El II ' 5. : 100 44 6:04,. G~ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD! 11 SPRING TIRE TABLE. FIVE TRIM DAILY to andfrins .Pkiladelphys, on and after May MA, 1864. The Passtmger Trams of the Pennsylvania Ralhnad Company will depait from and antra at lianieburg and Philadelphia an follows: _ _ ' EASTWARD: ly nitibIiatLEXPRESS TEATS learesilarrisburg at:12.45' A. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A: x. FAST LINE leaves Frarriortrg daily (except 3fomtay) and 6.00 A. se, and arrives of West Philadelpbia at 10.10 A. AL Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. FAST MAIL TRAL`i leavot Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 2.00 P. U., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 0. It MOUNT JOY ' ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. M., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster Accommodation Train, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 P. AL COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1240 P. /1., Columbia L 55 P.M., ailliatViVeli at Lancaster at 2.30 P. AL: connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.20 P. AL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at i. 20 P. AL. Lancas ter at 2.47 P. N., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.30 F.M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAM, via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. M., and arrives at West Vbibutelphts at 1.031 . P. M. - WESTWARD: BALTIMORE EXPRESS XRAIN leaves lintrisburp-, . daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. IL: Altoona '7.11 A. 31., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. st: PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN heaves Harris burg daily at 3.10 A. U.: Atlanta 8.20 A. 01., take break fast, and =IVO at Pittsburg at'l.oo MAIL TRAM' leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 p. AL: .Altoo lAtt at 7.15 P. AL, take supper, arid arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 FAST LLNE leaves Harrisburg at 3.15 P. Altoona at 8.35 P. at., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.0 0 1 MOUNT JOY ACC I OMMODATION TRAIN leaves Lancaster at 8.30 A. At., and arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 P. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves , West Philadelphia at 2.45 r. dad arrives at Harrisburg at RIO r. MOUNT JOT ACCOMMOD:ATIo3.; No 2, leaves Lane:titer at 6.e5, connecting with Harrisburg Accommo dation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. st., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. sr.. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, - jttnls,64-tf. Sup't Middle Div. l'ennn. R. R. VORTIIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SUMMER TIME TABLE,—Threi Trams Daily to and from Baltimore and Washington City. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania linilnath to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and fisan the North and West Emrich Susquehanna. Elmira aml all of Northern New 'York. On and after .3fonday, 3/aylca, 1e64, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore 114 follows : SOUTHWARD: MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10:2:i A.M. • leaves Harrisburg r.s. arrives at Baltimore 7.40 e.3t. EXPRESS TRADY leaves Sunbury dully (ex cept Sunday) leaves R a rri s lea ry (except Monday) arrives at Baltimore FIARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Ilarrisburu SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. •bbuurryy daily (es- Sunday)... NOB.THWAR.D.' MAIL TRACT leaves Baltinfore daily (except Sundae) 1,10 A.M. leaves Harrisburg 1:35 arrives at Sunbury- 4:05 kw. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily .. 1.10 rat. arrives at Harrisburg. 1:50 a.m. leaves Harrisburg daily (4 it cept Monday) 3:15 A.m. arrives at Sunbury LIARIPHYDRO ACCOMMODATION leaves rßaltimotr daily(ex. Monday logs P.H. SUNBERY ACCOMMODATION leaves liar. riiburg daily x. Sunday). 4;1)I) For further Information apply at the Oiler, in Penasyl. varda Rallivad Depot. jritke'S,64 J. N. DuBARRY, Gen. Supt. - pHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL EOAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest col:natio+ Perinvlvanin to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It. has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad I'orie • puny, and tinder their nuspiees Is Ming rapidiy opened throughout its entire length. It innate In use far Passenevr and Freight linsiness from Darrisbarg to St. Mary's miles.) on the Eastern Divi sion. and from Sheffield to Erie, 7P mites. on the \Western ' TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT ItARRISIII - RG EAsTlTsditi. )[nil Train—. Express Train. E=l! Mag Train.... Express Train • Cars run through without change both ways on these trains, between Philadelphia and . l.ock lincen and be tween Baltimore and Leak Haven. Elegant Bleeping Cars on the Ex - grecs Train both ways between Minus-sport and Bultunore, und and Philadelphia. For information mspoeting Passenger bueinecs apply at the S. g. Corner 11th, and Market Streets. Philadelphia. Antrfor Freight hnsinelu of the Componv'g Agents Ktnnerrozr,../....0na,A3th J. W. RETICOI.PS, Elie. ' - J, 31. DRILL, Agent IC, C. R. R., Baltim'ore, MiL H013811)N, Gen. Freight Agent. Philad••lphia. • .LS'IrLS L. IiOUPT, Cie% Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, JOS. D. I'O'lYri. Gen. Manager, Williamsport. IMERI C ... lIMBERLAND VALLEY SE: FRANK UN RAILROADS.—CHANGE OF HOURS.- 01, and after Monday. April 9th. 1264. Pa :wagger Trains will am; daily, a. 9 tolltays ftinndaym exceptad/ : FOR CHA.3II3ERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: X C 4.• , A.M. I:. Lea4e Hagerstown__ 7:00 0,43 Greencastle 7:37, — a -al Arrive nt...,',.. i+,l7 4:20 Ghambersbarg . I _ Leave at Leave Shippengbuhr. " Nesrville..... . . ‘ " Carlislescc, . wan 2.14 , " Web:suit4mm. 6:25 10,12 ' 3:1 . 2 Arrives!. Harrisburg' 6:55 11:15 3:10 FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HA G.F.ItsTOWN t A..m. 1 . . M. 1.31. -- . Leave Harrisburg 1 4 .05 1,32 4420 " MeehrintrAbitor eA7 • :2.15 -4.::14 Carlisle 0-!..ri r.:s:i - :1: , _ , 9 " Newville 10,01 :1....^.1 " Sbipperuburg 16 33H0 110) 4ilo Anire at Chamberabure:.:... ....... LeaTOChamberbburg 1.1:11, ' 4.10 , " Greenesotle 1i::.,6: 30 , ' AITITe at ItaZeriown 12:3.1 0.10 Making close conn neliiiint at liarriiiiiiira , 4th dui. , for Pluladellhia. New lorl. and l'ittiiiiiira. awl It 'all train Or all points West. The Trois leaving. liarriiiinirg at4ii..4.0 P.h t' run .. . ntil3- a Tar as Carlisle. ii, N. 1.1 Supt.. R. R. Office, Cbambg, April 4. 10111. ISoots anb. *loco. ROOT,SIIOE AND VARIETY STO'IIE. ..IU/ P. FELDMAN, baring dispfe..,l of his ill tim _ K Rai**, Shoes, &c., at wknicsair, on the :30111 of loot month. 3. 4 Staling it ineoraeuient to re.mmo at hi. for• !_r 6 et on Main street. I e just retarned tow the a A I.ARGE AND ENTIRELY NEW be respectfully invite , . the attention of huold and M T H UI J V 0110 A a. trill bo ST ' „, in * CRARIisAI HIS NEW STORE iNECDND pasite the Prat 011104t.INE'S brick laubllng, nearly of of youths'. Ladies' undla.stoek enibrneee es erV variety for style dfleish, and derfsbiffilDTS 8114)E " 4 ', "01: pui , sedfo'the county, and whielt.sf- ,, ear, mood be our. state acne". pure I unsol T RF, 4'it ' t ,„ DPLASTS, lin. Is prepared to make ll - drag acrtiee by the best workman the di/palatine to be obliging. and neeonintodidit t i. I,e l / . n1... '- - to merit a liberal share of p0tr0ang...—wi,,,,,,,t I t o m,,,„6p u li ze, nm., oar . .( me l on es hunity, to live and let leave. Particular crarntian paid to all kind, of R7xiirmX. TERMS CASII. AND PRICES l'Nhrl rpa wiTi E. OCT EXTORTION. e has also on band. an . 4 for wile, cheap. *l - reok.A. Ca liana, Carpet Stiekir. Linneu and i'llper Pale, Envelopes. Ink-stamb. he., B.—All permn4 linowint; - thenisel% en indelmvi iili pleme call and make immediate oettlement, Clint 1 may 1» enabled to meet my former I uthilit ie• in the City, um. e.:,1 torpo ALL lirTif ill IT - .'II . XY ('()NCEILN. ...L JACOB HUTTO.V's BOOTA. 