lard @state catcs. ADMINISTRATOR'S' SALE.—By vir tue of on Order of tl,e Orphauls Court of Franklin county, Pa. we will expose to Public Sale, on the pre mises, on the days mentioned.. the Real I'rupert-( desrr la d. belonging to the Estate of Daniel Mono. late of Green totraship. deceased. On Witincsday the 22th day' of Sepurmbel-. 1564 - , we n ill offer the 3 slimy STONE : MERCHANT MILL. with 31 ACRES and lirB PERCHES of LAND thereto attached. situate in Green township: about 3 miles North East of Chambersburg, and of a mile from the Philadelphia Turnpike. This Mill in heated on the Cnnocoelicapte Creek, having a good bead and fall and water sufficient for the 4 run of stones attached thereto. There Is also a good SAW MILL with a DWELLING HOUSE and 2 Tenant Hawses, Black-Smith Shop and Distillery attach ed to this property, with a good Spring of never failing Water. On the same day we will also offer the MA,NSION FARM cif deredent,timmediately adjoining the 3Till pro. perty above described, ciamidniug 112 ACRES . and 09 PERCHES of prime Lime stone land, about 20 mires of which Is covered with superior TIMBER. The improve ments are a large and commodious BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, Brick Bank Barn, Corn CAL and Wagon Shed. with all the necessary, out buildings to the Dwelling Rouse. There is an Orchard of Grafted Fruit with a Sp a ring of never failing Water, Also—cm the same day. we will offer the undivided half of a track of PRIME LIME STONE LAND. adjoining the Mansion A= above described, aentaining 104 ACRES and 143 PERCHES. about IF Acres of whieh is covered with good Timber.' The improvements are egoist BRICK DWELLMGIIOI7SE, Brick Bunk Barn, Corn Crib nail Wagon Shed with all necessary out buiidings about the dwelling. There to also a Well of never haling Water a ith an Orchard of Grafted Frail. On Thursday, the 211th day of•Septenslor, it-Id. rte Rill 'offer a TRACT of FREE STONE'LAND. situate in Grceu township. containing 65 A ORE Si and 66 PERCH ES. about i 8 acres of the same being a giant gaidity.of Tim ber land. The impart menu on the SUMP are a LOG DWELLING HOUSE and Log Bain. There is an Or chard of good Grafted Fruit on the tract. • Also—on the name day we. will offer a tract of TIMBER LAND situathd in the saint township, adjoining lands of Peter Lehman, Lent Horst, and others, containing ff.l ACRES and 145 PERCHES. Timis tract is well covered with thriving Chestnut Timber. r • On Friday, the 30th day of &pc-trawl., we a ill of fer a trad of MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in Quincy township, containing 04 ACRES more or Is - so This nil) be sold at Quincy. JOHN MoNN. JEREMIAH BONN. - Adm'rs of Daniel Moroi, 111'1'11. r.. -" Lattettster Examiner ilmert this I . llld send bill to thii °Mee for collection. atne.:4-ts. PUBLIC SALE.-133- virtue of the last will and testament of Peter Wel.ter. late of Antrim tow, ' nship, deed, I will offer atfflublie Sule, on the premi ses,'on day, the 13th day of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the followingsdeseribed Real Estite, situate part in Antrim and part in Washington townships, Franklin county Purport Ist. Being the MANSION FARM of decedent. lying north of the Greimeastle and Waynesboro' turnpike Toad, adjoining lauds of Jeremiah Bunion. Samuel Niron demus and others, containing led ACRES and :74) PEIL CIiES of good Limestone LAND, with a proportion of Timber. The improvements are a comfortable DWELL ING HOHSE, Bank Burn, Shed for hay or grain. Wagon Shed and Corn Crib,. Spring House and Blacksmith Shop, with all the other necessary °mho/Wing-lc Also a good Orchard of Grilled Fruit. There are two alputne, of wa ter running through the farm, to which thVock has ac cess fn.& all the fields.. Purport gd, Adjoins that' above described tract and lies south of the turnpike rind. cumulus 49 ACRES and,2s PERCHES, it ith A proportion of 'I int her. On this tract is a fine meadow, watered by the Marsh Bun. There is'h small ()reliant. rthel for hay or grain. At the same time will be offered an improved AP PLE MILL nth a Home Power for operating some. with Cider Press attached, all in good order.. Any person de. /drolu of viewing the premises will please call out the sub scriber, or with Jticeb IVeister or Nathaniel Rook residing bn the premises. Terms made known on 'day of sale. ausol BENJAMIN SNIVELY, Executor. ptBLIC SALE.—By virtue of the blot will and testament of John A. Shank, hired Quincy township, deed. we will expose to Public sole. on the premises, on Friday, the 14th day of Ortabcr next, the fol lowing described Real Estate situate in Quincy township Purport Ist being the :MANSION FAI:3I of dwendent. adjoining lands ofJncob Prim. Wm. Hods, Sint er's' heir. and others, containing 131 ACRES and :12 PERCIrEs of febod Limestone Land about 100 acres of which ore in a good.state otcultivation. the residue is covered with 'I hil lier. " The improvements consist of a good nod coridortahle DWELLING HOUSE. New Ralik Barn. Corr Crib, and Wagon Shed, Wash House and Blue/otnith Shop with all Other necessary out-buildings. A groat' Well of Water. -Also a good young Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Purport Ott adjoins the above described tract and hulas of Joeoblfriee. Amos Miller, George Greenawalt contains 14 ACRES and 152 Perches. A small portion of it in Timber The mi provements consist of a rood comfortable House, Wash House, Small Barn. Carriage House with all other neces sary out-baildings. This is a very ili;sorable property. Awn person 'desirous of s lett ing the mate still ple.tse ou Isaac IL 'Shank residing on the prmaises or Si ith the Executors Hezekiuh Shank residing nearthe premises and Benjamin Snitely remdiug near to Greencastle. Tem, mode know TI un day of sale by HEZERIAII SHAN*. BENJAMIN SNIVELY. MEG vARm AT_ PUBLIC SALE.—The dersigned will sell at Public 0 tilerY, on the promises on Widnesday, the of Ortobrr - next,' a TRACT OF LAND: situated In Guilford township. Franklin county, adjoining lands of Holker Hughei. Thaddeus Succor, Henry George and others, containing about 149 ACRES. There are over 100 Acres cleared and in good fanning order. _moat of it cleared within the last seven 3 ears. A small portion of it is - Limestond land. and the balance 'Tumbling sand stone. The iroproi meats are a 'god taro-storiisl - DWELLING 11.01;SE, gess' FRAME BANK BARN - ,-Wagon Shed wtth two Corn Cribs. Carnage !louse necessary nut-buildings. „There are two young i/RCHARDS of good Fruit nu the place and a Well of axcellent never-failing, Water near the lonise and a good Cistern at the house and also one near the barn. There are about 40 Acres of excellent PINE TIMBER LAND, on the place, among the best Timber to be found in the county, and there is good IRO'S t'JRE ou a consid ble portion nf the farm. Possession will be given -on the Ist of April next, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day. when the terms will be made known by aug3l-ts JAMES hI. RENFREW. [Hagerftown Herald, Lancaster Examiner and Getty , burg Star insert ts and send bills to this office for collection] I MALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. kJ The undersigned intends aiming West. oilers':a Pri vate Sale a small tract of SLATE LAND, situate sr Hamilton township. adjoining lands of Daniel Sollenher. gee Joseph Eberly and others, on thp Kiefer road. about Ii miles. North-nes t ,of Clinrabersburg. tionteining:l27: Acrei of well improved slatirland welPfenced. The im provements are a It storrLOG HOUSE, Log 8R,p1.,..ind all accessary out buildings. There l' an ORCHARD of choice Fruit on the premises. , There is a Well of never failing Water at the Smelling and a good running Spring on the premiwsl - There is a WAGON-MAKER SHOP and BLACK SMITH .SHOT' near the dwelling. This is a good listition Mr either of the above business. There is also a BRICK YARD on this tenet, with no excellent quality of clay for mailine. Wring Brick. The above property so shack- situated to Chatinheniburg, makes it desirable for farming. or either of the alive mentioned business'. Persons wishing to view the premises can do stilly calling-at my residence. aug24-tit JACOB BURK HART. - VALUABLE F A R MAT PRIVATE V SALE.