8 trantlin srpTioitorg. .THE DRAFT IN SOMERSET. We give herewith the list of names drafted it the office of the Provost Marshal, at this place; on the ISth inst. One hundred per cent. excess was drawn to cover tdi deficiencies: ADDISON TOWNSHIP. ' 1 Hugh Kelly • In 2 Charles Roberts :23 3 James Albright i 24 4 Jacob Albright • 25 5 Michael Bender 0 6 William Purr. Fti Ya;..4li — gtiif'c7lll 7 Jeremiah Augustine 1 28 Josiah Holliday 8 John S Shaw ,29 Jame:. Spear ' 9 John Gower . 1,50 Abraham Ringer 10 Jacob Lenhart 131 Ami Wilkens 11 Michael llontgoincrYl32 Newton C Black 12 Joseph Cummings 133 Franklin A Findley ' 13 John Hanna Jr !34 Andrew 11 Ross 14 Christian Otto '35 Andrew J . , Hillman 15 William H Smith '36 Casper Martin 16 William F Miteboll 137 John Nich o l s on 17 John B MowerY 138 Jacob Kensinger - 18 John Burgos? 139 David Slaybaugh - 19 Christian Mease 140 Joseph Augustine 20 Jeremiah Liston !41 Solbuion Hershberger 21 Daniel Shutty i 42 Josoph - Hostetter ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. - - - - - - 1 Elias Salim t 1.9 Joseph Gardill 2 William Sarver 120 Jacob J Burkhart S Frederick Hartzey ;21 Martin B Boor, 4 Abraham Thomasl22 William Wolfholt 5 John W Phair ;23 George Menges 6 Johnson Ringlet' 24 James Shaffer 7 George Briggs 1 25 Michael Jordan 8 George Sarver 1 26 William Palmer 9 Jefferson Ringler 27 Charles F Smith 10 Francis Sidmiller David Miller 11 William Valentine 20 Francis A Warner 12 Jesse MeVieker 1 :81 Adam Mull 13 Joseph loon :31 Joseph Menges. 14 Joseph Sarver • i 32 John Late 15 John Wolfholt 23 Levi Mengas 16 Simon Yiitzy • ;34 Henry Maybusher 17 Benjamin Boyer 35 Johnlel Mull - I 8 Henry Wolfholt 136 John Geiger BBOTIIEKS' VALLEY TOWNSHIP. 1 Daniel Karnsll7 William Foust 2 Jolm'Stahl !18 Benjamin Walker 3 George Hoover ;19 Frederick Platt 4 Jobs} Meyer 120 Adam Fisher 3 'lsrael Kober 121 Alexanddr Qncer • 6 Samuel M Saylor ' 22 Samuel Rublight _ . .. . . • 7 .DaVid Bitner IZ3 Joseph Baldwin 8-John WeagleY 124 Abraham I Yutz;.- 9'.:satnnel S Fn 'ney 25 George J Shroek 10 Levi Weller j 26 Jonathan II Fritts 11 Samuel Musser 127 Chauncy Long 12 Dar iel Boyer 28 John Roy • 13 Aaron• Brent . 1 Joseph Brough 14 Peter Snders• ,30 Porter Weimer 15 Solomon Coleman 131 Jacob,Stutsman 16 Franklin Hoover !32 Chimney Queer BERLIN BOROUGH , 1 Daniel Fisher - 112 Alexander Brubaker I: 2 William Sheets 'l3 Augustus Flota 3 Samuel Halley 14 William B Rheem 4 Charles Hofferd 15 Jesse Landis 5 Joseph Merwine ,16 Joshua Landis 6 Washington M'Gahen .17 Peter Keifer 7 Joseph Imhoff 1 18 Henry II Fisher 8 Philip Myers 10 Jacob Heffley 9_ John (1 Gardi 11 , 20 Charles A Heffley 10 Thomas B Miller 121 William A Gannon 1.1 Philip Sheeder John Gessner - CONEMAUGH TOWNSHIP. I David Hoffman I 4 Abraham Baer 2 Joseph Yoder 5 Tobias Livingston 3 John Stone 6 John K Livingston SALISBURY BCIROUGH. I. Joseph Foutch 5 Daniel 0 M'Kinley 2 Ferdinand Brigg I 6 William Smith -3 Joseph Wegner 7 Wells Wagner 4 Joseph M Hay 18 Jonathan Kelso GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP. 1 Peter 6 Baer 7 Joel 31 Yutsey 2 Levi Keaton 8 Adam , Yeaner 3 John Bittner ' 9 Jonas Lint 4 John Dcstal 70 John M'Kenzie - 5 Jonas Albright 11l Frederick Warner 6 John Guilts ;12 William Fadeley JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. I Herman Banono •; 9 Henry Shallas 2 George'Moorelr 10 Cyrus Bowman 3 John Nair iII Isaac Miller 4 Abraham Miller 112 David Ankenny 5 George Bock :13 Henry F Baker 6 Casper Jacobs;l4 Peter Beck 7 Isaiah P •115 Franklin Froidline 8 Conrad Miller , ;16 John 31 Kimmel JENNER , TOWNSHIP. 1 John H Picking 3 Levi Berkey 2 Josiah Cover • 1 4 John Betz LARIMER TOWNSHIP. I Solomon Weimer - go mimeo - Hut-tat . 2 Perry Hutzel ;11 Edmund Deal - 3 Solomon J Bair 12 Josiah Bittner 4 Jacob Deal - 13 Ludwig Young 5 Hiram Tressler 19 John Mayer 6 Andrew J Stouer 15 Peter Hostetter 7 Ludwig Baer 16 George Geiger 8 Dennis Wilt - 17 John F Bittncr 9, Adam C Leply 18 Conrad Felker - • LOWER TURKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. 1 Thomas Hyatt 10 ,Henry Graw 2 Jackson Hinebaugh 11 Jesse Nichalow 3 David L Coleburnl2 Francis M Hyatt 4 Sanitiel Koontz ' 13 James K Fulton ' 5 Iliemllvatt of Charles 14 Harrison Rush 6 FrancisVillielra 15 David Harbaugh 7 Squire Rugg 16 John Horned 8 Jacob .1 Rush 17 Elijah Hyatt 9 •Moses Nichalow 18 Walter S Mountain MIDDLE CREEK TOWNSHIP. I Alexander Lyons 3 Josiah Heminger 2 Marion Henry 1 4 Hiram Fedrow MILFORD TOWNSHIP. 1 Albert G Hill 4 Bernard Roubaugh 2 Simon Eanis 5 Michael Kimmel 3' Samuel-Hoover 6 David 10 Shaff NEW CENTREVILLE BOROUGH. 1 Daniel Dull I 2 Amos Schrock NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. 1 John D Caton 12 Valentine Bridegrem 2 Samuel Waggaman 13 Abraham Kochenour 3 Herman Kochenour 14 Henry Hedding 4 John Feik 15 Joseph Ehrl 5 Henry Martz 16 Alfred Wilmer 6 John. Adam Boyer 17 David Caton 7 William Snider 18 Uriah Poorbaugh 7 Frederick S Weller 19 Isaac Elrich 9 Herman Martz 20 Valentine Emrich 30 Hezekiah Baer 21 Levi Koohenour 11 George Beck 22 Jehn Bowman PAINT TOWNSHIP. ' 1 Jeremiah Oaks 8 John Latin 2 Josiah Penrod ' 9 Gillilan Sees 3 David Berkey - • 10 John Nagle 4 William Hoffman 11 Henry Nagle 5 David Berkey 12 John Statler 6 John Weaver 13 William Fassel 7 James Foster _ 14 Patrick Dorsey QUEMAHONING POWNSHIP. / GeorglYJ Mowry 1 4 Christian Blough _ 2 William H Courtier S John A Wilt. 3 Joseph Zimmerman 6 Joseph Lape • STOYSTOWN BOROUGH, 1 Leiria M Statler I 3 A F Kuntz 2 Joseph Stahl I 4 Christian Spangler SHADE TOWNSHIP. 1 Philip Sheffer 23 Benjamin Ling 2 Charles Slick . 24 Charles Roger 3 Edward B Spangler 25 Johri Bisbing 4 Michael Bobley 26 Henry Huller 5 Jacob Ewalt 27 Edward Rhodes • 6 Theodore B Potts ' 28 Rufus Chrisoy 7 Isa Rogers 29 John Porten 8 tWilliam Moyer - 30 John A Clark 9 George Goa 31 Willis Dior 10 Joseph Shank -. 32 Isaac Nelson 11 Levi Custer 33 George Benner 12 Asariah Dunham 34 Ephraim Borkebile 13 Henry Koontz 35 Lewis Wisker 14 Joseph Myers 36 Peter Felix 15 Bennet Sawyer - 37 Jonathan Giffin 16 David Speeht 38 William Shull 17 Benjaminßender "39 Jacob M'Crizger 18 John W Miller '' 140 Daniel Shaffer 19 William Hammer 41 Josiah Stump _ 20 Jonathan Ling 42 John Helm 21 Jacob Thomas 43 David Manger! 