'WOE sTo RE _ . • The Sudersigned takes thin inotholl if i ri•turrtring• bin thanks • to his numerous ettstomen, inlet tlit ptiblie vellentlly, for the 'very liberal patronage heretofore extended to Mm. and hopes, lit his present misforune lurunifsion is Ph neur. h, If every bilsittess malt in:towit, Sag be will qill .emulate to be remembered He /nu the pletootre 4,r iliNminin g the public that he hi/3 Opened Ilk Stet, in lie BasClll,,,t of I B. MrLnytalion's Dwelling, on .vspzid__Jgrrer.. tour thiss North of the Metluxllst Chord), n litre be is pre ~,,,.d in offer it general agtortmeni arl,it:en's, iriarien'ii nail (lilt drezeg loots and .base,, elidtoleiTtg his Otrtintltteieri,ion uftutturr., trbielt. r for ereellm eg style/old durability tire ~uperior to and of loin fortaer stftlqt.—tind will be offered at prices to suit all.; Ife it iii {Veelly Receipt of t knetti from Philadelphia. whith for bettut.t unti•eceellenee cannot he surpassed South of the Sii..q tn./at:ma. CUSTO3IEIt WORK of every I nriety done with promimolt,--Ai. be employ $ none but superior trorlanen. he feels justified in Ktiarlinteeilitt all n old: lie Ot hi, es. fattlishatent. )font forget the piney. F,,,,,- ut„„„ .. \-„,., 1‘ of the 31 rthotiint - Cherd. ..,nond , 4 ,•,.„.e . 1: ,,,, sufr. _ TRUNKS, of the latest style, front approved. rad* N. hi. ways Ott Iltltid, 11101 for sale at a 1 cry , mull telt itnee on originaleost. i_ttog? 1: JACtill ill"1"ION. Airw. .PA,. X TON has titrite (l III) in • Washington Street. in the three -Nip' block of imam*. Irbera a harp. assortment ,of JIATS. CAPS. BOOTS and 5110 ES, suitable for Fall tool Wilder hill ninny, be found on hand at fair lot: 'wires. ' 'l'lninkrot for papa fii‘irir, lie invlte(lifi. old calioaioera and many new one, to roll and lien din nem good.. iiiit‘f.:44lt • - (Liao anb aucenstuart. • .I.IIIS C. HUMUS& JOHN 31.F1.v35.gi. roliN C. HOPKIXS & (20., IMpoitj torn and Dealers in CIIINA. CLASS find OPEENS• WARE, No. 612 Math,: Slrect, Philadelphia. For further partieulan apply to S. H. Simi of K. Mani. ,-- beralintrir, Pvt. Nopr2.l.ly QUEENSWA_IIE.—E. D. REED has jilif returned frua the EOM, with a full line of Quetr and Glum Ware. which he In offering lowprielk the Family Grocery, corner of Main and ‘riishinithe ougt24 THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Rnrlny nt the Brewery or I'A I D ange4 r. wASII IMPORTA'N'T 0 FARMERS.—The cheapest and best "Thresherand Cleaneeis "Wheel. er & Melick's Improved Patent Railway Power and COM, bined THRESHER AND CLEA.NEIL" Tide machine is manufactured at the small advance of 10 per cent. over that of last year. The farmers, are readily adopting it everywhere. /t saves labor aniterpease, and does more and better work than any othestnaqine, .Priee of a two horse 30Q, of a three-horse . These prier, embrace everything complete. ''{Thy, machine has :avail, taxes that are greatly superior lb any other. One is that it elm be used entirely in the Mara door, and that the power can be eonveruently used for rutting fdder, shell. i ng ,rn. rutting straw. sawing. wood. &c. And it re. Taro s leig‘ power and fewer hands than ant. other. Pa L VIER' S EXCELSIOR STAIN - ISO tIORSE-PITCLIFOIIK:has many advantages over (al, ers, Bulling which are : ii is self-sustaining. requiring no attention until it; load is to be discharged. By the use of the pulleys furnished with the forks it will swing - (liiuo - tly eathe moo-, when it discharge; tts load by simply pul rtiaf the cord. It has a handle but IS inches lit length. Tins patent has been awarded the premium nt the New York State Fair, and al all the County Fairs, wherever exhibited. SMITH'S GREEN mnlysTAD: s•I4INOLE AM ITEM/LNG MACHINE, is a new undluabie iturrne mem in machine. for manufacturing Shingle and Heading, cutting oldirptoly, or otherwir.e. any desired thinners or length. tip to dl inciter. Thin Machine run be .et up aunt run by an Ordilifire Seater poster. , It will raw one thou. rand rilillrle 4 per ' hour. Mr. Hubert Bina, of Fayetteville, Franklinvounty, it the Sole Agent for Franklin and Adonis eountie, information deidred mape•ting any or all of these !tumid ta:ti ean be obtained by either Calling upon in person. or nil -I.llli...sing hint by letter. Per...in wislittigtriny of these 111, (11111 111 hill please !mike their orders soon. :es it requires some time to get them from the inanaftietnrer. Nl/111 1 11 ill be ordered but rlio , e that are soltL They will be furnished at manufacturer's rnees, transportation added. CliA3u4EttsßUl[G, 3lay 17, 1864. Robert I? Eeq.—Dear Sir: I hare thoroughly te.te,l the Tread-power in running all kinds of Machinery about the Bairn. and I have hail the most approved Lever-pow er- tried at my liars also, and 1 unhesautingly nvunualexid the Tread-power, 1 ran all my nmehinery—thresher and cleaner, cum/Owner, chepping.milk fodder-eutter, end circular saw, with a two-home Tread-power, mid the power i. ample. and two bon-e4 Call give the tame, if ant greater lower than four con n ith the lever-power. and the labor is no more severe on the hones. In short. I regent the Trend-power .is having every advantage over the Lever-power, and it Inn. 4 .tmni li mat er..tlly adlyied by homer, Very Itepet tfully Vow, &c., Apply to the tinder:4oll.d iu Greeonood, Fronklin Co. mavlB-1 to ROBERT BLACK. _ . (WOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR. MAN utortured by BATE , DAY, .Manstii Id, Ohio.—We are willing to guarantee that from tn., neres Of gnini Cone. a iillnielent 111M104 . 1 . of collo, of syrup eon Le produced to rover (0.4 of Muchinery. culoible of loads- Mg eighty gallon, of Syrup per day. which ot fifty cents per palm], will pay fin ro=t of Mill and Evaporator in four hem pill mneil for it Mit k arch with out the Fonowe m 10.. Wu, COOK, SWIM PS have been sohLat au a erage of sixty cents a•galloti, and none in nill7 . k 4. ni mind Catuillwill puttee from :Ito ZIO.I gallons of nip. So lt( S :ED.—We offer n superior Xrticle, ,eleeted by ourselves. Sprout the seed and roll in ptu.tec, Flout in drills four feet apart. mutt North to south. Light qui' and Southern exposure Preferred, although nut olsolutely nere,tary, as it n ill RTOO On Moto where many crop. IA ould be a failure. Cultivate ar for Corn. MIMI 2:50 ~t. 7:(X) t.)L C'ook'n Evnpomtor taken 1111. tint premium OVVr ail MEE ailiern at two United State,' Fair, and Os er thirty NMI. Faint. HUE! Clark Sorr. Machine Company. CANE 3111.1. and above SEED fur ante by Ny. G. REED, Agent. Chnintwrnburg, Pa. :„,V The Sarin. nd-Rule ...nit tree to any pernn an), ing Int it. ' natr J. AA MMONIATED PAC'IFIC G -- ITANO. . 4 1., A real piano, eontaining front -4.venty to eighty pee PHOSPHATE OP LIME. to whirl 11.14 been atlthiil. by ,at chemical prixiem, a large per eetaage tit actual Ammonia, lined that it Calmot rt alwlntr, tank• ing it equal. it 1.4 wtipericer to any otter Pamphlet, with rogues of Anitir.e. , by Dr, Jan'l,ott State 41....nyer. and Dr. Lieb , g, of finitititorP, ami tisainaminag front at WI% tlfiV gri , tlhlll,l, , tow value. rah 1 Ili iiiimitied from .1, 0, ' , but\ At.E.Nls, ittarvit ii Ic. s: Watt Sin , r. Nen TJELMBOLLYS GENUINE PREPARA- TioNs.--comDIUND FWD EXTIZAI T 111'- Cn I% It Po..invo and St, 1k Retrtndy Ib r Di,ank.n. = Thi4 31,11enie inereteu, the pm, er of Disce.ooo, atal exclte , the Ah.erbeht into henhhc uetle4. by mti,u h the 11 - xery or Caleaneett. depeAtiel, .nuel nii Untsxtiml Eu luritement, r.lttwd. m‘t ts 4 Yalu and Intlauuoatiou. ILEL31111)1,1)'S ES rizAe-r 1.'201•. SI 2 . 50 .1- 3, For Weakoc.,..,:lri.ing trout 11.0 , 11 N I.: I:1..11,1• tine Early or .1101-t• :irrefled ,vlth the t“I -lowinir srogltoto< Ito 1i.1.r jtiJn to k:certion Li,. or 3lrmory. Weak Nerve. Horror •of Dt.low, //m u,. of Ulf/venal La...itode of the Mu, War Ni.r,ro. H o t hand. Dry...