Vaal _(!?state *ales. ! -IZXECUTOR'S SALE.—In purroutuce of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Geared. late of Peters 'township. Franklin Co., Pa., there will be ex ponedto Put& Sale on the premises, on seordoy, Octo ber IW, 1864 i arm o'clock, P. 3L, the following property, late the estate of Daniel Conrad, deed. A FARM in said towhsblp, lying along the Cove Gap Road. one thilmithm Cove Gap; adjoining land of Wm. Wolferd and Geo. Cro mer on • the - west, David Ungur's heirs on the north. and others on the east, containing 187 ACRES, with the al• lowance of sand and clay laid. There is about 140 acres 'cleared and in pretty' good state of cultivation ; 18 acres in meadow—more meadow land can be made; the residue is covered with valuable Timber. The improvements con sist of a, good two-story Log and Weatherboard HOUSE and Kitchen; Smoke and Granary House with cellar under ihin the yard close by the dwelling. A geod Frame Barn, together frith the necessary Out.buildings. A good Cis tern and Well of Water are in the yard close to the house: There is also on the premises, a Young Orchard of choice Fruit Trees with a variety - of other fruit trees, such as Plum, Pear, Cherry, 61e. A tine large stream of Water runs thirough the Farm, to which particularnotice is called. It also runsthrough the Barn-yard. making it convenient for watering stock. A Lane extends through the farm connecting with all the Zelda . If this farm is not sold on said day. it will be OFFER ED FOR RENT on day of sale. Any person wishing to _ view the property can call on the subscriber, living on the Farm. [Kea]. - DANIEL CONRAD. Executor. , ÜBLIC SA E.—By virtue of the last will 4pd testdtnent of Peter Weider, late of Antrim towns/tip. deed, I will offer at Public Sale, on the premi. ses, on. Tlasrsday, the 13th day ef October nat. at 1 o'clock, P. IL,-the following described Real Estate. situate part in Antrim and part in Washington townships. Franklin county Purport Ist. Being the MANSION.I AR3t of decedent, lying north of the Greencastle and Waynesboro' turnpike road, adjoining lands of Jeremiah Gordon. Samuel Nico. demos and others, containing los ACRES and 30 PER CHES of good Limestone LAND, with a proportion of Timber. The improvements are a comfortable DWELL DIG HOUSE, Bank Barn, Shed for bay or min, - Warts , Shed and Corn Crib, Spring Haase and Blacksmith Shop. with all the other necessary outbuildings. Also good Orchard of Gra ft ed Fruit. There are tn.:streams of'Wa ter running through the 'farm, to m hick the stock has ac res from all the fields., Porpart hi. Adjoins the above desmibed tart amities south of the turnpike rand. contains 49 ACRES and 2* PERCHES, with a proportion of her. On this tract is a fine meadow, watered by the Marsh Run. There Is a Small Orchard. Also te Shed for bay or grain. At the save time will be offered an improved AP, PLE MILL with to Home Power for operating same, with Cider Press attached, all In gOod order. Any person de stlfeas of viewing the premises will please call on the sub-1, scriber, or with Jacob Weister or Nathaniel Rook residing on the premixes. Terms made known on day of sale. aug3l BENJAMIN SNWELY, Executor. PLIC SALE.—B, - virtue of the last, will and testament of John A . Sitar& late of Quiney, township, deed, we will expose to Public sale. on Biel premises, premises, on Friday, the 14th day of October nest, the fol lowing described Real Estate situate in Quincy township: Purport Ist being the MANSION FARM of decendent, adjoining lands of Jacob Price, Win. Node, Stover's hears and 'others, containing 131 ACRES and 32 PERCHES of good Limestone Land about 100 acres of which are in a good data of cultivation, the residue is covered with Tim- The improvements consist of a good and comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. New Bank Earn. Cora Crib, and WagimShed, - Wash Roam and Blacksmith Shop with all other necessary out-buildings. A good Well of Water. Alio a good young Orehanfof Grafted Fruit. Purport El adjoins the above described tract and kinds of Jacob Price, AmoseMiller, George Greenawalt contains 14 ACRES and 192 Perches. A small portion of it in Timber, The Mi.' proiemetits consist of a . good condonable House, Wools House, Small Bare, Carriage House, with all other neces sary out-buildings: This is a very desirable property. Any person desirous of viewing the same will please call on Isaac R. Shank residing ori the premises or with the Executors Hezeklah Shank residing near the premises and Benjamin Snively residing near to Greencastle. Sale to commence all o'clock, when the terms will be made known. HEZEKIAII SHANK, BENJAMIN SNIVELY. 3 , ang3l FA_R3i AT PUBLIC SALE.—The un dersigned will sell at Public Outeiy, On the premises. an Wednesday, the Sth of October net, a TRACT OF LAND, situated in Guilford township. Franklin county, adjoining lands of Holker Hughes, Thaddeus Steven., Henry George and others, containing about 199 ACRES. There are over 100 Acres cleared and m good Sinning osier, most of it cleared within the last seven years, A small poition of it is Llmestand land, and the 'balance Tumbling sand stone. The improvement, are d good two-storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. good, I RAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed with two Corn Cribs, Carriage House and all neesissauy out-buildings. There are two young ORCHARDS of Rood Fruit on the place, and a Well of excellent never-failing Water new the house. and a good Cistern at the house and alsohne near the barn. - There are about 40 Acres of excellent PINE TLMBER LAND, on the place, among the beat Timber to be found in the county, and there-is-good IRON ORE on a ble portion of the farm. Posteesion will be given on the Ist of April next, Sale to commence at 1' o'clock en .aid day, when the terms will be made known by arge3l-ts JAMES AL R.V.WHEW. (Elagerflown Herald, Lancaster Examiner aud Gettys ' barg Star insert is andoend bills to this mince for collection] ARM AND lIILL PROPERTY FOR 1: • SALE.:—The ribtifersigned. Administrators of John Beaver, dec'd, will offer at Public Sale, in the town of Loudon, on Friday, the Idtk of OctOer, 1554, the follow. :leg Real Estate, to wit : A FARM, situated in Path Valley, about 14 miles fro m Loudon, containing 131 ACRES of land, under good state of culttvatlon. lhe improvements are a two-storied ROUGHCAST , ' HOUSE, Stable and other necessary buildings. There is an Orchard of good Fruit on the farm. The West Cones-oche:woe Creek runs through the land. Also—TWO TIMBER LOTS, adjoining the above, containing respectively 17 sad RI Acres. Also--At the same time will be offered for sale, a large STONE GRIST DULL, running 4 pair of Burs, and a SAWMILL, situated in Loudon. There are also FIFTY 'ACRES OF LAND and a HOUSE. AND LOT to be sold in connection with the above property. - Also—TWO DOUBLE LOTS in saii town, with all story Weatherborucled Dwelling' Bowe, Stable and other improvements thereon erected. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the terms will be made known. PETER KUNKLE-MAN, seplE MARY JANE LEIIASTER, Adm'rs VALUABLE AR3I AT PRIVATE V SALE.—The undersigned will offer at Private Sale, hisFARM, situated in Lurgan township: Franklin county, Pa., adjoining lands of John E. and John M'Clay, Daniel Cilppinger, Joseph Mowers. and others, near the Cone dagninett creek, and about 5 miles from Shippensburg. Containing 268 ACRES of good SLATE LAND, well limed. 70 acres of this tract is well TIMBERED. 26 acres in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of cultivation. all in excellent order and well fenced. The improvements are a two storied leg WEATHERBOARD. ED HOUSE, new Batik Barn 72 feet long, wagon shed and all other necessary and convenient out-buildings. There is a Well of never Riding Water at the door and two ORCHARDS of choice Fruit on the premises. There is also a good TENANT HOUSE on the farm with a Weil of Mater convenient and all necessary ent-buildings. Persons wishing to view the Farm ran do so by calling on the subscriber, living in Hamilton township, or on John E. M'Clity, adjoining the farm. DanBl JOHN ZOOK. VAL U A BL E FARM AT PRIVATE • SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private sale, his'FARI situated in Letterkenny township, Franklin county, Pa.. adjoining lands of Abraham Wenger, Heirs of David Zimmerman, Sr., deed, Joseph . Bollinger and others, near the Conodogninuett Creek, and about one halfinfie from Pleasant Hall. It contains IP3 ACRES and some perches of good SLATE DAND, well limed. Aboutacres' is excellent MEADOW, name timber and thatalattoo in a high state of cultivation, all in excellent order end under good fence, a large part of which is post and tail fence. The improvements are a LARGE TWO. STORIED LOG HOUSE part weatherboardod. a Bapk Urn, Wag9nl3lied. Corn crib and other necessary-out. buildings., -There is a Well of never-failing Water at the kitehen ddar; and a considerable stream running throngh thaitiliadosik, together with water in eveg— field, making it it Capital -stack farm. Persons wishing to view the kromiseacan do so by calling on the subscriber, residing on the public road one-half mile east of Pleasant Hail. june.l2-3m WILLIAM 'ILLAN. SR. VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR GALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, his TANNERY, known as the Corner Tannery, with Stearn and Water Power, SAW MILL, Chopping-Mill, StoCks for breaking hides, &c. The Tannery has eight Leeches, 37. Vats, 2 Limes and Water Pool, am! is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year, There are two LOG DWELLING ROUSES, Barn, Stable and other neces sary outbuildings connected with the Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, *Rh good fruit. Hr will sell any quantity of land with the Tannery, from 100 to 700 Acres. Over 600 Acres are Timber, and an ample supply 'of Chestnut Oak Bark to ran the Tannery fir fifty .I«ars. It is situated about 7 miles South-east of Merc«rsburg, on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For farther particu lar! address the undersigned, at Mereerabug, l'ranklin ea., Pa, laugl24 C. METCALF. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—The undemigned will sell ut Private Sale, his FARM, situate in Montgomery township, Frank lin county, Pa., an the public road leading from Mercers ' burg, to Williamsport, (the Maryland State Line passing - through it,) containing IEO ACHES of first-rate LLML STONE LAND. The improvements consist of a large -DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, Spring Honsc and all necessary out-buildings There are on the premises never falling Springs of Water, and a large bearing Orchard of excellent Fruit, consisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, _Plums, Peaches and Grapes. The Farm is in gad con• Mtlon, and well adapted for raising grain and stink. Ptirt of the above tract is nutdml Meacisow, and a good portion covered with thriving Timber. A good title will be gis en. Terms made known by the subscriber, residing- on the premises. [self4L3tl DANIEL ZUCK. (Lancaster Ezanun,r copy 3t and tend bill to this oilee.j REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will offer at Public Sale. on the premises, in Hamilton township, about 31 miles south of Clussaliersburg, on the Conocodreague Creek, one mile west of the Oreeicastle road, on Thursday, the 27th Or all that FARM containing about 215 ACRES, more ot 'less, part Limestone and part Slate. The buildings ciresist est two new BRICK DWELLING HOUSES. two pond Bank Bans, with other necessary truildiugs. Their never failing, ell of Wates near the House and also Running Water on the farm. Also a good opiaia of frult. The buildings are located in such manner no fa divide the Property into two farms. and a ill be sold to. gether or divided ea may suit Purvis:von. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., wheathe terms Will be made known. [aug24] PETER CHRIST. UOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE IN THE borough of M'Eonne r Wurg, Fulton county, Pa.— Law Double TWO EITO 'HOUSE, Eleven Rooms, Klies, Wash House, &c.: TWO LOTS OF GROCNO, choice Fruit and , Shrubbery i Stabling for, thiety.five i horses. Location and building' suitable for a lintel, hav ing been used as a Tavern fur number of year, First rate Well of water at the door; All in good order. The subscriber will: sell at a bargit n and give possession at an y time. For information tall on or address ' 11013ERT AULTZ, trinyll-tfj WEonnellsburg, Fulton, County, Pu. U. Geo. A. Smith, EN- my Attorney, will give all necessary Information in my absenee. It, A. PUBLIC SALE.—On Saturday, the Btlt day of October and, will bo sold at Public gale. on the pr=ises, In the village of Smoketown, about 2 miles ti ortb of FaTettevitle, and 1i Mien South of goollatal, the Minoring valuable Property, NIS 2 ACRES OF LAND, under gond Senna and in a high stateof cultivation, bavmg them= a wed, - a two 'totted WDATILERBOARDED DWZLWW HOUSE in - good repair, a Frame Stable `arid otifit eatllinildings.i -- There are also a number of ex yd ymtng . Trees on th e prole xty. Sale to commence at 1, ealciok,Y. IL, on said day; when the terms will be made kbown by IserefLge . 3ANFI DERRA IT 1 4 he, Ira] Lkiln._ ftnrp BY M'CLURE & STONER. fled Ql'-'statr rpwo FARMS FOR. SALE.—The sub scrilx-r offers at Private Sale, the following valuable Real Property, to wit; A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hamilton township, on the Warta Spring Rad. about 31 miles front Cluttabersburg. continuing 200 ACRES, more or less, of good Gravel Land adjoining lands of John Martin, Georgo Fisher and Christian Bitner. The imprirve ments area to 0-stonesl BRICK HOUSE, Briekand Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Carriage House and other out-buildings. There is a Well of good Water nt the Dwelling and Cisiems at Barn and House. About 25 ts3o Acres of the above tract is well set with thriving young TIMBER. There is a large young ORCHARD un the premises, now in full bearing. A large Garden ad joins thp House, and contains ISO Dwarf Pear Trees, 36 Dwarf Apple Trees, and 45 fine bearing (choice variety) Grape Vines. There is alsoa Tenant House, Sable • Black smith Shop, Lime Kiln, Draw Kiln, &a, on this tract. Also—Another TRACT OF LAND. situate in Ham ilton township, adjoining the above. containing 164 ACRES more or less, same quahty as first described tract, on which is era-v(11118mo two-storied DWELLING HOUSE, part Brick and part Log; Log and Frame Barn, Carriage Douse, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib, Hog Fen, dm. There are two Wells of good never-failing Wider near the 1/wel ling. There is on this tract an excellent Orchard of At% plo and Peach Trees, together with a variety of other Fruit near the House. The Darden attached to the above premises contains about 80 Grape Vines, all thrifty and productive. About 25 Acres of the above tract is "timber Land. Both of the above Pa.-ms are in,a good state of cultiva tion. having been limed twice within a few year Also—About 14 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LAND, situated in St. Thomas township, about ii miles from St. Thomas, well set with young Chestnut. - If the abate properties are not sold previous to the 14th day of Octobrr, they will on that day be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. 5. 801 - .21 ds JACOB E. BUTT. pUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.- By virtue of the last Wilt and Testament of Samuel Carothers, late of Shirley Township, deed will be exposed tp Public Sale, on the premises. on Friday, Ar :21st of Oc tober, next. the well known and valuable MANSION FAR3f, late of said deceased, situate in Shirty Township, Huntingdon County, Pa., adjoining the Borough of Shit'. leysbiug and the great road from Mount Union to Charn bersburg, seven miles distant from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal at Mount Union ; containing IFQ. ACRES AND 55 PERCHES, about ISO acres of which are clearest and in a good state of cultivation ; 55 acres are wall set with clover; 25 acres aro meadow—the remainder well timbered. The improvements are, a good LOG HOUSE and double LOO BARN, with Sheds and other necessary out-buildings; a well of excellent water conven ient to the house, and running water in the barusyard. as also in most of the fields. There are also on the premises about Si) grafted apple trees, common in this latitude. jam" Sale to commence at one o'clock on said day. when tenon will be toasts known and due attendance given by LEWIS CAROTHERS. ) , rs. sep7.6t ABRAHAM CAROTHERS, [Huntingdon Globe, Lewiatown Gazette. and Chambers' burg Repository each copy six titres. and send NIL to this Ofllce.—Sharleysburg Herrad.l PUBLIC SALE.—By authority of the lust will and testament of James NM, late of Chain• bershurg. deed., the undersigned Executors will offer at Public sale on the premises, on Wednesday, the Lea day of October.nrzt. at 11 o'clock, A. 31,, the following described Real Estate, viz.: A TRACT of LANLysituato in Wash ington township /Franklin comity, Pa., sill thgnsul leading from 'Waynesboro toyHI:FM,' Rolling :Mit 14:ut 4 miles from the former and 1 irom the latter plac4 adjoining lands of liolker Hughes, Snowberger's anti others, and containing 131 ACRES and 43PERCHES neat. The im provements aro a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, good Frame Barn anti other buildings, with running pplups of pure water at the house and in the barn-yard, and a itreum of water running through the farm. There is also on said true: a giant water-power and SAW MILL, which being situated on it is, near the mountain and in the neighborlmod of go:x1 timber, would be a source of great -profit to an enterprising mart The terms will be made known on the its,. of 4ale, by 5i1.311 - EI, MYERS, T. J. mu., CISIM PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The subscriber having determined to remove West, n ill sell his HOME FARM, on which he now resides, containing, 46 ACRES of Lam - , and Free Stone Land, me der a high state of cultivation with a twmetory WEATH• ERBOARDED HOUSE AND KITCHEN. Log Barn Wizen Shed and Granary (well shedded) and other neeen. care outbuildings. There is a Pump of excellent Water and a Cistern in the yard. and-excellent voting Orchard of choirs, Fruit. V. ith Pears Peaches. Cherries and Grapes, On the prem.., This Farm is - situated in Montgomery township, Franklin county. Pa., on the road leading from Mercensburg to Williamsport Also-12 ACRES of first rate Limestone Laud near the Farm, with good Fenctng, and well set in:Grass. A Lso—A LOT OF- 20 ACRES of Mountain Land. containing Chestnut. Rock Oak, Hickory and Pine. The above property will be sold together or separate, to suit purchasers. If nut sold at Privatx Sale before the 15th of October, it will on that day, at 100 clock, A. M., be offered at Public Sale. when the terms will be made known. isep2Satsl HENRY M. MARTIN. HOUSE ANI) LOT AT PUBLIC SALE. The subscriber Will offer nt Public Sale, on Friday, tee 7th day of Octoker nert, n one acre Lot of Ground, ha unted near Quincy, on the road leading to Funkstown, with a Two-story DWELLING HOCNE (Rough.cest) with Back-building. attached, Log Tenant Howse, Barn and Log Stable, Corn Crib. Granary and Hog.pen, (all wider one roof and in complete order) new Buggy- Shed. Smoke House, Bute House, and other necessary; buildings thereon erected. There are alto two never-Lading Wells of Water, with pumps in them, one in the kitchen and one at the barn. The entire lot to eoCered with the choicest Fruit Treed. such as apples, 'pears. peaches, plums, apt, eots. with grapes, etc.. all of which are dimity maim bear ing order. 'rho above is known as the "Frock Property?' It is favokably located fora meelianic or person wishing to live retired, Sale to comnieoce at 1 o'clock on sold day, when the terms will be made known by [sep9.l.tsl H. E. WERTZ. Repository copy and send. bill to this °Mee for roller tion.—Rceorel. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUALE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned intending to remove I% est, will sell ut Public Salr l . on I'amrday, the lakday of Ocioher here. on the premises, in Guilford township, Franklin county, Penna.• about 1 mile North of Marion, five miles South of Chambersburg, and one-fourth of a mile from the Franklin Railroad, a VALUABLE FARM, containing 5.51 ACRES of well.improved LIMESTONE LAND. of which about 8 Acres are well Timbered, ad joining lands of Samuel Fredenek and others. The im• provementa are a large rwo.suiried BRICK DWELLING HOUSE with Back Building, a our and a half storied STONE TENANT HOUSE, with Basement, a Stone Spring House, Carriage House, a new Bank Barn, and all other necessary out.buildings, all in good repair. There is a Spring of never.failing Water near the buildings, and an excellent Orchard of good Fruit on the farm. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on said day, when the conditions agate will be made known. sep2l.te DAVID GROSSMAN. . PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order 11 of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., the undersigned. I'ttestee to sell the Real Estate - of f Teary &ri der, late of Hamff ton township, dec'd, will offer at Public Sale, on the remises, on Saturday, theStk day of October sect, trio MANSION FARM of said deceased, situate in Hamilton township, adjoining lands of Jacob Detrick, Ja cob Keefer, John Krider, Daniel Welker and Wm. Wilson, containing l 2 ACRES and 66 PERCHES of first quality SLATE- LAND, about 11 Acres of which are Tirabered and 12 Acres Meadow Laud The improvements are a two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. Log Barn and usual out-buildings, situate on the Strasburg road and within one-fourth mile of Detrick's .Mill. Thereto a Pump of good Water In the Kitchen of the Dwelling and so ar ranged as to supply the barn-yard with water. There is also on the raise a thriving Young Orchard. The sale will ,conimeneent 1 o'clock, P. M.. when the tersoswill be made known by (septa} JACOB KIUDER, Trustee. PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of the loot will and testament of Abraham Shirk, late of Green township, dee'd.., there will be expratedto Publio outcry on the premises, near Mono's Mill, on Saturday Ortober the Sgh, the following Real Estate, beiug.the MAN SION FARM of the said deceased, adjoining dando of D, Monies heirs. Michael Wingert, Henry Lutz and otberi, containing about one hundred ACRES of first rate hind, on which there Is a two story LOG and WEATHER BOARD HOUSE, a mall Brick Howse, Brick Barn, Wagon tilted and other improvements thereon erected. The Conococheligue Creek runs through the farm, and there to alxint Thirteen Acres revered with fine thriving Timber. Sale to commence at 1 o'elock, P. M., of said day, when terms Hill he made know n by JACOB SHIRK, eepi ABRAHAM STOUFFER. EIr'L Volkofriend, Lancaster, copy three times and send bill te this oars, SMALL FARM FOR SALE.—The sub serilier will sell at Fri. ate Sale, the SMALL FARM on. which ho now reside., ARMIN. in Antrim toiruship, Franklin isnoite. :limit six miles from Greencastle, on the Crisblown road ndjoining lands of Samuel Myers and °therm, eontaming about. 40 ACRES, all el - Cared land, In good order uud under good fence. There is a YOUNG ORCHARD of thrifty Wool on the place. and.. Well of excellent Winter. The improvemconsist of a two story LOG DWELLING MOUS). , a lank Baru 4d feet long, and {von finished, a er nn essar3- out-build logs, Pinisession w given on the lst of April, - U64. Term a ill ado known on application to the tub. nwiding on the premises. ner2l-tf SAMUEL C. CRIDER. HOUSE : AND LOT FOR SALE.—The undersigned. residing in St. Thomas, offers at Prl vete Sale, a two-storied FYI. AT If ERBOA R D ED HOUSE intended for two families. 'There to a Log Stable, Corn Crib and other necessary out-buildulgs on the premises, with in Well of good Water in the yard, and excellent Fruit on each Lot. There is alai adjoining the residence a one and a-half story WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, at present need as a Tinner Shop, and is an etc ellent situ ation for business of this kind or for any other mechanical purpose. Persons wishing to view the property can del an by calling at the residence. If the RN, e property is not sold by the Yth of October next, it will Own let offered at Public Sale, at 10 o'clock on said day. sep2l-30 MARY RIPE. TRUSTEE'S SALE.—There will be sold at Public Sale, by the undersigned, on the pronles, in The Borough of elrumuhersburg, on Thursday, the Oh of Ortnber, 1864, the following Real Estate, viz: The undi vided half of a LOT OF GROUND, bounded by Water street east, by Pitt street South, by lots of Peter Creigh bourn and Hannah Whittier west, having thereon a one and u-half story DWELLING HOUSE. Terms, CASH. 8. R. SIIRYOPK. se 11 Rntstee of (leo. Flory, derl'd. TIMBER LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Thu undersigned offers at Private. Sole. FIFTY" ACRES OF TIMBER LAND, ut the foot of North Moan. fain, seven miles North of Chambersburg, well set with Chestnut, White Oak and Red Ouk, and some Locust. The Chestnut is large enough to cut fur mils. For price and terms apply to the sindernigned, at Reeffer's Store. pooslQ WM S. REEPFER. Neal dotate „Sales. FAB" FOR SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP.—The undersigned offers at Privat6 Sale his FARM, situated in St. Thomas township, on tho Public Acrid leading from Guyer's Tavern to Loudon, 6 min.% from the latter place, containing about 200 ACRES OF SLATE AND GRAVEL LAND, about 80 Acres of which is cleared and the tralance in THRIVING TIM BER. The improvements are a LOG liousE, Log Barn, and 4 Tenant Houser, and a good Apple Orchard, Peach, Cherry and Pear Trees. Als6—A SAW IRIS, awl CHOPPING MILL. in good running order, with 18 feet of head and fall. This prtopertY would afford a good opportunity to make money. For terms apply to the sub scriber, residing on the premises. july6 }MEDIC GILBERT. • VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private Sale, a valuable Limestone Farm, situated about two miles south of Charobersburg and 2 mile from the 'Waynesboro' rust], adjoining lands of Michael Lusher and Wm. Vanderow,con taining ACRES, of Limestone Land, under good cul tivation. About 115 Acres clewed and the balance is well Timbered. The improvements consist of a two-storied LOG WEATHERBOARDED DWELLING, Wash House, Swim Barn. Wagon Shell, Carriage House and all necessary out buildings. There is a Well of never failing Water near the dwelling, sufficient for watering stock.— There is an ORCHARD of choice fruit on the premises. Persons wishing tot iew the property can do so by calling at the Yartn. [sep2l-tfl SAMUEL MUTT. MOWN LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot sit mated on Main sheet, fronting 32 feet and running back to an alley, adjoining lots of Dr. Lambert and the Berlin property, is offered at Private Sale. This Lot is situated in the most desirable part of town, being well lo cated for stores, shops or dwelling. Apply to ser4lB .1. R CULBERTSON. FOR SALE.—A LOT on Main street; opposite the property of Michael Hughes, with good BRICK HOUSE. two and ashrilf stories high, with Beek Back Building, The Lot is in good order with excelAt Fruit. Apply at the REPOSITORY Oilier for particulars and term; *nternat Utbenur. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REV 4 ENUE,—Sixteenth District Fourth Division of Pennsylvania, comprising the Boron& of Chambersburk, and Southampton. Green, Fannett, Letterkenny and LaD gun townships. Franklin county. NOTIC&—The annual assessment for 1864 for the above named district, of persons liable to a tax on Incomes, Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of persons required to take out Li censes, having been completed, notice is hereby given, that the taxes aforesaid will be received in Chambemburg, at my office, until October 10th. 1864. PENALTIES.—AII persons who fail to pay their an • anal taxes s upon incomrss carriages, billiard table, and gold and silver plate, on or before the 10th day of October, iet4. will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the sunonnt thereof, and be liable to casts; TO provided for in the ltith section of the Excise Laws of Ist of July, 1883,, All persons who in like manner shall Lail to take out their Licenses, as required by law, on or before the 10th day of October, 1864, will incur a penalty of ten per centutu ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a prose cution for three times the amount of said tax. in accordance with the provision of the 50th section of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to he made in treasury notes. underauthwity of the United States. or in notes of hanks orgt4zell under the net to pros ide a National Currency, known as National Banks. AU tiI'STES MCKLY, I)epury Collector 4th Division.l6th DiStritt Pn UNITED STATES INTERNAL REV- FtJ J'RM . 'S—Sixteenth District. Fifth District of Penn sylvania, cornpriaing the township of Quincy, Washing-ton, Antrim. Guilford, Montgomery, Peters, Warren. St. Thom as. Hamilton, Metal. NOT/ CE.—The annual assessment 1* 1864 for the alnico named ili