—TIM undersigned a ill offer atiPrivate Sale, his FARM, situated in Lomita township, Franklin county, adjoining lands of John E. and John M'Clity. Da&atel tlippinger, Joseph-Mowers and others. near the ('onie doguinett creek. and about 5 mile from Shippensbura. Containing 259 ACRES of good SLATE LAND, well limed. 70 saes of this tract is well TIIIBERED, acres in, 3LEADOW and the balance in a high slate of cultivation, all in excellent order and a ell feured. 'rite improvements area two storied log WEATHERBOA RD ED HOUSE, new Bank Barn 72 feet long, wagon shed and all other necessary and convenient out-buildings, There is a Weil of never failing Water at the door 'and two ORCHARDS of choice Fran on die premises. There is also a 1 good TENANT HOUSE on the farm with a Well of Water convenient and all necessary - out-buildings. Penpons wishing to view the Farm can do AO b' calling on the subratilvr, living in Hamilton town_ship, or on John E. A lf'Clay. adjoining the farm. [ jana] JoHN ZOO K- ‘'.AT ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE -V SALE.—The undendgned offers at Prit ate_ sale. his FARM. situated in Lerteri.enny township, Franklin county. Pa, adjoining lands of Abraham Wenger, Heirs of David Zimmerman, Sr.. deed, Jiseph Bollinger and others. near the Conodoguinnett Creek, and abont one half mile from Pleasant Hall. It contains 'lgt ACRES and some perches of good SLATE DASD, well limed. About 25 acres is excellent MEADOW, some timber and' the balance In a high state of et:101110°n. all In excellent order and under good fence, ailargi; part of which in post and mil fence. The bnprot entente area LARGE TWO STORIED LOG HOUSE part a eatherboardad. a Bank Barn. Wagon Shed. Corn Crib and other neeo..sary out. buildings. There is a Well of ncirerlailing Water nt the -kitchen door, and n ethsiderable etream running through the meadows, together with water in every field. making it a capital stock limn, Pereons nishing to view the premises can d 6 so by calling ion the - sidseriber. residing " on the public road one-half Odle rate of Pleasant Hall. june22-fim WILLIAM GILLAN. SIL VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOR SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, his TANNERY. known its the Corner Tannery, with Steam and Water Power, SAW MILL, Chopping-Mill, Stocks for breaking hides, .fge. The Tannery has eight Leeches, 32 Vats. 2 Limes and Water Pool. and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are two Loll DWELLING HOUSES, Barn. Stable and other net-es. nary out-buildings connected with the Tannery, and abort 60 Acres eliared, - with good fruit He krill sell any quantity of land with the Tanhery; from 100 to 700 Acres. Over 600 Acres are Timber, until an maple supply of Chestnut Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty 'years. 'lt is situated about 7 miles South-east of Me:lien:bum on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For farther partleu- Mr; address the undersigned, at Mercershug,. Franklin faugl24) C. METCALF. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will offer at Pubbe Sale, on the premises. in Ihasillton township. about 3} miles south of Cinunbershurg, on the Comococheligue Creek, one mile Wiest of the Greencastle road, on Thursday, Me 27th Oc tober, all that FARM containing about 215 ACRES. more or less, part Limestone and part State. The buildings consist of two new BRICK DWELLING lIOUSES, two good Bank Barns, with other necessary buildings. Their is a never failing Well of Water near the House and also Running Water on the farm. Also a good Orchard of fruit. The buildings are located In limb manner as to divide the Property into two farms. and will be sold to gether or divided as may snit Purchasers. Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when the terms will be made known. joug24) PETER CHRIST. VARM - FOR SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP.—The undersigned offers nt Private Sale his FARM, situated in St. Thonias township, o n the Public Road leading from Guyer's Tavern to Loudon; 6 miles from the latter place, containing alsnit 26 4 J AIRES OF SLATE AND GRAVEL LAND, about 80 Acres of which is cleared and the balance in THRIVING TIM HER. The improvements are a LOG 11111;SE, Log Barn. and 4 Tenant Houses, and good Apple Orchard, Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees. Also—A SAW MILL ----a n d CHOPPING MILL, in good running order, with 18 feet of bead and falL This property would afford a good opportunity to make money. For terms apply to the sub• scriber, re iding o n the premises. july6 FRED'It GILBERT. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.-Th, subscriber offers at Private Sale. a two-storied LOG and WEATHERBOAEDED HOUSE, situated on South Main street-,bounded on the North by lot of ?dm Clip. }Anger, and on the South by lot of Mr. Iteebtel. The House is in goul repair and will be .Id a baraniu. JOHN SCHOFIELD !, • , • • ^ • • • , - -•• • _ ••.. _ . , • • • • 4viq• • Tht franktin •, i,„ „, tiortit .,..,_ t f lke rem regi th ru e en S $ a t ' v r s geo ßa tli so e n t !e ; :: :'- . 141. 4 — _- 1 0nr 1 • Grmrahirt. Washingfol; D: • Stn. :—On the I , lthinit. tb_ letter_ • • y p o e u ntl ea sr lli h ng .ani y a ou pr r a o tle i n o t a i tia to w the ittai ftiet e ,,_ - BY rtLURE, & STONER lira! - 05tatt f.,alrs. QMALL FARM. FOR SALE.—The sub scriber n ill sell ar Prit ate Sale. the SMALL FARM on which, he DOW reside,, situate in Antrim township. Franklin tmanty, about MX miles font Greencastle, on the C,lnown road. adjoining lands of Samuel 3lyMth and other, t (attaining about 40 ACRES. all cleared bind. iu gmal onler and under gaol knee. There is a Yt /ENG bjaMARD of thrifty trot" On the plate, and a Well of eveellent Water, .Tlie improvements consist of a two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE. a Bank Barn 49 feet long. and well finished. and all other necessary out-build ings- P0,14',1011 n ill he given on the Ist of April. 1164. Terms still be made knots n on application ,to the rub- scriber, residing on the prmai2le,.. 002.1.1 f SAMUEL C. CRIDER. PUBLIC - SALE.—There. will be expos ed to Public. Sale, on the premiers, on the lAdt day of September nest, the following valuable Real Property. to nut: THE. MANSION P. late the propertt of John Metz, Sr.. doe'd.. about one-fehmh of a toile from Jacob Stouffer's Mill. on the Falling Spring Road. adjoin ing lan& of Jacob Stoutler. Waehington hornet!, and oth er, . a tt u ning 11NYnud ad ACRES AND (11:1 PERCHES, sent measure of Limestone Land. The Improvements consist of a too-story NTONE DWP,LLING and BaCk Buildtug Bank Barn, and other, Ont.Bnildings. The Fulling Spring runs through the Barnyard. About 40 Acre.: of the alawe Land are em ered n ith good Timber. Sale to commence at 1 O'clock. P. M. when the terms will be made dnown'hy faug24.4t] ABRAHAM :METZ. EAL, ESTATE SALE.—By virtuire ),) of au order of the Orphan,: Court, there trill be ox• powd to Public (hurry, rui the premi,e, on Friday. the :3t)th day of September neer, all the following desbrtbed Real Ebtate, sm: The 31.1.Nb10N FARM of Robert Culbert- son. kite of Emmett township dee'd. adjoining lands of Peter Piper, Miela Stake and othets, containing about It2o ACRES, noire or of improved land; with a one story LOG DWELLING HOUSE. Liar Barn Mid other provements thereolierettetL Also—A Tract. of Moon a Lund adjoining, Muds of Banutnl Fagan and others. ntaining about 106 ACRES. Sale t o com o eueu at 1 dock. I'. 31.. v. hen the terms tt i I be blade known by I'l•ri'l:R SHEARER, -War JOSEPH CVLBERTSON, iuurai A DJOURNED SALE OF REAL ES TATE.—By order of the < rphan.' Court of Fmn .. n county. Pa.. a . lll be sold at Public Sale, 04 Friday, the hh of ,Yeptemhtr acre, the FA Ind belonging; to the Estate f liens• Hinkle. dee'd, situated about 5 miles South-west of Chanibursburg. near the Warm Spring road. containing' 33 ACRES and 13 PERCHES of first quality SLATE LAND. gannoing lands of Jaeob Diehl, John Wagoner. Barnet Fe king and other.. On the prenuoes are a 11 story 1.00 110,CSE. Log Ram, and other ont.budings, and a gas Ml Well. and Orchard. Salo to commem, at 2 o'eloek. I'. 31..,})-hen the terms will be made known. aug3l3t EMANCEL KUHN. Adair. 11y order of the Court : \V. 0. 31rtglifitl., H O USE AND LOT FOR SALE IN THE borduch of 3112onnelnburir. Fulton county. Pn.— Large Double TWO STORY ROUSE, Elea en Rooms, Knehen, Wanh Hon.,. TWO LOTS OF GROUND. choice Fruit and, Shrultßary , Stabling. for thirtp•flve IMMlTEta==ll==9 ing been tied as a Tavern fora number of years. Firct +lute Well of nut, at the door. All in good . order. The stl>«•riber nt a bargain and give po ,, ession nt any time. For information call on or arldre.a ROBERT A ELTZ. M'Connellghttre.Tulton. County. Pa. EMS ME=IUM===EI information in my VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE—The sub:et-N:l's will sell at Private Sale all that LILT (ll' 1111ot • ND and a two story Brie): IhreHinz /louse .uuate ou Eat Queen street. in the Bon ouch of Chamber:hoar adjoinin¢ residence of P. Ratantan. Esq. There i..t too 'ton• Itriek ipu•k build:air. attached to call hot,e. and tl.e property i.' well adapted fur two familo.c. There n al.o upon said lot n good well of water C1i44,11. a Stabll• .oal other iraproN etnent4. ant• person tri.lnuc to view the propert3 can do so by- rolling - on Squire Ilannuan.lanz3l..2t NA)II.. KNISELY. TIMBER LAN') AT PRIVATE SALE. The lulll.,ogrled. olljrs at I'6l - we sale. FIFTY ACRE: , ;IF TIMBER LAND..n rite to,r of North Moun tain. .o,n no'o. North of Chamte r•burg well net with Chestnut White I ak tmd Red t ik, and ,aue Loeu.t. The (la ..tout i. l rit eno.lgh to r ut for rvii. For prIVO and terntaapplt to the under.urned at Keollce% Store, jun2 - 2-31n" S KI:EFFF.II. 141011 SALE.—A LOT on Main street, 11 oppo,te the property of Iliehael Hughes. TS it II ZOOd. BRICK HOr`tr., two and adialf Ntories high. with Brick Bock Iltuiding, The Lot i• in good ;meth: with excellent Fruit. Apply at the ItEl•e , ..rl”in I for partieulun and - terms - TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, the reAdonr, of the Lit.. -Tante. S 42,,a F.. 41 Ap ply to 31w. 11. s 80, fang. 24 J 12. BENFRESS'. fausital. - xi A S N &I NI IN ' CABINET ORGANS. - MELODEONS were Introduced. %tune twenty years tine, lnal were suetwiled by the HARMONIUMS about nine y'enn ago. The CABINET ORGAN WOO brought to it precut Mate of perfection only in the rummer W 62. THE AUTOMATIC BELLOWS SWELL Ints great advantages o‘er any other in ention of the kind. is raphble of much finer 'fees than can be prldaced by atty other. and, is more easily wed by the perfornirr and excels etperially l in rapacity fur erpression. _ FJ Pica..• notice advance in pricer. CABI'SET lIMANS.—SINGLE REED. No. 15. lour Orton•, Stnglr EPPIi. in Walnut ur ()lac Cow. 8110 No. 16. The Sall.. iu eieZant Rowe ood fare 13 No 17. VI, o Oct:no Engle Reed, In Walnut or OA Case. , 130 NO. 1.7'. Th«. Same, in elecant Rosewood 11,0 DO VILE REED. =C= • 44,1 k 140 - 20 The Same 111 PICELITIt RINOW0(1 1 1 .5 No. 91. Five Double Reed. in Walnut or Oak - (70 N 0.29. San, It in ele2ant Rosen foul lase. 94W) No 93 Ihe same, in sobil CJA,PII Walnut or Ina. ic tilt WillMlt ( . 11,1I1C , ........ „ 9) 0 SIC AT(II% T' No 14. Six Stop Cabinet I Irgun. in Walnut or Oak Case Nu. 13. The Same in elegant Rmen-04...1 Cnae...:. 360 MEE No. Eight Stop Cabinet' Ortztin, in IValnitt ur flak Case. No. H. The Same. in ele,, , ant Rosewood Case. r,o( No. The Saute. in Solid Carved, Walnut 50( ' PEDAL 13. v.,.. - No. 10. Pedal Bass Cabinet Organ. in Walnut or Oak Case ax) Cases of zetraynish on hand. or made to order. a' MELODEONS, No. 5. Five Octave. Piano Bt, le Itu.ewood Case. .Slsd No. li. Tha Same. Portable itosewood Case . 110 No. 7. The Same. Portable. Walnut Cane . 95 No. 9. n ..tx Octave, Portable, Rosefrood CIISP... . • 75 re' .D.,criptive pamphlets furnished by the subscri• her. As Agents for Menses. Mason 3 Ilainlin we are enabled to sell at their New York priers. and charge nothing-for freight. , - We have sold a number of their instruments, and can give numerous satisfactory references. S. S. 8111tYOCK. Agent. augal Chamber.burg, Pa. • PRICE & CO'S WELL KNOWN MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS, introducing the effect of Pedal Bum on every Ecdrament. E. GABLER'S unsurpassed PIANOS for rash itt hheral deduction. or on Monthly Inthiltnents. Over 30,00 t sold in Philadelphia. JAMES BELLAK. Sole Agent, 279 & 2SI South Fifth Street. above Spruce. sett] 6-1 y Philadelphia, Pa. LEAIM 11110THER. - lIPORTERS I Manufacturers and WholeP le healers in MI niIC A I (iennan..-Froneli and Iwlian Suitors No. 70:3 Markrt Strea, Pa. 11 ,- - Orders carefully attended to by 4 4 41111YOCK Clitunliershinv e Pa. .ep2:3-13. "Cola* aub egaro. TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE.— JACOBS. oprneil out in full blunt in the nevi weialier-lwrinl4l building., Or stionty, on the t•orner of Main and W,e.liingtnn Streets. A full and well selected Lcgortlitellt Tit BACCO and S Eli A RS, SNUFF, PIPES. Sr, at wholesale or retail. Ms . Stock eonu.t. of Flounder. Nary. Congress, Spun Roll; Cavendedi, 3la lilgan; Sunny Sale and all superior fine outs. SMOKING I ()IMMO. surh xs Finnikiniek. Nallors' Delight Picket liannl Mamtuonth, Vnion,nruf other oheqye „.. 6 aI(:ARS of every varieq, gludity noKlee, from a to 15 rents eneh. ,31:tecabo, Congress. Enppee and Scotch Snuff, attentehain. Sheet Rner. and clay pip.; in eVery My Mall at the ' , Shanty" and giN a the old gentleman helping hand. BUSH STILL ON lIAIND.-TOBACCO & SEGARS.—TIao undersigned has Just returned from the City with u complete, stoat: of 1 I,m » and 8e• gars. such an Natural Leaf. Michigan, Smoking Toblie eta and Pipes. Store on Queen Street. three doom f rom the M. E. Church. Come, give him a Lift. aute24 C. ii. lIESII. = F y . & M 0 N , GEIO.;RAL . UNDERTAKERS = MAHOGANY, WALNUT. CHERRY AND CLOTH COFFINS. They will also.luniish METALIC AND ZINC BURIAL CASES J,-' Funerals attended In Town and Country. Rooms at William Flory's Old Stand, South Main Stier?, Chumbersburg, Pa. re Night calls attended tit all hours. Mr. Frey can be found at the residence of F. A. Zarman, one door South of the Shop' and Mr. MOWnt Brown's Hotel. July‘27-3m I—l SEIRER HAS OPENED A CHAIR 11. and eltmET WAREIIOO3I In the buseMeut of the 11. E. Church,athere be has now on baud all kinds of Caliment Ware. Such as Bedsteads; Bureaus, Tables, Chair& Stands, and Nfattrassen. salts of OAK and WAL NUT COTTAGE FURNITURE, Window Blinds, which he will sell cheap for cosh , mt g. 9.4 Drn anb Sam Goobs. NEW FANCY ,DRY GOODS NOTION' STORE, Greet, in Mrs, Patina Residence, nearly opposite the 9ost METCALFE & lIITESIIENS Imre Jug received and opened a new and beautiful Mod, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, comprising all the different styles BIWA: and Colored Silks, Cloaking Cloths. Bahnoral and Hoop Skirts, full line White Goods; Gauze, Crape rind . Love Veils; Hosiery. Gloves, Col lars, Cuffs. Handkerchiefs, and everything belonging to u Fancy Dry Goods and :Notion -fitore. .tlsu, GENTS lINI§HING GOODS, v. id, a good asAortioent of DO M S T ICS, all of %%Well.lA-ill be ivilit Low For Caah rirTlie patronage of the public is most resplslafully solicited. J METCALF & HITESHEW. Cliumbeiiliarg. Pa.. May 1f64-tf. ! SKIRTS ! ! SKIRTS !! ! 1‘..) M. A. JONES celebrated "No Plus Ultra" Skirt, sold only at No. 17 Xorth Sth arra, Philadelphia. Skirts of all lengths, and any. size waist made to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ladies, Misses and Children's Skirts of every size and shape, constantly on hand. Erery Skirt II 'arranted for Ste ,Ilantha. READ HOW WE DO BUSINESS.—We deenot make any cheap skirt, in the rommoii aeCeptation of the term, but we make THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE, be cause we make THE BEST 'AND DEFY COMPETI TION. We warrant every skirt we sell to bejexactly as repre sented. We make all we sell, and knowing they are made we guarantee them with full confidence. If we sell a bad skirt we will exchange a for a new one, and if they get out of order or break within sir months, we will repair them free of Charge. We mean to give odr customers full safisfaelion, but we cannot do so and compete with the low priced auction goods.. We depend entirely - upon the superiority- of the goods we offer. and the fairness of our method of doing tinsi ne4s. , Orders left at Shreoek's Rook Store. DIRECTIONS I'OR 3IEASPREMENT.—Take the exact size of the waist. without ant• allowance. The ex - - net length required. and the size around the bottom spring,. Also if the skirt is to he a large. small. or medi• mi File at the top. and whether a trail or p/nin round ;kirt. 31. A. JONES, No 17, North Sth St., Phila. Over the Wax figure. Ingl9-tf. T T NDER WAY AGAIN METCALFE & lIITESHEW'S - DRY GOODS STORE. On Second Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Chant bersbore. l'a. ituz24 MI orrrics, AIARKET HOUSE.—T* undersigned 11 respectfully inform their numerous customers and the piddle renerully that they has e re-opened their fire cery Store in the room formerly occupied by the Hook and Ladder Company. in the - Market House, and take th, method of returning' their thanks h,r the liberal patronare heretofore extended to theta. There stock N vorstpiete every variety of FAMILY (tROCEHIES. c o i t id,ting of Haul, salt, ALuekerei. Coffee, Stt*lrs. 'lea:, 'fa. haeeo, Rnrae., Brumn. llacketa. Curd, 'I Qlll-el.nare and erythinz kept at their former Id.n eof lat..o.eP, 'I hey ke. p a .tith. eieut lama to in, et.,hletl meet the tletnand, the eutotaluoty. I: taken in ex• chance tor e•e•tt niarhet prn v.:. I lout Forget the ;Market Hutt...) duel? du.. 'frota the efinter, uu Queenn•n, t. [attg.3l] HUI3EI2 & D. BEIDE MA N ,11 - 1101,ESALE JJ. (;RocER AND Pi - ) DUCE COMMI SS II MERCHANT. o 71ST MARKET and .2 .V 7/ Sr PIMA.. Invites the attention of merehatit4 to hts large and well asserted stock of Slog.trs, raps. Te, and Uunee& all a hit Ir will be mdil at the llnieg market rates, country buyers andsellen n ill Gait it to their adt outage to i,rive him a milt Prie.... , serrpeetA e•letettiejolell thee • Jeri...oes ~f tier eeseerlee e be had S. S. SI I Iry nie e K. Chamberkburg ( - ,PRECHER'f.z GROCERY STORE.- The undersm-ned hus the largest stock of FAMILY GROCERIF:S in ton n. which he otTers to the public at the lou est CASH PRICES. It is not nee.n.sury to enumerate, nc his At•rek is large and complete. Highest prices purl for COUNTRY PRODUCE in exchange fur goods. inug:ll J CYRUS SPRECH F.R. CT. HOLLOWAY, WHOLESALE 5 , GROCER AND COMMISSIOY MERCHANT, 505 MARKET STIIEET. (North ,01e. above Fifth Ftret.) Philarle ,tag-24-iv- FRESH GROCERIES.—Just received at the new alai cheap Family Grocery Store, corner •ot Main and Washington ‘treeig. a large a...ortment of freNh On,ferieq, winch he %old rhrap. E. D. REED. One=cEoll3Ts. FA MILY DYE COLORS PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 1t,63. Black: Dark Green, Black for Silk. Light Itreen, Dark Blue, Magenta. ' Licht Blue, Mai/e French lth u •. Maroon, Claret Brow n. I trance. • I lark Blur.. Pink .... Licht Brown. Purple. • Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, Sahnou, Cnins,dre Scarlet, Dark Drab. ' Light Dnib, , Solferino, Fan a Drub, Violet, Light Fawn Drub. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods Shawls, Scarfs, Dres , ...t, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets. Hate, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. . 1 7• A SAVING OF SO PER CENT. For 25 cents ,you can color on many goods as would otberuise cod five times tlud sum ( Various shades ran be produced from the mune dye. The process is simple, and any one can the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French awl German inside of each package. For further informstion in Dyeing. and giving u perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye, over others, (with many valuable receipes,) purchase Howe & Stevens Treatise on Dyeing and Colonng. Sent by mall on receipt of prire—ln cents Manubu•ttuwi by HowE .1, STEVENS, not 25-1 y) 2fAl Brhadway, Boston. For Sale by Druggists and dealers generally. 13rug5 anb ferbirinrs. _„ Dlt U G S ! - I) RUGS!! C. H. CRESSLER. successor to TIF.TnErt A: CUT.. .et. LER, has opened It new stock on Main street, find door south of Queen street, where evert• effort will be made to sustain the ptmulanty the old estafilahment had neeluireeL A continuation of the liberal patroneige. %%Mel, the fine re ceived is respectfully solicited. A fair stock of Drug-s, Chemicals. and Patent Medicines is now offered. Also a desirable assortment of , Perfumery, . . ' Sesms, y , , I'oeket Books, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ce.nisties, Dentifrices, and Fancy Article, in great lan ly. KEROSENE LAMPS:—E, e y description 44 Hand Lamps. Stand Lumps, Hanging I.amps and Side Lamp. suitable for Kitchen use, Park, ~.e, Stilt, 114 e .I.t (unto •• use. Ai THE BEST COAL till, IN THE MA RKET. Family Dyes of all Color,. Everything in a I iruggist.. line of business. !;:li'Preseriptions reeds,. special attention, and art compounded with care and skill. C. H. BRESSLER, Main street, first door South of giteeti Areet. In the Store 'Room with J: Sheets. Merchant Tailor OUT OF THE ASII . LES.—NixoN AGAIN Ort:*.—ixon'4 Drug Store is now open in thh office of Dr. A. It.l:6pnseny, on :Main Street. Drugs, Patent 3fedleinei, Perfumery. Soap. Combs, Proshei. Dye Stuffs, Paper, Envelopes and odds and ends of all kinds. Please remember the Wave roller of Dr. Senseny. Main St. Horse ad Cattle Powder will be furniPlest this week. QPANGLER'S DIH 7 G STORE AT HIS L 7 residence, nenrly opposite Dr. A. 11. Sensetry's (Mice, Main St.reet, Chninilepiturg. Any goods not lu store, or. tiered nt short notice,' Rttorttrgo at EMIL & AV S. STENGER, ATTOR k_A .INEYS AT LAW.—W. S. STEXc.F.a, District At. torney 'and Agent for procuring Pensions, Bounty Money 1111,1 lIITPtIriI ptty. °Mee in James Duffield's dwellin g . on the West edo of Second. Stre e t. toque. 'f.4neen and Washington Streets. aug% I , • HASTINGS G Eirß, ATTO RN Y\ AT LAW and authorized CLAIM AokNtfor the collection of Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay. All business intrusted to his care trill be prompt!) attended to. (Mice in Dr. J. L. Suesserott's, Main street. atur:ll JOHN STEWART, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on ,Siissand Street, a r doors Routh of the Market House. 'TENSIONS, BOUNTY antLoTher claims promptly collected. tim,gll 'NEDY NILL, ATTOICNEYS AT Ii Lew, hove fur the present removed their office to the relidenee of T. J. Sill, on Simon,' street, nearly oppo• site the Market liouie, tanial CMINBERSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER '7, 1864 f,x•tinVtiu 11,,i‘.p.tittiTt), The adoption of the amendment to the consti tution conferring the right of othirage upon our soldiers iu the field, necessitated the ,enactment of a bill with proper provisions to carry out this important and just feature of our organic law. 'The legislature has passed a voluminous act pro viding in detail for taking the soldiers' vote. It provides that all soldiers, who legal roters at home, shall vote, whether in ,the State or in the field, and the right of suffrage'shall not he effected bytbe soldier having been credited to any locality other than his actual residence. The polls c shall be opened on the -day of election in each company composed wholly, or partly of Pennsylvaul&sol tilers, at the quarters uSthe company officer, and allmembers of the company who are within one mile of the officer's qifiltfers, and not prevented by orders or the proxinfity of the enemy from at tending, shall vote at such _poll, and at no other place Soldiers detached, in hospitals or other wise unavoidably prevented from attending the election at the company poll, shall vote at any other poll most convenient; and where ten or More soldiers are detached they may open a poll of their own at such place as tlley may select, and certify their returns. The polls shall be opened not earlier than 7A. and rlimaiu open at least three hours, and may be kept open'until 7 I'. M., if the judges find it necessary to poll the full vote. Before opening the poll, the electors present at each place of voting shall elect rira roes three persons present at the time as judges, and the' judges shall select two clerks, who shall constitute the election board, and shall be duly sworn to a faithful discharge of their duties. All elections shall be by ballot. andwheidoubt exists as to the right of a soldiei to vote, the ?Ewers shall exam ine applictudS under oath Ad determine the right. Separate poll books shall be - kept and returned for each county, and they shall name•the company, regiment and place at which the election is held. Provisions in detail are given for counting and preserving the ballots for each county, so that ac-' mess can be had to them in case of alleged fraud. Tally-lists shall also be kept for each county. After the votes are counted and the returns made out in conformity with lam, a poll-list, tally list and return of esch city or comity together A% ith the tickets, shall be sealed up and transmit ted through the nearest"Rost office or expresss as soon as possible. to the Prothonotary of the proper county.; and the other poll-hook, tally-list, returns, &c., shall be delivered to the State Com Missioner, if he shall call for them within ten days—if not, they 4'all also , be mailed or expressed to the See rettirl the Commonwealth. The return judges u. tllieveral comities :ire required to meet ou the second Tuesday of November, toudd the vote of the soldiers to the• proper retail?, of the coun ties. and certify the result in the mital manner as ascertained by the united home-and army vote. The Secretary of Commonwealth is-required to have an abundant copies of the law, together with necessary portions of the general,clection laws of the State and all the needed forms to he supplieffi to the army and the officers holding fife elections in the' flea The Governor is authonzed to ap. ia"int competent ewnininhigli , " not exevaing one for each Pennsyhania regivn•at, who 110 morri'to discharge their duties faithfully and whose duty shall be to deliver the necessary laws and Mardis, and to receive the proper returns. Such Commissioners shall he 'deemed in the mili- ary gorciee, and may lute at any one of the polio they attend. No electian of soldiers shall be in validated by the failure of commissioners or other officers to supply the forms or discharge their du- ties: When any number of soldiers less than tea shall he members of companies of other States, r thr an other - legal cause shall be .separated from their comnands and unable to attend the election at the proper iplartelli, 'they may before, the day of election deposit their ballots in sealed ravel., together with a statement of the name and reMence of the voter and send it to a (psil- itied elector at home. who shall east such setiled ballot at home for the soldier, and it shall be open ed the election officers N{'llten the returns are counted. The statement of the soldier rcoting thus by proxy shall be certified ;to by his landing officer, home cominissioned.offieer, or by some other creditable witness if 'an officer is not accessible,"-and-there shall also accompany boa allots an affidavit of the voter stating that he is a qualified v o ter in The election district in which he proposes to vote; that he has not sent a ballot to any other \ person; that be not attempt to vote at any other poll; that lie' is not a deserter ; has not been dis Missed the service, and stating also v, here he is stationed. Officers of election refus ing to receive such balloti, when presented in proper ibrui, shall be 'deemed guilty of misde meanor and punished by fine and imprisonment.' The assessors are required to !Wen 'a county tax of ten emits On each non commissioned officer and private in the service, and such soldiers shall be exempt front all other personal taxes while in Ref rice. The pa) ment of such tax shall entitle all soldiers, othermhte qualified to the right to Vote. The law is quite voluminous but in the main fair in its pro% ets, and leans as strongly as pos sible in favor of the soldiers, so as to prevent hint from being defrauded out of his vote by legal quib bles. It ‘l ail passed by the Uniownen of the legislature—having been opposed by the•Denta cratic legislators because of its ample proiiiiions for giving the right of voting to our gallant suldiers in the field. —A supplemental bounty bill was pa . sited at the extra session of the legislature, which gives bor ong4, wards and townships full authority to levy bounty tax and collect the same when the co u nty conunissioners neglect or refuse to do so. The districts may levy and collect the tax by their authorities or board of election officers: but the bounty SO collected shall not exceed SIOU forwach recruit. The bill is also curative in ifS provisimis, and ratifies all loans created or taxes levied by the . action of the people of districts in an slay that met the sanction of a majority of the citizens. In s uc h; CM(' the constituted authorities n or board of eleetibn officers are required to carry out in obit faith the 9ffeetion of such taxes.' It provides also t s liat petsons who have furnished substitutes credliettrtoilie proper townships, the 'print.. shallieef , ive the bounty toward the paynim his substitute, NU tax exceeding hsii per cent.' of the dust adjusted valuation of property for- , county or 'State putpose4 shall be levied in One year. A per capita or'poll tax may be levied by, the eammiaihmeiv, school directors, supervisors or road commissioners, or the proper authorities,: not exceeding $5 per head to he applied tobounty purposes; butt persons in service, or disabled in . service shall be exempt; and 'tlie p . roperty of widows and minor children, and widowed funthers of soldiers' who died in service, is exempt from all taxation under this bill. The act was approved on the 25th of August, 1861.- To the I:pore of the Franklin Ilriveitory: ei um iohl that the bunting of the property of the senior editor of the REPOSITORY, wee necon plished by a squad of rebels under command of a son of Goy_ Simith,‘of Virginia, familiarly known IMPORTT LAWS RETALIATION A REBEL LIE as "Extra Billy tt.tinith." When the history of • this war shall have been fully Writteu, none of its pages will tell of a more diabolical act, than the burning of Cluimbersburg. _The act itself, as well ail the manner in which it was accomplished, ninild do no discredit to savage warfare. The order to burn was said to have been re taliation 'for some excesses committed !ty our troops iu Virginia. Doubtless during the three years in which a large portion of 'Virginia has been occupied by the Union army sonic depreda tions have been committed by Straggling soldiers, but there has been no deliberate order -given to debtrOy private property: On the contrary, our officers have generally been too careful to protect their property. Within the last two years I spent several days, in my official - capacity as io officer of the army, in !Warrenton, the county seat of Faummir ciounty; !Virginia, which is the residence of " Extra Billy Smith."' Jihad a letter from an aged cleiltyman, residing - in eWashington, who in early life was the Pastor of the, Presbyterian church at Warrenton, to nu ex-member of Con gress residing thertl. He was absent, as most of the prominent gentlemen of the town were t but has wife and daughter were at home, and to them I presented creditutials. 'From them, and others to whoin they introduced me, I learned much of the local history and _character of the Place. They were - violent _secessionists, as they assured me the while town and county were, and, from !personal observation, I had.' ood reason to - believe their statement. I doubt whether the people of Charleston are more intensely secession in sentiment, than' those of Warrenton, yet our Commanding General, on the application of sev eral families of the town, as I was teld by these ladies, had detailed a guard, in each ease, to pro tect their prh r ate property frOm apprehended in jury by the dreaded Yankees.: The fine 'mansion of "Fxtra Billy Smith," was thus guarded, and ecru the shrubbery and flowers 'were unharmed. This 1 saw and know, and the contrast between what I saw at Warrenton, and what I have heard of the conduct of his son at Chanibersburg need not be enlarged upon. Warrenton is often within our :lines. It is, at present, I believe, not held by either army. It would be altting retribution,, if this wealthy and beautiful, but rebellions town , were burneetO ashes, in retaliation for the 'destruction of Charn bersburg. This Would, hi war, bemothing but August 18, 186-1. FAIR FLAY. 'SPECIAL MESSAGES The following special messages from Governor Curtin teen? sent to the legislature in reply to resolutions of inqUirY, relative to the Provost Guard regiment and the 2d Pa. Artillery : . They fully explt4a themselves." PENNA. EXECUTIVE CITANISER, Harrisburg Aug.2.2.'1E64, To the Honorable the &hate of Perittsgrania • GENTLEMEN receivhd the following preamble and resolution on the 20th of Augngt : SENA rf. Ciwpma, ' Harrithurg, Aug. 20, listst. WHEREAS, It is alleged that the officers of the 2d Pegnsylvania artillery (or provisional reg iment)ara:i witinCitt' surgeons, thereforP in order to ascertain nlfere the neglect is, by it ftesolrM, That the GovernorbP re l gnested to furnish, at his -earliest conveniencp, any corres pondence Out he may hat e had with the Presi dent or the Walt Department it) reit:thin thereto. To which I haVe the honor to I rePlv, that on the fechmtnendation of an officer hf the the War Department, on the IStli of June, Itt.'62, I appoin ted A. A. Gibson, then a captain in the artillery servicel (With). Fnited States, colonel of the 2d reg inent\ Pennsylvnia artillery. It wah represented to nW that he Was very is en qualified, and I selec ted firm ikcordingly tbr this phrtiodar twin of the serviw.. Early ut January, Itt r kili, complaints were made to Inc by the officers of the regiment in refitynce to the conduct of Col. Gibson, and in deed evetrge3von,, Irma,- pi a Fi•rit>iiel charaeter. I wits extremely reluctant to interfefe between the War Department and a colonel of the sett ice. But these complaints continued', to be repeated, 'and iu the month of May orJune„:lB63, when in Washington city on, other lntiness. I was called upon by many of the officers of the 'regiment, gen tlemen yS 110 4 ,tvt l re personally . knowirto me to be entirely reliable,- and - statements Were made so serious that I lould not disregard them, andl ad dressed the Se tretary of Wur upon the subject, and sent nay cummunication from Willard's hotel, ( without haying retained a copy,)aiking that Col. Gibson should he relived frvm the command of the regiment . und ordered back tb his regiment in the army. Tai this communication no answer was returned. ut to my surprisnllearued, unof ficially, that all that was Tequired to secure the rem.% al of Cid. Gibson was my request to that ef fect. On,the 2d Deceit - Ater, 18.0, 1 again ad dreslsedstlie Secretary of War as_foPows: ...EXECUTTNI: Dovember 2, 1e63. Hon. Ed trin M. Stanton, Serrotery of .War:— Sot beg le . are to request imwtiearnestly that vote will i-sue au order to Cot A. A. Gibson, now commanding the 21 Pennsylvania a'rtillery, relies ine him from the command and niturning him to his post as Captain in the 2d regiment of RegUlar artillery. (- I am constrained to nine this request' from ,the fact that Col. Gibson has not and does not give satisfactimi to his regiment—that his officers, some of them the finest in the Service, are constantly appealing to me to. relieve them i Charges of a serious nature could he preferred, 'hut this would involve the delay attending a court martial, and would create disanmtiats, all of - which eau be avoided by his being returned to egu lar The most charitable constrt4toiipae ed upon ,his conduct by his otficers'is that he, is in sane, and muter - such circumstances the mildest Means eonsistent with the gaud of the service are probably the best. - I respectfuliy ref( rto papers already on file-in your Department with nay endorsement, in rela tion tp thik subject, and I beg that the order may issue. _Yery respectfully your obedient servant. A. G. CURTIN'. Tn which no answer was rehirut,d: The complaints still continuing, and both offi cers and men constantly appealing to me, I again addressed the Seeretary of War on the 19th'of January, tSild,:ls fidlows : EM:erIIVE CHAMBER. t Ilarrishnrg, January - 191h, 11 4 64. S. ' Hon. E. M. kanton,ke'retafg of War : Ilia% 0 - upon two oceasions blthre this' endeavored to call your attention to the of orderitr - Col. A. A. Gibson, now comuuMing thg regi ment Penna. artillerj join lnsown regiment ff( liegnlars, and was, Surprised 'that no ansWer had been returned. I team, however, Unofficially, that my letters up m this subject have not reach ed yon. I therefore take the liberty of enclosing to von a copy of my last letter on this subject, which fully explains the matter, and in addition to what is there stated it is proper to filly, that from in(hrnmtion - received. I am ai.snred that if Githion if—not removed, very few of that reg iment will re-enlist, and that it' ho is, nearly all of them will. Verj respectfully, j our ob'tsery't, Cußtac. This letter I sent to Washington City by a member of my stuff, who delisiTed it to the See relay.) 'of War in pernon, on the 23d Jan. 1 64. No action having been taken althhugh a court of inquiry had been in"yee . ssion upon charges prefer red against Cu!. Gibson, and the eomPlaints still continuing on the Kith June, 1814, 1 addressed the President of the United States as thflOWS lINEcu rive. Cit ornEit. • llurriAtrg, June,l6. vlit: 5 -- Sin In the spring of 1862 y on rvar_sted - me to raise a volunteer regiment of heavy brfillery called the .2d regiment heavy artillery" I'. V. he tall being a special one there seemed to he . equired to command the r.egiment an Officer of . elv ierienee in that particular line, and oat of the' 0 Is of the War Dm artment recommended fur th: purpose Captain A. A. Gibion of the state of Maine, then a captain in the 241 artillery U. S. A. In compliance with this reeomendation, and with out any other knowledge of Captain Gibson, I ap ,pointed•und . (ounriissioned him on the 18th of June;lB62, as Colonelof the regiment. His con duct dad deportment since have been intolerable. He has violated the fitith of - the Government,. pledged ,to recruits for regiments in the field by general order No 88 July 25th, 1862, which pro- vides that they shall-be permitted to select any company of-the regiment they may prefer. In I 'contempt of this order he has forced recruits into , batteries other than those which they selected. I In at least one inatance ho has used language to a counnissioned officer of his regiment in presence of an enlisted man, unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and calculated to subvert all discipline. fie has treated the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania with contempt by returning to her agent the flag which he ,supposed to be the flag presen ted to the regiment by the State, under the direc tion of tin art of Assembly, and giving Its n reason VOL. 71....WH0LE NO. 3, for so doing :that when the regiment as mus tered into the service of the !United Stat • 8 it ceas ed to have anything to do with the S ate. He has slandered the Whole people; of Perrasylvanea, and especially her gallant soldiers on tlie field by saying "Pennsylvania soldiers will not fight-one Southern soldier ii worth three of them. The re bel 'officers make a practice of ascertaining in what part-of the battle field the Pennsylvania troops are stationed, and then attack that part of the line," or words to that effect. ' In utter defiance and contempt of the acts of Congress, to' be presently referred to, he took possession of a First Lieutenant's commission which I had issued to a non-commissoned officer of the regiment, court-martialed the officer for having' accepted it and retained the commission until it had been given in evidence before the court-martial. The facts, above recited were all reported as found by a court of inquiry : assem bled oil January sth, 1864, of which Brig. Gen.. D. 4 Russey was president, which also reported that in the opinion of the court no further military proceeding , w;'re necessary in the -case. I add that the proceedings of Col. Gibson have been, habitually so,offensive that I have long since ceasedto hold any communication with him. The heavy artillery is known to be a favorite . arm One regiment was raised in Penna., and when that was completed a second 'was author ( ized to lie raised. Authority to raise more in this !State was refused : although in New York no leis than sixteen regiments were authorized. In con sequence of this refusal there was a large surplus recruited for the second regiment. This surplus amounts to more than enough to form another regiment, amid measures were taken' by the War Department to forum one accordingly. The act of, Congress of July; 20, 1861, provides that the field, staff and company officers of volunteer rep molts shall lie commissionedjimy the Governors of the respective States, and thdruct of Congress of August 6th, 186 f, provides that vacancies there- after occuriug in the volunteer regiments, shall be filled by the Governors of the States respectively iu the salnemanner as original appointment* In defiance of these proyisions, Colonel Gibson undertook to appoint all the commissioned officers of the 'proposed new regiment, except the 'Lieut enants, Surgeons and Chaplain, including the Col onel and She persons thus named by - him, have been put in coinmand. I of course disregarded this nriwarantable interference with the authority conferred on me by act of Congress, and appoint ed and commissioned persons carefully selected for their fitness to lie officers of the new regiment. These officers have not been mustered in; the new regiment has been sent into the field having only ten company Officers fbr more than fourteen, hundred men, a number of them vvithouf commis' _ sinus, at least four companies of from one hundred to One hundred and fifty men each, being com manded by Sergeants, and, as I am creditably in formed, without the usual supply of Surgeons, 'surgical instruments or medical supplies. The cantina of Col. Gibson pranced great ex asperation and discontent among the officers and men of the regiment, and their complaints tome were frequent and urgent. 1 repeatedly requested the War Department to return him to his battery; as captain in the regular service, but without success.. I annex 'to this let ter eopies of the last two letters'which I addressed to the War_Department on this subject, dated, re- , speetively, W. Dee., 1863, and 19th January, 1864. 1 - tider these circumstances, I have arrived at the cutelusioudhat I can no long - e,r permit Col. Gibson to remain in command of the regiment, and by vu . - hie of the -power of removal vested in me by the foremof appointment conferred on me by the act of Congress, 1 have determined to revoke, and super cede, and vacate his commission, and dismiss him from his office. The most gentle con struction to be put on theeoll - of Col. Gibson, would he to ascribe it to par tial insanity. It appears that ffe admitted before the Court of Inquiry that he had the reputation of being eccentric, but not to the extent charged. To whatever! cause, however, his course is to be attributed, niy respect tiir the •Commonwealth, whose organ 1 ani, and may regard for the welfare - of her citizens recruited for the 2d Pennsylvania artillery, and,now in the field, require that 1 should sei ion sly invoke your aid to overcome the obstacles lwretotbre created by some of your officers and by which the exercise of the just authority conferred on met by the act of Cougress,,has been thus far in this jam , prevented. You, sir, are the responsible head - of the Government. .Your duty and your oath of office require you to see that the laws be faithfully executed. These very acts of Congress ;were approved and signed by yourself. I will`not believe that you will in effect violate them yourself by permitting officers who are under your control to diSregard and trample on them. For obvious reasons conneeted with the public service, it is de sirable to avoid, so far as may be poissible, any ap , peurance" of a collision between us on such a suldect. • , It) on conceive that the law as it now stands is unwise or ineonyeniant, Congress is still in Rea and you can recommend 'an alteration of it. 1 pray yon to recollect that under law as it exists, my duty and responsibility are co-extensive with my authority. 1 have no other alternative but to exercise it in conformity with my best judgment and discretion. Pao therefor( inept respectfully but most ear neatly request from you the assurance that you will immediately give orders which shall be effec tive on albyour officers to" obey the acts of Con gress above referred to. let. By mustering out any field, staff or com pany, Officers in the regiments of Pennsylvania vol unteers whose commissions shall have been re voked and imperceded by the Governor of .this State; and 2d. By mustering'in, except in cases provided for by act of Congress, any persons who shall have been coinmissioned as such officers in such regi ments by the Governor - of the State, whether as original appointments or to fill vacancies. Ue . der . great discouragements this Common wealth and her authorities have endeavored in , every way to aid the_g'overnment in its struggles with treason, and I am proud to believe have most promptly and fully and cheerfully discharg ed their whole duty in this regard, and by the blessing of God is ill continue 40 - d0 so. Her citi zens have freely shed their blood in defence of their common country. They have volunteered hi her service on the titith ,of solemn assurances ht acts of Congress approved by yourself, that the selection of their regimental officers should be eonlided to, the ( authorities of. their own State, who world be comparatively familiar with their wants and with their merits 'and claims. Sir, I implore yip do not teach thein.that these assii moves have been solemn deceptions, and may he violated at the whim of any person holding a po sition in any of the grades of 'the military hierar chy, from Commander-in• Chief, down to a mus tering officer. Very respectfully, your obedient sexy ant ! A. G. CURTIN. To this no reply was received: On the receipt of the tielluwing letters, addressed to the Surgeon General of Pennsylvania, surgeons were at once fissigniql to-the regiment and ordered forward. - I_I I SA Ise.% RTES., Plan 1:.S.1) PENNA. H. AILTILLE.ItY, 1 Prix 141 Division fith Corps, • Va.. May 29th, IP-64. adjutant General 1 . . S. Army :---81R i—For the reason that no medical iittendance has been per inamMtly attached to my_ regiment by the De partinent, I appealed To my brigade commander who assigned temporarily, Assistant Surgeon L. Phillips, 14th New York . artillery. I most res pectfully request . that Assistant Surgeon L. Phil lips be permanently attached as surgeon of this' regiment, not only lisr his energy and ability, but for the !marked al cccs with:which he ramie has managed the IR.OO men, novOill my couunand.— It is needless for ine to set MI thee-importance oflias fag permanent mettle:l attendance. 'The two assistant surgeons ordered to report to ale by the Medical Ibpartmemeid at Washington, are not with the ti , ginient. The one left it after be ing attached two damp without eser reporting the cause then•for, the other one t ais not yet reported. I am, General, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Taos. WILHELM. 'ol. Pro. 2d Penna. Heavy Art.. Commanding. Surgeon General's Office, June 14, 1864.. ' (A true copy). CHAN. Q. LEE, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, ' Snit:EON' GENERAL S OFFICE, t - Washington City, H. C., June 14, 1864.5 Sutt—l !am !directed by the acting Surgeon General to call your attention to the fact that the l'rovisional Pennsylvania 2d heavy artillery has been sent to the field without commissioned med ical officers, and that urgent complaint is made upon the want of medical attendance,ha, will be seen by the enclosed letter. Your attention is respectfully called to this subject at your earliest convenience. The two assistant surgeons referred to in CoLWilliam's letter were serving temporarily under contract.' I am, sir, very; respectfully, your obedient sere t; By order of the Acting Surg. General, CHAS. C. LEE, Asst Sur. U.S. A. Dr. Wm. S. King. Surgeon firm. Pa., Harrisburg. Pa. ; officers. Since the above letter was mage&thisAfteiblii been informed, brthe War, tociatlMA, (the Pennsylvania'artiff e iy . roWeb visions regiment organized Bit thisl sr) partment and the Governor of, Pa:oB=Z- ”, not'commission officers for - it,„!ts: by the Governor cannot be recognized." • I am, sir, very respectfirtlyi Stturbb`t sisevallV.l - IfL By order of Acting Spiv. Gen., -' C. 11. Crime, &lg ll Br Dr. James Wing, Burg. Gen. Pa., Harrisb urg, Pa. Immediately upon the receipt of this •le again addressed the President of the 'United',W.ft as follow's: PEXTSYLVANLL EXECUTIVE Harrisburg,--June 24, 1864. Stn:—Since my communication ,of the 16th June, instant, the Surgeon' General . of PerthsjAviei l l nia has received a letter from the Acting General of the United Stagg, a Copy of WARM herhwith furnished,•in,whictuoir notice thotAbbk„-, , assumed that the Governor, of ,Pemrsylvinia ' 'not commission officers in what is ealled.theibstr.; Penna. heavy artillery regiment, and that _the= surgeons sent forward by my direction cannot be - recognized by the War Department_ I cannot believe that this assumption of power caninefltmT your approbation, but feel it my duty Mask the, , „ question. • Very respectfully, your obedient servant, To the President, - A. G. CURTIN P. S.—That you may have a full view of the , ,, position of this affair, I enclose copies e(the prior correspondence between the Surgeon, Generitl., l , United States army and the Surgeon Geneintiff;:v Pennsylvania. , A. G. C: '. 4 !"`"”" No reply having been received to this, - I agail;, „ l, l " - ; addressed the President (by telegraph) aiikllo4, 44 ` PENSFITLVANIA. Exsanivr. Harrisburg, July, 161864. - 5 Pin"." 4 . t—On the 15th and c24th ofJune larit:Thi%; the honor to address you letters in referenee to We 7 2,d regiment heavy artillery, Tinnsylvania•Vobm• teem, which I regarded •as of -importance to the public service, to which no answers have as yet been received. - I beg leave to can your attention my.J e t t, ekrit and to ask an answer. My,lettenrfr;#u the inent since it was sent to the front are of such a character that is my duty to press upon you„, th e relief of the citizens of this StaXil i the'Vallttir"" from the wrongs under which they Rider. - ,"^ Cr -24u the President, Tkashington • 111,61 On the 18th day of July, 1863, 'received a dis- , • patch from the President, dated the,day beftirenn inviting me to come to Washington teconfer, with; 41 hini on the subject, to which I at once replied.. -.,„ also by telegraph, that I could not leave Ilarria-„,..t• , . burg at that time, and that as I had fully•espregift my views in my letters of 16th and 24thJunelast „-„; I did not know of anything merethatirould end, - gest in reference to the matter and that .1 had dr- - - meted the military agent of the Stab); COL' Pratt cis Jordan, to call upon himoind asked him to , - receive him. , In accordance with this arrangement Col. JON - -= • clan had an interview with the President, snare , . ported to me that the President exPressed`a lingn, ess to remove Col., Gibson, and 'I pMsume that has been done; but as to the question of lifrt;',.+ coring the regiment, I am as yet unadvised; and, indeed, from the , lapse of time, am induced to in fer that the assumption of power by theVirar iarement, in the order appointing officers, has not , een abandoned. A. G. Cumin'. PENXBII.V.M• EiECM= CELICEMB, / :, i ILULUILSBITRO, Aug. 17, .1.8e4. ) , To The Honorable, de Senate of Pennoloattitu - I received the following resolution on the, l2_ t 4 of August, instant. . . ... . an - xxs MAMMA" I _ HABILIBBIMG, August 11474. ' ~ , „ WHEREAS, Great dissatisfaction existsin the e Hundred and Eighty-seventh re-exitent`'l'ennsyl -I.lf yanin Volunteers,now attached to the fth...Ahtif . corps, in consequence of an "alleged'olation of • good faith towards them On•the pa of the Wit" ,l Department, in, ordering them into a re serxigp,,,,, 1 . contrary to the fermi of their enlisti4rit, nit ohm- taiued in General Order N0..20, isliOd by Aitior ~ .,.E it -General Couch, on the 24th day of March,last; l ' therefore,' Re it reed-veil by the Senate cd7Pcpzegivp!tift, That iri &l the Governor be respectively requested to com municate to the Senate all the. recta within:WV:a. knowledge appertaining to the the said regitapnt,.,.. • and the duties for Which the same VMS. specially"' 1-1- and specifically recruited and ninstered:Mto_the, 1-.. r, United States service. Extract from the Jour-, _ nal. . - ' GEO. W. HamxitkiatVClerk.- I have the honor to reply . that, the.OnelEfft; ? . ''. f, g .- L dred and Eighty:seVenth reined; TreimaYlvaina ' Volunteers, was reeruitolon an orderof tbeiWite , " :' Department, made on_ the application of Major General Couch, about' the 22d' of Midel,llß4V 1" I was, not furnished with a copy, of the !tylp4stitp a. of Major General Couch. The followmg copy of the order of the War Department was fuinuthid fin..., Me atthe time. , . ' - . . 'VAR DEPT, ADICTANT OVallArd OFFICE, / WABIILSGTON, D. C., March V,-1864. 3fsior General D. N. Couch, Ckamberiburir, Pa. - - this will be authority to recruit the six (6) months' infantry battalion to ten (10) companies: -"' In answer to - your telegram of seventeenth (17th). „, By Order (Signed,) TwosLtk M. VINCENT, Asst. Adjt. Official copy -respectfully .furnished for formation of His Excellency, 'the Govarni3i Pennsylvania, Harrisburg. THOMAS M. VINCENT, Asat. Adit. Gen. - The following order was pubhritied Couch, and under it the regiment was quickly fillr edto the maximum number: HEAI)46B, DEFT OF, the M St . eqemisau4.,l,. Chambersburg, March 1864. GENERAL °MUS, No. 20. ,; Authority having been granted by:the war Department to the conunanding` General;K:tkac e iril Department of the Susquehanna, the First bit ca talon, three years Peunsylvatia - Volitirtifik4. -4 Th' merly six months' volunteers,) consistingr,sika ; •,.. companies, mustered into the Ilnito Statei Ser vice for three years or. during' the ized terecruit to,ten companies of the maximuin , strength. , This battalion is ou, proVost dut/ ttlr partment, and it offers a good opportunity to persons who have been in 'the serrk'se; azialnivigr , ;;;; been honorably discharged to; re•enter, • and tc those of good character who bate not been iii - the service to enter the same Only those knowi to. the recruiting officer, and persons authorized to t recruit, as being reliable and trustworthy NVAlltikt"- received, as the qature of the duty this r battalicia % is called upon to perform is such that it requilei soldiers in whom the commanding .offiter, can place confidence. Persons taking advantage of,_ the benefits arising from enlistment in this hand! [`- ion, will receive the bounties paid by the Govern., ;, merit as authorized in existing orders. The officers must be men who have bad Setae experience in the military service, intelligent and of good character; and only those bringing. the requisite number of men and possesiing the above qualifications will be recommended to the Gov. ernor of the State for commission. Recruits and persons having squads of recruits- ; will report to Capt. Geo. W.Merrick, First lion, three yi/arit Pennsylvania Volunteers and re cruiting officer for the same, at Harrisburg, Pti.- " • , Applications to enter this battalion waist be,l3ladiP„s , . at once, that the companies may be filled and ar.„l.„.i„ ganized before the Ist of April next, after wgicti,_ date the additional Government bountiet paid will be discontinued, arid only the oii bun, r dred dollars bounty will be paid, as provided bv. the act approved July 224,1561. r,, By command of Maj. Gen. Couch. JOHN S._,Smivm, Avit Attt. Gen. „ OFFICIAL :—J. N. PorrEit, Ald-detairip., I commissioned the officers nominated; and 640 . " companies were on duty; in different parts of - thetri„.._ military district of the Susquehanna, until thr ; lTtlryi --, of May, 1864, when, nal. am unofficiallyinfOEmeir,,,,4, the regiment was ordered by the national antlitiv% - i ities to Washington; and thence Id the army cone , J r manded by Lieut. Gen. Grant. „ A ..., Application was 'inade after the regiment i;:aw" l .,_ ~ .- - ordered out of the State to have it returned; and ~ e . : t- - ..7.- ; the officers and men presented a petition tt the -. -I t„' President, setting forth that they were enlisted . .•- ' for provost duty within the State, and - asking tir - be brought back. - - ~ . r .— , , :..4, , -r .t..:,,,,, In July I reeeiveiLkoticui from the Assistant - t.:::4.,- Adjutant General United States Army, that the application applieation was refused," which was immediateltw , ~-,-, . - forwarded to the resimeat. I asked fora copy of .;:.:-.,-.',.. --., the paper, and received the following by telegraph .:. .-. today: . .. . - .... :. . , wAsnrsarox, August 14 1164. '?!.-., ” -1 , „,, To He EzeeUency, the Governor of Teniteyirania: - „..,. 3 - I have the honor to inform you that the date. ' l ' . -: ''.,”., ment of certain members of the One Hundred and- !.-; --- -.',-', Eighty:Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, to, thi 4.. ; ;.: - ,, - i. - : - ' effect that they were enlisted and mfistered'Aittl' ~ ..- -. -p service for duty in the State, has been duly-inve‘,..o;t: tigated, and ,I am directed to state that tlte-ex.,:; ' 21 ;,7,1 amination has failed to show '' 4,the lo ;, ~.---- was raised with any condition in ---' ever. - Tnomes M. Vracatcr; I do not know of any paper -et Departmente, nor can I refer tc than ai'abore stated, of IMPOrt*I 24 your resolution. .:'r '^9 .. k= lEEE -4 i'P'' UM OE DM NJ IN II