—. of tiro ro,er ..f 1:3.11.3( 3:1 M. Breathlng.. • Trembhilz. Pain m Tit.. Rn , k Fine , lihtz t4(the thAly. Erituntoa the rat , P,,7= tenauee. if alio, to Aro tylklt It tlt%. tot 6440 lIIN ar;ably rem.. 4,, .toortioll.iu lbei.trur, k , noir, and .Epiirptk Pais in ma. elf m 114.11 (ll' Putt. IA nu, `l7l. ran ' , ay that ibor our not ftinnelittr .tolinme , 111")- th)vcf• ••llir)flt1 1)) , ....e." - iNsANIT AN i) tI•041: T ION." 31: r' ))), - )tre brthe ruti•i• d. the, •tillertmc, but moue u ill vonfe., The, 4i.- , 4,,ords oh the 111,111, AN . ). lulu., <lnd ...11.1androly Deo iir4 et!, 'on. imption. (4,1 1 14 4 Truth of th). ))•=,)-tioo. Thr Congftutirra mere affrrp d rrah Organic Jrrakor',.. requito the ludo! Aleiliome to mr,mrtiool and Int ivonite tho .ystem, 1,1,h II ELMIRA-US EXTRACT BI (11 I' rerarinpf tb, A Tritkl w 111 ronvir“ thf• 1111,4 FM( ALRS—P AI,ES—FE M A LEs. pgThriar to Frnzair+ THE EAT T it (Rana:dud by any ether _ in 1”.1,br.,.. e,r 1:et.ol• Ron. in - cclthirity, Poi:4lollA.:ur Suppr,Nion of (•,I„,n, to.iry Evuettation, I leerutod or Seirtitomt Ntute of the or lV zoorilit. anl ior all vino itainlina to The tank lion. Habit , of 1):•••31411i. , : l or in DECLINE ill eitANGE qt. MEE = J.oo 1.4 .72 .2.a 1 an , h,anycrutlx 1111 , 0”, IIF:I.3I Rom rs ExTRA("r ItITIM ANT) lMt'littV. ED It( IVASII CI ItEs p:E(•iET 1)1s1-: %NEN in all their etilizei.. Utile 11r hi.. image yea,. No i11,111,111i1.111 I. And 110 I. \1•0•1111.. it I 11T1•1 , a fr ,, ol.•lltAt , ..lre .1111!ZiN1• , 4 trelizt6 n. arireLie Nit Ch•tr , ieti.oie , and ( • aih,i: Mimi rtir, or tilg. t 1,411C1. atlas ///:r Pdw Arid innlll/1",/..11. fr.111..111 titt , est.. an 1 h.iet•.(l and tr,rnori, 111 , 011 Lrnt.an,k 1V164r the Vie,llll+ of 121:,11 L 4. 4111.1 aI, luut. , 1,1111 hai ry Jero 10 l,r curl II IU . ' , inn Its foriii(rti”.3 141Q . 0, the n..• of por,rful as , rorgrnt• Imo.t Jrt•d rip in thN rr:t , tn fl, in in ana 11:11.11.11's A1"11:11 MAI:B.I.W E. I.'• llehoheld. 111.1ri. 1111.11 u 52r .211 :al. 3111 j a the 112/N.11.1' I //11:AN.a. h/v , i/ler 1,/ , IIIIZ NIA.I; 1-1131.% 1.1.; IM11111 bates r er,ftlaitotir War., 11mtt, .1111011 - 1.(1V: p•epim. tin 1111 i sf a ExTi:%("r MIIE / lIFA Dirt:taw I'. /tore the g1e.11,11 elf.4•la all 11,0,1, far wlth 11 it i• of the 'heal reliablo /11.11 r."1,,i1,10 114111100 1 , 111 %41,.1911, to, 1/1,111.i11, PRICE ;.‘1 1.1:1:1141T'f I It I\ F(111. Deilcertql L. “ h y olreri ution- Irrrribe .. , yrnktnnres I a rill ( bl, a! „•a!, ....... I'1'ItF;It".Vt+\T;:1:1)• - Addl.t I.•tt.•r< for inform.,rion t.. it. )1.1.) 1(11 South "truth r4i.. ! n lott t'lnarnur . Philp. , lELMISOLIES 31,inui D e pt, `ELMISOLIYS ChmnienllVar,..bion... ISII0.111WAV: N. V. IIEIV•II; 4IF COUNTERFEITS NI) UNIT I CI PI.ErbEA LEns end," or to to) !by; artneh, en the repututioe ettainea L t • ;encl.'' , preiginitme, Beek, ' • "' fittpro% rel 11':•h. 111- , Ditt•Gt;v4.n. ES"ERVNVIIERE. .ISK Ft , HE L3l 110 L. 7 r 7'.11,'E NO OTJJF.N. oir out t . 1„1,.. rt i,,,, tl I) AC/ /IT / 3 """TIK AST) EXPOSeTZE. IMIEM ("E'l,Elllt.l'PE -- 1) 111 )Izs E ANL) (*Aril row 1,1;i: —Th,..,• 1'„,11.•, hal I. pro* tol„ after a trial Io to- unp4.ritor d. on prepa , ~ "ion of thoind in. 141. The , lii,:t,uperiont;, of there "r . "Yraut the foe, lit Ti,.', ~ . irtiJne•ea of I.avati%e. :Irk Purifying I,ni. pertoo,, 2‘1111,1....14.114 • radirit'• trout the otonniell vul i"le"ti"'' Ate Two,. Orgliglii 11/ tho to - ,tom Ti,, unlbe toottaittool,kroloon ""' /"4I tool la.,' the r. , 11111tliou for It healthy ."!" ....If ittipiott t. the nal strootol 1 1, ° p r o it, 111 0 1 yrt, e. the:ill/P.O IL 1111, !.aa«.t l ..' lu •- e'lu—tim+uuptvciugl:l, l lllll4,llllllol l , a lir:Pr :11111 :•111r11 of ti,. no,. Po, elt not trite:aka D• l'owiter 7 are, tt l l.T. to trier hllll the 1111,411111114 . 1 1 of aping fat a renilv to remote 1111..111.4a,af• I:1111 1,14 111". 1'411341 151111 ntrowtlitot tho stollowlt tool hap, tiow+. eiean,v tiled (tool otfoomi, o matter. rind bring them to a healthy .tate. aro a pro, enti,, , Fever. :1,1,1 a eerhiii, reindy iiiehlent ro thr llone. te, Wander+. Yellot Water. lit , ,ten,per. Fronitier. :Heave Sh".'runi.. h'e,d, in.- proit.• and. Vital Energ.l Pii,ll”r, if thr/q , 0,0 4,'. throngh r u e winter and I,ring. your liars, will get the LuttgVe,,.r. Matt.. .1 !lot titt-so of tlit,t• pot; do, the (' , ntglion :my W 1 .1.. 1/1, 11,/I , l ', to 11 , 141 II 11.11" 1110,•• 1 011,11.1,1 every - pear vf. of:inaar . Salit.thlo , 3111-31.1 E-"WS. — The Proportii, Mi.. I'oll cher 1114 . 11.1tH111: the quantity or Mill, in ixi,••• it 1111 ha pialithee toul sale, 10001,4.1dd pteee it in the kola. of every per , onise•-litur a I'on in fittterurig ('.ill?' it 1.•-•••-, them ,at appente, P. , ••••. 4 l'rmir hide, !Hal inliki••• th em thrive mut .0 61er. ( . .I'.ol, 1 'll , ers in thi• i.m,and Liver. A.. • • liy putting Intio holt ti leper PiiPtft fif thif`it• Pitf.suler. luirrel of ill, the :,110% e 4,1/1 bi• eat wl or entirely pro, muted. The "' l' o,o er- the .flog can be . 1 orev••tit•-•1. Pre- A Fl tl 'p,. A 1:11.11„ Wt.tnii••••n•r. )1•1„ Fu t - +ale nlio' ret.lii by Ktorekeepers ••••••ry• where. e f!• - • a paper or fit 4. vatn tfti for - ' I • 4 lol: TZ'ltrx - 11-1:1: is A SAFE AND i•.dy fur the cum of liluutnqilikiti Pain ful Al, , :".1% elfinkr, mat all ty. •••I lit,Utt old La, - -er te core ron•e‘il. Vl:Auto, '.." • • r ''' sts •••-titf. if firopo 'IV applied. .l'or - "":•• •1 11.0 t .11'. ".. Vig,M(l, II l• /Id/ / iillo .1. collar I bail. ' • r‘ wit et tq,V11,,,1 • • , -' s •-rfum. ii • •••- •• • • •• ittllft•te•it thlt• r nu ran he promptly tad Irlattl ,l 1." .1.r e l ,!, ) ,.:,: n „ r. ,, '( 1 1 ),1 1 ).?; \ i :lr M lit il F t : r( l:ll.llf ISO So good to tukr bud Cornutitul cure Frost Bites its this propar-- Winn. TrY t nd submit' VallnelVet Price '25 autti 50 .• a cent, per bottle- a. r . 4: A. TZ• & BRO., 14 estminster, Md. For tribe by Storekeepers everywhere. dee9-ly' W. W. PAXTON JOB PRINTING in every styledione nt • tb• Olen of thP Fru RFNIATTORI ) IBNIMI agricultural. =I Xtbiral. k Coal, 11-u , er, Su. GEO. A. DEITZ. TF CH. WDOWELL PEITZ ct 3I'DOW•ELL I=l HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH LOUR, IV 1111 A 1' , P. E , CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, ALL KINDS OF PRODI'DK IM2=ll S A I CUA L , f 4 rMßEtt, rr. C 31 1: N T PLASTER. AND SA NA,_ 4 - DEEM Cal E A P 1' OR CASH DIFTZ & ' D E r,* S WAREHOVSE AND C.OAL YARD, =EMI RAIL ROAD I) PO T I=l .itu.l7 LEONA 1Z D r'; BERT () cum. AND 1.1%1111E11 MERCHANTS - We lucre nn hand all lauds of Cant - and. Lumber. an. are prepared to titrniAl, IbII Lumber ri, order at ,lion nu :111 at the imet retiminahle tern,. Our r.teek of Linn ber eirmist, White Pine 2 Molt Plaid., • " li " t Plank. '' Plank. 1 , tavet inch.) er Worked Florin_, . • Sidinz. Job., rind Semithin.f, all Hemlock Joi-t Seantlimr. " Mara, Yellen' Pule 1101.11., Palling and Plmaeritic Lath, IVe ahem -.4 t;a halal 411 kind, of ( . 4.1 liar..:tove... and linie.lairnbar. Al., a ..ape ri,w artiell),of Una) for blnek4niitlo. The pnli lie are in, in.411.,0 glVt. VAIL 11. \SP tpse 4.lltl...f.terian to all that call. - Coal ,tl,4ll.llllllker furni4l.4l on ll+ rat , i" any :tattoo on alit Franklin Jlusilmad nit,r nn , e44/Ile/ "11. m the ear the Jai! Ch.ll - 111re , h , n.• 1;11 & IN. jalr:v.:-If. EU. EBERT & : 40N haveinst received a•wrtutent public t nn• in it.kl to call and IWI/.1 . 1 . 111,r1 .. 4111•intr :•••. 1014. re S.e. s nal i4t.. iu the rear of the ital LEO. 1:111:1LT ' tiquoro. 1 M P.. 0 e E WINES AND LIQU S. LAI'MAN. SALLADI: s eO.. • N, No. 12 NINTII , rItFI 1.. Igf:: , 4"rn ehrfhtut and Tritinar philaritlph,a Gr., M. Lll MAN. A. NI. SAIJ-ts4.. J. D. Ili rm.„ RIVESE t:AltuitAT A. CO. SUPERIOR COGNAC 13R.11 /I. YINTAi; OF ik.01,.....• : 0k41,v0h rn rr WAX' lt till Ill.:1 1 11i 11, ,or th. IqI4IRTED BY 1..\ (MN, SAL IA DE U 1{ 1 A J. 11 'tt• t 11. r r.Nr. SIik:RRY, CLARET AND 6ric %ND As.oICDIENT CIF FINE BRANDS 14 , elf AMP.\i4NI OsBoUNE I WoBTO. V1 , 1:1" }ISE AND DELICATE 0 L D P 0,12 T W E. Eml, l.,tth• woh yellow tt ac n :tit the t lie Fmn. ISPITTEI , DT LAF')fA\. S:II.7,AVE No. 12- , South Smut Strew. PAilmblphin, 0 E W H IsK 4 OLD WHEAT WARR NTE:I% OTs RTI 'CWHISKEY, FOUST . ISKEY, V E IZ RT • S W II I S E E TAFri.v,s = LAUMAN SALLAI)t.: 6: co 1-2. , ....mg, Ninth Strirr. Plthat OEM EtCCS, Vaiits anti TJinri. y . l)Eirs 'AN LIN CoI'N'E'Y R N 1.11,, E 111 E , I a.I tiliNA36. r GRAIT, I %N% 11}.1:1t1 PL t\ I-. rat .—Tlit• lartri-t n tot k to --ele• I Lem in th;• (I.llllty. lie Fiturr TREK and line that i• at all ton lie Inn the I I , llllllolle-I An.l:lr.l Fruit Tree. n. tlie•ritre.l unit 1110.4 4 114le;t• tl.llO or fereitru ii•A or ;triply of Fruit •Ir Hie., Cr, oil, Apple Tr. tine. -unit heavy ti luo , turni•hed n ith Hite limn , lung livaas. from thrive line reel from the enninil, itur oho i• In grout - ttw Led or pritinng...l"lll tnlnt utinz upin seieutitii our prink. tisin,..ire offereil 111 1.0111]..t, 11011 , 1 ail 1:,11.1N grout tt upe'll the old letuilotie •• +tent. .Iti invitsitien ho tire intert,teil in fruit vul ture., to • 4,111,10,11 wv tor theta,el,l,, .4- largo stoili of (11 . 1 . 01111011-i , 111.1 Ilvdllolg 10 iMpt.. 1,0 raqigly in Apia &nil 311i}'. En. 4.10.0 n (hr. , %NMI! , CII , OIOVIII . ggf Fruit tint! 0111:1111,11.11 .1/4 1,. 1111)E1:, Fruoklm Luuttun. l'ninkluk l'u EYSTONE NV IZS subscri v 1,.•r is propore.l to fiiron , h mu-1 artier , tn.unily to tn. found In good quality. and it ro•omniallin . 11. 0 eallina I.s all Iht. loadiaz kind. of - 1' TREES. *lam Dwarf ,al.l littladar4l Pear., 4 Strawla.rrie, Eapla•rrif, l'rarraat, ; , ...livrrie.. , • litavkl,..trit, eau lie farai.liml IL Co4lli a..4,lllplPltt of k: V E R I': It l:, l•: N it E i F. Evergrven tmd githrr Shrithlwry Shale Trot , . Rant for artidiN to 1.11 pati” ..f tho centnir. I.4thv Nur.ory itornoiliarrly egl joitp. the I o.f ihrn-Nirg. . liarristni rr rill 11:. 01'01ZTO I'E.- 2 =Thi, i t , Rot reetniartentled partimilarly aitle-ort frill. but malies an tic/ olittld. dart. oolor/41. rirll well 'notlied Wino. . old•tely ;fermato old.tamrl PORT WINE. tin -i one Itatyyperiettee.l Juda,..l.llllll,ltll 2 .llhilt between Altltongli It ntatintaidared t•tomt•it ely la lVe•••• torn'S l en l'ork, kite ittipply i. onettual Ti, the liPtiltthol. tit fr o th' id : . 1) to *id per *Won: fur Sole 1. 3 the rnli.. nbor, n II" lug been appointed Agent for it ttr the following prwo.t • ono to thrs.e yoat, old. 111 '.1,0 eh, owl) ro.) Ire duien. €.15 w por 190. ,I.II'OIS MI/Sif war Atone Narttery. Ilarritilittrg. 13EAlt TIiEES.----Standard null Dwarf lending and, In ' tr.f Nlll5lOOl. V 11 1 .11.• lie. Arnow, tl'lll vsto bo furoi-lo•t1 onno• "EXTRA • y l} 1.1X:TEIY"1•roto.. the I.morf totvolK fruit lool.Cood unull for imoovliate bearin. S Pri've for good trees. 51),t0 60 et.: eaell—Tatrn wel;•••1.41 7.1 rt. to 7?1 ed.. mate* lOr - er hy rum. .1. .VllBll. keystone Nitr‘erV. mt r T\T()lt \\*AY:MAPLE 'I . REES', from 8 to l 12 fret high mu] virorgem. A lnlndAeme Tref, resembling 111.• 31nple, Lint of minim eernrin arid rapid ~,,,,,,,, - I'rira 10:11,0 NIA; ;Kf :Ain fici7.6ri ; s2fht /0 per 1011. .JA('UR $llllll, I wrisburc. MEM 1 -- i 111FItItY rl'Ith:ES.—LA fine aiNsiirtinent Nj of tthoot Forty best vurio•tioA. tree,. it Intgn .iFt• and ;: , 11 ,. :4: 6 7 , 1 1 ;4, 50 els 75 eh t. eac ; /FA r . lldoi , '” S:ri per 100. .1. Keystone Nurt.ery Ilarri+lotrt. eIIEsTNI - r A no,/ Ai,s fin- planting.:el ventA vartt ; miv— (min tto 7 fowl-25 evtitt curl ; 54.1 per ilitzett i^let per 100. JACOB 311SII, fieyeltoto. Nor!,ery, II orri4turz. mar - nt pUROPEAN LINDEN—The Red-twig [red variety, not eatby,t to injury tic the Niro% For sate at Kev.lene Nursery, liarristamr, Pa. Tree. l 0 to 13 feet hitch ; 75 eents ',Jell; 67 p.r doz. mnrzi] • 4ACOIS 31 isH. VXCELSIOR ASH, a handsome, ora -13 mental Xhade Tree, of sore and rapid growth. Preen from 8 to 12 feet high. 4011110 cents each ; 23 30a6 per don.; ftk.4o per 100. JACOB Toaciti Ke,tenc Nor.ery flarriehorg, qe franklin- tityinitorv, QCh Varttuare (Eut I ttr . l) . , fie. ° COACH AND SA'IDLERT,. HARDWARE. The subticrittur respectfully informs s !Head., and the publie. that he eontinnei to 'carry oultl4 above .btv ins— it hia old stand. ou Maim Street. oplxrsiti..the German riormed Church, CHA3IIIERNBUTZGJ 'fusing enlarged Inisines, 4eufr makers will find in his Store Itoinn 01' goods girded to their serensl reql4erli Fair and C.tintrY iln g slinS l I .I'ntent Leathery ; Saddle' CORN/ Fan Plated. Tinned 41,4 Hair. Straining Web and Wo Web. lower than Cf.tud OATS MEE GERI DPW style:; Curtain Vraran..; 110, 1 ,111 11 - o , nntei, Swivel: and Orli, ' - , Iron 'Plated and '.,-, r ,(;;;., iin,—, i : 1 111. - CKLFS-11 - RASS, 811.VEll' .1;. I all Styli. nail Pal el-T - I , i; . Ivory nb.i NN . Rt. Stump Joint, .Ida N arii•t . ) ' . for tin. that}, Al.l. KINI n., (it' PL.VI ISI, I n.i• . doin• It Ith nentno, and devateh. . i - - - • / Fl‘isii 11'.11'1.1:1I. i w.l.ca - li. 1 _ 'll.lllA . r.l)tir.• Pa _ ARDAVA - ItE.- SIITH & IZI( IARI). ---1,:„,,,,,,,.:.. 11 ' N ' ( - IN. till 3trtrArt Sinrt: - P111111• & 11 - do;,:.. .1. FICE:11. sMIIII. [ CH t•••. 111; it ‘1,1 , ..n \•.. 'll, ,;;;;ler.ig - 1101 110 1 1111. re•Tel•11;ally ; all the ..fn Wt.,. of ('i n - YritY 31ERcii.1Yrsib,j),,ir I tttt .r. , .0,11 , • ttil pleeted Ntt....ti 0f li.1,1[1) \V .11S I:. t 1 ' 11., lug ~.:,, y 1,, , ,nal arranat-net I.:for tit,. FP?! 7 rr:lr, Iv, that, inarvive, ~ e , all .11, rjit., ce nn.ent- 0, parch t•- er , that 0 ti 111,11• realtin,•raie the ri,•11,10 ~t ex:yaw:olf our n 0 0 ,1,. 11 .. :(4. bat a tr..a,!tro 'WA 7 , 10. Ow C.,, atrp Trarte th , t m.• are prepared, to 0,111. f, ,,• .ma a .,,,,,,,,1 a t,. O ur a,.•l, Ta of LI , and Por'ret C..q. r, iO. ~1:0•0,11y large. 0,•!et•tr01 wit], anne roil treljt; 1 , ,r •, , t ,,, ..1y .Pf.lyi , - th..; ....,:,,i huo ...tit „pjl_t_•o,•;.. i 1 • We IlaN 1. 1,11,,1t1y 'it( kWh • LirLe• :1 , ...,11.1 , 17 , 41 lilt.olllttr 1 1Vrth1...,. - ' . i . . : T..c01.. t'rulerv, • 1 1 rile- '1,0,1 ; 11••,•••.. ; . . • ' ;Md. ( . 11‘•••.1. • ; ."0,1.11+•1 , tal l . ' ••••41;• , ..111;,;•!••• • TOOlO. I Svren -. and Na 11,•% ,•% el . !iilit,; in .1041 pinta ninlo , a ft., ria— Harlin I.r , store. , 1 l'urti,,Lty “Itootion t i , 'tit i" I,'“ontry ...AP) 4 It .1.. our itin. 0, •••, , , , ,tro the ( ~ ,101, 1 ,.., ~r ~,,, 1.11 , 101111 a• MA: LT , / ;11,. 1.:/11. ,1,. i.n. particular in I.llirrn• ~n 1 ~, -10 ...,..,‘ 8 , the he.; and .0 , , heap 1,0 tlnatzlt the cit•lrtero .4 ore llyin,.; •11, potran. (tit ~ Irl* a trial. • 141 , 14:1•1 N; 1 •••.—.t. K. ,10ry.,,,,, 1•10 L . A 11, .11,trtttmtf, IS. ]alto, tttot l'h.aol“,-Inttrtztt _ 8 )Irri 1 o' Ttll'll.l NI >SON: tut7 0 ,71-tf. 011 illirttet St.: 1.`1,1.1,1,11,111, , LTA RD \s- ARE AND crTLER) _ W. W. rsupu•r ENI;1.1i1 1;1:1:.41.%N, II A R 1) AV A 1:,. I'l•rtn rj. • /plrn. • no., ...I;\l.t. .1 I r ••:1 • 1 .1A1Z1)\',...110: if L e fit 101 Lao:\ 110 . ... ftn-ra,..r i••• ,no 11.0.. a pr. try 101'0 , .• pr, 0 1, 4 41 In a n 4n , • :11"4".!1• gnarl itrticle ••••p11.4., 4 )1% 111 . II , _i gutlti (it :\ „; ,p.rn,r i t I, EN•suiscaor....eff Oburattonal. (it ".\ NEit cITY 0 R ,I.E E 1 1 / 4 . N. "mor Teigll . l..CClt.-:'11.11 411.11th1, rAllt,ll.\ NE: 4 A. M.. I r thf. rr1 , 1 , 11,11 MAI • 1:11•1,- .1.1.(ti..:, of Itry.tm `4,,,ttL/I".l..alltiervi.e A 3:01n:1. 111".41:1:-••; Colli111.1r.d.•11 .1 Ile." •y-te:ik e31,11 - gkli.n.•tit 'l4 , othlt.tt. ): , 1,!or, 4E Cjill.! ti I .I, l orem ,Intle.mtuintsrr c., itn.l ri.z.C...1 - 11:chk 1.• -it • "ht. ,trz,lettr ail Ow mul 4111311: , ,, lum th... , ii j i.11,4 ar:11" • at bruin.... 1 he I g10r , ,, 41 11 e.trurt1..:11 , 111 , • 1 K.Vri Cornuh-reinl!'ali.,,,iliAl,,, rft rt, 1111 1111$, 01l Owr,./,,,,1fit Ilk dude. n untuut,pinu iu 0,..1.”ve ‘l,ll, rntd 1:1 :Li • Irl.LI .16111 111 I'll thi;r HI slrl/11:11.11 ' A'iti I:. :hp 6,, dip..n:n 1,4 ,, ,11" 'lntl 11 . '1,11 I tr. .1”1”:111g n,.rr Cohn 1111)111 . ,, io.k.v.e. 3.11 t - fact bring. .111,11,g : , ,arn l netl ha , nil 7 1 11!.-,•th (l y et nr C0 n 1,,,, .n 4 r and T,ll,- in on , firn4 in 11,1 ,. /1 01 . ,1111 . 11 ureviiqz. howl, ii • il.: ,• ;;i1; 1 I. pot 1 ,, ,he t...;. 