July 27, 1864. IS T' CLO;IittIN4 - PR. •N•EWEST STYLES, LARGEST STOCK—CHEAPEST P RICES. Tim undersigned can assure the public, anttdefiec „inece:lsful contradiction, that his recent fmrchases in the Eastern Cities enables him to otTett one of the largest and most attractive stocks of CLOTHING; • _For the Serino and „,S'ammer Srmson of 185-1, to be' found in :any_ similar establishment in this section: -Every variety of • • 'COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, - iamb , in the , cryhest styles Mid :at the lowest prices. • GENTLEMEN* FIifINISIUNG GOODA. fuch :1•; Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties,: gan,lkerehiefi. Sr, Special attention is called to this department. CUSTO.MER'S ORDERS. ' I ißvite amexamination of inY. , ..teek of Fine Cloths, E.crW.,ymcres, Vcstings, Sm., which I manufacture goon special SP orders • SCI SL NOTICE. I beg to say that my Camd4 arc ina-r_nfaetnred tin der my own :Alper:Mon, and by the very hest work men. My present stock is . till, -most' e I have yet had in store. and I respectfollyiask , my friends and the public to give me a call before purchasing asewhere. Retnember the old wand. J. T. HOSE INSON; - Franklin Hotel Building. Corner of the Diamond and \Vest Market St.. - et. Cliarnhershum% Pa. 11%- ELLIOTT, CLOTHIER, -South j.: i AlreA corix.r of the Diamond, next door to the artk, Chambersbura. has just returned from the Gity with a large 'stork of surerior and seasonable oods. swth as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SATIN ZITS, JEAN 4. COEDS. ,t..e.. for Coats: and VEL VEI:4, SATINS., MARSEILLES and other Vest jugs: Al , o. a very line stilertion of READY-MADE 0 r. 9 . - c i 1 EN 0, which he is pre paretl to sell at theca; loweAt market' nri,ee4: - CUSTOMER, WORK.—As heepplo7=s a first-rate tatter. he is prepared to make nwrill kinds of Gar ments. for Men and Boys, to order, in the hest styles. Sati , f whoa will he guaranteed. A lines assortment of GrNTLEITi:N'S. FraxtstuNn iooni, sneh as Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Ilandker ids. Su-;penders..Carpet Bagsjinthreila.s, &e. Ste. ways on hand. Give him a call and save money. jun 17.43. , W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FUR • NG STORE and S NIANUFAC TORY, Nn. 814 Chestnut ' 4 t.. 4 doors below the Con tinental, Philadelphia. Partieular attantioil given to oraored Shirts. A perfect lit enarailteed. "'Pr ams at a d;stance can order by tho following Shirt 1n I'a~iIYCH: Size Pround the Neck. •' • hest under the Arms. •" Waist. • •"' Wrist. Lencih of Arnie (beut) from centre of back to mid dle of limit. - Dength of, Bosom at Side, Shirt RC. WAL B OWN &'CO.'S, • WitoLtsu,v; ANT) ThETATT. IZE.kDY-MADE LINEN & DRESS STOCK M 11.PAC'1"011.Y. • .Nim. 5 and 7 Yorth Si.rth Street, Philadphia. ilk. and C'otfou Under Sldrtsancl Drawers: cats, (tores,'llandkerclticfs.'S:c. Shirts, 11 snu;ror.+ 311.1 Sticks malt to ord Pr by meas. 12ronont„ and warranted to give . . OrtleN may bo left with S.; S. SIIRYOCK, Chant brrslpre... IAT ES T O"\T k; BROTH , MERCHANT TAILORS. No: f'ol Arch Stree), Philadelphia, Pa. Illavitlz received a liberal share of patronatrd from Chambersburg and vicinity, we are encouraged to, .ask for more. The excellence of our goods and nor ,work. and the care we take to give entire satisfae , 'ion, are sufficient guarantee that, we value our reputati(in. [n011.6,1-ly.l WESTON & BROTHER. ihmturance. A i . IIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE .ANI) , - 'II'LUST CO., Corner 4th and Walnut- Stredts liladellada. Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpe tual. AnthoriudVal..ital., $.500,000. Paid-lip Cap ital,ti''.!,so,ooo, Philtvcielphia; FelL.l,-136L The Trustees have this day declared u" Dividend Of FIF f): PElt Cli'NT, on all It:Minium:3 received upon McroAL 'Pticieirs during the year ending December 3t5t.19t33, and in force at that date, the athOVC:LII1011Ot to be- credited te raid Policies, and nave also ordered the dividend of Itztto on Policies issue,ttkoring that year to be paid, as the'anatml 'areinittais on said Policies are received-. • OFFICERS. • loot—Alexander Whilldin, " - ~Fer,T o tro „ nit Tnm.mrer— ,l , Viisort. Acta , cy —Jolla C. SiniL 130.11L0 b"r ITS'IEE?!. : .--Aloxander J. Et' 1-tar Thomson. George Nugent, lion ..3 nines Poi= lock. Albert C.. Roberts, P. 13. Mingle. Samuel Work, - William J. llowarth Ilea. Joseph Allison, Samilei T. !iodine, John Aiktuan, Charles F. Ileaz iitt, Isaac WM. u. limm, Chatnbersbarg. Pa., is the anther- Isted Azent of the Amerittin Life Insurance and Trust Company, and is always prepared to furnish yamptilets or any Mlles - nation wanted, and to take Lotura rice 4. OrT i lit, in the /1 , 7)0.-itorp Las. J. C. R14711.1.17.1JS Will W. IL 1.10t. - Ln, Afetlic,f4 E...ra •:r. REFERENCES—Ron. A. H. McClure, Rev. S. J. Niecolls. J. S. Nixon, Cbatubersburg, and Win. M. Marshal CAnltier llagerstown Ihuik. Persous desiring information or wishirm to insure plea,e call on, or• by addre:...sing the under they will be waited on• in any part of the Ornlnty or State. ' W. 0. REED. Agent. Itt,...othee in the P.r.rosnonY Building, Cham bershar. Pa, marZi. 