August 31, 1864 . trallillitt SVIMN):I)., . , HARRISBC7RG Acts of the Extra Session—The Net' Mili tary SW—Liberal Appropriation to Menibers—Menn oppro priat hill to Chilill, bersbura—Glo•. Curtin• 4 special :ties ittwett—sperater or the menote_t , tminty. Brokers—Portico' Mos ement, Correspondence of ho Fr:oil:an ltAnutsatun. August The extra season of the legislature adjourned yesterday at note, After having &posed of the militia bill, the kpprOpriation bill, the Chambers burg gratuity, i'he ell prey - H.llllg for taking the vote of the soldieri, a general bounty hill, and some seventy local bills, mostly ratify ing,,ffiit ri ct movements to_provide bounties. The taiiitia bill was passed with commendable promptness, but was Made singularly imperfect in sons' of its most important provisions. While it requisNl enroll ments td - be made. it was w ithout any power to enforce the act in case copperhead coratnissitmer: should conclude to disregard its pro% isiotes The attention of the legislature was ealledta the,se de fect4nda curative .upplenwnt It as passed. It is understood that the Got eruor %intake tin'. most prompt measures tp_org;inize a eilitia force Wily adequate to protect the border pinst raids. The bill authorizes n State loan of thti.c millions, and the organization of fifteen tlitouldni mens in such proportions of infantry , artillery and ..aa airy as may be deemed necevsary. t ;e 1 ,...C0n el I. 'm wallader and Franklin were in 1.40;14.01011 the Governor and Chairmen of the pilitttry com mittees before the bill was prewar . ' to the leti; islature, and the art -is doubtless I t aceordanee - Wittrthe suggestions of thou' Mimi cM"'rie"rrd officers. Lt is lielieted that iittvernor will keep not less than five thoustaionatm iu Ilitop during the war. at `such points it h the fathler as ' may be most exposed. and drill tient uoder ex- perienced officers. so that in ease of 0 raid Gen couch Will hal. e a reliable bud'. if men around ishii•h to rally the ten thou F • an d o nanized militia in reserve. the reserve Will be rtillirPd to at stated periods, aud to he nit]; to respond promptly to the call of the State sanY time. The whole fifteen thousand will be ystered ado Me service of the State tier titre e vet sooner discharged, and and they Will be st ' b'ecis out , to the call and orders of the Govern- or the offieers under him. They cannot therefot be•rred to the James River, as were otr hundred dais' men, when the rebels are Cnteritg our State. The appropriation to Chandershurg was un worthy of -the legishiture of 3 great State like Piffinsylvania. Ilad Rhode Islanl or Massachits setts suffered such a calamitt whin their burdens as the burning of Chambersbor t , they would have made ample restitution:, but 'eliiisylvania, the second State iu population, ara the first in sub stantial wealth and, is troth - Ida' for the smallest and most corrupt. legisiture-t. and AN as of course incapable of a generous tr great art unless it invited generosity or dist;tclion to its - (M11 members. The ['urging of fltambersborg sits but food for ribald jest with nwny of the mem bers, and but .few seemed to appreciate tint a monstrous wrong had been done to the whole people :ofthe State by the vatiron robbing and burning of a town, and that it 'ailed for the proMptest recognition and -recess at the hand: of every man who is a member if our mighty com monwealth. Mr. Sharpe nude ft :110 , t phut struggle in behalf of Chambersburg. Hi:speveh was one of the most cloqueut ever heard in tm hall, and he displayed uniting energy and uusterlv • skill in pressing the bill for halt a million . ; bat it could not be done. There was no one oh the other si4l6of the House to act boldly with Immand the petty shreds of political prejudive Wert , e‘er read; to weave their sold le.tand e, she to dele,dits'fiet• to 4 to l, thousand hotisch.s: pellph. 1,1 . ) our ruined town. It was finally carried in the thine Tor _s2bo,ooo, but even that pitiful:sum was tot lil oral - for the Senate, Mid it was there reduced to $lOO,- .000, in which the House cm:cured. Thecon'iTst • in the conduct of the legislature on tine question and on any question effecting; the pocket, of the Members is at once painful and humiliatinh. 13; the law they are paid $71.0 salary fitr the regular session, and. $3.09 per day for extra secaratt : but, while they could jest over the ruins of Chambers burg, and withhold substantial relief. - thepprompay appropriated themsdres three hundred dollars fur their [nen srrrires during the calm ,casino. They met on the 9th and adjourned on the Lill:—ma king a session of seventeen days: Meltaling the days of meeting and adjournment and Sundays. For this their lawful pay would have beet $:t1; 00; but they roily apprt 'prime to thIIISCITI , r7:3la or about $lB per;day - , and the houseless of Chant bersburg were appropriated_ ,about tit:33,33 each Generous, noble legislators! They could file] ir...50 each from - the Treasury for themselt es ii open violAtion of • the contract under which the, agree d to serve, -and turn of 3,000 people who had lost houses, goods, clothing. food and evei v - thing essential to their livoffihotst with each, and left to brave a winter in the desolate ruins of their once.heartsonie shades and homes. Goy. Curtin sent ttto message+ to the: legisla ture, in answer to resolutions of inquiry, one "1 ' which bears directly on the; q uestion of the de fence of Pennsylvania, and the other exhibit, the Washington ttuthbrities in rather an mifavordble light. The first relates to the Provost G wird regiment, which was organized by Gen, t inder a special order from Washington. bi servo on duty in the, Department tit' the sus q ueume, After the battle of the Wildernes.. the regiment was ordered to Grunt and has since been there. The men, who had been enlisted under the posi tive assurance from subordinate officers that they would be kept oil duty in--the State, hate com plained to the Executive and also to members of the legislature, and a resolution passed the Sen ate calling for all information on the subject. The . Governor has responded giving such of the official correspondence as is in his possession. Ifad this regiment, which was 1,200 strong, been at ith Gen. Conch, he Might have saved the border from the raid of M'Causland. Another message relates to the 2d Pa. Artillery, a portion of which was sent to Grant as infantry, and when Got. Curtin tiff- - warded commissions officers, they were dis regarded, rded and the men sent into battle without - proper organization and officers. whereby the) suffered severely and wantonly. In this message Gov. Curtin takes the highest groin& iu defence of his right and duty to see all out Naive volun teers properly and completely °filtered, and it re flects with severity upon the refold of the War Department to allow his offieersto be tint,tered and placed in command. The l'ion nom of the Senate were startled with it, ant scarcely knew how to meet it. While they were floundering around to 'avoid the rt,:ponsiblity, nettead - meriting it bravely, the Denmeras sprang s rJ;tl- lution upon them endorsing and tttoking the t -. ernor for his efforts in helm:H . 4 fie regiment, and it carried with hut three dis , enntg Wes—Lm. ory of course among the db.senttr. , Hon. Wm. Turret], of sippieltannit,, Wils chosen Speaker of the ,Sernto a! the close of the session, in place -of Mon. JohnP. Penny. Whose term expires. The Demoentn toted ihr; lion. Wm. A. Wallace, of Clearfield. The business of swindling b e anty -brokers ct an end if the people will but eiforce the law just , passed for their protection. Tie' tidlowing is the new act just approt-ed by the fiovernor: • SECTION I. Bc it owned, ar., 'oat any perstio nho may be entrusted arty any leuEuy sylvania volunteerentenna the serv;•• of the Coifed States or this State. who chart. with or 4•ltout the ettcseat ~f such volunteer, Mom the -mine.f ,n) pi.rt thr-of sir shall fail to pay to Pitch volt:otter. .11 , y , 1 , mustered. the full amount , ~ any deduction or abatement, shallhe tle4 in;d allty rat - misdemeanor. and on ronti , lmn ::•.s .urt oh Oyer and Termmer or Quarter t-ogins -hall be •111t1111,11 to pay a are five hundred dothia not to be "' , Po""'''d at hard labor in the perntentiar . ‘ foilhe t era el six !mull,. '—There is nothing DM in 10litiVS. Path sides are waiting far the action of he Chicago Com en tion, when the issues will herald , . up. and a hr.- orous cauvasewill commend at once, General Comeron meets his eommitee mt he sth lust., and Lam assured that be win be prepared to push Ahe,Work of Batas organizaion ont , t thoroughly. IlimAcE. Tiff. BERNE% OF CiAMISERSIRFOG The follow4&fg graphic ' , tier, which we Copy from the•Pittsburg Evening Chronicle, is from the pen of Rev. S. J. Niceolls, f'regbyterian pastor of this place. He has,ever actively partieipated every rneaanre looking to !order defeuee and wax a witness to the sacking and burning of Chin bersburg. and speaks to the filets he records. The Chronicl e . 'chichi had previously rell eeted ..„ "ever* upon the citizens and also' upon Den. Couch for not def em tiog the: town. prefaces Mr. Niceoll's letter witk - a tender . Of regrets to t3eu. Couch "for the injunous strictures concern ing his management *aid' were made in the Chronicle under ivrong impressions."- We give the letter entire: - mueb -88PPrOwnsinn rzißts in many. guar tern concerning the facts connected with the hurninof Chambershurg, that it has become a matter ofjustice to a wronged iind sneering com munity- to state them fully to the public. Many things have been written concerning this ealatuit - y• true in themselves, but disconnected from their attending circumstance:, and no the meet inittri ons impressions have been made on the minds of those who live remote front the border. A con nected ;aid truthfulTharrative of,thissiorevent. it , is hoped. will eorreet these. The history of the i sint modth emoniences w ith the a dvance of Ear l., np the sheiiiiiiileah, and the i n vasion of Mary land. The en,1112. 1:,f11) c ttr g t g s oon orcupied Hagerstown, nod it was believed that they inten ded a raid tin Chamberslinrg. At this time there were ?MO :soldiers iu the place under command of (ten. Couch, the whole number availalile in hie department. The eitizens rallied around thene and determined to defend the town. i3arriCadei, were thrown across the streets, cannon planted. house, occupied by sharpslidotors, and every pre panition Made for defence. Soon, however, the enemy fell bark aeross the Potinnar, and the in vanion was &whim] to .I,e ended. The small body of troupe under Gen Couch At ere withdrawn to protect the National Capitol. and we were left 'We were asnured. bowmen that tlu tune of the Potomac were well guarded. and Inrae army lay between tie amid the rebels.— The tr.ry papers in New York. which now c.a. ileum us for our apathy, were (Jail)* asnuring us tlnitlit tie all finite on the Potomac" and that theAmmy had Hien hack We were soon start led Trion our dream of security by the announee mem that General Crocks bred been defeated. muid that the rebels were again advaneing to invade renTew lyania. mgt then take arws. because it wan plain to were one that ii toe fOrei. , of Crooks and ..tverill eiuthi not resd , sl their advanee. it would be Ii 111 ill few eitizens to attempt it.— We had seen an in , . asion once before, and know w hat it Meant. .kiiticipating a repetition of the scenes ..f last, the people of the conut On to remove their stock and valuables. In the' midst of conflicting rtul'iors nothing could he learn ed of the movements of the enmity. until Fridge ; .11[13 In the afternoon of tinitalay it' wA" . know u that tin* had crosNed the Potomac. arid Wert' ;Oh ancing rapi,ll on Chatnhershurg. e also karned rs 31erceburg in that the vadikg toree tt.ts 31.1011' SDI ung, or it , it afterwards ap peared 1,3 actual count, with- six piece of at till. r 3. Ti. meet this force then. were in the town one hundred goldiers with two pieces of and the citizens capable oh h e aring ;MO,. - The untidier of the latter NS not reach lonhlred,- a large portion of the population 1,-on4 it, the and quite a number ei , selitl attending to *lie removal of their horses and %.rllialdes TM. citiiens WllO rcnueiued here willing to defend the place hall it Mien deemed praccieable 113 (it'll. I.'olloll, 1,111 ith this small and inadequate force at h s disposal. it seemed like courting destruethdi for the town to attempt its lif.ft`liet'. A show num, could hope would be sneers4ld. would onl3 give them a pretext for burning. No word could be obtained. troin Gen. Averill, who was then near lreenea:tle, though the most earnest efforts were made by (;eat. Coneli to obtain his assist:mei.. At o'clock A. 31. on Saturday the milltar2. au thorities left. and -.tam after the combizMil fares of McCausland and flradie Johnson were ritiCt`a in line of battle upon the range .if hills command the town. The s+th regiment. number ing ;Mont live hundred men. was thrown f111,41' forward into the streets. 111,41' is ere detailed to bunt the place. Johnson, Gilmore and Met.'ausland with a numbel• of officers, hreaklitsted at the Franklin lionsal. after NS hieh 31eCansland order ed the ('oitrt House hell to ring to ca ll e jtj_ zlis. together. Thine were mule, howeyer. who 11111'31'd thou FV:It 11nt ;Ind arrosteul ix of our proliiinont euizonq, unti ratl - to thou: t; «a , id throe 1:0114: fir t. do:mud:nu 11 1 1 J1( , 0 11l d.:urrono. or 1,1 tzo1,1: , 000nkin• e. , 1% tiii , v.a , not voinpl'Aul witl, til toc‘ n \V:18 to ;q.! hurnod; Coin}, ;hi., or.- done in rt.:dilation for burning of h0t0.e.4 Gon. - Ifunter ., oonunatol. Tito name. of the miner: at ere mentioned in the order. The citizens replied that it w ait inltto o to comply v nth hi, demand. not on -tenth of that amount iit 1110 w plaim: and more than that, it_it eim itt their it tyould nl'.l he given. then prefered to lu.r all r..zlii•r than give a dollar of ransom. lint V.IIIII. tlie-t , pretended 11( Wire carried 011, illk eiaktrie , were:a:cad) Ott their wink. As reliiiemil the ,citlzen , hi , brad arre.ted. the smoketea ., ruing loon the ilinini ed town. ,tai utunt ot re:o•he.l the it hllmlc to that thou in thanes.! The .erne that rpeedik l.llowet is 11J(lee,erii;14be - in it. horror:. Ihe •iii ler, - IN 1110. ill .11. , 'OlO% hon.:nig open the doorl , ttith plinks anti axe, alla 1:11' for fllrllitalse 10 the tire. or eke vim tei eit • comulontiiile turilerial , in the chi-et. coal along the stain% as limit applied the ton It. 111 a litttle over halt au hoof the ‘4llOlO tort n was S4l I'lllllllllqt' Were their arrangement:: to anon,- pli.ll their -No time was 41% en the inhabitants to .art; anything. The tin.rwarm li of danger [met of 'them hail V,i.• the kindling .f the fire m their Liaise , . and ecru the tett :.rti elmi that •iime caught tip in their fight. V.4:Fe he thmsoliller, and thing hack, Mb , the )tan) .ugh e come 1,, the-tidier'. know lea,gti, that iu their dark malignly. ahnoid , tirpas - Tee , aged, the .irk. the ift nut and the time tarried Ott from their miming Itiodier . • aith their halms ln their ann., to their frightened little. mai.. fled througli tie• ,treets. jimred and - taunted by tl Indeed. their e,ietipe •iienied lini..t a niraele, to. the .ereet.were to a iilaTe frolit Wl , ' .91410 tin' that, and then Were vonipoll -4,1 to 1111 e throat:it a long mail of tire. 11 ta hot I day been pertimily calm. t '4l - 1.11:2 bro./A , pri tailing. a. room etirreilionclemii hate stated.! Phil* Inns hate perhmeil in the dame- flit erititlimratitia 111 its height. V, ii•.l .4,111' Id , 111- int. , lllt grantlefir and terror. 1. 'all black i•IPitIIIIII 1 - O - - t• lip to the :sordid it tyre wrappiili long ,trealaer , 14 . 11:1111 ,-, tt rit and kw i - sting: them:mit io into IL thort , :lll , l through it. tn. finned, timt •tere pray ers ' earricil heat vow turd Ly 1 ho. i 1 1 .1,1151. • 01 l m argil altar ,tierifin , . th ere weld - up oa The •Ilials . l Starve-ricer' clim&i. the i'ri's and eitri4k. of the wonien tun! children tilt the liniment of greatiii4 alarm was not reached until vonw of the more hu mane of the retail iiflieeri, warned the women to liee if they e.ompe aiolto4e W 1• l'allllld in till , letter d<wrrihed thii seem. , of the tight which tullutv d. ' Tto• fertility if the rebel soldier , durnig affair :Weal, 1111110,1 inerialildv.• \With all their fierce pasidins tiore.traineil. they tO r ri:Nel 11+ irilltoXietlteil, in the Nsork ot dmitnietiiill/ Af£ tit tiring the ho u se- they at the fleeing citi zen., and rolitted all at ho fell into their halal,— An aged elder of the Presbyterian chureli svaa taken front hi , . and:rohbed t the building at to fired. 'while hit, Witt., 1W,2(1 1111t1 infirm, at to it, it. Vl/1111 hi- rerun:. it ;no: itch the ilt llith4.111::. that Jim was I . ;:mapl by the , tied i111110“ible. 1111(1 they were com pelled to flee to a little garden in the rear of,the hoehegira. where they iart for n, imrroundei by tire. 'nu. rebel Oilmore lorhrole hols - to remot e her trunk , mon her 111111 , 0. and upon lair telling him to, i t, , lave what .11i , I houghtof lii , conduct, he drew (lie pintfil and ileelareif " he would blow 1111 . l her blii/11114 if OW dill 11111 take that liack."-- 7.llany such instance-, :Lod wiir , e, might ice recor ded. ' Thqe were indeed ...mile among [heal at Ill) ;tete(' hlnVinely; rent-ing to do the Vs oft: aSi.ign eil them:lint they were except lone. Ati soon 1111-ttte.t.irti n wa , thoroughly fired at all pants, the rebel , fell bark. Ott their way out they burned the r, idenreof the County Super ioteuthiut I , ,thliif tcLnul. becamie, as their fold hi- family ; P ile had taught negroes." ' hours after their departure, (fen. Averill entered the town. and IN" I*l' 11111 , 11 - 11111' iu.idl the union the •it , ,ry tit = the horning of Chain- Thi , i• outlines. hoarser. limn n - yoitr pletine ofine reality. 'Fla. 11111elieaf . 