16111!II=111=1 not 1,4- , , ,, m1 1 , 3' ap3 orL, r Comm:, ia! tin : , t4ite. It i,l ,11,11:1:•M at .111 :nay Imtitla;tat in .11 , ` , Iale malaviol 1111:0 (11111 1110.1111 ,- 4 (1•0111140.. mmr , t• :1. :iml 'may 110 1.1011(1'01011 it, a' , :al; ,m•-11.:11 1:111 mine mat,ilg . 9.01:1 :it nalmr mm , ,... t mm: In an manyly,. :tad :ale:pram Of (1111 111 0 pro: liaal 1)1p1,411.1 , (11,:tillvd upon "m•, , , 1110,:tiOn ' lf ',1”1,7e, 31 , r,a r. l ;rn;rie"ar . lor (4-ItEAs()N ACIDEM Y.—'l;EN I. J. - 31 :•••11 —Tho ,af Ih. tn of 1.711 ot r. Tun , •Il .kg I:11 t' t v.o, br. - Itt 11.. 4 tni»illc 4 n , ‘l.4tt Tit :tuol nrwi»nrl.•. of'li , lila . ). sill hi.• 1.81.1 Ti, tht In,Nt p.offl Elli;ll . 4t it ill h. II:It [Ti tl. -- t/... ovr» - »i.•»tl ntli.l lull 111111 T,111.111 arriltlletit, on s l , l ll cotit:rate. rU ‘ , .11 , 1!:Irtil lllit, the Prmk ;pal at Crrea,a l ,l . (• l o r ettmay. Pa. SIIIITENS11 1 1714; IEI-k1,1.: A(;ADE k M V.—NeNc St.4.4ta votnnomeo, Monday Sept. :All. Pupil% inntrneted in all the lawher branches !avail! in Sommarie,g. ,tall VIM al and instron&ptal 11111•4. A limited ntunber nt p u pil, trill he baartied In the f,iiiiily of the prtntral. 1...6 . I',•r m. 1 t ,,,,,,,.- a:mi.:liter+ to eiliii-iiii • trill lint! in till. linainition I S t•ry .RllOlll4O they iliiire. l'./or phrti, nhLr) ; .,1,, ,r, ,0.,, ~,1.1r0., - .. . . 111L2t , 111 rp I 1 E 'l'lll IiTEENI'II - SESSIO..\ OF' .11 „ 1 .,,,g 3fohlintt. the 5'4 J Selitemhee. .r 7 r. 1,. \\ II \ Priu. No tutrg. Pit., .kuw. 1 . 3115i8n ;.; ',tiotinty algritrics. • , J N DMER .\IItIV ..N1) N.\ VN" .1( LENCY. NO. 6 2114 Soot ItTiturth St (et I'ltilarltl '1 hr hathlz, Tr.iztko,l hly ot.o..or to the t Artily:ha+ o0q:11,1 :it No. •.:(1; north th g:,roet, PIM PHI slf arid for the .441.4 601 114 l /ft. .nol all other ('l.-1131.e a ^rhnt rife (;,, 0,11111014. My tots nwriet, a:i, co to. ItoniNuttt I.:ell:tit, fur thorooenly acquanktosl I,i;tl ib,' b0.i0..3, tter.ok :4:llt.tofittl'of t,l via:maul, 1 l',111101,1:1rd TIII. 5 t.“nry pai3Or+ 1'10,101.1111d111111/11 n is en to The 1'40 , 0-1 dt,Wll.lllllollll.' 1,1100 IF•:i II di In. fur 4,11.11,112 . ...a1l 0%. r 11,1,1 aniloito, null rimierndsen n arnolvelnent. Ice. Pg.n.ioti 5 In limo. • .14,11 N M. I'll)11:1e0Y,' 01,117 t4-(t No. .1)1 t,otith Pourth'M. PE \SION, it ' ,o Ni' IT AND 11'.111. JL Cl..klM impel's:lll for •olilier. of OW iirt,•tit umr wlto:an• ilicablvd by rew-on of iv naulx 111 . 111,,11ke ‘1114.• w The ,d`trler of tiee flared Station: and l'on.iotot E•IV/0 Bounty, and _krrvarx ..1 Pay tattaitaqi tar It tunics Id (hone 1,110 hat.' lied or 111.011 killed II Idle is 4,[1 . 11'f.. JOHN n. OUR. umr9-ly Claim .1g rot, ellitutbi•mburjr. I Inrri•lni;e. (j .11)11LE 111! S A 1)1)1, 1.: lt !!-- ) JERE:MAI-I to`0,11:1{ renpeoltilly ro , t urns hi, to bin patrot, for the liberal etleattragi , ineat r.a•ed vnd them liefetoKsre. and lie wtaild invite thein and the earattatility ANtleTlitiy, it 110 may need any thing in bin thus, to give hint 11 call at his new tot List Quern street. pear the I•*n/Jin Ittillrood. 1 'll,nribt , rnbare he keep , etanountly lull h:11111 tuyery turiety ufsAi)l,l,E. ANI) 11.11{S I EA 9 of hie tau] tuanufiwniro.sitol he Is prepared to e.eq , the:: .411110 on term+ that defy ealareti• tine. Every nrtWlt• teenot for ,ale in Avarrented tt, Mutar of the hest tnawriol and by vottipetpat wor k man, II belt t i in he fatty deutongraled on an exittiditatifitt ?her, UME r. . .1 "rll( 7 Nlig A :ill VA lASEN —no would nl., mil - the att..tit ion of peoogoi ivantinif of good flint ..n't elm , P and pilli.tootod Trool, or Voliso to bin igcgortm mit. jilonl7.q3. 'RUNT F:OliGhT GORDON'S plate of Intninevt one door tioutb of lir. 3. L. Siiirmorotf, henna are Cit4f, al' Ito lion GIL GORDON is stilLon 31ain Street. • one door ifiouth. of tiormierritt's ready to fill ull ortleri In Ins tine of louiffeo. jattg-24. r 1 0 To GORDON awl 14P[ if he r'an't yiot to nntrethinir in hiq mbroburg,, pa:' lets and Coach *mend us%ortmert ,110;11i re" and Girthiug. vnintm , tl C . , GIME Motel!, Tintiegli4ul coar.l Haw I ;11. , Fro.a.;;; .I.IPASSED. ootiv, 'I'H }: }n Ixl:Ns =MEE 311 , `T 11..1 N Prin4.ll.lll. L'a! , - .*ittblrrt)' club jilarnesso ' . O l • VaatOto anb 3ci?atit 1 jv FOIiSYTH:& CO..- 42 and 44 .`;As- SAE STREET, NEW YORK. (adjoining' the Pioa. • ( Alice.) Wen for !ale the !orlon-Ina' lanzalfiernt It it lit . - WATCHES. CHAINS, JEWELRY. &.e.. at .i...31X1,01.)0! . fed Art;Ple One ntglar. ond>tot to for until you Antrr rrhat !in" Err. ' WO Gold and Silver Watel o , 00 to $1(16 each ' E.,adiei Gold Wangle, t all each 500 Una.: and Gent,' :silver do., 15 caeh., 5.100) Ladle:: Gold Pencil-. 4.C11 to ti e . ttch 5.000 Gold-hand Bracelet+. 100 to 111 each 1n 00) Locket:. Chains and .. :.50 to 1 each 5.1kk.1 Cameo, Slik.oic and Jet BrOoelics 4 00 to ii each 5,000 Cord and Florentine rinr 'Drop: 4 00-to tt 10 MO limit; Rrr.ir, Pin.'f.! ti! enelt' 15 0-10 Sleeve Ratton , ‘ 110-na Stud.: /to 5 illicit, 11l 000. W. Laili. Jewelry— ..... 5 14) to (XX/ Lava and Florentine :set , ' 4 )to ti.'eacli -10.000 Gold I'e+. Silver nitti. 11 . 5ilderN 4 f Otto 5 each SMO Gold I . 4 , tis with 'Silver Hotel, out Pent it.: 4' Otto 1; each The hi this i•ttilik of Jewelry are} ti the heiti.t and infra fs.-liiinablei.tylcs. ('eratiatesti,:',ol the Smiietie article: arc put envelope: tOINA.4I 111 . 1. giV. 111,T I a fair t <cut by mail. forte) runty eselt mid ittl rove)) tof tae eertifiCate. it io yOir optwu to t... 1,11. (ISt. Like the artivie !mined in it Certificittee lin'eleven tor Z• 2: thiZv tor i,•'; , ;i; ,tity, for 810; one hundred for Cortilieitti , n;ottev > with order, Corre , Towlenec W.S.NIFI. in , ere town and r %railcar.; Send for a e iri . 1 / 2 .ildreii W. l'OllSY'tll. 6: CO.. S- 44 Sew £++libicai. S 1: A S BA! s , w RIO', • , %\!. mo-r %nix 10:311-11;11', C'.1,0!: - . O.M+ l'ooPzl/. 114,1•1,i11.; . • tityof T;, art t'r.,11:,:5515] ‘, Ttlt: iAT. .V 1 . . ry 1.1 . !,11,, r.vl:\ •('ONSI").LPTI 41N NV ;,•1'.1.1; (IF AV N.) ~.1,7, • •11I CVO "r ti.,ir it 1- tumor ref Virtl!.... '. lt.li• it. flt:l 4 l . .llttl' fite11:011/0111,1 VI.II i 0 0! . • , 1 I 4 11.0.• 11,•,1 1.,. !err, `r, .1 1.1-• 111 ' 1, • uL iil s• that fla.: 17., 11.:1, ~, A ,P. f;111 , 1 , 51. n • I .I..ornii 7 7 1.0 7'. - y• 17 1, :I•1 , 0 ',I tit •[ll,lr • r• Wist`ll:, - , 1 .... 1 t to Jr. niti rry. to.t.lgniN)l•Sn ,oltilt {O . I.tllllt od 11:.• rul. • to .Cl /tll 04.1, itt 7itt. PoltoA, try 1 . ..twlditit 71.nin• it will Inc, it-oil .1..b...;7 rotnotly 10 ally ot nn.tad to. ....Won Ono j 01.1..• .t•ln lA, ti , lotllll - roll 1 , ,.• {l.O of Ital.a, .1111 m0w..., )tams tun, The zo:Itlio t• 1)r. Mik.‘,3,of chpm . p,,p,11,115x- Ny. rowlo C.r. .11.4 {tan 111.•ir 141111,...t sl r,t - rr, • ..., .1.. r •..“ tt, i I.t: ly•• dr"- 0:-. , 1. }Gild ”.•/r: . atilt !T! (oli'lv, r 1 ' A.111... I , I.• !..1 - •• 11 nib 11...11 , 1t1ia . N - 0:111 044. r• oledy of MI.. - A.. flarenli tl ' y I . . rINIM tolio ,1110411 . 1 .1t T.l',•/1 I'll • - I ',IN, •••• .• •• • t: .1444•10,1 ~::• ..1 i•r• • • • •,,,t , hot t•• 111•1• - •• •41••01 4/•••••, ,1•••• z ife,••r•ll '1 O. 0•••••.1.1 •weli ";,00 rr ti• 0 , .r • NO:. ;i r e o. • L 111 rt rLL rLr ,vmpl . •• 1 , 1. --V ' I..1:1 J. [ 4 , DIN,311)il1;. No. 4 I f. 1..,,t \.q N.Y, s. W.,4 i tV, 1.4: & Co. Prio, r, ,4,... 41,4,,f. 41141 1/, ail 1invz:•,...: ,,, . , 0..t1 . .2:1;t•1.,..1y •%.• ( . 'E . S . 1.,_ 1 i). N s ! C i' Q E E s - I-1 0 N :. , • , I , . ! - ‘-. - li I . E. S l l 4) N ",...'. -, 1 ' Ql' E :-.Tio.f:-••'.. , i 1 ' --..-oi.mr ('((N. l\ EHRY yNI.: ro, `..1:1W4:11. _\n , ~11 h.,iil • 1 ,•1.4.•-•.i , goer 41.411 1 14i111/10 , 11.-. :t :1•11-11,1, 1., ~,..11.1" • . ', 1.4 , :0•41:,, , Ch.“..tt...,..1 47. wo , l. 1 , 4 1.1., • . :•t yoti tronlll,,l tv,:lii 11, litr.',•:. lountilur •t•tititl'on with. . . . . 'V0::...i1 fr010.'1,1,0111f.01.1r01l 0 .1.. 1141 irtl:ii:f . ll,Vitii IV idfr i. e.ith-41 •0r.11.011 or ~,if ,111,1" the and 1 , 1.4 er I!. ,t:y.at L.ul CAP had t it•TylOaad Fev,•r and ItNt .1 pdt Lad tit, (Dada rat bt!' it •y ya,r,lNar I,y nay Iton vu 14.5 . r • 1) toll hair U+} oit acre zray wi.li pow 1) prli .4, I)" oti ;I,in Ih. roil I%.hkz tt h.r %.00r-t.ll 1:.1116.r for , l , t1.1". 