for holding the elettffions in the
Dietriet in which they May respectively belong, before
9 o'clock, on the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October,
and each of mid ffiispeetors shall appoint one Clerk who
ehell he a qualified voter of such District
" In rose the person who shall have received the second
highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attention
the day of election, then the person who shall have 're
ceive", the second highest number of. votes for Judge at
the next preceeding election, shall act as Inspector in his
place. And in case the person who has received the high
est lumber of votes for Inspector shall not attend, the per
son elected Judge eliall appoint an Inspector in his place,
and in ch. the person elected Judge shall not attend, then
the Inspector who, received the highest number of votes
shall appoint a Judge in his plate ; and-if any vaccine)-
. shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after
the time fixed by lass- for the opening of the election, the
qualititst voters of the township, ward or distract for whibh
such 'officer shall have been elected., present at the time of
- election. shall elect one of their number to fill the vacancy."
" It shall be the duty of the several-Assessors. respect
ively. to attend at the place of holding every General,
Special, or Township election. dutingthe whole time said
election is kept open, for the parka of giving informa
tion to the! Inspectors and Judge, when called on, in rela
tion to the right of any person assessed by . them to vote at
such election, and on such other matternsn relation to the
assessment of voters as the said Inspectors, or either of
, them, shall from time to lime require.
"No person shall be permitted to vote at any elcdticin as .
- aforesaid, than a white freenitm of the age of twenty-ono
years or more. who shall have resided in the State at 'Cast
• one year, and in the election Distriet.where he offers to vote
at least ten days immediately proceeding such election. and -
within tivo years have paid a State or County tax which
shall have been.assOssedat Most ten days before the election.
, But a citizen of the United States, whole= previously been
I a qualified voter of any State, and removed therefrom and
returned, and who shailhave resided is the election Dis
' triet and paid taxes aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after
residing in this State six-months: Provided, That the white
freemen, citizens of the I,7nited States, - between the ages of •
twenty-one and twenty-two years, who have resided in the
election-Dlstiet ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote, although they shall not have paid taxes.
"No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not,
contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the
Commissioners, unless, First lietriluesss a receipt for pay
ment, within two years of a Stele or County tax, assessed
agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence
either on his oath or affirmation or the oath or affirmation
of another, that he has paid such a tax, or in fffilure to
produce such a receipt, shall make oath to the payment
thereof; or, Serood, if he claim a right to vote by being up
elector between the ages of 21 end, 22 years, shall depose
on oath or affirmation, that he hiss resided in the tae at
least one year next 'before application, and make his such
proof of residence in the District but is required by this Act,
and that he does verily believe, from the-:acconete given
him, that he is of the age aforesaid. and give such other
evidence as is required by this Act,, whereupon the name
of the. person so admitted to votr shall be ,
the alphabetical list, by the Inspretor. and a note made
opposite thereto by writing the csrord ."tax" , he shall
be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the
word "age" if be shall be admitted to vote by reason of
age. and in either case the reason of such Tote shall be
called out to the Clerks, who shall make the like note in the
listsof voters kept by them
" In all camiewhere the mune of the person claiming to
vote is found On the list fiirnislied by the Commission
ers or Assestiors, or his right to vote, whether fond either
by verbal proclamation thereto, nr by any written thereon
or not, is objected, to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the
duty of the Inspectors to examine such persons.on oath an
to gimlifirations, and if he claims to have resided within
the State one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient
proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one wit
ness. win; shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided
within the ffiettict for moreithasi ten days next immediately
preceding sled election, and shill' also himself swear that
his bona fide residence, In puispanee of his lawful calling,
is aithifilliellistriet, and tiastpa: did me remove into the
mid District for the probse of toting Aherein.
" Evefy person qualified no aforesaid, and Who shall
make tine ' , net if required, ollhis residence and payment
of taxes as aforesaid, shalllte +Rifted to vote id tbetowle
ship e nest or district in ahielebe shall reside
- If any penmn shall prevent or attempt to prevent an
officer of the election untlei this net from holding such elec.,.
two or Itee In. threaten any iltllerlee tn any sigh offieer. or
'shat internal or improperly interfere with him in the eve
ration of his duty, shall block or attempt to block up the
window or avenue to any windoW where the sous mos. be
holding. :er shall use or practive any intimidation. threats,
foretw , shim,. with the deems to influent, unduly. or
In (IV. hey plotter, er to percent ham from voting. or to
retain the fmetioin of clodee, such-person on sons o ti.ashall
be fined in anysilin not eieeteling five Intedrel dollarsand
to be imprisoned for a time not less than one or mow than
twelve menthe. and if if shall he shown to the court where
the trial of such offence shall. be hod, that the )pereon so
offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the sand Offence was committed, au 1 nOt
entitled to Tote therein then on, conviction he shall be sen
termed to pay afine of tint less than one landed nor more
than ono thousabd dollars, and to be imprisoned not less than
six menthe nor more than two years. .
• "If any hereon or persons shall make any- bet or wager
upon the result of any election within this Commonwealth.'
or slosh' offer to make any such bet or wager, or printed
advertisement, challenge r invite any person or persons to
make such betor wager p oi convietem thereof, lie or they
shall forfeit three f .the amotuit set offered to bet. ..,„
And the J es of the respective districts afereeniffi - are
requir o meet rat Chninbersblirg, on the Friday next
him ng the holaffig . mid elettiort, then and there to
perf, nn those things reptimd ofthem by law. •
se Tare 39. " When any of the etcetera. mentioned in
the first section of this eett less. than ten in numlorr, shall
I e niirnhcrs of companies of anothir state or rereartry or,
for any sufficient and legal ratter shall be seperneed from
thirr proper company. or shall be In any hosirrital, ',taro turd,
reseel, OT nn recruiting. prorost, or other dusty, it ether
wahra or without this awe, sl7 der ennif rircterestonewsas
shrill render it probable ihnthe, or they. will be unable re
rejoin their-proper rompany. Or to be pre.entat his proper
place of election. on cm before the day of the election. there
in mentioned, said eleetor, or elerters shall hare a right
to rote Jn,the following manner. .
SECTION RI. The voter. aforesaid., is hereby author
ized, before the day of eleetton, to depaqt his ballot, Or
ballots. properly folded, al requtred by the general election
laws of this state, or otherwise as the refer may chone, is
a sealed enrelope togetherj with a written or printed. or
partly written and partlyprtrated, statement, containing TEM
NAME OF TIIE VOTER. THE Pot NTV, ToWNSlltet lioltoCoil
OR WAttfi, OF Willett Its: to A ufistbENTZ and Ti written
or printed marl/miry. to some ette/ifird roger in.tXeeleg.tion
disirtet, ofschielt .id voter is a resident. to east their - allots,
contained in said entaope, for him, on the daY.ofkraid
'eleetton. Said statement authauthority to be signed b}• the
said voter, nail attested by the ow
nanding, or some elnl,
miesloned, officer of the compiny, of which he is a mem
ber, In theyase of a private,' motor some commissioned‘of
ficeetir the regiment, in the cane of an tinter, if any ofsuch
officers am conveniently sieeeeeible, and if otkerwtee, then
by some other witness ; and there shall also accompany
"sad ballots, an affidavit of edit voter, takentbstfore some
one of the "firm aforesaid. 'arid in the absence of such of
ficers. before some other perkon, duly authorized to admin•
leer oaths; by any larrof this state, that he is tt - qualified
. voter in the election district in which he PrOpeeeil to Tote,
that he is in the hound military service of the, United
States, or of this stite, describiug the organization to which
he belongs, tied Itteline not sent his ballots to any iither•
' person or persons, t h an the one in melt authority lnention•
ed.'that he will WA' otter hot -vote at any poll, which may.
be °petits' on said election day, sit any place whateeever,
- and that he is Inn a deserter, 111111 Ilan not been abdanaara
lily delude-eel front the /lets ice. and that lie is ntiw station
bil at ,in the state of . Said sealed envel
ope. eontatining:the Matta statement, nittlionty and aili•
davit as names:tel, to be sent to the proper perm. by mail
or chi - no-wise. having cerium or printed on the outride,
across the sealed part thereef, the words!, "fulLblElts BAL. F e lt--- township, (borough or wrath) In ll...linty
SEPTIoN 34. The elector, to whom such ballot shall be,
sent shall, on the day of election, and whilst tlni polls of
- the proper ilietrict are open, deliver the cure-lope, so ree.exv
ell, unopened{ to the proper election officer, who shall open
the same, in thepresenee of the election beard, and deposit
the ballots therein contained. together with the envelope, and
accompanying papers, as 'other ballots are deposited, and
said board shall count and canvass the same, in the saint
manner as-other rotes cast al said election ; and the per Son
delivering the mune may, on the demand of any elector,
, be compelled to testify, on oath, that the envelope , so de.
1 livered by him, is in the ratne.state as when received by
him, and • that the Paine has not been opened, or'She con
tents thereof changed, or altered, in any way, try him, or
any other person, s s • , t
SEPTION 31 The right et any portent, thus offering to
Tote at any sueb;election, .may = be challenged for the same
causes that it could be challenged if he were personally
present, total for no other reason or cause, ,
SFr - llnfi 31i. Any officer of any - general, or special eke
- tion, in this State, who shall refuse to receive any suchen
velope and deposit such ballots, or to countnna canvass
the mme, and any - selector wheshallreeeivesuch envelope,
and neglect Or refuse to present - the same, to the officers of
the election district, endorsed on .the said envelope, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and conviction thereof, shall
be punished,by imprisonment la the State prison, not ex
ceeding One year, and by fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars, or either, or hoth, in the discretion of the court.
;-. ' "- ' SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
' Sherlff's.Oftlce, Chambernburir, 0ct.12.18434. .
' ?
kraal itotic¢i.
sensed value of allproperty 111f460taxabieby the laws'
of this Commonwealth, in the several townships and bor
ongbs (except Chambersburg, which iS notyet returnealn
Franklin County, made in conformity to the AcVof Assem
bly, passed the 27th day of July', 1842:
4 15. 1 i3"
4. 1' 1 2.7, § s' " z F. ^
I E:3 •
- .- -
LT .:;•• : -
c E
• •
gA .71
=sstlq - 2. - s,
. 69
r.,, ':i r '' ' gl ;?: il F'42. - 5 t.' : .... _-'-'. :=1 , t_ . B 4 r,:i .
l i'A l • - 4 1 : 4 2 1 - Ifiggigile,; . t.'
~: ~_
e.:2=EZ -4 :- - 1 . -IceAlSaG pewit
.-5-1A,81.!-iQ;itLEZ§ .0342144
pp " F 2. 5 1? 4:2 9 CE m Nip
"" • 5"" armraSatillja
- - - -
net: • e . 2 1 , =AI
.ot.• - so illy
he Commissioners will determine finally, on Monday,
17th' day of October, whether they will raise or reduce
c of the n'bove valuations.. "By order of the Board , of
ihralisioners, GEO. FOREMAN, Clerk.
ommissioners" Office, Sept. 1811. L0c1.5)
ti.resta.l will please take notice, that the following
AccountaM have flied their Accounts in the Register's
Office 'of Franklin County and that the same will be pre
sented to the Oorphan's Court for confirmation on, Wanes,
day the find day of Plorember, 1864, in Chamberoburg:
136. First and final Account of Isabella Armstrong,
Adm'rx. of John Armstrong, late of Hamilton twp., dee'd.
137. First partial Account of Hannah Plum, Adm'rx. of
Christian Plum. late of St. Thomas'twp., dec'd..
136. First Account of John Shirts and A. 4. Unger,
of Darla Unger, late of Peters twp.. deed.
• 139. First Account of S- R. Burns, surviving Adm'a
of John Renfrew, late of Guilford rrrP. deed
/ 140. First Account of S. IL-Burns, Adm'r. of J. T. Ren
frew, into of Ouiltoril twp., deed.
141. First and final Accoant of Wm. Bonsert, Adarr,
C. T: A. of Rebecca Troller, late of Hamiltontscp. decd;
142. First and final Account of Martin Heintzelmau,
Adm'r. of S. W. Heintzelman, latent Guilford t" - p„ deed.
143. , Fiat and final Account of Martin Hemtzelmab,
Guarilian of Sarah E. Stahl, minor child of JOseph Stahl,
deed.. ,
144. First and final Account of Daniel Zilch, Ex'r. of
Martin Byers, deed. , ,
~ 145. First and final Account of H. M. Martin, Ex'r. 1E
Henry Myers, deed. ' " II
• 146. First and final Account of Aaron C. Wingert, Adxof.
of AnnaW. Wingert, deedi
147. Final Account of Samuel Bmnthaver and hfichael
Reed,, Dirs. of Geo. Branthaver, 'hits of 'Guilford tvrp.,
14$. First and final Account of Josiah Besore, dee'd,
Guardian of John Foreman, as stated hy,John W. Coon
and Jeremiah Besue, Advent. of Josiah Besore.
149. First and final Aceount of James' Stark, Ex'r of
R. -
:obert,Love; late of Fanilett top., dee'd.E
150. First Account of Wm. Slanghenhaup, 4dm'r C.
T. A. t:.f Nancy.e.lugston, late of Qruncy twp., deq'd.
131: First and final Amount of 'J. B. Cook, A#m'r. of
Peter Reed, late of Fayetteville, deed.
172: Accotirit of Mary E. Smith, Adm'rx. of Dora
Smith, late'of Southampton tap., deed:
153. Final Afeount of John Shaft°, Guardian of Mar
garet E. and Hellen:V. Sheilito, minor children of John
Sliellito,.dec'd,as stared by Samuel Grossman, Ex'rJ of
said deed. , •
1.54. First and final Account of Mary E. Campbell,
,Adrerx- of Hugh L. Campbell, late of Fannett twp., dec'd.
153. Account of Petar Kunkelman. Adm'r. and Mary
T. Leuraster, Adufrx: of John Bearer, late of Peters tarp.,
iso. Account of Walter Beatty, Adm'r. D. N. C. T. A.
of Catharine Beatty lute of Ann*wp
, t., deed.
157. Arreount of P. J. NW, Elg., Adm'r. of Charlotte
SulithrKitte'uf Chambentbuxg, deed. ~
13.-..;First Account of Michael Bushey, Adm'r.
of Jonathan Wright, hitutf Potent twp., deed.,
First and final Account of W. W. litnttnn,
'D. B. N. Ct . T. £ of Elizabethllealman, late of Letter.
kenny ilee'd. ,
and final Account of Moses Kunkel, Adder.
of deo. W. Luckett, late of Southampton twp., deo'd. •
161. Final Accountof W. W. Britton and iWna.P.Bam
sey, Adders. of John W. Ramsey decd.
lak!First and final Account of David Negly mid Abra
ham Miller, Admts. of Mary/Miller, late of Montgomery
twp..; dee'd:
Mk' First and final Account of Michael M. Stoner, Ex'r
of Saniuel Fitz, hue of Washington tap., decd.
uedi 'HENRY STRICKLER, Register.
ll TOBER TERX, ; tn.& : ~
T. X Carlisle surviving ( vs. Beni. Phreaner'sAdiers
Pertnerofßobirunkkeirlisle. J "
John d: &1. - Ely, / VS. Franklin Funk. .-
Erniknuel Kahn, / vs. W. Crook's Ex Is.
Sarah Bowman, / vs. W. Bowman.
N. Zellers.' ' / vs. James Rule.
Mathias Philippi; zs. John Adaray.
S. 'S M. Pennock & Co" vs. Wm. Reber.
Eliz. June Trin'die awl(
Sniniiel B. D#le. .. ) vs. Mary Ann Clarke.
John ITritely
Jaeoii S. Brown
vs. Joseph Price,
f Samuel M. Worley 4:
' Anghinbaugh
1,, t TunaL.Fiefeler.Jllo.
A. S. Cramer, John
Pelwicks and. others.
,S Simon Pitney Adm'r,
/ of Philip Kyner.,
vs. John Shoap.
If I nr% H,lln
B,a. litn er,
Wm.lriu h,
Charles Hoek, vs. A. S. Adams et. al."
J. J. 'Kennedy's Ex'rs, _ V. 13. Peter "trough, et. al,
W. N. Rodgers, Va. Wm. Keyser.
Andrew J. Laeltbautn, , 5 Dr. John Lambert, &
'''' / John Huber. f
Ite).Meeo Morrison, - r.
Kresge', "Jr.,
Vr. Efor the use of Admen;
of J. IL Miller.
George Gersttse, ' vs. John H. Tritle. ` •
John Snyder and Wife, vs. Wm. Christ. ' -
Ahriltam 'leas, . ' vs. Daniel K. Retailer/
• oets . K. S. TAYLOR. Pratte),
. --- "p,ITOCLAMATION.--To the' Coreiter,
the Justices of the Peace, and the - Constables of the
diffekent Townships in the County of Franklin Greeßng
Kura's . all ye, that in plzrstutnce of the precept, to me di..
reined, under the hand and seal of the HON. ALEX Kmet,
President of the several Courts of Coundon Plea k in the
Sixteenth Dffitrirt t'unsisting of the counties of Somerset,
Bedford, Fulton and Franklin. and by virture of his office
of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deny"
erY 'for the trial of cupital and other offenders therein and
in the enema Court of Quarter Se.siors of the Peace; and
\v.*. Ps_.\ - tuN. and JAIMS H. CAR,ON, Eno., Judges of
came county of Franklin, You and each of you are
hereby rettnioni to be anti ,app,or in your proper persons
• with your Records, Rceognitanees. Examinations. and
other itememitrunibefore the Judges aforesaid, at Chant
beribtag. tit a Court of Over and 'Terminer and General
Jail Ill:livery. and General Quarter Ses,ions of the peace,
theinin to be holden for the County of Franklin aforesaid
on the sth Moktdiny in October. bring the slat day of the
- 71 . th, at ItrO•elock the fffienoon of that day then and
1 ,
toe et, to do lit
tx.l. thillp, it 11101 vonr severalioffices ap.
"perta. '
Given untler - my hand at Chambersbm.g., the sth octa.
be . Iroll [MO S-5311.1..iL BRANDT, Sheriff.
FIE estate of James Beatty, late_ of
Antrim township, Franklin county, Ea, deceased.
Wherens, James Beatty, deceased, did bequeath by. his
last ti ill and testament (me half of his estate to his first
eiains, both paterehtl and maternal, and did direct that
my legatee. aho failed to establish his or her claim, be
fore the Au d itor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Franklin 'county aforesaid to distribute the amount in the
hands of his Executors, upon the settlement of their first
aceount. should ant receive any part of his estate. Now,
notice is nereby given, that the first account of T. B.
Kennedy; surviviag Executor of said deceased bas been
tiled, and that the undersign *1 auditor appointed by said
Orphans' Court, to distiibute Axe balance due on said ac
count, according to the proviiions of said last will and tes
tament, NI. ill meet and hear all claimants under said 'will,
at his office in the Borough of Chamber burg. 'Pb.', , on
Thursday, the stir day Of October, A. D. 1E431 All parties
'ldling to establish their claim on that day, will be, debar
from coining is on said fund.
Sdp7 , 7t. J. 3E13: SIIARP, Auditor.
A uarrows
ell. ell has been appointed an auditor.' by the Court of
Conunon Plens,of Franklin count to marshal and dis•
tribute the assets in the hoods of William McLellan, as-,
Bigllee [under a deed of voluntary assignment) of the
Chismbersburg Savings F to and amongst the credi
nirs of said lustitution.• All ',queens who are creditors of
said Sayings Fund, or who are in anywise interested in
the assets thereof are hereby notified to present their
claims, to said auditot, at his office In the borough of
Chilmt ersburg. on or before Monday, the 17th day of
Oetpber, A. D., 1864. All parties neglecting to present
their cluimm, on or before that tiny, hill be wholly debar
red from coming in upon the funds of said Institutlis.
sep7.4it .1. 11FD. /SHARP. Auditor.
igned, Auditor appointed by the °Thalia' Court of
Franklin county io distriblite the balance in the bands of
Jacob Leafier, Administrator of Albetus Belt, Into of An
trim township, dec'd, to and among the persons legally
entitled to receive the same, will meet all parties interess•
e,t nt his office, in the borough of Greencastle, on Satur
day, October f 5, for the purposes of said audit, -
I . sepQl D. WATSON ROWEL, Auditor.
A SSIGNEES NOTICE.—N4tice is_ here
-11 by given that the undersigned ham; been appointed
Assignees by James R. Riley, of Greencastle, under a
deed of voluntary assignment fur the benefit of bas credk.
I All persons indebted will make immediate payment,
land those having claims will present them duly authenti•
leafed for settletneut JACOB MISTER; A u . e
VICE on Second Street, one squall Sontb of the
Mmtliot House. over Mitchell's Shoe Store. augYi
A.ll fat tei George J. Baleley, vs. Daniel 8. Funic. , --
Aline Soh,. in Divorce. k 0.56, Aug. Term, 1864.- IMO..
Sub. In DI verve. .No. April Term. 1864.
To Dan lel S. Fetti:—Yon are herebynotifled tope and
appear at a Court of Common Plena In and" tbr Flunklin
uunt4-, pa, on ga, Monday of October tiem, being the
31et day amid month, to above cane, if any you' have,
why the prayer of the petitioner &mad not be - answered.
oets-' SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.
signed world give notice that having been appointed
Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, to dis.
tribute the balance in theOnnds of Robert J. Boyd, Ad
ministrator of Mary Jane Walker„deo'd, to and among the
heirs of said deceased, 'will attend to the duties of his ap
pointfient at the Store of Cook & Boyd,'at Eptoa, oa
Thursday; the 20th of October amt at which time and
place all persons interested are notified to appear.
sep2l GEO. COOK, Andifor.
Auxlcu,,na,lll ,
is hereby given that Letters of Adminisundon
on the Estate of Charlotte Newell, late of Antrim town
ship, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
claims present theni properly authenticated for settlement,
°eV; BENJ. M. NJWELL, Adm'r.
pup r2sJoßr
' 4 " • 1P2..)
7D kni qtr.
tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of John NV, Barbough, late of Waynesboro',
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. • -
All persons knowing themselves indebteti to sold Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
ctet.s JACOB BEAVER, Adm'r.
OCC9 424. °
L-V tics is hereby given that Letters of Administration
Jon the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover, late of Antrim
township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
• All persons intoning themselves Indebted to said Estate
*lll please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
octs ABRAHAM HURST, Adra'r.
. . tuoprxlm
'l l -vci fom-rx,y
tice is hereby given, that letters of Admit:l:tat:rata:l
on'Ahe Estate of Christian Royer, late of Antrim township:
dee'd' have been ranted to the - undersigned.
All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested lo
make immediate payment, and those having claims will
please present them properly authenticatedfor settlement]
lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
onthe Estate of Anna Wingert, Into of Lettarkenny town.
Ship, dec'd, have been granted to the undendgied.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them.properly authenticated for settlement.
sep2n. ABRAM B. WINGERT, Adm'r.
.41 tit* is hereby given that Letters 9f Admit:ll4,lAM
on the Estate of John Moan, Sr., late of Quincy township,
dee'd, hare been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payinent ; and. those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement
sepi A. 8. MONN, Adm'r•
. lice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Paul Geddes, late of 3fetal township,
deed, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persona knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make Immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
selfa WILLIAM NOONAN, Atito'r.-
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Milton Shiny, late of Greencastle. des d.
have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment; and those having
claims present them properly authenticated for settlement.
rieno3 J. C. kfLANABAN, Ada*.
tice is hereby given that Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Dr. Jas. Brat Orton, Jr., late of Waynes
boro:, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. -
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate 'payment, and those having
claims present them properly nuthentleated for settlement
Sept 14 W. 8. AIEFIg.RBON, Adm'r.- -
tice is here* given that Letter of Administration
on tha Estate of Conrad Zody, late of Quinoy township,
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. -
All Persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment, and those having
clems present them properly authenticated far settlement
septl4 _ JOHN ZOO'S',
..124 hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Es.
tate of Philip Foust, late of Southampton township, deed;
have been granted to the undenrigned
All persons indebted to said ,Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims will
please present them properly authenticated for settlement.
005 PHILIP FOUST, Jr., Ser.
EXECUTOR'S NO Tic E.—Notice is
hereby given that Letteri Testamentary totlae Estate
of Catharine .aly, late of Greencastle, Aee'd, have bees,
granted to the undersigned.
: Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
will please make immediate payment ; and those having
claims presentthem properly anthenticatedforsentlement -
septl4 JOHN ROWE, ger.
MOTICE--_—Persoms, latowing themselves
.1.11 indebted to us either by Note or Book account will
plea* call and settle the game without delay. You will
readily see the necessity of prompt compliance with this
notice, in the fact that in the lute disastrous tire our Ices Is
yen- heavy.
The Books and Notes can be found at our present place
of business, corner of Queen Street and Franklin -Ralf
Rood. [angel-am) EYSTER & BRO.
NOTICE— Wit GELIVICKS 'having been
burned out by the rebels and desirous of resuming,
business at the earliest passible period. would respecthilly
request all persons indebted to him to call and make pay
ment without delay. Those who bare been burned and
not able to pay at this time will please call mat settle
their accounts by note or due bilL (aug24
FLACK respectfully request all persons knowtho
themselves indebted to them by notes or book accounts to
call and make immediate settlement. The necessity ut
this notice is apparent to every one, and we hope those In•
debted will report at[once. nug24-tf
A43r , V-E.R.-1 have lost my Account
1.1. Books by the destruction of Cbambersburg or, the
30th ult.. and mum trust to the hoaor and honesty of re+
old customers to pay up. I still einAuct my old businee.
iti Chambernburg and trill be glad to - 1111 orders as before.
ang2.l 8. B. SHRYOCIE.
dersigned iB desirous of having a settlement with his
customers. All persons baring had business triumaction,
previous to this date are requested to call upon him and
make settlement, as be is anxious to know how he stands
with his friends. [attg3l-2m) ABRAHAM METZ.
S. A.. Harrioburff, l'a., &pt. 19, 1861.
Until further °Meta, ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY
FIVE DOLLARS PER HEAD will be paid for all Ca.
%rah:: Horses delivered and accepted at the Government
Stables, nt Harrisburg. Pa. •
Said horses to be sound in all particulars. not lees than
five (5) nor more than nine (9) yefirs old. from 14i to lri
Itande high", full-fleshed, compactly built, bridle adze, and
of sufficient size for Cavalry purposes,- Payment made oil
deliver: of seven (7) horses or over.
LARS PER HEAD will he paid fur 1111 Artillery Horse%
delivered and accepted at the Government Stables, at
Harrisburg, Pa.
Said horse% Must be of dark colors, sound in all panic.
niers, strong. quick and active. well broken and %gun,
trotters in harness, -in good flesh and condition, from six
(6) to ten( 10) years old. and not less than 154 hands high.
Payment made on delivery of six (Ii) homes or over.
These specilleations will be strictly adhered to, and rig
idly enforced in every particular.
Hours of inspection from BA. 31. to 6 P.M. Inspection%
will also be held as follows:
ALTOONA, Pa., Ist and 3d Tuesday of en& month.
LANCASTER, 2d and 4th " '` "
READING. Pa., lot and 3d Thursday of each month
Horses so aooepted at these places to be delivered at dos
Government Stables, at Harrisburg'. Pa.
Captain and Assistant Quartermaster.
WANTED.—A good TANNER. " Good
tragearuot steady employment a - Whoever'. Ap
ply to the =tempted, near Merrerabarg.
ap21.11 . C. METCALF.
11 for Barley at the Brewery of
The Only Bank Note Reporter in Philadelphia.
The only ane etmtnitdng QUOTATIONS of Bank NOCII4
in'FOUR CITIES, at t
Philadelphia, Sew York.
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