11 rums of 0111, 1111V11 11111'd first be .I'l.ll 1 / 1 401, the eallt11111) 1411 id• 111111 .1. r.4( 1, 1111and viii theta. fill . it t 4. duly by 11114,111 g at t in detail. by uniter,t,,o4. ingrthe perUliuc , ailne , s there is. in moll separate keg, and the ,tr;llige div enoty of mirrov, then, Iv in titlecommon v. in.., that ,recall The bill ' ,'strut of the ruin. Eleven squares of larkrmvl ruins and Irlr . r two miftions of' dollars m property commined is the outward emtimate of the hiss. lint who eau tt rite Ili,• limory of two flititt , and perple ,zieldenly made hotrieh.s, - 112141)eil from allinenee to pit ens , torn violently from the sacred :pi:mentions of the past, and ilrit en forth houselm, wanderers among stranger:' " ' The 411mi:thin t 1 oiten asked, "Who in responsi, ble lit ,'hie calamity'" Many coldly and unlmsi tatingly lay it Upon the eill7 , llR thelllelellieS: but -aircly it is 1101 111•Cer ,, an; 10 argil , 111 at fine 111111. dred citizens could not have nyisted successfully tvilliny -eight hundred veteran per its Of artillery. :Ninny, too, have bial110(1 (it'll. Cll6l - 11, and falim reprommatilun 11:11, 14011 e forth Olt the eitizine , were greatly incensed against hin . The a‘nter of this letter has had peculiar opportunities "it . knowing the tune stab' , of the nom, and would ask attention to the 1141i - fts Mg filets. When Gen. Couch took countiand ortYlli ilePhrtineut, One year ag o. ll.' Ilrgetlllpoll tiro citi zens the necessity of forming organization for home defence. Hit appeal was readily 'respond .4l to, mid all the citizens In this borough ettpa- , ble of bearing arms, enrolled thetnselyes in some organization. Gen. Conch then made application to the war department, asking that, we might be uniformed anti enrolled inthe general service, so that, if ever overpowered, we would be treated' as prisoners of war and not as guerrillas. This request was denied.. He then proceeded to or ganize a cavalry force ; from what was known as the mouths' men." for the defence of the border. Many of our citizens enlisted in this three. It was kept on the border until their term of service expired, when they re-enlisted for three years. Ent tlicir new organization was scarcely completed, before they were taken from this de partment and sent to the Army of the Potomac. I;en. Couch then proceeded to organiic the " Pro votst regiment for - special servii•e in his depart ment." This was filled up tol.2oomen, and then. as with the rest, taken from him by order of the Secretary of War. These gone, scarcea corpor al': guard was left finder his command. Two weeks before the advance of Early up the valley. Gen. Couch renewed the request of last year, asking that the citizens might be armed and enrolled : stating, also, that they were ready to attempt their own defi•m•e. Title was again de nied. Then followed the request made by Gov. Curtin, and endorsed by GenA'onch, which is already published in thi• Governor's Message.— At the Cline of the invasion of Maryland the it hole of the available three iu the Department of the Susquehanna did tint exceed three hundred men: and during the raid on Ctmniorsburg• General Couch had but one hundred and thirty-five men under his command. Nor is he to blame for the smallness of this number. He had during this month of alarm organized SIN: regiments of one hundred days men; but these, .as soon as equip ped. were ordered to Washington by the Secretary of War. Such an• the facts !in the ease. We _make no eomments on. the propriety of leaving the border thus thgenceless. Its security isper haps a small nuttier compared yvith the strength ening of our armies elsea here. ‘We only say Clem Couch is not to blame. He did f.rythiug a bro.', earnest and faitlitul officer could do to avert this calamity. Many also are under 11 , e impression that this place sy a`,S disloyal. and eon.eimently they have on sympathy w ith us in our Mffletiini. Nothing does ' greater injustice to our suffering community than this. No town of its size in Pennsylvania has fetter ••stmpatlrizers" isith the rebellion than ('hamberslnu•g. Its ❑uofas have always H'en tilled by volunteers. and many ,/if its'best citizens i hat e fallen on the field of battle. It is false also Lilw4 - t any portion of the awn was saved by paying a ransom. All pn•ti•rred to lime everything rath er than pay to keep up the aecarsed.t•nurse of the vandals. Even the women. as they looked upon the sea of tire that eneulplfed their loved huua•s, Said, with resets-'s eyes. Well. I ;on glad the rebels aid not get a dollar." 'Others. when the incendiaries proposed to - spare their houses [ for a mice. :quintet' the offer and told them to burn. Such was rind such is the spirit of the inhabitants. The affliction into which thdy have Men, is s o great that were it the result of their own negleet. minimal charity should• teach others to speak of them kindly. lint they do not wish to be excus ed; they ooh ask to be judged by the facts in the case. The writer has stated such as he knows to be ;rt.., and •nbeerihes his prune to them. S. J. Ntceutd..s. D1F,11.. Y EATI IN.—On the 41 of Man•h;`m 1:1n1 fora ttiwnship. Anna Mon Veatl3 , .. aged, :I ye.n., months and '2ll L'ATIIS.---On the I:1th inct. in Guilfinil towu.4ip, En nis acrd 3 month, and 1 day, 11 )WILT.—On the 10th 1n...., in Guilford t,n-nship. Anna i.en ry azoil ti month-. and 23 days. (;12i )V1: 10 Sat urd.n. the I,:4Nh to ,t , John Grove, Sr.. .f Guilford tolvtl.hip„ii: .. d 7r. -vtar+, J n0.m114 and 1:2 itENFICF: \ V.—on the ' , lst., near Payen,ville Mr. 11.rhort Jt. , ,lftew. in the of bj , :nre. MILVA:R . _f ) n the lot. Henry. woi of john anti M.try ..f .n .red. It , 3,1 r, II month= and ", —On the . nylf`r, nt 1 11 0- ford In:AT:4llp pszeil I ye, tI montlr. and Idays I'1:1:.—On the I.; in this place rest . 41Pne , of11 - 1/Inna I' /:‘ vlcr. I/rnee AP.-u,, tha t nughter of , in the 1:0 month nt . .1:e M ...II :11.4: m Mer,,l.nrz. Jn-e “I" Mr. .1. , 11n Sign., ell ice I . 21 Car, _ILI IatIED enomrn—DETRICII —On th'e I, 4 th nlst. by the Res s . 31 ji,;b- e we. Jelin rrlunpr. Dan. .11i,s h.kriette betneh ..1 -; . , Ill\ IIRI:Ns—( , n the svme 1t the 4.nnn. 11 , ,i3 ettes ill to !.11-4 . Mnixamt Jane Aiken,. rd, tee „ . spAN(;LER—pETF,p,e--on tor. 111 h itW. by the Rev. Win to Ili, ilatinati J. Peters, both •owttainti. • 'l,irle• 1 11..t0 r. of F u tou row.., P.: „ . t.l 1, Ihr \ Litr!! of Fre.l. net. 0.. la. t 9 If t.t., I of CharriWiTiOiiirr. 1A Y ;12.—PAU 1.1.-4 hi the Zwlt mqt ho tne Mts . . S. J. N...,011..Mr Char:. s 11. b. 311, Aunt.. E. Vault. lw , thllr — DuzArcr)—\l FERRIS --On tiwt-.23.linst flrrynyti. I. ze by the Her Walry 11.1wr. IMr Sault,' Du,artt of t” M NrY, , .rrin ,f New Iranklln. 11 EPO 1?" f OF _IL I 11 IC ETS Eiaricuberslttirg ;riarketoi. 1:11%3111Eiltlil 10. .k 1.7. :SPC , 1 : 64 }:•,..:-~t'lu:~ • 611 011 Butt, . ) FLU, Ml= - . . • 1:: . 174 It . . , . . . . 1 1..' Bacon—:, , l. • . .. . . 7.5 SI,III , 11. 1.1.04 . . . 2 II) Clot yr Svod , .? .., 1t . .,,h.1 1% . 1,1 .X , T [NOtill v. . ~:A , I . ,111 a... 4 w 0. , - to an= 12=3 . . rt.., • :2". I ntiared „', s-1' I add 1 , n, , c1A11.1”.. , •,± rxi • I - LILA:ANL Philadelphia lilarkePt. - Pan ‘vi Lem% kvoio „,,,, , “ , . 0 0 , „ .tOOO r.1,0r1,•,1 a' t- 1 I 1,0 1.112 far • xtra.• 2.:1 , 1 .2.. 1:2 e: 1:2 t , 1,1)1 for rrtru LI,I- 11114 I ;q11.1,1% :Pp' , do. at (era. kaja 11), PO, 'Mt...liar, ut - ard a all -111111 1 lade.didls and mir, rt tho form, alt.. t' 1 , 1,1 of l'oloo 10t , 10 , 11 isl.•., at :1;41 ei :211712 for I.dir I dil- dadi an. anal VV. I -1 , rr df d ah• f o r 1 . " , ” 1),'1.,1itr,•,r.”'n.1:275, 111.11 h, for eilmgooo proue is hi'. , ;lo' butter for X•qiticell''' , •. Itp , .'.11,11:1' .trri , ..ll ill 19 , 4, the for 1,11 - 1. , I . ..titt. I on, is n..:•‘. ',ran ~y, ' , lo r. ,Torto.l a: 17:2 d (mla • P. , 11 1)1“.1:1•/.. ~ .it al, f//11/1/1 ///Q . . abbcrtiseinclits. ,1 - E - TAL {1 ) 11r N ,111Atil .1 M.lrk4.t u.,0-.• er NI itch. 11'. Shoe S..n• 111/141 1 MIN STEWAIZ'r. _VrrouNtn . AT LAW. • Oflie6 Sot Pet a few ••••••••.1 the Mario t PENSI• INS 1101" ATV and "tilt r• L•inis i •rt., 1 •11 3 • 1411g.:11 ENNEDY & NILE, ATTOILNEYS AT 11_ 1. tit, 13. k% I. for ti••• p r,ent n•ul•A•41 111••• r ••111••• it• She re,•1•••11.. t•f Nill, •••• n.•nrh a p p., ••:••• the !itarkm 11•• us•• i— • " 1 / 4 41 1 AN1; LEPO:i 1)11(7(. ST()1?k: AT BIS reki•lonre, ta•arl ) Dr. A. II :•••••ri ,, •af. ••111•1•. Main t '1•.•.:111..r.1.•••• :2.: Any g.nMl not in ator• ..,a. •I••reti at •=1•••rt notice, 4 1 (11{ SALE,--A 1,()T on Main streil, 4tppo.ite the iirn.f.c,ty of Niehttel !Inches. vtillt Mr Ile)! .t. 4 1 ... ttl." and .I.lutlf ,tort, luch..llll litzek ark littiltlihEr. 'rive I,f-hi in Ltottti ardor .‘ppl.) nt thtt ‘an , 1111 terms 11.1011t: ('opartnership heroo - -1;:(141412: 4041'11 ( Burkhart and II =he-, in the liaAing and Confeetionary 6min, he , ',thin day (Anatt,t 2t)th, lii I.) 41•1•11.114,414. eel 4) 0,1144i1 I.- • Ttu• ,\ , .,i is of the late firth ill be witted h 3 C. lilt RIO B. lid If ENNII4. PRECI I ER'S 110 (' E Y IR.N. I timlersioeil bac the latent stoilli of F.I)IILY t ;1101'ER teS in I. n. a hieb he citrers to the at The CASH" PRICES. It ii.inot tieve..aiT to en turn ate, n c hic nint h i= him" , and onorlete Torii en raid fotr, COUNTRY I'll( )1)11 Pt in xelaint4 for coods. latie:111 CYRUS SPRECIII: VO T I(' E.--The itudersigbett 1o)4, by II the horniov of his property On the 80th oft.. tt!por• pptlml Pohl.). of Ithotruloce_i%qoeti by the ihtt . rPrh , 'Fir.' lit-linineo Company of l'inhtaelphitt No. Mt. (1441.. \ go.t Ott!, WO, for it.r. IOOt. uod :tpph, Otto]) has LrtYi zoLhic tio• al of the name. 1541.3 t ALLIs().: rysTEn. NO'rICE [S -HEREBY - GIVEN 11 tint a one-hoy& Power belonging to a threshing tnu• g tone nth.' °utter otnhieh is suppo-ed to re,iglo ,0 Franklin wild)) has town left at the shop of Miller & liollinFor for repairs. If not called for within thim• days front tilt. dal; it •will he sold to pa-.' the undersivall.' ang3l.3t JIAIN 3111.L1A1. A. COLBERT, ARCHITECT ANL Stiperititendrnt of Ituilding , , respectfully offers hi nervices to tht chicon, of Choutbenthurg. lie will tank plan, sptrifientono and eoperi Wend the orertion of build ult,tt on the Mtpit rt awmabie terms. and will also contra for the erection of budding, i t, ,rmy I' o ,l nt tine Ht Po,rrtuf othre. trto,hy tor i uu Lecture linen,) sum . th. Ibul road Depot .Oil :11,tf _ - ekUT OF THE AsirEs._sixos Aim, 'rug More is now open in the office o 1 Dr. A. It. S. 1,11) , 1 ou Main !Street. Drop,. Patent Medi, ities. Perfume*, Soap. Comte., ltntehe•, I've Stuffs, Paper, Envelopes and odds and ends of all kinds. Please remember the place office of Dr. Sensenv, Main St. Horse and Cattle Powder will 1w furnished thi. week. ‘l . r liENVAßD.—Stolett froia tlw ;lot J • Stable of M'Clare & Trestle, on Silll/111y night, Aug. :12, a /OM Y HORSE. Cavalry Saddle and Endle. The Horse is about 1G hands high, with light mane and heavy- tail. lie wee used In the cavalry service and ear• rice up well, lie is marked on the left dank, (being con• demned by the government) I. C. U.S. The above roe awl scathe given for the return of the horse. •ang:ll DANIEL TROSTLE. It • t4e Stanklin Itepositorn, ilmtb Arta attirrtionnents. NOTICE.—The undersigned having lost 11 by the rebel burning of Chambersburg, a certificate of Stork for 1.000 Shares of the New York & Middle Coal Field Company, application will .1w made for the renewal of the same. taug3l.3t) A. K. M'CLURE. ASTINGS GEHR, ATTORNEY AT LAW and authorized CLAD( Ant;-'3l - for the collection of 'nsions. Bounty and Back Pay. All bbusinessintrusted le -1 to hie care will be promptly attendedto. ()Mee in Dr. J. L. Euesserott's, 3inin street mlOl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tire is hereby given that Lettors of Adininistration on the Estate of George Locket, late of Southatripton town ship, dee'd.,have been grunted to the undersigned. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immedioteipaTment t and those having elaimi present them properla" authehtieated for settlement oug3l MOSES, KENKEL. Adtrir. A D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.=No , tiee is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob NKrlev. Late of Montgomery tORII. ship. dee'd, have been grainte'd to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will plepe dake immediate payment; and those having claims present them p roperlyituthentiented for settlement. ugg 4 NEGLEY.-, Adm.. A DMILSTRATOR'S. NOTICE.-No 'l tine is hereby given that Letters of Administration E on the state of Henry Heller, Into of Guilford township, dee'd. have to es granted to the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to said EMU.' n ill please make, immediate payment add those having claims present thorn properly anthentionted for settlement aug3l JOHN F. KELLER, Adm'r. , DNIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No, the k. hereby liven that Letters of Administration On the Estate of Mary WEephan. late of Ohio, deed. haw , been irrnnti , d to the undersittood. All per,m, knowing themgel, ei indehtedl to said Estate Rill plea,e make immediate payment: and those loWine chins present them properly anthentieatell settle - meat ang:ll a A. E. M'CLURE. Admr. A DIIINI4TTATORS' NOTICE.-No- I 1 Tin , is 1.,,,h, ...:it en that Letters of Administration on The Estate 14 iietLr Only . Intent the Borough of rs Chan, la behurg.. deod has. been g nted to the nridemiglied. All persons !miming then, •lves indebted to said Estate will please. mike immediate laym ent ; and thine having chums present them properly laithentiratest for settlement.' 11.ksTimw, fIEIFIL h ~, J. L. SUESSEROTT. S ''' i, '''' „ ',' - MU Dm INIISTRATORS' titte is hereby gis eu that Letters of Attraini.tration de Lon i.+ nna rum, to an. on the Estate of Jae°b Kenny Late of 1,11,1.1 , 1111 y township, deAt. hove hero ¢nutted to the .111 per , oni knowing them.el,, indebted to sald Estate will plete.e make immediate payment; and tilt., ha, Mg etaitu> pre,. nt 11111 i properly anthentiented ihr .etttlemen;. W: W. BRITTON. /, Adm ., JOHN 11.., WHIST. MIMI DELPHIAN INSTITUTE, NORMS /A_ TOWN 3fnt¢oawrt• nonntv, Pa. lit walnu t and Day Srhud for Young Lithos, a ilt commence ita ‘ Winter Se.dtat on TLesda !I, October :nth._ continuing five moult.. Tens Int Klorate. Location health- and beautiful. . - The new sv<tem of I ;ymnantieß, a< tancbt by Dio nill b prartu , li. Athill :Ito pnr,d, For oir senlAr giving. terms id., roldn,s MISSES 111 - SII, Prineipuls; ,pen,ons in the country _Lt and town. aho has e not been burnt on: in the late fire and know them.els.., indebted n ill please call and make immediate settlement. Heretofore we have never had neension to dun. Our eustomers always paid PrninllaY• But as our bthsiness has been suzpnialed for a month, and ear stock entirely lust, we have no Alain of meeting our former liabilities in the city but by Ilya-ding prompt set tlement front all polums indebtal. auglll HUBER S., LEMASTER. ciPECIAL NOTICE.—We are among 1 , _7 those burned nut' in the late fire in this plaee., and de. .orinc to rebuild and re-eouunenee bitsiness ns heretofore. would ask ail indebted to us to call and settle without de lay. We hope our friends will readily eomply with this s its propriety will be undendoqsi by all In a few data we ❑ iil RE-OPEN OFR STORE in the Front Room, of the twiny of Mr. Cling= Fuller, on See• ond. Street next to the Post Otter. For the preaent tie can be fenntl'nt the residence of M... H. E. Hoke. on East Market Street. [tt utr . 3l -3t J. HOSE & CO. ITALL'ABLE TOW-N PROPERTY AT I PIIIVATE still sell Prmate Sale. all that LOT OF -flliOrND and n twos-tory Wick I)welii,n Hnn<r 4;lnato on East Queen street. in the Itorongh of Clmthersburps, adjoining re,alence of 'P. llannoun Essi. There is 11 two story Nick bark attached to .std lnaf..e, and the property is well ntlaptml for too familles. There no al..- upon san'ti lot, a Irood well of water fl Stable and other improvements. Any per,an wislun2 his VW,' the property ran do col"; rolling ou Spore limn:llan Lum."lll , 2t - 1 5.1 311.. K.N "SELY. —4lO kl—ciL th iz t3Eitsßrß, August pz. IGl___Mi<,:oriunes it is said. never come singly. After being horned out hy the rebel= at this place. 'and losing all any earthly r001( 4 . I met n ith a set ere neddcnt iu Harnsburz, sshieb may' render one a rnpple For the kind :mention bestowed opon.rtie no thins latter nosfortone I desire thins poldnely to return any sincere thanks to D. fi Hutchison E'.i propmetor of the l'inited states Dote! lir Rotherforti of listrry.inum. and Dr. Siunt. gomery, and lttehard Perry, Of Chantliersburg. For thenr kind offices in tnyatflictlem ls W t shall everbepm in Brute. • • AT A IZSIIA LI.. COLLEGIATE INSTI ..OI. Tt"TE At!: AND rt.:At-ILE.) 3fercerelntrz. The Wino r ses•oon of th , 4 Insttutton o ill open 'Thursday, Frptember I:".th under the -eontrol of nn ettielent corps of Tt•Arlter. Boarders reeorved ntirtn-Insfinttion. where they will he under the nune,linte control of the l'nn , 'ipu!n. Tuitton front :12 to per 1.,11.11 of h, a month, :Vo. end Cornotn CFtrn. Boarding froth to $1 75 per week. For fortherpartienlan nddnKs (1. FLSIIEIt..r.- t Principals. 5 - TIOUNTY. FOR 5171361 . 1 - 1 . 1 - I'ES.—Any j person putting a substitute into thse ,United States s rn e and crediting hitn to II uilford township will be phut 'FiIitI:I7.IIU.NI)IIED DOLL kit:: to, and the cost of 4 411 suThtit«A• a, Gmlfor.l township pays that snip tu,hounty to es cry plan flartil , boNt ror her. l'itaens of Guam's' town ship wflo - arelsnitiem tO military thlt:, should exert thelll s,lst. u. put in soh...tomes, na nearly half the et'! iT hy •he Patnota men not subject to tnibtor ) - duty. It Ito ‘ll,ll tn' t nit 111 - 12epos-eatatrve StilAtitutes, ' ss Ili raid -3300 for eaell one dui,: credited to fs town-luppp l .y to A. li. :WI:LURE , Tr,... , t,r Guilford Bounty Fund. riit iilAcco AND SE(;Ale s STDIZE;:: , ,1.. i 4. J 11,w oprnod nut in ',II plant in tbi - Porii.:r 31a, .ignl AVlttinat+m,Stret.t.. A full 1,11 ...leet*d ot rll IS 41'('11and F:I<.4ICI , SNIFF. PIPES. 1 - .., n ‘,t• 111.1 0 .ft1 I ITT ro.‘ll. stoek Floand,r Nal y SP , gLeB. , II egali<lg, Slirmy ongl all -Itper.ig , i' tkne 11,11 All n ,111111s.s 11.1n11,in!ek'S:intrs' • 11.1 r I'lo,l. .I‘.