Exabd. C#i pE NSYLVANIA RAILROAD! fiPRING TIME TABLE. • FIVE TRIM DAILY to anri from PAJ2 adalphia, an and after May 16th, 1841. Tka , Passenger Trains of the Penttcdo Railroad Conaway will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and rblimielpttia as follows EASTWARD: • - THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hanisbarg dal• 17 at 2.45 A. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.5 ALL FAST LINE leaves rfarrisbum daily (wept Monday) and 6.00 A. M.,. and arrives at W est Philadelphia nt 10.10 rail...engem take breakfast nt Lancaster. FAST MAU, TRAIN leaves If arrinburty daily (e'reept Strndat) at L,OO Y. M., and arrives at West Philadelpitia - at 540 P.. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harris bora at 7.20 A. M., connects at Lancaster Kith Lancaster Acxamanodato'oa Train, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4 l2-9-5 0. MI COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION THATN bhrg at.. 12.23 P. M., Columbia 1.55 P.M., and arrives at l4timr at =Cir. M.: connecting with Fagt Mall east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Phila .. dalphta 1115,20 P.M. , MAIL TRAIN leases Harrlabarg'alr d r:ll, Lanett , . tae ati2A7 P. M., and arrives at West P ciphla at 5.30 HARRISBURG -ACCOMMODATION: TRALN. via Columbia. leaves 'Harrisburg at 5.25 - P. M., and arrives at West - Philadelphia at 10.50 P. R. WESTWARD: ; DAKATMORV.I EXI , REss TRAIN leal 4 es Harrisburg daily - -(except Monday) at 2.10 Altoomi 7.1.1 A. rty Wen frreakfast, and arrives/at Pittsburg at 12.20 P. M. L i - PIMA DELPIIIAIIXPRPFsEi TRAIN leaves burg, daily at 3.10 A. st.i'Alitsalta fi,t3l A. M., take br. , :e.- feud, and arrive at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. M. I MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.3(1 P. at.. Alt.. , nit at 7.15 P. at, tuke supper, and arrives at Pitt,harg 12.30 A. M. FAST LThD /earel Tfortisburg at 3.15 M. M.: Altoom 53,5 P. at., take sapper, aid arrit exitt 15ttsburg at 1.00 mours , r - JOY Accommonnumc TItAIN.IThey Lancaster it 8.30 A. St, and arrives at HarrisburL , ; at 11 10 P. X. HALIZRISMIRG ACCOMMODATION Irnrs, - _Weol.Lita!lelpbia at 2.4 P. BE, aml arrivr,) at Ilarrishatg, ' motrwrp. JO-A. ACCOMMODA ; JICIN No 2. leaves Lancaster at 6128, connecting mith Harriaburg AecOttilno dfdiele WM% have+ Mount Joy it 7.00 P. ITJ, and arrive:, at Harrisburg of 8.20 I'. Y. SAMUEL D. IYOUNG, Atetils:B44f, Supt Middle Div. licana. R. IL WORTRERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SLIMIER TIME 'PARLE.—ThrcelTrain.= Daily to - ma - Am Eaßimore and•Traskingvnt Connections reside with trains on Pennsylvania RaiTniad, to and from Pittsburg and The West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to-and'froin the North net West BAIA& Sttegaehannri, Elmilln end nil Northern - - Oa and ofter Monday i May Ma, IE4I, the Passenger Trains' of the' Northern Central Railway - MB arrive at eri4 depart from Ihrisburg and Baltimore ns follows : SOUTHWARD. ' MAIN TRAIN leaves Sunbury dtuly (eseept Sunday) f ••• • leaves Hanisburet luta it M. a arrives An Baltimore ..... 5:40 Pig. EXPRESS TRAM leaves Snnbnry daily (ex ' • • eept Sunikiy) • leaves I larri she re' (except Mouthir) -"' arrives at ltol dean , HARRISBbRG ACCOMMODATION lasers Barn:tine-a. SUNBURY ACCO3U.IOoATION leaves Sun • burg dash- ten. Sumter). -. • ' N 0 }LT II IV AR D MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily texceipt Sunday) its)) A.H. leaves Harrisburg I:Ti -- arrives attSunbary 4:05 1 . -NS. EXPRESS TRAM leaves Baltimore daily... 8:30 P.M. " arrives at Harrisburg • 1:50 leaves' Iliarisburg daily (ex- N. mint Monday) 3:15 A.M. a arrives ut 'Sunbury 5.53 Aar. HARRISBURG ACQO3OIODATION leaves .Baltimore dady(ex.3loaday 5:001'.31. SUNlttitY ACCOMMODATION leaves Har risburg daily (ex. Sunday). 4:00 P.M. For farther information apply at the Oifiee, in Penalty]. Voila Railroad Depot. june27,64 J. N. -DuBARRY, Gen. Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND_-,E.RIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses. the Northatra and Northwust6:sinties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It hr been leased by the renturylvanlailiallman , Conp any, alSI tinder their muipiees IA being rapidly penal throughout its entire length. •• _ _ It is now in Ilse for Pnssenger atfd Freight businePitrom Harrisburg to Et Marls t2lti miles,) on the Eastern Divi sion. and from Ehenield to Erie, 78 miles, on the We tern Division. TIRE OF, PASSENGER TR.T.INS - AT UARRISBUR( = Tralu..::. Expanse. Traia =I MailTrairt - 1:11 P. w. Express Train • ' 1-15 a. NI. GUS inn through without change both ways ou, the. , trains, between Philadelphia and Lock Haven and be tween Baltimore and Lock Buren. - • ° Elegant Sleeping Gam on the Express Train, both ways betinea Williamsport and Baltimom, and Williamqport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger businem apply at the 8:E. Corner 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight bushiers of the Cornpany'r. &Teats: S. B. KLVZBTON, cur. nth and Market Sts., Phila. J. W. 11.1:15uurs, Eric. .1. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. 8., Baltimore, 3fd. lf. 11. HOUSTON, Gen. Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L..HOUPT, Gem Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, JOS. D. porrs: Gen: Manager, 'Williamsport. Jtm15,64 0 - 101111F.12.LAND VAtLEY FRANK - - NJ LUti iseair,RoADs..—C/lANG.E OF. ROM On and after Monday, April 40. 1864, Pnsatnerr Trains will ran daily. as follow*. /14mplars rarer atilt ' FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG Leaw. Hagerstown Greencastle Arrive ati Chatabersburgl Leave at.: Leave Shippensburg " Newville " Carlisle l 1 3:55 )0:111 2.12 Ifeelaturesbnrc 0:25 10.42 3-12 Arrive at ilarrishura• 0.:;,5 11:15 .1. FOR - CIIADIBERtiIIUIi.O AND 11.10E1t1'r 1 1W'N P.3t Leave Harrisburg 1%12 4.21 Meebaunisburg ... ... :. I .ll' 0:15 4 Z... 1 Carlisle t 4 : 27 ;: 5.29 Netwtlle. 10.02 3:20 Shippensburg, ' 10:33 4:00 Arrive at Chamberstitirg ' - 11:00 40) Loare Chatabe.nsbarg 11:10 4:40 Greencastle 11:55 0:130 Arrive at flarrertotro 12:33 onlo Making close connectlomg ,at llarrisbar4 with trail, Philadelphia, No* York and Pittsburg, and nith trams for all ponds West. The Train-leaving Harrisburg at 4.20 p. M. runs 'd!: as farlts Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Supt. R. H. Office, Cltageg, April 4. 1814. • usival. 11IT C BINET' 4. ORGANS, with One or Tarn Sets ut Rude, ton tabling the Arrowkne SWELL DOUBLE PE.LIJAS 3 Km* Stop and Combination Valve.' Enr//4,trnntvit tui+r , ,a- Cd for Five rcars. Price, from 570 to The Cabinet - Organ is the l or.ly 11.1i - 11110:1a l - 4:1111 1140' blues the requisites-fur Choral mad Purlor ]hair; for m e Sshooißoomandthesoeadf_,titalgatiaohg. rot mlalle it possesses suillment l ain or: for the aceoutparament of a large chorus, it in, from its capability 0f...411 nitath, of ex pression, and its woutlerfuli crtsct ado and din. xecada, most effective as a solo instrument. It is capable of or. cbtslttareffects, and rapid music. a., trills. arpeggast, From Its substantial tonc,, it Int, a decided advantage coo. the Piano Forte, for the rt udering of many of the Lite:vest moreeaux of the masters, nach - as symislacties, quartettcs, &C. R. A. 31CLUILE, Cluunbermburg, l'a., General Agent for Pennsylvania. N. B—The undersigned will sell, and deliver in rood condition, Cabinet Organs auy where in this State, aitat, tau - liaises. All inquirtes by letter promptly answered. • junel7,63 It- A. AFC. PRINCE & CO'S WELL KNOWN MELODEONS AND HARMONIUMS, introducing the effect of Pedal Brea on ev . ery. Instrument. E. GABLIM'S amain - weed PIANOS fen' each at a liberal deduction, or on Monthly Irtetalmeats. rir Over 30,900 sold in Philadelphia. • . • JAMES_ RELLA_K, Sole Agent, 279 & South Fifth Street, above Spruce, ,rapl6-ly Philadelphia, Pit PIANOS. -R. A. M'CLuitE. SolO Agent, for the rolobritoot DECERR BROTHERS (NEW YORK) PIANO. Phuio doll% rod, awl put up in good edition, in any port- of thu Saute. at FAL-rota ItzTArt. Prfeet All InmtrutoetiL: %van-anted f..r fire your& - Banos from other Factories will be larnishol if de-met. jimoITC3 IL A.M . CLUIIE, Chamberslatrg.. l'a. jiLEltill 13R0'11-IER, Mannfiyetu re r+ nud Wholeealo Dealer. in 3ICSIUAL INSTRUMENTS, (lemma, French and Italian Stritno, No. =Market Erma. vhthadphm, Pa. ar Orders carefully Tatra:idol Co by S. S. SIIRVOCK. Chamberebarfr, l'a. setati.ly. VOCAL A. I4ITLuILE-:1% tenelt Clime,: and Privto4t YupiLa the art of hilitring Musical Notatiort, Lturrntmy, and kel.'forkin%. J,- W. SCOTT. GEN'tLtilEN's FUR • NISIIINC.STOICE mot Si ma aasi;vACTOItY, No. SP; Chesnut St, I doors hew the Cootho•oial. Partienior attention given to ordered Shirrs. A perfeet'llt guaranteed. , Pena ohs nt a 111 Man, C ran eater by the following• Shirt theasurvA _ Size aroaanit the Neck. Chest nailer the Anna. Waist. I. " • Wrist. Lengt & h of Arms Oxiat) from metre of beak to tniddlont Loefrib of Boonn at Side MEI C. VcALI3OI?N Wlt()lesale . flnd Retati READY-31AI)11 LINEN & liT(ce , X MANITPACTOItY, /Vim. 5 and 7 North ~, ,strat, nitr.wpia, Silk, Merino told Colton i'lldr•r Shirts -and Driven, Cravotri, Seoxfit, Gloce., Ilut••11.i•r -p•lideCt. 41c. Bhin,4, WI:II4PN and Dress m:ol•• to order by rIll!:Lqllre11101t, and wool:toted to t.tisi•noti,l..., (Nen may boleft with'S. 8. SIIItYOCK, burg. WESTON & lIROTILEII, MEItCIUNT TAILORS, No. 900 Arch Shia, PLiltl, !ph to. Otr, Raving' received a literal Mare of patronage from Cmmp . . bereliurg and vicinity, he are etcoltmcd n, a-1: - for looro Tho excellence of our koala and our u ark, and the rata Tie tnkb to give entire Ratigaction, am a ealfielma gmmam fen that 'we value our ropatatioa. ail Iy. WES,TOIi fi DROTILEIL •• • • gticultural. I3IPORTANT T 0 17. ARMERS. —The qbe.lpf. , :t and hr st "Threilserreld Cleanni." - so &Trosed Pato.= Railway Power and hissed TIIIia...LIEF. CLE.I:NER. - This snathine laanuf.setured at the small advance (.110 per et :IL irrt r thut year. 'rile fanners see rea sm ;:dozrantr, it el,orrAl.ure. It 1-ayes's:bop and eXPLUI,tfr, .11111 doe. sire Sod. better V. 021. than any other machinis. of it rise horse of a three-horse 'machine *110 : Twee 1.3 ~,, et,brace every - 116:er, eel:epic... This niaehlae :0 :ran tagos that aro a - rs atly rarrerier to any ether. ts izt tha; cal' be used untsroly a; the /Zara r. :zed ' , last ria pen or sr. an be conveni, tidy used ter eultit q fedd; sholl• Ins; COM, eailirg bfra, 141.16111: n,wd At. At ;I it re. quires ppives and ilsv:ur hand Usali any other. PAL )1411, 5 s BxCELSIOII Sa:tx•st. - s r.uxi 1101 E•Pritellr(lllli.". 1111 S many ad,l;ods: r erg, 2 , llfillg. eel, it is Sol f-sitstenna. ;nsysit tz: attention. anill les lead is to be irged. ISc •ne7 .0 the valleys* furnithed-nitinhe tacks it r.; ors.r the tunic. when it di,lii&ge s , it, lonsl by ..411,1.1: - 'og his. It ),.,s a lain,llo lot IC. 's in an nnle.l to.; :\ York Sza'ss Fair, and. sit the Cote r - Via, s:orTirs c;111;m: 3JOI:NTAIN 111:ADING 31AUIS I i.a nes, ne.l; - ; I. .10...e -111:111111i1( ttirin f 1;111:11,4 ia.oly. ezhern as; oai ; she.- or le: gull, 11 1 : 1./ /11C./1. la Ise z "to ru, by urdioary water power. It njil raw eat. us; 0. inuel .later , es. For liour. Str.li Ll.r Mat` l'ayettoN ine:Fritu! , aa 11, l'r..ak.3in itaaAtLya, A • - : e.a. be • oLliPt d :11,:l.,111 I. , . I , 4ver. Pt . ili o' 111 ... p 1....," • - T• L' ' bar u.. 1 .; ta • to that v atlaralbLo•tur. day 1_ ^ n:.•‘ Cai-1 , 1!.1 1.7 .1.1 4 :!. _ref, • II • • • t . u•l l tlo , T., , 1,•poo•el .:11 Lie ;;,h.ar aN, 11,1- J:am, 8111 to.e:•po, • trial n , my th.rn I erh, le be '4 l, - vhc Tittintptar,r, 1 rue au n.y ma; atat , *.--ttheaatr and el,. tar. tnrt`a.lo , llol, r .tad o;r; ulcer ory with a in o-ina,c 'rut or, thal the or 6 Otnple. and two horbus ettn give the Name, it not grouter ptar . er than four call Mil: the lei'erl uu Or. Mid ,he Libor is no more 'overo cm the 11,rse.:-. lu N'aort I regal tt the'Tload-pm Or ;is hating nthyalitage of or tic noiljt.11111.1( euna 6• leitneed tanner& - Very Itespeottufly-iN anti he. K. 3I'IILUIZE. Apply to the tuiderelgued In Cue. Iwo i. rninklai Co. In ICO//:In COOK'S 817GAREV-L I 'OIZATOII, uliwtured. ht 1!4.1rE1t.8A.M.5 a. I DAI, 0h1..- - Viu are ‘rilliu . g. totar.ettt, tattlt iceet t. OIV 11,t , of good Cane, a SIIIIICIVnt 1111111UVC nt gia r . (.l p tan pfollueed to curer cost t 4 3littemturyi cap.,lll, of mak, leg eighty of Sy; 1111 per r eats per 2/11.111, I , LV. , ,: for,Lest of 241,1111 ±Aupual:or is tour or where pLit. Le. ..rth, a Law_ out tlid,Furnoee. u, lett. iiwu, CoOR'B, tb.,,:e 'l' • , 1 c: e‘ty peals a galleu. nut, • , ,„ t 44 . 11 a U4ll•' tuu in Na ~ b (s4C4o•jam,a'ae:ll,l ..‘'L: .f ,1 u. L.aa: oyi , ...r,ra pr. • !. ' ' , l I:lia.g.Laa: sal t‘ilt ik• .1 1.l i Sr. I 111.71„, :a;. ti ~ .. 4:1 , 1 , 6 t Cl.rrk riorgo 31t, hint: Cuit.pa.l)'J CANE MILL and ilbaNa SELliftg, .411 a 1).?„ MEM! 7.1 J .L. 31 liErEl EOM A'. G. lilfi:/). Agem Chinitiwnblirg. The Surgo fret n.:q• 1,11,1,:e•k ng, for it A3Di()NIATED GUANO:- A real ge.oto, onnalniag,. !row arrefttu I p't u•nt of Tilt l'llATl: OP LIME. to 1111.1'4 I I , • U. un gilded, by a eh , luzlcal rat 410., a 1,444 I.ef 010.1,;,` itivral.ll hued that it ea.unot taloriat's Mar, 11.1.' eq:Lii. if 1 / 4 4(., tiler with Analy.... be IH. .11m;,..rr Slas,, Slat. .sayer, and Dr. 1,1t , 1112: of It ilnron I.,:omorvals 1,01 nltrziAs ~ L ow'tg d ealt.. Can be vbtailbld J. 0. BAKER, J.. C 0., :31 Lt man 11 .7 Wall Strut, Nov 17.•1;. it-laical. 1 T4E1,11;01.1)'S GEN . CINE Tio )31 sc 11., - 11, \ ".' -t• tlt , j,••• • • ,, t• •.•. . t • Ithotoor is oh, o: no el 1) ~, 'll, tolho Ito the rower oti 1 o‘, tt i• - h• I • "' Watt , ry qn• ',Oe,toooo. 1101,. , ;tloh. and au ! ~,, •• , ,d I. .irg. , •rip•ra, are Z.. W.•Il l'nrh r •.- NEL:m:I ?Li'?. EXTILWT 11.4 1.20 r. •-4,0 1 I . I-:.trly J.:411,.r•••.,.” ty , 1 p . 0+ , 1,, i:• " NerNl.:iltLlTor 111.1.. I ',L....11.10 sit TOO MIl•-elV it Sy ,, lr IF iha t , l rh.. :11:111. f \V.I I I r. ,, 1- 1%.c7, u t tae lA,I C . Erllpnia, P:! !'a te11:111(:1,. . . tmc. if allowell to 2,7 on 4,11 •lor n• • I% ti:ot n...Trui.tl.t l / 2 y IOLAI-1. SAM - 1,1 in ,o, 1 : LL • ,• NVILLL , 'LLLL • ••••LII ILLit not ot. o :Loo: hrtoll t] l II 'flux. • • alnill • 01 10- 1,11 %It 1-r: aoltC: •'. 1:::• o ••onn Tho o o: - lota t. ,12•:i.loohoor t'th , no C' otto or! ~ • o. ioor plo mil: • to tot '1 rtito ~t .1.,..tt0t • 11. on,rOnroor O , T t'fla tr,t'e Vr.trimr t. , to tin. ,d! • : MoCot toto,tnt :111111:r:too IL I' ILt! ~ I - t •L ti 14 4 1 , ••n, IVIlL• :1 lII:LMLIeaLLYS x:1:114 I 1:1C1IC t: ot:no , • or't. .1 In,: Al In rot I ••IL L• 10 • Lf . ' . ri,o;o„,:),, 'bar id re v44ti. rTII.II Ir:,II,LIC ECLI I L •1 tailor trutogy, ain C 0: , ,,, or • o t:oo 7' • •••••.ry•y. I niW 110,4, ••r •• L k , I,• •• • v., ,•••; ni 'l s : • • r..••• • , 00, u, , •••• IT:: A.M. 7.4) 7•:37 c 17 4 1.... 9 IA 21x =MN :I 1):••1 11 X. I 1;1 . 1.1 ..\\D ED It' .z... 11 k 1 .70.. 1 1 I i:/:` 4 C1:1 4 , :, 01 .1 . -Thee,,r/ rrd rl'honsand. npen Tleet,lob• WT. Id•\. , hi,. Cr • of Q1.1at'3. 4 . vile rave paid hracy h r , nn dt. •ae•rt e twee{ they .‘lot n ,tt th.. P 1 O.IW)N Ime, 4 , by the t • rj •- q Stied. TrTr• •I•n the ryvt.m. ft, 'ttrtnik fin Lora. P17.1:11-CP:,.11T1.1: SI \ I .0 110.,1511 , 1*4 ItY (IIZO • 't MALE or FEMALE fro. •• •. • • r tool nu unittor or EEO' A. •'t \ Iltorm , e4 of the, I 0.4,0. n .0. 4 0 ,t .L lilt !X -TIC. HELMBOLD'S EVI - E ",( 'l' RuClll' it (MEAT In FRETIC tk-actl eilt•t t in all for v .TA 0 /7 •lr Evidence of the, mold n :red ro3d nilfareemrany the medicine. PET( • 11:1; i VT - ITE, (1t h(t FOR,eS, Dullvernd t. , rnrkedinvtil ott:,,to;on. 1),iz, c . 4 , CURES t r 1.4',1..,1.2.•• 1 LID! ' 1'1)1 A t ;RATES A a Ire -4 f•—• -r• ; - • r•••• • ••• 04 . , .•. ' ' 4? ; r7.l‘ •L Y 1 •• • 111:1.3ii;01.1) 4 Iri"!.: • .1 To !:“ VkV .\ BEIVA:tE Aka, CI1'T.1:1) 1)':1.1.1:WN r.. 1 . ' 1 , 1111 •ir of Iv^ ..n '• t. . by leliiiiii ill. (li,lieti 't , •l. , .'t r ,-. • " . InTroved /:..111'1..., 1,11:. 1,1 . ALI, III:11;i: I.l'l t. VA r EI:YWitERF: ..I.sh - Foil lifi: I, '.l Irt,il,l)s, TA 47.; "CI (1111:Py r t , .0 lili• Id, ^...,• t,...11 ar.4l +i , for iI.C.NDACiII 13.11't itilTli iN .C:s. II l';:il t t 1, 1 tin • I 1.0 . :13, ,.. .1.1:.• 11. 4 1(R7LZ*6 CEL E BIZ ATEI) 1101ZSE AN 1) * i cArrnalq "DMZ —The, Por. der. hare pro, i.l after a trial ,'f t. , 1 7...trt , t.. lu-sttp.ri, C. v.:ly I ni , t nffint, kif the kiai eieil. 'I he el, of huperiiirit2, - et the., r.r.t dt t t , art.! .tr . . iii the fai t that ttiey itilt vimit r .. , ... 1 ot na..livini, that lialel,::‘,Lltve, '1' , 41:,: .o .1 L i ' ll, t• ' ILI 1 pertly.. The Lat.ratiVl• Hert4 ertvii::, , I .I.• 'f , . ; -,, Dit , ' , .wi hi'. .th,.i.. ,l -i 'reit], 5.1..,,A.r.1).:t:,L tu, th, : ..t..a, ,1 Clip if ~t, ;and the iiiiril:,...nz Ineiti he, eiii miniiiiiii :le t, clew:Ali the lilwil ithil lay the tittilldtin.ort It.l .. tr0 . ...i , t, and 1 tgrm,tll.t . i.rt•titittl.r.J. T.. ~.,or Ti,, ni nikpro.e. tli , ,u ind ntrentrthion, tt.,:q4o.tnt,.. itt,/ on t•• The e , , ,•e , r,, l• . ./1/ 1 ./ 1 / 3 : gh.lly t - i...0.--th it, .I,llPrlr/S , tl,l Clip Nrio•ara. e ..i zer . gpii it t , f thi• 11. ... . ,•• it, ~•• r , r1141• 114+12' fat %h,-) tkol tvitt , y -,tt--I•ttt v o. liar , 1.0.1 P . A.:114..0 1;7 , •,) t• , 41 a-n 1.1., t..r, • '..1 t.r ?./ illr.a:V> at tn. , . !,•••a a at' p I, IP, lI • I 1.A.r1.1i.i 4h I W, •• r rtt l'rhyd• !I, 11••11_ , 14, 1 . • .11 1 ,•,•1, .1 — I LI t tr,11:t11 tit,. r •1 . 'J.., 4 4 . L' 44 l- 1,111:4 4 I I . lr . 1 • II•u. gan '4 of v 1 . 4, 4 .f:1114 • ry _rtl.y 1• ,( , iv.tt:ty of .1111 k in !h Clou-f gr., 4 It all • r 4 4 -11. ,I• 11 44)440a.il plat I i 4 :11 , 4.f p•••••45455 1 .1•11•;tar a 4;4 . .4V.. /.4t4 - 4 . A44 4 , 4%544: •I' • MMMMI I jr( 1 1;i , -bli ..I . ' 1ii..a,41 , 4 of g ,jlll I • r , ,,...' • T'.. 4 •' fill: /Att:/.., 4/1./ tai, , iti r . , siCf.., )ly i. 1..: Ir 6, bull a i ~i ~ to a 1,,i , ,ki , I, , 1.: - , .1, , .u• 1 „,,,I , i ~ ,•i . ii , ‘,,,, ,„ cliiiriiii- ran lio ior ii „t, ,ki r, ,: pr., ~.) it •:•,'.., ti.,,, 1.,,A,L,, ‘1,,,, 11. 1 .; Ch,... ~, I jj, li-_ %..i 1., 1 , ,0 , aby S.A. r -, )1 - 17, •:. Pattr.. t”. `, ~.... k .7.:1 li i tir Bale yiiiiir.alii_linil r, toil ii iiitortilviiit,ti iim ....,or . h()l;Tz , s :Ilx - ri:ir., 1 ,N 4A1.'1..: , 1.N.1) ri i Llito I:eniiiiiy for tho t or° of i ltliiiiinittt . ittrlt riiiiii till tiers oil i \ freetiill., Spriaiiiv, 11”,,,, , 1i.,..miii,.... nr ,i % a, , liiitii iiti-t rivilririrr an external niplienriori on loan On , ib,-, it n ill novor 1161 1., Vl,' I to " .•,• , :`1 Fkl' , ln r,t - r , 1: , 11,1 . ,,, Str., 01` . Stxiienv; ii ii.r oo , -,) V rimiliorl tio i i i , littaiiiii litri loia, Siormi•l i o, ?inirtlo 41 . lii ilif eliat i 0 iiiii i I ,11, ' ", (','liar t 101 l Cato or W ,, 1,14- lii i- pll Infpt 14, re , ~,,, 'I ry A: IA I i t , 'it irl , iti of iinr-ti•ii Itliii:I'll t i 'llitiNt -„p, r „iiiiiiiii i i iiiii toil ti 111 ilioi fl i rt, ~. ,10 Mii . r . , of ,:iii •iii iiiii, i ti , if iliiiiir ily ;ot ot,' .1 1. M/I . l'l , ell, !LI! • '11,1• • • l• nn11.1) :111. tit , •,th•twitr 'I t• • .Yl.l •• Lahr rrvl;F"r 6,014 R. A_ VIII TTI. I. 401.3 1176 ‘• l; PRINTING in er(TM .y Jthe cornet 5.1 1 /W rit4rtiEN Ei IMEI .tll.l C . .KI propr uiti! 51 BM= 111 • r `ll 1. I yh.lone ht bil tit ,ii tatiitt OW, liumbrr , •LO .t TESCII WI/OWELL D EIT Ii"DO,WEL•L wv. PAY Tim lIIMIEST PRICE IN CASH DIM P C, r.. WIT E A T 12 Y IMBEMOMI IM() ALL ICT;;DS'OP PRODITc,E =I ••4 A 7,.T MINIM EMI= FLA STE]; SAND C II TY'AP POP CAS 11, ll= AREHOUS E- AND COAL YARD =EMI RAIL ROAD DEPOT CI L1MliZ1:,1311:G, 11117 0 T E N 1)-- . E 11 E T Fl . O .Ni) LUM1:1:11 MERNIANM. 11.14 t• on IMPti I, 11+ of J . 1411 and Lunitt •r, and are prei..n4 to furni-,111t.P. I ell. her ti, order tit .4tort tie, adult the most rea,oilablo terw.s.: tint stuck of ',um ber 1,11...1-t% of IVlLte 1? inch l'iank, •• " 11 " " " •• " •' " trd, •. S *rob...' " " fold ~• 111,1111... k :1.1,i • I it 1.11.1. 01.1 , Si 4.11111b.Z. 1t.1...t1 1.11th.1.. NV, 11.t,c. 10.1 11,11.1 \ h.loply of oil 1:1 - a;h• I.f OXII for .P% , •: Iltla .tp0r,,,,,,,}0 r,,,,,,,} 0 of liroadror Coal lor rub. Ikt i:IA 11,1 11. L71,1' 0.., , all. a. nr ntlt am ;.r e .::thee , Timm t,.: that , Coal 111 , 011.11nam.r nirw,hed the can, h; ;ttLy st.tf iii u. ,rr.1111.11; 11, rroarl, or sv,,lrt.l tit., in tl -eltr ch r.l , nrtr. P. 1 ., 1:1:1:1111 S,IIX. F.O. EBEIZT A: SON linve.jll-4 (-velVed- P • .I ‘, • r I .Pr Lou'. .. _ I' 1,1,1.,11,..1 .. I • .11i.,•••,• t; ..1.4 qIN G. \VI id :In It •1 1,1.1 - 1:-.‘1.1. S. 3Z, A • Li -11 O, Iv -1..1;111V 11, I' .1... n tt t, If. I), ".. II ; 'to., II .1 I: ~ \I It it I t I ' 7.‘l U 1,. kill._ • 1 0 111,, . t• rh I I (*;11., t. ;i•i, ISt 1,1" , ) 1 y),..01, :,,,( ~ t M 1)4 .1 i ,•• 1... IV. 11: 1.. M it. 71f Pt, N I. I'. 1/INSIf I: Nov. 3 , •ty.i E 1.)11)11.-N - )1,4 fully d tho .11perion of . 1.7 13:1:DpING•S SALI'E Over :di other healina . plop:trail/, It rare: all !d.j. , of Sore , Barn.; 114, , I,4ltStiv+,Con., Sono ...I, , lIIv p.,in at ours, un , l rie i f1111,1111u4. titill4l. if by ONLY Dux. 14/It J. P. DINSM010:. Sn I'.l ay, Na - Tork. S. W. POWIX, S.. Cl) , N. 17:9 Tr..tatiut ritrevt,l3.24, antl try all Ltrugui-tm_ kjuilyl3-?otr-ly: Eiqupm. IF-1 , 131" LAUMAN, SALL. i ftlafiral. I =I BEIMEMEI ilcnoion liouittp Rgeicits. j 0 11'N . M. :P U 31E 3 R Ci ys AI M - 1.7 AND NAVT AGENCY 110. 204 South -17;urt-h...it;c;;;Fitihitie/Phia. •.- - - The unilersiguell having resigned his pavitlun ho raV• master in the U. S. Armr, has opened at No. 204, South Fourth Street, an Afilfhler! FOR rnoctltlN(; PEN SIONS. mid for the coildetion ilithileers', Soldiers' and all other CII i ALIIS urainst the Governmeq. !, 3ly Mae, •oad,Crlellei• as 1'.13 . 11.a5a., ate 1)1111SlIal facilities fdr beeorain..." tii•lroughly ampaulateil ifith this liusioes, in all its debills...• Clit• the reeeipt, by- Mail.. of .tweinont c ,f•,,h e , ruse of elannants, I will forward the 110(,,,,try (,,,,try pipe rs for their sitruntore. Personal attention will be given to tit, elf...es at IVashing,ton. No charge unlotq sareqs,sful: when .I will he ',charged for eolleettog small Sala. tinder';•3.o. and SlO ou atll coins ever that 111Iller *:-'OU. Larger claims taken drre.agy.neot Fee, ill.Pea.loa CaSeS :LS tinell by hit, • - , . Irtfortrmtiorn far ,rtr,lnFtrnetton? to Coomotits• All Sbldtem of the pre,!,ent oar oho have .erveil two ye.tr., and d'.•elitirged for.trottuils received in Lat• withddt referenee to time of ..mice, are enhtled, be• • sill; , 4 their regular ray, :100 bounty. . In mist. Soldiers or ! iie.,asheo are dikehartfed Ad. lit...ability or tr9nrirl, rc,rr•d thc serrite, they are entitled to a l'ehgion tieeorilirg to the, ciaoid the death ~E the Soldier before 'iligcliarge, through ttiFea.. CialtraCt4fi or wouttili, received 'while in t,drylee, hi b wlitow to elltitlia to revolve the •,,,!,10.1 bounty, atotardge•mitim3N attilToti,lott during tier lifahne pr widowhood. If the Sold', r mitt after Ai , eltarge, from dicetem room:ter ed or weenie reeelved n fide in •tervieo, his NVIthl.V l'ete.io” of $tl•; per; nno RM. It n 1) V. 1,111,, or mhior elahlren, the mother of the Sol. dim St...1 1 11:111 Ted . .% C the P11 , 1 , 1..11 it depeinlent on irilll whollS• t,r w fort for ,opport. • it•nves tilt whiote, to ehi•drvr. ent:thd to I'll.c - same honelit, a.; the NI id, ow. E.c• rept Irian ebildr . en ruhy:ln. dyer the litre 9t 1(i year, 141, Mint ~rlll7 l tfa. c•hi!'.rrn the 11.11/BIT Lind 11/ 1,110::0 Ih , • heir fiFiIOWG to no . l ' ltt,Or, SVOOtla to the Mother. third to the and'then to the Nn xt n:'liir De.charzed .s:Oldat+ Ithaie clothing. account uPS nn•"t led title` of d.seharge. can recover any 'seance doe them. if the Onap.ori's books are not destroyed. To dnov this e - t, to your Captain for a de.:erlieive shwa our the ITallinsr nes runt. and f,,ruard it in me, leak your in elinnuary statement, guridg, also the date of youn disthanre. Soldier; cho served with. the nine months'.volunteers, 'rail rer over ti,rilmituty and premium, withour im.,eard to' time of %on lee, if tiny have not already received it. Soldier, who were ini.loners in the SOUtil, and. Soldiers ho :%1•10 yth,lit uu sirk furlough, ore I united iii Colnloll% of r“lools.1 In nounnunle.itiag rcitL tili. 4illiee unite the nature of; your nate fully, and aimithe Culnivals laid Regiment to, ‘l Melt you or the Soldier ior about yOU cldim, us well as. your present Pilot Ottice ruldtric,. His Il&re Aullrewpi. Curtin, Governor of lion Sinion Camaro,. Pn. Hod.' Casey, CliiefJustiue of tbuCou'rt of Claims, Hor, U. lIP Brooke, Chief Clerk Pity Departnient, Wnish iainu . Ito,. FA..Vitra MrPliorson.• M. C., Wi - v.illortion. ! Lion. Jo, Suitrit; Pri^,;r-d-utige, bi.trlct Criart„ Hon. A. K. McClure,P., lion. Thiotra, A. Si iitt. V:ee Pa. it. It. 110, IV, B. Colivor..r lion. C. A. 11 - nll.ra. Po,( _ I iriixel. , & Bauktir4, . 6 President rinion Bonk, I Malin I ==== - LutlwiG.,.Kr,reriler S.- C0..3tr.-11:1:12,, Pntelmit. li,tagi. & Co., DaNI.I f;an..l & Co_ 31( S. r e 11t,. Itolljamin S. Janney . Jr. rk.. ~ Nietillant.. Clm... E,V . „orix.ll 1 Co„ Me elt.m.:,, Atwo,4l,lVltit” & JIIII x,ll . Pt IME:10/17, pull; N 5 ,. 5.,11 , 1. Ftr,trth St. PENsjOX. 13 017 Y _1NI) IVAR I. A(:1:Nt V.--Pr L-.0.1.11,i, 1111 14 , 4/1111111 . 4i ot the ia,etit war ,1,a141.41 I 1 . 1..1.1,11 11f {ll,llOll, 1-14 1 1011 o r wWt• tlze ....r 1,4'011114, (.41 , 1:00- lion.' , au A""s-n‘ 1.111.,1 1,1 11 , V lila, • nllo 1., 0, 1111 1' ...10.1.-1 it whtb , in qorA jrnlN ' .m, t 31), drb Wart -nultry, 0!) ACH AN s A I) , D L;1 , 113.\. liAßpm-Ant:. inf.,-11, Li, fill 1,1, the 11..1t t4,1,1rT . t 11111,1,11.",', „pt M.L.:r Street “.:rnonn Re ili"., ,1: t. •.; • :• 1. -• 1••••••11,,, tr , ; •••r. tt gt"lra: tf t - ttrl"t'''! - t • 11.• „l•Ii.l !!, , k La, , -• S.LII,CI• - 11 f; P1.. , 41 Tt.lll auk' ; 11 111 . . ,{1 NVOI +it MEMO ,:••• 41 . 4,:i41 J.t14.4.4444 4 41 A !, it • 1 . 11:1, 1 . {: 1 , 111 , 1111111:Mid. . lAi , fti. 04.1% ,1171, (.11,1115 , IL , I :111-, : Pl' • ( LE;c —ltit •: 5.11.V1.12. AND 3 PANNI;I) . a:. Ivory xnd IVuo.h.a M.alaara a 3,1 a sari.4)' , , ItLl • . i 1.3:W18 \ Nit /1 ,1 1 11 . 14 I ANT,. N --ekeli - I , tee). 11NIt1)1VAIZE. - , ~ ulent, nit ffir Fall 7'n - ult., - It ., 1 ,-11r,•'‘ v.; CIO/ 1 . 2114 r 1.,, pitr, t. 111,,t 1%111 hl4ll, rehitmeritte the trouble I.f ,lexallohnes: 1,. Wt • :,1.1. , 71 a tnal. to i omni 4 Coltlitry Tnnh Virg 7c, irvorroparre•l Lr.rll Um 311 , 1 at,,01,111/1•Hi.11, 1.1 I aVe e ,Crit:ry liim+ll.llly tk i(L 1 1111 - 1 lbeitiling . a aro ,ty 1,1" I,+ but all tz.te, )V.• ',A. ~, a .r.rwlyt an hand a large ll,,lli'lltlellt of 1 • q 1.01. t Mit V. I . ' Flll , , TAIN IVX..i. • . ZUlli Chi 1.1,. ! , '. • ' rlralaler4 nil - SLhelnakerli Touts, - - _ • I , Sena, s, oral Nailr very iLhql: ..-.11 ,, rt I..rtaillinq- to a first ela.4+ lifardwaro rd.! to Connfry orler , It i > our .!lu2':or. - ot.too luo ryn fidraCe of our4tustoynerq. Mid to (MA j , 1•.. llr itiliMr "rd . ,. To ViNe Levi, ~ i 1 lio.t;z1,:io• I u.tomer.. hem Lul'J u in Rk.r, K. 411ryk...1.„ :1.. K. McClure. L. It 1:1C11,11Z1440N. Mna hut . MiZI2 R I) \I" .1R E ANT) (." 1 7 T R. 1 \V. W.- & ONS 1 ItnpoCr--- att.l Dotti., in NIF.I:II'.‘N.q:NI.:I,ISII AND GERMAN fl - AyI)WARE, • ro Pi.tio/r/plem, • :Nth w.t.ltillt ;taut 3l,trkt-t and .‘rett sn, - MEE C~ iucationl[. cITI - 13ITSINES COLLEGE . N:1; i'o,ttor of T. , ItlLltivi .Str4'ot , , miler the n,nti.i,sello , t r.l L. F.III2I3ANKS, 'A. M La holt ~ us Print 11al atta Chief Iltr.ine.4 3Linapa "; l'oymr l'.ll.nicivia ' l Collge. A )1.01)1:i. la SINE t'01.1.1:61%. r• a ~t. . n 111H1 :ICa fol' 1.`'.l.101,:1:111 t 11` Zll. al. 111300 . 4 :1114 12ia11.11 4 I pt.., lalng clip. 1,11111 . : 1,11111.1t , of-Trutt = ur or ~, t ual qll..tyinill.t tinivlioil n. 61 ;11., tit ;•Innee 11111.14 and empioyibont4 1•1,;. , ~,,,,,,,,i ~,,,,,, c::, if, tit. , Tin.ta:otical bepartment :I,i I.'lo, Itewl.•A l, 1,. P.Z. - ( 'mati?rejot ealrubciv,4, be tvn , ~,•11„,,,,e....., ...,;.;ir,.. l'yino,:a. , l4rp, Conttrivrial Larl, Forma ; Cul 1,,, ; . , ,t,,i, 1,1 k' . •• • . In ' • • - TiLl: VA ,: , IM:Sq nii . .T.% IrrmENT . .11Zel111 , 11 ' 1! , h onitiinuition nli:an pmet:r„l cheir 1141 t‘its ill turn ..t van- Pad, 0 0 0,,,,1•HP 1 t noafring, ..11rtn• ibh , 11 , d rrrll lunlllq al 11.4: wrti 711ler iH th, Book i,i Ntelt 0 prig wits inanu will la , put in thn tnllo , t pr.wlreal Th, initan ;khan. tagrs lintytr,,,,..tl by any tither cuninier!lail Collge in i.einnylnto iii nll itn nppninhnentu. II to the lin a titutiou in thi• Suite riiiiiturtett int ssptn l Inininess pnuriplct Tla• einlo , o tit iu,tnullon in Ilnhurtris.A.t.4l, ' ilna uns,y vonipluteil In nlanit-inic , half the Imo 111 u ,111 .11 0 ,,, 111 to Oiliel Chill,i,1111•111`0 of Ouentir e ly .manna owns, alul.the luloption of I)±.._ lira - I'ntnc~al; - '- _Diplom, awarded urea fire okati , l7:tiaa of the Ontreo7- rod Cer. • whiel, ombnteo+ell cv er,t the higher sets of ,Iktuufit• Pzri lig, Irtn,etding,,..y. Send for a rural r, , JOHN C. 111 , 1'KIN, JOIN .31 . EINANCY. VAIN C. HOPKINS 6: CO., lINIVOR tor; and CU ISA. MASS %mit QUIt:ENS WARE, fit! Marfra Strett, Phdaddlikia. • - For fortrwr part - tent:Lys apply ta 8. S. StiaVoCk, Chain bilblatar. .supt2.3* , 4Jublitationo • AfANIIOOO : .110 W LOST. HOW R E _ srr(rzEt.—Just published n new etitto . " or 1)p , LVEit NrELL'S CEI,HIIRATF:t ) .F:SSAN • rrt,Steel eitre (Without 1110,1ii4110 of 7 , p.rmat,rrldea. SeUli7llll 1.04,1,9 - M•11 . :11 Phy-tieal Ineapoeity, Impeattnevitt,:kt Nat. riatte.,ete.t'ztht Lititgrn/ nod , : - ' l :fthulltfaTure or •evual ovtrava!:. - .inee. in a-,aled envelope: G cent=_ - rho ettleltree , l anther in thig tottnirahle .Iton,o,r-ote. rroo n thi r ty pmettti,, H f t the alaruthar .NoiNt:ittenets of elfintritta , ma y 11C. ;curl 11 . 01oIlt. th , ute'ef intvrnal th,:te 11 0 'itliolt t,r knife—iv : int:int: out a thud.'at 01100 rertit:3l and t.treetual, by means. of viatry , tttlerer, tn matter what hit. etotaitiott ititty rare 111:14 , 1f eleenply i i privately. nail radieally. Lecture oliottitl he in the halt& of every riAud : ry now it. the hurl. Sent. c u tler fovll. , in n plait envelope, to nny rtilitt, q; poet-paid, il reet , ipt 'of six eei .tr tiro ron.t :tuna's- -AA : trey the pithli,her4 CHAS. . C: HL.13.:11 & Cl)., Ilpwry, New York, Post ofliee boat une15.64,1y. LETTERS OF ADVICE FOR L-ADlts FIVE ANATOMICAL ESGRAVE , RIS. HaA iafiTmathia never 'before pablished. Sent free in a sealed envelope for 'Mc rent., Addrv,s DR. STANFORD, ' julydani. Bon No. 4.65:2 New York F. oousix LIZZIE'S LITTLE JOIi- - Eit, A bright, Nrarkling little journal n every 14, Lop t o ol girl (a n 0 I ,I,ler ones ttlEt)olhoittit .014,W.* {Or. It 1. :well fill.-1 a it;l iztteresting• matter , 1 II L : l l ''' fatttiOtt to :11' n I:1 • are not very hard to rrentA “euto yt•ar. Ailiirvss • cOI*SLV_ LIZZILI " St:, Sett Yot k. • It1;1%.:::1-3m4 gorpmaing 1::NDEI I, I C .11 & - N E A YI FDIDN . .‘IO , IV , AND I"OIDiD.DoN MFD.DDANTA North riettond Street opiu.ite the Condvrtrol ILtiiroad Depot. Phandterlotrz, Cart run regularly to and from Philadelphia and Baltt more. , - Ant:Yrs.—Peacock, Zell & Ilinttlanau No. °uB 3lnt, -ket St.. Phihulelphla. Lyken, Volley, Broken Egg mid Nutt COAL (Brew _.from the Inine.)Wilke , lnin , and. Pine ft rove FOUNDRY" COAL, LUMBER, SHINGLES, SALT, PLAS'EE lt and I Late(tek CEm ENT, k e p t t,tstauth- hand. FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE of all Idint itroit:l,4l. at the highest rush prime. Sept!). tp, 'WUNDERLICH & NE 4D. . NEW ' ANGEM FNEIGIIT T111054:1111 10 NEec Yolin wri liot Titts.stilPuENT. The underAlamod w6ahl remwetfully infirm the public, that they nre prepared to chip ail kinds of Produce . Met from Chamber-loirg and GreVIIC ,4IO to New York without trawthunnent. and delivetvd it at Now ns quick us it can be delivered in PhiLidelidtia. The attention of Millers and respriftliy vited to this new laralleelllelit. 1 , or Mr:her Infollimuon hoinlre DEITZ a MeIMNY 21f4c , 1- 4, CisnalLerslowtr and t; rtunwnitic. G:t r-Ple. J.uuuZEl.Lta. ILLESPIE. ZELLER & CO., ritoDucE AND pßovisiox mmtcHANTs, AND' li7IOI.E. , ALE 'GROCERS, Nnrth•Wc,t corner of Filth and' Market Streets.. J'hila dol phi a. • 1001 N, C 34. *Ei P, AN K LI.N 11 OTL L . r ur.l GR-EENCASTILE, PA. The underdoted re.prCtfally azlalnuire , to the Travel ing Public. that ;In , Hotel has Imooldlid. The l .1i0(13IS laver and ttetafortlifile. and are well fur ritrnilllll!. Per-m 4 ntOpping at 11l- Betel t :at hat, either Detaltla or Sinwle Ramtitet, with d er witletnt rr.• is then, The 'TABLE-is alway 4 cup 'plitd,~ti'h-the hit in the market, - and. hls BAR filled with the elteiee.,l 'Mery are also a fine LOT MO • a pairof HAY and STULK SCA LI::: ,:th the note:, for the ay. eooollo.lalli , +a' Dr.;v. not I:lltiheri. Ili. STAIII.I'. tcitt ;sin ay. 14- provighil with _o;1 is I:4 Pr ,, N P.h r for .1.1 l'lllllVl-3411i JUIIS 11., , ADARS, Froprivtor. DAVID 11. IT , t7Terrrso N "nt,•;} ePn•pri , t.T UNITED STATES 1. - ,tr tho Leib Il.\ 10:15I.I.U.In 1111 I•ei . ". 1 11 l'• my p.1:14 , gr/lehm,l,. g , tin 'lllO-4 • ...tit u, ail particiu:ari, ('.it•.• 1111,4 itA 1.• ti,.• 1 P:111 - : n“, 11 tin f:t , i,great in . (11ixtt.1 , ,trg, 1, 1-Itl I 1 1 3 L , , r ,i:1 i . I .- ftlisrclfaitrousl . . I _ 1\ i. E D ' I , C - .A' L . , - ^ ' '''Z •--.: ' . . . 4' - " 7-' ' • , •i • • .... • . , . . Fl . . .. ".' in'NKLI.I'S PATTER. 3V - INE OP alms. A' 0 tn. and Pen - atilt TOnie Careeti‘e nod A Itera• • , i:‘. .• er ,s enl. nil .-thesis 3 di-..,,... of 410. STIIMACII, LIVER and MA% ELS. - _ Cairo 7 . - Ily-piloiN.' . • , - ' Lie , - ..r - Covni.l.:int.:, ' _ I , 11.J.1a , 1a.. Gehe'ral De ' I.llitv. Nervint.ne...:.,l Delo, :. ' 1 ~.: , a 1... f Spint, Om-- pat.., In- r I, ri.t r ai..nt l'..s er. .ki ia;tv 14 OW iNtIITIA . I Itch. „Naoc...t. Iter.rt'otrn, 15 . ....1,.t for I.:nod - 1'„17. , ,.. , \\ r-hallt is, 1.1.,. 5.,..0 h. sinki. ar or rhat.srleg .0 thel'itt of the Stoto.t..ll. ~ nitotning of the 11e..d. Difficult lireathafr. Yellow Ilsoit. 1 . .t..1 in -Le Side, 1t... I:, Ciie..t. and. I.lmb, I, ill ens-.• l's ~ ry ca.: , of ('li route sir Ni-r -1 s oto. Debiltv. 1.11,..t.,... of the Kid _, .t.c3;. and ih,,,,.... ~,, i ,i.,, fro ,„, - a disordered St4ma,h, - Goal tut 31,04. or , _, . & --, F,,nale, Old - or Young. The ln....t..in t suctieial medicine istal a: give..• better sati_i tae:...n ate! cures More dit.i......., ilia:, any oils- - erkreparation etreted h„, the public. 'rid.. triii . valltable Toni.. h.t.s been ...• thoroughly toStOti 13,-‘lll c1.0......e.. of the community. flint it 1-. now deemed tit di:l44l,4lde .t.; a Tonia Medicine. It coo, last little, given tone to th, stomach, renovate. the -.301.-to and prolongs I.fe. We now 11111 V nuts a trial of 1111.: Vain:thin Tonic. - .. - il - lII:WA'RE ° OF COUNTER.I'ITI'S.,A I 'Prepared and sold whole-tale awl retail by S. A. - K.I . N. H_F-1. & /IRO., 118 3larket st.. lia - rri , barg. - F.I . s.dely Druggists and Dettlqr, everywhere.' tanyll.litn. .1 _ 11:ohl , g EMM EMI LL MAN OF A THOI:SAND.—A Cox /A.. '4:MI2INT CritErt.-L1)11. A. JAMES, n Betirea l'hy%le;.to or; ur,:a.t.min,,er. thßeoverol, ninie in the tire for C 01 1 ,1111111 1 40. A•thle.t. Coaulk Chillmid General Debility. The remedy il•-eos v ereil V him n hen hi., i,aly child. a .I.Mgliter. tr, ilk,- op It di, child wit., ear. and , uow ; 0, o and I)e,rotr; of benefif . inirshii fellow toortala. willli -.1..ed tho, ho 1! the recipe, rout.uniny tall glire, feel: -for tank - mg atul uiteee,..fully Mine. 11110 r, mods-, In, m r,, , A•eitit or their o tth Mil stamps to There i. not 11110u.10 e,,e of Cot,timptioa does riot at °We Ml.i hold of and ilis , ipate, eiOqiu-, peel in - it-160u of the IleSt'es failure of memorr, dithealt pep.,roiaior, . -diurp pain. in the loop, ihnott. I hilly .ee.--,tion4, natu-va at the !stomach, Ma, air.:. of the 111 j,. limo ',Tiler will plea.e t.tattt the nanie of the paper tiloy myn thi. athertiNement ii. - • CRADDOCK & CO. nmr 23-I YI ` , ? t -11011, N , St.,'Pliilatlelpltin. 7.-- - flo EMUS - AL.—From 4:13 Market Street _ i u t:, the Lug, 111PN 11J 1 11, 1 61N , 513 3lntkiot nnd 510 Cowmen, NtitN ~ Philatlelphi.t. I 3fore Moats than trot lion'- ittrthe Unit c d st,th,. 1 A. li. I'ItANCISer 8. ill m,,,,,,,t ~id :iiir Cannon., .Iritti, l'ittltttinlphirt, ),! 4 ...rq the I.:irgiNt : 11 4,1,1 in the 1'16'441 States of • IlLi0:141, DrtNirti& 7•niy4 121itung, Basket, Broth,, )tat , , 3te,taie., : 1 Clock 4, hooking-lthil•Ne.,. 0,1 i'l,,th q An d ciiiiii-t, Window Shade: slid Paper, • 1 ' hint Cagei dap in IV:lreland \\laps. Al.ii—Ciitton Ll:tiling. iViiililing, Twin.. \VD-king, 11%wii in Collu 1 • ' : m i l h*c,-ii.„ einitilnl Ynnis, - . 0111011 tall Linen Carpet-Chain. . Our In t,. trill .nerd,' lioiy, ilniti any WIWI ) innu.n - inn ilie eit.. • (7.t11..1 oe e for y,iiii.,,.iv,. 1 -ion Dud. r p.irtitntl.tr. apply. II 5.,_5.,.,5,111070(`K, r ‘ h.tml II i ,1.11.1,rn - nnt ini::l 63. , _,. I.lWit 11. Cl'EN`rizt WOOLEN TACTOEY.---Tlte I,_) r , ber. r-plyttully iuf,rut their friend. aiuf the ruhlie t,i net -. Lily, that. ( . 11* 1111 ait the .11).Ve Ilatn, k l tolv o.io tnilcL;prth of i'llamber-burtr, , her: they 555 n Oh.th, ••ayiugt4, Blatnlserk. trot %triollitu• trout tho of (It attar) .14 Fulling . otterult.ti to. Al;O--Ittdigo blur. aiul lattey ‘11 1 4.g .1•• , •• u. to•lor. 11, Ulu ,ithloaLt nionlA rot now toa ottivs to thole l'.o are noi?proparoa t , i do irk horn. to lA' 11/111,10 rtoulor gi ncrtl :at. 111:1. Ihvnr un uitl: ILou tor,tont. •,; • wint, loft ut the storep, G. anil 13. Fold • lo St. 'lllouta‘: It Seiet, in Ihidizepoit, a n d ut it,mio of It. Embli It, tin Irrniklin St. . (21,.111ther•iTr, ettrwa for overt - two It ottk4 anti returned it hini liu '6tta., tirutol.l-.110.1 ;14,1.1{1 I F.. GENERAL. UNDERTAKERS :NtAHOGANY, WALNUT, CIIF.IIIIY .INal ULIYIII COFFINS. Thov furni.ll METALIC Akil ZINC BUILIAL CA-81,18 I°nm•mla attended in Town and Count,. :tt Flor) . S ()hl Stand. Strut, Clanulwrshartr. Pa. "- RTIIIIII IL 131NDOLS. IA..NITIF . 1 - Ihirer of RON EWOO ANDC TIN 310 I 'LIM XliS. Lou.king . GlasA and Minn. Tram, of t, ery be‘,l,ll„ n , North-rrq Comer of 71,rd nod Sts rhiladtp. Oninrs nt the larze.a ement promoly exeented, Onient filled by S S Sin teCK, Chamfi, r•tht 19t. St•TAL3 • -11-PNI" LS frOm the largest to the nnualletn, t Plain of - Paltry Cobws printed ktilin Shine of the FBA SKLLN REPOSITORY. - 15 - M, n. Ilf M 0 N G and Slmmfu•tarorc of ,Xtigust 24 , .1,464.. T)„ALTI.3tORE LOCI HOSPfW i i.,, D i r ) A." JouNsivs. thefound 1-us Col . Ft7aleallystita T tioa„s„, t h o m og c ,resin.l , 7 ( . l y. - ono only i„ the world. sfur, trextnlri S sio i t m . in t h e rent l'ortsh r tuoonal lint'b - neo. Weaknets,of the Jr - r; and.Lititlst, of tbe Balpltaion of 1 1 1 .Iltv't D.vtpep.L, N et.. skin i tr it„hiliti Discuses of c t-ad. Tittna4 Nos., Of• skin. and al: tfiosit oerious sto.T,Clac.,„ c/tO/Y , l.linhvdch , ivy, unt - tone the destructive liabitl t ” x°a;a• 'which ,It s t„; t . 1 ?" th bbIlY These vr ct i cat t t 'clittuT Practiets :u - e ion,! fatal to their ticfctl' of Spens to the inariner flyt.sns, b '"g th en' Inc - bltlßarit hopes or anti.illlllol.li, rellderll34Vani_ age, Sc., Yol.'Nft ItlEN:—Young Ben!'[..,_ ^. 'e t all',.. ,' who have fie. the vlet oos ereadful tad du• tractive habit whieh fiiinualtvt-'ttettl'a to an malting). - grave thonsonits of plttlis mend the most exalted • talent aullonlnult ivtolh , 4 who inighiPtherwi. , hon e e „„...„ 1 „,.., :ening- Senate, Wall t1111111Vr".1. . ell-1111:11.111te;tt ttakdl 111 0 1 14.1 , Sin, 11V111- 1 ; 13,1; inala ti l full vonfolence. AGE •—manied men eon. klefornaties,: c m . i , a, sl l : 4l EL iin y m:h uat ttel t, y' no„'atanz inarrius:e, being PoYountivveakne..i, consalt Dr. Joriston. Ile who plaees binknelf under gtc care of Dr. Joh„,„„„ teat religiowly ennfitle• in his hrorasoOtmtlemon, ono eol.ileatl3 rely upon his skill wit rhysielas. OW ;A VEAKNES 4 AND FULL VIGOR 11EsTor.1 1) - - rbta diseasn is Ale penally frequentl) 1,0.1 hythow Youn who hava becomc the 11111111//e110" . "g pervutis am too opt to moonlit enee,e., front net being aware of the ' atendel I•o,opiencos that mayvnale• Now, who that a.,tong.tad the ps.a.nd ik tu r :_tzv b t , l . k iug a ;d tti: po,e: roaereation by Binge falling let umi the mebi .1101 destructive oympathyto trutril and holy arise. B o e beeianes itentiare.L tie physical anil mental poc, r, w eakeuisk pert ous elyspepeak ladlntation of the heart. indigestion, a wastns* Of the frante, cough, ttnno u , of vetisniuptiolh Osiee '7,t ;tooth Ind-risk tratt, BailllllOre rarer.taNt +Me, np tte stein. Bo particular ob.erving the mune and..nmatLal or pea will nlistake the plaee. A CU ItE WARN AN'rBD IN IWO DAYS:- No it fer• - nay ur ;Val,. 000 I>rug.4. lilt. JOILSSTON, Member °Elbe Royce} College of Stlrgeons, LOIIIIAILI, graduate *limped the Most eminent Colleges of the Cased States, sad Cie greater part of Those life - law been scent in thi" hapitals of London„ Nis, l'hilailelphia and elsewhers, has effeeted.sieme of ft* „test teraudshing cures that IVdre eve! known.' Many tssaileil with ringing iu the 4raulle ears when nsieelti Put tiervonsness being alarnwilftsudilhn strands, and ' ._,.bsthfillness, with fmitwat blushing Shenk(' banletim,h4 wzik,h,-.‘aavaleat of mind, were crud inuraidasely. , 4 CERTAIN DISEASE' t—Wliet the aiklableil and s qtailent votary of pleasure find herais imbibed the seed s( this painful ilisraise, it too often raiment that an ills Stud ..en..... of s 4ame, or dread of diouvery, deters him _fOtra applying tti - these Who from eibration and respeetu sety calm - alone befriend him, delsytot till the conMitu. issilsymptians of this loirrid disism-i Maks their appear- ' l4BB{nell as ulerautt.sl more throat. tote td nose, tioetur -1 'lll tali ' iu the head and limbs, dirne.l of sight,' deaf 111,‘ _II is on the train, bones and aut, bletehea On the _sssli nee and ealreniitia,, progress* with. frightfill fres Psi', . till at last the,palate of-the moult or the bones of ~ s* , ;all in awl the vietiin of flit awful distills° ble. .Ti.l 41,4 ad i/lI.IIIILI of einmilisseratitn, till death puts II Iti to ins dr.ratifiii suilraings. 'try staling Min to ." Okla , from whines no traveller retrain." 1 1`o such. there ..-lii., John:Sten phs,. himself tt preServn the most nil:4lSe secrecy: nunfano his eictettive practice iu the stitsoltali. is Europe and Anierhau,lie ram confidently mind a safe and speedy cure who nnkrtunate vies ' hAte 1 "il r- - . . .p taut i le.isi . 'h sal melancholy fail flint thouCmds fall vicAms to Witit .110,1.., owing to the unskilCulfiess of ignorant rie4e, , , rho by u s e of that dreadfu poison, Mercury, 'lists isoistitution, and either send rho unfortunate to al Pk, I, 00100. OT make the residue of life miserable. Tim ciAlimicuL AR NoTicE I—Dr. J. ,addretses t'ssilii, have injaretiThemselves by private and int. I'mPsliiiiirieieesi llotnie some of the sad and melancholy effects, pro. 'lris* _early habits of . yoilth. vie :—Wealaress of the ilsetitl Limbs. Bouts in the Head; Dimne.saif Sight,' lastlMosetilar Power. l'alpitatioicof the }feint Lys. IwilkS. rt MI , Irritiliditi. Lioningettlellt of the Dig's"' 4 t , "rect1.,,,,, Geacral Mobility, Sy - fail: o ms qf ConsymP lL 'low the,letuftti effect, trn-the mind are utuelt -to hr tot of 111.01,10rj,.. rortfitsittmtf Ideas, Depres 111e,ri.(fri.ts I:,,ilForeboding.4, Avimtion to Soeirfty, 1,01 - ,. of 6. , litttdc, &e., are show "r,,',„1'q."1 ,, tot ‘• ..f p.•-•911A ;tf all ages (.31 - 1 DOW jiltlgnUlt 1.4 •1•• it deriking health. titeiitor tilde rigor, l'ereqr.enh, po'e, hayeslngular app ratan about the e.l• rt and %mtge.', of Cllll4llllptiOn. ./ . (t'S /XVICIOILATINGREMEDY FOIL i)1111 1it izreat nal iteportatit It•rce,lfeohne,s of the Organs to speedily cured. and tail lettydont • • Tbasi, ~f , Ile mit non 4•lts Mid debilitated, v. :led Ile hope. have been inenediatifiY reticent, - 11 1 4.13 •1, )(amino.. Phrdeol or 31ental De-qualith co , i..ezmolc• I rritahiluy. Trembllng. Weal:nit:A tr. ErX• t...”'Clittio moot fearful ktud, cpuedily eurod hjr Dr. Joiuct 0 4.11 EN, who hate injured thernadymt by n ocr tale 1.• l miiolttlg.fit in when aleue.-3 -habit frequently l'arlieutt evil companions, or at Eellool, the effeytkure% igitllM et co alien asleep. anal if ratcured render, luirriiinspo-ohle. and tlestro3-s tenth mind cud hotly, toa hit Una ediately, "iNlirity that a young man. the hope of his country, 'tbe dap)! le-, parents. should he snatched from all aM onio3ll,llto of life. by the com.egineare of lan the-path &nattier. and indulging in a err before contemplating 11:-.111148., should reflect dm , a , oatitl mind {and libtly ere lieditsfeeesoft - ry refine:dies to primate connubial. I-o-PPl'eltidee..l. without th t the journey through I.fe tote sat Lacy pup-h um:o , the progrmt huutly view ; the inlet - become"; shadowed, with .dr. bed with the melancholy reflection, that' the lil'ltuf unottier beternel blighted will, our own. d'Flet'd 7 SOUTH FILED - ER.I(X kil'AME'r, • TO — fit'MGEßS.—The many thousands cured at this , Inetimantbe in.,t fifteen yens, and the numerous Its. portant s , eoperations performed by Dr. S, wit - flexed by one re•it tiii...riipun, and many nibur•perSOuS," 11 000, i ' , fa have appeared again and again before the Publiettullieient guarantee to the afrjeted.. • ' .Tsre en many ignorant and wotthless quids adverthonposi l'hy,lans, ruining the health ..f the alrttfilirtrd, Dr. Johnston deems it neremay to nay to titmae.paia. - ed with his repilintion;lkut hie thpon:as 'fa his other. • TAlane E.—Alr letters must be past paid, and (••••.1!.1.111 nip stamp for the . telly, 1-1•1 illovvr Inc sent. • [mar 164 y. - ` 0 E It ' S • lIITTE!RS. A pure iisterail Ton;e, Corr dice and ARMS, ave. laderall etlienrx in til...euaes of the LIVER NI) 110WaS, Cates Dyti, Liver Complaint, Tleadaehe, Chol era' Ety, Is:Presses...a, . Speonstipation, Colic, Internat . Wes or. Clumps, Spasms, nudleutplaints of either Sex aris ing EMILY Weakness, whether inhe rent in thesi, or produced by special causes. Nothing them{ *holt...some, genial and restorative in its nature whit. the composition of HOSTET TER'S STOAHITTERS. This popular prepom• thin contains Local of any kid, no deadly botanical element, no ficrilmil, but is a combination of the es .bowls of rare herbs and plants with the permit and mildest of be stimulana It is well to taltrun•d against diteate, and, so far tut thehtunan Pioteeted by 3tureah means, ng-ainst,malndieFfniercd. by au untcludesomitEttumat phere, impure nand other extental causes, HOST JETTEIt'S 111T*May be rolled on awn safeguard. In thstricts intltsith FEVEIf AND d.OUE It has been found infaftga praMintive. and irresistable as A .remedy : and who resort to it under apprehen sion of an attaalope the iseourge; murthenaands who nealert to avail naves (Yu.; protemive qualities in ad. ;Ince , ars e,l l ,,itvery brief eenr,e of thin marvellous yocaAgue patients after being plied tpr unotths with quint vain, until fairly naturimsl with that ,uzerons all , are not unfmquentiv restored til hrrith within a ferkby,the use of HOSTETTEICS 311'1"I'Elt4. 'fhe weal: stomftnpidly invigorated and the appe tite restored by thteeable Tonle. and heave It works ,spepsia and lens cordlrtned forms of INDIGESTIoN. lag an a gentle and painlisa aped ent as is el! as uptaliver, it also it:Nadal:ly relieves the CONSTll'ATlkliorintinetal. by i rregu. ttetinit of the digestive mart to organs. I'ersous of feeble h s able toNORV Ott S ATTACKS, Lt,SVNESS OF strs, and FITS OF LANGUOR, that promptiand peasat relief from the Bitters.- The testimony on this ysiimost conclusive and ritrtli both ICS COLIC is l'hedtgony of P,)131 - .1 _ iintnediMely sufg.ced by a single lathe stimulant, and by evasion to it this of the aomplaint 1113 g lie pro .t+ed. - A Gencral Tonic gETTER'S BITTERS product) w hia mus t periperienced ur Witlleit•eti before they tatiirle tally npule.i. In Cones of COl•it - ITITE- Ti oNAL wE A K,s, ax . Rl.7.3tATup,E DECAY anti. 11E1;11,I mot DE5 2 ,.: 11.1 : 1 1E fri'm OLD .11;E. it oxereises theP ,l ' intinsaiiv• Itt the eons-ale:. ento "I all it l ilicnitua as tit lighthtt I, , ,; c , nrant. lots the 10, el, or ~ten. ale re. a it upetntr, to „wit , and re-est:del.:ll them.' gll-11: ONLY SAVE t. 1 T13111- L.% from strand and. innoeumus. entirely Omni -the arid elements te It.ore or less iu all tlfairlarY bop ., " and stemmed , sV of the day. No family- 'medicine Idirn so trolverirdly, 'and It may p, ra.,l of the lIOSTE LI 1- 1,.• truly added, tlcsemelitiopul.ur in the iutoiligoot /'reiettOlbi WETTER & i. 501,1 1,3 oil Drtitgi,tl, PittAntra, .115ers'aud Storekeepers, every. Hie r,•• 11101i-ly. AMIC (,()1.7.G11- El - 1:1 . 1 , —Fes. Coup O'oq. SEl.onpi n g Cs/ g.l. Asthma, , Aro:ma. SPilling 1 7 ot ”,, Phi tt amt. , M ag skss of the &wog. EttatYof itmathir , g, l• no new remedy. husk"' lusett for anundwrot year. 11aryi.oul mai I sm t o ~fmnsvivan4 ‘ohl has t t n or ,. ct er kn.nvt ottmirell relultation for csran; the vdrnalt dimmsetwhith it is rocounnen.l.4l. It Li n.c.l by all clUstes Weiety, nett tho Itoiyersal n ion iN that it I. good_ Syrup ita /tardy ri•gttd• L,. t•enijieuut . It Is ploy :,0 take, and net-or dO4 in jtirv, Ent ••Wirtg to 1.11%r q..tlittts, unut Us, gomi unilcr nay" niretun.tancet, viwts are troth wooderful, s. ting,'cohalng, mid allwc.the ' ll4 e h , ll ent 011 .4hsi p infyingt,itrengthening alsrehr"rettee t ee wh"le 8 )4 . sialtig a n d faeilE 151 , 11 , 4 Eug- thn D SEI .1. SED 1 . 1 '5(1 0 , thns striking tit t i 0,61 of 111.0, turd driving it from the system. iquounced by difficulty of breathing. shrill whistling ° Pawing, hackin g - cough, threatcat4 totfrocntiom &e, pontly occurs ie. young , 11 children. No child need die .o'4 llll ' 8 3 - r , 11. t0 pro• perly ttied and owed titaJtiothers lurving CruttPr • children .hould watch the firsslou °I . the ti..,es'utut nodnEray, nlway, keep this remedy on ha " For cough llitor measles thi,i7ll is 111° , 1' exeollent. I Exi,erience has proven Shat-b. by 110 other pr c - p:lration. 'llse price to such as to 1•Inoe #thie the Tench of :1 1 1, the poor as well its the dclt, tc - ell" l'er`ou should and ish to seenre 11:1.‘e it Et cry one should have it in tl faithful friend to all who value 111 1 1m..% been Itst-td It id 11 t r u e russ l thellli,Vloeg against r.4 ll N iat w l i i t i i imt u w ilt::: R et i : n t: 11 1 : 0 1: . lion. It will be tlaind the intsteetel 'vett as - We ( I • o h r e t a i r o , la t ~f .t t nf t s i ln y r nwslicioe in the 4a: Pricb 40 Cents per bottle, or thibtetles for $1 10. l'ropared irrz & Nestauluster, ma. }Nyr salc by StoreUccivrs every 47, dee-MY U U