lava Ootate *alto. A DMINISTRATOWS SALE.-BS vir 11'fue of an Orrice Of the Orpltan'S Court of Franklin count}; Pa., we will expose to public Sale, on the pre ttied., on tho days tnentioned„ the Real Propert.i.descnbed, belonging to the Estate of Daniel 31orm, late of Greets toiensblp, 'deceased. • On' Weanteday the 2zath day of ATtimayez 1551. we will offer, the 3 story STONE .31ERCHAINT MILL, with 31 AC RIRS awl BS PERCHES of LAND thereto attached, sitnatiO in Green township, about 3 miles North East of Cftambersburg, and I of a mile from, the Philadelphia TrittipCke, This Mill is 'orate , ' on the Conococheugne Creek,• having a good headned fall and - writer Sediment for the-4 run of stones attached thereto. There. sit also a good SAW MILL with eiDWELLING TIOCS'E and 2 Tenant Houses, Black-Smith Shop and Distillery attach ed to thls property, with n good Spring of tiM-er faitiuq Water. ' 'On Ste same day we will also offer the MANSION FARM - ot o decedent. Immediatelyadjoining the 31111 pro. pOrty above described, containing 112 ACRES and hit PERCHES of prime Lime stone land. about 110 aerm of which is covered With superior TIMBER. The improve r:antiglare a large and commodious BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, BSA Bank Barn, Corn Crib and Wagon shed. with all the necessary out buildings to the Dwelling House. 'There is an Orchard of Grafted Fruit with a Spring of never frilling Water. Also—on the same day we offer the undivided half of a track of PRIME 1131 E vroNE LAND, adjoining the Mansion farm above described. containing 164 ACRES andl43 PERCHES, about 1l Acres of Much in covered withgood TiMber. The hopnivements arc a good BRICK DWELLM'HOUSE, Brlel. Bank Barn, Corn Crib nod Wapn Shotravith all necessary out lonian:, about the do - ellbg. There Is With` a Wefl of net er failing Water with an Orchard of Grafted Fruit . . Oa Thursday, the 29th. day of Stplanbm. 1E44. wri Hill offer a TRACT of FREE STONE LAN I). situate iu Green tewttthip, ountalniag 63 ACRES and f;l3 PERCIIEs, about i 8 acres of the name being a ginal quality of Tim ber luid,l.The imptueermenta on toe %nue. are a LOG DWELLING HOUSE anti. Log Baru. 'nary i.. a n Or chard of good Grafted Fruit on the tract. . - • Also—on - the 9=o day we will offer a tract of TIMBER LAND situated fn the &one township, adjoining.. or Peter Lehman, Levi Horst, and others. remaining 03 ACRES and 145 PERCH ES. Thb Inlet is well enrerod with thriving Chestnut Timber. On .Priday. the 30th day of September, ldW, we will of (era tract of MOUNTAIN LANI), situate in Quiney township, containing ACRES more or less. This will bs , sold at Quhicy, JOHN 310XN. Adnfr of Dante' 3lonn, deed. • e'Lancnster Examiner insert this anti b6lll 101 l to this onion for collection. nn Bas. PIIBLIQ SALE.—Bpvirtue of the last will and testainent of Peter: Weisser. late of Antrim lirwaship, derid. I will offer ut. Pithlie rink% on the pretul seSOrt Monday, the 13th day of Orrnher seat, at 1 o'eloek. P. IT.; the followieg described Real Efgatc,,itninte part in Antrim nod part in - Washington townships Franklin comity Ptimart Ist. Being the MANSION FARM of decedent. lying north of the Greetlet.tle and Waynesboro' turnpike road, zulpluing lands of Jeremiah Hortion.lSonmel Nfeo• deihus,tuirt others, containing Ift 4 ACRES and 50 I'EB CRES of good Limestone LAND. with a proportion of Timber. • 'The baprorements are u comfortable DWELL LNG LIODILE,'IItink Barn, Shed for hay of 'grant, Wagon S444llfildeora Crib, Spring House and Blacksmith Shop, Wlth - 9.11 the other neeessary outbuildings. Also a good Orehard•o(Gralted Fruit. There ore two streams of Wa ter rtmxing through the farm. to is hick the stool has ne m", trona all the fields. rotifers Id. Adjoins the abeam described tract and lir, south of the turnpike road. eontains 49ACRES and 25 PERCHES. sr ilk a proportion of Tim ber. On this Mart is a fine meadow, watered by the Marsh Run. There is a small Orchant. Also a tilted for hay or grain. 'At tiresome time will be offered on Intl - gored AP• PLE mira, with u Home Power fur opening same, with Cider Press attaehed. all in Deal order. Any perm de • strum of viewing the premises will please call on the sub scriber, or with Jaeoli Weister or Nathaniel Pam .k resoling on the premises, Terms made known on day of .note. • aug3l BENJAMIN SNIVELY, Exeentor. PUBLIC SALE.—Ity virtue oti the last will and testarnepl of John A. Shank, late of 4ithoi township, deed, we expose to Public sole. on the premises, on Friday, the 14th day of October nett, the fol lowing described Real Estate situate in („blincv township: l Ist being the MANSION FARM of decendent. a= k lands ofJaeob Price. Wnik, Rade, Stover's heirs and others, containing 131 ACIt Es- and 32 PERCHES of good Limestone Land about 1110 acres of a Melt are in a good state aleultitution. the is covered with Tim ber. The improtements eonsrit ern gond and mining:able DWELLING HOUSE. New Bank Barn, Cora Crib and Wagon Shed, Wash House and Illacksm4 shop a ith all other necessary tatt-buftdings. A good Well of Water, Also a good young Orchard of Grafted Emit. Porpart 3d sajolnistbe above described tract midlands of Jarob Price Amos Miller, George Greenawalt contains 14 ACRES and 152 Perches. A small portion of il9n Titular. Tliti'lia ptertements consist of a good comfortable House. Wash House, Small Barn, Carriage House, with all other neces sary out-buildings. This is a very desirable property, Any persbn desirous of viewing MP same will please call on Isaac R. Shank residing oh the premise, or with the Executors Ilesekinh Shank residing near the premise, and Snively - residing near to Greencastle. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the tem. will be made known. HEZEKIAH SHANK. t BENJAMIN SNIVELY..I ' EZI3 FARM AT PUBLIC SALE•—The nn detaigned will sell at Public Outcry, on the prend.r., on Wednesday. the lith of October sort. a TILhCT OF LAND, situated In Guilford' township. Franklin county. adjoining lands of Holker Hughes, Thaddeus Stet ens, ITeary George and others, eontuning about 110 ACRES. There are eter 100 Acres cleared and in good farming outer. moat of it cleared within the last seven years. A small portion of it is Limestcmd land:and the balance Tumbling sand stone. The improvements are a good two-stoncsl BRICK DWELLINO HOUSE, trawl FRA3II-: BANK BARN. Wagon Shed with two Corn Crib. Carriage Nonce and all necessary oubhuii.hngs. The are too Young ORCHARDS of good Fruit on the place, awl a Nc"ell .1 excellent nereofisiling Water near the how,. aml a good Cistern at the house and also one near the barn. There are about 90 Acres of excellent PINE TIMBER LAND, on the place: among the best Timber to be found in the county, and there is good IRON ORE on a consitb ble portion of the farm. Possession will -be given on the ISt at April next, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said dig when the terms will he made know u by attg3l , ts - - JAMES M. It.ENFRKW. , (Hagetftown Hera id:Lancaster Examiner and tiett s burg Star insert is and send bills to this office renlleeriuul `Q.AIALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. k_.7 The undersigned intends moving we,t offer, at Pri rate Sale a small tract. of SLATE LAND. situated in• Hamilton township, atoi, log lands of Daniel Sollenber lii Joseph Eberly and others. on the Kiefer coml. about Li miles North.west of Chambersburg, containing 271 Acres of well lin:proved slate land well teueed. The i provements are all story LOG HOUSE. Log Burn and all necessary out buildings. There is au oRCHARD of eSiiietarnit on the premises. There is a Well of never failing Water at the dwelling and siguoa running Spring on the prenwies.There a Ni'AGON• , •IIAKEIit SHOP and BLACK SMITH-SHoP near the dwelling., This is a good location for either of .the Aare hqsinesii. There is also a BRICK yARD on this tract, with an en -client quality of clay formisaufae ming Brick. The above property so elasely 4tuuted to Ehambeisburg. makes it desirable for fanninv•tir either of the above mentioned business. Persons .yiStlllr (.1 clew the premises rondo so by calling at my residence. attg24-tit JACOB 11l ttKltAlt"l'. VALUABLE FARM AT SALE.—The ntiderSignest will offer at Private Sale. his FARM, situated in Lurgan township. Frank/in I,unty, Pa., adjoining lands of John E. and John Mtity. Daniel Clippingtx. Joseph Mowers and others, near the Eon., dogulnott creek. and about 5 miles from Shippensburg. Containing MR ACRES of gissi SLATE LAND, Heil limed.- .10 acres of this tract is well TIMBERED 2.1 wrest, in- MEADOW and the balance in a high state of cultivation, ell in excellent order and well fenced. The imprisolandnite are a two storied log WEATHERBOARD ED MEW, new Bank Barn 12 feet long, wagon shed Aunt aff necessary oral concenieut Thents±liiii:-Well of never failing Water at the door and twoiDWMABDS of choice Fruit en the premises. There is also . a • pod TENANT HOUSE on the farm with a Well of Water convenient and all necessary out-buildings. Petsona wishing to view the Farm can do so by calling on the subscriber living In Hamilton township. or on John E. M'Cle.y. adjointugthe farm. [June) JOHN ZUOK. IT A L LT ABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private sale, FAJLA situated. in Letterkeuuy township, Franklin eaunty:Pa., ailjoining lands of Abraham Wenger, Heim ofDayid Zimmerman. Sr., Joseph Bollinger and others, near the Conodoguinnett Cryek, and about 0111,- half Mile from Pleasant-Ball It contains. 123 ACRES and some perches of g ood SLATE DAND, n ell limed. About Biseetes is excellent MEADOW, eenno timber and the batman+ in a high State of cultivation. all iu excellent cyder and:Under good trove. a large part of M. hie h is pint tool mil fence. The improvements are a LARUE TWO. STORIED LOCI IiOIISE part weatherimardod. a Bank Barn, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib and other necessary out buildings. There is a Well of never-fulling Water at the kitchen door, mule considerable stream running through thameadows, together with water an every Held, making it .a capital stock. farm. Peasen wishing to view the premises can do so by calling in, the wine fiber, rejihug on the public road one-lialf mile east of Flea,aut Ball. Juatl2-.3m WILLIAM taiILLAN, _VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR BALE.-The under+igued will sell at Private Sale. his TANNERY. known as the Corner Tannery, with Steam. and, Water l'nwer. SAW MILL. Clappitur.3llll, Stocks for breaking hides, TunLery hno eight Leeches, if.: Vats, 2 Lines and Water Pool. and it pnpal.le Of tanning eOJ heavy hides a year. 'There are tan LOI DWELLING HOUSES. Burn, Staid" and other ued e+- stuy connected with tho Tannery, and about 60 Acres cleared, with good fruit. Ile will toil any quantity of land whir the 'I winery, from 100 to 700 Asree. Over Acres are Timber. and au ample sapid:: of Chestnut Oak Bark to ran the Taunery for fifty year.. It it Attila teal uhout.7 milt. stattleetad of Mercemlnag.. on Liaking Creek. Tennis made 11.1.1 by. For further partieto las address the underaigned, at klen•enb u g. 1 rual.lin co., Pa. [augliidfl C. REALIESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The • undenixneil will offer at Pub Lie :tale, on tin. -- premitaft,,b3 Sarnilton township. about 34 mile, south Chambersburg. On the Conoctottheastue Creek, thie weat .0( the Greencastle rand, an Thursday, the 27th Or. :ober, all that FARM containing idiom 215 more 'or lea, welinterrteme and part Shoe. The building , consist of, two new BRICK DWEI.LINES 1101:tiliri. two frond Bank Nuns, with other necessary builtliugs. Their is a never failing Well of,Water near the Iteore and al, dooming Water on the farm. Alea a good Orchard ef Tba buildingn are located in such manner an to divide the Property into too farms, and will be Mild to. g rater or dividea as mar suit Purchasers. to eounnence nt 10 o'clock, A. 31., when the terms wylbemadeknown. [nug2l3 I'ET Ell FARM FOR SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSII/P.—Tho tualerrigned offers at Pris ate Sal his FARM; situated is St. Tboutae township, the Public Road leading front Guyer - t. Tat em to Loudon, b 10111.11 than the latter plate. roatainiag about 200 ACRES OP SLATE AND , GRAVEL LAND. await tlo Acres of whilst 4 eleated cod the balance in THRIVING TIM BER. Tito Improvements or, a. Lot; HOUSE, L o g Bun. and 4 Tenant Rouser.. nod a good Apple °Tabard, Peach,' Merry and Pear Trefs. Also—A SAW MILL and CROPPLNG:3IILL, in Root running order. with le feet of bend and Zit This property Arould afford a good =ity to make money. For terms apply to the mule residing on the premises. .101Y6' FRED'K. GILBERT, rfOR „SALE.-A LOT on Man street, , Opposite the property of Michael. Hughes, with good BRiCK FLOVSE , , two and a-half stories, with Brick Beelc.Builliing. The Lot is in good order with excellent Fr¢lt. lipply nt the. REPOWTORT Office for partieulani and terms ang3l tr . ..._ ~, •_i ,I a • ' •'., ' :,. ,_ ; , , . 3 0 - ....._ N I !' 7 ~. . 0 .'' , ; • I ).e ,-. \ \ 7 A . • _ _______________,-=-- .. _________________. •• BY AI: CURE & STONER. liral 05tatc TWO FARMS FOR, SXLE.—The sub ,criber offer, at Private Sale. the following valuable Real Property, to wit A TitAx:r or LAND, situate in Ilanulton tow w.hip, on the Warin Spring. Road about 3! mile, -from Chambenhurg. eoutaining 2tX) ACRES, more or less, of good Gravel had, adjoining lands of John 3lartin, Cieorgo Fisher and Chr,stion Hinter. The improve ment,. urea two-storied BRICK 11l Brick and Frame Bank Barn,"Wagon Shed and-Corn Crib. Carriage House and other outdinilditign. There Is a Well of good Water at the Dwelling and ci.tern, at Barn unit I.lmr,e. About 271 or 30 Aert'S of the above truer i, n ell net with thriving young TIMBER. There in a large young OROHARD on the premhe, now In full bearing. A large (banks ad joins the liaise. and contains ISO Dwarf Pear Trets& Dwarf Apple Trees. and 43 fine hearing (choice ahoy) Grape Vines. There i4aiNon Tenant Hom.e, Stable. !Thad, smith i.hop, Lime Kiln Draw - Kiln. &0.. on this tract. Also—Another TRACT OF LAID„ situate in Hato. ilton towaship. adjoining the above. containing PA -ACRES 1114sje or /OSA. 'ante quality as tirt described trot. on whieh as ereeted a large th o,toried DWELLING ill)t'SE part 1114‘ k and part Log; Log and Frame Barn. Carriage bia.,e. wagon Shed. Corn PHI, ling Pen, Vie. - There an , two Wells of good never-tailing Water near the Divot-. There is on ti i, trout an excellent Orchard of Ap. ple mid Peach 'Green, together with a ~triety of other Fruit near the House. The Carden nttnehea to the above Premium contains about (11 (traps Linen, tilt thnfty and -productive. About 23 Acme of the above tract is Timber' Land. Both of, the•uhove Fano, au' in a good ..ttite of e - ultit thin. having been limed to tee :thin a few year& Also—About 14 ACIIES IF MOUNTAIN LAND, situated in :St. Thotnns township, about 1:1 mile., from St, Thonna,, well Sot wait If the ft hove proportie. Ore not odd pre% iou4 to thA4fh day rJ Ortohrr. the}• will nn that day bo offered ut Sale. on thy premise., at 1 o'clock. P. 31. sep2l.ts JACOB E. iturr. IjEBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.- By t inure of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Carothers:. late of Shirley Township. dee'd trill be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises. on Friday, the dist o' &- toter, next the well known turd vnlualdo mANSitiiN EARM, late of sani d,veased. situate in Shirty Township. Huntingdon County. l'a.: adjoining the Borough o f Shin ley..bnrg and the great road from Mount Union to Chant' bersburg, seven miles distant from the Pennsyls :tuba - Railroad and Canal at Mount Union ; ACRES AN II 95 PERC I I ES. nlontt 150 acres offs hi( h lire cleared and in a state of eultlvatiou; 55 14.91, are well set with clover; 23 aeriss are meadow—rho remainder well timbered. The improvements are. •it good LOO HOUSE and double LOlt BARN. with Sheds and other neeetwry oubintiblinm , ; a well of excellent w ater conven ient to the house, and running, water in the born-yard. us also in most of the fields, There are also on the premise% about 50 grafted apple trees. tommon in this latitude. Sole to (41111111V110P at One aelm•k on 'aid day, n hen Corms will be to a ds known and.due attendance given by LEWIS CAROTHERS. - tria-lit AIM MAYi VAROTH 5 " I " Globe, Len isukw. Gautu, lid Chumben• burg ftep4i:ortt sae h eopy six times. and ..nd bill to this attire _rthrr!rysba r 111'111,1C virtue of an Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Laneactir County, toade ara of Parotion No. J 3, January Tenn. her...3Vlll:aln N. Lane, et. nl., are - Demandants.„lnd John N. Lane. Jame.- ,B. Lane, and Elliott Eekridge Lone, by their I:nanlirtn, Richard S. ,Tenkins. are Defen dants. the sheriff of Luneastet County will bell at Public sale no tr,d,”elny. the sth day of Or:lawn A. 1).. 1144, at the puhin hou, .d• Col. John Murphy, in Mereer,burg, Franklin ‘lninty and State of Penn-ylvania. the font oving I'nrpon No 2. Named in the Inquention. co,icane of a 31....aag, and trwt or piece of Land. situate in the Tea u. ship of 31ontgornery, m the century of Franklin. in , aid rit be mete, and hound , partivOlarly dee ribed tataing 145 Acre. and .15 neat Jne.,nre, adjoining pn , perte at Mrc. Thomp,on, Pol,zrove, Michael Falar, .7ohn loht,on. and tither, with a Dwelling limbo. and Barn. Fruit Tree:, and other improvement. F0.,,,,i0n and title given on the let day of April, A. It, Salo to rnm 111,00 nt TI elock. A. 31.. on Raid da:‘ when the ..ombnon. will be 100(11• known bk F. 63111'11. Sheriff. Cheri 4.lth, r 1%7..22. 1,i14, pITRIA(' SALE. , --Bv iinthoritv of - .the . te-aamenttt .I.wnes "Nt , l. late of Chan, berxburg tiee'd.. the ttfaler-ignen Exet um, trill offer at 1'10,14,0,10 on the prentito, ,'n th e 196 day aj Ortpl.r.r lurk, .1 3f. flit. toli,, ing de-rribrd Real F,:tan• viz : A TRAIT ,if LAND, , intate in Wail.. ine-ton towmatip. Franklin county. Pa., on the road leathug front Wayne-boat' toklingin.t . floiling 3101. about 4 milet fn on the former and 1 from the latter phiric . adjtnning land, nut Holker It nein., Snowherzer't and where - and containing 131 ACRES and 43 PERCHES iirat The int pmvement4 ire n eonnortable DWEL.I.ING HOUSE. gaol Frame Ifaru and Other blllllllllg, Wlth running pump., of pure water at the lam, anti In the hunt-yard. awl a qtrear u of tt liter numingthrontflt the farm. Thore it Inlet nil void tract It prod water.power anti SAW MILL which bemz ..ituated as it i.. near the mountain and in the neighborhood of gootbtinber. would be a 'inner Of great rmht to an man. The WM-. nin he made known on the day of oat,. by S:t3frEf. 3IVET:s. T 'I. J. NILE 3 MEI VALUABLE Towx irßorEirry A.T T • PUBLIC SALE !—On IridnrMay. the tx+th of See. timber:64 —ln purnance of the all will of Adam Crer, ler, deetwed the subscriber's trill otter at Public Sale, on the pretni.ea ut d, o'clock. all that certain EDT OF 1112111" ND. mutate in the Borough of Strippen.lnug, boun ded-on the South tn. King Street, Ea,t and North lit- al leyr, and on the Wt..t by n lot it the heir. of Samuel D. Hentlenm, tlec'tk having thereon erected a Tao st or y STONE DWELLING ft 'USE, with Brick Ilackbuilding attached, a Tut o Story Brick 11. ate. 01 copied ii. a Store and dwelling, Frame Wareing', Woodtheil. Smoke house. Frame stable with thre.hing door and rani crib. There lc on the premises n well of good water. a ti,tern, :mil a variety of chit -c fruit Per,on. det.irina-14 ere° the 1 ,111, c de.rribed property are reque-red to call on Abram IL Zack, or Forney & .kni, on the prernivi.. Tenn, made known On the day of -ale by JoHN, H CRESSLER. MICHAEL CRESSLER , epl43 EN...cuter:Of Adam Cre....lcr, HOUSE AND LOT AT PUBLIC SALE. The .I,4:Fiber will offer al Public Sale, 4111 Friday.. the TM day of October nra a one (kill. Lot of l'frounl sit: nutted near Quiney, on the road leading to:.l.rk.ton-n. with a Two-stop =DWELLING lit it - SE I Tr t acelk t ,...o anti Backdiailding Wombed. Log Tenant Home. Ban and Log Stable, Coni Crib. :mom)" and.Cogmen.,:(dil under one not and In complete order) toilyllincizy Shed, .Sstoke llnu.o. Bake undother ner74,ary thereon-ere, to.!. There are TWO . I P:tiling Wells of Water. with pump+ in them. one in the kitchen and ono at the barn. The entire lot in covered with the r hoieeAt Frith Trees, nun hu. optic,, pour,, peaches. ' , lithe:. npri• rots, nit!, grapr-i. rte. all of which are thrift} :mil in bear• • ing '1 lielabove is know nas the" lyork Property.' It is favonshly Immo( for a Mei Inoue or 1.11/ , 11:111: V , lit e retired. Sale to commenee at I ocliwk on card day, norm,l• termo will he made known ley fi.eitill•ts] H. E WERT krpository copy amt scout bill to tlus oldie for...idler, I hon.—Record. FEDERAL HILL PROPERTY FOR' BALE.—The tuidersigned will sell bF public cutters., at Cie old Town Hall, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4111. the very DESIRABLE RESIDENCE known a, Federal HilL The insprol emends tiro a largo double BRICK HOUSE, BRICK BARN, and all other beeessary out buildings. About SIXTY-SEVEN ACHES OF LAND belong to the property—it considerable portion of it. with the buildinge, being in the borough of Chanibenburg.' It is the most in, icing locution for a private residence sibratt Chatnbenburg. It will be sold Atbjert to a Dower of about r?fl Poc•te‘ainn will he given on the lot of April next. ALSO—will be offered tit the Kline time and place, ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE AC'RES OF LAND iminedi ately adjoining Firth's - al Hifi, Mug bets; ern the Mir Stras burg roads. ramming from the l'ounmetteagur erect at. Eynteen Straw Milt and the Cemetery went so the Junction •of the two roads with n•Wentherboarded Dwelling Hole, and quill Barn thereon erected. There is a Young Or chard of good Fruit on thi.. lorainirty. Thin laid n ith FiAlerul Hall would inalsit an exeellent and convenient Linn. Sale to ilialllll.llCl. at I o`look, P. M. Apply - to .sepl 1-tal A. E. M'CLURF IJUBLIC OiALE.—By virtue of au order of the Orphans Court of Franklin county. Pa., the itoderpignell. Tro.tee to sell the Kral Estate of Ileum ~h•r late of 11,11110 ton ton - T:4lop des '.l. till otter at Pnblie Sale. on the preini , ..e., on St tnnian. the i+th day of ()rt.'', n,t, the I‘IANSIO.N FAR 24 of ..a.,11 deceased ..itoate in Hamilton town.hip. adjoinitur land. of Jacob Detro k, vol t Reefer. John Rrider, 1).1;0,4 NVelker nod Wn, 13'2 MICE'S and till PERCHES of tint quality SLATE I,A ND. about 13 Aerr+ of which are Timbered slid 12 Acres 31eallow Land. 'llse itopnwetnentl ure a two story 11811. 111%1:L1.11cl: 111/USE, Log Ituruand übuul its. On the Stra4burg road and within one.f,iirth toile of I letriek'< Mill. Tht•re n Pump. of stool i{ its the En, of .la. Dv . fling. and tin ar-• moired • • the horti.stird with n a . ..r. "ritere Mtn on the 011,1. n thriN Yourar Uri 11...1. sale niil ill , I' 31 . Artie a the a rm. will he made known b , I -eril JACUII RlllliEli, Trustee , . I_3I . BLIc sALE ()E VA1.1.7A131,E REAL - ESTATE —Hy Chloe of mt Order of the Orphinpi' gone, of Frans hr Aittuty, thei.itridiir-wriled will 0 1 2' at tito prem.., un Sntnsdon. (lovirst doy of ,'eft. that s ,ounbti. Tit.‘t • T of I.INIEsTONE ...twit, iu Moutgw o oiy ton 11,111 p, as told coolitA ad r ioining 111111, of Mal). eker. 5, 11. Ang . l , .. Miller. heir. of Javoh.Myers dead.. Ent:olio and Allirnit l'enie . containing, , stilt, atilt )NP. 1/IWELLINtt HOUSE. Stone Bank Sam and other pnwouientis thereon erected. Alms. an excellent orchard on the game, and. n never.lailing Stream of )Safer lying through It. Sulu to .uumouu ., 555 Id, low k sin mud Slay. n hen tITIII4 bill his• Moths' k 710,11 by J 17 , 1E4 NV. DUFFIELD, IPA. C. .1/11FC/13.11. Trilkt.•••• to 43IALL FARM FOR SALE.—The sub /weber will sell at Private Sale. the SMALL FARM Fa Web he 110W-I,lllths, minute in Antrim ton mthip, ranklink eettuty, about sir mil, from Green. astle .1 the' Cashtown Math uftjoiuing lands of Samuel Myers and others, egataining Walla 40 ACRES. all cleared hoot, good oaf, and muter gaol fen,. There is a Pt TNII ORCHARD of thrifty trees on the o Well of excellent Water. The iinprovements ismsist of a to,, story Lull DWELLIM: HOUSE. tt Bank Barn 42 feet long. and well finished, and all other aeoessary out•builft. 111{;:l. PI/one/4 , 4011 will be git en 4111 the lot or April, Ifto4. Teruft, a ill be made known On rtisplivatifili to the sole ter her. resifting on the premises. oera•tt sAmr.m. clumit. I ALE OF PROPERTY—The Subscriber kji feels anxious to relinquish bled mi., at Merr erborg, and fluxing on hand about S:1000 worth of HARONVARE, well seletted, and would gladly sell nt n holebale, together o ith it full bet of TINNI:ItS TOOLS and Patterns. Ile Lan also Joe sale TWO I'ALEA.I3LE PROPERTIES on - Main Street, one a large and commodious Brick Dwelling, the other a line Store Bairn, with shops and bdelr or would exchange for Lots at Chiunbersburg on Main Street. Will insure said Property for two years from Aro by invaders. r.ep7-4t 1 A L I ' 4 111,E, Moreershiirg. Ucal estor *.ctirs. 13138L1C SALE OF VALtAI,E REAL ENTA.TE.—The nitdert ! hvned intending, to remove Wegt. will sell sit Pithlle. Sale, on Satarday: day of Oriobar ,text. on the premllgls, in Gnfiford touiship, Franklin emnity, retina.' ationtl info ISTortli- or witrion, - tine miteg Routh 'of - Chambershurir and one-fourth Of n mite from the Franklin Railroad. a VALUABLE FAIIM. etintainhir, t r 1 ACHES of veil-improved. LI:MI:STONE LAND, of whieh about d Aereg are a ell Timbered, mi. joining land.: of Samuel Pr, derle .l / 4 and others. The im provement,. are a haze two-storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE with Batik Building, a one anal n half storied STONE TENANT 110F8E; With flagellant, a Stone Spring- Maui, Carriage Eaatev, a ni,v Bank Barn, anal all other nee,..ary out-Imiltrinzt, all ha root! rg-pair. There is a Spring of net er.tailing Water near the 'building , . and an excellent I )rehard o f giant Fruit on the.fartn, tale to couunonce ut I o'clock, P. 31., 1, 11,11111 day. 10111 tlll conditions of suleicill I made known. V 11) GROSSMAN. PUBLIC SALE.—In purimanee of the 11 la.! will told te.tainent of Abraham Shirk, late of Gr9on township, tire•d.. there tt ill be en pored to Pubbe uteqq^ on the premise, near Noun's Mill, on Stitartiay (Moller the Pth. the follon lop Real Estate. beintr, thoMAN- Slt I•'AR3I of the said-denewed, adjoining land. of I). Thom: heir, Michael Wimrert. floury Litt4 toll other, containing about one lutpdred ACRES of tint rate land. 00 a kink there isa tau -tory 10(1 and ArriATH BOA RD L 111 1 ,51-; a 'moan Brick Iltne.e. Brink Wagon Shill and other aorrovenient. thereon Orveted. Tho Conoeoeheavtie Creek rano through Hie farm. and there is ahotit Aere4 VI, I,od it ith 110 e thrivin Timber. Sale to 11 , 111111ellee at 1 o'elo, k. P. M.. of •aid day. when tenon' will be made kn.., it by J.ICOII cEp7 .., e.,py tithe ti0.....n0(1 ...oil 101 l to nig ot}un•. p...Lk EAL, ESTATE SALE.—By virture ) atm order 01 the orphans' Court, tlaire pill be ex• posed to Pah& Outcry, on ..thel premises, on Friday, the ZSOch day of September ',Lye all thi: desimbed Real E'late, viz: The MANSION FAILM 01 Robert Culbert son. late of lannett tom nship, del d. adjoitang landt of Peter Piper 3lieltae4 Stoke and other, eentaining alstat P.-11 more or les, of improved hind, n lth a ono story Li Ilk. DWELLING II USE. Log Barn :tad other improvements thereon ereeted. Tmet of MIIIIII. rain Land adjoining toed,, of 13arnard Fagnn and others eunntihing about 10ti ACRES. Sale to eoultmeneeht o'eloek, P. M., when the terms will he made known by PETER SHEARER. JOSEPH CULBERTSON. }Adair HTTOUSE AND LOT FOR S-ALE.—The undersigned, residing. islit, Thomas, offers at Pri vate Sale. n two-storied WEATH =BOAR DEE HOUSE intended fur two than,. There Is a Log Stable, Corn Crib and other nece,ary out-buildings on the ptivnice4, with a of good Water in the yard, and eWtolent- Fruit on each Lot. There it al. adjoining the reiidtpsg , a one anda-half story WEATHERI3OA_RDED ILilt SE, at present used to a Tamer Shop, and is an excelitu atitifor busine-in of this that or for our other an Vinield purpo,. Persons wishing to view the pap rty can do so by calling at the residence. If the above property is not sold by the Sth of Octob er ',tut. it m ill then be uttered at Public Sale. at 10 o'eloek on said day. sep2l , :e 'MARY RITE. TURNED UP AGAIN.---4 would re spectfully infirm my friend,- and customers. that 1 lun e again opened. on the Cartier ,a - ond and IVat-hing tots Strects, nearly opposite the late fe,idenee of Judge Sill. where you will find a coed as.oeunent of 11001 S and SIP lES, TRUNKS, CARPET BA( My clock is entirely new.. as my old stock mai e-rarely core-u -mod by the lute tire, , luck lam albl , o , ed 5.1 tell aax low as the market Word, nug3l_ I \could requeqt all (wbo have 110 been burnt ont)tol.all and +mile their Old Accunts, tr I need money.,By Co doing you will confer a great favor and Amble m 40 go on iu of butruiees. [4.1121.3m1 IsAAP MUTTON. My LOT on Maio street, known a+ the Berlin property trill he 401(1 at Private Sale, 1, 11. ATALUABLE LIIESTOEFARINI FOR SA I.E.—The undersigned otter. at Pmmte Sale. vuluahl, Imat,tone Line, ,miated, lihent trio note, ~mil, of Chnioh , r-Iture. mud I nil,, from the ad joini , e.- lamhtot Mt( Lidier.and Vand,MT,e4ll.- taininsr 1.1.1 ACRES, of lane .10et. Land. , tinder .'zi.od an.m. hoot 111 At ere eir.erd .md the belay, m ell Timb. nd. The ii,, -mien., I . llill a na . a Mt , .toried Lu It NKI:A.THEItIIoAEDF.I4 DWELLING. Warn Ittri— Bern Wan.. Shed. earritige House and all hailitoor. here is a Weo of never tilling Water near the inching 'mil:wield for sr, ater t ng There i, an ORCI1A.1:1) lake Fria on the Pereom It idling to view the pr..perty earl do +.11.1 - t-allin't.^. ut the l'arm. SAMU IEI TT. " Otii4E AND LO T FOR SALE IN TUE H Iren,uttl, of M'Cennee.lturg, Fulton county, Pl 4.— Larre Dontrn. TWO STONY Eleyem,Rootrn.., Kitehen Wm.h TWO LoTS OF kIIZOUND, eholee Fred end Shruld)ory; StA r bliek for thirtydit n hone-,. Location and baildinge ..uituble fur% Hotel, haN • lag be ..n a. it Tas ern for,. siunoln, ‘.l yeitr, ram \S',-,l at a aa•r lit the door All in pn..l I , rd,, Tne trill harotin and gr“ , lnner+>.on ad any tune. For information t all o n or liddre-0, itorancr rz, mayl.l..tfr 311'ormelh.lourg, Fulton, County. P. :7..7c , Om A. Smith Atmrney. mill gi4e all Inforinamm in my 111.*.111, R. A. PItITATE SAL.E.=-The ruidersii,rued in iv:AY non ing n c-4, offer , at Pm ate Sale. a .111.111 TRACT of LAND.` eontairune about ACILP.S, on WhiOl , iK ereeted a i 1 story FRAME lit/VSE. Stable - and other improvements situate , to ti.nailtrou to% 'lshii!, on the Keit. road, about 21 wales front Chamberbburg. The land t. m,der grand eulthatioD and well feneed. Their is a Well Lt w ;t•-•r near the du riling and an l'treliard of ehoict. Fruit on the premix' 1 , Any 1,e1 , 011 wi,lung to view the property eau .o 1,3 calling at the hotote. TRUSTEE'S SALE.--There will he sold at Pnblie Sale. by the nottercigned. on the tomalley. In the Borough of l'hantherilutrg on Thursday. the nth of October. 1,44, the following Real Estate, to . The moll. hied half of a LOT OF tail )1 - ND, braided by Water street ea.t. by Pitt street South, by lots mf Peter Creilh haunt and Hannah Whisler havihe thereon a one and n-half .tone DWELLING HOUSH. 'Pen n s, S. S. SilltYoCE. j Tru , tee of Gel.. , teed. TIMBER LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. The undenigned teen at Private Sate, FIFTY ACHES or"rniliEß L,%.NIt, at the foot North Moun tain. seven miles North of Chtunhersbut.g. w ell set with Cite-tout. White Oak and Red Oak. and .1.0 Lnemert. The Chestnnt it large enough to cot for, rail, For price and, terms apply to the undersigned. at KeetTer'e Store. WM. , S. IiEEFFEIL Vcrsonat praprriv QyARTERNIASTERGENERAL'S OF- T ICE. FtllkT InVIMOV,—WANEITNGTOV CID. Sep tember 2. IS-W.—Will be sold at Pubße Auction to the highest bidder, at the tone and places named below. viz Yoik, Fa, Thursday, Sept. 251564. Altoona. Pa., Thurslav, Sept.'22 Lebanon, l'a., Thursitily. Sept. 18CA. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. AT . EACH PLACE. I These Hove+ have beta eondruned as unfit for the 111 . - airy service of the nrmy. For road and farm porpouss , many good bargains May be haiL Horses sold singly. Terms Cash in United States eurreney. JAMES A. EELS. . ('eland FiNl OtvisiOn. scp7-4t Quartuninstr General's titilee. QTOCK FOR SALE.—TIi tuidemigned, Administrucors of Linnist Monti. late of Orron town ship. deceased. (rill sell by pithily of tOy nt tlin Market How,. on Monday the 3rd of October next, nt 1 ti rltx k, TEN SHARES (IF' CU3II3EELAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD STOCK. Term: n ill Ite ini tins of mit. by- • JOHN litoNN. JEREMIAH MOSS, Atlin'r..,l Lani. 1 .Noun, dev'd ME ZI 141011 SALE.—A gmtd STEAM ENGINE, bone. power. m good Vondition. tan be /Wee by militia . at T. B. Wood', VoLnotry. JAC fill ARITIt. FOIL SALE.-1A Ono Hong. Tread-Power, in .MI nr.inr. and for %ale Inn. Apply at thiF gep7-tf pOll SALE.—A fall cotulw Seitplarship Quiske'r City IttlA ar•; College itt PI A pply at t:u. Ott,. : (•epi-If IL JAM, 11. .1. S. I,NIItT6I. (3 E N'T RE WOOL EN I" ACT )11Y.—The v./ suh-d-ribers 11...p05.01111y inform their fritoal. and the pnhbe generally, that they have Traced the above named Fnetory ,MS, mi4n aortledrest of Chionbershorg. (lwst kamvo or liorst's Footorr) for a tdrin oft ears. V. hero they intend bt 111311111.•: tar Cloth Soninet. Blanket , . Flannels nod Carpeting from the tleme of yarn. Country Carding loal attended Moe, and fancy dying done to under. Having atldeda number of tow ma chines to their Factory, they are how prepared to do work in the Lost .tyio anti lame to be able to reader general sat h.fdption to all alio may favor Wilt - ill) their custom. 71p - Woof, left a the stores of J. It. Elder and B. m St. Thomas: Jtts. I). Seim. in Itraheeport, and ot the Homo, of E. Embith, on Franklin St.. Chambersharg, a ill lie palled f.r en err two n i rk. and retuned when the (Jitne)snj If. EMBICII & SON, CIONNELLSVILLE v SOUTEIERN N.) PENNS] . SV AN IA RAI JAVA Y.—T he unden.isnett, PonanhAioner4 !mined in nn nct. entitled "An At , t to men, pornte the Counellsville awl Sonthern Pennsylvania Rail way Company," hereby give notice that they trill, Inpat , hneohat of said net. OPEN BOOKS for the purpose of re• evi, ing subseriptions to the capital itch of f..ahl RUIN ny Company, on the 14th dog - of Ortolorr, 1P.61, at the Incur of a A. M.. at the wAmtiNnTos HOTF:1;. In the town of BEDFoRD. 11.1cata • °may, and that they n ill keel, said books open t - wanting to Inc. .11,11 R. 11, BARCLAY, WM. S. HAVEN, I'. W. ASIICOII, WILLIAM K. NI wvg... C. }MU. GEORGE W. ('.tin, A K. Sl'LlxitE. , A WA.II,\ BALI:IL WILLIAM Mint." - 0. W. 11,olNi:4, J. h Yost. eera 4.ra Comtnis.inners. AIZBER SHOP.—J. IlEto has opened 1.3. his slatting saloon ha the dwelling el Jo.eph Trout. opposite the Academy lot. the old customers and the public generally are respectfUlly Incitedto give 111 m a call. - aue:4 HAND-BILLS fromthe. largest to the smallest, In Plain or-Fancy Colors, printed, nt tbt. nflire of 1110 rRAYKLTN REMAIWYRY. CIARBERSBURG. PA,, WEDNESDAY, SFPTENBEII 28, 1864. THE estate - of James Beatty, late' of Antrim township, Franklin county, deceaool. \W here aa, ,Talte-‘ Beatty, deeeased, did bequeath by hi. last will and testament one half of his tenure to his .first cousins Nab paternal and nintemal, and did direct ,that my lezntee. who failed to establish his or her elaimi be fore the Auditor appointed Ire the Orphaus' Court of Fmnklin county aforesaid:to distribute the amount in the hands of his Eseeutors. upon the settlement of their first actual. should not reeehe any part of Ida estate. Now, notice is army given. that thefird oceount of T. 8, Kennedy. surviving Exeeuturuf raid deet,aul has been hied. and that the andersigned auditor appointed by said Orphans' Court, t" distnbute the balance da e un saal no count. accurdine to the pm -I: of ottid last will and Wl tanient. will meet and hear all claimants under Said. Will, at Inc other in the liorondli Pa.. on. Thursday, the •20th-day . of October. kilt All parties failing u, c.stablish the i r rialto un that day. trill be debar red front Nailing' in on said fund. sep74t. J. VD. 81 - lARP. Auditor. REGIsTEWS NOTlCE—Allpersonsin tvre,ted trill tal,e notice. that the following Aerainntant. hurl. mAtled their Account, in the Rea - Weil ()thee of Franklin Conlin, and that the same will be pre ..entpd to the Ilorphan'r Court for eonfinnatiou on Tv‘rdaY, the ith day of thlub2r, 1664. at the Court Home iu Chant. : a'irst and final Acetanit of Wm. S. Amberson,, Att ,niai.tmi,r,,rjohn B. Wolhlee late of Waynet.boni, dee'd. 1:t1. First Aerionnt of Jacob PH0611,217. Admiuistintiir n. of Jacob Regerrei, late of Fannemburg, . . 134. and final Areniint of Jamb S. (food. of Clins;inif . info of IV tr.binglim )I,L, der iL 1.., pint and final :14.f.1m0t of T.J. of John Liegi•tt, late of Cliaiberilinrg, HENIZY STrtcsLER. lffiguiter. - - .A•TTINTOR'S NOTICE—The- iinderslgn ./ ell hot been appointed an auditor by the Conn of . Cimino.% Pira, of Franklin rout,. and dis tribute the aswiti. in the hands of William McLellan. an ..,igutie (under a deed of voluntary 11 , .. atrUillelil) the Ch.unber.burg Savings Pond." to and atnong-it the Orlin, torn at. said Iniititution. All persons IN 110 Art eredituro of vkul Aaving, Fowl, or who are in anywese Interested in the ft.-44s thereof are hereby notified to present their plaints. to said auditor, at his office in the borough of Chigulior.borg. on Or before Monday. the nth day of October, A. I)., 1.864. All portico neglecting to present their claims. on or before that day, will be wholly debar red front Bowing in upon the funds of said Inetitution. ME A UDITOIt'S NOTICE.—The under-, signed would give nidiee that having herr' appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Franklin minty. to tribute- the ladanee in the hands of Robert J. Boyd. Ad , unnimrator of Mary Jane Walker, dee' and: Leong heirs of sod deceased, trill attend to the duties of Ida rip ',ointment at the Store of Cook A, -Boyd, at Upton. on Thursday, the dilth of October amt. at which time and place all per... , intere.ted are notified to appear. ' cola' GEO. COOK. Auditor. VD ITOR'S NOTIC E.—The nrOer .ll signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Nun of Franklin county to distribute the ',Mann , in the , l ,o 4ike'isf Joeith Lesher, Adminisitutor of Albetus Belt, tat , An trimtownship, dee'd. to and among. the persons legally entitled to receive the same, will meet all parties interest ed itt his awe, in the borough of fireeno, L ,Ae, o n Satur day, October 15, for the purpo:e4 of said audit. septa D. WATSON ROWE, Auditor. A SlGNEESNOTlCE.—Noticeishere li - by cis en that the underAigned have been appc.inted A..mnec, by James 11. Riley. at Greencnctle under a deed of voluntary ic , israment for the benefit or )11/1 (Ted"- tf , r, All per,ami indebted tell make immediate payment, and 1110. e having claims trill pri,ent them dull authenti cated for settlement. JACOB \VD:TER, • t • SNIVELY STICKLER. Aqsi g n‘g -,pl" UDITOR'S NOTICE—The undersign /A_ ed. Auditor appointed by thii Coart id•Corninon Pleas of Franklin enmity, Priin'a., to distribute the lialanee in the bands of A. ...I.ll, , Clure and J. )I'D, Sharp Acaioeii., of Wilf.on Egg.. to and nanung , t those entitled quire m rnll meet ill parse. int. re.ted ar the ‘.iliee of "if'D, Sharp in the Borough of I.4ttho nburg, an Saturday, (kWh, Ist, 1i 13.4. ..01.7 41 .t. W. DOUGLAS. Ahditor A DIINIS'FRA'FOIZS' NOTICE.-No tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Nett r (tray. htte of till. Borough of Chan, herstinvg. deed, hat heett grante4 to the nnd All petionA know mg therom..lves indented nisald Estate ndl plea,. make ininxediate payment; arid tho.e having rinitno prov.ent them properly authennented for m.ttlernent. .11.1 STINGS nool J. r.. SPESSEROTT, - P4I'III.TORS' NOTICE —No gi-cen that Letters Administrlition tic bon, non rum. Ern. an, at tit.' E..tate Of J a mb Koa.zy. Into of Lottertennc towtnhip, Qw'tl, bane been g runted. to the unavr.ig•tickl. • A 0 To ' , Am , hoom,hz thetn....lven indebted' to 4.0 d Estate otll I. tin.slse usnuethote iro) Mutt, and 1.h0.e havitor lain, I.r . lit them NI Terip authPlltirateti f.orwittlentent. NV. 1%. I.3IZITTO'N. tala:3l J3/IIN IVELST; -- " an """ iii D3IINISTRATOR'S 6, 1 , 1 hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of 31artha Trifle. late of flatiron" towto.hip, deed have been granted to the undersigned. All pone, knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate alit plea., make immediate payment: and tho , e has ing pre,ent them properly autlientiellted for Fettlement. ang3l j()IIN C'. TRITLE, Ad'inr. A DMINBTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No _LI lief , is hereby gas en that Letters of Administration on the Est.ite of II enter Dirket, late of wn• ship. deed. hal e been granted to the underhigued. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate still phase ;nuke ilmnelMte payment; and those bamng eltunts present them pn.perly authentmated for settlement nug3IMOSES KUNKEL. Adair. A 1) M NOTICE.—N - ki nee is hereby gin en that Letter; of Administration ~n the Estate of Jamb Segfey, fate o f Montgo m ery to , ship. deg d, have been gunned to the nndersipmetL • All per-otto hieing theinselv, indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment ; and those having ela,Ms present them properly atithentientod for settlOnien't. ang.2l E. 'NEU I,EY. Adm'. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT I E—N n lice is hereby given that Letters of A dmmlsinition on the F.,tateuf Henry Heller. late t& towt,htp. dee'd have been minted to the under:knell. ' All pemak: Maming thene.elves indebted to .zaid Estnte n ill plea, nmlie immolate payment ; aml Ow, having eWIIII3 present them properly authentalued for settlement: Ji 111. N F. KELLER. 'Adm'r. ADM INI SIMATOR'S N(YrIVE.—N(A 4 tiee 1. , hereby given that Letters of,-Adminiqtrution on the E4tate of Mary 31'Kt clm, late 4f tilde, dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned. All per-on , knowing themselves, indebted to •3111E.illte l% ill pl:::tse :nuke itnmaliute payment; and throe having* claims preleurthexu properly authenticated for \ettletaent. A. K. 3I'CLUItE, .1(1.1n4. ADMINISTRATOR'S ...NOTICE.--NO tier i n hereby given, that leder]; of Atlininiquation on the Estrite of Jacob Ebersole, Sr., late of (lrten town ship, deed, been granted to the ander,igned. All sper‘on. indebted to said Ehtate are reque4ted to make onmedurte papnent, acid the.e havina elain.• will pre4ent then, pn,perly'rinthentiented hq moth meat. MICHAEL EBLESI /LE. A i) . NI LN IST RATOIV .10TICE.-No 11_ tic ois hereby given that Letter: t,f Adminixtraton Or, the F.,tate of John (trove, late of lltillford townaldp, , dee'd, have been granted to the toalentigned; All km,ntng theno,lve.. indebted to said Estate will pies-e make immediate payment, and • those having elaam..Pre•ent theist properly nuthenheated for settlement: JOHN tiIIOVE. ang M 21. JACOB (MOVE .1 A A D 11,:'S I STEATO It' :NOT TOE.- -No ttee is berell3 a-IN en that Letter.. of .111Mini.tration ‘,” the Hstate ~fr.tnatmel livers. lute of St. Thotnas town ship, 11..,.1.1. havii been granted to the undersigned, rebat ing in St. 'Flontnts. All persons lamming themselves indebted to s a nd Est'ate will plea, make immediate payment ; And those lowing elanten all pre , ent them properly nutiteutiented-for settle. meat. lIENttA7 W Adin`r. A 1111_XISTRATOR'S NOTICE:—S;o -..L.A. tie, it hereby Riven that I,e,lter,td" .\,lmini•trxtion on rile Y:•tau• r Dr. Jtot firotherton, Jr., late of Wnyttea bore', dee'd. h.tve been :,•rtintra to the undereigned. persods knot. ing thesosels e• indented to .oid l:at.•tte alll pn,ete Intdie imin,,litite payment, and those hal big elabus present t Item properly .tittlientitatted for •ettleum•nt. s•pt 14 IV, .141111'i. I)At NOTICE.--N 0- tive hereby gis 011 that Letti, •iif AllllOll,l I.ltl on tho E.tatt. 7.1111 V; late of Quincy hive griiiiteil - All 1,..r.0n, knowing' thein , el% en holebtett to -aid I:•fati , will pleat , make_ inuterillye payment. tintl tlexte luvlner eWim+preneut Iktitiloniex“4l for nettleittent OF.011(;I: SUMMER:4, Peptl4 JOHN 7.1)1)Y, Adars- ENECT.I7OII.'S NOTIC E.—Notiet. is hereby given that Lettem Te . itatnent.trytntlieEihate ,ot Catharine Ea late of (ina•ite..tla, deed, 'granted to the under-410ml All pelNotet knowing theta...lye+ intlehtvd t, gild Estate o di itlinue make immediate payment ; till th, present them properly 1111thelltiehted,f,.r•ottlornent. septi4 IHN Ex`r. 1":111 . 11 FREY.W.II. 11. yRE'y b N , GENERAL ijNDERTAKERs' Anal Alahufaeturers of MAHOGANY, AVAI.ATT, CUCitill . ANT) CLOTH COFFIN K. They will also fiu-n),th 3-16TALic AND ZINC BURIAL CASES. Funerals attended; in Town and Country. e • Flory's Old Stand, ..*.outir Main stem. Chambershurg. Pte. Night male attended at all hoar.. Mr. Trot can be fUlltla Itt tine re , lllolll, F. A • Zeman uue 111 or South or the Shop. jolt -27;3111 • t -; SEIRER HAS OPENED . A - CHAIR and CABINET WARE ROOM in thi basement of the M.E. Church, white he has now ou hand all kinds of Cithinent Ware. t Suet Its Bedsteads, linrentis, TAW. Chairs, Stands, and Mattrasses, suits of OAK and WAL NUT COTTAGE FURNITURE, Window Blinds, 4:e.. which he will sell cheap ler ensh t ange4 kraal flotires. J. SHARP. Auditor. Tjegycs OF . PI:BLICATION, Tan FRANKLIN - REPOkITORT in ri b ri f th eil, every- Wednesday natrning ,Ity = -TRE REPOSITORY ASSOCIATION,' at $2 per atunun, IN ADVANTE. or $2 '36 if not paid within the year: AU subscription ae count , ' MUST be *dried aantralty; No paper will be sent ou Of the State unleSs Paid for it, 44e4171Ce, and 01 such subseriptions will' invariably be discoutaned at the, expi• retina of the time for which they ate paid. .I.DVERTISE.SIEXTS are inserted ut MM.:RN , GiNTS peruse for first insertion, and TEN peilina for sub.. seqUent insertions. A liberal discount is tnatle to Persons advertising by the quarter, half•year or year. Special nr tires charged one-half more. than regular advertiscunnft&' All resolutions of Associations; comninnieutions of limited or Individual interest. and notices of Marriages and peatbs exceeding_tive lines, are charged fifteen tents per line., All Legal Notlect of wiry kind. and all Orinionde Cotrt and other Judicial Salts, are required by law to be adrcrtizqd in thenkrbslTOßT—lt haring thi rift et lATION of any paper ptlblishatin-the county of Frank/in. JOB prtixTpio ofevery kind iu Plain and Funky col ors. done withatentnesstind dispatch. Lionel-hills, Cards, Painpbtts, Lc.. of every varletY . and style. printed at the shortest -Isobel. The REKATrortv Inact: hat:just been retitled with SWam Poer and three Presses. and every thing iu the Printing lino can be exeentedlin the mitt artistiontanner und at the lowest rates. TERMS TN. VA RIABI.Y CABII. - Yr. John IC, ililtryoelz IS' our authorized Xgent to r"vvivr . Sllir.rilllions and Advertisements, and receipt thr the stun, All letter; stould be addressed to CLOIE ST4,)N ER, eubliAters. ''',l‘sllllVtir, .N,Tll:Orit,P:i'l'2, ,BILLY ROEND TILE FLAG. BOA'S! "'Rally round - the Flag boy., • Give it to the brefze; '_ • ' , i Thai's the banner re love, ; • ~' Or; the )aral and seas,' , i Brave hearttare ander it; ... , Let the- traitors brag; C T ellen! lads, tire away! And fight for the flag. i • Rally sound the Flag boys, ''.i' • Give it to the breeze! That's the banner re lace ; te On the land and sem< 3 Let the colors fly', boys, Guard Went day and night, t • .For victory is liberty, And God will bless the tight. • Tattle !lag is but a rag, • is the true one, - t.IP with. the Stars and Stripes! - - down with the new one! - Let our colors fly, toys, • ! ' - Guard them day and night, ' For victory in liberty', , And God will blebs the right. "LIBERTY"-is the word boys, rNION be our strength! ADJIAUAM shall bring us, VIC - TORT_ at length: ANity Janis - sat: aids him; elear the way; . Copper's at a'cliseount— 1 3CCIS.I.LAN "doesn't pay"-- - Rally , round the "than • .ost its folds,ive sett•' ' Blazoned "Alig - ./Ltat'ANDl: Tarp. TO LIBERTY I" THRILLINfiI COURT SCENE. In the pages of Raymond's " History' of the Administration of President Lincoln." are many things-interesting and instructive, not alorie to the politiciiin. We make the following quotation as • affording a fair sample ; One instance of his practice we cannot - refrain = from' narrating. When Lincoln firsts went out• into the Isorlit to yarn a living for litirantlf, he' worked for - tuMr, Armstrong, of Petersburg, Me wird county, who, with his wife tosik a great in terest in him; lent him Woks to rid, and, after the season for work was oiereneinfrageff him to reniuM with them until he shouldfind something to twin his hand to"' They : also hoped mtiehTrom his influence ever their son, - an over indulged and komewhil‘unruly• boy. We cannot do better than to ,trankripe the marks of. the Cleveland Leader upon this interesting and touching incident : ' " Soule few years - since, the eldest Soil of Mr. Lincoln's old friend, Armstrongyttlechief suppor ter of his widowed mother—the godd'old man having sometime previously passed frojn! earth— was arrested.on the charge of murder. A young man had been killed during a riotous melee, in the night timb, at a camp meeting, and' of his associates stated that the death wound Was inflic ted by young Aruistrong. A .preliminary exam ination was gone into, at which theaceuSer testi tied so positively that there seemed noinnubt of the guilt of the prisoner, - and therefitrr he -was held for trial. As isatoo often the case, ,the bloody act caused an undue degree of exciteinent in the , public mind: Es yry improper incident in the life of the prisoner—every act which bore , the least semblance of rowdyism—each school boy quarrel —was,suddenly remembered mid magnified until they pietured,bith as a fiend of the most hnrthle hue. ,As these rumor spread 'abroad they were reeeived as gospel truth, and a feverish desire for , vengeanc e seized upon !the infatuated populace, . whilst only prison bars prevented a horrible death at the hands of a mob. The events were heral ded in the minify' : papers, printed in the highest colors, itecoMpamed by rejoicing over the cer tainty of p u nishment being metetftiut to , the guil ty party.: This prisoner overwhelemed by:the cir eumstances under which he found hinisOf placed fell into a melancholy condition; bordering on Ales ! pair,,and the widowed- mother, looking through her tears, saw no cause for'hope firm» earthly - At this juheture; the widow received a letter from'Mr. Lincoln volunteering his services to save the youth from the impending stroke. ! Gladly was, his aid excepted, although it seemed initicissible for •even his sagacity to prernil in such ai desperate ease; but the _heart of the attorney yvas in the work inalln: set about, it with a - will that knew ItO such a word as fail. Feeling that this poison ed condition of the public mind was such as to prelude the.possibility of empanneling an impartial jury-in the - enhrt having juristlietion, he procured change of venue:and ii postponementOf the trial. He then went studiteuth to work unraveling the history of tai‘ case, anintatislied himself that Ins client w 10,tho'Niet1111,0flitiltIOO. and OM - , the state rent of the licenser were to tissue of fipsehoods. When the trial was ta il ed on,'the ;prisoner, pale and Cumeinted with homilessness written on every feature, and accompanied by his half-hoping, half despaiiilleqothers—whose only hope : was in a - mother's belief of her sun's innoctince,laud iii the justice of the-Gisi , she worslupped, and iu the use eminsel, who, w Maud hope of fee. or rtiwuni up& earth, hail undertaken the cause---took itic seat in the prisoner's box and with u nuns firm ness listened, to the reading iof the Indictment. Lincoln sat quietly by, whilst the largo auditory looked on him a:file - Sigh wondering Wltt4 he could say itf defense of one whose guilt they.,,regiirded 118 certain. The examination of the witnesses for the State was begun, and a well arranged manse of evidence, circumstantial and positive was intro duced, which seemed to-impale the prisoner be yond the possibility of extrication. The counsel tbr the defence propounded but feW piestions, and the of a character which eAcited no uneasiness OD: the part of the_ prosecutor- 7 411mq, in most eases, requiring the Main witnesses billy definite as to the timeand Mare. When the evidenceof the prosecution was ended Lincoln introduced a dliw witnesses to ream t- some erromMus impres. shout in regard to the previmis eharneter of his who, though somewhat of a irowdy, neve.r been known tO,conunit a riciuhs act; and to show that a greater_degfee of ill-felding existed between the accuser and the act-used them the ac cused and, the deceased. - - The prosecutor felt that the case was a clear tine, and his opening speech was brief loaf formal. Lineoln arose While - a deathly silened pervaded the fast audience, and in 'a clear Mal moderate tone -began _ his arguthent. Slow h -Mid carefully he review th eLe teeth - tinny, Minding-Or the bith mio unobser ed discrepancies in the. statements W the principal witness. That which teemed plain - and plausible, he made-to appear as crooked its a serpent's path. This witness had Stated that the affair took-place at a certain hour hi the even iugonn that hy the aid, of the brightly shining moon, he saw` the prisoner inflict the death bloW with a-slung-shot. Mr. Lincoln showed that, the hour referred to, - the moon bad not 'yet,appeared above the horizon,' . and - consequently - the whole tale was a fabrication. - s I - An nfmost-inetnntanentie change slietitol to here VOL. 