•-•1, onlit••ulit r e SiEA 12S ery , inuil;t2. .111 ! ,, , or fro, lto . iturpee_4l.,l and elity 1,14,411,er) ti:.l.. Call at the ' alai O i s e 11, 0111 I.)1 E.\ L. ESTATE SALE.—By virfure of nn ooh rof the Orphan- Court, there n ill he ex hi Ontery. On the premises, on Friday. the ~ , ,ptrnthrr out, all the folloainedesbriheil Real s 'I he MANSION FARM of Itoliert Culhert• late of Ftemett township, deed, adjoining \ hinds of P Pi eter pi•r. et Stoke and others istiainitew nhout Isi .ICRES, more or loon, of improved land. ti Rh a 11111. 1,1111 DWELLING 1101 . ..5E, lo.a Barn lola other improvements thereon erected. Ah.o.—A Tract pt 31oure tit, Limit adjoining lands of Banton' Fawan hell, other*, mut:lining alniot Hit; ACRES. `.Sale ti• 1 . 0111b11 . 111 le lit 1 a 1 . ,. irk P. M. II the tenor Sr 11l be made kiwi% nby hu %BEI: 1.1 't• 111(:11 ,II ).N.l ' f• 1 - 1111i1E'1' 1101:E1- - rh, untlet•Mgned respi•elfiiii) inform :their ninnerote• 4 mailu rs and the publie miner:lll; that tine; has I' re-iipeta4l,their Can rer3 Noire in the ruinfonnerfij. In', 11111101 by the' I9mik and Ladder Company, iu the Market (tome, 'and jab..-this o,,.ilitsl of remiliinw their thanks for the liberal phi:l:mare heretofore extendist to them. •aork Is coihph.te in es variety of CAMTLY GROCERIES. rsiti 4 eing• of limo. Syrups. Salt, Mitekerel, Sitwartri • 11.0,0. Be '1,11)5 Ituekets Cords, Twine), I: lass are. t; eow, are and et eQ, tiling her. kept .it their former of 'limy will itla ay, keep .1 ,Itx•k lilt 1 1111111 Co he 0.11104 , 1 to 1111,1 the 111•Iiiingl.. of the eionnitinit.%. I I.O . NTICY Plt(11)CCI: iii •i -elitiowe tor woish.itt easli market preen. Don't fdruot rte. 1 1 • 0 (Market llouse ) three Mors limn Ills. itnier 01l Qiieen Streetll. l ll III 11 13 V 111.1( SALE.- - By virttie of tile last - ill and testament of Peter IVeister. I,lll' of Antrini to, nship der it, I wtli offer at Punic S,dr, on the 'Teem, . Ott Ti.r,tiny, the 11Ith clay of Orinhex nrrt. :It I tirlovka s e s it. the following ilesenlmiLlteal I:•state, situate pare \ Tarim and part In Washington tow oslophFranklin vitality Purport I,- Beam' the MA NSV)N YAM} of sier,lent. lying . north of the (Mt etiriasile and Waynesloiro' turnpike 1511111. adlolninelllollo of J.,,mmi• t;nrd,,,, Ni••••- •lettots and others. containing ICS ACRES and it PElt• CBES of good larnest•ine LAN)), with in proportion if 'llll import fluent. , are a ivalifornibli , DWFI.I, I NI I Bonk Born. 'ishisl for or grain. Wagon • Shod and Corn Crib, Sliritur Ilona' and Illaeksmith :shop. with all the 14111. r .ii•ers,..try ontlittil,limfs. Ai, a ire hunt 01 (IntftAl Frail. There are too streams. ofWa ter running thmitali the farm, to tt Ilii . ll the st4ek lots oe. 4,01 from 1111 the fields. thirpart Wit Adjo;tis the /dove de s.•rihrni inlet nod lies audit ot the turnpike runt etititain's I!. ACRES and Wri PERCHES, with a pmportain s•f 'Nu b,. On this train is a fine niendiuv, watered h;j• the Marsh Rm., roe, is a .m.Ol I lrehard. Al, it SIIIA for hay or wntin. At the same time will he otTereit on impri it oil I'LE MILL et ith a Horse Power for upending snore. 111111 Cider Press attarbed, all in hoed order. Any periton Ile 'lnnis of vetting tl.f• premises will please roll °tithe s t i'h. serilier, or with Jacob Weister Or Nathaniel RookTrsitlinW, on the premises. Fenns anal,' known on day of dal' uugil BENJA.MIN SNIVEL'. Exreittdr. I[.4lAl{t AT Pkj3LIC: SALE , —TIie lin dersignc4l will sailglet Public Outcry. on the kretuned. on Wednesday. the rah"of ,Oetober nert„n tItACT 011 LAND. situated in I inilfor - township. Franklin rounty, niljoini ng hinds of IltilkeellHughes. Thadcleils" Stel ens, Henry I leorge and others, eontaining 1491ACRIt. There are or or 100 acres cleared and in good funs ng order, meat A• It riCaret Within the lust yeam.l 4 small portion of it iv Liltle,toDli bint and the baludenTitrobling and stone. 'Fite improvement, are 8 gond two-storied BRICK DWELLING IIOt."NE. good FRAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed with too Corn Cribs, Carriage Bonen and all neel,eary outdmildings. nun two %voting ORCHARDS at gohd Fruit on the place. and a Sc'ell of excellent n is er-failing Water near the lanuie, and. a good Cktent at the house :Ind near the ham. ; There Lao ;about 40 Arro4 of excellent PINE TIMBER LAND, on the plate. among the best Tindler to be found in the county, and there is good IRON ORE on a coneld• hie portion 'of the farm. Possession will be giien on the let of April next: Sale to.commence at 1 !o'clock on said day, when the tends will be made - known by - ang3l-ta • JAMES M. RENFREW. Illagerflown Herald. Laneaater Examiner and °attys. berg Star insert to arid tend bills to this °M, e for colleMinn) sburg, pa. gels abbertionnento. PUBLIC SALE. —By - virtue of the last will and testament of John A. Shank. late of Quincy township, deed. we will expose to Publiesald on the piernises, , on Friday, tie 14th day of October next, this fol lowing described Real Estate situottiln Quincy township: Purport Ist being the MANSION FARM of decendept, adjoining lands of Jacob Price, Wm. I - Lula. Stoves heirs and others, containing' 131 ACRES and 32 PERCHES df good Limestone Land about 100 acres of which are in a goof[ state of cultivation, the residue is covered with Tim ber. The improvements consist of a good and comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, New Bank Rarn. Cora Crib, and Wagon Shed.„Wash House and Illacksmith Shop with all other necessarf out.buildings. A good Well of Water.. Abe a good yiiing Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Purport thl adjoins the above described tract and lands of Jacob Price,' Athos Miller. George Greenawalt contains 14 ACRES and 152 Perches. A small portion of it 1p TiMber. The ins provemerits consist of a good comfortable House, Wash Home, Small 'Barn., Carriage House, with all other neyes sary out-builtlings. This is a very desirable property. Any person dEsirous of, viewing the same will please call on Isaac R. Shank residing on the premises or with the" Executors Hezekiah Shank residing near the premises and Be main Snively residing- near to Greenenstle. Terms made known on day of Fnle by - lIEZEKIAH SHANK. , angill BIRCJAMIR SNIVELY. 'x "'ErIrERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED J 111 the 'Yost Offienat Clumbetsburg, State of Penn- Ang. 1861 a r i l - elo obtain ant- of these Letters, the applicant must cull for 'advertised Letters," give the of this list, and pay one cent for advertising Bergey Dal id I Johnson MrsJoaxib, Stiffer Wm Beck Lieut Alt Kniskel Daniel 2lbs John Baker Daniel Lain Mrs Jane ; Sells Samuel ' , Baled George Lain Mrsialay i Smith Eliza Bittner Mary E 1 ,Lavely May J 2 Spiisui Mis Maria 3 Bowman Susan Luse Miss Lions ' Struck Mr, S W Brown Wm - r Lightner Wm T 2 Smith Miss MaryE - Coble Daniel 'Lewis James I Snyder CT - Cooper Nathan ,Marque 31issGrafe Smith Mis Margel Connred Mrs R 3fay Mr; R j Steel Miss. 'Miley - Clark Thomas E Meeker Mjss M Thompson D Crazes J 11 6 Miller Mrs S L Thompson Joe Daquee 31b-sMary MillerMisstinanila Tannicn4Miss Lib Detwiler Mrs Sat' Miller John Y ' Tiacy John Fisher I. M*Larighlia Thar Taper Mrs Susan Hopkins H R Neas l Mas Mary A' Turner Samuel 1-f Holmes Henry ' a !Neal Mrs Lir.r.fe Weaver Illsilil - Houser & Crsik !Polmer John I- Widths Ruth A Hamilton 31 A ' ['lady Robert C Washington Sol Hammitt Mrs :Railing Milis,ll I Wedon Miss Fu. 7 Henrie Men H Rodgers Wrn J 1 Wilkins Mess Harman John I' I;•sebneibly Mary „; Weaver Dr T Hoover Alumni W Sheekella Chas D Wilhelm EruueisC Huber 1; 11 Sehnebley D H Wolff C H Jones Miss A! Suitor Andrew J ' Witing Miss Mary Johnson Mrs WatelSipler lvolore AI 'Yeager Jeremiah J. \\ - .'DEAL, P. M. r :( ICE NOVELS BY' GOOD Wlll- TElCS.:LPubfisitrrs .4anoiateeromt.—sA. LIBRARY STERLING NOVELS.:—T. B. PETERMN Sr. BROTH ER,. invite the attention of till lovers ,41 Irani and whole tone nutding; to their LIBRARY OF•STERLING NO VELS, a hilt they are constantly publiShing, and in which roll always be found: the finest efforts of moderawriters.— The public May iest:assureil that every work 'whose cover bears their nriprint limy be taken-up With confidence. and rSad w ith cormirsnabng lob-rest and pleasure.' The lend ing Al - •l HOlts AMERICANANDFoREIGN) qurl.nov, I.44red talent and celebrity, are the sourer of sup ply for this Library. arid embraces the names of the best WRITERS ;OF MODERN LITERATURE. and our PUBLICATIONS enjoy a larger patronage and a wider 'popularity than nay sitnilur enterprise 'ever undertalsen in this (slant ry.t All the Bunks In this serifs are COMPLETE AND UNA.BRIDGED. All WORKS OF FICTION, when bearing the impress of unmistakeable talent, shaD be incorporated into. our " LIBR 4t R V," and placod before the American public with all the advantages whit% uea and reachible type, good printing. and firm white paper ran give them. These volumes will :be found admuable companies for leisure Mains ; they will to shorten the joume - s of ull :railroad travelers,"uallien the weary hours :n the soldiers' camp. and while away - ,ad evening at horns, moss delightfully. The, price'of THE LIBRARY STERLING NO VELS' is frpm 25 cents tto $2,00 each, thus 'affording every body the means of enjoying mental recreution at a very tri ' fling outlay! I'll of oar publications may be" had of book sellers. news agents and periodical dealers throughout the Utited States and our catalogue will be sent to any ad dn., on application. -Addresseritherders.... • T. IL PETERSON & BROTHERS !' N0..306 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Send for Ciurraissets circular and entolcoe. (nin;r3l.3V. LONG,LOOKED FOE COME AT LAST. Thr Perfection of Sertng Marring. - - - FLORENCE SEWING 3IACHINES. Can nine bi seen at the residence of MRS. IL P. HAZE LET. South ,Yarn Street, immediately opposite Pr. A. H. Senseny's. Ckambersburg, where.all persiins interested in geWing Machin, are.invi ted to call rind examine this wonderful machine. It has been the object of the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to supply a machine free ,from the objections attached to other first class machines, and after the &Mut. untiring labor of years. arid a liberal en• penditure of capital in securing, the first merhanieal talent, their efforts have been crowned with success, and they are now offering to the public the most ye...ifeet Sewing Mnrhine in the world. Among its main• advantages over all other machines, may be mentioned: Ist. It makesfotir different ntitats Oil one and the same machine, 011011 stieh being perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric. 2e1.. Changing from one kind of stitch to another, no well 'an the of She Mitch, can readily he dune while the machine is in motion. • 3tL Every - 'rack is perfect to itittf, making the seam secure and uniform, eombittissg-einstifty, strength and 4th. It has tIW rerrrsilde fend marina. woo,. Uper.oor to run the work to either the - righter left, i or stay lay part of the seam, or fasten' the ends of seams without turning the liihrie or stopping the machine. sth It is the mot rapid sneer in the world, making live stidlie, to each revnbition, and there is no other machine'. hieh do so large a ntrige of Work as the FLORENCE.. tith It dart ihrhealsirst ar fatert work with equal facility, hout tension or breaking of thread. ';Tt1i.....1.5. fells. hinds, gathers. braid, quilts, !and fienlhltrsPWS on a ruffle at the same time, shrtylieity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. Its, motions are all positive and there are no . fine,pring, to get out of order, and it is adapted to all kinds Oh' cloth-work, from thick to thin. and it is almost noise- 11...5. t s- llih. The ELORENCE SEWING mAcurs'Tt i, une quatiod in bertuty and style. and must be seen nlo bssappre ended. - ' . 3111. IL P. 11.1ZF,1,17.T. haling been uppointal Agent for the sale at the above Seeing Mae Jones in Franklin es - Aunty. respectfully invites the Lachcs to Call and exammetheltilltENCE. All Ale:chines/warranted for - nne;n ear. [aug:ll 4 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HER= ALl).—The a...arrest paper ni Ode 1.-or:cf.—The exam , sin mid comprehensive facilities in its possession enables the pmpriet...a mf the WERia.v H EIL/Al, to guarantee the latest and m ost-reliable information powdlily to be obtain ed. to,ionlv teem all pares of the United Staten but from rt ...o? tire world it. Monte corre4pondeut- engaged at heavy c.ut, and connacted will. eneh new nasal and military expedition of tm zovemment. peon e that It is determined to lehve no' I•l.o,iturovered by is operattons and nu evenhrliri occur that .hull not find itoon,tiat%report in its eolununr. b - rust., the l'l'lir‘ one huntlrell tliouvand isei ear nmintain 'escorts% of eotaa , sl,ll(terlis in the field.- eollation of-" Foreign Neat the 11 EIhALI. huts for yeaN, held a high te.sition. aliht it will endeavor ht the fu t.trolo maintain the stand it Iran awnn ,, L It haN slr ,j-3/ eorre , tanob , ros Mallon - ea in all of the principal eitie ,, of the t..lel.traphiNamthgrononts 'extetat to n herever th eleittrie wire. are strelebeEl. When tl , s .\flatitir rahle hieh feat n ill .non be berompl4efl. ,telegyanti wit be reeiveil friim I:um, and Ssia. ns n - ell as From Owl - tit fell l Stat,. , , Then lar mull,* trill have the e , reatt of th. in all para. at the reglilarly il,fid Pi. • ly ima tlonn. prtrietor errs Ines a portion of the piper to Liiern iltn., limn, Agriculture. the Mechanic Arts. Sporting NLirters. heiness. Theatrical am! Financialiteportn. ,Cat tle MarlsetsNUeneral News. oral reports of all events cid. ciliated to , fortn an excellent metropolitan newspaper-41' e.kly photogrUphic lieu of the et ttnb. of the world—nod All at a '5 eery to , r.pewe. Tho WEE KIN taCt, ‘l.l, in i1.1114i every s.aturtlttr morn ,oo anti furnished at, the rat, : ' h. eopy Three 5 Fi,e Ten oppl, • A Ill" larger to name{ of =Tills rilret., A.n r•.tre eop) will to eseYy eltili of tint. ...•parr, to one nilitrer, one riri , r numlw•r lit .A.t. An rune copy will - he i•eut to 4104 4.f tw 'Ada erti•ennnits to it lineal n Wilber IN ill lie i Wit in Wri:AIX 'l4, 1) UM HER fit 1 , , timed re•ots per copy. Ten dotlom pe , •;ipor for hurnlrini anti niity-iliree FIN A, dollnn for gix triontlni. Two d..gars taint ITI, i, tttr for •hn•o nu nOni. ME". 601,430 N RENNI:II Editor & tort • N.orth e‘kru..r FultOn nut Nlll.lll.St, New Yor3. rit e . N. ): .tr.. uo intrellinsr,aget)ts for the ifF.HALto, :11101.:it 1L:1 S & It - A .11 - I, lls S IN ET °RUA s MEL( /1)1 , ;ONh were intr , ,lduel .ow, to enty ye;ir, gum. tot WereApt(Zeogll.ll In Ulf. 11.‘10IONIUM8 tiboin ninel°or , ago. , ,Tlie CA 4 4RcIA). •4,‘ tpt brought to it , Pro'oott AO& perti.etiou• only iu the utter of -;LLOWS ha+ great advantages of er an) alter invention of the kind, (4' apahy of mut hiliter effects than 'lnn hu Irrodueva Py an:, other, and f, mart easily us,•l hy the performer, and exenk eCpecially in rapacity for erproqien. Please notive sahrinve in priers, CABINET OW; ANS.-81 , 0.1.V lienl.. 'No. Pour Oetnve, Single Reed. in wainm or •, (hilt - . 6410 ');;, le.. The Sump, in • Itim o ait Ito*, wo o d Case. 135 'O. 1.7„Fh1. 4 ietave. Ile,l in Walnut or N'.. I'. The Nana% eletcant Hoses and (i.e. .100 Dot 3 F.RF.i.IO. No. I r .t. Four Urtut e , Doable Reed. in Walnut or • oak t '2O . The „Same. In elegant. 1b7,4 , , ad Poor. . No Cl. Fh o Oett, 0, Double 1t.41, in Walnut or ....... . . . .... 170 N.s. .4. The Sank in elegant 'ltoceN;ll.o. PO No. 2 : 1 the - 8010 e: in solid Caned Walnut or Oak, w ith Walnut C'on •.. Wu - • SIX 51,11', No. 14. Six Stop Cu/dn..; Organ. M. •Walttal or , Oak Cone...—_ • Nn. /3. Th.. Same, in eleeant ItosewoOd Caw.... 1'360 t:16117 . STop. Nu. 12. Eight Stop Cahmet Organ. in Walnut 4 Oak Clue . • • • No. 11. The Sante, in elegant Ronewurd Cane.— - • SC9I No. 21. The Same, in Solid Carved Walnut— _.... 500 PEDAL. ISO,. Na 10 Pedal !Loa Colonet Organ, in Wbbott of Oak Case.. LlaCt Casa , of retrollnak on hand, or ,nark j MELODEONS. Na 2. Flee Octave, Piano Stele,' Rosewood OAP 4 1 4150 No. 0. The Same, Portable. !Lakewood Cave on No. 7. The Stone, Portable Walnut Crete' I. •92 . Four Octave. Portable, Nose Wood PAT.... 4 73 CP' Dekeriptive pamphleo furnished by the ttubserb her. An Agents for Mesim. Mason di. 'Hamlin we are enabled to imll at their New York pricer,., and charge,muldag for freight • ' e have sold. a number of their instruments, awl can give numerous .intiFfartory references, $. a. STIRYOCK, Agent, Cbambemburg, CZ ftein Mbertiotmetits. TO THOSE INTERESTED.—The tm designed is desirous at having a sitar:wear with bin enstomenc An Petrnitrhatinir had business transactions previous to this date are requested to call • upon hiniand make settlement, as he is annimts to haw how he stands with his friends. [nug3l-2ml ABRKHAM METZ. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No=, 11 Hee is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Martha Tritle, Into of t uilfcad township, deed, have been granted to the node gned. All persons knowing themselves ind bted to said Estate will please make immediate payinent and those having elaila*Preseist them properly anthenti- , ted for settlement arual JOHN C. Ad'mr. ADJOURNED SALE . 0 , REAL E&- TATE.—By order of the Orphans' Court of Frank lin county. Pm, -will ht sold at Public Sale. on Friday, ye 16th of September next, the FARM belonging to the EstMe of Henry Hinkle, decd, situated about 3 miles South-,r of Chansbersbarg, near the Warm Spring road. containing` 3.5 ACRES and 13 PERCHES of first quality SLAT}, LAND, adjoining lands of Jacob Diehl, John Wagoner. Barnet' Piekine-culd others. On the premises are a /I ,gmy Low HoliSt.,' Log Barn, and other out-bu;dirqrs, and n good Well and Orchard. Sale to Commence at e'dock. P. 31.. when the terms will be made known,- . .. • - :urr.3l-3t EMANUEL KCILN. Adro'r. Ey order of the Court: W. G. 31ircilEm. Clerk. IGHICULT (THAL CHEMICAL CO'S CHEAP FERTILIZERS. PABLTLEJTE. 'Ehis - Pertilizer is composed of night will and the;fergl iridg element of urine, combined, chemically and meclume scally with •nbvt valuable fertilizing agents and absorb. solo. • , pulvernlent condition, ready fur im mediate t.»• .084 without lore of its highly nitrogenous fertilizitur properties, • - - Its Universal adplicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities. are well known to be all that ngneniturists can desire. Price. tc2sper Ton. ' CHEMICAL COMPOST, This Fertilizer is largely composed of animals matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool. together' with chemicals and inorganio fertilizers, 'which decom. par the mans, and retain the nitrogenous, element,. It is thormighly impregnated with urine, andthe thinner por tions at night soil. • It Is a very valuable fertilizer for field amps generally, and espeeially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Ito excellent qualities.!; strength and cheapness.; have made it very popular with all who have used it, - Price. '1125 rei. Ton. ; :'IIT-EF, AND FRUIT FERTILIZER, It is%altighly phosphatic fertilirer. and is particularly orlaph , ;tl for the cultivation of treed, fruits. lawns and flow will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the gnanity and perfect the maturity of she fruit, Par hot-house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispen ,able article to secure their greatest perfection. It ttiilt prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. , The formula or,' method of combining itsconstitueat fer tilizing ingredients have received the highest approval,uf eminent chemists and scientific agriculturist. Price, 4150 nor Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LAME 'the Agricultural Chemical Company manufacture a Phu.- plane of Lime in accordance with a new and valtutbia formula, Lich a very superior article is produced, so as to be-afforded at a lens price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that Its value. as a fertiliser, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market Price, s4s.per Ton. TERMS CASH.—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the Purchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO'S' WORKS. 'AT CANAL WHARF, oN I''ll4 -DELAWANS. Office, 415+ Arch Streak, Philadelphia, Pe, R. 13. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Pamphlet Circular. embracing full di rections for using the above Fertilizers. sent by mail free, when requested. [aug. 31-31 a) tr,NITED ST A.TES 7-30 LOAN.- ' The Secretary of the — Treasury gives notice that iubsriptions will be received for poupoi Treasury Notes, payable three years from Aug. 15th, 1864. with semi-an nual interest at thti rate of seven and tbree-tenths percent. per annum,—prinespal and interest both to be paid in law ful money. These note% will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity; into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not im.s than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, moo, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars The notes will be transmitted to the owners free oftrans portation-charges as soon after the receipts of the original CertWates of Deposit as they can be prepared.:• As the notes draw:interest from August IS, persons ma king deposits subsequent' to that date'must pay the inter est acerued from date of note to date of deposit Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and up- Wards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a ,cmurnission of one-quartes of one per cent, which will be paid by the TreasUry Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified so by the officer with 141101X1 the deposit was made. No deduction foreommissionlanst be made from the deposits. SPECIAL, 'ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN rt IS A NATIONAL SAVD:GS BANK. Offering a higher rate teintorest slum any other. Any 11:ihi=rCirrilnitYng ll inftM of ille,eogntry, and it cannot pay in anything betterjor, its own aoneta are either in government securities Or in note, or hoods paynidt_in government der. It is equally con.4hient as a temporary or permanent investment. The •notes can always be sold for within a fraction of Weiir fare and accumulated interest and are the:best security with banktas collateral. for diwount& Convertale into a Sir per rent. e2O Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three yearo, this privilege of amnia:don Is new worth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 580 Boa& io not less than nine per rent premium and tee fore the war the premium on sikper cent, t. S. stocks was over twenty per cent It will be seen that the at. tool profit on this loan, at the prevent market rate, is not loos than ten per cent per imam. Errolptionfrras Stistr or kunicipot Taxation - Out aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special Art of Congress ofertprs - MI bonds and Tree/retry veers froin local -corollate:, On the average, this entree that llorth about two per cent. per annum, aerordiog to lir , rote of taxation in variant parts of the country. • It is believed that no securities offer so great Inituee , bleats to lenders as those issued by the government. It bill:other furam of indelitedrewo. the faith or ability of pri t ate parties, or stork rompanies. or sepdratecontrourcitio, only, is pledge for payment, while the whblopropettyd the rohntry is held to serure thy diWluerge of all the ligation; of the United Sndes. While the government offers the most liberal terautor Its leans. if believes that the very strongest appeal al be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. , Duplicate eertitleates will be issued for all depole.'..— Tbe party depositirk must endorse upon the Originfi . l . 7• tiffeate•the denomination' or notes required, toed wither they are to be issued in blued, or payable to order. Filen to eadoesed it taunt be left with the otheer aerobia- the deiss,it, to le• fomented to the Treasdry . ;(11,W17.11110N. WILL. us RECEIVED by the Tasurer • or the United States, at Washington, the so verul?tstant l liiensurers and designed pepositaiies and by'ell - 11001 NklyrS.ll. 111\K A1t1.1,1,14 NATIONAL HANK OF .•ETflNl}l4 1101 by WI N.dional Bank. , u'hieb poi depotitai of pub lie rnonoy, mid "ALI. RESPECTXBI.E BANES AND WRENN throughout the eouutry will give fet,lller infetitioumnd AFFORD EVERT , FACII.ITY TO Sl' fD RS. ilugiil4 v :if in an ri at. NTOTIC.T. TO TAXPAYERS4 I ke Tax payer. of 'Franklin IN,unty. pled take wake, that the Tax Duplicates have been burnt the lute fare In Olaambertharg. aunt I am at a lees to . lv wit" h." . paid their Taxes or taloa have not. ,1 a oar under the necessity of making each individual who I paid his Tax and teals the Receipt to bring or send tlta in with your neighbor, thee I will be able to mark it dun the new adaildicate. otherwise I will have to plat ha the hind!, of the Coustablea fur culleetioa. All alihase not laid their Taxes et, would do the County lip Or by coming fern lard MAN. al 'they 4uind Is great meet money at this timai r Offices all In tll iecunet story of the FrienalshipEngine floww,adjoiningrdarket Wank", Ilthambersburg. lauo t t4l J. ti. El. - r.. c..l4eas. - oTicE—per,,op thelltnel,Ven -ILI indebted to lito either'by 'Sole orpok mt.-mint will please call and 'wale the lii.lllP withouldelayi Yen Will reeuliiy see the uwier...iiy of prompt eoaplianee with this make. in the fuel that in the Inte_alisaattouat jet ou r /"" is Secs heats). - the. Baxaks ,rod Notes can Is found at urpreattet Over o OT business. earner of (41teen :Orect and Franklin Batt /4.0. [atatar`244ltej mrsTrat..a: Bu.o. - . t/TICE,-- Wu -GEI.Wic. having been .4.. I burned out he the rebels and desirous of resumin business at the earliest invisible period, would resplnwfully request all persons indebted to him to call nod mako. pny meld without dolay. Those who hose been horned' and 001 ulde to pay nt this dine wilt please call and ttic their accounts by note or du \ tri1....1 itt osEy WANT .' )).—BRAND, &,- -17. x. FLAcx rftr.etfilny `Ama, all pernons knowing them:Ares indebted TO them by inalkor hook it , Pountak to call end make immediate nettlemeni Th.' ...t"" l.lh . c "f this notice in apparent to 0 Pry 0 „, , we hope those in debted wit' report at once, ne24-tf A 1) V' E R .—I, have lost 111 Y Account ..i.A. Books by the destruction of Chaml,,,,,, , lsburg on the itOtb alt, and neat trust to the honor and bos e .. B t), ',' of the ' old customer. to pay lip. I still nooduct my c5 , .. 4 th ,..., ad e ,"" . in iltuunbersburg and will be glad to ti i : . l s ordens r yo '''',.,""' nutril4 ' B. BSS ! __ Manto. A RTHIIII H: BANDOLS, lANUF4I.I-, El.. hirer t ROSEWOOD AA/ GILT 31013.100 14 : - 1. c ooking Glass anciaPieture Fmroes, et esery.tleeeriptlon, , /,, ethlocst Cynic. of Third imd CalioAßl Stit,'.Phßidtit . Vent to the largemententptmoOlytmeeuted. Gram try& 8. IDDIV O CI L, Chulbets ictg, Pa. - 9802 , . . lAT --- ANTF.D.—A good TANNER. Gtioa eIs.:7SALE.-4,firstlate, Fore .octave y y wave and Monty employment winhogivich. -Ap• : • - '..IDEOIi, in ise bat. ii - iditirt time.. Itiqulli, vat ;ply to the ondemigned, near MereemMum ttB244k- aptn-tit , tt DiE44:'': - IW ":: ' WANTE D—lmmediately for rent a two-stori.l HOUSE in Chimbersbnrg. with net lefientluin stz room*. A rent oUseremty-fire dames mUnib will be paid. Inquire at the Beretta*" Printin Once. - au" idiffn MS! 'BY MAGNETIC TELEGLAPIL EXCLUSIVELY MIME FROWN REPOSITORY. The Chicago C* sav Rion-Jaem Eigfer Tem eary.Preeident—Gov. e y most e Preetdeat—yrobwble Nainhzeitiosi of Gen. IrClelian. _ Special dispatch tot e) ' ' • earcAno, , AngustSo. , : - The DemOCratiC National Conventicerwatealk ed to order at noon yesterday; • and - Bigler. of Perms., electe4dtenrrary President. . To-day the permanent organization was effect., ed by electing Gm; Seymour. of New York.. Pres... ident. • Everything points to the nomination of Oen::'= , .M'Clellan as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, with a moderate *ace platform. - Vallandigham is ode, of the leading spirits of the =• Convention, and is chairman of the Ohio delega tion. Thus Treason stalks not only nnrebuked, , but actually feted and honored in the supreme - council of the Democratic party. - HEAD QUARTERS PROVOST - :- M...kRSELAL, Strrtystri Dtgrilrr PENNRYLVARIA, - Chambersburg. Angina Sth, 11364.—The board of Enroll• went of the Sixteenth District of Penaryhvnia will hobd daily sessions at Chamberiburg eommenchtton Monday. MO 12th instant, fur the revision and correction of the lists of persons enrolled as liable to do military duty. Persons who may be improyerly enrolled on seemart of ALIENAOM, UItiVITAIILESMI or M.E. NON•RRSIDENCR, MANIFEST PERMANENT PIITMCAL I TRARiLiTT, OR MAY. 10 REUSED TWO TF.ARA IS ME PRESENT WAR, ate W.' red to appearprate their non-liability and - bat. their names stricken from the lists. • remmi contemplating making application to have their names stricken orr Mc any of the foregoing reasons, bad better address a letter of mqu i to the Board of Enroll ment, for the purpose of a.seerWrdug the proofs that will ba required, before making personal applimition. AU let- Lela must state the township and county In which the mi• ter is enrolled. , Tee Board will thank citizens for information of persons Imbropetly omitted from the enrollment, as welt as for the names of melt as hare become twenty years of age or have flied a declaration of intention to become natural ized. Every man in the District liable to do military duty is personally Interested In having the names of all persona not so liable stricken from the lists; whilst It is equally his duty and interest to see that none properly liable to do' military duty move enrollment .4t is the duty of all fifteens to see that delinquent draft ed men are arrested and brought before the Beard of Eel.* rollment. Each Borough and Township It charged with the duty of furnishing fur full quota. Drafted men here tofore delinquent who report themselves at once will not be regarded as deserters, but allowed to famish attend rites or pay commutation, if not exempted by the Board. In these ruses, the township nay yet obtain credit by Prompt action. Citroens of sub-distriers whose burdens have been in creased by the failure of large numbers of drafted men to report, are assured that the draft will be enforced In every part of the Disitiet. GEO. ,EYSTER, ana o 24-?ti Capt & Pm. Mar. 16th Dist.; Penna. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, SEXTEEnti Distatof PEsw,t., Chambers. /nog, August 1864.—The Provost 3fatshal General di-, recta notice to be given that inquiries on all ordinary anb j]ecta connected with the enrollment, draft, exemptions, liability to draft, credits and accounts of men furnished, should be addressed to the Provost Marshal of the to which the business appertains. In ease the latter ca rer cannot give the information sought, he will apply to the Provost Marshal General of the Division or State.— Answers may thus be secured more promptly than by ad dressing the Provost Marshal General at Washington. where more important business often prevents prompt an swers to inquiries upon business of minor mince. GEO. EYS augtl4-3tl Capt. & Pro. Mar. 16th Dist Pa. 8400 BOUNTY FOR ONE YEAR. Guilford township will pay 000 LOCII Bounty to Volunteers, which with $lOO Government • Bounty paid for one year's service, makes bite Smarty : for one year. Persona added to military duty who ram until theyarc drafted, will receive no bounty. Apply to A. K. Iit'CLUM Treasurer Guilford Bounty boat. 8 5 0 0 BOUNTY FOR TWO YEARS Persons vAshing to Volunteei for two years can receive 8300 Local Bounty from GUILFORD TOWN SHIP, and VW from the general government. Persons rayed to military that. who trait until they are drafted, will receive no bounty. Apply to A. K. 3FCLURE. julyfalko Treasurer Guilford Bounty Ccee. Qli6o o BOUNTY FOR THREE YEARB.—Penums wisbing to Volunteer fur three years can receive I`3oo Local Bounty fremOUIL• FORD - TOWNSIRP; and 1300 from the general govern; ment. Persona 'Oder: to military duty wEe wait wan they are drafted, will rewire no bounty. Apply to A. IC. M'CLURA Julyl74l) Treasurer Gunton' Bounty Com. A. )t'ELWAIN, County Superintendent. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—No tie. is bs given, that letters of Administration on the Estate of Jaeob Ebersole, Sr., Lite of Green tome deed. have been granted to the undersigned. AU persists indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. and these having Maim will please present them properly authenticated fur settlement. rave= } MICHAEL EBERSOLE., Adel. • 4D3IINISTRATOR'S 310TICE.-No h tire is ereb given that Letters of Adtalaistratun on the Estate of Jol y m Grove, late of Guilford totvas/4, dee'd, have been grunted to the utslemigned. All persons knowing themselvee indebted to said fistatte will please make immediate payment and those Imriug enims pre-ent them proparly authenticated for settlement : JOHN GROVE, .0. JACOB GROVE. ) A 411111,. A DMINISTRATOR'S - NOTICE.—No. rim i betel)). given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Entamtel Been, late of fit. Thom,. town ship. deed. have been gmnted to the underdgood hat. in St. Thorne, All pee.o . ns knowing tilt _ MEI -sa.= .- lone brcni groltit‘i t.. , tlr. MideNi, I.o‘Cardip. An iwrkm.. kuowin :tltelnselcro Indebted to beimd Es• wt. , will plum& toake Immediate pnyinent and thane ilia' elainA will prev•eut .elvut" rwyorly wuthentingted tur tritlemt. HENRY WENtlial, inlyN nl.d-A.11.T1.1.: WENGER,. JR.. t . F '.. 1' Ts" • VXECUTOIt'S N OT I CE.—Notice is IA hereby given that Letters Vatimentary the Es tate of Magdalena cireer. late at Hamilton tnanship. dee'd, bare lumen gmlltml to the undersigned, residing in said township. All persons knowing tbeinsiires indebted tu said Estate will please make Immediate pn)ment ; and thine baring ela b ints will present them pruPerly authenticated ter settle- Ment. 0u1y271 GIORGI. SELLERS. Es{. _ failitarg flotireo. julrn. AL) GUILFORD ..e TO De NV: g ! ,,,di FIIP ted ..- I.. C w i t tize m. ns of Guilford kneruship . ' wishing to ester the service we t; litiaeilWe &TWO- 0 0 0 boos. , iti m y w i t h kily2l)-fit A. X. firdlaUßE. Legal -Datives. T QTICE.—TEACHERS will be exam ined for Montgomery township on noonday. An gnat 25th ; Greencastle, ; Antrim 29th ; Waynesboro, 39th; Washington 31st; Quiney. September lot; Golilfortd r 211. and Halnliton 3d, at the usual places. None need ply who "never prepare," who "have not looked at a book for months." who desert their schools without cause. or who "cannot get here at the hour." Those interested In their profession will be prepared and attend promptly at 9 o'clock, A. M.. each day, when the classes will be formed. Each should have a sheet of heavy foolscap ps• per. pencil, pen, crayon, and a revenue damp or fits cents. Directors and citizens will please attend. . _ juir...o - aur4 13ErSOriat. ~. . 21); cENTs itEVAIII)—Lett my home on Fridw, the Vth ult.. •uy norrunt girl NARY cA TILA RINI? lir,..K. The trbrutr , rena per ril will .r , r. .kta. bt , pad for her retur.t , but eU t'bartfr% jula. All AbonA timed tuiraiid misting Err (AL tetV thvvuot. uule24:".;t" ti}:NRY SMALL. JR. --.—.---- fIiIOTHE WitAoN. wh o hio, been a 4 te, clerk, left my employ , ment en likomiwy, 4th JalY. k • oil pernons [rum trauino. or dealing nith Mtn roy oetvamt. as he hos not i nee then been ha co! employ. jolt:C4te HOLKER HI'GFIES NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE publie that my wife Itteannah N a lAll in; 14441 and bard without eqnsn. I horeby w io orn a per.nes aguinvt giving her any credit uu my oneunnt, ni I.deter. mined to pay no bill no bar annual: julyl74it' - GEORGE LIGHTNER. _________..... . Versonal. liropettg *ato. STOCK FOR SALE.-Alie undersigne4 , Attuanbarntoro of DoniOl Mono, late t4' Ore town chip, doooticed, Will +oil by public ontrry. at the Market 11...nce, um Monday the 3rd of October next, et 1 o'clock: TEN SHARE?. OF CU:ARMAND VALLEY RAH: ROAD bTOCK. Tome will be made knoon on day of Into by JOHN MONS, ~_ 1 JEM EL MOEMIANS, ' 1 aug24-ta lolers of Daniel Moan. deed:— _ - 1 M M I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers