The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 24, 1864, Image 1

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    'C4'4ol.l'ol - 11 , I .,co . T .? D___,
l i i fi ,1114ifOtt I :Pi '_o4lbollllll
i a di soT :l ll 4,p; RObbery,ooh_e Citiz6:lE:r
riftg Houses Pite - a iii Teb:
lifirm, ad 'Even , the Dead Pisrelardrii I
Iluinane Ecceptions Hong, the Rebels!
RCIkZ tWirerx iiisobey 31' (Yint:Rtetrl's
Ati'Obions Cons nianthi
Gen. , Earley Author of the Order
tO, Burn • - the Town I
1 "'
Uk s bP: B ITIP* 6 O : EOltii . '4.D I
Loss Nearly Three Miltioasl
We have given in our previon ts‘ate , a full
acOnnt of the movement of Con. nceatsland to
lingerstOwMwherC $20,000 trilmte'waq detnand
ed,, and paid; and the. town saved. Ti'• rebel
commander of, the invndiug fo \ ree,-Clenj Jabal
A. Earley, having moved rapidly` Toward • Wash
ington, .the plundering parties of McCausland,
Bradley Johnston and Gilmore, here ordered to
move front Hagerstown to Fredl.rick with . all
Possible celerity. anti we thus escaped at that
time. Can. Couch tla:4 l l'ad less than thri:c {MD
,dred men in ChrunberSintrg, to defend it;' bat he
called upoh the eifizens to aid Idm, and they re_
*ponded very gencrally. ll Two comp:M, of e i;i.
:zoos were formed in a tkw hours, armed. uniform
ed witli bloaws. and seht our on die v•;ziom; road , .
and all e,ho could get possession of a weapu and
amunitOn. had themselve,i iu readiness m
the defence .of Chmnbersbarg,, had an ~ r , i ;m.ry
Our alri• raid been iciyie a: that z,ul,-. Tbe
command: of „lleC4it-ind v e
not half FO strong as' after their rail to Washic;.-
ton. as se t - err:l thousand hi utry wer, r l . l:ed
with stolen Iltlrse.9, and added to the tait:lng: for, e
of the imotruents.
The of Crooks and Averill near Wi; -
Chester, 31 pursuing the se reating
the first - intimation given th • border of anot,!.‘r
invasion ;:and even then little danger, Ny:Li appre
hended, as Hunter's army was known to have
been brought to Martinsbury, and ranted and re
organized, and the Gth and corps wet e alma
knoWit to he on the line of the Potomae. On
Iy,fdnesday the 27th ult., it was knowil at head
quarters here that our entire force was north of
the Potomac, and the line from Haneock to Har
per's Furry was well picketed. Grn. Couch brui
770 troops not tretl an organmcd bidtalion on tits
border. Helad organized six or eveis eginieuts
of one hundred days - men; but as fast as they
were officered and armed they were forwarded
IV 'Washington, in obedience to ordcri; from the
atithorities. He was left, therefore. with no fi,rce
whatever to 'defend- the horde-r. The hathnal
authorities had 'per , iqeritly refuseno o:itf ins
:the citizens of 'the border. told Thu.. ecable than
to organize for their own defence without expo: ,
ing thmuseTi'es to certain butchery in case of cap
tureand the border was thus yeti ridy defimecless.
Can. Averill was still between us and the enethy,
and it:was hoped that Incas' of an advance, he
could, with the aid of eitizeni, successfully defend
Chambersburg, which was known to be a Ow
in which McCausland longed to glut his infeernal
vengeance.' Hunter was compelled to manumvre
So as to prevent Eatiey from getting, Between him
and, Washingtom ; and thereferr; could not devote
his attenlionlo defence against raids. fad Ear--
leydrdwff up the 'Pi7tornac and then hastirY
moved-upon'Washington, it would ham:beim de
fenceless, and must have fallen..•
THE minus tthcfiliSi THIS otrinmr.
Oh Thursday* the 2z?th Mt., the rebels recrok , '
ed the ; Potomac at three dittelent
Causland, Johnston and Gilmore, with 'three
thousand rnonnted nom and two batferi, , , below
Hancock, and Triol.ed towards Mereenhurg.—
They reached Mereersbore at G, J'. Jl., where
they met Lieut. 3lcLcan, a !nod
officer in the regular servier!, with about twenty
men. His entire command numbered forty-five
and he had to detach for scooting and picket duty,
-more than hull' his force. So soddenly did they
dash into Mereershurg that the" , ma the teleuNdr
wire before theirquo‘ernent could be telegrapteld,
and it was not until ten <'clock that night that
Lieut. McLean *got a courier ti roigh tiiGeneral
Couch with the informatidn: Ire tlw meantime.
two other colonies crossed the same nee ning—
Generuht Vaughn and Jackson .1% ith us er
mounted men atlVilliamkport, and tifiived tow and
Hagerstown. -Gen. Merin fell back to Green
castle during the day, and a, small column of the
enemy advanced five unites 'this side of *Hager L
town, where they encamped that nieht. Another,
column crossed it Shopperdstowu the iMileinoriV
ing and appeared mar .f.witi•roburg us, Gen. Ave
rill's left in the comn of the evening, but advanc
ed no further. Gen. Morin was thituthreatened
in front and on, both ll:nth:4 by three, colculta, each
larger than his own; was isolated Irons ITower.
his thief officor, and his whole re , Teite in en , e he
fell back upon Chandiersbnre, Couch
and staff, - Lieut.'s little command of lee,
than fifty men, coin' :sixty Mfantry mid a -colon
of artillery. It mast be reniernhenol 1,,0. that his
command was utterly exhausted; lmving lwea wt
duty alunist day and night for' a w! , •k, and pt •-
cimody broken down , by the movement of Get,.
upon Lyn el iburg mid his retriw to Cl la --
tau: While it scouts clear that Geo. Acenll mold
have saved ChrunberAburg had he fallen Mick to
this point instead of baking •st Gnyneastle,
are unwilling to censure him, or to hold hl/11
fiponHible Tilt the sad record that .M'Cansland has
given to the history of our town. lr but o ne
umu had thrvathillA. 111114 or had reintbreoMents
been in his rear, he would doubtless 11411; Ma
every eixpectation of our peoph.. 'He is a bras,:
ail gallant officer—has wed:reamed his fume, and
ij hould not his hastily tarnished,: ' , .
Gen. Couch, as we have stated, had no troops
Chet hem, or within roach Of this' point, 'with
which to oppose the rebel advartee'. , " A few,rent
pabios of infantry , but half organized uue hutldrcd
day turn, were thrown forward from Itarri:liorg
to Averill on 'the 'morning her,} thd•Mererrs
burg inurement was known, and they remained
there under his orders. All the troops Genera!
Couch had were on picket duty, 'or with Lieut
- Mlean, who gallantly embarraedM'CieishouP ,
advance at es cry step. He had not even a ioiari
bt spare to arrest the stream of stragglers ;MI
deserters from limiter's army—chiefly and hue
dted days' men. ;Stamm of them passed thilough
mostly without arms, and laid they been urre,tec:
(Ley 'would probably base been valueless
Gen. Ayerill wag under ordors 'from Cif , neral
Hunter, and not subject tu order of (Antral
Couch. Re wag rolvised by Gen. Couch ))3 ,
Krapil of the rebel oeviapattoo (,f'Mereergbims
and the movemeut toward this point, which turn
4 ,
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ed AverilN right flank and rear, mid urged to
fall back if pOssible and cover this point and save
lira ittalis; bat far reasons,'which we believe will
yet he , satielitetorily explained, Gen. Averill did
notinove fram Gr,cenca:itle until morning, and
then be made a circuit he Mount Hope, doubtless
L rifted hid lett and sire his command from a
combined attack ;by the several columns which
Na advanced 'from the ricer. His trains were
i.ent: here about 6 P.V., with a strong guard, and
squadsof :disabled,,and detnohilli:ed mere; but
they were move 4 tovard .Shippensburg ut 1 A.
M.. on Friday morning; and the guard. of course,
wont 1.5, - ith them. -'Oen. e eiilldid not reach hero
until, about .3 X'. 11. on Saturday—nearly five
hours after fhe rebels had burud the town and
retreated ti,'eshvard.
novv.xfpztt'il; mxn's nr..thrwARTER-s.
Gen. Conch was trooples:4 and therefore 11;4-
lea as a commander. ilk failure to secure the
aid of Gen. AVel ill, and the steady advance of this
relielSontile it evident that he amid not hold the
towm.even tf every 'citizen in it had fought res:ci
lutely by his side; and as the sequel shows, he
al4irchended that an unsuccessful resistance in
width citizen's wire Vilni , (9l. against- a fiendish
toulike ll'Oamland, would but swell the measure
(dribs I vengeancse. Lieut, MLean was driven
to the ive , tern turnpike at St. Thomas by I A.
M. On Friday , morning, and resolved to retard the
advance of the manny as long as possible to
enable the stores and trains to be sent MK- -
All the government store's, railroad trains, &e.,
were ordered to be ready forimmedinte removal,
and they were all saved—the last train leaving
the - depot when the rebels were on the bill west
of town. 'At 3A. M. Lieut. lit'Lean reported:
that he had been driven into the tow mat the wes
tern toll-gate, and urged the Immediate move
ment of the erains. As the stares were not yet
all ready Mr shipment, Major Maneely, of Gen.
Couch's staff took one guu, with a squad of men,
and platit.l it on the hill a short distance west of
the Fair difinuld. At it was yet dark his force
could nut qe fOeminoitered by the enemy, and
when he mimed on' them they halted until day-,
light ended them to see that they had no ade
quate flow to oppose them. By this gallant ex
ploit the elieis were delayed outside of the town
until the gores Were all saved, and, Gem Couch
left the dpot as the rebels entered the western
part of to town. Lieut. 31'Lean and .his com
mand ani Maj. Mancely being well mounted, es
caped be ire the rebels got into the main part of
the town Major :natively killed one rebel and
woundedfive by the first fire of his gun.
- Is - a - GEN. COUGH. HAD NO allow's.
'lt seer: inexplicable to persons and journals
ata-distme that Gen. Conch, a Major General
cMumaning a Department, with his border re
peatedlylnvaded, ,houhl have no troops. The
nahural Lelination is to blame the commander,'
for it is rasonahh:.• to suppose that he would en
deav,",r t(have an adequate command, aud also
thar amp , authority w mild be given him to have
suflietentliirce. Jr A where the blame belono,
we doolochouse How to discuss; but we do know
that it ws no fault of Gen. Couch that he was
unable todefend Chamber , bui:g. lle organized
a ProvdstGuard Regiment some•FlUO strong, ex
pre:shy to:fint..f in his (I,Tartment—the men were
enlisted fad, r a po•itile a:stir:lnce, based on the
ord , r tlff. off.farization. that fluty were
to tut to 1t or d'ay' in the Department. They
were or.t.r,-1 Gram :titer tit Inittle.s of
W:l4lTne-- sr, I giments of
oaf , hn rre4 thi• fol‘ent of Me
tno:. orle',cd 11'ashinLtoa
sll4ll miy 'm move. We are as . -
•ureti tift Cot: (Thrfin. belle two nneks befonf
the ton his , or l'llautbosimz, tfoanatly phala,ed
the zffr.f •fo :Mho i nfovhyou tor arming,. orgaiz
ihL:. fool Fr - 1f fns e tit 11l- bor.
flr-r for lome folenr,.. it the Lfoneral fzityernment
nould small ate the uniforms; and we believe
l:+ 'will pressed it upon the IVashington
te.theri ( it , 1, , utitunn the . Mire foree of the
:.••• liltiit—af-sar;nif them that the people
hest w D tfaumtiseit if encouraged
gth'..'lll. , . i unifoi ,41 its 141 ;.4, then
iron: hill matt butetery. Mu it was denied. We
do ,Tnat ais - pdidi} .is to 6.: ascii', cocci.,
pn_l(l.; i.e(•is in the \Vashiiii,e , a authorities—As e
no ;Ifs at his last alre or haled4l upon
InforMatiql eceived from him or his officers:
but wed , iwlte ssLereuf we kuu‘s , when site say
ti at " . tis , ryetti.rt was made to earr} tit -e lorate
itt.e., hitt, . twd that They NN not sanctioned
Ilt..Vi - ashrfEl)ll. Whirr we do no; assanne to fix
IL, Icni2 , l:tility of this terrible disaster, we do
torso tlhit shall ilot command:l.. who
was shontf his sht u h and left !Aide:, with
r.;:1:10 r_vrf.,l:` with then:. They would rash front story to stor}
111.. hm,:,;,...been Idterrutited in th,•lT,•ii „ to rob, mid alwa}s fire the buildin at once in or
id4o loss it anti} (la} light. :hes d der to keep fit fruit deteetin , their robs
Ttheir tithi„tiagnouunherics. Feeble and iteip:e-s women and children
1,1, the coliwiti, were tre. , ted hk. loute 4 —told in.,Ololitly to tot
About it A. M. oil Sathrdie, out or burn: and "rem the .ink were not spared.
morning tile} Netted with their ba - terios and fired Several invalid. had to be cdrried out as the red
,t into the 1(m thry flames licked their tint/Plies. Thus the work - of
did .thercaf;,. t - theii C0n111.1./ed for IV) looLN; More than
sis ' imi-hers 1,3 aluont et cry street and the token on tire :if one , , .end Elio wild glare
Wig} rut,uiug of It t,,1• and Sthilli-v•nst ; and Mid- , of the dames: the shrieks of women aniteliildren,
it.:z wad c. , t, their caNdliy. to the itundair of and often harder Ullman the terrible blaeptierny
about 1:3o came milder the inim..diate command of the rebels, conspired to present such a come
of (ten. M'Cou-hd. General Bradley Johnston Of horror us has never been witnessed by the pre
so as with 111111, ailalso the notolious Slaj. Harry sent generation. No one was spanid save by ars
Gilmore. ' ° eident. The widow and the fatherless cried and
f i t,itNitc(lllNGlionftiThr commENcr,tt phial" in vain that - they would he homeless awl
'While M ' Causlat and Gilinoro were recomini. helpless. A rude oath would close all hope t.f
tering around to gin deal with the citizens for mercy, and they would fly to Dirre their Jives
tribute; hi 4 soldierkxhibited the prolieioney of The old and infirm who tottertid before them
their training by imediate and almost indismi. were thrust aside
,and torch applied in their
minute robbery. ifs, caps, boots;watches, presence to hasten their departure. So thorough
ver-Wzire, and ekorytlig of value were appropri- ly were all of them master.of the mule of des
'tired from individnalln the streets without ern. truction that there is scarcely a house standing in
envoy; and when aT. was met whose appear- Chtunhorshnrgto-day that they attempted to burn,
some indicated a plethic. purse, a pistol would although their stay did not exceed two hours. • TII
to 1114 Ilea with the order to " de. that itrief period, the major portion of Chambers.
liver, - with a dexteritthat Would hat.' done burg -- -its chief wealth and business—its capital
credit, ' to th,l fr ,.,.. bootitaccomplieliments of au and elegance, were devoured by a brabarmis roe;
Italian brigand. three millions of propertyltacrificed; three thou-
Tittni • Tr. JITNNDT.T . sand human beings homeless and many peniale,P;
Gem Ilreauskind mien to a number Of (*Ai- and all without so much as a pretence that the
• and "are nidum it; unle•oi .5500,MM in citizens of the doomed village, or an} of theta,
• nhac.i. 4 , or :;' 4 1 00 , 00 0 hold was paid in half had violated any accepted rule of eililized war
en honr. Ilu• town would• hurried; but no one litre. Such is the deliberate, soluntary record
rills:sided to his call. lie I.3'proniptly answer. made by GPI,. Earley. a corps colons, oder in the
el" that Chumbersistrg cell not and would not insurgentnrmy, The government may nut take
Pay any l'anFOln. coniliec was appointed, summary vengeance, although it has abundant
and no individuals attempt to deal with the power to do so; but there is One whose roiee
arch-fiend who had ttine attic,: 1. , rob and de- most.terrible in wrath, who has deciared7-"Ven
strov. Tie laid the Court H i lbell rung to con- geanee Mine - - 1 will repay!"ciao"eifi'imis,l"'Plin4 tor om them into the 4' INC,II/D.:NTS 'rots BritNING. large Alin) (01.1 n or; but TIO:ohe at We first it impossible to make room thr all the
tended. No, Tsui of MIMI 141.1m ai.le cithitr by in- many touching incidents which occurred in the
di'. lanai, or in organized 1/11(.11j1+4 to make burning. of the town The house of Mr„ James
r should Wrilm,n—an and .feeble man cif M.Pr eighty,
terms—all had re , olved that tite,e_b„,„te
his threat rather than Pasisibute.
_wax entered, and because his wife earnestiv re-
Wed id the delmminatioa or ";pe,nple, Major monstrated against the 'burning they - fired the
(diluted ,, rode up to a group or . Cirsis, consisting room, hurled her into -it find locked the door on
ce i fitinna , 13. ',Kennedy, Walla m'f,ellatt, the outside. 1 ter daughters reSCIWiI her by burst
111'Dow elk tiharpy, Dr. J. U. itigrds, Wm. H. ingin the door hpforC her clothing to , dt fire. Mrs.
Mlketo , ell, \V. I ' , I: , eretl, Edwarl. Etter and Conner, the widow of a "TIMM .. , 111.1ior, who ins
14. A. Fe'JZ,l:lia Frdere,l them lint aITe;,E. He no means of support, got on her knees and lu -, ged
said that :.11 , v would be held Ihr t payinont of to stye and her little owes from Lary of
tit' itione.)• 11. " 01 P ala 1 " 1".13. , take them rets4 wrath: brit while -pile iimq piemfMd
Zo - • ali.,„rj, „ wry
mercy, they lirmi her lotto mai', 8
h.nise in tow - n Whiii i 111 ' was enivoring to from her—the ;only inon„.3 , she had iia• oorid,
force lin ot hoo Iliknowy, his Mr. Wolf kill, a Ivry old citizen, mid pr.. tidied
men , 1,•;)c,,i1 work of fit' soil they by sit:hues , so that be tiro‘rly Inlaid , to be
were Y'"'" if " "sl .'"" "1 out of Laid, plead w kMu to lie ((wired a horrible
thin. would , reef ttothlitit. death in tla• flame.: of his own hoin,o; but they
11.1111:LII..111r II laughed at his terror and tired th.•
'The ttia ', ll P•t:t Of 01° ' t "" utt hr Through the superlimban Mites or , suefriemim
fen ridnot". No 1.1°°..",.' get to re- h..' was carried away Mrs, Lindevy, ii
mov,, w - otnen or ehildrem or HI" , 4 ' r- en the very feeble lady or iwarly riliot(•,l
dead No netnie of the k llll . l-I ,;u l ' I.lm ` rl , Mated they firm :Viler house; and Was left by the (limits
to an} one; but like infuriated}tents•,uhell_to he del.ohred in the llaines; but fortunately a
itself tlos work of destruetion was con.necd. relative reached the house in time, and lilting her
The.i dui trot have,iiii ) lldng to learn in •in a buggy in the stable milled her awa3 v°, hole
rid trad . ' -111 e1 Prowd f la ' llll,e ° l ' l,'lt , eN Ts in the flames were hissing earl' other over their
I :beir cap .- mg. TlieY divided into ' l l lllllls,llrl red heads ini the street: Mrs. 101 , 44., ile of the Jew
ery other Mao., raid otter ever) . 1 ,1 1 ' 4°, 'ley eller MI . '•lreet, ile,M; aunt although they
pre,eilled any prospect of plunder. ihey
old were shown the dead body, they plied the birril
I ) ,, l;Ait 1110 11001. woolsin , " 1)"N heavy' Ik, and burned the house. Mrs. J....K. 13loyeek was
ennT: , ls up nay furniture with tin fix, throkv,td there with Mrs. lituss's dying babe in arms,
° or oil uponit, mut ply the inateli. 'and plead thr the wake of tin' dead mother and
invariably entered est ry , rooin of eachliouse_ dying child to spare that'•house, but it wok mia
fled tin' ers or every bureau, appropria railing. The body of Mrs.: Russ was hu r riedly
money, jewelry, watches and any other Vafilald buried in the garden, and the work of destruction
.. and often would present pistols to tho heads: - went am. ' She next day it 'wag taken up and in
' ihni4tes, ,new and women, and demand nitunl, terra in the Catholic °graveyard. When the
thrit line", In TICIIIrIy half the instances they 4° flames drove Mrs. Shryock with the child, she
mandekl owner , to ramoni tbeir ' ProPertY , aad it went to one of the men and pri.Reliting filo dyilig
litke•cins i s it was dom.; mid the property huriaskhahe , aitifed_o& t .,„„„„„ „cut?"
,A. teller
if hnogh sir have Palmed ofn number of vorYong , -•hord was tomilied, and without ipeaking bur,,t.
itiodl3 widows, Is lit paid them sums from y 25 to I t o fear,. Tie af i milmisi . olim%rd shr),oa,
S;;;;(11), IV.- I,IIOW of but one rase where the prom
, asked whether lie could do ant thing for her;
oily 'WI, thereby : Mr. KiiimenYt it it was then too late. The bi,fa, has ceased
111'11r town, buildings by the payment of be inotherli.sit, for it shares a mother's sepal
wio The main object of the 111..11 seemed tots - . e. Th e. h ouses o f 31,,ssrs. 31 , 1,4.11 an,
plunder. Not a house escaped rifling—all were t Nixon were pawed norimmonoy . They are
plundered of
1 fed east Of the railroad, and out of•the
.•vlirything that tumid be carried
away. ln most cases hinitics were entered in 1111' " part of the town. They Wen+ tiot reached
the rest of the town was ill 111LineS, and the
tilderlt Manlier, and no Mimehatpwr m
, even fir the ,Imuilies to escape, less to sire ro wore k.reaming with homeless wonien and
' :Loything Many litiiiiqeS had the utmost difliKulfyeh• on ,bri o ,u tti f t , roßt o uce was the tiro
to get. 1,11,11),AWS oud Children out in time and on 4tered, and he Was tiOtiOed, that the house
not one-half had s° much as a change of clothing 11.1114)e burned Mrs. nuniaatcly
• •
Map Showing Commodore ...kgerag at's,
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-epp, ,1 to the deor, : n.l baying one hand on till ,
r e bel offieer, and pe - ntinEt with the ether to tin
ertraii.` lit2 L itit.t. tot {lttloll - 6.(1.1 child; VII ills lt, b.S•
i tie 1111J1—•-' .Sir, is not pant ri uzr, ono- glum d
p hi hare it hang, i',hd ran pet another: loterthi you
.s i sture ern how's for ihose poor, helplrsa propir and
It'!" u you and I nail akofits skill
ihfror, ti., (i.•tat Jd ('
ui , ranyou justify this
art''' made la; reply. but t.rulot.4l his com
mand away, and that part of the town wits saved.
lc-. Leers z;;lioentaiser rushed up stairs when
the) ;in r hew, to t•utial•
returned with some siher spoons in her hare.
the found the relic's quarreling over a valualit
breast-pin of hers—several chaining it by right of
owe very., ,mil the tlittpUti , was ended. for the time ,
at lead - , by one rudely taking the spoons from
Mr,. Shoemaker and dividing them ,totiong tats
squad Jlrs. Heide escaped by wetting,blanketa
and throw ing them around her, thirs enabling her
to get out through the burning buildings in the
rear of her house. The residence of Mr. M'El
waine was tainted by a squad of rebels, who first
demanded and prOcured their breakfast from him,
because he was guilty of teaching colored OW--
rem - and he was fired at as he made his escape.
M Royston: bar-keeper at Montgomery's Ho
tel, Was robbed on hie way down stairs of s7oo—
tie sat pigs of his life. He yasmet bya squad
of iebel:, and dexterously , relidved of his money
and all ‘alitables. Mr. Holmes Crawford was
taken into an alley while his house was burning,,
and liia pockets rificiL Ail lie had about him was
fit .rui ;tad that was appropriated. He was finis
detained trntil it was impossible for him le get out
by the street, and he had to take his feeble wife
and sit in the rear of his lot until the buildings
burned around him.. Father WC:Wham Catholic
Of this place, was robbed of his watch. He
ns sitting on his porch, and a party of rebels
came up and peremptorily demanded his watch,
which he delivered. He was, also robbed of his,
watchlast year by Jenkins' men—the tame corn.
mood that • burned Chambersintrg. Col. Bthm
baugh was arrested near his, home early in the
morning, and with pistol presented to his head
ordered to procure some whisky.' Ifs refused,
for the very good re son that he had none and
could get none. Ho sins released, but afterwards
re-arrested by another spiad,,the officer Darning
him, - and was insulted in everY possible way. Ile
ibibrwed the officer that heluni been in 'the ser
vice, and that it Gen. Battles Was present, they
would not dare to insult him. Mum ask e d w hy,
he answered—. f captured lihn at Shiloh, mid
hinted a soldier," A rebel Major pres
ent, who had been iii.det Batt - lea, n e on inquiry,
IA as gatistied that Col. Stinnbunghs statenAt
is as correct; ordered his prompt ildenseomil With
drew the entire rebel hire, trout that part of Six.;
and Street, aid 11.) I.ettildiugA Were burned. Cud.
Bard's residence—S , Frdi nd ,Hill," was also put
limier guard, when Mrs. Boyd. intoned them who
lived-there.. They had sumo recollections oh Col.
Bled occasinnally ' penetrating the Shenandoah
yalley, and it was not demist wholesotricto burn
le, property. Mr, John Tram:, of Loudon; was tile fi•lutl.i of 54,Q.00 gold stud
and f 4 :4101) cerrency. ' T hu money was in a bu
reau drawer, but it was most dextoronsly appro
priated by flit. - Suittured light-lingiqcd gentry-of
MCausland. They also stoli• his l , iquors. Mr.
1). H. Knight, an Artist, started out to the resi
dence of Mr. McClure whim he saw Newland on
lire; and on his Way. he was robbed of all his
stoney by a, squad - id' rebels., if, reached the
lawns tut nil in getting the women ; m ay.
llchel Oilirerti had rp'ggyilfifililll before he start e d
to get' the Wooten out of town as fast as phi
siblo, as many rebil soldiersucte ii fa
they iliared the worst consequences.-
Soon alter ihe }corn, of destruction had nom..
menced, a squad NVIV, detailed to burn "Norlaud,"
the residence of Ai K. 1112-CluM. It is .sitnat,,d
mite limn this, e of the town, and no other
lmilding Ns fired Ns ',thin half a mile of it, although,
fifty houses stand between it and the burnt por
tion of Chanthersburg. The squad Was com
manded by Call. timith, si/I1 of Gov, Smith, (Ex.
tra Billy`) 61 . Ariminia, wine beautiful residence
near IVnrreuhrti has ever been carefully guarded
by Colon troope, when within our lines. Tim
mother and ei;ters of the officer who fired " Nor
land " halo lived in peace and satidy in their
home, under thderal guards,• since the war (.0111-
'llphi-ed. With the cry of "retaliation," Captain
Smith prtweeded to Mr M'Clure'e melamine.
@a te
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Bahr. 110 Si
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Itte‘e 6'lo
hcautiful mansion of Mr. rester, lie
: , iippo9,l idr hall reached the object of his ven
gca.o awl ho, alighted add met Mr..Ey-ster at
lio• door " prezmine," said 'the,
chivalrous son of "'No sir—my name
Eyster,' was the reply. ""Where is NlTlon.'s
house 1" , \\las the next'interrogatory. 'As the
property evidently doomed, and in sight, Mr.
Ly,ter could only answer that it was further ont
the nue', and. the noble warrior passed on. Ho
found Mrs, M'Gliire quite ill—having been con
fined to her hed, for ten days previonq. TIC iri
formed her that the honse must be Mimed by way
,of retaliation—for what particular wrong, he 41
not seem anxious to explain. He magnanimously
'stated that she shonld have ten minutes to get the
family Out of the: house and away; prove
his sincerity, heat once fired :the house on each
-Story. To convince Mrs/ 3l'Clure that be was a
4 rhivalrous foe, he 'ordered her to open her Seere
tarY while the house, was in flames around her
and; evidently ambitious to show his literary taste?,
and acquirements ho commenced to read her Pri'
tate lettere. - Mrs. M'Clure informed-him thut he
would dogbtless - be disappointed in her Sisortr,
went of literature, as her Imsbzind had en papers
or lettere in the house; but as he desirous
to read something, she would commend to ,him a
letter she had just received the day before from
• a rebel prisoner, invoking the blessing of Heaven
upon her and hers for kind ministrations te - a, foe.
The writer had been here with bie,- in June,
•3.113,, and wits on guard at the house, and was of
course treated kindly. The sick of the same chm
mand, us well, these of M'Causland's forces—then
under-Jenkins—were all humanely cared for by
.Mrs.M . Clure; and the author of the letter, hay- -
Mgsince been captured, anti suffering from sick
ness and destitution, wrote her some time before
stating his condition. That she had not turned a
deaf ear - even to a foe when' indfering, is evidenc
e(' by : the acknowledgement' presented to Copt.
Smith, which was as 1 0° 1 Y E i •
• July 51, 161.
Sins. M. S. M'CLlTrtg.
11teittrOili—it hi with feelings 'of Intense 'l , rntitude I we•
knowledge the vetwipt of your letter under date of ad
June, enclosing dollars. Words are inadequate to
cccpress, irrathuile for so Meek so benevolent unit
expecthi a t I eau cote Simply nay—many thanks,
and may ClM'aleam you. 1 have it mother .nini 'isistSnr;
and your letter 1 shall retain and convey to than in order
that they tort see the chrlstlan kindness of one with is
against us, and tire - that they may emultheyour exam
ple:nail never be Nehll and worn :th oppirtohity is otter
lvl in (,tiringaid to it needy Federal sailor.
An it may - neverbe,in my powl sr to reciprocate the favor
naieived at year hand., my prayer is that Clod may" le%
',vox,' pal lot ' With Ilttt wishes for your
health and hapiiineas, and tru..unc that this dark Ivor
°brad ney ism° be lapelled tad j , eaeu and happiness - dna
Prospeaty 01We Mt, 5100 111.1 us,
I tun,hfudn u with math Respect,
- Yew Obedient &irvitia,
01. CL.llth inion.
Snell a letter was net just the entertainment to
which the imperiOus son of the South considered
Instead of rotaliating for wrongs
donmlie found himself abllut to apply the torch,
u herr friend' and foe had Mond solace in distress
—even' his own men having beemmercifully min
istered to there by the one uvdr whose aching head,
'nail enfeebled Mobs hi. was inviting the_ fury of
the flames. He read the letter and anslivrc4—
" This is an:fill—it is atrial lo burn this house!"
iuul in vindication of his contrition, he left Mrs.
M'Clure to escape' from the fire while he pro
ceeded to the adjoining ro outt. and, in a fit of re
morsm-stole M. M'Clure's gold. watch and other
it:tildes of ‘itlue which might adorn the elegant
manshoi.of the Governor of Virgin4,at Warren
ton, Fortunately Mrs. M'Clure had Some of her ,
own clothing'in a trunk, .and one of the squad
kindly aided-her in getting it but of the house, and
it was wed,. but , 'nothing lielonginOo Mr. Me-'
Clare' was allowed to. be Muffed. /4 8 . Rev••
who had rushed to the house,was caught
Oil the stairs with mi Olit On ' her ' arms, and it was
rudely taken from her with the t•emark—" saving
anything belonging to him is expressly forbidden.",
In tive minutes the house was enveloped in flames,,
HMI Mrs. M'Clure, and the other members of the
family at Mane; started on feet., in the heat of the
day, to escape the vengeance of the chivalry. The
torcht was thrtistinto tinge large, well-filled barn,
and iii half .',au hour a lbw charred walls was all
'that of "NorhulP Cupt. Smith could
- COneeid the watch and other articles lie purloined
'at "NorbiniP inn trophies of his valor, bitt the
siher pitcher was unwieldy, and, could not' e se
creted front profane eyes as he rode buck through
_ .
VOL, 7i." WHOLE NO. 3,08.
town from the went , ' of his triumph: . Ho itiolv
ed therefore to Live a public diSplay of his gener
osity. He stoppeffut Rev—Mr. Kennedrs, and
'handed thePitcherfohis wife, with the request—
"please deliver this) to Mn.S M'Clure with
the compliments a cdiit. ?Smith." The goblets
were strapped to the sa - dale of one of his squad,
and the watch could be pocketed to prevent the
tell-tale qualities of the pitchai, and 'they were
borne off to the land of heroic Narriors and ffOble
blood The , watch • stolen by 'etipt.' Smith was
presented' to Mr. 31'C1uro by tome.friends as a
testimonial for las' 'services as 'Chairman of the
State Coritmittee hi 1860; bears anengraiing to
that effect, and is worth SSOI:C
CORRECTION.' ' ' ' -
The following earde7splaisOnlf -
To litc Editor of the Nap , York Times :
Your notrespondent writing front the southern horde; 4 31
Pennsylvania, sayS in the Taints of the 4th lost
"I was informal by a gentleman on the train that Col.
li'Clure paid 5t5,000 as a ransom. for. his threatened pro
perty, and after all the scoundrels set the torch toldshousO,
and it noir stands a smoking. rain."
The foregoing statement` has not Om shadow of truth.
I paid no such of money to ransom thy property, nor did
any one for me; and although my loss is scarcely less than
$50430, not one dollar of tribute would hare been paid to
barbarous freebooters to awe it. I was not present, but
no member of my family would havelnotertained.ti propo
sition of any ransom anything' belonging to them
or me. A. K. ITCLITRF„
CELUMEREI3I;IiG, Friday, Aug. 5,1864.
Capt. Smith, theworthy,son or a noble Virginia
sire, now Governor of whattreason hasleft of the
Old Dominion, gave his mime And. parentage at
" Norland," and also at Dev..Tarnei I% Kennedy's.
It Seems that the of ministers were not
to be brined, and ho gave' g order to .
Mr. Kennedy:
_ _ • enaunntontito, af,..1864.
,Reer. James F. Rerinedy's house is not to be' tweed--
positively prbibited. By ardor Brig,Gemal!Causlamt
F. W. BV , :FIVA.. A.-1); C.,
The order was liastily written With -lead:Ten
on, but in a very legible hank while he yvtorde.
livering Mrs. M'Clure's pitcher to Mrs. Kennedy,
and declaring by'aldy of justification of his con
duct, that his father's house had 'been bnrned'by
our troops—a statement he knew ;to' be false.
Fiendish rind relentless as Were, breatusland
and most of his command, there were notable exl
eeptions - who bravely maintained the humanifiei
of war in the midst of the infuriated free-booters
who were plying the torch and securing Plunder.
Surgeon Budd was conversing with several citi
zens when the demand for tribute was made;and.
he assured all present that the rebel cominandel
would not barn Chambersburg. In the midst of
his assuranees, the flames burst forth almost
simultaneously in every part of the,town: When'
he, saw the fire hreak out, he' wept like a child;
and publicly denounCed the atrocities of his com
mander. Hp took no part in' it whatever, safe
to aid some unfortunate ones in escaping from the
flames. Capt. Baxter, formerly of Baltinoret i l
peremptorily refused to participate in_the burning;
but aided many people to get some defiling and,
other articles out of the houses. He asked a eit- -
izen As a special favor to write to his friends in
Baltimore and acquit him of the - hellish work.'
Surgeon Richardson, 'another Baltinaorean, gave
his hleie to a lady to get some articles out of the .
burning town, and publicly deplored the sad work
of 3,l'Crinsland. When asked who his ceatmand
log officer was, he , answered—el - Madam, I am
ashamed to say that Gem APCoMiland is my com
mander!" Capt. Watts manfully surd all of
Second street south" of Queen, and with his ciim
anand aided to arrest the flames. Ile said that
he would lose his . commission rather than barn
out defenceicas people, and other officers and a
number of privates displayed every possible evi
&nice of their huriaanity. One 'vs - hole company
was keptiby its Captain--:name unknown—from
burning and pillaging,•and the South-eastern por
tion of Chain bersburg stands to-day solely because
au officer detailed there kept his men employed
in aiding people out of their burning hcnises, And
did not apply the torch at all. 'Alter the rebels'
had left, the following note was Miceived by. Rev.
S..Niccolls, Presbyterian 'Pastor, written on an
envelope with a pencil:
mr.v. Mn. btu:coils': Please write my father and give
Lim my love. Tell hire, too, as Wm Shoemaker stall tell
you, that I was roast otrentamaly opposed to the burning ,
of the tury-n. ' B. B. BLAIR,
Chaplain and Son ofTlgss. P- Blair, Shippensburg, Pa..
That there was a mast formidable opposition to
burning the town, in McCausland's command was
manifested in various ways- In the morning be
fore daylight, when:McCausland was at Greena
walt's on the turnpike west of Chambersburg, a
most boisterous council was held there at which
there were earnest protestiftbado, to McCausland
against- burning anything but 'public, property.
McCausland was greatly incensed at some Of his
ofwerS, and threatened them with Most summary
-vengeanct , if they refused to obey orders. Many,
hmi, ever, did openly disnbey and, went even so
far as to give the utmost publicity to their
Capt. Fitzhugh exhibited to J. W. Douglas,
Esq., an Attorney of this place, ii written 'order
with the name of Jubal A. Early to it, directing
that Chambersburg should be burned in retalia
tion for the burning ofisix houses in Virginia by
Hunter. The burning of Chatiabersburg was,
therefore by order of one of the Corps Com
inanders of Gen. Lee's army, instead of the work
of ft guerilla chief,:thus placing the responsibility
squarely upon the shoulders' of, Gen, Lee. We
have in support of this the statement of Rev. Mr.
Edwards, Episcopal clergyman of Hagerstown,
who was taken as a hostage after Chambetsburg
bad been destroyed. •He was brought to Gen.
O.arly'S'Headquarters at Williamsport; ana there
Oaroled to effect his exchange. Gen. Early , there ,
informed him that he.haddirentelKitambersburg
to be burned. in retaliation -for Ao_tipstruction of
property iii Virginia - by Giant, - Meade - id& Hun
ter, .and that the account wai,,.now:,aquged.
There may be two parties to the auditing of that
A number of the thieves who participated in
burning Chamberslumg, were soot suddenly to
their last account. An officer, whose payers
identify him as Major Bowen, Bth Virginia cavalry,
Was conspicuous for his brutality and robberies.
Be got too tar south of the firing parties to be.
covered by them, and M his desire to glut his
thieving propensities', he was isolatcd. 'He was
raptured by several citizens, in fAe midst of his
brutal work, and was dispatefied promptly.--
When he. was &eclat and slightly wounded, he
took refuge in the burning cellar of one - of the
houses, and there with the intense
-heat blistering
him, he begged theuila spare his life; :but it Wass
in vain. Half the towa was still burning, and it
was taxing humanity rather too reach to save ,a
man' who had added the 'boldest robbery to atro
does arson. lie was shot dead and now sleeps
mar the Falling Spring, nearly opposite the Depot.
He was about five feet five, inches in Imighth,
Wry stoutly built, with sandy hair, goatee and
Mem:tech, sandy complexion, full lace and from
to 40 years of age.
' Two men entered the Drug Store of Mr.' Mil
ler, and in their haste and confusiOp got the front
door lathed, and could not escape speedily after
:they had fired the store. Mr. Milkr was stand
ing in the hall of' his house, whielvtommuMeates
NS ith dal store, and With his double-barreled shot
-gun ho brought both down to find sepulchres in
the ashes of his house. We do not learn that
_they - blessed the name of MeCauiland as - ,their
bronzed skin blistered and withered beneath the
dames he had ordered. Mr. Thomas H. Doyle,
of London, who, had served in, Fasten's but
tery, follow ea the retreating rebels toward Lou
don, to capture stragglent When beyond St.
Thomas he caught Ciipt. Cochran, Quater Master
of filth Ya, cavalry - , and sale reraguized him as
one' who had participated in the destrution of
.Charubmburg, he gave him just fifteen minutes,
to lb-c. Cochran was armed with 'Sword and pie
tole, but he was taken so suddtmly 4 . by Mr. Dile
that he had no chance to use them. He IcSed
piteously fin. his life, but Mr. Doyle -Inex
orable—the foe who barni and robs -dust die,
and he so informed him peromptorW. At the
very second he shot. the whininr thief .dendr,
and. found on his person $Bl5 of 4 reenbacks, all,
stolen friim mil.- citizens, and 4 4 -
1,750 of rebel
currency. His sword, belt and pstoli were brought
to this placeby Mr. Doyle. lie did not lisp the
came - of McCausland withAverence or pride as
he , begged-to be spared the just doom his deeds
merited. Scores of MeCaraland'a command were
killed on the retreat by . Gen. Averill's forces.
'Many of them were intoxicated, and all demoml—
izcd by plunder; and they became an easy pray'
tattle vengeance of oar troops who passed through
the burning town in the pursuit of rho barbarians.
Tho fiends in human shape who passed to their
final account in the midst of their own infernal
work, did not reach the Great Judo without, an
accuser. Daniel Parker, once a "thtng," a "chat
tel," a "tria`n," in the parlance* and by the
laws of the superior race w•ho teach nobility and
--chivahi . the „ - fathesdesa
homeleti soda: ~i • •., was the eityibtiittiolto
death of relierbrutality. - Ifejlad:Vooholkirth
star in his earlier dersirona - -olthough- mo±otaxed,
in obedience to the statutes . which -enslaved WM,
he followed the 'beacon ftht Of heaoll'.
dom. He had - lived'quiell,Y, Sortorliand =WM
ounly iq our.midst urea he hadfilled the maitre
of patriarchal years, respected-by. it who line*
him. ' He was enfeebledbYV and ,hifirn4oot
and his'bumble home eictted the. Ti3ngeurkm of
the lerdly sons of the South.; They-Brod, hit, hot*,
and ho was-so injured by - the -flames 'before lao
could escape tha t lid died the . eatutOsigh4.lo
. spii:ity - Clonseld of the stain Of color and taste '403 '
stamped by men, pawed with_ hie merderersi who
found resting places amidst the nshesefthelrOsp
desolation, to the bar Of lEfun'Wbojudgei,only,
'righteousness. - ,peipite„th(i,.yiicked Nov they
' have thrown hite.a pall ovensgreat, and freero.
pie' on the pretext of epcky, of races; theyfermA
ktribunal from whi c h :there in *UT : appeal, Where
chattel and Master; end_lord, meeti equal
justice, andeval mercy. , Murderers and'accg.
ser Seal farewell - to the same *ming son,
and thenceforth foreiei became equblif
- • -
A correspondent Se-ti4s us tho:folloisingse to
the,natiiity of the .vitidalthief liTtruslimat-Fre
(Fent inquities are- daily ntado regatding, the na
tivity of the fiend lireaushirid; Some a/legethst
lie was born in New -York State, whilo othests
think that he must 'certainly inrselflrat seen the
hot In the South. The matter seemstci
Portant inasmuch as the Wividtuil have a
very.prOnainent and interesting ,page%itt-the
tort' of the rebellion; but he ttaksettiod the:4jte .
tion himself and -removed taike for further / ant
pine. Ina converiatienth Ttev.M.t.Edwiwils.
of Hagerstowa,Areausland said'itetraefirnheA
Fora verification of his stztonieiltrititess,
bersburg in ruing.' " ' • , r
- .atinxoNdi .
The following io a correbtlisi &PO Indlit4
btirned hy.tho rebels
sorra RIDE BP.M.diltai;`
Jacob WolfkillTwe stors,Vial' ,
story Brick back btrilaipg ' :WfUy
Patrick Campbell'sbeir-.TwO stcoy)Mei
tete story Frame back building;..,„
Peter I..VGaffig-Twe' s tor y •
story Brick back building,: - har k
James C. Austin--Two stortAddr,frO l k a 4a . .l, 4: :.:7
building, new 000
B. Austin—Two story Brick hvnC and Dttild Mg and wash home..
Wm./1"Dowel17-Tht, MI
back building, WasThrhonstrtibClC Niid
Tames M.
back building, - wash r hansa4t
Neck. Bellers•rTwo story ,- Bireh'
back building, Brick cmd TitiiiEf Mil!? es toe 1;
_ . -
- .1 . • W. Douglas—Can story Frame *oaf and back ;
i - 07 4
3fartin Brown—One and a•half story Fratne'frottt '.•
and one story Log book building - , 1491
J. Allisonoz
Jas. Cl-C. Eyster—Two y tog , l , ,tpli e- • • -
(cued with Brick) and one and -a•half 3tory:l.og "
back braiding • ' 1,0f4
airs_ Jordan—Two story Brick front and batik -"
L. S. Clark—Two story Frame front, two '
, stekr „"
back lmilding, end Frani° stable -
C. 3L. Drmam—Two. story -prick- front and - baCk
building, Frame Law 43111 Ce, and • Framestable, 2000
Ediniand. Cnibertson--TwO story Brick farat and - '
back bniaing: Brick Loti PiEce, and two story -
Stonobarn •' • * "PO
Mrs. Bard—Two story Brick wont and beak build; • -
ing, twascoryßricliLaCifice, and row r : F • titme"
Gehl' & Denny—Three stork Bride 2Ont'and two
story back building,one three story Brick front and'
one tem° story front building - " '-• - • - C. 200
C. 3L Duncan—Three story Brick tont' and bock, •
• building, three stbrylitick Arcade, twotWdstert__„..
Brick stables, and one two atm y'Frarnegtlibic:•=ls,Wo
Aug:Duncan—Three Storyttriek front bailtllng.-:•-1,200.
Henry Monks—ThnseStory Brick front
Edward Aughinbaugit—Three story lirkk-Itont: -
building ',l;spa
Dr. Wm. BI.BoYIO--Tbree story Brink front • •
yary Gillan—Three story Brick - front bidlding...2 1,200 i
.J. Wright—Three story-Brick front and'one sto• '
ry back building - -•--• • - - 7,800
Samuel F. Greenawalt •-•-Twoittary - Brick front'ad• - •
back building. "Frame trash house, Brick smoke
, .
house and , Frame stable ' ' 3,000,
A. 11: MeCulloh-Two story Brick front and baolt
braiding, Stond stable- %Oda;
Rec. Mr. SelP3n-Tae story Brick front and back • •
, building, Frame building and Stone stable ' 2,000
John P. Culbertson-Three two story Brick 'front ' ,
' and one back building-and wash house " 5;000'
Mrs. Riddio-Twostory Brick - front and back build
wm,b honki,and Frame stable' - - • q,ticio'
Finefrock-Two story front and back bonding,
Brick wash house, Frame wash house andrriuncr
-Stable 2 100 -
W. F. Eyster & Bral-Fonndry-,‘Two tub - story•
' Brick front and back buildings and stable - 4;000,
Robert F...Trdbort-Two story Brick front a:aback • •
building - and Brick stable ' 2,000
Matthew Oillarkt - heirs--TWo three Story Brick
fronts and two two story back boiltlings, logbook,
wash house and Brick . '0,000'•
Alex. Frils. , -Twn• story-Brick - front and one - story ' '
Frame and Log backhanding - - • • JAM
Mrs. Frederick Stolth-Qrstit atory - frir .Btlet raid' • A
back buihlin tr r ~ r :.
John - 331okt:wider's heirs-Two story :Brick 'front • ,
and - back baildine, and logbarn •
- ' " - _2;000
Hunter Robison-Two story Brick front and tog ' -
back bonding, and log stable -
Jacob B. Miller-Two story Brick building 9,00
John Bigley-AlMe and half story Prairie- and rind" -
one story Log buildings.- -
Thomas Cook-Two Stery Log hoot and two.onci , .
one story Frame back buildiuge.-_
Nathan Pierce Two storyLoglront (rough eased)_ --
and two - story. Brick back building and. wash. -
house 1;000
Ilaracr Woll-,-Two story Fiannahuildingooo
J. 3L Wolfkill-Two story B ri ck - front 0. - two two
story back buildings
Jacob Shafer--Two story Brick-front ond one story 1
Brick bark building and.Yrrittm Shop liooo
Iticharl Woods-Two story Brick front and one arid •
half story Log back buildinsramd Brick 'wash -
John Ring-Two storyiLeg curd cue story Brick t, -
buildings : 4.1
Pule-Two Mary Brick building- - ' 500
Mrs. Elizabeth Stouffer-Tan story Brick front - and'
one story Brick Nick building s :24800
Andrew Banker., One storylitick shop, two story-.
Brick house and Fran:Jabal-a,- 9,000-L
Mrs. Butler-Twusthry. Log building- and Frame -
Mary Rapp-Two story_Log
James Rill's Heirs-Tnro stary.Brick frontand abed 500:
Josiah Allen-Two story Brick, andone Way Frame .
• 'building - 1,000
C. Stoat-Two two story Legimildlug* and 1!ood
h bed -
Saml-Brandt--Two story Brickbuildhrg• • - • • 800,
John M. McDowell-Tao atbrytrielttratitaral doe:' - '
Story back building, two story
,-BBrick frotdlund-,
big, Log and Frame barnonertr*Voa?mtker` • "
• shop and blacksmith shop; suldheysteatesi
Daniel Trastle-Two story Brick'frirsit 'Mad ImSk '
building, and two shiryWcie • 7,500'
Radobaugh-Stone amtk*Mtne-barit' '
Mrs. Jos. Chambers-Tw& iddrY'ThiCk •
-front - arid -
back building, and Brick stable 5,511D' r
Gee. W. Brewer-Two story, Brick front nridback' -
building, two store Brick ollietrapritaimdatankis
house, Brick and atone ham 5,500
Mrs. Jacob Satith....-Leig stable " - • • .• 100
John Miller (Lank,eoper)-Two story Brick-front
and back building, two story Brick - Mad, wash
house, 1 Brick.atoL2 Frame stables, Brick wagon
maker and blacksmith shops. -
John B. Cook-Tura story Brune (rough eased) and ' -
two =tory Frame buildings, bark house and
lag mill, - Bark shed. and Brick stable. ~,..,. -5,000
C. W. Eyster-Two .three story Brick Mills, and ,
two story,Brick '4 15000
Lambert & Iluber-Four storyiStone and ramie ,
paper mill and steam, house. - - .15,1X10
V. W.:Eyster-Two story Brick front and back 7t
building anctßrickstable
B. Shillito-,Twoototy-Brick building ' 14500
Jowl : King-Tworttory Brick Promo
shop and shod.. - • ' • • 1,20 1,900.! _
Peter Brough-,-Three /dory Brick front and• ono- •
story back building (unfinished) 3 • 010
John Nuol-,Tbree story Stone front awl beekbnildt , •
ing mat Stone stable ' • ' 8,000
Court Howse-rTbree story Brick.... ,- • - " • 4, 000
Engine Rouserwontory Mick -
D. 0. Celly-Tantostdry Brick front and - tmekbulW • 31
• ing, smoke. luatae, Brit k stable; Frame yawl - '
13. P. Nead—TwO stogy Brick-front ondbacAlliht• , - ' •
lag Ewing and-ardeb) hedge, BrieketatO ' 5,000
A. 0. canfrunn--Ttcrea story - Brick ford bank
budding, and log 4,01 0 r
lira floottmea—'.e.wo story Brick fro.. and took -
building., two story Log- front (flashcase , l) and •
' Brick back building, bake .ho Brick wash • '
house, Brick stable 5,5
reilrer',9 heirs—Two story to house, Frame
smith shop, two-story k .3- shop, one and , a . -
• half story Frame front r ono story Brick bock '
building, frame stable. 2,6(v
T. 13. -.... Brick Bost and bask. -
bui lin snu e and unsh house B.ZO
Ito .c/uuTwostory Stone front and -
Brick 757 buildinginnd trash bonSt , 3,030
Levi Flume shin—Tao story Leg front and Frame -
back building, aner Frame - GPO
Samuel. Etter—Tyro story Brick front-and back -
building. and Frame bake house 3,0K30 •
Bev, lc, selilassoi•—.Two story Log front and frame
bock building, and shed. 1,600
Sobaonn - Eekert—Two story Stone front and Brkii
look building
..icej. Chalers—Two story Brink Cottage and two - '
story Br ig baeX building ' - - 5;000
'Tatra G teed—Two story Brick front and back '
buildings/ and Frame and-Brick Stable 5,000 .
Mrs. C. Siiyder—Two story Brick front and back '
.bnilditig 3,000'
Allen Ebnitin-Two story Brick front and back , - ,
building, "Ulna Frame stable • 1,6 W
Christian Flack—Two story Log and Weather. ~ -
Ix led front and ono story Frame back building,
llYtarne stable I,OW
Jito. Schofield—Two story Log Weatharbaardell -
Wont and ono story backlmilding, Brick shop, and
,mall Frame stable 1,600 ,
Mathew P. Welsh—Two story Brickfrind andback: ,
.. . . ... . .
building, Baia wash honor 2,530 i '
lithristian Stouffer Machinist)—Trro story Brink . i
front and back bitilding, Frame stable 3,000
t - . Chambers' Rosidenoe—Two story Brick front , , -.
and 'sick building, one storY Brick smokc'bouse," ' ,
two story Stone stablo ' ' ' 7,01X1
Goorgo Chambers (Seminary}—Three story Steno -
front and three story Stone and Brick back build. -
lag, smokehouse , 060 3, ' C
GeorKo Chambers (Millinery Shop)—Two story
Breit front and back buiJdnag
2,000.: t
AJ. min or —T w o story Stone front end Briekbaok , ,' ••
b 'ding, one story Brick back building, wash. .
- and smoke house ~ 4,500
dames Wats on— Two story Brick front - trod ,buck
bulkti 1 .. ...--« 4.50°:•
It Austin— 'o story Brick fnint and two story "
Brick Ina bu cling B'soo
Franklin Hall—Take atoll? Britk building . 20.000
- .413ike