'it-WHOLE NO. 3 673. - - been wrought in the l minds of his aoditors, and the verdict `Not an i Ity'r was. at theend ofesostouee. 1 l i But the advocate was not content ith this in tellectrtl achievement. is he itg had for months been bound up in is work o gratitude, and mercy, and, as the la a of the o ercharged -crater bursts from- itl3 i 3prisontrient!, so . great thoughts and burning wo ds leaped forth from the eloquent Lincoln. He d w a piettire of the per jurer se horrid and ghatt y that„the a user could sit tinder hinge', t reeled au staggered front the court whilst th . audience, f ncied they could see the broad upon his brow., Then, in words of thrilling pathos, Lincoln appuuled to the jurors as fathers of some who might bdcotne fath erless, and as husbands- of wives 4441 might be come widows, to yield to no pre.vions hupression;, no ill tbutaled dre.judie - e,- . Unto do his client jus tice; and, as he alluded to the debt of gratitude he owed to the boy's sires, tears were se/1 to hill front many eves unused to weep, . . It wits near night when he concluded, by saying ' if justice was done—and he believed it \Nelda be— before the)oin should set it would shine upon his client a free man. Thejnry retired, nd the court - adjettrn,sl'. for the day. .half' an hour elapsed, when the °dicer; of the court uud the volunteer attdrney sat at the tea-table at their hotel. a mei singer announced that the jury had returned to their seats. All repaired immediately to the cou rt house, and, whilst the prisoner was tieing brought from the jail, the . court room INIAR filled to over flowing with citizens of the town. - When the prisoner and his mother entered, silence reigned as completely asthough the house Wail empty. The foreman of the jury, in answer to the usual inquiry from the court, delivered th e venlict of "not guilty." The widow dropped into the arms of her son, who lifted herlup and told her to look upon him its be fore, free and innocent,. Then, with 'the words; "Where is Mr. Lincoln?" he rushed across the room and grasped the hand of his deliverer, whilst his heart was too - full for: utterance. i Lincoln thrnedbis eyes toward the west, wherethe sun ! still lingered. in view, and then :turtling to this youth, said, "It is not yet sandoku and, ydu are. free." I confess that my cheeks were not Wholly unwet by tears, and I turned from thwaffeeting scene. -As I east a glance behind, I saw Abraham Lincoln obeying the divine injunction, by coralbrt ing the.witliffed'and fatherless. • POOR RICHARD'S REASONS FOR RUT -IND UNITED STATES SECURITIES. The other day we beard 41, rich neighbor say he had rather have railroad stocks than the'U. S. stoeks, for they paid higher iinteiest. Just then Poot Richard came ,up, and said that tie just bought some of Uncle Sam's three, years notes, paying seven and three-tenths per cent.:interest. My rich friend exclaimed, "You! I thought you had no money to buy with." - "Yes," said, Rich ard, "I had a little laid up, foryou know•it is well to have something laid up against a wet day, and I have kept a little of my earningsby me." Now Poorßichard is known to all the country round to be a very prudent and indus , jious, and` withal, wise man; for Richard never learned anything he didn't know how to Make use of, and his wisdom and prudence had become a proverb. So; when he took out his savings and bought the notes, more than one was surprised, and it was no wonder rich Mr. Smith asked why. So Poor Richard, in a - very quiet bumble way—for he never assumed anything—replied, 'I suppose, Mr. Smith, you knowia great deal better than I do what to do with Money, and how to invest ; ft*, I never had mach, and all I got I had lowork hard for. But I havelooked round a gopd deal upon-my neigh bors, and seen 'what they _did with their money and I will tell you some things I saw and what I thought of it. One very 'rich man was always dealing in money, and he made a great deal, but was never satisfied without high interest. So he lent most of his money to some people who he thought were c,ery rich; at , a very high rate; and he often told how much he got, till one day the peopli: he lent to went to smash. He got back about-ten cents on a dollar of his money. I know another old gentleman, who Mid some bank stock. and be went to the hank and get ten per cent. di vidend. The President and everybody - said it was the hest stock in the country—paid ten per cent, But what did the old man do but sell his litoek the next day ! Why l why 1 said everybody. , Because it pays to much dirideud. And in six months the bank went to smash. -'Now, that I know to be a fact. Well. Mr. Smith, you say railtoad stocks are best, because they pay high dividends T Can you tell how •long they will pay them?: I 'railroads.- . I helped to build one, and I go hi for useful things._ But I tell you what I knew about them. One-third of the railroads don't pay any dividend, and two thirds (tuid some of them crack ed up, too,) do not pay us much as Goren:talent stocks Now that brings me to the Government securities, and I will tell you why I prefer them. I take it you will admit, Mr. Stiiith, that in the long run the investment which is best should have these qualities: First, it should he perfectly secure secondly, that the income should be uniform and permanent—not up one year - and down the next and thirdly, that it should bu marketable, so When - your wet day comes, and you want your money, you can et it buck. And I think tt;ese notes or bquds have got' these qualities more than any , oVier kind of personal property you can name. it. . " First, then, I have been looking into that petit hook you call , the Census Statistics. I used to think it wasn't worth much ; but since I began to study it, I tell you, I tbund out a good many things' very useful thr me, to know. Ifound out, by looking- at the crops, and-the factories and ship. ping, & c., that we (I don't mean the Rebel States) are making a thousand. millions of dollars a year more thau we spend. So you see that (since the increase of - debt isn't half that) v, e are:growing *rich instead of poorer, as John Bull and the Ma.- kers would havelis think. Then the debt will be paid, anyhow, no matter how long the war Besides., did you ever hear of a Governinent that . 6roke before the people did I Look inttiyottr -big histories, Mr. Smith, and you will finidthe*- ple break bona' the Gov ernment. Nell, them I call that stock perfectly wetter. "Secondly, you want the income uniform and. permanent, Well, I want you to • take up a list of banks, dulrands, mines, insurance companies= am thing you choose—and tell air (honor bright, now !) how Many - have paid a uniformincome for ten or twenty years. Not one in a hundred, Mr.. 'SMith, nod y in /Mini' it. " Now- here is- the Government will pay you withotit varying' a tittle. Now I. like sou:eft:jug that dyes we my income every year,. ' "Thirdly, you want something which is mark: dark any day in the y ear. Now, if you wifi ask any bank President, he will tell y Oacern , mem' stocks arc the_only kindaf properly that is nifirtryit salable, because they will sell anywhere in OW world. _Now, Mr. Smith, this, iN" why I put ow tittle Noi1;111V in Government staelts. eoirfess, too, that I help that dear old Country, which is my how and nay cwint "I Confess," said Mr. Smith, "I hadn't thought of all this. - Thete is a'cood deal of sense in what you say, and 1, will co so litrmtto,put two or three tharsaud dollars in United litate ,tucks. It can do no harm." 144. Ira Mr. Fwithgoinztowardsthe bank, and Poor Rtebard returning home. with Matt:aim and placid air which indiratetrthe gervnity of his dia po,ition mitt the etniscioninvgsot doing rigilt WZlrdg his (811111 try and big fellow man. ' - U. SUM:IJAN IN ATLANTA. Gen. Sherman has issued a congratulatory order to lii gallant army, tchich sadly mutilates the Chi (ago platform and its declaration that the char is tulure. It 4 dated Atlanta, September 8. lie Ma On the lint day of „May our armies were lying in garrison,- seemingly quiet, from-Knoxville to Ilmitsville, and our enemy lay behind his rocky timed Merier at Dalton, proud, defiant and ex ulting. He had had time since Christmas to re cover from his discomfiture on the Mission Rike, with his ranks filled, and u new commander-in chief, Arvind to none of the Confedercy in repu- , lotion for skillotagacity. and extreme p4mularity. All at once our armies assumed life and action, and appeared betdre Dalton: threatening Rocky Face we threw ourselves upon Resacti, and the Rebel army only escaped by the rapidity ofits re treat, aided by the numerous roads with winch he As as familiar, and which were strange tts us. Again he took post at Altoona, but we gavehim, and by a circuit toward Dallas; and ilitub sequin movement to Ackworth, we gained the Altoona Vass.- Then thilowed the eventful battle about Renesaw, and the escape of the enemy a cross the'Chattahouche River. The crossing of the Chattahoochee; and break ing of the Augusta, road, was most handsomely executed by us, ata'will be stttdied as an example ii the art of war. At this stage of our game, our enemies bosoms , dissatisfied with the r.old and fig& comnikinder and•neleeted opip *lore bold, andiimitin anoOtfli Ild44l4efst-t bold 4 an 7riipidly, on tfie2oth of3tily;felr odour right at Peach Tree Creek and lost. • AgMth r ,on,,tho,:e.2kbe, _Arm* oar-gziwoMeft, and was severely - puma - Tied finat(yrogaio, on - the 2t , .tth, he repeated the attempt otrtpurright, and that ftini.tnid.t• ha l ve Akin sahsfiKliesince that date he haszreman4 on,theAteitisive. We slowly and grodp 3 4 - d.rep...amitne4 . tkre . in, feeling- for the- ibitroaft. -ivtdocr. • .1W Rebel army and . made Atlanta r.lace of impor tance.' We luffst Inetteedti :to ouriellefmrthibtXonet,, these efforts patiently and skilfully, but as last he made the mistake we had waited for so long, and sent his cavalry to oar rear, far Itepnakthe reach• of recall. Instantly our cavalry was On his only ' remaining' road, and we followingajic=l our principalc arinv,iand Atlantwtelfintct session as the fruit of Well.eati:nerje.d,ntlrt:*, backed-by a brave and VoittiVornhaif. This completed the grand taakt which hadltgen assigned its by our Government; and ynanlisetter al a g ain repeats his personal and official thanks to all officers and men composing tins, army, for the indomitable courage add persevermice which alma." could give success. We, have Keaton our enemy on every aroma he has chosen, and hat o wrested from him his own Gate City, where were' kteited - hiS fOtindrittiOrr smalls- and workshops, deemed Secure on,account of their distance from bite hase,"and thn'kethitm impregnable obstacles_ intervening., lietbiquis impossible to an army like this, deterininedlo . vindicate a Government. wldelt. has rights where. ever our flag has once' floated, and is resolved to maintain them at any and all Cost.„ Iu our campaigntnanYvTea, veriniskny.4 our noble and gallant comrades have preceded nate our conwoon destination, the grave; but they have, lett the memory J deeds on which a Lattice can build 'a proud history. McPherson, Harker, McCook, and others,-dear to us all, are now the binding links in our minds that should attach more closely together the 'living, 'Who haveto ' complete the task which still lays before us in the dim ,future I ask all to continue as they haVe so well begun, the cultivation of the soldierly -virtues that have ennobled our own and other countries. Courage, patience, obedience to the laws and'•.constitnted authorities-of our (government ; fidelity to our trusts, anitgood feeling among each othet; each trying to excel the other in the practice-of those ' high qualities, and it will then require no prophet. to foretell that our country rvill•intime emerge from this war, •puriled by the fires of war, mid Worthy its great founder, Washington:- W. T..SHERMAN, Ml 4. Gen.,Comutaading. THE W.:SPAM' FROM GEN.•ORANT.. Crri Youvri- V&., Sept. 4, .9 P. Isl.—Major- General Suirtatew:—l have just received your despatch announcing the rapture of Atlantis. In honor of your great victory, I have just ordered a ijainte to be fired with allotted guns from every battery' bearing upon the :The salute will be fired within , amidst great = rejoicing. . U.& Gitirrri.Lieut. All the corps, xegimenta and. hatterieaccon sing the' army, nifty, without; farther orders, -m; scribe - " Atlanta" on their 'calory. •-" By order df Major-General Sakkrox. • , L. M. DArrox, .Aid-de-Camp. By command of k Major-GenerktUfwmas. • ROBERT H. RAMSEY, A. A. G. A. LO3f,AL IkgItOPMT. The m M. 'Flietdei, a life.longth-' mocrat, neon' being - nominated' for Congnitrby the Union Convention Of Berke county ' , on &tut. i day lad, made the donating eloquent mid otie speech:. • , • • •• - Gentlemen: LhW 4'eu,aPPOqcd of FollrAlOnl ination by the de station Who have waited upon me. As I undePsTaTit, iiielciilinainittion has not . proceeded from you . or De mocratic, but froafimilis alThiaMOO*ention— from the goilind - tnidinett:_of , all parties, Who are resolved to maintain and Orpetuate that Union which we all hold most dear—of men who are de termined to crush out enicketizebellkin, and :to let our glorious banner once more wave from Cal ifornia to Maine. 'Your choice - has fallelion and I accept it, and, for the retpson, ain!ignedi to, Show, we esteem aright all we venerate. Whilst regand peace, with all its attendant blesslip, and hold war to be a calamity, with all its,direful consequences ' yet I dm not for such a peacnas was proposed by, the' traitorous band at Niggnral,` War has been waged against us, not by the mach abused abolitionists, whenever raised,Their voice or took possession of any of our forts, or aided in the overthrow of the best governinent on earth, by Southern men whose Only object hapkieultoi dissolve that Union for which our forefathers pled , and died. In the struggle far its inaltdetimick every man has an interest. at stake—in the, ritv of ,our"Uniiin we are: all alike interested—and in the re-nomination of our PresideittAbialuun . Lincoln, we have a duty to perform, and - an honor to sustain, of which history will bear' the - re - Cent: However much his character or achtlipre been. assailed; we vCiU sustain him. lie has teen tried man, and no (mei mid . have. done inons he hasjried to do in - the emergency in which be has been placed. I thank you for the; ntaudicited ' nomination, and trust it will - redound to your sati %faction. TIT. Boston- Herald is one of the staunchest and Most Influential Democratic 'joiarnalsAri the' Country, in the true and literalsensemfthe , tertn - Democratic. In- lE+6O it supported StepbetnA:,' Douglas because it believed the doctrinehe,adro - sated, and the platfb . im of the part- which . nom- Mated him weie in accordaiMe 'With thiitinisti itution, and 'formed : a bash; Upon' Which attack Union ineu-couldztund, both in the NortitOnd,in; the South. - In its issue of the .I2th instant, the Hcrn/d 'squarely and boldly repudiat4 both the' platform and candidate- of the Chicago Conven tion. Of Dotighot it says : ", Be t wan, defeated by, tht.t action of,certion men at the South, who are now thefeaders of the rebellion." And it'adds,' as it uthfully'as forcibly: Having failed to acounlPligh Okairt-dttsigna,43 . • the force of arms, and. realizing the dangerous position in which theyare phttlektheyartresibrtt tug to, political. action as itlielafps#p,tn saye,thent from ilia( condemnation' ''and lifinietun'titit they ' richly deserve;, Helmet Art' ,6tict , them active in the free States auiong,their old co-wor kers to product; a revolution at the North; Which will enable them to carry out their original purl pose of 'separation and independence. Ifenee we find the scents of ...Jefferson Divis,at -Niagara arranging the platform, and the candidate to he put forward at the Chicago ConYentiori,• by and through-which they arc, in•hopes to.footand to cheat the free States out of the advantage': 'gained, and -which if continued will: wipe the rebel leaders out. No far an the platform,,the speeehes,smid candidates are concerned. the' Con.' veutionbehLat Chicago plight_ as welt hare keen held in Biehniond It was a miserable, fir Ching sycophantic, and degrading surrender to the men who. are in' arms against the Government, and who hure done their nhnosl to destroy America liberty." THR. Crisis, a Democratic paper published to Ohio, by , tiam XteAary, who , iallptack . nowiedged war-horse of the party, in that qUarter, publishes the annexed editorial, which is by no means -cinn plinmtary to the ptetensilmhf Gemil'eleitaii for the next , Presidency: - - - "It is well known that Om M'Clellau,has nit one spark pretenshins ft) the Presidency'; k eept what he has made out of 4his , warunder XI% Lincoln.. He never, held a civil office in his life, and.wits' unknown to the public'Whe'n Gmiertior Dennison hroaght lam forward as a Yet, in Three years as a mere giddier,' rises to the demands of the Presidency, to dead %chick is-for peace—a position requiring arstafes man of enlarged views and a itatesinan'ie eitreri: ence.l.lf we - ary to plunge into interminable wars, rind) section or portion tidlim MU its niiiitar,) lea det, nit in Mexico ursouth America, then McClel lan might be proposed with some more show of consistency ; but, as it is, it would he the utter tin nihilation of all constitutional politics and tbe wi