22 Gideon Hiteshew 44 Henry S Miller SOMERSET TOWNSHIP. . I Charles F Rhodes 'l5 Edward Berkey 2 Abs'6lam J Kasebear 16 Ephraim Shallis 3 Elias Bittner 17 Eli Ogline 4 Jonath'n Cunningham 18 George C Lichty ; 5 Henry Metzler 19 Gillilland Kuntz 6 George W Risinger 20 Johnathan Barclay 7 Soloman Shawley 21 Samuel Weimer • S George A Kimmel V, Edward Liehty • 9• George Walker 23 Joseph Emong 10 Jacob Baker 24. Andrew Lohr 11 Adam Sonstim 25 Noah Gunder 12. William Trent 25 William Mourer • 13 Conrad Gunder 27 Moses Freidlone 'l4 Joseph Wilt 28 COrnelius Berkley , • • SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. I Samuel Royer 12 Nathan Emerich 2 William Shaffer ' 13 Joseph Heyman 3 Israel Emory 14 Solomon Reber ' 4 George Kennel' 15 Jacob Troutman 5 .Tames Lancaster 16 Adam Lepley 43 Dennis Kemp . 17 John H Lepley 7 Jacob H Martz 17 Solomon Deal - 8 Valentine Kennel! 19 William Reber 9 Jacob S Kennel 20 Valentine Wert - 30 Noah Lancaster_2l Alexander Emrich 11 DiudelSturts.22 Jacob Leidig(ofJaeob '', ' , i3TONY CREEK TOWNSHIP. 1 "Samuel Blackburn -, ' 8 Samuel Miller ~ - ".•2 Henry &pro --- 9 David Lehman , 'O.-• 3 Johlii.J llitz 10 Allen 0 Miller : ' . 4 Daniel Snider 11 Samuel Prank - 5 Joseph Keefer • 12 Joseph J Specher ,6 Joseph Lambert 13 Willuun Daly ft i Samuel Fleagle 14 John Shrink - . 1 Levi . Rizer I 3 Rudolph Stotler 2 Samuel C Fechty 1 4 William F Uhl UPPER TURKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. 1 Norman Lichlider 4 Herman Conn 2 Elijah Henry 5 John Eicher 3 Herman Regar 6 Henry Whipy TUE REBELS IN HAUERSTO 'N. ' The Hagerstown Herald gives the fo i lowing I account of the operations of Gen. McCausland and his command while they occupied that p lace, .1 during the late rebel raid on the border; "As soon as the rebels found they were in, undisturbed possession of the town, they began , to make inquiry for the borough council. An.; interview was soon had, and the rebel General' made his demands knewn, a list of which will be found in another column. The council were politely ,told by this polished representative et.. our " Southern brethern" that if the demand was not complied with, within a limited time, the- town would be laid' in ashes. A. town meeting was called to assemble iu the Court House. Our citizens on collecting together discussed the demand of the rebel ,General and decided that our Council should raise 'the , money, and as much ot the clothing as it wiiik . possible for them to do. Three hours were giving in which to pay the money and tur nish, the required amount of clothing. The money was soon raised, but it was found that • it would be impossible to furnish the clothing. , Additional time was asked in which to raise it, but Gen. McCausland was deaf to every ap peal, and swore bitterly that if his demand was not complied with, - Within the time specified, his threat would be carried out to the letter.--; At last however, when ho found that there was a disposition on the part of the council and the people to furnish the required amount,The ex tended the time two hours telling them that i I the requisition was not filled by that time, they knesy what they had to expect. He then marched a regiment of his troops into the town, and stationed theiniu front of the Court-House,' eiidengy for the purpose of intimidating out citizen 7, or with a view of carrying out his threat provided the money and goods were not prompt= iv handed over at the hour stipulated. Every effort was put forth, and clothing of every hue and material was taken to the Court-House, - where it was placed in the hands of a committee whose duty it was to hold it and transfer it to the -4 Chivalry.' The supply in town however' was found to be sadly, ,deficient, and the fact was soon announced to the free-hooter-in-chief,. who in the classical language peculiar to his class and the land from which he hailed, said to them that if it was not forthcoming by the time sPecified, by the eternal Jesus Christ, he. would carry out• his threat should it cost him' his own life and that of his whole command.'— He - told them that before doing so he would give' them half an hour to remove the women and children from the town, and that they might expect no lenity at his hands. Every effort was made to reach some tender chord in the re gion of his heart, but unfortnuately there was. , not a single one which was not proof against all appeals. At last the idea occurred to some of our citizens that he might be reached through some one of his staff. This was tried, and prov ed successful, and the articles given in the list which will be found elsewhere in our paper, were accepted. Our citizens wisely withheld the $20,000 until they had. assurance from Mc- Causland that the amount of clothing which was raised was satisfactory. As soon as that assu rance was given, the clothing was taken to the Court House and the money paid over. When the clothing was taken there, this dashing South ern chief was amongst the first to ' grab' a new hat ; and as his ' sark' was of creeshy flan hen.' (greasy flannel) and fouler, if possibli than that spoken of by Scotia's immortal bare in his imitable tale of Tam O'Shanter, he help ed himself to a clesn one with as much eager. ness as a highwayman would manifest when re lieving a man ot his o purs u eon some public thor oughtfire. "'Here was ire "or that —lmm-est dignity' in the.man of which we have heard so much—none of that polish and southern refine ment so peculiar to the men of the South,' hut he walked foreword to the promiscuous mass of clothing piled up before him. and like one who had been trained to the profession of a high wayman, helped himself to whatever suited his purpose, with a grin of exultation such yOu might expect to see upon the face ot the leader ot a banditti. This Champion of ' Southern rights' is about five feet ten inches in height, squarely built, with coarse, red beard, rough, rude and brutal in his intercourse with those -with whom he came in contact ; proverbiall profane, and to use the expression 'of one of hi: command, he has not a single redeerniii i , quality, except that be is brave and will fight. " Whilst ourcitizens were collecting Ala money and clothing, demanded by this repro sentative -of the Chivalry,' he and his associ ates effected an entrance into the different Drill storei in the place, and helped themselves t. the contents without asking whether the own ers were friends or foes. Their object wa , booty, and it mattered but little to theui whoa. it Was. It was clear gain to them ; and they took it without waiting to inquire whose ; wa, or what were the opinions of the owners. "After the money and clothing had been handed over to them, they began to muk 3 prep oration's for leaving, and at 1 o,clock, A.' . left the place, marching in the direction of . Thus ended the operations of Wednes day." ' Cornelius Yoder Charles 11 Lee utorge Wass Solomon Johneon Eliinh.24'Clintock The following•is.a copy of the official order of Gen. McCausland for tribute from Hagers town, and the receipt of his quarter-master for the same I. accordance with the instrucfions of Lieut. Gen. Early, a levy of ($20,000) Twenty Thousand Dollars, is made upon the inhabitants of this city, the spact..-of three hours is allowed for the payment of this sum in " U. $. Funds." 2. A requisition is also made for all Govern. ment Stores. 3. The following articles will also he fur nished, from the blerchandize now in the hands of the Citizens or Merchants—viz-1500 suits of Clothes, 1500 Hats, 1500 pairs Shoes or Boots, 1500 Shirts, 1500 pairs Drawers, 1500 pairs Socks : Four hours allowed for their collec tion. The Mayor and Council are held responsible for the execution of this order, and in case of non-compliance, the usual penalty Will ho en forced upon the city. JNO., MCCAUSLAND, Brig. Gen. C. S. A. The town •of Hagerstown haring complied with the aforegoing requisition by paying in cash Twenty Thouiand Dollars, ( $20,000) and having also furnished the specified articles therein mentioned to the utmost of their abili ity, as Lhereby certify to the fact, and place the town under the protection of the Confederate forces, releasing the citizens and their property from. furthentributions and agreeing to shield both fro further requirements. JNO. MCCANLAND, Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Coats ... \243lShoes. 123 Pants. -20111ats - 830 Drawers. ----, - 132 Bhirts 225 Hose - -7371 Piece Goods, 137 i yds. Boots. 991C1 hing, 70 pieces as'd. J. C. VAN Fossi.N, uarter. Master. The rebels burned the distil ry of Mr. Dahl near Williamsport, and destroyehe material of the Boonaboro' Odd Fellows printing office. THE pressure of Gen. Grant's bnivearmy is felt severely in Richmond. All women who de ; sire it have been offered passports to go North ; nflia distribution of meal to the poor is suspend: t.lll neVii potatoes are $5 per gimrt,•and gold is worth $3O in rebel currency for ono. So says the Richmond Whie, WELLSBL'AG BOROUGH HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY BRIGADE, I IlecaTsrow::. 31d.. Jaiy 1664. GENERAL ORDER, NO.—, aly franklin ilepostion, ibambersburg, pa, - - I,egaLgotites. NoTicE.__TEAcTrns will be eXtllO- ined for Green township on Wednesday, Ati , gust 10th: Southampton, 11th; Letterkenny.l2th: -I.nrimn. 151 h: l'annett,ltith ; Metal. ; Thoth -ISt)] Peters, 22d; Warren, :1311; Mercer burg, 24th; Montgomery, 25th; Greencastle. 'With; An trim, 'Zith : Waynesboro. S)th: Washington, .;Ist; Quincy. September Ist; Guilford, 2d. rod liamtlton 11, at the usual places. None need apply who " never prepare." who "have not looked at a book for months,"nho desert their schools without cause, or who " cannot get here at the hour." Those in terested in their profession will be prepared and at tend promptly at 0 O'clock, A. M., each day. when the classes will be formed. Each should have a sheet of heavy foolscap paper, pencil. Item crayon. and it revenue stamp or five cents. Directors and eititzons will please attend. A. matmAlN. july2n County Superintendent. pROTHONOTARY'S - 1 1- Persons interested will please take notice nut the following accounts have been filed in this office. and will bepresented for confirmation at a Court of Common Fleas. on the Sth of Aurs.t, 1864: The final account of Wm. M'Lellan, Assignee of Thomas Walker and wife, under DectJuf Voluntary Assignment. - The first account of Wm, M'Lellan. Assignee of ,the Chnmberaburg Saving Fund Association. First account of A. K. M'Clure and J. M. Sharpe, Assignees of Wnsen Reilly. Tin tl neeonnt of A. K. M'Cltirm Win. M'Lellan and T. B. Kennedy. Assignees of Hezelsinh Easton. julyJ K. S. TAYLOR, Proth'v. VNECUTOR'S NO T /CE.-Notice is u hereby given that Lettere Testamentary to the Estate of Martin Wenger, late of Green via-wadi), deed, have bhen granted to the undereigned, resid ing in Raid towfiship, All Perrone knowing themselves indebted to said Rotate will please make immediate payment; and thoqo having claims will present them properly authenticated settlement HENRY N . VENGER. ' -1 E ., MARTIN WENGER:JILT • x, - ME 4ersonar liroptroi Baia. PUBLIC SALE.—Thentidersigned offer at Public Sale, at his residence, in Letter :wilily township. 4 miles North-west of Chamber, norg% and about IV mile from Rocky Spring% on thesth of .I.lonat , the following Personeb Pro perly, to wit: S head of 1101t:3ES, 5 Work Homes. nee-year old Colts, 2 Sucking Cults, S ligml Or Horn t!A'tTI,E. 1 Mulch Cow, S hb.ul of SHEEP, 4 heed of HOGS (1 of which is a Sow heavy with Big), 7 .-3mtes, 1 Sleigh, 1 Windmill, 1 Spring - Wagon, 1 REAPER,' Horse Rake, 1 pair uf Wood twiters, 1 Nor,, 2 ])noble Plows, 1 harrow, 1 pair of 'Spread s. Double and Single Trees, Horse Gears, D.llam Bridles. Halters, Halter Chains, 1 Grind Stone, 2 Wain Cradles, 2 Bureaus, 1 Sink, 3 Bodsteml4, 1 1;finitA, 1 Corner Cu p boat d,l Ten-plate Stove, 1 Iron kettle, 3 barrels of Flour nod a variety of otner ar ticles. not necessary to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, when terms will be made known. [july2ol JOHN, /3, 07• ELL. VOlt SALE.---1 offer for sale ray CON IL ESTABLISHMENT. with fix tures for oarryine on a Maonfoeturitur Business. Also—The STORE ROOM FOR RENT. _Forpartietthrs enquire of inlY2o-3t - LEWIS SHOEMAKER. MI auto. TWELVE TEACHERS WANTED.— The hoof Directors of Letterlcenny township, will meetlin S.ttarday, the 13th clay of Amami next, for the 'impose of employing twelve teachers._ take cha oof the Public Schools of Sail towaThi,t for the e in term of viz months. By ord of the Boaid, • DAN'I, GELISIX, inIYW „Secretary. WAITED—A good TANNER. Good w7Fges and steady employment will be given. Apply to he undentigned. near Mereersburg. np27-t ' C. METCALF. 1 'ED.—A substitn te fiff one year, liable to tuilitary duty. Apply at this july•it-3t IV no office Aliserliancouz. BIN SOX'S R - METROPOLITAN CIIROUS. 'RR-Furriar AND OROASIZKLI PIM ISert g. J. ROBINSON... ...... ALEXANDER ROBINS TUE MOST COMPLET*I.:STABLISIIMENT ' • now traveling in Amen-en! FIVE DASHING EQUESTRIENNES.. TWO CLOWNS AT EACH PERFORMANCE HIRAM DAY. The Great Wit and Modern Grimaldi. CHARLES CON" ILLE The Quaint. Quizzical. Extempore VovalLst. An Unequalled Colleetion of HIGHLY TRAINED ARABIAN HORSES. EDUCATED MULES. DANCING IfORSP.S. and PIGMY TRICK PONIF.S. `THE GRAND PROCESSION • enter town on the morning of the defy of es hi dtion at 10 o'clock. led py the SWAN CHAR Irawn by elegantly marked horses. euntnining LUDWIG'S CORNET BAND. Two eaeh day. Afternoon and Even az. Doors open at 2 and 7 P. M. Performance to .ommence half an hour later. Anutssios AND L',3 CENTs. lIAMBERSBURG July :to, .;nnEwAsmn - \IERCERSBURG deVONN EL LSBURII.... IPPENSBURGtig. 1 it. .7A RLISLE ' . 21. •Do riot confound this with Yankee llobingon's Circus or the Menagerie. CHAS. W tiTNEY. july7.l)-2t Oen. Huvirv. p Act. B OROLIGII LOAN! - $lO,OOO WANTED! $5,000.F0R TWO TEARS! $5,000 FOR THREE YEARS! INTEREST SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM PAYABLE SEMI-ANXUAL,LY! The Town Council of the Borough of Chambers burg desire to effect a loau as abovestated, and will receive applications at the office of JOHN STEW ART, Esq.. Chief Bur4ess, ut tiny time. Bonds will be issued in sums of $10) and upwards. - BY order of the Town Council T. L. FL V, rPH Rtt, Sec's' i ul y2O- 3t I=ll/1 CIENTRE WOOLEN FACTORI".—Tito subseribers respectfully inform their friends and the I uhlie generally, that they hare leased the above named Factory one mile north-west of Cliam nersburg, (best known wt llorst's Factory) for n term of years, where they intend .to manitfivet ere Cloth, Sattinot, Blankets, Flannels and Carpetinz from the fleece. of yarn. Country Carding and Fulling attended to. Also—lndigo Wile; and fancy dying done to order. Having added a number of new ma chines to their Factory, they are now prepared todo work in the best style and hope to be able to render general satisfaction to all who may favor I.lh with their custom , WOOL loft at the Stores of J. G. Eer and B. Fold, in St. Thomas Jas. D. Scott, inUridgo port, and at the House of H. Embich, on Fianklin St.,Chambersbtng, will be called for evei7 two weks and returned when finished. junels-3m H. EYIBICH 8: 1864 " 00 S 7 A RI S " RAT, ROACH, &a. 1; Xq: It Di IDi A () It • "15 years estAlished in N.Y. City."' "Only infallible remedies known." " Free from Poisons." " Not dangerous to the Human Family." - " Rata come out of their holes to die." .637- Sold by all Druggists everywhere. .Parl 11 Beware 111 of all worthless imitations. LW' "Costar's" Depot, No. 982 Rroadway. N.Y. ire. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail 'Druggists in Chambersburg.Pa. • [mar 9-8 m K E R O K S E-NiE m L . AN TERNS, Kerosene Oil, at BOX D'S Grocery EM Lead fi,qt!rto. En= A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING 1 - 11. CEB.T.APT _AMENDMENTS TO THE CON snruTION.—Be reBolred by the Senat e anti Hattie of Reprenentativen of the Commonwealth of peilioolvfmia in. General ...igeembly eut, That the following amendments be proposed to the Constiin- Lion of. the Counnonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the , tenth article thereof: There shell be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as sec tion four, as followS: "SY.crtnN - 4. Whenever any oftbegnalified eleetors of this Commonwealth Shall belt, any actual inilita -1- service. under rt- requisition from the President of the United States, or by tho authority of this Commonwealth. such eleCtors may eNereisc the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens.' undersueh regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully al if they wore present at their usual place ol election." SEcrto.7: 2. There ehall he two atitlitional sectiont to the eleventh article of the Constitution. to bodes ignated as sections eight, awl tune, us follows: ' "SNCTION 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legis- I:acre,. containing more than one subject, which alma be clearly expressed in the title, except npPro priation bills." "Sacriox 9. bill shall be passed by the Legis lature granting any powers, or privileges, in any wherecasc, the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has Loon, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this C.untuonwealth." HENRY C. JOIINSON, Speaker of the llouse of Rtvesentatives. • JOHN P. PENNEY, a - Speaker of the Senate. OFFICK TIM Slie'Y 1W THF: COMNIONWNALTH. 1.1.% it ItISBL'ItG, April' 5,1864. PIMNSYLVA NI A. SS: I do hereby certify that the fOregoing is a full, true and correct copy Of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing'air -I—~ tain ameinlments to the Consdttitiun,” as the same remains on tile in this office. ,In testimony 'whereof, I have hereunto set • my hand and causecl l the seal of the Secre tary's office to' be affixed. the 411 , 3 , and Year above written. - ELI SLIFER, ` Secretary of the Commonwealth. The alnive Resointioh having been agriced to by a majority of the members ()fetich HouseTt two -suc cessive scssionsof the lien oral Assembly' f thisCons monweafth,lho propose&tunendments,will be sub mitted to the adoption or reiectioli,.. ON TM', FIRST '.C.IIESDAY OF AUGUST, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fair. iii tmeOrtlnnee' with the pinvisious of the tenth article of the Constitution, and the act. en titled "An Act prescribirgithe time' and manner of mbolittioz - b) (lie people, for thcir'approval and re- Ilification or rejection,. the proposed amendments to the Constitution, • approved the twentv-third day of April. one thousand cightbaudred and sixty-four 'ELI SLIFER, • mav4-13t) Secretary of 'the Commenwentlb, EGISTER'S NOTIOE.—AII persous iu interested will please take notice that the fol lowing accountants have settled their anonnts in the Register's office of Franklin County. and that the same will be presented to the. Orphans' Court for confirmation. on Weditevirw. the 10th flay of Aug tut 13;4, at the Court }louse in CirtinhersbarT : 111. tirst and.finaTneeount of Priscilla Nave. Ad tninistratris of George Nave, late of Antrim town ship. dee'd. . 112. First and final account of John and - Joseph Cramer. Adtu'rs of Catharine Cramer. late of Lct terkcnnv township, deed. - 113. FirAlind final account of Mary Chaffer. Ad ministratrix of Christian Shaffer. late ot• Mercers burg, deed. 114. 'First and final aeconnt of Nicholas and Ja cob Kline. Will of Jacob Kline, late of Montgom ery township, (let:A. • 115. First and final account Martin Snider, AdUer of John Detwiler. deed. 116. Third account of Solomon Fiery, Ex'r ad - no. Brewer. late of Monte°Mery township, deed. 117. Aecouramf A. B. Winuerd. Adnt'r of Eliza beth Burk. late of Antrim township. dee'd. 118. First and final account of David Spencer, Adm'r of Emanuel-lii:idig, late of Southampton township, deed. , 119. First and final account of Lewis P. Skaggs.. Adm'r d: b. n. e. La. of Francis Robison, late of Montgomery township, deed. 120. First account of Geo. Grove. Adm'r /if Mich ael Coble. late of Hamilton tuwnship, dee'd. - 121. First and final account of Leonard Allman and Samuel Gettle, Ex7rsof Christian Alleinan, late of Lurearitownship.tlee'd. • 122 First and final' aecoun tof John Huber, Adm'r of Absalom Shatter, late of Guilford twp., deed. 125, Final account of.loseph,E. Kennedy, surviv ina Ea'r of Henry Smith of J., late of Chambers burg. deed. • 124. First and finnlaccount of Daniel Shank. Guar dian of Anna C. Funk, minor child 01, Jacob Funk, late of Wash incton township, deed. 1135. First and final account of Daniel Shank,Guar dian of zlusan Pcnlk. toini(w cltil.l - of Washington township. dee'd. 126. Second account of George Johnston. Adm'r of Joseph Johnston, late of Southampton township, deed. 1:17. Account of Nicholas P,oriebrake, Guardian of Emma Shartle, deed, minorchild of John H. 18har t1c. deed. Account of jamas - Nill. of Catharine , Beatty, late of Antrim township, deed, as stated by Samuel Myers and T. J. Sill. E:ens of James i ill, dec'd. , PROYItIF:ToR ID. First account of T. IS, Kennedy. suriving Ex'r of Jame: , I.3eatty, , late of Antrim twp., dee'd. 13f. The second and final accotint:of Geo. blimp nor, Sr., and Geo. Enepper, Jr.. Exsrit of David Kr t epper, rule of !piney township. rier'd.• 131. First and nual account of Daniel Palmer, of George Palmer. late of Guilford fwg., deo . d. 3u1v13 . HENRI XfItICKLER. flegi•der. 1011ROCLANIATION.-- 2 -To the Coroner, the 'Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the different townships in the county of FFank iin. Greeting: linow all.ye, that in pursuance of a precept to rho directed, under the baud and seal, of •the Hon. ALEX. KLNGI President of the several Courts of Common Plea e, in the iixteenth District, eonsistina of the counties of Sonierset, Ledford. Polito' and Franklin. and by virtue of his office, the Court of Over and Terminor and licher:el Jail De livery tbr the .trint 'of capital akad other offender , therein, and in the General Court-of Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, and WILLIAM W. PACTUN and JAMES 0. CARSON. E•q4 , Judges of the same county of Franklin. You andeach of you are hereby re quired to, bc and appear in your proper persons with your Record + Recognirenues, Examinations, and othei. Itianembranees before the - Judges aforesaid. at Chambersburg, at n Court of Oyer and Terminer and General' Jail Delivery: and General Quarter Session of the Peace., therein to be holden for the County of Franklin. aforesaid, -on the 2d Mondap in Auquo, firing the Sth day in fh, month, at 10 W clock in the•forenoon of that day. then anti there to do those things, which to yourseveral offices apper tain.,lii•en under icy hand at Charnharl.hnre, the 11th day of Juiy, 13t3i. SAMUEL BRANDT, julyl3 Sheriff. T ,IST OF' CAUSES FOle TRIAL.AT Al August Term, 1.94. Ciimmon Pleas, caintuene ing• Monday:August Bth; ISt' ,A:- Emanuel Kuhn , vs. W. Crooks' Kers. Micheal Zellers vs. James Rule: S. M. Pennock & CO. vs. William Reber.' John Trite); JusePh Price, • . Charles Hoch vs. A. S. Adams, et. nl, A. J. Lochbantn vs. Dr. John Lambert et. al. ieorge Gars use vs. John D. Tritle. Wm. Bush .John Show). julyl3 „ IK. S. TAYLOR. Proctek. ADMINISTRATORS' tiec is hereby given that Le:tteis of .Adminis tuition on the listate of Robert Calbertson, late of Fan nett township. dee'd• have been granted to the uistersigncd residing in said township. All persons knowing themselves indebted 'to said Estate will plerise make immediate payment ; and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlenient. JOSEPR•CULBERTSON,} wm . ' jime29l P. 13 PER SHEARER; rs. =1 A DM INISTRATOWS NOTICE.-No ..Li t ice Is hereby given that Letters of Adin inistraL lion on the Ets.thte of Emanuel Byers, late of St. Thomas township, dee'd. i have been granted to the undersigned/residing in St. Thomas. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make imniedinto payment; and those having elaitna will present them properly au thenticated tbr settleinent inns - HENB'I CORWELL. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S • tice _is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of John Burkhidder, late of Illhambersbura:, dec'd, have bean granted to the on aersigned, residing in said borough. • All persons knowieg themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment; and ,those having claims will please present them' pro: Perly authenticated for settlement. ja11022 - CHRISTIAN STOUFFER, Adru'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S tice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration de honks non with the will annexed, on the Estate of Catharine Beatty. late of Antrim 'town ship, deed, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Cliambersburg. Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate' payment; and those having olaims will present them properly au thenticated fersettlement. june22 WALTER BEATTY, Adm'r. AMU OP . THE T 0 11.1. C now order all their Tobacco. Segars, - Pipes, from J. D. JACOBS.' Thoy know 'Jacobs sells the boat and cheapest. • jan27-Iy. Vactl @state gAless. TWO FARMS FOR SALE.—The,q4- . dersigued intends moving to the West, offers at Private Sale, a FARM, situated in Letterkeuny township. Franklin county, 4 miles from Chambers barg, and 14 mile north-west of the Rocky Spring, adjoining lands of Saufl Huber and John Sprecher. containing about hid ACRES of BLACK SLATE LAND. The improvements area large two-storied ROUGH-CAST, DWELLING HOUSE, Log and Franie Barn, Wagon Shed,Cider Prem,and all oth ,- er necessary out-buildings. _ Also—A FARM adjoining the above. of about 110 ACRES, one-half of which 1.4 Limestone and the balance Slate. The improvements' are a two-stgricd BRICK 110 USE,thearly new) Log and Frame Barn (with Wagon Shed attached) tnd other convenient oat -buildings. The Farms have.been well limed and are tolera bly well Timbered. There is an ORCHARD of good fruit on both of the Farms, and a well of never fail ing Water at each of the dwellings_ and a Spring on the first mentioned tract for watering cattle. There is also a LIME KILN andQUARRY on each of the farms. About twenty ACRES of MOUNTAIN LAND, well timbered, with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak will be sold with each Farm. . . . . . .4.lso—Two ACRES and I'S PERCHES adjoining the above, on the Public Road, with a 1,4 storied, TENANT HOUSE. Stable. &c: This small tract is well planted with FRUIT TREES, and is admira bly adapted for gardening purposes. Piero is a -goad Well of Water at the house, and a Spring near the Staple. Persons wishing-to 'view the premises can do so by milling on me, at the first described farm. july6-tf - Will. WELL. ARM FOR SALE.—A yaltmble F containing us `A'CRES and 82 PERCHES of first-rate LIMESTONE LAND. situate in Mont gomery township. Franklin county, Pa., within 11)4 miles of Mercersburg, and mile from the Turn pike leading to Greencastle, bounded by lands,of Br. J. M. Heister, Noah Myers and others. The alfe - vo deicrib.id Farm 'is in ahigh state of eultiva tiom'and over NO panels of good Post Fence. The improvements are- it now two-storied B It I C K UOUSE , with gotd Log Kitchen and Dining Room a tt uo b e d, a go o d Double Log Barn, shcaded all around. with two Boors Brick Grancry, good,Car ringo House,. ‘lrticon Shed. Smoke House, .tc. A good thriving Orchard of first-rite Grafted Froct, a n e ver-failing Weil of Water with Pump in the yard, and Running Water convenient for stock. A small portion of said Farm isof good TIMBER. Therein also good Pater Power and Mill Seat on said prem ises. Also, about ],7 ACRES of good T I 111 B LAND, about 16 mile from said Form, which will he sold with or without the above, to , mit purchaser. Tf th e above property is not sold at Private Sale be fore thole, or September, it will be sold at Public Outory on that day. Any person wi-Ming to-view said premises can do so by calling on the under signed, Executor, residing on said Farm. JAMES WITHERSPOON, maylg-tsL Ex'r of John,,Withempoon. deed. [Lancaster Examiner copy at and send bill for Cu!.] VTALITABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private sale. his FARM, situated in Letterkenny township, %Franklin county, Pa.. adjoining lands of Abraham Wenger, Heirs of David Zimmerman. Sr.. dee'd. Jo;eph Bollinger and others, near the Conodoguin nett Creek, and about one-half mile from Pleasant Hull. It contains 183 ACRES and some perches of good SLATE LAND,' well limed. About 2,5 acres is excellent MEADOW. some timber and the bal ance in a high state of cultivation, all in excellent order and under good fence, a large part of which is post and mil fence. The improvements nre LARGE T W 0-ST ORIE LOG .HOUSE Part weatherboarded, a Bank' Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other necessary out-buildings. There is a Well of never failing Water at the kitchen door and a considerable stream running through the rimed ow.4. together with water in every' field, making it a capital Mock _farm. Persons wishing to view the premises can do so by eallingon the subscriber resi dingon the public road one-half mile east of Pleas ant Halt.. jtine22-3m WILLIAM GILLAN. I I IARNI FOR SALE.—Containing 133 , ACRES of good SLATE LAND, and noarlY all fresh Limed. Bounded by lauds of Daniel Mil der; Abram and Noah Myers. 'rho above Farm is 1 in a good state of cultivation, with over 300 panels of good Post Fence. The improvements are a good LOG 110 USE, good Log and Frame Barn, sheaded with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. A good Young Orchard of choice Fruit and a never-failing Well, with Pump, iu the yard. About 20 Acres of above Farm is covered with good TIMBER. This Dwell ' ing is a very pleasant and comfortable situation, about 3 miles trout Mereersburg, on the road lead ! ing to the Corner.' The above lam, if not sold at private before, will be offered at Public Sale on the 14 day of Sept,mber, when an indisputable title will be given by the undersigned Executor. JAMES . O. CARSON. 'Executor of tho Estate of John Little, dee'd. llr_rt- Any person wishing -to Ticw said-farm can do 36 by calling on the subscriber, residing about 3,6 nide from said Farm. mayl3-ts JAMES WITIIERSPOON. iLimeaster Examiner Cony 3t tied send bill for eol.) VALUABLE F ARM AT PRIVATE SALE:—The undersigned will offer at Private' Sale, hit .FARM, situated in Litman township, Fiankliu county, Pa., adjoining lands of John E. and John M'Cray, Daniel Clippinger, Joseph Mow ers and °fiers, near the Conorloguinett creek. and "mint 5 miles from Shinpensburg. Containing 2tig ACRES of god I SLAM LAND, well limed, 70 m•res of this tradt is well TIMBERED, 25 acres in MEADOW and the balance in a high state of culti vation, all in excellent order and well fenced. The improvements are a two storied log WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, new Bank Barn 72 feet long. wigon shed anti all other necessary and convenient ,pit-buildings. There is a Well of never failing Water at the door and two ORCIIARD4 of choice Emit on the premises. There is also a good TEN ANT HOCKS on the farm with a Well of Water convenient and all necessary ont-buildings. Per sons wishing to view the Fin n can do so by calling o t the subscriber. living in Ha milton township, or on John E. M'Clas; adjoining the farm. juneS-tf JOH:s: ZOOK. TALUABLE STEAM TANNERY FOE SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Private Sule, his TANNERY. known as the Corner TennerY. with Stearn and Water Power, SAW-MILL. Chop. ping-Mill. stooks for breakinghides, ,Ve. The Tan nory has S Leeches. 32Vats, 2 Limes and Water Pool, and is capable of tanning 800 heavy hides a year. There are-two -LOG DWELLING lIOUSES, Barn. Stable and of necessary out-buildings connected wi th, the T ry. and about 60 Acres cleared, with good frui . Be will sell any quantity of land with the Ta ry, from 100 to 700 Acres. Over6oo Acres are Timber, nod an ample supply of: Chestnut 'Oak Bark to run the Tannery for fifty years. It is situ ated about 7 miles South-east of Mercersbnrg, on Licking Creek. Terms made easy. For further pat t i tars address the undersigned. at Mf. ITO ni bII 'ranklin co.. Pa. fangl2-tf] C. METCALF: 'VARM , FOIt SALE IN ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP,—The undersigned offers at Pri vate Sale his FARM. sittated - in _St. Thomas town-- ship, on the Public Road leading from Guyer's Tavern to London. 6 miles from the , latter place, ontaining about 200 ACRES OF SLATE AND GRAVEL LAND, about 80 Acres of which is clear ed and the balance iu THRIV IN G TIMBER. The improvements are a LOG II OUSE. Log 'Barn, and 4 Tenant Houses. and a good Apple Orchard. Peach. Cherry. and Pear-Trees. Also—A SAW MILL and CHOPPING MILL, in good run nine order. with 18 feet of head and fall. This pro perty would afford a Rood opportunity to make money. For terms apply to the subscoiber. residing on the premises. Unly6l FRED'E. GILBERT. - QM - ALL FARM FOR SALE.—The sub scriber will sell at Private Sale, the SMALL FARM on which he now resides, situate in Antrim 'township.• Franklin county, about six miles from Greencastle, on the Cashtown road, ndioiuingjailds of Samuel Myers and others, containing about 49 ACRES. all cleared land, in good order and under good fence. There is is YOUNG ORCHARD of thrif ty trees on the place, and a Well of excellent Water. [7The improvements consist of a two-story L 0 G DWELLING HOUSE, a Bank Barn 42 feet lima. and well finished, and another necessary out-build logs. Pomession will be given on the Ist of April, 1864. Terms will be made known on application - to ' the subscriber, residing on thepromises. oet2l-tf - --SAMUEL C. KRIDER. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN the borough.of M'Connellsburg,Ful ton county, Pa. Largo Double TWO STORY HOUSE. Eleven Rooms, -Kitchen, Wash House, &e. ; TWO LOTS OF GROUND, choice Fruit and Shrubbery: Sta blingfor thirty-five horses. Location and buildings suitable for a Hotel, having been used as a Tavern for a number of yours. First-rate Well of water at th e d oo r. All in good order. The subscriber will sell at 41, bargain and give possession at any time. For information call on or addresl - ROBERT AULTZ,' mayll-tf] M'Connellaburg, Fulton County. Pa. (leo. A. Smith, F.sq, my -Attorney,:will give all necessary information in my a .sence. -- It. A. TPA VE RN STAND AT PRIVATE SALE.—I will sell or exchange the INDIAN QUEEN 'HOTEL for property in jahambersburg or vicinity. (ap2o-tf I • JOHN W. TAYLOR. ESTAAlt.—Caine to, the, residenCe of the subscriber. on South Main street. Ohara bersiMg, on the 13th T W 0, S 0 •W.S • ; The ; owner is hereby notified t,o come,and 'prove Droner ty. pay charges and take them swat or they WWII§ disposed of according to law. • Jaly2o , 3t* JOHN HART. July 27, 1864;-1 .eat- estate *airs; V.HERIFFI3 -SALE—&y virtue o f sun „,, dry waitso vesiditioni expones, ironed oat of the Courts et,co n imon Pleas of Franklin ocuntY' Vit.,nrultstase directed, there will be exposed t Public S'aleat the Court Bowe. in the ,occvarti Chambersbare, on friday,the sth of 41.itaut,18640 o'clock, P.M., the following. dosnnbed ~Real •tate. via: All that Tract of 'MOUNTAIN LAND, sitriato it etterkenny township, containing about Acres More or less, adjoining lands of the heirs of 'Jess+ Rosenberry, Lee Born and others. Also—All the defendant's interest in all that' TRACT OF LAND. situate in Letterkenny town ship, containing 8.5 ACRE . more or less. adioinint lends of E. Rosenberry and others, with a ,L 404 DOUSE and Los"..Darn thereon erected. Alan—Alt defendant's interest in all that Tract 3101INTAIN LAND, s.itunte in Letter - I:uit town. shin. -containing .300 Acres, more or tem, ritoininp lands of 11. Keefer and others. Seized and take) in execution as the property of Isaac Ros.enherti, and will be sold by inc. july3o SAMUEL BRANDT, Sheriff.. VALUABLE FARM.—Bymier"ok the Orphans' Court of Franklin county', bo sold at Public Sale, onthe premises, us Ire ( l2w. dolt. the Mat of A wine. the FARM belong - m -4.i° Oa Estate of Nancy K. Carson, dee'd, situate two mile South-west of Mercer:ham containing 137 .ACRE; of first-rate Land, adjoining lands of Adam Jr. M. Hoke and others. On the premises are a- never failing Stream of Water, Bank Barn, STO N HOUSE. Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. Also, a firs; rate Apple Orchard. More than one-half of the Fencing is Locust Poet and Choanut Rail. • Also at the same time and place, TWO TRACTS OF TIMBER LAND, ACRES and 153 AtIRE... within two and three miles of the fat in. Terms, as prescribed by the Court • One-half on the first day of April, 1665, and the balonce in three equal annual payments. with interest. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M. Persons wilishing to-view the premises can call on the tenant. orJames 0. 01,11011, of Morcersborg. inly2o-ts THOMAS CARSON Adm'r. .1V ARM FOR SALE.—A valuable Farm. containing 51 ACRES nod 86 PERCHES neat ITIMISIITC of ifirst-inte LIAIESTOKE LAND,:sitn ated in Guilford town-chip. Franklin county. 1 mile south of Marion adjoining lands of John Reefer's heirs, Daniel Sheller and dthcrs, will he sold at Pub: lie l:Zale.`ori ihr. 3,1 (trip of September. The improve m, tits are a two-story LOG DWELLING ROUSE, with a Kitchen attached. a Log Ra rn, WagotrEheq, Corn Crib and all necessaryout buildings. There is a never Miling Well of II ater at the door. -and a lam! Orchard of choice Fruit. About b Acres of this land is covered - with Olivia:: Timber. Po , sons wishing to view the premises can do s o hz cnll iug on - the undersigned, residing on said farm. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when the hrms will he made known by July A-71 5 ' GEORGE SHELLER. PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an oyder of the Orphans' Coot t of Franklin county, the untler:igned,Achnioistrntoroi livery Einkle.dee'ti; will= expose to Public tiste, on the premises. cm .`,.co turdap, the tith dew Aviruhl. 11351, the following REAL ESTATE. viz:: Abont ..7 EORTY ACRES OF SLATE LAND, in Hamilton township, near the Road, about 5 miles South-west of Charabersburg. adjoin ing lands of Jacob Diehl, Barnet Bielting, Jnol Wa goner and others, with a good LOG HOUSE. Log Barn and other improvements thereon erect( 41. The land is under a gond state of cultivation, find a small portion ofit in thriving Timber. Sale to com mence at 1 o'clock, P. M. when the teens will be made known by EMANUEL KIJIIti, Adm'r. By order of the Court: G. Myreirm.i.„ Clerk. july2o4t TIMBER LAND AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at Private Sale, FIFTY ACRES OF TIMBER LAND. at the foot et North Mountain. seven miles North of Chomberihurg well set with Chestnut, - White Oak and -Red Oak. and some Locust. The Clae tnut is large enough to cut for rails. Tor price and terms apply to the.un dersigned, at Keeffor's Store: -june.T.:-3m* - GYM. S. KEEFFER. ATALU'ABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR Y SALE—The HOUSE and LOT on Wig Mar- Ica street, Charnbersburg, now occupied by Hon. F. M. Kimmel], is offered at private sale. For price and terms apply to JOHN M. WHO WELL. nunZ-tt" gtilitatp flotiref:-. till eDlsoiz 3,Ft mo WARY ~C LAT I MSn . —d eT ? d hoard of Appraisers appointed by the Court of CO11111101) Pleas of Dauphin County. (see act of 22d April, MG%) to investiaptc the claims arising from the Steed raid. .he militia claims, and the Andersou Cavalry nu pres.smontielaims, all eccuring in the year 1S6::. in - Southern border counties of Pentwyl , ,nnia huvo now so far as regards the Stuart raid claims conclud ed their labors: having returned cases to 'he num. bor of four hundred and fifty (450) to the lioneraldo thu above mentioili d court. Thu Andeison C'uv alryandlllilitiaclaimsremain to be heard. - But the same having both been reported upon by COM IIIISSiOIIeTS appointed by His Excelleey Guy. thartin. A law is now in the course of passage through the Legislature (having passed the House and beingat present under consideration in the Senate) whereby the action 01 the said Comm isNionors shall be legal: ized if upon examination by the present Board the same shall be found to be just. The Legislative action will be determined at the adjourned tletatoll to be held in August next. Now. therefore. this is to girt noticr to all persons having certificates of adjudicated elnium under the Anderson Cavalry impressment and Militia dam ages. respectively. returned by Messrs. D. 0. Gehr and Samuel Reisher in the -Anderson Cavalry eases, and Messrs. W. H. M'Dourl I and Chas. M. Minim t in the Militia eases afore:mid; that they dovrit" the said certificates with Missrs. M'Lellan .h item ell: said Attorneys being duly nuthorired to reeci• - c and register the same fur consideration by the said tho undersigned Board of Appraisers, when the current legislation shall have been duly ascertained. Casts may be e atAcit tbr appeal should such he the desire o f any 0 1 l e o claimants. but appeals 11111 . .4 he sal.- stantinted by the clearest evidence to be-sucvessful as confidence is entertained to a high degreely this Boardin the justice and probity of the Commissien ars before named. - Should the legislative netion prove to vary from what is anticipated. duo notice will be given immediately after the nrijort the Legislntiirr.fnr the bearing of raid claims in ae cordance with the statute aforesaid passed April 224 A.D., 1863. A. MESS EITER. A WORRALL. WM. CLARE. - Board of Apprais o under the Act of April 22nd, 1863. AVOID THEED D isting before the Fifth tiny of September next for the time of one tome are entitled ton goy crinnent bounty of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. - In addition the Borough of CLainlicieburg will give a bounty of ONE HUNDRED , DOLL ARS for volunteers fur oneyear. who before the stlr.of Sep tember next shall be mustered into the service of the United - States and properly credited to said bor ough. By order of the Town Council july2o-3t T. L. FLETCHER Sce'y. au ILFO it D TOW\SII ll'.—Citizen VI of Guilford township wishing to enter the ser vice under the now colt for 500.n00 troops. will please call with the endersiened, before being 'ex" lited elsewhere, fjuly2Ak3t} A. K. M'CLUR E. ctrii:_i)artnerobip jlotirrb. CIO-PARTNERSHIP.—The NJ . ed having formed i'•Co-partnership. !or the Purpose of continuing and earrYing uu the 57OVE AND TINNING 13111. 1 1NESS, in the name of .3IIL HAMILTON respectfully invite their old etuttoVers and the public generally to sive them acad. . • • J. B. MILLBIt. • A HAMILTON. juneM J.. ItAMILTON. . Wishingto elosetheeld Books, persons know- ing themselves indebted will please cull and settle. by note, or otherwise. - J. H. DAI T .—lioticei is here by given that theundersigriedhave entered in to partnership in the liardwareand Cutlery bitsiness at the old stand of Myers &Brand, where we are Prepared to furnish ray ttang /II our line as cheap as any other house in the county. Special induce ments are offareVer cash. as our motto will be quick sales and short protlte.. JACOB S. BRAND. 0d14.63., a• - • GEORGE FLACK. rio-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersign edbas assn fated with bireself, na thelst l'eb rug!, y, ISM,. JOHN B. ,STUABT, m the Grocery business,undea the namo and style of SHARER STUART. Thankful for the patronage. heretofore extended to the establishment, be hives by a strict attention to business to merit for MO powitlrm continuarme of ptddie favor. ' .Mar 2-- SACOI3 SHAFER. CO-PA 1141"4 ERSHlP.=—Having associa ted with me, this day. =Fehraard 9th 1864; in the mercantile business L. B.AINDLINE., the-business f hereafter will be conducted wader the un Of WIL LIAM WALLACE A: CO. Haring bed a liberal patronage heretofore, I solicit the same fir the new firm.. (mar 2411. WILLIAM,WALLACE. 108 - PRIVTING; iri every gilt,' dow at thefts/of the FRANKLIN ESPObITORI i 2 ~ U ri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers