IN lOC &tate isaUo. =2 pIJIILIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The heirs of David Bigham, deed, 1,11 o ffer at Pure Sale, on Tucsday, the lstliday of November next, on the premises, to Green tervitsbiii. Franklin county, Pa., 1 mile East . of Fayetteville, on the l'oropiko which plas from Chambersburg to Baltimnie, the following Leal Estate, 'Viz ;"TheFIARM on Which the family now reside, containing about 100 ACRES of Land. The improve, meats are a two-storied double front 13111C1C IiOUSE, and Baek Building; Leg Barn, Frame Stable, Grain liouSe, Wash llonse, Carriage House, Corn Crib, and other out-buildings. -There are two Wells of never failing Water, supplied-rvith Pumps, oirthe premises: one at the House, limier cover; and the other - at-the stable; also an excellent ()rrharib Also—At Ulm-Zane time and pimp. a FARM in Guilford township, 1 south id . Fayetteville, adjoining lands of C. A. rank, 'John Crawford, Abraham Dull and others, containing about. L 53 ACF,ES. The improvements are a two storieiLLOG HOUSE ,(wealberboarded,) and Frame Kitchen; a good Log Mira, Corn Crib, and other nef sary buildings; a Well of excellent Water. supplied a Amp; and a young (drehard of choke Fruit Trees The soil on thin and the above F.inO, to of L ....1,1,1317,1n M a tine state of ettltivatian, and quite pnoiretive. Also—At the same time and Owe, a Trot of 310t•N. TA IN LAND. situated portly in Green mat - partly:o ford touuship, Franklin county- adjoinut , lay& of the late Thomas Means, Joseph St.ding n co. Mu dle's Heirs, enntd.ining about 119 ACRES A1.41--At the same time and place, a - Tract MOUN TAIN LAND, inG afford township Franklin c.emty, ad joining the alove. and lamb. of Bolger tinglik Geo. Mc- Fermat and Thalia, Mena4, dee'd, rontaining about 9.142 ACRES. Also—At the snore time null place, a Traet )I*N TAIN LAND, ..ituated nt (rumen hove-hip, Franklek 00., adjoining hunk of James 11:glnam's hrura. Thad.. Stetvem 111111 Jana, Itentri•w, cant-Anon: übout 119 Aero,.. All of the, Trncts of 31ount.tin Ludt aro covered v.lth good Timber,. arc conveniently is:muted to the turnpike and acce..iblfliy pod Nada Permum wishing to %iaa these Propertici eat have nu opportunity of doing ,0 by calling im i.el at Mr. :ite% Caledonlalron Wurk, 4.1. on Mr. Carnahan, at the :Man. 9ioll Farm, Salo to commence at 11 o'clock ou cant dap, lt lien tiro conditions or ,ale, which will he a. to -tilt part, Mill be wade known by JOHN It. Ill( :HAM, I iet Foe the their,. [Harrisburg. Telegraph and Lanea•ter Examiner insert weekly tfy and send bills to this °Uwe.) TWO FARMS FOR SALE.—The sub -2:MI'R/ex offers at Private Sale, the following valuable Real Property, to grit: A TRACT ()I' LAND, situate in Hamilton township. nu the Warm Spring Road. about 39 miles from Chandiersburg. coataimug 21K) ACRES, more or lets, of isood (int\ efLand. adjoining land- of John Martin, 0 eorgo Fisher mal Chri•-nni titer. Tim improt e meats area two-storied BRICK. HOUSE, Brick:m:l l'rame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed nod Com ('rib Carriage llowo and other out-buildings. Them to a Well of good Water at the Dwelling and Co•terns ni Barn .red 11,M, Aluott 25 or 30 Acres of the above troll is well :sot w ith thriving young TIMBER. Therels a large young DRCIIA RD ins the premises, now in full bearinr. Alorge Danlen mh joins the 11,:tvai. and contains 190 I),, art ar roe', nt; Dwarf Apple Trees, and 45 tine hearing p home variety) GrapeVinm Thereisabma Tenant Ilouse Stable. Pdaek• smith Shop, Lime - Kiln. Draw Kiln, Sc., on tlm truer... :11s.—Au:04r TRACT OF LAND, situate in Ham flton township, adjoiniug the above, containing I'll ACRES morn or less, same quality as first described tract, on which is erected a large . ..two-id:mi.!. DWELLING HDISSE. part Brick and part Log; Log and Frame:Ram. Cartiage House, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib, Hog Pen, Cc. There are two-Welts of good. never-failing Water near the Dwel hag. There is on this tract nn exeellent - or: hard of Ap. ple and Peach Trees, together with a variety of other Fruit near the Rouse. The Garden attached to the above Premises contains about 50 Grupe "I,lnes. all thrifty aml produetivq. AtiOut ir) Acres of the 31,0% e tract is Timber Laud. Both of above Farms are to a gmsl state of multiva tion. havinpbeen limed twice Within a tow years. Also—A nt 19 ACRES OF MOCNTAIN LAND situated in ISt. Thomas township, about 2 macs from St. Thonoks, Weir:ter with young Chestnut. If the al4we properties are raft sold previous to the 14:1i day of Orthber, they- illon that day be offered at Public Sale, on th 9 premises, at I o'clock, P. sep2l -• JAcnn E. RUTT. rpItIYSTEE'S SALE.—There will be ex= 1... posed to sale, by way of public outcry, on the prem. Lees, in St. Thomas township, Franklin aunty, on. *the Ild day of November, A. D., Itto4, at 10 o'clock, A. IL, the following Real Estate- viz: , Purpart-1 beingrelvessMANSlON FAR3I !of decedent. situate inliamiledth and SzeThcanas townslops; on the Warm Spring Road. sp.l;out tenifles froM Chtunbersburg. contain ing N-ACREN: and 129 PERCHES nett, adjoining lands of Joseph Chri4man, Lewis Detrich and biller, with a BRICK-CASED DWELLING HOUSE, Log Barn, Wagon Shed and other buildings. There Is a Cider Pro's on the premises, and three Wells of guest W ater. Als'..t SO Acres clear and under good form, with good Orchard of choice Prifiti Purpart 2 being the "Kuhn :Cram.," sitne also on the Warm Spring Road, adjmning the 31ansion tract, lands of .1:yob Erider, and others, containing* 77 ACRES and llti PERCHES neat, with a two story LOGI DWELLING ' lIOUSE, Stone, Log and Brick Bank Barn, anti oche r , bnildingts thereon erected,* This' is all el'car land, has a good Orchard. and a Well of never-failing LVater: Ot the ,cleared land 2..... Acres is good Reactor. -", *l'urpart 3, cramming 11 ACIII/S and ..0 PERCHES li neat. with a BRICK DWELLING 111(PSE sad Log Stable thereon eructed.. AitlLllo ou the', re, ti leading (tom Elliott's Tavern trt Stuzel's Mall, in same tA Wl•hil , Illijoni log lauds of Lewis Detrick, lane Kulin a4sl other,. littrpart I. containing 139 ACRES and p o 'PERCHES neat, 310CATA1N LAM). situate in Peteri townd'll , udjotnini lands. of Wtn. 311 trath, E Eiden 'ami others. 'Mots trl. tsALE.—Otte-third. ksi -- toot ft t.^.. to remain make !midi, the into of the widow for life, at her death to be paid to the heirs of C. I'llimi detjd . the balance to by raid one-half Ist April. li•li.i. when Poss.sessiuu will be given, the other half Ist April. lE66' % with interest from let AlAil, 1265, to be secured on thepre, mises. oct.s. . ADAM PLUM, Trustee of C. Plum, deed. EXECII TOE'S SALE.--:In pursuance of the last Will and Testament oi Daniel Conrad. late of Peters township. Frabldin Co., there will be es posaelte Public Sale on the premieo, on Saturday, Octo ber 15th. 1E64. atone o'erock, P. M., the following property, late the estate of Daniel Conrad, deiibL' A FARM in said iowhship, lying along the Cove fire Road. one mile from Cove — Onp, adjoining land of Wm. Wolford and Geo. Cro mer on the- west. David Unger's libirs on the north, and others on the east, containing Ir 7 ACRES. with the al lowance of sand and clay land. There it, about 140 acres cleared aml in pretty good state at cultivation; 15 acres in meadow—more meadow-land can beim:le the residue is covered with valuable Timber. The Improvements con sist of a ?mei twotstary Log and WeatherboardliOUSE and Kitchen : Smoke and Granary house a ith cellar antler it, is the yanl do yf by the dwelling. A good Frame data, together with the necessary Out-buildings. A gmel ct— tern and Well of Water are in the card close to the Louie. There is also ha the pmmises„ Young Or hand of choice Fruit Trees with a variety of other fruit trees. cacti Plum, Pear. Cherry, &r. A fine large stream of Water runs through the Farm, to which particular notme in called. 11 also runs through the Barn-yard. making it cons enient for watering stock. - A Lane extends through the farm connecting with all the fields. If this farm Is not sold on said day. it will be OFFER ED FOR RENT on day of sale. Any Renton wishing- to .view the foroperty can Felton the subscriber. living on the Farm [sepal DANIEL CONRAD. Executor. PUBLIC 'SALE.—By virtue of the last will and testament of Peter 'Wester, lite of Antrim ttlrc4l l dP,r deed, will offer- at Public Sale, on the rreatif ses on Thursday, the 13th day of October nest at 1 &elder, P. IL ' the following described Real Estate. witnata pattin Antrim andrart in Washington townsbfrs,Pranklin comity Purport Ist. Being the MANSION FARMof decedent, lying north of the Greencastle and Wwymeshoro' turnpike road, adjOining lands of Jeremiah Corden.:Sanniel Nico demos and others, containing 10° ACRES and 50 PER• •C}IES of good, Limestone LAND, with a ,rrapertion of „Timber. : The impricrernentl two a comfortable DWELL- Dar' HOVSE, Bunk -Barn, Shed for hay or grain. Wagon Sii&l and Corn Cnb, Erring Ilonse and Blacksmith Shop, with all the other necessary . outbuildings. Also a g oo d Oieltitrd of Gritftelt Frßt. There are two steenms of Wa ter running through the farm to which the 'steek has ac cess from all titer fields. I'm:part 12d, Adjoins the above describtsl tract and lies smith of the turnpike road, contains '49 ACRES and 25 PERCHES, ulth a ifrorortum of Tim - her. in onnunnt is a line meadow-, watered by the Marsh 3hn Them is a small Orchard. -Also a Shed for bay or grain. At thesnme time will be offered an improved AP -I'LE MILL with a Horse Power for oporating same, with Cider l'ress attached, all in good order. Any perion do sirons of viewing the premises n 11l please call on the sub scriber, or with Jacob Weisser or Nathaniel Itool, resifting on the premiers. Terms made known on flay of ale. angal BENJAMIN SNIVELY, Executor. pIIBLIC SALE.—By virtue of the last will and testament of John-A. Shank, lute of Quincy township , dee'd, we will expose to sale, ou the premises, on Friday, the 14t/Lis.y of October ncrt, the hieing described Real Estate situate in Quincy townsaill: l'urpart Ist-being the MANSION PAM t deeendent, adjoining lands of Jacob Price, Wm, Hade, Stover's heirs nod others, oontaining 131 ACRES and 32 PEIICHES of good Limestone Land about 100 acres of -which are in a good state ofcultivation, the residue is covered with Tim ber.- The briprovemoulcomlst of rigood and comfortable DIrti,LIN6, 'HOUSE, New Bank 13am, Cora Crib, and Wagon Shed. Wash House end Blacksmith Shop with ell other necessary out-buildings, A maid Well of Water. Also h good young Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Prirpart 21 adjoins the above descritled tract and lauds of Jacob Prole Amos Miller, George Greenaw,ilt contains 14 ACRES and 152 Perilhes. A small portion of it in Timber. The im provements consist of a good comfortable 111/11se, Wash House, Small Barra-Carriage House, pith all other net may Outbuilding'. This is a very 'desirable property. Any pens= desirous of t ieuing the same will please call an Isaac R. Shank residing nn the premises or with the Ereentorsilezekiah Shank residing near the premises tind Benjamin Suively residing near to Greencastle. Sale to commence atleelick. &Len the tenon will be tnade known. 11.0.zediahn SHANK, t 1.1NJA3111 , 1 SNIVELY. aug3l IAR3I AND' . 'ILL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The tuaiersigned, Adminbtrators of John Beaver, deed, Will offer id Public Sale, in the too 0 of ,Loudon, an Friday, the Zoth of 0 f jo ber, 1E34, the follow• --- lag Real Estate, to wit i A FARM, situate,' in Path Valley, about li miles from London, .ontalning 131tACRES of land , render gorslstate of- cultivation. 'Tho iinprot ements are a to o.storied ROUGHCAST HOUSE, Stable and other necessary braidings. whore is an,Orchard of good Fruit on the farm. The West Cemovelmagne Creek runs through the land. Also—TWO TIMBER LOTS,. tuliointhii the above, Containing.respectively 27 bud ..'"...? Aerea. Also—At the $Ol4O time will be offered for sale, a large STOVE GRISTMILL. running 4 pair of Burs. land a SAW MlLLisitonted In Le..1(10):1. There are also FIFTY ACRES OF LAND and a HOUSE AND LOT to be Bold In connection midi the above pioperty. leo* A ~ TWO DOUBLE L wed in d town, with all tstorytherbon . nied i Dwelling Hens" Stable and other lmpm to thereon 'erected. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the terms will be made known. PETER I(I3IOCLEMAN, %duets tier% , MARY JANE LEMASTRR, S s_ .. j, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: The undersigned will Poll at Private Sale, his FARM, situate in Montgomery township, Frank. Du county, Pa., on the public road heading. (nen Mercers. burg to Williamsport, (the Maryland State Line paPsing - through it.) Containing ISO ACRES of ilrat-rate STONE .. LAND. The improvements comist of a largo D,WELLI4G ROUSE, Bank Baru, Spring li 0.0 awl all a_ n ereessaiT„ Fat - building& 'here are on thepremisos no% r WIMA Springs of Water, and a large bearing Orchard excellent Fruit, eenhisting :,;1 Apples, ream, elle/111'A, Plano, Peaches and Grapes. The Farm Is In good eon dition, ad tt ell adapted for raising grain and:-tick. ]'art of the noose Inlet is natural Meadow, and n :re.] port;on caveredtrith thriving Timber. A good tale x, 11l be gi‘ on. Terms made known by the subwriber, residing on the premises. Isep2C.Zit) eitt,V _ • BY AI: CLIME & STONER, CHANBERSURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ,I.Z 1864. cai 05tatc *airs. ORPIIINS' COURT SALE.—On Satur day, the _oth day of October earl, ntlo o'clock. A. M. By virtue of orders of the Orphans' thairt of Cumberland and Franldin counties, the subscriber, Guardian of the minor children of David Mowery, late of the Borough of NA - burg, dec'd, will sell at Public Sole, on the premises, all that certain TRACT OF LAND, situnte part in I.loLic. well township, Cumberland county, and pertly in Larger' township, Franklin county, about 1 mile west of Newburg, on the road leading from the State "Id to Newcomer's :Vial, bounded by hinds of the heirs of John Laughlin, dse'd, Andrew Gross, Robert Elliott, John B. Morrow and others, containing 231 ACRES and ER PERCHES, strict measure: The laud is Black Slate of gopi quality, partpf it having been limed recently. About L9O Aeseo are clear ed and under cultivation, and the residue is covered With good Timber. The improvements consist of a large two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other buildings. There is an Apple Orchard and. a Well of never•fmling Water on the promises, and the run or stream of watei which divide, Cumberland and Franklin counties on the North - side of he Conodegtunet. pas,es through Mb: tract. About 11,1 eres of the land he in Cumberland And the rent in Frank r in county. Persons desiring. M see the property are requested to cyt. on Samuel Chnstlieb, residing, on the premises, or on Da v itl Wherry, Esq., Newburg. , Terms made known on day of sale. 0et.541t DAViD B. BAKER, Guardian. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.- By virture of the last :will and Testament of Samuel Carothers, late of Shirley Township, dee'd will be exposed to - Public Stilei on the premises, on Friday. the Slot of Ow toter, next, the well knoll k-o and valuable MANSION PAII3I, late of said deeeasesl, situate in Shirly Township, Huntingdon County, Pa., adjoining the Borough of Slur teyaburg and the great road from Mount Union to Cham bersburg, sev en miles distant from the Pennsylvania Railroad and:Canal ,at 3tount Union; containing 152 ACRES AND 95 PERCHES, about 150 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation; 55 acres are -- well set with clover; 23 acres are meadow—the remainder well timbered. The improvements are, a good LOG HOUSE and double LOG BAILN, with Sheds and other necessary out-buildings ; a well of excellent water conven ient to the house, and running water in the barn-cant, as also in most of the fields. There, are also on the premises abut 50 grafted apple trees, common in this latitude. Sale to commence at one o'clock on said daY, when terms will he made known and due attendance given by LEWIS CAROTHERS', - - 7scp7-St ABRAHAM CAROTIIERS, 5 [l.luntite4on Globe, Lewistown Gazttfe, anti Chambers burg Itcposztury each copy si \ times, ant bend bill to this Othee.-3lirleyshurg Herald. ATA L ITA B L E FO1? SALE. t The Fill,SeribllS ffirelN tit Private Sato' his Farm nit tutted ahont :140,,t a mile from Quiney,,eontainmg 151 'ACRES, - 1•2, of n 117211 to m Timber and thriving Chebtnut — , .The farm i 0 of the hoot quality of LurusTioNE LAND, - except a fen- a, res which is gravel tAul and nll in a high tbge ot cultivation. If purclui,ers sit 00 it the qubwriher tall - ro , erve 3J acre!. leaving for sale liii ACRES. The buildings will then be in the centre of the farm nu!" COll - to es cry field. The impluvtlaients area large BRICK lIImUSE with a rertwo and l"trellet , a new BRICK BANK BARN. hO Met loug, with Wagon !shed and Corn Cnb attached a large iiew. fraitie Bog Pen, Double Frame Carriage Hoare, Brick Wash House Smoke Hiase. Bake Oven, and other out.buildings, in good re pair, nil the binhlings being under Cypress and Pine roofs. with tin spontingl, t.; each. There is a large Cistern t.lose to the barn, used for Stack, cud one near the kitchen.— There is a Well tgesetWent water in the yard. There is also 9.3..arirty t^loice fruit. such tis• Pears, Plains, Peach es. and tlinpes. urd, and a good ORCHARD of young thriving rOa on the premises. Persons n islang to slew the laud can do s'o by railing on the sub,cnber.i, [octs-In:] JOIIN MIDDOCR. Rtrobitery conil ha. und send bill to this alice for col lertion. —/ cord. PRIVATE; SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The .lab,rit deler.miued to remove We.; mill sell LI , 110.:‘1.1: FARM . on which he now re,hle4, pnt.anaw ACItES of Lime and Free Stone Laud, un 'era Mall , tit , 4..f.eultlvati,n, With a two-story WEATH IIItBOARDED Ni)A KITCHEN, Log Barn Wagon SLtd and umoar) (At eii shedded) and other nixes saty out-buildings, There is a Pump of excellent Water and a C.Ntern in the yard, anti excellent you m. Orchanl of cLon e Fruit, with rear , : Peueln,, Cherries; d Grupes, on the prenuse. Tins Fartn'ts situated in Montgomery township, d'ainklm comae, Pa., iM the road leading from Mercersburg to Willianeoct. A"...--12 ACRES of fir,t• rate L1111,t1,1142 Lard ucar the Farin, with good' Fencing% and well rot is Clnec , . Aloe—A LOT OP ACRES of Mountain Laud.' containing Che..inut, Rock Oak. Hickory and lane. 'rut above property will be ,old. ;together or separate. t.. suit 12urele.ers. If not sold at .rris ate Sate before the pith nj October. it will on that day of 10 o'clock, A. M., be offered at Public Sale, when the teiaus win be made known. Ner..S43l - 1 HENRY 31.-nucrlN. - TALIJXBLE PEA R M AT PRIVATE !, S A LE.—The Inelqai:ratd 1,111 otter at Private SA hi• F-k aitontori ovn,hip. Frnoklin ofonny. mljoinang lnd, ofJOhu E. and John 31:Clay, Daniel Juceph 3loweni and others, near the Cum, tioguitiet't creek, and about 5 miles• from Zithippensburg.. Containing 2 ACHES of good SLATE' LAND, well limed. Si) acres of thietniet is well TIMBERED. 25 aieres in MEADOW anti the balance in a high stale of cultivation, all iv excellent tinter and well fenced. The Improvements are a two storied IegAYEAiIIiERBOAR.D• ED HOUSE, new Bank Barn 72 feet long, wagon shed and all other necessary!, and convenient oubbuddintrs. There is a Well of never failing Water atthe door and two ORCHARDS of choice Fruit on the premises. _There it, ales it good TENANT HOUSE en they farm with a Well of Water convenient and all neveyetrylenblittilthnes. 'Pel,,-ons a ishing to view the Form ran dos,, by calling tin the sUbSeriber, living in Humiltep town.ldib, or on John'Clay. laljuiuing the farm. Ltuni. , l JOHN ZOOli. PUBLIC SALE,OF V.KLUALE REAL EgTA'rE.—The updersigte d inte r l ntli,tar to romore . I , Vi:bSt. will sell at Boddie; Sate. o .Sgtnrday, tAr Ifith day of Uri-ober sect, on the pretrilac, in Gollthrd toareqdp, Iraakint county, Penna.' ~about 1 tails North of Marion, live ntilei South of Chamben.latrg. and one-fourth of u mile from the Franklin Itailreail. a VALUABLE FARM. dontainsng ACRES of well-161in wed LIMESTONE LAND;of whir is about S Acres are well Timbered, ad jiannig lands of Samuel Frederick and others. The in, proven:ems area laTge two,torisd BRICK DWELLING HOUSE with Back Balding. a nue and a hull storied STONE TENANT HOUSE. pith Basement, a Stone Spring House, Carriage House, a new Bank Barn, and all other necessary out-buildings, all In good repair. There is u Spring of never-f Oiling Waterincar - the budding-, and an excellent Orchard of g. 0.1 Fruit an the farm. Sale to carmen, e at 1 tichwk. P. SL, on said day, when the CialdltlollB of Stile will be mash; known. - trepal-te DAVID GROSSMAN. pouswe SALE.—Tliki undersig,neff, Ex 1' beutars of the last will and. testament of ;Alma- Gam Carbaugh, late of Anmm township, deed, mill, by virtue of - said Will, expose to Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 49th day al October Hee:, the following described Real Estate, viz A certain TRACT of LAND, lying and being situate in said township of Antrim, 3 miles North of Greencastle, and abiait Gulf a mile East of Brown's 31iII, hounded all the North by lands of Hollinger's Heim and John Reneker, on the West by lands of Hullinger's Heirs and Mt :Lindsay, on the South by land of John liayd and on the East by hunt of D. Brendle, containing SUCT Y TWO ACRES and TWENTY FOUR PERCHES, neat measure, having thereon erected a genii tmestoriedDnicK DWELLING, Stone Bank Born, and Wagon Shed. all new. There is on the premises a young Orchard of choice Fruit, and in Well of Good Water. About twelve ur fif teen Acres of raid land is CON erect with prime Timber.— Said Land is in a good state of cultivation, and of excellent quality. ABRAHAM CA IfBAUGH, JR., , . tict--It ADAM ZARG ER. rs. VVALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM FOR SALE.—The undenigned offers at Pnvate Sale, a valuable Limestone Farm, situated about too mhos south of CbarnbeNburg and: mile from the Waynesboro' road, adjoining, lands of Michael Lesher and Wm. Vanden 7.ron taming 133 ACRES, of Limestone Land, under good cub ti ration. About 115 Acres (leased and the 1.,,Lim;,. is u ell Timbered. The bnprovements 1111,,int of a two.storicd L WEAT II ERBOARLIED DWELLING,, 'lush House, SlViff, Barn. Wagon shed, Carnage limn., and all nocessary out buildings. There is a WelLvf er failing AV,t er near th e d o e nuer, suit', lent for Icatiiiiig There is an (11;CIIARtj of choice fruit mi•the premises. Persons wishing tin view the property can do en by calling at the Farm. if not 'Fuld before Frtday, the 21xt day of (18rzi6er, it will on that day, at 1 o'cloek, be Offered at Public Salt. [oct.s.stJ SA311:111, BUTT, VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR SALT .—The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, hie TANNERY, known tut the Comer Tannery, with Steam and Water Potter, SAW MILL, Chopping-Mll, Stocks for breaking hides, &e. The Tannery has eight Looehes, d Vats, Limes and Water Pool, and lit' capable of tanning rioo heavy lath; a year. There are tit'o Lou DWELLINC, lIUUbLS, Barn, Stable and other neces. sury oubbinliling,, comas tel a ills the 'Tannery•, ;mast/mut bit Acres cleared, el trait the wilt sell any tinatztity of 17111 'a-lilt the Tannery, from 1110 to 7111Aeres, deer f0)0 A eves are Timber, and all ample supply of Chestnut Oak Burk to run the Tannery for Lily ) raft. It is hiu Uated 11.1.1117 mitre Sl/Wll edet o f Illercen.burg., mn Licking Crook. Terms made , I (NS. For further pnrticu. Inrf whim , ' the nnth•prigned, at Mer: - •,:rybog. Co, Pa. • ( C.. METCALF. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.. The undentigned will offer at Pith& Sale, on the pietni.,, in Hamilton timnship, about 'lf miles south of Chambershure, On the Conococheague Creek, one Mao W o e , t f the Greenobtle mad, am 'Thursday, the 5711 i Or. tobcr,'all.that FARM coomming about 217 ACRES, inure or less, part Limestone and part Slate. The buildings onlrist 4,1 two DOW BRICK DWELLING HOUSES, two trued Bunk Hanes, with other nece.sary baddiugs. Their is a not or failing Well of Water near the Home an d also Running Water on the farm. Also is yard Orrhard of fruit. The buildings are located in each manner as to divide the Property into two farms, Unit will lie bold to. gether or divided an may suit Purchasers. - Sale to rommence ut 10 o'clofk, A. M., when the terms will be made known. fungal] PETER CHRIST. QMALL FARM FOR SALE.-1 he sub seriber will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL FARM on which ho now 11.14Eles, situate in Antrim towuship, Franklin county, about nix miles from Greencastle, on the Canhtottn road, adjoining lands of Samuel 31) ern and others, containing about 40 ACRES, all cleared land, in oat order and under flame. There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the place, nod a Well et excellent Water. The improvements ronsiht of n two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a Rank Baal 12,feet long, and well finished, and all other neeessary legs. Posdession 0 111 be given on the let of Apnl, 1001. Terms will be made knee,u on uprizeation to the sub. tardier, residing on the premises. oct2l-If _ - SAMUEL C. CRIDER. I ) E S Lit A B I. E RESIDENCE FOR SA I,1•;.--1 offer at 'Private nalo my Residence ,/n ',road !it rt, aiti, Abe grounds and buildumi tUtnelmil to l'orsm.sMn gIN en April . 1,0,1865. • o..tri !?Art JOSEPH f!LAIIKE. rVOWN LOT FOR SALE.-My Lot on ALL,. Stroot, Anulcn uv the Berlin propertv, %rill be ' 4 ' 4l it rrivate Stile (Pie1. 4 4 . :1 11, 1 IMAM; 111 ITTON. Ural Q7state sates. lEPLER, CLARKE & CO'S SAW SD PLADIING MILL YOU SALE.—The under having pgriniaed for Healy u year Iniht.toglo3e kicj 1 sigh III!!! 10 and complete SA)VING ANI) WOOD-WORK. 'STAI3LLSII3IENT, - with all the stock andfixtu.res . . . ttnsi \ G ted with it, including Teams, Wagons, dx. Also et& of Wood Land, and two large house..., and a capable of containing nine horses. establishment is ha, well known in this community minute description, and the successful character of (wine tarot , Stahl i Th. to nee. its 1)115 IreSS, fur seven years past, as well as its prt,94) , ClS fur the future, is fully understood. Pref •renre will be given to Mime purchasers; if appli cation be ulnae in due time. • Possession given the Ist of January next lIESIII7 SIIEPL EP., - JOSEPH CLARKE, Chambersburg, mit:i-2m JOUR I'. CCLI3EIITSON. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Franklin county, the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Isaac Be mesderfer, deed, will.expose to public sale, on the premi ses, on Saturday, the Q'tnth day of October. the tidlonung scribed Real Estate, situate no the township of Antriin;'2l - math cast of Greencastle. and near the LeiterNbarg road, adjoining lands of Henry Stine,-Jame and William Hinton and Martin Mickley, containing 7 ACRES and Ott PERCHES, The improvpments are a convenient LOG DWELLING HOUSE aild KITCHEN, Wash House Smoke House. Leg, tarn. it,Well of never failing Water, and choice Fruit. The-labia is under good fence, and iu excellent condition. Sale to commence n t o'clock, I.3Nltifrrtiie terms will be made km [octs4lt] JOHN ROWE,Trustee. FOR SALE IN ST. TIIOMAS [sipl NSIIIP.—Tbe undersigned offers at - Priv:lmi PARM, snuated m St. Thomas township, on tbo load leading from Guyer's Tavern to Loudon. 6 ,rtethe latter place, containing about 2,(X) ACRES !• TE AND GRAVEL LAND, about SO Acres of s cleared ontlate.balauce in THRIVING TIM. Sale his Publicl rules OFS which BLit.% Barn, Peach, and C I feet of opportu scriber, julyti e linprovements are a LOG HOUSE, Log ml 4 Tenant Holism and a good Apple °reliant Cherry and Pear Tiires. Alan—A SAW MILL LOPPING MILL, in good running enter, with 1$ ead and fall. This property would afford a good make money. Pur terms aptiy to the bah residing un the premises. FIcED . K. GILBERT. HOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE IN THE borough of M'Connelsburg, Fulton county, Pa.— Large Double TWO STORY 11 - OUSE, Eleven Rooms, Kitchen. Wool, House; dre TWO LOTS OF GROUND, hoice Frtut ;nal Shrubbary; Stabling for thirty-five Lured. L0,01 , 111:1.1' bluhling. suitable fir a H o tel, hav ing been u,ed to a 'raven] for a number of years. First rate Well of water 011110 ,ber. All im good valor. The sate-era), will sell at a barg-ain and g ive re,e.siou at one- time. For inform:Mon tall on or tuldre,s itoitritT AUL'rZ, 111:v11. 1f) Conilensbarg. Fulton. County, Pa. 14(.0. A. S.mitlt, my .I.lloruey, a ill.,rlve all necessary nifi.,ttaantin in my ah.enrA. R. A. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,In Jitir,lance •,f Ito order of th e orphan,. Court of Franklin connty, the under4igriedl. Adtuinn,trator of Mars Keehan, dee a. gill OXIAtOe 10 public •ale en the poll, trek, on Swurday, Ortubfr '2'2nd, at l 0 0 clock. a 1101::•,E and LOT, situate uu Broad street, Chaoiberobnrg. near the Stc.nn Sall' Mill of Sher', Clarke t CO. The lii ttee to a good Brick Ftructure. and in good condition, with a fine lot of grunna. Hill be given on the lot of April nevi. 'Terms will tre Wade known on any of sale by octs.3t A. K. M'CLURE, FOR SALE.—A LOT on Main street, opporate the property of Michael Hughes, with gotal BRICK II( SE. two and a-half beat,. lugh. with Brick Rack Building. The Lot in in good order with excellent Bruit. It will be oliered .0 Pubho Sale at Brown s I (owl, Chambersburg. Oa Snowing, OrtJber th2d at 10 o'eloek, - A. 3L Posse,tion given on the 114 .f A pril nea - 0.•t.5-3t DANIEL LONIti TOWN LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot 'untrd on 3laln street. trontlut; at tent and rnntnt._ bank io an alley adiottannt. bit., of Dr. T rartln , -; and the Berlin prt,perty. tATernd nt Pm ate Sale. hie l.ot a tnttLitt tt in tan Int,t tit_,ratte isLirt of tan Itett t -2 , an cattni r s, .11, or (hint 111 r. annul J. P. i.,BEI:MON. 3Lost, F.‘tolep anb Atra»eb. LOST OR .I)ESTROYE.O.—Tht , follow _LA POLICIES( "f Le Penn lititthil Life 1„..00t.0ty" oi Phi In.loirloA 2:3129. 3,01, 4704. to Jol o K. Nliryock ; 4P73, 47,7, SS. Sltronk 4Z1:19 IL II "Shryoi k; nrt4l, W. K. Slir) 1,1• k , /65, ( F. Platt anti 3195, Ern, nod thPllllliJWllle Cent ifitlt,, of totri.lusprolits No. I N 0.13-2. :111;No 112,4 Ex. .; , ...21, ; N., 107 q SIO : N.. )01:. I^+4l , k tio ; N o 1 : ,;0 N0; , “9._1.•,112. 510. t+.l - 1, 10,m. Silk No 114:1, Zeta, 510; No 510, No lUtl. 1011, $10; No 1099, 1,44, 5'20: No 111;22 1,24, 510: all in the name of John K.:Atm./eh. No 141, lcii, 510, in the name of N. 11 Shryoelt. No 1504, 1511.1. 610 ; 1610. 1111. eqo: 16:39. IPitt, $lO, in the name of S. S. Shryook. and 3‘;‘, 1161, otS57, 610, and 1139, 1939. 61U, ut the mune of J. L. Stte.,,,,rott. Notice is hereby eiven that appliention has be , II the said weep ny the" . l.U . e ?!!?Hevles of = C ED 11 POLICIES AND CERTIFICAT STOCK LOST.—The unders;:zned having lost by the late fire in Cbanthenburz. Pol. 11,•tiralice in the Frank County 311thial In , uranee Company, No 1 911.; for $ . .100; No. 4 2,16'2 for .... 4 4fX.), and No. '2,le.t for :32,0a1; certificate h.e one shark', nt , cock in the 11,nd, of Chauthon burls certificate lit nine shares of , dock in the jilts Yank, i.:ert;ficao.4 of Paths) per eat. loan of 44'2.-for SI,I kA. No 1-191 tofu ;"..4) t 8: rertificate4 of toted Statpg,stoek. turret ocrober. 1E41; N, 9,54-1. for jl 000. Notre iv he;e , .y 14,1 en that apple .anon edl 1,0 made 1 . 1.1 . the renewaTot tLo above and sept2, MARY W. REFiES.,.. .T S. 5-20 BONI)S STOLEN.----Tht , Witrehenee of the tindeeeiqued (•11;03,1 he Ul,4 l it. the '2.teh lilt- The, Iron Bate broken oin.n. said the telloo troz IS. 5.0111 0 1,11.4 hrolen there flow. rlt : Non. 7451, 7403 find 74rito.e4th rat, tro t . It loch the Coop., 110 liar November ildert,t had hot n detaehett. .‘ lar t re Packet llo,•k. e. tai on: nsum bee of Peotni , ory Note: and other parer, ' All ree.on,tre Vauttoned mraitedlotreh.oancany or bald bond. or tutu, the proper department id the Oros ennment 1111 b I,en irc.cfh,L4l their A rea-onable enward will be paid fur the return of the locket Both with the pittarni octi-fit WUNDERLICH & NTOTlCE—Several of the Bonds of the 11 'Franklin Railroad Company are Missing, having been destroyed. or, in the handi of purtie , lod Ithoi‘n. Any one who holds any amid ikinds eon merit e nm fall Infor mation respecting them Lt applyin g to p if) helix rll. Kennedy, 11 . 4q4., of Clatinberthnrg, odenek Watt., at Carlisle . „ri; OR I)ESTROYEI).4The jJ ing Policie , i.ined by the Penn mutdai Company of Philadelphia, to : No , t. 6143 and Zoris to Alex K. 31'Clure. ;intl. I. to ruby pten that aPPl'a tion ha% town mile to the Faid eomp.p*l for the Lwe of I)uplicate:4ot raid Police:,. . • Cobarco aW rgars. JACOBS' TOBACCO AND CIGAR riTOllll.-llnvinir re-lault my Tolmero and C,car Store OR South 31:1.111StIVet, ,net. of Wa,langtou streets.) too synari, from the Diamond, I would invite all to tall and OTantille my s'un'k, eonsi,timr of CIIL'AVINti '1 oIIACCO : engross, all kii,a.. Cm einli-li. Twist, all kind,. it,,,,, Ti,i.,t, }1...b., ~ (MI Virginia, Navy. lioney Dew, - • - &v., Sx. Nliehiu'un Fnu• Cut Solace Anderson Short.. Talisman, SNUFFS: SMOKING : Big Lick, Danville, 'Lam ee, Large Hand, Cat and Dry, Lynchburg. Jamie River, Mead, sep RUSH STILL ON HA,ND.—TOI3ACCO &'SEGARS.—The nnderbiguett ha ju...t returned from the City with a complete /Owl of Totmcm and Se. gars, ouch as Natural Lud , 31101thr.m. limo/mug 'ba,. and.PipeA. Store on. Queer; Street, three door, Trom the M. E. Church. Come, give him a Llft. . . atur;li LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCO stha sEGAits, tt• unit tenni. t.t. SILAFItIt & STUART'S, on Queen street. Ett.:t o f the 31;.thothst Church. Cotbing. TW. SCO'T'T, GENTLEMEN'S .FUR . NIS I I IN - I STORE and .11A NC FACTORY, No. Pl 4 Chesnut St., 4 clrsgr, Moir the Continental, Pint. adolphia. Partteular attention Kit en to ordered Shirts. A perfect lit guaranteed. Persons at It distance order by the following Shirt measures : Size around the Neck. " " Chest under the Arms. " " Waist, " - " Wrist. Length of Arms (bent) fan centre 4 bark to middle of Land. Length of Bosom at Side. Shirt. WESTON &.BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. SIX) Arch Strcrt, Philadclphm, Pa. Hayin g reeeiXed a liberal share of patronage from Chum• to Mal vicinity, we are eneouraged to ast formers. Tut, excellence of our 1404 AS told our stork, and the elite ter• take to give entire satisfiulion, lire a sufficient guaran tee that ti-a value our reputation. 'WESTON do BROTHER. MILLER, HAALILTON & CO. AND BRASS COPPER TIN AND IRON ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and in nTI kind,' of STOVES FOIL WOOD OR COAL, and all articles belonging to their business, would respect fully inform the eitirens of Chamberiburg and vicinity that tiny are now in full operation and are prepared to supply the beat lirtiCl4l4 ou the most reasonable terms. 121:PA HUM; done on slant uotico, with be,t muter:nil and 'at low rat, r. nigliost ra..di priers mid for olirlrun, Copper, Brag.g, Powtor and LowL 84'01 Parblpare erutirtp, COACH. AND SADDLERY - iIARDwArtE.. , ''The subscriber respectfully iuforms his, friends and the public, that he continues to earry on the above businms, at his old stand, on Cain Street, opposite the German Tte. formed Church, Haring* enlarged bis business, Saddlers and Coact- makers will flnd in his Store Room a general assortment of goods suited to their several requirements, such as Fair and Country Ilogskins, Patent Leather. Saddle Trires and Girthing. Gig Trees, Full Plated. Tinned and Japanned; Goat EZIMI Bits and Japanned doaeb Dandles, new styles ; Curtain Frames; Hub Bawls; Bridle Pruuts, • Roseates, Sn cla and Orn.rinents Iranllia:Nl and Mroad • Gig ;Lune:: / BUCELES--BRASS, SILVER AND JAPANNED, all Styles and l'attemq ; teary and Wooden Martingale Rings, Stump Joints, Ltd a variety of ether gaols/u i table - far fire trude. ALL KINDS Cl' &c., dune with neatness and despatch. 111132EM1 CHEAP HARDWARE ! - 1112AsNlY & FLACK Had a few gootLs under the pavement, which Is ere not burned. Such as Locks, Hinges, Scraps and other Hard. ware, Besides. they lace just received from New Turk and Philadelphia a very large lot of goods, purchased much cheaper than they are generally sold. The} having been_ burned out, therefore we offer Iron, Nails, Hocks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Oils Glass, Paint, Sue.. ut the lowest figure. TO 13L4CKS3LITIIS kND FARMERS! We have on hand about 10 Tuna Iron of diff.-rent kit/13, whir)/ we will sell IPs3 than it run be bought in the city- Al,“ vet hnve 100 kegs of Nails nod Spike,, we offer at front I; to 10 dollar:: per keg. Knives anff Fork, Sois.ett, •Razor+, Packet Knives, Spoons. &e., just received from New. York which we offer Ter,- roe. setae. lI A RDWARE, OILS AND PAINTS.= The public are invited to call and entwine the large end - well selected stock ut FOREIGN DOMESTIC HARDWARE, just opened on &rend between Quern and Market SD-n:8, Cliamire,burir. Poi. Having. purchased toot ..1 their goods before the recent advance in pliees, foss leading manufacturer , . we are determined to sell our c,etornws aegis cheap., We have on hand Oils, Paints, ;hes, Catlery, Spoon, Iron and Steel, Rakes, Shovels & Forks. Saddlery, SIN. Findings, Roped, Cords, Hames, Chains, Brushes, Ponder, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Files, Pots, Kettles and Pans. Tools of etery deseriptian, and go 4 HIS of all kinds usually kept in a well regulated Hard ware establidinient Orders from a distance, accompanied mutt, the cash. promptly attended to, and goods furnished as cheap as whe:u the person is. present. Call and try us. IRWIN & RHODES. AILS OF EVERY SIZE AND PAT TERN ; GlroT all sizom and qualitio.; Locks, and Scrows, Oil.. and Paint... Varnisho+, 'rurlx•utine, and every description gt Ildnlware can bo had, at bov pro‘o., by callina IRWINA 'MODES, on Sec ond street, C I S A P. RIAGE KER S' GOODS, u:ak,•r± - 1110VELS. Poln(i AND SPADES AT h ant many tither urtieles which wits in Cri. which tan be mule at. cool as new & FLACK'S. IF YOU WISH TO BUI. — ,CHEA,P 11 ii.kupwAßE,,alll on IRWIN Sc. RHODES, un So -4lnid Str,t, cL," l brifutb gam. Ooolfs. E IPANC•Y DRY GOODS nd Strict, in Mrs. Patinos' Rrsidenre, nearly orrposits I=SEt received and opened a new and beautiful stack of LADIES' DRESS GOODS-, laLk mid Colored Bilks, Cloaking Cloths, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, full line White GotALs, Gauze; Crape and Lot e Visits; ifosiery, Gloves, Col. tars, Cuffs, llnndkerUtie6. and even - thing jjelontraur, to a Fours thy Goods and Notion Sloss. Also, GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS, with a 4?0 , 1 nq,, , rtnu•nt 4f DOMESTICS, nll . of 4 1 -7 1/ - The patr;;li.ige of ttio vita , ix mos,t respectfully METCALF & (Ik.unber,burg., May 25, 1.861-tf. ITEW AND °HEAP STORE.—The un dersigned has jusdopened at We old stand, UrFER AslitiltiL a new and splendid stook of Staple aed For. riga DRY COOPS, comprising almost ei.ery'firtiole suit , alile to the maker; GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, It nn' AND SLIDES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, maul all arto 11, usually kept in a Store. Ile N delermineil to sell goods n cry CHEAP FOR CASH OR COCN -1 141 PR( Wl_ CP. such ro, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Flax Sobd. Eaoon, Lard, Tallow. Soap, &v. fAniet,,pnch to, Shingles and LienistPogs will he taken in [xi liangc for 'laicals at Claim beret/rug prices. UM , B ER FOR twionment of all Lulls of Lumber constantly' on hand. for sale ebony. PHILIP NAIIPER. EYRE LA - NDELL, PO17(711 A 41W11 SY'S , 11111-11r,t, Cater for the h Nt TRADE, and oiler no BAITS or decor. tioU to induce en,tnm, but rely on Fair Dealing and Good lint MIIIIINOES, Vrishionable SILKS. Nobaity 'NJ 1I1)S prws POPLINS. Dark FO . PLARDS, Fir med MERINOES, Plaid SHAWLS, Good BLANKETS. r;01,11 damn. af dogr as , follow et NOV, ag od nine for Merchants and Consumers to rotor in. 005-2111os UNDER WAY AGAIN 1 mETeALIT, s: urrnsitEWB LILY GOODS STORE, On Rivennd Street, nearly upposite the Post Office, Clean bereleint, Pe. aufra Ilrt's Deilylit, Sido, Sc MIME MASON Z 4-.. HAM,LIN'S _iv _ CAIIINET ORGANS. 0 arubaldi, - e (.; mut, Sigel J. A. JACOIIB. MtLODEONS oe•re introduced some to enty years :are, and o ere huoveeded by the It A RMONIII.M. S about tkle,4yeels ego. The CABINET ORGAN was brought to its present Into of perfection only In tho summer of AVTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL has lir' rent advantdges oter any other mvention of the kind, is r4pabb of klincr rift tin , than mn,sluerd by nnyqdhr, and 7.1 more easily mita by tic riltform.r, and excels osrecidlly to capacity far rrprcrxiurt. , Hew , in Mee inlvituoti in prima. ~A BIN ET _01“; Ns,—SiNGLE./..{E1:1,. Nu. 15. Four Ihlll% Single lzoot. in Walnut or CHEM • So.' I I I: : I, . ' • ' 8‘ g '(' 1" It I t' r Ce e ti, 1 vl'4 •NI: I - 1•1 1 -1 10. Ca, 130 No. 1;". The Same, m elegut'd Rosewood Case._ 160 i 1)01.111.F.R.r.F.15. r No. 19. Four Octave, Double Reetl., in ralnnt or gal: 1',,, , 140 No. , 20. 1 :h mhe um., elegant Ro„ mld ... . ' Z ' l!,.. 103 No.: 91. Fit e I hilly°, I o uhle Reed, In Walnut or -t laA Cam, Thp Saint', in eiegant Ireheirmid Case N 01•23 The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut or (yak, ll ill, Walnut Carving, SEX STOP. EMIIII=IIII= lid. 13. The Sauna, In elegant no',owned ease No. 12. Eight Stop Cattinet Organ, in Walnut or Oak Case No. 11. The Same, in elegant Rosewtxxl Case. No. 24. The Same, In Solid Carved Walnut. nol 1 -1 y: No. 10. fatal 13aso Cabinet Organ, In Walntit ar Oak Char Cases of ulna finish on hand, or toads to ordir. .11ELODEOl'iS. . No. 5. nee Octavo. Piano Style, Rosewood Cuse...slso No h. The Same, Portable, itoseIVIKKI-Case. ...... . 110 No. 7. The Santo, Portable Walnut Case 95 N. 9. Four (Mare, Portable, Rosewood Casa 75 . . DeseripHye ramplilets furnished by the aubscri her. • As Agents for 'Messrs. Memo S. 'Moanlin we are enabled to sell it their New York prices, and charge nothing for freight. We have sold a t number of their instrument!, and can give numerous nuthfuctory references. S. S. SHRYOCK,..Agemt, Climmbershurg, Pa. , CMI JOB PRINTING, in every st . z,-le; done nt the Office nt the FRANKLIN REPOuITORY. CITAMBERSBUIZG, PA Hair, Straining Wel: and Worsted Bain - lower than Cattun : S irrui I'l ited, B:M=EI LEWIS WA3II'LES, Clumberhburg, I'A. CL f. LERY. Saddler. Flnduurs nt BKAND d: FLACK'S Call at tlie Store' in BRAND & FLACK. EIN NOTION STORE, LL Pun Office. METCALFE & ILITESHEW eotnpri•iuq-nll the different etylen whirls will Inn For Cosh. lialtoical. F MEW itiattbro- ant _iektietri MORRIS, STERNE & CQ., DEALERS ,k 1 EN 'WATCHES, JEWELRY PLATEIa WARE.—;We offer to purchasers throughout, the United States n large and splendid assortment of Jewelry and Pin ted Ware of every - description at prices which defy comm tition. ARTICLES SENT 13 '(.MAIL Free of Charge. For the .benefit of persons v a neat, pretty, and useful artirdeMt a moderate e attach the following price list,' i _ Ladies handsome Neck Chain SLOO ; single stone' imita tion Diamond Ring $l. Cluitfer mutation Diamond Ring 82; IlearVlllated Vest Chain 81.2.5 ; Heavy Plain 'Rings stan the strongest add) 81 ; , Heavy Plated black rm..' hauelled Sleeve Buttons 50 cents; gents single stone or clus ter imitation Diamond Pins $1 ; magnihcent Bracelets $1.22; luindsornely chased Hedallions $1.9.5; Pen crud Pencil with extension Case $1.50 ;ladies' beautiful Reyols ving „Pin lean be worn either side) $1.25; Ladies' smnll Jet or Garnet Pin $1; handsome Italics set of Pin and Drops Conti tlirbutlcle or Opal sets e1:25 4 fancy Wattle Keys $1; LatliCs Long Guard and Chatelaine Chains $1; genn ino Gntta; Percha Pins for hair or likeness $1; Seal lungs $1; red of black Ball Ear Drops emits; children's hand. sonic Carbuncle or Coral Armlets Si ;Test Hooks, fancy patients, i 0 Cents; Carbuncle Studs and Sleeve' Buttons $1; Silver-plated Butter Knives 81.50 per pair; Silver pia ; ted SIKMIN per half dozen. All articles Warranted to giee7satisfaction or money re, funded. 1 , All orders filled immediately. A liberal reduction In prica willbe made on orders for ,a number of articles at one time.; I - Aildreets all orders to NORRIS STERNE S. CO., Ott. 5-am] ! 311 i Walnut St., Phila„ Pa. if & cci ~ 42 - and - 44 :IN 1-1 7- !.#I ° u II ST S UIET T , NEW YO . 1 6 (;(4!, (adjoining ,the Yost Office,) offers for sale the following thagnidneot n list of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, dm., Valued at (*woo I Each Article One Dollar, and not to be Paid For until you know witociratt get. 100 Gold and 'Silver Watches. $lO 00 to $lOO each 200 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 each 500 Ladies' and Gents' SilSter 60... 15 each 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils', 400 to '6 each 5,000 GOhlttand Bracelets. 3 00 to 10 each 10,000. Locket& Chains and Rings__ 250 to 6 each 5,000 Cameo, Mosaic add Jet Brooches 400 to 6 each 0,100) Coral and Florentine Ear Drops 4 011 to 0 each 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins 2 00 to 8 each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons & Bosom; Studs 2 00 to 5 each 10,1.X.X1 sots Ladies Jewelry - 500 to 10 each 6,000 Lava and Florentine Sets ' 4 00 to G each 000 Gold Peoi, Silver mtd. Holders 4CO to 5 each Gold Pena, with Silver Exten sion Cases and Pencils 400 to 6 moil . - . The articles in this Stack of Jewelry are cit• the neateSt and most fashionable styles. Ceitifieates of all the various articles 4r-put in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giv ing all a fair chance, and sent isy mail, for- 25 cants each ; and on receipt Of the Artilcate, it is at your option to send (INC. DOLLAt and take the article named in it or mit:— Five Certificates frc $l. ;• eleven for $2 ; thirty for sr, ; sixty fin. 510; one hundred for $l5. -Certificate money tube en closed with enter. Correspondence prortiptly answered. AGENTS IVANTEf) in every tewn and regiment.. Send or a circular. Address W. ; FORSYTH &-• 42 & 44 Nassau St., New York.' H •P' ' NR' Y H-ARP. 'E Th, NO. 520, ARCH ST„ PITILADELPHIA, i Has niarge stock of , • . . .. WATCHES, i . • FINE JEWELRY; ' SOLID SILVER WARE, Saperio i r plated TEA SETS, spoons, FORKS, &c. sert29.4trio% . • • tsetning ittlartineo. LONG LOOKED EQR•COME AT LAST, - The Perfectian of Sexing Machines.. 1 7111:, ~...ORENC}2. SEWING MACHINES. Can woe be seen at the residence of P. lIAZE. LET. South Aram Street, inuncthatety opposite 'Dr. A. 11. Senrrnis. C'l.omhersburg, where all persons interested in Sewing Machines are invi ted to mall and examine this wonderful machine. • It. has been the Object of th 4 FLORENCE SEW - LNG MACIIINE COMPANY to supply a machine free from the olectionk, attached to other hest class machines. and after the patient, unbrinu labor elf years, and Illiberal es... Pella- 10 1f° of Parltal in retiring the first mechanical talent, their efforts hay , been crowned with success, and they are now elfering to the public the rut st perfect SewinOtachine in the f m orld. Among its many adl,:ultages over all other maclin es, ay be otentioned. Ist. It makes fluty dtiferent stitches on one and the same each stall being perfect and alike on both sides of the hibrie. It. 1 Changink from one kind of stitch to another, 'as well aS the length of the Flitch, can readily be done while the machine is in motion. - 341.• J Every et/Lc-A is perfectelf, making the seam 41 , evurei and nnif4rm, eotnbininveln.sticity, strength anal Ise.lnt34. 4th: It has the reicrsible Decd motion„which enables the AoperattWto run the work to either the right or left, or stay any Fart of the seam, or, fasten the ends of seams without tit tin the fabric or stopping the machine. sth It is the most rapid racer in the world, making five stitches to each revoluturn 4 and:there is no other" machine which will dose larsre a range of work as the FLORENCE. tth. It dors thahca elf.: or finest work with equal facility, without tension or breaking of thread. 7th. It hems, fells, binds, gathers, braids, quilts, and gatltets and sews on a ruffle at the same time. flab. Its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to :operate it. lit motions are all positive, and there are no line h'ptings to gef out of order, and it is adapted to allkinds , of cloth-work. froth thick to thin, and it is alrgoet • 9ih, The FLORENCE SEIVEcG MACHINE is une qualled in beauty and ittyle, and must be seen to be appre ciated. ' '•DiR. R. P. RAZELET, 'having been appointed, sole Agent for the sale of the above Sewing Dfaehines in Franklin county, respectfully incites the Ladies to call and examine the FLORENCE. , All Maeltines warranted for one year.. [au ell attorneks 4t. tab). w S. STENGER, ATTOR: G. AT LAW.—W I , S. Sre.xostr, Distnet At• torney and Agent fur pm:llring Pensions, Bounty Money and .11111.11 , Ot pay. ()thee in James Defileid's dwelling. on the West side of Second Street, between. Queen and Washington Sheets. STUMBAUGIi & 4EHR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.-offiro opposite the ''.Post Office. at, tend promptly to idl busmen entrusted to flints care: - P. B.—Authorized Agents for, the collection of Peasions, Bounty, Back Pay and.-all other claims against the govern. went. sepl4 Ts RT' ,,t Attorney oppo 4 th t e La Court Office :E MarketET ti. Ilou e, formerly occupied by Ter. Cook, E. 5 ,1. All legal bn.ineere entreated to his care will receive prompt tato' tiop. rep74f.. ej - 01-Di STEW' a Ti ATTORNEY AT LAW. , MR ,4 on 3-ieeoad Street, a felt doors South nt the M4rket Howie: PENSIONS, BOUNTY and other claims promptly collected. [eng:ll • Tr ENNEI)Y& NILL, Arrouli - Eys AT 11 LAw. have' for the present, removed. their oalresto the residenee of T. J. NM 9n fteuond street, manly site the 'Market House. 1 tring3l. L • yMANR CLARKE, ATTONkY AT LAW, Chambersburg. °Mee (ut the oldplace.) on Market Street. near'y oppobite the Gong Howe. cAabblau aub '#)arntss. Q. A 1) I)LERY!--SADWLERY!!--- K, JEICEMIAIr DYSTEIit. rehyteetfally returns. his thanks to Ids patronsifid• the liberal •Mtitiouragenimit reeei• ed front theta heretofore. and he wouldinvite them and the comiratnitrgenerally, Who may need any thing'inliis line, ,to give Lprni a °nil at big. new stand, on East, Queen street, near the FrMiklin Railmad, Lilitunhttrsbarte where he keeps constantly tin hand every variety of SADDLE RY AND HARNESS of his own „manufiteture, and lie is prepared to sell the ,same on tering that defy competi tion. Every article 'tittered fir sale iv warranted lobe made of the her( mtkeriol competent workman, m Melt wilthe fully dethonvtratod on hit examination there of. • TRI.'NKS AND VALlSES.—He` , would also eall,the attention of persons wantingmt good neat mid cheap and substantial Trunk or Canoe to'llis assortment. juntif7,o3.l TIONT FORGET GORDON'S place of, loootlemi. one door Sou th of Di. J. L q Sues.bero tt 's.l Ills terms ore Cash, ne he 11.4 e, eartal. C . 11. GOIID,O,N is on Main Street.j .11'1)r. .7 L. . Slie4%' - eri,tex Ofilee Ile htready to fill tril in hi line of Inn.iness. (tite.!l GlO TO ,OOIIYON imd see if lie (!tiu'i slut you to ,onitthing in Lis line. ' ' Vrtsonat 13rwrrtgo OR 8-ALE.- 1 A good, STEAM ENGINE; -A- - six borss pon er, in go nd condition. Can be seen byl , rolling :It T. 11. Wood's Foundry. sepat-t[ JACOB OARVER. O 1 SALE.:—A One Horse Tread-PowCr 12 in good order, and for lode low. Apply id thin office ! seriAt FOR SALE.—A full course Scholarship in the Qualtor City Beateem College of Apply Rt. thin Milne. ' 'ingsitiano. J. C. RWIIARDS, H. D. 110iiidOHERT, H. D. , p ICIIARDS & MONTGOMERY have amodated themselves In the Prattles of Medicin's, and have taken an Office in tile late residence of Jaewb B. 31iller, immediately opposite 'the Presbyterian Church. - All persons indebted to either of the oboe" will plissie make early l‘ettleitent of the same. [nne24-ttil Dk BOYLE :will'attkind gromptV, Is to all profositlonal calls. Office in tfte WestlintlA of the New Seti. Flonse oats the AIM . istagtl4.' BARBER lit'an has openv4 his sliming saloonlitla , dwelling of Joseph Trout, turposite the Academy lo'o is old customers and the public generally are respectfully invited to give kiln a rata VOL., 71....WR0U NO 3,675. TERmg or PItBLIC THE FRANIKLIN REPOSITORY i 8 published every Wednesday morning by "TriE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION," at $2 per annum, Lr ADVANCE, or $2 .70 if not paid within the year. All subscription ac count. sfr.. - sT be:wiled ainualfy. No paper will be sent out of the State a 6l ess paid fur in advance, and all each subscriptions will invariably be discord:lasted at the expi ration of the time-for Which they are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted at ose Crxrel per lam for first insertion, and TEX mere per line for sub; rtequent insertions. A liberal discount is made,to persons advertising by the quarter, half-year or year. Special no teed charged one-half more than regular advertisements. All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited Or individual interest, and notices of Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged. fifteen cents per line. All Legal Notices of every kiwi; and all Orphan' Court and other Judicial Salo, are required by One to be adrertieed in the ligedsrrsider—ft fearing the LARGEST Fill- CULATIoLc of soy poperpubliehad in the county of Franklin. Jpil MINTING of every kind in Plain and Fancy col ors,' done with neatness and dispatch. Hand-bills, Blanks, Canis, Pamphlets, dr.o.,'of every variety andstyle, printed at the shortest notice. The REPOSITORY , OFFICE has just boe'n re-fitted-with Steam Power and three Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be ei4uteli in the roost artistic manner and at the lowest rates:, TERmslN vAitrmiLy CASH. nr , Atr...John Shryock is our authatized Agent to receive Subscriptions and. Advertisements, and for t.he same. All letters should be addressed to arcLurtr. & STONER, Publishers., .ppoitovt. *OLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. „ • +Gen. John Cochrane, late candidate for Vice Presideivt• on the Fremont ticket; addreised •a large meeting at the Union , peage Hall, in 'Phila. delpkia; on Saturday evening. • —The Unionists of West Virginia 'linve nomin ated the following ticket :, For Governor—Arthur Boreman, of Wood County. For Secretai'y of State—Granville D. Hall, of Harrison County. For Auditor-- • Campbell Tarr, of Brooke county. For Attorney General- 7 Dphraina B. Hall, of Ma rion'Connty. —At a meeting in Westchester on the lst a letter was read'froin Gen. George McCall,-for merly commanding the Pennsylvania Reserves. Gen. McCall Ai' for Congress on the„Democratic tieket in 1862, and has always been a member of that party: - Gen."McCall, although one of Mc- Clellan's leading commanders, now repudiates that gentler-inn.- ,—Maj: Gen. Schofield, formerly commander of the Department ofMissouri, and now command ant of the Army of the Ohio, in Gen. Slerman's Department, was serenaded at Freeport, 111. last week, and in a brief speech unequivocally endors ed the war measures of the Administration, and supported Mr. Lincoln for re-election: The dia= vases of the copperhead elairn that Gen. Schofield is abl~Clellanite. —As yet, no letter has appeared from Mr. Pen dleton accepting the Chicago nomination for the Yice : Presidency.' To peep him from writing one, it is said uo letter has been addressed to him.- So obnoxious* are his views known' to be to the loyal sense of the North that'the leaders have 4e liberately headed him off. Such is the e'chibition which the once great Democratic party is making of itself before the world! I...—The following is a complete list of the nominees on both sides for Congress in this State. Those marked with a star (*) arp•inernbers of the pies e!rt. Congress. Bailey, whirls supported by the L+ nion men in the 15th district, is a War Demo 'Oat, and was elected as the regular Democratic nominee in 1562 over Glosebrenner, who ran as un indeperident candidate presentbd by the De ,thocracy of York. Now things are reversed -I(lilossbrenner being the regular nominee and Bal ky independent: D°2l7. • r CM°." S. ,t, John M. Butler.3l.Reill. . ..,..Chas. ' ' 43. Chas. Bunkmate? Leenara Meyent.* .14. Goo. Northrop Witt. D. Kelly.. 15. 11. P. Ross M. Russell Thayer.* 'G. B. Narkley Boyer Geo. Bullodk. 7. John C. Beatty Jolla 51. Broomall.. E. S. E. Ancona. - M. Holster. . .. ... S. Iliigh 1L.N0rth....._.4. ;Thaddeus Stevens.' 10. 111eye?Strouse` Howell Fisher. - 11. Philipiollosiou* Jas. L. Selfridge. - 11. Chas. Dennison. W. W. Ketchum. _ . la Victim E. Piolett Ulysess Atereur. 4. \i m. U. Geo. F. 5. A. J. (1108sbm - mer JosErn BAIIXY.* li Cotiroth ...Wm. H. Koontz. MBMEIMM P. Theo. P. Wright 19. Wm. Bigler 20. Wm. L. Corbett.. 6 1. John L. Dutton* Jas. H. Hopkins. W: J. li"puntz.... S. V. Wilson. .01enui W. Scofield.• Chas. V. Culver. . Smith FILVer. Ja.. K. Maoihead.". Thomas Williams• R 4. Jesse I,Etzear*..... , Gee. V. Lawrence. - The same vote that eleeted Gov. Curtin byels,- /00 Majority; would elect Geo. P. Miller in the 114th district; Wm. If.. Koontz in the 16th;'A. A. illarker in the 17th (in place of M.'..ilister;) Smith , Fuller in the 21st and Geo. YlLawrence in the pith,—Tuaking again of five and a change of TEN !in the political complexion-of the delegation. The only" district now' represented lty a friend of the ."government that is in doubt, iS the' 15th, where an exhausting effort will be made to elect Gloss 'lirenner, and they have a i iecided majority on litheir sure if it tan be tilt& aVailable. Wm. H. I .Miller, CoffrOth, pobert L. 4ohnston, and La zeur will certainly be defeated, and we confident. ly look for the election of SmithiFuller over paw. con in the 21st. Gov. 13igler will be beaten 11,,500 —Eleven Senators are to be chosen, and it will ,reiluire a terribly adverse current to prevent the 'Union mod from securing a decided majority in ,the next Senate. The following Senators hold over—Democrats lit italics: 1. Jere Nichols. 17. John N. Dunlap. 3. Jacob E. Ridgeway. - is. Geo. 11. Bucher, 4. Gee Connell. 19. Wm. Mc. kerry. 5. W. Worthington. 20. Gee. W. lionsehohler. 10, 11. B. Beardsley. • 21. Wm. A. Wallace. i IL W. S. Turrell I'2. J. B. Starke_ .1.. r, amberm M=M3 15. D. Mon . tgantrry. 26. irm..llopl-in a. 76. D.Plrmng. t 27. C. C. McCandless. 17. H. Clnunpneys.. . Thomas Huge: ['llion Senatcrs holding over Dernoentic . , Uaihn majority We give the names of I the candidates for Sen ator in the several districts in which elections wil take place this fall: . - 3. C. M. I)onovan." IRuAe .t. Shepre7d. • S. Perry I.itrenburg Montt.° Royer. 6. (Rivor P. ;Nimes -R•m. (hs3 hulk. . • • 7. a D. Sehall . Owen L. Sehreibner. e. Tieheer-Clinner.`. ....... Wm. Winer. S. Wm, N. ...... • Henry D. Cake. 14. John Walls ° Chap. 11. Shriner. 21. R. W. Christy Louis W. Dan: Walter , lOrk Raines. Jonas R. MeClinniek. ..Thus. J. Bigtham. 'al. Dan Rice ' Morrow IL Lowry.* Taking, the vote for Governor last year as a ba sis, the Union men would carry the sth, 14th, 21st (elects two) 25th and 29th distriets—thus elect ing sii Union Senators to five Democrats, and making' the Senate stand 15 - Union to 14 Demo cratic. We do not . l3ey that the Union candidates can be defeated in any of the districts named, while there is a tolerable chance for the election of Sheppard in the 3d district, and some hope of Col. Cake in the 9th. In no possible event can the Union men fail to-have a decided majority in the Senate. Bift thres of the eleven- retiring Sen atont have been re-nominated—Messrs Donavan, Clymer and Lowry. Hall was Senator from 18(10 fo 1863; `McClintock was Senator from 1856 to 1859, and Christy, Sheppard, Harris and Bigham have been members of the House. Lowry is op posed by Dan Rice the famous circus clown. It will prove to he Dan's most stupendous joke! Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson ,are both natives of slave States. They were born in the class of poor whites which Slavery creates and preserves for its own conveMence, Their early education vvas swims it. accords to the children of this - cllsaan.. - Race, Lincele obtained limit of his scanty schooling not only - long_after his Tema 'val into a free State, but after he had reached the full stature of manhood, and was etiabl to earn and plan for himself; while Johnson never had any schooling at all, and learned to read froni his wife after his removal from his native State„ North Carolina, into almost free East Tennessee. Neither of them could ever have been chosen even to the Legislature in an essentially slaveholdß ing community, no matter how thorough their sub serviency to "the institution." The brand of pov erty and labor on their brows would have fixed them forever in the i hamble station of their pro genitors. They surmounted the influence of sin ;very by taking position outside of its more palpa e domain. 1 * TIOI%. 'To maintain that such men lack ability or force of character is to hold that republics are ruled by idiots.. Abraham .I4coba entered Illinois a per. tionless, illiterate boy, earning the livelihood of his widowed mother's family by the rudest and hard est manual labor, and, within twenty years there". aftet, had become .ne of her foremost lawyers and the acknowledged leader of the more intel lechnil of her two s great political parties—con ing spicious in her Le Wore, her only Whig MBErt , ber of Congress, N • candidate for Senatorial Elector, U. S. Sen or, Vice President, and ulti mately for Preside , All these peahens were ac corded to him ' hout ;contest or hesitation. When the great poli 'cal struggles of 184(1 and 1844 were made, none oth er than he was suggested to lead in the canyksa When, for the first time, his political friendj had a majority in the Illiaois-Leg islature, no other w'ss thought of by the mass of them - for U.' S. Sent tor, though it was finally found' necessary, in order to secure the requisite anti- Nebraska Democrdtic votes, toWithdraw him and ... substitute an othei name: and only his ident by the dele candidate was to Senatorial canvass even suggested t So in 1860, there which State shoul nee for President ; among the eminen Illinois there was Lincoln. Andrew Johnso entered Tennessee an itiner ate tailor youth, ras Lazarus in all but hope and ambition, wi out a relative of friend who e zall could help him to corporalship in the est company of "fl wood" militia. A f years later, he.was a ember of Assembly; eat we es hear from him Congress ; then Gove or of his closely balan State after a spirited can vass; for Tenn e was then preponderently a Whig State, and er Whigs always ran for Gov ernor one of their ablest and cleverest debaters. Johnson had alwa 8 been a very ardent and active Democrat, and had made himself widely obnoxi ous to his political adversaries. His birth and breeding were matters of common notoriety, and the cultivate& aristocracy of Nashville and the surrounding region were not at all inclined to be ruled by the ea journeyman taller of Jonesboro. They could not help_ themselves, however ;and Johnson, after serving his term as Governor, was chosen to the United States Senate, where he made good his pbsition against the ablest and proudest in the 14. , Probably no other Senator had enjoyed so Baia opportunities for intellectual bultime ; but the abates, in wineh he freely min gled, gave no sign la this. In the absence of tlaat ' e ducatior -'' -- ' which he would gladly have enk .c..d, he had his full share of the viii ' poverty and privation and was d in the keen encoun ters of ai public career. Doubt less, he , the deficiencies of his early cult nobly snip. Mr. Jobni and.a Filippo] ey,. saw 0 body mu knows it, nspiratioi ocrat of la en into its moment, He knew testae to the class from which he South as to the." mad solls"_. dike - 11%0,mA:he stood bxlis - tirder" Thiti likenny sh-geer. He exposed the hollowness of its pretexti; - the ,wickedness of its aims, in the presence oi t its contrivers, before they had im brued their hands in blood He warmedilitiv pie against their machination; and warmed them of their inevitable failure and ruin. Had other Southern Unionists been as faithful and' feailess as he, the niadnCss of secession would' have been. stayed at the northern limit of the cotton region, and our country would not know be reeking with human blood. It is a common pro-slavery cavil that "yon Abo jitionists talk of what you do not understand." This cannot be said of Lincoln and Johnson, who were born-in slave States, and have been familiar with slavery since they .first opened their - eyes. Mr. Lincoln was never an Abolitionist till slavery declared war on the Union; yet he says he never regarded slavery in itself otherwise' than as he now does. "If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong," says he in his letter to Hodges. Mr. Johnson was a tacit supporter of slavery until slavery struck at the life of his country; but he now holds, with Lincoln, that union and peace are only possible through the final, complete over throw of their assailant. Are these men fanatics , /f there weia an easier'or shorter, way to peace,would "they not choose it 9 What possible rhotite tan they have for preferring the wro ng way to the right one 7 Conhider, and judge. ' , ISIME2 THE peace 'men of New-York, , beoded by the Woodi, have calmly caved in tethe,suppoti of the candidate of the Chicago Convention, and, w hilst still declaring for the peace platform erected by that body, assure their friends that if Little Mac is elected he will carry out its vi e ws. Thus spoke Fernando at the mass meeting in New:York : "I adhere to the principles, and onthose princi ples shall tnipport McClellan. ' - Because thus con quered as to my support of the man, I do not feel constrained to give up the views I entertain as to doctrine. The Convention itself - took this very ground. • "Its nominee and its platform were apparently inconsistent with each other; and yet, for para mount reasons connected with success, it deemed such a contradictory position reconcilable with good policy. TherelOre having none other to vote for but the man seleeted, and having been a party to the effort to select some other person, I am precluded from opposition to him. - BESIDES IF ELECTED, I AM SATISFIED IIE WILL ENTERTAIN THE VIEWS AND EXECUTE THE PRINCIPLES- OF THE GREAT PARTY TIE WILL REPRESENT, WITH OUT REGARD TO THOSE IIE MAY HIMSELF POS SESS. CIE WILL THEN BE OUR AGENT: THE CREATLTrE OF OUR CHOICE, AND AS SUCH CAN NOT, IF kiE WOULD, AND WOULD NOT, 1F IIF: COULD, DO OTHERWLSE" THAN EXECUTE THE PUBLIC VOICE OP THE COUNTRY:, WHICH, WITH TRW CONSTITUTION AND CLAWS, WILL RE THE COMMANDING GENERAL OVER HIM, CLOTHED WITH SUPREME POWER." \ - Tim New York correspondent of the Boston Post is responsible fo`r• tic following : A very important physiological quelftion has been set at rest, although the circumstances has been kept unusually quiet, and. those horrible tell tales, the newspapers, have, through their igno rance, been - as silent as the most fastidious reader could desire. After this dignified and solemn prce land, which I have discreetly introduced by way of breaking the news gently, I suppose I am at liberty to say bluntly that Mrs. Torn Thumb have got a baby—a real, genuine flesh-and-blood - chip of the old blocks, and three months old at that ! Those who have seen the " blessed brat" describe it as neither a world's wonder nor a world's frght, but a little, cunning, crying doll of a thing, and in the promise it gives of being a full-sized child, and, if itlives, of becoming as big again as either of its immediate ancestors. Not being the seventh son of a seventh son, I won't pretend to enter into the scientific questions involved in this hues whims farther than to con gratulate the happy parents and Grandpa Bar num upon this addition to the happy family at Bridgeport; even if it does not contribute an ad ded curiosity to the great showman's stock in trade. TirE Cops can't complain that Sheridan does not prosecute the war on truly peaceful and relig. ions principles, when he can produce 21 canons to the contrary. It is said of the recent operations in the valley of the Shenandoah, that the " Earley bird' has got his " Phil." Early birds catch the worms; Sheridan catches the Earlybirds. One charge the Copperheads can't bring against the Government—Sheridan's cavalry Sheridan's comedies are no langer peribrund on the Southern stage ; they have given place to Sheridan's tragedies. . Prtsai be liew York Tribune. LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. AtPlul' adelphia, in 1856, his was preeerMa for, Vice Pres , tion fropLlllinois; and when a • pitted'agaiiist Dtnigla3 fertile lof 1858, no- other mania was a that of. Abraham Lincoln. as abundant competition as to furnish the Republican nomi .ut no one ever suggested that and honored ,Republicans of lo other possible candidate than will say that he has not ring Southern Dena:Joint, inridge for *a Preaiden rebellion talk'e form and late observation. He '—its impulses, ideas and other prominent Dam ien was drawn or &iv countenanced it for a ith the least allowance. U