4,r frHil • ;IC to 11..0,.1 l , rv.• III! for your toilo I 10 yoll t‘,lllt .1 .111a•!r• Itanzt Do you wala a tio.a,`” II" pot sva.itt k h. 3 ,,, 1 AI :int Per • - • , 11 for Ilre:•qinv, glum color. a:ta rvntirrltr. =I EGIIIEMIII! ci„utr: s • . DISTI LLED REsToiZATIVy 7'f alt THE H.\ 11:, To be I", 11 ,r!ly rior n, anti P rr p,,,:iong er , (llmpounded owl ger,/ m the prlphr. S.tii.l.l, no') ztiarani..ol.4o ffir Int , lley r , l , llltb`d. . . but •=I f,,,tr7• Ifr :int! i. XO,l bl MEM .11.0 a., it, everi% oilriotor U tt:S 1. C l't , . 1".. E r 1) N s. 12 l' Ss lA'iz A Ll' E 1[4..:R0b1 Son, ! I:RT7 s RUSSIA .sAI,VI; • ,lALVE ltriti•e* JZP.I)I.INWN LVE 1 I , ,e,:imll'ailt•en. sm,x); cm, s:6!l:l‘,.ltlv unit Ery.rD•Ett In:1)11ING I.VE • Can, ('erne, J.rt. dot NO FAMILY sllnl LI) m: WITHOUT IT. ' Th.y. P. DINS3I(INE: 49111[o:1,N:iv N. V. , • , )W o & No TN.ll.llt. liostoo, And OrtlE9z,t , 09,1 Coms•ry •t0 , .1..91,9C. • • •._ . . - T svorr.GENTLENIEN'zi FUR .) . MANUFACTORY, • N. ?id I loe•not St . !who, Contm Phil :l.l,lpm. rum, Oar 1.1 t:, 116011 IliVol, to 01'01'04 Shirt, A, t,r qu onnti,ii. P 0..., .1 ~ .liOnneo earl bolo, tho t..ll,ming- Shirt intuit - ' 1 Itt-4 Under the .l run.. • M - :64. 1.-engilt of Arlo. (brot/ froni ....nit, it 14.1ek {4l nada te of Lowth 44' lio,oni :It Side, :shirt. • 110 . 11.4 y, C. ) ,. 'A1.,1311 - 1?N . & CO.'S. 'Wholesale Y iti:Ally•Nc.‘. DE LINEN DRE, S s .1t .1 XVI crc,ny,s and 7 ~Vart, i :42,rh ~errf'. .4'141.14114in Silk, Merino anti Cotton ruder Shirtt.. ('meat , , Searfi. Glove 4. Shin.. ;nal Sto4 , ks zolOir to orator by no•it•or. , no.nt unit won:anted ni givosatkrat•tion. - Medea way 11,• I,.tt v.llll ••,. S `411101)CtC, ch,ndb ers . Air ESTON & ni?( 1 , .. 1 / 4 {1,, , ,titt,, No ~ , 0 0 ..irrA 'Starr. Pliiithh4phhi. Irtjy t n e /1 a littoral claar,of patron:ire from i'.ll:on hor.horiz unit viciu;t3, ter ;.re oncoortorki io act, for intre+. The ext.Olon I. of onr•Lrod, ; 0 ..1 min wotk, lint tho . eat. , We hit, to !zit Ortlire tiro amttßeiont-11:11.11to too that wt. llttpt• row reputation. too 11.1:1-1y.• 11138TIrN MOTHER.. .1 8t; 4.. .E X T It If .N A T S ' "13 ..onblisheti in N. Y. City." • Ily iutidlil lr u•n n vtieß kih4n." Free crivw thotgenno to the Mcmtin Family.. • 'not, come out of their hole.r '. , 4 7. ' S o ld by oil Drugl.ri+ts everywhere. , 1 - V^ ' !!1 'Bennie I!! or nil Avorthles4 imitation. F_ - '. ''Co4tarr's" Depot. No 4Ftt.lllnuolot,3-, Se York, Sold, I,y all WI olegah• and ltetsil Dniggb,tA in ml,erthtiril r'n. • imar9tPlu • I4utiticati6ns. rANHOoD: HOW, LOST, iIOW IIE STOI2ED.—Just inLbliNhed. n new edition of DIL (1.-LVtI:IOELL'S I,ELEIIR.ITED ESsAT an the r nthrd rrn,(witlront ozotiie:ne of Sprrntatnrriurn or +mi. IVenkneir.. Invotnntary Seminal Las:Ts. bnparritcy. and Physient Invediruent4 to 3lttr eniaptlop. Epilepesr, and Fite, incltt,Nl by a•lf-indul~rrtrn or ~ ,xual eNtravaramvp, Priee. la a 81141 etive/ope. The eelebrated author in ti olemcic , rmtc , from it thirty r the alartninc: c.m.,c,inencer. of etireti without the clattgeroti the npplicativis of the knife— at Warecertain and et err qufrovr. ne matter id mire himself ebe,dply, privar. :hould be in et ert n2lll in the land. wort a~der ,al. in a plain envelope, to :my addre,s, poe.p4id. uu rkt.eipt iii sis reun. Qr taro 1 , 0 , 1 stamp,. Ad Ilse 4111111:Sit( t CHAS. S. I% ss CO, 1'27 BFlWery, New r,,rk. offire box taziel3 54-Iy. T ,ETTERS OF ADVICE FOR LADIES AYATOMICAL ENGRAVINGs. 1(34 infrmlt!ou n.•r•er S,9lt .4,1641 vuvv....po I.m TV?: rent'. 'rtitdres , DR. STANFORD. 11., No.; 4.6.'"4 Nelr York I'. 0. LII".PLE JOKER. A 1601! .parldiltz RV, journal eV,I7 little 1.) and girl (lAA older 011,. t4hp) 4lttetl)ll,ll}.l.lThe fsYr. It Utth imereqing: :ma trill giVf. fartio., fir .111 Uhl. Are nit very 'hunt to pled....e. Term, '25 PpilT, a yea, Address • k'OUSIN LIZZIE.' No. •IS Aun St. New York. runr.2.'e:llll. ,forlvarbing 'pousro. 1 01 7- A I N 4 41 1 1( 3 - I.} .\ :ltC l7: l 4 l..t\r Al), -Nollll :wriontt Stre,t. ipp..ito, Cattiberthitd r,;trg: ISM - t',ir. , r:to ro!.:111.trly Irmo I . llll.lilelphinf and Balti- Alit:NT:R.—Peat ;Sell &:lHinettman. No. 31ar kot Rt. I`ltthaelplila. Lelei, It: Ev..etind Ntitt COAL tdi. , l 11 'in; /lie n :Intl Pine llrnve FLIT' NiiltV l'A nt! (.I.AII, vi,t,thntly 11:1I1 4 1. 4.1,-1 I " 'Pi CI: :al 1 ,..1:kl• j,t at the ea-11 1,41 10. /An A X (4 I'4 ;!,[ \-I,,titan v.,u0v.11;4•; r r. 11-4 er'totltt re..pertfolly itifort t the poltile. loo; They ore wevq,4l r,) 41ip 411 kilo!. of Produee Mer ban,b, ti.qi.ervit it It New tptit4, I),teltier4•4l orenteq 0.111 r' flail ropeert.:ny if v•i: •44 04is acts .1r1,11 4 :4•1411 , 11t: ) . 14r t•ll:11 4 r 1,11,1111 , 1 ,0 11 4,1 fiEt rz. A 31.4)0 Nr LIA. -Iceot.. , • l'ilootber•lmslooL ;), 111,1Stle. .l.'t - ent ZELLER. FEMITZIA . I L stir:. co. pßina cp. AND mtovisto:c WH0LE...:.1 LI: unocEß. , , lurlL-I\l •t s.trrtter nl Si[7l. ts.d 11071,4 StrPi.t4 Marl 41P11,1113. noir. ' 1 1 i ANK NOTE L. I? E 1:•N A ti T L E, 1' A . 111,411,,f' Ili :1311101t,.., to the irrAvel l ti..o this Mired 'b., 'We{ r, tun/idled. The Sr.' inr 2 ..• mot eoirdi,rtilliie. rind are sell . D.ll trio Filrlllllol, Per,Ort , .. StOpping , ut 101 l e either 1/ 7 rilile ur Sm 1?1,41!j,i, .I,6th Pi, in them. -The TAHLF. is always stip.. o in ;h.• it rites and trio HAI; filled , it!, tile r est Liiittors. •• 110 ire .tison tow t.( and a pair of HAI - aria •11 5V.`.1.1:5 0,an..0.il sill, the 11.1.23, for the nr id Drovers :Lint Pottellers. ;no sTAiii.E will ,oway• be pros bled with good, AN in:v.-onto Provender for rtintli. anti ritteinderl by ,iittrefrd I im.el-11111 . )11N H. A D.V.ll$. Proprietor. =ME II) I-I. lIISON ' .; ha, 14`,111111. the Proprietor of the uxrrim STATES o'nr the IZailrodd Depot at 11.11HUSBUH.O. Thi,. ',option oladeonithodions Hotel been Denis rentied and throughout its ',Hors and elanabers, k os i i. H)n ready for tile reception of znest.,. panilie trill lied the United States Hotel 'the • loost eonve•dent, in all 'particulars of any Hotel in the MOT , CePITIII. Olt a . veoitid of its acct....tit the railroad. beinc iintoodiaity between the inn ;.great depots in this rite - ' I . llarrishanz. inns 17. MM. /[IIIE BAB. OF THE :NIONTGUNIERY HorsF, u fl he tii-itpwweil an Seturday next, tht trth -t.rtr., ow the cite Q the old lintel. It will be ••tocked with Tii•tii, , innt the toot wi t; b e voedily imade toMeat, ..el,l , iONIERY. itliortllancauo. r. 1) .1 L • --. • • • - . * - • 71: - RI • NKLE'S BITTER WINE OF IRON, A pore and Powerful Took. C6rneetive and Altera th P. of wonderful valency ill diseases of the r:TcymAeli LIVER ond BOWELS. Cure. Dyspepsia. ' Liver Contpiaim, , , Tlearl,who, I limend Do. tatty ott.nys.s. D'.pre:- •in of In termittent Fever. Aridity of ther,tonl. melt Name,. Dispist for Fool, Culla,. or Weight in rho Stonatelt, Sinkinz or Flottorine- at Um Pitt of the Stomaoh, Swimming of ilto Head. Ilitlionit Breathing% Yellow .Ilead, Pain in the Ride. Itoek, Chest, and. Liu :12 vult , o . ery vas.. of Chronio or Nor -v., Debility, Inseam, of the Rid• goy • and thsertscs- arising from 0. dlsoulor . d Btomavh. ilood tor Mule • retnale. ill e.r 'Young, 'rho most bentorieiol modiyino known ; gives better sat!a• loot ton auul mire. more discos, than airy eth ' • • er preparation olTored to the mthlie. This truly's alnahlo Tonle ha. 100',, no thoroughly tested by oil rin..ei of the vomattunty, that it to now dremedln. disuereoble to, 311411A111., 11 eOSIA but lane, gives 10,11 to 'IV' •totnaoh. renovates the ,systent and prolones 'lde. W. , II ItV 0111 y a...k a trial ofthis ‘alnable Tani.'. • 4IF 0 t il - NTEI2I , EIT rro - varerl owl sold nholkale and rot all )13 - S, A..N.1 7 5• EEL kllB 3larket Ilarrislatur. -- For 'o'l Lv Orllkrarists mud Dealers evetywhore.. na t lir an. MAN OF A THOUSAND.—A ITUET.—DR. 11, JA3tEK. a Reared Pima:lan 01, great enduenee. di•Covetoth while in the must. a certain cure for Cotistunption. Asthma. Runwhi• ta. Cenths Colds and General Debility., The remedy wasalincovered by him whim his only Mind, n daughter. was gh ingn n r , to die. His child tins mired. and in now olive t end a ell. De'sirous of benefiting his fellow mortals, he nitt , end to' tho.l. irbo n 1.11 it the revile.. containing fall directionn for making and stens...ollly using, thin remedy. free On receipt of their MUM, with two •danaps . to par expen , a. There in not a single case_of Consumption flint a due, not at once takd hold of and dic.ipute. 'Night sweats, Peet ishnev, irritation of the nerves. failure of memory, difficult expectonainu, Ancp-pains in the sure throat, chitty sensationn, nausea at the stomach. inac, lion of the boweln. wastintraway of the muscles, writer will please lqatc the name of the paper they 44'11 this advertisement in. Achim., CR.tI)IIOCK st CO.: mar'-.3" North `2d St„, Philadelphia. Pa. 4 - - REAIOVAL.—Frorn 453 Market Street I TO the byre IRON IWILDESII 513 Market and. 510 I'olllllloll.o Street,.. Philadelphia. .flare. Goode than ant, Mune in the Erni tee. A. 11. PIIANGISCIVT 313 Market and 510 Commerce .s'erret.e. Philadelphia, keeps ilu , Largv:t Shah in the Vpit.4l Suites or, , ilaeken. Enema, Tab:, Chan, - BO , ION. Itrashca Mats. .Ileaanroa, Cinck*. Looking.(ila.....e, ()it (Anti, and Carpet`'., Wilaloa Maul, anti raper, Bird (''.Rea, Japan Ware and Man—Cotton Batting. Wadding. • ".I'winP. R^Pel in C'mle , add Uuaenn i..!ortan Cotton and Limn Carlle't Ilan pries. 8111 averacr Loa er titan any taller Ilnum , 'ln tito pity. Call and for your.olvt-A. I'm. furll, r partieulasi apply lo S. S. SHRYOCK Cllamhershupg. 24epf."3 • 11. Inmutt. J. 0. EXISICII. f 1 EN'I'lZ E - WOOLEN FACTORY.—The N„ . „4 4uls.oribers ro 4 peetfully inform their friend. , and the toddle itenorally. that tiwy horn eto oe,l the above maned l'oetory 01, mile north-West of . Chtutibersborg., (host known ns I tot.t . s I'llool . o fir a torn, of years whore they intend to Inacittfitotill, Cloth, Satilnet. Hlnkets, Flaasiej, Rod l'arpotuar folio Thefiefseo of yarn. Country Carding nod rolling' attoothst Co. Idoe. and faney don To oitier. Thttintt added n manhor of nen• nta• Chin. their Fnrtor they Oro now pretend to do work in the host style and hope to In able to render goo t ,o ~,t. i4notion to 1111 who mot 11l or a. Walk their eantons. )(IL 1 , 11 at the 01140 of S, Cr Elder and It F,1 . 111. to o). l'horttas .Ins.! Ft. seott, in Bridiroport, and nt the notice of 11. F. 011,1014. I n I'mnkloi St., Cluunbersburg • ill lo• vaned for every two weeks and returned when fin ished. ljunel:i 11. EM 11 ICH it SON. M114:111 1,51V.V. WM. U. MONG F R E & 31 o N G GENERAL UNDERTAKERS A 12 ' iS " Fianends littendeil in Town rind Country. , Roomy at William Flory's Old Stand, goiah Main Chninbersbncir, Julytn-am HAND -BILLS from the largest to. the sutalleti, in Pinin or Panel, - Com m ..printed nt the ofol. or the FR A NICLIN REPORITORY. nly t; rents. ot admirable essay clearly ars'•trors,fal ',holier.. that self-abut. may be raditab>- ttge'of barnad modieluo or . .luting , out 11 'tondo of mire. lferthal, by tnearnt of whieh t /lb+ eunattion tatty he. may . ly. and rad /rally. , hr lured of eery youth and NEAD ii-10ITI 5. unit MannGiotitror, of MAHOGANY, WALNUT, CHERRY AFL CLOTH COFFENS. They will also (ImA META Lie AND ZINC BURIAL CASES. August - 31, 1864: Plaint, B -' ,IIIORE. LOCK HOSPITAL.-D 1:. O misTON, the founder of this Celebrated Institu tion. oi r, n , to most Certain speedy. and only effectual' remedy - -in 10 world for (Beets, Structures, Seminal fish in the Loins. Coustitutional Debility. Vealmess of the Back and Limbs, Affeetioas -1 - I ,4 "r e tP fz i bee d e - ',e, Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Ner vous irr i, 4 pftity. Diseases of the Read, Threat, Nose or kin ; n 1113 1 ,04 serious and melancholy ditamiers ads. eft , atartirtive habits of Youth, which destroy l a & from bueth i „, ay an ds:dud. These secret and solitary practices are .. r ic ata lp their victims than the song of the 8-reM , . to the IniWiwit "Font, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or antieipttiona, readeriug marriage, Sc, mg.N.ounti Nen especially, who have bo ±l`,;‘, . clet ios of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and der ;' - ' ,;; 7 livo b a ld, which annually sweeps to an untimely C grove thous-ma of .‘roung awn of the most exalted talerit - and brilliant initilect. who might otherwise have entranced um, , uu se ,„ a os with the thunders of eloquence, or waked ~,.,racy the *jug lyre; May c It with full .aden. IiItIAGEI--kiarried pennons, nr young OZ. ,0;;Ing „ airminge, ben arrnm of physipil weakness, ,dc debit* deformities. &e., should - immediately. cult Dr. Jelosslon plasm himself under the care of 'Dr. Jahtatton Zye.l ho ,;:,...4gronfirle in his honoree a gentleman,, and vNi ,rr ut 7; „ . „I.'. l rptin his skill as a physician. ) - VEARNESS DrAIIIDIATELY CURED . .LU 1' '`i,"„fa I'lo o s RESTORED.—This disease is the ;;; , s , f re quently paid by those who have become the viennir of incrl'PO illliublfraces. Young 'rem,. are tz,,,,,,liflatocoem.„,,,,,l,,,,,,itize,hgejese,:ttsesh,:,,t,ilfroirlrynre,.ntenr,ot4be„mittstxdoazw,yarewutinotf flat mler , tasals or r,. r estion is 1,..t 'stoner by those balling Into ,t;;;;;_uf,„. bnhit tiratt by the prodeut Besides bring de pried of the pleslbre of healthy offspring, and the most 4,4„u, lad de ,,,,,ntive sympathy to mind and body mist. The hocaras deranged. ,the physical and mental debitity,46Pepeill, Palipitlaticrfl 0,7 ilnn•t a wasting of the frame, cough, • ytitions of rouse - spina. UPI „Vo, 7, ,tztarA Froicrink &red, seven doors from linnoreire storet, Lint tide, up the steps. Be particular in observing the same ant number, or you will mistake temp onsm wAIIi‘NTED IN TWO DAYS. So Mir; sorry or Salailtiati Dings DR. JOHNSTON -, Member of tiro Maya) Collme at Surge Ons. London. graduate from ono of' the most emuneut Colleges of -the rated States, scud thg'greater part of oho, life has bees spent in the hospitals of London, Park p t g a dophialuid elsewhere, has effected some of • the roost astonishiog cures that were ever known. Many trinbleil with ringihr in the head and gat , when asleep izeca feing alarmed ut sudden setmds, and Intslitulacm, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes ith ilemortemeut idolised, were cored immodiately. A ci ., ;;ITA IN ofFEASE t—When the misguided and imprident votary atilt:noire find he has imbibed the seed of this painful diners'. it - too otter. happens that au Ili of-Anent, or &nod of discovery, deters him from twirl:6llg to dew who from edueatiou and tospecta bility can ttlone befriend him, delaying till the mastitis ,;"flui . 3 -mpto. , of its horrid discase snake their appear „s„.„ , nt o boanitsl sore throat, diseased noise, noctur nal pains in the headand dimness of sight. deaf. niss, oohs in the ebb. bones and onus. blotches on the 1,„„t tease „,,t e xtroitirs, programing with frightful ra till at last the ?dote of tho mouth or the bones of the nose fail in and the oirtim of this awful 'disease be. eoines aborrid objeer d comutimeration. till death puts es rariot t c his dreadful 'offerings, by sending Ishii to - that t om , min, wlithee nit traveller returns.” To such, there , fore. Dr. JOialitlial piers himself to preserve the most inviolable ser•rety ; nut from his extrusive-practice In the and America, he coat confidently fist lioSpitals of Eitivir reeousoeuil a sate and weedy cure to the atnfortwaate vle tie of rids horrid eliseae- It h a mehineholy East that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease "wife to the nreikillfidness of ignorant pretesmr who by usrio f that dreadful poison. Mercury, rain the roryttattthom and either send the unfortunate to an trohnirly grave, Irak° the residue of life miserable. T .ttE 7OTICE I—Dr. J. addresses the, oho have Mims thernselves_by private and km ProPeeindolgenees. These are some of de sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits et Youth, viz s—Weakness of the Buck and Landes . paint in the Head, Dimness of Sigiw. , sf Maroalitr Pomo Palpitation of the Herat, Dye- Peiviirs Nervous Irritablity. Derangement of the Diger,- live Punctilios. GetterulDebility. Symptoms of Consump tion., :11131.-ti.bv, the feari'd effects otl the mind are mach to be droded of )lertom ronfiwion of Idiots, Deptes ssion of Spirits, Evil ' , del:sidings, Aversiou to Society, Selhlartrut. - Love of ahlituile, ore some the evil emits. , Thorsanils of persous lat all ages can DOW jade what is iilO6ll5C of their decining health, hawing thetr, vigor, becomisc weak, pale. laser suurular appearance about the eyes. mater, nod symptoms of Consumption. Dr. JoitssToN•s LNIIGORATING gEbLEDIS' FOR OROAIIC WEAKNESS.—By this great and important remedy, yVertkness of the Organs is speedily oared, and fall Niue restored. Ilionands of the inset nervous and debilitated., who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage. Physical or Mental Disquallll - Nsivotis Irritability Trembling, Weakness or Ex." haustim of the alma fearful kind, speedily cured by • Dr. John 115. ' YOUM,MEN. who have injured themselves by a eel rain pratf,e, indttized in when alone-sa habit frequently learned be, evil companions. or at school, the effects ate nightly hit, even when asleep, and if not cured tender marriage imisissible. Mid destroys both miud had body, should imply immediately. What linty that a young marl, the hope Of his country, the daffitg of his parents. should be snatched from all prospectrand enjoyments of life, by the consequence of davit] thigh-ore the path of nature, and indulging in a cer tain rest habit. Such persons, before contemplating M E. should reflect that a sound mind and body are the tort necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness, indeed. without these, the Journey through life becoms a weary jAlgriepage-, the prospect hourly darkens ts,the view the mild becomes shadowed with despair. ail filled with the Melanchole reftectlon, that the happiness of another berates blighted with oar own. OFFICE: NO. -7 SOUTH. FREDERICK STREET, TO STRINGERS.—The many thousands cured at this Institution k the last fifteen years; and the Emmet - ova int aportantourgical operations performed by Dr. J., wit - awed by the repeaters of the papers, and may other persons, notices of Slsieh Imre appeal* again and again before the public. is a sollicirnt gnarl:Lateens the afflicted. N. R. There are so many ignimmt andworthless quacks advertising themselves as Pay:skins; raining tha health of the already aftlieted, Dr. Jotmstou deems it to say to three umwortutinted with his reputation, ' t= Diplomas hang in his office. lyttetszost be post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the reply, Of no answer will be sent. (mar 16-Iy, H O TE TTE R'S CELEIIIIATED STOMACH BITTERS. A pure and powerful Tonic, earmctice and Altera• live. of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH. LINEA ANDBOr a y. res Cu Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Hbe, Gen. end Debility. Nercensumrt, .I/itresa.MM of Spirits, Conetipatiou, Colic, Intermit. tent Fever, Cramps. Spasms, and all Complaints of either Sex aria. inc. from Bodily Weakness, - whether inhe rent to the symeia, or produced by special ME.% Nothing that is not wholesome, genial aid restorative in its nature enters into the composition of HOSTET TRIPS STOMACH BITTERS. This popular prep:na tion contains no minerni of any kind, no deadly botanical - element_ no fiery excitant, but is a combination of the ex tntets of mire balaamic herbs nod plants with the-purest and mildest of diffusive stimulmus. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, to far et the human arsgm can be proteeted. by human maw, agnitut rualailles engendered by an unwholesome atmoh. Inhere, impure =tee. and other external usages, HOST LTTEIrS BITTERS may be relied on as a sarcithard-' ,In district' , infected with FEVER AND AGUE It hall been found infitllble as a preventive, and irreeistable 811 remedy and thuniands who resort to it under apprehen sion of an attack, escape the scourge- and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities In ad vance. are con-0y a very brief course of this marrellotis medicine. Fermand Ague patients after being piled fir mouths with goitre in vain, until fairly saturated with ' that dangerous ollntoid, are not tuditellinnacr.tani health within a fat ' days by tho use of HOS sTTE.:- BITTERS. The weak stounch is rapidly invigorated and the sppe the restored by tiAl agreeable Tome, *Ad hence it was wonders in eases d Dyspepsia and less ("Ahmed forma INGIOEFTION. Acting as a fronds and - P 81034 41a6- Oct. as well its ups the liver, it elm invariably reliever the CONSTIPATILN superinduced by lrtegataraction of the dige.tive ant secretive organs, Persons of feeble Irbh, liable to NERVOUS ATTAEESi LOWNESS OF Fr tRaTs, and FITS OF LANGUOR, Sent prompt a n d peoninent relief from the hitters. • The testimony on this plot is most conelusice and from' both s4,te, The agony of 1lLIo(T COLIC is immediately iss• 'tzil,treil by a single lose of the stimula n t, and by OCCeal° °. ally ',sorting to it tn return of the emnpaint maybe Pre" 'vented. Asa Clenetal TonidIOSTETTER'S BITTERS produce efforts which must lo experienced or witnessed bedne they con be fully oureciated, In cases of EONST/TE TIONAL lOa AYEAS_ PREAIATERE DECAY. and DEBn.rry and 3CREPITEDE raising from OLD AOE, it exercises tb electric intinence. - In the eonvaleeneditutros of all diseases It operate& walt deliwltttal inviworant NVhen the powers of nature ate re taxed it operates to ;intorno and repstablish then. t Tut ONLY SAFE STINE- Lost. bat not least) LAST, la9nw manaletared front sound and Innocuous materials, and entire!' free tram the acid dements pres ent more or le, in althe ordinary tonics and stoolselice of the day, No furriity rneilleintilas been so universallr, tuld It mill be truly added, deserMly rupular with the intelrweat portion 1,,f the enunstuity, as lIORTETTEICS HIT. TEAS. Prepared .0 zIIOSTETTE . R & SMITH, ittatairg, Pa. Sold by all DrnagiA grnenra and Storekeeper., evagi where. Q. HEINER'S EA LSAMIC COUGH Citßhs, Colds, o nes p Trlteapingi Conglt , ,lethtna. lironlitaa, Spitting aka, pain and Weokne.” of the BreastPageultyof Bna a hl ag. de,..—Tkds is no new remedy. Ills been used for t 3 number of yeart inllarriand and lout -~ f Pennsylvani a. tee d bag Where ever I.noo n acquired h onprecedented reputation gm timing the various discdts for which it i s mcere meaded. It is used by ull cii of society, and the universal opinion is that it is good. ['his Syrup ie a y a rds, Vegeta ble Compound. It is pidtent to take, nod -sever does 1n Jury, but owing to Ps ttrifying qualiti es, m ust do good touter uny circumstance* Its c *sstx are truly wanderfub soothing. calming, and laying the most violent Cogent; purifying. strengtbeninend Invigorating trio ; minting and soothjl the oerres: aiding and facia. toting expectoration, healing the • twrg ASE D LUNGS, thus striking arhe root of disea se sa ddrising It from the system. the whole ims. CROUP.--This disease is announced h r oderkity.4 breathing. shrill witistlini or wheezing, h ae k ie g cough, threatened suffemtion. 40. It mostly norms Infnung ehlidron. Eo child need de of ptpif 04, I , pro , perly used and used iti l ltne. Mothers l a enoctpy .children should wotch the firs t show a the disease. and always keep this remedy* hsnd . thi g ymp mo.texceuent For moth after inettsteti Experience has proven ids it is equaled byhe other pre paration. The price is such as to itl iee within the mob of all, the poor 119 well as the r iiit • a nd every ', emu - should have it, 44 have ills the It Every one should omit It t i p true sad faithful friend to all who Va .° health and , with town= themselves netting th at mas tt terr ible disease, ornsurap tie. It will be *Kiwi th e , la st useful as ~,u,as the cheapest family medleine„,,, m been used for the last four years wm• „ r ec. Without pendleL Pries 40 Centv pet htletlet ° rev' bottles for $1 10. Prepared by 1A• FOUTZ 14110., IVestruinosr, Md. For sole hy SterelteoPets eeerrohore. deetly •
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