8 9 9 F R ANKLIN TIRE INSURANCE-. COMPANY - ASSETS ea JeLuar' I,ISOI CArrrn, Accittr,:n 'lsvEsy ED Pun-arms UNSETT LEP CLAncs, $:8.416. boas P;iu SINCE 1829 PIRILPET lIAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES .UN LIBERAL TERMS'. ; DIRECTORS • -- arles N. Baneker, , , . Isaac . 1.1 a... •z• • Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, ' •texol) E. Graot, Geo. Filleg. ' • • 0. Smith. Alfred Fitter, Cpeorg,e VV. Richards. • Prar_._W. Lewis,-lif.-1). • CliA P.LES. N. BANCKERi President ', EDIVALI) C. BALE. Vice President. ' J. W. 31'ALLIsrra, See'y pro. tem. • - - ~-I.AVID OA liS is 'the authorized-:gent of the libmpany in Chambersburx.who will fin-niih 011 lu 111prinalioo n000•Nory to nontiottot-1. mnr-'3-tf .COMPANY OF' NORTH A.NiEtticA. incorporn tea rgq. - Chat ter Per : illetual. CAPITAL Office 2:i2 Walnut tilreet, Philda. The plompt parnent of Claims tbr leases during the periodof - nearly 'reventy years at the `orupany has been in exigt , nee. entitles- L iihum to the confidence of the public. Persons wich to insiire will please cult-on or niltiress the un .rsisued. , W. REED...Agent. - r : Iti vos tTo EA" Cbumber.burg,Ta. Rrer.ar:YvEs—.C. D. Grier, J. Allison E•rter.Esq,, Major J. C. Austin.. It :AG EXT.—Mr. Jons G novE, of !arnbershura. the General Agent of the County 3lutual Insurance Couipany. iun7l Frankl 2uoticeo 'et te JUSTICE OF THE':PEACE.-H. B. v DAVISON: Justice of the 'P‘ea - e. - . Offfce im- Tn ediately opposite the Indian - Queen 'Hotel. AU .btt'siness entrusted to his curd will receive prompt Attention. fg.ytruniestts of. Writing,. of all kinds. iravrn an in a satiefactoq manner. jun 17,63., , . . , HA;SIMAN, JCS-TICE OFTHE PEACE, . Chantliersbtgg.p ii . Offithrfn Franklin Hall. 1 ' the room fortne4,peettpied by Stumbaugh d:" 'I tovart. Prompt athmtion "given' to any thin in I . he lino of a MagiatrattandSerivener„, , fe3,61 tf, , W MARBLE ,Y.Aittt—The tinder . ~- signed respectfullY announces to the citizens : Franklin County that he has opened a new Mar '', le :Yard in the room formerly occupied by Dr. f l. ' -, smitten, directly oPP Mitt J.S. Nix on's Drag Store, 1 ' gain Street, Chambersburg, where be wilt - keep on ....1.-It:land or make, to order all articles irchi s liv e o f bus. . ems, such as MONUMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD ~ TONES: MANTELS, TABLE' and ST AND TOPS. 1 e., tnanutictured from the Yerrhtfst "R oro ik u an d ..... omestie Marble. ;:'•.: ;Ho respectfully solicits a call from titose wh o map in want. of any article in the' aboire linc. : He is . Adent in : his ability to satisfy ail who may be ?-I aced to •patronize him, either-as regards his his = s ', ozJite. sttlality, heau.ty,,and chasteness of hi s , c J o 4, — Y: ( - 41113,63.) , . , dc)g.N, A'. GAO 4. tnr GEO: A 2 I MODOWELL D E T•ls & M 'DOWELL FLOUR, SALT, CH.E.AP . FOR CASH, WAREHOUSE AND COAL. YARD, noll-ly jun 17,61 VEIN"' FIRM-LCOAL! COMA LUM BER LUMBER:—LEO. SON having purchased the Coal and Lumber Yard of Geo. A. Deity.. will continue to carry on the same busi ness. and will always have on hand alargesupply of Lumber and Coal. They will ho prepared to fill .all ,(.viers at the ,hortcst notice. They re“metfully so licit the patronage of thOlate firm and the public generally. and ail who nfay.desire•Coa 1 and Lumber to give them a call, feeling a.oired that. no means _will be spared to aecofnmodate those on the mos t reasonable terms. iun17.6341. T ER S , OF, WINES A III -LIQUORS • No.l SOUTH NINTH ST., - ' BETWEiI:i CHESTNUT AND. Tr iI.NET STREETS. PHILADEBPIIIA GEO. M. DAUM AN,} A. M. BALLADE, .J. D. BITTING. RIYESE, GAIIDEAT . 1 1 CO.'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, • VINTAGE OF 183 R, EACII BOTTLE SEALED WITH GREEN WAN tITII TEE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. SUPERIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE .FINE SHERRY, dLAII.ET AND ' -MOCK WINES, AND AN ASSOMIENT or ' FINE BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE. OSBORNE'S S CO.'S OPORTO. DELIeATR OLD P-OILT WINE, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH YELLOW: WAN WITH THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM. O_LD RYE WHISK-EY, OLD WHEAT 'WHISKEY, WARRANTED. OBERHOLTZ WIIISKEY,• EOI7ST WHISKEY, IVERTS'S - IVHISKEY, TAFFEY'S WHISKEY, -AND $2,457,819 95 S4OO,KK) 971,m, INC‘l3(f: FOR 18% ssoo,ooo. • $'5,00,000 READING WINES. LAUMA N. SAL L A ITE St C 0.,. No. ILN SOUTH NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA Vbpsittatt 5. DR. JOHN MONTGOMERY will at tend promptly to all calls in his line. Office on Main Street, next door to the - Eagle lintel, and nearly opposite the residence of the Oen. George Chambers. int,17,63. DRiJ. C. RICHARDS will attend promptly to all calls in his line. Office on Main Street, next door to Spangler's Drag Store. OreseE llouns.—From 7 to P A. N.; 1:3 to i and 6 C. M. jlinr.l33. TIIt. SAMUEL G. LANE has resumed 1-/ the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE in Chain bersharg. Office an Queen street, a few doors East of Wallace's Store. a apl3-tf CHEAP CII.AIR AND CABINET WARE BOOMS.—The subscriber informs the public that he continues the manufacture of the ye noes articles of FURNITURE in his line, at his Shop, on Main Street, three doors South of Huber & 'Seibert' Hardware Store. He has always on hand or is prepared to manufacture en the shortest no tice, Spring Seats, Can cliottom, and Windsor Chairs, Sofas. Plain and Fancy Tables, Bureaus, Dressing and Common Wardrobes. WmdiStands, Book Cases, - and, Bedsteads. VENITIAN BLINDS got up in the best style. . Particular attentionpaid to HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGDIG, and entire satisfaction in every instmme guaranteed. REPAIRING of all kinds, in his lino of business," prom pt attended to, at moderate prices. UNDERTAKING.—Haying purchased the Hoarse t Mr. Win. Flory, deed, he is able to attend Fune rals and manufacture Coffins, at the shortest notice, of Cloth, Walnut or Cherry A Layer-out will be in attendance. , .JOSIAH E. SCHOFIELD. ICPENSIGN,- BOUNTY' Ala.D WAR .1 CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions procured lot soldiers of the _present War who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease contracted, while in the service of the United States and Pen sions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrearsbf Pay obtained for widows or hoirs of those who have died or been killed while in service. • - JOHN R. ORR. mar 9 7 1Y1 Claim Agent. Chambersburg. Pa. fIORE FAlR.—Jest. received another rot j . L.',Pintatben Goods,Prints, Dresg Gondsand Nq lima at Linada METCALFE &MITESEIEW'S oal;-IL:untbet. / ,Sc-. = 11/GHEST',PRICE:V CASH, W , 11 E A T. RY E , CLOVER SEED, hrrmoTuy SEED, EMI ALE RINDS OF PRODUCE Fl COAL, LIT M pER, PLASTER AND SAND, FOR SALE, DEITZ it ItI'DOWELL'S MEEM RAIL ROAD DEPOT, CHAIIIIERSBUIZG, PENN I 'A • ILiquoro. LAUMAN, SALLADE,t CO., IMPORTED BY LAUMAN, BALLADE & CO •• IMPORTED DT LAUMAN. SAL.LADE, k CO., N 0.128 SOUTH NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA • Zig .frartitlin - Repository, ilynnbersbutg, Pa. `' 4 '4' - 4. " . . P RTIVN tiO4iII3IER S.—The -IL cheapest and best "Thresher and Cleaner" is Wheeler & Melick's Improved Patent Railway Power and combineerdlßESlFEß AND CLEAN ER'." This machitie is manufactured at the small advance of IO per cent. over that of last year. The farmers are readily adopting it everywhere. It saves labor. said mine:lse. and does more and better work than any other machine. Price °fa two-horse mavltitieSZOO, of a three-horse machine iita7.l: These yrices embrace everything complete. This Machin e has advantages that are greatly superior to any other. .One is that it van be used entirely in the Barn Cour. and_that the power can be conveniently used for minim:: fodder; shelling corn. cuttingstraw. sawing wood.-.tic.` And it requires less power and fewer hands than any other. PALMER'S EXCELSIOR SELF.LSUSTAINING2 HORSE PITCHFORK. has many advantages over others. among which are: it is elf-suet lining, re quiring -no attention instil its load is-to be discharg ed. By the use of the Palleysfamished - with the forks it will swing directly over the mow whenit, discharges its levi. by simplr - the eon!. It has a handle btu IM inches in length. . This patent has been awarded the Premium at the New York State Pair. and at all the' County Fairs, wherever exhibited. CORY, OAT S. SMITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN S.EIINGLE AND HEADING MACHINE, is a new and valiat bleimprovement in machines for manufaetbring Shingle and Heading. cutting obliquely, or alter wise, any desired thickness .or length. up to 24 ineheti.. This Machine eaphe :Set up and roil by an ordinary water power. It will saw 'one thensand shingles per hoer. Mr. Robert Black, of Fayettevill, Franklin ennntY, is the Sole Agent for Franklin and Adams counties. Any information desired respecting any or all of these machines can be obtained' by either calling upon in person, or -addressing him 11 , , l letter.. Persons wishing. any of these machines will Please make their orders'soun. vs it requires some time to get them from the manufacturer.. None will be or dered butthose that are sold. Thoy will In:furnish ed at mannfacturer's prices, transportation added. CERTIFICATE OF A a. i'`7.:t.FRE. CPA MB RSIII:114, May 17,181.i1. }infirm Titac. 7 .% Dto.—.Dcar Sir: I have thoroughly tested the Tread-power in running all kinds of Ma chinery about the Barn, and I have had the - tuost approved-Lever-powers tried at my Barn also, and I unhesitatingly recommend the Tread-power. I run all my machinery—thresher and cleaner. f ern shell er. ehopping-mill, fodder-cutter,' and circular saw, with a two-horse Tread-power, and the nower is ample and two horses can give the satue - if not greater power than four cab with the lever-power. and the labor is no morvevere the hors,,L , t hn short, I, regard the Tread :power as having every advantage over the Lever power, and it must soon be universally ationted by farmers. Very Respectfully Yours, Am: A. K. 3reLurCE. APPIT to the undersigned in C4reen wood. Franklin county. [maylB-4m) ROBERT BLACK. C E,24. NT, pAR,MEIZS' FOU,NDRY AND MACHINE The undemomed would respectfully call the atten tion of Fa+nem Millers -Ind others. to the Oid listabli•hruent, at the Bridgr,on 11 - eq .Ifor ka Silo:,lt. formerly occupied by Chris- - tian Sumner, where they have erect ed Steam. Power, and are Pre pared tojnavinfactuze • , • ALL R.1 . :4 hs OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS, such as Threshing, Machines, Clover Hullers. Horse Powers, • Corn Shelters. Fodder. Cutters. Hay Rakes, - • . grain Drills, - - Hay Pitchers, Harrows, Plows. itm: We have constantly on hand Syele.. Reaper Points or Guards, &c.. for the repairing of Manny's. Whit nack and Putekve Reapers. Farming Implements of every kind repaired atshortnotice and in a work manlike manner. We keep eonstantlY on hand thd. BUCKEYE REAPER that 'has become so deservedly popular with our Farmers its this section of the State. We would 'time caution the public from an imitations of this ma chine.offered for sale in this county. and advise all who wish the genuine Buckeye 'Reaper to call at our e , tablishment, as we aro the agents for the sale of this popular Reaper, Having also purchased the right for the silo and manufacture of WILLOUGHBY'S PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, we will keep them con stantly on hand. ready for work. Repairing to these runchinesAnne promptly. rTIIE, PATTERNS of the Seibert Foundry hav been purchased by this establishment, and having erected a Foundry. they are prepared.s.to make all (1-A4TIN , Itz, -rnsch - :ft ill-44..Ating - , Mill Shafting, Mill Spindles, andall kinds of machinery generally. We would call special attention the Plow Cast ing. and Wagon Baxea constantly on hand: H:11 IIItI ti of all kinds of ; Farming Imple ments done to order. • - junel - W. F. EYSTER k BRO. CIOOK' , -SUGAR LVAPORA R, inanufaciiired by BLTIIYER.= BATES Mansfield, Ohio.—We 9IC wining to guarantee that from two acres of good-Cone. a sufficient number of gallons bf Syrup ern be produced to cover cost of Machinery, capable of making eighty gallons of Syrup per day, which at, fifty cents per gallon, will pay for cost of Mill and Evaporator-in four days: or where pan is wanted for, a brizir. arch, without the - Farnace, in lea' time. COOK'S SYRUPS have been sold atan average of sixty cent= a gallon, and pone in market. An acre of good Cane will produce flout 2 to gust gallons of Syrup. SORGO SEED.—We r.ffer fi Seperier Article, se lected by ourselves. Sprout the seed and roll in pla.ster::, Plant in drills four feet:qirt. from Nertiv to! S.tinth: Light coil and Southern expo , nrii pre ferred, although not absolutely necessary, as it will crow on soils where many crops would be a failure. Cultivate as for Corn. , Cook's Evaporator has taken the first premium over all ethers at two United States Fairs and over thirty Staidrs. Clark Sorgo Machine Company's CANE MILL and above SEED for sale by G REED, Agent. hake—ltnrosrvonv Building. Chanth'e, The Som., Hand-Book scut free to any per-, son asking for it, r 2.1 AMMONI A T E .1) PACIFIC GUANO. A real guano. containing from sTYenty to eixhts per cent of PHOSPHATE OF LIME. to which has been added. by a chemical proce:.s, if large per centage actualot% Ammonia, so fixed that, it can not C aperate, ;caking it equal, if not superior to any other fertilixer. Pamphlet; with copies of ,Analyses by Dr. Jack son, Sttkie Ass lyer, anti Dr. Liebtg, of Balti more, anti testimonials front , ^ientific Agrieulturkts, showing it, value. Can Tie olytainvei'l'll7lll J. 0 BAKER, .v (10:. , SELLING A(4.74 TS., march 2-Iy. 87 Wall-Street, Noy York. MEIE.SORGO JOURNAL AND FARM MAC IN 1 ST—Dev-oted to Northern Cane and Sugar Beet Culture. bnproeed 'Fenn MnAinerY and Progressive Husbandry. , Published truntbly.. Ouc copy 1 year, $1.1.10. Subscriptruai received by W • G. 'BEM ipG] Agent for Clark Soma Machine Co. .))1 , ,, W. w. DI?.. J. M. pEontconp. TA ENT 1, S T-It Y.-0 like Jomc I , ll)EL's BUILDING, Second Floor, immediately onpo:ite the Franklin House. Having had an ex perience of a number of yeare t and for the last four years in Cbambersburg, they Mel warranted in sav ing that they will, be able to Pleao . any one Who may give them - TEETH INSERTED From one to a full set, on fine Gold, Silver, Keyo plastic or Vulcanite Amber Base, at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any other Dentist outside of the cities. Peth and Roots ]skilfully extracted or plugged to last for life. Tot ter and other fore;mi substances removed, thusbeau tifying and preserving the teeth. Gold and Silver, Plates. neatly repaired or taken in exchange for the Vulcanite Amber Base, which is much e.rceper, inore (tumble and Griller than tuella: or other plate, and is worn with pmfeet ease and comfort, being kept baits plueeby atmospheric pressure, .Thoplate will not corrode or oxidize, as will a- metalie plate. Specimen plates to he seen atthe office, wheto eon- Saltation can he hn.d at any time. Satisfaction guar anteed 0r no charge. Bert of refeeencee given, [ap27 TIP E M 0 L. -DR. J. K. REID, Dentist, has removed his office from the corner of the Public Square, when ho praltised so many years, to the corner of Alain and Queen Streets, above Heyser &.Cremler's Drug Store, Chambers burg, Pa., where he will be pleased to receive the calls of his friends._ inn 17,63 R. N. SCHLOSSEH HAS REMOVED Ii his Dental Office to the Diamond, opposite the Chambersburg Bank. on the Second floor of the Mansion Douse, where he can always be found, be tween the hours of 9A. 31.. and 4 P.M. apl3,tf OB IMINTLVG. in evert style, ,done Jlathe:Woof the FRAWRILIIi-REPOhITORI Z 3 rntistrv. '‘• s . TS '•!„ 40 , Rxrrs.l i Eli.rxolgiD TAX ON TQBACCO - .- - the Government is about to put a tax 0t1.40 cis... per pound on Tobacco.„_ - • 'Yon can saVe OtSper eent , You can cave 50.ner cent. by ' Bnyingyour Tobacco JACOBS'.. • Buying your Tobacco at J., D. - JACOBS'. Bnyingyour Tobacco at J; B. JACOBS'. Prime Nary Tobw.co at 'ifi,to StScts. • - Prune Cavendish Tobacco at Wets. to $l. LPrime.Flounticr-TobnecoatTh to %I ets. • Prime Congress Tobacco at lit) to 80 ets. Prime Twh..t.Tobacce at-7o to 90 cis. JACOBS sells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. JACOBS sells Old Virginia -Pain Cavendish. JACOBS sell Olth V irginia Twist..-- ' _JACOBS sells Ohl Virginia, Smoking Tobacco. , JACLlBS'Alicltigan Fine Cnt.Chewing Tobacco:. Cannot, be Equaled. - • • -- Cannot be Equaled. - JACOBS; Sieffar:s are superbor to all. JACOBS' Sugars - are superior -to all. Resells his ova manufacturing. • Pipes, Pipes. Meersoliattm,Pipes, Brier Pipes, Boa pipes, Mahoeany Pipes, Apple Pipes, - Cherry Pipes, India Rubber Pipes. Clay Pipes, and other pipes. Pipe in and get your Pipes. SegarS and Tobacco at J..D. JACOBS', Main Street, Chambers— burg. jun27-IY. NEII7 - TOBACCO AND SEGAR A.l sToßE.—To'ruE cITIALNA nr CIIA3II4:gSBDRG AND Vlnoarr: The undersigned baring been Com pelled to lea , o Virginia un account of Ills Union sentim en ts.ims Como among, Yon to establish a bus.: Mem, hoping from his long experience, and by close attention, he will meet with a generous support.-, His stock will consist of all the best brands of TO BACCO AND SEGARS, which ho will sell as cheap as can be had any where in town. Don't forat the Owe, sign of the "little Virginia nigger." ollPliosite the Franklin Hotel, next door to Shryock'g Book Store, South-east corner of the Diamond. jun 17,133. ' ' -(;!; BUSti. GT REQEIVED—A fresh ,supply of. Michigan Tine Cut Chewing Tobacco et jaw 27-1 y. D:JACOBS'. A - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TO -11 and SWAB:3;M wholesale or retail at - SITAFEILk STUART'S. Aats, & w tt.aA Gans SECOND A r il R IVAL,-OF H A T CAPS • Axn S T A.W GOODS! =E=I GR.EAT A,TT, R TI.ONS•°! Lo.-- New S:yies and Geed Qualities at low •Pr;cee, I= now Felting'certain-qualities of Stray, Gootg at:OLT,Price3. 's Cali an@ tee that I am determined to keep "upthe, rePlitationtof the,Old,St to tell Ztr- Cheaper. than the Cheapest . ;Dora fort that D E C 11 = E R T has removed to his New Store Room, four doors Soutli of the DiamOnd; in the Room lately occupied by A. J. White, c'hambersburg,-Pa 4341itications. INTANHOOD: - I - lOW - LOST;ROW RE-: '-I:ol.ll.3).—Jtist published, a new edition ot Dit..CIILI''ERWYELL'S CELEBRATED - ESSAY on the r,o/i , l/r/ care_ (withoilt triedieine) of-,S:peram tordoro, or seminal Weakiteis, Involuntary Semi nal L,'4.e. Mental and Physical Inca oacitY. ImuediMents to Marriage, etc.; also, ('on- Ept7,-i,p,ir, and Fifr; induced by self-indul-- gence"or sexual ex travtwance. Price, in a sealed 'eye - lope. only 6 - cents. , The eelebrateu author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates. from a thirty years successful nra,tii.e, that the alarming con.e.tmences of self-, iibu.e may he -radically eared without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the -application of the knif pniutin Out it modeof mire. at once sim ple, certain and effeettril. by Means of whirls every, sail'ercr, no matter what his condition may be, pm) , cure himsel feh enply. privately. and-I-or/fen/I'y. This Lecture should be in' the hands of every youth and every Mau in the'lapd. • Sent. under sea Vin a plain enrClepe.'to any ad drers,post-p,fi it. on reeopt - of silt cents, or twd putt stamps. Address the publisher.. OTT A S.: J. C. K,LINE dr CO:. . : 127 Bowery, N York, Post office bore 4566. T EWERS OF 4 DVICE FOR LADIES. CAL ENGRAVINGS. or before published: velope for ?RN .TIR.STANFORb: No. 4,65'2 New -York P. 0 FIVE ANATO Has information n Sentfres in a seato Address jut:. 61-31 a (lOUSIN LIZ% a 'S LITTLE JOKER,.. NJ A briglit, sparkli little, journal tchielk every little hoy and etti_torf alder ones, too)ithould sub-, tvribe for. It i+ well 4 with interesting matter and will give sati! , facti< to all who•nre not rtzrit lie MAI -, plel:se., Terms. ' cents a year. At - hires': " COUSIN LIZZIE,",Nu. 1 Ann St. New lurk. ma2.i.y -3m t - E. D I ..0 - A • L , \ 0, • „ ,~ - c KUNKLE'S BITTER WINE•OF - A pure and Powerful Tehic, CorrortiVo 'find altera- • tire, of wonderful efticatY in.r.lisea.qi - ls of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. ' • Cures - Pyspepsio. . . Liver Complaints, 'Headache. General De bility Deprei- - sine of §pirits, Constipation, In- ' termittent ever. Acidity of the Stem ach,tNauseri. Heartburn;-Disgust for Food, • Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Redd, Difficult - Breathing, Yellow 'Head, Pain in the Side, Back,. Chest, and Limhs,' will cure.every'ease of Chronic or Nor vous Debility. Diseases of the Kid neys and Diseases arising front e a disordered Stomach'. Good for Male or: - • • Fem ale, Old or ' Young. , The most beneficial medicine known: gives better,. satisfaction and cures inoro'diseases than any , ' other preparation offered to the public. This truly valuable Tonichas been so thoroughly tested by ail classes of the commimity, that it is now deemed indisPensible ait; a Tonic Medicine. It costs but little, gives tone to' the stomach, renovates the systein and prolongs lire) We.noir only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. £ • gir BEWARE' OR COUNTERFEITS. - Prepared and sold trholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL 4k TIRO., 118 Market et,. Harrisburg. For sale iri!:Chambersburg by .1. S. NIXON, and by Druggists and Dealers eversvrhere. • mwill-dm AND-BILLS, fiom the largest tothe ii, smaltait, in Plain or Fancy Colors. whited, at the office of tho FRANKLIN RKPOSXTOB,Y. sw;i 4 Aila SA:1) P X4ER ir ! S-A P ..P LE RY I axD ~7 . - - '. e HARNESS MANITPACTORT:t .. , 1 - The Iminciiber respectftdly_inforins his friends and it 'ilid - Oditlid;th) - ttibitioiitinites - f0 1 c.44 e then -, ' - - ; above business - sit his Old Itantl, o " . - r-' - " '''ti.B'S T 311ARICETSTRE' T.'' Dpposite ' iltiller's Hotel. q 11,43. t .11:Z.RS.Ii! U.L . : a., ,P 4 -1., ' .and:liteps•cOnsituttly du hand• a geitefal aattort moot' of Riding and Wagon Saddles, • - : • Riding liiidlOs ' -. • . , Plai,aUd Round. ; - Black and Fair , - , L . ~ . . Harness of all 'kinds. Harness and Draft Collars, ~ ; :!' Patent Leather Collars (good quality), • -Blind Bridles, ' ' ' ' Broad Ge.4.4, - .' -, - - WpisosiTirkips, • , ' .-3 . • , ; -,, , .:Hulters, and everything in the Leather line can be found in his shop;er made to order, at moderate rates. REPAi it i ii• G.' ' ' ' • - done at shOrt notice and on reasonable terms. TRUAR:S, ,I:7:1:1 - VALISES , 2 , always on hand and sold cheap FOR CASH. '.. - .IM.• Ile employs but the Lest workwea., • marl6-ly , - JAMES H. GILLAH. ADDLERY ! I SADDLERY ! I—Sad- L) dies, Bridles, Haniess, , Collars, Trunks, Valises, :cc., sign of HieJIORSE COLLAR. , , JEREMIAH OYSTER respectfullilii'eturns his thank§ to his patrons for the liberal encourageinent received from them heretofore, and he would invite them and the community gen erallsi who may need any thing in bis line, to give him a call at his old Rand, on the East side of Main Street, Chambers burg, five dmirs South of Huber Tolbert's Hard ware Store, where he keeps constantly on hand ev ery variety of SADDLERY' AND HARNESS' of his own - manufacture, and he is prepared to 13211 the same on terms that defy cbm petition. • EveiTartiele paired for-sale is warranted to be made-of the best moterial and liy,competent workmen, which will be fully demonstrated on an 'examination thereof, • TRUNKS 'AND VALISES.—'He would nisi, call' the attention of Persons Wanting, 'a good , neat And ;heap and substantial Trunk or Valise to his assort- Meat, , •,,, „ , - janel7,63. Vrt i THIPS ! WHIPS !!. WHIPS !' !--- Saittrro eorner of Main and Waahington Streets,' Cho.inbcrsburg, Pat. manufac- I timers of all kinds of WHIPS, such as Wagon. Car riage and Riding-Whips, of carious sizes and of su perior quality, which they offer to the Public; either by Wholesale or Retail, at very moderato LASIT PS email lengths kept constantly op hand and for sale by the. dozen. very cheap. They also manu facture superiur HORSE COLLARS': to which they incite attention:' '• Orders from a distance solicited and pr9mptly at tended to. - • jnnl7,63. p_ROAD AND . NARR OATGEARS, Sinai e and DoAle Harness. Ridingatid Driving Bridles. Gents' and Ladies' Saddles. Wooden rind Metal Stirru PR, Heavy- and• Light Collars, Riding and Driving Whirrs. in -every variety and price, to be had at GURDON'S. ' , Q, A D DIES -. OF 'EVERY DESCRIP -0-1 tion, HARNESS of all- kinds, BRIDLES or every variety. WHIPS of all sorts. SPURS of all makes, and BRIDLE BITS of all patterns can be bad 'at C. A. GORDON'S Saddle and Harness Store ORDON THINKS HE - CAN TURN out-as GOOD A JOB at his Shop, opposite the radian Queen,llotel, as any other man in nis line of business. Go and look-r-may be YOU can sec se.' O_OINIE AND SEE' GORDON'S STOCK ofsaddles,'Hi:rness, _Ye is 9fferirig to file _Public ;itt (5 DON, 11.. 6 L t S A ,S:PLEiO,ID . AS sortment Fancy 'Riding Whilis; &c., - for Undies and. Genflemen wlo like something nice. YRUS H. GORDON IS STILL AT NJ• the OW Stand, on Main Street, opposite the Indian Queen. Hotel. = , • CIO To- GORDON'S AND SEE IF HE p. m% snit you to 'something in his line of-Imi ness. confertiogeyv, ICE CREAM.—Burkhart , & Ireighey ore now preiiarett to supply lee Cream day and night. in any quantity desired., , , Mil - Hy.148.11,R,Y, BAK.E RS AND. '• C 0 Nl7 ECTIp • AND D ALARD it ' r_rt S; •" • = AED ' F 4 ANPY?Gr..9O TYE; le g ra Vain Stre.t..(Wist Side) .:eI.4.IOtERSBUR(i. PA. ME! itze Orders-Promptly attended ta ai.5434: MI . • tArt.iiig - AGRICULTURAL Ili 'ALA PtEME.NT Ati t SEA' WAREHOUSE. 21. ittkd Zi Sdutk Sixth Str , eet, Philadelphia, Fkt. , . 'DAVID LANDIIIITII Jr Soy, PrOtitiOtOD3 of Blooms dare, which contains near four hundred. acre in high tilth, devoted to the. production - of GARDEN . SEEDS:are now prepared to jsuPplY Country Net-, chants, Druggists and all others who deal in Seeds, with large or small quantities, •by the pound or bushel, and also in papers made ready- for ietailing. The Establishinent represented by .David lead reth Son. has been founded nearly, three-fourths of a century. ' • The wide-spread-Popultarity, and the demand in creasing.from year to year, for " - Lai:draft's ,Witrranted Gaivreis Seeds, is evidence Of• gip high: value entertained for them lay the public:• - - -• , Landreth's Garderi Seeds are not only fatorably received - thronghotit the 'Unitas, but are shipped to many, foreign ports._ Indeed it may he - sta,W with national pride that they chine into active 'camped tion-with ilnglinh Semi and British Soil.- David Landreth Son invite all who are &tot al 'reedy purchasers of their Garden Seeds, to make a trial of them—assured, that they will found fully %limit° their high reputation." • Landreth 's Rural Register and /Limonite contain etalegue of Garden Seeds with instructions, fitraished gratis. Also—Qatalosine -of Agrirailtural itualemepta.,,i • DAVID:LAN:PRETO & -4 , 14 4171, fos,.tit end aliqatlAthat..kbils. - - ~=-~. t:00 - 1,T $ 7 .0.,67..cy,i;0#,i.uit, COII.PO3ZD Or : 4OD ~D Ef S-S1 - .With,\ the Compound,Concentra.mi luidEatraot.tif },; , NiIt.!:;UAILLE,-•51-Bilao.1;NrAti - - . - P481,44:P.E.D ST:WM.:II.7OREGG, M. D., Gradnatnicolloge of Physioinne;and Surgeons. X. -Y.. formerly Asst. Physician Blackwell's Island hospitals. Into Modicatinspector N. York - Stato.Volunteer Depots, under Gover... ' nor Edwin ,-Morgan.,.-I _ • CONSTITUTION LIFE'SYRUP ins PRODUCED. A Azyca,TJTION- nc MEDIPIITA Whrit mai . ..seem niniost - incredible is, that Many diseases- hithyrto eomaidered' hopelessly ineur.ahlo are fr6qu,entlircured in raelT days,or*eeki, and Wb cheerfully Invite the invatittatiorts' or the liberal minded and scientific to cures which have noparal lel at the'preVent day. ' • Our medicine is peculiar, bYit the'Seat oFaijydis eaad is directly reached, add the equilibrium res- Anted. . A Those Who'have antlered long from nairifuVand h ob stiniite digeases: : • , Those. who. have vainly sought relief from "adver " tised medicium, ..„ . Thong Ain-cannotbe cured by other nh/sicitins— •'..d.rreinvitedtnase Conot * itutiori Life SltrisP.: „. , , Thifiugthe past live years we bayscgntendedwith olatiivies•icnd overcome opp ‘sition as Imicolean were oyez.' en t equntered any ‘ Reformeri. , _ - -ItAP/MITY‘OF CURE: •_ . .1 &mil/ray "your-cures are foo - qaiek,"-While eth ers doubt their performance, and think that diseas es can*o'nly be cured by the ''slow„- recuperative pro cess of Natnre: - ."' This is oar tePly - , In health, the body, like a Well-balairaed scale, itr in a state,of equilibrium. B tit whom frourany can* down goes one side o: the scale, we have the effects or disease. What, is required is,_to restore the nor mal balance of the'seale. • • • 1. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, A pOsitive'and skeitie remedS , for all diseases ari sing from an IMPURE STATE OF THE 'BLOOD, - and, for all - (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted froMPARENT TO CHILD. , - „ PARALYSIS.- Ilemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegim.-Paralysieligitatts. It is so ' uniVersally admitted - that Constitution Life. Syrup is the only effective means of reidoration in 'the rations forms of Paralyiis. that we need not reiterate - that it is emphatically the Great Life-Giv ing Power, DYSPEPSIA . - - rfidigeStlolll. LiVOT COM plaint. Want of Ap'tite Weight at Stomaeh • Coastir ation. Flatulence. -Bad Breath. ' SCROFULA. &rift - ea. '' Glandular Swellings. - Salt Rheum. K.Evi ing'sl.. Erysipelas. - i- Ulceration. , '. This taint; heriditary andneauirc;d,fillinglife with unteld misery, is by all usual medical remedies in curable. , . , , '- - , RHEIWATIS3I. .. . , Arthritis- ' Neuralgia. Tic DolOureau.s. Lumbago. , Sciatica. • - .Gout. if ;tier° is any disclose in which the Coneitutios Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred. affections,. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous 8 3Vellinga arlo reduced.: Cases chronic or vicarious., of 20 or-be year.s' standing, liave been cured by us. • ; ' . rki..ERVOTISNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St.Nritne D'nee Loss of Power. • Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years will blest the day on which they can read theSe.liii. Partic ularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an, inestimable blessing—directing their foot steps-to alope which fulfils more than it promises MERCURIAL DISEASES . Rotting of bones. Bad Complexion. Aches in "Mines. Feeling - ofilYeariness. DepreSslett of Spirits, CONSTITUTION; LIFE SYRtiP purges the sys tole geOrely froui all the evil effects of.MERCITRL retn`dicini the Bad Breath, and Caring the- Weak Joints-and Rheumatic Pains .which the use of Cal oitiel is sure to produce. It hardens Spend Gums and securestho Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the skin, like • • ULCERS, PIMPLES. BLOTCHES.; -And all other difficulties of this kind, which sg much disfigure the outward appearance of both Axs.l€.-end-fetTfisic-m-tyften tusking them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. • C 6NSTITUTION" LIFE • SYR UP eIACES'ALL, SWELLING- OF THE GLANDS, Either of the Face. Neck:, or Female Breast, and =should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected. thus preventing their breaking and producing trou blesome Discharging Sores, which disfigure many of the youngar portion of the community, from six te twenty years of age. 'young children. are very subject teDischarges from the Bars. which depends upon. a Scrofulous constitution; These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. All serefulunspersons suffering from General De- " bility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the LinalKabdouien, and in the Female, Dr psy of the ovaries and womb generally accompanied with In- -, Ilammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are per manently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as tioitre or Swelled - Neck, the Life Syrupwill remove entirely.' - The remedy should be taken - forsome time, as the disease- is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed with out extra effort.. ' ' ' Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast and swelling of other glands of tho body will ~ b e com pletely reduced without resorting to the knife or operations of any kind. . Epileptic Fits, Eyrupatlietic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, as .Palpitation. Diseases .of the Valves, Producing grating or filing sound, Dropsy'. of the Heart Case s and all the affections of this important organ, (persons suffering from any acute pain in the region•Ol. the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Const tuti in. Life SyrnP.. - - - , ISROHEN-DOWN AND DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS suffering from Indisposition to Exertion, Fain it) the Back, Loss of Memory, Forebodings Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vision, DrY• Ilot'Shiciand Extremities. Wantof Sleep, Restles Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitudeof the Muscular Systeni, all require the aid of Consti tution Life Syrup. , FOR ALL FORMS OF U-L C tiIAT E D__D S E.A S E `S, either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine. Fore head or Scalp. no remedy has ever proved its equal MOTH HATCHES upon the female face, ilepen ding upon a diseased 'action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife • and, mother.l A few bottles tif Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is directly water the skin: In Diseases of the 'Aver, gqving rise toLanguor, ..DizzjaeM. Indigestion. Weak Stomach,"rir at ulcer ated or cancerous condition of that organ, 'accom panied with burning and other unpleasant symp toms:' Rill be relieved by the use of Constitution Life Syrup. cz. A GENERAL BLOOD-PURIFYING AGENT THE LIPS SYRUP STANDSVNRIVALLED BY ANY PREPARATION in the WORLD. Diseases of the Spine. as Usually develeeed in the young.HiP Disease, Neuralgia. and a from rvonodi seases: - and 'Ladies who are suffering Diseases for which they are at a loss . to know what to do. we would advise the use of Constitution Life Syrup. It will restore their pallid countenance, streugtheti their weak back and side, give- them. new energy. new life - and happiness. THE RICH ENHPOOR aro. liable to the same diseases. Niture and Sci ence hale made the Constitution. Life Syrup for the benefit of La: PURR BLOOD Produces healthy men and women. and if the Con , : s tit t itidn is neglected in youth,• disease and early death is the result. Do not delay when the gleam are so near at hand, and liflthimthe reach of all, TO afOTEIERS AND ALAREIED LADIES. It is the safeit omdmest efficient medieinetiver die covered- for'purifYing the system and relieving the stiffeting attendant upon childbirth . It strength ens both'the mother and the-child.-prevents pain find disease. and increases and enriches the food.— Those who have used it think it indispensable. It is 'highly useful both before and after confinement, as It prevents disease attendant upon childbirth: - CONSTMITTION 6-1-11.1TP IS THE POO R 17 ° • Bra' IT, TAKE IT, ,IND BE CURED: IT IS UNIXEPSAL ' ITS , FaTECTtiI • ' 'WMII ' GREGG D Sole . Proprieter%l4eiv - 7Yerk. X4BORATORY, BROOKLYN, Z. PRvirp. REA BOTTLE; 6.1,30rrus /Mr -Sent by Express to . all parts pf, the country, lIORGAN , & ALLEN, ' ' Wholesale Drugglite, -- AGENTS, 46 Cliff StrwetNorr York; , k,oid‘ by Jcill'art,' phis; Pa., arid all.DruirVg, • .k = For sale by A: 11,127: 4 Paitm •; ' _ NI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers